#shes spent her whole life being the good responsible kid for everyone
pithyorangecurd · 1 year
My favorite part of being into stuff is that i bring things to my sister and we like things together so a lot of content i like i send to her, so she has a lot of in jokes from here in her hands bc i send jokes and things from my mutuals to her.
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heliads · 2 years
Hellloooo!!! I don’t wanna add to your workload so if this just piles on, please delete it! 😅😊 I just had an idea for a newt x reader fic where they’re in an established relationship in the Glade and during a bonfire one night the boys all ask newt questions about what it’s like to date reader and how it feels and newt just answers with the upmost sweetness. Reader overhears and fluff ensues!!!!
fluff ensues has got to be one of my favorite plot descriptions. like yeah it absolutely will do that (and no worries, nothing will stop the workload from being! newt just helps make it better <3)
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Newt is aware that he is a little bit luckier than most. This is a sentiment that he never thought he’d be caught dead believing. Not in the Glade. Not in the Maze. Not anywhere in this surreal mess of a place. Yet it’s on repeat in his head on a day to day basis nonetheless, ticking off the hours like an alarm clock consisting solely of his blessings. 
Newt didn’t think he’d have that much to brag about. No memories means no history he can mention to his equally luckless friends. Still, he’s got one important victory in his life that no one else can even dream of, and that’s the fact that he’s dating Y/N. Yeah, that certainly sets him apart in the world of good things given to kids who can’t quite convince themselves they deserve them. 
Some would say that Newt is being a little dramatic. He would argue that his response is perfectly within reason. One girl has been sent up in all the months that anyone’s been in the Glade, one girl and one girl alone, and she just happened to choose him. Around here, that’s grounds for being nominated for sainthood. 
Newt isn’t going to act like he’s not just over the moon every time he thinks about the whole situation. Against all odds, Y/N fell in love with him. That’s so unreal that Newt has to pinch himself every hour on the hour just to make sure it isn’t a dream. He never tries too hard, though. Just in case. 
He didn’t have many thoughts on love before she came up. There wasn’t really time now, was there? It was just him and the scores of other stragglers making do in their bloody terrible world. You don’t spend much time lingering over potential sweethearts when the closest thing to a Romeo is Gally yelling at everyone in the Glade except his friends.
Not great dating material, to say the least. Even when Y/N came up that one month, though, he still hadn’t fallen for her from the start. He liked her, obviously, she was nice and didn’t test his patience, but he was perfectly content to keep her as a friend, just that. Great expectations have a way of letting you down. Newt’s learned that if you keep your eyes on the ground, stop looking up at the sun and stars, you’ll be able to deal with it a little easier when all your brightest aspirations go away.
He’d done that before and he planned on doing it again. Even as time passed and he realized that his heart had a funny way of speeding up whenever she was nearby, when it occurred to him that his daily routines always had a way of working in chances to see her, Newt forced himself to ignore everything. Maybe he liked the way the morning sunlight always played on Y/N’s face, maybe he could have spent hours wondering over the way her eyes sparkle when she laughs. It was nothing that he could ever commit to treasuring above anything else.
It took several rounds of self-talk and about a dozen different interventions staged by his friends for Newt to get up the courage to tell Y/N how he felt. Hell, it took at least half of those interventions for him to even admit how he felt to himself. Newt had been internalizing for so long that bringing some of those emotions to the forefront of his attention was damned near impossible. Minho, Alby, and a few others, however, were so sick of seeing him ‘mope around like a lovesick fool,’ to quote them specifically, that they were dedicated to the task of getting him in order.
It worked, too. Newt had run through what could have been a hundred speech variations in his head, all mentioning her character or her sense of humor or any one of the millions of things he liked about her best. In the end, he didn’t choose a single one. The second Newt pulled Y/N away from a crowd of their friends for ‘something he needed to say in private,’ every single whirlwind of thoughts storming through his head came to an abrupt stop. He totally blanked out. 
Newt wouldn’t even know that he managed to force any words out at all were it not for the fact that the effects of that interaction are quite obvious. Somehow, Y/N ended up returning his affections, and they’ve been doing pretty well ever since. Newt doesn’t like counting his eggs before they hatch and all that, but he’d go so far as to say that he doesn’t see it ever breaking down for quite some time, if ever. They’re alright. They’re great, and they’re happy, and in a place like this, you take that and run with it for as long as you can. Maybe it’ll ruin itself someday, but Newt plans on pushing that off to the distant future for forever and a day.
In the meantime, Newt gets to think about how lucky he is. Despite the fact that Y/N’s apparently been crushing on him for just as long as he started liking her, and despite the fact that Frypan proclaims on a daily basis that he’s never seen two shanks more alike, Newt still feels like all of this is just one great coincidence. Maybe it was never supposed to happen, but it did, and he’s going to love that and her for as long as he can.
She’s waiting for him now, he thinks. Work is over for the day, and there’s a Bonfire Night happening this evening too, courtesy of the shivering Greenie fresh out of the Box who still can’t seem to keep his shock from showing. The fool to whom this celebration is owed looks like he’s going to keel over, what from the way he keeps half doing a backbend from continually craning his neck up to stare at the Walls, but the rest of them can get drunk and fuck around and generally have a good time. 
Greenies never appreciate their Bonfire Nights enough anyway. It’s up to the rest of the Gladers to show them what it’s like to have fun. Who knows the next time they’ll be able to stop stressing over the ruins of their lives anyway? Newt’s heard half a dozen Gladers proclaim that they only live bonfire to bonfire anyway. They might as well prove it tonight.
Newt meets Y/N on the outskirts of the bonfire just as the dark starts to fall. Dusk kicks up its heels, keeping watch over the revels and hiding the sun, which can never bear to see whatever mistakes they’re going to make next. Y/N holds out a hand to him, one Newt gladly accepts.
“I can’t believe it’s been six months now since I first showed up,” she grins, gesturing towards the Box with her free hand, “Feels like just yesterday.”
Newt snorts. “Time flies when you’re having fun, huh? Trust me, the Greenie Days get faster and faster. I swear I just finished touring the last kid, and now we’ve got another one to keep pestering us with questions.”
Y/N shakes her head, considering this. “Nah, I think this one will be better. He’s too scared to speak above a whisper. If you try, you can just ignore him.”
Newt chuckles. “I’m not supposed to be bullying the Greenies. Alby says I’m meant to set a good example.”
“I saw Alby telling Minho to trip the new kid to see if he’d finally make a sound if he bit the dirt,” Y/N comments, “I don’t think kindness is really in our books.”
Newt arches a brow. “I could see that happening. Did it work?”
“No,” Y/N says, disappointed, “Kid was so scared to move a muscle that he didn’t fall at all. Just kind of stopped walking like he’d hit a wall instead of Minho’s ankle.”
Newt tries to bite back a smile. He’s only half successful. “Shame. That would have been fun to see.”
Y/N laughs. “That’s what I said. Anyways, they’re all over there, near the fire. I think the next strategy is to give the kid some of Gally’s brew in the hopes that it’ll coax something out of him other than his dinner.”
Newt shudders. “Best of luck to him.”
“And to me,” Y/N replies, “I think I’m going to get a glass of my own. See you in a second.”
Newt waves a casual hand in goodbye, watching as his girlfriend weaves through the steadily forming crowds of Gladers in an attempt to track down a drink. He takes a seat near an overturned log, staring into the fire as it disappears into sparks. Six months since Y/N appeared in the Box, so it’s been indeed.
Newt can’t decide whether that feels like a long time or not nearly long enough. Y/N’s changed him in almost every way, that much is obvious. Sometimes, in meeting someone you know will impact you forever, you almost want them to have been around for much longer. Strangers aren’t meant to become your best friends, not until you’ve known them for years and you have scores of memories to share. You want to give them decades in your mind, centuries, as a sign that they’ve been so important to you. Mere months aren’t enough. Surely it should be more.
It isn’t, and maybe that’s for the best. Newt has no memories save for when he came up his own share of months ago. All his friends are new, all his enemies still more recent. Maybe the girl he loves has only been in his life for a short time, but his recorded life is short indeed. Everything is modern. That’s just how it is.
Newt becomes aware of eyes on him and realizes that he might not be the only one reminiscing about when Y/N came up in the maze. A few Gladers have come up by Newt’s side, steadily appearing out of the gloom and smoke to stare at him.
Newt glances at them questioningly, and a few moments later the bravest of them dares to voice their collective thoughts. “What’s it like dating Y/N?” The boy asks, “you know, since she’s the only girl?”
Newt smiles to himself. “It’s great,” he says.
This clearly isn’t the response the other boy wants. “Yeah,” he repeats, “but what’s it like? It’s not like the rest of us have our own girlfriends to compare it with.”
Newt bites back a laugh. “Well,” he begins, noticing out of the corner of his eyes that the other boys draw closer to him expectantly, “it’s like having a best friend, but even better. She’s someone I can talk to at any time, but I don’t have to worry about seeming uncool or weird around her. Y/N knows exactly who I am, the good and the bad, but she’s chosen to be with me anyway. It makes you feel like you can do anything.”
The boy nods, accepting this. “Are you ever worried that she’s going to get tired of you and leave you for someone else?”
“If you’re asking me if I’m worried about competition,” Newt says slowly, “I’d say, don’t think you even have a chance. She’s my girlfriend, you bloody shank, not some object you can steal away. Anyway, obviously I’d like it if she stayed with me a while longer, but I’m not scared, no. I know that we’re happy, and that’s enough.”
The boy’s face flushes scarlet when Newt calls him out, but he seems to have made his peace with it at the end. Newt’s half expecting more questions, but all of a sudden they scatter to the corners of the celebration. A few moments later, the cause of the disturbance becomes obvious:  Y/N herself takes a seat next to him, glass in hand.
“It seems like you had a score of admirers,” she says, lips twitching up into a smile.
Newt groans. “More like your admirers, trust me. They wanted to ask about what it was like to date you. Not something I thought I’d be discussing with the Slicers-in-training, but why not?”
Y/N laughs. “Oh, I know. I have to say, though, it was very sweet. Being with me makes you feel like you can do anything?”
Newt feels his entire face heat up, and he briefly ponders launching himself into the fire to escape it. “I didn’t realize you were eavesdropping. That’s rude, you know.”
Y/N just grins. “I do apologize. It was very sweet, though. I appreciated it.”
Newt rolls his eyes, but he can’t keep a smile off of his face for long. “Does that mean you won’t leave me for some random boy who showed up a few months ago?”
“I’ll consider it,” she assures him, “like you said, though, I wouldn’t worry much. I happen to like being with you quite a bit as well.”
Newt reaches over, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to pull her close. Y/N leans her head on his shoulder, and they stay there for quite some time, watching the embers of the fire curl into ribbons of smoke up in the darkest reaches of the sky. The bonfire dances, their friends shout and clap and laugh all around them, and through it, they keep going. All is well.
tmr tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @thatfangirl42, @hiya-its-amber, @gods-fools-heroes, @hope92100, @23victoria, @w1shes43, @ilovexavierthrope, @fadedver
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obsessedelusional · 2 years
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The New Girl
parings ✦ eddie munson x reader
summary ✦ It’s your first day at a new school and your a nervous wreck. Sitting at a random table of boys might just change your life for the better when their leader take a special interest in you.
authors note ✦ I spend so much time writing Eddie fics and oneshots. I have a whole ass 40+ chapter finished fic I have yet to share with the world just cause I am too scared. Decided to start lightly with this and maybe post more in the future. Let me know what you think, good or bad. lol I think my problem is I’m so worried about my grammar and shit that I never post. So if that has a bunch of errors I’m sorry
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
You spent all summer dreading this day, your first day as a senior at Hawkins High. You’d be the new girl in the last year of school when everyone has already established their cliques, you’d be the outsider. To your surprise it wasn’t as painful as you’d imagined. First half of the day went by quickly, you sat in the period before lunch wondering where you were gonna sit. For a brief moment you considered spending it in the bathroom to avoid be the new girl sitting by her self but quickly decided against that idea. Concluding that being caught sitting in the bathroom for thirty minutes was far more embarrassing.
The bell rings breaking you out of your thoughts. The rest of class wastes no time, sighing you stand up and follow their lead. You’re the last one out of the room but that’s not before your stopped by the teacher.
“Y/N, right?” You nod yes in response. “How’s your first day so far?”
“So far so good. Everyone’s been really nice.” You realize there’s not much truth to that statement considering he’s the first person that’s took the time to talk to you.
“That great to hear, if you need anything at all don’t hesitate to ask.” He smiles reassuringly, you smile back and thank him before leaving the room.
Once in the cafeteria, you get in line and grab a tray. Thanking the lunch ladies as they slop on the mysterious food. In that moment you think to your self you’ll be bringing lunch from now on. Out of the line you’re greeted by the rows of tables filled with students.
Eyes scan the room quickly realizing there’s not many empty seats left. You watch them fill up as you stand there. You decide fuck it and go to sit down at a table filled with girls. You’re not fast enough because someone steals it before you, giving you an annoyed look before turning their back to you.
Down a few tables there a group of boys all wearing the same shirt, they look harmless enough. They’re only taking up half the table. You decide you’ll sit at the far end and pray that they leave you alone.
As soon as you walk over all their eyes are on you, probably wondering who the hell you are. Shock hits their faces when you actually sit down. You half smile before picking your fork up and start playing with your food. You can’t help but notice a taller long haired boy approaching the table, he’s wearing the same shirt. ‘The Hellfire Club’
“Who do we have here?” He says sitting directly across from you, a grin across his face. You tell him your name and his response is,”Who said you can sit here?”
“Didn’t realize I had to ask.” You retort, sort of irritated.
“I’m just givin’ you shit. I’m Eddie.” He laughs, “You new here?” Eddie asks knowing damn well she’s new, knowing he would have remembered someone as pretty as her.
“How you liken Hawkins?” Eddie asks.
“It’s nice so far.” You lie and Eddie sees right through you.
“You don’t have to lie to me. We’re all aware of how shit it is.” He laughs.
“It’s pretty shit.” You agree laughing quickly covering your mouth when you laugh, Eddie notices.
“You wanna actually come sit with us at that end of the table instead of being the loser all by your self?” Eddie teases.
“Sure.” You say warily. You watch as Eddie gets up and heads to the end to sit. One of the younger kids tries to argue but Eddie tells them to shut up.
“Scoot down.” He commands the younger kids and they listen. “You can sit by me.” He smiles motioning to the seat next to him. Grabbing your tray you make your way over to Eddie. You can feel all their eyes on you as you sit.
“Thanks. What’s the shirts for?” You ask curiously, attempting to start a conversation.
“We’re a DND club.” You look over to the young boy who spoke, “I’m Dustin.” He introduces himself.
“That cool I used to watch my older brother play all the time.” You smile, remembering you oldest brother.
“Have you played before?”
“No he wouldn’t let me.” You admit.
“Do you want to?” Eddie asks, regaining your attention.
“I dunno maybe.” You say smiling. Eddie’s only known you for a few minutes and he’s already can’t stop staring. He wants to know everything about you.
“I’m gonna be so real with you right now. The longer you sit here the less chance you have of having any type of social status.” Another kid speaks up, you look over to him before speaking.
“I don’t care about that stuff anyways.” You look back to Eddie who’s already smiling at you. You take this moment to look at his beauty. His eyes are a deep brown and you can’t help yourself but admire them.
Conversation amongst the rest of them start but you still have Eddie’s full undivided attention. “What brings you to Hawkins?”
You answer and spend the rest of lunch answering all his questions. While learning so much about him.
Eventually lunch comes to an end and Eddie sighs, he seemed upset. You were upset too, you could of spent all day getting to know him. You get up grabbing your tray to empty it into the trash.
Eddie follows behind, once you’re done he grabs your wrist softly. You turn around to face him and he says, “You should sit with us tomorrow again.”
“I’d love that.” You grin, happy you’ve found friends. Especially cause one of them is this real cute older guy.
The next day rolls around and you excitedly wait for lunch ready for the chance to talk to Eddie again. This time you skip the lunch line and make your way for their table. “Hi guys.” You say, sitting where you sat yesterday. Eddie’s not here yet but the rest of the guys greet you. Mikes going off about one of his teachers already assigned a ‘fuck ton’ of homework. You laugh when you feel the weight of someone sitting next to you. Smiling you turn your attention that way hoping it’s Eddie.
It’s not. Your smile fades quickly. A blonde haired boy fills his spot, he’s sporting a green lettermen jacket. “Why are you sitting with these freaks?” You’re in total shock and confused unsure of how to respond. “You should sit with us,” he points over to a table filled with cheerleader and football players. “You’re too pretty to be hanging out with these losers.” He laughs, his hand reaching for your hair letting his fingers run through it.
“No thank you.” You politely decline, pushing his hand away.
“Oh come on. Fuck these freaks.” He pouts.
You don’t know what comes over you but you spit,“Fuck off.”
“Oh she’s feisty.” He laughs, “Well if you ever change your mind and need some good dick you know where to find me.” Your jaw drops, shocked those words would come out of his mouth.
“Just leave her alone.” One of the guys speaks up.
“I bet you let that freak fuck you, huh? I saw they way you two were looking at each other yesterday.” He hands find its way in your lap, quickly slipping it way into between your thighs. Before he can get any farther, you do the unthinkable. Something you could never imagine yourself doing. You punch him square in the face, he quickly falls back. His hands gravitate to his nose, it’s bleeding. You look down at your fist, it hurts but you’re too much in shock to notice.
Looking up from your fist you’re greeted by Eddie. His hands cup you face, “Are you okay?” Tears start to fall down your face realizing what just happened. The blonde boy mutters fuck you before taking off blood staining his letterman. “What happened?” When you can’t respond, he grabs your hand, “Let’s get you out of here.” You don’t argue following Eddie out of the lunchroom, through a hall way, and out a door that leads to a nearly empty parking lot.
Eddie takes you to his van, opening the door for you. For some reason you get in, you feel like you can trust Eddie. He shuts the door behind you before making his way to the drivers side. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“No.” You say wiping the tears from you face, trying to calm down. “Just take me away from here. I don’t want to go home.”
“Okay.” He smiles softly.
Eddie and you drove the whole way a in silence. Occasionally glancing over at each other. Music filled the silence, Eddie hummed along. For a moment it crosses your mind that your alone with essentially a stranger. You just hope that he’s not gonna murder you and try to forget shake that thought.
Eventually you two arrive at a little lake you’ve never been to before. He reverses into a parking spot. “This is my favorite place to come to when I need to breathe.” Eddie gets out, walking behind his van. You can tell he’s opened the back so you let yourself out. Eddie’s sat in the back of his van his legs dangling from the edge.
For a few moments you look around the back of Eddie van. The back seats had been taken out and there were blankets and pillows laid out. You sit next to him scooting as close as you can. His arm falls on your shoulders, allowing you to rest your head on him. You both sit in silence for a few moments.
“What all did you see?” You ask.
“I walked into the lunch room and seen Jason Carver laying on the floor in front of you with a bloody nose.” He’s arm leaves your shoulder and grabs the fist you used to punch that guy. “Does it hurt? It looks like it hurts.” Eddie says while he’s gently examining it. Your knuckles are bruised.
“It hurts a lot.”
“Why did you punch him?” Eddie asks.
“He was being such a dick.”
“That’s Jason for you.” Eddie explains.
“He kept touching me after I turned him down.” Eddie noticeably tenses up. “I blacked out and when I came to he was on the floor. I’ve never don’t that before.”
“Well he deserved it. If he ever touches you again I swear to god I’ll kill him.” Eddie grits his teeth speaking.
“Hopefully he’ll leave me alone after today.” You sigh.
“You’re kinda bad ass.” Eddie smiles.
“You punched Jason Carver in the face. You haven’t gone here long enough to realize how bad ass that is. Everyone hates him except his bone head friends who are just as terrible as him.”
You couldn’t explain it but you felt so comfortable around Eddie. You two sat there for a while talking about anything and everything. Eventually you two ended up laying down in the back of his van, next to each other facing each other as you talked. Your hands rested so closely together. You so badly wanted to grab his but chicken out. Eddie must of noticed you looking at his hand cause he does exactly what you were to chicken to do causing the biggest grin to form on your face almost too afraid to make eye contact with him. You can feel him getting closer, the butterflies in your stomach getting bigger.
Your phone goes off bringing you back to reality. It’s your dad. Fuck.
Quickly sitting up, letting go of Eddie and answering your dad starts with the questions, “Where are you? Your school says you never showed up to second half of classes after you got into a fight?” He sounds more concerned than angry, which calms you.
“I’m safe. I’ll explain when I get home. I love you.” He says he loves you before hanging up. “Can you take me home?” You groan annoyed you have to leave Eddie so soon.
“Yeah of course.” Eddie says, getting up and helping you out of the van.
You give Eddie directions to your home as his drives. A good twenty minutes later he parks in front of your home.
“I know what happened to you today was really shitty but for what it’s worth I had fun with you after the fact. Hope you don’t get in too much trouble.” He says causing you to smile.
“If punching some jock in the face meant I could hang out with you I’d do it again.” You laugh to yourself.
“You don’t have to punch anyone in the face to hang out with me.” Eddie jokes with you, you look over to him to find him already looking at you and decide in that moment to do something else you’d never imagine yourself doing. You lean in closer to Eddie, reaching over the center console. Your lips meet his. Eddie seems taken aback but slowly lets him self kiss you. His hands finding their way to your face. You two make out for a few moments, Eddie eventually being the one to pull away to catch his breath.
“You’re kinda bad ass.”
“How?” You laugh.
“I’ve wanted to do that for hours now but I was too chicken shit. You just went for it.” He smiles, smitten.
“Can I go for it again?” Eddie nods before kissing you again.
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btr-rewatch · 2 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 18: “Big Time Concert” (Part 3)
Highlights: 3/4 of Big Time Rush move on with their lives.
In my previous post, we'd just left off at the scene where Hawk and his assistant have made the decision to target James in their big "take down Rocque Records once and for all" plan.
Over at Rocque Records, Kelly informs Gustavo that since Griffin spent $2 million on the band, it'll take that same amount to get them back.
This scene brings back such memories of a younger me being so intrigued by Kelly's necklace because it looks like big pieces of Orbit chewing gum.
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I just. I want to chew on that necklace, ok?
Kelly thinks she's figured out a way they can get that kind of money, and Gustavo is thrilled...until Kelly tells him he's got to sell his mansion.
Meanwhile, everyone is settling back in at the Knight house (minus James, who's out riding his tiny bike around and brooding). I like the touch of having the wall of family pictures that contain actual photos of the actors—I spot a handful of Kendall's headshots that I recognize. I especially like that there's the same photo twice.
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Rather than seeing it as a funny mistake on the part of the set designer, I choose to believe either
Mama Knight likes that picture so much that she had to include it in two different frames
Or, alternatively, someone (maybe Katie or Carlos) decided at some point to pull a prank where they slowly start replacing every photo on the wall with that one single picture and see how long it takes before anyone notices.
Kendall asks Logan to go over where they are currently in their "Rebuild our Minnesota dreams schedule," and can I just say that the guys (minus James) have slipped back into their lives as nobodies in Minnesota seamlessly? Like, I know it was James's dream, and the whole reason they went was because Kendall's offer made it so James could have that shot at stardom, and Kendall never really wanted to be in a boyband, but still. They had so many opportunities in that short time, experienced so much, made friends, established romantic relationships, and saw how amazing that life can be. You'd think they'd all be mourning at least a little. Unless they're just in a different type of denial than James was.
Although, I suppose their response can make sense when you look at their individual personalities. Logan's pragmatic, so I'm sure it could have been easy for him to brush off their brief taste of stardom with self-assurances that it wasn't a sturdy, logical career to pursue anyway, and failure was much more likely than success in the long run.
Carlos is such a carefree, go-with-the-flow, high-on-life guy that he can find happiness anywhere. He rolls with the punches and just looks to the next exciting thing (ie. becoming a radioactive superhero. Love that for you, Los)
Kendall is a little trickier because he does kind of have an obsessive personality, and he's just as determined about things as James. I'm almost surprised he doesn't take the end of the band, his chance with Jo, and so on harder. But then there's the part of me that says there are other things at play that overpower whatever sadness Kendall might have, such as him seeing it as a chance to finally relax for a bit. He'd been working so hard to hold everything together in L.A., churning out pep talks and dealing with Gustavo and constant shenanigans. He can take a breath now. Also! While I don't think Kendall has necessarily had a difficult life overall (it's clear he's had a good, loving upbringing, has a nice house, etc) I don't think his life has been easy. He watched his parent's marriage fall apart when he was super young; his dad walked out, his mom has had to work her butt off to support him and Katie, and Kendall also has a job (I think the only one of the boys who does) to help bring in extra money. That kid knows that sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you've got to hold your head up and just keep going. No time for a pity party or wallowing in "what ifs."
So yeah, anyway...tangent over. My favorite part of this little scene is the look Kendall gives to Logan after he reads the first item off their list.
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Look at him. There's so much love in that look. He's so proud of Logan going after his dreams. I love Kendall, and I love their friendship, and I love this stupid show.
And I need to briefly get off topic here solely to mention how much I've always liked Logan's accent. Love the way he says words. He turns the short "e" sound into short "i" in so many things. "Ten" becomes "tin," and "Kendall" becomes "Kindall." I also have a distinct memory of one episode where he manages to turn the two-syllable word "ruin" into the single-syllable word "roon." Always got a kick out of that.
With all this sidetracking, it is going to take me FOREVER to get through this episode. I am barely twenty minutes in.
After Super Carlos bursts into the room and announces they're going to start righting the wrongs they left behind when they moved to L.A., the guys go to apologize to Mrs. Magicowski. They promised to shovel her walkway if she let them use her car to get to the audition, then they ditched her and went to be a band, lol. I love Mrs. Magicowski; she's such a sweet old woman. I want to know more about the relationship the boys have with her. I imagine they took good care of her prior to leaving—checking in on her, shoveling, raking leaves, bringing her meals—and in return, she was like a grandma to all of them.
They look ridiculous, btw.
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I mean, Kendall I can excuse, but Logan and Carlos look like they've just rung a doorbell and are waiting for candy on Halloween. Bunch of weirdos.
No, wait, you know what? This is exactly how they looked on Halloween night as kids, I guarantee it. Carlos as a superhero, Logan as a doctor, Kendall as a hockey player, and James like a rockstar. Speaking of James, what's he up to?
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Shake it off, Jamesy.
Also, the tiny bike still is very funny, but @day-dreams22, I'm pretty sure you're right that it's a BMX bike. After he gets hit, there's a shot where you can see the words "goose" on the bike, which means it's likely a Mongoose-brand BMX trick/stunt bike. And look at that hop off the curb. James Diamond, secret BMX stunt rider CONFIRMED.
Ok, you know what? I was aiming for 4 posts total for this episode, but it looks like it'll end up being 5 because I'm rambling so much during these. Hope no one minds having to split it into so many parts, but I worry if they're too long, they'll be difficult to read and get through. Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun being able to just go on about whatever, haha.
And James getting hit by a car seems like a fitting place to leave this episode. Hope he survives <3
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candyskiez · 4 months
I like hearing ppl infodump n u seem like a cool bean. would u be willing to talk abt shou from mp100(?) a bit with just a lil context added in for someone who only has a passing familiarity with the show. side note: plural mob be based
SLAMS DOWN ON TABLE. Before I get into this I want to say this is not a Serizawa hate post. Because I am reading what I wrote and it sounds like it at points. It is not. I was writing what I think Shou feels about him. I love Serizawa and I love them being friends, this is me talking about Shou having complicated feelings about his trauma. Okay? Okay.
Okay okay so. Shou is the son of a guy who tried to take over the world, and his entire life was spent trying to stop him. And then someone did. Someone stopped Claw. His dad got locked up. And Shous whole life had been built around trying to stop him, he had zero time for anything else other than occasionally visiting his mom (who left when he was a kid. We don't know what happened. We don't know if she tried to take Shou with or not. All we know is that Shou kept her presence hidden from his dad. We don't know how Shou feels about his mom or if he lives with her after his dad gets locked up. We know he had adults who were also rebelling in claw (the organization his dad ran), and he seemed to trust them a lot. I like to imagine they're a weird family and like. I imagine there's some Shit there. I like to imagine at least one of them was kinda giving up on everything, not really caring one way or another about what happened to everyone because they're just. Done. But then this wide eyed idealist of a kid comes by and he wants to stop his dad, holy shit the boss has a kid, and the kid is taking all this on himself. Maybe they didn't think they could fix anything but they had to save this kid. Did they believe Toichiro could be stopped at all? What were they like? We don't know much about them. How many of them were just in it to protect the kid? In hopes that maybe that idealistic, weird little boy that stumbled over to them would come out of this still a good person? God. I'm sorry I'm emo about found family. Don't mind me.
And I'm just. Okay. Okay. I think so much about how we get to know what other claw members are up to after everything, but...not Shou. Besides in fan books and stage plays, we uh. We got very little. And that makes him very interesting to analyze.
I just. Always think about how Serizawa stopped Shou from hurting Toichiro and how Serizawa got a happier life. Does Shou ever resent Serizawa? I think so much about their potential claw dynamic. Maybe he was one of the few who was kind to him, but was so disgustingly *loyal* to his dad it made him feel sick to look at. Serizawa would bring him snacks if he looked upset but would always respond to any criticisms of his father with the same unwavering Faith in him. Serizawa would comfort him after he lost a training session, Serizawa shielded the man who hurt him the most. Serizawa was a victim, Serizawa turned a blind eye to him. He needed to save Serizawa, and Serizawa never saved him. Did he feel responsible for Serizawa?
I think he felt like it was his responsibility as Toichiro's son to be the one to stop him. He needed to save everyone. He needed to make things right. He wanted his dad to go back to being who he was before things got really bad. I feel like. At first, Toichiro was an okay dad. And that's why it hurt so bad when everything went to shit and he started being so fucking horrible. Because Shou knew he was fully fucking capable of not sucking and he CHOSE to treat them like this anyway. He couldn't recognize him. He was a stranger with his dad's face and he had no idea what he did. Did he ever think if he could just fix Toichiro his mom would come back? Everything would go back to normal if he could just make Toichiro be a good person again? How long did that thought last?
I just. I always think about how aimless Shou strikes me as being the few times we see him in season three. He doesn't know what to do now. He had this whole purpose and plan. And then it didn't work. He didn't stop his dad. Mob did. His dad's alive. His dad changed his mind, but he's arrested. His mom and dad aren't together. Everything feels like it's tied up in a neat little bow for everyone except for Shou.
Of course we know that's not the case, but Shou doesn't know. Shou doesn't know that Serizawa was fucking panicked about disobeying Reigen even when their lives depended on it, Shou doesn't know that Mob's haunted by that battle. So from his eyes, it's very likely that he thinks he's the only one who hasn't moved on.
He goes from being always so dramatic sounding in all his lines in s1 and 2 to in season three just sounding...so much less? I don't know how to describe it. He sounds so much less...well. Everything was over for him, y'know? He built his whole life around carefully avoiding his dad and saving everyone and being the hero and then. Everything's done, and he didn't have a plan for what he'd do after. It all seemed like the end of Everything, and that'd be it! Nothing after that. But it's all over and he still has to live. Now what? Now what does he do?
How is Serizawa a functioning adult with a JOB now? Minegeshi joined when they were a teenager, how are they just...okay now? How did everyone, EVERYONE else get to move on, but Shou couldn't? Everyone else got their nice little ending, and Shou has nowhere to go. Does he tell his mom everything? That his dad tried to kill him but suddenly decided fine okay murder is wrong now, not soon enough to never have done that to him? Does he ask if he can stay with her? Will his lackeys want anything to do with him? Will Ritsu Everything's done and nothing's over, not for Shou, but everyone just fucking moved on. Everyone seems to be a better person than him now. Everyone seems to be fine in a way Shou just isn't.
Not to get back on my Shou and Serizawa bullshit but. Do you ever think about Shou seeing him again. And having no fucking clue what to think. Serizawa is just ...fine now. Suddenly he's no longer the guy who trailed after his dad and did horrible things for his dad without a THOUGHT. Suddenly he's smart and responsible now. Suddenly he's soooo good now. Where was all that when he needed it? Where was this functional, kind guy when he was TWELVE and trying to stop fucking terrorists. Where was this guy he would've done ANYTHING to have on his side when he was trying to save everyone from the man who raised him. Where was he. Why did he change now. Why had EVERYONE changed now. Why was Minegeshi trying for Mob, not Shou. Why was Serizawa trying for Mob, not Shou. Why was Toichiro trying for Mob, not Shou. Why didn't he MATTER. Why had NO ONE cared that he was in hell, that he wanted things to be okay. What's that one line. "If [Serizawa/Toichiro] has truly changed, it means he was ALWAYS capable of change. It means that I just wasn't worth changing for." And like. Objectively that's not what happened, objectively there were other factors and Serizawa and Toichiro are on very different levels, but Shou is like. Barely thirteen. He's BARELY thirteen. He is a child and all he's gonna see is that nobody cared when he needed them to. And now he's lost and has no idea what to do and everyone's just fine. Like he didn't almost die. Like his dad didn't try to kill him. Like he wasn't in hell for twelve goddamn years. Like he hadn't tried to save everyone. He's thirteen. He's not handling this well.
I feel like he just. Has no clue how to be normal. He doesn't know who he is now. He doesn't know what to do. His whole life orbited around stopping his dad and now his dad is different and locked up and he can't see him all the time, and things were so much worse back then so why does everything feel worse now. He doesn't know who he is now. He doesn't know what he wants now. I think so much about he says hes never using his powers again. Is he just trying SO hard to be normal. That's what he decided he wants now. He wants to be a normal kid who has friends and that's the only way to do it. He didn't have a Reigen in his life who'd tell him like he told Mob that powers are just another attribute. Maybe one day he'll talk to his lackeys, and maybe they'll hold him and tell him that that's his choice but that his powers aren't a curse or a weapon, they're just a *trait.* Or maybe he won't. I don't know. It's just so fucking. God. Shou, man. Shou.
Maybe one day he comes to spirits and such for Ritsu and sees Serizawa. Maybe they fight. Maybe they don't. Maybe they'll talk. It's just. God. Shou has so many loose ends in his life. Is he just trying to leave claw behind by never using his powers again, like he might think everyone else did? He went from "I need to save the world" to "I need to be a normal person." Did he shave his hair to look normal or did he shave it after he had a long talk with a friend that made him reevaluate things. What happened to him. If he has the spirits and such crew still, maybe he'll end up realizing that his powers are just another part of him. Maybe he'll realize they're not a curse or another thing his dad shoved on him. God. Aughhh. Sorry for being ill about Shou and possibly ooc about him but. Aughh.
Once again this is not an anti Serizawa post. I love Serizawa. Shou however probably has some Issues and I like to address them and try to give him more closure. Because I love him. Again, sorry if this is ooc, I'm still trying to get a grasp on him. If anyone who has a better grasp on him wants to add anything PLEASE let me know. I do not fully understand this guy yet but I would love to try to
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Digimon Adventure 01x04 - Scorching Heat! Birdramon! / Biyomon Gets Firepower
Previously on Digimon Adventure: The kids spent their first night on File Island, accidentally assaulted a sea dragon, and then slept in dirt. Also, Yamato loves his brother very much.
Now it's Sora's turn for a spotlight episode.
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As the kids make their way through the woods, they hear a loud rumbling sound like a train coming from the sky. Looking up, there's a mysterious flying disc.
Yamato gets the best look at it, identifying it as some kind of gear. Sora suggests flying saucer, while Mimi splits the difference offers gear-shaped meteorite. Jou doesn't know what it was; He just gets a bad vibe from it.
In the dub, Matt suggests some kind of aircraft. Sora's the one who pegs it as a gear, while Izzy takes it as clear visible evidence for his alien theory. Joe agrees with Izzy and riffs on the show's art, declaring "They hit us with an antigravity way to make us all crooked; Or maybe that sign's just crooked?"
The conversation is interrupted when Takeru trips on a vine and hurts his ankle. Wilderness travel sucks.
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Taichi and Yamato both rush to Takeru's side, but Taichi gets there first. One detail I really love in this scene is that Takeru visibly turns his head to talk directly to Yamato when he cries that his fall hurt.
Takeru tries to be tough, saying he can take it and it doesn't really hurt that much. Sora assures him that it's okay to be honest about his pain, and gives Takeru confidence to withdraw that retraction. It does hurt. Patamon, way too late on the uptake, suddenly screams "ARE YOU OKAY, TAKERU!?" and Tentomon calls him out for being slow.
The dub cuts this whole discussion of Takeru's pain. When Tai picks him up, he chastizes him because "That could have been a snake!" T.K. apologizes for being clumsy, then asks Biyomon if the island has snakes on it. She assures him it doesn't; There's just giant killer bugs and stuff, no snakes. Patamon then boldly proclaims that he'll fight those Digimon to protect T.K.
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From here, we get into Sora and Piyomon's conflict for this arc. As the group discusses where we even go from here, Piyomon begins nuzzling Sora and declares that she'll be perfectly happy as long as she's with Sora.
Sora does not take this well. "Even if you're 100% happy, it'll be troublesome for me. I can't be held responsible." Piyomon doesn't understand what she means by that and eagerly asks her to explain, because she wants to know everything about Sora. Sora tries to wave off her questions; That was not an invitation for further conversation.
As the kids start walking again, Tentomon explains to Koushiro that Piyomon are highly social Digimon. Behind them, Piyomon takes Sora's hand while they walk and sings, "Sora~ Sora~ Sora~!" While Piyomon physically clings to her, Sora wonders to herself whether she's going to be able to get along with a "mushy Digimon" like Piyomon.
The dub cuts all of this. As the kids discuss where to go, Tai suggests looking for signs of intelligent life. Biyomon takes offense to that, asking Sora if Tai just insulted the Digimon. Sora assures her that Tai didn't mean it like that, then spends the rest of her dialogue explaining how important it is that they stick together and work as a team to find their way out of here.
As the kids start walking, Matt imitates a tour guide and introduces everyone to "The Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs". Sora rolls her eyes and complains internally, "We're lost and these guys are making jokes!"
Good news is, the kids finally find their way out of the Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs. Bad news is, the Desert of Inexplicable Telephone Poles seems much worse. I vote we stay here.
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A quick cut shows us the gear crashing into a nearby mountain shaped like a layered sponge cake, because File Island is weird. In the dub, the kids see and comment on "the flying saucer again", with Matt proclaiming that it's "heading for a close encounter!" But this shot is for the audience's benefit, not theirs.
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Walking through the desert, Koushiro compares it to the African savannah he saw on TV. This prompts discussion of whether they'll run into lions or giraffes, but the Digimon assure them there are no such animals here. Only Digimon.
Yamato asks Koushiro if the African savannah has phone poles in it. My heart goes out to him for that question. Like, you can hear the hopefulness behind the question, like maybe they've finally pegged where they are. But no. There are no inexplicable telephone poles in the African savannah.
Jou, however, takes the phone poles as a sign of hope. We flash back on the pay phones and the trolley. If there's so much stuff here then there must be people. Behind him, Tentomon whispers to Koushiro, once again reasserting that there are no people. Only Digimon.
In the dub, they head into the desert to purposefully follow the phone poles, then use the rest of their dialogue to complain about the heat. T.K. whines that he can feel the heat coming up through his socks, so Matt suggests putting his shoes back on. Mimi then complains that the desert air is bad for her complexion, providing the others another opportunity to yell at her.
Dub Sora points out that the phone poles aren't connected to anything. Izzy takes that as a chance to theorize that they're some kind of alien devices.
For the flashbacks on the pay phones and trolley, Dub Mimi abruptly asks, "Hey, remember those phone booths and the street car?" but she's not going anywhere with this. "I was just wondering if anyone else remembered!" This provokes Joe into suddenly proclaiming that everyone is doomed and the heat is baking their brains. Behind him, Tentomon whispers to Izzy that they need to find shade for Joe.
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Amid all this, Mimi has an idea to help them navigate the desert. Remember that compass from the survival kit she stole from her dad? Mimi remembers.
The dub plays this for a joke. "You won't believe what happened to my favorite watch. The sun melted the numbers right off!" The way she delivers this suggests Mimi herself might be cracking a joke, but the way the dub treats her in general leaves it kind of ambiguous.
They also seem to think this is a different compass, as Tai cracks a joke about Mimi having "a lot of compasses for someone who hates hiking". No, Tai. She has the one. From the survival kit she stole from her dad.
Holding the compass out flat, it begins to spin wildly and can't find a direction. So. That sucks. Koushiro assesses the sand they're walking on and realizes it's actually powdered iron, which is throwing off the compass. So much for that.
Next steps: We should probably find water before we all dehydrate. Seems like that would probably have been a good thing to think about before beginning a death march through the desert, but these are children.
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Here, the Japanese crew start suffering from the heat, joining the dub crew. Gomamon proclaims that he needs ice or, at least, water. In the dub, Izzy lands a good joke by explaining that he's taken a soil sample, measured the barometric pressure, and analyzed the relative humidity to come to the conclusion: "It's really, really hot."
Mimi takes off her hat and gives it to Palmon to protect her from the harsh sun. Dub Palmon gets in a crack about "If this goes on too long, I'm going to look like a wilted salad."
Mimi's kind gesture surprises Sora, who starts to say something but then stops herself. Piyomon then starts in, calling out Sora's name like a child trying to get her mom's attention until Sora finally snaps at her. Sora yells at Piyomon to quit clinging to her, because she's tired and thirsty and can't take it anymore.
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Feeling guilty for hurting Piyomon's feelings, Sora takes it back and agrees to let Piyomon keep walking with her. Piyomon forgives her instantly, hugging her legs and proclaiming, "Sora, I love you!"
Once again I want to take a moment and comment on the art, as the decision to center Mimi and Palmon with their clear, visible gesture of care for one another on full display in this shot is perfect.
Though I also want to note that, while Sora's behavior towards Piyomon is hurtful and that's what drives the plot of the episode, it should be taken with the perspective that they just met yesterday. Piyomon is being pretty clingy. There's nuance here.
Again, the dub cuts Sora and Piyomon's emotional conflict out of the scene entirely. They use the screentime to make jokes. Matt cracks, "Now you know why they call them SWEAT socks!" while Mimi gets in a stellar crack, pointing out that this "beach" would be a lot more popular if it had a couple more things like an ocean. XD
When Biyomon stops walking in visible distress, it's because she's tired and needs to rest. Sora suggests pretending that it's raining, which gives Biyomon so much encouragement that she runs up and hugs Sora. She loves the rain so much.
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Breaking out his telescope, Taichi finds the most wonderful sight in the distance. That's not just an oasis, it's a full-blown village. This is the brightest moment since the kids arrived on File Island! Let's get over there!
Jou triumphantly declares victory; He knew there'd be people here! Mimi's thirsty, Takeru's hungry, everyone's excited for an end to the desert.
Dub Tai and Joe are both more interested in the water than the village, but Izzy's interested in the village; He's the only one that suggests there may be people. Mimi wants shade, while T.K. is "hungry enough to eat broccoli!"
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Meanwhile, the gear finds its way to its target. Slamming into this man made of fire, it grotesquely digs into his flesh and buries itself in his body.
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The village... isn't exactly what they anticipated. The kids quickly realize that they will not find shelter here. The huts are like two feet tall and populated by dozens of Pyocomon.
This revelation naturally leaves Jou distraught; No people, once again. Mimi thinks it's cute, though; It reminds her of a faerie tale. Dub Joe's upset because they won't fit into the huts, while Mimi wants to take a Pyocomon home with her to put with the rest of her plushies. This gives them yet another chance to shit-talk her, with Matt wondering aloud if Mimi even hears the same things the rest of them do while Izzy accuses her of being an alien spy.
The dub is so mean to Mimi.
In fact, Piyomon used to be one of those Pyocomon, and takes the opportunity to catch up. While Sora listens in and seems genuinely touched by how much Piyomon cares about her. We watch her frown turn to a smile as Piyomon brags that she evolved because of Sora and she's learning new words from Sora.
But then Piyomon says she evolved to "protect Sora" and that offends her. Sora grumpily mutters to herself that Piyomon's too lovey-dovey to protect anyone. But then she flashes back on Greymon and Garurumon's evolution, realizing that something similar might happen to Piyomon if she's put in danger. That brings the smile back to her face.
The dub keeps most of this, but Sora isn't as mean about the "protect Sora" remark. She sounds more curious about what that means, then thinks about Greymon and Garurumon and she gets it. Grinning, she proclaims, "We're lucky kids!"
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The Pyocomon offer to prepare a feast in the kids' honor. Koushiro briefly considers what the food will be, but his thoughts are interrupted when Takeru finds the water!
Tentomon explains that this isn't just any spring; This water comes from Miharashi Mountain, that odd layered mountain that the gear flew off to. Dub T.K. observes that it's a volcano, but the Yokomon assure him that "the heat boils away all the germs".
At this point, we see the gear finish burrowing into the fire man from before. Then the attack begins.
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The kids try the lake that the derelict boat was sitting in, but it's completely dried up. They move to a well in the village, but fire pours out of that as well.
They quickly assess that this must be related to that gear they saw flying to Miharashi, seeing as it's the water source for everything here. The Pyocomon offer context that Meramon lives on Miharashi and he's supposed to protect it. How could something have happened?
Like Seadramon, the dub makes Meramon out to be more vicious than the original. Here, the Yokomon speak of Meramon with terror, saying they don't dare visit the mountain because of how dangerous he is. "He burns up everything he touches!"
Taichi scouts the mountain with his telescope and finds no answers, only a bigger question: Why is Meramon descending the mountain and coming right for us?
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Meramon irrationally screams that he's on fire and burning up, while the narrator officially introduces him. He's an Adult-stage Data-type Digimon. This is where the dub got "He burns up everything he touches", but the narrator clarifies "in battle".
In the dub, Palmon handles his introduction but all she offers is that it's weird for his own flames to be causing him pain like this. Accurate, but also self-evident.
Also, while he's clearly out of his mind and screaming about burning up and being in pain in both versions, Dub Meramon starts throwing out violent taunts like "You're gonna need more than sunscreen to stop me!" that imply more deliberation in attacking the village.
Both versions do start laughing maniacally as they approach the village, however, so the dub isn't wrong with their take. The gear-infected Meramon isn't coming this way by chance.
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Evacuating the village, the kids usher the Pyocomon to take cover inside the wrecked ship. But while they're helping these Pyocomon, Sora's struck with a horrifying realization: Piyomon's still up there, at the top of the cliff that the lakeshore's become, guiding the Pyocomon. She won't leave until the rest of her village are safe.
The intensity of Piyomon's peril sends Sora racing for the cliffside to come get her, but she's too late. While the Pyocomon all make it out, Meramon catches Piyomon on the cliff's edge and takes a swipe at her, sending her tumbling down the cliff. Sora catches her at the bottom, and the two share a moment as Sora expresses how worried she was for her friend.
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But, up at the top of the cliff, Meramon prepares to attack. As he forms a fireball in his hand for his Burning Fist attack, Piyomon flies back up to defend Sora.
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Piyomon's signature move is Magical Fire, a green spiral flame that proves absolutely ineffectual against the ever-burning and Adult-stage Meramon. The dub calls it Spiral Twister. Meramon shrugs off the attack and blasts Piyomon out of the sky with his Burning Fist.
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The others offer cover fire with such moves as Baby Flame and Petit Fire, all of which Meramon absorbs and grows larger. It takes the kids a moment to realize that fire isn't going to work out here.
The dub here offers a reminder that Meramon's a victim in all this. Dub Meramon exclaims, "Why do I suffer so!?" which Tai overhears and wonders the same; He wants to help Meramon but they don't know what's afflicting him.
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As the now-colossal Meramon descends into the lakebed to assault the ship and kids, Piyomon picks herself off the ground. Seeing Sora in Meramon's path, she finds her second wind and refuses to give up.
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The dub takes the focus of that moment off of Sora. Biyomon exclaims, "We're all in trouble; Meramon cannot be allowed to win!" and then digivolves because "My friends need my help now!"
Birdramon's name at this point is fairly self-explanatory. She's a Bird Dragon Digimon.
Returning Meramon to the lakeshore, Birdramon tanks multiple Burning Fists before returning fire with her own signature move: Meteor Wing.
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This does not get a dub name; At least, not in this episode. Whoever did the script for this episode seems to have not liked the whole attack-calling thing, as both Meramon's Burning Fists and Birdramon's Meteor Wing go completely unnamed. Meramon's attack calls are replaced with exertion grunts, while Birdramon's is replaced by high-pitched bird cries. Later episodes will have Birdramon call Meteor Wing by name, however.
Somehow, despite Meramon absorbing fire moves and growing stronger, hitting him with six massive fireballs does the trick.
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Meramon doubles over in pain, returns to normal size, and ejects the gear from his back. The gear flies up into the air, then explodes in a puff of smoke. The kids all see the black gear, but they don't really understand what they're seeing. Still, Yamato wonders aloud if the gear was the problem here.
As usual, the dub kids are quicker on the uptake. Izzy and Tai both agree in much more confident terms that the gear drove Meramon mad. Matt relates; "If you had a big black gear stuck inside of you, you'd act a little crazy too."
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Sora and Piyomon reunited, and Sora's overwhelmed with gratitude for Piyomon's protection. When Piyomon declares, "I love you, Sora!' again, it's met with an appreciative smile.
This moment's gushier in the dub, because Sora never had any reservations about their relationship to begin with. She spends her lines gushing that Biyomon's always there for her and that she's super proud of her.
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Offscreen, the lake fills back up with water. The Pyocomon return to their village and unpack what happened with Meramon. He's as confused as they are. Still, they have no hard feelings over it and ask him to continue protecting Miharashi as he always has.
Despite the dub making the Yokomon terrified of Meramon and portraying him as a violent, territorial menace, this scene is played straight. "You're needed to protect Mount Miharashi!" they say of a 'mon they previously said burns up everything.
In any case, Meramon returns to his mountain and the water is restored. There's just one thing left to do: Let's get to that feast!
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All the grain and birdseed you can eat!
The kids quickly agree that this is not people food. But also that they're starving and desperate, so dig in, everybody!
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To varying degrees of acceptance. Mimi, in particular, cries out that she wants to go home, giving everyone a chuckle.
Ironically, the dub makes Mimi the most gracious. "Be polite and just eat it; A gracious guest never insults his host's cooking!" she says from offscreen, criticizing the others for their reluctance. Joe, meanwhile, refuses to eat, saying he's probably allergic anyway.
We close on Sora contemplating Piyomon, acknowledging that she really did evolve to protect her, just like she said she would. Dub Sora, again, had nothing to learn in this episode so she closes with the observation, "For being so little, she sure has a huge heart."
Assessment: The dub butchered this one. The previous episode seemed to be going a different direction with Matt, seeming to make him more abrasive to T.K. so he has room to grow. This one does the opposite; They erased Sora's entire character arc. Which is. Y'know. The plot of this episode. So.
Sora having trouble with Piyomon's displays of affection is our first glimpse at a deeper turmoil that will become important in later episodes, so I'm not happy about having that removed.
I do, however, like the mid-fight reminder of Meramon's affliction. And the dub also landed some solid jokes too; I particularly liked Matt sarcastically calling their surroundings the "Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs", conveying that he's starting to get irritated by the bizarre and inexplicable geography of File Island. So it does have a couple things going for it in this one.
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sequinsmile-x · 10 months
Emily and Aaron's day keeps going from bad to worse.
And to think, when she woke up that morning her biggest fear was that the team would find out about their relationship.
Hi friends!!
This fic is a birthday gift for my bestie @aubreyprc! Thank you for continuing to be the most chaotic person I know and for being responsible for a fair number of my hangovers this year. Love you for being the maddest woman in this whole town xoxo
This fic is loosely based on a Bone's episode, and has one of your favourite tropes - a secret relationship, peril and a lot of drama- so I hope you enjoy <3
Words: 5.2k (I...got really carried away with this one)
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily secures her earrings into place as she walks into the kitchen, a smile washing across her face as the smell of coffee and toast meets her. Aaron has his back to her, focusing on her toaster so he makes sure the bread is cooked exactly to her liking, so she walks over and wraps her arms around him from behind. He sinks into her embrace, clearly having heard her coming, the way her high heels had clicked against the hardwood floor giving her away. 
“Good morning,” he says, turning to press a kiss to her forehead. 
“Morning,” she replies, her hand slinking down his back as she shifts to stand next to him, taking the opportunity to stamp a kiss against his lips, “You didn’t have to make me breakfast.” 
He raises an eyebrow at her and smiles, “You say that every morning,” he says, kissing her briefly before he presses the button that releases the toast, “And like I say every morning,” he says, turning so he wraps his arms around her, his hands low on her back, “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” 
She smiles, her tongue pressing against the back of her teeth as she looks up at him through her lashes. She hums as she leans in to kiss him again, “Excellent point.” 
They’d been together for almost a year, the 11 months that had passed since their first date had been the happiest of her life. Since her return from Paris, he’d been the one person who’d expected the least out of her. Everyone else seemed to want her to slip back into her old life, to be the person she’s sure died on that cold hard floor in Boston, and she’d tried. She’d tried so hard to ignore how strange everything felt, how the fear that it could all be torn away from her again was ever present, living under her skin and making her itch in a way that never seemed to shift. Aaron simply wanted her to be honest with him, to tell her when she was having a bad day, a request she now knew came from a place of understanding, their pasts now similar in a way that made her ache. 
She now liked to think, love making her softer than it ever had, that everything they’d been through had led them to this. To the relationship that she knew was it. Every first she had experienced with him also a last for her. A last first kiss, a last first night staying over, a last first I love you. She wanted everything with him. A house they could both call home. Marriage. A couple of kids who would be younger siblings for Jack. 
The only problem was no one else knew about them. 
The secrecy had been practical at first. She’d been home for just over six months when they got together, and they’d been hesitant to rock the boat, to further crack the unsteady foundation the team was slowly building under themselves at the time. Their relationship had grown around the secrecy, making it feel all the more precious because it was just theirs. Only Jack and Jessica knew and Emily knew it couldn’t last forever, that if they wanted to move forward, like she knew they both wanted to, they’d have to let the others in. 
She didn’t remember the last time that they’d spent a night apart. They most most of their time at his place, something about the homely comfort of it, Jack’s belongings strewn everywhere, made her feel safe, but they occasionally stayed at hers. Even Sergio lived at Aaron’s now, his favourite place to sleep was at the end of Jack’s bed, the little boy and the cat fast friends in a way that made her chest bloom with love. 
They’d stayed at hers last night, mostly for practical reasons. She had to go to court to be a witness for the prosecution for two separate cases that had happened to fall on the docket on the same day, so she’d needed to get clothes she usually wouldn’t wear to work. Juries seemed to warm to her a little more if she wore skirts or dresses, something about the lack of sharp edges from her usual suits that made her more likeable. It drove her crazy, and infuriated her that they were more likely to listen to her if she dressed in a certain way, but being aware of it was one of the benefits of her profession. 
It also didn’t hurt that Aaron could never tear his eyes from her legs whenever she wore a dress, his gaze skipping from her ankle to up past her knee, only to linger on the material that hid what he knew lingered beneath. 
She smiles at him as she pulls away from him and pours them a coffee each, her skin burning from where she can feel him staring at her. She turns to look at him and raises an eyebrow, her smile widening when she clears her throat and he jumps slightly, his cheeks going red when he realises he’s been caught. 
“Seen something you like?” She asks, feigning innocence as his eyes meet hers. He shakes his head and steps towards her, his hand skimming her waist as he takes one of the cups of coffee. 
“When I’m looking at you?” He says, looking her up and down again, his stomach flipping at the sight of her seemingly endless legs, on the high heels she only broke out for court and date nights, before he meets her eyes again, “Always.”
She presses her lips together to capture a laugh but she fails, shaking her head at him, “Correct answer, honey.” 
He kisses her cheek and steps away, “Come on, we need to get you fed so you can survive court.” 
Emily grumbles as she sits at the breakfast bar and he slides a plate of toast towards her, “Let’s just hope I don’t die of boredom.” 
He always hated it when she wasn’t in the office. 
He loved to look out of the window and see her at her desk, her presence enough to soothe any stress or tension the job could cause him on any given day. Sometimes she’d notice him looking down at her and her eyes would meet his, a sparkle in her smile that he knew was just for him and his son. Other times she’d be stuck in her work, concentrating on paperwork or teasing Derek or Spencer, flashes of who she’d been before Ian had torn through their lives peeking through. He’d loved her then and he loved her now, and he knew he’d love every version of her that would exist in their future together. 
He checks his phone, waiting for Emily to text him to say she was out of her morning session in court, and he sighs as he places it back down when he has no messages from her. He’s about to pick up his pen to continue with his paperwork when there’s a firm knock on his door, a panicked Derek pushing it open before he can tell him to come in.
“Hotch,” he breathes out, his grip on the door so tight Aaron is sure he could tear it from its hinges, “There’s been a shooting at the courthouse.” 
It takes a moment for pieces to slip into place, for him to realise the implication. The realisation forces him to his feet, his hands clasped at his side as he tries to control himself, knowing his girlfriend wouldn’t thank him for revealing their relationship this way. 
“Have we heard from Pren-”
He’s cut off by the ringing of his phone and he grabs it, relief flooding through him when he sees Emily’s name on the screen, a picture of her and Jack his contact photo for her. He answers quickly, his eyes meeting Derek’s as he speaks. 
“Emily, we just heard about the shooting,” he says, hoping Derek doesn’t pick up on the slip-up of using her first name, “What’s happening?”
Any relief Aaron feels is destroyed the moment a stranger responds instead of the woman he loves.
She hears him before she sees him. 
He’s loud as he demands to see her, clearly flashing his badge to get past the cordons that had been put in place. She forces a smile on her face as he comes into view, rounding the back of the ambulance she was sitting in with purpose. Her heart aches when she sees how stressed he is, barely concealed fear and panic clear in his eyes, in the tension in his shoulder. 
“I’m fine, honey,” she says, reaching out and grasping his hand as he climbs into the audience, barely glancing at the paramedic who had been treating her. 
“Fine?” He exclaims, his eyebrows furrowing, “You’re in the back of an ambulance, there was someone here with a gun-”
She cups his face, cutting him off before he can spiral in a way that only she and Jack could draw out of him, “Aaron. I’m fine. I just rolled my ankle, thats all,” she says, nodding towards her now bare feet, her wrapped ankle and her heels neatly next to each other on the floor next to her, “Turns out that those stupid heels I have to wear to court aren’t the thing to dodge bullets in.” He sinks in on himself, her attempt at humour doing nothing to calm him down, and she sighs, “I’m sorry, that was a stupid thing to say.” 
“No,” he says, squeezing her hand tighter, “No you’re never stupid I was just…I was worried that’s all. Especially when I got a call from you and it wasn’t you who answered.” 
“Well,” she says, flicking her gaze to the paramedic, taking some joy out of how he looks away, clearly intimidated by her, “Well I did say I was okay to call you myself, but there are apparently protocols.” 
Aaron smiles softly, her dislike of procedure something that made him fall impossibly more in love with her every time it made itself known. His smile slips away as he thinks about what had happened here today, how he could have lost her in slightly different circumstances. 
“Do…do you think they were aiming for you?” He asks, knowing he’d trust her judgement above all else no matter how she responds. She was trained in this kind of thing well above even him, a level of skill that hadn’t ever made any sense to him until he learnt about her time at Interpol.
The way her face falls, the way she presses her lips together, is all the answer he needs. 
“Yes,” she replies, squeezing his hand, “I think they were.” 
He nods and pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly as he kisses the side of her head, “The rest of the team are back at the office trying to get to the bottom of it. It’s likely connected to one of the cases you were here for today so Garcia is looking into associates for both of the defendants,” he says, “I’m going to take you home so you can rest.”
She rolls her eyes, “Aaron-”
“We’re going back to mine,” he says, leaving no room for argument, “And then the others can update me from there.” 
She wants to argue with him, wants to insist that they go back to the office and figure out what is going on, but she can’t bring herself to. Not when he was looking at her like she could break in two, his grip on her bordering on too tight for the first time since they’d got together. 
“Okay,” she says, cupping his cheek again as she relents, “Okay, but we need to go back to mine first.” 
“Just to pick up some shoes,” she assures him,” her thumb running back and forth on his cheek, “I only have boots at yours, I think I’ll be regulated to sneakers for a couple of weeks.” 
He nods, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers, “Okay,” he closes his eyes and swallows thickly, “I love you.” 
She smiles and moves her hand to the back of his head, tangling her fingers in his hair. She ignores how she can feel the paramedic looking at them, his curious gaze on her back. 
“I love you too,” she replies, kissing him quickly before she pulls back to look at him, “Let’s go home.” 
She lets him fuss over her. 
He hands her a pair of his socks that he keeps in his go bag so she has something on her feet, the thought of putting her heels back on enough to make her grimace. When they get back to her place he wraps his arm tightly around her waist, guiding her to the living room and helping her onto the couch. She grasps onto his jacket and pulls him down to join her, resting her head on his shoulder as she traps him in place. 
“Sit here with me for a minute,” she insists, curling around him, his arm hugged to her chest. She can feel the stiffness in his embrace, how tense he is. He was usually relaxed when it was just the two of them or when they were with Jack, an ease to his frame she hadn’t known he was capable of until she started spending time with him out of work. She presses a kiss to his shoulder, “Are you okay?” 
A laugh catches in his chest and he shakes his head, “You were the one who got hurt,” he replies, “I’m fine.” 
She hums, deciding to let it go for now. She knew him almost better than she knew herself. He needed to work things out by himself, a hangover from years of having to do so. She was the same way, and slowly but surely they were getting better at not needing to turn inwards before they each other help. 
“Have you heard from the team yet?” She asks, running her hand up and down his arm. 
He nods, “They are interviewing both Grisham and Haig,” he says, blowing out a breath, shaking his head at the mention of the men they’d once hunted that she’d been due to give evidence against today, “And their families. We are leaning more towards Haig at the moment, Grisham’s MO was always explosives, if whoever is trying to stop you wanted to make a point that’s what they’d do.” 
She nods in agreement, “Well, I don’t fancy getting blown up so is it weird I’m grateful?” 
He chuckles, his real laugh that never fails to make her heart soar, and he shakes his head at her, “I understand what you mean, so if it’s weird what does that say about us both,” he kisses her temple, “Want something to drink before we head to mine?” 
“I think there’s some Diet Coke in there,” she replies and he smiles and stands up, his hand firm on her thigh.
“There is,” he says as he walks towards her kitchen, “I got some when I did your grocery shopping last week.”
She moans in delight as she turns to look at him, her smile wide as he places his hand on the fridge door, “I knew I love you for a reas-”
She’s cut off as he pulls the fridge door open and he’s thrown backwards, the explosion that tears through her kitchen seemingly happening in slow motion as he hits the ground with force. The sprinklers almost immediately are triggered, soaking her kitchen with water as she jumps up off the couch.
He doesn’t respond, his silence only pushing her closer to him, somehow avoiding standing on any the debris that had once been her kitchen counter as she runs over to him, the pain in her ankle not even registering. She lands on her knees by his side and touches him, ignoring the shake in her hands as she turns him just enough to see his face. 
She shakes him and he doesn’t flinch, making panic fill up her chest, making it hard to breathe. 
She’s barely been at the hospital for an hour when the team arrive, their presence both a comfort and a curse, forcing her to transition into a concerned colleague from a concerned girlfriend. 
“Emily,” Penelope says, sitting down next to her and wrapping her arm around her shoulders, “Are you okay?”
She nods, clearing her throat as she looks at her friends, “Yeah, I was in the living room, Aaron…Hotch took the blast.” 
“What was Hotch doing at yours anyway?” Dave asks her, his hands in his pockets where he stands in front of her. 
“He dropped me home,” she says, looking up at Dave, purposely ignoring the almost smug smile on his face, “He opened the fridge to get me a drink. You know what he’s like,” she says, her focus returning to her hands, “He’s a gentleman through and through.” 
JJ nods, “That’s true enough,” she says, “We’ve shifted our focus onto Grisham because of the explosion.” 
“How’s Hotch doing? What about his hearing?” 
She blows out a breath at Spencer’s question. It had been her first concern too, something she’d mentioned to the doctors when they’d arrived by ambulance. “They said they’d test it, but he did wake up in the ER and he could hear me.” 
It felt ridiculous that one of her first thoughts if he did lose his hearing was that he’d never hear her say she loved him again, or hear the voices of their future children. It was easier to worry about that, about things that may never come to pass, instead of the fact someone could have killed him in their pursuit if killing her. 
“Family of Aaron Hotchner,” A doctor says as he enters the room, cutting off any further conversation. 
“I’m his medical proxy,” Emily answers as she stands up, aware of the team all looking at each other curiously out of the corner of her eye, “Is he okay?” 
“He’s got several cracked ribs, a broken collarbone, and a concussion. He’ll be in a lot of pain for a while, but he’s okay.”
The relief is palpable, her hand on her chest, “Can I see him?” 
The doctor nods, “Of course, I’ll have someone come find you to take you to him in a moment.” 
“Thank you so much,” she replies, blowing out a steady breath as she turns back to the team, unsurprised by the different levels of curiosity painted across their faces. 
“You’re Hotch’s proxy?” Derek asks, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“He’s mine too,” she explains, “We switched it a little while back, so if something happens Jessica and Jack wouldn’t be worried before they need to be.” The half-lie rolls off of her tongue with ease, but she doesn’t have the energy to figure out if they believe her or not. 
Thankfully she isn’t left with enough time to worry about it when a nurse walks into the room to escort her to Aaron’s room. She limps all the down the hallway, the pain in her ankle returning now her adrenaline was disappearing. She thanks the nurse as she steps into Aaron’s room, and she barely hides a gasp when she sees him.
He was covered in bruises, the worst of them peeking out from under this hospital gown and the immobiliser that was holding his arm to his chest to stabilise his collarbone. He had cuts on his face, the largest of which was above his left eyebrow, and his right cheek was bruised. 
“Surely I can’t look that bad,” he quips, and he smiles at her when their eyes meet. She sighs, unsure how they went so quickly from her making jokes about an injury to make him feel better to the other way around. She wanted nothing more than to go back to that morning, to pull him back into bed and cancel their plans for the day. He sighs and lifts his good hand as high as he can, the pain in his ribs meaning he can barely lift it from the bed, “Come here, sweetheart.” 
She walks across the room and sits on the edge of the bed and she wraps both of her hands around his, “I hate today.”
He chuckles and squeezes her hand, “It’s not exactly on my top five list either,” he says, watching how she keeps her gaze on their joint hands, “Are you okay?” 
She laughs dryly, and shakes her head as she looks up at him. She presses her lips together as tears press at the back of her eyes, “I think it was you who said ‘I’m fine it’s you who got hurt’ only a couple of hours ago.” 
He sighs, “Em…” 
She releases one of her hands from around his and wipes a stray tear from her cheek, “You got hurt because of me.”
“I got hurt because someone is trying to get a serial killer out of being tried for his crimes,” he says, smiling softly at her, “It’s not your fault,” 
She wishes she could believe him, that the guilt that was churning in her belly would go away, but instead, she nods and wipes another tear from her cheek, “The team are looking at Grisham in more detail because of the explosion,” she says, “And my kitchen is a mess.” 
Aaron nods, “I don’t want you by yourself tonight,” he says, already sensing her argument, “I mean it, Em. Otherwise, I’ll check myself out of here against medical advice and make sure you aren’t alone.”
He knows he’s playing dirty, that he’s using her love and concern for him against her, but it works, she relents by nodding. 
“Okay,” she says, leaning down to kiss him, “I doubt Derek would have let me go anywhere alone tonight anyway,” she pushes his hair off of his forehead, “Want me to stay until you fall asleep?” 
“Always,” he replies, trying to sit up for a kiss but failing. She smiles and leans down to kiss him, “Since your kitchen has been blown up,” he says as she pulls back, his breath skipping across her skin in a way she’d worried she’d never feel again, “Maybe you should just officially move in with me.” 
She smiles and kisses him once more before she pulls back, “We’ll talk about it once you can sit up straight by yourself, okay?” She says, even though she knows her answer could only ever be yes. 
“Okay,” he replies, leaning back against his pillow, his smile turning sleepy from all the medication in his system, “Love you.”
“You too,” she replies. She stays until he’s fallen asleep, careful when she stands up from the bed so as not to disturb him. She presses a kiss to his forehead before she steps away and leaves the room. She gives herself a moment to lean on the wall, her palm against her forehead as she blows out a breath. “Fuck this has been a long day.” She steps away from the wall as she decides to find the team, ready to leave the hospital for the evening, already mentally counting down the hours until she can come and see Aaron again.
“Agent Prentiss?”
She turns to look at a man in scrubs just to her left. There was something about his face that was familiar, but she couldn’t place it, sure he must have been one of the many nurses they’d encountered in the ER when they arrived, “Yes?”
“There’s just a few more pieces of paperwork I need you to sign.” 
She nods, letting him guide her away from the hallway, towards a more isolated part of the hospital floor. It’s only when she realises they are alone she starts to question it, her usually quick mental reflexes dulled by everything that had happened since she’d woken up that morning. 
“Where are we-”
She’s cut off as a hand goes over her mouth, and a needle goes into her neck. She tries to call out for help, but her head starts to swim and her eyes drift shut, plunging her into darkness.
She wakes up quickly, startled as she tries to remember falling asleep. Her arms ache and she looks up to see her hands are cuffed together and hooked over a metal bar above her head, she tries to pull at them, to loosen the shackles but she fails. She tries to push down the panic that being handcuffed stirs in her belly, and she shakes her head in an attempt to physically try and rid her brain of the comparison to when Ian had held her captive.
“You’re not going to get out of them.” 
She turns her head, the movement making her neck ache from the strain in her arms, and is only partially surprised to find the man who she now knew had been impersonating a member of hospital staff.
“You should let me go,” she says calmly, “I’m a federal agent, you’ll be in a lot of trouble for this.” 
He chuckles as he steps towards her, pulling a gun from the waistband of his pants, “You’re very confident for someone who has a gun pointed at them.”
“My team will find you,” she says, proud of herself for the steadiness of her voice, how it doesn’t shake.
He shrugs, “I think they are likely distracted by the other case you were due to talk about today,” he smirks, “The explosion was the perfect decoy.” 
It clicks in her head, why she’d found his face familiar when he approached her at the hospital. He was the brother of Haig, the man she’d spoken against as part of the prosecution’s case that morning. He’d been one of the few people sitting behind Haig in the gallery, his eyes fixed on Emily the entire time she spoke. 
“You’re Haig’s brother,” she says, and he clenches his teeth. 
“His name is Josh.” 
She nods and swallows thickly. He was unravelling in front of her, clearly not having thought any of this through beyond hurting her.
“How did you know about Grisham?” she asks and he laughs at her.
“I used to work for the DA’s office. They laid me off when my brother was arrested. When you arrested him. I still have contacts there who let me know about the other cases.”
“What’s your name?” She asks, trying to calm him down, the shake of his hand making nerves roll through her. 
“Stuart, this isn’t going to help him,” she says, trying to reason with him, the ache in her arms and shoulders turning into pain that burned through her upper body, “This is only going to make things worse.” 
Stuart steps towards her again, his finger over the trigger, “If you don’t talk again tomorrow he won’t go down.” 
“That isn’t true,” she says, sucking in a breath as he steps even closer, the barrel of his gun against her abdomen, “Even if I’m not there, someone else will be called as an expert witness.”
“Who? He sneers, his breath smelling of whiskey and smoke as it washes over her, “Your boyfriend who almost had his face blown off?” 
The door behind them bursts open and Stuart turns, his gun raised and pointed towards it, but he doesn’t have a chance to pull the trigger. A gunshot echoes throughout the room and he falls to the ground, his gun clattering across the metal floor. Emily blows out a breath and looks up, a sound she can’t name catching in her chest as her eyes meet her boyfriend’s. 
The team was behind him, their guns raised, Derek clearly the one who had fired the shot that had taken out Stuart. 
“Aaron,” she breathes out as he walks towards her, clearly in agony with every step he takes towards her. He’s wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, one she’s sure belongs to Derek, and his arm is strapped to his chest under it, “You’re meant to be in hospital.” 
“Like I’d stay there once I found out you were missing,” he says, his eyes flicking up to her cuffed hands. 
He knows he doesn’t have the strength to raise his one good hand to unhook her arms that way, so he ducks under the cuffs and into the circle of her arms, He stands up straight and her arms shift from where she’d been hooked to over his shoulders, and he lowers them both to the ground.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you okay?” 
They speak simultaneously and then they both laugh, which pulls a wince out of Aaron. 
“How about we agree we don’t ask that question until at least the end of the day?” She says, and he nods, resting his forehead against hers as he tries to get his breath back.
“Sounds good to me,” he replies, stamping a kiss against hers.
“How did you figure it out?” She asks and a throat clears from behind them, and she suddenly remembers the team is there too. 
“We watched the CCTV the minute we realised you were missing, Bella,” Dave says, walking over and undoing her cuffs before pocketing his key again. She lets the cuffs fall free and unwraps her arms from around Aaron’s neck but she doesn’t move away, “It didn’t take too long to put together.”
“And you let him check himself out of the hospital?” She asks, her face incredulous as she purposely ignores how Aaron protests next to her. 
“Have you ever tried to argue with him, Princess?” Derek asks, his hands on his hips, “We can’t all get away with it like you do.” 
She groans as he winks knowingly at her and she looks back at her boyfriend and leans in to talk to him, “I think we’re busted.”
He smiles at her, “Sweetheart, I think we were the moment your fridge exploded in my face.” 
“Oh please,” JJ says, rolling her eyes at her friends, “We figured it out the moment Hotch ran out of the bullpen like a bat out of hell this morning when he found out about the shooting.” 
She looks up at her friends with her eyebrow raised in challenge, “Look, we’ll answer all your questions later,” she says, her hand linked with Aarons, “But can you give us a minute?” 
They all nod and Emily is grateful that they know when to push and when not to, and she smiles at Aaron when they back up enough to give them privacy. She leans in and stamps a kiss against his cheek. 
“Thank you for coming to save me,” she says, pushing some of his hair from his face, her fingers tracing over one of the cuts on his forehead. 
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he replies, “Although if we could avoid making a habit out of it when one of my arms is out of action I’d appreciate it.” 
She laughs and presses her forehead against his, “Deal.” She closes her eyes and gives herself a moment to breathe him in, the scent of him lingering under the smell of disinfectant and blood. 
“Yes, honey,” she says as she pulls back to look at him.
“I could really do with going back to the hospital now.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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ideas-4-stories · 8 months
NOOOOOOOO I LOST THE AU I WROTE FOR YOU 😭😭😭 I LITERALLY SENT IT AND TUMBLR SAID "NETWORK ERROR". L FOR THE WIFI. L. Not cool I'm literally crying I thought that AU was genius. It was a Teacher!Buggy AU with Crocomom and Dadhawk. + Shanks co-parenting Luffy with Crocodile. That note was so long I literally spent like 45 mins writing it here on your ask and it was just. Gone. Or I think it did. Why does life hate me. I'm just gonna be brief with this cuz I still think it's golden lmao. Croco and Mihawk work long hours so their kids (Luffy, Zoro, Perona) have to wait for a few hours until they're picked up by their parents. The school doesn't have school buses bc I said so (no I am not cruel it's just out of my budget /j). So Buggy takes the responsibility to keep them comfortable and entertained while they wait. Croco and Mihawk meeting this charming (and clown looking) blue-haired guy and they start courting him. Shanks gets dragged in on the courting bc of Luffy. Also he was already courting Buggy. I didn't write their process of courting I basically skipped and went,, their wedding will take part in a Goth castle. And the design are all sunshine and rainbows (literally). Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Vivi, Zoro and Luffy being in a class along with other kids. Franky, Robin, Jinbei and Brook are in higher classes. Chopper is atom. Not here in the world yet. Perona is like, 2-3yrs older than her brothers so. Yeah *awkwardly shuffles* (I love perona I swear-). Implied Zosan. Some rando: but you didn't imply shi— Me: Shhh I did. *gaslighting*. Law is also there in the classroom with lower grade strawhats. He's suffering. He only attends 3 days a week tho, he's mostly homeschooled bc of his sickness. He's homeschooled by Cora. (You can pry Law and Cora from my cold dead hands. You can separate them when I dissolve into ashes). Don't worry as he gets older his sickness is cured. Ofc he's cured by Cora. He's saved by Cora in every universe. In every AU. Every Era. Every life they will ever live. I will die on that hill– *applies the nobody dies/everyone lives tag on this AU* let my babies be happy pls. Let my man Cora live and travel the world with this emo boy (Law). Doffy isn't real, he can't hurt anyone. Ace is there. Sabo is there. Every One Piece character is out there somewhere. They're like hidden stones and you have 0.02% of finding them. I thought I was just making a Teacher!Buggy AU but then it turns into a Modern!AU for everyone. Let's gooooo. Sora divorces with Judge and remarry with Zeff so now Sanji lives with all his brothers and his sister. They get separate classrooms tho, and reiju is perona's age so she's besties with her. (I do not play by canon's rules with ages bc i live in my own world) They both tease their brothers (Sanji and Zoro) about their crushes on each other. The heart crew is there. Bepo is a dog, a very fluffy one. Kuina is alive. Kaya is there, same classroom with Usopp. I have no idea how to continue this lmao, but I do hope you find this interesting bc Buggy is 100% great with kids and probably teaches well bc he is a big nerd and makes lessons interesting. (Also, the whole reason why I wrote this instead of letting the idea slip through my mind like the others is bc the image of two goth men courting a clown looking mf was funny to me. So here we are lmao. The way I wrote this makes Shanks look like he's the person they let into their open relationship twice lol I'm so sorry 😭😭)
That's really sad, I really like this idea (though I see Shanks and Buggy more as siblings, but I understand the idea of Shuggy) It's fine that this became about so many people, I really like this.
Teacher!Buggy sounds so cool, you know that he's the flashiest and maybe one of the craziness of the things he'll do to get his students good things that will boost their learning. He knows that every kid might not have the same learning paths as others.
How many classes does this man teach? Who knows, too many for how much he gets paid. All teachers needs to get paid more.
I would think Jinbei and Brook being other fun teachers in the school, like Tom could be as well!
I really like this idea, and the imagine of two gothic men trying to court a clown-looking mf is really funny to me as well.
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bobbyseyesmile · 2 years
Summary: Rick Grimes daughter was a sweet soul to everyone but Shane- she knew him her whole life but when Shane changed into a mean hothead of a man she turned into the brat who made his life hell because she had enough. But so did Shane.
Characters: Dark!ShaneWalsh x Reader
Word count: 2.3k
WARNINGS: age gap (reader is 18+) / explicit sexual content as in deep throat, oral (M receiving), swearing, Sir kink (kinda) Trigger warning: non-con | 18+ 🔞 MINORS DNI below the cut! 🔞
➻ Part 2 [M]❤️‍🔥‼️
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Rick and Lori Grimes were way to young when they found out that they would become parents. Barely finishing High School and shortly after graduation they held you in their arms for the first time.
Your friends always envied you for having such cool and young parents; you heard sentences like “Oh, your mom must be like your best friend and not like a mother!”
Truth was- Loris Grimes was neither for you. Yeah, she was your mother but that didn’t automatically make her a good one. You two were too different, all your personality traits coming from your father. When she fell pregnant again, this time with your younger brother Carl, she swore to do everything different! She would be a real mom with real responsibility and raise him right! She didn’t.
But she tried; you had to give her that. She tried to be around and connect to her kids as soon as the apocalypse started- way to late but nonetheless.
But your father- oh you loved your father and worshipped the ground he walked on. He was a gentle and friendly soul, trying to please everyone and looking for solutions that would fit for the whole group. Sure, he too changed when the world went to shit but he still tried his hardest and darn best.
And that was just something your mother didn’t. Bad enough she fucked his best friend when she believed to be a widow and had the nerve to not even tell your dad when he returned to your family.
Of course, her and Shane believed they were sooo sneaky and careful- as if walkers made some sexy noises while they stumbled through the woods. When you caught them in the middle of their act your first reaction was to scream, slap the stupid out of them or puke. But you just stood here, flabbergasted and hurt before you turned around without saying a thing.
They didn’t know that you knew but your mother noticed that something was off when you distanced yourself even more from her and starting to make snarly remarks towards Shane, losing all respect you had for the former family friend.
You grew up with Shane being around; he held you when you were a baby and spent every Friday afternoon at your house watching sports with your father. That’s why you couldn’t wrap your head around why he would go after your mother, the wife of his best friend, doesn’t matter if they believed Rick was dead or not.
Shane noticed your changed behavior as well but you were young and probably had some things and hormones to go through so he mostly ignored it, trying to remain his composure in front of the group. You turned worse with every day that passed; getting cheekier with your remarks, rolling your eyes whenever he said something or ordered you to do. “You’re not my dad” or “You can’t tell me what to do” were some of your favorite sentences, making Shane’s blood boil under the surface.
Loris tried to calm him down: “She’s only a teenager, it will pass.” He knew it but would be lying if he pretended that it didn’t bother him and, on some days, he wanted to spank the everlasting shit out of you. Of course, he would never touch you but still; a guy can dream.
The moment Rick returned and your family was reunited again was also the moment you became your old self again or so Shane thought. In front of the group and your parents you were just the sweetest girl; always ready to help with chores, being polite and well mannered. But as soon as they turned their back and you were alone with Shane your whole demeanor changed into a little devil, determined to make his life a living hell.
He tried talking to you, asking what he did wrong, what he could do to make you like him again but you waved him off, not even interested in his lies of bullshit he’d feed you.
The tension grew when the group reached the farm, trying to build a partly normal life for themselves but Shane had to go full crazy psycho bonkers, ruining everybody’s days.
After the hospital run with Otis he was changed- the good guy was gone and a new and aggressive Shane took place.
You started to keep out of his way, leaving as soon as he arrived somewhere and he didn’t mind as long as you kept your mouth shut.
Rick noticed the silence between you two and asked what was wrong but you just shrugged your shoulders and said in the sweetest tone possible: “Nothing, daddy.”
Your father didn’t push the matter anymore, as long as there was no fighting or dispute going on, you two could continue your weird silence.
And so it was; Shane ignoring you and you ignoring him as well until a few weeks later when the group sat around a bonfire, talking, keeping watch, trying to have somewhat of a good time. You sat next to your dad, your head on his shoulder and staring into the crackling fire.
“Fucking can’t believe this, are y’all kidding me?!” Shane suddenly yelled when he crawled out of his tent. “Y’all sitting on your asses and grilling marshmallows when we should do something about that damn barn?!”
A few rolled their eyes but remained silent, your dad tried to calm him down but Shane only grew louder. That’s when you had enough.
“Shut up, Shane.” You mumbled and your dad gave you a soft nudge. “Hey!” he scolded playfully but wasn’t really angry.
“What did ‘ya just say to me?!” Shane asked and took another step in your direction. You gave him a lazy stare in return, how pathetic.
“You heard me, Walsh. We’re trying to have a good time and you always have to ruin it with your shitty mood swings. Get that stick out of ya ass and relax.”
Glenn’s eyebrows raised and some tried to keep their laughter to themselves but failed making Shane almost explode with anger.
“Y/N-“ your mother said but you threw her a disgusted side glance.
“Mom, don’t even start-“ you warned and she knew what you meant, swallowing before she pressed her lips into a thin line remaining silent.
Rick sighed. “Okay, enough! Shane, we’ll talk tomorrow, alright? I know you’re concerned but the barn is secure for now and we’re safe.” He gave a quick look to the group “We should go to sleep, it’s getting late.”
Days passed and no one thought about it anymore. No one but Shane. He was still upset and would not tolerate being humiliated in front of the others, especially not by a silly teenager.
On your way to the house, you walked by the RV but didn’t notice Shane standing there; watching. When you turned around the corner you ran straight into his chest, a small yelp escaping you.
“Ow! What the hell, Walsh?” you took a step back but he came closer till your back was against the RV.
“I swear to god Y/N- If I keep hearing you calling me by my last time one more time, I’ll-“
“You will what? Huh?” you taunted and gave him a small push to keep some distance. “You know you talk really loud when all you should do is keep your mouth shut or else, I tell my dad that you fucked my mom while he was fighting for his live, desperately trying to find us.”
Shane took a step back as if you had hit him. “That’s what this is all about? You’re being a little bitch because I slept with your mother?”
It all started to make sense now- of course you knew! All those side glances and cheeky remarks; you knew the whole time.
“You two disgust me.” you snarled and Shane let out a small laugh.
"My, my. And here I was breaking my head over why you suddenly hated me. My sweet little Y/N.”
“Don’t call me that! You lost that right as soon as you betrayed my dad, your best friend if I might add!”
“Y/N-“ he still had a smile on his face and all you wanted was to slap it right off. “You will understand when you get older, for now just focus on growing up, these are adult problems.”
“Excuse me?” you responded, completely offended. “I am a grown up! I don’t need to get older to understand that you fucked a married woman!”
“Okay that’s enough.” Shane's smile slowly disappeared.
“Or what? You can’t tell me shit, Shane! You better keep your distance and stay the hell away from my mother or I will tell my dad. God knows what he’ll do to you.”
Shane took a quick look but no one was around, leaving you two alone before he wrapped his hand around your throat dragging you inside the RV. You clawed at his arm, desperately trying to free yourself. Inside he closed the door, releasing the breathtaking grip while pushing you away. You landed on your ass, gasping for air.
“What the-“ you started but fell silent when you saw the look in his eyes; pure anger.
“I am so done with you, sweetheart. This attitude problem stops right now, ya hear me?” Shane’s nostrils were blown wide, a visible vein pulsating at his temple. His large figure hovered over you, giving you a feeling of helplessness.
“What is your problem?” you tried to yell but it was only a squeak. “You can’t treat me like that!”
“Why?” he grinned cheekily “Because your Ricks daughter? I don’t fucking care, darling. Your daddy missed to teach you some manners and we’re going to fix that. Right now.”
You watched in fear as he opened his belt; the noise from the zipper rang in your ears. He wouldn’t...?
“Shane-“ you started and he shook his head.
“Nuh-uh, sweetheart. You lost that privilege- from now on it’s Sir to you.”
“I-I’m sorry…” your voice was a mere whisper but he didn’t care. “No. But you will be.”
You tried to back away when he positioned himself in front of you; your face was now the same height as his crotch. Shane’s large hand grabbed your hair, painfully holding you in place.
“We’re done playing. You wanna be treated as an adult?” When you remained silent, he gave your hair another yank and you yelped in pain. “Answer me.”
“Yes…” you hissed trough gritted teeth but his grip didn’t loosen. “Yes what?” “Yes, Sir!” tears filled your eyes and he finally released your burning scalp.
“Good girl.” He praised and softly caressed your jawline with his fingers. “Now, we’re going to have to do something about that mouth- Open up.”
You pressed your lips together, shaking your head. “No…”
“Oh, sweetheart…” he cooed “You’re only going to make it worse for yourself. Now open.that.mouth.” When he pulled out his already hardened member you were on the edge of crying; desperately begging him to stop. Shane raised his eyebrows looking at you with fake concern. “Poor thing, never had a man handle you, huh? Am I your first?”
You didn’t need to answer him- your flushed cheeks was what he needed to know. His hand stroked his erection and a bit of precum dripped down. The sudden yank on your hair made you yelp in pain, your mouth open in a silent cry when he pushed himself into you.
“If you bite me-“ he warned softly but the grip on your hair was painfully tight “I’m gonna break your jaw. Understood?” You nodded your head; trying to relax your jaw, finding a comfortable position to relieve the pain. But Shane wasn’t a patient person, he literally couldn’t care less about your comfort. The first time his tip hit the back of your throat you started gagging, trying to push him away but his speed increased, barely giving you enough time to breathe.
“Look at me.” he demanded in a low growl and you looked up through your lashes. “Fuck, almost regretting screwing your mom if I could have had that mouth a long time ago. I bet you dreamed about this, huh? Didn’t think I noticed the way you look at me? Strolling around in them tiny shorts, almost presenting yourself on a silver plate for me.”
He let out a deep moan when you released his dick with a loud Pop-sound. Your lips were red and swollen, your knees sore. But you never looked more beautiful to him than right now. He gave you only a few seconds before he shoved himself down your throat again, setting a harsh pace while grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“Fuck, so close.” he grunted and your eyes widened in shock but Shane laughed when he saw your expression “Oh, you’re gonna swallow, babygirl.”
There wasn’t anything that you could have done; you were just grateful that you were still able to breathe. Your eyes were shut, tears streaming over the heated cheeks when his warm load filled your mouth, running down the back of your throat.
Shane let out a long and deep moan- his eyes were closed and finally he released his grip making you fall back, coughing and gasping for air again.
„Damn, baby, that mouth was heaven.“ His voice was soft but the look in his eyes still dark; his pupils blown full wide with lust. „You did so well, maybe I‘ll make it up to you one day.“ You wiped away the tears with your arm- small and pathetic in Shane‘s eyes and he fucking loved it.
He put away his already softening member and started to exit the RV but not before he turned around one last time, giving you a warning glance:
„If ‘ya ever run that mouth again or behave like a brat, I‘m gonna come for that sweet ass of yours and believe me- I won‘t be as gentle as today.“
You’ll only find my work posted here and and on my AO3 blog. I don’t give consent for my work to be re-posted (in any language) onto any other platform, even if it is with credit. Thank you.
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crguang · 4 days
I like paying Genshin…🫣 but I suppose you and I can’t have all the same opinions. Speaking of which, I don’t understand why people like Natasha…I’m sorry in advance. I can understand liking most of the others, like I get the appeal but idk….can u explain? now that I’ve told you all my bad opinions…I still haven’t gotten all the messages from Kafka, very upset, I got yanqing from standard the same day AND HE KEEPS MESSAGING ME, I need him to stfu. I was rewatching kafkas story quest and umm, I haven’t looked at that photo in a bit….ngl I kinda want to rip open that slit in her shirt and—yk I need to sleep, ik when I start being less shy I need more sleep I haven’t sleep for like two days. also my friend just said that I probably don’t like nat bc she’s a doctor…my mommy issues strike again.
i loved genshin i played it for over 3 years but by sumeru their characters stopped appealing to me, arlecchino saved me from boredom in fontaine and that archon quest was also really good but character wise she’s the only one i care about. with natlan and those white ass characters i just cant like logging in and seeing white people with latin indigenous/african inspired clothing, names and history pisses me off to no end, they lost me forever with that one bc yelan reran and i still didn’t log in consistently to get her cons… shes c3 forever now. i get mad seeing any natlan character atp like im so over this stupid game
not liking natasha is insane… if you like himeko theres no reason to not be as crazy about nat because they’re so similar personality wise and we actually know more about nat than we do about hsr himeko rn😭 i don’t see why you don’t see the appeal honestly, she’s a sweetheart who’s upheld an entire city basically on her own. not to diminish wildfire members but she literally created that too. only doctor in an impoverished and disorganized city, runs an orphanage, leader of the sole organization meant to keep the peace… she’s willingly taking on all of that responsibility because she can and wants to help. shes not even from the underworld, she was adopted by a couple in the overworld and did her studies there. not to mention that before she was a doctor in the underworld she went on expeditions to heal those fighting against/researching the fragmentum…she’s literally the most “morally good” aligned person ever. disliking her is kinda unimaginable to me bc all shes done is save people’s lives and be pretty. kafka’s nothing compared to my natty. i get it if she’s just not your kind of character but disliking her is insane to me when himeko is the same kind of kind-hearted, diplomatic, intelligent, courageous, ruthless-when-need-be person😭 natasha stepped up and saw people dying all around her for over a decade, she gave kids like Seele a future and a purpose in life and has spent every day fighting for them, she’s even condemned her own brother because the methods he was using for his research/goals were hurting others. hasnt talked to her parents in years and didnt know her dad had died because of it so she wasn’t allowed a moment to grieve like im sorry shes a hero of the people, no one has worked harder than she has— i’ll die defending natasha she’s incredibly admirable and inspiring to me. she thanks her patients for surviving gruesome surgeries, imagine the amount of people she’s lost because of the underworld’s lack of supplies yet she CARRIES ON! the strongest person ever. and she’s so gorgeous like that’s my baby fr. plus her voice is really nice. she’s the whole package, i take her so seriously if theres only one natasha fan in the galaxy its me!!! thee only healer for months before lynx came out, let’s all remember our roots (i wasn’t there but wtv) for a second. everyone’s used natty she’s an OG!
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i thought kafka had only 2 messages and was getting moze/jiaoqiu’s for days then saw that anonymous “hi, nyx” and lost my mind at 6am on tuesday. hope u get them soon theyre so pathetic… she cares so bad. like soooo bad i cant believe she exposes herself like this do we think it’s because texting is easier or bc she’s intrinsically linked to the tb or both?… because those texts (+ the fact that it’s her reaching out) are just insane.
i love how yall never go all the way with thirsting when i literally write smut like i promise you can say you wanna fuck her 😭😭 everyone’s gonna agree. the things i’d do to her would have me in the hospital for dislocated joints like it’s okay theres no shame in being horny
and you definitely need to go to bed!!!!!!!! now!!!! try taking some melatonin/tea if you can or getting off your phone an hour before going to sleep, it might help a little. but you should be sleeping it’s dangerous to go too long without it, how are you even functioning right now
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 6 months
The Rookie Series Thoughts (Major Spoilers seasons 1-6!)
So due to health reasons I have spent the last couple of weeks bedridden, which has sucked, but to pass the time I decided to watch the entire series of the rookie, I'd seen some gifs here on tumblr and thought it looked interesting and turns out it really was, I love this show, its got it all, action, emotion and sometimes pure goofiness.
So here are some random thoughts I had about the series as a whole I am going to stick the rest under a page break because I had more thoughts than I realised, just be warned there are spoilers from here on out.
I really liked the concept in the first season of Nolan being this older guy starting out as a rookie and how this is unusual, it was interesting to see him navigate being the oldest rookie and seeing in what ways that put him at a disadvantage but also how in many ways it was actually an advantage to him and how his life experience meant he was able to connect with people, he knew how to talk them down. I also thought him becoming a TO was a good move for his character and I love the dynamic between him and Celina.
I also love all of the characters in this show. I've really enjoyed seeing them grow over the seasons and seeing the relationships strengthen and change, they really do seem like a family. The group chats they sometimes have over the radio our always hilarious. I love how Grey is like the dad of the group and is constantly trying to get his kids to behave.
Tim very much has that protective oldest child about him, he might seem gruff but as Lucy always says, underneath he's a big softie who always has his friends backs, I loved the scene when Angela is wedding dress shopping and calls Tim because she's upset that her bridesmaids said she has to hide her baby bump, he gave her the best response and the scene was funny but it also showed a softer side to Tim and he was so supportive of her, show off that baby belly Angela.
Angela, Nyla, Lucy, Tamara, Bailey, Luna and Talia are all badasses, I love the sisterhood between all the ladies, I also love how different they all are but how they are all awesome in their own ways. I think the show does a good job of portraying strong women without falling into the troupe of just giving a woman typically male traits, like yeah she's a good fighter and doesn't like girlie things so that makes her a badass trap, they are still allowed to be women. Hope I am making sense there, there are all allowed to be there own person instead of just a cookie cutter 'tough chick' but are all also 'strong women' in their own right.
Jackson was also a really interesting character. I thought it was interesting how they explored how his father being this well respected cop had an effect on his own journey as a cop. Both the good and the bad sides of it. How he never really had any other dream than being a cop and how he had to explore whether that was really his own dream or whether he just went with that because he comes from a cop family. Also showing how he had to deal with the expectations of everyone knowing his father was this almost legendary cop along with his father's expectations for him. I was so upset when Jackson was killed, like I was so shocked by it and it took me a hot minute to accept that he really was gone.
It was also a shame to see Talia leave the show earlier on but at least she is still alive and just at another station. Still I really liked her character and wished we could have gotten more time with her.
Aaron and Celina are both really great additions to the cast as well. They both have these dark tragic backgrounds, Aaron being falsely charged with the murder of his friend and Celina having to go through her sister being abducted and murdered. It's interesting to see how this effects how they do their jobs and how they see police work. For Aaron I do think it helps him relate to those calls involving people who have been incarcerated in the past because he himself has experienced being in prison, it gives him a special edge. I also really like Celina's intuitiveness and how she is into the psychic stuff, aura's and dreams etc, I also like that although it throws Nolan he doesn't dismiss it, he helps her use it to improve her police work, its an interesting element to add and I think it makes sense for her character. I also really love Celina and Aaron's relationship, I love their friendship but I do wonder if they will eventually become a romantic pairing, they have kind of teased it but it also looks like they might chalk it up to being a result of the trauma they went through together. Honestly I am happy either way, like I said I already love their friendship so if they decide to keep them as friends that's all good, but if they do decide to shift them into something romantic I wouldn't hate it.
What I really love about all the characters is that they aren't perfect, they all have their flaws. You might not always agree with them or like what they are do but they are all growing and these flaws make them seem more real.
I also really enjoyed those special episodes where they are filming a documentary, there have been three so far, the cult one, the one covering Aaron's case and them solving Patrick's murder and the one with Jake and Sava. They are weird but in the best way possible. I don't think I'd like for every episode to be like that but they are fun as occasional one offs, like if they did one a season or every other season going forward I'd be happy. I love how goofy they are but also at the same time they are really engaging and suspenseful, like you are along for the ride just waiting for the next twist in the tale. I also love how they have those interviews with the police officers, those episodes are just really fun.
Ok so we have to talk about the ships, my favourite part of watching a new show is adding to my ship list and I am pleased to announce that there are some really good ships in this show.
I love Angela and Wesley, their dynamic at the start was really funny to watch because it was that kind of enemies to lovers type arc with the whole lawyer vs cop thing, I thought it was really funny when they are both arguing with each other and the criminal Jackson was arresting was like 'man they really dig each other.' They had a very passionate and fun dynamic and I really loved watching that grow into a steady loving marriage. Seeing them navigating marriage and parenthood, Jack is the cutest lil one, I love that they named him after Jackson and I am sure their new daughter is going to be just as adorable, have we been told her name yet, because I don't think we have? Anyway, I also like that it isn't also smooth sailing and that they do hit bumps in the road but that it is clear that they still love each other.
I also really enjoyed Nolan and Bailey's relationship, loved seeing them finally tie the knot in 6x02 and of course their honeymoon turned into a murder mystery type situation because its Nolan the bad luck magnet, but I do love how playful they are with each other and how they have that competitiveness. Similar to the Lawyer vs Cop thing that Angela and Wesley have going on, Nolan and Bailey have the whole Firefighter vs Cop thing which they play off as another fun dynamic between them. I like the whole, she runs into fires and he runs towards bullets line that they had, I also like that while they both worry about the other because they both have dangerous jobs, they both still respect that is part of the other's jobs and understands that they are capable and have been trained to deal with that aspect of their jobs. They have professional respect for each other as well as respect within their romantic relationship. I am excited to see more of them.
Nyla and James are also a really cute couple and their baby girl is the cutest but maybe its just me but I don't think we see this couple as much as the others, I wish we could see more of them. But I do enjoy their scenes together and I love that James' character isn't like a lawyer, cop or firefighter and how he's a community worker, its interesting seeing the perspective of someone who is a community member and is outside of the justice/service if I am making sense there. I just think James adds a new and interesting perspective to the show and I wouldn't say no to seeing more of him and of him and Nyla together.
Ok but now we have to talk about my favourite ship in this show, because they have taken over my heart and I am obsessed with them. Chenford, Tim and Lucy, I loved them from the very beginning and I have loved seeing their dynamic change and grow over the seasons and how they went from TO and Boot to literal soulmates who are deeply in love with each other.
The interesting thing about Tim and Lucy's dynamic in the first couple of seasons is that you could almost see Tim as being a bit of an asshole with all these Tim Tests he does on her, like he's just being mean and messing with her for the sake of it, but when he gets a new rookie and he's being really nice to her so Lucy confronts him and he explains that he trains his rookie's according to what they need. His new rookie had just got out of the military and needed help recognising that not everyone was the enemy and that people could be nice and kind. Lucy on the other hand kind of saw the world as sunshine and rainbows, she sees the best in everyone, she really is the sweetest, which is great in many ways but Tim had to show her that the world wasn't always a nice place and sometimes people do bad things and she should be on her guard sometimes. As much as the Tim Tests weren't fun for Lucy every one of them held an important lesson. The one where he said he's been shot and she had to call for help where was she, showed that it was important for her to always be aware of her surroundings and it pays off when Tim really is shot later and she saves his life, taking her duty belt when she went to the toilet taught how important it was to make sure the toilets were floor to ceiling or the belt wasn't secure and how important it was to make sure her gun was always secure so it doesn't end up on the street, the flour bomb taught her that using a radio near an IED can cause it to go off. So it wasn't just him being an asshole because, he had valuable lessons to teach her.
But I also loved that their relationship wasn't just about what he could teach her but that he learns from her too. I really do think she softens him and helps him heal from the trauma from his abusive father, she helps him to become more open about how he is feeling. Watching them pull pranks on each other is also really fun, like Lucy doesn't just lay down and take it, she gives back as good as she gets. Like when she takes his money clip, or leaves him the bar tap or puts the booties in his locker.
When they do start getting into the romantic era of their relationship their scenes are just so so good, there are so many golden moments like right from their first kiss where they are practising being a couple before going undercover and then realise that it didn't feel all that fake. Got to love the fake dating turns to real feelings troupe. What I really loved about this plotline was how it was actually Tim who was more open about his feelings which was unexpected. Like he was the one that confronted Lucy in the hotel room when undercover and said that it didn't feel like pretend whilst she was still in denial and went with 'its just basic biology' sure Lucy sure. It was also Tim who asks Lucy out first and I love that whole scene, it is definitely one that I rewatched more than a few times. I love how vulnerable but intimate it was. How Lucy is scared to take it further and admits that Tim is the most important relationship in her life. How she says its not worth the risk but Tim says what if it is before taking that deep breath and asking her out. They are both just all smiles and you can see how happy they are with each other. I love how that conversation about it being worth the risk parallels with the conversation they have about how Lucy deserves someone who is worth the effort.
Other stand out scenes are their first dates in 5x10, both of them (though I would still argue that their first date was that double date they went on with Ashley and Chris because lets be real those two might as well not have been there Chenford were so wrapped up in each other), their first time in 5x12, their breakfast scene in 5x20, they are just so domestic, their 'I love you' scenes in 6x02 and the trophy scene in 6x03, but honestly I love every one of their scenes and I can't wait to see more of them.
I love seeing how supportive they are of each other, like how happy Lucy is every time Tim gets a promotion and how she reassured him that he wasn't like his father, how he supports Lucy with her undercover work even though he has issues due to his past with Isabel and how he tells her she could never disappoint her, which I think is really important for Lucy because she has always felt like she has let down her parents so I think its great that she has that support and reassurance from Tim.
Anyway I could talk about Chenford forever but I think I have rambled about them enough so I'll stop now and move on.
If there is one plotline or scene that really stood out to me over the whole series it has to be the one with Rosalind and Lucy's abduction. The show has alot of really great plotlines and covers some really important issues throughout the series but this one really is one that got me in the feels, like it wrecked me. I think Rosalind was a truly terrifying villain not just because of the crimes she committed, which are horrifying in themselves, but because of the way she relishes it, the way she gets enjoyment not just out of committing the murders and inflicting pain on her victims but because of the way she also gets pleasure from seeing her victim's loved ones pain and suffering too, its just so disturbing. Also how she continues to kill even from her jail cell by taking on acolytes to do her bidding like Caleb.
The one scene that always gets me no matter how many times I watch it is the one where Lucy is in the barrel buried alive and is singing dream a little dream, there's no background music or any other sound, its just her voice and they show clips of the team all searching for her. It's just such an intense and emotional scene and it gives me goosebumps and makes me want to cry every time, it just never seems to lose its impact no matter how many times you watch it.
The moment Tim finds her burial site and the whole team are just digging with their hands trying to get her out in time, when they get her out and she isn't breathing and again there is very little sound just a few notes of sorrowful music here and there, then she wakes up and just breaks down crying whilst Tim holds her, its just as heartbreaking and suspenseful and I cry, every time. I just think the whole team did an amazing job with that episode.
That whole plotline is terrifying, suspenseful and heartbreaking. Just the idea of being buried alive is horrifying to me, also the whole idea of her day of death being tattooed on to her is another thing that is psychologically terrifying. I do love what Tim said though about how Lucy can choose to see it as a mark of her biggest failure or what it really is a mark of the first day of the rest of her life and that it shows that she is a survivor. I do wonder whether she kept the tattoo or not because I don't think we are ever told in the show whether she went through with the removal or not.
I would like for the trauma this left on both Lucy and Tim to be brought back up again at some point. Whilst they did explore some of Lucy's trauma over what happened and some of Tim's guilt I do think there is even more to explore there, because it really was so traumatic. Like is that song still a trigger for Lucy, are small dark places? It could be interesting to see her working through some of the lingering trauma. Also I do feel like Tim is traumatised by what happened but in a different way, like during the episode where Lucy was abducted you really did see how it effected Tim in particular, he felt responsible for Lucy and was frantic to find her and I think it effected him more than he realised and that it stayed with him and now that he and Lucy are together and she is exploring undercover work I do wonder if some of his issues are also connected to what happened with Rosalind as much as his past with Isabel, but that is just speculation on my part.
Anyway going to wrap this up now, overall I really did enjoy this show and now that I am all caught up I am looking forward to seeing what's going to happen next with all of our beloved characters. I am also officially declaring myself a huge Chenford shipper and if you follow my blog then fair warning I am going to be reblogging every gif set I come across for the foreseeable future, sorry not sorry.
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wittlesissyb4by · 8 months
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The White Rabbit - Chapter 2: Workload
I spent the rest of that night with images of Persephone swirling in my head. Or, I guess, what I thought were images of her. I had no idea what she looked like. But in my imagination she didn’t really have a face, kind of like in a dream, or when you read a book. The characters just kind of have this fuzzy blur that your brain says “yea, that’s face, you just don’t need all the details, right?”
It was the allure and presence that I focused on. In such a short time Persephone had a profound effect on me. Unlike anyone else I’d met online. Even the girlfriends I’d convinced to let me wear their panties in real life, they always had this awkward, uncomfortable sense about them.
Not Persephone. She breathed confidence even through the screen. She knew what she wanted, and she would get it. But she also had this weird compassion in her texts as well. Like she genuinely cared about my well-being even though we’d just met, and she was supposed to be a dominant figure.
I masturbated two more times that night. I even did it like she told me to before, using just one or two fingers on my ‘clit’ until I burst into my panties.
I didn’t have to keep them on, there was no way for her to know or verify, but I did it anyway. I don’t know. It felt like I was honoring her in some way, being obedient even when I didn’t have to. 
I woke up early the next day without having to even use my alarm. Usually I snooze it 5-7 times before begrudgingly clambering out of bed, but I couldn’t wait to message her again. 
“Hello Goddess,” I sent, eyes still adjusting to the light of my screen. 
I climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. My panties were hard and crunchy from the mess I’d made in them. I pulled them out from the depths of my crack and tossed them in the hamper, checking my phone again for a response. None came.
I took a shower, keeping an eye on my watch for any sign of a message.
I got out, brushed my teeth, and stared at my phone. Not a single notification.
It’s early. I told myself. She probably hasn’t even woken up yet. Just have some patience.
But I had to keep repeating that mantra the whole day for the next 8 hours. I must have looked like a mad man, checking my phone constantly after typing on my computer for only a few seconds. 
I should have known it was too good to be true.  Girls like that don’t come around often, and if they do, they hardly ever stay. She probably was off spreading those videos of me dancing around like a pantied pansy to anyone and everyone she possibly could on the internet. Or was she really just kidding? Maybe if I offered her money she would stay? That’s what girls like her usually want, right? To take advantage of a pathetic sissy eager for attention and domination? I don’t blame them for exploiting that crowd, I’d probably do the same if I could.
“How much would you like for a tribute…” I typed out, then deleted, reworded, then typed basically the same thing again. None of it sounded the way I wanted. I didn’t want to come off as desperate, but also, I was kind of desperate…
But before I could figure out what to say, my phone dinged.
“Hey sissy! Sorry, I was at work. I hope you were a good girl and had a fun night in your sticky panties :P” 
I was washed with relief and elation. It was amazing to just be talked to again, I found myself getting instantly hard.
“No problem. I wasn’t sweatin’ it at all,” I lied, “But yea I’d say I had a little fun…😅”
“Oh I’m sure you did! How many times did you touch your clitty again after we stopped talking?”
It wasn’t if I had touched it, but how many. How did she know me so well already?
“Two…🙈” I replied, not counting the load I deposited while in the shower that morning. 
“Haha! You little slut! What are you doing right now?”
“I’m at work.”
We went through the ins and outs of our respective careers. I had a boring office job, and apparently hers wasn’t much different. It required her to basically be on the phone all day, so conversing with sissy losers on Kik wasn’t always an option.
“Did you wear your panties to work, sissy girl?” she eventually asked.
“No.” I told her truthfully. I’d always thought about it, but for some reason deciding to do so on my own never really appealed to me. I’d much rather have someone ‘force’ me to do it. I am perfectly aware that that doesn’t make any sense at all. 
“Oh, well you will be tomorrow 😉” 
The next day I was typing away at my computer again, shifting back and forth and trying to get my lacy pink panties to sit comfortably against my nether region. 
They were covered by a pair of slacks, the tails of my button-down, and my suit jacket, but for some reason I still felt exposed. I glanced awkwardly at anyone that walked by my cubicle, half-expecting them to walk up, point, and laugh at my panty-line poking beneath my pants. Or, they would laugh at the other thing poking beneath my pants. My dick hurt from being consistently hard for so long. It didn’t help that she was constantly sending teasing messages. Apparently she wasn’t as busy today.
“How do they feel, princess?”
“What’s it like being around superior men all day?”
“What do you think the other people would say if they knew their co-worker was wearing pretty pink panties?”
“I think you should go to the restroom and give your Goddess a little peep show ;)”
I gulped. A mixture of fear and excitement coursing through my veins. I could feel my heart beating through my chest again, that strange chill going up my spine as my brain kicked into submissive overdrive.
I don’t know if my speed was too fast–or noticeably slow–as I walked. Whatever it was, I must have looked highly conspicuous. Maybe they just think you really have to take a dump. I told myself, but it was somehow in Persephone’s voice. Not that I even knew what her voice sounded like. Again, my imagination was running wild, maybe I was imagining this whole thing?
There were already two people in the restroom when I entered. One was washing his hands while the other fixed his hair. They looked at me through the mirror and I muttered something unintelligible in response before awkwardly making my way into the stall. 
I didn’t pull my pants down, just sat right there on the toilet and waited for them to leave. It seemed to take forever, but they finally made their way out. My hands were shaking as I unclasped my belt, pulling my slacks down to my ankles. The air felt cold against my clammy skin. My balls were poking out the sides of the panties a bit, and chafing on the areas where the hem was rubbing them raw. I opened my phone and took a quick selfie of me sitting on the toilet, keeping my face out of it.
“Your panties are already wet from your leaky clitty! Hahaha I think someone is enjoying this…”
I looked down in disbelief. Sure enough, the front of the panties had a noticeable wet spot from precum. I felt my face flush.
“I want you to send a video of you tinkling in the potty like a girl. Stay seated, princess.”
I found it unnerving that she often used infantile language like ‘tinkle’ and ‘potty’, but I didn’t say anything. I was happy just to have her around. Those minor critiques we could work on later. 
I pulled the panties down to my thighs, being sure to not go too far so they could be seen beneath the base of the stall. The notion of having to pee hadn’t occurred to me until that moment. I’d been so preoccupied with the anxiety of the panties that I didn’t notice the fullness of my bladder. It took a second for my dick to switch from horny to urination mode, but eventually I was videoing myself trickling into the toilet. My cock was small enough when limp that I had to push it down to angle it into the bowl. Otherwise, my little acorn would shoot straight forward and make my panties even more wet. 
Someone came into the bathroom while I was midstream. I gave a sharp inhale, holding my breath and stopping myself from peeing. I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and the panties were high enough around my thighs that they couldn’t be seen below the stall, but for some reason having someone come in while I was in such a compromising position made me wary. The video was still rolling, I felt like it would be too conspicuous to stop it now. Again, it didn’t make sense, but I wasn’t thinking straight. 
Finally, the man finished his business, skipped washing his hands, and walked out.
“You got so scared you forgot to wipe!” she teased when I sent her the video. “Now pull those panties up, and turn around so I can see that cute wittle tushy of yours!”
This was a little more difficult. I didn’t exactly have anything to set my phone on in order to take the video with me in sight. The only way to do it was to set my phone down on the floor, and prop it up using the kickstand on my case. This put me in a precarious position though. What if someone walked in and saw my phone on the floor? What if they saw the video I was taking of me bent over against the wall, flashing my girly undies?
I was caught between the confines of wanting to please her, and wanting to keep my job and dignity. If girls dominating submissive sissies was a regular occurance, I might have stuck with the latter, but I knew I had to cling to this rare opportunity with all my might.
I reasoned that if someone did walk in, I could just scoop my phone up quickly and claim that I’d dropped it. Not the most believable, but I doubt anyone would care enough to think too much about it.
I hit record and quickly turned around, hands on the cold tile. I swished my hips back and forth in an attempt to look sexy. In reality I probably looked absolutely ridiculous. I didn’t know how long I should go for, so I counted to 30 in my head. It seemed like a reasonable enough time, even if I counted a bit faster than an average second. 
“Imagine if someone had you bent over right there in the stall! Taking advantage of that sissy ass!! 😈”
Before I could wrap my head around what she meant by that, my phone dinged again.
“I want you to cum in your panties again. I think you know how to do it properly by now. You have 3 minutes.”
Again, I was caught off guard. 3 minutes was not a very long time, and I’d already masturbated way more than usual in the last few days. 
That didn’t stop my dick from springing up though. It was lifting the panties up so high off my skin that my balls hung easily out the side. I put my phone in selfie mode and hit record again, not wasting time cropping my own face out with the angle.
I tickled the crest of the little tent I'd made. Swirling my finger over the slick fabric. It was wet with a fresh batch of precum. I snaked my finger around until I found that sensitive spot I’d learn to use so well. If I pressed too hard, I would pop my clit out of the panties, and I'm sure Goddess didn’t want that.
It was such a thrill doing something like this. Having a girl force me to not only wear panties to work, but to also have me model and masturbate in them for her. I felt so naughty, so slutty, like I was finally doing something exciting in my life of mundane bullshit. I’d spent so many days going through monotonous autopilot that I’d forgotten what it was like to feel any real emotion. I felt alive. My skin was buzzing with excitement mixed with a tinge of fear. My anxiety was high, but at least no one was in here to—
The restroom door clanked open. Dress shoes clicked along the tile floor, walking down the line to the stall next to me. The man stepped into the stall, turned around, and dropped his pants. 
I was somehow shivering and sweating all at the same time. “You have 3 minutes.” Persephone’s ‘voice’ rang in my ear.  I wasn’t sure what would happen if I didn’t complete her task within that window, but I didn’t really want to test her. What if she gave up on me altogether? I’d had women do that before. If I refused to do something super weird like dress up like a furry or wear a freaking diaper, they would ghost me right then and there. 
I didn’t have time to wait for the man to finish. I had to keep going, I’d already lost significant progress, and the video was already 2 minutes in. I had 1 minute left to go. 
The man was letting out some violent gas, followed by the gush of his bowels emptying into the water. It wasn’t exactly the most romantic setting for a masturbation session.
If I didn’t have one hand on my clit, and the other one holding my phone, I would have plugged my nose. Instead I had to push through with my eyes watering and fighting back the urge to gag.
There was no way he could hear me rubbing my silky panties, but I still felt conscious of every little sound I made. I’d been on the edge of cumming before he walked in, I lost significant progress, but it didn’t take long to build it back up, despite the distractions. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep my pathetic whimpers from escaping, I still probably wasn’t completely silent, but I fought it down as much as I could. I had to finish, I wanted to be a good sissy. A good sissy for my new Goddess. I wanted to make her proud. I wanted to keep her around so she would keep using me. Teasing me. Humiliating me. Making me do depraved things like this.
Unhh, unnhh, unnnhhh…I grunted, spewing my semen into the silk of the panties. Of course, it was right as the sound of the man’s obliteration of the toilet ceased and the room had gone quiet. I prayed to every higher power that he hadn’t heard me as I quickly uploaded the video and sent it to Persephone. I had to sit there and wait for her response in case she wanted me to do something else. The tension in the room was tangible, or maybe I was just imagining things again. Regardless, the silence was deafening.
“Such a pathetic little sissy girl! Now pull your pants back up over your creamy panties and get back to work!”
She was constantly pushing me further down the rabbit hole. The next day I had to cum in panties while at work again. But this time I had to do it in the middle of my own cubicle. Right there, right under my desk, beneath my slacks. 
At least my “rub the clitty motion” was inconspicuous, though I was starting to miss wrapping my hand around my cock and tugging.  It was more efficient, and not as emasculating. Again, I had to bite my bottom lip to keep my cubicle neighbors from hearing. 
After blowing my load in my panties, I praised myself for not wearing khakis that day, otherwise a wet spot would have probably appeared, like I didn’t shake enough times after peeing. Speaking of peeing, she made me ask for permission to go to the bathroom, and I had to video it so she could be sure I was doing it sitting down and ‘tinkling like a princess’. It was little methods of control like that drove me wild. Having someone controlling almost every aspect of my day was something I’d always wanted. 
Of course I had doubts that Persephone was a woman, I thought about asking her for a picture, but I didn’t want to ruin it. What if she really was a man? What if she was a she but didn’t look the way I pictured? I didn’t ask her because I didn’t know if I’d like the evidence. So I decided ignorance was bliss, for now…
“How do you call yourself a sissy, but you’ve never sucked a dick??” She asked. 
“Idk…” I replied, “I guess I don’t really want to…”
“Do you not want to? Or do you not want to *admit* that you want to?
Damn. She got me. Looking back, when I would watch porn with a girl in a sexy school girl outfit, sucking on a big, juicy cock, I guess I always imagined being her more than I imagined being him. 
When I eventually evolved to sissy porn, I would only seek out the ones with ‘unwilling’ submissives being ‘forced’ to perform the act. In my head, they were only doing it because their dominating Mistress told them to, not because they enjoyed it. Which is probably why I never went out and sucked a dick on my own. I’d never had a Mistress or Goddess to tell me to. 
“I think it’s time to admit what you truly are.” She said, “I want you to tell me that you’re a little cocksucker.”
I was sweating, fixing my tie that felt like it was choking me. “I’m a little cocksucker.” I replied. 
My own cock was growing in my panties. I didn’t even say the words, I just typed them. So why was I getting so hard?
“Do you like dick?”
“Yes Goddess.”
“What do you like about them? Be specific.”
I had to think about it. I had to picture them. The ones I’d see in porn that I couldn’t take my eyes off of sometimes. 
“The veins.” I said. “I like seeing the veins down the shaft.”
“What else?”
“The head.” It was spewing out of me now. “The big bulbous head, and the…”
“The what?”
“The cum. I like seeing the cum. 😔”
“Hahaha! Of course you do! Have you ever tried your own?”
“No.” I lied. 
“Oh, well you definitely will be soon 😉”
I tried to think of something to say, but my brain or subconscious kept me thinking about getting a warm load in my mouth. 
“I want you to answer honestly.” She said, so I braced myself. “Are you hard in your panties right now?”
I didn’t need to look down to know the answer, but I did it anyway. There was a sizeable tent that my slacks did a terrible job of hiding. 
I cringed as I typed out my next message. “Yes Goddess…”
“Bahaha!! Just from talking about dicks?”
My eyes squinted shut. “Yes Goddess…”
“Sorry, I'm HOWLING! Is there really any denying what you are?”
I shrugged even though she couldn’t see me. “I guess not…”
“I think you need to tell me again.”
“I’m a little cocksucker.” I typed and sent. 
“No no. I want you to *say* it. With your mouth.”
“By recording your voice you dumb bimbo.”
“Ok. Do I need to go back to the bathroom?”
“Nope. You can do it right there at your desk.”
I was sweating again. That familiar thrill of doing something naughty and exciting. But I could hear the keys clacking in the cubicles next to me. Someone was on the phone. A woman. She sounded miserable. Maybe if she heard me she would be more entertained. But I hoped to god she didn’t. 
I flicked my video on for what felt like the 100th time in these last few days. I tried to find my voice. It seemed to be escaping me, like it was afraid to say the words I’d never, ever uttered in my life. 
“I’m a cocksucker.” I whispered into the microphone. My dick felt like it was about to burst. How was I still so turned on after masturbating so much? Just from saying a few words?
“I’m sorry.” She said after I sent it. “I just couldn’t hear…I think you need to do it again. Louder this time. Like you’re proud.”
I didn’t think I could go any louder without someone hearing me. But I tried anyway. 
“I’m a cocksucker.”
“Again. But you’re also a sissy slut, in case you’ve already forgotten…”
“A cocksucking sissy slut.”I bellowed into my phone.  It felt so shameful, but also exciting. Like something I'd been fighting to admit to myself my whole life. I always wanted it, but I guess I didn’t know how much I wanted it until she showed me the…evidence. 
Her reply was a black box. I figured her message failed to send. I tapped it to make it reload, but when I did, a sweet, seductive female voice came through. “I’m gonna whore that little mouth of yours out. You know that, right?”
I didn’t even reply. Just sat there dumbfounded, feeling my heart pulsing through my cock. 
She’s a woman. 
It only later hit me (after replaying the sound bite several times) what she actually said. I spent the rest of the day wondering whether or not she was serious, and if I’d go through with it if she was…
To be Continued 
Chapter 6 of this story is now up on Subscribestar. Go check it out!
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I've been seeing a lot of people on tik tok recently not out right saying it but heavily implying that the fandom forgives and excuses nesta's actions because she is traumatized but so has been rhys but everyone still hates him. To me that argument is invalid for several reason.
First it simply is not the truth. There have been quite some people who started to like nesta after acosif and dislike rhys that's true but he still has much bigger fanbase than nesta and most of the fandom hates her while they love him.
Second I have never and I mean NEVER seen rhys antis invalidating his trauma. Maybe there are people who do it but in the amount of time I've spent reading posts or watching videos that are anti rhysand the only thing people do is hold him accountable for things he DID. That can not be said about a lot of nesta antis tho. Yes you can hate nesta, your opinion is valid. But a lot of (not all) nesta antis invaludate her experience and her trauma and make her out to be this heartless monster.
Third rhys and nesta are NOT the same. Nesta was groomed by her mother (and so was elain btw). Then her mother died and her family lost everything. They became poor and the only reason they survived was feyre. She was kidnapped and stripped of her bodily autonomy without her consent and was turned into a creature she was thought to hate and fear her entire life. She was SAd multible times.
Wrong things nesta did:
1. Be mean to feyre and favore elain over her.
2. Letting feyre hunt in the wood as a child (even though it was not nesta's responsibility to take care of the family either, it was their father's)
3. Be mean to everyone and hurt people's feelings.
That's it.
The worst thing she did was be a bitch to everyone (except for elain on the first four books)
Rhysand has been SAd, his father was an awful being, he lost his mother and sister, been in multible wars and traumatized because of it. Maybe there's more but that's all I can think of right now.
What he did wrong:
1. Killed and tortured innocent people and KIDS.
2. He SAd feyre
3. Was inconsiderate towards mor when he agreed her father to come to velaris and didn't even tell her before hand
4. Lied to feyre about her pregnancy.
5. Probably there are many more things we don't know about. People don't start to fear and hate you for shits and giggles.
Don't even get me started on how "good" of a high Lord he is.
Like he is literally THAT MOST POWERFUL HIGH LORD TO EVER EXIST but can't help the Illyrian women or the innocent people in the hewn city. He killed a whole crew on one of the ships and made them into MIST just with his MIND but he can't help the Illyrian women because the Illyrian men will get mad they can't abuse women and won't fight for his court.
Also it's not like he has been high lord for a day, it's been like 400 years. And he always knew he was going to be a high lord and was trained since birth unlike tamlin who was never supposed to be one and was forced to figure it out on his own.
Don't even get me started on how nesta did more for the priestess in the library in a few months than rhys has done in decades.
Rhysand purposely makes everyone thinks he is a monster then is surprised when people hate him and don't trust him🤦🏻‍♀️
But of course we can't blame him because he has trauma. Nesta on the other hand is not excused by her trauma and is a fucking bitch who doesn't deserve happiness. The hypocrisity in this fandom is 😗👌🏼
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fellow-nerd · 7 months
Before I dive into the abyss of everyone else's thoughts on the new avatar series, let me start by saying it wasn't THAT bad.
Don't get me wrong they've definitely changed a lot and it feels strange to watch after living off the original for literally my whole life.
But there was oddly enough, a lot of things I did like.
I will say that the first episode was absolute painful to watch. I despise the fact that they made kyoshi and gran gran give the opening monologue. Like that is Kataras role. It's our first introduction to her and it sets her character up, shes hopeful for the future, she's spent time learning the past, but most importantly she believes whole heartedly in Aang.
I'm not sure why there's so much kyoshi going on. I know she's really popular but it feels off to me. I think they made that change since this show is way more heavily focused on it be A WAR. rather than a feel good action adventure. In the og, roku serves to tell Aang why the war happened and gently guides him along. This works because Aang is a gentle kid, let me say it again, A KID. And everyone is so aware of this in the original. There's no forced heavy dialougue or such a deep sense of solemness, Aang is a kid and he wants to have and slowly learns to take on more responsibility, it a huge part of his arc that I feel is integral to the show. It's not just "oh well time to win this war, time to fight" it takes time and this show is not doing that.
I'm also concerned about the frontloading of all the backstory for Sozin, Iroh, and Aang. We don't learn of these thing until farther in the series for a reason. It's built up to to make it feel more rewarding for the audience. U cant just go well here u go have fun. It's gonna bite them later on when they have to think of something else to fill that narrative gap, and knowing netflix it probably won't go well.
That being said, however, i did find myself really enjoying the interactions between Aang and Gyatso and Iroh and Zuko in the flashbacks. It's something new and it's probably the most in character things we've seen so far.
BTW I'm only half way through so I'll make more updates when I finish.
Overall, I feel like there's a lot this show is doing right but a lot that is definitely gonna drag it down. No one asked for this show. The funding should've gone towards new animated projects, but it's here anyways and hopefully it doesn't go crazy downhill in the later half or I'll be taking back all the good things I just said.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
Listen as someone who loves Ozpin a lot, he got the better end of the deal and we know this bc Light said explicitly he would not be alone. No it’s not a GOOD deal but considering he found and reunited with and had kids with Salem in his first new life? Things only got terrible for him truly after they broke up / tried to kill each other.
Salem watched humanity be Destroyed by the “gods” of her world who thought she should be punished bc they were easily swayed into fighting by making her Love Forever, Invulnerable (can be brown. Apart but comes back together) and then Left Her Alone Until Humanity Evolved once again either by our real world rules or magical rules or a combination of the two.
Listen I’ll write an essay about Oz and his years of fucked up loneliness and body snatching he didn’t want but Salem being Alone for That long without even the release of death at her own hands? NONE of us would handle that well who knows how she rebates when life sprang up again like. She’s the villain for sure she’s fucked up for sure but man I would be too. I would be too
it’s funny that you say this actually because i think the opposite. salem may have been brutally psychologically tortured for millions of years at the hands of cruel and tyrannical gods, but 1. she’s still herself, 2. she understands that she did not deserve this, and 3. she was ultimately able to claw back some agency for herself by jumping into the pool of grimm (which is doubly true if that really did cause humanity’s resurrection, because in that case she actually ended the worst part of her curse).
meanwhile ozma got turned into a parasite who subsists by erasing and absorbing other people’s lives, over and over and over again, entirely against his will and in a manner that also forces him to experience this from their perspective too. and the god of light tricked him into agreeing to this—so he feels it’s his fault—on top of making it his sole responsibility to redeem humanity before the gods lest the whole world be obliterated. he’s been manipulated into a position where the one person who ever made him want to live is his greatest enemy and his whole existence revolves around a hopeless campaign to get rid of her so he can save the world that he only wanted to save because she was in it. and his sense of identity has been eroded so badly that he doesn’t even consider himself to be a person anymore. and he’s convinced all of his suffering is his fault and exactly what he deserves for having failed.
and rwby has been very, very clear that a person’s soul is their identity, their self-knowledge, which means that the nature of ozma’s curse is tearing his soul apart.
when salem found out he reincarnated early she kicked everyone out of the room, tried to calm herself down, had a meltdown, blew the windows in, and then very quickly shuffled her plans around to do damage control and even try to turn this development to her advantage (<- the ‘wring the lamp’s password out of him’ plan). when ozpin’s precarious house of cards collapsed he burrowed down into oscar’s head and went catatonic for months. and if V1 is any indication, as ozpin he regularly spent months on end just dissociating all the time. salem is like… a lot more emotionally functional than he is, and i think that’s entirely because ozma’s form of reincarnation is shredding his soul and forcing him to live in the bodies of people he involuntarily consumes.
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accidental-spice · 3 months
I have become increasingly interested in Star Wars and am here to request information on Lore of your Star Wars OCs. Please. I am sitting on your doorstep in the rain on my knees begging you.
*brings you into the house and gives you a warm blanket and cookies* Awwww, I'm deeply honored!! And I'm VERY sorry this took so long!!
So. Lore. I was thinking about how best to answer this, and I decided I'll tell you some fun facts about four semi random OCs of mine! All of who live pre/during the time of the original trilogy, while the Empire is around, because that is the peak era of Star Wars in my opinion. Also, you in no ways asked for this, but you're getting it: if/how each of them knows/interacts with the OT characters, because it amuses me
Nicco Cenere
Nicco works with his brother Elio as personal security for the Senator Gianetta Riera of Rejwan (a planet @kanerallels and I made up). Both of them are skilled in Teras Kasi, a fighting style specifically invented to fight Force sensitive beings. Because being able to beat up a Jedi is #goals for them
When the Emperor takes over, Nicco goes from security to half security, half Gianetta's personal spy, along with her best friend, Adriana. He does not get along with Adriana At All at first. But they grow on each other
And by grow on each other, I of course mean they fall in love during a bunch of spy shenanigans, including them having to pretend to be a couple at LEAST once
Also, they have to plan Elio and Gianetta's wedding together before they actually like each other, and it's a miracle they make it through the proceedings without killing each other
He's got good fashion sense, or at least thinks he does. It varies from moment to moment. He also is usually wearing a duster coat that's VERY X-Files coded of him
He's one of my OCs I could see bring on relatively friendly terms with all three OT characters, especially Leia. He thinks she's AWESOME
Dark O'Reilly
Wears a leather jacket and makes it like. 20% of his personality
Is probably avoiding his responsibilities at least half of the time, especially is said responsibilities relate to his father
Pretends to be a cool jock type who's all mysterious. This illusion is almost always ruined the second he opens his mouth and everyone around him realizes, oh he's a massive dork/nerd. How he manages to be a scary assassin, we do not know
His face claim is Brett Dalton, specifically in his role in Agents of SHIELD. I chose this before I'd seen all of Agents of SHIELD (though I knew a Lot of spoilers), so I spent the first half of season one being like, his backstory is terrifyingly similar to Dark's backstory. And then the second half of season one occurred, and I was like, neeeever mind, they're different. They're very different
He's honestly one of my favorite OCs to think about, partly because he feels so full of potential, y'know? There are so many different AUs I can think about-- AUs where he finds out he's a Jedi way sooner, AUs where he becomes a spy for the Rebellion, or where he's just chilling in the middle of nowhere trying to ignore the whole war (which will NEVER last). Modern AUs are also delightful to me
Yeah he's never met a main character intentionally in his life. In any AU where he's NOT a wanted felon, he is actively ghosting Luke Skywalker. Scratch that, he's ghosting him in the AUs where he's a felon, too
Cinya Gedyc
Okay, so she's a Mandalorian, and she HATES Jedi. A lot. At first, it's because her parents were part of Death Watch, AKA the "we're super evil" group for Mandos. Then it's because she gets payed to hunt them down by the Empire, but then later, after she leaves the Empire, it's just for the bit
She adopts this random guy who works with her in the Empire, Lanter. He's a precious cinnamon, so they leave the Empire together, and now he's her brother
She becomes a bounty hunter, and sometime after the Empire gets defeated, she adopts two random kids she meets, Trill and Oran, as her kids, because Mandalorian adoption instincts
Speaking of instincts, whenever she's on the same planet as a Force sensitive or a Jedi, she has a mysterious knack for finding them and punching them
Oh, and she meets Dark that way, and ends up adopting him despite the whole Jedi thing, cause when you're Mandalorian, you always need another adopted brother
Has probably punched Luke or Han in the face. Ehhh, Luke's too nice to punch. Yeah, just Han
Jule Garrett
So I invented Jule (and her anxious bestie Isaiah) because I thought to myself, you know what Dark needs? A pair of sidekicks to get emotionally invested in while he's in the Empire to remind he's human and also can have friends
Jule is like, that confident extrovert friend we all have and love to have. She's the introvert adopter
I gave her red hair, partly because she's named after Julia Ray, Betsy Ray's mom from the Betsy-Tacy books
Since she's named Jule, she nicknames her bestie, Isaiah, Lassie, after Lassiter from Psych. Isaiah has long since given up protesting
They both join the Rebellion and later, when they're part of the New Republic, they're both like, oh, look, our former boss is a wanted felon!! And Jule's like, isn't that fun? Let's join the task force trying to catch him to keep him from getting caught. And Isaiah is like, NO-- but then they do it
Probably follows Luke, Leia, and Han on Space Facebook
Thanks for the ask, I hope you enjoy!!
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