#shift you perception
abby-howard · 2 days
You deadlift? What's your PB?
My current max is 250 pounds! Gotta catch up to Tony, he's at 300 now 😤
Also someone else asked about how deadlifting doesn't kill my back, and the answer is that weightlifting with proper form is good for back pain >:]
Strengthening your stabilizer muscles is so good for your bones and posture! It doesn't mean accidents don't happen, as we will all decay in time, but it definitely helps me draw all day and night without crumbling into dust 👌
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
I haven't heared the door knobs and fascism thing before, can you elaborate?
gladly! i was referencing one of the aphorisms by Theodor W. Adorno, Do Not Knock, one of my favourite philosophical texts, certainly top 5.
I would summarise it for you, but it's quite a short text and i am not embarrassing myself by trying to summarise Adorno, so I have transcribed it for you under the cut:
60. Do Not Knock
Technology is making gestures precise and brutal, and with them men. It expels from movements all hesitation, deliberation, civility. It subjects them to the implacable, as it were ahistorical demands of objects, Thus the ability is lost, for example, to close a door quietly and discreetly, yet firmly. Those of cars and refrigerators have to be slammed, others have the tendency to snap shut by themselves, imposing on those entering the bad manners of not looking behind them, not shielding the interior of the house which receives them. The new human type cannot be properly understood without awareness of what the is continuously exposed to from the world of things about him, even in his most secret innervations.
What does it mean for the subject that there are no more casements windows to open, but only sliding frames to shove, not gentle latches but turnable handles, no forecourt, no doorstep before the street, no wall around the garden? And which diver is not tempted, merely but the power of his engine, to wipe out the vermin of the street pedestrians, children and cyclists? The movements machines demand of their users already have the violent, hard-hitting, unresting jerkiness of Fascist maltreatment.
Not least to blame for the withering of experience is the fact that things, under the law of pure functionality, assume a form that limits contact with them to mere operation, and tolerates no surplus, either in freedom of conduct or in autonomy of things, which would survive as the core of experience, because it is not consumed by the moment of action.
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commsroom · 2 months
since wolf 359 is a show that puts so much emphasis on names / what people are called when / "first name moments", it puts hera in an interesting position that she only has a first name. you could maybe say the closest thing to a first name moment that she gets is in idle hands, when eiffel regains his mind, but the connotations are still a little different - it is an indicator of closeness / a significant relationship, but it isn't a shift in that relationship. i think part of the significance of first names - for anyone, when used sincerely - is the subtext of speaking to the person rather than the job they perform, but hera's name has additional stakes and significance for her when being called by her name is the baseline level of respect indicating who sees her as a person at all.
so, with that context, the other moment that interests me is the only time someone ever addresses her by rank: when minkowski calls her "officer" in let's kill hilbert. from minkowski in particular, that's also an acknowledgement of her personhood - evoking "she was a member of my crew." and i don't think this is just an honorary title bestowed by minkowski, either; in the most technical sense, i think hera probably does have a rank on the station. hera's programming restricts how she can address station officers. commonly, she addresses minkowski and lovelace as "commander" and "captain" when talking to them, and "commander minkowski" and "captain lovelace" when talking about them, while most other people she tends to refer to by both name and rank. she drops kepler and jacobi's titles after the mutiny.
but eiffel she calls (both when talking to him and about him) "eiffel" and "officer eiffel" interchangeably. (she never calls him just "officer.") in a practical sense, this helps communicate that her relationship with him is more casual - and in am i alone now? when she's talking 'to' him but not really to him, she calls him "doug", which has a whole other set of implications for how she thinks about him, when in that same monologue she still says "commander minkowski" and "doctor hilbert." - but… i think it's also pretty reasonable to assume that her rank is functionally the same as his, and that part of why she's more comfortable with him even early on is that he quite literally does not have the same authority over her that everyone else does.
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cassierobinsons · 5 months
I'm just thinking aloud here but discussions about dean's celibacy in later seasons make me feel some type of way. it's not that i disagree (still haven't watched dabb era) it's that i think carver era kinda made people forget that after hell dean wasn't really having that much sex at all? in that he literally slept with 4 people in the span of 5 consecutive seasons. So when people bring up how chaste dean is in late spn i'm like. well this isn't really new for him, is it? 🤔
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
once again thinking about the worldbuilding in the riordanverse of "names are power" / "belief is power."
The Tri were only able to become immortal through convincing enough people to worship them that it became true. Monsters and immortals only exist through continued belief, and if enough people believe that they're dead or gone then it becomes true, like Pan. Their varied forms exist and manifest as they're believed in and called upon. Names call attention and epithets summon aspects. They're acknowledgement. Belief. Putting a name to a concept creates it as an individual.
And that's so fascinating when you start applying it to demigods. How much of their abilities are based on belief in themselves, in expectations of each other, in their parents' expectations of them? We've seen mortal figures who became immortal in some form or another because they were remembered. Even the lares - ancestral house gods, who persist because they're remembered. They have a legacy.
At what point does a demigod achieve that status? Rumors and whispers about them so persistent that they slowly become true. "I heard that Jason Grace is the son of two gods, does that make him a god?" "I heard Percy Jackson defeated a titan single-handedly. That he can create hurricanes without breaking a sweat. That he can control blood." After awhile, after enough rumors, does it become impossible to tell where they end and the legends begin? Isn't that what being a demigod is; half-legend?
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sarahjacobs · 5 months
you know what really gets to me. is how jack loosens up david’s morals. like how david starts off as a staunch pacifist because of the Optics and strategy of it all, but then later he kicks a cop in the face and threatens him with a swing + tries to punch jack when he scabs. and both instances occur specifically because he cares so deeply about jack. But also there's this tidbit from the 91 script
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it's like. up until now, david's interactions with jack have largely consisted of david being openly skeptical/confrontational whenever he detects any kind of bullshit. and while he immediately clocks that all this stuff about santa fe is a lie, for the first time, he decides to let it go. Because there's a kernel of authenticity to the statement, though the authenticity doesn’t lie in factual truth, it’s in how jack desperately "wants it to be true". because. this is david's first time seeing the soft underbelly to jack. because david IS charmed by jack despite not really trusting him
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
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rrarauhh these have been in my sketchbook for Literally Months; iwas gonna clean em up but if i donot post them as is they willnot be posted so ^_^ woe. funy realization designs be upon ye.
ecstasy, mimicry, and moonlight angies respectively; ft. roland cameo on the right. because Two Of Them :]
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
TGCF is the first fictional book I have read (that I know of😅) where the book was officially printed, then it was revised and printed again. I know this isn’t a new thing for fiction writers to do, just new for me to have read a book like that.
I’ve read some fan translations of the revised version but it’s still an incomplete picture as things come in snippets. (Not a dig on this, just noting that observations I make on changes are incomplete right now)
Have you encountered this with any fictional stories you have read before? If so, how did you adjust to what’s canon? Did you hold them as two separate versions or let the revised version supersede the unrevised as canon? Or did you make a third path? 😅
What’s your take on any translations of the revised TGCF you have read (if you have had the chance to read them)?
For me, I think I hold them as two separate canons. Characters, and how we understand them based off the text, can sometimes subtly or drastically change after a revision. And I don’t mean minor changes, I mean the ones that gave a clear picture on why x character did such and such, and why they now do x action vs not before, etc. And personal preferences will determine if one likes the changes or not.
I asked a lot a questions. 😅🫣Happy to hear whatever feedback you have on the topic. 😁
Hm, good questions. I guess I never thought too deeply about this because I just figure that whatever latest version mxtx puts out is The Canon™️. Also, these works are already being filtered through translation, so unless I one day learn Mandarin fluent enough to read in their original language, I’ve already accepted that there are going to be multiple variations of a text floating around. With that said, the revised tgcf is the real canon to me, but other than some additions and a wholesale deletion of the ghost kid from the story, I have not heard anything to suggest that the unrevised and revised are so radically different as to be considered different books. Hualian still get together, the Xianle trio still have their issues that they work out, Jun Wu is still the final antagonist, and the moral of the story remains the same. For the sake of limiting confusion, I try to mention which version of the story I’ve read and am pulling my ideas from, but considering them separate canons as if they are adaptations by different creators feels a little excessive.
As for what I think of the revisions that I’ve seen so far? Good shit 🔥
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deeplovelydark · 15 days
kai winnnnnnnn. adami. her ivan karamazov salieri from amadeus slay. she wants to believe in the prophets. she *does* believe in them. but there is always something missing. she can't feel their presence. can't feel their love the way others say they do. they don't talk to her. she has great ambition and it might've helped her to serve them but they (as she sees it) rejected her. she did fight for her people. she did help them in many ways. but she never got the recognition she wanted from the prophets. their gratitude. love. not in a way she'd understand. because she doesn't understand her failings. so now she will take the power she always wanted where she can get it
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kagoutiss · 5 months
zelink in your au or nah?
i would say there’s about as much zelink in my au as there is in the game, so…like it’s there but it’s also probably sad and doomed lol. link also isn’t there for the large majority of it, so a lot it comes down to how sheik remembers him while he’s sealed in the sacred realm and how she feels about their whole situation over a period of years. it’s kinda hard to say how their relationship is when one of them isn’t there for so much of it, and the other is constantly thinking and mulling over just their memories of them and what they could’ve done differently. but that’s also part of the reason they’re so interesting and heartbreaking to me. im blabbin but basically there isn’t NOT zelink, but it’s complicated and still sad and not necessarily the main focus
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 4 months
For the title thing - "Do You Think About Me?"
When Jamie was little, he'd talk to his dad — not to his dad his dad, but who he'd never met in person but sometimes made his mum cry when she talked to him on the phone or, once, came pounding on the door in the middle of the night while she told him it was no one, baby, go back to sleep — but the version that lived in his head. That version was strong and tall and never afraid of anything, and he loved Jamie very, very much, only he had some big important job he had to do first, and mummy didn't cry 'cause she was afraid but because she missed him but she knew he couldn't come home yet.
Late at night when mummy was at work and their flat was dark and empty and full of leering shadows, Jamie would wrap his blankets tight around himself and squeeze his eyes shut and like that he could almost pretend there was a warm solid weight sat at his side. He'd ask, what're you doing, dad? And if he concentrated hard enough he could pretend he felt a spark of warmth and that it was dad's hand rubbing his back through the blankets the way mummy did when he couldn't sleep, that he leaned in close like he was telling some great secret and he'd say, I'm off fighting ghosts on the moon, or, I secretly play footie for Man City but I can't tell anyone who I am 'cause I used to be a spy, or, I got turned into a vampire and now I can't go out in the sunlight to get home. And Jamie would say, that's so cool, da, can I come? And his dad would tell him no, it's too dangerous, or too far away, or too expensive, but he was waiting and when Jamie grew up and became a famous rich footballer then he could come find him. And Jamie'd say, I miss you, da, even though he'd never known him long enough to miss. Do you think about me? And his da would say, of course I do, Jamie. I think about you all the time, and I love you so much.
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sonic-adventure-3 · 25 days
a one-sided familial relationship is funny as fuck that’s what i want for sage. i just really don’t think eggman would ever think of himself as a father, rather than an inventor, a genius, a dictator. and i don’t think eggman would ever view his creations as people or as capable/deserving of autonomy. any affection eggman has for his robots is derived of their usefulness as extensions of his will and intelligence, ultimately. he is arrogant and self-obsessed. i think he occupies a role that is not dissimilar to a father to some of his robots (namely metal sonic and sage, mayyyyyybe omega in a rebellious teen way that i dont think either would ever think of as such), i think it’s absolutely subtext, but the acknowledgement of it runs contrary to every action eggman has ever taken. it’s too much of a change in self-perception for me to believe in, i think is my main thought on it
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beedreamscape · 7 months
Let me write this before I lose my line of thought, (Again another RANT for the weak of heart)
but I think BH needs to lose something that matters to them, I'm talking true loss --- not like losing Bertrand or Eshteross which they mostly didn't care about, or like losing the skyship which they sacrificed willingly, or 'losing' their newfound friends/lovers to a research mission that should've ended at least a month ago.
I could add Laudna to the above list since everyone knew we'd get her back eventually, but at the very least it gave them drive (which gave us one of the coolest battles in the campaign which was worth nothing in the end, hey Delilah...)
But lose something that makes them ache, that shifts their dynamic into life and gives them purpose --- like losing Dorian! like fumbling the Paragon's Call infiltration and losing that battle in Bassuras with three party members down! like dropping a ship on a wizard's head and meaning very little! like 'losing' each other across a communication-less Exandria when you thought victory was within your grasp! like aaaalmost losing a friend to a million pieces for a decision he made!
There's so much stagnation in Bells Hells that it drives me insane, they're not the same people from the beginning but maybe apart from FCG and a little bit Orym and Imogen, most of them are still committing the same fallacies as they did in the beginning.
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karamazovanon · 11 months
Do you have any thoughts about Alyosha's momentary crisis of faith? Because I understood why he had one, but not so much why he was immediately ready to drink and go see Grushenka. Interested to see if you've any opinions on the matter, either regarding Grushenka or just in general.
OOOOOO this is an interesting question and my answer is going to get kinda long, warning you now LOL
i think alcohol & drinking in general is often a big part of "the karamazovian nature"—fyodor pavlovich and mitya are open alcoholics & hedonists, and ivan's heavily implied to be an alcoholic as well by his delirium tremens at the end—and more generally as one of the wordly temptations that human nature as a whole is susceptible to (tangent, but this is also really interesting when you keep in mind ivan's cup analogy!! drinking & cups are tied to living & life so often; mitya chooses to "fill" his cup/life with alcohol, ivan drinks in secret until he throws the cup/life to the ground at 30 in rebellion, and alyosha instead chooses to fill his cup/life with god. one of the schiller verses mitya quotes in the ardent confession chapter even says "To the soul of God’s creation / Joy eternal brings her draught, / In strong secret fermentation / Flames the cup of life aloft")
and the common denominator is that they don't believe enough to overcome the natural urge to indulge. mitya does believe, but he can't stop himself and reproaches himself for it; ivan doesn't believe despite wanting to and that contributes too imo. but alyosha doesn't drink and is an ascetic for the most part bc everything for him is based off of his unwavering faith—and so when his entire worldview and moral system is shaken by both ivan and father zosima, he questions EVERYTHING and begins feeling detached from reality when it doesn't match up. without his bulletproof faith intact, he no longer has the external ruleset to dictate his behavior, and the karamazovian desire to ease pain with alcohol wins for a moment without being able to trust his prior moral compass
(on rereading for this post, i don't have a formulated thought on it but it's interesting that he agrees to rakitin's initial offer of vodka even though they end up having champagne instead—there's probably some connection there between vodka and worldly/russian baseness vs champagne, which while not communion wine is still wine LMAO)
this quote from the onion chapter is what stands out the most to me, bold mine:
"Alyosha cried out with a wail in his voice. ‘I speak to you not as a judge, but as the least of the judged. What am I before her? I came here in order to be destroyed, saying: “Go on, go on!” – and that was because of my cowardice, while she, after five years of suffering, no sooner did someone come and say a sincere word to her, forgave everything, forgot everything and cried! The assailant of her honour has returned, is summoning her, and yet she forgives him everything and hurries to him in joy and she will not take the knife, she will not take it! Oh, I am not like that! I do not know whether you are like that, Misha, but I am not like that! Today, the moment I received this lesson, I … She loves in a way that is loftier than yours or mine … Have you heard her say this earlier, what she said just now? No, you have not; if you had, you would have understood everything long ago … And let the other woman, whom she offended the other day, let her, too, forgive her! And she will forgive her, if she learns of this … and she shall learn of it … This soul has not yet been reconciled, we must spare it … This soul may contain a treasure …" (tr. mcduff)
when he loses his infallible external/divine guidance, he has to turn inward/to the world around him instead, where he finds guilt and the human urge to self-destroy (as well as the influence of rakitin & his schadenfreude) and as a karamazov, it naturally comes first in the form of alcohol (women, too, but alyosha never really shows any desire on that front) when he sees grushenka's kindness and forgiveness, he snaps out of it and his faith is reinforced (while he believes he's a sinner and unworthy, he sees in her christlike forgiveness and is reminded that although he has these karamazovian urges, giving in to them entirely isn't the answer etc etc im not a theologian and have been writing too long anyway)
this has been such a long ramble with so little structure but this is SUCH an interesting plot point, thank you for asking my thoughts on it!! :D
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kittysauces · 1 year
Ok but LadyNoir is still alive TO ME
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bronzetomatoes · 11 months
do any of you ever rewatch the best of tommyinnit 2020 vid or are you capable of being normal
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