#shima pls be happy
vorokysa · 6 months
Uhh, so that's why I was wondering about what was reminding it to me...
(The real reference to 17th chapter)
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crunchkind · 4 months
Yall think he’s a good baby sitter
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His fav half brothers guys
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shima-draws · 10 months
Actually genuinely started crying when Luffy almost said he wanted Usopp off the ship and then Sanji interrupted and yelled at him. What the hell. This shit is so sad what the FUCK bro
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fanaticsnail · 10 days
@physics-of-one-piece here, I just wanted to say hi and I hope you're doing well! A circus of dinosaurs sounds sth straight out of Jurassic Park, looks fun.
Also, @daydreamer-in-training , did you say Techno party 😍? And Heat-look-alike??? 🎉🎉
For Snail, who I see has 32 fics in the making (wow, you're amazing, Snail, but pls take care of yourself and take it one day at a time, pls 🥺), I suggest a reward system. Every time you finish one fic, or a page, hell, a paragraph your choice! Get yourself food or drink or do anything that brings those happy vibes. I make myself a banana smoothie or get a milk boba.
In my free time (when I'm not clawing Doflamingo's ass off me so I can write Rosinante's part), I've been steadily watching this typical romance anime Skip and Loafer and the romance interest Shima is literally Rosinante, I am not joking, he has shaggy curly hair and a sweet, golden-retriever personality! The opening song is a sweet one and I would be lying if I say I wasn't listening to it while writing Rosinante.
Here is a pic of Shima!
I also must fight against writing more versions of this Rosi x Reader x Doffy fic such as:
1) writing a Modern AU, the only image I have is of Doffy in a black dress shirt and white pants running out into the street into the rain looking for Reader after Rosinante's funeral and he nearly has a panic attack searching for Reader, then he does have an emotional response after he finds you. The other image is of the three of them going to a festival while Rosinante is still alive and Reader holding both their hands, which is when Doffy starts getting ✨feelings✨.
My excuse for this one: I WANT TO DESCRIBE SPAIN SO FCKN BADLY, IT'D BE A FIC FULL OF DESCRIPTIONS bcs I need to get better at them and I really like describing scenery, and it's Spain.
2) writing a Celestial Dragon AU (this one would be so fckn dark, I am of the thought Holy Land Doffy is a NIGHTMARE because he has it all)
3) AU where Reader goes with Rosinante on his mission to sell the lie Rosinante's just a thug when he and Doflamingo reunite and lucked out with a wife and they join the Donquixote Family
4) AU where Marine Rosinante has to deal with Doflamingo finding out about you and you two having to endure Doflamingo's visits
Hope you have a good day, Snail! Take care! Love you ❤️
PHYSICS, THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Hi my love 🖤🖤 The circus was a joy, and I was so glad I got to go. I went to an indoor play centre yesterday and thought of you - yes, I did the slide technique and I went 'wooooooosh'.
Fics are my little reward. It's my hobby, and it's beautiful carving out little worlds. The fics are meant to be short little ones, but the Kuzan one got to over 5,600 words, and the Law one is looking quite similar. I stop when the story feels like it should, and I just love it.
I should watch Skip and Loafer! It sounds so pretty, and he does look so much like our beautiful heart-husband.
THOSE AUS SOUND MAD AS!! The modern one pulled at my heart strings, but celestial Doffy would be so unhinged and incredibly terrifying. I would absolutely read those in a heartbeat.
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actualbird · 1 year
shima 🤝 luke similarities definately. but consider SHIMA 🤝 MARIUS COMPARISONS???
though marius definately isn't golden retriever(tm) but both marius and shima i think had to deal with their whole lives scrutinized under a microscope of the public eyes, having to navigate through people who are only trying to take advantage of them, and how they have to put on a facade, keeping people at arms length... they both just seem... like very lonely people.
i honestly i kinda want to see marius go through a skip and loafer(tm) treatment and I JUST THINK HE NEEDS MORE GENUINE FRIENDS (WHEN HE MENTIONED HOW HE WANTED TO SHARE SNACKS AND RIDE ON SWINGS, HOW IS THIS OKAY)
shima might as well be a mariluke lovechild.
while "shima 🤝 luke" is more on the general outward demeanor and over-attachment to people pleasing, "shima 🤝 marius" is probably.....like Everything Else
i so absolutely agree with what u listed down there. in the same chapter shima had his "this is my role [...]" spiel that lives in my brain rent free, two other lines in that spiel gut punched me and is So mariuscore: "[i'm] a status symbol" and "we're both using each other, after all. it's not worth it."
(sidenote: ...ch 46 warm picnic is really one of my dang favorite chapters of this whole manga. because of the shima brain deep dive, but also because of mitsumi's "whether i fall in love with you or not" response that was one THE most wholesome and beautiful declarations of unconditional love ever. MITSUMI IWAKURA IF UR OUT THERE, PLS KNOW I LOVE YOU!!!!!)
BACK TO THE SHIMA 🤝 MARIUS ALLIANCE, UR SO RIGHT!!!! both of them ended up in a "special" kind of role as children, shima's being his job and marius' being his family, and all it did was isolate them both immensely and make them wary of others, make them second guess every kindness because whats the ulterior motive there, whats the transaction, what do they really want from me?
marius SHOULD go through skip and loafer treatment it would be so healing for him jhvjHVJjJKHVKJ HE NEEDS FRIENDS!!! //PUSHES THE WHOLE NXX TEAM TOWARDS HIM! ALL OF U HAVE BRUNCH TOGETHER RIGHT NOW, OR ELSE!!!
(sidenote 2: in my dreams, the team has more lighthearted happy group moments together that arent just the sliding puzzle minigame event prologues jvfkjjVJH. but the hoyoland event story has a special place in my heart for unexpectedly granting such good nxx team friendship togetherness moments....)
also "shima might as well be a mariluke lovechild" ........anon oh my god i think you mightve cracked the code on why shima immediately hooked my attention and then drove me insANE AKJHVASJF, it's the well written traits and backstory that r similar to my two tot favesies!!!!
anyway my god. im so emo about all these boys.
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Mi-chan, Kettaro, Shima, kradness and Kimagure Prince tried to sing “Monster”
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For the fanfic requests thing, I finally decided what to ask you.
A TsukkYama sickfic where Tsukishima got a fever after training too much and has nausea and dissociates a lot, so Yamaguchi tries to help him and take care of him. Nothing sexual obviously but I want there to be a tender and soft moment between them where Yamaguchi tries to bring Tsukki back to reality. Make it as long as you are able to and be as whump as you can. ❤
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST! I’m absolutely in love with your idea, when I first read it I had to stop and take a deep breath because every little part of me was screaming. Hopefully this will be close to what you had in mind! Thank you again @theark-ofvoid for sending a request :)
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing(s): TsukkiYama (Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi).
Word count: 2893 words.
Tags: fever, vomit, exhaustion. Set shortly after the Tōkyō Training Camp Arc. Rated G.
He should have left with the others. He knew he should have. He was well-aware that this was eventually going to kill him, he knew that pushing his limits was stupid, that it wasn’t going to make him better. But Tsukishima kept going. Minute after minute, he insisted on perfecting his serves, his spikes, his sets; he’d run laps until his legs began to feel like jelly, wobbling dangerously under his weight. He’d worked hard to make his fingertips reach higher, to have stronger arms, to dive in case he were to receive a ball, if that would have meant not losing a point. He’d been running himself to the ground for two weeks straight, every day, even on the weekend when the gym was closed and he could only workout in the tiny backyard. Even Kageyama and Hinata, who were known to always finish a little late, had started to leave the gym before him. 
But unlike those two, Tsukishima needed this. He needed to work harder, he needed to get better. Bokuto had been right, after all: Tsukishima liked to pretend that he didn’t like volleyball, that it was just a hobby of his, something he did to blow off some steam. However, deep down, he knew the truth: he was weak. He was too weak. He’d tried to downplay his weakness as simple indifference, but Tsukishima knew that the only reason why he didn’t show just how much volleyball meant to him was because, after all this time, he was still weak, pathetic, a child that couldn’t get over his trauma. 
And Yamaguchi wasn’t happy about it. He’d been keeping a close eye on his boyfriend ever since he’d noticed just how off he’d started to look: surely enough, his arms and legs were more sculpted, but the spectacles couldn’t hide just how sunken his honey eyes were, nor how his complexion had taken a sickly grey tinge over the course of the past two weeks. 
At lunch, Tsukishima would eat his usual, tiny portions of food, though Yamaguchi would always ask him to finish his too, pretending that he was full and that he didn’t feel like throwing the food his parents had made for him away like that. He’d maybe leave a couple of spoonfuls of rice, or some vegetables, or a banana he’d barely even touched, asking Tsukishima to finish those for him. Sometimes, the blond would comply, but Yamaguchi had noticed that his boyfriend had began to act annoyed at his requests, so he’d stopped doing it, and limited himself to observing the boy. 
Today was not different.
“Tsukki,” he called, sitting on the sidelines. Everyone else was gone already一 they’d left at least an hour ago一 and the moon was already shining up in the sky, stars blinking faintly in the distance, hidden beyond flimsy clouds. Yamaguchi pulled the sweatshirt tighter around himself, drawing his knees closer to his body. 
“Tsukki, we should go home.” he insisted. Tsukishima didn’t even react to the voice, and instead he kept juggling, sending the blue and yellow ball higher and higher. The rhythmic, dull sound of flesh hitting synthetic leather was almost unnerving to Yamaguchi, but Tsukishima had completely tuned it out.
Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. D-
The ball fell on his head with a muffled thud, but Tsukishima didn’t wince. Instead, he crouched down to grab it, expression unreadable. Normally, he would have clicked his tongue, or kicked the ball, or reacted in some way. But he didn’t, and for Yamaguchi, that was the last straw. The green-haired boy got up from his spot and paced toward his boyfriend; he grabbed at his arm, grip delicate but firm. As soon as he made contact, however, Tsukishima flinched violently, immediately pulling away, wide-eyed. He blinked, slow and sheepish, squinting slightly and wondering why the hell his glasses weren’t doing their job. 
Yamaguchi repeated the action, albeit more slowly. “Tsukki, enough! It’s late, we need to lock the gym up and leave. Now.” he said, not leaving room for discussion. Despite his hard expression, Yamaguchi’s guts twisted and knotted uncontrollably, the sensation that something was definitely not right sending shivers down his spine. 
Karasuno’s number Eleven swallowed, thick. He glanced around, and Yamaguchi couldn’t help but notice how his boyfriend looked like a deer in the headlights. A very warm, suddenly-too-pale deer in the headlights, now that he noticed. The shorter boy moved his hand that was resting onto Tsukishima’s shoulder up, placing it on his forehead; he pulled away in an instant, gasping. 
“Tsukki, y-you’re burning up!” he fretted, “You know what, that’s it, I’m taking you home right now. Stay here, I’ll go grab our stuff. Don’t you dare touch another ball.” he hissed, thought he wasn’t angry, but more like, scared out of his mind. Before Yamaguchi could help Tsukishima to at least sit down, the latter whimpered, and he froze.
“I d-don’t... m’not...” Tsukishima stuttered out, voice weak. His eyes were shut tightly, almost painfully as he tried to stop the world from spinning around him. “I th-think一”
And just like that, his head ducked, and he almost headbutted Yamaguchi in the chin as he collapsed forward with a thick, burning retch. The putrid scent of half-digested food and bile spilled from his lips and nose, tears of exertion and agony pooling at the corner of his eyes. The sick soiled the floor and his shoes, and little specks of refuse ended up onto Yamaguchi’s too, but he didn’t care. 
“Fuck一 Tsukki! It’s alright. There, get it all up, come on.” Yamaguchi fretted, trying hard not to lose his composure, “What's wrong, Tsukki? What is it? Where does it hurt?”  His sweaty palm was pressed against Tsukishima’s damp, forehead, too hot for comfort, while the other hand of the freckled boy rested between his boyfriend’s shoulder blades, rubbing in what he hoped would be considered as comforting patterns, “You're doing amazing, it's alright, just take a deep breath for me now. Easy does it, you're okay, I'm here, baby, I'm here. You're fine, it's fine, it happens, d-don't worry.”
Tsukishima’s body spasmed as he gasped for oxygen whenever his mouth wasn’t busy spewing the content of his upset stomach, clenching painfully. He felt too hot, too unsteady, disoriented if not for the physical contact of Yamaguchi that somehow helped him to cling onto consciousness. Just barely, that is. 
“...ki, hey? Can ... me? Tsukki!?” called a voice from somewhere above him, and it was lined with panic, but his fever-addled brain didn’t really register any of that. The blond groaned, shutting his eyes tightly and pressing his soiled lips in a thin, trembling line. A wet burp escaped his mouth, but he didn’t bring a fist up to conceal it, and instead sank forward again, bringing up another wave of vomit. 
The world around him felt like a broken carousel, its hinges screeching and clanking loudly and making his head pound. Everything was going around and around in dizzying trajectories, taking him along for the dizzy ride, and it was loud, nauseating. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and the white shirt he was wearing stuck uncomfortably to his pale skin, drenched in salty sweat. Something一 someone was moving him, talking to him, but he couldn’t focus on it, he couldn’t bring himself to care, now. 
“...shima please, please answer me! Kei!” called Yamaguchi. He was gripping at Tsukishima’s wrists tightly, leaving shallow marks on his boyfriend’s skin as he unconsciously dug his short nails into it. The honey in Tsukishima’s eyes had been replaced with a darker shade of yellow, and his pupils were blown like he’d been in the dark for too long. He didn’t seem aware of Yamaguchi’s presence, he didn’t seem to hear his boyfriend as he called his name repeatedly, urgency evident in his tone, and he didn’t seem to understand as the freckled boy bolted to the clubroom only to return a minute later, phone held in the crook of his neck as he spoke. Tsukishima watched with blind eyes, passive, unfocused gaze falling somewhere behind the pinch server.
“...r mother’s gonna …  soon, you’ll be alr… hear me? Tsukki, pl...” he heard him say. He couldn’t quite understand the words, but he felt grateful. And scared. 
He coughed weakly, “Ya-ama..?”
“Tsukki!” Yamaguchi beamed, trying to catch his gaze, eyebrows arched in fear, “Tsukki, I’m here. You’re okay, you’re- you're alright. It’s just a fever, there’s nothing to worry about!” he explained, mostly to himself. “Stay with me now, alright? Your mother’s going to pick us up in a few minutes, and she asked me if I could stay with you for the night since she has a nightshift to cover. Is that okay?”
Tsukishima blinked, lips quivering as he tried to compose a somewhat cognizant thought, and failed. He let his fuzzy head loll forward, limp against Yamaguchi’s shoulder. 
“Hurts.” he slurred, shivering. “M-messed up.”
“No, no, shhh, you didn’t mess anything up. You didn’t mess anything up, Tsukki. Stay with me now. You’re here with me, I won’t leave you.”
Tsukishima whimpered. “Dunno wha’s happenin’ t’me.” he mumbled, “M’sorry.”
“You don’t have to be!” Yamaguchi screeched, maybe a little too loud. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” he added, voice lower, “it’s alright, it happens. You just need to get this under control.”
“You can. You can. You’re too hard on yourself, but you can work on it. We can work on it.” Yamaguchi explained, rubbing at his back to ground him when he noticed how shifty his boyfriend’s gaze was getting. “Tsukki, hey, hey.  Don’t go yet. Listen to me, okay? Listen to Yama.” he said, “I’m sorry this is happening to you一 man, you’re scorching. B-but we’ll fix this, yeah?” 
Yamaguchi cursed himself. He’d seen it coming, he knew it was going to happen and he didn’t do anything to stop it, to stop him from hurting himself like that. His grip around Tsukishima’s shoulders tightened, and he shifted closer to the boy. His eyes were still open, but he didn’t look entirely conscious. This was worrisome, to say the least.
“Tsukki, you with me?” the pinch server asked. “Do you feel like you’re going to be sick again?”
A shrug.
“Okay, okay, that’s fine. Just stay with me.” he insisted, “You’ll be okay soon, we just need to…”
To the middle-blocker, Yamaguchi’s voice sounded as if he was speaking from underwater. Or maybe, Tsukishima thought, he was the one that was drowning. It felt like it. But he also felt like he was melting. How could he melt underwater? That sounded… funny.
“Tsukki..?” Yamaguchi called fearfully, eyes wide and filled with horror as the boiling boy chuckled for no apparent reason. He was almost too scared to prop him up. 
And the blond was fully-intentioned to reply, to explain why the image that he had in mind was amusingー Yamaguchi was surely going to find it hilarious, too. He opened his mouth, voicing out a shapeless mutter, before the grey that had been clawing at his vision since he'd collapsed decided to take over him. He felt so heavy, all of the sudden; his limbs were in agony, and his head pounded. Tsukishima briefly wondered if he had some painkillers in his bag, before he inadvertently tilted to the side, world tipping, going dark. And then, he knew no more, dragged under by an infinite void.
By the time that Ms Tsukishima arrived, a few minutes later, Yamaguchi was an absolute mess; he’d tried to keep it together, for his boyfriend’s sake, but when Tsukishima had collapsed after giving only the tiniest, most pitiful sigh as a warning, he’d lost it. Ms Tsukishima, already dressed up for her shift that was going to begin soon, had found her son laying on his side, as the kind boy who was always next to him kept running a hand through his matted hair and calling out his name, voice broken. His eyes were red-rimmed and shiny with tears, chin twitching as he stifled soundless sobs.
The two of them had then managed to drag Tsukishima's lanky body out of the gym and haul him into the car. Yamaguchi had grabbed Tsukishima's phone and had called him, placing the device on the seat of the car, and taking his own with him as he went to rapidly clean up the mess, while Tsukishima's mother went to retrieve the bags. That way, the freckled boy and Tsukishima's mother could feel a bit less guilty about leaving the unconscious blond alone in the car. 
They were both back in the car less than five minutes later, and Tsukishima had not regained consciousness in the meantime, nor during the drive. Yamaguchi could only run his long, shaky fingers through the damp hair, and pray. Tsukishima's boiling head rested on his thigh as he rested, lost into a fitful sleep.
When he came to, he felt... just as bad as before. Worse, maybe.
Tsukishima didn't want to wake up, but consciousness seemed to be willing to forcefully drag him back to the land of the living without his consent, and there was nothing he could do when his senses slowly returned to him. The pain did too, and suddenly the middle-blocker realised just how worse for the wear he'd had it.
“...ki?” someone called. The voice was low, warm and familiar, and it made him feel at ease. He wondered whose voice it was. 
“Tsukki, baby?” came again, and this time, this time Tsukishima knew. His eyes blinked open without him telling them to, not managing to unclose past slits; the form before him was blurry, its outlines faded and unclear. Something was wrapped around a handー his hand, he reminded himselfー and it was warm and soft, though slightly wet.
“Y-Yama.” Tsukishima croaked out. The room around him started to become more familiar to his burning eyes, and the blond came to the realisation that the place he was in was his own bedroom. With his free hand, Tsukishima felt the clean sheets, and grabbed a fistful of them, grip weak and unsteady. He inhaled, slow and deep, taking in the scent of lavender of the pillowcase; with the little strength he'd left, he somehow managed to lift his and Yamaguchi's hand, and put the freckled boy's against his lips, planting a soft kiss, allowing himself to whiff at the scent of strawberryー Yamaguchi had started using cherry body soap ever since he'd discovered that he reminded Tsukishima of a strawberry when flustered, apparently. He found it cute.
“How are you feeling, Tsukki?” Yamaguchi asked, voice gentle and barely a whisper.
A half-choked groan was all he got in response. The pinch served hummed.
“You're running an awfully-high fever. It got to 39.4°C earlier, but I think it’s a bit lower now.”
“M'sorry.” Tsukishima mumbled. Yamaguchi didn't even need to ask why, and the blond knew it. Karasuno's number Twelve let his shoulders drop, and he stood up from the chair he was on, and sat onto the mattress, feeling it sag under his weight. He delicately rubbed Tsukishima's cheek, before he started to cradle his hair, careful not to pull any strands. Only then did Tsukishima realize that a damp cloth had been draped over his forehead. Through fever-fogged eyes, the blond could still see how sadness lingered in his watery gaze.
“You don’t need to do this to yourself.” he simply stated. 
“M’sorry, Yama. I don’tー I didn’t think…” he trailed off. He still had a high fever, and his thoughts were scrambled also due to the fact that he had no energy in him right now. 
Yamaguchi exhaled softly, “Scoot over.”
“Come on, Tsukki, let me lay down a bit.”
Tsukishima did as he was told, moving a few centimeters to the right so that Yamaguchi could get under the blanket next to him; he didn’t lay down entirely, and let Tsukishima move his head to rest on his chest, hearing the rhythmic thumping of his heart. 
“Don’t do that ever again. Please.” Yamaguchi whispered, “That was scary, and I don’t want you to go and almost kill yourself like that. You don’t need to.”
“I need’a be b-better.” Tsukishima croaked out, “If I c-can’t block, m’notー the team won’t wa-ant me. I jus’ wanted to be good enough.”
The hand that was cradling his sweaty hair stopped moving, and Tsukishima barely kept himself from whining at that. “You’re already good enough, Tsukki, and even better than that. You’re you, you’re good just as you are.” Yamaguchi said, stern, “The team will always want you. We need you, Tsukki, and not only because you’re a good player, but because everyone likes youー yes, even the other first-years, don’t start.”
Tsukishima chuckled despite himself. “M’really sorry, Yama.”
“It’s okay, just… don’t do that again, please. That’s all I’m asking.” Yamaguchi breathed out, voice soft. He leaned over to plant a soft kiss onto Tsukishima’s warm forehead, the salty sweat moist against his lips, Tsukishima leaning into the tender touch. “Now rest, I won’t go anywhere.” he said. 
The blond could only breathe out the umptenth apology, before he was enveloped in the darkness once again. But this time, he was safe.
(reposted and edited on my ao3)
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meenadraws · 3 years
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(✿◡‿◡)♡ Hope you guys continue to have good health, and Sakatan pls stay adorable for the next few years~ ♡ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ
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hii id like a matchup pls n tyvm! ( ´ ▽ ` ) INFP, cancer, quiet unless im in a comfy situation, and i avoid being the center of attention. i love animals and wanna work with them, but im scared of insects. i like watching anime n stuff, especially w/ ppl! i can be kinda mean w/ my jokes, and my sarcasm doesnt always come across; i have trouble being genuine but i mean well! i get flustered w/ compliments, and i try to stay positive and friendly despite having anxiety!
sends matchup in, forgets to add fandoms- my bad;; can mine be for natsume yuujinchou, knb and ao exorcist please! boys preferred but i also like girls 💕 (this is for infp cancer, sorry again for forgetting to add this stuff in;;)
Hey there, Anon-san! I hope you enjoy your matches :3 Thank you for requesting!
Natsume Yuujinchou - Tanuma Kaname
You always find Tanuma at the edge of a crowd whenever there’s a commotion. No one really notices either of you so during class, the two of you are often stuck together during partner work. Neither of you mind though - both of you can do the work quickly and quietly. He discovers that you live near his place so he often walks home with you. His friendly personality allows you to open up to him and the two of you always talk during the entire journey. Tanuma doesn’t hesitate to invite you over whenever it’s raining so you can dry off or offer you a place at the dinner table when it’s late. His dad isn’t around often either, so the two of you often have the entire place for yourselves. The vast grounds make for good exploring grounds and Tanuma is more than happy to take you around for a tour. You have a habit of making sarcastic comments every now and then, but Tanuma catches on easily. He’s a bit of a tease himself, so you two often tease each other and make jokes.
Tanuma is quick to compliment you on a daily basis. From small details to your handwriting to larger details like your attention toward animals, he does what he can to make you feel good about yourself. Despite his awkwardness, he does have experience with anxiety, especially with his sensitivity towards spirits. He develops his own methods to help you during anxious times and he always smile afterwards. He’s quick to get personal with you and everything he does contributes to making you feel happy and comfortable with yourself.
Kuroko no Basuke - Kuroko Tetsuya
Rather than being at the edge of the crowd, Kuroko is nowhere to be found most of the time. You notice him when you enter class, but then he disappears halfway through (he never left his seat, he says. You aren’t sure whether to believe him or not). Someone with blue hair should be easy to spot - that’s what you think, anyway. You don’t chase after him regardless, but he somehow ends up in your line of vision and the two of you start talking bit by bit. When you see him sneak Nigou onto school grounds, you fall head over heels for his dog, which is how you bridge the gap between you two.
Since he often has practice, he chooses to walk to and from school with you, occasionally inviting you out to walk Nigou with him. He’s blunt enough to tell you when one of your jokes doesn’t bode well with him, but he laughs along all the same. When you aren’t busy after school, he introduces you to his team and while you get along with Riko, you try to stand your ground when the other guys try intimidate you. Kuroko invites you to watch the games and you avoid picking him up from practice to avoid feeling attacked.
You enjoy showing Kuroko your favorite anime series and the two of you end up watching together often. He doesn’t watch much anime himself, so he’s content to follow along with you. He likes taking you around the city to walk Nigou and search for strays. He likes joking that if he lived with you, he’d adopt every stray the two of you find. While this sounds like a joke, his feelings for you are genuine and if you’re willing, it might even become reality.
Ao no Exorcist - Miwa Konekomaru
Koneko is rarely on his own since he’s often flanked by Bon and Shima, but in the few times he has time to himself, he interacts with you. Both of you are quiet and actively avoiding the spotlight. He’s nervous around you and he speaks as politely as possible since he isn’t familiar with you. You try to get him to relax by softening your sarcasm and jokes, but he takes them literally than brush them off as a joke. Interacting with him wears you out, but he means well.
Despite being academically successful, Koneko lacks in social skills as well as practical skills. He’s amazed by your love for animals and how you can care for them. His love for cats help you connect with him and your fear of insects remind him of Shima. Whenever you react to a nearby insect, Koneko shoos it away and returns to his work, reminding you to do the same. As the two of you spend more time together, his bluntness begins to show a bit and he becomes able to deflect your sarcasm and jokes.
In your downtime, you like dragging Koneko over to your place to watch anime. There isn’t much that interests him, but whenever you convince him to watch a show you know he’ll love, he has no choice but to go along. He does end up becoming more knowledgeable in anime thanks to you, and he;s able to use the crazy plots in his strategies sometimes. You still respect his space and allow him to study when the need arises. As Koneko never experienced anything other than a friendship, it takes him a long time to realize he wants to be more than friends with you. He hopes that you’ll accept his confession but if not, he’s more than content to remain by your side as a friend.
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shima-draws · 7 years
Bwuh bwuh oh hey look I’ve gone and made a Kingsman AU to the second movie!!
It’s all under the cut since there’s spoilers!
Okay so imagine instead of Roxy and Merlin dying, Eggsy was too late with the serum to save Tilde so she died instead. So this is all about him coming to terms with her death and realizing that he can’t save everyone he loves, and that he has to accept that it’s part of his job ;m;
*Honestly they all thought Roxy was a goner but she managed to catch on that there was a missile headed for the Kingsman HQ and quickly evacuated through the special underground system. However she was still caught in the explosion and suffered major injuries and didn’t even reveal to the others that she was alive until after the movie ends *Harry and Eggsy managed to also get Poppy to disengage the field mines so that Merlin could walk away unscathed. It was awkward because Merlin had to stand there for twenty-five minutes and listen to the sounds of gunshots and screaming while trying not to move his foot off the mine whoops lol (Harry and Eggsy managed to lure the guards into the jungle and killed them off before making their assault instead of having Merlin draw them in and blow them to bits) *Tilde was already deep into stage three of the drug effects so by the time Eggsy managed to get the password it was too late...imagine his horror to have to explain what happened to her parents and attend her funeral like wow *Hence Eggsy has a lot of nightmares about her dying and also the others dying and being too late to save them. Along with Tilde Harry is the star of these nightmares, and Eggsy is frightened of losing him a second time. *Harry and Eggsy bond EVEN MORE than before since they help each other through their trauma. Sometimes Eggsy will walk into a room to see Harry curled up on the floor and will softly go, “The butterflies again?” and Harry will nod and he’ll sit with him until he calms down. Harry, in turn, will wake Eggsy from nightmares and take him out to the balcony and stargaze and talk with him until he feels good enough to go back to bed. *Eggsy also leans on Roxy a lot, and Harry on Merlin, and they all talk about their near-death experiences to help them cope, since they’re the only ones who can really understand each other. *Eggsy decides to name the pug Tilde got him after her, in her memory :’( Harry names the puppy Eggsy got him after Eggsy’s father.
*They all move in together!! Into a big house! It’s off the map and not in any of the Kingsman/Statesman records so it won’t become a target. *Eggsy is usually the first one up so he likes to go into everyone’s rooms and smack them with pillows until they get out of bed lol *Harry is dead until he has his morning coffee. Same with Merlin *Harry and Merlin teach Eggsy how to cook and it’s the cutest goddamn thing :’) *Harry and Eggsy spend a lot of time together playing with their puppies, and when they’re not home Roxy takes really good care of them! *The four of them always try to have dinner together when they’re all home, and will usually try to get Friday nights off so they can have a drink and share what missions they’ve done for that week *They slowly start to rebuild Kingsman, and introduce new members. It’s really fun for them to watch the training regimens and all of the trials they’d gone through before! *Video game night? Video game night. Merlin kicks ass at Mario Kart, don’t even deny it *Every week one of them is in charge of getting groceries. Needless to say their meals change every week due to the shopper’s tastes lol *Whenever they get vacation time (which is RARE) they usually try to go somewhere tropical. London is cold, okay?! Also Eggsy has bad memories of snowy mountains and ski lifts, and Harry does, too *When it’s safe, Eggsy will take the three of them out to lunch with his mom and sister, and the three of them start tearing up when Eggsy’s mom welcomes them into their family ;w; *I could totally see them playing pranks on each other at home. Not as extreme as flooding their rooms, but water balloons and nerf guns sound about right haha
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lunadubium-archive · 7 years
-drums fingers- 😉 🌟 💘 🍬
sex+romance headcanons! | Accepting | @lercvolutionnaire
😉 What are my muse’s fetishes/kinks?
   Despite his bad experience with bullying, he is really interested in the idea of Dom & Sub. As long as he isn’t being hit the idea of being completely under someone’s control to do whatever they want excites him. Tie him up, give him a collar and be completely dominated.
      He likes the idea of sex in semi-public places, like want to try their luck under the stairs or hidden under the bush? YES PLS- Well he might protest a bit at first mostly cause the idea of being caught is a bit nerve wrecking. But he always entertains the idea, and it’s not like he hasn’t enjoyed it before.
     He loves body worship, as in he likes worshipping the body of his SO if he’s given a chance. Let him kiss their feet like they are his savior and worship their name like they are his god. He loves being able to praise them like this during sex, and it’s a kink he favors most.
    A less obvious kink is humiliation kink, it’s a bit embarrassing, but he enjoys being humiliated. Only in the bedroom of course but he enjoys being ‘coaxed’ to do embarrassing acts that leave him open and vulnerable. Or being teased or called something dirty, it’s an awkward kink, and one is the one he is least likely to tell people about.
He has a voice kink, phone sex is amazing to him or just blindfold and whisper into his ear. Either growl or be seductive if you emphasize your voice it drives him CRAZY.
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation?
     He is, I like both camps but no idea if it’s sexual or romantic so excuse me as I treat them both the same until getting a crush- (He really is an unknown questioning orientation)
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
    The way his eyes light up whenever he sees his lover approach him and his smile turns into a bright grin. How he always compliments and wants to stay close to the other side. The way he would stay up late talking to them no matter how late it is cause he loves their voice. How he reaches for the others hand, blushing a bit cause he’s so happy to be able to do this.
🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch?
   Mishima is a SUB, even though he would like to maybe once in a blue moon (like 1% chance of mood) try to dom he feels most comfortable being under someone. Even if he was with a woman he only wants to worship and love his lovers. Let him just be submissive and take it easy making the other feel good and powerful while he adores their undivided attention.
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brotheryanny · 8 years
「HANDSOME B☆Y's~ Crazy in Love Enough to Die for You~」Chapter 2 Walkthrough
「HANDSOME B☆Y's~ Crazy in Love Enough to Die for You~」
Sorry it’s been so long! Here’s chapter 2:
Early February. In no time it will be Valentine’s Day. All the girls are getting a little excited.
It might just be me, but recently in the music club everyone also seems to be very aware of Valentines
Huh? Who’s that in the distance... Senra-kun? I wonder what he wants
Senra: ...
Senra: Ahh, recently I’ve been working way to hard in the club, I’m so tired, at this kind of time I want to eat something sweeeet
Whilst saying these words with intent, I think Senra averted his line of sight a little
Senra: ........
Then, without doing anything else, he left 
Ju-Just now was he... No, no way Senra-kun was just...
<The cleaning time of another day>
Cleaning time, as I was coming back from dumping the garbage, Urata appeared
Urata: Ah, senpai! Good work! Hey hey senpai, listen listen! I have a little something to brag to you about!
You: S-so suddenly
Urata: Recently, I’ve been really working hard at muscle training!
You: Ehh, that’s quite surprising. Amazing! Why?
Urata: .....
Urata: That’s obviously... for popularity!
Urata: I heard that girls love six packs... So now I’ll... try my best!!!
You: Fu, fuun... For popularity at this time of year... Is that so...
<The break of another day>
Girl A: By the wayy, Sakatan, Do you want chocolate~?
Sakata: Eh, you’d give it to me? Seriously? Has my time come??????
Sakata-kun in stuck his imagination now...
Girl B: On White Day you’ll have to give us three times what you recieve. Think about if that’s still ok
Girl A: There’s also pair tickets to Land. Think about if that’s still ok
Sakata: .....
Sakata: Living is... Painful...
Uu, uun... The topic here too...
<After school on another day>
I went to the clubroom a little early, I found Shima-senpai reading a magazine by himself
You: Good work today. Senpai, what are you reading?
Shima: This year’s recommended sweets feature~ They’re nice to look at aren’t they
Shima: Orthodox (normal chocolate) are alright, but there’s also fruit ones, ahh... Cake-type also sound nice don’t they
Shima: Unexpectedly unsweet ones also exist...? Alcoholic are... well, I’m underage so I’ll have to refuse
Shima: .....
Shima: Iyaaa, it’s also approaching my favourite time of year isn’t it~ I’m looking forward to it
E-even though wasn’t for long, I felt exhausted. This topic is really...
You think about who to give chocolates to (you can only pick one orz)
In the morning, your mother wakes you up. You think about how grateful you are to her, and can pick something to say:
-Good morning! (Ohayou!) -Bonjour! -don't say anything
If you pick good morning, you think to yourself, ‘what a good way to start the day’ but your mom says ‘It should be ‘Good morning!’’ (in english) and gets really mad ww ‘Morning is ‘Good morning’! Midday is ‘Ham and eggs’” Night is ‘Roast beef!’ Hello good everyone!!’ and you all probably burn to death
If you pick bonjour, you move to france and the game ends ~fin~
If you pick to not say anything, you’re given another change to say something
-Still don't say anything -Good morning! (Ohayou!)
If you pick ‘Good morning’ the same thing happens as before ww
Even though you pick ‘still don’t say anything’ your mom then tells you to say ‘good morning’ in english, and you do it and alls well noone gets set on fire or teleported to france
You pick somewhere to eat lunch:
-Clubroom  -Rooftop  -Backyard 
In the clubroom, USSS are inside, and you eat lunch with them. They say your bento looks good (Senra approved). You tell them your mom made it
On the rooftop it’s cold and looks like it’s going to rain (since it’s february) and you try to resist the weather -’They say that a mountain’s weather and a girl’s heart both change very easily, but this mountain... Yes, this mountain. (and then you probably freeze to death idk but the game ends)
If you pick to go behind the school, you’re then given two choices, Get a picnic blanket from the clubroom or lay down your pocket handkerchief (you’re directed back to the clubroom choice to begin with, but if you use your handkerchief you sit down and it starts to rain (and you freeze to death also)
Afterschool, one of the members (I’m not sure if it’s always the same member, I’ve only ever gotten Shima pls message me who you got ww) apologise for not being able to take you home, but says that he’s worried about you because you’re cute ww
Save? Y/N
Then you can pick where to go:
-Shopping -Game Centre -Park 
If you pick to go shopping, you bump into the band! 
On the way to the Game Centre you can pick which direction you go:
-Walk in front of the station -Take the bus downtown (same route as shopping) -Take a train to the neighbouring town (you meet pervs on the train)
If you go to the park you join in a game of hide and seek with two girls, but it gets dark and they still haven’t found you yet. Morning comes and it’s game over
The next day is Valentine’s day! You pick someone to give your homemade chocolates to:
-Uratanuki -Shima -Sakata -Senra
You play a minigame where you have to spell out: I like you a lot, Please accept this
I won’t spoilt it here, but whoever you give it to gets reaallly happy ww
The bell goes and the scene cuts to the evening when you’re at home. You think about what a good day you had, and the chapter ends!
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naruto-oc-critiques · 8 years
Murasaki Fujiwara Review
Name: Fujiwara no Murasaki/ Murasaki Fujiwara
Age: 23 26/27 in Shippuden
Gender: Female
Personality: Fairly calm, intellegent, relatively cheerful, can be a bit mopey/morose depending on the mood
Chakra: Sensor-type
Physical traits; Blue Grey eyes, medium skin (not super pale, about Jiraiya’s color), square-ish jaw, long brown hair generally pulled into a ponytail, blue-green eyes with red lines beneath them, fairly average build if not a bit on the athletic side
She wears either the hakama/sode-kukuri of a miko or a standard flak jacket uniform.
To start, me likey. I love when japanese myths and history are used as inspiration for characters! YES. Also she’s a super cutie and I LOVE THIS PHOTO. I love the concept of Jiraiya having bastard kids, as I have 2 OC’s who are in that role, and she fits the role perfectly appearance wise. She’s not a clone of Jiraiya but still bears resemblance. Realistic gene pool using. :D
                -Murasaki was the result of a one night stand between Jiraiya and a b-list actress whose clan name was Fujiwara. The running joke is that Murasaki got more of her father’s looks (not a compliment). (She is still a cutie patootie. May I suggest that, running with your history things, that her mothers first name be Takako? :D Or something related that is.)
                - As a baby, Murasaki was dropped off at a Shinto shrine complex near Konoha (since the only thing her mother knew about Jiraiya was that he was a shinobi from Konoha). (Shinto shrines yes. Although, I would wonder why the mother didn’t bring her straight to Konoha and ask of the father’s whereabouts? Like a description and matching and whatnot? But hey, I still definitely see why she would be dropped off at a shrine. Lots of people drop unwanted babies off at places of religion.)
                -Murasaki was taken in by the priest and his family, who were generally okay to Murasaki, but the births of their own children made Murasaki feel like an outsider. (Tiny bit cliche but hey it’s realistic.)
                -While working as a miko at the shrine Murasaki met and befriended Obito (three years her elder), and developed a crush on him. (D’aw. How did they meet? Please tell me that the priest requested a D-rank mission for something and Minato’s team was sent out! :D) 
                -His stories made her fall in love with the idea of being a kunoichi (of course she didn’t see anything but the rosy outlook of what Obito told her). (Dang it, Obito. The naive idiot knucklehead ninja isn’t the best person to ask about being a ninja! Fudge nuggets.)
                - She became friends with Rin and an acquaintance of Kakashi’s (Kakashi developing a reluctant crush on her, but constantly belittling her/pushing her away emotionally). (Oooooooooooooooooo I want to know how Kakashi developed a crush on her? And ah yes, the old trope of “if a boy is being mean to you, that means he likes you” whatnot. Still realistic. Especially for Kakashi.)
                -Murasaki was invited to go to the memorial ceremony for Obito, this is where Jiraiya met her and immediately started asking where her parents were etc. (Considering her facial markings, as I would think they would be prominent by then, would he assume she were an Inuzuka possibly? :D)
                -A few weeks passed and Jiraiya came to remove Murasaki from the shrine and enroll her in the Ninja Academy. She went to class with Iruka and they became good friends. They used to harass Gai, and Murasaki became friends with him as well. (Iruka, you little devil. Also, I’d love to know more about how Jiraiya coped with the idea of having a bastard kid like Murasaki. She certainly didn’t inherit his personality, so he must be thrown for a loop whenever she opens her mouth.)
                -She kept bumping into Kakashi and the interactions were extremely awkward and unpleasant, giving her the impression he hated her. (Mucho cliche but again, seeing as they are teenagers, it’s super expected because that’s just human nature. Although, I think the word “hate” would be far too dramatic for a girl like Murasaki to use in the situation. You say she is calm, collected, and pretty intelligent. I don’t see her as a girl who would be overly… feminine. Especially in the boys department.)
Murasaki’s career consisted of:
                -Fighting against a small workers rebellion in the land of rice (under contract of daimyo). It was a complete blood bath. (Wowza. Me likey.)
                -Worked as an assistant/bodyguard for the emissary to the Daimyo (she began writing her memoirs in the Daimyo’s court (she gets her name from Murasaki Shikibu)) (+1)
                -Was captured on a mission by Orrochimaru, who took her dna, after which she was assaulted by one of his henchmen and was left very badly injured. (Why was Orochimaru interested in her DNA?)
                -Achieved the rank of Chunnin by age 16, but did a ‘soft retirement’ at age 20 (became too much of an anxious, emotional wreck to feel she could do her job, dealing with severe PTSD) (Considering the rebellion in the land of rice that you mentioned beforehand, I would say PTSD would be expected. Although, considering the timeframe you are working with, how did the villagers and her friends react to a retirement? Shun her? Understand?)
                -Had worked a little with the toads, earning her the moniker ‘The Priestess of Myoboku Mountain’. She mostly works with Shima, who is very maternal towards her.
                -Has a major fight with Kakashi, in which he lets it slip that he has feelings for her, which doesn’t go over well. Murasaki tells him to get more or less bent, but realizes she’s angry because she likes him, too. (Super rom-com-esque. What were they fighting about? :/)
                -Became an Aruki Miko/Spy for Konoha doing light peacekeeping work around the Land of Fire
                -After the death of the 3rd Hokage, Jiraiya met up with her at a shrine (the one which Naruto yanked the bell down from in the anime) and filled her in. She agreed to return to the village at that point. (Aw. She was probably super sad about Hiruzen’s death. I’d only assume this was after the Tsunade Retrieval Arc as Murasaki coming back to Konoha sort of feels less important in the overall picture.)
                -She tries to help with the seal Kakashi had put on Sasuke, but Orochimaru’s mark was too ‘infected’ at this point for her to do much. (Must purify the thing.)
                -Sometime around the time Sasuke leaves, she and Kakashi begin healing their friendship/seeing each other. (Cute but how did that happen? I need details on how they reconciled!)
                -between the first series and Shippuuden, they get married (Murasaki’s request, since I figure with her being strongly Shinto, she would probably want at least some ceremonial aspect to it). (MUCH RELIGIOUS BELIEF. Totally a plausible way to get around the whole “Kakashi isn’t the marriage type” idea. Thanks, religion!)
                -Has a son with Kakashi (still need to name him (I thought about Genji, since I’m going with a 'Lady Murasaki’ theme). (FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, YOU HAVE TO NAME THAT CHILD GENJI. DO IT. YOU HAVE TO.)
                -Thinking about having her die during the great Shinobi war, but I’d also like to see Kakashi happy and not losing another person he cares about. If she does survive, I was going to maybe put her on the Konoha Council during Naruto’s reign as Hokage or make her the emissary to the Daimyo. I definitely want to have her carry on the tradition of writing like her father, and publishing her memoirs as a kunoichi (as a work of fiction, but it’s entirely true).
(Don’t do that to Kakashi. That’s just too tragic. It’s realistic sure but at what cost? I’d say go along with the emissary idea as she has history WITH the emissary *being a bodyguard and whatnot.* And yes, she must write books. Not smut, but fiction please. Although, it would be super cute of her to be able to write a conclusion to the Icha Icha series just for Jiraiya’s fans (and Kakashi) closure. I can totally see Murasaki saying “I don’t know how he wrote such…. SMUT. without a care in the world.” And Kakashi comes in saying “Let’s do some research together.”) 
Well. Murasaki is definitely a likable character with a thought out story. But, there are several things missing that I’d love to see more info on.
For instance, not once did you mention the main character of the series, and his relationship to Murasaki. Where’s the love for Naruto? He is Jiraiya’s godson, so he is technically Murasaki’s god-brother.
Also, the most obvious question I have…. WHAT ABOUT JIRAIYA’S DEATH ? HOW DID IT AFFECT HER? HECK.
also ye I’d love to know her reaction to Kakashi “dying” during Pein’s invasion.
Overall, I love Murasaki. And I really want to read her story. SO GET TO IT.
Love, Dom.
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lowaharts · 8 years
sorry for the slow responses!
it’s been a rough few weeks for me and I’ve been getting lazy at answering asks so they started piling up a.lkgjalkgj Responses are under the cut to save you guys the walls of text! 
Anonymous said: Okay but instead of an arm or an eye, Lance loses a leg? And Shiro gets a flashback to when he injured Matt's leg at the arena but this time, instead of a really bad injury, a whole leg is gone; and now Shiro's instantly at Lance's side and then Lance passes out from the blood loss and Shiro accidentally calls Lance "Matt". Like he would probably be all, "Matt! Stay with me! MATT!!!"
suddenly this AU has a hint of Shatt I LIKE IT-- but omg pls save lance his limbs i beg of u
grelhou said: hi, i know you might get this a lot, but your art is exquisite!!! i mean, do you know that one post that says "PICASSO WHO!!! EAT UR HEART OUT MICHAELANGELO !!!" and similar things representing your reactions everytime your mutuals draw anything? that's actually me everytime i see literally everything you draw!!! it's just so AMAZING, i can't even describe it in words! sorry for my english, but i needed to let you know this! have a nice day :D
Ehhh ahhh thank you so much ;alkjg;adlgj Honestly i’ve never heard of such a post but thanks o)-< And your english is perfect no worries! 
Anonymous said: Personally - with regards to who bottoms in Klance - I've seen it go 50/50 in fanfiction so I never quite understand whenever I see people complain about never seeing one or the other because there's plenty if you know how to look for it. Then again I also read an ungodly amount of fanfic...
I think in terms of fanfics yeah i see it go 50/50 but in comparison i only read like a handful of fics because i read real slow so... i wouldn’t know 😂  I don’t think i see a lot of Lance/Keith artwork though, but then again i never really go out of my way to look for it. 
Anonymous said: I know that you like bottom!Lance but what are your feelings on Bottom!Keith? Like can you read fanfiction with Bottom!Keith or you really not like it that much? I myself like both but I was curious about your opinion.
I’ve read lots of fanfics with bottom Keith! Tbh i don’t think i came across a rendition of keith bottoming that i didn’t like but sometimes i get wary of either of them getting too ooc or something... But in terms of who bottoms and tops in a relationship standpoint i like both! I like to imagine them do stupid things to determine who goes first like make bets and shit. 
Anonymous said: Lance is blue, blue in the near time is ao no exorcist kyoto arc. So do you watch or read AnE? if yes, who's your fav character (s)?
YES i used to love LOVE ao no ex around the time when the first series came out. I read the manga up to a point before i lost my place but i’m really looking forward to seeing the kyoto arc animated o)-< My favorites are Rin and Shima! I loved Shima before [spoiler] but after [spoiler] i’m just o<-< I guess i really do love the asshole types. 
Anonymous said: Have you heard of the Voltron Big Bang? I'm just curious whether you're interested in joining because I love seeing your art!
Oh yes i have! i think someone linked to me before but... unfortunately i have personal project i want to work on so i won’t have time for it. 
Anonymous said: *screaming to the galazy and beyond* second seasoooon!!! (I definitely did not pause and thinks a lot of time why there're two shirtless people in the trailer)
s2 is already out and oh boy i have some thoughts 
yuujinjou said: Omg everyone looks so great in hanbok ₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄♡‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎✨✨✨✨. Happy New Year to you too
AHHHH YOU’RE WELCOME!! I’m happy to make a fellow korean happy with my hanbok art/////// 
Anonymous said: HI! I'm the anon asking about Shay and Nyma. Anyways, about Shay, I can possibly see her in the medical team as well! And about Nyma and Roco, pilots would be a nice fit for them! Would they be working along Voltron if that's the case? Like flying the team to their destinations?
Hey there again!! Shay in the medic team or search and rescue would be best i think :) but in that case she probably wouldn’t be working that closely with team Voltron. Nyma and Rolo tho yes! They would be in charge of transporting teams to their mission locations-- if it calls for it. 
Anonymous said: Hi! I would like to say that ur art is super gorgeous. I found ur blog b/c of Voltron (*fangirls*) and I love all of ur art and style and I could go on but I am not trying to take up ur time. Um, I have two questions: I am a person who loves drawing but I am not talented. I am very u taleneted and I feel so discouraged b/c why on Earth am I drawing if I am sucky at it... help? 1/2 - 2/2 The other thing(plz don't kill me)... I don't romantically ship anyone in Voltron(yet) and I feel like all shippers and fans would have my head if I feel like that and it makes me almost afraid of the Voltron fandom(but I love this show>_<) so... help? Ik my questions are dumb; I am sorry. Happier note: THANKS FOR SHARING UR AMAZINF SKILLS WITH THE WORLD!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Hi anon!! Thank you so much T T To be frank, i think your desire to draw should be fueled by how much enjoyment you get out of drawing. And if you feel that you need to improve, then always keep practicing! I don’t think it’s possible to get worse just by practicing, so there’s only one direction you can go.  LOL hey to each their own. I think first and foremost people should enjoy Voltron for its story and characters, because that’s all that really matters. Shipping and fandom stuff can come later. I don’t know why anyone would hate you for not shipping anyone? I doubt anyone cares. Pats you though THANK YOU 
Anonymous said: Hey!! I think your art is absolutely gorgeous; I aspire to draw like u one day. May I use ur art as profile pic or/and wallpaper?
Thank you so much! Keep drawing anon! :D And sure of course! Credit to my blog would be highly appreciated
Anonymous said: I always thought being the bottom was cool (way cuter and they get to control the top ) haven't people heard of power bottoms before? Lance is a power bottom if you ask me, he bottoms but dam son he's still cool and in charge XP
to tell you the truth i haven’t read a lot of good power bottom fics ever... in my life.. LMAO but yes power bottoms are great :) 
Anonymous said: I've been trying to find your Twitter, and I'm having issues. So quick question, what's your Twitter?
it’s @lowarghh
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yuhimei-blog · 7 years
Crayon Days [Shoujo]
Hi everyone, 
Today I wanna share a shoujo I recently read and really appreciated: Crayon days. Well it’s a short manga of only 28 chapters but it made me laugh, the drawings were so nice and the two main characters pls... >.<’
First of all, the story begins with the main character Ichinose Shima who’s going with her cute parakket Mayu to a famous art school in Tokyo. Nothing really happened yet but we can already feel a cool and funny atmosphere :)
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Kyaa it’s so cute, how enthusiastic she is entering this school xD We immediately see that she looks like a foreigner here tho and that she will probaby have to face many hardships :/ But I’m sure that she won’t give up no matter what :3
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Right after entering the school, Shima has been interested by another student, Saji Akatsuki. He is considered as a genius artist and is really popular even if people see him like unsociable (buut he looks so damn cool thoo!)
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Then she enters her room and suddenly meets her two neighbours Ando Arasa (the girl that looks like a girl) and Kisaragi Sena (the girl that looks like a boy): two lively and lovely characters haha
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Now that the setup has been settled, let the shoujo takes place  💞
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Little bonus  😇
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That’s it for now, make sure to follow me and leave a like if it pleased you it would make me very happy! 
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Yuhimei/?ref=bookmarks My Twitter: https://twitter.com/YuhimeiManga
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shima-draws · 4 years
Shima can you pls hit us with some anime recs?? ówò
Putting all this under the cut because inevitably it got long lmao
Eden of the East
Eden’s one of those animes where you start watching and then decide you’re not going to stop until you finish it. It’s absolutely binge worthy and has such a unique concept with a lot of mystery and romance sprinkled in here and there!
Eden of the East is about a girl named Saki who goes to Washington to visit the White House. There she meets a boy named Takizawa who, for some reason, shows up completely naked, and just had his memories wiped, so he has no idea who he is. As Takizawa and Saki start to bond, Taki starts to put together the pieces of his past. Apparently before his memory got wiped he was involved in a “game” with 11 other people, and each of them were gifted 10 billion yen to attempt to change Japan for the better. Taki discovers more and more about the person he was before he wiped his memory–he might have been involved in terrorism, that’s great–and he and Saki start falling in love with each other and it’s really. Really soft.
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It’s 11 episodes, and then there’s two sequel movies after that!
Mawaru Penguindrum
ONE OF MY PERSONAL ALL TIME FAVORITES…MP is such an underrated series and it’s so unique and just out there. Everything in this series has symbolism, though it may not seem like it upfront–everything has a deeper meaning! The series pretty much rides on symbolism and reference to other media in the background.
The story follows twin brothers Shouma and Kanba Takakura, who live on their own with their terminally ill little sister, Himari. In the first episode, Himari passes away, but is miraculously revived by a strange spirit inside of a penguin hat. The spirit demands the brothers find what’s called the “penguindrum” in order to keep Himari alive. The siblings are gifted with the help of three strange penguins who are invisible to everyone except for them. Their search leads them to a girl named Ringo, who has a mysterious diary that can apparently “change fate”. Believing this to be the penguindrum, Shouma gets heavily involved with Ringo’s schemes to chase her one true love, Tabuki, who also happens to be the twins’ teacher. (Which, inevitably, ends in disaster lmao.) As the series goes on the themes get darker, as the twins discover more about their parents’ past and their involvement with a terrorist act many years ago. 
I should warn you that while MP is VERY good, it definitely gets…weirder as it progresses, and darker, like I said. There’s a couple triggers I should warn ya’ll about if you plan to watch it: (minor) incest (Kanba kisses Himari in the first episode and that’s like. The extent of it), attempted rape (a character wants to become pregnant with a guy’s child, but they’re stopped before they can go through with it, and there’s also another one with two women), terrorism, sexual and physical abuse, and…I think that’s it? Wow I honestly forgot how dark this series is tgnakdsasda
Anyway I highly suggest it, it’s one of my favorites, but it’s definitely…strange, and not for everyone. You have to have a certain taste to really take to MP, but I promise it’s worth it, especially since Shouma is baby and I would do anything for him and his stupid pretty long eyelashes
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I love these boys so much they’re so sTUPID
This one’s 24 episodes!
This one is absolutely ADORABLE and soft and a very feel-good anime. If you wanna sit down and relax with a lighthearted series with romance and slice of life definitely go with this one!
The series is about a girl named Kobato who wants to fulfill a lifetime wish of going to the place she wishes to go. It isn’t really specified where until the end of the series so I won’t spoil ;) In order to do so she has to collect the healed fragments of people’s hearts inside of a bottle. However, she has a time limit–one year to complete the task. Unfortunately, Kobato is ditzy and naive, which leads her into a whole bunch of troublesome situations, and this makes it hard for her to connect with people. She’s guided by her partner, a little dog plush toy named Ioryogi, who was apparently cursed and trapped in that form due to his meddling in the affairs of the heavens. If Kobato completes her mission, Ioryogi will also be allowed to return to his original form. Kobato soon learns that being herself–honest, kind, and sweet, is the way to heal people’s hearts. She gets involved with a kindergarten and begins working there to help out the principal, Sayaka. Also part of the kindergarten is Fujimoto, a very handsome yet sarcastic man who is very closed off from everyone. As the series progresses, Fujimoto’s initial irritation and annoyance with Kobato fades away, and they start falling in love. 
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They’re so cute I LOVE THEM 😫
This one is 24 episodes as well!
Of course I’m going to suggest Senyuu do ya’ll even KNOW ME
For those of you who don’t know, Senyuu is one of my all time favorite series in existence–unfortunately the anime doesn’t even cover the good parts of it, as it only adapts part 1, which is just the beginning of the whole mess. I’m still going to recommend it nonetheless!
Senyuu’s about a hero named Alba and the royal soldier assigned to him, Ros! Alba’s more of a wannabe than anything, and can barely hold his own against super low level slimes. He’s sarcastic and witty and acts as the straight man in a comedy routine with Ros. Ros, on the other hand, is sadistic, snaky and rude, and his favorite pastime is teasing Alba incessantly. Together the two of them are out on an adventure to find the Demon Lord, who was apparently sealed away a thousand years ago by the Legendary Hero Creasion. The Demon Lord released tons of monsters into the human world, causing problems for everyone. When they do encounter the Demon Lord, however, they discover that she’s actually the granddaughter of the original Demon Lord, and that the appearing monsters were caused by a mere accident. Alba and Ros decide to help the girl, Rchi, find all of the monsters and send them back to the Demon World where they belong. They go after the Big Twelve, the most powerful demons in existence, and end up in a lot of trouble regarding a conspiracy in the kingdom!
Senyuu’s basically a comedy until the last few episodes where shit gets Real and secrets are revealed! If you enjoy the anime and want to know what happens next DEFINITELY read the webcomic, part 2 is my personal favorite and where a whole bunch of crazy plot twists happen. 
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There’s 26 episodes, they’re only about 5 minutes a piece, so you could finish the entire anime in about 2 hours 👌
And that should be a good start for now :0c If you guys need more suggestions hmu again, I’m happy to share my good collection of shows to watch ;)
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