#but she was cool bc she made the choices to do those things she did as part of her ide tity and bc she felt like she needed to be that
pithyorangecurd · 1 year
My favorite part of being into stuff is that i bring things to my sister and we like things together so a lot of content i like i send to her, so she has a lot of in jokes from here in her hands bc i send jokes and things from my mutuals to her.
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Submission message: howdy, would like to submit keith and lance from voltron (lmao)
Submission message: BBC Sherlock and Moriarty / BBC Sherlock and John Watson
Additional propaganda: Now Keith and Lance on the other hand was a whole fucking mess that they then shoehorned in an hetero romance to try and "fix it" but by lord it was bad, everything about voltron is so fucking bad
Anyway this is my Klance propaganda : They were actually bait
Klance's queer baiting by the team was the worst!! We had to deal with NETFLIX ALSO GETTING IN ON THE QUEER BAITING!! If you searched up Kkance during the times for season 6-8, the SHOW WOULD POP UP. The directors would make jokes about it being canon, even Lance's VA got in the joke!
Their queer baiting was the worst for anyone who was even looking for an ounce of queer rep in that show. The only queer rep we got was a man who died after not even 5 minutes on screen, and shoehorned in the credit scene of a gay wedding of a character that was neither Keith nor Lance.
I do not know Agatha and Sophie, so I can't argue that klance was bigger bait or not, I just know voltron was mean lmao. the creators said stuff like "lance will be someone's first choice!" (meaning NOT ending up in a relationship with allura bc she very much chose another guy over him) and heavily implying he would be Keith's 1st choice (or a guy in general bc of point number 2). point number 2: they also released official art showing how super cool and diverse the main cast was! race! gender! LGBT - they had shiro (who was......canon gay but that's a whole other can of worms) and lance hold the sign with LGBT on it and then did absolutely nothing with that w lance at all (he hit on allura, so obvi he's not gay, but at least bi or smt) (UNLESS you count the scenes where he's flirty with keith). I just remember going into the last few seasons being like "klance probably won't be happen be honest with yourself there's like no queer kids shows!! but damn like it so could tho!!! because of how much it's been teased both in the show and by showrunners like I can't have no hope with the way the producers talk about it!" lmao I should have had no hope, but i genuinkey believed there was a possibility it could happen. and actually I discovered after the fact that i think one of the writers for the show who was the main advocate for klance (they had a lot of diff writers for eps, which led to lots of character butchering but ANYWAY) left not terribly long into the show I believe bc he didn't like the direction it was moving in and didn't want to be tied to the show anymore. so it's not like fans just made klance up either - it was written into earlier episodes with the hope and plan to continue developing later, and then just nothing ever happened with it besides INTENSE teasing it to keep queer fans around. esp after shiro's relationship was literally only a flashback and then his fiance thing or whatever got blown up before we even got to watch him interact w shiro as we knew him in present time in s7, so I think they kept being like hmmm klance and the stuff about lance being a first choice before s8 to keep ppl around. also esp bc klancers made up such a big portion of the fan base. then they made a horrible szn and ended it w a flashforward to shiro marrying some random background character who maybe had 1 line? I just remember hitting the flashforward and being like uhhhh who is this dude??? but they did that to hit those diversity points wow first gay marriage in a cartoon or smt idk it doesn't count to me really. so anyway voltron in general is queerbait lol but klance is because it started out as a legit possibility and then they said sike! but only maybe sike bc u guys are mad at us burying our guys in s7 so maybe klance could still happen haha okay now we're serious no it's not happening. anyway I think klance is p bad queerbait and a vote for them is a valid vote, not just u liking the ship.
#im sorry but johnlock is a household name in ther queerbait trenches
I don't know much about blaze runner, but this website made me endure Johnlock FOR YEARS, that ship makes me so fucking angry, and it's so much bait, the whole fucking show is just 4 kinds of bait in a trenchcoat trying to pass as something good, and Tumblr(and the rest of the goddamn world) ate it up like a five course meal. So anyway that's why I'm voting Johnlock
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neverchecking · 10 months
*slams open door*I see requests are open!
May I request something nsfw with one of the chain where reader doesn’t know how to swim?
Reader just randomly brings up one day that she can’t swim and ask the chain for lessons. The chain obviously isn’t gonna give up the opportunity to see her in a swimsuit help their darling
I want to say that the best swimmer amongst the chain would be the one to help her but I’m not sure who that would be?
They don’t want to overwhelm her so they decided on having 1 on 1 lessons with her would be ideal, but they’re all just fighting on who has the better swimming skills/experience
Once someone emerges victorious, whether due to a begrudgingly unanimous decision or reader just going “oh, maybe ____ is the best choice!”, they manage to find a lake separate from the others
While reader enjoys her swimming lessons, no one says the Link giving her the lessons won’t be having wandering hands ;)))
Last time I told someone I couldn't swim, I did not live them down. I still have not lived it down.
Slight! NSFW So Minors stay away anyway?
You didn't say if you wanted Sage or not, but I added him anyway bc I love him <3
CW: sage is a big of a perv. but c'mon. We knew that.
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"C'mon in, Y/N, the waters great!"
Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes-
"I'm okay for now." Your smile was as gentle as it was luminescent. Curving just enough to have the apples of your cheeks warming, but not enough to make your eyes crinkle in that positively adorable way. "Thank you for the offer though."
Re-emerging from the water, Hyrule shook his hair free of water before pushing it back. "Why not, love bug? Don't you wanna cool down?"
Staying out there meant staying out of their reach. Staying out there meant risking yourself in the elements. Staying out there put you at risk, didn't you see that?! You could get heat stroke, or sun burnt, or attacked by a rabid deer who's being chased by a feral bear. There were an unlimited number of possibilities that spelled nothing but disaster for you. And he couldn't handle losing you like that. Not in a million years.
Cherry red dusted your ears as they twitched and lowered, the tips touching your now hunched shoulders. You avoided their gazes, fiddling with the hem of your tunic. Why weren't you looking at them? Why weren't your eyes on them? WHY WEREN'T THEY THE CENTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE IN THE SAME WAY YOU WERE THEIRS?!
You mumbled something, which made their ears twitch only for it be in vein. A few glances around showed no once else had caught that either.
"Mind repeating that, dove?" Sky asked, still on shore with his own tunics half-off.
"I can't...swim." You grumbled, looking a tad more frustrated then before.
"Well, why didn't you just say so, sunshine, I'd be thrilled to teach you." Arms wrapped around your mid-section, toned and muscled. Dark ink caught the peripheral of your vision. He all but purred into your ear before sharp canines caught the shell, gently pinching it before releasing.
"Sage-" You startled, arms flying out.
"You learned to swim with Sharks. Why the fuck would we trust you to teach them?" Hyrule snipped, eyes narrowed on their newest member. Hyrule had seen a lot in his time, don't get it twisted, but Sage was something new. A whole different creature. He was feral at best, down right savage at worst; with teeth sharper than some of their knives and a moral compass more broken than any villain he's ever faced off of. So in , what world would he trust that fucking loose canon with the most precious thing in his life?
"Because I still learned in clear waters. Not toxic dumps." Sage snapped back, those same teeth on display
"Knock it off." Time barked at the duo, glaring down Sage for his glare of disobedience before turning to his precious star shine, voice must softer than it previously was. "Have you just not wanted to learn? Or do you not have the opportunity?"
You shuffled a bit in Sage's arms. "I just- My old town was landlocked. Any lakes we had were used for fishing in the summer and frozen in the summer." You admitted. Which is a totally reasonable excuse. And not silly. And totally valid. And learning to swim is stupid and dumb anyway. >:(
The arms wrapped around your waist moved so hands could brush against your hips. Somewhere in the lake, there was a shout from Wind before a loud splash, someone throwing the poor boy deeper down stream.
"Offer still stands, I'd love to teach you, sunshine." Sage purrs, feeling your cheeks burn from where he was nuzzling into them. You hum at the offer, thinking for a second.
"If you don't mind, I think I'll take you up on that offer."
Sage grinned something sharp and malicious, redirecting you away from the others with a look over his shoulder.
"I'll bring 'em back when they've learned to swim. That may take all night however." He chuckled to himself, shaking his head at the glares directed at him.
Maybe one day they'd get to his level.
He doubted it though.
"That's it, sunshine, you're doing great."
"This is dumb-"
"No, you're doing so well. Just like that," His arms were spread beside him as he remained in front of you.
"Shh, do you not trust me, my love?" Sage's smirk never left his face as he instead swept in closer. His one hand moved from treading water to brush up against your side. "Just like that."
Your blush deepened as he swayed his body effortlessly, laying underneath of you as he brought yours to lay over his.
"I've got you, don't you worry sunshine." His hand raised so his thumb pulled down you bottom lip. "Though, I do feel I've earned some sort of compensation. Maybe a little incentive to keep this lesson going?"
You swallowed.
"I mean...if only to continue the lessons I guess." You swallowed.
His smirk didn't ease your worries, but how could you think when all you could focus on was the blond's lips against yours?
You didn't even realized you were floating effortlessly.
Or the eyes watching your presumable private lesson, fuming in pure, red hot, anger.
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sickgraymeat · 10 months
Bonnie was not assigned a gender at birth but her concept of gender is so heavily based on her perception of human society and the narratives she creates around its ruins like. She is a woman by her own definition, informed by her interpretations of old human stuff, because who else could have defined “woman” for her???? Being a woman, to her, means being powerful and creative and taking care of your loved ones. Not to mention, there’s no way that little tadpole nub just grew into a human shape!!!!! She made herself look like her perception of a human woman/girl On Purpose!!!!! Gender is a puzzle and a series of observations, just like everything else about people and relationships and society. So like. Yeah when she first encountered the expectation that women/girls should have boyfriends, she trashed those magazines for her rat to shit on like any ambitious tween lesbian piece of gum would!!! But then someone she created herself reinforced that expectation, and then so did so many other people, and maybe she thought she had no choice or maybe she felt guilty or maybe she was just tired.
But again. We are all just fucking playing with little dolls in the game of life or whatever. Some more than others (……………… yeah Bonnie lol) BUT LISTEN gender is obviously a construct that we understand first and foremost through observation BUT our (or at least 20th century/PW’s generation’s) human perception of gender and the characters’ observations and interpretations do it are so goddamn important to every single character in this show. They are all performing a role and a big part of that role is gender. Once again BMO is the most flexible about this performance because BMO is the most childlike (emotionally/mentally youngest in this case bc obvs many children develop awareness and self consciousness around gender roles very very young) and therefore the least bothered by society’s expectations!!! Just like in real life!!!!
To start out, all Bonnie knows of femininity and womanhood is that mothers are women, and princesses are girls, and mothers and princesses are powerful and caring. And then she finds out that girls and women are supposed to have boyfriends, and that seems really wrong to her, but she has to be a girl/woman because she is a mother and a princess to the extent that she understands those roles!! Meaning not 100% in line with the human definition (mothers don’t raise their children the mammal way, princesses are inherently the highest rulers of their kingdoms) but rather based on her perception of it. Which like GET THIS!!!!! Our perceptions of human definitions of gender and societal roles ARE the definitions of those things!!!!!!!!! I wanna scream abt it it’s so fuckign interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway tangent but in conclusion Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum is the most transgender character ever to NOT actually have any gender assigned at birth to be transing (unless the MG whispered it to her ig) and that’s just how cool she is!!
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Equivalence AU Mabel ideas!
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I wanted to experiment with God!zar(?) Mabel, bc I hadn’t seen any designs for it yet. I was also going to try drawing Mabel in her super-demon-y form, (which is apparently blinding white with abyss for eyes and tiny burning pupils) but was two invested in the outfit to really lean into it.
Now for some of my headcannons!
While drawing Mabel, I started thinking about her bird wings, and what kind of traits she might have similar to animals (like dipper and cats) and then it hit me. BIRDS.
An entire class of animals characterized by their ability to DEFY GRAVITY FOR HOURS TO DAYS AT A TIME. (And the ones that don’t are pretty cool too) and I got to thinking about how cool birds are, to achieve this through nothing but MILLIONS of years of evolution. (My thoughts on this are not very organized, but I hope you get the gist.) so anyway, what cool things do birds do, and wouldn’t it be cool if Mabel did them too?
Mating dance. Since it’s pretty much canon that Mizar is still alloromantic and allosexual, wouldn’t it be goofy if she would do a funky little dance when trying to ask people out? (She definitely did this for Henry as soon as she was corporeal for him)
Roosting. Basically making nests in high places out of things she likes, probably perches in it to preen her feathers. (I originally had a similar hc for Alcor, but whatever, they’re demons. But maybe he roosts like a bat instead:) )
Preening. She has a set of ridges under her lip (in front of her gums) for preening her feathers. Her loved ones have little tools to mimic them, and help her get hard-to-reach places. (She often falls asleep during this, similar to Dipper with his hair.)
Migration. I’m still not super organized with this one, but she might try to take off during the winter for long periods of time before coming back, or maybe just circling around to get out energy. Either that or she just tells people that she’s flying south for the winter when she doesn’t want to hang out with them. (This was also a hc meant for Dipper, but now I’m wondering if he tries to hibernate during winter.)
So those were my Equivalence AU headcannons, now for the design choices I made!
I talked a little bit about them at the start, but I still want to talk about it so, here we go!
The fashion was all based on @that-ghosts-art / @that-ghost-pal ‘s Mabel/Mizar designs, and I was very happy for the chance to test out different fashion styles, as well as the braid and shifting tattoos. (For the tattoos I just drew whatever I felt like at the time, and I added a scorpion barb at the end of the braid just for fun.) I added gold-tipped feathers to the wings, and some extra pink bits in her eyes (except for the angry one) I also gave her a crown instead of a top hat.
For God!zar(?) I tried to give her wings a more feather-y feeling than God!cor’s, and made the chest star more like her symbol on the cipher wheel. I muted the colors, and messed with her crown bc God!cor’s hat is a halo, and I didn’t want to copy that directly. I struggled with the hair color for a while before deciding to just bite the bullet, so please excuse any eye scorching color choices (It was originally planned for galaxy hair, but that was given to the wings, and I’m not great with overlapping colors)
Thanks for reading this far into my ramblings, and take a few moments to marvel at the existence of birds (and bats!)
Edit: I’m just now realizing that I forgot to draw the fire.
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 11 months
Another little essay on the mls5 finale
Tl;dr Gabriel Agreste Was Not Redeemed but it Makes Sense to feel weird and gross about it! And i think it was definitely Designed that way and did a very cool job of showing some complicated things
(Under a cut for ml s5 finale spoilers and also She-Ra spoilers because i’m comparing arcs, you dont have to have seen she-ra for this to make sense just, you will get spoilers)
Gabriel Agreste’s death reminded me IMMENSELY of shadow weaver’s death in she-ra. it left me with the same emotions. and i think they’re both Clearly trying to show the same thing
In both, there is this, almost *parody* of a heroic sacrifice??? There is a villain/abusive parent who is SHOWN repeatedly to be evil and to Cause Repeated Harm to their child/main character. But the main character can never quite renounce them because they’re always thrown the tiniest scraps at the very last minute. And this main character is trapped in a never ending cycle of needing to crawl back for help because despite it all they WANT to believe that there is some Pure Underlying Motive behind it all and that actually their parent DOES love them and IS good. Because who WOULDN’T want to believe that, especially in moments of terror and lonliness and the world falling to pieces???
And BOTH of these villains die by a “heroic sacrifice” that THEY think redeems them. They both die as a sacrifice ONLY when it’s a last resort and they’re going to die ANYWAYS if they DONT do anything. and they both make SURE that a child they’ve traumatized On Purpose is Watching Them Die Heroically. For both of them there’s this element of… their death is one last act of traumatizing the person they’re saving and ALSO one last act of making them feel Trapped and like they are In Debt and Have To Stay Loyal to their abusive parent?????
Like???? Gabriel LITERALLY does those tears that may or may not have been fake but were Definitely weaponized to play with marinette’s moral compass and catch her off guard. followed by the like… cackling evil villain act. Istg he was like Playing with marinette like a little ragdoll and Relishing in how Helpless she was as he made the wish. He KNEW he had her trapped, not just By The Miraculous but also Emotionally. He KNEW she had no one else to turn to. He KNEW he held the cards and he could say “make sure adrien remembers me as a hero” and that she’d HAVE to do it. Because he was about to die in front of her and she was going to be messed up by the whole thing and all these secrets and she wasn’t gonna have much choice other than to just Believe He Was Right And Good. As a coping mechanism.
And i think,,, there’s this aura of… he Genuinely thinks he has won. He thinks that he has succeeded in being a Good Father. He thinks that he has Manipulated and Snared his way into being a Hero and Right because he thinks that’s a thing you can do!!!! He doesn’t even consider changing his ways, not when natalie AND adrien AND ladybug all BEG him to listen. He doesnt consider treating anyone else as a person or admitting he could be wrong????? He just doubles down Harder and goes “hahaaaa i have manipulated and traumatized this teenager into continuing my lies and making up a narrative for me where im the hero… this is the same as being a genuienly good parent.”
And i GET the feelings of grossness bc that was a gross thing he did!!!! I agree!!!
But i DONT think he got to get away free or be redeemed????
If anything, it gave me the same gut feeling as shadow weaver’s death in she ra????? Like????? This is the Final Proof that he’s beyond saving because he cant even DIE without using it as one last opportunity to hurt someone he should be protecting????? And he doesnt even Realize that’s messed up he’s just like “heehee i win at tricking those stupid little teenagers into thinking im a hero” with no sense of self reflection.
After watching through that scene a few times i am CONFIDENT it was meant to come off that way and im not actually Sure how much they’ll address it??????
(And im also a teensy bit confused because??? I dont know who the target audience is at this point??? If it really is little kids as the target i am Sure they’ll address it blatantly but the show’s been getting darker and more Nuanced lately. But this is a different point)
but even if they DON’T!!!!! This is just!!! So similar to shadow weaver’s death in she-ra, another cartoon theoretically aimed at children and they DIDNT even address that one at all because it was just,,,,,, SO obvious that even if she DID save the main characters with her death she also used it as a way to twist the knife?????
And so far ive just been talking about Recreation Specifically???? But the REASON gane was dying was bc he literally CATACLYSMED HIMSELF with chat’s hand as a way to trauamtize ladynoir because he thought it would catch them off guard and screw with them!!!!!!!!!!
This is not the narrative saying “oh he had good intentions and was right all along uwu” to me, this was very clearly the narrative saying “sometimes people are so far convinced that theyre the only one that matters that they cant even DIE without using it as a way to hurt and manipulate everyone they should be supporting and wow can that screw people up when they’re left to pick up those pieces and leave them with a complicated mess of emotions.”
and also its saying that it is in fact okay to hate your dead parents if they sucked . And its okay to be have complicated feelings about it, u dont have to be able to make an opinion immediately or seperate yourself from the situation. Sometimes it hurts and you mourn what you shouldve had Anyway.
And i think just like she ra, this is a very Mature and Complicated take and its Okay to have mixed feelings about it, but i just wanted to reassure people that the ending absolutely did not say that gabe was a good person.
It MIGHT have said that the wish actually helped make the world better!!! We don’t know that part yet!!!!
But we DO know that it said,,,,, even IF gabe made One Good Decision, he did it at the cost of everyone he should have been supporting and died with everyone he loved hating him for Good Reason and he used his last seconds of life to traumatize and manipulate a scared little kid into telling everyone he was A Hero . And he was not above beating up and hurting said little kid (ladybug) for funsies. I think even IF his wish IS proven to be A Good Thing (big if) there will STILL be a very valid question of “was it worth it.” There will still be tons of trauma on adrien and marinette’s part that Isnt going away. And that is on him and him alone
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azure-firecracker · 4 months
ATLA Live Action Episode 5: Overall Thoughts.
I think this is an unpopular opinion but I didn’t mind that everyone got trapped in the Spirit World this time. This show tends to do better at crafting new material than adapting the original’s material, largely due to the fact that anything they do to that material will most likely pale in comparison. This isn’t to say I think they should rewrite the whole plot, but it’s cool when they get to explore a totally new thing. I like the spirit world as a setting, and I like the “creepy place that none of the characters know how to deal with” trope so that in itself did work for me. I saw people annoyed that Wan Shi Tong was there but I didn’t really care one way or another (with the exception of wondering what they’ll do if they get a Book 2 bc I love The Library). I also saw people annoyed that Aang knew who Hei Bai was right away, but to me that was required for this new plot so again, that didn’t bother me.
On Aang: this episode is where the show’s tone shift really got to me. I like that this show was more willing to delve into Aang’s trauma and how tragic his backstory was: while the original dealt with it well, it had limitations due to its being a kids show. This version had an opportunity to explore it more and I’m glad it did. But this episode was where I started to miss the levity of original Aang. It felt like every line was about his destiny, his guilt, his need to be a hero, etc. etc. And this is great in small doses but it can’t be Aang’s (or anyone’s) whole character. Aang needs to feel like a person beyond the backstory, and in this episode he didn’t (and I know it’s writing not acting because Gordon acted the hell out of those lines as usual). Aang being the only one who could resist the fog felt plot armor-y to me but it’s whatever. I liked the further development of Aang and Gyatso’s relationship, they’re very sweet, BUT this is the billionth instance of the show taking something important Katara did (in this case telling Aang he couldn’t have stopped the Air Nomad genocide) and giving it to a male character. They need to stop doing that.
Katara has gone back to doing nothing and having things happen to her but that was true for everyone this episode so I’ll let it slide THIS TIME! Her flashback was well-done (both Kiawentiio and whoever plays young Katara DELIVERED on the acting). The change of having her mother die explicitly because of her bending, while dark, has potential for really interesting exploration in the future, and also sets up some parallels with Aang if they want to explore that. There are also some rather problematic aspects of it relative to her arc as a whole (explained in this awesome post), but in isolation I think it works as a writing choice.
Sokka’s backstory was also well done and I liked that they laid the foundations for where his insecurities come from. I saw some people saying Hakoda would never say that, but I don’t think he was characterized thoroughly enough in the original to make that call. I also think that he’s a minor enough character that they can make those changes without much of a consequence. I do, however, think they needed to switch Sokka and Katara’s flashbacks in terms of order, because Katara’s is objectively way worse but having Sokka’s after it makes it feel like it’s not and it’s just weird.
Zuko didn’t do a lot this episode but Dallas Liu continues to be great.
Highlight of the episode was definitely the Azula scenes for me (and yes this is definitely influenced by my bias since she’s my favorite character). I wasn’t sure how I felt about her nearly burning the trainer because she’s not a RAAAH ANGER character and I didn’t want them to make her one, but I thought about it and realized it made sense if it was more of an “I’m practicing and I can’t stop” thing. I decided to interpret it that way and give it the benefit of the doubt. Of course I loved the “You’re perfect” “It’s not good enough” exchange. It’s an echo of Azula’s book 2 intro but with a younger Azula who’s with her friends and doesn’t have to wear the same masks and hasn’t beaten all the insecurities out of herself yet. I like that this show is allowing her to show so many emotions right off the bat. I loved Azula as a villain in Book 2 but it felt like the original didn’t decide they wanted her to be more than that until mid book 3. This show wants her to be more layered right off the bat, and as someone who always advocates for acknowledging Azula’s depth I really appreciate that. I also loved the shots of her training and just being so frustrated with herself during Gyatso’s final monologue. The narration suited her well and it was something I always pictured her doing when I imagined her life in between Zuko’s banishment and Book 2. It felt very in character.
My overall impression was that not a lot happened in this episode. Like, almost nothing happened. They introduced a cool new setting which I think worked. They used the lack of plot to do some good character work, with varying degrees of success. The flashbacks were good, but the show needs to do more thinking on how those events shaped the characters beyond just having them be their trauma. The main trio’s dynamic did improve a little bit in the spirit world. Sokka and Katara both got to be snarky which was great, but I do still feel like that dynamic is lacking and I can’t put my finger on why. I think it’s serious tone because every time the three of them are together they’re talking about some massive thing. They’re never just…together. I appreciated that this episode had some together time, even if only a little. Azula was by far the highlight (for me) I hope I like her future scenes just as much. And here’s a reminder that anyone who hates on Lizzy Yu for not looking exactly like a cartoon character is not welcome on this blog.
I’ll give this episode an 8.4/10 (elevated because of the Azula scenes).
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platadesangre · 6 months
we NEED to talk about jcs 1975 madrid cast!
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i have come to make camilo sesto justice
(i finally finished this post yay!)
i may be a bit biased, since this was my first jcs.
short story on how i discovered it
my dad used to be an apostle for a bootleg staged playback jcs in peru during the 70s! they used this version.
he had the cd. he also had the mp3 files. i used his computer, so that was how 13 year old me found it.
those were tough times, bc later i started doing catechesis and i kind of got depressed and started questioning my faith lol. judas' character really resonated with me
since this is a recording, i didn't have any footage to reference, so i made up everything in my mind. (this is why it was a bit weird for me to see the english productions, bc they looked nothing like in my head lol)
now, a bit of historical context for spain in the 70's
camilo sesto was a popular spanish singer and actor who went to see the jcs 1971 broadway production in london. he loved it so much that he did everything he could do financially to bring the show to spain.
spain was in a fascist dictatorship at the time
they fought with censorship for years, that's why the lyrics are a bit different (i'll make a post about that too)
they had to remodel the alcalá-palace theater stage entirely
franco (our dictator) died two days after the premiere (about time lol)
the "ultras" (conservatists) didn't like the show so they did lots of crazy stuff (for example, praying for the cast outside the theater or sending BOMB THREATHS?)
anyways, this was the first official translation for jcs!
on the main cast we have
camilo sesto as jesus christ (he wanted the role from the beggining)
teddy bautista as judas iscariot
ángela carrasco as mary magdalene
here's an old pic of them (and some apostles)
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(now that i look at it closely, it kind of looks like a bootleg jcs 1973 lol)
on the recording
it's a stereo recording, so use both headphones or you'll miss out on half of it
musically speaking, it's similar to the og concept album (songs ending on fade-outs and shorter trial before pilate) but it has some interesting choices (teddy, the producer and the voice of judas, took a lot of... artistic liberties)
some things this version has
it adds lots of synth. it's very psychodelic. i understand this can be a turn off for some people
they kinda change the key to many songs. maybe to fit vocal ranges idk
teddy just loves to make up new melodies (please give this man some water)
EPIC GUITAR SOLO in what's the buzz
what's the buzz and strange thing mystifying are separated tracks for some reason
camilo sings so good
cute synth in everything's alright ángela has such an angelic voice she makes such a good mary
the drums and guitars during this jesus must die are so danceable
the BEST simon zealotes i've heard. shit goes HARD. he goes CRAY
i really love this pilate, in my rating he would be the best one
camilo's "¡SALVAOS VOSOTROS!" during the temple is really pathetic lol
damned for all time interlude replaced by synths. the SAX SOLO is also replaced by synth (questionable choice)
cool thing happens during the end of this song that i'll talk about in another post
judas' occasional nervous laughter really adds to his character
also he cries a lot
"you sad pathetic man" part during last supper is... fairly different! (i'm looking at you teddy...)
camilo's gethsemane is epic. he's a baladist singer but MAN he can ROCK
cool harmonica during the arrest
i'll never shut up about our pilate (he nervous laughs too)
herod is so fruity
judas' death really hits different when you were depressed and questioning faith (this version is BRUTAL) also lyrics change (i'll talk about it i swear)
teddy's one of the few judas who sing the i don't know how to love him reprise in the higher scale!! it sounds so painful and anguished
the album continues acceptably
other cool things it has
jesus and judas have this interesting accent difference. since camilo is from valencia, he has this pristine and traditional spanish accent. and teddy is from canarias (also lived in the usa) so his accent is rougher and more, crusty? idk how to explain it but it's neat and stablishes their dynamic a bit. (ángela is from dominican republic! but her accent is barely noticeable)
on the footage aspect, we only have old vhs videos and live audios uploaded on youtube. also some old photos
there is a book about this version. it has some anecdotes (only available in spanish)
now we have a 4 episode mini-series about the odyssey that it was to produce this. it's called "camilo superstar" (i won't be watching it bc it's a bit fan-ficy from what i've seen)
the posts i'll make about this production will be tagged as #jesucristo superstar and #jcs 1975 madrid
you can listen to it on spotify!
or on youtube (playlist made by me)
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sarajs-dev · 4 months
Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - AEDANA
There's a criminal lack of appreciation for The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood on this website so I'm just going periodically gush for a moment about why these witches are so fuckin' cool in whatever order and at whatever pace appeals to me starting with everyone's most hated coven leader. Spoiler-free as possible but consider this the warning.
Aedana's relationship with almost every witch you meet is so fucking strained and she just gives no fucks at all bc she's driven so wholly by inviolate beliefs in the way things need to be and and has found an absolute purpose in using her power to lead the coven in accordance with those beliefs while at the SAME TIME viewing challenges and differing views with a cold, almost darwinian acceptance and emotional detachment because she knows the younger witches *are* the future one way or another. Things will simply happen as they are meant to and she has the will to just Do Her Job how she sees fit. It doesn't matter to her if she turns out to be "wrong" because its simply her responsibility to take the actions she thinks are right. Whether she is despised or even defeated doesn't matter to her. Even if she has or ever did change her views in the wake of huge (and awful) decisions she's made I don't think she would feel a drop of regret. She's almost transcended the concept of regret. It's so odd to read a character who's values and choices I'm so strongly against and yet feel like she is so... enlightened? She leaves me feeling a very strange combination of resentment but also respect. A figure kind of like FFXIV's Emet-Selch, minus all the emotional baggage. It was genuinely difficult to know what to say to her or how to argue with her. It's like she was just a force of nature. As if to debate her was to debate the wind. She simply was.
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owen-not-carvour · 8 months
i had the absolute privilege of seeing WVU/metropolitan theater ride the cyclone not once, but twice this week (opening and closing nights!!)
and lemme tell ya it was AMAZING. definitely one of my favorite casts/productions i’ve seen. so here’s the thoughts:
number one: it was overall very similar to 2016 original cast!! many of the actions were played very similarly to that one,, but it was also very different. bc script changes (i still miss ricky conceding, love conquers all and oceans line about not knowing/caring abt people in life and regretting it though) but also bc there were puppets. more on that later lol
-the set was AMAZING, here’s a picture i took from today before it started
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i just love looking at this.
and going off of that. fuckin look at karnak!!!!! he’s so cool! reminds me of a muppet in the best way lol
-i also swore that virgil was wearing an ‘in case i make it’ by will wood shirt. i don’t actually think he was for a few reasons lol but i do think it was a very similar design fghgfd
-i love the uranium suite choreo so much. ocean put SO MUCH into those little scoop thingys fhsjhd but whenever they Died,, the round and round part,, the choreo looked more like the choreo from way back during waiting for the drop and i LOVE THAT. i miss that song a lot too.
-the layout of the coaster was cool: it was
ocean mischa
constance ricky
which i thought was a great was to show their personalities over their friendships sort of :)
OK,, JANE DOE: i love her design in this one. she had pink ribbons on her pigtails and big ole eyelashes and i LOVE HER.
-she also had a comb for her dolly and used it to stab it while she was talking abt the lion thing. it was really funny fhsjhd
-her way of talking was also really cool. she broke off the sentences in different places than what i’ve heard before and just kind of had more of a sort of curious and clueless way about her. it was like “and so. i walk alone and wonder. why?” and just. her <3333 she was so good.
-during oceans little monologue (her speech) before what the world needs,, jane also put her head on constance’s shoulder and just. amazing. it was so funny she’s so sweet fhsjhd
-during the new birthday song (or. after it while they’re all talking) she was also super cute.. like played around w her party hat and ricky’s little xylophone thing he was playing for the song. i just think she’s great fhsjdh
ok back to The Rest,,
-seeing the upop bits was hilarious. like i’ve read them and seen a few performances of it,, but seeing it live was so good fhjshd also constance’s costume had such cute details!! she had rainbow details on her shoes and a couple enamel pins on her pinafore!
-constance and ocean also did their little handshake thing as part of their dance during its just a ride and that made me almost cry too fhsjdh
-they added “prestigious university” into oceans list of Reasons She’s The Best or whatever. it’s funny bc wvu is Not At All That lol hdjshdjs (edit: finally reread the new script and Yes that’s in there but it is still Really funny lol)
-ok what the world needs was so funny. love love love ocean (she’s the worst!!) but this one was like. manic abt it in the best way. her riff at the end was hilarious too. a lot of “ooooh i’m better than youuuu and youuuu and allllll of youuuohooooohohohooooo” it was great. also the turntable was super cool in this show bc it was like a mini stage which helped w levels and stuff too! (another note abt this ocean, she definitely made her own choices but she also rlly reminded me of tiffany which was fun!!)
-this noel was. SO gay. they all are. but This One. GODDAMN!! he was awesome. he did the intro monologue in a much more dramatic way than khobly (still referencing my 2016 thoughts) ..like kholbys version was kinda done like. noel was slightly embarrassed not abt who he was but like,, more so circumstancial stuff if that makes sense? he got excited abt the whole missing teeth thing and all, right. (just to give a reference on how these noels are different!!) this noel was drawn out dramatic through the wholeeeee thing. he was amazing.
-the taco bell picture comes up and mischa’s like hahahhaa the Fuck lol and noel starts like pouting. “what is That” “i was hoping you could tell me” “NO!!☹️” bro sounded like he was bout to cry dhshdh he was so good
-OK THE QUICK CHANGE!! y’all know how he kinda strips in 2016 and Other versions? NOPE THIS ONE WAS ALLLL TEARAWAY!! it happened so fast,, he was like FINE *RIP* and BOOM lingerie. it was incredible. he also wore on of those long fluffy flowy “i just killed my husband for the money” robes. y’all he looked so good
-today was especially great. noel’s lament was insane. i have literally never heard a louder audience for anything. every time he’d do anything people would scream (bc he was fucking killing it) and when he went down to “die” the first time. he just kinda sat and did the little wave to get people to make more noise. it was amazing. i wish i could’ve fuckin videod or some shit bc it was soooo good.
-mischa. mischa bachinski. this guy was perfect for him (i am so sorry i don’t know the actors names by the way). tbh i love when mischa’s short. and bouncy. his rage was a lot of jumping and punching air and just. i loved that for him. TSIA was hilarious as usual, it always is. i really liked how they Made a jet with their arms on that line,,, but TALIA. she was actually an actress on stage and they did the whole dance together and then she ran away on the last OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH and it was SO good wtf. talia Always gets me so this was so exception for sure.
-this entire cast is definitely one of my favorites for sure. but tHIS RICKY IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE ONE EVER. he was incredible y’all. like they all were but. ricky. his choices like. landed SO perfectly every time. “i’m tellin’ you right now, monkeylovedrop! :)” SHIT WAS AMAZING (not to mention i didn’t know abt ricky’s new background in the script so that was also fucking hilarious.)
-not to mention the way he did the very end section of the song the way alex did,, like melody wise?? i LOVE THAT (i just like hearing it that way more lol) so that made me super happy.
-oh and remember how i said there were puppets? i fuckin WISH i could’ve taken a picture of it. the zolarians were cat puppets that came out from the alcoves on the sides of the stage and they were fuckin NEON BLUE AND GREEN with holographic details. no one was ready for that but it was PERFECT DFGHJGFGH
-also the actual sabm costume??? he was glittery and neon and flared pants and heeled boots and neon green cat ears and he LOOKED SO MF GOOD HAHAHAHA
-the energy of the whole fucking show was so amazing. especially today (closing performance). people were cheering through the whole damn thing it was perfect.
-TBOJD: the way she said MY TURN!!! was so cute. it was like !! MY TURNNNN !! all excited and drawn out a little. good for her.
—but mainly. there were 2 things happening here. 1) the actress was AMAZING. i think she also may be one of my favorite janes ever. she did this Thing with her hands at one point,, and i can’t really describe it,, but it was like she was just trying to make sure she could still Feel. and it was rlly cool. 2) MORE PUPPETS!?!?!?! this time it was when the music kicked up,,, the rest of the choir was doing their own sick choreo but there were also uhhh big ass worms among them too. they were actually pretty cool.. big teeth and the way they moved was really fun to watch but it did feel a touch overcrowded at times 🙃
-THE OTHER THING WAS THE FLIGHT!!!!! SHE STILL FLEW!! she didn’t go upside down or spin but the fact she went up as high as she did (like above the spinny thing on the stage part of the set) was incredible. and yes ofc she absolutely MURDERED THOSE HIGH NOTES IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE. i was mentally taking notes on her techniques the entire time fhsjhd (fun fact,, after the song today when i cheered/screamed for my applause i did in fact hit the note dhjshd it was a surprisingly supported one too lol)
-sugar cloud: JANE STARTED THE CHOREO AND THEN THEY ALL DID IT AFTER HER <33333 i will always love how sugar cloud is just Them uninhibited. it’s so good that way. this constance was also SO good with the way she did the monologue too. there were a few strong hints of regret but overall it was just Acceptance and moving forward and just hnnnnnnn she was wonderful.
-AND THEN THERE WERE MORE PUPPETS!!!! legit just little blobs of color that danced a little bit too. very cute, very constance fhsjhd my friend said the orange one was her favorite character and stole the show even lol. they were very expressive hfjdh
-there were a LOT of points where the audience were clapping along too and it made me sooooo happy. there was a part in noel’s lament, talia, and sugar cloud and just <333
-another few points that i saw throughout the show,, noel and constance besties. they were always hangin around each other.. same w mischa and constance. she’d make her quips against ocean and mischa’d be like YEAAHHHHHHH!! legit heard constance go-after the upop drugs bit- “yeah! you liked that one!! i’d been working on it for a bit!” <333
-really maybe just noel besties with everyone bc he also gave jane like. a Good hug before she left.. <33
-last thing that had me Dying,, noel also went up to ocean and put his hand on her shoulder and stood real close to her after she made her final vote. and ocean looked at him and leaned into it. and just. the growth from them both for that <3333 they’re so special to me.
-legit i think the only remote criticism i have is that it’s just a ride went SO FUCKING FAST???? like i don’t think y’all are taking enough of a look around at that speed lol.. it just wasn’t enough time to rlly enjoy how good that song is yknow.
overall wvu rtc completely blew me away and i desperately hope SOMEONE has a slime tutorial of it because GODDAMN THAT VERSION WAS GOOD!!! i need more ppl to talk abt it dhjshdj
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Are Kali and Durga protrayed accurately?
Because you've been only (validly) complaining that they're sakurafaces.
So w the caveat that I’m not Hindu I can take another look at them but this is the general sun of my thoughts independent of the Sakura thing
-Durga isn’t really associated with white to my knowledge? As far as I’ve seen red is far more commonly known to be ‘her’ color, and the white hair, clothes, and tiger (which I don’t think has ever really been made white traditionally) is a weird choice to me given that other goddesses do get more often associated with white
-I don’t really understand what her clothing is supposed to be, but it doesn’t look like traditional clothes or based off what she usually wears
-she is almost always depicted with multiple arms so it was…a choice not to do that. I don’t really get it either, as even in fate passionlip quite literally has 2 ton hands because of durga’s arms/weapons influencing them. Her weapons DO seem to properly show up in her np but outside of it they’re just generic looking spires
-the snake actually is accurate she does sometimes get depicted with that, it’s a representation of shiva/masculine energy
-personally I kind of would’ve wanted her to look more regal or combative, either with armor or a crown or something. This is also a warlike person, right?
-I can’t really speak on her np other than noticing that her weapons appear since I haven’t heard the name-visually it looks like an upgraded version of parvati’s np only instead of cloning herself she clones the Shakti. I’m a hair disappointed with that personally but more bc the imagery of her slaying the demon is so incredibly iconic. Other than that it looks fine.
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-why isn’t she black or dark blue
-No seriously, she very specifically has reasons to be depicted as dark in tone. Where is it?
-her face seems weirdly low contrast to me. While I’m biased bc I would’ve liked a representation of her bloodshot eyes her pupils kind of melt into her skin bc they’re almost the same color
-her outfit…isn’t awful? The coat is kind of cool, actually. She’s usually naked so the metal bikini is eyerollingly predictable but not awful-that aside, the bit under her chest does seem to look like a breast/chest band which is an actual kind of jewelry you see in old temple art of Indian figures. I’m not sure if that was what the artist was going for but I’m taking it
-I…think the dangling parts on her metal top might be representative of her girdle of severed arms?
-no attempt at representing the severed head necklace at all
-she at has the multiple arms. I like the star pattern on them. Could use more jewelry
-most of the held object seem right? No severed head though
-overall far less intense and less frightening than I think she’s supposed to come across ass
-her np is really good though-it’s samhara kali, which is like ‘time destruction’ iirc; and a pretty important part of what she is. I very much liked that they brought her universal aspects into it although I’ll feel disappointed when they find a way to explain how sefar defeated her still somehow.
-her hair should be unbound, free flowing, and dark. Uh. It’s at least one of those?
-I did see an expression sheet and it looks like they did actually do some tongue expressions! So that’s good! Kind of wish they’d gone for a more intense expression with her boss intro video though.
-overall the bones of what’s there are good but it could be improved by upping the intensity
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x09, part 1.
The opening with that music is sooo unusual for them? :D Reminds me of circus.
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No but the amount of fans there? That's a lot. That's cool, but also unusual.
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"Whistle! WHIIIISTLE!" Give him a freaking whistle lmao.
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This moment in the trailer is from another angle and it looks sooo much fun there. First Jamie and Keeley, now this. Some poor choices were made in the editing room. Let me see Beard falling!!
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What the hell is Isaac doing? Why are they trying to create this fake drama? "I'm mad at you bc you didn't tell me"? He didn't HAVE to tell you. Not even for a second I'll believe Isaac is homophobic. Colin is his best friend, come the hell on.
Scene forward when Colin tries to resolve it and offers to have a bear and a chat, and Issac refuses. Hello???? What IS this???
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I dislike this kind of picking on your friend, but the fact that Richard is ok with that and Jan immediately pats him on the shoulder, like, "It's okay, mate." I love seeing those boys being friends.
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*whines* Can we, as a fandom, PLEASE jump on the train of Rebecca and Keeley being girlfriends? I've been struggling here alone since s1. There is so much!! possibilities!!! And they look great together. And they love each other. Ahhhh. Ughhhh.
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I'm on this boat!!!
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"I saw this spa with kittens" Keeley is everything. This show gives me so many ideas. Ok, Rebecca agreeing to go to a spa with Keeley so the kittens walk all over them??? I need someone to draw that, PLEASE?
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The way Rebecca looks at her. GUYS. GUUUUYS. That's love.
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You know what's going on here? Jamie does the same thing with Keeley. Ot3 when? My tinfoil hat is always on.
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LMAOOOO. When two independent women stare you down silently & judge you & suddenly, you're not so tough.
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I actually love that they're doing this bc sometimes I feel like Roy is getting too comfortable swearing and acting like a bully and thinking it's ok. I love seeing Rebecca as a boss for real and putting Roy in his place. :') I also think it's bc she tries to protect Keeley, but yeah. I like how supportive she's with Keeley. Girlfriends. Besties.
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Jade is the real one. Her look with shitty men, "I see right through your bullshit." I don't buy her buying his bullshit, "he's nice-like." Impossible that she doesn't know what he did to Rebecca and isn't just being nice with Nate about his boss.
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You can see that he did that to Rebecca as well & it's creepy as fuck.
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Beard nearly had a fight with press. I love that man. The press also loved their time with Beard, so I don't see a problem here. :D Roy is an ass, though, for doing this to Rebecca.
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SCREAMING. You honor, there's been a murder. Get Beard back in the room. :D
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
finally put together my thoughts about last glass chapter, idk how comprehensible it all is but I dont have the words to praise it how it deserves
the use of the pythia in the ch27 is super interesting to me
there are moments where I wonder if he doesnt have a bit of a hard time letting go of the pythia title, its all he had for a big part of his life after all, it was what have him purpose in life
and the problem wasnt inheritly in the title or the role, it was in the rules and how he was treated, he deserved to be respected as a person even when he was the pythia
that cechovs syringe was really cool, at first it was scary bc the priests intentions were definitely to use it on wilbur and I really like how it went from a fear factor to our saving grace AND created wilburs whole dilemma about taking tommy away from his goddess but saving him
by having the priest have it at first and wilbur taking it it felt really smoothly incorporated into the story instead of wilbur just finding it somewhere or something
I hate how they blame wilburs change on the deathlings, the fact that he turned against clara, the tattoo choice, everything
even now its like they cant give credit for any decisions, for having a mind of his own and just cant imagine being a person without being the pythia
or even that hes someone while having the role of the pythia
and it just hurts to see so much
thats why schlatts change in attitude mustve hurt so much
clara failed wilbur and the other pythias that came before him so bad
like I understand that all those rules are man-made, but it feels like she should protect them when she uses them for her visions yk
is the curse real? like do you personally work with it as real? or is that something left up for interpretation (or will we learn next chapter maybe)? bc tommy was cursed and he did die but at the same time coming to the palace was dangerous in nature and the actual killing was enacted as jacks revenge and that has been going on way longer than tommy was cursed, everyone cursed was kinda set up for their death beforehand they even got cursed in a way
whether it is real or not it was yet another thing that built up to the moment of Wilbur deciding to save tommy and played a big role in it bc it was thanks to the curse that wilbur knew that tommy doesnt want to die and has been praying to krisitin bc of it and it looked like shes ignoring him and all this helped wilbur decide to save him
and I think he wouldnt have saved tommy without knowing all this. it goes against the deathlings' religion (at least i think? it was murder so im not sure sure but I think it was wrong on jacks side but on tommys side I dont think it matters how he died but taking him away from death is wrong) and tommy actually worshiped kristin of his own choice and wilbur knows that and he also knows what its like not to be respected
now ofc I cant be sure what wilbur wouldve done bc that crimeboys bond is STRONG and also in the heat of the moment, accounting it was murder and all, but still
oh my god
writing this I realised that you could say THE CURSE SAVED TOMMYS LIFE this is insane I am obsessed, I think this look on it makes it all really beautiful, storytelling wise
very interested in how theyll handle the fact that jack tried to kill tommy bc honestly this situation was very different from when tommy did it, it was PLANNED
glass!jack and glass!niki you are so interesting to me I am rotating you in my brain constantly, their path of thinking has captured me
I hope that schlatts confession about his opinion on the visions helps wilbur make his peace a bit, bc while it doesnt excuse how schlatt treated wilbur, it explains it and also shows that it wasnt wilburs fault that he was failing his role as the pythia when schlatt didnt listen bc he was basically set up to fail from the start
and yes wilbur is parting with his role as the pythia but this might still help him recover, bc at least he wasnt so bad at his one job all these year
and if it doesnt help at least we got schlatt calling wilbur pretty boy, obsessed
I love how in reaction to what schlatt says wilbur feels the pythia dying in the palace and leaving it behind
what a banger chapter, so much happened and it was all so interesting
all that happened and mainly the stuff around tommys dying just showa so perfectly what this story has been telling us this whole time, what the main theme is basically, and that is that in the end you when it matters the only one you can rely on is yourself, not some god and the scene with wilbur saving tommy and kristin not being there really pushes this on you so well I love it sm
rn im just putting all my hope on phil and the deathlings to save wilbur from being forced to be the pythia again
also probably very hypothetical question but im thinking about if wilbur got the option to kinda peacefully step out of his role of the pythia by getting a vision about the next one if he would do it or wouldnt bc he would refuse to bring that fate onto someone else
aaaa thank you, yes I really enjoyed playing around with using the pythia vs wilbur in this chapter. it's hard because I wanted the chapter to be mostly wilbur, but there were key moments where I knew he was going to slip back into the pythia mindset, mostly when he's talking to the priest and later to schlatt. it's not necessarily he's having a hard time letting go of the title, it's that he's spent so much of his life in this mindset that he's not a person, that he's supposed to be wholly devoted to this goddess that he keeps slipping in and out of that mental space.
I'm glad the syringe felt smoothly incorporated!! I was worried it would feel like too much of a "this is a surprise tool that will help us later" bit and while it definitely still was, I wanted it to be tied into what was going on and the worldbuilding and everything
I mean, wilbur has spent the last decade acting as a completely dedicated pythia. then he's gone for a little over half a year and suddenly he's gotten a tattoo and severed his ties to clara and is working with the deathlings? from the priests perspective you can kind of see how it's a bit difficult to believe he got there on his own. especially when they think of becoming the pythia as the highest honor anyone can attain, and how the dehumanizing aspects are meant to be more revered and honorable than anything else
oooo that's an interesting question about the curse. this is going to sound like a cop out answer but I swear it's not, I genuinely haven't decided if the curse is real or not. in a way I think of it like schrodinger's curse. it's both real and not real at the same time. all of the deaths can be explained away by circumstance, but that doesn't mean that the curse didn't cause them. I set it up so that it was completely up to interpretation. I hope that makes sense?
hmm that's an interesting take actually! I definitely think it was a combination of things that led to wilbur deciding to save tommy's life, but the ultimate deciding factor was simply that crimeboys have an unhealthy bond. wilbur will pull tommy back from death even if he's in the arms of his goddess, because he needs tommy by his side. tommy will fight to keep wilbur to himself and get jealous when he starts to heal and connect with other people. the two of them hurt each other because of how much they love each other. that was kind of the core of that whole thing, although I really like what you pointed out with the whole curse saving tommy's life in a way
glass!rocketduo are so interesting babygirls your logic is so screwed up <3
yeah, wilbur was set up to fail from the start. and it does help him find some kind of peace with it! it wasn't his fault, he wasn't a failure. schlatt was never going to listen to him for reasons outside his control.
yessss you get it, one of the primary themes is about relying on yourself and other people before relying on goddesses that might or might not choose to help you. the deities in glass are so far above humanity they can choose what they want to help with and when, and humanity is only left to try and understand why the goddesses do what they do but they'll never really be able to.
hmm that's also an interesting question... personally I think wilbur wouldn't pass on the teachings, but even then the priests would just do it for him so it wouldn't change much. I still think he would choose not to participate though.
thank you so much for the kind words i'm so glad you enjoyed!!!
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Major Shadow and Bone season two spoilers
ok and now that i've got that out of my system, I actually do problems with how his death was treated.
It felt so... unnecessary. Putting aside my love for David, it felt so weird from an in-story point of view. I genuinely don't know why he did that. There was enough room for them both in the elevator and what on earth was he supposed to do against a being made of shadow? There was no tension of "what's going to happen to David" bc there was no way for him to win. I think he was supposed to be sacrificing himself so Genya could escape and be safe but honestly if he wanted to protect her, it would be better to live. He could seal doors to keep monsters out, he was studying how these creatures work at the beginning of the season so maybe he knew a secret weakness or smth, or at the very least they have a better chance of surviving if they stick together.
Locking her in an elevator is so stupid too bc he could have been dooming her. What if the elevator got stuck/broken and she couldn't get out? She would have suffocated or starved. What if a monster got in and she was boxed in? Literally no way for her to escape. Like it was such a stupid decision. Luckily neither of those happened but they very easily could have. (And then the fact that we don't see where the elevator goes or her getting out bothers me but that's not what this post is about.)
And this next thing may be a moot point bc the last two episodes were so busy and I'm not quite sure how to fit them in, but I wish we got to see at least a little bit of David fighting the monster. I know I said before there was no way for him to win but I at least want to see him try. I want to see David, a shy, introvert who has never been anywhere near the front lines, fight with everything he has to get back to Genya. He has no training, no idea what to do, nothing but the idea that he needs to get back to her. His death was already sad but this really would have pushed it to a new level. The way they had it, I already knew he was going to die bc the odds were so against him. But if they showed him trying to fight, it would have given the viewer a bit of hope and make it that much worse when he loses.
The last shot that we see of him is him standing in front of the elevator looking determinedly at the monster while Genya screams for him. I'll be honest, I actually did have a bit of hope for him here. We just saw this Durast saint in Shu Han kick everybody's asses; all these expert soldiers and criminals that we've seen win over and over, and she did it like it was nothing. And Jesper even had a very minor arc abt using his powers more and in more unconventional ways and I was hoping to see it reflected in David. We know he's an amazing Durast, one of the best ones in Ravka, and unlike Jesper he actually has training and knows how to use his powers. We last saw him standing in a workshop, surrounded by tools and materials that he knows how to use, and I was really hoping that he would figure out a way to use them in battle. Idk if he could actually hurt the monster but it would still be so cool and develop his character in a way we haven't seen before. Or at least he could make a flash bomb or smth like the ones Wylan uses and escape. But nope. I put too much faith in the writers to think they would do that.
Lastly, his death didn't advance the plot in anyway. If they wanted it to develop Genya, I really don't think it was the right choice. Over the course of this season, she's been mutilated, disabled, kept as a prisoner, thought she lost the love of her life, and confronted her abusers. She has already been so developed so much since season one, adding David's death doesn't really do anything. I think they did it just for shock value. And the way it was written didn't really make sense either? She's upset when she can't find him after the battle, she's upset when she finds the ruby in his coat, and then the next time we see her she's fine? She's laughing and smiling and hanging out with her friends. And I'm not saying that ppl who are grieving can't do those things, but it was just such an extreme 180 that happened so quickly, both in the episode's run time and the in-show timeline, that it felt jarring and like she didn't care anymore. And this is not hate on the actress ofc, she was amazing this season.
Idk I just think they handled David's death very poorly. But we didn't see his body so maybe he's still alive. I hope so, I love him so much.
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What are your most unpopular opinions on Descendants as a whole?
Idk how popular/unpopular a lot of my opinions are, but here are a few that I think are unpopular haha:
1) I like Mal. Yes even when she’s making bad choices, which she certainly does. I like that she’s a messy protagonist & even tho I prefer a lot of things about her book characterization I also lowkey still like the movie version of her. I know people say Dove was phoning it in especially in D3 but I think she did a really good job in D1 & D2; at the beginning of D2 she did a believable enough portrayal of a stress-based mental breakdown that I’m convinced Dove was drawing from personal experience. When you can see her zoning out every time no one’s talking to her directly bc she’s mentally working through a checklist of everything she needs to do—I’ve been there. Mal was sleep deprived & living on sheer willpower & fear of failure and Dove crushed it in terms of portraying that experience.
I’ll admit that I’m biased bc I am not immune to Dove Cameron in purple hair & studded jackets, I relate to Ben bc I too would abuse my position of power just to make Mal happy oop
2) I like beast!Ben okay I did not like the makeup job but I did like the character design & I think if they were gonna have him do stupid shit like roaring in D2 when overwhelmed/stressed about the fight with Uma or physically shake water off of himself like a dog then we could’ve gotten more than him being beasted by a spell for 2 minutes (even tho the FX makeup did Not hold up well on camera). Also they were cowards for using the magic lake super soaker to mostly break the spell, every single version of Beauty and the Beast that refuses to show a human/beast kiss on screen is made by cowards. This was the only spell in D3 that was broken in this way & they did that specifically bc they were cowards. Mal should’ve broken the spell by kissing him in the first place I don’t care if it’s weird
Given the slightest inclination I would’ve made a beast!Ben au anyway but I only initially started writing down any of it out of spite
3) I don’t love that Mal spelled Ben but I still ship Bal. I support & enjoy other ships with both of the characters (Malvie, Bevie, core four all together, etc) but I am a Bal shipper at heart. And I think Ben proposing with a callback to Did I Mention was really cute okay, yes that’s salt in the wound for Audrey but just on its own it was a really cute & romantic way to propose & I love it
4) Ig the really unpopular thing, going off of the prev one, is this: I don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever actually in love. I think they were friends & them dating was something that Audrey was encouraged to do & Ben went along with, & I think as much as Audrey absolutely was unfairly humiliated in front of her peers she was more upset at losing the crown than Ben. Ben still owed her an apology & an explanation once he broke Mal’s spell; it wasn’t his fault that he embarrassed Audrey while under the influence of a spell but it was pretty cowardly & lame of him not to own up to it right away & instead just use the spell as an easy out from the relationship. But I still don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever in love. As a Bal shipper, I am definitely biased about this.
Also, I’m not opposed to anyone shipping Audrey with Ben! I think it’s cool that all of us can see this same franchise & come away with so many different ideas & opinions
So those are my hot takes lol. Overall I just enjoy Descendants as the beautiful garbage fire it is & I don’t have super strong opinions about ships or anything, I just like playing in the sandbox :)
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
I do see Everett being the one everyone goes to because he just silently listens and nods along uninterrupted, he also loves listening, so Soap info dumping is probably his favorite.
Price bitching about some random soldier on base being an idiot for some odd reason or about a higher up and all of a sudden they've got this quiet little weird freak giving them the stink eye all the time
Definitely doesn't talk about the 141 during his little meets with Ghost and Roach, they're his besties and because he was actually entrusted with this info. The other people shouldn't have been talking to loud near him ✋😤
He has a few different masks he rotates through. A white balaclava with rabbit ears for on base (the boys definitely fidget with them all the time) and then a plain black one for missions, and then just a black medical one for when he's on leave. For colder missions, he has masks lined with rabbits fur to keep warm. He's got a buzz cut and gets a lil chilly
The rabbits feet are SUPER personalized depending on the person. The metal type, the designs in the metal, the type of rabbit itself. Everett spends a lot of time on them and wants them to have a lot of meaning
I joked with my bf about giving him an eye patch and him (play)fighting with Soap because of the constant pirate jokes, he probably does get a really cool prosthetic and a normal looking eye one for when he visits his family
I looked up quite a bit of stuff of disabilities a lot of veterans suffer with and wanted them to be well represented. Wanted the boys to be as accurate as possible.
Also Price snoring 😭 Soap is the only one who can share a bed with that man because he can't fucking hear nothing
(this isn't technically canon to the timeline with my oc in it but a fun thought I had when developing the story, the actual retirement story is way angstier) For polycule 141 retirement, I joked about them having a super big bed to bit like 6 ish people, but landed on them buying like an old school together (this is personal, I think it'd be so fun to live in an old school 😞) and fixing it up together.
They all get their own spaces, no fighting for the bathroom, more than enough space to cook and to have huge family dinners (holidays with family are spent here, AleRudy and FarahAlex are invited obviously, parking is never an issue, but the polycule do have assigned spots) I also think movie nights are fun because of school theaters. They do infact use the intercom system to talk to each other
At the high school I went to, there was like two massive fields, a track area, and tennis courts. So that + the weight rooms and gym, they have plenty of freedom and choice for exercise. And Everett has a dog (Soap's biggest opp)((and two cats)) so there's so much space for him
Security on this bitch goes crazzyyy. Ghost and Price are taking NO chances with their boys. (Especially Ghost because he is not losing another family) bitch is like fort knox, no one is touching these guys
I think you could make a really fun oc, it takes so long fleshing them out but I think you could do it ✋😤
He sounds like a great listener I’ll happily rant my heart out to him bc most of my days I just keep asking my sisters question and telling her random facts that she couldn’t care less about 😞
Everett seeing a higher up harass a new recruit and maybe using the things he knows about them to spread some rumors on base and make the higher up feel embarrassed 👀
Hello I love how you put so much thought behind his masks!! You know what would be neat if he could keep gadgets hidden in the bunny ears also the masks lined with rabbit furs sounds so neat!!
Everett being excited to tell them about the meanings of the rabbit feet and anyone who listens just looks at him endearingly 🧎🏻‍♂️
Soap being impressed with all the prosthetic eye especially those with intricate designs and begging Everett to wear them all the them
I love that you did your research!! Genuinely made the headcanons sound realistic! Especially prices, soaps and roaches!!
I love snoring price sm idc I’ll happily sleep next to him even if the makes the earth shake 🧎🏻‍♂️
Fixing up a school would be such a cool idea or just any old building and have them happily live together 🥹 also the assigned parking spots sounds so freaking cute like ghost marking his with a skull and sometimes they park on the wrong one bc they’re tired and fight like old married couples
Not soap having furr enemies 😭but I love that there are so many pets around
But also now that you mention security system I’m thinking of price coming home late and cursing out everything under the sun bc he’s too drunk or sleepy to rmr the passwords to one of the doors
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