#shes hot I'm gay next question
godmademewithoutarms · 5 months
I just now noticed the bondage bar in the catboy photos jesus fuck.
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the-cimmerians · 8 months
It's 2024. I have been participating in fandom for 40 years. This is a ramble commemorating some history I've experienced along the way.
In 1984, I attended my first convention, and made a beeline for the one long row of covered tables in the Dealer's Room that was, according to the whispered lore of my friends, 'the one'. "um", I said, very suavely and coherently, except for how it was totally the opposite of those things, "I'm here for the... for the, uh. For-"
"Come around here," the man behind the table said with exhausted ennui, so I went around, and he lifted up the table skirt next to him and pointed to rows and rows of boxes underneath the line of tables. "It's all under here."
It was all under there. Along with about five older ladies with glasses, graying hair, cardigans. Flipping through slash zines and chatting in whispered voices like old friends (which of course they were). I noticed one of them had the good sense to be wearing kneepads. I was still too young and ablebodied to need kneepads when crawling on a carpeted floor, but I immediately found her preparedness skills to be both impressive and hot. "You're new," one of the ladies whispered to me--a bit warily, which made sense. "Are you sure you're in the right place?"
In the faint light (the kneepads lady had also come prepared with a flashlight, additional practicality hotness points for her) I grabbed a comb-bound book with a heavy line art piece on the cover, featuring a musclebound Captain Kirk getting righteously and enthusiastically plowed by a stern-yet-ebullient Spock. "This," I said, pointing helpfully at the cover, like I was trying to make myself understood in a language I had only the vaguest knowledge of. "I'm here for this."
Outside at the convention, most of the attendees were wearing large homemade circular pins that shrieked 'K/S is BS!!!'1. But underneath the table, we reveled in the forbidden.
In 1985, I fell very hard for Starsky & Hutch fandom. Which was simply referred to at the time as 'the other fandom', because there were only two. We were upstarts. Many fannish elders predicted that it was just a phase.
The 'circulating library' was a massive stack of barely-legible pages that smelled strongly of mimeograph ink. When you were on the list, you would write stories while you waited for your turn, and when the big box was mailed to you, you would read everything (new finds, old favorites), add your own sloppily-typed or hastily-mimeographed stories, and then mail the whole thing to the next person. For me, at the time, it was an extremely expensive indulgence--but my favorite one.
By 1990, slash fandom had grown enough that I no longer knew everyone in it, which was both thrilling and a bit daunting. A young woman at a convention waited for me after a panel I was part of (I think it was 'writing impactful smut' or something like that), and said she had a question she didn't want to ask in a group setting. I'd heard that before. I said that's fine, go ahead and ask; and she came out with: "Why do you have to be gay?"
I blinked. "Is... that a problem?"
She looked annoyed. "Yes, because your stories are on all the recommendation lists and in all the top zines, but if you're gay and I read something you wrote and I get hot from it that makes me gay, and I'm not gay."
"Wow." I grinned, I couldn't help it. It probably made me look very predatory-dyke-about-to-score-a-toaster. Whatever, it was enough to make her back away from me fast.
When I thought about it later that night, I wondered what it would be like not to be the only queer person in slash fandom.
By 1997, slash started appearing on the internet. Many fannish elders claimed it was the death knell of slash fandom, or dismissed it as 'just a phase'.
Anyway, I wrote all this for myself as a commemoration of sorts, but if you took the time to read it--thank you. Love you, fandom. I always will.
1 In those days, m/m fandom was known as 'slash', which grew from the fannish shorthand where 'K&S' meant a story of Kirk and Spock having adventures or tribulations or what have you, and 'K/S' meant a story of Kirk and Spock getting it on (Kirk divided by Spock or Spock into Kirk--it was mathy fannish humor and I was into it then and I still am now). Slash was decidedly unpopular in the fannish world in 1984, and there was a concerted effort to force slash authors, artists, and fans out of 'mainstream' fannish public life. Hence, under the table.
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inkskinned · 10 months
it isn't really complicated, but i still can't tell my grandma about it. my girlfriend is also my boyfriend and i'm her girlboyfriend and there are a lot of days this feels like smoothing sheets over a good mattress. it feels like getting a cup of good hot chocolate. we paint our nails lesbian flag pink, and i watch her eyelashes make shadows on her cheeks. she wants to kiss me because i am really good at baking, and i want to kiss her because when i am freaked out about how i spilled coffee, she just hands me extra napkins and helps me clean. he is so handsome i want to eat my fist. they once just winked at me and i couldn't talk for like the next fifteen minutes.
i haven't seen the L word and i was raised catholic. my earliest experiences with queer relationships were through harrowing conversations and hushed questions and blood on the ground. i didn't like boys soon enough. what, are you gay? asked to a 6th grader, almost like a demand.
when she is asleep next to me and i can feel the dreams run up and down her body, i pretend we are both somewhere in the stars. i like to picture a future full of fruit trees, and writing him poetry. sometimes she wakes up, has a whole conversation with me, goes back to sleep, and utterly forgets that we ever even spoke. she is always kind to me, even in that liminal half-there ghost. i like the croaked, raw way her voice sounds in the very-early morning, the way she always seems surprised i'm still here, and home.
on the internet, there are a lot of people who would be annoyed by both of us, and how labels must be pruned into orchids. a box has to hold and define the insides. people must be organized.
we went on a date last night, and the host said, oh, table for 2 nice ladies? neither of us are ladies, but also we are very much 2 nice ladies. i have been wearing her sweater nonstop. he has frequently been forced into wearing my taylor swift official merch quarter-zip because i was worried about him catching a chill, and you simply cannot be cool in an official taylor swift quarter-zip. do not worry: they listen to better music than i do, and their voice sounds like leaves falling.
i wear the skirts and makeup and i am better with spackle and know how to drive stick. recently someone commented on my work - you're just a man trying to reappropriate lesbian spaces. sometimes i feel like she is a clementine to me, and sometimes i feel like he is a german shepherd and sometimes i feel they are a bird. i like watching his hands over a guitar. can i write this poem, even? how can you be a lesbian if you're sometimes with a man? or you are the man?
how can i, huh. you know, our first date lasted 3 days. we'd been flirting for over a year before i finally asked her out. i'd already written her into poetry. she'd already written me into songs.
last night, in the late night, when they woke up again, confused about where they were, they said - oh, thank god. this is your arm. there's just something so precious to me about the specifics, the denotation that the arm was (thank god!) mine. i really liked that definition. i liked the obvious relief because i understand it.
i say yeah, i have a partner. i mean - oh. thank god. it's your arm.
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little-annie · 2 months
Bet you didn't know how Eddie found out Steve was Bi.
It was at a club in Indianapolis of all places. He and Steve, along with Robin and Vicki, had made their way to the city for a weekend of fun.
And some recognizance apparently.
Steve was convinced Vicki was into boobies, and at some point had made it his mission to prove such information to Robin. His location of choice? One of the biggest gay clubs in Indiana.
How Steve knew of the place made no sense to Eddie. Well at least not right away. Now though, now he knew Steve was…
Steve was:
A little fruity.
A friend of Dorothy.
A real cocksucker.
Steve Harrington was all of the above apparently.
To Eddie's utter bafflement.
And outstanding joy.
But sitting at the bar with the man in question by his side, Eddie hadn't known that yet. He was helplessly pining over a friend he thought he'd never have the faintest of a chance with. Watching from the side lines, imagining himself as the hot brunette in Steve's strong arms when the man would occasionally make his way to the dance floor.
They were having a good time. They were drinking, the girls were dancing like a couple of dorks out beneath the shining lights. Everything was going great.
But Eddie could still see from even across the dance floor the longing look in Robin's eyes as she watched Vicki do the sprinkler of all dance moves.
They really were perfect for each other.
“How's mission besties to boobies going? You think you'll have Robbie sucking on a tit by the end of the night?”
Sitting on the bar stool next to him, Steve snorts into his drink, choking on a laugh as he turns to admonish Eddie, “Jesus man.” He coughs around the fruity drink clogging his throat. “Robin would punch you in the jugular if she heard you say that.”
Eddie smiles to himself, just happy that he made Steve laugh. “Well good thing she's out there with Vicki then. Really though, any closer to helping them figure their shit out?”
Just as Steve's about to answer, both of their eyes watching the girls, they watch as some tall blonde jock approaches Vicki.
In the same instant they catch Robin's expression crumble.
“Mother fucker.” Steve huffs before he turns back to the bar and orders Robin's favourite drink. A Blue Hawaiin topped with more fruit than Eddie's eaten in the last year. Bright and flashy, decorated with a tiny purple umbrella.
Robin joins them not a minute later, sweat damp hair sticking to her forehead as she sighs sadly and falls face first with a groan into Steve's chest.
Eddie would be jealous if he didn't feel so bad for Robin.
The poor girl is nearly at her wits end.
For months her and Vicki have been going through a will they won't they type of thing.
Christ, they even kissed at one of Steve's little parties. Under the guise of spin the bottle, but it still happened and lasted way too long for Vicki to not have enjoyed it.
But then the next day, Eddie remembers Vicki talking about Dan. Her on - off boyfriend who apparently, judging by Steve's seething and Robin's near blubbering is the guy with his arms around a very annoyed looking Vicki's shoulders.
Robin's pulled herself from between Steve's beautiful beasts and is now leaning against the man, standing between his legs as he hugs her and she solemnly nibbles at her skewered fruit with her chin hooked over Steve's shoulder.
He's saying something to her that Eddie doesn't catch, but he notices how it makes Robin smile.
Albeit a little sadly.
Turning his attention away, Eddie takes a sip of his drink, stares daggers into Dan's soul on Robin's behalf and lets the Wonder Twins have their moment.
Amidst wishing Dan to drop dead, through the blaring music Eddie eventually hears Steve's determined tone.
“I'll do it, Rob.”
Curious, Eddie tunes in.
“You're not doing anything.”
“Mmmmh nope. I'm gonna do it.” Eddie nearly hears Steve's nod of resolution as he keeps his eyes on the gyrating crowd before them. He sounds determined. Surly staring his own form of ill will into Dan's soul, Steve continues, “He keeps dragging her on, which means she's dragging you on. And I can't let that happen.”
Robin sighs, “Steve.”
Eddie can damn well hear them staring one another down.
It's rather loud.
As is the blatant telepathic convention they're having now.
After a moment of lord only knows what they've communicated to each other through a series of complicated facial expressions, Robin sighs again, apparently having accepted defeat, “You're a bitch.”
“You love me.”
“I hope you get Crabs.”
Eddie snorts to himself as he finally turns to take in the two next to him. Robin's now occupying Steve's previous bar stool and Mr. Great Tits and Tight Levi's himself is standing with the bitchiest expression known to man, staring Robin down, who sips her drink and appears unfazed.
And then Steve smirks.
“I literally watched you shave your chin hair with the razor I use on my balls. If I get Crabs you're coming down with me.”
Robin hardly looks bothered as she bites a hunk of pineapple from her skewer, seeming in a much better mood than when she'd arrived.
“You whore. Course you shave your balls.” She mumbles around the fruit in her mouth.
“Not everyone likes to have a jungle bush, Robin.”
Their continued nattering is lost to Eddie as he remains hung up on the idea of Steve's balls. Are they clean shaved, trimmed, artfully maintained?
He's pathetic. Eddie's well aware. Daydreaming of Steve's Adonis like body isn't new in the slightest.
He apparently wonders for so long that when he tunes back to reality, Steve and his decidedly trimmed balls are gone.
He looks to Robin who downing the remainder of her drink.
She shrugs, as if that explains anything.
Then he sees Steve at the other end of the bar talking to Vicki's maybe boyfriend.
It looks heated.
God, is Steve going to fight this guy? Fuck. Eddie's scrappy but he's never had a great track record with Jocks and he knows Steve and all of his monster fighting abilities means nothing when it comes to fighting people. He remembers the guy getting his ass handed to him by Byers. And Hargrove. Like he gets Billy, the guy was fucking insane. But Johnathan? Steve doesn't stand a chance against this guy. He's got at least twenty pounds on Steve.
Steve's going to get his ass kicked and Eddie's not going to be any help. Sure he'll try, throw a punch, maybe play dirty and move his rings over to his other hand so it hurts more, but otherwise he's got nothing.
All bark, no bite.
Fuck, what if the guy has friends here?
Eddie looks back to Robin who's now leaning back against the bar, watching as Vicki dances in the distance, giggling to herself as she waves at Robin then proceeds to do that shopping cart.
The sweet, ginger haired little dork.
Again, their perfect for each other.
“Steve's not really going to fight that guy is he?”
Robin snorts.
“Yeah, with his dick maybe.”
Robin waves him off with a limp wrist and plunks her empty glass onto the bar top behind her with a dull thud.
And then she's off.
Leaving Eddie with that tidbit of information.
She was joking, right? Right?
She had to be joking.
His voice is either lost to the music or she's ignoring him.
Probably the latter.
By the time Eddie turns his attention back to the end of the bar, he catches Steve giving Dan a playful tug to the belt loops and an expression Eddie can only describe as a smoulder.
Then Steve's pulling this guy by the hand to the men's bathroom.
What the fuck did he miss?
Jesus H Christ.
Twenty minutes and one tequila shot later, Eddie watches as Dan goes scurrying by from the bathroom to the exit, still tucking his fucking polo into his pants.
Lucky bastard.
A moment later, Steve returns.
Hair messy, pupils blown, shirt untucked and …
It's that?
There's a small dot of milky white on Steve's chin.
Fucking hell.
Steve plops down in his chair, steals Eddie's beer and downs the remaining half, finishing it with a content sigh.
For the longest time Eddie's speechless.
Staring at Steve and the fucking splatter of come left on his chin.
What the actual fuck?
Steve must've noticed.
Christ and it's not like Eddie can let the guy go walking around with that.
“You've got, uh, something on your chin…”
And like he knew it was there, knew exactly where it was, Steve wipes the evidence of his earlier rendezvous away.
Eddie can't help but continue to stare.
And like an idiot he decides to open his mouth. “Did you just…?”
And like it's nothing, Steve answers.
“Suck off Vicki's ex then threaten him with bodily harm if he ever bothers her or Robin again? Yeah. And?”
Since when did Steve suck dick?!
Eddie's careening towards a level two gay fucking melt down when Steve decides to continue, sounding every bit offended and confused. “Is that gonna be a problem?”
“No!” Eddie answers immediately, hands up in defence. Steve's expression softens just a touch. “No. No, fuck, Steve. No, not at all. It's just-” well he didn't know and he and Steve are good enough friends Eddie figured something that important to Steve's person, he'd know. “I just didn't know.”
Steve's nose scrunches in that cute way that always makes Eddie feel like dropping dead, and then almost sounding like he's surprised, Steve laughs, “You- hah- Eddie! You didn't know!?”
“No wonder,” Steve more so says to himself before ordering both him and Eddie another drink.
He doesn't continue until he's had a sip of whatever fruity monstrosity he's drinking now. “I've been flirting with you for months, Ed.”
“Yeah well I thought you were straight.” Eddie grumbles, feeling like a fucking idiot. Had Steve really been flirting with him? Had all of the lingering touches and seemingly longing stares all been intentional.
Jesus. Fucking. Fuck.
Steve had asked him if he wanted to fool around a couple weeks ago and Eddie thought he was joking.
“What?” Steve says, halfass sounding offended, “Like it would have made a difference. Dude you've made it obvious you're not interested.”
“I- what?”
Steve shrugs, “Yeah. No hard feelings man. I get it. I'm not your type.”
“Not- not my type!? Steve! My beautiful beautiful boy, I am so interested. I'm painfully interested. I'm so interested I jack off to the idea every night, interested.”
He's just going to ignore the fact he said that aloud.
It's worth it for the blush that rises to Steve's cheeks anyways. “Yeah?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“So you wanna?”
“Absolutely annihilate each other in the men's bathroom?” Eddie asks confidently, truly hyping himself up so he doesn't freak out, downing his drink and standing to offer Steve his hand, “ Yes please.”
But not taking his hand and running to the bathroom to hopefully suck each other off, Steve stays sitting, staring at Eddie's offered hand. And just when Eddie starts to think he's fucked this all up before it's even started, Steve stutters his response
“ I- well- I was thinking more like a- a movie and milkshakes, or something?”
Oh this isn't just sex to Steve.
Thank God.
Eddie wasn't entirely sure how his heart would have handled the alternative.
Did Steve Harrington just ask him on a date?
“Yeah.” Eddie answers, a little breathless, a little bashful.
“We can do your thing to if this is just-”
“No. No, Steve. It's really not. I feel like a fucking schoolgirl, man. All giddy and shit. I just never thought-”
“You're kinda hard not to want Eddie.” Steve interrupts him.
And isn't that a fucking line.
“Both?” Eddie asks, only for Steve to raise a brow
“What about both?”
“Oh!” Steve shouts, catching the attention of a few people, one of which being Robin who was wandering hand in hand with Vicki to the bar, “Yeah. Fuck yeah.” He downs his drink just as Eddie had and finally takes Eddie's offered hand.
On their near sprint to the men's bathroom, Eddie's sure, through the buzz of his own brain and the blare of music he hears Robin's raspy voice shout, “Enjoy my besties bald balls, Munson!”
Give my tittle ideas babes. I wanna post this insanity on Ao3.
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
Could I request a Leighton x reader one shot where Leighton just recently came out and is new to the whole lesbian flirting thing so she tries to find out if reader is gay with the help of questionable internet advice?
Gaydar Issues
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Description: Leighton is new to the Essex queer community and unlike her confident persona, she has no idea how to flirt. She meets Reader and develops a crush on her. She should not have gone to her roommates for help.
WARNINGS: fluffy as fuck, leighton being a gay baby, her roommates being dumb, leighton gay panicking.
In hindsight, Leighton knew she shouldn't have gone to her roommates for queer flirting advice.
She had no other options.
Let's recap.
Ever since Leighton came out, she had found it difficult to talk to women in person and not behind a screen. She was two different people.
One had a seductive aura, luring her hookups in with a single smirk and making them see stars by the end of the night.
The other was a shy, nervous girl who had no idea how to flirt.
Leighton was struggling. She had tried to talk to Nico about it but him being a guy, gave her flirting tips that he does, which were gross. She tried to talk to Willow about it but the girl was no help. She flirted with athletes, who she had something in common with.
That was it! Leighton just needed to find someone who had something in common with her! Easy peasy.
Plot twist: it's not so easy peasy.
Leighton had decided to scout out her math class to see if she had any hot female students in there with her. She had one, and she had already hooked up with her and didn't really feel anything with her.
It had gotten to a point where Leighton was starting to give up, but as she walked out of class, she saw the most gorgeous girl talking to Bela, of all people.
Leighton froze as she looked at the girl. She was stunning, the smile she was giving Bela was melting Leighton's heart. The girl had on some black skinny jeans, white converse, a white crop top and a jean jacket on.
Leighton could tell she had great fashion sense, even if the outfit was casual. She could hear her laugh from where she stood and it became her favorite sound in the world. Before she could go over and introduce herself, the girl hugged Bela and walked the other direction.
Bela began walking towards Leighton as the blonde fell in step behind her.
"Hey Bela! How are you today?"
Bela looked at Leighton confused but played along. "I'm...fine. Leighton, are you okay? You never ask about my day." The blonde smiled at her. "What are you talking about? I always ask about your day. I had a question."
Bela laughed, "There it is." Leighton rolled her eyes. "That girl you were talking to, who was she?"
Bela smirked. "That's Y/N. I'm trying to get her to join my comedy club. Girl is hilarious." Leighton nodded. "Yeah. Could you introduce me?"
Bela smiled. "Ooh does someone have a crush?" Leighton blushed hard. "Bela! Just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean I have a crush on every girl!." Bela smirked again. "Yeah, yeah. I'll introduce you."
The next day, Leighton was walking across the campus courtyard when her name was yelled. She turned to see Bela and Y/N walking towards her. She instantly got nervous as the duo approached her. She straightened herself up and smiled at the two.
"Hey Bela!" The duo reached her as Bela held out an arm. "Y/N, this is Leighton. Leighton, this is Y/N, the newest member of my comedy club!" Y/N stuck her hand out for Leighton to shake. The blonde shook it, thinking about how soft her hands were before snapping back.
"Congrats! Bela was telling me how funny you are!" Y/N blushed. "Thank you! It's so nice to finally meet you! Bela has told me a lot about you, though she didn't mention how pretty you are."
Leighton's jaw dropped. A blush took over her features as she stuttered on her words. Y/N smirked and looked at Bela. "I'll see you later okay? Bye guys!" She walked off as Bela stared at Leighton shocked.
"Leighton. Are you blushing?" Leighton shook herself off and glared at Bela. "I am not!" She stomped off as Bela smirked. She pulled her phone out and texted Whitney and Kimberly.
"Leighton needs an intervention."
Leighton didn't know what to expect when she got back to her dorm, but it wasn't her roommates staring at her. It scared the shit out of her. "What the hell are you guys doing?" Kimberly gestured to the couch. "Please sit."
Leighton sat and looked at them confused. "What is happening?" Whitney sighed. "Leighton, it's come to our attention that you don't know how to talk to girls. We are here to help you."
Leighton's jaw dropped as she slowly turned to glare at Bela. "You told?!" Bela sighed. "I'm sorry! But you need help. Y/N is so into you!" Leighton glared at Bela. "Do you know if she's even gay?" Bela sat silently for a few seconds. "Uhh...no?"
Leighton pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
Whitney decided to save Bela. "She told us Y/N called you pretty! That's a sign, right?" Leighton directed her glare to Whitney now. "Girls call each other pretty all the time Whitney!"
Kimberly, ever the voice of reason, finally spoke. "Leighton, I think for now, talk to her, get to know her, and then maybe if she's comfortable, she'll tell you. But don't just outright ask her. So that way, if she isn't, you can remain friends."
The room was silent for a moment before Whitney and Bela voiced their disagreement of the plan and began to bicker about how Leighton should handle it.
Leighton was stuck on Kimberly's words. "Talk to her." "Get to know her"
That's what Leighton was going to do.
She spotted Y/N the next day walking out of the library and quickened her pace to catch up. "Y/N!" The girl turned and saw Leighton. A bright smile came across her face as she waved. "Hi Leighton! How are you?" Leighton fell into step with Y/N. "I'm good! I actually wanted to ask you something."
Y/N nodded. "Ask away." Leighton took a deep breath and asked the question. "Do you maybe wanna hang out, later? We can study together in the library. If you want!" Y/N blushed and nodded. "Yeah, sure! Can I get your number?"
Leighton felt her heart rate increase. She handed her phone over to Y/N, who put her number in quickly before handing it back. "Text me when you wanna meet up later." Leighton nodded before the girl smiled at the blonde and walked off.
Leighton fought the urge to do a happy dance.
Step one, done.
After a few weeks of hanging out with Y/N, Leighton discovered she was down badly for this girl. The more they hung out, the more Leighon's crush grew. Her roommates tried to hype her up to ask the girl out, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.
It all came to a head one day at lunch, the day that the roommates deemed, "their baby gay grew up".
Leighton was sitting at the table with her roommates eating lunch when Y/N approached. "Hey guys!" The girls greeted Y/N, not so subtly looking at Leighton, who blushed.
"Hi Leighton." The blonde smiled and quietly said hi back. Y/N cleared her throat. "If you weren't doing anything tonight, would you maybe wanna go to dinner and a movie tonight? I know this really good burger place a few miles from school."
Leighton blushed. Her brain was unable to function and she stuttered on her words once again.
Kimberly answered for her. "She would love to! She doesn't have any plans tonight!" Y/N smiled and looked at the girl. "Great! I'll pick you up at say 6:30? Dress casual." Leighton nodded as the girl walked off.
Her roommates squealed as the girl blushed harder. "We told you she was gay! You got a date!" Leighton smiled at how happy her girls were for her, joining in on the squealing, not noticing Y/N watching with a wide grin.
When Leighton came home later that night, hearts in her eyes and swollen lips, the roommates squealed again, sitting her down and making her give them the details.
Their baby gay really had grown up.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
"Steve! You've got to help me. I panicked, and I told my Tinder date that you and Eddie have been dating for two years!" Robin yells as she storms into their living room. 
Luckily, Steve's gotten used to her entering their apartment in such a way over the past few years, but he barely registers what she says in her haste. He takes a moment to stare at her with his eyebrows drawn together in confusion, hoping the words will eventually make sense. 
They don’t. 
Robin paces back and forth while gesturing wildly with her hands. "You know how I do the thing where I ramble around girls I find really really hot? Well, I was doing that, and I brought you up and kept going on about how annoying my roommate is-" 
"Are you kidding m-" 
Robin continues as if she didn't just insult him. "And she kind of stopped and look at me and said, 'Your roommate is a guy?' And I got confused and said yes because why would I lie? And she got all uncomfortable and started asking more questions like if you were gay or straight, and I told her you were bi, and she got even weirder! So, eventually I just straight up asked her what was wrong, and she said that she didn't want to go out with me if my roommate was potentially into me. So I told her that wasn't a problem because you've been dating Eddie for two years." She finishes with that awkward lip bite she does which can be oddly endearing sometimes. But it’s not this time. 
Steve leans forward on the couch. "I'm sorry. You still want to go out with a girl who has no trust in my ability to keep things in my pants? As if she doesn't trust that you're a lesbian and if I ever made a move on you, you would absolutely punch me in the throat." 
Robin sits next to him and grabs his hands. "She's so so hot, Steve. Please." 
Steve rolls his eyes. "Fine, you can keep telling her that I’m dating Eddie, I guess." 
Robin breaks eye contact and starts picking at her nail polish. 
Well, that’s not a great sign. "What aren't you telling me?" 
Robin slowly looks at him in the way a dog looks at their owner after destroying their favorite shoes. "Okay, so then I really got a bit crazy, and when she asked me to show me pictures of you two together, I dropped my phone in my glass of water." She slowly pulls out her phone, and sure enough, it won't even turn on. 
Steve digs the heels of his hands into his eyes before grabbing her phone and stalking off to the kitchen to find rice and a bowl. Robin follows after him. 
"So, all I need to do is take a few pictures of you guys looking really coupley on dates and whatnot and make it look like they range over the past two years. I also told Veronica that I would let her meet you two sometime soon,” She rushes in to add the second thing before Steve can really process the first one. She just smiles, trying to look all sweet and endearing.  
Steve gives Robin the best bitchy glare he has, but she shoots him one back and counters by saying, "You owe me, and you know it." 
"For what?" Steve asks as he pours rice over her phone. 
Robin crosses her arms. "Three weeks ago, you kicked me out of the apartment without warning to have sex with some random girl, and I was left stranded for the night." 
Steve scoffs, "You went to Nancy's and slept in her very nice guest bedroom!" 
"You owe me!" 
Steve puts the bag of rice down and sighs. "Fine, but if Eddie doesn't agree, then I'm out." 
Robin smiles. "Deal." 
Steve hates how confident she is about the whole thing, so he calls Eddie and puts him on speaker. When he answers, Steve immediately says, "Hey, Eddie, you're on speaker with me and Robin, and she has a very ridiculous request for you. I'll let her tell you the details." 
After Robin recounts her night and Steve tries not to rant about how much of a bad vibe he gets from the girl, Eddie pauses for a bit to take it all in. Then, he says, "Robin, I really don't like this Veronica girl." 
"She's hot!" Robin retorts. 
Eddie snorts on the other line. "I'm in if Steve's in." 
Steve's jaw drops. Robin shoots him a big smile. "Perfect! What if we started on pictures early tomorrow? I've got a lot of random dates to prepare you guys for." 
Steve interrupts before Eddie can answer. "And why can't you show her like... three pictures of us cuddling on the couch?" 
"We need to cover our tracks as much as we can and cuddling on the couch a few times won’t do. Oh, we should hang a few pictures of you two around the apartment!" Robin plots excitedly. 
Steve runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. He can't believe he's doing this. They don’t even have pictures hanging up. 
"Tomorrow works for me," Eddie says, entirely oblivious to Steve’s internal struggle. 
But Steve can't help but get a little excited at the thought of seeing Eddie and spending a whole day with him. 
So, he sucks it up and says, "I'm free, too. And I'm excited to see you, Eddie. I've missed you." 
"I saw you yesterday," Eddie laughs on the other line. 
Steve blushes and argues, "Seeing you for a minute when I get my coffee doesn't count." 
"Whatever you say, pumpkin bread." 
Pumpkin bread? Steve scrunches up his nose in protest. “That’s one of the worst things I’ve ever heard.” 
"Just practicing for when we meet this Veronica girl, my peach." 
Steve can’t help but laugh. "We are not that kind of couple. But I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night. Sweet dreams, rubber ducky." 
Eddie laughs loudly on the other line and muffles the sound probably with his hand. 
Steve bites his lip, trying not to get too pleased at causing that reaction. 
"Good night, sweetheart." The line beeps three times as the call ends, and Steve can't help the smile that grows on his face. Sweetheart... he kind of likes that one. 
"Glad to see you two get into your roles," Robin says with a smirk. 
Steve jumps back, having forgotten she was there. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight.” With that, he quickly rushes off to his room before Robin can say anything else about the interaction. 
"Goodnight, dingus!" she calls after him joyously. 
This all better be worth it.
The next morning, Steve can't help but get a little nervous when Eddie sends him an "Almost there!" text. He has a feeling this whole thing is going to blow up in their faces or something. 
He's always known that Eddie's been cute. Hell, the first time he saw him, Steve thought he was hot. But he had never thought of them together after that. Sure, there was definitely a certain chemistry between them, but for some reason, Steve always saw him as off-limits. Especially since Dustin would kill him if he ever broke Eddie's heart. 
So, Steve learned to push down any feelings he's had for him over the years. And he's afraid that all those repressed feelings are going to come up today.  
There's a knock on his and Robin's apartment door, and Steve freezes. Hopefully his and Eddie’s friendship will survive whatever happens next.  
Here goes nothing.  
He opens the door to find a curly head of hair in front of him that isn't Eddie's. 
"Hi! I'm here to take pictures today," she explains as she walks through the door, wiggling her Canon camera in her hand. "I thought Robin told you." 
"She certainly did not," Steve says and pinches his nose. He might kill her. He pushes the door shut, but it stops. 
"Hey," Eddie says peaking his head out from behind the door and catching Steve’s eye quickly. "Sorry, I'm late," he apologizes as he pulls Steve into a tight hug. 
Steve lingers in it, squeezing Eddie tightly, smelling the lavender shampoo he uses, and trying to make the moment last as long as he can. 
The sound of a camera shutter snaps him out of the moment. 
He pulls back and looks at Nancy. 
"Taking some candid pictures," she says unapologetically. 
But Steve doesn't care too much when he feels Eddie's hand linger on his back. "You're taking pictures for us? What happened to Robin?" 
"Yes, what did happen to Robin?" Steve asks raising his voice so she'll hear him. 
"Coming!" she yells then comes out of her room looking very strangely put together. Steve glances down at her wrist and notices her wearing her lucky black bracelet. When did she start wearing that again? 
"You look nice," Nancy says with a soft smile. 
"Thanks," Robin replies with a soft blush. 
Steve is definitely missing something, but he can't pay attention when Eddie is gently rubbing his back. He's going to end up dying on the spot. 
"Eddie!" Robin says, finally noticing him, "I see you brought the extra clothes." 
Steve glances down to where Eddie's suitcase sits on the floor. He does not remember him bringing that in. Shit, he's so distracted by his presence. Wait. "Why did you bring extra clothes?" he asks Eddie then notices how close they're standing. Oh, hello, Eddie's very soft-looking lips. 
"I told you we're covering two years. That means different seasons," Robin says as if the answer is obvious. 
Hell no. "There's no way in hell I'm wearing cold clothes outside in the heat." 
"Good thing I planned for us to stay in for those pictures," Nancy says with a smile on her face. "Now go change into one of your sweaters or something. Oh! Eddie, you should change with him so you two can color coordinate. It'll be so cute!" 
Steve adds Nancy to the list of people he might murder. 
Eddie's hand drops from his back as he wheels the suitcase into Steve's room. Steve follows and closes the door behind him. 
"Sorry for all this," Steve says, glancing around to make sure nothing embarrassing is laying out. 
Eddie shakes his head and brushes it off as if it's nothing, "Nah, it's all good. I think it could be fun if we let it. Color coordinating is a horrible idea though." 
"Agreed," Steve replies, deciding that his room looks fine. He opens up his closet and pushes his short sleeve clothes to the side to try to get to his sweaters hanging in the back. "What are you thinking for clothes?" 
"I don't care as long as you wear your yellow sweater for one of the pictures." 
Steve snorts. For some reason, Eddie had such an attachment to the thing. One time, he mistakenly put it in his designated donation bin, and he thought Eddie was going to cry when he found it. 
He had cradled the thing to his chest and dramatically said, "You don't understand, Steve. Some people's lives depend on you wearing this sweater. Their lives, Steve." 
Steve had rolled his eyes, put it back on a hanger, and hung it with the other sweaters. "Better?" he asked. 
"Much better."  
And the whole thing had been worth it to see the smile on Eddie's face - especially when Steve decided to surprise him by wearing it to the coffee shop the next day. 
"Whatcha thinking about?" Eddie asks with a smile, suddenly very close to him. 
Steve shakes his head as if shaking away the memory. "Nothing." 
Eddie raises an eyebrow but he doesn't push it before he goes back to his suitcase and starts laying out his clothes on Steve's bed. 
Steve strips off his shirt and pulls the sweater over his head. He glances down at his jeans and decides that Veronica probably won't remember what pants he was wearing in each picture. 
He turns to tell Eddie as much but freezes when he sees Eddie shirtless, sorting through the clothes to find the perfect assortment of layers. Steve swallows and adverts his eyes. He is not going to check him out while he's changing. He clears his throat and turns back to his closet. "I think we just need to change our shirts. Maybe outside, you can start with a base layer then add on top of that." 
Steve doesn't think he can stand to see shirtless Eddie with all his tattoos out in the daylight or the moonlight - if it takes that long. And he certainly does not want to let anyone else see that either. 
"That's smart, babe." 
Steve's hand squeezes whatever poor shirt he was grabbing a little too tight at the nickname. He's never been one for nicknames, especially over-the-top ones, but knowing it's Eddie calling him that as if he really does love him... it really does something for Steve. 
He doesn't reply as he grabs a few shirts and jackets and lays them out on the bed next to Eddie's stuff. 
He glances up at Eddie and almost breathes a sigh of relief when he sees that he has a shirt on. And a flannel. And his leather jacket. Thank goodness for layers. 
He looks back at Eddie's face and catches the exact moment that Eddie registers him wearing the yellow sweater. His eyes fill with unhinged excitement and joy. He walks right into Steve's space and leans down - oh my god - to talk to the sweater. 
"I've missed you so much. You know, it's so unfair that Steve only gets to wear you for a small part of the year. And he doesn't own anything short-sleeved in your beautiful color it seems." 
Steve puts his hands on his hips and stares up at the ceiling. He can't believe he's ever had trouble pushing down feelings for this man. 
(But he makes a note to himself to buy more things in yellow just for him.) 
There’s a loud knocking on the door, then Robin yells, “You two have been in there for a while! Everything okay?” 
“Eddie is talking to my sweater again!” Steve calls back. 
There’s a pause before Nancy says, “Sorry, we didn’t hear you right. What?” 
“I’m talking to his sweater! Be out soon!” Eddie yells. 
There’s some mumbling outside the door as Steve finally looks down at Eddie and asks, “Are you done?” 
Eddie smiles up at him. “Never.” 
But he straightens up and presses a quick kiss to Steve’s shoulder before he turns to leave the room. “That was for the sweater, not you,” Eddie clarifies. 
“Right,” Steve replies. Because that makes so much sense.
Today is going to kill him. 
Part two ;)
(This was meant to just be a ficlet for my dear friend @henderdads , and then it turned into a six-part fic. I hope you enjoy!! ((Especially you, Cass)) AO3 Link here!)
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storydays · 10 months
Brozone Random Headcannons
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So I've seen the Trolls Band Together 3 times and counting and it was so good! So to get back in the groove, and after having some kind words come my way from multiple people, I really appreciate you guys! I'm gonna try a new writing style. Now remember, these are simply my opinions :)
John Dory:
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*Okay, so it is canon that Branch is 24 in the Trolls 3, which makes John Dory about 44.
*Nickname(s): JD, John
Fav color: Aquamarine and Green
Pronouns: He/Him (He supports, but is comfortable as himself)
He also gives me aromantic vibes, because like throughout the movie, he was really nonchalant when the romance bits came up, however subtle they are, he didn't give a damn lol.
JD is giving big Aries vibe with how confident he can be, pretty cheerful, and gets frustrated by tiny details, and unnecessary interruptions.
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Bruce is the second oldest at 40
BIG Scorpio vibes!! He's strong (Y'all, have y'all seen how easily he lifted Branch when they first met) and hella independent. He was the first to question John Dory before their show, he was even hesitant to leave Vaycay Island before he sang with his brothers.
Nickname(s): Brucie, I feel like Brandy calls him that to mess with him or when she wants something. His brothers' (mostly John Dory and Clay), call him that to make fun of him as well.
Fav Color: White
DO NOT TOUCH THIS MAN'S HAIR!!!!! He will sic his kids on you and show no mercy.
Pronouns: He/Him (He's a huge ally, but he's also proud of himself.)
He loves experimenting and competing in the kitchen with Brandi, forces his brothers to try their food, and chooses whose food is going on the specials board.
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Clay is giving major middle-sibling vibes: at 35 years old.
Pronouns: He/They
Clay is non-binary and wears androgynous clothing but prefers their sweater romper and wristbands.
Nickname(s): Claybo (Viva calls him this to playfully annoy him), Clayton (Bruce and JD called him that as a kid, usually copying their mothers and grandma when they would scold him; but now call him that when he's overworked himself and they have to physically drag him to bed to rest.
Fav color: Green it was pretty obvious in the movie bc originally it was yellow when we first met him as a teen, but then we meet him later and it's green, and their whole outfit is green.
Def a Gemini! They're such a playful Troll, despite how serious he may act. But as he stated before, put some respect on his name bc they're a licensed CPA, fool!
Clay's favorite snack combo is:
Fries and a vanilla milkshake! He loves dipping the salty fries in the sweet vanilla.
They talk in their sleep, mostly about tax evasion and hot chocolate?
Hates doing their hair, Viva has to wait until he's sleeping for her to brush his tangles out.
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Floyd is the second youngest at 32
He's such a Pisces! He's so empathetic, compassionate, and oh, so sensitive.
Pronouns: He/Him
He and Clay definitely go all out for Pride (Bc Trolls are literally all spectrums of the rainbow! We learned that in Trolls 2! It'd be impossible NOT to have a big party for Pride), and drag their brothers and are literally so hype at the whole event and crashes MEGA hard the next morning and sleeps for a good 12 hours.
Floyd remained friends with Veneer because, c'mon they were vibing. He could see Veneer wanted someone to see him, so he convinced the Mount Rageous police to let the twins out for Pride.
Had a long talk with Velvet and helped her to see the error of her ways, and she began to be nicer to Veneer and listen to him.
Fav color is Black. He knows he slays the Rock Troll look.
I'm gonna settle this once and for all: Floyd is gay. The one earring in his right ear is a shout-out to his voice actor who is an openly gay singer.
Nickname(s): Flo (I feel like Branch couldn't pronounce Floyd's name yet when he was just learning to talk, so he called him Flo and it stuck.) Floydie (when his brothers tease him about his crush that he refuses to name.)
The hair in his face is like a comfort thing for him. He knows his hair is soft, and when he's bored, he plays with it, and twirls it around his fingers.
Floyd definitely has a collection of journals, from his songwriting to venting his feelings, and even (poorly drawn) doodles of his family.
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He is the youngest at 24 as stated earlier.
Pronouns: He/Him
Fav color: Midnight blue like his hair
This dude is hella smart; like has a super high IQ, but is super chill about it.
He and Poppy are that meme: Tired X Energetic on a level 10!
Nickname: Branchifer (Poppy calls him that when she's calling him out on his attitude or when she's about to start teasing him.)
Def an Aquarius: highly intellectual, creative, and likes to join in on social interactions when it's on his time. Poppy learned the hard way why she shouldn't force him to join in.
Similar to Floyd, he was a bunch of notebooks filled with songs he'd written.
Branch is shy when it comes to family PDA, like if his brothers were to group hug him, or if they tried to mother him, and gets especially prickly when they baby-talk him in front of others.
This dude is the prince of sarcasm, clearly picking that trait up from all his brothers. Like bro, why are you so sarcastic?!
Is undeniably the most sarcastic of the brothers. (His nieces and nephews start to pick up on that, much to Bruce's horror. Brandi thinks it's hilarious.)
Doesn't really like kids, but absolutely adores his nephew Bruce Jr ( I mean he loves them all, but has a soft spot for that boy.) Bruce Jr is autistic and nonverbal and struggles to communicate. I believe he uses TSL (Troll Sign Language), and when Branch learns this, he starts signing fluently with his nephew, surprising everyone, especially Bruce Jr, because not many people can sign so fluently, but then Branch explains, that he learned when he was younger because you could go deaf at any moment and it's such a useful skill.
Bruce Jr shows Branch his blueprints that he's made and honestly, if they wanted to, they could take over the world.
That's all for now! Let me know what you guys think!
A big shout out to @vacayisland appreciate you! This one’s for you 🥰
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homeofatlas · 7 months
French Connection
Authors note: I project so much in these fics I genuinely couldn't look at a picture of Elisa for two weeks when i heard she was with someone. I love to write though so hopefully i'm back. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to keep writing. No grammar checks.
Summary: You interview Elisa and Gay panic. Hard.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tw: Lots of gay panic and some swearing
Honestly? You know nothing about soccer. But the journalist who was supposed to be covering this event had come down with a nasty flu and hadn’t been able to come. Being the only journalist in the office without a family you got stuck at a women's soccer game on a cold sunday afternoon. Don't get yourself wrong, you loved to watch athletic women running around but typically if you watched any sports at all it was at home on your comfy couch. Not only did you have to sit through, take notes, and try to decipher what was going on in the game but you had little to no time to research the players you were supposed to interview directly afterwards. You were a culture columnist not a sports commentator for christ's sake! 
Your boss had emailed you last night asking, practically begging, you to go in the other journalists place. You’d accepted but only because you were getting paid overtime. You’d like it on the record that this wasn’t your cup of tea.
After what feels like forever the team you're supposed to be interviewing, psg feminine or something, wins. You say thank you to whoever's listening that the part you know nothing about is over. Making your way to the team and flashing your journalist badge which gets you into the team headquarters you find the coach congratulating the players. You wait for him to finish before introducing yourself and explaining that you're here to interview some of the players. He calls over a couple players named Karaouchi, Geyoro, and De Almeida while you grab your phone to record and a pen to take notes. The women walk over to you while joking around with each other, clearly in a good mood about their win. 
When you look up from grabbing your things out of your bag, your eyes pass over them lingering on the one standing in the middle. You aren’t sure how you didn’t notice her before. Her strong features and full laugh leave you slightly breathless as you look at her. You need to avoid eye contact with her at all costs because you’re already short of breath and the gay panic is making all your thoughts leave so you need to get this done quickly. Composing yourself you take a deep breath and smile at the woman closest to you. 
“Hi I'm Y/n and I'm interviewing you guys today! So we’ll start by saying your names and then I'll ask you a few questions about your match today, sounds good?”
The women all nod and agree. 
You press record on your phone and hold it up to the first woman. 
“Grace Geyoro.”
You move down the line to stand in front of the middle one. Flickering your eyes up to her you can see the gleam of seat on her forehead and her twinkling eyes as she leans in to speak. 
“Elisa De Almeida.”
You swallow and curse yourself for ever thinking you might be able to avoid those eyes. It should be illegal to be this good looking, especially when she’s sweating, you think. These aren’t workable conditions really, your gayness prohibits you from being normal around attractive masc women. Forcing yourself to move on you hold the phone up to the next woman. 
“Sakina Karaouchi.”
“Great, thank you. I’ll ask a question and whichever one of you wants to answer can.”
Time skip to after the interview
After the interview you let the women leave to go do whatever they do after games while you finish up your notes. Your body feels hot all over from every time you met Elisas eyes. The plan of trying not to look her directly in the eye was immediately scrapped the first time you’d truly looked into them. Her brown eyes had made your stomach swoop yet, you found yourself unable to look away. Her entire presence had trapped you. The entire interview you’d been trying to come up with a way to keep it going and speak with her more. Your limited sports knowledge has never come back to bite you in the ass so much. 
Seaking briefly to the head coach and get a quote or two from him regarding the days match, you pack everything into your purse before making your way through the tunnels and out into the parking lot where most people have cleared out from this afternoon's game. You see the cars of what must be mostly staff and players left. Walking through the parking lot you find yourself thinking of those brown eyes again. You can always find her instagram and reach out in hopes of another interview you tell yourself. You have to see her again, you don’t know if you can fathom living in France knowing there's a woman that beautiful out there and you never tried to make a move. Pulling your keys out of your purse you unlock your car before you hear your name being called from behind you. Slowing your stride you glance behind you to see Elisa crossing the parking lot quickly checking both ways to make sure it’s okay to go. You stop and wait for her to jog closer to you before turning to face her. Her cheeks are red from the wind blowing roughly against your faces. It makes it harder for you to see the sunspots and freckles which lie over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. You pray you’ll get a chance to one day count how many of them there are littered on her face. 
Chest heaving from how quickly she crossed the parking lot she huffs out your name again. She looks lost almost, her eyes roaming around your face as if looking for something. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone whose face was so expressive. It’s so incredibly endearing you can feel your body warming again with her proximity despite the cold which is seeping into your coat by the moment. You breathe her name back to her with a small smile. 
She swallows looking around the parking lot. You can see her hand playing with and adjusting the straps on her bag before looking back at you again. 
“I was wondering if you’d let me interview you. Except over dinner or coffee and it’d be mutual and less of an interview and more of a date?” She squeezes her eyes shut and winces. 
A smile overtakes your face. 
“Yeah I’d love to go for dinner or coffee on a mutual interview but more date.” 
“That sounded way better in my head by the way.”
“It always does, doesn’t it.”
You two smile at each other before you remember that’s your cue to give her your number. You could just give her your instagram but she’s like if i woke next to you everyday for the rest of my life i could face something new about you to admire level cute so your number it is. 
After more staring and smiles she walks you to your car before turning around and walking to her own. Sitting in your car for a moment letting your heart beat settle you can’t help but thank god your coworker is fighting for her life with the flu.
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uconnposter01 · 3 months
Me and you
Warnings: Cursing
3.k Words
Chapter 1
October 2021   3rd person pov
Aniyah Sanchez was uncomfortable, she has been at this house party for 2 hours and if one more frat boy tried to hit on her or try to touch her she was gonna scream, she was only here because her teammates  wanted to go out and since they haven't in over a year she was down to come but now Aniyah's over it. It's hot, she's tired, it's crowded, and her teammates were preoccupied with other people leaving Aniyah alone on a couch in the living room surrounded by loud drunk students.
"Damn girl you are bad as shit" a male voice says in her ear way too close for comfort. 
"6 feet” Aniyah says, finding herself starting to feel annoyed.
"My bad" the guy next to her said, backing up a little 
 Aniyah looked at the guy over seeing a light skinned  guy with short curly hair and green eyes. Both of his arms are covered in tattoos, his teeth a vibrant white.
She could tell by the smirk on his face he usually got whatever girl he wanted and the way he shamelessly checked out Aniyah made her skin crawl. 
"I'm gay boo so move along"Aniyah says looking at her nails dismissing the man.
 "Damn don't be like that girl, so I can't even get your name,I'm Ant” 'he says flashing his million dollar smile. 
Aniyah took a deep breath hoping telling Ant her name he would just leave her alone. 
 "Aniyah'' She replied, praying that the interaction would end.
 "See, that was so hard," Ant says, sitting down on the couch.
“Why are you sitting down?" Aniyah questions her eyebrows furrowing  in confusion.
You don't want no friends?" Ant questions smirking.
     He didn't believe the girl next to him could be gay she is way too beautiful. Ant figured if he smooth talked to her and got her to take her guard down he would be golden. 
"Nope" Aniyah says, putting emphasis on the letter p. 
“ What you drink, let me get you a drink from the kitchen,” Ant says, smirking. 
“Fuck no” Aniyah says rolling her eyes.
”Damn, you kinda mean," Ant said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Not sure what to say,he didn't want to give up on the beauty,he was sure she was the most attractive girl in the party right now. He couldn't help but to stare at her hazel almond shaped eyes, they hung low and Ant couldn't tell if it was from weed or was it natural.
"I'm not mean enough seeing that you are still here trying to talk to me" Aniyah responds back rolling her eyes once more. 
"Sheesh" Ant mumbles.
Aniyah's standoffish attitude wasn't gonna deter him though. Once again Ant begin’s to stare at Aniyah, this time noticing how full her lips are,and he couldn't help but think what they would feel like wrapped around his dick.
 "Nigga can you stop staring at me" Aniyah snaps glaring over at Ant
"What's with the attitude shawty?" Ant asks, eyebrows creased in confusion. 
"I'm gonna say this nicely. I'm a lesbian, I'm not interested at all, leave me alone before I get real mean "Aniyah stresses, about to go off on the man.
"How you even know you gay?" Ant asks, disregarding what Aniyah said trying to scoot closer to the brown skinned girl.
 "How do you even know you're straight?" Aniyah questions.
"I'm serious, I think you haven’t got the right dick yet" Ant says, his eyes trailing down the girl's  body hungrily. Aniyah looked at the guy sitting next to her with pure repulse, not too sure Ant took the girl's silence as a cue to move closer and touch Aniyah's thigh.
"Don't fucking touch me nigga, are you fucking dumb dickhead" Aniyah yells pushing Ant away from her. 
"Why are you acting like a bitch, I'm being nice to you and everything, you ain't that cute to have that much of a fucked up attitude" Ant complains, his eyebrows furrowed in anger.
"Because I'm gay, I'm a fucking lesbian,I don't know why your dumbass can't grasp that shit, my body language and my words are telling you that I don't want to be fucking bothered, stop trying to talk to me, I'm not interested in your dumbass take the fucking hint!" Aniyah yells even louder. 
Before Ant could reply to the girl yelling next to him, someone behind him spoke up. 
“Yo, I don't think she wants to be bothered, move along” A tall blond said behind Ant.
    Aniyah looks over at the girl instantly recognizing her as a player on UConn's women's basketball team, she couldn't lie the point guard looked good, way too good if you asked Aniyah. The blond had on an all black Nike tech suit with low top panda dunks on her feet, her straight hair pulled back in a low bun.
"This you?" Ant questions the girl towering over him.
 "Yup, that's all me” Paige says, licking her lips and  looking past Ant and at Aniyah.
“Nah you lying, she’s pretty as hell he can’t be gay” Ant replies in disbelief. 
“You sound ignorant as hell bro, get the fuck outta here, ain’t nothing over here for you” Paige says glaring at the guy. 
“Whatever, shawty wasn’t that cute anyway" Ant gumbles, stomping away, angry he couldn’t take  Aniyah home.
  “My bad ma,I didn't mean to come over like that, but I overheard you and I couldn't just stand there and listen to that shit happen” Paige says rubbing the back of her neck. 
”I appreciate it, I really do,” Aniyah says, biting her bottom lip. 
She likes hearing the point guard call her ma, and between the eye contact and the nickname it all made Aniyah feel somewhat special and giddy. but the giddy feeling disappeared once Aniyah remembered that Paige is a player and that she has probably said these same things to other girls. After hearing so many stories about Paige from her teammate Jazmine she's not sure if she really wants to deal with Paige on a serious level, but she didn't mind having fun.
“What's up ma, you good?” Paige asks,her face etched with concern noticing a slight change in Aniyah’s mood.
 Her face etched with concern noticing a slight change in Aniyah. Paige is so excited to finally talk to the girl, she's seen her everywhere and she couldn't get the girl out of her mind,no matter how hard Paige tried. The first time Paige saw Aniyah on campus was in the dining hall, the second time she saw her was at the library and the third time she saw her was at her game sitting in the crowd and Paige ended up scoring 31 points that night.
As bad as she wanted to go up to the girl each time, Paige decided not to,knowing she has a player reputation. A nasty rumor that started going around on campus during Paige’s freshman year and not being sure if the girl to her left was aware of the rumors about her she never had the confidence to go up to the girl.
Paige was excited, as soon as she saw the girl walk in with the rest of her friends Paige knew this was her chance to talk to her. She proceeded to watch the girl from afar the moment she got here two hours ago waiting for the opportunity to speak to her.
After gaining some liquid courage and overhearing what was happening with Ant, she knew she couldn't pass up the opportunity to help the girl out and talk to her. Paige has let the girl slip through her fingers on three separate occasions; she refused to let it happen again. 
“Yeah I'm good,” Aniyah says, flashing a closed mouth smile. 
“You sure?” Paige asks scooting a little closer. 
“I promise I'm sure” Aniyah responds softly  looking in Paige’s eyes.
The energy around the two girls felt thick as they continued to look at each other, their stares filled with lust and longing.
   “Is this okay?” Paige questions softly, putting her hand on Aniyah’s exposed thigh. 
“Yes” says just as soft her eyes never leaving the intense stare of Paige's blue eyes. 
“What's your name ma?”Paige asks softly in the girl’s ear. 
“Aniyah” She responds just as softly, glancing down at Paige's lips. 
“Paige,” the blond says, holding out her hand to the girl.
 Paige kissed Aniyah's hand and she immediately started to feel  flustered trying to hide her smile Aniyah faced the other direction.
“You are so beautiful please don't hide that pretty ass smile from me, I love it already” Paige says while gently turning Aniyah's face back to her.
Aniyah's smile and the blush on her face grew even wider. Paige smiled back enamored by the braces clad girl, she wanted to learn everything she could about Aniyah she has never been this attracted and infatuated with anyone before especially not this fast.
 ”Do you smoke”? Paige asks after a moment pulling out a baggie with 4 blunts in the process. 
“Of course,” Aniyah responds. 
“Come out back with me, It’s hot, loud and packed in here and I wanna get to know you better” Paige says standing up.
Aniyah stood up with her and they walked towards the back of the house. Paige led Aniyah through the party with her hand resting on the small of her back.
 Aniyah couldn’t lie she became enamored with Paige in the short amount of time of being in her presence just off of the energy alone, she wasn't stupid though.  Even  though Jazmine’s words about Paige kept playing over and over in her head, and right now Paige is saying all of the right things that's and doing all of the right stuff.
Even down to her confidence that bordered on cockiness that was emitting out of her, It all screamed player and it made her nervous, but Aniyah isn’t looking for anything too serious right now, she couldn’t even look for something serious if she even tried so this could be a good thing.
The pair walked towards the outdoor couch, the twosome both picking opposite sides of the wicker couch to sit. 
“Why you sitting so far, come mere” Paige mumbles, lighting the blunt.
 Aniyah inhaled trying to not let her attraction for the girl make her make a fool of herself. 
 “That’s it ma, I won't bite, I mean unless you want me too” Paige teases, her eyes are already starting to become hazy. Paige passes Aniyah the blunt and she watches the girl inhale and look up in the sky.
Maybe I do” Aniyah flirts looking over at Paige passing the girl back the blunt. 
The vibe between the two was thick with tension, both semi lost in their thoughts about each other and how to proceed in the conversation.
  “Tell me bout yourself” Paige says, glancing down at Aniyah’s lips.
 “What do you wanna know?” Aniyah questions.
 “Everything” Paige states, turning to face the girl.
“Well I’m 19,  Aquarius gang over here, a Freshman, I’m from PA, my major is Sports Management and my favorite color is green '' Aniyah says rattling off basic information about herself. 
“Where in PA, and you know i wanna know your birthday mama not ya sign, lemme me know when that is” Paige says rubbing her hands together. 
“February 13th” Aniyah says, finishing up the blunt and pulling out another one.                                           "Damn, Ma you a stoner for real huh” Paige teases.
“Yeah” Aniyah says laughing and lighting the blunt, her eyes  glossy and red. 
“Back to birthday’s tho, it’s lowkey crazy that ya birthday is right before Valentine’s Day''Paige says laughing.
 “I know right, It’s pretty chill I guess,'' Aniyah says, feeling like she’s talking about herself a little too much. 
“You didn’t answer my other question though” Paige says, blowing out smoke, looking over at Aniyah intensely. 
 “ What question?” Aniyah questions her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
  ``Where in PA you from, I meant it when I said, I wanna know everything bout you” Paige says softly while staring at the girl.  
  “I’m from Upper Darby, it’s the Philly suburbs,” Aniyah explains. 
“Cool, cool Imma have to come see the vibe down there” Paige said smiling.                   
  " Okay I'll take you one day, I wanna know about you know, tell me about you though” Aniyah replies softly.                                                                                        “Well I’m from Minnesota, I'm 20, I play ball,  my birthday is October 20th and my favorite color is purple,” Paige responds.
  “Oh shit happy belated birthday, I'm sorry I didn't realize your birthday was a couple of days ago,” Aniyah says, playing with her fingers.                                                                                     
It’s aight ma, how was you supposed to know we just met like 30 mins ago ''Paige jokes.       
    “I know, but still” Aniyah says, pouting
“Do you like basketball?” Paige questions after another moment of silence.
   “Yeah, not as much as my sister though, I've even been to a couple of Uconn games” Aniyah says.
  “ How often do you usually go to the games?” Paige questions, licking her lips. 
  “Whenever I can really” Aniyah answers looking over at Paige, glancing at her lips in the process. 
“You be busy?” Paige asks quietly while focusing intently on Aniyah.
   “A lot of times yeah, I do gymnastics and sometimes I genuinely just don't feel like leaving my dorm, my sister goes to all of the games though,she said she's gonna get y'all to come to my meets” Aniyah rambles.
Paige’s heart drops a little hearing that Aniyah is a gymnast,  the chances of her knowing about those rumors have increased tenfold.
     “Who ya sister?” Paige questions her eyes glancing down at Aniyah’s lips.
    “Nuveah Sanchez” Aniyah answers.
    Paige’s face lit up upon hearing the Soccer players name, Nuveah and Paige had gotten pretty close during the 2020 school year, they really couldn't hang out or interact too much,however they would play Fortnite and text all of the time.
  “Nu-Nu is my dawg, she talks about you all of the time, she never said your name though or showed you to us, I would've remembered” Paige says once again glancing down at Aniyah’s lips.
  No matter how hard Paige tried not to look at Aniyah’s lips she couldn't help but to, they look so soft and smooth and she desperately wants to feel them on hers. Aniyah quickly caught on to Paige staring at her lips; Paige wasn't even being sneaky anymore she was blatantly staring at her lips. Aniyah didn't mind though, in fact it made Aniyah feel prideful and bold. Licking her lips Aniyah glances over at Paige to see her reaction. Paige bites her lip and clears her throat moving closer to Aniyah so there's no room in between them. Grabbing the blunt gently from Paige’s hand Aniyah lights it puffs and exhales.
“Can I try something?” Aniyah questions softly, grabbing Paige’s chin
   “Yeah of course ma” Paige says just as softly, her eyes low and her voice husky.
Aniyah takes a hit from the blunt and lightly puts her lips on Paige’s blowing smoke into her mouth in the process. Paige opens her mouth accepting the smoke.
   “Damn” Paige says, exhaling the smoke, her eyes dilated and low.
 Aniyah touched her lips still feeling Paige’s lips on hers. Paige wants to kiss Aniyah, the spark she felt when she had her lips lightly touched her lips still lingered. 
Your lips are so soft" Paige says softly while gently tracing Aniyah’s lips with her thumb.
"Thank you" Aniyah says, staring in Paige’s eyes.
"Can I feel them again ma?" Paige asks, her voice low, dripping with desire.
    Aniyah leans in, her lips softly gently meets Paige’s lips in a kiss that is firm and soft. Paige sighs into the kiss, her hands slowly sliding down to Aniyah’s waist. Breaking the kiss Aniyah rests her forehead against Paige’s relishing the kiss the pair just had. Paige wants to kiss Aniyah again, the kiss was everything that Paige thought it would be plus more. She wants to kiss Aniyah over and  over again. Before Paige could lean in and kiss Aniyah once again a voice interrupts her.
     “There you are, I was looking for you, i’m ready to go” Jazmine whines coming outside.
Paige separates from Aniyah after hearing Jazmine's voice not wanting the girl to catch them she didn’t have it in her to deal with a Jazmine  tantrum. 
  “Hey girl” Aniyah says awkwardly slowly scooting away from Paige. 
Jazmine felt anger bubbling up inside when she saw Paige with Aniyah, she had so many questions, why were they out here alone, and why did they look so awkward and guilty. 
“What’s going on with ya’ll?” Jazmine questions annoyance covering her features.
“Nothing, we just chilling,” Paige mumbles, looking down.
 Agitation and sadness spread throughout Paige once she saw Jazmine, Aniyah knowing Jazmine made Paige realize that she 100% knows about the rumors or that they sleep together which made Paige a little worried, she wants to try to pursue something with the girl, and those two big factors make things a little more complicated for Paige.
“You ready to go?” Jazmine asks sharply to Aniyah while glaring over at Paige.
“Yeah, just gimme a minute, I'll  meet you out front” Aniyah says dismissing Jazmine.
“I can wait for you here” Jazmine says sitting in between Paige and Aniyah.
“ Chill, we just talking,” Paige grunts, feeling annoyed. 
“You can’t talk in front of me?” Jazmine questions angrily at the blond.
“Why you acting like this”? Paige asks, looking over at Jazmine, her nostrils flaring in the process.
“Like what, I’m just waiting for my friend” Jazmine challenges.
“Whatever bro” Paige mutters her voice low and tense.
Aniyah sat clueless at the end of the wicker couch confused on the nature of the relationship between the two girls, Jazmine always says that Paige did her friend dirty, but this is a little too intense. Jazmine seems way too jealous right now for her and Paige to not be way more familiar than her just being a friend of someone that Paige fucked in the past. 
“Get my number from Nu-Nu, imma go head and leave, I’ll talk to you later okay” Aniyah says standing up.
“Aight ma” Paige mumbles standing up and pulling Aniyah into a hug.
Jazmine stares angrily at Paige during the hug with Aniyah biting her tongue not wanting to expose the nature of her relationship with Paige, she will be addressing Paige about this later.
“Let’s go” Jazmine huffs getting up.
“Jazzy slow down, why are you so mad?” Aniyah says as she struggles to keep up with Jazmine.
“We’ll talk when we get to our dorm” Jazmine grumbles.
“Girl what, I wanna talk right now” Aniyah says not appreciating how Jazmine is treating her like a child.
“Why did you do the opposite of what I said with Paige” Jazmine questions her voice tense with anger. 
Aniyah blinks, not wanting to go off on Jazmine, taking a deep breath Aniyah pauses before continuing. 
“Because I wanted to, why are you so mad about this?” Aniyah questions her eyebrow raised slightly.
“I told you all the shit did to my friend, and you ignore that and still go fuck with her”Jazmine says her tone confused.
“I don’t want nor can I do a relationship, so I’m cool with just fucking around” Aniyah says nonchalantly shrugging. 
Jazmine rolls her eyes and says nothing to Aniyah, knowing that she would say some smart shit to her, and she damn sure didn’t want to have any issues with Aniyah. Both girls get inside the uber the energy between them is icy and tense. After getting to her dorm Aniyah wordlessly goes inside her room. She truly didn’t understand why Jazmine is being so weird about Paige, she appreciates the girl for trying to look out for her but she’s good. She’ll just check in with the girl and make sure they are still good when the sun comes out. 
  After completing her nightly routine Aniyah laid in bed scrolling through Tik Tok, when she got a message that made her smile grow immensely.
          203-436-2177: Hey ma its Paige
                   Read: 1:20 AM
Criticism more than welcomed
I hope y'all have a good day 💜
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all-pacas · 4 months
stupid chase 13 self indulgent sibling shit:
13 is the first one to jokingly refer to chase as her brother. except she calls him her younger brother. chase is like super touched but also hi i'm older than you "sure you are buddy". it's like an ironic "haha we're not actually siblings" joke except secretly no. it's not ironic
13 also has made at least a couple "let's go find dad" jokes about house. she finds it funny and deeply annoying that house and chase don't seem to Get It. it's very obvious to her that chase's deepest dream is for house to pat his shoulder and say "i'm proud my son" but they deny it
at least once 13 has pat chase's shoulder and gone "i'm proud my son"
at least once though. at least one time. "i killed my older brother." "i abandoned my younger sister to rehab." like they know. all their darkest shit. they don't want to be siblings because they did terrible things to their families. but it's why they are
they text. she's constantly sending him photos from her greek island. the food. the beach. look how hot my girlfriend is. he's in the middle of some gross procedure and gets a text of a beautiful sunset. he sends back a photo of a urine sample or some gross wound
when chase quit at the end of s8 and 13 swung by the next episode to talk with wilson the next day? she was staying with chase while she was in town. they mostly just hung out and watched nature documentaries. when wilson called she was like "oh i just happen to be in new jersey, let's meet up" while wearing sweats and sitting on chase's sofa
chase offers to kill her since house is gone and can't. they come up with a rough timeline and plan and then never discuss it again. until it's time.
at least a few dark "oh, shit, i'm wilson now, aren't i?" jokes from her in return. shit, the new house has a dying best friend too! except with so much less sexual tension!! they joke because they can't bring themselves to be serious about it. she tries to set him up with new friends. big advocate for choreman
idk but i get the feeling they'd watch crappy reality tv together.
they'll sometimes just have the darkest and most serious 1 am conversations about morality and souls and what makes a person good or evil, and then the next time they see one another instead of following up it's just "did you see real housewives last night"
chase has never asked 13 for a favor. like he'll ask her little things or let her pay for lunch, but that's about it. meanwhile she can call him at 2 am and he'll show up no questions asked. maybe kind of grumpy about it tho. kind of pisses her off he never lets her return the favor and sort of shut himself off emotionally after s6. but also it's nice? not the "chase's turn towards cynicism" part, but having a standing no questions asked deal.
when he annoys her enough, 13 DOES call chase "robbie" or worse "bobby" but he's never called her by her first name and probably never will
he didn't tell her he got stabbed and she was mad about it because see above. that was a real bobby day
chase knows she doesn't want to fuck around with more huntington's trials but he reads EVERY article and EVERY journal, just in case some miracle comes up. 13 meanwhile follows fake african country politics with a weird intensity to make sure diabla's forces aren't regaining power. they never discuss either thing with one another.
first time 13 visited Chase MD office she forced him to pose in front of the door and took like 15 photos like it was bobby's first day of school. absolutely humiliating
chase goes to 13 and amy's wedding. he's the only one of the PPTH folks who do (taub sends a card. they forgot to tell foreman.)
once 13 was like "we're both hot and single and should do what hot, single people do!" "....have...sex...?" "no, go to a gay bar" they actually go quite a few times
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svuobsessed · 6 months
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Olivia Benson X Fem Reader
I've been obsessed with Law and Order SVU for ages and only now I'm making this for Olivia.
She's so pretty I'm so Gay for Olivia Benson!
Summary: After a long tiring case Olivias girlfriend comes to the station to take her home and ends up meeting the team.
Third person pov...
Olivia Benson, the detective at the Special Victims Unit (SVU), had just finished a long and tiring case.
She and her Team had spent the entire week at the station, poring over evidence, interviewing suspects, and ultimately solving the heinous crime. Olivia was exhausted and couldn't wait to go home and relax.
As she was packing up her things, her phone buzzed. It was her girlfriend, Y/N, checking in on her.
Babe <3
Hey finished work, want a lift home?
Liv smiles down at her phone, ignoring the raised eyebrow Elliot sent her way she began texting back.
Sure, jsut finished myself
Great, see you soon <3
Y/N was a doctor and often worked long hours as well, but she always made time for Olivia, especially when she knew her partner had a difficult case.
As she packed up Olivia's mind replayed the horrifying details of the case she just solved. As a detective in the SVU, Olivia dealt with some of the most disturbing and heartbreaking cases.
It took a toll on her mental and emotional well-being, but she never let it show. Olivia was a strong and resilient woman, and she was grateful to have such a wonderful and supportive girlfriend.
Just as she was about to leave, Y/Ns familiar face appeared at the doorway of the SVU bullpen, Olivia's tired eyes lit up at the sight of her girlfriend.
"Y/N!" She exclaimed, the H/C woman smiled at how happy she was to see her, the woman shared a hug and quick kiss, as the broke away the rest of the team were staring.
Blushing Olivia dragged Y/N closer to her team. "Everyone, this is Y/N, My amazing girlfriend" Olivia said with a proud smile.
The team were surprised that she had a girlfriend Fin spoke first. "Happy for you baby girl" he said pulling Liv in for a hug and kissing her temple, Munch gave his support as well as Cragen.
After a getting to know everyone Liv pulls away from the group to finish packing up her things, as she does Elliot pulls Y/N aside.
Crossing his arms and squaring his shoudlers he looks at the shorter woman. "You love her right?" He questions her, Y/N looks at the man then at Liv a smile on her face.
Looking the Detective in his eyed shed nods. "Yes I do I love her, she's my rock and I'm hers" she tells him seriously.
Satisfied Elliot smiles and pats her shoudler, Liv then walks over bag in hand as the man leaves, raising a perfect eyebrow at him. "What did he want?" She askes her girlfriend.
Y/N takes her bag and holds her hand. "Nothing much, let's go home" they left the building and walked hand in hand to Y/Ns car, ready to leave the chaos of the station behind.
As they drove home, Olivia finally allowed herself to relax and talk about the case with Y/N She shared the gruesome details and the satisfaction of finally bringing closure to the victim's family.
Y/Nlistened intently, providing a comforting presence for Olivia.
When they arrived home, Y/N had a hot bath ready for Olivia, knowing how mentally exhausting her job could be.
As Olivia soaked in the tub, Y/N prepared a cozy dinner for them, and they spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on the couch, watching their favorite movie.
Y/N presence was like a healing balm for Olivia after a long day at work. She knew how to take care of her partner, both physically and emotionally.
As they drifted off to sleep that night, Olivia couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/N love and support. She knew she couldn't do what she did without her by her side.
The next day, as Olivia returned to work, her colleagues noticed a change in her demeanor. She was more at ease, and there was a glint of happiness in her eyes.
They all knew that it was because of Y/N and they were grateful to have finally met the person who brought such joy to their dear friend and colleague.
the end!
Hope you liked this oneshot for Olivia, i plan to write more of these oneshots.
Requests are open!
Word count: 790
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tartarusknight · 2 years
Eddie had this thing where he'd lie to the simplest questions. Honestly, it wasn't even because he thought it was funny or that he felt uncomfortable. It was just that sometimes someone would ask him something, and a lie would come out. Well, it wasn't the truth either.
Because Eddie grew up having to lie. His dad told him to lie to the cops. His mom told him to lie to his dad. Wayne told him not to let people know why Eddie was kicked out, that he was a queer. Soon, lying became a part of his performance, and Eddie was always the performer.
But eventually, it got to the pint where he'd panic at the thought of telling the truth in moments when he didn't feel in control. So he'd lie about the most basic things.
Like once Dustin asked what his favorite color was, and without hesitating, Eddie replied, "Forest green." Like sure, green was a nice color, but he always loved red. And he didn't want to be like, "Haha, I was just lying. I like red," so he gave Dustin a smile and continued on.
It never really was a big thing. He could just confuse people later when someone inevitably asked again. However, there were a few things that started to go downhill. He moved in with Wayne and told the older man he was allergic to celery. He wasn't, but he told this huge story that had Wayne believing. So, Wayne went out of his way to make sure he was always good.
Or when Gareth asked if he played anything else and he lied and spun a story of playing piano with his mother. And the time when Mike asked if he was doing okay after the Upside Down and Eddie went off on a tangent about how well he was adjusting. (Although he's sure the kid knew that was a lie)
Anyways, don't yell at him. He knew it was wrong, okay? He just could stop it. And he wished he could when it came to Steve. Steve made him nervous, honestly. He was hot and kind, and he always listened to Eddie. Three perfect qualities. And even better, Eddie had watched him rip a demobat apart with his bare hands. So yeah, if Steve wasn't kind, Eddie would be scared of him, but... Eddie mostly just wants to bite him. (Aka, he has a pathetic crush on him)
And when Eddie got crushes, his anxiety spiked, and so did his lying. Which wasn't going great. Steve asked if he was busy, Eddie spun this story of a trip to Indy with Gareth. Steve asked what his favorite food was, and Eddie said he liked smoothies more than solid food. Steve asked him what the black hanky stood for, and Eddie said how he wanted to be a pirate when he was younger. He asked more and more and Eddie continued to lie.
However, it got really annoying when Robin asked him, as she stood next to Steve if he was a friend of Dorothy's, and Eddie pretended not to know what they were talking about. Even as their expressions dimmed and Eddie continued on like nothing was wrong.
Or when Steve asked if he had his eye on anyone and Eddie's mouth started up while his brain froze. He wasn't exactly sure what he said, but he knew it wasn't that he was gay and in love with him, so....
Eventually, Erica called him out on it. They were watching a movie he lied and said he had never seen before. She looked at him with an annoyed expression on her face. "Why do you do that?"
Everyone looked confused, but Eddie just looked away, "do what?"
She snorted, "Lie."
He tensed up but forced himself to shrug. She didn't look like she bought it. He huffed, and words just spilled out. "Lie? Why would I lie? There's no reason to. Honestly, Lady Applejack, I don't understand why you would-"
"Cut the shit, Edward." She snapped.
"Erica," a chorus sounded from the group, and Eddie winced.
"But you do lie a lot." Dustin said softly, and Eddie felt like he might make a break for it.
"He doesn't lie a lot," Steve said, jumping to his aide. Which made Eddie feel like dying honestly. Robin nodded, but the kids didn't look convinced.
Dustin sat up, "Eddie what's your favorite food?"
And the words just spilled out, "this is ridiculous. I'm not a pathologic liar."
But Nancy was on the scent now. "Then answer the question."
And he would, but he knows he gave each kid a different answer. "So, I have to prove myself you?" He didn't even put any hurt in his tone. No, he was too busy trying not to break down.
"No he does-"
Except Eddie didn't want Steve to defend him. "Don't," he begged, and Steve's eyes widened. "Fuck," he jumped up and stormed out of the living room. He could hear the party, but words seemed to blur together.
His childhood had been ruined because of liars, and he had become one. Now, he'd ruin his future because he became who his parents raised after all. They'd all realize he couldn't help it. That he was just a coward in every way.
"Eddie!" Steve called, and Eddie pulled open his van door, but Steve shoved it shut. "Eddie, I'm sorry they have no -"
Eddie turned towards him and could feel the tears falling. "Stop defending me!" He snapped and watched Steve take a step forward before he faltered. "They're fucking right! Don't you get that! I'm a Liar, Steve!"
Steve finally took the step closer, "It's okay."
Eddie knocked him back, "no its not! I just can't stop it! My mouth moves on its own, and I can help it! My nerves get the best of me, and I say shit like, no, Steve, I'm not gay! I'm completely straight! I'm totally not in love with you! But I'm going to pretend to be busy so I don't have to deal with the anxiety of lying to you day in and day out!"
"Oh," Steve says softly, and Eddi looks away. "You love me?"
Eddie's mouth starts up, "what I didn't -"
Steve covers his mouth, "I've been trying to get a read on you for months. God, you have not been helpful. So I'm just going to say that I like you too. I really do, and I'm like a hair trigger from loving you, honestly. Robin was sure that you weren't straight, but then you monologed about how badass Nancy was and well..." Eddie winced and flushed at the idea of saying Nancy was his type. "You don't have to be scared of us. You're our friend, and we care about you."
Eddie nods, and Steve pulls his hand back. "I'm a terrible person."
Steve snorts, "Nah, you're human. Robin rambles when she's nervous. You lie. I flirt. The holy trinity."
Eddie rolls his eyes, "Oh yeah, a holy trinity."
Steve clears his throat, "So, if I'm not reading this wrong, you'd go on a date with me?"
Eddie nods, "yeah."
A Part 2 done by @fairy-princette
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saikoucorps · 2 months
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☆ pairings : nicole x jecka (emicole mentioned)
☆ category : angst / almost no comfort
ꪆ୧ summary : nicole realizes how jealous jecka gets over emily, and she may or may not have mutual feelings for her. (part two(?) of the previous post, read part one. This is told in Nicole's pov.. so not really a part two.)
:ఌ¨ ♱ warning(s): nicole is oblivious and very gay (may be OOC I'm not used to writing for Nicole ( ´△`) )
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☆ Another lecture. Nicole was stuck listening to Jecka complain about how she has a new friend. She didn't understand why she was so worried about this. It's not like they were dating, or whatever couples argue about.
"God Nicole, you can't be serious right now."
No, she can't be serious. This is all fucking ridiculous.
"Dude why the fuck does it matter? You're not my only friend."
Nicole wanted to leave. She wanted to walk away from this conversation like she does with every other one of her problems. This wasn't worth her time— why the fuck is she so bothered?
"That's not the fucking issue here. She's crazy, Nicole. She's a bad influence."
Literally anyone could be crazy if you looked hard enough, almost all women are. Plus, Nicole was worse. Did she really just say she's a bad influence, has she met Nicole?
"Bad influence— what the fuck are you my mother? I'll hang out with whoever I want. You sound like a insecure boyfriend right now."
Jecka went silent. Maybe she was thinking about how gay she sounds. This shouldn't be a conversation in the first place.
"Whatever Nicole. You're either gonna end up dead or in fucking jail because of her."
"I'm gonna end up dead either way, not my problem."
The rest was a blur, Nicole had walked away. Something she probably should've done earlier. Why did she let that drag for so long?
It didn't matter anyways. She was being a bitch for no reason. Emily wasn't even that bad. She was crazy, yes. But it's what made her cooler. And she was hot as hell, hotter than her! What isn't there to like about Emily? Maybe Jecka is just mad she's better. Well, kind of. She wasn't going to place bets.
"Yo Nicole! Over here!" Emily was across the cafeteria, waiting for her. Due to remedial classes, they have lunch way later than everyone else. That doesn't stop them though, they still skip for regular lunch. It's unfortunately how Nicole ended up in that lame argument.
They continued to hang out over the next few days, getting into all kinds of trouble. It was fun, Emily was fucking awesome to be around. Nicole rarely saw Jecka around. She didn't really care or realize it. But, she did know she had cigarettes on her.
"Hey, so, you got any cigarettes right now?"
"No. But I know someone who does. I'll be right back."
They were at lunch again, Emily needed to smoke apparently. Nicole knew Jecka always had cigarettes on her.
"Yo dude, do you have any cigarettes on you?"
Jecka just stared at Nicole with this look. Nicole couldn't really describe it. She looked mad, shocked, and disappointed all at once. Nicole didn't realize that though.
"Are you fucking serious Nicole."
Nicole didn't have time for this right now, knowing Emily she probably gets inpatient really fast.
"What? Seriously I'm in a hurry—"
"No Nicole, I don't. Maybe you should fucking ask Emily."
"I'm asking for her dipshit."
"Whatever. We're done Nicole, don't fucking talk to me."
"Is this over the cigarette? Dude it was just a question—"
Great. Jecka walked off. Whatever, she'll just have to tell Emily there's no cigarette. Wait, did she seriously just end their friendship? Over what, a cigarette? A question? What the hell?
"Sorry man. No cigarette."
"Great. Just fucking great. I'll have to suck off one of the teachers here for one, or the guys. Shit, Nicole maybe one of them can get me one for free? I'm hot enough, yeah?"
"Yeah dude, totally."
Nicole was pretty quiet the rest of the day. She tried to think of every reason possible, what the hell is she so worried for? And why does Nicole care so much?
This shouldn't bug her. She'll just switch schools anyways so what's the issue? Jecka is just.. another person she meets.
So why did it hurt so much?
There wasn't any communication from them for a while. Neither of them had the guts to say anything. Nicole didn't realize shit until she heard Ari in the bathroom. She was talking about a crush she had on one of the girls here, and how everything she did mattered to Ari. Like she wanted to make her happy, or something. It hit Nicole, is that what Jecka felt like? Did Jecka like her? No, did Nicole like her? Nicole didn't care, yet she realized what was wrong.
Nicole didn't care, yet she was willing to apologize.
Nicole liked Jecka, and Jecka supposedly felt the same. Well, she thinks anyways. She just knows she has to apologize. She didn't care, but for Jecka, she did.
So Nicole opened her phone, just to text her.
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petz5 · 4 months
it always makes me sad when ppl accuse akane of being homophobic just because she very clearly struggled to accept being bisexual. esp when its used as an argument to say shampoo "has always loved all of ranma" bc she, checks notes, hugs him in girl form sometimes. like bestie??? shampoo did not canonically have a sexuality crisis. ranma's curse is a problem that can be fixed in her eyes instead of an intrinsic part of who he is. shampoo does not see it as hugging another girl, and 9/10 times she pulls out a kettle and changes him back to a guy mid hug anyway
akane couldn't stand guys save for one man who was a very safe choice for a crush (ie completely unrealistic, obviously never going to happen, like gay ppl irl arguing they can't be gay bc they find a celebrity hot), she was basically told by kasumi "if you keep acting like that people will think you're gay", when nabiki told her she thinks ranma's curse is cool akane immediately was like "but what if people see us together and think I'M a pervert too?" LIKE.. this isn't a series where the whole cast can be some flavor of lgbt bc akane coming to terms w being bisexual and ranma coming to terms w being a girl is such an important part of the story and that just falls apart if its totally safe and normalized and they're just being weirdly conservative about it. akane getting to the point where she can say she likes him the way he is (with the curse), and point to him in girl form and lovingly say "that's my fiancé" feels earned bc she had to grow as a person to get to that point and stop worrying abt everyone else's opinion of her. which, again, would not be a problem in a society where homophobia didnt exist. like damn are you gonna call me homophobic next bc when i was 11 and questioning i told a friend if i realized i was gay i'd just keep it to myself and die alone??? most people don't instantly make peace w those kinds of things
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melswifeasf · 1 year
Safest in your arms pt 6
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Pairing: Georgia Miller x Fem!OC
Summary: night smoke seshs continue with Georgia and Samantha.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI cursing, drug use, underage drinking, age gap relationships (18 and 30) grooming, sexual themes.
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SMOKE BLEW OUT into the night as Samantha and Georgia were sitting on the blondes balcony. each of them had less than half of a blunt left, they had been outside for half an hour now. it was past midnight and Samantha made sure to wait until Georgia texted her that her daughter was asleep before she went over. it had been five days since they kissed at sophomore sleepover and things were.. interesting. after the kiss Samantha expected Georgia to avoid her again and half expected the same from herself but the blonde woman ended up texting her the night after asking if she wanted to come over. Samantha would never give up an opportunity to spend more time with her so she accepted.
from then on it was the same routine, Georgia would text her and Samantha would go over with weed for both of them or sometimes just for the blonde since she wasn't the kind to smoke every day. even though things were great between them, they hadn't actually brought up the kiss or talked about what it could mean. initially Samantha was fine with that, it's not like she was expecting a date out of it or for them to even become a thing but that didn't mean she was opposed to a little clarification on where they stood. she wondered if they could kiss whenever they were in private or if she was allowed to send flirty messages, she needed to know in order to not make the blonde uncomfortable. that's the last thing she wanted.
they had kissed a couple of times since, on the first day Georgia kissed her goodbye which left the raven girl a blushing gay mess. since that Georgia would sometimes kiss her spontaneously, it would at times end with a make-out session or other times it would just be to fluster the young girl. it was safe to say it worked.
"so," Samantha spoke up as she watched Georgia put out the very small remainder of the blunt in her ashtray. she had opted out of smoking since she had taken her medication a lot later than usual and she didn't want to have a bad trip, she had made that mistake before. the blonde raised a brow in question. "i know i said i'd never mention it again, but.." she trailed off trying to find the most respectful way to word her sentence. she had one hand holding her vape, her her head leaning against the wall as she faced Georgia. "why did you take that money? i thought you had a rich husband" she asked and brought the watermelon flavored vape to her lips.
Georgia chuckled softly at her words, "it's a little complicated." she said half expecting Samantha to just let it go but that wasn't the case. her words only ignited more curiosity in the girl.
"we have all night." Samantha shrugged with a small smile, far too excited to learn more about the her hot neighbor who she most definitely has the hots for.
Georgia shook her head with an amused chuckle as she threw her head back against the railing softly, "i'm not getting out of this, am i?"
the raven girl shook her head, "nope" she said simply. they hadn't had truly deep conversation in since they started whatever it is they were. most of the time they would just talk about Ginny and her new boyfriend or about their day. most of the time it was Georgia talking about her day per Samanthas request. the only time they had a more sentimental conversation was when Samantha talked about how she and her friends became a group.
Georgia let out a dramatic sigh, "well.. technically i was married but his ex wife is contesting the will." she explained with slight distaste. Samantha chuckled at that.
she nodded, "what are you gonna do about it?" she asked and brought the vape up to her lips once more. she made sure to turn her head before blowing the smoke, not wanting it to get in the blondes face.
the blonde shrugged, "i have my lawyers working on that but considering i don't have that money we're kind of broke." she said.
Samantha's eyebrows furrowed, "are you sure taking money is the best idea though? everyone knows everything about everyone in this town." she explained. she would never judge Georgia for what she was doing, if she were to have two kids who relied on her financially then she would also do anything to make it from day to day. more importantly, her school had more funding then anything else in the town and Georgia needed it more then the school did.
"don't worry about that, i make sure to be careful" she said waving her off. even though that should've been enough for Samantha to change the conversation topic and move on, she couldn't. what if Georgia was caught? her reputation would be ruined and everyone in the town would make sure no one ever gave her a job again. she would probably go to jail on top of that too.
"i could always help out," tue younger girl said before she could stop herself. "i have a lot of savings and you could just pay me back whenever you get the money." she said trying to further convince the blonde. she didn't need the money as much as Georgia did, it was mostly just for college and she knew she would most likely get a full ride and most of the time she just spent money on drugs or buying things online.
Georgia frowned, "i don't need your money." she quickly said, a little too defense that Samantha couldn't help but think she had offended her.
"it's really not a big deal Georgia, most of my money will just be frozen until i move out and even then, my parents are fortunate and money really isn't a problem" she tried to reason. Samantha sat up a little straighter now, her vape long forgotten on her lap as her face turned more serious.
"im not taking your money Samantha. i've been getting by since i got here, i really don't need handouts" she shook her head. her posture stiffened, a very obvious sign that she wasn't enjoying having this conversation.
Samantha sighed, "it's not a hand out. it's like - a loan. you can pay me back whenever you can."
Georgia shook her head once more, not at all budging. it was understandable but that didn't stop Samantha from feeling slight disappointment. "i don't need it, Samantha. i'm serious. now can we please talk about something else" she said a slight snap in her voice.
Samantha swallowed, not taking her annoyance to heart knowing how she must feel. no adult would want a teen offering them money because they don't have enough. that would make anyone annoyed. she flashed the blonde a small smile as she nodded her head. "so.." she trailed off, "how was your day?" she asked trying to lighten the atmosphere.
it was then that a smile finally began to twitch on the woman's lips, "it was okay. how was yours?" she asked.
Samantha shrugged, "basic. i got a fifty dollar tip though." she said with an excited smile that only made Georgias lips curl into a matching expression. it wasn't irregular seeing Samantha smile like this, Georgia had seen that when she was with her friends or family but it was different in that instant. there was a simplicity to her smile that made the blonde question why it was the first time she had seen it. the raven haired girl seemed to always have something weighing on her. there always seemed to be a distant look in her eyes, with her friends, family and even the first night they smoked together.
"can i ask you something?" Georgia spoke up, her smile fading just a little, it alerted Samantha that this would be a more serious conversation. a slight dread began to brew in her stomach. she really hoped it wouldn't be anything to make the air between them even more thick, especially not after the conversation they just had.
Samantha cleared her throat, now remembering about the vape on her lap as she grabbed it and brought it up to her lips. she inhaled deeply before letting the smoke out into the peaceful night. "sure." she answered.
"the first night we talked i asked if you had a girlfriend and you said no because you had a complicated relationship before," she said earning a nod from the younger girl. "what happened?" the blonde asked with slightly furrowed brows.
the slight dread in Samanthas stomach seemed to deepen at her words. this wasn't what she expected her to ask and frankly she would've rather she asked quite literally anything else. as much as she knew Georgia wasn't someone that went to her school and could gossip about it, she was Ginny's mother and she couldn't risk her telling her. besides, she simply wasn't ready to talk about it, she could barely mention her name in front of her friends, much less talk about what happened.
"it's a long story" Samantha said looking down at her lap with the same distant look in her eyes that Georgia had grown used to seeing. the young girl quickly shook it off as she looked back up at the blonde and spoke once more. "but i should get home. it's late after all." she said and leaned in toward the blonde. without a second thought she kissed her softly, it only lasted three seconds and her when she pulled away Georgias eyes were still closed.
a giddy feeling formed in her chest at the sight, the kiss was spontaneous even for her. if she wasn't so caught up on the question she had just asked, she never would've done it. she never thought she'd be brave enough to initiate a kiss with the blonde and yet here she was. Georgias eyes fluttered open once Samantha was standing, the raven girl shot her one last smile before she began to climb down from the balcony. she missed the way the blondes mouth opened and closed, any thought in her head disappearing as she watched Samantha run across the street and toward her home.
the regular lunch time rush at blue farm was giving Samantha a headache. it was the first time she had to work before classes ended. considering she had half days she figured she'd pick up earlier shifts so she could have time to hang out with her friends later into the day. although she was kind of regretting that now.
the girl had just gone on her break as she sat down in front of Nia. the brunette had been keeping her company since her shift started, although she really wasn't doing a good at that, she had been on her phone since the moment she sat down. it was weird, Nia wasn't really the type to be so engrossed in her device, especially not when it was just the two of them. it didn't happen often, most of the time someone else from the group would be with them and although there weren't any secrets in the group, there were just some things they only kept to each other. one of those things being Georgia - Samantha had yet to tell her since they weren't usually alone. she had hoped it would be a good day to tell her then but the brunette hadn't even realized she was sitting in front of her.
"earth to Nia" Samantha said expecting the girl to finally snap out of her little daze. that wasn't the case, instead Nias lips curled into a smile and tint of pink covered her face that only made Samantha question what was so important that she was engrossed in her phone. Samantha rolled her eyes and brought her hand toward the girl, she snapped her fingers twice, immediately getting the brunettes attention.
"what?" she asked in surprise. she turned her phone off quickly after and set it faced down on the table.
"who were you talking to?" Samantha questioned with a raised brow.
"i wasn't talking to anyone"
"uh-huh. were you watching a thirst trap or something?" she questioned further, a hint of sarcasm dripping in her tone. Nia looked confused by her words which made her best friend roll her eyes at how oblivious she was being. "you had a shit eating grin. tell me who you were talking to." she said motioning to the phone.
Nia kept her confused face but Samantha didn't back down from her stance. three seconds later the brunette sighed heavily, "fine." she groaned, her facial features relaxing. "but you can't tell anyone" she said quickly after, holding her pointer finger at her friend in warning.
Samantha chuckled, "seriously? who would i tell? you know all my secrets, i wouldn't risk it." she answered. Nia rolled her eyes knowing what her best friend had said was true. her hands slowly found their way to her phone where she gripped it tightly, an uncontrollable smile making its way onto her lips. the action made Samantha match her smile.
"so.." she trailed off trying to find the words to tell her friend. "remember sophomore sleepover?"
Samantha's eyebrows furrowed slightly, "how could i forget? you two were so drunk you threw up in Gittens trash" she said with a shiver of disgust. although that wasn't why she couldn't forget, the answer was blonde and beautiful but it wasn't the right time to tell her.
Nia rolled her eyes at her statement, "okay that wasn't my fault. Matthew stuffed me with popcorn and it made me sick." she shrugged. Samantha chuckled but motioned for her to hurry up and spill. "so you know when you were gone for like half an hour? which i really dont understand considering you were just supposed-"
"yes yes, i know. we've been over this a hundred times. now please don't try to distract me from my original question" she said cutting off her friends rambling.
with yet another eye roll the brunette began to talk, "okay so.. Matthew and i kind of started talking.." she said her eyes drifting away from her friend and down at her phone. Samantha could see the way she was biting her lip to try and contain her smile and the shine in her eyes.
"no shit. did you two..?" she trailed off knowing her friend would get what she was implying.
Mia shook her head quickly, "what? no! ew! like i would ever have sex at school." she quickly responded with a grimace.
Samantha chuckled at her reaction, "okay so what happened?"
"nothing.. we just talked about stuff. he was actually kind of sweet," she said sheepishly, the blush Samantha had seen before coming back. "he didn't talk about any of his flings or try to flirt with me like he always does. he just.. asked me stuff about me, stuff he probably already knew and yet he acted like he was genuinely interested."
the raven haired girl smiled at her words. she wanted to be happy for Nia, wanted to be as excited as she looked on the outside but she couldn't be. Matthew had a habit of breaking girls hearts, intentionally and sometimes unintentionally and she didn't want Nia to be one of those girls. there was always something there and maybe Matthew did have feelings for Nia, feelings even he didn't understand but she wasn't sure them exploring that would be the best. not only would it break the group apart but one of them would wind up hurt - that person almost definitely being Nia which would result in most of the group turning their backs on Matthew. Samantha loved them both equally and she could never choose sides. but she was getting too ahead of herself and people could change.
so she did what a good friend would do, she plastered on a smile. "does someone have a crush?" she asked in a teasing tone.
Nia groaned, covering her flushed face with her right hand. "oh my god, stopp" she said in obvious embarrassment.
Samantha laughed, "okay i'll stop. but do you actually?" she asked a lot more serious now. her right hand slowly reached across the table to grab Nias, once she was holding her hand she squeezed softly in reassurance.
"i don't know?" Nia said, "i mean, i think i've always had a crush on him but that night it wasn't just like - a crush. i felt something real, something i hadn't before and ever since he's been texting me every day. whether it's good morning or goodnight texts and sometimes he'll even call me before bed to ask me how my day was." she gushed with a dreamy voice that only made the smile on Samanthas lips widen.
whether or not she thought they were a good idea, she couldn't deny that they would be a great couple. they complimented each other well and seeing Nia this happy was everything Samantha wanted. "then i think i'm happy for you." she responded softly.
Nias features softened, "really? you don't think i'm being delusional for thinking he could like me back?"
"of course not," Samantha shook her head. "Matthew is an idiot who doesn't know what he wants, like most teen boys but if he's making an effort for you then that must mean something, right?" she continued hoping it would reassure Nia more.
the brunette nodded, "you're right." she said.
"just take things slow, okay? until you both know what you want. it's better to have things be awkward for a couple days then to have things be awkward for good." she said. she felt slightly selfish for thinking about the group dynamic before their relationship but she couldn't afford to lose any of them, they really were like her family and she couldn't live without them.
"yeah. maybe it's just a dumb crush anyway" Nia said with a slight shrug. even though she was trying to come off as indifferent, Samantha could see right through her. she couldn't tell her that though, Nia and Matthew needed to figure things out on their own and she couldn't meddle in that. even if she thought they'd be a cute couple above anything else.
deep breaths were leaving the girls lungs as she exhaled and inhaled deeply, she was trying her best to keep it steady but that didn't stop it from wavering slightly every couple of minutes. sweat was forming on her forehead, she could feel her back wet from it and her chest as well. her legs were hugged by black leggings and the sweater she had brought thinking she'd need to shield herself from the morning wind was forgotten and tied around her waist. she had ran two miles by now and she could see her house down the street from where she was. it was just a warm up to finish her day, it was her rest day anyway.
her pace began to slow the closer she got closer to her house, her breathing slowing with it. she was lightly jogging on the sidewalk when her eyes subconsciously trailed to a certain home. it seemed to be that way a lot lately, when she was driving home, alone in her room or simply sitting outside with her friends. somehow her eyes would always trail to that damn house where the woman she had the biggest crush on lived. much like most mornings she saw the blonde tending to her garden. usually she wouldn't be bold enough to go over and say something, she'd just shoot her a smile and admire from afar but she was feeling particularly bold that day. with one last glance toward her home, to make sure no one was looking, she jogged across the street to meet with the older woman.
Georgia was on her knees, seemingly planting something new, she had her regular sun hat and a pink blouse on. her white shorts were decent, they didn't show off much skin but that didn't stop Samantha from looking. once she was in ear reach she spoke, "howdy neighbor." she called out immediately getting the blondes attention. she glanced at her for a quick second, a smile forming on her lips before she turned back to her garden.
"is my accent rubbing off on you?" she responded as she began to stand, once she was she dusted herself off.
Samantha shrugged, "you could say that. or maybe other things are rubbing on me." she shrugged sending her a sly wink.
Georgia snorted, "is this your attempt in flirting? i've got to say it's not as smooth as i thought you were." she said and crossed her arms. she tilted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing to take a closer look at the girl. her actions made Samantha glance at her chest, her pink v-neck showing it off quite a lot which made her swallow dryly. god she was hot.
the blonde wasn't far behind, her eyes raked down the girls body. her chest was glistening with sweat, her stomach on full display and she could clearly see how defined it was. she had noticed that before, Samantha didn't shy away from crop tops but seeing it glistening with sweat, drops of it threatening to run down her stomach just made her realize how attractive they really were. Samantha's staring didn't last long so she quickly saw how she was being checked out, the thought bringing a smirk to her lips.
"like what you see?" she asked in a slightly teasing tone. the blonde didn't seem to be embarrassed she got caught as she took her time meeting her eyes once more.
"how could i not?" she shot back with the same tone.
Samantha chuckled softly, "you look beautiful by the way. really digging the whole 'hot mom across the street' thing we've got going on right now." she said sending a wink her way.
Georgia rolled her eyes at her words, "you really need to work on your flirting there."
a gasp left the raven girls lips, "i'm quite offended you would even say that," she said in an exaggerated manner. Georgia raised a perfectly shaped brow which cause Samantha to chuckle. her eyes sweeper her surroundings in a second before she turned back to the blonde and took two steps closer. it wasn't enough for anyone to question their relationship but enough go the point in which Samantha could see the lacy white bra the blonde was wearing. "maybe you'll think differently when i take you out later." she said lowly although it wasn't necessary since no one else could hear them, it made the blonde shiver so in a sense it was necessary in Samantha's mind.
"your taking me out now?" Georgia asked, her eyebrow still raised in a questioning manner.
Samantha shrugged, "if that's cool with you. it'll be late and i know a place." she said now feeling a lot shyer. she had no idea what came over her inviting Georgia out like this, it wasn't even in her plan. it simply popped up and the words left her lips before she had time to even process anything.
there was a beat of silence which made Samanthas heartbeat accelerate, the blonde seemed to be thinking of something and that alone made the younger girl worry it was of ways to reject her. had she took things further then she wanted? was she moving too fast? did Georgia just was a warm body to fill her emptiness in the depths of the night so she wouldn't feel cold and alone? there seemed to be a dozen bad thoughts all jumbled in Samantha's head but none of those things were the reality she was in.
"okay." Georgia nodded.
"really?" Samantha squeaked embarrassingly. the blonde chuckled in amusement and nodded her head, "cool so i'll text you?" she said trying to play it off.
Georgia nodded once more with an amused smile, "i'll be waiting."
those words erupted a swarm of butterflies in the girls ribcage, the kind that made her feel queasy and a fuzzy warm feeling to spread in her chest. she really hoped the warm that was moving up to her face wasn't visible. they shared one last smile before Samantha turned around to leave with a huge grin and a an excited feeling in her stomach. her eyes were trained on the floor as she walked across the street, it wasn't until she was in front of her house that she saw two teens standing in her driveway with gaped mouths. fuck.
hurried footsteps echoed throughout the home as the three teens rushed upstairs. they made sure to say a quick hello to Ellen who looked at them confused when she saw how they were following her daughter like lost puppies. once the door closed behind them, questions were being thrown at Samantha left and right.
"what the hell was that?!" Nia exclaimed as she watched her friend take off her sweater and throw it in her hamper. the shorter girl smiled softly seeing how bewildered her friends looked at what they had seen.
"since when are you and bootylicious friendly?" Matthew asked and laid down on the girls bed on his side. he reached toward where her pillows were and grabbed the scream plushy and pulled it close to him. Samantha rolled her eyes at her friends words. by now Nia was sat beside the teen boy.
"so, a couple of things have happened since Sophomore sleepover." she began.
both of her friends raised a brow in sync which their friend found quite amusing. she went to her dresser to grab her clothes so she could shower, further stretching the time to tell her friends what happened.
"and?" Nia snapped feeling rather impatient that her friend was dragging it out for so long.
the raven haired girl chuckled in amusement and finally turned to look at her friends. "so remember when i went to grab the lighter?" she asked now feeling a bit of deja vu from the day before when Nia had told her about she and Matthew. the brunette seemed to be thinking the same thing as she slyly looked at the boy from the corner of her eye. what Samantha didn't miss was the fact that Matthew was doing the same, thinking no one had seen him.
"when you took a million years?" Matthew said with a sarcastic smile.
Samantha laughed, "yeah sure. anyway, she was putting money away when i saw her and we kind of talked i guess then out of nowhere she just started kissing me." she said. although a lot of details were being left out, they weren't particularly important to the story. it didn't exactly affect the outcome of what happened, the kiss. the two teens looked just as shocked by her words, each of their eyes wide with eyebrows risen in complete and utter shock. even though it wasn't exactly the most shocking thing ever, they each knew at some point Samantha would wind up caving and talking to the blonde. the shocking part was the fact that Georgia had been the one initiating the kiss.
"you mean bootylicious kissed you?" Matthew asked mouth gaped. the scream stuffy was being squeezed in his embrace as a reaction of what he had heard.
Samantha nodded, "it surprised me too. then Max came in upset and Georgia went to console her and if i'm honest i was half expecting things to go down the way they did last time which is why i didn't tell you guys but she was the one who texted me and stuff." she explained.
"holy shit, my best friend is officially dating a milf" Matthew said with whilst nodding his head in shock.
Nia rolled her eyes at him, "not your best friend" she muttered.
"says who?" he quickly shot back, glaring at the girl. Samantha rolled her eyes at both of them.
"we aren't dating. it's just casual." she said hoping this was enough information for them to drop the subject. it wasn't that she didn't want to talk about it but she knew with Matthew in the conversation it would be an endless conversation of how she and the blonde were 'doing it'. before either of them could get a word in she grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom so she could shower, only to realize both Matthew and Nia had both followed her in there and were shoving one another through the doorway.
she laughed, "what the hell? i have to shower" she said and put her clothes down on the counter top.
"we need more than 'we're just casual'" Matthew said. leaning his body against the sink with his arms crossed.
Nia nodded whilst pointing at him, "hate to say it but he's right."
"hey" the boy said obviously offended, Nia ignored him, still staring at her best friend whilst she awaited an answer.
Samantha sighed, "there isn't even much to say. we are just hanging out" she shrugged.
"is she a bottom? she gives me bottom vibes" Matthew said with a slightly amused smile.
the raven girl rolled her eyes at him, her nose scrunching, "why are you thinking about this?"
the boy shrugged sheepishly, "what? it's not like i'm the only one thinking it"
"you kind of are," Nia said looking at him.
"give me details, you usually always would" she said referring to not only Samanthas ex girlfriend but also the many hookups she had.
"there aren't details" Samantha said, "we've kissed a couple times but that's pretty much it." she shrugged.
Matthew looked quite disappointed to hear that, "that is so lame."
Samantha looked at him, her eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed, "okay now you are just being weird" she said toward him, "and i really do have to shower so can you both please get out." she said opening the door and motioning for them to leave.
Matthew held his hands up in surrender, "fine. fine, i will be saying the same when you guys ask about the girls i hook up with." he said before sending the older girl a glare. with that he walked out of the bathroom with Nia behind who was muttering something about him needing to chill out.
Samantha shook her head with a slight smile tugging at her lips as she closed the door behind them.
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 2)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Eddie and Steve like each other, but unfortunately Eddie thinks Steve is dating Robin, and they're both generally just gay disasters who don't know how to communicate
(part one found here)
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Tattoo Artist!Eddie, Florist!Steve, fluff, gay panic, Platonic Soulmates Steve and Robin, Will is here and we love him, everybody is a sweetheart and an idiot, it's just cute and funny
A/N: Ha ha, remember when I said this would be two parts? I'm having so much fun with it that I'm making it three parts. I hope you don't mind??? Also this story is officially cross posted on Ao3 for those interested!
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“Steve, did you give Eddie a 50% tip?” Robin asked as they walked out of Ink About It.
“Well, I’ve never been that great at math,” Steve mumbled, blushing. 
“Uh-huh. I’m sure that’s the reason.”
“He did a great job?” Steve offered. He wasn’t even sure why he was denying the obvious. Robin knew Steve way too well to play these games. 
“You like Eddie,” she stated.
“I barely know him,” Steve shrugged.
“Yeah, but his work is permanently on your skin forever,” Robin pointed out. 
“Jesus, why did you have to say that?” Steve whined with a groan. “He’s hot, okay? Will you just leave it?”
He knew she wouldn’t leave it. It was kind of her specialty.
“It was just so cute seeing you be all flirty with him,” Robin said. 
“God, I hope it wasn’t that obvious.”
“Don’t worry, he was too focused on his work to notice,” she assured him. “Come on, we just did something big, let’s celebrate!”
So, they did.
The next time they worked together, the teasing was relentless. Steve couldn’t escape it due to the tattoo shop being right through the glass. He couldn’t help trying to see if Eddie was in there. 
“Oh my god, just go back there and talk to him,” Robin suggested.
“I can’t just go there, Robin,” Steve replied. “I’d have to, like, make another appointment or something.”
“You’re willing to get a new tattoo every time you see this guy, Dingus?” Steve chuckled.
“If I have to, sure.” Robin smacked him playfully on the arm. 
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Oh, and you’re any better?” Steve challenged. “Remind me again why you started working here.” Robin rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever, we’re both gay disasters,” she replied. “I still think you should go over there. I’ll cover for you.”
“Wait, you mean now?” Steve asked, confused. 
“Yeah,” Robin confirmed. “It’s been so slow I’m going crazy, Harrington. I need something to spice up the day, and this fits the bill.” She put her hands on his chest and pushed him backwards toward the front door. “Do it. Go.” Steve sighed.
“It’s a good thing I love you, Buckley.”
And with that, he was off to the tattoo parlor.
Bob took the morning off to take Will to brunch, leaving Eddie alone in the shop. He didn’t mind holding the fort, because he could plan breaks and moments to relax based on the appointments he had for the day. Tattoo shops were chill.
Most people generally knew not to walk into a tattoo place without notice. Appointments and communication beforehand were necessary so that the artist could design and adjust, plan their day, etc. 
Steve apparently didn’t have that memo. But when he sauntered into Ink About It, Eddie didn’t care about his lack of a heads up. 
He was wearing his work polo - light blue with the name of the flower shop over his heart. He looked a bit nervous, but Eddie figured that was because the man clearly did not fit into a place like this. 
“Back for more already?” Eddie teased. Steve blushed, and it was cute how nervous tattooing made him. He wondered if Steve regretted getting one in the first place. 
“I just have a question,” Steve said. He walked up to the counter and leaned his elbows on it, making the height difference between them drastic enough where Steve had to angle his chin up to make eye contact. 
“Shoot,” Eddie permitted. 
“Is the damn thing supposed to like - peel?” Steve asked. 
Eddie just about lost it. He never wanted to make someone feel bad for not knowing these things, but Steve was just so goddamn cute about it. He pressed his lips together as tightly as he could so he wouldn’t give himself away, then nodded. 
“Yup,” Eddie answered. “The first week or so you’ll see it flake off. Don’t pick at it or scrub it or anything.”
“Would it come off if I do?” Steve asked. 
Okay. Now the guy HAD to be fucking with him. Don’t laugh don’t laugh be professional do what Bob would do.
“I - uh, well no I’m afraid tattoos are permanent, Steve,” Eddie responded. Steve looked at him dumbly for a second, then shifted back up to standing and burst out laughing. 
Eddie watched, confused, until Steve spoke again. 
“I’m just fucking with you Eddie. I may not know a lot about tattoos, but I know they’re permanent, okay?” Eddie seeing Steve goof around like this was charming in a way Eddie hadn’t seen yet. He’d really only known Steve with a brave face on, caring for Robin when she got scared. Eddie had already been crushing on Steve, and hearing him laugh now took the crush to new heights. 
“Oh,” Eddie said, smiling back with a light chuckle. “Alright then. So yeah, if it’s flaking that’s okay, but I can look at it if you want.” Steve nodded, so Eddie gestured for them to go back to the space where Steve got the tattoo in the first place. 
Steve stood there awkwardly, looking at the table he was supposed to sit on, then down at his ankle, then back up. 
“How do you want me?” he asked. 
Eddie really wished he didn’t say that. 
“Uh, you can just sit like you did the other day and pull your pant leg up.” Steve did as told, crossing his left leg over his right so his ankle was in clear view. 
Eddie knew at first glance it was healing just fine, but he lingered on his work for an extra few seconds, just to extend the moment as much as he could. 
“So, what’s the verdict?” Steve asked, nervously. Eddie shook his head to get himself out of his daze. 
“Everything looks good,” he confirmed. “Maybe a bit dry. Are you putting lotion on it?”
Steve nodded, then named a kind of lotion Eddie knew was shit for this sort of thing, but it would do in a pinch. Eddie caught sight of the clock and realized Bob was going to show up with Will any moment. 
“I guess I should head out,” Steve said, noticing Eddie’s focus drifting to the time. 
“Uh, right,” Eddie said. He really did need Steve to go, but he didn’t want him to. “Yeah, I got - the manager is coming in soon with this kid who I guess is into art. I’m supposed to show him the ropes and -” Eddie paused, realizing he was just about to spill his whole guts to Steve without even thinking about it. 
“And?” Steve pressed. Shit. Eddie took a deep breath. 
“I guess the kid just came out and Bob thinks he needs another gay person to talk to or something,” Eddie admitted. 
“Oh,” Steve replied. Eddie couldn’t read his expression. He definitely looked a bit surprised, but most people did. Eddie couldn’t even count the amount of times someone had said something like, I had no idea. You don’t look it. Like, what the fuck does that even mean? He waited for Steve to say something similar, but instead the door opened. 
“Hey, Eds, we’re back!” Bob announced from the waiting area.
“Uh, good luck,” Steve mumbled, fixing his pant leg and standing up. He turned to leave, but froze when he saw the kid. “Will?”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Eddie asked, confused. 
“Uh, yeah. I kinda used to babysit him,” Steve answered. “How have you been, dude? You’re almost as tall as me now!”
Eddie and Bob watched as Will ran to Steve and hugged him, both of them smiling warmly. 
“I’m good! Things are good!” Will said. He separated from Steve and looked to Eddie. “You must be the artist Bob has told me about.”
“That’s me,” Eddie replied with a wave. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Well, I gotta get back to work,” Steve said, knowing that he was no longer supposed to be there. “But you’re in good hands with Eddie. He just gave me my first tattoo and he’s pretty great.”
Eddie had no idea why Steve was complimenting him so much. He could feel himself blushing. 
“You work at the place across the street?” Will asked. Steve nodded. “Yup, with Robin,” he answered. 
“Oh, how’s she doing?” Will asked. 
“She’s good. Same as always. Still the best person I know.”
Aww. That was sweet. But also annoying. For Eddie, anyway. Their goddamn relationship was long term and solid as ever, apparently.
Steve insisted again that he should get going, and then he was off. 
“So,” Eddie said, clapping his hands together. “What do you want to see first?”
They started with a tour of the place. Eddie showed Will his tattooing space first, going over the tools and explaining how it all worked. Then, Will started asking Eddie about his own tattoos, so they went over all of those next. It took a long time, because Eddie had a lot of tattoos to explain, each of them with their own backstory. Some backstories were more involved and coherent than others. Some of them just consisted of, “oh yeah, I was kinda tipsy and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Don’t do that by the way.”
“I don’t want a tattoo, anyway,” Will had responded. Eddie nodded, but had an inkling from the way Will was so fascinated by all this that he’d change his mind someday. 
After that, Eddie showed Will a bunch of designs he’d done in the past, then a few he was currently working on. Will ended up showing Eddie some of the drawings he’d done. 
“Oh, shit,” Eddie said, completely blown away. “You’re really talented, man.”
“Thanks,” Will replied with a smile. “I’ve been doing it my whole life.”
“That’s awesome. So, you think you’re gonna get into tattooing?”
“I dunno, maybe,” he responded with a shrug. “I’m going to college in the fall for art, but I don’t really know what I’m gonna do with it yet.”
“That’s soooo normal,” Eddie replied. He’d heard people say as much often, so he figured he’d pass the knowledge along. “I didn’t go to college, but I found my place here. I wasn’t an artist my whole life like you, but it turned out to kind of be perfect for me.”
“Isn’t it weird to have your designs on people’s bodies forever?”
“It’s kind of awesome, actually,” Eddie said with a grin. “It was a little wild at first to work on skin, but thankfully they had me start on oranges, first.”
“Really?” Will asked, amused. “I had no idea!”
“Yeah!” Eddie responded. “You wanna try?”
“You just have an orange lying around?” 
“I like citrus, what can I tell ya.”
Will practiced a few designs under Eddie’s watch. He caught a glimpse of Bob in the office, smiling at the two of them bonding. 
Will was cool. He was sweet. He was also sarcastic in a sneaky way. Sometimes he’d say something that caught Eddie off guard, just because Will seemed shy and quiet at first. He wasn’t, really. 
“I know why Bob wanted me to meet you,” Will said. They’d peeled the orange and were now splitting it.
“Hm?” Eddie asked. “I mean, so you could check out the shop, right?”
“It’s okay, I know he wants me to talk to other gay people,” Will pointed out, rolling his eyes. “Bob isn’t that slick.”
Eddie chuckled. Smart kid.
“Yeah, well I’ll talk about it if you want me to, but figured I’d let you bring it up first. When I was your age, I didn’t really wanna talk to anyone, but you’re a lot different than I was.”
“What do you mean?” Will asked. 
“Uhhhhhhh….” Eddie looked around nervously. Bob had closed the door to the office. “I was all over the place back then. I was the school freak - that’s literally what they called me.”
Eddie had gotten over the trauma of high school the last few years. His life stabilized, and he realized all the shit people thought about him were irrelevant. He left all of it behind, and he was a lot happier now. 
“People bully me too,” Will confessed quietly. 
“People suck,” Eddie said with a sigh. “I guess that much hasn’t changed since I graduated. Maybe we aren’t so different after all, then.”
Eddie didn’t think Will dealt drugs or got into fights like Eddie used to, but people don’t have to go through the same things to feel the same things. 
Eddie’s gay. This changes everything. 
Steve did his best to exit Ink About It calmly, and it took everything in him not to fully sprint across the street. He still ended up doing a fast walk that was basically a jog. 
He flung himself to the door and opened it, taking a deep breath. 
“Robin!” he shouted. 
His eyes focused on the absolute chaos happening in the shop. People were everywhere, like what the fuck? Robin was manning the register and answering questions as best as she could, but she was clearly in over her head. 
“Help,” she mouthed with terror in her eyes. 
Steve desperately wanted to tell her that this was karma for her saying she was bored and sending Steve away. He also wanted to tell her about his time at Ink About It. But there were other priorities first. 
Steve quickly swooped in to help her cash customers out. She scurried to the back to handle the many customers who wanted to know about the various flowers being sold. 
Steve was able to gather through small talk with the customers that prom was happening at the school down the road, and everyone was getting last minute flowers for their dates.
More accurately, the parents were. Some brave kids showed up, but they looked completely lost. 
They continued working until the rush died down, leaving the two of them on the edge of exhaustion. 
“That was brutal,” Steve muttered as he splayed himself across the counter. 
“So brutal,” Robin agreed. She was lying fully on the ground, starfish style. Bits of stems and flower petals surrounded her. It was kind of pretty, actually. 
“Hold on, stay right there,” Steve said, pulling his phone from his pocket. Before Robin could object, Steve snapped a picture from above. 
“Hey!” she said, sitting up. “I don’t want this moment of my life documented, Steven!” 
“Yes, you do. Look.” Steve bent down and showed her the picture. After a moment, she nodded. 
“Okay, fine. Yes. That’s going on my Instagram, thank you.”
“You should put it on your Hinge profile, too,” Steve suggested. 
“Good idea,” Robin agreed. She jumped to her feet and sighed. “I’m gonna go clean up the back.”
“I’ll be here,” Steve replied. 
Ten minutes went by, and then Steve heard a squealing.
“Shit! Fuck!” Robin didn’t actually curse that often, so Steve knew something must be very wrong. 
“Robs? You okay back there?” He rounded the corner just as Robin squatted behind some bouquets, concealing herself. 
“Don’t!” she yelled. “Okay, well actually I do need your help, but you have to promise not to laugh.”
“I can’t promise that, but I’ll try,” Steve said with a smirk. 
Robin straightened herself back up, and Steve got the full picture of what had happened. Her hair was all kinds of tangled in a watering can. 
He laughed so hard he cried. 
“I hate you, DIngus,” she muttered, not nearly as amused by the situation. 
“This is why you leave the watering to me,” Steve joked. “Come on, let’s get you fixed up.”
This is stupid. This is so stupid. Eddie, you are stupid. Get some help.
He was headed to Flowers for All with unscented lotion. For Steve. Because Eddie had no chill and was a simp. 
He didn’t even care if Steve was queer, or if he was taken. Eddie just wanted to talk to him more. 
So stupid.
Eddie walked in, triggering the bell above the door. He quickly heard voices from the back.
“Shit! Someone’s here!”
“It’s ok I got it I got it.”
There were more sounds of shuffling for a few seconds before Steve tumbled out of a doorway, blushing. 
Oh my god. Did I just interrupt them hooking up?
Eddie somehow felt even more like a dumbass. He wasn’t fazed by them getting it on at work - it’s not like he hadn’t done that before - it’s that he brought goddamn unscented lotion to his client’s place of work, unannounced and unprompted. 
“I - shit, sorry,” Eddie said, just about ready to turn and bolt. 
“It’s okay!” Steve assured him. “What’s going on Eddie?”
Robin ran out of the room so fast she almost fell over. 
“Eddie! What a wonderful surprise!” 
There was a teasing quality to her voice that Eddie mistook for her trying to cover up how flustered she was. This was all but confirmed when Steve gently elbowed her in the rib. 
“I brought this for you,” Eddie said. He raised the stupid fucking lotion so it was in plain view, then forced himself to walk to the counter and leave it there. “It’s what I use. Your tattoo will heal better. Uh - both of them. For both of you, I mean.”
“Hey, thanks, man.” Steve smiled and grabbed the lotion, inspecting it. 
“Do all tattoo artists care this much about their clients?” Robin asked. There was that teasing sound again. Is she jealous or something? 
“Well, I - Bob always tells me to be nice so I do my best. Sorry if I interrupted anything.”
Steve and Robin shared a knowing look. 
“You didn’t,” Steve said casually. “We’re finally dead again, which is the way we like it.”
“Yeah,” Robin agreed. “It was rough earlier, but we survived.”
“We always do,” Steve added. 
They were so friendly and kind, and they clearly loved each other very much. Eddie knew he needed to go. He had to go. He just needs to say goodbye, turn around, and -
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about something,” Eddie blurted out. 
He didn’t actually have anything to talk about. But luckily, one of his special skills included the ability to never shut the fuck up. 
He took a deep breath and decided to do a little improv.
(part three)
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