#shiki sounds amazing and i still need to watch it
ryqoshay · 2 years
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: Coffee Nap
Primary Pairing: ShikiMei Rating: G Words: 606 AU: Theater, Monsters, Cryptids Fandom: Love Live Superstar Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs - Post Production Time Frame: Early college years Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Nap
Author’s Note: Entry for a Backup prompt
Summary: Shiki and Mei return home after the accident to rest
“How are things going in here?” Mei asked, opening the door to the lab.
“Fine.” Shiki replied. Her voice sounded exhausted.
The couple had returned to their dorm instead of going to class, after a close call with a vehicular crash. And as if that hadn’t been bad enough, a transformer had exploded, causing an EMP that had disabled most of Shiki’s mechanical parts. Both girls’ eyes had shut down, but at least Mei was used to navigating without sight, and she had ended up carrying Shiki.
The air of the lab was acrid with solder smoke. And while Shiki usually kept her room tidy, it was not uncommon for some clutter to accumulate when she was intensely focused on her work. Mei shuffled through the room to avoid stepping on or kicking anything important.
“Here, maybe this will help?” Mei held out a mug of coffee.
“Thank you, Mei.” Shiki accepted. “I’m glad you were able get it to work.”
“It was… actually kind of fun.” Mei admitted, feeling a bit guilty that she had been amusing herself with the eclectic device Shiki had assembled from lab equipment while her girlfriend was busy repairing herself.
“Mm… This is delicious. Even better than when I make it.”
“That can’t be true, I did everything the exact same way I’ve watched you do it.”
“Perhaps it simply tastes better because I know Mei made it.”
Mei felt heat rise in her cheeks. “A-Anyway, is there anything I can help with?”
“Thank you, but no. I’ve already repaired my arm and leg, but my eyes are proving to be a bit more… difficult. I’m sorry, Mei, but it may be a little while before I can repair yours.”
“As I’ve said, don’t worry about mine… Wait, does that mean you repaired the rest of yourself while not being able to see?”
“Yes. It was Mei who inspired me to learn how to use my other senses more. I know how each component part feels, sounds and smells, and I know how my tools operate.”
“That’s… kind of amazing, Shiki.”
“I would not have thought about trying it were it not for Mei.”
For heaven’s sake, just take the compliment… “Anyway, you sound tired.”
“Why don’t you take a break, and we can go take a nap?”
“After we just had coffee?”
“Yes, I read something a while back about coffee naps and how they are supposed to be better than regular naps.”
Mei reached down to take Shiki’s hand. “You said your leg works now, right? Or do you need me to carry you still?”
“I can walk.” Shiki replied, standing up.
Mei then guided them back to her room. And while she wasn’t carrying Shiki, the other girl started to give into her obvious weariness from their morning misadventure and was leaning on her heavily by the time they reached their bed.
Then, Mei helped Shiki slip her lab coat off her shoulders before climbing into bed. Shiki followed and immediately nuzzled into the crook of Mei’s neck. Shiki released a content sigh and within seconds, seemed to be out.
Mei couldn’t help smiling. As calm and collected, if eccentric and detached, as Shiki could often be, she was surprisingly needy, especially when it came to physical affection. And sometimes Mei found that trait to be annoying, particularly while the couple were out in public. But here, in the privacy of their room, when they were going to take a nap together, she was willing to see it as endearing.
Finally, Mei wrapped an arm around her girlfriend and let herself fall asleep as well.
Author’s Note Continued: Had to remind myself about avoiding visuals again with this one.
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delirious-donna · 2 years
Who's your King? [Shikamaru Nara]
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an: the lovely @uchihabbynic asked for a Shiki story with some fluff or angst, I decided to give you both!
pairing: Shikamaru Nara x female reader s/o
warnings: SFW, angst, lil hurt/comfort, grieving, dark emotions but with a happy ending, I promise
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It was that time of year once again.
You didn’t need a calendar to know which date was fast approaching. It was easy to tell from the flip of a switch attitude change from your man.
Shikamaru went from cool as a cucumber, ‘let me rest in peace, you pest of a female’ to moody, withdrawn and downright rude.
You understood – you really did – but it was still hard not to take his vicious comments to heart. He had always been a sharp-tongued devil, his words were chosen with expert care and he rarely said anything he didn’t mean, but this was different.
This was not Shika teasing you about your tastes in movies, rolling his eyes at being coerced into watching yet another ‘bullshit’ animated story meant for children, as he so callously said. Nor was it him biting back at your attempts to embarrass him in front of his friends. He had an amazing knack for turning the cute fluffy stories you told of him into debauched snippets of you melting at his feet because of said fluffiness.
You could practically envisage the snide smirk as he takes a drag on his cigarette. His dark eyes alight with humour as you wish for a hole to open in the floor to swallow you up. The shared laughter of Ino and Choji is enough to make you groan and slap a palm to your face.
Shikamaru was always doing this to you, making you squirm in embarrassment until he was reaching an arm around the small of your back. Tugging you into his side where you could hide your flushed face in the crook of his neck. The familiar smell of his tobacco along with the spicy body wash he used settled the worst of your shyness but turned it into something else entirely – something warm and fluttering.
He knew what he was doing, Shika wasn’t known as the lazy genius of Konohagakure for nothing. He was already calculating at least fifty moves ahead of you. Likely determining exactly how he was going to make you scream his name when you both crashed through the door to your shared apartment later that night.
But, it wasn’t like that, not this time.
The sound of many things smashing into the wall of Shikamaru’s closed office made you jolt upright. The tell-tale clatter of shogi pieces clattered to the floor along with a strained curse from the raw throat of the man hiding himself away. His way of trying to protect you from his wrath.
He would never hurt you, not physically. The raven-haired male was deathly afraid of saying something he would later regret. Priding himself on never acting rashly, at this time of year, he couldn’t count on his mental fortitudes to stop himself from letting loose the bladed words from his lips.
It wouldn’t be for the first time that he found himself begging for your forgiveness. The mere sight of him on his knees, hands grasping at your waist, his anguished face pressed into the softness of your stomach and the way his voice tried not to break as he spoke, it was not something you liked to remind yourself of.
Shikamaru was the strongest man you knew, he trembled before no foe but he had cowered at the thought of you leaving him. It reinforced why you had fallen in love with him in the first place. He was the sweetest, most caring person in your life but to outsiders, it was hidden beneath the thin veil of his indifference.
A veil that served to protect him.
Within Shika beat a tender heart, one that valued actions over mere words alone and left him vulnerable to those who might act to hurt him. Only those closest knew the true Shikamaru Nara, the man that would go to extreme lengths to ensure the welfare and happiness of his dearest and nearest.
You were lucky enough to have been granted access behind the mask, and now you sat squarely in the centre of his heart. He told you that you sat atop a gilded throne, untouchable on your mighty pedestal and you melted at the sincerity of his words. They were infrequent, those soft words, as he chose to demonstrate his affection through his actions instead but you remembered them well – they were branded into your memory for all of time.
Knocking softly at the door, you waited but no answer came. Your hand lingered on the handle before pressing down and finding no resistance. You took the fact that it was not locked as an invitation to step inside.
The room was dark despite it being the middle of the afternoon, the heavy drapes pulled haphazardly across the windows behind the desk that you knew rather intimately. You stepped gingerly around the littered shogi pieces, yet your eyes never truly left the frame of Shika seated in his chair.
He looked a mess.
His head lifted from staring into the depths of his desk and you almost gasped at the haggard condition he was in. Darkness crowded under his rich chocolate eyes, evidence of how little sleep he had managed these past few days. His ebony hair, normally held tight in his trademark ponytail was loose around his shoulders, it was lank and clearly hadn’t been combed in a while. Tightness stretched the skin across his bones, highlighting his cheekbones and making him look gaunt and haunted.
It all clenched at your heart. Shikamaru was suffering and he refused every offer of help.
“Leave me alone,” he said, voice hardly above a low whisper and refusing to meet your eye.
Anger prickled at your flesh, the sensation springing to life seemingly out of nowhere to take root deep within your soul, spreading with hastened steps to your extremities.
A torrent of fire burned in your veins and stung your muscles. The pit of your stomach was a writhing mass of angry snakes, each with their own desire to lash out and bite at the person you claimed to love above all others.
Your face twisted into a scowl, absolutely furious that he would bat away the comfort you longed to gift him with. There was no need for him to suffer alone – he wasn’t the only one suffering – this was selfish and you had had enough.
“How do you think he’d react if he saw you like this?” you shouted, not caring for the shrillness of your voice nor the volume.
“You look like hell Shikamaru and I am sick of this bullshit. This whole ‘I am alone, no one else is hurting as much as I am’ shtick. It’s pathetic! You were not the only person to lose him. What about Choji and Ino? Kurenai? What about me? I teach Murai for fuck sake, I look into the face of Asuma every damn day and I miss him too.”
The pained expression on his face spoke volumes; your words had found their mark and sliced into that precious tender heart without thought for how he would react. All that worry over him hurting you and instead, you had practically stabbed him in the gut, each word twisting with intent to cause maximum damage.
A hand flew to your mouth as you recoiled from your own words.
Eyes that were glazed with tears watched you take the two faltering backward steps to reach the door. He swallowed loudly, mouth set into a grim line as if desperately trying to hold himself together and his fist tightened around the familiar silver lighter held in his hand.
You ran.
Darkness crept over the neatly maintained grass, the colours of the sunset shone upon the memorial stone that you couldn’t properly look at. Too ashamed to face him, even though you should. You should be apologising to the man that had lost his life before his time.
You missed him.
It was impossible not to, even though you had not been as close as Shika had been. Asuma held a burning presence, you always knew when he had entered a room and he had always been kind to you.
Now here you were sobbing in front of his grave at having made his most talented student look at you with such torture in their eyes. You were meant to protect him from that, not cause it.
How were you ever going to look at him again? Would he end things knowing now that you were nothing but a heartless shrew?
So much pain, so much heartache and what bothered you most was that the majority of your thoughts were about you, not about the memory of Asuma. It wasn’t right, and you had had the nerve to call Shika selfish.
A throat being cleared shook you from your miserable reverie. Glancing over your shoulder, Shikamaru stood, watching you with an undefinable expression.
His hands were deep in his pockets as he looked down on you. You swallowed past the sudden lump in your throat.
He had cleaned up, showered and shaved away the dark stubble that had lined his cheeks and chin only hours prior. The downy soft strands of his hair were secured within his ponytail once more, and he wore a clean outfit - grey denim jeans, a white t-shirt and a black hooded zip-up sweatshirt.
“Thought I might find you here,” he drawled.
Shika braced a hand on the ground before lowering himself to sit near you, not touching as would have been normal but close enough that his hand could reach out if he so wished.
You said nothing, not knowing what you could even offer at this point.
The familiar sound of the silver lighter being flicked open repeatedly filled the silence.
“You were…” he hesitated for a second, “not wrong.”
He held up a finger, putting an immediate halt to the words of denial that were on the tip of your tongue.
“I was acting selfishly. I know that I’m not the only one who misses Asuma.”
Shika’s hooded gaze strayed to the memorial behind you, he tipped his head as if bowing in reverence to his departed sensei.
Cool fingers brushed against your wrist, rubbing where your pulse beat erratically. He was sitting directly in front of your face before you could blink.
He regarded you with a soft smile, a thumb reaching out to wipe away the tears you hadn’t realised had resumed falling from your puffy eyes.
“Decided to visit Ino and Choji,” he looked away with a slight grumble, “they agreed with the little speech you gave me. In fact, Ino was probably even more ruthless than you were.”
“Shika, please,” you groaned in shame.
“Went by Kurenai’s house too, we’ve been invited to dinner so you best stop your tears soon. I’d like my pretty, happy girl back, please.”
You hiccuped at the plea, at the slight tug on your wrist. His chest was warm as he enveloped you, the spicy scent of his skin tickling your nose in such a soothing way.
You didn’t deserve this, he should be mad instead of comforting you.
“I’m sorry,” he said with his lips against your temple.
Cutting across his words, you stammered out, “It should be me apologising, I said some horrible things.”
He laughed, a dry chuckle that was likely accompanied by a roll of his eyes, except you couldn’t see them as he held your head to his chest.
“Will you ever let me finish when I’m talking? You’re such a troublesome woman.”
You smacked at his arm, the lightest of taps and yet he still dared to let out a feigned ‘ouch’, making you giggle.
“Mm, least I can still make you laugh,” he murmured into your hair.
It was nice sitting here with him, back in the place you had longed to be for days. Content in his arms until he offered you Asuma’s lighter to hold.
“You remember what I told you Asuma-sensei said to me before he died, about how important it was to find out who your King was and to defend it at all costs?”
You nodded, letting your fingers curl around his bicep as he spoke. The feel of the heavy cotton grounded you, along with his heat and scent.
“Well, for Asuma it was the children, especially Mirai and I vowed to protect him in Asuma’s stead. But, I’ve been thinking in these past few days.”
He paused for a moment, clearly collecting his thoughts as he watched you turn over the silver lighter in your hand.
“I agreed with him, children are the future and should be protected so they can flourish into a strong and healthy next generation. Yet, I think I have my own King now, someone that means more to me than anything else.”
Shika’s finger tucked under your chin, lifting your face so you were looking at him. His lips were inches from your own, minty breath washed across your face and your lids fluttered slowly at his closeness.
The kiss was bittersweet, a reunion that was tinged by sadness given your location and the reasons that brought you to this moment.
“You are my King, and I will never lock you out again. I promise,” he whispered.
The light was mostly gone by the time you had composed yourself.
More sweet kisses were shared and happier memories of Asuma were told. You both offered your respect to his memorial, lighting a last stick of incense before you tucked your tired body into the side of Shikamaru.
Your fingers interlinked as he guided you back into the heart of the village, heading towards Kurenai and Mirai’s house.
“I assume you still plan to watch over the children and Mirai?”
He scoffed, “with your help, of course.”
“Hmm, smartass,” you cooed, lifting to your tiptoes to press a kiss to his nose.
“You got that right.”
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goodlucktai · 3 years
enough here to survive
@natsumeweek 2021 day 3; seasons/change
read on ao3
(previous part)
It will take almost a full year to convince his father. 
Shuuichi has to throw around words like “recruitment” and “investment” and “contingency” that taste like ash in his mouth, feeling like some kind of sleazy salesman. 
But that’s what it takes to get the man’s flat refusal to move into reluctant consideration instead. 
Explaining Takashi’s situation at home—describing his bruises and the way he flinches when someone raises their voice—isn’t enough to make his dad think it over, but his own family’s health and safety certainly is.
Shuuichi paints him a picture of a potentially powerful protector, should those vengeful spirits they’re all so afraid of come knocking someday; and, if that fails, a fall guy. A patsy. Someone to take the blame.
This is as much as Shuuichi can do for now. 
In the meantime, he picks Takashi up from school, as promised. 
Sometimes they end up in the park where Shuuichi will help him with his homework, and sometimes they end up at a combini where Shuuichi will cajole him into spoiling his dinner with expensive ice cream. Sometimes Takashi will have marks on his arms from human hands, but at least there are none left there from random yokai anymore. 
He comes out of his shell more and more every day, like a brave little hermit crab. It’s amazing the difference it makes just having someone around who sees the same world he sees. It makes a difference to Shuuichi, too. It peels him out of his bitter, angry armor, piece by piece.
Now and then, they encounter some of Shuuichi’s classmates around town. He doesn’t talk to much of anyone at school—and no one goes out of their way to talk to him, either—but apparently he’s much more approachable when there’s a little kid clinging to his hand. 
“Is this your brother, Natori?” Hinata, a girl from his homeroom, asks one day. They ran into her outside the convenience store and her eyes lit up when she saw them. Crouching in front of Takashi with bright eyes, she coos, “Oh, he looks just like you! You both have such fair hair.”
Takashi glances up as if to gauge Shuuichi’s reaction to this assessment, but at that moment, apparently, the lizard chooses to slink across the bridge of Shuuichi’s nose. Takashi dissolves into giggles, and Hinata clearly thinks he’s the cutest thing since Cinnamoroll. She refuses to let them leave until she’s bought Takashi some candy. 
After that she seeks Shuuichi out in class to ask about his brother—and then somehow that evolves into heated discussions about a TV drama they both follow religiously—and within a month Shuuichi ends up with her cellphone number and a standing invitation to watch new episodes with her and her boyfriend every Sunday. 
“My life has gotten a lot weirder with you in it, kid,” Shuuichi tells Takashi one day, only half-joking. 
He’s sitting in the grass with his arms spread out in front of him while Takashi conducts an experiment with the lizard tattoo, asking yes or no questions for it to respond to—right arm being ‘yes’ and left arm being ‘no.’ So far nothing much has come of it, the lizard curled up in the hollow of Shuuichi’s throat instead, but it seems to like the attention. It keeps wagging its head or tail when Takashi talks to it. At one point it appears to roll over. This is a magical development as far as the kid is concerned. 
“Good-weird?” Takashi asks hopefully. 
Rolling his eyes, Shuuichi says, “Obviously. You don’t have a bad bone in your body, Takashi.”
Takashi beams, as delighted by that as he is by the stupid tattoo. 
“You should give the lizard a name,” Takashi adds a beat later. 
“Absolutely not.”
Then one day in late September, Shuuichi stops by Takashi’s school only to find out he never showed up that morning. Takashi’s homeroom teacher recognizes him and seems to have made the same assumption everyone else has made. 
“Your parents called him in sick today,” she says, looking faintly worried. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”
Shuuichi doesn’t even remember to say goodbye. He just spins around and starts running. Sasago appears beside him, and he says, “Find him!”
For a shiki that doesn’t truly belong to him, she obeys swiftly. Takashi just has that effect on people.
Sasago has never had any trouble finding Shuuichi no matter where he goes. It’s not something he’s ever thought to test, it’s just something he counts on. He doesn’t know how he knows that she’ll be able to locate one little human in a city of about one million humans, but he knows she will. 
And she does. 
She returns to Shuuichi not even five minutes later and guides him to a nearby hospital.
He’s almost fifteen years old and entirely frantic, and if everyone is going to take one look at them and decide they’re family, then Shuuichi is going to make that work for him. 
“My little brother is here,” he says, his words coming out in unsteady lurches as he gulps for air. He doesn’t even have to fake the plea in his tone. He really doesn’t have to act at all. “Natsume Takashi, where is he?” 
Later on, he’ll scoff about the thin veneer of patient confidentiality, but he’s hardly going to complain about it now, as he’s almost immediately ushered down the hall. He outpaces the nurse when he sees Takashi’s name on a temporary door placard, and lets himself into the room without waiting for permission or approval. 
Some adults are lingering in the corner, talking in low voices, and they barely glance at Shuuichi when he barges in. Whatever, Shuuichi doesn’t care about them either. His eyes fly straight to his shiki, where she hovers protectively over a tiny figure huddled in the chair next to the window. 
Takashi has two black eyes and his arm is in a short cast. He doesn’t even lift his head when Shuuichi stumbles over to him.
“Oh my god, kid,” Shuuichi whispers. “Hey, look at me. Takashi?”
It takes a minute, but Takashi finally glances up at him through his fringe. Shuuichi sinks to his knees in front of the chair. It almost feels like the moment they first met, except it’s a different manner of monster that hurt him this time. And it’s not just cuts and bruises.
There are shadows in his face that have never been there before, ones that look as though they’ll cling to him permanently if no one does something about them. He seems so vacant and forgotten. None of the adults are even looking at him. It’s like no one sees him. He might as well be another ghost. 
“There’s nowhere else to send him,” one of the strangers by the door is saying grimly. “We might have to look into an institution.”
“Actually,” Shuuichi blurts loudly, “he’s coming with me.”
It turns out they have a lot of opinions about that but he doesn’t care. He scoops Takashi up and sits down in the chair Takashi was sitting in and holds him in both arms. Just refuses to get up or let go. His heart is rattling in his chest the whole time, but this is important. 
And Sasago is right beside them, where she always is. She’s ready to attack in whatever direction Shuuichi points her in. He won’t let it come to that, but it’s reassuring to have the option. 
Eventually, when it’s clear he won’t be reasoned with, someone calls his father. 
His father takes one look at Shuuichi and sighs. Shuuichi lifts his chin. His father calls the family attorney. 
Afternoon passes into evening. All the adults are having a heated, complicated-sounding conversation behind a closed door. When it becomes clear no one will be home in time for dinner, a receptionist stops by with sandwiches and sports drinks for Shuuichi and Takashi. Her eyes look ancient with sadness when she takes in Takashi’s battered little face. 
Takashi’s guardians finally show up when the supervising doctor and the Natori attorney start making noises about getting the police involved. By now, Takashi is asleep, but Shuuichi is still wide-awake. He glares at them with all the hate he keeps saved up in his heart for monsters. They don’t even glance at the boys on their way past.
“He’s a clumsy kid,” Shuuichi overhears the woman saying frantically, through the door she and her husband left cracked open behind them. “He fell down the stairs.”
Bullshit, Shuuichi thinks, and is surprised to hear his father say it at the same time. 
“Apparently the child has made quite the impression on the staff here,” their attorney says amiably. You’d never guess how blood-thirsty he actually was from his tone. There’s a reason the Natori family keeps him on retainer. “We’ve got quite a few people willing to come forward if this situation goes to court. Maybe there’s a way we could settle this peacefully.”
By midnight, all the papers are in order. Bureaucracy moves quickly when you have enough money to throw at the right people. Takashi’s guardians sign him away like he’s a used car they don’t want anymore and arrange a time to drop off all of his possessions, and that’s it. 
Shuuichi is no longer an only child. 
It might not stand up if a long-lost relative comes along and presses for custody, but relatives like that seem to be in short supply in Takashi’s family. 
“He’ll be your responsibility,” his father says on the ride home, as if he’s not talking to a teenager who shouldn’t even be responsible for himself, let alone a five-year-old. 
Shuuichi nods anyway. Takashi is asleep against his side again, a heavy reminder. Shuuichi will do whatever he has to. He’ll be whatever he needs to be. 
He promised Takashi he would keep the monsters away, and that’s what he’s going to do.
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blueberrypossum · 4 years
Seeing the Opposing Side 
Dastardly Danny x female cop!reader
Hey guys! @greaser-wolf and I are back at it again with trading ideas and our ocs and such. I wasn't going to post this but she wanted everyone to see the story (so heckin nice I swear). For the confusion, shiki is @greaser-wolf oc that is a yokai fire pig cop that has a complicated love story with dastardly Danny, please check out her blog for amazing drawings of her and Danny! Hope you guys guys enjoy!!
⚠️WARNING ⚠️: There will be inappropriate language and themes in this! Along with graphic scenes such as blood and wounds!
Word Bank:
Carrying a torch- Having a crush on someone/ being by someone’s side 
“I won’t let you down, chief.”
Your hands trembled as you took the criminal file your boss handed you, adrenaline rushed through you like a fever as he walked away and you sat back down at your desk. 
The police stations hummed with warm life as you got comfortable in your chair, the only loud sounds that advanced the quiet talk of the officers was the phone calls and the occasional scream from a prisoner.
This was your first case on your own without the other idiot cops that you were placed under, as your boss stated, “you need someone to guide you before you go out on your own,” and then the griffin and the gorilla that was teaching you let out the bloody Mud Dogz on your first day of training. 
Oh that day was awful and you hated reliving the memory inside your head.
Your hooves pulled the file open as you took a sip of coffee, the hot liquid almost spilling over your desk as you read who you were going after. 
“The bloody Mud Dogz?!”
The few yokai beside you looked over and you tried to shrink into your seat, your hooves clinching the mugshots of each Mud Dog. Of course, of fucking course it had to be them, it had to be him!
 Your hooves bent against the picture of Dastardly Danny, the wicked smile he held in the photo gave you shivers down your spine. You’ve had a run in with him a few times, along with watching them leave the prison due to every cop in here not having a single brain cell. Your hands still ached from the cleaning duty you had to do after that.
But not anymore, you were a real cop, and you were going to prove it.
Your eyes strolled through the basic info of him, his age, height, the crimes he has done along with his group. From all the ones you’ve read, Danny’s looked innocent against them. 
In all honesty, The Mud Dogz didn’t really do bad things. They never harmed anyone and they only stole from those who weren’t poor, it was mostly rich people who would call saying they were robbed by them. Of course they would rob places like this, and worked with other crime lords of the Hidden City.
You took another sip from your coffee as you read the last known sighting of him: The Mystic Train Station. You got your gear ready for the long road ahead, with the train station being half way across the city. You strapped your laser gun against your belt and a few portable traps, along with your phone and your badge and headed towards the exit, the other larger and stronger guards almost pushing past you as if you were still an errand runner.
For months you had been one, getting the coffee, getting the files, copying paperwork and not once going out on the field. 
Not a single cop in here believed in you, yokai’s that were as small as you were known to be weak, to be on the backburner without a choice, but that didn’t matter to you. What mattered to you was that the Mud Dogz were going down, no matter the cost.
You made it to the train station, the underground building poured with life as citizens dove in and out of the train at rapid speed. Security guards were posted around almost every entrance of the metal hole dug in the ground, the dark and damp station was only lit by a few hanging lights and the lights that were inside of the train. One of the many trains came to a screeching halt as you strolled past the other security guards as your eyes examined the area; The Mud Dogz usually wore their signature colors of blue, purple, and orange. You pulled your denim jacket closer to hide yourself from the chilly breeze that drifted into the area. You decided to change before you left your apartment since your cop outfit would attract too much attention, especially since you were on a manhunt. 
The sighting that was described in the file was that the ogre and the rat were spotted here taking the train, the destination they went to was unknown but it seemed they used this way of travel frequently. You took a sip of your second cup of coffee, the heat that steamed out of it warmed your lips in the chilly fall weather. With how many yokai stormed through the area, you didn’t know if you should make a scene or not when you found your target, there were innocent people here and you didn’t want any casualties. Maybe you could find them and sneak your way over to-
Your body slammed into someone else, your back firmly landing against someone’s lower shoulder. A small gasp broke through your mouth as you tried to make sure your drink didn’t spill on you or the yokai you apparently backed into. The stranger’s arms held you firm as they helped you regain your balance. 
“Ah! I’m so sorry! I guess I should be looking at where I am going!” You scrambled out, your face growing red with embarrassment.
“No problem at all, doll. It was nothing more than a scuffle.”
Wait a damn minute.
You swiftly turned around and felt the grip on your beverage tighten as you were face to face with Dastardly Danny, a smug smile curled on his face as his tall frame overshadowed you, his long tail swayed back and forth as if he saw the dots connect in your head. 
You felt your eyebrows raise with shock and then they buried down into your eyes in irritation, your right hand hovering over your laser pistol. 
“Dastardly Danny, you are under arrest! I order for you to come quietly and willingly, or else there will be trouble.”
“Daw, I don’t even get a please, toots?”
“Officers don’t ask.”
“And criminals don’t play dirty.”
He was in your face now, his whiskers close enough to tickle your snout, a smirk navigated his face as his tail wrapped around you and then spun you around, his body easily getting past you and onto one of the multiple paths that led deeper into the train station, his thin figure blending into the crowd as they followed. Once you regained your balance, you threw the drink away and chased after him, your body pushing past the other yokai as the hunt began. 
Your feet stomped against the cemented ground, your eyes caught on the only thing that was unique about Danny against the other yokai: his torn ear that peaked out of his hat. You didn’t pull out your gun though, you couldn’t or else it would freak out the civilians and cause a massive wave of chaos. You couldn’t lose him now, not when he was this close. 
Danny came to a stop as he was face to face with an escalator, his lean body easily going in the middle and slid down the metal slope, his feet landing perfectly as you reached the moving stairs. 
You let out a frustrated grunt and stormed down the stairs, pushing past the civilians as you lost Danny into the several batches of animals. 
Come on! Come on, think Shiki! Think! 
You then leapt up onto the edge of a fountain and scanned the open room, your head darting back and forth as you tried to find the coffee-colored rat.
Hey! Watch it!”
Your head turned to see the criminal rat run into a bigger yokai, the rat politely taking his hat off as he ran by and you hopped off the ledge of the fountain. 
“Dastardly Danny! Get back here!”
“Not a chance, sweetheart! I appreciate your persistence though!” 
His hairless tail was in your sight now, your trained body easily gaining momentum to catch up to him. But the rat knew he was being hunted and he soon started to switch up his walking pattern, his stride crossing in-between different animals and going behind a few pillars that held up the structure. 
While Danny was taller than most normal yokai and they moved when they saw him barreling towards them,  you would almost be run over by the horde of animals that walked past you, almost as if you were the obstacle instead of them.  
Maybe I should’ve worn my uniform. 
“Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!”
You shoved past a bear yokai as Danny got onboard the train, his rat tail flicking from side to side as the door closed behind him. You came to a tight halt at the glass door, your enclosed hand hitting against the window, your breaths coming out ragged and sweat was dripping down your brow, but Danny’s composer was calm and his chest barely rose as his arm bent and leaned against the door. 
His eyes lazily looked down at you through the glass, his breath creating a grey shadow over the clear frame and his claws wrote the words “Nice try” in the window as the train started to build up for take off. You desperately looked for a way in, but once the doors were closed there was no way to get in. The railroad blueprint printed itself into your mind and you calculated how far each stop and the different intersections of railroads. 
As the train easily started to make its way down the tunnel, you kept your eyes locked onto Danny’s. His murky eyes traveled up and down your body, as if he was trying to see what you would do next, his hands now going in his pockets and his shoulders shrugged, as if you had lost. But you sent your own sly grin to him as you ducked by the nearest yokai and headed straight for the construction site on the left, the yellow police tape tearing under your hands as you raced through the darkness. 
Your hooves worked against each other until a small flicker of fire grew in your hands, the only sound you could hear was the vibration of the trains grooving throughout the under tunnel system and your heart pulsing in your short ears. You jumped over a bridge that was barely built, your short yet strong legs carried you easily over it, your ears flicking back and forth as you tried to listen for the train. You continued your jog through the inky cave, leftover construction hats and equipment littered the ground as you came to a huge opening to a narrow path, below you was one of the railroad tracks. 
The wind that blasted through the hollowed tunnel blew out the flame that boiled in your hands. 
“Ugh! Come on!”
You kept snapping the edge of your hooves until another dash of life blossomed in your hand and you could take in your surroundings once more. The ground beneath you started to rumble and you bent down to watch as the headlights of the train started to enter the thin subway and then the metal car went flying by you, the roar of the train whistle blistered into your eardrums and you used your free hand to cover up one ear. Your jacket flew around you and you turned on your heel to get a running start. 
You let out a shaky breath as you extinguished the light from your hand and the only thing lightning up your path was the spotty fragments of the train cars.  And you sprinted across the dirt road and then leapt onto the top of the metal animal, your hooves clinging into the scrap as the wind sped into your exposed ears. Your hand felt around for the hatch and your fingers gripped around it and you rose up on the train to pull the hole open. The air from your lungs was being sucked out of you as you pushed every muscle in your body to open it and the metal hatch let out a low hiss as it was popped open. 
You dove in and pulled the hatch with you and everything was black. 
Through the darkness, you could make out the forms of boxes and supplies and you figured you were in one of the supplies carts. You took in a few breaths of air as the adrenaline and the caffeine rocked in your veins and your heart felt like it was dancing throughout your body. You grew another flare of fire in your hand as you made your way forward and to the door that would lead you to the next carriage. You hoped in-between the carts until you got to one that was full of yokai, your light instantly going out as you shoved past the different animals, your mind counting the carts until you got to the one that the rat was on. 
Your eyes narrowed into slits as you prowled the train car, the different species of animals barely even noticing you as you tried to find the plum colored outfit that shouldn’t blend this easily in the row of dull colors. And then you saw it, his tail barely peeking over behind someone. You hid within the shadows casted by the passengers and the purple-wearing rat was in your sight. Your hooves gripped around the pistol and pulled it out, the barrel of it digging into his back.
"Did you really think you could get away from me that easily?” You asked, the stiffness in his posture brought pleasure to your heart. 
Danny looked at you through the reflection of the glass, your red shirt and jacket were scruffed up and the once holeless jeans now had a horizontal tear across your knee. The few tufts of hair that was on your head were whipped lashed and the fur on your face was tangled within themselves. But you were steady on your feet and the gun that dug into his back was handled in a tamed manner. 
You were surely different than the police officers he usually had to deal with. 
“Me? Wanting to get away from you? Never,” he purred to your reflection and you squint your eyes at him. You push yourself in front of him, the gun now lowered to your thigh but still pointing towards him. 
“Now, you listen to me, darling,” you whispered to him, your voice joking around the word darling. “When we get off this train, I am putting your hands in cuffs and taking you to jail. Got it?”
Danny crossed his arms over his chest, “I don’t even get a five-second headstart?”
“You didn’t give me one.”
You felt skin under your fur relax and you leaned against the pole across from him, the bronzed tunnel foggy behind you as the atmosphere between you two went heavy and silent. 
 “How did ya get on here, anyway?”
You looked at your reflection in the window and how much of a wreck you looked like and you used your free hand to untangle the clumps of fur. 
“Oh, I just intersected the railroad and then hop on,” you said nonclonently, your fingers combing through your short hair and then turned to see the rat yokai staring wide-eyed at you, one singular eyebrow raised. 
“You jumped onto this train?”
“Wow, what a woman you are.”
A pretty blush pranced against your face and you instantly turned away, hoping that your chocolate-colored fur would hide the redness. You were used to men joking to you, you knew the slang in their voice when they did it. But Danny didn’t have that, he never had that when you talked to you. 
Why was he always polite to you? Most criminals would be hollering curse words like there is no tomorrow.
You remembered one of the multiple lessons in your college class for becoming an officer. A lawbreaker will try to persuade you or flirt with you to find a way of getting out of being arrested. Still, it felt good for someone to compliment you on your hard work for once. 
Your father’s image splattered in your hand and for a split second you closed your eyes, pushing the brooding memory out of your head. You opened your eyes to find Danny watching you, his eyes studying you as you came back to your surroundings. 
He has no control over you anymore, Shiki, get over it. No one controls you.
“You remind me of my father.”
“Why thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment, Dastardly.”
“Is that why you’re trying so hard to get me?”
Maybe. Maybe I just want to be told I did something right for once.
You both arrived at the new station, the sigh overhead in the train cart you were in said that you were near the Battle Nexus and the Crying Titan. As the horde of animals shoved past you, you made sure to keep your gun up against Danny’s back as you led him out of the train and away from wandering eyes. Once behind of the pillars you cuffed him, the irritating ring of the metal cuffs caused both of your ears to twitch. 
“No running? No cursing?” You asked, your hands gripping the cuffs behind his back. The tall rat gave a shrug.
“I know when I’ve been bested, and how can I be mad if it's from you?” You pushed him forward and he let out a light chuckle as you presented him to the citizens of the Hidden City.
And the way the public stared and how some families scooted their children away was a confidence boost you needed as you shoved him along, his small grunts barely reached you as you took him up and through the train station until you both made it to the exit. 
It was nighttime when you both made it out of the train station, the already once dark city was now pitch-black, the hanging lights looking like fallen stars. The buzz of life was barely a whisper as stores started to close and the awakening of nightclubs replaced it.
You could see your breath dance in front of you as you continued to force Danny onward, the yokai’s who boarded with you were now heading back to your homes. You thought about calling backup and didn’t have to endure the long walk ahead, but you didn’t want to disturb the station, along with you didn’t anyone take this credit. 
It was silent between you two, and whenever you would almost trip on Danny's tail he would look back with a shit-eating grin. 
Why did you find criminals handsome? Of course the one trait you got from your mother was similar attraction.
“Down here, this alleyway will get us to the station faster,” you ordered, your grip on him forcing him to turn down one of the ghastly alleyways, the bricks covered in graffiti and grime.
“If you just wanted to be alone with me, all you had to do was ask, sweetheart,” Danny chuckled, the desire in his voice almost made you stop in your tracks, but then you stepped right on his tail as payback. 
“Whoops,” you snickered, a smile playing on your lips as you saw his painful expression.  
“Wowza! I’m guessin’ that cops play dirty as well?” He breathed out, his tail swishing back and forth to forget about the pain.
You then came to a full stop, your ears twitching as you finally took in your surroundings. You were used to the silence of the dead part of town, but this was too quiet, as if the animals of the city were in hiding. You looked around the enclosed space you were and then started to hurry the rat ahead. 
“Whoa what’s with the hussle, toots?”
“Something isn’t right, we need to get out of here. Now.”
And then you saw the pair of glowing eyes down the pathway, the blue orbs blinking and the pupils flipping into thin lines as the creature spotted you and Danny. 
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the famous Dastardly Danny,” the voice purred, and a large white tiger walked out of the overshadow, his thin tail curling against his back. 
“Been a long time old friend.”
Danny let out a groan and a small ‘tch’ under his breath. 
“Good to see ya again, Liam, how's the business doing?”
“It was doing brilliant until you and that ridiculous group of yours ruined it.”
You looked up at Danny and then back at the tiger yokai, your hand pulling out your laser gun and aiming it at the white tiger known as Liam. 
“You are interjecting with official business, walk away or I will shoot,” you stated, and then two more yokai joined Liam behind him. You felt your eyes grow wide with fear as a wildebeest yokai and a fox yokai fell into line with their boss, their claws and hooves shined in the dimly lit alleyway. 
Did bad luck just run in my family?
You slowly backed up, your hand clutched over the middle of the handcuffs and you tried to focus in on the scruff noise Danny’s shoes made instead of the peering eyes that looked at like you were a meal. 
“Officer, if you run now, we won’t bother you. We just want Danny,” Liam said, a large paw went over his chest where his heart was placed. 
A thousand thoughts charged through your head as you gazed up at Danny, who almost seemed to lean in front of you like a shield. You could give Danny to them, you could try to take all of them down, take Danny with you, let Danny go and both of you run. 
Anger singed through you. This isn’t how this was supposed to go! You were supposed to get the bad guy, bring them to jail, and be the police officer you wanted to be! The cop you needed to be!
You kept good yokai safe, you kept innocent animals alive and took down the villain in the story, but now, as the gun shook on your hands, you took aim and shot at the men as you pushed Danny out of the enclosed space. 
“Go!” You ordered and continued to shoot at the three criminals, the agile yokai’s quickly dodging the hot bullets. One of the bullets landed in the fox’s shoulder and you sprinted towards them to dodge Liam’s attack and then to knee the horned yokai, your foot then came into contact with his stomach as you spun, sending the male henchmen into the bricked wall. You turned to continue to shoot, but a large hand wrapped itself around your throat and gun and pinned you against the rigged wall, the points and curves digging into your back as Liam’s claws dug into your neck.
“Will any of your fellow officers miss you if you were gone? What about your family?” He questioned, his nails broke past your skin and you could feel the warm liquid stain his hand. A yelp escaped your lips and your legs lifted up to kick him, but the fox held you down. 
“Because with how stupid you act, I can’t believe that anyone out there would care about you.”
You didn’t even realize the tears that were falling down your face until your fur went completely damp on your face. 
Your vision started to get blurry and stars started to sparkle at the corner of your eye, and then a loud grunt came from white tiger strangling you and the claws released you. 
You wheezed for air as your body slid down the wall, your eyesight barely coming back as you listened to the violent grunts of fighting. Your hand was still wrapped around your gun, the strain in your hooves started to pinch your nerves.
“Come on, is dat your best hit?”
Danny?! Danny came back to help? He didn’t run? What kind of criminal is he?
As your vision started to clear, you could make out the figures in front of you. Danny was quick on his feet, his body easily dodging the punches and kicks the yokai’s threw to him. But he was losing, the blood that soaked his suit and his nose, along with his hands still being cuffed. Your throat burned but you took aim anyway, shooting the wildebeest in his chest, sending him flying back. 
The three men looked back at you as you rose up, coughs still escaping your mouth as you checked how many rounds you had left.
 The rat was at your side as you both were cornered against the wall, dry coughs still raging out of your mouth as he looked down at you. 
“Y’know, it would be easier to fight if I didn’t have these around me,” he stated, his hands raising up, the metal shackles showed signs of digging into his fur. 
“I already let you go, you’re the one who decided to come back.”
“You’re pop didn’t seem to teach ya manners.”
“Oh my- fine! Fine!”
Before the last two yokai could attack, you took the keys out and unlocked his cuffs, the metal material falling to the ground as Danny rubbed his wrists, a cat-like smile growing into his face.
“Now the fights even.”
Danny picked up the fallen cuffs and curled them into his hand, punching them in Liam’s face as you continued to shoot at the fox yokai, his fast and quick body dodging almost every shot. But his shoulder was weak from the last shot and when he pounced you lifted the butt end of the gun and slammed into his injured shoulder. The orange mammal let out a yelp and your elbow went into his stomach, and then a fist in the face made him flip backward and plant face first into the ground. 
One down, one more to go. 
Danny ducked as the white tiger swiped at him, his claws tearing into the bricks behind him and almost into the rat’s hat. A growl ran its way through your throat and you shot at the tiger, one laser point going into his back, his body rapidly moving away, his icy eyes landing on you. A low snarl rumbled in his neck and he punched Danny down the alleyway, the large crash echoed back towards you as his body and trash cans came in contact. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you continued to shoot at Liam, and then the clicking of an empty slot reflected throughout the area. 
Of course.
The white tiger charged then, knocking the gun out of your hands and you stumbled away, your arms raising up to dodge the hits he threw. But he was a tower compared to you, you had to face guys like him in the academy, but this was your first fight alone. You ducked as another hit came towards you, fear became power as you decided to strike. Your hooves swiped at him, the curve cutting into his cheekbone, and then another one into his stomach. 
Liam let out a roar and his claws went into your leg, the razer-like talons dug into your jeans, quickly breaking past the fabric and into your fur and flesh. A scream raged through you as the nails shredded into your leg muscle and then with a long and antagonizing slowness, he threw you to the side. You could taste the salty blood in your mouth and your leg was feverish and wet, with the loss of air and blood, your vision once agains went blurry. The night was cold against your damp fur, and before you blacked out, all you could think about was your father, and how he was right about you.
You were a failure.
You woke you with a start, sweat pouring through your fur as you blinked several times to take in your surroundings. You were on someone’s couch, the black leather under you was worn and old. You took in the apartment around you, the grey walls were dim against you and the area seemed to be clean, seemed.
A hiss of pain passed your teeth and you looked down, your jeans were completely cut off until it was to your wound, which was now bandaged and cleaned. Your neck still burned and it was wrapped as well, the calmly ointment stuck to your fur. A bottle of water and medicine laid next to you on a stool and a blanket was curled around you. 
Where am I? What happened to Liam and Danny?
You tried to lift yourself up, but the pain that blasted from your right thigh brought you right back down. Shouldn’t you be in a hospital, not in someone’s apartment?  Then you heard it, the small chatter of voices in the room next to you and you went for your gun, but it was gone. You checked your whole belt and everything you had packed for this hunt was gone. 
Alright, whoever touched me is done for. 
You looked around and saw the coffee table stuffed with medical gear, ranging from antibiotics and pills. You spotted the scissors that were used to cut your bandages. You lifted yourself up on your elbows and let out a shaky breath and leaned over to the wooden table, the tip of your hooves barely grasping the blade before you completely rolled off the couch. 
A violent grunt came out of your throat and your hand went to your side, the row of bruises under your fur ached against your body. 
The voices went still and the patter of footsteps rushed into the room with you, your free hand going for the scissors and hiding it under yourself. 
You watched with half-closed eyes as four pairs of legs came into view, your head felt hot with fever as someone helped you up and back on the couch. Through the lights of the ceiling you could barely make out the figure that felt against your forehead. 
“How ya doing, doll?”
The significant details in his face came into view as he smiled down at you, his tall figure no longer in a suit but in a regular t-shirt and pants, a few wraps were around his arms as well. 
“Ohhhhhh, I would have rather been beaten to death,” you groaned as you placed your hands over your eyes, the urge to scream out weighed heavy in your lungs. 
“Well that’s a weird way to say thanks.”
More anger bubbled in your stomach as you recognized Loathsome Leonard’s voice, so that meant the whole Mud Dogz group was here, and that you were in their home. What will your boss think if he finds out? What would he do to you since not only did you let the Mud Dogz get away, but you were wounded and taken to their hideout. Maybe you wouldn’t get to leave, maybe they wanted to get rid of you so you no longer bothered them. 
You opened your eyes with a sigh. 
No, if they wanted you gone, if Danny wanted you gone he would have left you on that street, he wouldn’t have brought you back here, he wouldn’t have bandaged you up…
“Okay, who ripped my jeans?”
A female cat came up from behind the ogre, her thin tail swishing back and forth. 
“Sorry about that. But it was the only way to get to your wound without undressing you. Also I’m the one who stripped you of your weapons, Danny’s orders that no guy touched you,” she said, her eyes going over the medical table, her eyes narrowing. 
You felt a large pressure release from your shoulders that a girl looked at you, even if she was working with other criminals. The cat yokai looked over at Danny and then eyed the table, his eyes following hers. That pressure was replaced with panic as you pushed your back further into the couch, the cold blade digging into your shirt.
“Luckily for you, that leg didn't need stitches. They should heal on their own time with proper care daily. ”
“I know.”
The brown cat raised an eyebrow and walked past you and to the kitchen, her eyes flicking over you as if you prey. 
“Okay, little piglet, then you don’t need my assistance anymore.”
You puffed out a gust of air and placed your hand over your wounded leg and groaned as the long gashes moved under your touch. Leonard and Mickey looked over at Danny and he gave them a curt nod and they followed the feline into the kitchen, their bodies disappearing. The rat was about to follow, but your voice stopped him in his tracks. 
He turned back to look at you, to look at little and weak you. But you held yourself strong up on your elbows once again, the sweat dripping from your eyebrow showed the strength you were using to get yourself up. For a while, Danny just believed that you were just another cop, too dumb to notice and too native to care. But you were persistent, you chased him down with every last tooth and nail you had, you jumped onto a bloody train to catch up to him. 
You were unique. You were stubborn. You fought for what you wanted.
 So, when you left him go to save him from Liam and his gang, he knew he had to come back for you. When Liam sank his claws into you, Danny took him down and carried you back to the Mud Dogz apartment, instantly calling up Leonard’s feline friend to patch you up. 
He knew about the scissors under your back, but he sat on the end of the couch from you, his body relaxed against your paranoid one. 
“Why what?”
“I’ve been chasing after you for months. You know it, and yet, you’re nice to me, you make jokes when your life's on the line. And when you had the chance to run, when you had the chance to get rid of me once and for all; You didn’t. What kind of criminal are you?!”
The rat’s tail twitched and he gently leaned towards you, his eyes interested in the words you were spilling out. You went stiff under his gaze and you fully lifted yourself up, your back now leaning against the armrest of the couch. 
“You said I reminded you of your father, is he a criminal as well?”
You clenched your teeth in your mouth and you crossed your arms over your chest, the blade you sat on now was calling your name to pick up and attack. You were talking to a felon, someone who broke laws and ruined yokai’s lives, but his file came back to your mind. He never stole from the poor, he never hurt anyone, and he reminded you nothing of your father. 
“Yes, but I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
The luminosity of the ceiling lights appeared over you as Danny took in a full look of you. You were pretty, gorgeous even, your dark coffee fur shined brightly in the room, the outline of your fur dusted with gold. He wouldn’t admit that he found your snout and the few tufts of fur on your head cute, nor that he found you attractive, but he would admit that you were unlike anything he had ever known. 
“You seem real conflicted, doll. Something on yer mind?”
You let out a breathless chuckle as you looked up at the light.
“You are so different from what I was taught to go after. My father, other criminals, I’ve watched yokai’s kill for money, I’ve watched families be torn by murder. My father was the same, but you, the Mud Dogz, are not. They don’t teach you that there are different criminals.”
You balled your hands into fists and held the tears that were trying to build back. 
“But I can’t rise to the top without following orders. I can’t get the respect I deserve without taking out the criminals I was trained to hunt for! And since I failed at protecting my mother and siblings from my father, a bloody criminal, I guess I feel like I need to save the city from criminals! But who are even the criminals anymore?! Yokai like you or the ones who step over me like I’m nothing!!”
You were gasping for air now, the blade now in your hands, every muscle in your body pushed against the tip of your hooves as you held it with every fiber of your life.
“That tiger was right, no one sticks around me when things start to fail.”
 You wondered if the other members of the Mud Dogz had heard you, but for once you didn’t care. You were failing, just like he said you would, the years you trained to become better, stronger than most was worth nothing in this moment. 
Danny hadn’t moved a muscle as your panic sizzled over you like an electric wave. The conflict that seemed to control you was something he hadn’t seen from other officers. Most broken animals were because of a missing or abusive parent, and to hear that you had to become the hero for your mother and siblings made more sense with how unbreakable you were, but you were already broken so many times that there was nothing left to break.  
“Do you feel like yer doing that?” Was all he asked. 
“Doing what?”
“Saving people, helping the city?”
You were quiet for a second and you rested your head on your stable knee. 
“Because I’m being told to go after men like you, when real criminals are getting away.”
You then flipped the scissors over until the handle faced Danny, the tears gone and a newfound determination in your eyes. Danny gave you a smile and took the blade. Danny felt something in his heart twitch when your hand lightly touched him, the hard crack of your hooves and the softness of your fur. But he ignored it and threw the weapon onto the table
“ I will put you in a prison these days though, Dastardly Danny. I’m the type to not know when to quit.”
“If it’s you, then I’ll be honored.”
You woke up the next morning sore and uncomfortable.
After you and Danny had your chat, you were given your weapons back and the feline cat led you out of the apartment blindfolded. You were skeptical at first, but the sheek cat stated that it was that so then the cop standing in front of her wouldn’t know where they lived. It was a few minutes of walking until she untied it from your eyes and gave a wave goodbye after handing your black jacket back. 
“I cleaned it and patched up a few holes in it.”
“Oh! Ah, thank you.”
You wondered if you would see that cat again, but if she hanged out with the Mud Dogz, then you beat every dollar in your bank account that you would. 
You went straight home and fell asleep, and then called off work once you were awoken by your alarm. 
Yet when you called, the pride in your boss’s voice was noticeable.
“Good job with the arrest last night, I’m guessing you’re taking the day off due to injuries?”
“The arrest?”
“Liam Asad and his gang. They had been terrorizing store workers for weeks now.” 
You then got a notification on your phone and it was a message from one of your colleagues, you opened up the message while your boss mumbled on about it and saw that Liam and his two other goons were tied up out front of the police station, a note with your name on it stuck against the ropes. 
Shiki Chibana.
Your mind jumped back and forth with confusion and you went back to talking to your chief. 
“Anyway, good job again, Miss Cibana, enjoy your day off, you deserve it.” And then he hung up. 
You were still staring at the image of the yokais tied up when your room went silent. The mammals were beaten to hell, the blood stains from either fists or your laser pistol, and the penmanship on the paper wasn’t your handwriting. You recognized it instantly on every Mud Dogz calling card you studied.
You rushed as quickly as you could to get your jacket on, barely even seeing the piece of paper that flew out of it. You limped over to it once you spotted it and picked up the crumbled paper, coffee stains dotted against the sides.
“I’ll be carrying the torch for ya while you believe you’re failing.”
A little heart was curved into the word ya as you read Danny’s handwriting over and over, your hooved thumb brushing over the word torch. 
What did it mean? Danny used so many slanged words that you hardly knew what he was saying half the time. 
He turned Liam in, before you even had the heart-to-heart to him since you had this letter in your jacket pocket. You looked out your studio window and opened it, taking in the crips air and the busy sound of the city below. You continued to reread the letter over and over, your lips unknowingly curling into a shy smile. 
You weren’t afraid to admit when you were wrong, and maybe you were wrong about Danny. Or maybe you were just into bad boys with soft hearts. 
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brax-was-here · 3 years
Scarlet Briar: The Seeds of Life Chapter 14
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Written by: Braxxus
Chapter 14: New Time, New You
Sometimes you must be shown the way
“M’lady. We have received word from many of the leadership.” Nafiona heard Sila’s voice behind her. She turned to the mesmer who was bowing before her.
Nafiona took a sip of her wine before asking “What did they say?”
“M’lady…” Sila kept her head low. “Many of them refuse to attend the gathering. Only a few have sent word they shall be attending.”
“I planned as much that this would happen.” She turned and set her drink on a nearby table. “The fools would rather war amongst themselves, trying to conquer each other rather than find a common ground to reunify the Court.” She turned back to Sila. “They’ll fall just like the rest of the world.” She paused, lost in her thoughts for a moment. “Thank you, Sila.”
“Yes, m’lady.”
“I’m surprised the old base is still here.” Ceara whispered as the group entered a small escape tunnel hidden deep in the Wychmire Marsh.
“The Lionguard destroyed almost all of it. Collapsed much of it. Dismantled the rest.” Orla led them through the dark corridor. It led to the remains of a giant hanger that was used to construct airships for the invasion of Lion’s Arch. Ceara looked over the destroyed facility.
“You’re looking a bit melancholy.” Amaranda spoke softly.
“It’s just…just memories.” Ceara looked up at the far wall. She could make out the remains of the room that would have been her private quarters.
“No need to go up there.” She thought to herself.
“This way.” Orla motioned them to a corridor leading away from the hanger.
“How did you build such a vast complex?” Shikijo inquired.
“Well…I promised the Aetherblades power and glory beyond anything they had known. And I struck a deal with Faolain that the Nightmare Court would have the power to fell the Pale Tree with ease if they allowed me use of part of the arbor.”
“You mean Mordremoth promised them all power.” Liathlas said.
Ceara sighed deeply. “Yeah.”
Amaranda looked at Liathlas and slightly raised her finger to her and shook her head slightly. Liathlas got the hint, pursing her lips.
“So, you designed it and they built it for you.” Shikijo continued. “This facility must have been amazing!” he exclamined.
Ceara smiled slightly. “It was.”
The group slowly made their way through the ruined corridors until they reached the pathway that would take them deep in the home of the Nightmare Court.
“We must be cautious. While most of the Court has relocated to other parts of Tyria, there is still a sizable group that remains here.” Orla warned them.
“Where do you think Nafiona would have the seed?” Ceara asked.
Orla paused a moment, pondering the question. “Probably in Faolain’s great hall.”
Ceara rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “That might be too easy.”
Orla looked at her. “How so?”
“To put herself into an open area like that, making her an easy target. She is cunning, I give her that, but not stupid.”
“She does have Ordhram protecting her. He vows total loyalty to her, and she has plenty of others that guard her.”
“Yes, particulary those mesmers.”
“We’ll take care of them.” Liathlas chimed in.
“But first we have to find her. We should split up.” Ceara suggested.
“Is that wise? If she has as many guards protecting her as Orla says, we’ll be at a disadvantage.” Amaranda cautioned.
“Thorns.” Ceara spat.
“Would it be best if we split into two groups then?” Joujou suggested. “Shikijo and I have communicators. Each of us with a group and we can keep in contact.”
“That would probably be best.” Ceara agreed. “Remember stealth is of the essence here. Do not engage any of the courtiers until we find Nafiona. We don’t need to draw attention to ourselves until it’s time.” She looked over the group. “Me, Liathlas and Shikijo will be one group. Amee, you take Orla and Joujou.”
Amaranda nodded. “We’ll check out where Nafiona keeps her quarters.” Orla stated.
“And we’ll go to Faolain’s hall.” Ceara replied.
“Be careful.” Amaranda said to Ceara.
“Aren’t I always?” Ceara smiled.
“No.” Amaranda rebuttled swiftly.
“Be careful of spores.” Orla cautioned pointing out a group of barbed plants as the trio slowly made their way through the corridors.
“Spores?” Joujou asked.
“Yes. It’s a security measure. Brushing against the plants will cause them to release a cloud of poisonous gas.” She explained.
“That seems somewhat counter productive to the inhabitants, does it not?” Amaranda questioned. “You could end up killing yourselves.”
“Only if you don’t know how to maneuver around them.” They quickly made their way into a chamber lit softly by tall glowing plants.
“This is her quarters.” Orla spoke softly.
“She not here.” Amaranda whispered as she looked around the circular room. It was full of sylvari style furnishings. Bookshelves filled with tomes, a table with various sized containers, one of them expelling a light mist, a bed suspended between three trees, and a small rack of weapons, mostly sceptors and daggers.
“Someone is coming.” Orla suddenly warned. The group froze as they could hear footsteps approaching. Joujou quickly removed a small device from her belt and activated a switch, enveloping them within a field rendering them invisible. They moved away from the entrance and waited. A pair of Nightmare Courtiers approached the door accompanied by a nightmare hound. It raised its nose in the air, sniffing profusely.
“Something here?” one of the courtiers asked, looking down at the creature. Orla placed her hand on her dagger and quickly moved to exit the room. She gingerly maneuvered herself around the guards, standing a few feet behind them.
“He probably smells that mist she has.”
“Probably.” The hound then started growling lowly. Amaranda and Joujou watched as the guards placed their hands on their weapons, doing the same to their own.
“Excuse me, guards.” Orla appeared behind them. They turned and drew their weapons.
“What is she doing?” Joujou whispered.
“I’m not sure.” Amaranda sounded concerned.
“What do you want?” one of the guards asked.
Orla raised her hands in front of her. “I just…I just want to know if Nafiona is in. Is she here?”
“Of course not. Are you dense?” one of them asked seemingly annoyed. “She’s in the great hall preparing to show those traitors their errors.”
“Traitors? We have traitors in the Court?” Orla acted surprised.
“Oh yes. Those that would war against us. Our brothers and sisters that would rather see bloodshed than to try to unify us under the Courts banner again.”
Orla pondered a moment. “I understand. She means to bring the other dukes and duchess to heel.”
“Correct. Now, be on your way.” Orla bowed to them and started walking away. One of the guards motioned to the other to move on.
“The great hall? That must be Faolain’s hall.” Joujou deduced.
“Agreed. We should get there quickly.” Amaranda whispered in agreement.
“I’m surprised at the lack of guards here.” Shikijo whispered as the trio snuck through the hallways.
“After the death of Faolain, the Court fractured. They war amongst themselves for control.” Liathlas told him. “Many left to set up bases of their own in other parts of Tyria.”
“I see.” He replied.
“If I remember correctly, we’re nearing the hall.” Ceara whispered over her shoulder.
Shikijo’s communicator activated. “Shiki, are you there?” Joujou’s voice could be heard.
“I’m here. Keep it down. We’re nearing the great hall.” He whispered back.
“We found Nafiona’s quarters, but she’s not here. We overheard guards saying she was in the great hall.”
“Roger that, J2. We’re almost there.”
“We’ll meet you there.” The communicator went silent. Ceara put her hand up, motioning the others to be cautious as they neared the end of the corridor.
“There.” Ceara pointed. They could see Nafiona standing on a platform, her subordinate Ordhram standing not far behind her, the two mesmers standing at the base supporting the raise floor.
“How are we going to do this?” Liathlas whispered.
“You two stay here.” Ceara whispered back.
“What?” Liathlas shot back.
Ceara looked at her. “I have a plan.”
“Ordhram, what should I do with those that won’t see the way forward?” Nafiona asked.
“Make them suffer in ways they would have never thought possible, m’lady.” He offered, turning to her.
“Yes. Indeed, yes. They will all join our cause…or die a painful death. Or…” she pondered a moment. “I could just make them my undead servants.” She laughed. “Just think, Ordhram, with this seed augementing my necro abilities…why I could…”
“Stop right there!” Nafiona heard Oonag’s voice shout behind her. She turned, noticing Ceara slowly walking across the hall.
“I don’t believe it.” She sneered through her teeth.
“Go on. I want to hear the rest of your story!” Ceara shouted gleefully, her voice echoing through the hall.
“Can’t you just give up?” Nafiona asked disbelievingly.
“I don’t know how.” Ceara shot back, a large grin on her face.
Nafiona closed her eyes, shaking her head lightly. “You really are a thorn in my side.”
“Ooooh, nice pun! “Ceara exclaimed. “But very weak.”
“Why are you here? You know you can’t win. You are outnumbered and severely outmatched.
“That seed doesn’t belong to you. Now, if you would kindly give it back to me, I’ll be on my way.”
“You must be joking.” Nafiona said snidely. “Take her!” she commanded.
Ceara jumped as one of the mesmers summoned a field on the floor where she was standing.
“Now!” Liathlas shouted as Shikijo took aim with the Betaray 3000. He pulled the trigger, releasing a beam of ley energy that hit Nafiona, then bounced to Ordhram. The blast knocking the duchess to the floor.
“You’ll pay…” she growled rising to her feet. “Ordh- “. She paused as she saw her subordinate frozen in an energy field. “What is this!?” She turned peering into hallway.
“You’ll have to do better than that!” Ceara quipped as she dashed to the far end of the hall. “Need to put distance between me and that necromancer if I’m to deal with these two.” She thought to herself. Reaching the far wall, she turned to face her pursuers.
“We once followed you, Madame Scarlet.” Sila spoke.
“But you betrayed us.” Oonag continued.
“Oh, let me guess. You two are a pair that like to finish each other’s sentences, aren’t you?” Ceara asked snidely.
“Not really.” Sila answered, raising her sceptor in the air. Oonag tapped her staff on the floor. Various clones of each of two courtiers appeared near them and attacked Ceara. She dodged out of the way of the initial onslaught.
“I can play this game too!” she quipped. She quickly activated a defense shield to block the incoming attacks. Placing her goggles over her eyes, she activated her own set of holograms, placing markers on the actual mesmers.
“Get them, my loveys!” she commanded mockingly as the holograms retaliated against the mesmers. She activated her stealth field and withdrew from the fight.
Nafiona, engulfed in a dark fiery aura, descended from the platform, moving towards the corridor. She could see the forms of two figures in the shadows.
“Can’t you fire that thing again!? She’s coming.” Liathlas complained.
“I’m trying! The energy chamber needs to recharge! This is only a prototype, remember!” Shikijo shouted. “WHAAAA!” he screamed and he was dragged quickly from the corridor by an invisible force. Nafiona pulled the asura in front of her, suspending him in the air.
“You will suffer.” She growled at him just as an eldritch bolt hit her from the tunnel. She threw Shikijo to the side, slamming him face first into the nearby wall. He dropped to the floor, his weapon clattering beside him. She tried to pull LIathlas to her, but the sound of a mesmer teleport signaled that her attack had missed its target.
“I know you’re out there, mesmer.” She unsheathed the greatsword that Ordhram had forged, the seed glowing brightly in its hilt. She looked around intently. “Ah, there you are.” She hissed as she swung the weapon behind her. Liathlas darted out of the way just in time. She could feel the dark energy of the weapon passing in front of her as it caused her stealth field to disperse.
“Now, you die.” Nafiona glared at Liathlas. She quickly flipped the sword over, driving the blade into the ground. The impact released a wave of ice that instantly froze Liathlas in place.
Ceara watched as Nafiona dispatched Shikijo and froze Liathlas. “Well, this isn’t good.” She muttered as she tried to formulate a plan. “Amaranda, where are you?” she thought as an arrow pierced her cloak, imbedding itself in the side of her torso.
“Gah” she screamed as the sharp pain shot through her body. She turned to see a nightmare hound charging her. She drew her pistol as the creature leapt at her, knocking her to the ground, her shot missing its target. The beast clamped its jaws tightly on her gauntlet and started thrashing about. She grabbed it by the neck with all her strength and started squeezing its throat. The archer took aim at her as she laid on the ground, which didn’t go unnoticed. Ceara pushed the beast in the way of the arrow, which lodged in the hounds back. It cried in pain, letting loose its grip. Ceara punched it in the side of its head, knocking it to the ground. The archer drew back again. Ceara trained her pistol on her assailant in a flash and fired two rounds as the courtier let loose her arrow. Ceara’s bullet’s hit the ranger in the torso. Causing her stumble backwards as she clutched her midsection. The arrow became lodged in Ceara’s cloak. She quickly snapped both of them, grimacing at the pain of the arrowhead stuck in her torso as she quickly took note of the mesmers that were combatting her holograms. One lay unconscious on the floor as the other was holding her own quite handedly. Ceara took aim with her pistol and shot at Oonag, hitting her in the chest. She staggered backwards and collapsed, her staff clattering on the floor.
Amaranda and Joujou followed Orla through the dark corridors, doing their best to avoid any courtiers they happen to find.
“Are you sure we’re going to the right way?” Joujou asked. They heard the discharge of a projectile weapon and the sounds of combat not far ahead.
“I’m pretty sure.” Orla replied. They reached the end of the hallway. Ceara stood close and they could see Nafiona with Liathlas in her grasp at the far end of the hall.
“Ceara!” Amaranda called out as they rushed into the room.
“You made it.” Ceara responded.
“You’re hurt.” Joujou noticed the piece of the arrow stuck in her torso.
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me now. We have bigger problems.” She turned to Nafiona, who had just tossed Liathlas’s limp body aside and turned her attention to the group. Her body engulfed in a flickering dark flame. Ceara could see the seed glowing in the hilt of the Nafiona’s weapon.
“M’lady!” They heard Ordhram shout from the platform.
Nafiona turned. “You finally decided to join us.” Ordhram leapt from the platform and bowed to her, standing by her side. Nafiona turned back to Ceara.
“Twice I should have just ended you quickly.” Nafiona growled at Ceara. “This time I won’t make the same mistake.”
“The problem is you talk too much, necromancer.” Ceara shouted back. “All talk and no action.”
Nafiona raised her hand in front of her quickly. “Rise!” she commanded. Otherworldly creatures burst forth from the bodies of the fallen mesmers and rushed towards the group.
“Go.” Nafiona commanded. Ordhram drew his sword and shield and charged into the group as well.
Amaranda drew her swords, teleporting a short distance, leaving a clone of herself in her place. She conjured more clones to attack the demon-like creatures Nafiona had conjured. Joujou unholstered a pair of pistols and attacked as well.
“You betrayed us, sister.” Ordhram struck at the former courtier. Orla blocked his sword with a pair of daggers as she quickly sidestepped.
“No, brother. I was just shown the error of my ways.” She replied.
“You can’t return from Nightmare. It is the true way.” He growled at her, blocking her attack with his shield. He quickly smacked her away, knocking her to the ground.
In a flash, Ceara unslung her rifle and fired at Nafiona. She instantly disappeared in a dark cloud as the rounds passed by. Ceara’s goggles displayed a warning behind her. She spun around, swinging the rifle as a club just as Nafiona appeared behind her, striking with her sword. Ceara struck the necromancer in the ribs with the rifle, knocking her back. Ceara quickly pulled the trigger again, but the shot missed its mark. Nafiona growled as she gestured quickly. A wave of dark energy pulled Ceara’s feet from under her, causing her to fall. Nafiona swung her blade, knocking the rifle from Ceara’s hands. She raised her weapon and brought it down. In one swift motion, Ceara rolled, unhooking her beam saber and ignited the blade. She blocked Nafiona’s second strike just in time. The two women stared at each other.
“You cannot win.” Nafiona snarled at Ceara.
“It’s a gamble I’m willing to take.” Ceara growled back. The pair exchanged strikes, dodging and blocking each other.
“You realize that Mordremoth would have had us rule Tyria. Don’t you want that?” Nafiona asked as they locked swords again.
“That was a different time.” Ceara shoved her away. Nafiona struck at her again causing Ceara to spin to the side, slashing at her with her saber. Nafiona blocked the attack, their swords locking again.
“Oh? New time, new you?” Nafiona spat.
“Something like that.” Ceara puckered her lips and made kiss noises.
“Not a chan-“ Nafiona was cut off by Ceara quickly driving her forehead into her’s face, knocking the necromancer backwards. Ceara could feel her blood run from her forehead. She struck at Nafiona again, who blocked the first strike, which is what Ceara wanted. She quickly swung her weapon again, striking at the hilt of the Nafiona’s sword, slicing the seed free from the weapon.
“No!” Nafiona shouted. They held each other at sword point, slowly circling each other. As she passed over the seed, Ceara kicked it away from the fight, a sly smile on her face.
“I don’t need the seed to defeat you.” Nafiona said confidently, her lips twisted into a sneer.
“If that’s the case, why haven’t you done so already? Your boasting seems rather empty.” Ceara rebuttled. She was suddenly knocked to the ground.
She looked up to see Ordhram standing over her, Nafiona stood next to him, her sword pointed at Ceara’s chest. “Retrieve the seed.” She commanded him.
“Yes, m’lady.”
“You know, I was stabbed through the chest in the past and that didn’t end me.” Ceara quipped.
“This time the job will be finished properly.” Nafiona sneered.
Ordhram knelt, picking the seed from the ground. He felt a short burst of energy pass through him. “Such power.” He gasped. His vision cleared to see someone standing in front of him, a pistol barrel in his face.
“I have unfinished business.” Malyck growled at him, pulling the trigger. Ordhram’s body launched backwards, falling in a heap. Malyck pulled the seed from his hand, his bioluminescence flaring as he felt the energy of the seed pass through him.
Nafiona glanced over at her fallen subordinate. Ceara knocked her weapon away and rolled to her feet, unholstering her pistol and pointing it at Nafiona.
“Malyck!” Amaranda gasped as she caught glimpse of the mysterious sylvari. He looked over at her, nodding slightly before disappearing from sight.
“Now, who’s beaten?” Ceara taunted. Nafiona looked around herself, finding herself surrounded by Ceara and her group with weapons trained on her.
“Well.” She said in a huff. “The seed is gone. For now.” Nafiona spoke, slowly lowering her weapon. “You get to live for another day, Scarlet Briar.” She glared at Ceara before disappearing in a dark cloud that slowly dissipated.
“Shikijo!” Joujou screamed seeing the blood running down her partner’s face.
“I’m ok. It’s just a little cut. That wall didn’t move out of the way fast enough when she tossed me at it.”
Amaranda ran up to Liathlas, who was leaning on her staff and looked extremely exhausted. “Come on, we’ll get you to a mender.” Amaranda spoke softly.
Ceara turned to Orla, who was picking herself up from the ground. She was bruised and cut and hobbling as she stood, staring at the Ordhram’s body not far away.
“Brother.” She muttered.
“He was your brother?” Ceara asked.
Orla nodded her head. “He partially fell to Mordremoth’s call. That’s when Nightmare fully took him. There was no hope for him. He pledged his life to following Nafiona and her ideas.”
“I’m sorry.” Ceara whispered. Orla nodded her head slightly.
“We need to get out of here.” Amaranda spoke up.
“Yeah. Let’s get going.” Shikijo added.
“Malyck took the seed.” Amaranda said as she supported Liathlas.
“Where did he go?” Ceara asked somewhat panicked.
“It looked like he used a waypoint teleporter.” Joujou mentioned.
“Where would he…” Ceara stopped and thought. “Where would he go? We have to get after him!”
“But we don’t know where he went. That teleporter could have any waypoints in it.” Liathlas wheezed.
“We can use Widget. He can track it.” Amaranda suggested.
“How do you know that!?” Ceara turned to her sister.
“Because I had him track…” Amaranda looked at Orla briefly. “I had him try to track you by accessing the waypoint network.”
Ceara cocked her head in confusion. “Since when do you use any kind of my tech?”
“I’ve picked up a thing or two while watching. But the more we stay here, the more time we lose.”
“Plus, the guards.” Orla added.
“Right. Let’s go. To Zinder’s slope.” The group appeared one by one out of the waypoint beam at the sylvari village. The quickly rushed up the hillside to Amaranda’s home.
“Widget! Where are you?” Ceara called out. The little golem floated out of her room. She knelt in front of it.
“Widget, I need you to track any waypoint teleports in the past 10 minutes.” The golems crystal flashed rapidly for a few moments.
“There-have-been-nine-hundrend-and-thierty-four-waypoint-transmissions-in-the-past-ten-minutes.” Its electronic voice responded.
Ceara shook her head. “How many from Twilight Arbor in the past 10 minutes.” Widget’s crystal flickered again.
“Seven-transmissions-from Twilight-Arbor-in-the-past-ten-minutes.” It replied. Ceara turned and did a quick count.
“Ok, so the seventh was Malyck.” She turned back to the golem. “Widget, six of those were to Zinder’s Slope. Where did the seventh transmission go?”
The golem paused a moment. “To-the-jungle-of-Maguuma.” It finally replied.
“Access the waypoint network and project a map of its destination.” She ordered the golem. Widget projected a holographic map of the waypoint network in the air in front of them, a blip pulsating deep in the jungle.”
“There.” Ceara said. “And we can track that waypoint device. Let’s go.” She stood and pulled out her teleporter. Amaranda grabbed her hand, wrapping both of her hands gently around Ceara’s.
“Amee, what are you doing?” she asked, unsure of what was going on.
“Ceara…” Amaranda paused for a moment. “Let it go. Just this once.”
“Why? We need-“
Amaranda shook her head lightly. “Malyck lost his people. I could sense it. I think the seed is in proper care with him. So please, just let it go.” Ceara turned to look at the map once again, looking at the blip. She turned back to Amaranda, who was staring at her.
“Amee…” Ceara spoke. She knew in her mind that Amaranda was right. She could feel it. She slowly looked away for a moment towards the west before nodding her head slightly, resigning herself to Amaranda’s decision. Amaranda slowly released Ceara’s hand as she shut off her waypoint device, and slowly stored it in a satchel.
“I think we all need to see some menders.” She spoke softly, looking at the group that stood before her.
“Can’t you be more careful!?” Ceara screamed as Seoras removed the arrowhead lodged in her torso.
“I am being careful.” He snapped back at her. He applied a tonic to her wound that stung profusely. Amaranda smiled as she watched her sister wheeze from the pain.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you!?” Ceara snapped at her. Amaranda just smiled at her.
“There.” The mender said as he finished applying a bandage of leaves and moss to her.
“Thank you.” She said sharply. Amaranda sat next to her, handing her a cup full of juice.
“So, do you want to tell me what happened out there? Obviously, you found Malyck.”
“Amee…” Ceara started. She proceeded to tell her sister all that had transpired during her journey into the jungle of Maguuma.
“I found the seed in an alcove of sorts. There was multiple, but most of them were dead, rotten to the touch. But one of them, when I grabbed it.” She paused. “I saw visions. Visions of the past. Visions of the future. Of Mordremoth. Of sylvari. And…” she stopped focusing on the image of the small sylvari child. “Of a child.”
“A child?” Amaranda looked at her.
“Yes. A sylvari child.” Ceara recalled, her voice sounding somewhat confused. “It had deep purple foliage. Like my own when I was a sapling.” She reached up and gently felt one of the leaves that adorned her head.
Amaranda stared at her, lost in thought. “You said you were having visions of a young pale tree during your trek through the jungle. This pale tree appeared as a child.”
“Yes.” Ceara nodded, pondering the thought.
“I will have to look into this.” Amaranda said as she took a sip from her drink. “We should go.”
Ceara stood, wincing at the pain. “I’ll meet you…” Ceara paused a moment, a small smile on her face. “I’ll meet you at home.”
“Where are you going?” Amaranda asked suspiciously.
“I have some things to take care-“
“Oh no you don’t!” Amaranda raised her voice, cutting Ceara off. “The only ‘adventure’ you’re going on right now is back home to rest.”
“But I need to-“
“The only thing you need to do is rest that wound.” Amaranda barked at her. Seoras laughed as he gathered up his things and walked to the door of his home.
“Shut up, mender.” Ceara snapped him. She looked at Amaranda who was staring at her intently.
“No!” Amaranda snapped at her.
“Ok. Fine.” Ceara relented, feeling defeated, her shoulders drooped. “But afterwards I have some things to take care of.”
Seoras stood smiling in the doorway as he watched the sisters leave. “Apparently Amaranda is the only person on all of Tyria that can defeat the mighty Scarlet Briar.” He chuckled to himself. “And without raising a single weapon even.” He turned and looked into his home.
“So, how are we feeling?” he asked Caelan, who was sitting up in the bed. Orla sat next to him. Wilda helped Seoras put his things away.
“I feel weak. Like a newborn sapling.” Caelan groaned as he tried to move.
“Whatever Nafiona did to you, it greatly sapped your strength.” Seoras said as he turned to him.
“How long will he be here?” Orla asked.
“As long as it takes to heal.” Seoras spoke softly.
“And then? Where will we go, Caelan? We have no home anymore.” Orla said solemnly as she stared at the floor.
“I don’t know, but… we’ll find our way.” Caelan replied.
Seoras smiled at them. “You always have a home here, if you choose to stay.” He told them. Caelan and Orla looked at each other, a small smile on each of their faces.
“That…that sounds good, mender.” Caelan spoke. “Thank you.”
7 notes · View notes
faustonastring · 4 years
can you write the main 6 with a musician mc, like mc is always singing and playing instruments. maybe even writes songs for them (bonus if mc's magic is somehow connected to music) thank you and i love your writing!!! ps please excuse my crappy english
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*very sharp inhale* being that these are all very very similar, for my sanity I’m going to combine all four of them together, so this headcanon will include: Mc, being musically talented in general, then spefically with the violin, then them singing, and your the main six will react yadaddadadada, (I’m writing the belly dancing headcanon in like a week or two, don’t worry baby I gotcha,)
Tagging: @aka-baka-shiki , @mushroom-fucker and @rapidseapizza (I don’t think those last two worked, so I’ll reply to your asks if it still doesn’t work when I post it!) also thanks to all of you for requesting!
Main six with a musically inclined Mc
He’s head over heels all over again the second you bring out the ‘instrument of the day’ he can sit there for hours on end listening to you play and if you can sing too? He’s swooning. Swooning. And if you use your magick to help you play, or play multiple instruments at once? “Is it getting hot in here?” And if it’s a song about him? He might faint, oh my god how did he get so lucky?
(For the sake of this headcanon let’s just say your best with the violin) when he sees you break out your violin, he gets all giddy and excited, and he will stop what ever he’s doing to watch you play, he loves it, he also picks you up little trinkets and new instruments and violins when he goes on his travels, so everything sounds pretty, but never the same. And it’s so beautiful.
He can listen to your voice for hours and hours. His faveroite past time is laying against you or in your lap, as you play with his hair, and sing him songs, and don’t stop even when he’s asleep, because he will wake up and demand more. And if the song is about him, he stares at you with adoration In his eyes, even when your finished, unsure of what to say.
He also isn’t great with music in general, and he’s not the nest singer, but he will find ways to help you practice and support you, and he will help you enchant your instruments and he will find ways that you can use your magick to your advantage, and he will go to every one of your shows no matter the place, and he will be one of the loudest ones there.
Every one in her family can play atleast one instrument, so she has a pretty good understanding of how they work and what they sound like, and what parts they need, which she uses to her advantage of course, but don’t think she’s tired of hearing these instruments get played, oh no no no, it’s quite the opposite.
She will tinker with one of your many many many violins often, she’ll tune them, replace a couple parts, etc etc, she does this with all your instruments honestly especially the ones that sound funky, but she does not mess around when it comes to your violin. How are you supposed to play it for her if it’s not in top notch shape.
Also she loves it when you sing and play your violin, the talent, the beauty, it’s all so....perfect, so....elegant. She can listen to your voice all day, and she loves it especially in the bath, but when you accompany it with your violin *chefs kiss* and if it’s a violin that she had just finished tinkering with, she’ll ask you a million questions about how it’s preformance was and if she needs to make any more improvements
Congratulations because you are now an honorary member of the satrinava family band, everytime Nadia’s sisters come to visit, they’re practically badgering you to play with them some more, and Nadia has to pull you away....only for her to ask for you to play an instrument for her....just for a little bit....
You two make a dynamic duo indeed. He loves your voice, the fact that you can match your tune to what ever instrument your playing. He thinks that it’s so pretty, and crazy talented of you. But if you write a song about him? He’s stammering and blushing, trying to figure out what to say but words are....just so difficult at a time like this, don’t you agree.
if you write a song about him, you migh have to spefically say it’s about him, or not he spends the rest of the day wondering if your cheating on him, or who that song was for, and if it’s really lovey dovey song, he will ask you, and when you say it’s for/about him, well good thing he’s a doctor because he almost died on the spot.
You two make an extremely dynamic duo for many reasons, but the main reason is, that you can play a violin, and Julian can play the viola. Now I’m no music expert, but they look fairly similar, so when I say you two make some killer melodies together, I mean it. Also playing his viola with you, no matter what instrument you play to match his, is one of his favorite past times.
He books you shows, weekly at the rowdy raven, and he is the loudest one there, and hypes up the whole place, and gets people to start dancing on tables, spilling drinks, the whole shabang. And if your nervous, don’t be! And if your still nervous after that very emotional speech he gave you, he buys you a couple drinks so you can drown out your sorrows.
It’s so overlooked that she can indeed play an instrument. She can play the acoustic gutair. (Via old ask the arcana) so if you happen to know how to play the acoustic guitar then the two of you trade tips and secrets, of not, she’ll be more than happy to teach you. And she gets so excited that she’s the one teaching you something for once.
She’ll ask you to teach her how to enchant her instruments, or use magick to hell her play, ya’know.....like you do. She’ll also like it if you teach her to play a new instrument, like the ukulele, or piano, and please for the love of god when your teaching her sit behind her and out your hands over her, she blushes like crazy.
She constantly teases you for being good at the violin, and how she feels like she’s “dating her brother” when ever you bring it out, but none of it’s true. The only thing that annoys her about your violin is when you and Julian get into ‘arguments’ about which is better, the viola or violin, especially if one of you some how rope her into it.
But please sing to her. Please. Like imagine cooking or baking with Portia and you sing to/with her to make the time go by faster, or singing to/with her when you clean or bathe together? Or if she’s having a bad day or a rough night. And if you write a song about her, she blushes like crazy then a day later write one about you too.
When ever you play an instrument or sing, his heat beats ten times faster than it normally would, he just feels all weird and giddy inside, all excited with joy, that some one as talented and as special as you, chose him. You chose him. And he gets to hear your pretty voice sing, and your pretty instruments all day long. He isn’t one for pretty things, but your an exception.
He’ll never ask you to play him anything, that’s not like him, but he will drop little hints, like by complimenting how well you play x instrument, or how pretty your voice sounds. He’s still getting used to asking for things, so just be paitent with him, he’ll get there eventually, but I’m the mean time, sing him a song why don’t ya
He loves taking you too new spots in the forest for you to try out your instruments, especially your violin, and he falls head over heels if he catches you practicing your violin in one of those spots, or even better, in the hut while he’s not home. He’ll also make you new parts for each of your instruments of things get broken or bent out of shape, your violin is the one he pays the most attention too.
He loves the way your voice sounds. Your the only person who he can listen too talk for hours on end and not get a headache. So he absolutely loves it when you sing to him. He also loves to hear your voice singing to him after he’s had a nightmare or a bad dream, and if you write a song for him, he’ll cry.
Ooh? Please teach him your ways oh musically inclined one. He wants to be just as talented and as cool as you. Speaking of cool, he thinks the fact that you can play multiple instruments, and sing, and use your magick to help you is the coolest shit in the world. Now he just admires you even more than he already did.
He isn’t the most paitent, so your lucky if he even gets the basics down for whatever instrument you want to try to teach him, but hey he’s trying! Plus it’s bonding! The thing with lucio is; he gets really agitated when he doesn’t get something right, right away, so when he figures out it takes time and paitence to be a master musician, he uhhh. Starts to lose interest.
But when you bring out your violin, ohhh boy does he have your attention. He loved the way it sounds, and how you get so into it, the fact that you look so focused and beautiful while you make beautiful music with such a boring instrument amazes him. And he asks you too play it all his parties, but not too much. He gets jealous.
He likes the idea of knowing your playing for him, and only him. And if you write a song about him or for him, he gets a little self conscious, but tries to play it off and act all cool, but he’s a little self conscious. Just a little. But don’t worry. He’ll repay the favor by writing a song for you too. And he’ll serande you from the palace gardens while you watch from your balcony.
Thanks for reading! I put a lot of effort into this so I hope you liked it! And if you want to read more of my garbage my masterlist is located here!
Next headcanon: Mc with social anxiety!
Request are open!
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thepancakeboi · 4 years
38. “Wow, you’re hot.”
When we had learned that one of the games in Sae’s Palace was a battle arena, I never would have guessed that I wouldn’t be participating. Unfortunately, the rules state that only one person can participate, and, as much as I hate to admit it, Joker’s versatility with his Personas makes him the best candidate. I can’t reveal my secrets now, can I? It would certainly be interesting to see how far I could go massacring my opponents alongside my Persona. That will have to wait for another day.
Instead, I find myself among a cognitive crowd of people and the rest of the Phantom Thieves. The room encircles a central area that likely serves as the battleground for these three fights. I’ve distanced myself from the others, preferring to watch this fight alone. This is the best chance I am going to have to truly watch Joker fight without any distractions. I don’t need the Thieves’ prattling to get in my way.
The simulated crowd erupts into cheering. It’s obvious why. Joker waltzes into the arena like he owns the place. He’s playing the part up for all it’s worth.
“Now then, our gripping battle is finally here! The idiot leader of the adult-defying thieves has come!” an announcer’s voice calls out from over the loudspeakers. Oh, this commentary is going to be good. “Odds are 1.1 to the house, 23.0 to the Phantom Thieves! Wow, the Phantom Thieves are surprisingly popular! It’s rare to see odds in the double digits! Now, let us begin our serious one-on-one battle! Bring out the first contestant!”
The first opponent, or should I say, opponents, appear in the form of two human-sized bipedal elephants. These are the same as the one we fought to get a member’s card in the first place. Joker had called it Ganesha. “Uhhhh, what the hell!?” Skull yells loudly enough for even me to hear him. “There’s two of ‘em!”
Clearly, they weren’t planning on giving Joker a fair fight from the start. That’s not surprising. I had anticipated this happening. I just hope my faith in his skills isn’t misguided. You better not lose, Joker. I did bet a lot of coins on you.
“Now then, it’s time for this hellish trio of battles to begin!” the announcer continues. “Ready...”
Joker’s eyes unerringly find me in the crowd.
He grins, mouthing “watch this” before turning his attention back to the two Shadows he has to face.
The Ganeshas waste no time rushing at Joker, swords at the ready. He just...stands there, looking around the room. What is he thinking!?
He waits...and waits...
Only when they’re nearly on top of him does he take action. He spins in a clockwise rotation, a thin, nearly invisible line shooting away from his extended left hand and latching onto a beam on the ceiling. I recognize what he’s doing just as he’s lifted into the air by the grappling hook. The Ganeshas end up swiping at empty air, their inertia causing them to nearly trip over their own feet. Joker releases the grappling hook well before he reaches the ceiling, doing a couple of front flips as he lands. He’s already showing off an awful lot. That’s saying something when it comes to Joker, who constantly does a backflip before going into what the Phantom Thieves call an “All-Out Attack”. Not that I can say anything, considering I’ve taken to doing the same. Turning his head to look at me, Joker has the audacity to wave at me during this fight. Is he even taking this seriously?
One of the Ganeshas rushes recklessly again, likely hoping to catch Joker off-guard. It’s too bad that Joker sees it coming and backflips into the air, sailing high over its head. He cocks his gun mid-flip, firing bullet after bullet into the Shadow’s back. I can feel a murderous intent from the two Shadows. Joker deploys his grappling hook and flies clear out of the way of the other Shadow trying to avenge its injured comrade.
It’s impossible not to laugh at the pathetic Shadows stumbling around, making fools of themselves as they try to land a single hit. Using his trusty grappling hook and acrobatic skills, Joker moves all over the arena, confusing them tremendously. It’s almost a show. The thief flips and spins as he goes like he has to show off at every possible moment. I for one can’t take my eyes off him. His movements flow one into another, captivating the cognitive audience as well. These weaklings are no match for him. So why doesn’t he just finish them off quickly as he should? He’s wasting time.
As if hearing my thoughts, Joker’s hand reaches for his mask. Playtime’s over. He summons the paperlike Persona Shiki-Ouji. “Ravage them!” he yells as a myriad of pink and cyan blobs assault his opponents. The two Shadows collapse under the barrage, one of them being taken out by the attack. The other one struggles to get back up, but it’s no use. This Ganesha is as good as dead. Joker uses his grappling hook to swing around the Shadow, his dagger cleaving right through its neck. He lands right where the Shadow is as it explodes into black dust. Joker stands right in the middle of it, looking cool as ever.
I know that I’m staring right now. I don’t care. He made that fight look simple, and he looked good doing it. “Wow, you’re hot,” I whisper to myself, hoping the announcer’s derisive voice echoing through the room will drown out my musings.
Oracle walks up to me a few seconds later. Thank goodness I- “Mwehehe! I’m gonna tell him.”
“What-” I start to ask, only to realize she had heard me after all, despite my precautions. “No.”
“I’m gonna tell him,” she repeats with a mischievous grin.
“Please don’t tell him.” The last thing I need is for Joker to think I find him attractive. Granted, he is quite attractive, but that’s beside the point.
“He’ll find it cute after you guys were holding hands!”
“What are you talking about?” I can hear my voice pitch higher. There’s only one event she can be referencing, and if she saw that...god, I hate how worried I sound.
“In the House of Darkness!”
She had noticed after all. Joker had sensed my...unease upon first entering the maze and had grabbed my hand to calm me down. That was all it was. It meant nothing, even if he had continued to hold my hand through the entire thing except in the rare instances we had to crawl through the vents. Not that trying to convince Oracle of this will help. “Don’t tell him or else,” I say, trying to sound confident once again.
“You can’t stop me. If you try, I’ll tell everyone you’re so scared of the dark you held Ren’s hand!”
“Are you...blackmailing me?”
She laughs. “Maybe.”
“Damnit,” I hiss.
Seeing no way out of this predicament, I turn my attention back to the fight just as Joker slaughters three Rangdas all at once with a well-timed Makouga from Isis. They certainly didn’t last long. He laughs jovially as he remarks, “Now that’s comedy!” He sounds slightly surprised as if he himself hadn’t expected them to be destroyed so easily.
“Bullshit! Why the hell aren’t you dying, you goddamn Phantom Dweeb!?” the announcer yells, clearly annoyed that Joker simply refuses to lay down and die. Wait, when did the announcer start calling him a ‘Phantom Dweeb’? What even is a dweeb? Never mind; that’s not important. “I have a bet on this too! Grr, there’s no way in hell you’re getting away with this! Time for our final contestant!”
What an inane fool the announcer has to be to think the cocky, rebellious boy that is Joker is going to accept defeat. He’s been defying the odds stacked against him since April, and that isn’t changing now. He’ll keep fighting.
Even if the enemy that materializes in front of him is a hulking humanoid at least three times his size.
“Yowza... That’s a big one,” Oracle says in shock. At least Joker’s final foe takes her focus off of me. Hopefully, she’ll forget my little comment from earlier.
“Go, grind his bones to dust! Let the extreme third battle begin!”
Thor looks down at its foe. “Let’s get this over with,” the Shadow says. To it, Joker must look like a puny opponent. It’ll learn soon enough not to underestimate him.
Joker looks like he’s still chuckling despite his opponent’s size. He takes off his mask, but the Persona he summons isn’t Shiki-Ouji. “Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro!” he calls. Something about this Persona’s appearance feels...familiar, somehow. Perhaps...? “You need proper punishment.”
I raise an eyebrow because, even though he’s looking at Thor, the way he’s positioned makes it seem like he’s directing it at me instead. Does he not understand proper phrasing?
A black and red mandala appears on the floor right under Thor’s feet. The Shadow is surrounded by red symbols swirling faster and faster around it. The symbols are impossible to make out from this distance. Whitish-red streaks of light build up in intensity from all sides before a large beam shoots down on Thor in an explosion of energy. “What a powerful attack,” I remark idly to myself.
In a completely unnecessary move, Joker uses his grappling hook to move in my direction and away from Thor. The Shadow is preparing for an attack. He once again does nothing to stop the Shadow charging head-long at him. I soon see why. Shiki-Ouji suddenly materializes in front of Joker and grabs Thor mid-rush, holding the Shadow back before Joker commands his Persona to use Dormina.
Thor falls asleep almost immediately while standing up. It still amazes me how Shadows can be so dumb as to fall asleep in the middle of a fight. I nearly start as Joker walks right up to me and leans against the glass separating the two of us. “Hi, Akeppi.”
“What are you doing, Joker?” I respond.
“Nothing yet.” He hums in thought. Like the shameless flirt he is, he asks, “Enjoying the show?”
“Perhaps you should save your questions until after the battle is won. You’ll have plenty of time to ask for my opinion later.”
“Fine,” he says, whining a little as he turns around. Just in time too, for Thor is starting to stir from its forced slumber. He casually takes his mask off, resummoning Shiki-Ouji to attack with Mapsi before his opponent fully wakes up. It doesn’t bring Thor down as it did previously with the Ganeshas, but it still must have hurt. Just as it gains lucidity, Joker has Shiki-Ouji use Dormina again. He doesn’t waste time talking to me again. Instead, a bunch of circular pink, yellow, and cyan beams surround Thor before striking all at once and send the Shadow reeling onto the ground. With a cocky grin on his face, he uses Psio again for good measure.
“Yeah, keep smiling, buddy,” Thor growls as it pushes itself to its feet. It swipes its electrified hammer at Joker, who deftly backflips away. However, the electricity shoots forward and hits him head-on.
Joker, you fucking idiot. Sure, other than looking a little disheveled, he’s no worse for wear. He’ll be okay, but he shouldn’t have let such an obvious attack hit him.
Something inside Joker seems to snap. The glare on his face is fiercer than I’ve ever seen from him. He looks utterly enraged...and somehow even hotter at the same time. His Persona disappears, but even with the mask, I can sense the fiery rage in his eyes. Pulling out his gun, he jumps to his right, twirling in mid-air as he shoots a couple of bullets. He somersaults as gravity brings him back to the ground. However, he isn’t done. He leaps straight into the air from his crouched position. It’s almost impossible to perceive what happens, but he seems to combine the twist from earlier with a front flip, followed by another spin in the air as he proceeds to fire bullet after bullet in mid-air while upside down. He uses his feet and left hand to take the brunt of his fall. Thor collapses to its knees shortly after, the continuous gunfire too much for it to handle.
Joker stands up and looks contemplatively at his left hand. Is he seriously thinking of using the grappling hook now? With a shrug, he looks back at Thor and does a running leap into the air. He performs a couple of front flips before his momentum brings him to Thor’s head. With a level of dexterity only Joker could pull off, he straddles Thor from below, his legs wrapped around the Shadow’s neck. His left hand grabs a hold of one of the horns on Thor’s helmet while he points the gun right at Thor’s face. “You’re done!” Joker yells as he shoots at point-blank range.
The Shadow crumbles into black dust, but not before Joker pushes himself off its body, twirling in the air and backflipping so he lands crouched on the ground facing me. He grins as he hops to his feet, pirouetting before he poses, right arm outstretched and left hand resting on his chest.
I blink, startled. I know exactly where that maneuver came from. I’ve done that exact same thing once or twice in those All-Out Attacks. How did he manage to figure out how to copy it so quickly...?
The announcer groans in disappointment, having no comment on the fact that Joker just won their rigged game in style. I can’t help but grin as I give my own snide remark.
“Once again, justice prevails.”
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moonlit-manifesto · 4 years
Heartbreak Red Takeover 2020
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“I’ll make your heart beat again - BA-DUMP!” - Heartbreak Red (Uduki Arata)
It’s April Fool’s Day once again, and Heartbreak Red has taken over the Tsukiuta twitter account (@tsukiuta1)! Only this time - he’s taken over some of the other Tsukino Production accounts as well! If the tweet comes from an account other than the Tsukiuta account, I’ll mark it.
Heartbreak Red responds to some fans’ tweets, and they’re mostly categorized in three ways: Advice, Request, and Other. There’s a lot of tweets, so I’ll only be translating the funny ones because some are just regular advice. There’s also some news announcements like previews of Six Gravity and Procellarum’s new unit songs and a Tsukiuta official instagram account, so check out the twitter account to see those! There’s also some audio recordings too!
Read below the cut for all the Heartbreak Red goodness!
[REQUEST] Since my school is temporarily closed, I want to be cheered up by the goddesses!!
Heartbreak Red: “Hey!! Thousand Sakura Red!! Kannaduki Otaku Red!!”
Sakura Red (Chisa from Fluna):  “Since your heart is beating again, do your best!!!”
Otaku Red (Reina from Seleas): “Do you have a favorite idol? Are you reading a fun manga!? Let’s give our hearts nourishment!!!”
[REQUEST] It’s cold and rainy today, so can I get Curry Rice Genau-san to warm up my heart with a one-liner or joke?
Heartbreak Red: “Curry Redddddd!!!”
Curry Red (You from Procella): “You can only call on me once a year! Go watch the reuploaded video from last year’s April Fool’s Day!!! 💢💢💢💢
Heartbreak Red: “That was his one-liner! Sparking Curry Red!!!”
[REQUEST] I want to ask if Hajime-san has been eating properly!
Heartbreak Red: “Even if you’re busy, make sure to eat enough, okay?”
Hajime: “All right. Thanks...”
Heartbreak Red: “Make sure to tell Heartbreak Purple [Hajime’s ‘Heartbreak’ alter ego] that too.”
Hajime: “...I’ll tell him. By the way, I’m not Heartbreak Purple.”
[REQUEST] Starting in April I’ll have a lot of difficult stuff going on in life, so can you and Shiki-kun cheer me on with all your strength?
Heartbreak Red: “I-It’s not Shiki-san, but...?”
Dignified Red (Shiki from SolidS): “Next year I’ll have gone around the Earth 30 times!!! And I’m still pushing on!!! I’m Dignified Red!!!!! Overcoming difficulties is a fact of life!!! Good luck!!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Good luck~”
[ADVICE] Until now, the only men I’ve dated have been good-for-nothing, and I’m afraid of falling in love again. Please tell me how to distinguish the good men from the bad men.
Heartbreak Red: “Looks like you had a thing for the hopeless ones. But you’re strong because you could tell they were hopeless! Do you have a friend you can trust? You can let them be the judge!”
[REQUEST] I want to ask what’s on Chef Yoru’s menu for tonight’s dinner?
Yoru: “Katsudon!”
Heartbreak Red: “Juicy~”
[REQUEST] Does Heartbreak Gold exist?? I want to meet the shining, sparkling Heartbreak Gold (>_<)
Heartbreak Red: “Kake...Gold!!!”
Heartbreak Gold (Kakeru from Gravi): “Gold is always getting his heart broken by lady luck (bright smile).”
Heartbreak Red: “This guy turned into a twinkling star...”
☆Sorry For the Intrusion☆ (@solids_info)
Heartbreak Red: “Wheeeee!!!! How are you, Blushing Red 2?”
Blushing Red 2 (Dai from SolidS): “You’re here?”
Heartbreak Red: “Now for the intro!! It doesn’t matter which Twitter account - Boundary-Free Hero Heartbreak Red presents: Account Attack!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Dai-chan-san, your line when I came in doesn’t fit with Blushing Red 2-san’s character, so instead we’ll replace it later and plan your entrance for then.”
Tsubasa: “Don’t try to protect your weird characters so stubbornly lol.”
Ichiru: “I [Love] Red Red will return, too... Issei will show up later.” [Ichiru doesn’t say the ‘love’ part cuz he’s embarassed lol]
Eichi: “You’re blushing (haha).”
Heartbreak Red: “Uhhh so, Happy April Fool’s Day!! Here’s some pork cutlets Yorurun fried. And Purple- I mean - Hajime-san told me to contact him immediately if I run into any trouble.”
Shu: “This feels like you’re on your first outside mission.”
Rikka: “Speaking of trouble, there’s a certain someone who ran out earlier...”
Shiki: “I wonder who that could be?” [it was him]
Dai: “Sorry for the wait.”
Issei: “Hello. Whoa, it’s Hearbreak Red-san!”
Heartbreak Red: “What’s up!”
Eichi: “This kind of sketch comedy act makes me nostalgic for those variety TV shows, haha.”
Shiki: “We’re all here now, so let’s start this thing with all of us.”
Rikka: “Yeah, let’s do it! I’ve actually been looking forward to this.”
Heartbreak Red: “Time for the SQ edition!”
[REQUEST - SQ] Humidity makes my hair messy... What should I do? I need Rikka-san’s advice!! Also, is Shiki-san’s hair still smooth as usual? Lol
Rikka: “When you wash your hair, make sure to properly dry it. You’ll notice a difference the next day. Don’t just leave it half-wet, okay? Using hair care products will yield greater results, too! And Shiki... His hair is so smooth today that I’m angry.”
Shiki: “What can I say, I’m Mr. Smooth Hair Cuticles #1.”
Heartbreak Red: “I’m #2.”
Rikka: “I’m jealous~ (haha).”
[ADVICE - SQ] There’s a 20cm height difference between me and the person I like! And I’m taller! I hate guys...  ( ;ᯅ; )
Shiki: “No need for that, I think that’s cool. Believe in yourself. The person you like will realize it’s cool, too.”
Heartbreak Red: “It’s a gift from the heavens. I hope the person you like will like you back!”
[OTHER - SQ] Ichiru-kun♥ I love you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Everyone: “Awwww!!!”
Ichiru: “Be quiet, all you adults!!!! But thank you for your message! I’m super happy! I’ll continue to do my best!”
[REQUEST - SQ] Heartbreak Red, what do you think of Dignified Red?
Shiki: “Yeah, let’s hear it! Not that I’m Dignified Red or anything!!”
Heartbreak Red: “He has an amazing force, I’m jealous. And to possess such a grand presence really is the meaning of dignified. Dignified Red’s calm aura is so cool.”
[REQUEST - SQ] Rikka-san!!! Rikka-saaaaaan!! What has made you smile recently?
Rikka: Yoru-kun’s delicious fried pork cutlet made me smile~ I now have a great, big smile on my face ♪”
Dai: “...Just hurry up and finish it.”
Heartbreak Red: “I like you ‘cause you eat until you’re full.”
[OTHER - SQ] Issei-kun, are you enjoying university life?? The juniors are growing up and your horizons are expanding.
Issei: “Thank you for your message! They haven’t decided whether or not to start a new semester [due to current events, aka the corona virus], but me being impatient won’t help anything. I’ll happily wait for a decision (haha).”
[REQUEST - SQ] I haven’t seen much interaction between Okui Tsubasa and Kagurazaka Soushi even though their image colors are both yellow. I’d like to hear a conversation between them. Please help with this, Heartbreak Red~ [originally requested on the Tsukiuta account, but he’s answering it on the SQ account]
Heartbreak Red: “I’m a man of my word, so I called Soushi over.”
Soushi: “Now that I’m here, let’s talk, Tsubasa-san.”
Tsubasa: “This somehow seems forced lolol, but sure let’s talk.”
Soushi: “Then let’s find something to do instead. Like a dance lesson or something.”
Tsubasa: “Oh, yeah. Did you know there’s a dance lesson day organized by the office? People who want to practice on their own, regardless of unit, can go.”
Soushi: “And you’re a kind senpai who treats people to things like ramen afterwards, right~?”
Tsubasa: “What an indirect way to ask for that lolol. Since you have such a big body, I’ll treat you.”
Soushi: “That’s a weird reason (lol). And I hear you always treat Dai-chan-san to things?”
Tsubasa: “That’s because Dai-chan is an eternal little brother!”
Dai: “This turned into such an embarrassing conversation...”
Rikka: “Your ears are red, Dai (haha).”
Heartbreak Red: “That’s all for the yellows’ talk!”
Heartbreak Red: “And so, time is up!!! I’ll be taking my leave now, SQ~!!
Shiki: “He really blew in and out just like the wind (ah, youth)...  What a ‘chill dude’ (ah, youth)...”
Tsubasa: “Shiki, don’t try to use young people slang... (but he sure is a chill dude)”
Shu: “What a crazy time this session was...”
Heartbreak Red: “Pool of Blood-kun is in his green forest. Blushing Red-kun has returned to the sky... Actually that sounds morbid, so let’s say he returned to the bottom part of the blue sky. To everyone here except Ryou-kun and Ren-kyun who are in the middle of changing clothes right now: Happy April Fool’s Day!!”
Koki: “Happy April Fool’s! I’ve been looking forward to this, haha.”
Sora: “We’ve been waiting-!”
[He’s now infiltrated the ALIVE twitter account (@aliveinfo1)]
Heartbreak Red: “Now that I’m here, you know what that means, right? Let’s get to it!”
Nozomu: “Yeah, let’s do it!!”
Kensuke: “Answering real questions and giving advice in a rapid-fire setting is a test of idol power. I’ll do my best!”
Morihito: “I wonder what kind of messages we’ll get.”
[OTHER - ALIVE] Kou-kun, how is your mother doing? (From: a fan of your mom)
Koki: “I didn’t even know my mom had fans (haha). Thank you on behalf of my family. She is doing just fine.”
Heartbreak Red: “This morning my mom left me this supportive message: ‘Red, do your best!’ If you could see it, it would be so embarrassing.”
Koki: “I’m sure (haha).”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] I love Pool of Blood Red-san so so much. From morning til night, I long to be a tomato crushed and eaten by him. Please, please, please let me be your tomato...!
Ryota: “I’m not Pool of Blood Red [yes he is], but I’ll tell him that for you... You want to be eaten?”
Heartbreak Red: “!!”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] When Heartbreak Red and Nozomu-kun are together, what are some common things you say? I’m curious about what happens when the two energies meet!
Heartbreak Red: “Wheeee~”
Nozomu: “Whee-whee~”
Heartbreak Red: “Weh?”
Nozomu: “Ooweh-ooweeeh~”
Heartbreak Read & Nozomu: “Wheeeeeeeee~ lololol”
[INQUIRY - ALIVE] What does everyone in ALIVE wear to sleep?!
Heartbreak Red: “I am a capable man, so I will gather this information!!”
☆Everyone’s Sleepwear☆
Those in sweats or activewear: Sora, Soushi, Nozomu, Kensuke, Mamoru
Those in Gelato Pique [brand name of luxury sleepwear]: Ryota
Those in pajamas: Morihito, Ren, Koki
[OTHER - ALIVE] Who is the strongest in ALIVE?
Heartbreak Red: “Time to answer with your physical skills! Let’s go!”
Everyone: “Roger!”
~ Please Hold ~
[sometime later]
Soushi: *victorious pose*
Kensuke: “Ryou’s inability to laugh makes him strong in a different sense, but this competition wasn’t about making people laugh.”
Ryota: *annoyed*
[REQUEST - ALIVE] Mamoru-san, tell us about something that happened recently!
Mamoru: “I was thirsty at night, so I had some half-finished water bottle by my bedside. When I woke up in the morning, my face was drenched...!!”
Heartbreak Red: “I’ve never woken up to having water splashed on me, but I feel your pain.”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] Sakuraba-san, please show us your ‘dere’ [lovey] side...!!
Ryota: “One can’t just be ‘told’ to be dere... Did you forget? (laughs)”
Heartbreak Red: “An extra-large serving of dere-------”
[OTHER - ALIVE] Sora-kun! Have you gotten any taller?!
Heartbreak Red: “Good question!!! As a matter of fact!!! They were going to make an announcement later, but!!! All of the official websites will be updating everyone’s height measurements to reflect this year!!!!
Sora: “The results will be online!!!!! (teary-eyed)”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] I want to be charismatic like Nozomu-kun! Please tell me three things I can do to be charismatic!
Nozomu: “#1: Believe in yourself! #2: Believe in those around you!! #3: Make an effort to have faith!! That’s all!”
Heartbreak Red: “Those are all good points!”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] What color is everyone’s lucky underwear?
Soushi: “Mine are black. But that’s because of the color of our stage outfits (SOARA’s costumes are white).”
Ren: “Uh... well...”
Heartbreak Red: “My lucky underwear is red of course! I’m sure all of these ‘sky’ and ‘forest’ people have cool colors, too. Well, if I’m the one saying it then it’s probably true (haha).”
Ren: *relieved he doesn’t have to answer*
Heartbreak Red: “That’s all the time I’ve got!! To all of you sky and forest dwellers - I’ll be taking my leave~!!
Kensuke: “Thank you, Heartbreak Red---!!!”
Sora: “Good luck out there---!!!”
Soushi: “Feel free to abduct me again.”
Morihito: “Soushi (haha). Thank you very much, Heartbreak Red.”
Mamoru: “I had fun!”
☆Red Went Back Home☆
Heartbreak Red: “Now that I’ve accomplished my missions, I’m back home. Happy April Fools Day, everyone! I want to end this at home. By the way, I think I’ll be able to do some ‘Account Attacks’ that I couldn’t do this time around sometime later in April. I hope you all look forward to it~
My last audio greeting is just my final thoughts, haha. Alrighty! Thanks for a wonderful April Fools!! Until next time!”
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] SolidS Drama Vol.5 “One faithful day, I saw you laughing under the starry sky” Track 3
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Now that online courses have become a thing worldwide, I have more time to translate. I have to say, this track gets rather emotional towards the end and I was even considering posting the audio together with the translation, but decided not to (the bgm is increasing the pain). I still recommend listening to the CD while reading this, it makes everything feel more natural and vivid.
Many thanks to Ryota for helping me proof this.
Please don’t repost/retranslate/reuse my translations. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
Track 3: Gloomy
Eichi: Well then, I’ll head back. It seems Issei and Icchi have also returned.
Rikka: Give them my regards.
Eichi: Okay, I’ll let them know! And once again, good job today! You were really cool.
Rikka: Thanks.
Eichi: Feel free to tag along in our common room. I’m sure the others would be happy. Ah, I’ll leave the walking coaching in your hands too!
Rikka: Roger. Talk to you later then!
Eichi: Okay, laters!
-the two separate-
Rikka: I’m back!
Tsubasa: Oh, welcome back, Rikka!
Rikka: I’m back, Tsubasa. 
Tsubasa: Good job with the shooting! That finished surprisingly fast. I thought it would take longer. 
Rikka: We advanced pretty smoothly. Want to see the results together?
Tsubasa: Oh! Show me, show me!
Rikka: Uhh -taps-... Here it is.
Tsubasa: Let’s see~. Whoa, how nice! You look so pretty! It’s not really the kind of style SolidS would lean on.
Rikka: I tend to shoot a lot of simpler poses when I do photoshoots alone. Women’s magazines seem to prefer off-shot casual portraits. 
Tsubasa: Dai-chan and Eichi went to the studio to watch the shoot, right? How nice~! I wanted to tag along too~. Oh, when is the magazine going to be released? Let me know later, I want to mark it on the calendar. I won’t forget to check it out!
Rikka: You don’t really need to go and buy it, we’ll be receiving a sample anyway.
Tsubasa: What are you saying? It’s a lot better to go and buy it for myself especially when I’m excited about it~!
Rikka: Really~ You’ve always been good at knowing what to say to cheer me up, huh~ Should I brew some tea? I brought some souvenirs with me.
Tsubasa: Oh! Lucky me~! Just when I thought I was hungry. What did you buy?
Rikka: This. Daifuku with beans. 
Tsubasa: Oh, Japanese sweets. That sure is unusual.
Rikka: They’re really delicious. I’m sure you’re going to like them.
Tsubasa: Hearing you say that makes me want to eat them immediately! But… maybe it’s better to wait until Dai-chan gets back… But stilllll…
Rikka: Eh? Dai’s not back yet?
Tsubasa: Yeah. I called him earlier. He said something about going out to a bouldering gym for a bit.
Rikka: Eh? How nice…I want to go too…
Tsubasa: I told him the same thing and he answered “Don’t.”, then ended the call. 
Rikka: -chuckles- He’s probably shy. He must have started going there recently. 
Tsubasa: I'm sure that Dai-chan falling is gonna be cute, too!
Rikka: -laughs- I guess he won’t let you come because you’d say that. And now all this talking made me hungry too. 
Tsubasa: Alright! Let’s dig in then! Dai-chan will have to bear our bragging when he’s back!
Rikka: Okay! Wait for a second.
-Rikka goes to the kitchen-
Rikka: What were your plans for today, Tsubasa?
Tsubasa: I came home pretty late yesterday, but I’m off today. I woke up in the afternoon and spent the rest of my day checking interview articles. 
Rikka: What’s the point of your day-off then?
Tsubasa: I’ve been so busy with things I need to finish lately that Fumi-chan grinned from ear to ear while scolding me. He made me promise not to go out today.
Rikka: He probably… won’t let you out until you’re done with it.
Tsubasa: Exactly! Ah, but I’m sure that this’ll definitely take a while. What about Rikka? When do you do your work?
Rikka: If I can’t find enough time to do all of them, I tend to spend 10 minutes or so doing what I have to before I sleep.
Tsubasa: Wha, how efficient! Though I’m the type who likes to finish everything in one go.
-Rikka places the tea on the table-
Rikka: That part of you's just like Shiki, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: Eeh, don’t put us in the same boat!
Rikka: I completely meant it as a compliment though...
Tsubasa: That didn’t feel like a praise at all.
Tsubasa: Speaking of Shiki, hasn’t he been kind of strange lately? I haven’t seen his face once today. What is he doing?
Rikka: Right. I don’t know. Work’s been keeping me out of the dorm, so I didn’t really get the chance to see him. Here, your tea.
Tsubasa: Wha, thank you~! Mmmm, it’s delicious!
Rikka: I’ve been going to his room daily to check on him in the morning and evening. 
Tsubasa: Ooh, Rikka is so nice! Thanks for the food!
-Tsubasa tries the daifuku-
Tsubasa: HM!? What’s this!? It’s amazing! So good!!
Rikka: Right?
Tsubasa, munching: By any chance, is this one here with the fresh cream meant to be for Shiki?
Rikka: Well… more or less.
Tsubasa: Really, you’re so nice, Rikka. And too soft on Shiki. Soft just like the fresh cream.  
Rikka: Eeh, is that so?
Tsubasa: It is! You shouldn’t mind him much, y’know? He’s a masochist who loves to drive himself into a corner when it comes to music. Just let him live his jungle life on the Amazon until he’s satisfied.
Rikka: The Amazonian jungle you say…
Tsubasa: I can’t say my own room is super clean, but the way his bedroom looks right before a deadline is simply frightening. So yeah, the Amazon. Plus, Shiki’s the type who’ll clean up on his own if he wants to without us complaining about it. That’s why, fussing about him is sorta pointless in my opinion..
Rikka: …You completely get him now, huh. Even though you fought all the time in the beginning...
Tsubasa: Pretty much. But it’s not like I’m completely going soft on him, okay? If he ever sulks or decides to ignore us, I’ll make sure to knock him back to his senses.
-the door is closed in the background-
Tsubasa: Oh, Dai-chan’s back. 
Dai: I’m back. 
Haiduki: Hello, sorry to disturb.
Rikka: Haiduki-san!
Dai: He picked me up by chance.
Haiduki: I was waiting at the traffic light and I saw a familiar figure. That was a surprise.
Dai: Gotta say though, noticing me just by seeing my back is amazing.
Haiduki: Any capable manager would be able to do that. Ah, tell me more about this bouldering thing after this. 
Dai: That’s fine by me. It got me pretty addicted.
Tsubasa: Oh, so mean! I want to hear about it too!
Dai: You’re too annoying, no way.
Tsubasa: Eh, Dai-chan…
Haiduki: Ah, right. I got a call thanking me for the photoshoot you had today, Rikka. 
Rikka: The arrangements were well done and things went smoothly on the set. The staff also praised Haiduki-san a lot.
Haiduki: I’m glad to hear that. The results made all my adjustments worth it then. That magazine’s surveys got good reactions, so I wish to continue working with them if possible.
Rikka: In that case I hope I can surpass the editors’ enthusiasm.
Tsubasa: Anyway, you came at a good moment, Fumi-chan. We’ve got some delicious daifuku brought home by Rikka here~
Haiduki: Oh, that sounds good. I’ll enjoy them while checking your progress, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: Half of them were already done, so ever since I woke up I’ve been checking the articles like I promised!!
Haiduki: I’m relieved to hear that. As expected, you’re always ready to walk the talk, Tsubasa. But before that, there’s one more job I need to finish.
Tsubasa: What job?
Dai: The one Shiki’s working on.
Rikka: If that’s the case, may I come with you? I want to bring him some refreshments and check up on him.
Haiduki: Eh? Uhhh... okay. Let’s go together then.
Rikka: -knocks on the door- Shiki, can I come in?
-no answer-
-the door opens-
Shiki: Rikka? Sorry, but-
Shiki: Why are you here?
Haiduki: How are things going? You don’t need to glare at me like that. 
Shiki: Don’t use Rikka as a pretext to enter my room. Sigh. I said I wanted to focus.
Rikka: You’re wrong, Shiki. I asked Haiduki-san to let me come with him. I wouldn’t be able to see your face even once per day otherwise. I wanted to check up on you.
Shiki: I see. Sorry for making you worry.
Rikka: If you’re aware of that, then show your face in the common room from time to time at least. Here, I bought some daifuku. It’s delicious.
Shiki: You’re right. Thank you. So, Haiduki. Care to tell me why you came?
Haiduki: How mean. Do I need a reason to show up? I was around anyway, so I decided to pay you a visit.
Shiki: Don’t make me laugh. You didn't strike me as a worrywart type. I told you this whenever you called or came here to persuade me and I’ll say it again. This time I can’t forgive myself if I give up on this.
Haiduki: This time, huh.
Shiki: If you’re not satisfied with this, go ahead and reconsider it. Anyway, this is my final decision.
Haiduki: I get it, I get it. You don’t need to get so serious. I’ve been thinking of ways for how to break through this, so let’s talk about it constructively and realistically.
Shiki: Sigh. …...Rikka. Sorry, but could you leave Haiduki and me alone for a bit?
Rikka: Eh… sure. Of course. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. Go ahead.
Haiduki: It seems like it’s not progressing as much as he thought so he doesn’t have much time to relax, is all. It’s nothing bad, so leave the rest to me.
Shiki: Don’t say anything more than necessary, Haiduki.
Haiduki: I get it. See you later then.
-Rikka leaves Shiki’s room-
Tsubasa: Oh, Rikka! Welcome back. How did it go?
Rikka: I... gave him the daifuku.
Dai: Not that, how’s Shiki?
Rikka: Ah, right. He won’t say anything more than usual.
Dai: That’s strange. Shiki’s always been the type to do what he wanted even though people were worrying over him.
Tsubasa: Can’t be helped I guess. I wonder what our mighty leader is so stuck on this time. 
Rikka: Who knows. I was chased away in the middle of the conversation. I don’t really get it…
Rikka: ...Ugh, that’s not it!
-Rikka throws himself on the sofa-
Rikka: Agh, seriously! I’m such an idiot!
Tsubasa: Eeh? What happened?
Dai: Why are you tumbling?
Rikka: I’m just…...mad at myself. 
Tsubasa, whispering: Hey, Dai-chan. Did Rikka ever tumble in self-loathing before?
Dai: Who knows.
Rikka: I feel like that was a bad way to phrase it… I hate it.
Rikka: Maybe I’m just tired…
Tsubasa: Of course, you’d be! You’ve been working since this morning.
Rikka: But right now… I’m...
Dai: I don’t really get what’s going on, but maybe you should eat the daifuku for now.
Tsubasa: Let’s do that! I’ll pour the tea.
Rikka: Mm…...Thank you…
-Tsubasa pours tea-
Tsubasa: Okay, Rikka. Sorry to make you wait. -hands the cup to Rikka-
Tsubasa: Alright. Rikka’s finally feeling tired again.
Dai: Jeez. If you’re feeling that down, you should rant a little if you want to, you know?
Rikka: Sorry… I must be gloomy.
Dai: I wouldn’t really call that ‘gloomy’.
Tsubasa: Right? But honestly, I feel relieved.
Rikka: Why?
Tsubasa: You’re always smiling, calm and gentle, but there’s no way such a perfect human can exist. Plus, everyone’s got something in them that they don’t like.
Dai: Like how Tsubasa’s always noisy and causing uproars.
Tsubasa: Exactly! Also hey, Dai-chan!
Dai: Being exhausted isn’t really surprising. It’s something normal to want to vent out your feelings. If we’re feeling gloomy, I’m sure you’ll comfort us, too.
Rikka: You’re right. Thank you, Dai. And Tsubasa too. 
-Rikka sits up and takes a sip from the tea-
Rikka: It’s delicious. Hot drinks really do heal you.
Tsubasa: I put in all my love. So, what did our mighty leader do to get you like this?
Rikka: Shiki didn’t do anything wrong…
Tsubasa: Then? What’s the problem?
Rikka: It’s just… uhm…I feel like I’m being narrow-minded...
Tsubasa: Aah, I think I got it. Let me guess: he ignored the daifuku despite knowing how worried you were for him, then started to talk about work with Fumi-chan, which got you bitter.
Rikka: Well, I guess… you could say that…
Rikka: Aagh… I’m seriously the worst! 
-Rikka buries his head into the sofa again-
Tsubasa: No, no, no! There’s nothing wrong with you, Rikka. Ughh, seriously. Aaaaaagh! I want to stuff Shiki’s throat with daifuku and curse him to 10 hours of sleep!
Dai: I think that’s more life-threatening than a curse.
Tsubasa: I mean, it doesn’t look like he’s gonna reflect on it without a few good hours on the pillow.
Rikka: It’s fine, really. Shiki’s not at fault. This kind of thing is normal for him. And Haiduki-san is our manager, so it’s something natural to consult him when it’s about work. There are conversations I’m not meant to hear anyway. I’m the one at fault for getting in the middle and turning gloomy on my own.
Rikka: But if I think about it, it’s always been that way. I’ve been fueling my own worries ever since our old days.
Tsubasa: Shiki’s been like that since the beginning?
Rikka: Can you even imagine Shiki not being the way he is now? 
Tsubasa: Ah, -laughs awkwardly- that’s kind of…
Dai: I can’t imagine that at all.
Rikka: Right? … He was the same back then. Though, I feel like I was the only one trying to get along with him...
If you like my work and you want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee by clicking right [here]. I also started taking commissions, more details are right [here]. Thank you~
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justmysicklypride · 5 years
pls, I ask for number 18 from the misc section sdofinsdf
Muzuki my darling <3 I went with a really unconventional plot for this idk why and my only regret is how much I had to shorten it so that it didn’t take up too much dash space lmAO hope you enjoy
(Pairing: Shizaya) (Warnings: murder, implied sexual content)
Bombs Away
In hindsight, Izaya supposed it really would be too easy if they’d just given him the target and told him to get on with it, but sometimes he’d like to think that maybe Shiki-san had a sense of humour. Somewhere in there, maybe, though even Izaya wasn’t entirely sure where the humour currently lies in this present situation.
“I still can’t believed they hired a babysitter for me,” Izaya lamented for the billionth time as he propped his chair on its two back legs, and watched as said ‘babysitter’ skillfully set up his sniper rifle against the window of the vacated apartment building they were in. 
“Babysitter, my ass. Like hell if I have time to take care of some stupid brat and do my job at the same time,” Shizuo snapped at him, but his eye was focused on looking through the scope to line up the shot. Izaya heard him mutter underneath his breath, “I can’t believe they’re making me do this again.”
“Well okay then, Heiwajima-senpai,” Izaya said, almost sarcastically. “Then do pray tell why exactly we’re hiding out in an apartment and shooting someone in the head in broad daylight where the police could very obviously trace the flight path of the bullet back to us?”
“Shut up,” Shizuo said, readjusting the gloves on his hands and looking back into the scope. “It’s none of your business.” He brought his finger down to the trigger.
“Huh? I thought Heiwajima-senpai was meant to be mentoring me,” Izaya said, annoyed that he was being brushed off but amused all the same. His new senpai had a short temper and an incredible amount of strength, and somehow Izaya can’t tell whether they’ll actually get along or not.
“I am,” Shizuo replied, and for just one second Izaya almost admired just how calm Shizuo was as he fired with no hesitation. 
A gunshot sounded through the air, and Izaya’s ears started ringing. Screams tore through the streets as people started frantically running and shouting for help. Shizuo didn’t even need to check whether he’d died or not. Apparently, it was a given. 
“Lesson one - don’t ask unnecessary questions that could get yourself into trouble,” Shizuo finished, as he started to take off his gloves.
One thing led to another, and just over a month later, Izaya found himself sitting next to Shizuo in some weird sushi place that had an affinity for Russian customs. Apparently it was a semi-popular place to eat at, regardless of time of day, and that they’d been around for quite a long time. He saw three high school students walk past them to sit in a booth, and Izaya briefly wondered what it would’ve been like if he grew up here instead of Shinjuku, if he and Shizuo would end up meeting each other under those circumstances as well. 
They weren’t exactly friends per se, merely coworkers that just decided to grab lunch together. It was fine, Izaya supposed, but appreciated it all the same when Shizuo mentioned how he’d dared his friend to swallow an entire pot of the complementary wasabi once and they all ended up having to stay back an extra three hours to help the owners clean up all the throw-up that resulted from it. 
(“You would think that he’d say no, given that his dad was a doctor and all, but sometimes he really is just as dumb as a sack of bricks.”)
Shizuo’s hands were warm wrapped around his. Izaya couldn’t help but look at the way their hands fit together, albeit the fact that Izaya was in turn holding the grip of a pistol and that they were meant to be doing practice rounds. He reluctantly drew his eyes away from their hands to look at the human shaped target in front of them, Shizuo’s instructions that had previously been drowned out by Izaya’s daydreaming slowly resurfacing.
“Were you even listening, Izaya-kun?” Shizuo said, and Izaya refrained from jolting in surprise when he felt more than heard Shizuo’s voice so close next to his ear.
“Ah- yeah,” Izaya stumbled. He cleared his throat.
“Okay, good,” Shizuo said, after a beat of silence. Slowly, Shizuo let go of Izaya’s hands. “Here, you try firing now.”
Izaya nodded absentmindedly, both of them putting their earmuffs on as Izaya pulled the safety switch, then the trigger; firing a shot that hit the target straight in the head, though it was a bit wonky so he fired again. At least his ears have gotten used to the sound. He fired a third round and missed the heart by a few centimetres.
“Your hands are shaking,” Shizuo commented, and Izaya grit his teeth. 
“I’ve never asked you why you decided to become a hitman, Shizuo-senpai,” Izaya said one day, crouched on the ground and squinting against the ray of sunlight that hit Shizuo’s dyed hair in a way that reflected something akin to a halo around him.
The target, or rather the corpse, that Izaya just stabbed to death laid motionless and propped against the wall of the alleyway, as Shizuo looked up from his phone and frowned. 
“I guess I did it because the opportunity was there and I took it,” Shizuo shrugged, glancing down at the screen again. He was probably contacting the clean-up crew. “Why did you?”
He wondered if this man he just killed had a family, friends, or even someone who sees him often enough that his disappearance would actually make a dent in society, where him no longer existing would impact those around him in some sort of elaborate ripple effect that somehow even Izaya got tangled up in, even for just a small moment. Izaya laughed.
“Why does anyone do anything? If this is how we all end up in the end,” Izaya said, and Shizuo merely watched with a small frown.
He didn’t say anything to that.
“Are you proud of me, senpai?” Izaya asked, eagerly hopping into the passenger seat of the car that was parked in front of the Awakusu-kai headquarters. He waved the envelope in his hand towards Shizuo, the inside of which stacked full of cash from his latest job well done, and the phone in his pocket buzzed once, twice, with new lists and new names of people Izaya had to ‘take care of’.
Shizuo lit a cigarette and Izaya knew that his reasons for not lowering the window was partly because the last thing they needed was someone overhearing their conversation, but mostly just to piss Izaya off. At first, yeah, maybe it did annoy Izaya more than a little bit, but it’s been countless of months now since they first met and maybe Izaya had gotten just that little bit more used to the burning sensation that cigarette smoke always left on his nose. Shizuo started the car, and Izaya told him where to drop him off.
“Don’t ask stupid questions, flea,” Shizuo said, eventually. “You still can’t lift a sniper rifle on your own, and I doubt even your knife throwing skills can reach past two blocks in the span of three seconds.”
“That’s true,” Izaya hummed. Then, he turned to meet Shizuo’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “But I guess that’s what I have Shizu-chan for, huh?”
(Some more months later and Izaya found himself back in that car again. Only this time it was in the back seat, and Shizuo was on top of him, making him feel all these amazing sensations that Izaya couldn’t even begin to describe, and using nothing more than a mouth and a hand underneath his shirt, managed to undo any shred of uncertainty that Izaya might’ve had. He doesn’t think he’s ever been so sure in his life.
It was messy when they started, and it was messy when they finished, Izaya’s voice hoarse and Shizuo only barely having enough energy and willpower left to get up and start the engine, so that they could both go home and have a shower.)
Then, one day, “You should quit.” 
Izaya hummed as he lowered his mug of tea away from his face, and he felt Shizuo loosen his arms that were around Izaya’s waist so he could put in on the coffee table in front of them. 
“And why’s that, Shizu-chan?” Izaya asked. He felt Shizuo’s hand entwine with his and he turned to look up at him.
“It’s not good for you,” Shizuo said with a shrug. “And besides, I found out why you did it.”
Izaya tensed, looking away. “Yeah?” he said, and Shizuo’s thumb started rubbing circles on his hand so maybe he’ll loosen up. “Well, I kinda doubt you did, really-”
“You hate yourself, don’t you?” Shizuo asked- stated, bluntly. He didn’t know how to respond so Shizuo continued, “I thought as much. Killing people isn’t your thing, you’re only doing it because for some weirdly stupid reason, you feel the need to punish yourself by doing the things you hate the most as some equally dumb way of making up for it.”
A laugh. “I can’t believe you’re making me deal with this right now,” Izaya said.
“You have to, eventually,” Shizuo said. 
“Yeah, well, I’m too sober for this. Especially right now,” Izaya said. A lame attempt at a joke. 
“You don’t even drink,” Shizuo said. Of course he remembered. “Maybe I should start,” Izaya said. A challenge, but a half-hearted one.
“And defeat the entire purpose we’re even having this conversation in the first place?” Shizuo looked at him like he was stupid. He probably was. Hell, he probably looked stupid too, being called out like this. “Just think about it at least,” Shizuo said.
Izaya couldn’t word out a yes, his lack thereof conscience would probably kill him for it, so he simply nodded, closing his eyes as Shizuo smiled before leaning in to kiss him.
They pulled apart when Shizuo’s phone started beeping - naturally, a new job, and Shizuo stood up to get changed in their joint bedroom. Before he went upstairs, however, Izaya stopped him.
“Wait,” he said, chewing his lip. “If I really do stop… What will I do, then?” Shizuo looked at him thoughtfully, one leg perched on the next step up with no intention of rushing, despite another urgent beep of his phone.
Finally, he said, “I don’t know, but I mean, you like humans don’t you?” Shizuo said, like he was thinking out loud. “And you’re good at research.” Another beep, and Shizuo shrugged, “I heard they’re looking for a new informant.”
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ikhnyshy · 5 years
Drabble Request: Shicca; Rebecca running on a treadmill while connected to a heart monitor as part of a stress test, the stress proving too much for Rebecca's heart, resulting in a massive heart attack/cardiac arrest and Shiki must revive her. Feel free to tweak this to your liking.
Sorry for taking so long to publish this. I hope you like the story :)
Request #2Fandom: Edens Zero | Pairing: SHICCA| One-shot |
Heart Attack 
“Is it serious?” Rebecca asked worriedly after watching Sister’s serious countenance for long minutes.
“I don’t understand,” the android replied, shaking her head sideways “It seems like you have a lot of stress,” she continued, and then looked at her with a mocking smile “What could make someone like you worry so much”?“
Rebecca looked away and scratched her cheek as she thought about everything she had lived in those months as a crew member of the Edens Zero. It’s a curious thing that Sister asked that question, she knew very well the number of situations they went through since the ship started working again.
“You have to take more care of yourself. We don’t want you to have a heart attack here on the ship.” She warned her, closing the screens where the different results of her studies were displayed.
"A heart attack?” Exclaimed alarmed the B-Cuber “That sounds serious”
“Don’t get upset or you’ll have one right now.” Ivry laughed amusedly and from one of her drawers she pulled out a small rectangular device that she handed to the blonde.
“Put this on as if it is a watch. Go to the gym and get on one of the treadmills.” Rebecca took the object and placed it as she was indicated, the device turned on and its screen showed her the image of a heart beating “I will see you in half an hour ”
“Gym?” The girl asked puzzled “Do we have that?”
“Well of course,” Said the android smiling ” There are more rooms besides the dining room and the bathrooms, you know? ”
"I admit it, I didn’t explore the entire ship”
“I know where that is, Miss Rebecca” offered Pino, who had witnessed Rebecca’s entire study routine “I can guide you,” 
“Thank you, Pino”
“By the way,” Sister intervened before the other two left. “Try not to talk or stress yourself while doing the exercise or the results ​​will be altered.”
“Okay. Thanks, Sister ”
"It’s amazing,” Rebecca exclaimed when they entered the gym. Like everything in the Edens Zero, the training room was very well equipped with advanced and modern technology. Rebecca wondered if Weisz and Hermit were also investigating in that room.
“Rebecca!” She heard her name being called and was surprised to see Shiki on one of the stationary bikes. “Are you gonna do some exercise too?”
“I didn’t expect to find anyone here,” she said absently and smiled at her partner. “Sister sent me to do a study.”
The boy stopped pedaling and followed her around the room with a curious attitude. Rebecca approached the row of treadmills in front of the huge window that opened to a splendid view of the space. The girl admired the starry landscape, thinking it would be very relaxing to walk on those devices enjoying the extension of stars…
“What is that?” She diverted her attention from space and noticed that Shiki was too close, pointing at the gear tied to her wrist. For some reason, the boy’s sudden closeness made her heart jump and the object gave a short squeak.
“Sister gave it to me,” she replied, surprised by the sudden noise. “It’s to do some studies”
“Studies?” He asked, inclining his head. “What’s that?”
“Haven’t you had your routine examination?” She asked worriedly.
“Not that I remember” Shiki shrugged dismissing the issue “What do you have to do?”
Rebecca climbed on the treadmill and started to walk. The action was as relaxing as she had expected. On her wrist, the device began to collect the data by changing the heart diagram to one of an irregular wave that followed the rhythm of her heartbeats …
“I just have to walk” She answered the previous question and watched through the huge window, admiring the progression of the ship through space. If she ignored the gym environment, walking while watching the stars felt as if she were floating in the space surrounded by the huge Sakura cosmos.
“Do you know what would be fantastic?” Shiki’s voice distracted her again, Rebecca turned her gaze to her partner who was smiling immensely. Again the device emitted a high pitched sound, a little longer than the previous one.
“Master Shiki” Pino intervened shyly “Miss Rebecca can’t speak while doing the exercise”
“Uh?” Shiki watched the little android “Why not?”
“The results could be altered if she is stressed”
But Rebecca already felt somewhat stressed, or at least her heart seemed anxious. Pino explained to the Demon King the conditions Sister had given for the study, while she tried to control her suddenly rapid heartbeat.
“If she gets too stressed, she could have a heart attack,” Pino finished raising one of her little fingers to emphasize her last sentence. Shiki’s expression darkened and he turned his head to look at his friend. Rivers of tears began to leave his eyes and a shriek of anguish escaped his lips …
“Noooo! Don’t stress, Rebecca! “He whined outrageously. "I don’t want to lose my friend! ”
Rebecca smiled kindly, moved by her partner’s reaction. Seeing him so distraught by a possibility as remote as a heart attack seemed kind of tender.
She felt a pleasant warmth that spread across her chest, but before she could say anything to calm Shiki, that same warm feeling seemed to squeeze her heart.
A stabbing pain attacked her from the chest, a violent and unexpected oppression that caused her to lose control of her actions. She stopped walking, paralyzed by the affliction in her chest, the movement of the treadmill made her lose her balance and the last thing she knew was the sensation of falling through a deep dark hole…
Instinct kicked immediately and Shiki managed to catch her before Rebecca fell to the ground and hurt herself.
But his intuition did not help him at that moment, despair began to invade him, unsure of what to do to help his friend. Pino must have noticed his nervous breakdown because the little android acted quickly and the Demon King could not be more grateful for her presence at that moment…
“Master, I downloaded information about heart attacks,” the little robot said, sounding confident, but there was still some concern on her face. “You must lay Rebecca on the floor and we must apply CPR immediately.”
“CPR? What is that? ”He was still scared, his hands shaking and tears threatening to sprout, but Shiki knew it wasn’t time for that, he had to do CRP, CPR or whatever its name was.
“It’s a procedure,” the android replied simply and unbuttoned Rebecca’s shirt with a quick movement. “I am too little to do it, master. You must do it ”
“Just tell me what to do”
Pino explained patiently that he had to put his hands together on the girl’s chest and press quickly and hard repeatedly.
Shiki obeyed the instructions. He watched his friend’s face, hoping to see signs of conscience, but she remained unchanged since falling from the treadmill. He repeated the procedure, his despair increasing with each pressure that didn’t wake her up.
“You’re doing well,” the droid said, noticing the anguish that invaded him, but Shiki couldn’t calm down despite her words. Repeated pressures were depleting him and the lack of results made him desperate. Time seemed to pass slowly and quickly at unbearable vertigo.
“Help!” He finally shouted as he continued with the repetitions on Rebecca’s chest. “Pino, call the others, please,” he begged, his voice dyed in despair. “I need help”
Shiki needed the rest of his friends, he needed to have them there, helping Rebecca. He didn’t understand what was happening or what he was doing. The only thing Shiki knew at the moment was that he had his friend in trouble and he couldn’t help her.
Despair brought impotence and the Demon King was about to lose the battle against an invisible enemy he could not face with his Ether Gear. He stopped doing compressions and lowered his head to cradle it between her friend’s breasts.
“Shiki?” Rebecca’s weak voice made him raise his head in a swift movement. “What happened?”
“Rebecca!” He exclaimed joyfully and threw himself on her to hug her, bursting with happiness at seeing her awake.
“Master, you have to be more careful” He heard Pino say, but Shiki couldn’t help it. He had been so worried that his friend… Rebecca wouldn’t wake up.
“Hey! Don’t do that!” The girl complained when the Demon King sank his face between her breasts again, “Shiki! ” She started pushing him away from her, embarrassed by a position so intimate that didn’t seem to bother the boy at all.
"I was so worried,” he said, tears falling on his partner’s blue bra. “I didn’t know what to do.” Rebecca stopped pushing him. She remained still and tense for a few moments and then relaxed, embracing her partner, returning the affectionate gesture he gave her.
“I’m fine, Shiki,” she said kindly and he clung even more to her waist.
“When I said you shouldn’t stress…” Sister’s voice flooded the silent atmosphere of the gym. Shiki raised his head to see the android entering the room followed by Weisz and Homura  “… I didn’t expect you would look for this kind of relaxation" Shiki noticed that Rebecca’s cheeks turned exaggeratedly red, the boy inclined his head uncertain of why she reacted like this “We must admit that it is a very effective method to combat stress”
Rebecca covered her chest by closing her shirt quickly. Weisz already had a perverted smile on his face and his eyes kept looking at the blonde girl’s shirt.
“I can also help you relax, Rebecca” He volunteered, but only received an elbow in the stomach, courtesy of Sister.
“It seems an interesting method,” Homura commented quietly, but everyone heard her perfectly.
“Miss Rebecca had a heart attack.” Pino informed Sister “Master Shiki helped her by applying CPR”
“Very good, Demon King” Congratulated the android nurse of the ship “I see you have proceeded efficiently” Sister brought her hands to her hips and smiled mockingly “You can be our honorary nurse”
“I want to be an honorary nurse too!” Weisz offered only to receive another nudge.
Rebecca removed the watch-shaped device from her wrist and handed it to Sister. The android looked at the object seriously and nodded.
“I will examine the study’s data,” she said and then looked discreetly at Shiki. “Meanwhile, you can continue with your own methods … I think they will be more effective.”
“Can you stop that? It is not what you believe! Nothing happened!”
While Sister and Weisz continued to tease Rebecca with their comments, Shiki watched his partner seriously. The fright he suffered didn’t let him relax with his companions, worry still tormented him. Staring at Rebecca, with his characteristic determination, the Demon King promised himself that he would protect his friend from all the threats that might affect her, both the enemies he has to face with his fists and any other condition that might exist.
He would be with her regardless of anything and be her unconditional protector.
Thanks for reading!
Special thanks to @alelysmar83 who beta read this story both in English and Spanish. Thank you!!!!
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corvid-lullaby · 4 years
There was an impatient tapping to his chin, which was leaned against the palm of the very same hand that did the tapping. Nishiki had nabbed a window seat in a quaint little coffee shop they often visited. Tucked away and quiet, it had an interesting combination of old English interior architectural details with heavy traditional Japanese accenting. It sounded clashy, but somehow the English cobblestone and wooden wall accents melded rather nicely with it.
How long has he waited? Not long. In fact the agreed time to meet up with his oath brother wasn't for another twenty minutes, yet he was still being uncharacteristically impatient and serious about it.
He sighed deeply and, probably do the hundredth time within the past half hour, lifted his left sleeve to peek at his watch. It was a miracle that a full scarf hadn't sprouted from his forehead with how much his brows were knitted together.
@doll-ethereal : Aaah, the fragrance of spring and possibly love and or youthful breaks ups. The delicate scent of Sakura traveled on the breeze, which had burst literally ass first through the door with quite a force. Kiryu had finally arrived and had just about demolished the fine wooden entry door with his amazing full on cake glutious maximus. It swung with such force that with it followed a miserable creeek that made everyone in the vicinity glance up like da fuq young man.
Ya boy oath brother approaching Nishiki with a petite and very fresh box of macaroons of various flavours within. He now quietly sat his ass down, aaah.
Kiryu, as tradition called for, was dressed with the most gaudy shit sprinkled about his outfit. A medium grey suit and a snazzy gold, purple dress shirt with maple...leaves? No, those were---
"Hey bro. Oh yeah, how do I look? I went to that one shop you mentioned" one thumb ran over his collar, showing off his obviously cannabis shirt but thought be to be "Maple leaves. It kinda reminded me of the garden at Pa's place. Pretty rad, right?"
The tapping paused upon hearing the jingle of the bells that cued the door opening to a new customer. It wasn't until after the fact that he jumped to sit straight up. His eyes had no idea where the hell to settle. He stared at everything at once and yet diverted his eyes all the same.
Before Kiryu even sat down Nishiki already had his face in his hands. He couldn't take this. Neither could the second personality either since he could hear a murderous scream at the back of his mind.
Nishiki lifted his head upon hearing his oath brother's question, saw his incredibly dorky-ass movement to show off his shirt, immediately regretted it, and put his face back into his hands. The Dragon of Worst Fashion Possible could probably hear Nishiki's death groans that he was muffling into his hands.
After a long moment of trying to get his bearings and actually muster the courage to unhide his face, the Koi boy lowered his hands. Except he clearly didn't gain the needed courage since his gaze was locked on the table. Red faced. Looking absolutely anywhere else was far better than looking at his… brother.
"What… what, in the name of all that is holy, are you wearing?"
The voice was a bit lower, and the scowl still left a fold between his brows signified that this wasn't Nishiki at all, but rather Shikiya. He was currently dressed as Nishiki though, so the mistake was understandable.
It was extremely recent that qualms between the two had been set aside. Shiki felt ready to try and befriend his former enemy with the help of Nishiki's pestering him to do so. That is he thought he was ready up until the moment Kiryu walked through that door. Shiki wasn't the only one regretting it either. Nishiki was still screaming at the back of his mind as if someone was murdering him, although he did pause to think. Did Pa fucking grow cannabis!?
"Kiryu-san I… that isn't maple- oh forget it. I can't do this."
He slapped his hands on the table and got up with every intention to leave.
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sixtiesbabydoll · 5 years
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Shiki Jitsu 2000 This is a Japanese movie that is really dark and sad but thats what makes it beautiful. The girl in this movie longs to escape into fantasy, every day she postpones tomorrow by turning yesterday into today: “Watashi watasu tanjōbidesu”. Her heart is so vulnerable, fragile, and delicate. I see many comparisons between her and Witch Baby as well as a little bit of Eleanor Oliphant. The guy in the movie reminds me of My Secret Agent Lover Man with his video camera - they are both such Ravenclaws! The starring actress Ayako Fujitani also wrote the novella based on the movie: “Touhimu”. Everything is so deep and literate, it’s amazing. I think more people in the western world should watch this movie. Also, every sentence spoken in this movie sounds poetic like a piece of art.
How to watch Shiki Jitsu with English subtitles: 
This movie was extremely difficult to find with English subs. It took like 3 hours of searching the web endlessly to find it. (No wonder why only Japanese people have seen this movie)!
1. Type in Yifi in google and search Ritual (2000) on the Yifi website or click this link:
2. Download U Torrent if you don’t already have it. This is a great Torrent for downloading movies I’ve been using it forever:
3. Download the movie onto U Torrent
4. You will see an option to download the subtitles (which will download onto your computer) - download them
5. On U Torrent there is an option to add your own subtitles- add your own by clicking on the subtitle application you just downloaded onto your computer.
6. That’s all you have to do. I got no viruses doing this- just don’t download the VPN thing that pops up. // i think you may be able to dowload popcorn time onto your computer and get it off there but i’m not sure
Message me on Tumblr or at [email protected] if you need help or have any questions. xoxo allana
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kyosohmastan · 5 years
Fruits Basket Another Vol 1 Review
I thought I’d share my thoughts on the first volume of Fruits Basket Another since I FINALLY got to it. I’m in love!
First of all, the MC. I think I’m going to relate to Sawa more than I ever did with Tohru. We share very similar traits and anxieties. She has a fear of forming relationships due to trauma she experienced when her friends suddenly abandoned her because she was too “annoying”. I don’t remember the majority of my childhood (due to the fact that I had epilepsy, but that’s a whole other story) but one thing that stood out to me because it left me so heartbroken was when I was in first grade and my friends decided they didn’t want to hang out with me anymore because I was too weird for wanting to play in the grass and dirt when they thought that’s not something a girl should do. Which is dumb, but kids will be kids. So I really connected with Sawa over that. Based on how much Takaya has a talent for developing characters seamlessly, I can see her opening up more and becoming more comfortable around the Sohmas and others throughout the series.
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As for other characters, let’s move onto Mutsuki who is seriously drop dead gorgeous. Of course, Yuki’s son would also look like a girl (although tbh Yuki is more feminine.) He has a lot of optimism and clear signs of kindness, but he’s very mischievous as well. He reminds me a lot of Kakeru in a way which that is his uncle so I’m sure he influenced him. I find it hilarious that he’s naturally messy and his excuse is “My parents are messy too”. And they are haha! Then he follows it up with a sweet comment saying “I’m happy to be like them.” He’s like “Yeah, it’s a bad trait. But I wouldn’t have it any other way because I can connect with my parents over it.” The family vibes has me all smiles.
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I’m most excited to follow Hajime since I adore Kyo and Tohru so of course, I’m super pumped to get to know their son. He’s like a toned down version of Kyo. He has a temper, but it never gets too out of control. But then again, he’s kind of like Tohru having a considerate side to him as well as the fact that the family refers to him as “papa” because he addresses Sawa as a father would. And Tohru had always been the motherly type. I love how both of their traits are mixed into him. It makes for a very balanced personality! His first meeting with Sawa was hilarious. Obviously he’d be like Kyo and sleep on the floor haha. Or is the cat part of his blood coming out?
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I’ll discuss Sora and Riku together. First of all, HARU AND RIN HAD TWINS?! I can only imagine Rin was terrified of that lol. I think Sora will be the Momiji of this series. That bubbly personality is adorable. I don’t know enough about Riku yet, but he seems very caring albeit stoic. I loved the part when Sawa finally asked him if she offended him and he told her he was concerned that she didn’t know a girl wanted to have lunch with her. So he worried over her which was sweet.
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Michi I don’t have much of an opinion on yet. I was never a huge fan of Kakeru in the first place so....We’ll see if she grows on me. 
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The most BEAUTIFUL woman so far is Kinu, holy smokes. I’m guessing she’s the parental figure in this series since she seems to be the oldest. I’m very excited to get to know her. And I’m thrilled that Hatori and Mayu ended up staying together and had a daughter awwww.
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Shiki made a brief appearance and since he’s the head of the family, that’s gotta be Akito and Shigure’s son. He’ll be in volume 2 a lot more, I assume. 
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And then this chick shows up and I’m like oh, hell, naw. Motoko is the most annoying character of FB and her daughter is no different. Grrrr. It is interesting that Motoko was only a fan of Yuki, but Ruriko’s club is a fan club for all the Sohmas. Their popularity has grown that much dang.
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Two other characters that showed up from the OG series are Megumi and Takei. Megumi looks soooo good. And he still has his habit of doing curses!
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Takei hasn’t changed. Still obsessed with Yuki.
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Now going over specific scenes I liked. I suppose starting from the beginning. 
I like how Mutsuki and Hajime are trying to help Sawa get over her fear of being a burden to people. I saw a tumblr post mentioning how Tohru was the one who saved the Sohmas from their trauma and the Sohmas are the ones saving Sawa from hers and so far that is so true. It think it goes to show how differently the previous generation raised their children in comparison to how they were raised from hate and spite. This generation is so much more carefree and considerate as their parents probably shared with them their own previous trauma so they’re able to understand what that’s like. I think overtime, they’re really going to help Sawa get over her fears and she’ll find a place where she belongs with this family. I’m so excited to see that unravel.
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And so Sawa is forced onto the student council with Mutsuki and Hajime lol. I like how it gives her that push to interact with others because she will have to now. I expected Mutsuki to be the president since his dad was, but Hajime is? He was forced into it tho. xD
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Possibly one of the best things is that Hajime is (or used to be) a mama’s boy which comes as no surprise since Tohru would be an amazing mother. How could her children not love her? This was too cute.
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Based on what Mutsuki said, Hajime has siblings????? I heard Kyo and Tohru had three kids ouhuobuefbhjqbeh. I need deets!
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It seems that Mutsuki and Hajime have a pretty close relationships whereas their fathers were rivals. They do bicker, but it’s clear there’s no animosity between them. That also indicates that Kyo and Yuki must have really patched up their relationship over the years if their kids have always hung out together. That’s a happy thought. I love the dynamic of their relationship so far.
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Glad to see Aya is so involved in Mutsuki’s life hahahhahha.
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Mutsuki and Hajime don’t even live with their parents? For some reason, Hajime moved to be closer to school, but why did he specifically have to go to Kaibara? Maybe he wanted to go to school with the family. I do know Kyo and Tohru moved out of town. Or did they move back so Kyo could take over Kazuma’s dojo? Idk anyway... I think Yuki and Machi did too which is probably why Mutsuki moved out. And Kinu is watching over them. It’s like Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo all over again.
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IS HAJIME WEARING THE BEADS?????!! I saw somewhere that it was a gift. Or is it Kyo’s actual beads?!
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The entire last chapter is my favorite in the volume. Seeing Sawa get so comfortable with the Sohmas was heartwarming. It’s sad how she says this is the happiest she’s felt in a long time, but also sweet. I’m interested to see what her home life is like. It doesn’t sound good.
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As I suspected, the kids know about the curse. But I guess they weren’t told about it until they were a little older. It’s so sad how Kyo was nervous when everyone was saying how Hajime looked like him. Goes to show that Kyo still has his demons and he doesn’t want his son to go through any of that.Therefore, he doesn’t want Hajime to be like him at all. They had to be worried that the curse would come back. Thank goodness it didn’t.
I suppose what pushed Kyo and Tohru to tell him was when he was told that “I hope you’re not a monster.” (Is that Ren? It kind of looks like it.) Indicating that she thought he might be the cat since his dad was. That had to be so confusing. But after knowing the curse, everything makes sense. And I hope by knowing about it, they don’t face any hardships that the curse brought upon the family. But they seem to be doing fine.
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To conclude, I’m really liking this. I’m sure I’ll love it since I’m biased in my love for Fruits Basket, but I think this series has the potential to stand on its own as something fantastic. 
I have noticed that the kids mention their parents A LOT, but that’s to be expected since the readers know of the original characters. I’m anticipating some great family moments and I’m looking forward to that. I REALLY HOPE THE OG CHARACTERS SHOW UP SOMETIME!!!
Thanks for reading~ I’m on to volume 2.
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blueberrypossum · 4 years
No One Does It Like You Do Dastardly Danny x oc
Hi everyone! This is another Shiki x Danny fanfic that I loved writing (I love writing fighting scenes and also winter atmospheres because it’s so cozy! So this is Shiki again (because I love writing her it’s so much fun) I hope you guys don’t mind and hopefully you can just place yourself into it! @greaser-wolf and I just love going back and forth with her oc and mine and it’s so much fun and she is just so wonderful! I hope you guys enjoy!!
WARNING: There is usage of inappropriate words and adult themes ( such as sexual content that is pass making out)
(Also I know that the Hidden city doesn’t have a sun or moon or even weather but I want them to have an atmosphere XD )
Word Bank: 
Big Cheese: Big Boss
We’ve been had- Been tricked or deceived.
Yuck- A foolish or stupid person
You brought your overcoat closer to you as the chilly breeze started to become quicker and snow started to dart through your vision at an easy pace. You tried to start a match between your hooves as you awaited for Danny and the others to investigate the bar, but after each click there was nothing but empty silence of the mountain.
It has been a hot minute since you’ve done a job somewhere this cold, of course it snowed in the Hidden City, but not like this. With your genetics, the cold wouldn’t really bother you, but without harnessing the true potential of your power, you were left shivering under your several layers of clothes. 
The mountain side was gorgeous though, the glistening of the snowbanks shined in the afternoon sun and the yokai’s that lived in the hidden village were enjoying warm beverages and gentle conversations. The white layer under your boots crunched as you continuously moved back and forth to keep warm as your boyfriend was taking a little too long to ask where this polar bear yokai was. 
When you were given the opportunity to go after one of the most psychotic war lords by your boss, you just couldn’t say no. But you weren’t given a team in the progress, so one you told Danny about it, him and the rest of the Mud Dogz created a plan to help you, with a small price to pay as well. 
You were honestly glad that Danny and the others wanted to join you, not only were they your friends, but you couldn’t really trust your teammates in the force. Too bad that Mickey had to do other business and had to sit this one out. 
 You finally spotted the usual purple wearing rat in the distance, his long brown coat flapping behind him as a gust of wind danced into town, two thin figures close behind him as they made their way over. Frost dusted over Danny’s whiskers as he came up to you, his hands rubbing each other under his gloves as Nova and Leonard joined as well. Leonard was the most bundled out of all four of you, his green body shivering under the black coat he wore. 
Nova seemed to be the only one who enjoyed the weather, her nose twitching every time a flake landed on her. 
“Are you actually enjoying this?” The ogre asked, an eyebrow raised as she gave him a sly smile. 
“When you’re this hot the cold never affects you.”
“I’m kidding! I’m a Mountain Fishing Cat, this is my element.”
You rolled your eyes at Nova’s comment and looked up at Danny, who had curled himself up close to your side for any connection of warmth. 
“Did you find anything out?” You asked him as Nova and Leonard continued to have their fake argument. 
Dastardly Danny shook the excess snow off his shoulders and hat as you watched his breath roll out like a cloud.
“Apparently the Big Cheese is holding up somewhere not far from here, hidden within the mountain,” he said with a low huff, his voice going quiet as a family walked by, their children running around them as they played in the snow. 
 Till’ then we should rent out a nearby cabin, Len said that there is a renting inn nearby.”
You pulled your beanie tighter onto your head as you let out another quiver, the mountain’s thin air starting to get to you. The rat yokai took notice of your sudden chill and unraveled his large coat and then the smaller one he wore under it, his hands gently placing the toasty coat on you. 
“Danny I’m fine-”
“Yes, yes, I know, sugar. But I’m sweating like a hog-”
The look you gave him as you settled the coat on you made him stop in his tracks and an embarrassed look crossed his face and for the first time you actually saw Dan flustered. 
“Uh, I meant..What I meant to say-”
“Ha! Danny actually messed up on a slang. Maybe Leonard will be cheerful for once!” Nova purred as she joined the conversation, Leonard right at her heels as they joined in on the full group. It seemed that the comment struck a nerve in the ogre and he looked down at the feline, a low growl rumbling in his throat.
“Only in your dreams, kitten.”
Woahhhhhhh, where did that come from?
Both you and Danny were in amazement as a dash of red flared against Nova’s face, and it wasn’t from the cold. It was good to see your friend get bashful for once instead of you and you grinned at the sight, taking in the heat and smell from Danny’s jacket. His cologne was trailed with cigarettes and old spice, and the fur that was sewn into the inside rubbed comfortably against your fur. 
Danny placed an apology kiss on your head as Nova and Leonard continued to banter back and forth and you took in the soft texture of his mouth as you sucked in an icy breath.
“Alright you two, we’re burning daylight. Let’s rent a cabin,” you ordered, and you couldn’t help but giggle at the relief that flashed in Nova’s multi-colored eyes as she headed towards one of the wooden signs that showed the option of renting out an isolated cabin, her tail curled against her back. 
“This is gonna be a long weekend.”
You four were able to rent a two bedroom cabin that was a few miles out and packed your bags into a waiting car that would drive you to the location. Leonard wasn’t the happiest to hear that they could only get two rooms, and commented that he would sleep on the couch, but Nova kept flinging comments that he didn’t want to cuddle with her. 
“We better hope dat’ our room is on the other side of the house,” Danny whispered to you as Nova would turn from her seat from the front to fight back with Leonard. 
“So we don’t hear them?”
Danny shot you a sinister smirk as the arm that was wrapped around you tightened itself. 
“More like they don’t hear us.”
The surprise that surfaced over your face only fueled the rat more as you squirmed in the car seat, the warm air that was blasted throughout the car was no longer nice, but overly steaming. 
The worker checked the cabin for food and cleaning supplies and left instructions if they needed anything. 
The wooden cabin was decorated with lemon and wine, candles and lanterns lit up the shack anda fire crackled in the fireplace. The front door brought you to the living room on the left and the kitchen on the right and the stairs were a few feet away right as you walked in. The only thing upstairs was one of the bedrooms and a door in the kitchen led to the other spare bedroom. After searching you all found that the bathroom was under the stairs. 
“I’m guessing the couple gets the upstairs room?” Nova asked as she took off her coat and placed it on the coat stand by the door. Danny sent the feline a cocky smile as his hand grazed over your lower hip. 
“You betcha.”
 Flustered words came out of your mouth as you moved your bags upstairs, almost tripping your way up to keep Danny’s wandering hands and him also trying to carry your bags.
The only thing upstairs was an open room and an extra bathroom, a large king bed laid up against the wall and furry rugs were enriched onto the wooden floor. Dressers and shelves were dotted around the room and all four of you started to unpack and get yourself settled. You undress yourself down from your layers until you only wear a black long-sleeve shirt with a maroon cardigan and elastic jeans to keep you warm. 
“Ya sure you don’t need help taking off the rest?”
“You know that Nova and Leonard are downstairs, right?”
“They gotta sleep at one point, darling.”
“And so do we!”
You dodged Danny’s hug attack and skipped down the stairs to the sound of light music humming throughout the cabin. A delicious smell had drifted into the air as you made your way to the kitchen and found Nova sitting on the kitchen counter while Leonard was behind the stove, his fingers working on dinner. You barely heard Leonard telling the feline to not get any fur into the food as Danny came up beside you, his body wrapped in grey long-sleeve and work pants. 
The tabby pulled her hair up into a ponytail and continued to read the book in her hands, the cream turtleneck she wore blazed against the fire’s shadow. 
You looked over Leonard’s shoulder and saw the rice, herbs, and sauces that were stirring in the pan while he separated an egg yolk from its whites. 
“So, can all members of the Mud Dogz cook?” You asked as you sat at the island of the kitchen. 
“Mickey is not good at cooking, never ask him to cook for you.”
“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“Nah, toots, never eat what that eel cooks up. Not after the meatloaf.”
“Oh don’t even remind me of that day! My stomach still doesn’t sit right after that.”
A confused laugh escaped your mouth as the ogre continued to make dinner, Nova handing him ingredients that he needed while flipping through her book. The melody that came from the bluetooth speaker from the living room swayed into the kitchen, and the cozy and friendly atmosphere made you loosened up as the conversation continued on without you, your body heading to the fridge in search of milk. 
The scent of dinner floated around as you dug through the cabinets, Nova moving over when you came around the area she sat. You finally found the hot chocolate packets as Leonard had just finished up the meal, the steam rising from the mixture of rice, vegetables, and potato chips made your stomach growl with hunger. 
You set the ingredients you were gathering aside as you four enjoyed the dinner, the cooked egg and spice made your cheeks spill with warmth. There were a few comments thrown here and there, such as going over the plan and what they were gonna do with the money. Your main concern was just getting the guy, Shia Albright, and he was on the top list of criminals for a reason; you just hoped that you and your friends could handle the polar bear yokai. 
Apparently your concern was noted because a hand under the table was placed over your thigh. 
You looked down and watched as Danny gave your leg a squeeze of reinsurance, his nails digging into the fabric. 
It had been several months dating Danny, and you were surprised that it was the most love and happiness you’ve had in a long while. Even with his open book personality, there was still a lot more to uncover from the rat yokai. It was pleasing to learn from Danny, to give him the chance he had been fighting for since the beginning. He was very open to you, with how he felt, what he wanted to do with you. And of course it made you squeal with exhilaration, but you both kept things slow. You were still a cop, and he was still a thief. 
After dinner, Nova and Danny did the dishes while you started to make the hot chocolate. Your hooves worked carefully to boil the milk and then get out the whipping cream, happy to find that they also bought the chocolate syrup you had placed on the shopping list.
“You are so washing that pot afterwards,” Nova commented, her paws drying themselves on a cloth after placing the dishes in the drying rack. 
“With how good it’ll taste, you’ll be licking the pan clean,” you joked back, pouring the creamy liquid into multiple cups before decorating them with the heavy cream and dark liquid. You found a platter to carry the drinks and you brought them over to the living room, Leonard was in one of the chairs, Danny on the couch, and Nova on the floor. Each of them gave you their own thank you as you let them grab a mug off the tray, leaving it on the floor as you got comfortable next to Danny, your legs curling up to you.
The soft guitar played in the background as snow drifted outside, Nova flipping her nails through her book, Leonard going over the plans notes in his hands, and Danny was holding you tight, one hand held the drink and the other held you. And within the guitar strings and the casual crackle of the fire, the dread that was growing on you was almost unnoticeable. Almost. 
The summit air was brutal against your fur as you and your group headed up to the hidden factory, your boots making deep imprints in the white ground. 
The plan was simple, you had your laser and taser gun, and once you and Danny found the opportunity to get Shia, you would pounce while Leonard and Nova went after the gold they had been mining for in the factory, a lightness spell to carry it was placed on the bag the ogre carried. 
It almost seemed that it didn’t matter how many coverings you wore, the winter hands reached around into your body and gripped every nerve ending. 
Nova was the only one up ahead, her long legs carrying her easily through the snow as she led up to one of the broken areas of the factory; Leonard had scouted out in the blueprints, the metal and scrap of the building being torn away as if a large animal bit into it. The tabby hopped over one of the uprooted pieces of metal and plummeted into the darkness below and you followed, your feet landing harshly on the metal floor as the boys followed, the only light being seen was a glow stick, the orange glow outlining you and everyone else. 
The feline handed Leonard the light stick as he pulled out the layout of the workshop, his footprints leaving weak imprints of snow on the black floor. You tried to flick a flame between your hooves, but all you got was the snapping echo of the aftermath. Ever since the run-in with your dad a month ago, your powers seemed to bury themselves into your body, where you couldn’t even feel the swirling ball of warmth that usually danced in your veins. It almost made you feel useless in situations like this, when the group needed fire, it just seemed like you weren’t the match for it to light. 
But your feelings were gonna have to wait as you heard the slightest pitter patter against the metal and you pushed your friends up against the wall in a swift move. One of Shia’s guards walked slowly by, his body decked out in warm armor and a gun was strapped against his chest. The male yokai strolled down the hallway, the flicker of his flashlight slowly dying out and the staircase went silent. 
Once the cost was clear, Leonard turned to Danny and handed him a copy of the map.
 “Alright, once you have him, meet up at the F2 tower, he should be in his office,” Leonard ordered, even with being in an isolated area, his breath still collected in front of him.
Danny took the extra map and you eyed it at his side. Shia’s office was up several floors, and you both knew that there would be groups of henchmen on lookout. But, with stealth and silence, you and Danny could make it up there effortlessly. 
“Stay safe you two,” Nova purred quietly and her and the ogre dashed into the shadows, the only sign of them ever being there was the leftover snow from their bodies drifting off. 
You rolled your shoulders as your biceps tensed under the cotton shirt and Danny turned around and handed you the map. 
“Lead the way, toots.”
A grin leveled on your face as you took the map and started the walk up the first flight of stairs, your boots eagerly carrying you up, Danny right at your heels. You ran into your first guard at the third floor, the husky yokai let out a yelp of surprise before your fist came into contact with his snout, and then your knee into stomach, and with one single swipe you had your taser in his chest, a loud thud vibrated against your feet as he made contact with the ground. 
The next flight had you and Danny taking out multiple guys, both of you darting between crates and mining equipment and you took out yokai’s with your taser and Danny took his fair share out with a knocking out technique. 
After minutes of fighting and sneaking around, you both finally made it the top and final floor, the staircase leading straight to Shia’s office. 
The hallway that looped to the office was long and dark, the only sound the mirrored around was the old factory settling to its age. Dastardly was flanking you as your fingers grazed over the metal door, the bitterness of the cold traveled from the metal to the inside of your glove. The door was already unlocked from its handle and you pushed it open, the unholy light that dripped out of the room pooling over you like water. 
You pointed your gun through the doorway and you took in the large office. The room was cold and white fur littered the ground as you continued further in, Danny’s tail curled in dread as you got closer to the large office chair, the end of the laser gun pushing the leather seat to the side. 
No one was there, nothing was there except a half done cigar that sat in an ashtray. Your small brows furrowed in confusion as you placed the gun back in the holster on your thigh as your hands started to dart around his desk. 
“He’s...he’s schedule said that he would be here, if he’s not here, then where is he?” You asked out loud. The office had large windows and Danny peaked his head out to watch the soldiers quickly dart around, his arms crossing in question. 
You searched his drawers and file cabinets for any information, but even if you did find anything, you still wouldn’t have him in chains. 
And then the door slammed shut and the sound of a blockade over it blasted through the cracks. 
“Well dat ain’t good,” Danny grunted and the sound of hushed orders and then a slow, irritable ticking clicked throughout the room. Your ears snapped with the rhythm and then the sound of gunfire was heard in the distance. 
The clicking was getting faster, and with all the yokai’s running away…
“We’ve been had!”
Danny grabbed your hand and raced over to the furthest window on the left, his hand taking hold of your laser pistol and shot through the clear material until the glass shattered into falling pieces, like icicles hanging off the side of a house. There was a torn edge that led over to a large scissor lift and your boots scrapped over the broken glass, the grey outer layer held your stance steady as the beating of the hidden bombs continued. 
“Ladies first!” The rat exclaimed as you both looked at the jump ahead. You sent him a hot glare but got ready and pushed off, one of the blasts from the concealed bombs went off and the heat waved knocked you forward and you landed hard against the platform, the pop in your shoulder caused a grunt to escape your throat. 
You got up and looked up at Danny, whose figure was still against the window frame, the blast of the bomb sooted the side of his body. 
“Alright, your turn!” You screamed up at him and then let out a wail as the scissor lift groaned under you and the metal bars started to creak under the new weight.
The rat took a step back and with a graceful leap he landed right next to you, his hand instantly pulled the level on the side just as the rest of the bombs started to go off one by one. He blocked his body over you as flying debris exploded around you in a ray of black and orange. The impact of the blast knocked both of you over, sending Danny sliding next you and over the side. 
The hanging platform whined as the weight was shifted over to one side and you scooted over to the ledge, your hand gripping Danny’s wrist before his claws slipped from the ledge. His mass was nothing you were used to, but you were used to him being on your back, not over the side of a dangerous overhang that could collapse any minute. The metal shafting and room was groaning with pain as the pillars and other rooms started to fall apart due to the explosion.
You pulled your other hand around him and stood up, your boosts digging into the black outline of the scissor lift as you brought him back up and before he could thank you the ramp gave way and dropped towards the first level. 
Curse words sprinted out of both of your mouths as you held onto the sides as the platform crashed into the floor, sending you both rolling to the opposite side as the destroyed roof rammed into the scissor lift once it hit the bottom. 
A fit of coughs lashed out of your mouth as the dust swirled around you, the light creaking of broken metal and fire ringing in your ears as your name was called out. 
“Shiki?! Shiki!”
You pushed yourself up and hissed at the small cuts and bruises that were scattered over your body, but you counted your blessings to find no major injuries. The rat’s voice continued to vibrate against the splintered mess.
“Danny?! Are you alright?!” You called to him and then took several steps back as more debris gave way, taking you further away from the wreck and Danny. His voice became muffled and you just had to tell yourself that he was fine, that you needed to meet him and the others at the tower. 
Hateful tears sprang in the corner of your eyes as you made your way through the factory, your legs dodging small piles of flames as you started to recognize the area you were in. Of course this plan had failed, this mob boss knew everything about everyone, and he wanted to make sure that the death of you would be a prime example to not go after him. That only gave you more rage, more strength to go after him as you crawled through a small hole created by shattered mining equipment. 
You reached for the door in front of you until two forms crashed through it, your body flattening itself against the wall as the two balls of fur ripped each other apart. A cat-like yowl came from one of the forms and you recognized the winter outfit that was torn from battle. 
The cat then swiped her claws across the wolf yokai’s face that made him let go of her. She pushed herself against the wall and used the hard surface to kick the yokai into one of the multiple holes that lead into the mines, his terrifying howls haunting the rocky surface. 
Nova turned to you with an astonished expression, a cut on her head bleeding a trail down her face.
“Are you okay? Where’s Leonard?”
“We got seperated, but he has the gold. What about Danny? And Shia?”
“This was a setup! They knew we were coming.”
Nova frowned as you both started to look for another way out, her tail whizzing back and forth like a strip of rope. 
“This wasn’t a setup, another revival gang showed up. Apparently that dumb polar bear thought that he would make his hideout into a trap so he can get rid of them.”
It felt wrong but joy pulsed through your body as you found a torn apart wall that led outside, the light snowfall was now a blizzarding storm. If Shia was fighting against a rival group, then he didn’t know that an officer was here, and you could still get the jump on him. 
The feline started to proceed over to the watchtower F2 but you grabbed her hand and tugged on it. 
“We can still get Shia! He’ll be so distracted that he won’t see us coming!”
Nova’s eyes flashed down to you and then over to the tower, her left ear flicking with concentration along with her tongue licking off the excess blood from the corner of her mouth. 
“Alright, if we can find him under ten minutes.”
You led in the opposite direction and towards one of the gaping holes of the mines, the echoes of gunfire and battle cries filled your ears like music.    
The snowstorm was slowly getting worse, the petals now turned into sharp splinters as your vision started to get covered with white. The crunch under your combat boots was barely heard and you could barely feel the metal pathway that was under you, your covered hands holding onto the side as a large gust of wind tried to push you over. The bellow’s of the yokai’s started to get louder and with one flick of your thin ear, you were spinning around to push Nova out of the way from a hidden attacker. 
“Look out!”
The female snow leopard leapt onto you, her claws shredding out of her gloves and into your coat and a low hiss growed out of her white throat. Your hooves wacked into her nose as you pressed yourself further into the railing and with the yokai’s extra burden of weight the rusted pipes gave way and folded over, taking you and the henchmen with you. 
“Shiki!” Nova called for you but it was barely heard as you and the snow leopard rolled through the snow and down the slope, away from the factory and the watchtower. Even with the smooth snow to impact your tumble, the frozen floor underneath still stabbed itself into you as you both came to a sliding halt. 
Your body was freezing now, the cold hands of winter grasping over your form and it took all your strength to raise yourself up. Far from the factory, you and the female snow leopard had landed over a frozen lake, ice holding your weight easily as the war around you continued. Not far from the lake were several military vans and henchmen shooting bullets and arrows at two hidden figures behind separate crates.  
“Danny! Leonard!”
The two yokai turned at the sound of their names and spotted you. Leonard had a few cuts scrapped over his body and his shirt was torn while Danny was covered in more soot than before and his hat was gone, but both seemed relatively fine. When the rat caught sight of you, a gust of comfort filled his hollow lungs to see that you were still breathing. His hand planted against the crate he was behind to get up but he instantly lunged back down when more ammo was shot at him. 
You made a step towards him but a blur of chalk pounced for you out from nothingness, her claws tearing up the ice surface like nails against a chalkboard. You dodged a swipe from her and then a kick with your hands, your hands going for the laser pistol from your thigh but the flexible feline broke it out of your grip, the weapon skating over the frozen water.
Jeez! Is every cat yokai like this? 
She drove you further into the middle of the lake, your boots having trouble keeping friction over the slippery exterior while the snow leopard didn’t wear any form of shoe except for her pants connecting with the middle of her paws, but it kept her upright as she continued to chase you. 
Nova, if you can hear me right now, know that you and I are having a fighting session once this all over! 
The woman jumped for you and you swiftly moved to the side, and with one kick of your foot it sent the leopard back to the bank of the lake, her face going straight into a pile of snow near the battle Danny and Leonard were in. You couldn’t help but smirk at the small victory, but a pair of azure eyes poked from the heap of white, fury marking the snow leopard’s face as she looked around. 
Near her was a minecart filled of pickaxes and safety hats and her paws swaddled one of the weapons, a wicked smile on her face as she neared the lake once again and with one hit she stabbed the axe into the frozen glass and millions of broken cracks surfaced and the watery hell took you down. 
Danny was on his feet as you disappeared into dark liquid, the clumps of ice drifted around the spot you had fallen into. Leonard was by his side now and as the rat started to race towards the lake, the ogre tackled him and rolled them both behind a tree as the polar bear’s henchmen started to make their way closer. 
“Are you crazy?! You can’t survive that temperature! You’ll also die before you get there!”
“Get off of me you bloody yuck! She will drown!”
Before Danny was going to elbow his friend right in the jaw, a pair of legs jogged right past them and they glanced up to see Nova racing towards the half-ruined lake, her arms quickly working off her two layers of coats and her cream turtleneck until her grey thermal showed. She then hopped over the snow leopard yokai and took the pickaxe from her grey paws, her momentum slamming the ax into the shattered ice until a large enough hole was created and the Mountain Fishing cat jumped in without another thought. 
“What is wrong with these girls?!” Leonard exclaimed as he let Danny go and knocked out a guy who came too close, his fingers taking control of the rifle the henchmen had in his talons. 
Danny could hardly hear the leader as he searched over the lake, trying to find your figure drifting in the cold liquid. 
He had never felt fear like this, as if he was the one drowning instead of you. He ignored the ongoing dogfight around him as every second that ticked by felt like lifetimes. With how shattered the pool of water was, the rat yokai saw how strong and recentless the current was underneath, the tide pushing up against anything it could get its grasp on. Including you. 
And then him and Leonard saw it. It was barely visible but a white paw came crashing out of the ice on the other side of the lake, the enlarged nails broke into the ice like an anchor and created long marks as the creature heaved itself out. 
Danny felt his friend next to him lose his breath as Nova broke the surface, water droplets falling down her hair and fur as she pulled herself out of the water, and in her arms was a waterlogged you, steam rolling off both of you as your friend dragged you out. 
 The men didn’t have to have sonic hearing to hear the feline’s grunts as she dragged you over to the shore, Nova’s paws working on your chest as she performed CPR. 
Danny’s body hurdled into action as he stole the gun out of Leonard’s hands and shot at the criminals crowding them, his dead-eye like aim taking out over four before he started to haul ass over to you and Nova, not even giving Leonard a heads up as the black-haired stared dumbfounded at the rat before joining the retreat. 
You couldn’t hear anything, you couldn’t taste or see anything, all you felt was the cold. It violated you and suffocated you as you felt the water slush around in your lungs. And then the pressure, something or someone was placing pressure on your filled lungs to the point your chest couldn’t take it anymore and you perked up, your head turning over to vomit up the lake water you had swallowed. 
You could barely open your eyes as you tried to take in your surroundings, but it was so cold, why was it so cold?
“Shiki! Shiki are you alright?!”
A bubbly groan came out of your waterlogged throat and you thought to yourself that you would never drink water again and that you hated winter. Your head was exposed to the elements and you realize that your beanie was gone. 
Your dark eyes were able to open to peer up, the flakes of snow coating your eyelashes. Nova was soaked leaning over you, her fur drooped with the soggy water and her whiskers started to become white. But another figure was coming into your vision and as you tried to warn your friend, all that came out was a backbreaking shiver. 
The cat then let out a cry as she was grabbed and tossed to the only unbroken part of the lake and all you could do was watch in horror as the snow leopard started to attack your friend, nothing protecting Nova except her thin thermal shirt and her own wits. 
Nov...Nova,” you shivered out and your hand reached up as the evil leopard took a hold of Nova’s neck and slammed her into the ice, the fragile solid breaking under her. Hands were wrapped around you now and your freezing hand went for your taser but the familiar and tender scent of Danny wafted your senses. 
“I’m here, sweetheart, I’m here.”
“No..Nova needs..”
“Leonard has it handled, we need to get ya outta here.”
The yokai lifted you up easily, the crisp drops of water that fell from your clothes barely made it to the ground as they froze. Even with your head making contact with the rat’s soft fur, it was almost nothing against your frozen skin and stiff fur. 
As your boyfriend carried you deeper into the woods, you turned your head and spotted Leonard and Nova not far behind, the bitter color of crimson dripped from Nova’s claws and Leonard’s hands. 
You all four made it back to the cabin in one piece and Nova was quick on getting her boots off and looking over at you. 
“Danny, I need you to go and take off her clothes.”
“I’m sorry? What?”
“Because if she sits in those wet clothes she’ll get hypothermia! And then she can die! So take her upstairs and get her undressed and in a new pair of clothes!”
You could tell Nova was panicking, when her voice rose over and past a joking manner you knew she was nervous and you could hear her dive into the kitchen and started to search. You wanted to argue that you were fine, but you found no power behind your muscles and all you could do was give a little cry of pain as your body was pounded with the cold. 
When Danny made it up to your room he sat you on the bathroom floor and started to derope you. His fingers scrambled over the black coat, and then the green overcoat, the maroon cardigan and then your black sweater was all off. You were cold to the touch and your brown fur was dyed to a darker oak. Even with the cold layers off of you your body reacted violently against it and your arms wrapped around yourself. Danny felt his heart shatter like the lake that consumed you and placed a small kiss on the top of your head, as if he was afraid you would break with just one touch. 
You had to help him take off the two layers of pants you wore until you laid almost nude in front of him and the harsh flush of warmth crossed your face, but it just made you feel a lot more sicker. The rat saw the temperature in your face change and he got up and to your dresser, not one flash of emotion came across his face as he headed a new outfit for you. 
“You got this, call if ya need me,” he whispered silently to you and then left the bathroom and leaned against the wall next to you. 
You couldn’t but try to roll your eyes as you tried to ease your bra off. Even in a life or death situation he was still going to be a gentleman towards you. It was hard though, the cold undergarment clinged into you like glue and it took you several minutes to even get both of them off. You threw the wet clothes aside and placed the ones Danny had handed you and the cotton grey long-sleeve and black leggings under sweatpants were on after drying yourself off. 
You could still feel the sickness trying to settle on you and a sneeze blew out of your face. 
“You..you speak german?”
“And french, if you’re catching my drift.”
A laugh curled out of your throat but it came out in a fit of coughs. From the restroom you heard Nova call for Danny and his light footsteps drifted away from the room and down the stairs. 
Nova and Leonard were in new clothes and the only evidence of Nova falling into the lake was the dampness in her fur and the silent shiver that drove through her body every few minutes. 
“Okay, keep her warm and under blankets. No placing her in hot water either.”
“Rag-a-muffin, why are ya telling me this?”
“Leonard is coming with me to find elderberries, it will help make a beverage that will make her feel better and push away any case of fever. But you need to bring her temperature up.”
“And how am I supposed to do dat’?”
“You’re her boyfriend, figure it out.” The feline joked and slammed the front door. 
Danny, for the first time in his life, felt an awkward hotness in his stomach as he headed up the stairs to find you curled up in the bed, the vicious shakes that erupted under the sheets made your boyfriend worry, and then Nova’s words came in mind. 
The snowfall had slowed down to a gentle delay and the cabin was sprinkled with the light sugar. Danny started the fireplace that was settled in your room, his calloused hands throwing the pieces of firewood into the hungry flame.
His frame floated over to your trembling form and joined you under the blankets, his hands wrapping around you and you instantly curled into his chest, your hooves digging into his back as you tried to absorb every ounce of warmth he had to offer. A rough chuckle vibrated against your head and you buried yourself into his exposed chest fur. Danny placed a soft kiss on your head, and then your cheeks, and then the tip of your snout, and he waved his hand under your chin to look up at him and he kissed you. 
The contact from his lips sent a jolt of fire into your throat and you took in the kiss with every pint of strength you had left. But when his body jostled to where he was hovering over you, one hand holding himself up next to your head and the other holding your head up to meet his, you realized the eagerness behind each kiss and release. 
His body was over you now, his legs tangled with yours as you sunk further into the mattress, his fingers playing with the tufts of fur behind your head as you felt your heart rate pick up rapid speed.  Your hooves held onto his back as he continued to tease you with each feverish kiss, with each touch over your curves and muscle. And as he peppered kisses up your jawline and near your ear, a growl full of R’s rolled into your eardrum.
You instantly had to close your legs as your very core was rocked and you no longer felt cold as heat traced itself throughout your body. He had never growled to you before, especially rolling his R’s like that. This man always had something under his sleeve, but at this moment, you couldn’t think straight, as if every peck of his mouth and the hands that advanced over you made you braindead. The keenness in his movements as his snout started to make its way down your neck created a moan out of your mouth, your voice raspy and needy. 
Another hust growl went against your throat and you shivered, and your heart bounced in your ribcage when you realized that it wasn’t from the cold, and that this male was going to heat you up like a oven. His hands were slowly riding up your shirt, his nails tenderly digging into your fur and his thumb doing slow and taunting circles under your chest. 
He was teasing you and you squirmed under his hold, but a feather-like moan popped out of your mouth as his teeth grazed your throat and shoulder.
“Danny,” you breathed out and you felt the mammal over you tense up and he stopped, a savage-like look in his eyes as he took in the shameless sight of you. The redness was peaking out of your fur and your chest heaved with pressure and he took a large notice with how your legs were crossed. 
“Say it, doll.”
You knew what he wanted you to say, you knew exactly what he wanted you to do. 
He was on you like a cat on a mouse, his large build practically swallowing you whole as he took full control. The rat was a sucker for you, almost like a kid in a candy store, wanting to have every single bite. He effortlessly started to mark you as his, the small little squeals that started to rise into the house made his blood pump and you were pushing up against him now, chestnut fur flushed against oak fur as you both tried to get closer to each other. His hands were fully under your shirt now and your neck was covered in small little black spots, all perfectly lined up as the rim of his mouth went for the hollow of your throat and your spine bending to give him full access to your body. 
You honestly didn’t care if Leonard and Nova came back early, the heat that rushed through you like water through a pipe was almost too much to bear and you felt himself bump up against you and a heartful gasp came out. 
Oh gosh he was too much for you, the senses he spiked within your body was a remedy you never thought you needed. 
His warm hands felt good against your chest and you groaned into his mouth, his own vocals sending a growl in return. You were sweating now as you escaped to get a breath of air and you could feel the hot pants from Danny as he left more love marks on you, much lower than your neck. You had to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet and your tail wiggled with ecstasy as his hands spread your legs apart so he could get closer, his large mitts now explored your back and your rump. 
You both were burning under the blanket and the fire felt like nothing against your heated fur, you felt like you could be rubbing up against the sun for all you know. 
Danny had you pressed against the headboard now, and every vibration from your thighs or your arms when he touched you made him want you more, he desired you more. The hunger and ache he had for you was beyond unbearable and having you to himself without work or anyone getting in the way was paradise. 
The bruises under your skin ached but Danny’s hands were gentle over the purple areas and he was gentle with you and... The emotion that roared in your heart was stabbing you, pinching at your lungs as you continued to kiss Danny, his tongue sneaking its way into your mouth and you gladly accepted it. And between the kisses and the cries of pleasure that was spilling out both your mouths, you let out the holy words that he had wanted to hear from you since the day you started dating.
“I love you, Dan.”
The male rat stopped in his tracks and looked down at you, surprise spinning in his eyes as he looked down at you and you swore you saw his eyes flash with heartache. You were so out his league, he would always believe that you were better off without him. You wouldn’t have to worry about your job, you wouldn’t have to stress over the idea of being caught with him, but you stayed with him, you cared for him, and now you loved him.
His hand caressed your cheek and you were practically putty in his hands as he said against your mouth. 
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
And he told you that over and over as he undressed you once again.
The next morning was hard to wake up too. You woke up the burning glint of the sun over the snow and you went to roll over but you were held as if prisoner. Strong arms were around you and soft snoring was brushed up against your back. Flashes of last night danced through your head and the heat between your legs started to flicker again. You unraveled yourself from his hold and placed his forgotten long-sleeve shirt over yourself and your sweatpants and headed downstairs. 
It was quiet in the lodge and there was no sign of Leonard on the couch, you walked over to Nova’s door and the shocked gasp couldn’t stop itself as you saw the ogre curled up with the feline, her body rolled up in a ball next to his sleeping figure. 
You could only imagine the awkwardness once one of them woke up and you tiptoed back to the kitchen to find a wine-colored drink on the counter with a note. 
“Dear Shiki, drink this once you wake up, but by how the cabin was shaking and how you were hollering like you were dying, I’m guessing you might not need this ;). Love, Nova”
Humiliation rolled in your stomach as you took a few sips of the drink, your fist pounding against your chest once you realized that it was an alcoholic beverage. You would give anything to just have a cup of coffee. 
You headed back upstairs and for a split second, you remembered why you were truly here. Shia had gotten away, and even though it was a successful heist, it was a failure of a bounty hunt. You felt shame hit you as you failed your mission to get the polar bear. But once you made it up the stairs and saw Danny laying in the spot you had been sleeping in and his hand hanging off the side of the bed as if going after you, waiting for you. 
It might’ve been a failure of a job, but you won something today, you won him. 
And as you opened up the blankets and let his arms once again entrap you, you felt like the only thing you failed at was not telling him sooner.
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For my friend @theweiszguy​ thank you for being so amazing and wonderful and thank you for always being there to chat! When I first started planning this fic I originally wanted it to be all Weisz-centric. But, of course, it turned into Weicca. I guess you could say this follows my angst fic “Smile” but you don’t have to read “Smile” to read this! I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you have a very happy birthday, dear!
          He was awake before his alarm went off, watching the stars outside the viewer cast strange rainbows of color across his ceiling. There was something aching in his arm…  a ghost pain… from before. It wasn’t as bad as it could be. He flexed his fingers, there was a soft grinding sound. He groaned. Something’s not right. He’d have to make some adjustments. But for now… he just wanted to lay in bed and watch the shadows of stars drift by. There was a soft beep at his door—someone outside. He groaned.
          “Come in.” His voice was hoarse. The door hissed as it opened, and Shiki leaned in with a bright grin.
          “You’re awake,” he laughed, then he saw his expression. “Are you alright, Weisz?”
          “’m fine,” he murmured, “Just…” he held up his mechanical arm, flexing. “Needs some adjustments, and I don’t want to get out of bed.”
          “Rebecca’s planning our next stop though! There’s going to be some really cool things to see! You should come check it out!” And then he dashed away. Weisz groaned. He wasn’t at all interested in their next tourist stop. He knew Shiki and Rebecca liked that sort of thing, but it wasn’t what kept him going. Better get out of bed and fix this arm though.
          He rolled over with a groan, stretching, and then pulled himself out of bed. His arm made another concerning grinding noise, and a spike of pain shot up his nerves. Yeah, something’s not right. He flexed again and then groaned, making his way down to the room he set aside as a little shop.
          He met Hermit on the way, which was just his luck because when she met him in the hall he was clutching his metal arm like something was wrong and she knew instantly.
          “You have to make some repairs?” She asked. “Need some help?”
          “No,” He huffed, “I can do it myself.”
          “That’s what you said the last two times,” she grinned, “And you still always ended up needing another hand.”
          “Haha, very, very funny,” Weisz rolled his eyes.
          “What about Rebecca? Last time a bolt needed tightening you asked her.”
          Weisz narrowed his eyes at her, “I told you, this time I won’t need help.”
          “Right.” Hermit followed him into the shop anyways. He always felt more at home when he was in the shop, surrounded by tools and gadgets. Even when Hermit joined him—either to watch, help, or tease mercilessly—he felt at home.
He had a feeling of dread as he sat down in his usual seat, next to the wrenches and screw drivers all the right size for his arm. I’m going to have to ask for help. There was one bolt he couldn’t quite reach with his other hand. He glanced over at Hermit briefly. Already said I could do it myself. And there was no way he was backing down on that. And Rebecca… well, the last time he’d invited Rebecca to help him adjust a bolt she had yanked the wrench so hard that it had sent a shock through his nerves that he still remembered with a shudder. He had learned pretty quickly that Rebecca didn’t know her own strength. He admired that part of her most of the time—from a distance because he knew if she caught him admiring her of all people, he’d never hear the end of it.
“You sure you don’t need help?” Hermit questioned from the other side of the room.
“I’m fine,” Weisz said, partially trying to convince himself.
“Well, if you don’t need me I’ll just go find something else to do,” Hermit shrugged knowingly, slipping out of the room.
He let out a deep sigh and grabbed the tool he needed first. I’ll figure out how to get to that other bolt when I get there. He worked quietly for some time, using his ether gear here and there trying to diagnose the problem. It would be easier to do that once the fancy piece of machinery was no longer attached to his body and that required—getting rid of that last bolt.
Just as he was trying to toss out his ego in order to find Hermit for help, familiar, soft arms wrapped around his shoulders and Rebecca pressed a lingering kiss to his temple. “Shiki said you’d be in here.” He leaned his head against her shoulder, breathing in the faint smell of her shampoo. “Is something wrong?” She asked. He shrugged, jostling her a little.
“I think it’s just a loose spring in here somewhere. But I’ll be able to diagnose it better once I get it disconnected.”
“You need some help, sunshine?” she asked. He wanted so desperately to say no.
“Yeah,” he let out a defeated sigh, handing her a wrench he knew was just the right size. “I just need that bolt on my shoulder loosened—” Rebecca was already looking for it, her fingers tracing across his skin to cool metal, and he heard the wrench click around the bolt before Rebecca pulled. “LOOSENED!” Weisz shouted as a jolt of pain shot through his shoulder. “LOOSENED!” Rebecca jumped.
“S-sorry!” She gasped, “Did it hurt?” He gritted his teeth, a shiver running down his spine.
“Goddammit,” he hissed, clutching his shoulder. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you righty-tighty, lefty-loosey?”
“I’m so sorry, Weisz,” Rebecca frowned, “I’ll turn it the right way, okay?”  
“The left way,” Weisz groaned. “Please turn it the left way.”
“You know what I mean!” Rebecca snapped. The wrenched clicked in place again and she turned slowly, until the bolt slipped out of place and Weisz carefully unhooked the arm. Emptiness. He hated that feeling. The feeling that he was incomplete, it made him sick. It always reminded him of those weeks before he had been outfitted with the prosthetic. He hated to remember those weeks. He glanced at Rebecca briefly before leaning over his workbench. He knew those weeks had been torture for her, and he felt miserable thinking about how much of a burden he had been. Rebecca sat down on the stool next to him with a sigh.
“Sorry about the bolt, soft-man,” she whispered, “Is there anything else I can do to help?”
“Just…” he let out a deep sigh, trying to fidget with the mechanical parts with only one hand. “Can you just hold this plate up? I just need to adjust the spring and then it should be good.”
          “Of course!” she leaned over his work station, holding up the little plate for him as he leaned over to adjust the spring. There were a couple of other parts slightly out of place due to the spring, but they were quick fixes. He oiled the joints, and then let out a sigh, examining his work.
          “I think it’s good. Only one way to find out though. Help me get it hooked on?” Rebecca helped him get his arm in position and he slowly tightened all the bolts, until at last there remained that final, annoying bolt. “Okay, listen,” he instructed. “Slowly.” He set the wrench into Rebecca’s hand.
          “I feel like you’re doubting my ability to tighten a bolt,” Rebecca rolled her eyes.
          “I’m doubting your understanding of how goddamn strong you are,” he said. Rebecca threw her head back and laughed. “Would you just tighten the bolt…?” Weisz groaned. She sighed. The click of the wrench against the bolt, and then the slow feeling of the arm becoming more secure against his shoulder.
          “Just a little more,” she said. He knew that click was coming, when his nerves would react with the metal and he would be able to move his fingers again. Rebecca had paused. What is she— The sudden yank of the wrench made him jerk.
          “OW! Rebecca!” Pain shot through his shoulder, tingling shot down his arm accompanied with a shocking pain.
          “I knew it was going to shock you when the nerves connected anyways!” Rebecca shrugged. “How does it feel now?” He flexed his arm, clenched and unclenched his fist.
          “Good.” He groaned.
          She dropped into his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “Good.”
          “Hey, Princess, I know you want to help, but please don’t ever do that again.” He groaned.
          “It hurts every time no matter who does it, Weisz,” Rebecca leaned over pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, drawing his attention back to her. “But…” she murmured, in a sing-song voice, “Maybe I can make it up to you.” He grinned, resting his hand against her hip, and leaning forward to steal another hungry kiss as she reached for the buttons of his shirt.
          “Maybe I should let you help me out here more often,” he growled, pulling her closer.
          Rebecca grinned, “Maybe you should.”
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