#shiny milotic
sharowolet · 28 days
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Argenti and pkmn friends, on a mission to spread beauty and grace across the land
[ID: digital drawing of argenti with 6 pokemon team and 3 standby pokemon. His portrait has his hair tied up in a half ponytail with a rose in his hand. He is also wearing a red sash cape thing across his chest armor. His team of 6 are iron valiant, roserade, a red florges with white and yellow flowers, galarian rapidash, sir fetch'd, and shiny milotic. His standby pokemon are beautifly, dragonair, and lilligant. The rapidash and sir fetch'd have a rose in their hair, and beautifly is holding a rose.]
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pokemonlolitaproject · 3 months
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As requested by dreamcast-official a coord inspired by the shiny version of Pokemon #350 Milotic
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peccaberry · 2 months
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Happy Mermay everyone!
I am bringing back the Volorei merman au this month with a slightly redesigned Volo tail and some new art to share!
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We finally go full mermaid, love it!
This au takes place in Hisui instead of in the modern day like the other two.
All the PLA cast are members of one of 4 different pods that live in the ocean surrounding Hisui.
The Jubilife Pod: Contains all the prominent members of Jubilife Village. Leader is Kamado.
The Ginko pod: Contains all the members of the Ginko Guild as well as Cogita. Leader is Ginter.
The Diamond Pod: Contains all the members of the Diamond clan. Leader is Adaman.
The Pearl clan: Contains all the members of the Pearl clan. Leader is Irida.
The 4 Pods live on opposite shores for the most part. The Jubilife Pod is near Prelude Beach, The Ginko Pod is in Cobalt Coastlands, the Diamond Pod is just off the Crimson Mirelands, and the Pearl clan lives in the icey waters around the Alabaster Icelands.
These 4 Pods visit their neighboring pods for trade and if they've formed friendships with other members, but the Diamond and Pearl pods are rivals and have been known to get territorial with each other.
Rei met Volo when they were both small and they became fast friends. Living on opposite sides of the island made it hard for them to see each other regularly but as they got older and better at swimming they started to be able to make that journey more and more.
Rei learning how to fly definitely helped and he eventually started to visit the Coastlands on a weekly basis.
Volo ditches work whenever Rei comes to visit him and it's pretty obvious to everyone they've got it pretty bad for each other. They never tell anyone they're dating but they can often be found cuddling with their tails entwined.
Volo becomes more and more interested in what's happening on land as he gets older and spends whatever spare time he can exploring it which is considered incredibly strange for a merpokemon.
Volo brings back many things he manages to get from the humans including clothing which he and Rei have fun figuring out how to wear.
Volo has some traumatic experiences with the humans he was getting stuff from and becomes angry. He doesn't understand why they aren't accepting of him or would want to hurt him. Rei becomes increasingly worried about him but after some time passes Volo seems to have put his anger with the humans behind him.
Volo asks Rei to help him collect these cool colorful plates he found out exist!! Rei is happy to help his boyfriend with this fun new hobby :))) Yippee!! Yay!!
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It depends on how he wants to style it! Like human Volo and anyone else in PLA who goes to Arezu for the "Sinnoh Style" cut, it can be like that on land too. Underwater it would probably naturally flow around like anyone else's would unless he was wearing it in Sinnoh Style.
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Volo would not have to stay wet at all times. Like a lot of Pokemon he's incredibly hardy! He would ideally spend at least part of the day in the water (or in a PokeBall if this is the Mer-Volo human Rei au) He would not be able to spend days at a time away from water or anything like that but spending the night on land wouldn't be a big deal.
If the mermaids in this au spend time dry on land they like to wear shirts to help keep them warm :) they don't have to, but it's comfortable for them.
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star-felled · 7 days
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found a shiny milotic while trying to get salty herbs. so shes volos daughter now since cynthia has a milotic and he doesnt
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saka-saka · 8 months
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reupload cause I noticed errors on the previous upload
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karolz-corner · 7 months
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HELLOOO IM FINALLY DONE! It's good to be back at it honestly the story behind this one is simple: I found a beautiful Jumbo mark Shiny Feebas on my first humungo power sandwich at a feebas outbreak in kitakami, she's my favorite this gen honestly!
So I felt compelled to draw her, thats it lol
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sapherin · 5 months
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My design for Sygna Suit Nessa 🧜🏾‍♀️💙✨
Happy WedNESSAday! I've had this design swimming in my head for a while. Basing a look on shiny Milotic was a bit hard because of it’s color scheme, but I really can't imagine a SS Nessa with another pokemon. Also Milotic deserves redemption because it’s Wallace sure is…something. It’ll just be the perfect reference to her Twilight Wings episode 💙.
Inspiration for this dress was mermaid core and the dresses Halle Bailey wore during her The Little Mermaid press tour. 🧜🏾‍♀️🌊✨
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julymarte · 9 months
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after days and hours of searching there she is
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jamjamki-evilgremlin · 7 months
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I love this picture! :D
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zuccninis · 1 year
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Shiny Milotic (2021)
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chishacosplay · 6 months
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Not cosplay, but something else I've been working on for a bit! I'm not that experienced with plush making, but I'm enjoying learning. :) The pattern is self-drafted, and the black tail pattern and pink portions of the tail and antennae are airbrushed on.
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coyodeity · 5 months
art dump :3 (blood/gore + eyestrain under cut)
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beetlelemonade · 6 months
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I got my shiny milotic finally. I tried breeding and gave up after 500 eggs and instead did a shiny hunt for feebas and it eventually worked! And I got her my most beloved beautiful bedelia ❤️❤️❤️
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peccaberry · 4 months
Volo but merman AU. His tail would probably be based on a shiny Milotic.
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I will give you what you seek but I am incapable of making it anything but a Volorei AU 😂 ACD based so it's an AU of a fanfiction? Sure why not. You come to me that's what you get.
ACD Volorei Merman AU basic outline:
AU takes place in modern day Sinnoh. Both Rei and Akari are there and are in a Queerplantonic relationship.
Akari takes Rei to the lake to celebrate his 19th birthday and while they're having a picnic together Rei sees the flash of a Shiny Milotic tail in the water.
Rei is a fire type trainer but that's an insanely rare find so he pulls out a quick ball anyway and manages to hit it with a well timed backstrike.
He and Akari are beside themselves with excitement until Rei lets the Milotic out and they discover that it's a Merman with the tail of a Milotic.
Rei is freaking out, partly because he didn't believe in mermaids before but also because the merman is insanely cute.
Rei comes to the conclusion that the Milotic DNA was enough for the PokeBall to consider him a Pokemon and allow the capture.
Akari is on the ground laughing partly because the whole thing is so crazy but also because Rei won't stop apologizing to the merman who seems completely unbothered by the whole thing and mostly just curious about the technology. He introduces himself as Volo.
Akari insists on taking a photo of them together and Rei cannot keep his cool with Volo hanging off him.
Rei does his best to keep Volo a secret as he and Akari travel through Sinnoh together and they have a lot of adventures with him. Some people do find out but agree not to tell.
Volo really enjoys learning more about the human world and how things are different from the culture he's used to. Rei buys him shirts to wear and he enjoys experimenting with different outfits. Akari has to scold Rei for spending too much on clothing but Rei can't help it because Volo is just so cute.
Volo is very good at getting into trouble and a lot of adventures start that way.
Volo figures out that flirting with Rei can get him what he wants and it's all over from there.
Volo and Rei fall in love during their adventures together and have to work through the more complicated parts of how confessing their feelings and how dating each other would work. Akari is supportive of Rei dating him and also being her QPP. Volo has no issues with Akari and is happy she is around so much.
Volo and Akari become good friends and enjoy spending time together. She enjoys braiding his hair and showing him human media on her phone when they wind down at the end of the day.
Volo doesn't try to fight god in this AU or anything, it's just a good time. No sad, only happy and adventure. Volo is just a curious and charming weirdo.
Eventually Rei would probably get a house by the lake with Akari and Volo would be able to go between the lake and the house whenever he wanted. The laundry for the amount of towels he uses to dry off before going into the house is probably ridiculous. They'd have an outdoor shower for him to wash all the lake gunk off beforehand too.
This was a fun ask thank you for the prompt 🥺🙏 I love mervolo very much. God help you Rei.
Edit: I had added (and it disappeared because Tumblr I guess??) that Rei offers to release Volo but Volo says he wants to adventure with him so that's why he doesn't just go back to the lake. He is free to leave at any time and chooses not to because he wants the freedom to travel a Pokeball affords him. If he tried to adventure on his own people would freak out because he's a merman.
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peachsunset · 8 months
Finally walked enough to evolve my beautiful girl!
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saka-saka · 8 months
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this thing was such a pain to hunt and this was the game it was easy in!!!!!
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