#shes really passionate about her job though she loves working with machines
ourpleboy · 6 months
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my dialtown oc named psychedelic :3
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trekmupf · 1 month
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The Court Room Drama AU ⚖️
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Great episode to show important parts of Kirk's character
he really is affected by any death under his command and cares for his people deeply
he's really trying his best with Jamie and stays kind to her throughout
The way Kirk refuses to let the others in the bar be vague about what's going on and wants them to be direct and honest, just like he tends to be (unless it's for a ruse); instead of escalating the situation he leaves
he holds onto his beliefs not only ethically but in himself as well – he knows what he did and sticks to the truth instead of taking an easy way out, even though the situation seems hopeless
The first time we see how decorated Kirk is within Starfleet- really one of the fleets finest. Also the way Cogley frames Kirk's decorations is so well done.
When he takes the stand he is 100% sure of his actions and himself. We know that Kirk admits mistakes when he makes them, and this instance isn't one of them
Shaw in context of being Kirk's ex confirms again that he really likes smart and independent women and respects them, even after a relationship ended
Kirk has good knowledge of engineering as well
Shatner's acting in the episode is really great – he can do these subtle emotions and Kirk's character so well
Also the fact that his crew trusts him, each in their own way, and know that he wouldn't do this. 100% ride or die crew
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McCoy making it clear that he stands behind Jim from the first scene with Shaw onwards; Also Bones' southern charm gets me every time
Shaw is a great character: she's much more than just an ex, she has her own believes and goals and is competent at her job; also the tension between her and Kirk rising because of her duty to her position as prosecutor, when their relationship itself as exes is fine
Actually this is how I imagine Kirk being with ex partners, very nice, lovely and amicable.
Cogley is a great character as well: very adhd smart guy vibes, initially strange but when the hearing starts he goes off and is so competent and passionate!
Proper intro of the dress uniforms! (honorary mention of Kirk's slutty wrap top, of course)
Spock and Bones serving during the hearing in said uniforms, absolute kings. Everyone looks so good in this episode.
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Even though said before Spock's defence of Kirk deserves it's own point. His argument is so vulcan and suits him so well, and his trust in Kirk as a person doesn't waiver for a second during the entire episode
The same goes for McCoy (also DeForest's voice during the courtroom scene is VERY nice)
Finney is another one of Kirk's nemesis, I mean how many nemesis can one guy have, Kirk is literally the ultimate ex no one gets over (looking at Movie 2)
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This episode shows once again that Starfleet isn't as cleancut as it seems and has problems – Stone offering Kirk a way out when fully believing that he made that mistake and killing Finney is questionable at best
Great episode for further world building: we learn more about Starfleet itself (it's actually the first time the name is dropped), we meet other crews, other ships get named and we get some backstory about Kirk
Even though we have multiple sets this was supposed to be a bottle episode and it shows. Set mostly on a starbase (unlike most episodes that are about new planets), the characters are in focus
Great commentary made from a 60s perspective but still relevant today: the “infallible” machine vs the fellable human. We have three people vouching for Kirk's character in court vs one video and one computer log. The people get immediatly questioned whereas the computer is factual until Spock's proves it's wrong. The idea that mashines and computers make less or no mistakes compared to people is still relevant, see the whole debate about self driving cars.
Also Cogley's speech about human rights and machines not having those rights works really well in the context (will get interesting in TNG)
Generally the acting and interaction of all characters really hold the narrative until the twist in the end
Despite the serious subject the interpersonal moments and the way Cogley works provide some tension relief
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I just love the way Spock sits in the captains chair here. No notes.
Jamie can be exhausting
Shaw as an ex shouldn't work this case (even though she's shown as 100% professional and capable)
I know why it's done for the narrative but resolving this serious situation with a fistfight is wild
Kirk shirt rip (I mean this is the rippiest shirt so far)
Technically Evil AI (as the concept of computers gets explored)
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If I let go of a hammer on a planet that has a positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has in fact fallen. - Spock, believing in Kirk
"Mr Spock, you're the most cold-blooded man I've ever known" "Why, thank you, doctor" -Bones & Spock
Spock's, McCoy's and Kirk's testimonies
A great character driven episode that focusses on Kirk as both a person and a captain as well as his relationships with the other characters. The interesting question of computers being fallible as well as a personal betrayal while Kirk's future is on the line make for a good and gripping narrative.
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artnerd1123 · 3 months
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Big thinker, attention blinker, and always down to tinker~
profile undercut~
Name: Inventor Pronouns: she/her Gender/sexuality: trans woman + lesbian Species: human  Height: 5’3”  Age: late 20s Occupation pre-dungeons: mechanic/repairman of many assorted machines (cars, factory equipment, household appliances, anything really), general tinkerer  Dungeon wish: a complete understanding of everything in the universe!!!  Fighting style: scrappy. In EVERY meaning of the word. She’s incredibly skilled at building her own weapons/equipment on the fly, and uses this to her advantage on the battlefield, able to use a “gadget” for free the entire fight- though she scraps it for a new one after each battle. Her lineups often seem slapdash and chaotic, but her experience as a mechanic, computer code geek, chemist, and holder of two science based PHDs mean that even when something backfires, the results help further her goals. Any advantage she can have she’ll take, though she tries not to fight unfairly with those weaker than her/equal to her in strength/prowess. She’s not experienced in a lot of weapon use, but she doesn’t have to be- she just has to know how to build em! She can make them pilot themselves if need be. All that being said, her stocky body is still PACKED full of muscle and energy, so even though she’s not a great fistfighter, she can and will fuck you up  Strengths: high energy, curiosity that knows no bounds, her hunger for knowledge is never sated (and therefore her persistence of answers never wavers), will get up over and over again no matter how many failures she endures, works great off of spite, in all aspects of her life she’s highly inventive- no seriously! She’s resourceful, extremely good at troubleshooting, and always thinks outside the box. She absorbs information like a sponge, and even if some of it leaks out now and again, she’s never one to shy away from re-studying her topic of choice. She thrives in chaotic and fast paced environments, and has experience in mechanical/chemical/computer coding/a bit of biology all firmly under her belt. Weaknesses: absolutely cannot sit still, processing slower tasks is difficult and waiting is excruciating, so her patience with her own work is very low, working hard off of spite can make her run herself into the ground if she’s not careful, has trouble reaching out for help in her own personal life struggles, can get overly emotional, explosive when angry, her one track pursuit of knowledge often leaves her blind to the obvious (bad) stuff happening around her, getting her to fully drop something is really difficult unless you have a project that’s more exciting, sticking to just one thing is agony so she hops between projects a LOT- not that great for long term goals  Personality: Inventor is always bright eyed and bushy tailed no matter how late of a night she had! She’s fast paced in how she works, how she talks, how she reaches for activities/knowledge, and how she exists day to day. She likes to keep herself busy all the time, and has a BLAST doing so- after all, you never work a day in your life if you love your job! And she LOVES being able to tinker with all sorts of gadgets, machines, and all manner of chemical reactions. Despite her avid love of finding and learning about new things, she can be timid around strangers, unsure how to present herself or conduct herself around them. She’ll shake it off and go back to her own bouncy eager self with enough time. While she often gets impatient with her own work, she does her best NOT to be impatient with people- especially those who are helping her in her work, and those she loves. Her patience when it comes to learning about new topics and/or people is vastly larger. She often wears her emotions on her sleeve, getting riled up easily (for better or for worse). Passionate is probably the best way to describe her overall. She is, however, terrified of being a failure. Being told you’re worth nothing growing up will do that- hence why she keeps moving all the time. Something’s bound to turn out eventually! There’s no way those screaming for her downfall are right. Right?
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Violet Baudelaire (A Series Of Unfortunate Events) vs Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
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Violet Baudelaire is an Inventor!
Ema Skye is a Forensic Scientist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Violet Baudelaire:
"She is only fourteen (later fifteen then sixteen as the story goes on) yet here she is straight up going around solving stuff with her (equally as smart) brother with inventions she makes. "Anyone who knew Violet well could tell she was thinking hard, because her long hair was tied up in a ribbon to keep it out of her eyes. Violet had a real knack for inventing and building strange devices, so her brain was often filled with images of pulleys, levers, and gears, and she never wanted to be distracted by something as trivial as her hair.” - Lemony Snicket, The Bad Beginning"
"She makes inventions to get herself and her siblings out of scrapes all the time, she's excellent and we love her"
"Excellent at engineering tools/inventions in crisis situations with whatever resources are lying around. (And she built a telegraph machine at age 7, to give you an idea of what she can do when she *does* have sufficient resources)"
"Violet is a very resourceful young lady with a fantastic mind for inventions out of anything and everything available. We see her building really intricate Rube Goldberg machines in the Baudelaire mansion pre-fire, and afterwards she uses her inventiveness to get the siblings out of all sorts of difficult situations, including breaking a baby out of a cage. She's very cool."
"She's fourteen years old but her ability in mechanical engineering saves her and her siblings from numerous terrible situations. She can work with limited materials to find ways to get out of any scenario and never gives up, even when the odds are against her."
"She’s like 14 years old and can design and make machines out of nothing in a very short amount of time (literally was hurtling towards certain death by falling off a cliff and managed to save herself and her brother)"
Ema Skye:
"I love her a lot and she's very important to me. We get to see her story from being a high school student who's really into science, to becoming a detective, to then finally passing her forensics exam and becoming a forensic scientist like she always wanted. I cosplayed her before"
"Ema has been interested in forensics ever since she was a kid. She's extremely passionate about it. She works very hard and despite bumps along the way she does manage to achieve her dreams/career goal and get into forensic science. She is amazing and I love her enthusiasm and I love her :D When she was like 16 she personally had her own spray bottle(s) of luminol testing fluid, what a dork (in the best way!). Forensic science is practically her whole life. What an inspiration. The first thing on her wiki page is the quote "Yes! Isn't it amazing? Ah, the power of science. It's my life." Bless."
"this girl is so silly. Her favorite thing is luminol. You have an ace attorney pfp you know her. She is my favorite ever. She calls Klavier Gavin a "glimmerous fop" (accurate description). She wears a lab coat over her school uniform. She brings snacks to crime scenes.i love her your honor"
"shes like every enthusiastic autism girl with a science special interest who then gors to college and gets a job and is tired and a mean lesbian but still is a freak about forensics. i love her"
"SHE WORKED SO HARD TO GO INTO FORENSICS. SHE HELPS EVERYONE DO FORENSICS. SHE THEN FAILS WHEN IT COUNTS AND BECOMES BITTER BUT GETS OUT OF THOSE FEELINGS LATER ON. I love her dearly she's so silly and fun when she needs to be, and I think her failure is fascinating but I'm SOOOOO GLAD she was able to become a forensic scientist in the end :)"
"Showed up and gave Apollo random forensics supplies at just the right time. Not sure if this was authorized. Does not Mayte though she can do anything she wants. C’mon man you know her you know why she’s the best you get me right"
"She's fun and good at science and has pink lenses in her glasses and I like her a lot"
"She is so excited to be using her fun little toys to solve crimes."
"She’s a gosh darn professional in a house of fops. Is passionate about her work and was inspired partially by a murder case she was involved in as a witness. She’s really cute and really quirky, and ya girl knows how to snack. She accessorizes really well. I cosplayed as her once and found myself more and more impressed with her style choices as I was putting it together. We stan a fashionable yet practical STEM queen."
"she is literally everythingggg to me. she has wanted to be a forensic scientist since she was 16 y/o and introduces forensic investigation mechanics to the series like luminol and dusting for fingerprints. when she does not get her dream job, she becomes depressed and bitter, only cheering up when she talks about forensic science. later on, when she attains the job, she is much happier! science is her entire life and her career and she is tremendously autistic about it. also she's such a girlboss i love her <3 ema must go through btw. she is the ultimate woman in stem"
"Ema Skye has been interested in forensics for many years due to case that occurred when she was younger. Even though she didn't pass the test to become one at first she had still continued trying till she made it. She always lights up at the mention of anything revolving sciene. She gets so happy when she's able to work with her forensic tools and investigate the crime scene <33"
"Teaches Phoenix wright about forensics"
"she wears a cool lab coat and I don't really know what else to put here but she's neat"
"she is so autistic about forensic science. she goes against the police rules to take fingerprints. she infodumps to anyone who will listen about forensic science. ema is so special to me and I love her very much"
"Ema is a girlboss! She started using forensics and scientific investigation to help solve murders when she was just 15 years old. she autistic and bisexual bc I say so :)"
"Literally the only character in universe that uses hard evidence in trials."
"The skyentific detective…."
"Its literally her personality ok. Just listen to her theme(s). I just love her"
"She is literally me <33 I love her. I need to see her grow up happy and healthy and i need to tell my friends and family about her."
"Wants to be a scientific investigator and solve crimes scientifically, forced to be a cop. Goes from teen with a weird hobby to reluctant cop to everything she ever wanted and I am so proud"
"She’s just a little weirdo. And she keeps trying to be a forensic scientist, but she has to finish high school first. She solved the murder her sister was accused of "
"Forensic science fascinates her. She sure is a woman jn stem. I am sorry I am very tired i dn what to write"
"I need to actually finish AA but it’s her. You probably have more submissions with better reasoning but I like her vibes from what I did play."
"She's got all sorts of cool gadgets which utilize the DS touchscreen"
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just had this idea and couldnt not share it:
Going to the studio one day w/ Matty and seeing them work so passionately and excitedly. Maybe your eyes drift to Matty’s hands as he is speaking or touching dials on the sound board. Your mind starts racing and suddenly you need him now. You try to get his attention and he keeps brushing you off saying he has to finish the part he thought of until in front of everyone he hears a firm “Matthew Healy.” With that, he knows what’s happening and he makes everyone take lunch. You can come up with the rest, whether he is dom/sub and just exactly HOW you need him.
idk thought this could be a fun little thing to write :)
OKAY BUT PLEASE THIS PLAYS RIGHT INTO MY FANTASY!!! Cuz have y’all heard those two “Tape Notes” episodes?! NOTHING is hotter to me than when Matty talks about how some songs were made. And like, I only play guitar, so I don’t really know that much technical stuff about music production but it’s still SUCH A turn on. Just how much he loves his job and how if the drums are even a notch too loud/ too low, he hates it. AND if the guitar is “too perfect” he won’t let it go. It has to sound a little bit warped. His whole “faded splendor” bit that he loves to bring up in every interview. Ugh. So. Fucking. Sexy. So, yeah, I’d imagine if he ever brings his partner around the studio, it would be….a lot.
Like imagine watching him sit there, between the mixing board on one side, and the big computer on the other. And he’s just in his chair, wheeling back and forth between the two, testing out different variations, asking George why it’s not quite right yet.
George is just like “okay, how about we loop the drum track so it keeps playing throughout the song.”
But Matty immediately scuffs, hating the idea. “That’s just lazy musicianship. If the emotion shifts and the words change, the melody has got to change with it. Don’t go with the easy option.”
George is frustrated. “I wasn’t bein’ lazy; I was keeping literally the one thing you said you liked about the arrangement. The fuckin drums.”
Matty frowns, deep in thought, picking at his lower lip, a subconscious habit he doesn’t realize he’s doing half the time. “Nah, there’s something else we haven’t thought of. Let me hear it again?” And he puts the headset on, but only one ear, so he could leave the other ear available to George as they talk through it.
“Don’t like it. Nope. It just sounds too put together. I hate that.”
“I know. I get that. I just don’t know what would make it less crisp without- like getting in the way of the song.”
At this point, she’s melting, obviously. She’s way past listening to their actual conversation, and is just watching Matty’s fingers push the buttons on the mixing board, wishing that the machine were her body instead. Memorizing the way his fingers slide the dial from one side to the other to create that distorted effect that he wants, and imaging instead that he is sliding his finger down her body, anticipating him touching her core. She shudders slightly, reminding herself that there’s people around.
She decides he needs to be as worked up as she is. So she walks over to him, hugging him from the back of the chair, sliding her hands down his chest and kissing his earlobe seductively whispering something about taking a quick break to “refresh” his mind and body. He’s too in the zone to catch onto her innuendo, though, so he shrugs her off, mumbling something about how taking a break and interrupting the process would be the absolute worst thing he could right now. He’s just on the cusp of a break through, he can FEEL it. He just needs to put things together the right way.
His absent-mindedness is weirdly even more attractive to her. The fact that his mind could be so absorbed in something that he loses his sense of his surroundings makes her heart swell and the rest of her body get turned on. Maybe it’s the joy written all over his face when he’s engaged in something that he so clearly loves, maybe it’s the way he completely opens up when working, whatever it is, it’s HOT as fuck and it makes her want him more.
She keeps trying. She scoots her seat next to his, brushing her arm against his as he squints into the screen, fiddling with the production software, having taken over from George. She brushes his curls out of his eyes so “he can see better.” But nothing is working. So, finally, he’s out of subtle tricks. She has to resort to blunt honesty. She takes a deep breath, standing up with a hand on her hip and yelling out “Matthew Timothy Healy! What on earth is wrong with you? I’m trying to fuck you over here!”
Matty finally looks up, taking the headset off his ears and holding in a giggle. He looks at her, winks, and turns to the guys. “George…you guys are….hungry right now, yeah?”
George takes the hint and rounds everyone up and they all leave. The door is barely closed behind them before Matty springs to action, hoisting her up by the waist, and setting her onto the desk. Apparently, her willingness to announce to the world that she wants him to rail her to death is as attractive to Matty as his passion is to her. So he gets right to it, knowing that she’s been ready and desperate for a minute now.
His hands are shoddy, just grabbing and squeezing wherever they land, kisses whiny, swallowing each others high-pitched moans. He alternated between kissing and biting down her body, to keep her on her toes. Just when she thinks she’s got his pattern down, he changes things up. He all but tears her shirt apart, taking her nipple into his mouth, sucking, causing her to cry out. His hand is on the other breast, squeezing, pinching, scratching. Her brain goes into overdrive r from the mixture of sensations. Some soft, some rough, some tingle, some hurt. She can’t keep up, and when he’s ready to make her cum, he pushes her to lay down on the table. She mumbles something about laying on top of his expensive equipment and he says he doesn’t care.
“You don’t; but George might.”
“Oh, whatever. That mixing board is mine anyway.”
When he pushes her arms above her head to hold her wrists in place as he fucked into her, one of her fingers accidentally turns the recording button on. Matty’s too caught up in making absolutely sure he makes it hard for her to stand after this, to notice what’s happened. So as she whines, begs, and chants his name, the computer is getting it alllllll on record. When they’re eventually done, and Matty is kissing all the spots on her body where he might have left bruises, he notices the green light is on, which indicates recording. He laughs, and goes to the computer to click “play” on the file.
She’s stunned in place. Her hand goes to cover her mouth. Her face is turning every shade of every color in embarrassment, but Matty is absolutely loving it. He clicks “save.” And she squeals and yelps and kicks her feet and wants to kill him.
But he’s all like “well, listen, this might just be the missing ingredient that we’ve needed all day.”
Yeah….I think about studio Matty a lot.
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hunterssm00n · 10 months
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What first starts out as a cruel prank turns into a night of unmatched passion. | Waylon Jones/OC |
part 1 of 3
also on ao3: here
*cw include smut, explicit situations, size kink, teratophilia, fear play, dirty talk, anxiety attack, extremely mild dubcon (for point one second but tagging just in case), graphic description* MDNI - 18+
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
/ / Hunger / /
The door slammed shut behind her with finality as she stumbled into the room, as she'd been thrown through the opening by the guards. Her palms scraped on the damp stone floor, but she ignored it as she immediately tried to scramble back up to try and escape. The door was heavy with reinforced steel, and she could just barely hear the cackling of the guards over the heavy clank of it being locked from the other side. Was this really happening? In her workplace, no less?!
Kris had thought working for Arkham would be different. She'd thought it was a fresh start - and for the most part, it was. But this... This had been a long time coming. Many of the workers here were good people, who wanted to actually help the asylum's patients like they were supposed to be doing. Not these people. Gotham had scum everywhere, and they even found their way into service jobs: hospitals, police, even Arkham. And now they had locked her in here; the lowest level of the architecture, the old sewer tunnels... with him. 
She swallowed hard, her hands trembling on her side of the door, and she could feel the vibrations from the thugs on the other side pounding on the steel. She could hear them too, over the similar pounding of her heart in her head.
"Now just remember, love, scream if you need us!"
"Don't worry, a few have come out of there alive! Granted, heh, not all in one piece..." 
"I wonder if he'll fuck you before he eats you - or maybe after!"
Kris started backing away from the door, enough so that their voices were mostly muffled, but before she went too far she turned to face the new surroundings she’d been thrown into. 
There wasn't much to see, thanks to the dim lighting, but from what she could tell it was basically a tomb with brick archways that looked like they would crumble at any moment, and long, endless tunnels full of murky water. It was so eerily quiet, save for the sounds of running water both close and distant, as well as drips collecting into the pools all throughout the cavernous underground of the old sewers - the place she was now locked in.
Her breathing was rapidly increasing, making her mind go hazy, the edges of her vision fuzzy, and she knew she needed to stop and gain control before she passed out. Leaning against the rough brick wall for support, she slowly slid down, until her bottom hit the damp, slippery stone floor under her feet. Normally she would never sit on such a slimy surface, but right now her head was spinning so much she debated even lying down. Kris felt that cool, coppery sensation in her throat, and she wondered if she was going to vomit. She gulped in huge breaths of air, thinking about the moment a few days ago that had landed her in this very situation.
She worked in an office at Arkham Asylum as a clerk, but the layout for the campus was... interesting, to say the least. Right down the hall from the clerical office was the psychiatry area, where patient sessions were happening at all hours of the day. She'd been walking down the hallway to the fax machine, turned the corner - and there he was: Waylon Jones, aka, Killer Croc; shackled and either going in for a mandated therapy session or coming out of one. Both he and the guards surrounding him appeared to be in a heated argument - one that she surprisingly hadn't heard as she’d been walking towards them. Honestly to her, it wasn't that surprising though; sometimes she got so focused on what was going on inside her head that the outside world just melted into a low hum.
Kris had stopped in her tracks, not knowing what to do from the surprise of it. But then the altercation had turned physical. Screams from nearby psychiatrists and nurses mixed with the ragged ferocity of Croc's voice, plus shouted threats from the guards made for a cacophony of chaos. He'd knocked people down, and some of them were sent flying during his rampage - which, from what she had seen of his crimes, was tame in comparison - and somehow, his eyes set on her down the hall. She thought he'd just been looking for who to hurt next; what other violence and terror he could inflict. Before she knew it he was in front of her, and had her pinned back against the wall, staring down at her with his somehow still shackled hands resting on the wall above her head, body vibrating with rage and exertion. Kris hadn't even realized she’d put both hands on his massive, scaly and muscular chest to keep him at bay from crushing her - not that that would have stopped him if he'd really wanted to do it.
The guards a few feet away were all groaning on the ground, backup had yet to arrive, and Killer Croc was standing over her, sandwiching her between the wall and his hard, large body. And he hadn't killed her. He'd been trying to intimidate her, sure (probably because he'd caught her staring),  as well as everyone else, but he didn't hurt her. She thought he had intended to, but her hands on his chest had taken him by surprise as much as it had her. He'd leaned down close and smelled her hair, and his shackled hands that were bigger than her whole head had lowered so he could take a piece of the dark strands between his fingers. "Such soft hands," he murmured, rasping voice now a low rumble that Kris could feel vibrate beneath her palms on his abdomen. "Such a sweet scent," His voice dropped another octave, and and she knew now it was because the next part was only for her to hear: "I wonder if you taste as good as you smell..."
Despite the situation at hand, Kris had felt heat rise to her cheeks, and embarrassingly she’d felt it elsewhere, too. And he'd noticed, he had to have noticed, because he chuckled lowly in surprised amusement - and then to her horror and even further embarrassment he'd inhaled even more deeply. To anyone else it looked like he was just being his usual, scary self - but none of them had heard what he'd said to her. Thank god.
And then at some point the guards had come to and backup had arrived and they'd pulled him off of her (only because he'd let them, she was sure), and she’d been in a daze for hours afterwards. When they had pulled him away from her, he'd told her, "I've got your scent, sweet one," 
Later that day when she’d taken her panties off, they'd been absolutely soaked - they'd practically stuck to her.
And apparently word had gotten around to the scummier guards and orderlies that Croc had cornered her and not killed her, and non-surprisingly it had piqued their interest. 
And now here she was. 
Think, think, think - no, get yourself under control first, you can't do anything if you faint.
Kris struggled to control her breathing, idly looking around at her surroundings. Leaning her head back against the wall, a bunch of things were going through her head at this moment, but she tried to make her mind blank so as not to have that aide in her passing out. In her mind she made a simple plan: I'll find a way out of here, I'll go to Aaron Cash, and I'll report them. Sometimes simplifying what needed to be done greatly helped her in situations. For this one, it was a good start. 
Catching her breath, she wondered if there were cameras down here. If she could find one, maybe she could alert someone that she was trapped down here... in the Croc's lair. 
Kris hadn't forgotten about last week - not at all. But she was trying really hard to stay calm, and thinking about him did not keep her calm at all. She’d seen him before a few times, but only from afar. Not that close; never that close.
Plus, what he'd said to her, how he'd acted... it had to have all been for show, right? Even if he had growled those things just low enough for her and only her to hear... she shook the thought out of her head. Right now she just needed to focus on getting out.
From somewhere not too far from where she sat, a splash hit the water. She turned quickly to locate the source of the sound, but noticed that it was just some rubble breaking off from the ceiling. She was relieved, but also sarcastically thought to herself Great, on top of everything else, now I'll have to worry about the goddamn place collapsing on me.
Then, from out of nowhere it seemed, he rose up from out of the water, jumping up and landing on the stone floor a few feet from her, with a thud that shook the ground beneath her. Her heart went to her throat and she gasped so sharply it hurt, and she wondered Is this it? Is this really it? 
A low hiss was emanating from him as he straightened to his full height, which had to have been at least eight feet tall. It was then that his eyes focused, really focused on her, and he tilted his scale covered head to the side, curiously. "Well if it isn't the pretty one with the soft hands - thought I was hallucinating there for a moment." He chuckled lowly, the sounding causing her insides to quiver, and not necessarily in a bad way. "What's a sweet little thing like you doing down here in my dark, dank abode?" 
Kris couldn't find her words. What on earth was she even supposed to say to him? Was there really anything to say? It was just like the scummy guys outside the door were saying - he was probably just going to eat her anyways. What was even the point? 
His head lifted from her to the door, and it was then that she noticed that the dirtbag guards and orderlies on the other side of the door were still pounding on it and jeering through the thick steel. And that meant that Croc could definitely hear it, too. 
He growled low in his chest, and took a few more steps onto the stone floor away from the edge by the water. Each step felt like a tiny earthquake underneath her, and she instinctively pulled her legs up towards her chest, as though trying to shrink back into the wall. Croc turned an ear towards the door, tilting his head once again, his golden-yellow eyes focusing on her, and they were once again regarding her curiously. His brow grew heavier over his eyes the more he heard what the men on the other side of the door were saying. "Scum." he snarled, the ferocity of his uttered word making her jump. Even when he wasn't speaking there were... noises coming out of him. Reptilian-like noises, every time he exhaled. But something about the venom injected into that single word sent a chill up her spine and made her flinch.
He noticed this - she imagined that not much escaped his gaze, him being an apex predator and all that. His senses were keen, far keener than any normal human. He noticed her - he saw her.
Now he took a few steps towards her, and Kris pulled her legs up to her chest as much as she could, making herself look as small as possible. He didn’t stop until he was right before her, only a mere few inches from her feet, and then he stopped. He crouched before her, every exhale a hot, deep rasp of air that she could feel on her skin under her clothes. She knew you weren’t supposed to look predators in the eye, but she was more afraid to look away - to take her eyes off of him. And honestly… she didn’t want to. He was so interesting to look at. She’d seen him before the event a few days ago, a couple of times. Down the hall being led in and out of his therapy sessions, on security footage whenever there was an incident involving him (there were many), and on his paperwork, which she had helped file when he arrived. Up close, he was even more mesmerizing. 
Even crouched he still towered over her, and he slowly reached out a hand towards her; towards her head. He took a piece of her black hair between his claw-tipped fingers once again, and it appeared as though his movements were deliberately slow because he was trying not to scare her. “So the scourge of Arkham sends in such a pretty little morsel for me to play with. Tell me; do you think they’re expecting you to come out alive?” 
Kris shuddered openly at his words, his proximity, his yellow eyes that seemed to be staring into her very soul. Her gaze dropped to the ground- what was she supposed to do now? She felt defeated, even more than scared. “Just do what you’re gonna do.” Her words carried practically no volume, and a tear rolled down her cheek and dripped onto her knee. 
He released her hair, and one massive, claw-tipped appendage slid under her chin to gently tilt her face back up to look at him. He tilted his own large, scale covered head at her, a low rumble emanating from him as he appeared to study her. “I’m not gonna eat you.” he rumbled, his voice softer - well, as soft as his harsh rasp could be. Softer much like in the way he’d said… what he’d said to her upstairs, for her ears only. And then he said, “Not in the way you’re thinking.” 
She thought back to what he’d said to her a few days ago: I wonder if you taste as good as you smell… and god help her, she felt that same heat between her legs that she’d felt the first time. She looked at him knowingly, her eyes wide with realization. He chuckled deeply, the sound rumbling from his massive chest through his arm and into her, and she felt herself grow wet. Something about his voice…
The pounding from the steel door grew more pronounced, more frantic from the other side, it seemed, and Croc flicked a glance over his massive shoulder before turning that gaze back to her and saying: “So whaddya say we cut a deal?” 
Kris looked at him in question, but nodded. If he was going to eat her - as in swallow her and then digest her in pieces - there probably wouldn’t be any talk about a deal… right? 
His yellow gaze burned into her with heat and he said, “You let me get a taste of of that sweet pussy-“ She felt a clench down below at his crass, direct words, “-and then I’ll let you go.” The hand that had been under her chin was now held out in front of her, waiting for her to shake. “Deal?” 
The steel door still had pounding coming from the other side, and it seemed like they were trying to bust the damn thing down. Kris made her decision: she took his huge hand. Well, really he took hers. His hand enveloped hers completely, so much so that it was almost comical. And they shook on it. 
The banging on the door was near frenzied now, and Crocs golden eyes had a glint in them as he noticed - a mischievous one. “Wanna make them sweat a bit?” 
Those assholes had thrown her in here, not knowing what would happen to her, all for a late night joke. With resolve she nodded again, and Croc now rose to his full height, towering over her, and offered her his hand. She looked at him - towering height, scale covered body, thick with muscle and power, yellow eyes - and she took his hand once again, letting him pull her up off the ground. As soon as she was standing on her own two feet, he swung her up into his arms bridal style, making her gasp in surprise, and he turned towards the water. “Hold tight, pretty one.” He rasped as the door behind them began to creak as it was being attempted to be opened. Kris clutched her arms around his thick, sinewy neck, and then Croc jumped with her in his arms into the water.
He turned the corner to go left down the maze of tunnels right as the door was finally pulled open. Thankfully he didn’t submerge them, or any part of her at all, and standing at his full height the water only came up to his hips. Over the sound of him breathing (with every exhale being a grating rasp) and the sound of running water all around them, she could hear the guards and orderlies voices echoing from somewhere behind them in the cavernous tunnel, calling out, and much to her delight, sounding worried and fearful. They’d been trying to scare her - and now who was scared? She snickered at the thought of them scrambling to try and figure out how to explain this one, and she noted Croc tilt his head down at her in amusement. “You’re a little twisted too, ain’cha?” 
Without much thought about the question, she shrugged, still looking over Crocs shoulder behind them at the flashlight beams that were growing steadily more and more distant the farther they went. In truth, she did have a twisted side, but wouldn’t normally share that info with most people. This situation, however… was a little different. A lot different, actually. 
Soon, they rounded another corner, and the flashlight beams in the distance faded altogether, as well as the voices. Internally she felt gleeful with vengeance - she imagined the fear when she was not sitting and cowering where they’d left her, and the panic they were probably feeling right now. She didn’t think they’d intended to actually have anything happen to her - they were just looking to scare her. A joke, if you will; something that could easily be glanced over by HR with a slap on the wrist, don’t do it again. But now, now they were scared. And she reveled in it. 
She looked at Croc, who was facing forward, watching where they were walking, and she squeaked out, “Thank you,” 
He looked at her, and she saw his yellow eyes had surprise in them. He rumbled, “No need to thank me. Eye for an eye - a kindness for a kindness.” 
Kris puzzled over his words, and balked at his fairness. This was not anything she’d ever heard about him; the savage, bloodthirsty animal that only saw humans as food and nothing else. 
“A kindness…?” She didn’t want to question him and his logic, less he kill her for not knowing what he was talking about, but admittedly she was confused. What kindness was he referring to, exactly, that she’d done for him?
He ceased walking when they came to a four way set of tunnels, and he fixed his yellow gaze on her once again. “You touched me with no malice, and you looked at me without fear,” His eyes could practically light her on fire, they burned so much. She shivered under his gaze. “To me, that’s a kindness. It’s… refreshing.” He continued on walking then, turning right and bringing them deeper into the tunnels. “Not many people look at me like they’re not afraid; if they do they’re usually crazy,” Here he gave her a side eye that she could tell was meant to be a playful insinuation; maybe she was crazy, too. 
“Well,” She cleared her throat, shrugging, “I do work here,” 
He let out a bark of laughter as though surprised at her humor, and she realized that she enjoyed making him laugh. 
“If ya ain’t gone crazy yet, just give it time,” 
Kris couldn’t help but crack a smile; she liked his humor, too. 
The two walked for a little bit longer, his steady, rasping breathing strangely lulling amidst the sounds of running water and dripping. She was glad this wasn’t an actual sewer anymore, to say the least. 
After a few moments they came upon an area that had a little more lighting to it, but not by much. That was okay though; she liked the dark. And so did her new, scaly ‘friend’, it seemed. As they neared a platform that was enclosed with three walls, looking more solid than some of the floating wooden boards, she saw that atop of the stone slab was a mattress (a very large one) and a few more assorted items… along with what she soon realized were bones strewn about. 
She shuddered, and he noticed, “Sorry - woulda cleaned up if I’d known I was having company,” He didn’t say it maliciously, more almost sympathetically. 
Kris didn’t know what to say to this, so she just kept her mouth shut. She didn’t imagine he had much company down here - unless it was food. 
“Do you… really eat people?” She didn’t know why she asked this, but she felt the need to, for some reason. Seeing the bones made this situation all the more real. 
He huffed out a chuckle, leaping up out of the water and landing on his two huge clawed feet on the edge of the stone platform - and scaring the shit out of her in the process. “I really eat people,” he intoned, his words dark but with a hint of that same amusement. Kris began to wonder if this was a good idea after all; the sight of the human bones really making her fidgety in his impossibly strong arms.
He felt her tense in his arms and gave her a squeeze; his chest was rock hard against her left rib cage, and she took in a few deep breaths to try and calm herself. Was this the part where she should be fighting for her life? Should she really have trusted him? 
“Your heart is beating so fast,” he hissed, the crocodile purr pleasant but so fucking predatory at the same time. Kris shifted in his grip, on the verge of struggling, as he walked them towards his gigantic mattress on the stone ground. There were little pools of water on the floor in places between the cracks, and every time he took a step they rippled, as though there was an earthquake. 
Should I try to escape? Fuck, I’m such an idiot-
“It’s like music to my ears,” He stopped when they reached the side of the bed, gazing at her with a glimmer in those deadly yellow eyes. “Usually I don’t have a chance to savor the sound,” His grip tightened on her once again, not enough to hurt, but if it did anymore it probably would. “I just get so hungry,” 
Breathe, breathe, think, think- 
“Luckily, tonight,” 
“I can savor you for as long as we both want.” 
Unable to stand it anymore, she gulped and asked point blank, “Croc, are you… sure you're not gonna eat me?” She was afraid to hear the answer; afraid she had wandered into a trap - right into the mouth of the crocodile, literally. 
He chuckled deeply, the sound vibrating pleasantly in his chest and coursing through her body as it was pressed to his - she felt that same arousal as before even though she was scared. What the hell is wrong with me? 
“Well,” he said in amusement, “the deal was for just a little taste… but if you really want me to, that can be arranged, too.” 
It was then that she realized he was fucking with me. 
Kris balked once again, a little outraged that he was enjoying scaring her. “You- Fuck you!“ 
“Don’t sweat it little one - I just like the way your heartbeat sounds when you’re afraid,” A flash of heat went through his yellow eyes, “Kinda like thisss,” 
And then he threw her onto the bed, and when her back hit the mattress he came down on top of her, his massive body surrounding her, and there was nothing she could do - there was nowhere to go; he was everywhere.
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
AN: I do not own the Batman: Arkham Asylum franchise or any of it's characters, but Kris is my own OC.
part two
24 notes · View notes
Mukuro Ikusaba VS Kaede Kayano [Danganronpa Survivor VS Assassination Classroom]
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[NOTE: This is a scheduled post.]
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Hifumi: Kaede Kayano, the tentacled terror from Assassination Classroom!
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Leona: And Mukuro Ikusaba...The sixteenth student, lying hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the Ultimate Despair!
Hifumi: ...
Leona: Oh yes I did...Oh YES I did...
Hifumi: Ahem...Never underestimate just how far some people are willing to go to protect or avenge the people they care about. Be it their family or their friends...Their sisters or the one's they love...
Leona: Apparently, choosing to stop dying your hair is one thing those people do! He's Hifumi and I'm Leona!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Leona: Take your seats folks...We're about to get into one of the most complicated histories of our line of characters right from the god damn start...
Hifumi: To get started though, as we've explained many times previously, and will most certainly explain many times in the future of this series, Ultimate Students are those scouted by Ultimate Academy's, like Hope's Peak, because they excel in a certain area of expertise. And for Mukuro Ikusaba, that area just so happened to be military conflict and terrorism! And would eventually be crowned with the title of the ULTIMATE SOLDIER!
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Leona: When she was a very young age, the quiet, and rather notably deranged girl, Mukuro Ikusaba, took a keen interest in this career path. She won survival game tournaments and writing for militaristic magazines. She eventually decided to CHOOSE a life of conflict, pain and tragedy, and joined up with the infamous elite mercenary group known as Fenrir, symbolized by the symbol of a wild howling wolf. Funny 'cause...most people are kind of forced into that stuff...Hey, I never actually met Mukuro. Makoto talked a lot about her, but what's her deal?
Hifumi: Well, when looking at Mukuro Ikusaba's history, a very important thing to keep in mind is that she is the twin sister, and for the longest time, closest compatriot and aide, to the Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima. Imagine how twisted you could become when having someone like THAT joined at the hip with you...Figuratively speaking, of course. The girls spent a few years together homeless on the streets, but then didn't see each other for the longest time until middle school, as Mukuro went off to join Fenrir.
Leona: And how did that work out for her?
Hifumi: Well, suffice to say that when Hope's Peak finally scouted her, that talent was rightfully earned. Being quite possibly the most powerful superhuman soldier in history, Ms Ikusaba had a completely spotless record when it came to battles. And when I say spotless, I MEAN SPOTLESS. According to her school profile, during her three years with Fenrir, she never once received a scratch or wound on the battlefield. In fact, this was a damning piece of evidence in the Final Trial of the First Killing Game to prove that she and her sister were not the same person.
Leona: Plus, as a result of her passion, her training and her skills, unlike our previous combatant, she was BORN a FIGHTER. She is naturally capable and powerful, and has a thorough understanding of all firearms and explosives, ranging from pistols, rifles, RPG's, machine guns, and even nuclear bombs, marking her territory as one of the most deadly fighters in our universe. She can use all of the following with deadly accuracy and aptitude. Even aside from that, she never goes anywhere without her trusty combat knife; a tool that allows her wrangle with any enemy and tear them to shreds! Like Kuripa's sword! But smaller...Actually, when you think about it, that's really what a sword is! Just a very big knife!
Hifumi: But a knife is equally as deadly, especially when in the hands of Mukuro Ikusaba. She's arguably as proficient, if not more, in hand-to-hand blade combat that Kuripa is.
Leona: And lastly, she's also a master in medicine, ammo and defense mechanisms. She even...Um...Wait, hang on a second...Am I reading this right!? She has BULLETPROOF PANTIES!?
Hifumi: Indeed! Her undergarments are made of sturdy enough fibers that bullets and blades can't scratch them! Yor Forger probably needs to take lessons.
Leona: How do you even...?
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Hifumi: That's for me to NOT know and you to NEVER find out. But even in a hypothetical scenario where she DOESN'T have her weapons by her side, anything the Ultimate Soldier touches could become the exact tool she needs to assert her dominance. For example, in Danganronpa IF...
Leona: What's that?
Hifumi: Alternate timeline where she turned to the good side a lot earlier than she did in our universe, you don't need to worry too much about it.
Leona: Hold on. If it's an alternate timeline, are we really allowed to take it into account.
Hifumi: Technically...no? But the truth is we don't have much information of Ms Ikusaba's early capabilities within our own world. However, source materials have stated her power and capabilities are the same in both canons. Besides, Ms Ikusaba has displayed similar feats in the current timeline, so there's proof of that; so I think we can count it here.
Leona: Well I'm not gonna argue so long as it makes the fight better.
Hifumi: As I was saying, in Danganronpa IF, Mukuro is forced to fight against an army of Monokumas, and she defeats them armed with nothing but the pole of an IV as an improvised polearm. Not nearly as effective as a real one, but still deadly enough simply because SHE'S the one wielding it.
Leona: And that's barely even scratching the surface of her strength, speed and power. She's so incredibly combatively, she's wrangled and matched numerous other Ultimate Students or people of similar power and capability, including Sakura Ogami, Peko Pekoyama, The Madarai Brothers, Yukari Koime, and possibly even stronger opponents...Though her limit seems to come in the form of Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura. But come on, what do you expect? That guy outmatches EVERYONE.
Hifumi: This is possible due to an innate ability Mukuro Ikusaba possesses called her "Battle Trance." While capable on her own without even having weapons, armor or anything else by her side, Ms Ikusaba can also enter this state eerily similar to that of Son Goku's Ultra Instinct state from Dragon Ball Super. When she's in this stance, she becomes one with the battlefield around her, and her perception of the flow of time nearly comes to a stop. It's impossible to catch Ms Ikusaba off-guard in this state and sneak attacks are completely impossible. Stated in her own words, it's like "every inch of her skin gets covered with eyes that analyze everything going on all around her."
Leona: That's...creepy...Cool but...creepy...
Hifumi: This is the former one half of the despair sisters we're talking about her. And she's the less crazy half. Ms Ikusaba's speed in the Battle Stance state becomes HYPERSONIC. She can run so fast that it appears she's teleporting, can effortlessly dodge military grade turrets while fighting a hundred Monokumas without so much as losing focus or batting an eye from her target, can easily defuse a nuclear bomb before it hits the ground, dodge a point-blank explosion, and can travel from Japan to Prague in only a couple of seconds!
Leona: Ok, that's all well and good, but that last one feels a little odd compared to the rest. 
Hifumi: Even more odd than disarming a mid-air nuclear bomb or dodging bullets?
Leona: The Matrix and Top Gun had desensitized me to that kind of stuff, and I kind of expect it from a super powerful soldier/spy. Running at the speed of The Flash or Sonic the Hedgehog seems a little...out of place is all.
Hifumi: Well, the canonicity of that one is questionable at best. Still though, it's undeniable that she's overpowered. In terms of power scaling, Mukuro Ikusaba and Sakura Ogami-
Leona: i.e. The woman who's widely considered to be the strongest human on earth, has won 400 martial art matches in a row and was easily able to knock out Genocide Jack who has her fair share of superhuman and ridonkulous feats, including slicing missiles apart mid-air.
Hifumi: -are almost dead even, with any discrepancies leaving Sakura ever so slightly stronger. However, that gap in power is so minimal, it might as well not exist. In fact, in several points of time, the two HAVE fought. Though these days it is mostly casual sparring practices, during the IF timeline, they did have a serious fight where Sakura tried to restrain Mukuro so the 78th Class could question her.
Leona: According to the information I have here, that fight lasted for around 10 minutes and was so intense that it caused the gym they fought in to quake with the pressure. Not only that, but Mukuro was handicapped in that fight. With Makoto Naegi having been rendered unconscious after being stabbed with the Spears of Gung-Hang on a second! Why didn't we mention the fact that Makoto survived this execution in our previous analysis!?
Hifumi: Well, we don't really NEED to. Makoto was left unconscious and bleeding profusely due to that execution. He only survived it because his Ultimate Luck prevented the spears from damaging any internal organs.
Leona: Fine, whatever, this is only semi-canon anyway. As I was saying, she had an unconscious Makoto dangling in her arms the entire time and Mukuro was still able to end the fight and escape by causing a quick distraction.
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Hifumi: Ms Ikusaba also defeated Peko Pekoyama with her knife in a swordfight, survived a casual blow from Izuru Kamukura, who can casually destroy steel walls and sink 41 battleships by himself, and killed all 8 Madarai brothers with brute force alone, all of whom are separately strong enough to break down walls with their own raw strength.
Leona: And remember what we said earlier about Mukuro taking on 100 Monokuma's alone? Let's go back to that for a second, since that's one of her earliest, most impressive feats. 
Hifumi: It's important to keep in mind that taking out this version of Monokuma is a BIG DEAL. You've no doubt seen us fight Monokuma's and Kerokuma's and everything in between, but there is a big difference in power between the Monokuma sentries shown in Survivor and Ultra Despair Girls, and the Monokuma's from the main Killing Games, 1, 2 and V3.
Leona: Killing Game Monokuma is equally as capable of matching Sakura Ogami blow for blow. They're shown having a toe-to-toe battle, in which the bear is easily able to keep pace with her. In the case of Mukuro who had to fight hundreds of these things at once, while ALSO dodging machine gun fire, she took all of them out in a SINGLE HIT EACH, launching some of them into the air!
Hifumi: Monokuma's suspected weight, based on his size and make, is about 15kg. If we calculated it, the amount of energy you would need to use THAT much strength at THAT much speed would require an energy equivalent to between 30 to 90 kilotons of TNT.
Leona: And to top it all off, she's hella sturdy too! Monokuma claimed that Mukuro could have possibly survived The Ultimate Punishment; the death trap that killed her sister Junko, which involved feats such as being electrocuted with enough force to liquefy, being hit by speeding trucks while being burned alive, getting hit by countless baseballs at machine-gun rate of fire, pounded by a bulldozer, sent into space and forcefully brought down again, all before dying under a crusher.
Hifumi: See, the thing about that is that it's not consistent. Mukuro's power and speed are naturally always that above every other person around her, but in terms of defensive capabilities and survivability, it's not certain whether Monokuma's claim holds water. For example, Mukuro possesses enough vitality to survive Yukari Koime's knife straight to the heart long enough for her to get medical help and slip into hiding. However, the knife pierced her skin easily and rendered her innate abilities damaged. Same applies to when Junko caught her off-guard and killed her the first time around using the Spears of Gungnir.
Leona: Wait, hold on a second. What actually ARE these "Spears of Gungnir?"
Hifumi: Regrettably, being the sister and most trusted ally of the most evil woman in every universe doesn't render you safe from her antics. And it's because of Junko herself that Mukuro's weaknesses really start to come to the surface. Her biggest flaw is that despite her prowess, power and almost unrivalled danger, she's little more than an emotionally abused young lady, that has barely any autonomy of her own. In fact, based on our old information, due to Junko abusing her older twin sister both verbally and physically, it got to the point that she found pleasure whenever Junko insulted her, seeing it as her loving little sister acknowledging her presence.
Leona: Wow...That's a YIKES!
Hifumi: It's not only Ms Ikusaba's emotional stern nature and maturity that gets severely diminished by her sister. Her skills as a solider are also halted in their entirety by Enoshima playing on her emotions. It was in fact Junko who betrayed and killed Mukuro in the canon timeline with the Spears of Gungnir, a trap designed to use Mukuro's loyalty against her.
Leona: But...that's not how things are anymore, is it? She came back to life and...changed, right?
Hifumi: Well...yes...and also no. See, when the Future Foundation discovered these special machines that could revive people from the dead, they used it to resurrect those that had died in the First Killing Game, and give them a second chance at life; of which included myself, and also Ms Ikusaba.
Leona: But wasn't it established by this point that Mukuro was dangerous?
Hifumi: Yes, and naturally, everyone was very opposed to the idea of bringing her and her sister back to life...That is everyone except for the ever kind Makoto Naegi. He was the only one who saw more to Ikusaba than simply being a terrorist nutjob, and saw that there was still an emotionally damaged girl underneath that was repressed as a result of Junko's cruelty. He figured that because she had never had a chance to experience the feeling of Hope over her life, she didn't know how it felt, nor did she understand the true weight of her actions. 
Leona: So he figured that if he gave her a taste of that stuff, she could be reformed?
Hifumi: And lo and behold, he was right. Curious to see where things would go, Mukuro accepted the offer to reform, and her vision on life became clear. She saw the world's beauty and natural power, instead of the military power and despair-ridden view her sister had painted over her eyes. It took some time, but eventually, she became the greatest friend and classmate that we needed her to be...
Leona: It's amazing how that all worked out so well.
Hifumi: I agree. Though looking back, it most likely had to do with Ms Ikusaba's attachment TO Mr Naegi that served as the crux. She may be an unstoppable force in war, but a rather weak foundation in love. It was even stated in prior documents that Makoto's smile was enough to gift Ms Ikusaba interest in the world outside of her dedication to Junko. However, despite choosing to join the good side for the sake of her crush, not everything about her changed.
Leona: I think I see where this is going. Even though Mukuro's Despair focus disappeared, her need to be of use to others didn't. Though he was fighting for the complete opposite ideal, Makoto basically took Junko's place as that figurehead.
Hifumi: Mr Naegi obviously never abused Ms Ikusaba like Junko did. He'd rather jump into a ditch and let himself rot away and die before he ever tried to hurt her. But without someone to fall back on, Ms Ikusaba is an indifferent would-be killer who doesn't feel any sadistic pleasure when killing her victims in battle, and a socially awkward girl out of touch with her emotions that hide her uncertainty under a very well reserved personality. Which wouldn't be a problem if that didn't cause her endless emotional stress and repressed anxiety.
Leona: And WITH someone to fall back on, like Junko or Makoto, she's a spiritually broken, basically masochist of a girl that does whatever she's to do with no questions asked, be it aiding in a scheme that would cause the entire world to go bonkers with Despair, or saving the same world with the power of friendship, passion and Hope. Even after her switch to the light of Hope, just mentioning Junko's name or seeing her visage can cause Ms Ikusaba to enter a state of PTSD that she's unable to break out of without support.
Hifumi: These feelings of companionship, while helping to make Ms Ikusaba a more approachable and dependable person, GREATLY diminish her aptitude as a soldier. While still undeniably capable, Ms Ikusaba is more willing to take risks for the sake of others, some of which land her in a lot of trouble. 
Leona: For example, she turned her back on the Future Foundation to aid Makoto Naegi when he was forced on the run. She was willing to mentor and teach Maki Harukawa, despite barely knowing her. And as we said already, she almost sacrificed her life for Kuripa Kurafto, by taking a deadly knife for him straight to her heart. It was only because of her unrivalled vitality, as well as some mysterious outside help that she even survived. But these newfound feelings didn't make Mukuro weak. Instead, they gave her a NEW kind of strength. The kind to never give up, even when life puts you through the ringer over and over again, and to pursue what matters to you. Chasing a dream has never felt so important.
Hifumi: As an Ultimate Despair, Mukuru Ikusaba is a tool of destruction, mercilessly cutting down any foe that comes her way and putting everyone to shame. As an Ultimate Hope, she is an unlikely hero who struggles every day to protect what she loves and stand for what she believes in. Regardless of where she stands, or what timeline she follows, whether she lives or whether she dies, the wolf-shaped mark of the Ultimate Soldier will continue looming over us for now and forever.
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Hifumi: Kunugigaoka Junior High School is a HELL ON EARTH for Class 3-E, the end class of the academy. It's infamously filled with rejects, losers, and people who aren't expected to amount to anything in society. As of such, the students in said class are berated, bullied, and belittled by EVERYONE.
Leona: With the tacit approval, and in fact MOTIVATION of GETTING RID of these kids. These students were brought together for the sole purpose of fulfilling Chairman Asano's educational value of his variation of the 20:20:60 worker ant ratio, a social science which states that 20% of people are exceptional, 20% of people are worthless, and the other 60% are ordinary-Oh god that's a lot of numbers...*gag* Ahem...Long story short, the class exists purely as a punishment for students who let their grades fall below a certain threshold, and the chairman goes out of his way to prevent ANY of these students from succeeding academically. What a jeeeerk!
Hifumi: And I thought HOPE'S PEAK was oppressive! But anyway, the lives of this classroom changed dramatically on the day something bewildering happened. The moon was DESTROYED, with only 30% of it's overall mass left drifting in space!
Leona: Not long after, Class E were paid a visit by a STRAAAAANGE creature: who claimed HE was the one who destroyed the moon, and would eventually destroy the world...if the class didn't stop him first!
Hifumi: And that was how the game first began! The class tried everything they could to murder the monster that would eventually become known as Korosensei. Aside from wanting to protect the earth they live on, many of these students all had their own unique motivations for killing him, though most of them mainly consisted of making money from a hit, restoring the hierarchy to normal, or sticking it to the society that made them out to be weak...However, ONE person in particular stood out among the rabble...
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Leona: Kaede Kayano...Or more accurately, Akari Yukimura, the younger sister of the very reason why the yellow octopus bastard was even here in the first place!
Hifumi: Akari Yukimura was a child prodigy when it came to acting. Though it was a fairly lonely life, she was still glad to have the company of her older sister Aguri, Class 3-E's homeroom teacher. They had a rather pleasant life, except for one little thing...
Leona: Aguri was the fiancé of one Kotaro Yanagisawa, a complete and total douchebag human and a mad scientist, who made her work as his lab assistant. On one fateful day off of her acting career, little Akari came to visit her sister at the institute where she worked, when suddenly... KABOOM!
Hifumi: The building exploded! And when Akari finally got inside and found her sister, her dead body was lying at the foot of this mysterious and conniving looking monster, which then proceeded to take off while leaving a note behind, claiming he was the one who killed Agari.
Leona: As you might have already guessed, that monster, known at the time as "The Reaper" would eventually take the form of Korosensei himself. Fueled with a burning desire for revenge, Akari chased Korosensei to the school, dyed her hair green, took up a new name, and joined Class E as a transfer student to help them with their shared goal of killing Korosensei. She even went as far as to become protagonist Nagisa Shiota's "sidekick" of sorts as to not draw attention to herself.
Hifumi: Through her determination and drive for vengeance, Akari Yukimura, now Kaede Kayano, set about training to enact her revenge against the monster that took her sister from her. Like all the other students in the class, the government who put out the hit on Korosensei provided her with her own arsenal of weapons, including, but not limited to, M1911A1 Pistols, M4 Carbines, smoke bombs, poisons and explosives. Not to mention a special uniform made from a unique cloth, which allows her to easily camouflage, resist shocks and burns and hardens in response to strong physical trauma.
Hifumi: Wrong series! But effectively, it means that so long as she has the special uniform on hand, she can't be wounded by knives, and she has the durability and force resistance of a solid wall.
Leona: Speaking of knives, it should be noted that combat knives appear to be the weapon which Kayano is most proficient in. And this is mainly because her small size makes it very easy for her to run circles around opponents with similarly high agility, stamina and precision, which includes Hinata Okano, a speedy and athletic gymnastic prodigy, and even the ever-powerful Korosensei. And given that Korosensei can reach speeds of Mach 20-
Hifumi: Which by the way, would allow him to completely run around all of planet Earth in approximately 3 hours and 12 minutes!
Leona: THAT'S not something to sneeze at!
Hifumi: Not only is she fast, agile and perceptive by nature, Ms Kayano is a master of several unique styles of fighting, like Judo, Sumo, Aikido and several others, all of which culminate into one to make her obscenely deadly. Her raw strength allows her to completely obliterate a shelf full of heavy trophies and take out a trained mercenary with a knee to the head.
Leona: But the deadliest skill in Akari's arsenal for a large portion of her series was the innate talent she was born with. A lot of the students of Class E were able to take their natural talents and apply them in their killing methodology, like how Chiba was able to become a really good sniper due to his fascination with angles and mathematics. But Kayano's special talent, as we already mentioned, is her ACTING. 
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Hifumi: Among all his other insane powers, Korosensei has the ability to perceive one's true thoughts like he's reading their mind; an ability that has allowed him to constantly foil Class E's traps to kill him. However, Ms Kayano's innate ability to play a role and deceive any audience she comes across rendered the overpowered octopus's ability...COMPLETELY USELESS!
Leona: Kaede's ultimate goal was to lie in wait, observe Korosensei's movements and find a way to take him out for good, and initially, she had this tunnel-vision focused only on putting this murderous monster to rest...But the more time she spent with the rejected class, the more at home she started to feel. She gained many friends, close acquaintances and began to have more fun than she'd ever had during her lonely life as a prodigy, with just her sister as company. She even ended up falling in love with Nagisa, and saw a side of Korosensei that she thought was very respectable. However...it wasn't going to last forever...
Hifumi: Turns out the reason Korosensei was on the scene of Aguri Yukimura's murder is that he was captured and used as human test subject in an experiment of Yanisagawa's, her fiancé. The goal of Yanagisawa's experiments was to create anti-matter without massive energy requirements by generating it in a living body. When antimatter particles and regular matter particles come into contact with each other, they annihilate one another, leaving behind pure energy, which results in an explosion that NOTHING can survive. (As seen in DB's official episode Frieza Vs Megatron)
Leona: It's this exact science that triggered the REAL reason the moon blew up! Concerned with what would happen to the anti-matter cells if the living host were to age and die, Yanisagawa injected a mouse with the same cells as Korosensei, and sent it in a capsule to the moon to observe any changes. The result was catastrophic. As soon as the mouse died, the cells began to multiply and turn into matter. This mixed with the anti-matter of the moon and caused a giant explosion that almost destroyed the entire thing, leaving it as a permanent crescent.
Hifumi: Why are we bringing all this up you may ask? Well, the truth is Korosensei was injected with a special serum that changed his body to better house the antimatter inside him, which gave him his tentacles and his cartoonish yellow form. And as part of her plan to get revenge and kill him, Ms Kayano took this same serum and implanted herself with these SAME TENTACLES!
Leona: THIS is Kaede Kayano's DEADLIEST weapon! Pure antimatter and all the strengths that come with it reside on the tentacles in the back of her neck, and she can move and attack with them at above hypersonic speeds. In addition to this, the tentacles come with abilities like secreting a special mucus to counter their weakness to water, regeneration on a cellular level, the power to melt metal, and even set them on FIRE!
Hifumi: That last ability actually comes from the high temperature caused by the metabolic abnormality that happens to tentacle transplant recipients. Her body temperature is very high, and by channeling all that excess energy into her tentacles, she can light them on fire.
Leona: The tentacles only serve to boost Akari's power to an insane level, which makes her almost undefeatable coupled with the abilities she possesses as a regular human. She, as well as her classmates, have shown that they're able to tank explosions up to 2 tons of TNT, possibly several times that with all their special gear and training.
Hifumi: With the tentacles, we can scale Ms Kayano to another tentacle wielder, Itona Horibe, who was able to destroy tanks, jet fighters and demolish buildings all by himself. As a matter of fact, when Ms Kayano's true nature was revealed, Mr Horibe blatantly stated that "she's far stronger than I ever was." 
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Leona: But it's not all sunshine and rainbows...Not that it really was ever...According to Korosensei, and this was also shown with Itona, if human flesh hosts the power of tentacle cells, they get tortured by a nightmarish rejection response from their body that, if not consistently cared for with the right treatments, will cause them to die from madness in up to 3 days! And how long did Kaede Kayano have these in for?
Hifumi: AROUND A WHOLE YEAR! The energy required to keep Mr Horibe in check for so long required energy of around 665,407.77 Megawatts, tantamount to the average energy of 3 thermal power plants! Yet Ms Kayano showed no signs of any pain, nor did she ever falter, despite constantly in a state of slowly dying for such a long time! 
Leona: Not just that, but the tentacles also took over Kayano's mind and body, since they're fueled by her lust for blood and desire to kill. In a suspiciously Doctor Octopus kind of way, when she began to have doubts about herself and her revenge plan, they did just that, and turned her into a bloodthirsty insane maniac of a girl. 
Hifumi: And as we've already mentioned before, using her tentacles, Ms Kayano was able to match Korosensei blow for blow, and damn near killed him! Korosensei, who by the time the class fought the Grim Reaper, another powerful assassin who shared a code name with the original Korosensei, was capable of dodging a laser that he didn't notice until it was fired at him, blocked point-blank beams of light by kicking up some dirt, and created a tornado powerful enough to part the clouds as wide as a mountain! Throughout their whole confrontation, Ms Kayano had him on the defensive, and completely overwhelmed him.
Leona: The downside was that while she was fighting him, the tentacles were on the cusp of killing Kaede herself. In order to rescue both Kaede AND Korosensei, those tenta-bitches HAD to go! Fortunately, Nagisa was able to save her...With the power of a true love's kiss! ...I-I'm not joking by the way, that's ACTUALLY what happened.
Hifumi: With the tentacles gone, the pain subsided and now able to learn the truth about her sister and her weird octopus lover, Kaede gave up her aspirations for revenge and officially turned to the side of good. She was able to live the life she wanted with her friends, her now possibly-more-than crush, and her beloved sensei...But remember what I just said about there being another Grim Reaper assassin? Yeah, so long as he was around, the peace wasn't gonna last.
Leona: By the way, if the feat of living a whole year in intense agony and surviving attacks from Korosensei was somehow not enough to prove Kaede's insurmountable level of stamina, she's also survived an uppercut from this Grim Reaper, who destroyed a room filled up with stone through a casual kick, and created a huge crater in the ground, both of which would have had a max energy output equal to at least 2.44 tons of TNT.
Hifumi: And this was AFTER the tentacles were gone, i.e. her greatest weapon. In order to protect her friends, her teacher and everyone she held dear, Ms Kayano sacrificed her life in the battle against the Reaper. 
Leona: From start to finish, Kaede Kayano and Korosensei were tied together by a strange tentacle of faith, and their story ended when Korosensei gave up both his previous life, as well as bringing back hers by regenerating her on a cellular level, allowing her to spend the rest of her days in peace. 
Hifumi: As a girl, Kaede Kayano was willing to sacrifice her life and her future if it meant destroying a monster from her past...But now, she stands for her own future...
Leona: Once she decides on something, she moves straight towards it. That's just how she is~
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Hifumi: And with that, the combatants are set! It's time we end this debate once and for all!
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The scene opens in a second-floor Japanese apartment home. With a group of Branch 14 soldiers behind her. They surround the door and Mukuro makes a signal with her hands. The soldiers all nod and she kicks open the apartment door, weapons at the ready.
Mukuro: ...
Despite the heavy force, there is little sign of anybody home. However, Mukuro is still able to sense a presence.
Mukuro: Akari Yukimura AKA Kaede Kayano, correct? Former student of Kunugigaoka Junior High School? I'm Mukuro Ikusaba, Future Foundation 14th Division. Would you be so kind as to come out of hiding?
Kayano: What do the Future Foundation want with me?
The soldiers are alerted by the sound of a voice, yet can't see glean where it's coming from. Mukuro doesn't seem phased.
Mukuro: A few years ago, you were at the center of an incident involving the antimatter tentacles experiment. Our division was tasked to investigate.
Kayano: Those tentacles were removed a long time ago. You've wasted your time.
Mukuro: Perhaps...But...it's common fact that octopi can regenerate their limbs if they get cut off...Please, just come with us...
Kayano: ...!
Mukuro: ...!?
Kayano suddenly appears from behind a doorway and opens by throwing a grenade straight at the Future Foundation. Mukuro parries the grenade, but it explodes, blasting her accompanying soldiers back.
Kayano: Get out! Or it'll be more than jacket that gets a little dirty!
Kayano, though acting condescending, quickly becomes displeased as Mukuro pushes through the cloud of smoke, slipping off her charred jacket and unholstering an MP5-K from her back.
Mukuro: No need to worry...If this is coming to blows, I'll just sew myself a new one with your SKIN...!
Mukuro grabs her firearm and and opens fire upon Kayano. The ex-assassin dives through a doorway for cover. As Mukuro halts fire, she pokes back round again to shoot her with a pistol. Mukuro however, easily slides out of the way of her bullets. 
Mukuro: Hi...
Kayano: Go AWAY!
Mukuro: Tch!
Kayano unholsters a combat knife from underneath her skirt and tries to stab Mukuro, but Mukuro pulls out one of her own and blocks the blade. Kayano tries to attack again, but Mukuro grabs her arm, swings her into the wall and kicks her in the chest, the force which is enough to break the wall itself down, bringing the fight into the apartments kitchen.
Kayano: Ngh! Gragh!
Mukuro: Hmph!
Kayano quickly jumps back onto her feet and spars with Mukuro, the two of them clashing blades. However, it isn't long before Mukuro's strength is able to overwhelm Kayano's, and she knocks the assassin off balance, flourishing her combat knife for a finishing blow.
Kayano: Eh!?
Mukuro: RYAGH!
Kayano: ...
Mukuro: ...
Mukuro tries to run her knife through Kayano, but it just bounces off her.
Mukuro: Huh...That...usually works-
Kayano: HIYAGH!
Mukuro: GUH!
Kayano flip kicks Mukuro backwards, then tears off her shirt to reveal her reinforced PE uniform underneath.
Mukuro: Ah...That explains a lot...You came PREPARED...!
Kayano: BUHAGH!
Even though her blade can't cut through her chest, Mukuro is still able to land a heavy hit with her fists, knocking Kayano back.
Mukuro: What's the matter? Feeling out of your element?
Kayano: You don't want this fight...!
Mukuro: I don't...But I DO want what it's going to bring out...!
Kayano whips out an M4 Carbine and hails bullets on the Ultimate Soldier. In a flash, Mukuro breaks off the door to the fridge and uses it as a makeshift shield to block the fire. As soon as Kayano has to pause to reload, she throws the door at the green-haired girl. Kayano avoids the door by flipping to the side.
Kayano: Huh!?
Mukuro: ...
However, just as she lands, Mukuro, without showing any expression or remorse or caring, suddenly pulls out an RPG, and aims it at her. Kayano rolls out of the way of the rocket as she fires, and braces for impact as the rocket explodes! The apartment is blown to smithereens and a large gaping hole is left in the side of the building. Kayano herself it flung back and smashes into the wall.
Kayano: HNNGH!
Mukuro: Too easy...
She doesn't stay down for long. She lunges straight at Mukuro by flying at her through the hole made with her body earlier. Mukuro reads this attack a mile away, parries Kayano's blade hand with her fist, then trips her over and throws her into the wall. Mukuro then grabs Kayano by the scruff of her clothes and throws her through the large window onto the roof of the building next door. Mukuro gets a run up and leaps out after her, rolling onto the roof.
Mukuro: Ah...!? Where did she...?
Kayano: ...!
Mukuro: !!?
Upon landing, Mukuro loses sight of Kayano, and she barely reacts in time as the assassin appears behind her. Having used her uniform to camouflage, Mukuro just barely catches her wrist as she thrusts at her with her knife. The speed is more than the soldier expected, and her face gets cut, but fortunately, not fatally run through.
Mukuro: Is this the extent of what you can do? Trickery won't work on me forever!
Kayano: BLUEAGH!
Yet again, Mukuro blocks Kayano's ensuing attack and tosses her backwards. Simultaneously, both girls pull out their rifles and fire on each other. A mad dance of bullets ensues, with the area around the rooftop being laid to waste. However, despite the extra protection of her uniform, Kayano takes more fire than Mukuro and her arms become gradually more grazed and tired. In the split second she drops her guard, Mukuro attacks.
Mukuro: Hmph...
Kayano: GRAGGH! AGH!
Mukuro rushes forward and knees Kayano in the jaw, then punches her in the stomach, though due to her uniform it doesn't have much effect other than knocking her back. She grabs the green-haired girl, throws her upwards and rams her fist straight into her spine, causing Kayano to scream out in pain. The blow is strong enough to send her rocketing up into the sky.
Kayano: I...told you...!
Mukuro: Hm?
Sensing something amiss, Mukuro glares up at her opponent.
Kayano: I warned you...Leave...Me...ALOOOOOOONNE!
Mukuro: Grrgh!?
Though she attempts to dodge, the speed of the next attack is lightning fast, and a large mark is left across the Ultimate Soldiers face! A pair of green tendrils burst out of the back of Kayano's neck, and smash straight through the roof of the building! The floor underneath Mukuro comes away, and she retains her focus bounding off the falling debris to safety. When she's safe enough, she looks back up at Kayano, who bares a maniacal, evil glare on her face.
Mukuro: There you are...
Kayano: I'll kill you...! YOU'RE DEAAD!
Before she even falls back to the ground, Kayano's tentacles once again lash towards Mukuro. The soldier girl is only barely able to dodge the incoming attack as the ground next to her is cut straight through like butter. Mukuro continues to dodge the whipping tentacles while she reloads her rifle!
Mukuro: Alright, play time is over...!
When Mukuro gets half a second to react, she aims her rifle at Kayano, who just now lands back on the ground, and fires an array of bullets at her. Kayano responds by spinning her tentacles around like a fan, blocking every single bullet and melting them into nothing! Mukuro is then unpleasantly surprised as the tentacles wrap around her rifle and disintegrate it.
Kayano: You BITCH!
Kayano's body language and screams are angry, despite the homicidal joy on her face! Mukuro is caught off-guard as the girl launches herself forward with her tentacles, and throws an uppercutting punch at the soldier! Mukuro catches Kayano's fist, but the force of the blow is so strong, she still feels the effects shoot through her body!
Mukuro: Gagh! D-Damn...!
Mukuro: Shit...! GAAGH!
Kayano's initial blow sends Mukuro sliding back across the ground, and in a split second, Kayano lunges forward again. Mukuro is too dazed and the girls movement is too fast for her to dodge, so she ends up bracing herself to receive several thousand blows from the whipping tentacles within the span of a few seconds! The speed, power and sheer force of the clash is so powerful, steam starts to emit from Kayano's tentacles and Mukuro's hands; the soldier biting her lip the whole time to retain her focus.
Mukuro: That's ENOUGH! 
Kayano: Gagh! RRGH!
Mukuro: AHAGH!
Mukuro finally gets a chance to deflect Kayano's tentacles and she drops to the ground, roundhouse kicking the girls legs to trip her up. This doesn't work. Kayano simply holds herself up with her tentacles and kicks Mukuro in the chest with both her legs, sending the soldier smashing through the wall onto the street outside. Mukuro pants, struggling to catch her breath. She lazily raises her head to see Kayano hoist herself up onto the remains of the building, glaring down at her, tentacles wiggling behind her neck. Mukuro stands up straight, rolls her shoulder and cracks her neck.
Mukuro: Looks like I made a mistake not going for the kill immediately.
Kayano: And I will make sure...you REGRET it...!
Mukuro: Well...if there's one thing I've learned in these last few years, it's that no matter how dire things get, it's never too late to see things to the end...
Kayano: Spare me your GROSS PLATITUDES!
Kayano angrily whips at Mukuro full power, hoping to slice the soldier in two...But to her horror, Mukuro bends back and dodges this attack perfectly, despite it's speed. She becomes even more nervous as the soldier lifts her head. Her expression and disposition have both changed dramatically, and there is a menacing, red tint to her pale eyes.
Mukuro: So...let's finish this...!
Kayano: I despise you so much...! I'LL BURN YOU ALIIIIIIVE!
Kayano uses every limit of her power, and sets her tentacles ablaze!
Mukuro: ...
Moving even faster than they were before, the tentacles cut through the area, leaving almost no room for survival! However, even at their unfathomably fast speed, Mukuro still jumps and slides out of the way, showing no emotion and not breaking focus.
Mukuro: ...
Mukuro: Tch...
However, it's apparent that Mukuro is still struggling to retain. Sweat rolls down her face as the flaming tentacles lash around her. She's only narrowly able to dodge them, suffering slight burns on the tip of her hair and the end of her elbow!
Mukuro: ...!
Mukuro leaps up towards Kayano, but using her tentacles, Kayano leaps away onto the building on the other side of the street! She brings the tentacles down on Mukuro, who just weasels her way through them as the ground beneath her craters open! Kayano whips at her again, sending the rubble of the building flying into the air, which the transcended soldier uses as platforms to get in closer!
As Mukuro gets in closer to deliver what one could assume to be the final blow, Kayano's tentacles kick into overdrive and whip around the entire area! The rubble Mukuro rides on is destroyed one by one, and all the buildings within several miles start to crumble to dust, save for the one Kayano is using as a platform! When she runs out of footing, Mukuro launches forward, pulling out her RPG launcher again!
Mukuro: ...
Mukuro: ...!
Kayano: AAH-!?
Mukuro: So long...!
Kayano thrusts her tentacles out once more, hoping to grab Mukuro mid-air and end the fight there, but Mukuro reacts faster than anticipated. Within a single moment, she grabs the tentacles and uses them to hoist herself forward, grabbing her RPG launcher, and aiming it point-blank at Kayano's face! She pulls the trigger, and a huge explosion engulfs her.
Mukuro: Hmph...H-Huh...!?
Kayano: Kegggh...
However, Mukuro is horrified to see that in the nanosecond before the rocket could hit her, Kayano uses her tentacles as a barrier to block the explosion. The tentacles come away to show her gritting her teeth with a face of violence and death.
Mukuro: No...!
Mukuro: HURUGH!
Mukuro lands on the roof of the building, which is now crumbling to pieces. In light of her false victory, she drops her guard, and just before she can reenter her battle stance, Kayano thrusts the tentacles forward, plunges them straight into the soldiers chest and completely rips out her heart, crushing it between them!
Mukuro: Aah...Aah...ah...
Kayano: Hah....Haah...Huh?
Mukuro: Ah...Ngh...
Mukuro slowly trudges forward, sliding along Kayano's tentacles which are still embedded through her chest, and approaches the green-haired assassin. She reaches up and gently strokes her face, which has calmed down significantly.
Kayano: You...
Mukuro: Nrrgh!
Kayano: AAGH!
With Kayano's guard down, Mukuro reaches behind her head and pulls out the tentacles from her neck. They retract into a much smaller size, pulling back through her chest, and tightly into Mukuro's hands before turning into nothing. Mukuro chuckles.
Mukuro: ...you're...welcome...
She then collapses to the ground, dead. Kayano hurries over to her, takes her head in her hands, and rests her forehead against hers, crying.
Kayano: I'm...I'm sorry...! I'm...sorry...
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Leona: Oh come on! She JUST came back to life! Ugh...She's not coming back from THAT one, is she?
Hifumi: Surviving being stabbed in the heart is one thing...Surviving your heart being ripped out and crushed...Yeah, no...She's not getting out of THAT one safe and sound...
Leona: Don't worry though! This is a simulation! They're all fine, really! But uh...onto more important matters-WHAT HAPPENED!? Mukuro has god levels of attack power and mobility! How did she lose!?
Hifumi: Because ironically enough, Kayano had everything she needed in order to put the Wolf of Fenrir down. But let it be known that for at least the first half of any confrontation, Ms Ikusaba would have had the upper hand.
Leona: First and foremost, at their base levels of power without the use of any of their innate special abilities, Mukuro's sheer power and ability blew Kayano out of the water. Many of the Future Foundation's strongest fighters, like Sakura, Peko, Nekomaru or Akane; Mukuro could either overpower easily, or at least fight on an equal level with.
Hifumi: Ms Ikusaba also had far more combat training than her opponent. Kayano was no slouch, but the Ultimate Soldier gained that title for a reason, having been into military tactics and fighting in wars since she was only a child, and never ever gaining a scratch on her body in all that time.
Leona: There is actually another advantage that Mukuro possessed as well for this fight: No matter what, her respective martial arts prowess would have been too much for Kayano to deal with, especially when compared to her own skillset.
Hifumi: With her own martial arts prowess, Kayano is by no means weak. The fact that she was able to use her skills to take down that armed soldier is proof of that. However, part of why she was able to do that is because she was trained to as an ASSASSIN. Assassins by nature are trained to go for the kill immediately, and physical confrontations aren't typically their strong suit. Ms Ikusaba on the other hand, is a SOLDIER, and she has spent most of her life training in hand-to-hand combat, self-defensive and brutal killing, and she's much more physically fit and strong.
Leona: In fact, in Danganronpa Survivor, Maki Harukawa, who is an assassin herself that would have had similar training to Kayano, even admits this. And the two even dueled one on one shortly after Maki joined the Foundation, and this was after she defeated both Peko and Akane. You know, it really feels like Mukuro SHOULD have won this. 
Hifumi: Be that as it may, Kayano had just the right defensive capabilities that would allow her to eventually wear Ms Ikusaba down.
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Leona: Well, for one thing, she's a fair bit faster. Mukuro could easily match Korosensei's Mach 20 speed, possibly higher with the Battle Trance, but the truth is, though Assassination Classroom states that Korosensei can reach speeds of Mach 20, he would have to be moving and reacting faster in order to achieve that laser feat. 
Hifumi: And if Kayano can keep up with him and put him on the defensive, it means she should realistically be able to achieve similar levels of speed, which would make her several times faster than Ms Ikusaba's max speed. Even with that in mind, the special cloth of Kayano's uniform made her resistant to attacks from blades, bullets and tasers...Which...is effectively most of Ms Ikusaba's arsenal.
Leona: What about the RPG then?
Hifumi: I'm sure that could have done some damage, but again, speed is a key factor there. If Korosensei can effortlessly catch grenades and RPG's, who's to say Kayano can't do the same thing?
Leona: So basically, Mukuro's real only option in the end was to fight with her bare fists. Which, let's be real, are a deadly weapon in their own right, but still, it wouldn't have been enough.
Hifumi: Not only is the uniform also shock-resistant and hardens when faced with physical blows, Ms Ikusaba really had no way to get around the tentacles. Even if she was somehow able to rip them out, they can just regenerate again. There was also no chance of tiring Kayano out to gain an opening due to her immense stamina. Plus, even if Kayano didn't have her reinforced uniform, the tentacles can melt metal, which is ANOTHER way to counter Ms Ikusaba's vast arsenal.
Leona: And in comparison to their overall defensive capabilities, Mukuro's defensive prowess just does not compare. Sure she can withstand explosions or attacks on an even more immense level, but she is still easily hurt by things like knives and bullets when they actually DO hit her. 
Hifumi: The last thing to consider is power. As we mentioned, Ms Ikusaba was more than a match for Kayano in their base levels; in fact, she would have been quite a challenge, possibly as dangerous as opponents like the Grim Reaper. 
Leona: As we said before, Mukuro's feat of fighting against the Killing Game Monokuma army, and the fact that she was able to easily dismantle them with her makeshift weapon, proves her strength is equivalent to 30 to 90 kilotons of TNT. For reference, that's between 2 to 6 times the power of the atomic bomb, like the one dropped on Hiroshima during WW2. 
Hifumi: In contrast however, Korosensei's feat of parting the clouds on the scale of a mountain would require a force of about 3 MEGATONS of TNT, which is about 30 TIMES the Ultimate Soldier's feat. Of course, it's not DEFINITIVE strength, especially since power levels and feats of strength in both Danganronpa and Assassination Classroom aren't exactly grounded in human logic, despite the fairly standard setting of both series. However, Kayano's feats of fighting stronger opponents in her universe than the likes Ms Ikusaba fought in hers proves that Kayano's maximum strength just outclasses hers. Though it's a hard pill to swallow, in the end, Kaede Kayano was just the perfect opponent to take down the infamous Ultimate Soldier.
Leona: She outmatched her in speed, power, durability and stamina, and had just the perfect tools to kick Mukuro Ikusaba in the...Fen-REAR...!
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Next time:
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13 notes · View notes
simandthedimbulbv2-0 · 8 months
if you're not busy, could we learn more about Benjamin and Dylan Livright? Thank you!
As you wish 👉👉
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These are the Livwrights; a normal American family living in the suburbs. Of course, appearances are only skin deep. 
Benjamin Livwright: The workaholic father of the Livwrights. Ben slaves away at his desk job, convinced that the hard working American really can make something of himself —or at least earn his living— a viewpoint resulting from generational trauma inflicted by his own father. He wants nothing more than to provide for his family, but his manner of doing so is far from healthy. 
While he comes off as a distant, unsympathetic father due to his disapproval of his son’s hobbies, his heart is in the right place.
He worries for his son’s wellbeing, afraid that the boy will be disillusioned—and even harmed— if he pursues his aspirations to become a musician. Unfortunately, as so often is the case, his worry manifests as anger. 
The viewpoint character of the song I Earn My Life, caricatured by his son in As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It
Works at The Company, a weirdly nondescript business owned by Mr. Morimichi (of Man-Made Object). Technically a coworker of Mr. Wolfgang, but thankfully not on the same floor.
Very sensitive about his receding hairline.
Has a curious affinity with the Antfolk of Spiral of Ants; so much so that after an encounter with the spiral (from which he rescues his son) he is permanently partially mutated into an ant person. It’s ok though. Tbh he’s a lot healthier for it, and his wife and son don’t mind.
Ironically, he was briefly part of a band in his youth. His father put a stop to it very quickly. 
Mary Livwright: Benjamin’s wife and Dylan’s mother. Homemaker. In her spare time, she likes to paint landscapes, but she doesn’t have much time for that. She mainly focuses on keeping the house spotless (perhaps as a coping mechanism more than anything) to avoid adding any unnecessary conflict to the feud between her husband and son. Mary puts on a brave face and plays the diplomat, but inside she’s terrified that her family will fall apart at any second. She desperately wants to help her husband and son reconcile, but to her distress, she isn’t sure how.
Suffers from anxiety 
The ‘wife’ mentioned in I Earn My Life— she does indeed hear her husband’s justifications a lot. 
Has a Bachelor of Arts in Painting
Uncannily good at strategy games 
Dylan Livwright: Ben and Mary’s son. Dylan is a clever young man with a passion for music. He wants nothing more than to become a guitarist and produce his own songs, a goal that puts him at odds with his father. A fairly typical grouchy teenager with all the sarcastic, ungrateful trappings. However, Dylan is also quite sensitive, artistic, and responsible. As much as he hates his father’s lack of attention and approval, he still loves him and wants to make him proud. 
Dylan is the in-universe author of a number of songs including As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It, Being a Rockstar, Go To Hollywood and Ancient Aliens.
Met professor Callenbach through a community service program. Callenbach eventually trusted him enough to befriend, and now Dylan plays the McFly to his Doc Brown. 
Dylan proves to be instrumental to Callenbach’s attempts to contact the mysterious MC, as his musical talents are capable of properly fueling and calibrating the prof’s tone-powered communication machine. 
Dylan lives in the same neighborhood as and is friends with the Moulinet boys despite being a few years older. He later helps Eugene figure out how to mix music. 
Refuses to cut his hair short no matter what his dad says. Eventually starts wearing it in a ponytail, though. 
Kenneth Livwright: The overbearing patriarch of the Livwright family. A retired investment banker and former business man with rather traditional values. He visits his son occasionally to keep an eye on how he’s doing, and to correct him if he’s getting off track.
Probably one of the most unsympathetic characters. Good thing he’s barely there. 
The family as a whole:
The whole family is in this weird temporal aesthetic range of 50s to 80s to ‘00s; mainly due to the vibe I get from their situation. Hopefully it isn’t too jarring. 
Benjamin’s ancestry is Danish, as a nod to Hans Christian Andersen, author of The Little Mermaid, which provided the partial inspiration for As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It (according to the commentary) 
The whole family has punny/symbolic names, of course, starting with the surname which is a corrupting of ‘live right’; something the family is constantly trying to do. 
Benjamin: short form ‘Ben’ means ‘son of’, as Ben’s life is completely dominated by his own father. In full, a corruption of ‘been living right’, which he is convinced he is doing. 
Mary: homophone of marry, because her only mention in the actual music is as the wife of the singer. Also homophone of ‘merry’, as she’s the most cheerful of the Livwrights (outwardly, at least). And finally, depending on the etymology, can relate to the sea, which goes back to the little mermaid references, and also her son because…
Dylan: meaning ‘born of the sea’. Initially chosen as a corruption of ‘didn’t live right’, but also as a nod to the Little Mermaid. Also provides symbolic opposition to his grandfathers influence, as his name is…
Kenneth: etymologically related to fire. Also a corruption of ‘Can live right’ in its short form Ken, and a corruption of ‘cannot live right’ in its full form, for obvious reasons. 
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ouroboros-hideout · 1 month
Time to go to Rewe and stock up on groceries for the house of Baddieghest! Shopping list: — 1 kg of Po-ta-toes — Aon — 1 Avocado — Aon as well — 100 soft dark Tomatoes — Vlad (don't buy, just throw at him) — 1 Lemon — each of them (since a certain oversized gollum stole all of them) If your credit balance is too low for the purchase, call mom Jago!
Time to make some salad of the things our circus director brought to the house. Italy won't get anything of it tho. She would only complain about it anyway bc there are potatos in it. Absolutely no taste.
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Maybe her bossy attitude of “You can't tell me shit” and her tone in general. She can be very compassionate, but she's always walking a fine line between “okay, I'm being really nice and empathetic this time" or "lol get your shit together and stop whining.” But it's always been her way of saying what she thinks rather than wrapping the person she's talking to in a blanket just to create a sense of fake comfort. She's been through way too much shit in her life to care who she might offend or not. Deal with it, or get lost.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
I think the thing you can blame her most for is her work. It's not exactly a respectable job, manufacturing war machines and weapons, but it fills her with pride when she completes a big project. Building machines is her passion. That particular type of machine maybe wouldn't have been her first choice, but having already learned a lot about it while studying at SovOil, she stuck with it during her time with the Nomads and refined her skills. After all, it's lucrative because the world is just a rotten place and she has to look after her people. Is it reprehensible that people are being killed with the weapons she makes? Sure. But if it's not her weapon, then it's someone else's. Maybe she’s too pessimistic to think that anything in this society would change anymore. In a sense of: I could make this world a better place if I instead would do xy.”  
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
People she loves and cares about. She’s really protective for her found-family, especially for those she knows are no fighters or would struggle to defend themselves in a dangerous situation. She’s not overly protective of the ones she knows can handle themselves, like Kurt for example, but that doesn't mean you couldn’t do a lot of damage to her if something happens to him or any other person that’s close to her. 
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Misunderstood in the sense that it's hard to believe that there's still something human/empathetic in him that just can't come to the surface anymore and that's quite an inner struggle for him sometimes. Like: fighting the beast inside and knowing that you're gonna lose anyway. So of course everyone sees him as the cold-blooded bastard with the psycho mindset because that's the only thing that comes to the outside. That's why he's not really misunderstood, but there would certainly be an opportunity to understand him on a different level if someone had the chance to delve deeper into this man's mind. Though there is no way to repair the damage that’s done so it only would be a thing to satisfy curiosity instead of trying to fix something. 
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
Could be two things. One is his physical weakness, one is his mental weakness. Physically his artificial heart. Like in a natural body it’s the core of his whole system and if it fails everything else shuts down as well. He surely would have a bigger time window until all the other inner modifications of his body stop working completely but if you really want to take him out the best way would be to rip that thing out of his chest. 
On a psychological level it’s when he’s “getting aware of his condition”. He sometimes has very rare and short moments of clarity, where he knows that something is wrong inside his head. Those moments are triggered by strong emotions both positive and negative and affects him like “a glitch in his system”. He gets more careless, confused or even has a short blackout. Surely could be something that can be used against him, tho it is a bit of a gamble to trigger such a moment on purpose. 
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remidyal · 2 years
Remidyal's Fic Masterpost
A full list of my current fics, assuming I remember to update this post and pin it!
I love people doing derivative works and give blanket permission for any non-commercial art, podfic, etc SO LONG AS you do not use an AI or machine learning tool. Also, please link it to me because I wanna see.
Dimension 20 stuff:
Long fics:
Lunacy is my longest fic (at the time of writing this, about 180k words), an in-progress Adaine (and, particularly later, Aelwyn) focused fic in which Adaine fails her con save and becomes a werewolf. Similar overall in tone to the original, Lunacy strives pretty hard to be largely canon compliant from that divergence point, other than things that just are mostly changed for narrative needs. A heavy focus on Adaine (and again, later, Aelwyn) finding a family. There's two other works in the series; one is a short fic that was a draft oneshot of the core idea, the other is some supplemental material and missing scenes.
This thing is my baby and if you make art or recursive fic of it I will love it and you.
Missing is another in-progress long form fic, this one with Aelwyn as the main character and Adaine in the secondary role. This one is much less canon-compliant than Lunacy; the Abernant parents start on physical abuse sooner than they do in canon, and Aelwyn is a little bit braver and runs away, taking Adaine with her. Generally will have shorter chapters than Lunacy and definitely won't be going 250k words the way Lunacy probably will by the end.
Oneshots and short series:
Most of these are in the 1k-2k word range.
Fantasy High:
Poison and its sequel Bane focus on a very toxic relationship between Penelope Everpetal and Aelwyn Abernant. They're pretty angsty, but I actually really like them. It's not a sincere romance by any means - for starters, Aelwyn in almost all of my works is Aromantic Pansexual (and Adaine is aroace) - and it's definitely Penelope driving it. I may do a third part of this one sometime.
Dreams is much longer than most of these oneshots, just short of 10k words, and is centered around Riz and Kalina, though all of the Bad Kids appear and Fig and Adaine are the most important characters besides those two. This is a class swap AU, with Riz as a Cleric of the 'Sleeping God', and Kalina (and the Sleeping God) as a much more ambiguous figure than the Nightmare King and Kalina of canon. I DEEPLY love the class swaps here, particularly Cleric Riz, Warlock Kristen, and Wild Magic Sorcerer Adaine.
Flames of Passion is the only one of these that's under a thousand words, coming in right around 900. It's also maybe the only one of these truly focused on a romantic ship (Poison and Bane are definitely not ROMANTIC). The pairing is Kalvaxus/Gilear. Make of it what you will.
Dig Out is another one that's likely to get a followup someday. This one seems more angsty than it really is, because I think it ends in kind of a happy way? But it's marked with major character death, because Adaine's a zombie in this one. Give it a read anyway? I genuinely have grown to really love this one.
The Ghost of Me is another one where Adaine dies, but this one's almost triumphant. This is a fic imagining her following through on the threats she makes to Kir and Angwyn if the Elvish government executes her.
Minutes from the July Mordred Manor Wizard's Council Meeting is almost a purely comedic fluff piece, centered around the Mordred Manor Wizard's Council of Adaine O'Shaughnessey, Aelwyn Abernant, Ayda Aguefort, and Zayn Darkshadow.
Waiting is a purely comedic piece about the Bad Kids, plus Aelwyn and Ayda, getting a summer job at a thinly veiled Waffle House expy.
Runaway was a theoretical pilot (the same way Lunacy had) for a series in which Aelwyn stuck Adaine in a palimpsest in their fight and then fled the country with that crystal.
Non-Fantasy High:
Sisters is a post-canon by several years A Crown of Candy fic following Ruby looking into possible disloyalty among the new Candian nobility.
Gallivant's End is a post-canon Starstruck fic following Riva on their journey home, worrying about the changes they have gone through.
Unending Summer is a post-canon (I'm sensing a trend...) Unsleeping City fic focused on Iga's kids, who I had to create tags for to publish this fic even though they are awesome. Y'all should write more Iga's Kids fic, collectively.
Non-Dimension 20 Works
These have both been on hold for a few months, but I do plan to complete both.
To See the End is a Tales of Berseria canon-divergent AU fic, splitting off at the point where Magilou makes her last stand against Melchior; in this, the party is slower and Melchior pushes her to the point of brain hemorrhaging, killing Magilou and leaving her spirit to reincarnate (as a powerful magic user) on the spot as a Malak.
People Who Lies To Themselves is a full Naruto AU where Orochimaru ends up as the fourth Hokage and the village is just generally harsher and crappier, but at least more open about it. It follows a Sakura who gets peer pressured in VERY different ways.
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merrock · 11 months
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face claim: Ben Feldman
full name: Adrian Ellis 
nickname(s) / goes by: Adi
pronouns & gender: he/him cis man
sexuality: heterosexual 
birth date: July, 12, 1984 (39)
birth place: Portland, Maine
arrival to merrock: Moved to town about ten years ago to make his own start away from his parents.
housing: Historical Downtown
occupation: Web developer/designer 
work place: Office just out of town and working from home. 
family: Younger sister 
relationship status: single
Adi is an attractive but modest guy, he is optimistic and likes to be helpful to those around him. Although he comes across pretty confident, he is actually rather shy and reserved and talks a lot to cover it. At times, he can be immature, a know-it-all and a little spoilt as he comes from a rich family. But he is caring, gentle and a good friend.
WRITTEN BY: Soph (she/her), gmt.
Adrian who likes to be known as Adi was born in Portland, Maine, though for a long time he considered New York to be his home after moving there when he was just six years old. His parents were both lawyers who had high expectations and worked long hours. Although he didn’t want for much, he didn’t spend too much time with his parents and he was sent to boarding school at a very young age.
Adi has always been incredibly smart and he enjoyed the challenge of boarding school. However, at times he could be a little too smart for his own good and his opinions often got him into trouble. He was known to argue with teachers over something he’d read or a documentary he’d seen, just eager to share what he'd learnt. He excelled throughout school, with most things in life coming pretty easy to him. He read about everything and anything and he liked to show off his wide range of knowledge, telling anyone who would listen and always having something to say about most situations. This is something he still does in adult life, he often corrects people and can come across a little annoying but he means well and he’s a kind natured guy who goes out of his way to help people.
His parents had money and he had plenty of opportunities, he played several instruments and took advanced classes. He even spent his summers helping at the law firm. Though his real passion was computers and gaming. He would spend hours taking apart old machines and messing with a range of software. He was smart and could teach himself how to edit, create programs and code. He enjoyed getting to express himself and finding something for himself.
However, his parents weren’t too happy with his choice to pursue IT and programming at college, they wanted him to become a doctor or lawyer and that only pushed him further away from them. Instead of applying for college, Adi took his trust fund and decided to take a gap year which turned into four years. Many would consider him to be a spoilt rich boy who rebelled against his parents, and maybe in a way he was but Adi was happy. He travelled, he went backpacking and he saw the world for himself. The places he experienced were a big influence on him and brought him out of his shell.
Though at the age of 22, Adi knew he had to make some kind of plans for his future. He had the grades to go to any university that he wanted and he decided to return to New York and applied to Cornell. His parents agreed to help him financially, glad their son was finally going back into education, even if working with computers hadn’t been their first choice for him. Though he thrived, he enjoyed the hard work and learning new things and being able to put his arguments and opinion into what he loved. He grew in confidence and made a best friend who encouraged him to be him. They're still friends today.
After university, Adi worked for a tech company in New York for a few years and completed his Masters degree. However, it always felt like something was missing. The job paid well and he didn't hate it but he felt like he wasn’t really moving forward. Growing up, he'd enjoyed visiting his grandparents in Maine. It was relaxed there, they left him to do his own thing. He'd spend hours reading outside and playing video games all day. His sister had moved to Maine in her teens after being kicked out of private school. She'd attended high school in Merrock and about ten years ago, Adi decided it was time for him to settle there too and to move away from their parents.
He lives in a nice home in Merrock and works for a company not far from the town. He's still a little dork at time but he is rather confident in who he is and hoping one day he'll find the right person to be in that life with him.
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hrokkall · 2 years
Hi in honour of the short carla conversation we had the other day. Miss Carla Dosa. To no ones surprise
MORE than happy to talk about her :]
Favorite thing about them: I love how her reviews of the Weasel Kid games really reflect her attitude towards Lionel at the time. She really just wanted to root for him no matter what (she doesn’t even seem angry over SWK 06 like all of the other reviewers, just sad) and it’s a shame how that turned out for both of them. Congratulations on surviving being a human character in the Mullinsverse Carla and also sorry about your best friend being blinded by success and ultimately consumed by it.
Least favorite thing about them: She didn’t appear at all? Come on, she could’ve at least gotten a grainy picture like Kaycee did but. Nope. </3
She did get to make a game and get it published to steam though so good for her in that regard. Even if it opened a back door to (fictitiously) installing a clown virus on your computer.
Favorite line: I don’t have a favorite line but I DO want to point out that the font she uses in Secrets of Legendaria is the Minecraft font. Absolutely fantastic on her part.
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brOTP: The dynamic between her and Sado is so interesting to me and I wish it was explored more in canon (but it wasn’t/probably won’t be in the future so I’ll just do it myself). The way I see it is that Sado is purely chaotic neutral in all respects except around Carla, who she sees as a friend and therefore actually listens to (Carla initially worried that she’d accidentally hard-coded her with that loyalty and—after learning she was alive—immediately tried to undo that by insisting that Sado can do whatever she wants regardless, but that’s not true. Sado is sticking around because she wants to and that’s about it).
OTP: I don’t really ship Carla with anyone
nOTP: I don’t not ship Carla with anyone either—again, I’ve seen maybe two or three Carla ships and I don’t have a strong opinion on any of them one way or another.
Random headcanon: Pretty much everything is a headcanon regarding this character but I’d like to imagine that—following the incident with Secrets of Legendaria—Carla gets a job at GameFuna proper (honestly not much of an upgrade, but GameFuna is in desperate need of programmers who actually know how to program… the head of the company who insists on pushing all the concepts himself definitely isn’t qualified, no matter how passionate he is. Plus, GameFuna doesn’t give a shit about someone’s reputation, AND she gets to work from home a lot of the time, it’s a win in her book). She’s also not aware that her boss is the Actual Devil just because that’s funnier in my book. He’s just an eccentric asshole to her. “Yeah he’s a CEO obviously he’s the devil. What do you mean from the bible.”
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think there are any unpopular Carla opinions on account of the fact that I don’t think anyone remembers she existed outside of… maybe three people. I’d say four but that’s pushing it.
Song I associate with them: Hm, don’t think I have a specific one—at least not one that actually fits. Maybe Remain Nameless by Florence + the Machine? Not 100% on that though. As a bonus I inexplicably associate her with Goodnight Socialite by the Brobecks. It has absolutely nothing to do with her character as far as I’m aware. I just think she’d enjoy it I guess.
Favorite picture of them: There aren’t any </3
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Thoughts at 650pm
I have friends who are very passionate about their culture. I have worked hard to assist them in their exploration and exercise of same. It is important to them, so that made it important to me. That is why many of you saw that I worked very hard with the Native American transfer group at UCLA as well as other groups. If they needed me to guide them through the red tape and documentation of putting on an event, or to answer general questions in a panel or 1-on-1, or even just to be a driver, or check in person at the door. If they needed it to make their event happen, I was willing to put in the time and effort... Because it was important to them.
And it was important to the people the events helped. It was important to their community, and their culture.
But I never really took the time to explore my own... and I have been thinking about that a lot.
My experiences with my culture have been almost one sidedly bad. From Hebrew school to Jewish camps, to dealing with a certain element of my family that is orthodox, the memories I have of these experiences are almost all negative. I was not put into situations where the people were like me... they did not dress like me, talk like me, sound like me, think like me, or act like me. I was an outsider.
They started speaking hebrew from birth, and knew the mishna, the talmud, the rituals and songs. They had memories attached to each, they had friends built on the experiences, they existed within the culture and helped grow it. It was practiced at home, at school, in all aspects of life.
My mother was as secular as they came. Pork Chops, shrimp, no hebrew education at all, no anything. She knew of things tangentially, but it was never practiced. My father was the same way. We didn't keep shabbos, we didn't go to shul, we didn't do much.
My paternal grandparents both escaped the pogroms and the holocaust and spoke yiddish, german, and russian as their primary languages. Their English was good though, but conversations were like many in families like that... a little of this, a little of that, a lot of the other. Zeyde was an alter kaker, their neighbor was a mamzer, my sister was full of mishigas, and the computer that never worked was always the farshtunkene machine!
I didn't know my maternal grandparents well at all. Grandpa's family came over earlier, and he went through the great depression in the US. His dad left when he was very young and he got a job with the railroads when he was barely a teenager. While they lived in the Jewish part of Detroit, it wasn't a part of their day in-day out. Grandma I know nothing about, except everyone hated her.
The thing is, my mothers sister was very frum orthodox. And I have cousins who also became either very conservative or orthodox, and we have a lot of family in Israel that have been there for generations.
But I don't really know them, or have any relationship to them besides knowing they exist.
I grew up isolated from them, from my extended family, and ultimately from my culture.
Attempts to enter, or learn more were unpleasant at best, and remain so. Be it the cultural aspect, or the religious aspect. To be frank, I doubt I could ever be religious after what I have seen and experienced throughout the world. There can be no higher power that allows such things to exist... there can be no higher power that deserves respect, love, or worship for the pain and suffering that exists because of him.
I mention this because I am currently reading Steven Pressfields "The Lion's Gate" about the Six Day war between Israel and the Arab armies, and I came across this section in which Moshe Dayan says:
Begin is one kind of Jew. Eshkol is another. I am like neither.
My experience is founded neither in Russia nor in Europe. I am a sabra. I was born here in Israel. I know nothing of the Talmud and I don’t want to know. I have no use for Yiddish. The so-called Jewish experience, which shaped my mother and father and other Diaspora Jews, the debates of the rabbis and the scholars, the interpretations of the law, to me these are angels dancing on the head of a pin. Nor do I make a religion of Zionism or socialism or the labor movement, despite all their worthy achievements.
My Bible consists of the books of the Patriarchs and the Judges. Its pages narrate the stories of Joshua and Gideon, of Saul and David and Jonathan. Say these names: Galilee, Mount Carmel, Beersheba, the Vale of Sharon. These sites are not theoretical to me. They are not a dream longed for from afar. They comprise the hills and flats that I have plowed and planted, tramped over and slumbered upon. A field at Ramat Yohanan has soaked up the last of my brother Zorik’s blood. I left my own eye in the dirt across the border with Lebanon. How many thousands have given the same and more?
The treads of a half-track rend a slope that has no name and is known to no one: Up comes an arrowhead three thousand years old. Dig again. Into the sunlight emerges a shard from the era of Joshua, the handle of a vessel from which a soldier of Israel once drank. Who was that man? He was myself.
I am that man.
and you know what? I felt that deep down. I have been immersed in other cultures... some where I wore a uniform, some where I cheered for a school or a team... but still, I see others who are "all-in" and I never quite felt that way. I am a fan of the steelers, but would I dress up or decorate everything I own in steelers stuff? Hell no. I might only watch half the games or less a year! Same with the carolina panthers! I don't even know all the players on the UCLA football team, and yet I see all of the games and I do consider myself a Bruin deep down.
But it calls back to the point ... what is my relationship to my culture? My biggest connections to it is being hated for being a Jew by so many, and not being Jewish enough by others. Like Dayan I acknowledge the worthy achievements, especially in regards to what Judaism has to offer and teach about how to be a good human being, and to do things because they're right, not out of fear of going to hell. But I am also the product of multi-generational trauma... my paternal side's traumatic events in Europe, as well as what they experienced living in the deep south as Jews in a small town in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. My maternal sides issues with racism, abandonment, and issues from the great depression. I grew up isolated, but knowing of these events to them, the way it shaped them, the way it made them act and interact, and at the same time, dealing with my own experiences of antisemitism and exclusion.
I do not know if this can be changed, or if I want it to. I do not ever see myself keeping the shabbos, or becoming a super-jew... but at my age, I have to look back and acknowledge it all.
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Cutie Bomber
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BACKGROUND: Cutie Bomber was Professor Ein's first Bomber. She was built, much like Blue, to be his assistant, but felt too cooped up with lab work. Gizmos and gadgets and shrink rays and stuff just weren't for her. She found her calling, instead, working on vehicles, especially motorcycles. White encouraged her, let her ramble on about gear shifts and drive shafts, and even when he was completely lost, he was still nothing but supportive. In return, and as something of an impromptu parting gift, she gave him the Bomber Moto, a customized, high-power motorcycle that she'd worked on herself. Then, she left for planet Owan to carve out a life for herself, seeking to be the galaxy's best mechanic. Later, she met Max. He had crash landed on Owan, battered and bruised after a run in with Bugula's forces, though they didn't follow him to the planet's surface. She fixed him up, worked on his plane, and the two of them struck up a friendship. By the time she was done, they were both sad to see Max go, so she decided once again that she would pack up her stuff and head out-- if Max was going to be crashing his ship like that, he needed a good mechanic, and she's the best in the Bomber Nebula!
PERSONALITY: Cutie is a hard-working, determined individual who always sees a job through to the end. She loves what she does, and has fun doing it, which is why she doesn't view it as much of a contradiction that she's also a fun-loving and, at times quite snarky woman. She also takes great pride in her appearance-- she was named for it after all. That said, she isn't afraid to get down and dirty when she nees to. Her priority list may have keeping up appearances in second place, but in a distant lead is her passion for working on machines, and with the kind of machines she likes working on, it's hard to stay clean all the time. Sometimes you gotta make a mess before you can really clean up.
LIKE: Bomber Moto
DISLIKE: Gas power
VC: Michaela Dietz (Amethyst)
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rolo · 3 months
Hello, I miss you.
I don't post here anymore. Clearly. My last actual post was saying I don't post here. But I logged in the other day for funsies and saw that some people I knew back in the day still use Tumblr! It makes me really happy to see people I love still kicking it. And that people are still being passionate and creative. I miss being a part of this.
Anyway, it got me really nostalgic and I wanted to do something cathartic so I wrote a long ass letter thing to myself. I also wanted an easier way to send it to some people, so it's ended up here.
I really don't expect anyone will engage with this, but if you see this/do engage with it, hello!! I miss you! My life is chaos and I can scarcely believe I had the time to do this (it's because I have had 4 days off work with like, parainfluenza or some shit). If you can be arsed, I'd love to hear from you. One day, I will get time to send people messages to tell them that I still think fondly of them, but that is going to have to wait until after physician exams (which I better fucking pass or I will actually go insane) and can do it with the amount of time and dedication it actually takes to be sincere and heartfelt.
I still talk a lot of shit, hey?
My life's changed so much compared to when I was active online. I have a wife, a son, a cat (I swore I'd never get a cat!), a different career, and a significant lack of free time. All of which explains why I am not active in fandom. I'm immensely satisfied with my life. I have so much to be thankful for, and so much that makes me happy each day (even though my son does not sleep (he is otherwise perfect) and I currently have a horrible cold). But I still miss fandom. I also miss consuming media! I just have minimal time. Between a full time job (which is actually more than full time; thanks, health care system), my wife, a child with seemingly boundless energy, maintaining a house, attending to the bare minimum of life admin and studying for physician exams, I generally have like, what, 30 minutes a day where I am not otherwise engaged? So I spend that time drinking tea with my wife and having an adult conversation, to stop her going insane from having to read Spot Goes to the Park for the umpteenth time. And, you know, she's my wife so I actually just enjoy hanging out with her.
So it leaves very little time for consuming new media. And thus no ability to engage in new fandoms. I don't really have time for fandom, anyway, even old ones. And a lot of my old fandoms have died, and I don't have the time to seek out the last bastions of fans and then try and make new friends. Which makes me sad because I love media! And I love talking about media with other people who also love media!
But I also feel as though I find it so hard nowadays to find something which appeals to me. Entertainment, for as long as I have been alive anyway, has always been a part of the capitalist machine. But in recent years, it feels as though it has become this way even moreso, with media designed specifically to be profitable at the expense of being creative or truly innovative. This has meant games are pivoting away from standalone stories to DLC models and live service models, anime is a lot of isekai shit (I am out of the loop, though, so maybe we're over that??). There is good stuff out there, but legally streaming it all would require me to take out a second mortgage. So I've just been relying on YouTube to watch random videos when I can, and have consumed the odd series or two.
It just all feels very lonely. And makes me wonder what the media landscape will look like when my son grows up. Will we be able to bond over a mutual appreciation for the media we enjoy, or am I going to look at what he consumes with bemusement? And if I try and share my favourite things with him, will he thing it's a load of shit and go off and play the latest version of Fortnite? I hope not. At the very least, I like to think that some of my favourite stuff can transcend generations a la Star Wars or Back to the Future, which I shared with my parents.
My other hope is books. Books are subject to trends, too, but there will always be large communities who enjoy particular genres, and thus always new, quality works in those genres. And my son loves books, so here is a glimmer of hope. Hopefully, we do move past Spot and onto something more robust.
(As an aside, the blurbs for children's books are hilarious. For example, in Spot Goes to the Park, he loses his ball since it goes into a lake (because Helen the hippo has butterfingers) and SPOILERS, a duck brings it back. But the blurb - which is just about as long as the damn book itself - makes it sound like you'll be reading some Agatha Christie level mystery. Love it. #parentthings #dopeoplestillusehashtags?)
I logged into Dreamwidth and LiveJournal the other day, just for shits and giggles. It was partly to look at the icons I'd made (sidenote: I actually got pretty good at that? Like, I made some quality shit) and partly to reminisce. I clicked on a few old friend's profiles to reminisce. I noticed that someone I was really close to, but lost contact with, had posted 2 years ago! They had a link to their other socials, and they're actively posting there.
I always worried that something had happened to them, so it's wonderful to know they're okay (or at least, alive). I think the reason we lost contact was probably me. They were going through some heavy stuff - events in their life and significant mental health diagnoses - and their coping strategies were less than ideal (i.e. use of substances). Not a judgement, but it's well documented that substance use as a coping mechanism is not good for you and exacerbates concurrent mental health problems. Anyway, I thought I was being helpful by suggesting they wind back on the substances because of that and interactions with their meds. It was well intentioned, but I'm sure that it probably did not come across that way. I mean, I was a 21 year old who thought I knew how the world worked. Obviously I didn't. 
I think I'm still glad I tried, though. If something happened, and I hadn't, I'd have felt terribly guilty. I still do feel guilty for assumedly causing hurt, but I think it would pale in comparison to guilt for not having tried to help a friend in trouble, and then something awful happen.
Now that I know they're still around, part of me wants to reach out. Not to rekindle a friendship, but to let them know I still think of them from time to time, that they were an important person in my life, and I'm sorry if I hurt them. I wouldn't need a reply, it would just be to clear the air. But then, if they cut me out for a reason, does suddenly reappearing make them hurt all over again if they remember who I am and what I did? Largely I do want to reach out to try and lessen the hurt, but a small part of me hopes that they would forgive me and reply, and I'll feel better. Is having this guilt, and knowing they no longer want to be my friend, actually something I just need to live with a consequence of my action? Is my seeking to apologise and let them know they're important actually just self serving?
And again, is what I'm really after is them replying and us reminiscing about the good old days and we strike up a friendship again? I mean, that would be amazing. I truly loved this person. They were kind to me, they were wickedly funny and helped improve my self confidence. In their own way, they built me up. I remember many of our interactions leaving me in hysterics. We wrote letters to each other, and would talk endlessly about our shared passions. They were so dear to me, and I desperately hoped that to them, I was even fractionally as dear. So losing them was a big blow, and made me wonder if it was just one sided. Towards the time we cut off contact, they were making fast friends with a lot of new people, and I just wanted to be a part of that, too. Enjoying their company. I felt left out. Messages started to lack replies, until just nothing. 
But that's life, I suppose.
Anyway, I don't have the time to actually be that much of a friend to anyone at the moment. So even if I did get a reply, any exchange would probably be superficial and/or have significant amounts of time between replies. 
So I guess in the end, I'll probably just leave things as they are. But I'm still happier than I was, knowing they're okay.
I mentioned before I primarily watch YouTube when I have a spare moment, or am holding a sleeping child. A lot of what I watch is actually let's plays or first watches of things I've played/watched before. It's easy to do as I don't have to pay super close attention as I know generally what's going on, and I can stop and start without too jarring a break (my wife reads and says it's really jarring/frustrating to have to drop it suddenly for a crying baby at the climax!). But I think the reason I have gravitated towards this as my primary "genre" for now is kind of an amalgamation of the above. It's something I know I enjoy, and it lets me participate in fandom in a passive kind of way, and share in the excitement over a piece of media like I used to back in the day, either during my first time with it, or when new members of a fandom arrived. The most recent series I completed after months was a first watch of Code Geass because I am predictable as fuck (I am the Code Geass meme. If Code Geass has 1 fan, it's me. If Code Geass has no fans, I'm dead). It was really nice seeing people excited about the show and theorising about what was coming just like back in the day! As opposed to now when people binge an entire series, or just post horny pictures on the Code Geass subreddit.
It made me really nostalgic for the days of LiveJournal (hence my login). I miss being a part of a community where people journeyed through media together, and there was the opportunity to get to know them outside of that setting through their journals. Not that you can't do that now, but platforms such as Reddit (and to a lesser extent, Tumblr), where fandom is now concentrated, make things much more impersonal and difficult to actually make friends. Again, not that I have the time, but I miss the magic of forums and LiveJournal and friending memes and knowing what was going on in the lives of my fellow fans! And making icons and graphics and reading fanfiction. It was such a magical time on the internet.
I don't think that will happen again in my lifetime. And I don't think I'll have the time again to engage in that until I retire, haha. But I miss it. I miss people being as excited as me about things. I miss memes. I miss making new friends from around the world.
Anyway, if you got this far, like wow?? Actually thank you?? I'm guessing if you did, it's probably because we were close in the past. I'm sorry I've been shit at staying in touch. I know I'm prone to exaggeration/melodrama, but it's actually accurate that I have minimal time available to me. This post has been brought to you by sick leave and the fact I'm too sick to properly study.
Please drop me a line if you want. I'd love it. Even if I don't know you, I'd love it.
I hope you're well.
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Moon Signs Pt. 1
My take on moon signs based off people I know! Now personally, I tend to have more strong opinions on my favorite moon signs than favorite sun signs. I feel like moon signs really indicate more about a person’s personality than their sun sign, imo. It does rule emotions and behavior after all. With sun signs I struggle with picking favorites because I do genuinely have people I like of every zodiac sign. I just go by the number of people I like from each zodiac sign. Anyhoo, here’s my view on each moon sign! 
Note: These are p long bc I have such strong thoughts on moon signs so I’m splitting it into two parts. :) 
🍂 Aries Moon: Ahhh, my moon sign. I won’t be biased though, I promise. So Aries moons based off other people I know is that we low-key got anger issues LMAO. Every single Aries moon I’ve met besides myself has anger issues, with the exception of one person and she still gets irritated easily. Aries Moons are also extremely sensitive, and they tend to be overlooked for that since they’re fire signs. I’ve found that a lot of what they get angry about has to do with their feelings, if they feel they’ve been wronged this really can make them angry as they are super sensitive. They also get angry when they feel like people aren’t listening to them, as they take this very personally. I’ve also noticed that Aries moons are EXTREMELY honest, they will tell it how it is and they are extremely blunt. They don’t like to beat around the bush, and they are very direct with how they feel about something. Aries moons are also extremely passionate and spontaneous especially in relationships; they’re the ones who wanna kiss in the rain and ride horses into the sunset, that is if you can get them to settle down with you LMAO. Nah all jokes, they’re picky about who they want, but once they really fall for someone it’s very hard for them to let go. They’re also so competitive, they will play dirty. My grandpa used to let me win in checkers as a kid, my dad (who’s an Aries moon) NEVER let me win. He said me losing would help build character LMFAO. He just didn’t wanna lose.They also have strong personalities and can be SUPER impulsive. Also, if they wanna do something, they WILL do it. No one is gonna stop them. If they wanna go somewhere at 3am, they’re doing it. Sorry. You can’t stop them. LMAO. Aries moons also love to be in touch with their inner child, my dad is an Aries moon and bought himself an arcade machine out of nowhere LMAO. I also like to collect shells and watch Disney movies to remind me of my childhood. They also tend to change their views and opinions on things a lot, and mind you they have intense emotions about these things. So it can be hard to keep up w them. 
🍂 Taurus Moon: Taurus moons are just so calm, it’s scary LMAO. I know a few of them, and even if they’re anxious about something you can never tell. They always have this calm demeanor and just seem so unbothered by everything. Taurus moons also LOVE money and the finer things in life. The male Taurus moons I know work a lot just so they can have a lot of money. One of them literally said to me “Money talks” after explaining to me why they work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day doing two jobs. The crazy thing is, despite doing all that extra work, he just seemed so unbothered about it LMAO. The female Taurus moons I know tend to love really expensive clothes and dressing up. This Taurus moon I work with has such nice clothes and always dresses like she’s on a Vogue cover. Like I said, Taurus moons LOVE money and the finer things in life like expensive clothes. If they aren’t the types to dress up or be workaholics, they desire comfort. They would rather lay in bed and take hot bathes than be bothered to do all that extra stuff. They also might like to eat out at expensive restaurants, and are “foodies”. They also might be big lovers of music and have lots of different music tastes. Also, Taurus moons? STUBBORN. Good luck trying to get them to change their mind on something. Also, despite them wanting all the luxuries and comfort of life, they are SUPER grounded. They do not live in a dream world, they see life for what it is, and prefer to be on the ground than have their heads in the clouds. Also, Taurus moons, I’m sorry, but y’all can be lazy. I work with three of them, and they can be lazy. They will not do more than the bare minimum. Also, their anger is low-key scary. Especially since it can come out of nowhere since they’re calm all the time, you never know when they’re angry and if you catch them at the wrong time... well, rip. They also tend to be introverted- even if they’re social, you will not know anything about them unless you’re besties with them or related to them. Doesn’t matter how well you know them, they don’t air their dirty laundry and keep their private life private. Also one last thing, omg these people sing all the time. They love singing to themselves, every single one I’ve met does that LMAO. Anyway, love my Taurus moons. 
🍂 Gemini Moon: Gemini moons love to make people laugh LMAO and love to just sit down and have good talks with people. Their minds NEVER stop working. Good luck trying to get them to stop talking once they know you. They can and will talk about anything for hours. Now, I do admire that, but sometimes I just wanna relax and they won’t stop talking to me LMFAO. My dad’s girlfriend is a Gemini moon and at family gatherings she loves to dance around and try to get everyone else to dance. I find that Gemini moons are very active and love to move around, and try to get everyone to have fun. Definitely the life of the party. They’re super amusing and also love to tell jokes and funny stories. Now not all of them are extroverts especially if they have an earth sun sign. So that is something to consider. My cousin is a Gemini moon and tends to be more introverted, however, once she’s comfortable around someone and knows someone she’s super goofy and loves to make people laugh. Gemini moons also love to learn, they’re always teaching themselves about something. My cousin who’s a Gemini moon just randomly started teaching herself how to do sign language (she’s good at it also)! These people are also SUPER adaptable, they can get along with any kind of personality and can adapt to any situation. I’ve also noticed that they love to playfully roast people and annoy them LMAO. I have noticed that they struggle with reading the room, they tend to just continue to annoy someone and can take it too far, which can get kind of annoying. They’re also extremely curious and are always asking questions. They love to ask random questions without any context. It’s a quirk a lot of them have. Trying to tell a story to them can be frustrating because if you mention certain terms they’ll ask you what they mean LMFAO. My dad was telling a story about how he used surfing to explain physics concepts in class and his girlfriend asked what the concepts were and what they mean. Also, they’re really good at giving advice. These people would make great psychologists imo. This girl I used to talk to (who’s a Gemini moon) actually is becoming a psychologist, so there you go LMAO. 
🍂Cancer Moon: Oh Cancer moons...you guys are so sensitive. They feel everything and anything. I haven’t met a Cancer moon that isn’t an empath. They are extremely good at reading other people and sensing their motives. My mother is a Cancer moon, and she’s always been able to tell who’s toxic in my life. She doesn’t even have to meet them either, just based off of stories I tell her, she can pick it up right away. Now, everyone always says Cancer moons are super close with their family and that’s definitely not always the case. The Cancer moons I’ve met have actually had a lot of problems with their family. Now the thing that I’ve noticed with these placements is that despite how toxic their family is, they always stick by them. Even if they’re not close. So I wouldn’t say they’re all super close with their families, but they always stick up for them, which can be an issue if their family is toxic. Also, Cancer moons, SUPER MOODY. I’m sorry but like I’m a Cancer sun and they’re ten times more moody than I am LMFAO. I’ve always said they act more like the stereotypical Cancer than Cancer suns. Also, this is a super underrated placement for humor. Every Cancer moon I’ve met has been super funny. Also, a super underrated placement for anger issues. Everyone says oh yeah Aries moons have anger issues, like yes, BUT HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN CANCER MOON ANGER?! Y’all Taylor Swift is a Cancer moon and wrote a whole album about how fed up she was about the media mistreating her and the whole Kimye thing (rightfully so) but y’all see my point. They can and will fight you. They also tend to be introverted, even if they’re social, (which I rarely see), they would much rather keep to themselves. I’ve also noticed that they’re very nostalgic a lot. My Cancer moon ex used to just randomly go through childhood photos and would show them to me. They’re also EXTREMELY protective over people they love, they will KILL for the people they love. They also love to talk about their dream homes and interior decorating a lot? My Cancer moon ex was OBSESSED with coming up with his dream house and would literally draw out diagrams for me to see. My mother too, she wants to redecorate her apartment and was showing me all the potential furniture that was gonna be put in. Oh Cancer moons, LMAO. 
🍂 Leo Moon: Oh Leo moons. You guys can be so dramatic LMAO. Every Leo moon I’ve met is so dramatic; these are the types of people who get up and move around when telling a story and also do dramatic hand gestures. These are the types of people who post a black screen in middle school on Snapchat saying “Don’t hmu.” LMAO. My Leo moon friend gets so mad when I make that joke, but it’s so true. These people are also naturally super creative, the Leo moons I know love to decorate and draw. Even if they don’t do any outright creative hobbies, they have a creative streak to them. It’s weird though because despite them being very dramatic when it comes to them being angry, they struggle with expressing their personal problems to other people. (This however can be changed with other placements, but I’ve found this to be true in many cases). They don’t want people to think that they’re weak, so they put up a tough front to hide that they’re hurting. Also, Leo moons, are indeed the hype friends. My Leo moon friends gas up my Instagram posts so much. They’re also extremely loyal and don’t like to leave people out, they hate that kind of shit. They’re also extremely accepting of others, my Leo moon friend was the first person I came out to, and they accepted me right away. They also love to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Like when you go out with them, they will make you wait before eating your food so they can take video of your food together LMAO. They love to capture every moment, I personally find it very endearing. Also, a lot of people say Leo moons are super cocky. I don’t find this to be true. They can come off that way, but I’ve found they tend to actually be pretty insecure and they try to hide it by coming off as confident. I feel like Leo moons tend to put on a show a lot to hide how they truly feel, which makes it hard to get to know them. It makes me sad because they truly are such kind hearted people and all they want is to feel validation. I also found that they love to go above and beyond to make sure everyone else is happy and tend to put themselves last. I wish y’all didn’t do that, you deserve to be happy too. ;( 
🍂 Virgo Moon: Workaholics. That’s how I’m starting this LMAO. My friend is a Virgo moon and works her ass off. She goes above and beyond in school for starters. For this anatomy course we had together, she sent me a whole diagram she made of the human brain on Notability and it was so intricately made. She also works her ass off at her job and takes care of her siblings. I feel like this falls into Virgo placements putting others before themselves. Virgo moons are definitely the types to be like this. They want to make everyone happy and they want to feel useful so they do all these extra things to feel that way. Virgo moons are also super smart, and have the best study methods. Low-key jealous. They have this incredible drive and are always on top of things and have a routine. Also Virgo moons LOVE animals. My friend who’s a Virgo moon, works at a dog sitting business and has 6 pets at home. They LOVE animals. They also like honesty and bluntness; they will provide you with that as well. They don’t like beating around the bush or lying to make other people feel better. You wanna know if you look bad in a dress? Ask a Virgo moon, LMFAO. I’ve also found that they struggle with wanting to be perfect all the time, and struggle with anxiety. As I said, they want to be the best at everything, and this can be a big source of anxiety for them. These people also find themselves attracting people who they want to “fix”. They also give amazing advice and are super reliable. Also, last minute plans? They HATE them. Want a Virgo moon to hate you? Try making spontaneous plans with them LMAO. Virgo moons also have great memories; they’ll remember every little detail about you. Also Virgo moons are the types to take charge in a group project and run the whole thing because they don’t trust anyone. Virgo moons also always appear to be calm and collected, even though many of them frequently deal with anxiety a lot. Also, they’re low-key underrated for humor. They have a very dry and self-deprecating sense of humor LMAO. They also go above and beyond in relationships because they enjoy seeing the people they love being happy. 
Anyhoo, this wraps up part one!  Also these are just my opinions, so don’t get offended I tried to praise and drag all of them equally <3 
Part 2 here. 
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