#shinjiro x minato
unlimitedhearts · 2 months
Me writing smut: I have to do a good set up for context as to why they'd be fucking. This could start several pages before we even get to the 'lets have sex' part.
Me reading the smut I wrote, months later: skim skim skim blah blah blah AH YES THE GOOD SHIT HERE WE GO.
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goodbyekillingharmony · 8 months
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stealing from my persona account to make memes for the main account how dare
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suoubros · 9 months
Shinjiro: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Makoto: That's why I carry two swords.
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eliseliedl · 8 months
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Persona 3 Reload 10 / ?
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junebugknight · 1 year
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nejishadow · 20 days
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Some of these I made in April and some I made in August so. I can't think of much of a caption...
*dramatic points* omg Bebe! He finally showed up!! I seriously wanna do more featuring the social links
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cinnoasch · 7 months
Valentine's Day: SEES Edition
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! I didn't have time to make any for the girls but I might post some later! This was also my first-time writing Shinji so hopefully he's not too out of character. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2886
Minato Arisato
You sigh slightly, turning a box of chocolates over in your hands. You were definitely making this out to be more of a big deal than it was. The school day had ended and you were still sitting there in the classroom. Yukari and Junpei had already left to go back to the dorms and Minato had wandered off somewhere as per usual. 
You were planning to give this box of chocolates to Minato, just to show your appreciation for everything he’s done for SEES. But your nerves got the best of you. This morning, you had walked to school with him and when you tried to give him the box, you immediately went silent when he looked at you. And at lunchtime when you saw him in the hallway, you had turned on your heel when your eyes met. 
You lay your head on your desk sighing once again. “Darn it…”
“Who’s that for?”
Your head shoots up from your desk as you look to see Minato standing next to you. You didn’t even hear him come in.
“Minato! You’re still here. O-oh, um…” You stammer. You look away, tilting the box towards him. “...They’re for you, actually. Just as a thank you for everything you’ve done with SEES and all.”
“Oh. Thanks.” He takes the box and you let out a sigh of relief.
“ …you were really nervous, huh?”
You look at Minato, seeing a slight smirk on his face. “You noticed…?”
“Kinda hard not to. You avoided me all day.”
“Not my fault…”
He chuckles, “Thanks anyways. I appreciate it. Next year though, it’d be nice to see your face when you hand these to me.”
Your eyes widen and your face flushes as Minato grins. “Wanna head back to the dorms? We can share these.”
You laugh slightly as you stand up. “You’re really something sometimes… yeah, let’s head back.”
You follow Minato out of the classroom, the two of you chatting quietly. Maybe things didn’t go as planned, but in one way they worked out. Next year, you definitely would face him with a smile.
Junpei Iori
“Dude, did Y/N give you chocolates?” Junpei asks as he sits on the couch next to Minato. Akihiko was also present, sitting on the couch across from them.
“Yeah.” Minato replies, “Why?”
“I also got some too.” Akihiko adds, looking up from his boxing gloves. “What? They didn’t give you any?”
Junpei groans. “No… I mean Yuka-tan, Fuuka and Mitsuru-senpai gave me some, but that’s more of a teammate thing right? I dunno, I feel like Y/N and I are… more than that, or something.”
Neither Akihiko or Minato respond and Junpei groans again. “Oh c’mon, you guys have nothing to say?”
Minato shrugs. “Did you ask them out?”
“...no. I mean not yet at least.”
“There’s your answer then.”
“Dude, you're no help at all.” Junpei sighs, leaning his head back on the couch. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Maybe you just need to be patient. I don’t even think Y/N came back to the dorms yet.” Akihiko says.
“But the day’s almost over! …Okay, I’m going to look for them!”
Junpei gets up and heads out the door without another word. Meanwhile Mitsuru and Yukari enter the lounge from upstairs.
“He has a bit too much energy don’t you think? Should he really be worried about whether Y/N is giving him chocolates or not?” Yukari says with a sigh.
“Hey, let him be. He’s gotta put that energy to use somehow.” Akihiko replies.
Mitsuru sighs. “If only he’d have that amount of energy when it comes to his studies.”
“Huh? My package hasn’t arrived yet? But I got an email saying it arrived today…” You say to the mail carrier.
“I’m sorry. It was expected to arrive today, but due to unforeseen conditions, it’s been delayed.”
You sigh. “I see… Well, thank you then. Could you give me an estimated arrival date?”
“It should arrive in about 2 days.”
“Great… thank you again.”
You exit the post office sighing once again as you start walking back towards the monorail. Well, there went your plans for the rest of the day. You wanted to surprise a certain someone with a co-op game the two of you mentioned playing together a while ago. You should’ve known there was no way that the game would actually arrive on the day of. Sure, it could have been better planning on your part, but the whole thing had slipped your mind up until last week.
Suddenly you hear a familiar voice call your name.
“Y/N! Finally, I found you!”
You look up and see Junpei running towards you.
“Junpei? What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been looking for you. Damn, I had no idea where to look so I’ve been running around all over the place.”
“Oh, I was on my way back to the dorms anyways. Were you worried about me or something?”
He chuckles a bit nervously. “Uh, yeah something like that.” Then he looks behind you. “The post office, huh? Picking up something?”
“Ah, yeah I was, but it turns out it’s not here yet.” You smile slightly. “I meant to order it way earlier, but I forgot. Kind of silly of me to think that it would actually arrive today.”
“Was it something for Valentine’s Day?”
“Yeah actually… wait, why are you asking so many questions?”  
“N-no reason… Why are you getting so defensive?” 
You cross your arms, looking at Junpei with a smirk. “Ohh, I see. You were looking for me because you were expecting a Valentine’s Day gift, right?”
Junpei scoffs. “No, why would I be expecting something? Valentine’s isn’t even that big of a deal.”
“Uh-huh… so I guess you don’t want your gift when it arrives then.”
His face lights up. “Wait, you got me something? For real?”
“And here I thought you were worried about little ol’ me.”
“Hey, who says I wasn’t?”
You laugh. “I’m just teasing. I appreciate you coming to look for me, even if it was only to get your gift.”
“And if my gift is right in front of me?”
A beat of silence passes and Junpei laughs nervously. “That was lame, forget I said anything.”
“It was a little lame… but I don’t mind it.” You say, whispering the last part. “Anyways, let’s head back to the dorms.”
“Did you say something? Something along the lines of ‘ I don’t mind it’?”
You don’t say anything as you start to walk past him.
“Hey c’mon! I’m just playin’!”
Akihiko Sanada
“Hey guys,” You say walking downstairs into the lounge. “What are you up to?”
“Oh, hey Senpai.” Junpei says with a grin. He and Minato were sitting at the table with a large pile of small boxes in front of them. They were all wrapped nicely with ribbons. “We’re just going through Akihiko-senpai’s Valentine’s Day gifts.”
“Uh, isn’t that an invasion of privacy?” 
“Not necessarily. He gave us permission to look through them. You should’ve seen him when he came back to the dorms. He had no clue what to do with all of it. He said we could take some if we wanted. Man, getting all of this from girls and he just gives it away?”
“Well, it’s not like he’d eat it all anyway.” You say, then you look over at Minato. “I didn’t think you’d be taking some.”
Minato shrugs. “Free SP items, I’m not complaining.”
“Right…so where’d Akihiko head off to?”
“I think he said something about going for a run towards the shrine. He left not long ago so you could probably catch up to him.” Junpei replies. 
“Thanks, see you guys later.”
You set off towards the shrine hoping to find Akihiko. When you arrived, the sun was setting, the pink and orange hue gently enveloping the area. You spot Akihiko sitting on top of the jungle gym, looking at the sky.
“Hey there Mr. Popular.” You say walking up. “You look worn out.”
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Akihiko asks, a surprised look on his face.
“I heard from Minato and Junpei that you might be here. Mind if I join you?”
“Yeah, come on up.”
You climb up the jungle gym and Akihiko gives you a hand to lift you up. You sit next to him, looking up at the sky. “So, you had quite a day, huh? I saw Junpei and Minato with your gifts in  the lounge.”
Akihiko lets out a sigh. “Yeah. You wouldn't believe the amount of people in my classroom during lunch. Even the teacher had trouble getting them out of there.”
“Heh, I bet. I could hear those girls from down the hallway. ‘Sanada-senpai, these are for you!’ ‘Happy Valentine’s Day Sanada-san, please accept these!’ And so on and so forth.”
He hums in reply, chuckling slightly at your impression. Silence settles between the two of you as you continue to watch the sunset on the horizon. Then Akihiko speaks up.
“So, what brought you all the way over here? You weren't looking for me were you?”
“I was actually.” You say, handing two small boxes over. “You're probably tired of hearing this, but Happy Valentine's Day, Aki.” 
Akihiko freezes when he hears the nickname and his face flushes, his ears are tinted red. You laugh a bit when you see his expression. “Sorry, it slipped out. I must've picked it up from Shinjiro. I’ll be more careful.”
“N-no! I mean…” Akihiko clears his throat, taking the boxes. “It's fine. You can call me Aki… if you want.”
You smile. “Maybe I will. It's pretty funny to see you like this.”
“Hey, don't tease me.” He sighs. Then he starts to open one of the boxes. “Hm, dark chocolate?”
“Yeah, you don't like sweets that much right? I figured you might like it better than milk chocolate.”
Akihiko nods as he takes a piece out, popping it into his mouth. “It’s good. Not too sweet, and it has some bitterness to it. This is something I wouldn’t mind having every once in a while.”
“Good, cause I know how to make them.”
“You made these?”
“I asked Shinjiro for help… which is probably where I picked up calling you Aki.” You chuckle nervously. “If you want I can give you the recipe.”
“Hm, how about we make it together then? It’d probably be good for me to learn how to make something more complex anyways.”
“Sure. We can get Shinjiro to join in as well.”
“Heh, he’d probably just yell at me whenever I do something wrong.”
The two of you laugh as Akihiko goes to open the other box. He unwraps it, revealing a small keychain, a pair of boxing gloves to be exact. He looks at you, holding it up. “You got these for me?”
You nod. “I saw it at Paulownia Mall one day and you came to mind. Sorry, it’s a bit cheesy, isn’t it?”
Akihiko shakes his head, a small smile appears on his face. “No, I don’t think so at least. Hearing you say that you thought of me… it’s a nice feeling. I’ll have to put this on my bag so that way I can think of you when I see it.”
This time you freeze at Akihiko’s words, you can feel your face flush as you try to come up with a response. You weren’t even sure if he realized the effect of his words.
“Hm? What’s wrong? Your face got all red…  well it is getting a bit chilly, huh? Do you want to head back to the dorms?”
“Ah… yeah, let’s head back.” You say with a smile. You climb down the jungle gym and Akihiko follows you down.
“Hey actually,  how about we get some beef bowls? It’ll be the perfect thing to warm you up.”
“Okay,” You say, winking playfully before you take off running. “Last one there is paying!”
“H-hey! You got a head start, that’s cheating!” 
Shinjiro Aragaki
“Okay, and now we wait…” You mumble quietly, putting a tray of chocolates into the fridge.
You’re currently in the kitchen, attempting to make a batch of chocolate for Valentine’s Day. Well, before the end of the day that is. Yes, you were a bit late, but for good reasons. Shinjiro was always away from the dorms so you couldn’t really ask for his preferences in sweets. At this point, it wasn’t any secret who you were making these for since you had to ask the other SEES members for information. Interestingly enough, there was no one in the dorms so you figured they all had plans for today. 
You let out a sigh as you lean against the counter. To be honest, you weren’t exactly sure what led you to make chocolates for him. Maybe curiosity? Despite having been a part of the team  for a while, you barely knew anything about him. You weren’t the most stealthy person; so when you tried to follow Shinjiro once, he immediately caught you and told you to go back to the dorms. You did try to follow him again a few times after that, but of course failed. He didn’t seem much for conversation either so you never really talked to him, but you suppose you should have tried harder if you were really curious about him.
Just then the dorm doors open and you step out of the kitchen to see who it is.
“Oh, you’re back early today.” You say, seeing Shinjiro walk inside.
He looks up at you then averts his gaze. “Yeah.” He glances around. “...it’s quiet today. Guess you’re the only one here?”
“Mhm, looks like everyone has plans.”
Shinjiro stays quiet for a moment then looks at you again. “Are you making chocolate? I smelled it when I came in.”
You nod. “I’m just waiting for it to harden. Want to wait with me? I could use the company, and you could be my taste tester.”
He lets out a sigh, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. “I might as well. Not like I got anything better to do.”
You turn on your heel, walking back into the kitchen as Shinjiro joins you. Once he steps into the kitchen, his attention is drawn to the bowls on the counter. “You added filling?”
“Yeah, it’s dark chocolate so I figured it would be a nice contrast. You aren’t allergic to raspberries are you?”
After that curt response, silence fills the space. Well, this was more awkward than you wanted it to be. Your gaze falls onto the bowls and you walk over, picking one up and bringing it to the sink.
“Uh, do you want to dry these after I wash them?”
Shinjiro only nods as he picks up a drying cloth and you start washing the bowls. It's only when you hand him a bowl to dry that he says something. 
“...So, I heard you've been asking about me.”
You freeze slightly, then you chuckle. “Yeah, I have. Let me guess… Junpei?”
“Yeah.” Shinjiro sighs. “Y’know, if you wanted to know about me… you could’ve just asked.”
“I know. I just didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could just say you were intimidated.”
“No-no! I wasn’t. I’m not…well, maybe a little, but I was only asking the other members for good reasons.” You say handing him the last bowl. You turn off the faucet and dry your hands. “Those chocolates in the fridge are for you.”
Shinjiro looks at you in surprise. “Me?
“Yeah, I guess you can consider them as… friendship chocolates? I was wondering what you liked in terms of sweets so I was asking around. I guess I went with raspberry filling since it's close to the color of your jacket.”
He looks at his jacket. “...I guess.” He sets the bowl down along with the towel and leans against the counter. “Well, next time, you can just ask me. We’re teammates right? You don’t have to be scared to ask me stuff. It’s not like I’ll bite or anything.”
You laugh a bit. “Right, I’ll keep that in mind.” Your gaze turns towards the clock and you walk towards the fridge. “I think they might be done now.”
You take the tray out and set it on the table, touching one of the chocolates to see if it’s solid. You nod happily and pick one up to give to Shinjiro. “Here!”
Instead of taking it with his hand, he leans his head down to pick it up with his mouth. You freeze once again when his gaze meets yours, then he raises his head, chewing the chocolate.
“Hm, not bad. This is your first time making it right?”
“O-oh, um yes.” You say, glancing away from him. 
“Next time, you should try to add more cocoa powder for the bitterness. You were going for dark chocolate, yeah?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t sure how much to add.”
You feel his hand fall on top of your head as he ruffles your hair. “We can make them together next time then. Don’t look so down.” 
You smile, “I look forward to it then.”
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phantomstatistician · 6 months
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Fandom: Persona 3
Character: Mitsuru Kirijo
Sample Size: 806 stories
Source: AO3
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frickingnerd · 10 months
S.E.E.S. Masterlist
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Makoto Yuki
when the stars smile at the moon - oneshot
a part of you lives on in me - oneshot
first time at a maid cafe - oneshot
admiring you from afar - oneshot
makoto dating an idol who's in a fake relationship for publicity - headcanons
enemies to lovers with makoto yuki - headcanons
caught making out with makoto yuki - headcanons
yandere!ryoji & yandere!makoto with a bullied darling - headcanons
Kotone Shiomi
enemies to lovers with kotone and a strega reader - headcanons
Yukari Takeba
until you hold my hand - oneshot
what we do in the shadows - oneshot
i'm all you have left - drabble
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Junpei Iori
people will talk (no matter what) - oneshot
there's a first time for everything - oneshot
hold me in your arms tonight - drabble
Akihiko Sanada
the things i'd do for you - oneshot
drunk on your love - oneshot
tending to his injuries - drabble
being in a poly relationship with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
living together with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
fake dating shinjiro & akihiko falling in love with you - headcanons
Mitsuru Kirijo
all that could have been - drabble
dating mitsuru kirijo - headcanons
mitsuru dating a former delinquent - headcanons
mitsuru falling in love with a private detective hired to spy on her - headcanons
mitsuru's crush being in an abusive relationship - headcanons
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Fuuka Yamagishi
undeserving of her kindness - drabble
Shinjiro Aragaki
↳ Masterlist
aigis' (failed) flirting attempt - drabble
holding hands with aigis - headcanons
having a baby with aigis - headcanons
aigis spying on you to find out why you're upset - headcanons
poly relationship with aigis & labrys - headcanons
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sees-text-shenans · 19 days
Hello silly person that lives in my phone, it's me, a silly person that lives in YOUR phone!
May I request sees' reaction to a fem!reader (that's also in sees) that only talks in the group chat with reaction images?
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I hope this is to your liking!! i’m happy to have an excuse to go through the 40,537 deep hell that is my photo gallery for some of these
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extinct-fish · 1 month
Splatoon x Persona Weapon assignments for the various teams:
Note: These are approximations based on weapon choice. I tried to pick weapons that were similar to their actual weapons. I've also colorcoded it for convenience. weapons all range from every splatoon game, though a good chunk from Splat3
Makoto/Minato - Octobrush
Kotone - Splatana Stamper
Junpei - Splat Roller
Mitsuru - Kensha Splatana (Alt. Order Splatana, since the Kensha weapon isn't here... sadge)
Akihiko - Dark Tetra Dualies
Yukari - Wellstring V
Shinjiro - GOLD DYNAMO Roller (heavy-af weapon)
Ken - Snipewrite 5B (long range, can hold 5 shots)
Fuuka - Splatterscope
Aigis is technically a walking Nautilus 47
Koromaru can't participate directly, but if he could, he'd have a small fry buddy
STREGA - Order dualies (Jin), Order Slosher (Chidori), Jet Squelcher (Takaya)
Nyx/Nyx Avatar - DYNAMO ROLLER too, mainly because massive fuck
Ryoji - E-Liter
Ikutsuki - Undercover Brella
Investigation Team:
Yu - Charcoal Decavitator (very OP)
Yosuke - Order Dualies, Nouveau Dapple Dualies
Chie - Glooga dualies (slow shots, but powerful hits)
Yukiko - Reef LUX 450
Kanji - Dynamo Roller
Rise - Eliter Scope
Teddie - Splatana Wiper
Naoto - .52 Gal.
Nanako - too young, but she would wield a Trislosher
Dojima - N-Zap '85
Adachi - .96 Gal
Phantom Thieves of Hearts: (Parentheses = based on gun)
Akiren/Joker - Kensha Dualies (Can also use Dread Wringer for shits n' giggles)
Morgana/Mona - Order Octobrush (Alt. Order Blaster)
Ryuji/Skull - Painbrush (Alt. Range Blaster)
Ann/Panther - Bloblobber (Alt. Aerospray)
Yusuke/Fox - Mint Decavitator (Alt. Recycled Brella 24Mk I)
Makoto/Queen - Dreadwringer (Alt. L-3 Nozzlenose)
Futaba/Oracle - Z+F Splatterscope
Haru/Noir - Dynamo Roller (Alternatively, Nautilus 47)
Goro Akechi/Crow - Charcoal Decavitator (Alt. Jet Squelcher)
Sumire/Violet - Squiffer
Sophia/Sophie - Dualies (alt. S-Blast '92)
Zenkichi/Wolf - Hero Roller Replica (alt. Squelcher Dualies)
Sojiro - Undercover Brella
Iwai - Hydra Splatling. Though, he's the weapons dealer, so he can do whatever he wants. He would deffo use a Hydra Splatling tho
If you think these weapons aren't right, gimme suggestions! I'm open to them!
Wall of tags incoming.
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malithiae · 1 day
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linked kiss charm × persona 3 [preorders until Oct 1st] ♥ PREORDER HERE
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feliichu · 1 year
Uh oh Persona art dump time
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lambta · 5 months
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Updated ship chart
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junebugknight · 1 year
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