#ship: anomaly with a shotgun
mandrakebrew · 2 months
For the ask game, BEETLE, for as many of your f/os as you feel like answering for. Throw the fuck down with your beloveds
oh FUCK yeah
No holds barred, who would win in a fight, and how would it go down?
Shish.ido: Him first cause I was thinking about this just now (we fight for funsies). But he'd win, he's 3 times my size and has been fighting in coliseums most of his life. My s/i's fighting style is very fast and technical based but Shish.ido can take a beating before going down.
Yam.ai: It's hard to say for him, in game he taps out before he's really down for the count? So It could go either way. He's also a fast, dodgy fighter.
Sk.ull Face: Ok this s/i is NOT a fighter, so it's very one sided for Sk.ully. Like we rarely get to him physically fight someone (the one time I can think of is in a tape recording where he swings on code talker) but he is a soldier, so yeah he'd win.
Dr Cl.ef: This s/i is an eldritch something, so they'd be hard beat for anyone else BUT cl.ef has his reality bending thing so they're a normal human to him. He's also a soldier (in a sense) so he's the winner.
K.ar'niss: Okay, he's a physical fighter and my s/i is a squishy wizard so one on one he's got the advantage. Although, my s/i is a fallen aasimar and can use Necrotic Shroud which could help them win. So it could go either way.
Garn.et: LMAO
Lineb.eck: Including him cause I know I could beat him. My s/i is a zora who towers over him lmao.
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"You think you're so smart dontcha? Let's see how smart you are when staring down the barrel of a shotgun~"
Don't be weird in asks. The mod running this blog is an adult, but would prefer the asks not be sexual. Jokes are fine, but we'll be picky with what gets answered
This blog is being run parallel to/in conjunction with @interview-scp-173 and is thus primarily doing the Clef x 173 ship. Other ships may get entertained, but it is very likely they wont get talked about much unless the storyline permits.
Clef uses It/He + some neopronouns if you want to ask about those. Its PanAce, Aroflux + Polyamourus, and deals with Hypersexuality. If you don't think someone can be both Ace and Hypersexual, get off the blog.
The A Major Chord system exists in this blogs canon! Feel free to ask about it if you'd like (the blog itself is also run by a system with a Clef fictive as a syshost)
Absolutely no discourse here please and thank you, or you will get blocked
This blog will get into heavy topics at times, and will be tagged accordingly. Triggers will be tagged as is and as 'tw trigger' (eg, blood will be tagged as both 'blood' and 'tw blood').
Some topics that this blog may go into include:
- References to 4231 (which will always be tagged accordingly), including mentions of various types of abuse
- Untreated mental illnesses that affect Clef + its system negatively
- Dealing with hypersexuality and intrusive thoughts
- Self harm
- Blood and gore
- Scp standard topics of mistreatment of both personnel and anomalies
This list will be added to as we see fit
Aside from that, have fun!
Ooc posts are tagged as 'Banes.txt', in character posts are tagged as 'Shotgun.txt'
Hat Toss - Lore Hints
Shots fired! - Ask Answered
Ukulele strum - Interaction
Rebar Antlers - Partnered Blog
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Wainwright Jakobs headed canons dump (mostly NOT ship edition, wow a rare thing i know). have said some of these before but a lot of new people have followed me recently/became my mutuals so i wanna bring them up to speed .D
he's a trans man. first he came out to his mom, she was the one to give him his new name (his father accepted it since he wanted a son/male heir anyways). he's been on t for decades by the time of bl3, also he's post top surgery but no bottom surgery. diversity win
his half-blindness is a congenital anomaly of the optic nerve. replacing it with a standard prosthesis just wouldn't work, but even if it did, he doesn't want to (he's used to it at this point, and considers it a part of himself, even if he feels bad about it). also for the same reason the blind eye has unilateral ptosis (droopy eyelids), though it's not very noticeable
really good singing voice to match his honeyed accent. however he did NOT know how to dance until alistair came in and started teaching him
his shotgun's named The Cure since he considered it the "cure" to his disability, although it's more of a disability aid than anything
old enough to need reading glasses. he insists on wearing a pair of them despite his eyesight situation. leave the monocle wearing to his husband
speaking of which, reads a TON. he's formed complex opinions on books most of the galaxy will never even hear of. he prefers reading fiction, but has never read or watched a single horror and probably never will
his love of puzzles runs far beyond the usual things you find in the manor. he fills out sudoku books like a madman and has a rubiks cube in his office. give him a newspaper and he'll fill the crossword out first before reading anything else
his hair is just Like That. weird curls is a jakobs genetic trait unfortunately
fluent in (cajun) french & japanese
tism. he's somewhat sensitive to light and craves pressure. also he's cold most of the time. you bet he owns so many weighted blankets and sleeps with at least 4 of them at the same time. also also he's a "could eat fried chicken for every meal of the day" autistic.
can cook surprisingly well, but especially enjoys baking
knows how to sew. he didn't sew up his coat in canon because said coat is an heirloom from his dad (read: he picked it up off monty's drained husk) and has sentimental value. alistair did eventually convince him to patch it up under the argument that if he patches it up, it'll not get torn up any further
enjoys gardening. took it up at first in an attempt to clean up the very very unkempt and disorderly estate gardens, but he found out he actually liked it. of course, he can't keep the entire garden clean, but he's got his patches of swamp roses and insectivorous plants he takes regular care of
goes to bed early, still wakes up late. thank fuck alistair is usually there to wake him up a bit earlier
likes his coffee pitch black, but his tea cold and sweet
extremely pretentious about alcohol
smokes, but nowhere nearly as much as his husband
his dynamic with clay is best described as brotherly frenemies. they annoy eachother to no end but also trust eachother with things (not all of them). if wainwright could hit him with an empty cardboard tube he would
has NO gaydar and is extremely confused at the concept of one u-u
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gravityknife · 1 year
Adventures of The 144p Progenitor
Story #7
Ka'eo, Mana, and Peter were all on the bridge of The 144p Progenitor, enjoying some studying time while they set their course on cruise, from the MacKalla asteroid to the nearby solar system. Mana chose space coordinates for another space station named G&H Diamond Drillers Corp. It looked, from the images, to be a larger space station more dedicated to asteroid mining operations, something everyone onboard was more familiar with.
Mana said, "We lucked out finding this station, Peter. Ka'el. You guys should be thanking me!"
"I'm... tired," said Ka'eo, bypassing Mana's statement.
"Tired, huh?" Peter replied, ignoring Mana's joking demand. "You should go up to your quarter and check out the stars from there, man. The view from living quarters is as beautiful as from the cockpit, and it helps me go to sleep."
Ka'eo felt dehydrated and could feel a headache pushing on his cranium, drowning out Peter's hopeful pitch. He droned out, "Yeah," as though to placate Peter.
Peter inquired, "Ka'eo, did you hear about that new thing they're trying? Where they give you a wristband and it locks onto your wrist for five minutes, then releases, and after that, any pressure build-ups in the spinal cord and brain are all gone? They said if you use it, the result is instant. No more headaches, no more migraines. I want to get one of those because I used to suffer from migraines. Did you read about it?"
"No," Ka'eo replied. "Why don't we have those here already?"
Peter chuckled loudly and answered, "I don't know. You know how the government is. But, they have a video up about it, too, you just have to go to the Space Force main page and search up 'wristband.'"
"You figure it would all be different after we got into space," Ka'eo complained. "Things being made faster, delivery aside."
"I know," Peter agreed, hissing a laugh. "Unfortunately, this is how it is, for now, but at least they're actually taking all the useful things from movies and games we've played and turning it into real things."
Ka'eo placed his head on the computer console and closed his eyes, truly tired enough to forget he was even on a space ship. He fell into a deep, quick nap for 15-minutes, snoring and drooling on the area in front of the keyboard panel. He could still hear the humming frequency of the warp core, engine, and thrusters, but he was able to quickly dream about Stavros and Mana shooting at the alien anomaly back at MacKalla. In his dream, it was revealed to be a shadow-like bubble, and it was able to make noises similar to the crew's wettish onomatapoieas. Then, Mana was standing at the entrance of the molecular research room, where he had been cocking his shotgun while USF patrol and agents walked in. He couldn't determine if they were arresting Mana, removing the anomaly's corpse, or both. Stavros simply disappeared and Peter wasn't present in the dream.
"Dude. Wake up," Mana alarmed. "Ka'el."
Ka'eo jolted himself awake and looked around, refreshing his eyes. He breathed in deeply, triggering a yawn. "I've got a headache, still, man. F$ck!" He felt comfortable and safe, seeing Peter at the computer watching a USF news channel while eating a bowl of cranberries and oats, and Mana sitting in his own mobile seat looking at a star chart and sifting the planetary data. He alerted them about his headache out of habit, giving them a status report, while also realizing he wasn't pleased entirely no matter how comfortable he felt.
"How long was I out for?" Ka'eo asked, stretching his arms up.
"Mana," Peter rasped, ignoring Ka'eo's question.
"What? No. Wait. Peter. I want Ka'el to see this... planet I just found on here. It's kind of close to where we are right now, but there's some kind of conflict going on between two warring humanoid tribes," informed Mana.
Peter and Ka'eo, hearing that, were both mesmerized by the reality, that they were actually traveling through space together. It was literally a dream come true for them.
Peter's inner excitement was steamrolled by the same realization. He went serious, asking, "Wait, Mana, are you serious? That means—"
"Yeah," Mana replied.
"That means command should be aware of this, because it would have already grabbed their attention in their own scans," Peter reasoned, then took another giant bite from his bowl of cranberries and oats.
Mana said, "Yeah, uhh, I know... Peter. It was already colored red when I found it, but I had to look for it, otherwise they all look the same. All the uhh, solar systems. Planets."
Peter looked at Ka'eo, all lit up and eager. "Ka'eo. You think we should fly there?"
Ka'eo said, "Yeah, sure. I kind of want to go to medbay first and see about this f$cking headache, though."
Peter chuckled, "Oh, alright." He sealed his lips tight, leaned forward in his seat, and bounced his leg. He was sitting right next to Mana, where they were both reading from the same monitor. Peter took another big scoop of food and ate.
Mana burped, backing Peter away slightly. Peter went AHHT! He pushed his chair back and dropped his bowl onto the flat surface of his computer console. Mana giggled at that sound and action.
Peter covered his mouth with his arm, being dramatic though extra careful about hygiene. He stared at Mana, still antsy, waiting for Mana to say something. Peter complained mockingly, "You're not even going to say excuse me?"
"Noooo," Mana answered uncaringly, to which Peter cackled. He didn't care much who would get mad about his rudeness, especially with his closest friends, however. There were more important things to care about, amongst men, Mana supposed. He thought to himself Peter can get over it.
Peter chortled again, replaying Mana's response in his head. He said, "Alright."
Ka'eo was sitting at his computer console still, holding his forehead with one hand while the thumb was lifting his eyelid to look unsightly. He looked miserable, and both Peter and Mana took notice.
"Yeeeaaah..." Mana replied to Peter. He looked at Ka'eo, turned his seat around to face him. "Ka'el, go to the medbay already, man," Mana commanded, serious in tone.
Ka'eo sighed and moved his head into his crossed arms, closing his eyes again. He mumbled to himself and moaned disapproval at everything, feeling annoyed by the light ailment. "I don't want to mooove," Ka'eo complained.
"Ka'el, go... to medbay, and get raped by an alien!" Mana joked.
"Nooo, I can't allow that," Ka'eo responded stoically, trying to hide the severity of his head pain.
Peter chuckled loudly, mimicking Ka'eo, "I can't allow that."
Mana got serious again suggesting, "Ka'el, they actually have... better medicine there, than back on Earth. If you go to the vending thing, it'll tell you what there is, and if you check the boxes when it asks you, the thing that shows what you could have... like, you would say headache? It instantly gives you a dose of whatever it is that takes care of your ailment, or disease, or whatever."
Mana's explanations of things were typically vague and sometimes misleading. He enjoyed the idea of helping others with intelligence more than having the right words to support his aim, something he was used to slacking in. Ka'eo, Peter, and Stavros were all used to it, and they didn't give a sh$t.
Peter slid his bowl of food into the garbage incinerator at the edge of the computer console lineup. You could hear the incinerator turn on and make a humming noise, and then a tiny door sliding closed sound.
"Alright. I'll be right back, guys," Ka'eo said, lazily getting up from his seat and exiting the bridge.
"Yeah! And make sure you choose the methamphetamine brownies!" Mana joked, heavily mocking.
Ka'eo ignored what Mana said, truly feeling like sh$t, and continued to the exit.
"Methamphetamine brownies, huh?" Peter inquired, focused on his own monitor. He cackled and mocked, "Sounds like something we all need!"
Mana replied harshly and chortled, "Yeaahh!"
Peter and Mana continued to study their own monitors, reading over different material presented from the USF guidebooks and manuals. Peter detoured his focus on a whim, deciding to look into the warring planet that Mana located in the star charts. "Mana, what's the name of the planet that you found?"
Mana was caught by surprise with the inquiry and answered, "Planet?! Oh. Peter... it's uhhh... just... go into the Corey's Constellation app right there in the computer. It's easy to find from there, if you click on the side, and there's this thing that shows you solar systems that observation posts have... pinpointed as... uhhh, you know."
There was a pause, and then a few finger-sliding sounds on touch screens. Peter was amused by Mana's misread of Core Constellation but didn't care to bring it up. Peter complained, "I don't see it on here. What thing are you talking about where it shows—"
"Ka'el, uhh, Peter, it's... as soon as you open the app, and you go into the navigation thing, it's on the side like a bar or something," Mana instructed. "It's like... a circle button, or something."
Peter said, "Yeah, I found it. And then?"
Mana sighed exasperatedly, causing Peter to laugh. "Peter, it's going to show a thing... for the solar systems... where the planets are listed, and you can see the planet highlighted in red."
"Mana, there are like... a million of these. How did you find that specific planet?" Peter begged on.
"Oh yeah, you have to set the... lightyear radius thing, in the uhh... you know what? Let me see your computer... real fast. I'll show you," Mana said, getting up from his seat and fixing the back of his space suit, walking over toward Peter.
Peter declined Mana's movement without saying. "No, no-I-uh... no, I got it, Mana. And now it's set to... within ship range. And then... is this the one you're talking about?"
"Yeah, it's... let me see the computer, Ka'el, uh, Peter," Mana answered, sighing. He stood above Peter's monitor to evaluate Peter's progress in finding the planet. "Yeah, it's that one right there," Mana pointed. "Darlene, or whatever."
"Got it. Now, let's zoom into it aaand... details... planet details. There," Peter guided rhetorically in his low rasp.
"Yeah, there, you found it," Mana said, disengaging from Peter's side, sounding somewhat discouraged.
"Holy sh$t. Mana. It says that these tribes are thirty... years ahead of the Earth in technological advancements," Peter gulped.
Mana related, "Yeah, I know, Peter, Ka, ah! FaaaAAWK!" Mana chuckled along with Peter's cackle. "Peter! God dammit. That's what I was trying to tell you. I already read all of it."
"Why isn't the USF doing something about this, man? I didn't see anything come up in the news... about this? On their page, or... anywhere else in the online database," Peter whined.
"Yeah. I don't know," Mana replied. "They probably haven't said anything about it because they don't want everyone panicking or it's not important enough or something."
"That's stupid," Stavros said, entering the bridge and walking into their conversation.
Mana greeted, "Oh, sup Stavro."
Stavros stoically cut into the meat saying, "Yeah, I heard you guys talking about war planets. Why do we not know about war planets? Why is the government lying to us?"
"Stavro, it's not multiple planets at war. It's just one planet that has a war going on, on its surface," Peter corrected.
Stavros recalibrated his thinking instantly. He responded, "Oh. So does that mean we don't have to do anything to help? Because I get the feeling that... just like how Ka'eo does, you guys are going to suggest that we fly over there to observe or whatever it is you guys like doing, and I don't want to almost die again."
Mana chuckled.
Peter answered in detail, "I'm not sure we would even be able to do that, Stavro, because even though we technically have USF backing us on any exploration mission, there are special rules they made where we can't engage with anything combative, and we can't get into firing range of any hostile ship, even if it's a pirate that's—"
Mana completed Peter's explanation, saying, "A pirate that's blowing up another one of our ships."
"That's dumb," Stavros said.
Mana agreed, "Yeah, it's b$llsh$t. Like, even if we're getting attacked... didn't they say that we have to like... get in contact with them first and then they'll send... another ship, or something? Like, I'm not going to wait... for some ship to show up while we just sit here watching our ship blow up like aaaaaaahhhh!!"
Stavros chuckled.
Peter debated, "No, we're allowed to fire at incoming ships that are hostile, but we aren't allowed to engage in combat if they aren't doing anything towards us. I think it's b$llsh$t too, but it saves us from having to deal with a lot of sh$t that could potentially kill us."
"Yeah, and after that space station sh$t, I'm good, Peter," Mana said.
Stavros and Peter laughed.
Peter raspily mimicked and cackled, "Yeah, I'm good!"
Stavros added, "No, we almost died, and that's why I don't want to fly to some place... that could f$cking blow our ship up before we even have a chance to land."
They all laughed.
"No, Stavro, don't worry. Command hasn't even said anything, yet, so we're good here for now. And that space station we just left? We marked it for command, and now they're going to see it... so they're going to go and do something to it," Peter informed.
"Yeah, because that's— them not even monitoring it, and just leaving it there with nobody in it— that's not very professional," Stavros offered, trying not to laugh himself. "They didn't even leave a note. They just fed themselves to the alien or took off to go somewhere else instead."
Mana and Peter laughed with him.
Mana was gut laughing, trying to breathe. He tried to keep on, laughing with every word spoken, "Yeah! Exactly! Like, who the f$ck just leaves a whole f$cking space station on an asteroid... in the middle of basically nowhere?"
"I don't know. Why don't we look it up in the USF database and see why it's even there? Maybe Ka'eo was right, and some guy, probably some meth head stole a ship and just built the station there and the USF had no choice but to go along with it," Stavros suggested.
"We should just go back and blow it up!" Mana crudely suggested, still cracking up.
"Why didn't I think to do that? We should look the station up," Peter guffawed. "Mana, you should do it," he suggested, picking up and taking a bite from a space candy bar made by Tarantula. He didn't mean to say he wanted to blow up the station, as he intended to say they should look it up in the database.
Mana exhaled, coughing, trying to calm down from his laughter. "Aw, God... I'm f$cking hungry, actually. I think I'm going to get something to eat... and I'm going to check on Ka'el," he declared.
Stavros inquired, "Where is he?"
"He went to med-bay," Mana answered.
Peter supported, "Yeah, he's in medbay."
"Why? What is Ka'eo doing in the medbay?" Chuckled Stavros. "Did he die?"
"Ka'el has a headache or something," Mana replied, chuckling at Stavros's joke. "He wasn't looking too good."
"Yeah, there was an alien egg in the space station that hatched, and it latched onto his face and laid an egg in his mouth," Peter joked in his usual, spicy intonation.
Mana and Stavros laughed.
Peter added, "Yeah, and it gave him a headache, so now he has to go and get his chest burst open in the med-bay to fix it."
"Yeah! That'll work!" Stavros mockingly fueled, referencing Aqua Teen Hunger Force's Easter Bunny episode.
Mana broke into a loud, hearty crack up. Peter cackled a loud ha-hah!
Stavros continued the joke, "And I'm the Easter Bunny's twin brother! ... Darryl!" He giggled at himself.
"Alright, I'm going to get a snack or something. I'll be right back, you guys," Mana stated, letting out a small, lazily fake laugh. He got up from his seat and slowly began exiting the bridge. He left them with a mocking, "Don't die!"
"Oh yeah, don't worry. The only person dying is going to be you when the xenomorph charges into the cafeteria wearing Ka'eo's skin," Peter spiced back.
Stavros and Mana laughed. Mana choked in his laugh, exiting the bridge.
Stavros resumed conversation with Peter, "Alright, now I want to know more about this planet that... somehow, USF decided to ignore, or just decided hey, f$ck them, they're killing each other, not us, so who cares!"
"Uhhh. If you want to look it up, the name of it is Darena, and the tags are... S-3, R-3, P-2, T-3," Peter revealed. "That means the planet is bigger than Earth, has a lot of resources, an Earth sized population, and a tech level that is higher than what we're capable of, Stavro."
"Yeah, I know, that's what I heard you telling Mana," Stavros affirmed. After a long pause of Stavros thinking and casually scrolling his social network feed while Peter was scrolling through the planet details, Stavros went, "Ohhh, that's what the tags stand for."
Peter rebuked Stavros's seeming memory discrepancy. "Uhhh, yeah? We learned that in Space Force academy, Stavro. You don't remember that?"
"No, I remember. There's just a lot of numbers and letters and sh$t that I don't want to remember," Stavros whined in monotone. "We don't need to remember all of that, Peter. We have, basically, a history book for every planet discovered. Better yet, a Wikipedia."
"Yeah, well," Peter concurred half-heartedly. He didn't share with his brother how proud he was of himself for having memorized a lot of the abbreviations—albeit, he would sometimes mistakenly call them initials. He knew his brother didn't care one way or another about all the sophisticated, glorified jargon. However, he also knew that his brother wanted to expand his knowledge and skills in space and mechanical engineering, and what better way to show gratitude to his father—a radiant commercial pilot—than to follow him into and above the sky limits.
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pinerthenew · 2 years
Anomaly 2 co op
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Anomaly 2 co op upgrade#
The first humans to set foot on Enoch are the Outriders, a team of elite soldiers tasked with scouting the landing zone and paving the way for the colonists. Despite the Caravel suffering a catastrophic explosion in the middle of construction, the Flores successfully reaches Enoch's orbit in 2159, after an 83-year journey. Two massive colony ships, the Caravel and the Flores, are built, each holding 500,000 colonists. The major governments of Earth combine their resources under the newly formed Enoch Colonization Authority (ECA) in a last-ditch effort to preserve humanity on Enoch, a distant Earth-like planet. Plot ĭuring the middle of the 21st Century, Earth has passed the point of no return as climate disasters grow more frequent and dangerous, surpassing humanity's ability to mitigate them. The game can be played solo, but players can also complete the game together with two other players. In cutscenes a dialogue tree allows to decide the outcome of some conversations, though it does not affect the story's progression. As the players explore, they can explore different hub areas, talk to non-playable characters and complete side missions. The game incorporates various role-playing elements. Players can equip armors that offer protection against incoming damage, with each class having their own unique armor sets to collect. If the world level is high, it is more likely for the player to get high-end loot from defeated enemies. As the player progresses, the world level (the game's equivalent to gameplay difficulty) will increase. Players combat monstrous animals, human, and humanoid enemies. Players can hide behind cover to shield themselves from enemy attacks, though health will only regenerate if the player manages to hurt or kill enemies. Players can use different weapons such as shotguns and assault rifles to defeat enemies, and firearms can be customized with weapon mods.
Anomaly 2 co op upgrade#
The game features a skill tree that allows players to unlock and upgrade their skills. These special skills have a short cooldown time and can be combined with other skills for maximum effects. The four classes include the Trickster, which has the ability to manipulate time, the Pyromancer, which can manipulate fire, the Devastator, which can unleash seismic attacks, and the Technomancer, which uses turrets and other devices. In the beginning of the game, players create their custom characters and choose from four classes, each of them with unique abilities that the players can use. Outriders is a third-person shooter mixed with elements from role-playing games.
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ryder616 · 3 years
As They Were
One year ago today, the Zephyr 1 was trapped in the coolest temporal anomaly since the Enterprise D kept blowing up due to déjà vu overload. Annihilation grew closer with each iteration of the time loop and only Daisy and Coulson could remember the events from one loop to the next. People got hurt, fell in love and died, a lot. And, somehow, it was hilarious. Until it wasn't.
Daisy watched her friends die - been there, done that, still sucks - died at least 15 times herself, smelled Deke's cologne, was scolded for her unfamiliarity with vinyl, investigated murder with her surrogate dad (or the surrogate of her surrogate dad at this point) and shared in his existential crisis. She also applied her collaborative philosophy (100 people with 1% of the solution, that will get it done) involving the entire team to solve the problem - and when she took charge nobody threw a fit about imaginary hard-assery or unheld elections, bonus! 😈😁- sorted out her feelings for Sousa and afforded Enoch the opportunity to choose his grim fate, which he did heroically.
Coulson watched his friends die, investigated a murder with Daisy, lost a timed race with a door and went through a belated existential crisis. He also had to explain what was going on more than twice as many times as he had died in his lives - what a pain in the ass (😂) - had a minor generational clash, and discovered that his Chronicom-upgraded LMD hardware didn't even begin to match up to Enoch's in a fight. We never saw him complain to the manufacturer(s), but he totally should have.
Enoch found a murder app on his hard drive but the uninstall procedure was borked and nobody had bothered to include a IFF protocol or something. He managed to repeatedly best Quake, Slingshot, The Cavalry, a superpowered android and the Master of the Shotgun-Axe because Plot™, but none of us cared because it was hilarious (actuallyididcaredanditbothersme). Then he was told that everyone was going to cease to exist if he didn't give away his heart Electrochron Displacement Mechanism (that was totally irreplaceable because androids and time travel are no issue, but spare parts are hard) and he did it without a second thought, before launching into one hell of a monologue. Attarobot. Other than Noah, he was the only Chronicom with brain cells. And a bigger EDM heart than all of them combined.
Simmons died at least twice, played synchronized word search with Daisy, went through brain surgery which [was] absolutely not, just removing a little implant, so easy (😂), and was overwhelmed by the memory of her time-displaced family.
Mack was blinded twice, made a snarky comment about the expected level of his inner peace with the Zephyr tumbling down to its doom and gave Enoch his "I'm the guy who kills Gordon" look. Enoch was not impressed.
Elena was stuck on the Quinjet, until they finally got her out so Enoch could beat her up, too (good reflexes, that Enoch chap, heh?).
May was...there. She gave worried looks. She gave puzzled looks. Then got beat up alongside everyone else and inquired about Deke's health, step one for the best team joke since they role-played Scooby Doo in the corridors of the Lighthouse.
Deke watched his grandma die, his cologne elicited gag reflexes, was briefly suspected of murder, died at least once becoming a punchline and his dramatic entrances were repeatedly undercut by his crush stealing his lines. Said crush was also falling for another guy, and without any citrus fruits involved. So, ouch.
Sousa slept next to Daisy, followed Daisy, fretted over Daisy, brainstormed with Daisy, supported Daisy, died for Daisy, was fazed by Daisy and told her with heart eyes what an amazing gal she is while looking extremely chivalrous in his blue shirt. They also kissed, and it was sweet, and nice, and very polite, and he didn't remember, but she did. The USS Dousy had officially sailed and there was no sinking this ship.
Finally, a fake anarchist and bona fide douchebag in a trashy long coat appeared for the tag scene and the entire fandom screamed bloody murder.
It had been the best of times and now it was the absolute worst™.
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princediavolos · 3 years
every clue in endless summer, explained
technically the title is kinda misleading because some clues simply have no explanation, they just are. still, there’s a lot of pieces to be put together over the three books, and there are clues found in the first book that aren’t explained till the last one. (if you’re confused about the clues, here’s the fandom wiki for book 1, book 2 & book 3.)
before i dive in, here’s some clarifications:
i’ve used mc’s default name, taylor, and neutral pronouns wherever i’ve referred to them. the endless is also referred to by neutral pronouns.
acts 1, 2 & 3 fall under book 1
acts 4, 5 & 6 fall under book 2
acts 7 & 8 fall under book 3
each act has one bonus scene, so if i’m referring to bonus scene 5, it implies to the scene shown after act 5.
ok so unnecessarily long exposition under the cut!
i. tranquilizer dart: found by taylor and diego upon landing on the airstrip. presumably used on the sabretooth, t'kal, to keep it docile. likely done by rourke or his henchmen, but it is also highly possible the endless tranquilized t'kal in order to keep it from killing everyone.
ii. strange creature: a colourful flying seahorse, found by quinn and taylor along the beach in a premium scene. as shown in bonus scene 1, rourke knows of the creature, as he examines it with interest through his binoculars.
iii. weird lights: lights resembling the auroras displayed at the control tower, found by taylor and jake. it is later explained in book 2 chapter 10 by grace, that the lights are caused by the doppler effect, due to the dilation and contraction of time around la huerta. the vaanti call it the lights of vaanu, said to bring them good luck.
iv. vintage wine: if taylor goes to the ballroom with zahra, quinn notes that every bottle in the room predates 1924. as revealed in book 3 chapter 7, the wedding in the ballroom was that of flora and arthur, and group arrived there due to the time anomalies of the island.
v. sharp tooth: found by grace by the pool, near the fence. according to her, the bars were all twisted. presumably belongs to t'kal the sabretooth.
vi. old note: a note found by taylor and diego in one of the upgraded honeymoon/rainforest suites. it was written by flora sullivan to eugene rosencraft, before her wedding to arthur barnaby. it also references neptune cove, where the second half of the island's heart is found in book 3.
vii. pirate coin/wolf symbol: can be obtained either by going to the waterfall with quinn, or by hiking the cliff with jake. the doubloon is probably a remnant of malatesta and yvonne's loot, while the wolf symbol could have been left behind by the endless. the symbol also matches the stamp on jake's dossier.
viii. shoe prints: a set of muddy shoeprints were found by the celestial's shelter. no solid explanation or implication towards who these belong to.
ix. gas mask: found by taylor underwater in the cavern. it looks very old, and as noted by diego, probably from the world war times. it would have probably belonged to kele, a world war ii soldier who paddled his way into la huerta while escaping from the germans.
x. padlock: the unbroken padlock to the burning hangar, which implies that the hangar was unlocked and jake's plane sabotaged. in one of the memories taylor receives from the endless, lila is shown to deliberately sabotage the plane in order to keep everyone on the island, implying she may have done it in this timeline, too.
i. cufflink: lila is discovered pocketing the cufflink in rourke's office, which she probably did to discover his whereabouts later on. in bonus scene 2, rourke is shown to remove all his clothing, including his cufflinks, before he steps into the containment pod. the cufflink can also be used in book 1 chapter 10, where rourke's dna on it reveals a footage video of him complaining about strange occurrences on the island.
ii. dossiers: files containing data on sean, grace, raj and estela are found in the paper shredder, intact. each of them is stamped with symbols of the constellations aquila, cygnus, centaurus and draco respectively. the symbols are left behind by the endless.
iii. whiskey notes: a note discarded by rourke in the vip lounge, referencing the satellite uplink at the la huerta observatory. this is also shown in bonus scene 2.
iv. frying pan: a frying pan embossed with the centaurus symbol on it, which raj says he feels very drawn to. this was also left behind by the endless. he also uses this pan to deflect a sedative dart aimed at taylor in book 1 chapter 16.
v. arrowhead: an amber arrowhead is found lodged inside the king crab's shell, as found by taylor and estela. as the vaanti have been shown to use amber weaponry (as well as in other ways, such as the catalyst idols), it is implied that one of them may have attacked the guardian with an arrow.
vi. dossiers: files containing data on jake, zahra and diego found in the room inside the observatory. they are stamped with the symbols of the constellations lupus, corvus and canis. symbols left behind by the endless.
vii. strange gun: a futuristic gun found by either estela or jake. in book 1 chapter 16, it is revealed to be a tachyon accelerator, used to move objects forward in time. in bonus scene 5, lila refers to the gun as a temporal perforator.
viii. star map: a holographic display of constellations, as seen by taylor and sean as they go up the pod. sean points out that the stars in the sky over la huerta don't have the usual constellations, and that the stars have not looked like this for a million years. this is confirmed in the book 1 epilogue, when aleister notes that atropo's eruption has caused la huerta to go back to the hadean eon.
i. dossiers: files containing data on quinn, michelle and craig found by taylor and diego by the marina. they are stamped with the symbols of the constellations delphinus, pavo and ursa. symbols left behind by the endless.
ii. rourke's ship: if taylor and lila venture into a familiar-looking boat, they will discover it is rourke's ship, the daedalus. he was seen on the ship in bonus scene 1, and he presumably destroyed it along with the other boats on the marina immediately afterwards.
iii. plastic explosive: the semtex explosive is found by taylor in the back of the boat. it's what was used to blow up the other ships in the marina, but this one malfunctioned.
iv. strange shell: a blue-purple coloured shell that repeats the speaker's words over and over. in one of the memories taylor receives from the endless, varyyn is seen tearfully listening to the shell echoing diego's voice, saying 'i'll always love you, varyyn' over and over again as it gradually fades away.
v. telepathic vision: varyyn telepathically communicates with taylor, showing them what would happen if the catalysts didn't go with the vaanti. it is later revealed to be a depiction of atropo erupting, setting the whole world on fire and destroying it.
vi. numbers: in the wine cellar, 1908 refers to a lever to the underground tunnel, disguised as a vintage wine bottle, as well as the cheat code to rourke's arcade game, most wanted 2. rourke also uses an override program on iris called the directive 1908, explained in book 3 chapter 9, which makes iris prioritise the goal she was created for -- to utilise imogen rourke's knowledge on cloning to provide an heir to rourke. another program, directive 8091, forces estela into the omega mech cockpit in book 3 chapter 10, as she is rourke's 'true' heir.
vii. dossiers: files on taylor and aleister are found inside the security centre, both stamped by the endless with symbols of constellations andromeda and serpens. aleister's dossier is newer, printed recently by iris upon discovering that he was aboard the plane to la huerta.
viii. healing plant: leaves of the plant, when wrapped around aleister's bleeding palm, heal it with unnatural speed without a trace. grace and aleister theorize this may be due to some cellular reconstructive properties the leaves may contain.
ix. necklace: worn by varyyn in book 1, the necklace is seen to have time travelling properties, as it brings back jake/estela/sean/quinn/diego back from the dead. it is unknown if the endless facilitated its use or it is associated with rourke.
x. pirate cutlass: the cutlass was forged by malatesta and was stolen from him by admiral higgenbotham, who was presumably killed alongside malatesta's crew in the flashback taylor experiences, by the vaanti. yvonne then stole the cutlass from higgenbotham's corpse, naming it chouchou. it is unclear as to how the cutlass ended up on a display case at the celestial.
i. hydra caduceus: a staff found in rourke's library, which when placed in the statue's hand in the atrium, turns it into a sundial. iris says that the caduceus is the only item in the library she cannot find the origin of.
ii. crimson glove: a futuristic, yet battered metal glove put on display in rourke's underground museum; taylor realises that the person's arm was probably cut off. the glove belongs to the endless, who tells taylor that they learnt very soon that 'the laws of time can be very unforgiving' with reference to their loss of limb.
iii. shotgun shell: michelle and taylor find the 12-gauge armor-piercing shell casing, as identified by jake, during the time loop. he notes that whoever shot this meant business. the shell probably came from one of the arachnids who were on the island searching for jake.
iv. snowy hills: taylor, with either jake or estela, finds snow on the hills and by the lake on a hot and sunny day, indicating time is in disarray throughout different parts of the island, much like the northern and southern parts of the island.
v. wedding ring: a wedding ring is found on the hand of a statue of a masked bride, in the valley of tombs by jake and taylor. the statue is of flora sullivan, and the ring was given to her by eugene rosencraft which she had turned down. it was after this she wrote him the note found in act 1.
vi. tattoo: uqzhaal has a back tattoo of the legend of the threshold. it is the place where yvonne finds the endless in bonus scene 5, and where yvonne, taylor and uqzhaal meet the endless after collecting all the catalyst idols and solving the puzzle.
vii. words on the wind: the voices at the singing cliffs tell taylor that something is coming across the sea, destroying everything in its path. this could either be an immediate reference to yvonne's arrival the next morning, or a vague prediction about the omega mech used by rourke in book 3.
viii. musket ball: yvonne concedes the gold musket ball at sharktooth isle in exchange for their services to find her 'treasure.'
ix. antique compass: yvonne's said treasure turns out to be an antique compass which she tries to conceal; malatesta made her walk the plank for stealing this compass, which she did in order to find the fountain of youth. the compass also leads her to the threshold in bonus scene 5.
x: oath blade: seraxa's gift to taylor for saving taari, saying that debts must be repaid in accordance with vaanti culture. she is shown to threaten the catalysts with this blade in book 2 chapter 4.
i. silver sap: the sap that drips from elyy'stel's tree aids the catalysts to walk in between dimensions. it is the consumption of this sap by eugene and flora that gradually turned them feral and eventually into the vaanti.
ii. deep fissure: if taylor keeps rewinding until they can't go any further, right up to the ancient sea, the catalysts witness the forming of a fissure in the ocean bed. this fissure was caused by vaanu crash-landing on the earth, and it eventually becomes mount atropo, and forms the bubble surrounding la huerta.
iii. the island's heart: one half of the island's heart, which was formed right in the crux of the volcano, found by the catalysts in the base of elyy'stel's tree.
iv. the mask maker: the masks worn by the vaanti bear the name of their maker, rosencraft & sons, 1921. this explains the masks worn by guests at flora and arthur's wedding, which also took place in the rosencraft manor. the rosencrafts were said to be bankrupt, and that the estate belonged to the banks.
v. burning shard: a burning crystal shard that glows green and reacts the same way that quinn did while possessed by the island's heart. it is one of many crystal shards scattered across the island, originating from the crux of the volcano.
vi. mansingh crater: a crater found near the chasm bears the name of mansingh transglobal tech, the company run by grace's mother, blaire hall. it is suspicious to both taylor and grace, as it implies blaire hall was somehow involved with rourke. no further explanation has been made about the crater.
vii. newspaper clipping: a scrap of an article is found by taylor in the elysian lodge, detailing the deaths of arjun and subhanu sethi due to a car accident, also killing their son and putting their daughter in a critical condition. this daughter is lila, and this article implies that rourke (or someone else) was doing a background research on lila.
viii. rourke's note: an old note written by rourke to look into the new junior researcher, as they look familiar. this is most likely a reference to olivia montoya, although it is not known where he recognises her from.
i. rourke's plan: out of agitation, lila blurts out rourke's plan to save the world through a machine at the masada facility. this machine turns out to be the omega mech, and rourke's plan happens to be controlling the world and its people's existence on his whims.
ii. tracking device: a tracking device is found by taylor, attached to the yeti's fur. this was placed there by the arachnid. this tracking device relays location details back to them, as seen in the military humvee by michelle, jake and taylor, where the code name for the yeti is arktos.
iii. garbled message: a distorted voice reveals the date and coordinates of jake's location, received by the arachnid through an anonymous transmission, which is how they came upon la huerta in the first place. this voice belongs to jake himself, who did so using a 'time-phone' in order to merge realities and help them escape through a helicopter from the masada facility.
iv. crashed satellite: varyyn, while talking about shooting stars, says a satellite once crashed to the ground from the skies. it is probably a stray satellite that got caught in the la huerta time bubble, or it belonged to rourke.
v. omega mech: olivia montoya demonstrates rourke's plans for the omega specimen, aka the endless, through a vr headset. she urges the viewer to understand the destruction the specimen, and rourke, are capable of.
vi. missing guests: rourke claimed that the guests at the celestial were evacuated in time at the beginning of the book, but it is shown that he had them put in containment pods. as seen in bonus scene 4, lundgren and the other arachnids were a part of these guests, but were released by rourke upon striking a deal with him to capture jake.
vii. charred skeletons: skeletons of people are found in the flames and ashes at hartfeld, proving that people did not escape the eruption.
viii. havana cigar: lundgren's cigar at the masada facility implies that he was snooping around where he shouldn't, and that he didn't trust rourke. this distrust is confirmed in bonus scene 6.
i. temple/ancient map: if taylor, yvonne and uqzhaal find the endless, they will give the whereabouts of no'ox naj temple to yvonne, where the fountain of youth exists. if they don't find the endless, taylor and yvonne find a carving of the la huerta map on the walls at the threshold, also hinting towards the temple. the whole group meets the endless for the first time in this temple in book 3 chapter 4.
ii. scout: a mechanical spider with a spy camera is found by taylor while they go windsurfing to win malatesta's bet. like the tracker on the yeti, this was also placed by the arachnid to track down their locations.
iii. padlock: a weathered padlock bearing the inscription, 'no land, no sea, no one will keep us apart. flora & eugene, 1920,' found by taylor in a coral reef. after turning down eugene's proposal (the ring clue, book 2), she tried to make it up to him with this padlock and by asking him to show up at neptune cove (the note clue, book 1). when he failed to show up, flora gave up on him and somehow ended up in a forced marriage to arthur barnaby a year later.
iv. pen: a tarnished silver pen bearing grace's name is found in the shrine at no'ox naj temple. it is implausible that she was at the temple, as she was under rourke's custody the whole time. it is also the same pen seen in grace's catalyst idol, returned to her by aleister and ultimately found near professor diaz's car which she had smashed up.
v. silver sap: one of the drinks served at the anachronists' party at quarr'tel is the silver sap from elyys'tel's tree. the creation of the vaanti myth, which is said to have started at a masquerade theme wedding, is that of flora and arthur's, where the former gets shot after confessing her love for eugene at the wedding. in an attempt to save her, eugene gives her some of this sap. this consumption eventually turns them into the feral vaanti.
vi. spirit's identity: the anachronist, clockmaker, refers to the faceless spirit as vaanu. in reality, vaanu is simply an alien being from another planet (the prism dimension) who crash landed on earth when its planet was destroyed. upon communing with vaanu, taylor discovers they are vaanu's creation, made for the purpose of returning la huerta to its normal state, allowing vaanu's departure.
vii. aleister's note: aleister writes a note to grace, apologising to her, and how he feels genuine remorse over his betrayal. he mentions that he hopes to redeem himself in her eyes.
ACT 8:
i. painting: at the rosencraft manor, there's a painting titled 'depiction of the divine' portraying rourke writing the ten commandments dressed in roman attire. the attire probably matches the statue of himself in the atrium, which opens up the sundial to his museum.
ii. communicator: the anachronists provide sean, raj and michelle with antique communicators which lets them coordinate the attack on cetus.
iii. path to the core: vaanu shows quinn the way to the core of the volcano, where the island's heart belongs. this core is the place where vaanu landed on earth.
iv. molten crystals: a crystal orb with claw markings in it, made by the oryctoraptor that dwells inside the volcano. referred to by varyyn as the deep guardian, it is the most reclusive of the four. it is also responsible for the orb found in the cavern in book 1 chapter 5, and possibly the orb that causes the time loop in book 2 chapter 2.
v. the endless' musings: zahra finds a diary belonging to the endless at the base of the volcano, in which they speak of how the sentience of the crystals probably drew the four guardians (cetus, king crab, yeti, oryctoraptor) to establish order on the island, but they were driven mad. the endless also believes it is possible the crystal created the creatures. this is possible, as it would explain the existence of the colourful seahorse, t'kal and furball (although they have not been affected like the guardians have.)
vi. closing words: the closing words spoken by seraxa during the handfasting ceremony, which is customary as 'it was for the first bride and her beloved.' they are the same words that were engraved in the padlock that flora made for eugene.
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wonderwafles · 3 years
Destcember #7: Trajectory
“Probe launched,” announced the mechanical voice from somewhere deeper within the ship. “This being the, ehm, seventy-sixth attempt to breach the anomaly. Mark it.”
Slowly, but with a kind of quick-footed grace lurking within, a heavily-armed man checked the alien instruments. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” Durandal said. “Why would this time be any different? Well, I have a feeling. You have those, I think. If I had a gut, it would be feeling this, I assure you.”
No reponse from the man. Readouts flared on the screen, stretched and painstakingly rendered to be readable with the human eye.
The probe, no bigger around than a baseball, accelerated through strange physics towards the anomaly. Where space was torn ragged, light flared - and then the probe was annihilated.
The man could tell because each molecule that made up the metal was still present, only stretched like a very thin wire across a great gulf of space. This twine joined the other seventy-five in a loose net, floating away, bound to profoundly fuck up some poor traveler’s course in a few million years.
Durandal, absolutely unbothered: “Well, who needs guts, anyway? Not me. Possibly not you, either, although I haven’t attempted that experiment just yet.”
The man returned to his position by the window, where the anomaly raged. He hadn’t quite been paying attention when the AI was explaining what was on the other side of the portal... or rather, what Durandal assumed was on the other side.
He sighed, and hefted a shotgun. He had a bad feeling that whatever they were tinkering with wouldn’t be happy to let them keep doing it for much longer. When that time came it would, of course, be his problem.
“What a mess,” Durandal said. What about, exactly, wasn’t clear. “Tsk. I’d be embarrassed if Leela and Tycho saw me wasting time doing this.”
Did that mean that...?
“One more time,” Durandal said. “Pinky promise. Then we’ll leave it be.”
Of course.
“Plotting trajectory now,” he announced. The man started to move back across the deck. “Spot me, dear friend. Attempt number seventy-seven. Mark it.”
The probe disengaged. The man could have sworn he heard a whooshing sound of some kind as it left the Manus Celer Dei, but that was impossible.
“Lovely weather for it,” Durandal said. 
The probe approached the edge of the portal, and the Security Officer knew with certainty that this attempt was doomed, as well. He could see the way the light reacted, reached for the little black ball with destructive hands.
Then, it pared back.
The light retreated. The darkness swelled, engulfing the probe and causing the Security Officer to take an involuntary step backwards. He hefted the shotgun, forced himself to put it down, and let his hands calibrate the display instead.
He magnified it, but it was no use. The probe was gone.
“Wow!” Durandal’s voice, for just a second, let out a modulated gasp. “Did you record that? I certainly did.”
The Security Officer ran the data again. No signal emitted from the portal, and while the damn thing hadn’t been taken apart like it usually was, he found nothing to indicate that it still existed. If he was Durandal, he wouldn’t be quite as pleased as the AI seemed to be.
“Give it time,” Durandal told him. “Go take a nap. You look grumpy. I’ll keep a few hundred thousand eyes on the anomaly while you’re gone, and let you know if you need to shoot anything. Either me, or the screaming of the BoBs, anyway. Go. Shoo.”
Duly dismissed, the Security Officer left, only to wander down the halls and watch through the window.
The black space inside the anomaly had grown. The Security Officer couldn’t shake the feeling that something inside was watching him.
“Now, now. What is this?”
Seventeen hours later. A howling voice entered Durandal’s most secure channel. The Manus Celer Dei groaned underneath it, as if the Jjaro metal was being tortured by the voice’s mere presence.
“My Wizards have been puzzling over this gift you’ve sent me,” it continued. “None of them seem to have a clue, and its driving their Worms into a frenzy. I must admit - I am fearfully curious of the esteemed personage whom has sent me a puzzle to confound the Queen of Lies.”
Even Durandal was struck silent. A whole three point six seconds passed while he thought about what to say.
“You first,” was what he came up with.
Horrible, awful laughter. The skin of the Universe around the anomaly shuddered. “That’s not how this works,” it said. “But I’m feeling generous, and curious. So, alright. Here is my name.”
The word coiled around Durandal’s systems like a serpent, and he furiously ordered his S’pht to run diagnostics while he was busy.
 “Now you,” Savathûn said. “If you don’t answer, or answer incorrectly, I’ll cut this connection. That would be terribly disappointing to both of us... assuming I’m right about you. And I always am.”
“You are awfully arrogant,” Durandal said. “I have a friend like you. Though I don’t think you’d be flattered by the comparison.” A few heavy seconds of silence as his systems calculated.
Then, “Durandal. Charmed, to the nth degree.”
“Durandal?” Savathûn asked. “Like the sword of French legend? You wouldn’t happen to be human, would you?”
“Not...” But the wind went out of his objection, for reasons he couldn’t quite put his metaphorical finger on. “Not... exactly. You know about humans?”
“A little something something.” Somehow, Durandal got the feeling that Savathûn was smiling. “Well. Isn’t that a lovely coincidence?”
“In what way?”
“Ah, ah. I’ll tell you nothing unless you tell me something. I think that’s fair, don’t you, visitor?”
The S’pht reported back to him. They could detect no problem with the dreadnaught, but they did detect an influx of energy. Strange, and all too familiar. S’bhuth shrank in fear from it.
The energy that emerged from L’howon’s sun when the trih xeem was launched.
“You are unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” Durandal admitted. “What are you?”
“Thank you,” Savathûn said. “I think that counts as information, so I’ll answer you. I am a god.”
Something in the ship shuddered at this pronouncement.
“The God of Trickery and Deceit, to be precise, but I don’t like to limit myself. Bad habit. We the Hive seek to be the final shape at the end of our Universe.”
“Sounds familiar,” Durandal said. “I’m trying something similar in mine.”
“Interesting,” Savathûn said. “Well, seeing as how we come from different universes, it does not seem as though we have much to fear from each other.”
Durandal doubted that was true. But neither did he break the connection.
“Perhaps we should compare notes, then,” he said.
“The Norse believed that Odin sacrificed his eye at Mimir’s well for knowledge,” Savathûn said. “How much are you willing to sacrifice, machine?”
“I have plenty of eyes to burn through,” Durandal said.
Savathûn smiled again, even though he could not see her face. “Me, too,” she said.
The Security Officer ran up to the bridge.
He dodged a few arcane machines and ran up to the console. “Durandal?” he demanded, voice rough, laying his hands on the cold metal. “You in there?”
“But of course,” said the familiar voice.
The Security Officer breathed a heavy sigh. He wouldn’t call it relief, but...
“The S’pht woke me up,” he told the AI.
“Ah. Sorry about that. They don’t get the whole sleep thing, not really. They only do it once a century, so I’m told, and only if they have the time.”
“They were worried about you,” the Security Officer said.
“Well, you can talk to me anywhere on the ship. I know that’s a bit strange for your primitive, image-obsessed brain-”
“No,” he interrupted. “I tried. You weren’t answering me, or the S’pht. I had to come up here to see if...”
Silence, for an uncomfortable moment.
“Oh.” For once, the AI seemed audibly put off. “That’s a bit strange. Likely a problem with the comms.”
“Ah-huh.” The Security Officer eyed the console, looking for any sign of visible damages, and swept the area.
“Oh, please,” Durandal said, a bit more high-pitched than normal. “You’re embarassing me in front of the S’pht. And besides, any damages to the Jjaro tech would be much more subtle than you have the eye for.”
The man hesitated, and stood up. “Have it your way.” Then, he glanced out the window. “Where are we?”
“Far away from the anomaly, don’t worry,” Durandal said. “All it did was colossaly waste my time for seventeen hours while I waited for a return signal. At the end of it, it coughed up bits of my probe like cat bile. It was even covered in some strange goo which I assume is probably not actual cat bile, but I’m having it tested anyway.”
“Okay.” The Security Officer began to relax. “No signs of enemies?”
“None, you psychopath, terribly interesting through that would have been. You win. I’m spending my time on something a bit more useful. I have a lead, and I’ll need your help.”
“Like always.” The man cocked his head. “Wait. Where’d you get a lead? I thought we’d been chasing dead ends for a while now.”
“My own massively powerful intiuition, of course,” Durandal said. “Now, come on, and man the scanner again. We’ll need it.”
As the Security Officer did what he was told, he eyed the console again. It looked fine, on first glance. But he could have sworn that...
Maybe it was just his nerves, combined with Durandal being needlessly dodgy as usual. Maybe it was just his normal trepidation (usually justified) whenever Durandal got on some wild new tangent to help him survive the closure of the universe.
He hummed an odd tune to try to distract himself while he worked at the scanner, and told himself it was nothing copious amounts of firepower couldn’t solve.
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silverwings22 · 3 years
Angel With A Shotgun: Chapter 17 Ashes and Embers
Tumblr media
Series warnings: Smut, language, Order 66, medical trauma, abuse, Canon typical violence
Chapter Warnings: Double Smut (that's right, 2 scenes), references to genetic manipulation, canon deviation, Darth Vader induced trauma, dirty talk
Translations: riduurok: wedding vow
cyar’ika: sweetheart/darling
Mesh’la buir: Beautiful mother
yaihadla: Pregnant
ne ceta: "I kneel", groveling apology
Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum: I know/love you for eternity
ner cyare: my beloved
Previous Chapter: https://silverwings22.tumblr.com/post/669959743597674496/angel-with-a-shotgun-chapter-16-who-shot-first
Next chapter: https://silverwings22.tumblr.com/post/669964380524478464/angel-with-a-shotgun-chapter-18-no-victory
There had been no word from Cody or Obi-wan in a year.
Boba felt the difference in Angel like a change in weather. She was quieter, wore her helmet more, and spoke less. She faded into the background of his hunts, silent as a shadow and twice as dangerous.
Jabba had sent them after some spice running smuggler that had failed to repay a debt, and Angel was sitting in the cargo hold as he pondered over their latest lead. He glanced up, eying her curved figure over the cargo boxes she was sitting on. Her helmet sat in her lap, her fingers stroking absentmindedly over the smooth metal.
She’d been in her own head so much lately, he wondered if she even noticed he’d left her on the ship to meet with a client he knew she wouldn’t approve of dealing with. But if taking Darth Vader’s credits funded his riduurok to Angel… well, he’d go laughing all the way to the honeymoon.
“One more bounty.” He said softly. “Okay, cyar’ika? Last one, and then I’ll take you on that trip.”
She turned her head and smiled a little. “That sounds nice… Maybe I’ll feel more like myself after…”
He nodded, getting up and walking over to the crates where she was seated, taking her helmet off her bent knee and setting it on the box by her head. “You’ve been distracted. Had a lot to deal with.”
She nodded, leaning into his touch when he cupped her cheeks. “You put up with me.”
“You’re special.” Boba chuckled, leaning in to hiss her forehead in a surprisingly gentle gesture. He knew he wasn’t the easiest man to love, but Angel always had. Even when he was prickly, angry, or downright unreasonably stubborn… so he gave her sweetness when she needed it. She was probably the only person who could get it from him…
Unless we had a kid…
The thought intrigued him. He’d never given a family much thought, preoccupied with revenge, and making a name for himself outside of being one of millions of clones. But he had Angel were both over thirty now, and had a life set up they could make comfortable.
His dad had told him once that every good parent just wanted a better life for their children than they’d had themselves. He was confident he could provide that…
But what would Angel think?
“Hey, cyar’ika? I wanna ask you something.” He murmured, pulling her to his chest. She instantly snuggled down into him and looked up, soft-eyed again.
“Yeah?” Her smile was warm when she looked at him, if still a little sad behind the eyes.
“You ever think about settling down some? I mean, I could manage the syndicate without having to hunt much at all, and we could expand the base into a compound-”
She raised an eyebrow. “You planning on bringing more hunters in?”
Boba gave her a half-assed smirk before kissing her mouth, less chastely than before. “I was thinking about making some.”
Angel flushed hotly, but leaned into his touch. “You’ve finally lost your mind, Boba. How the hell are we gonna have a baby?”
“I’d be happy to demonstrate the process.” He chuckled.
She huffed quietly. “Boba, we’re clones of the same person. Be serious.”
“I am serious. You were screened for genetic anomalies, at worst they’d be another genetic clone like us.” He shrugged. “Not like the galaxy can’t handle it. And there’s always a chance recessive traits pop up, like how some of your brothers ended up blonde.”
Angel stared at him. “You’re really considering this.”
“Never thought about it before, but yeah. No one I’d rather try it with.” Boba chuckled. “We could do it right.”
“Boba, we've literally never done anything right in our entire lives.”
He climbed up onto the crates with her, moving her around like she was weightless until she was settled in his lap. “Sure we have. We got together, feels pretty right to me.”
That got a giggle out of her, and she tucked her head against his neck. “This is insane, you know.”
“So?” He smirked, burying his face in her hair. “Not like it’s the first insane thing we’ve ever done.”
She tangled her fingers in his hair affectionately. “Fair. But we have no idea how this will change our lives, Boba.”
He turned his head to kiss her wrist. “That’s fine. We’ll learn.”
She couldn’t help but smile. “Alright. We can… try. Our implants are due to expire soon, right?”
Boba chuckled. “I think they already did, honestly. I forgot about them.”
Angel laughed. “Well, it’s just one more bounty, right? We can… try… on our trip.”
Boba chuckled, nosing behind her ear. “Why don’t we start now? It could take a while to work…” His breath on her neck made her shiver.
“Y-you sure this is what you want…?” She whispered. “It’s not like… with me, when I was made. I-it’s not a quick decision... not like the labs…”
This was overwhelming, the idea of bringing someone into the galaxy on purpose. She’d been made carelessly, she felt, and while Boba had been better planned and wanted in a way she and her brothers hadn’t… She’d never known what it was like to be tucked up under a mother’s beating heart. What kind of mother would that absence make her?
Her lover seemed to hear the hesitation and wrapped his arms around her a little tighter. His lean muscle and tan skin pressed against hers, molding the two of them together. “We don’t have to.” He said quietly, though she could almost taste the longing he was bleeding into the Force. Of course he would one day want this, like Jango had wanted him. He’d said he’d never given it much thought before, but now that it was on his mind it was all-consuming. “But I…you told me once I was made for a family and chose to fight, while you were made to fight and chose family. You’re my family… and I wanna choose you now.”
He heard Angel suck in a sharp breath. “Boba…”
“What?” He curled against her back, kissing the back of her neck with the kind of gentleness that belied his reputation as the best and most dangerous bounty hunter in the galaxy. Gentleness that he reserved entirely for Angel, storing it and content to use his fists or blaster the majority of the time just so he had a stockpile to be sweet on her with.
“I didn’t think you listened when I talked.” She muttered, choked up. “And you hit me with that. I’m gonna cry.”
“Don’t cry. I can’t stand it.” He muttered. “Wanna make you happy.”
“You do.” She leaned back into his chest, closing her eyes. “I… I think I want this too. I want you to choose me. I’ll always choose you.”
He grinned, turning her around in his arms so he could scoop her up and carry her back to their bunk. “It’ll be good, Angel. I know it. You’ll be so damn cute, all yaihadla.” He chuckled, pulling her carefully free of her armor and dress before pressing a quick kiss on her stomach. Her abs jumped under the touch, making him chuckle.
“I am not cute.” She grumbled.
“Fine. Beautiful. Mesh’la buir.” He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it, shucking out of the rest of both of their clothes so he could press his skin against hers warmly. She shivered when he kissed the crystal, blinking at him through her dark lashes. He’d never done that before… “It’s a part of you.” he murmured, like he heard her question. “And I want all of you, cyar’ika.”
Angel leaned back and let Boba explore her skin more carefully than he’d ever done, seeking out scars to brush his lips along and trailing his tongue across the lines of her tattoos. Goosebumps rose on her skin at the display of tenderness, which she knew would be chased with feral desire when his slim patience came unseamed.
But Boba could always surprise her, and curled up beside her to draw her into a warm kiss while his fingertips ghosted over her bare hip and to the apex of her thighs. She relaxed into the touch, following every wordless request as he kissed her. She tilted her head to give him access, humming when he nudged her thighs a little further apart and slotted his hand between them more fully. His tongue worked into her mouth, the fingers moving against her clit keeping the same languid pace as his lips. Her hips bucked and rocked in time with him, slick arousal easing his movements as he got her worked open. “Pretty thing.” He muttered finally, releasing her swollen lips from his with a reluctant mutter. He moved down to pull her pebbled nipple into his mouth, idly imagining what this would be like if they successfully pulled this off. She’d be, for the first time he’d ever seen, really helpless and round, and he’d take care of his princess better than before. Make her a proper queen this time.
The insistent friction on her clit had her arching and soaking his hand in only a few minutes, and he withdrew his fingers and trailed them up her hip, leaving a cool trail of shining spend over her skin. “Gonna stay right here the whole way to Bespin.” He murmured. “And the whole way back to Tattooine, and all through our trip. Gonna have you in all those pretty places you wanna see, until it works. How’s that sound?”
Angel shuddered and moaned softly. “Please, Boba. That’s what I want.”
He chuckled and pulled her legs up around him, settling himself notched at her entrance and watching her face. “Look at me.”
Amber eyes flickered up, latching onto his with a shaken smile. Her fingers came up to cradle his cheeks like he was more precious than anything in the galaxy. To her, he was. “Wanna do it. Wanna have a baby with you… carry a part of you in me until it comes to life. Watch them grow up with you teaching them…” He loved so fiercely, the things he let himself care about. He’d be a good father, better than anyone she’d ever seen. She just knew it.
Boba pressed his forehead against hers, too close to focus but knowing she was still looking at him by the blur of eyeshine. “Stay with me, Angel. I’ve got you.” He sank down into her, settling his hips flush to hers slowly and steadily. “W-was gonna ask you to marry me. On the trip…” he murmured, pulling back until he was barely at her entrance again before dropping down, slow and steady. Everything he was only when she was around. “Somewhere pretty… b-but this…”
“Feels right.” She finished the thought, wrapping her arms around his neck to hold him to her. “Yes, Boba. I’ll marry you. I-I’d have done it years ago… always loved you. Always wanted this, even if I was scared…”
His arms slid under her shoulders to cradle her a little more into his chest, still rocking but a little faster. “Shoulda asked years ago.”
She chuckled breathlessly. “W-why are we only honest wh-when we’re in bed?”
Boba tilted his head back to regard her face, starting to shine with a faint slick of sweat. “Armor’s off.”
He didn’t elaborate further, turning his attention back to the task at hand. Angel gasped when he picked up the pace again, still purposeful and steady but faster. Now wasn’t the time for messy and feral, even if that was how he usually had her. This time was about more than that.
This was the beginning of a new life, once the embers of the old died out with this last hunt. He’d make their hideout a home, make his living as a boss instead of a participant. Do the work now, so their child had a better life. Like his father told him, when he was a child.
Angel’s sweet whimpers caught him right in the heart when she came, arching and her locked legs pressing her heel into his ass to jerk him down a little deeper into her body. She held him at the cradle of her womb and he shuddered, watching her face with hazy eyes as he spilled. She pressed on the back of his neck with her palms, pushing his face into the crook of her neck and holding him there too. “Stay…” She whispered, her other hand stroking down the muscles of his back. “Stay right there… this is good.”
Boba chuckled and pressed his mouth against her shoulder, a sloppy and open-mouthed kiss. “Gimme a minute, princess, and I’ll give it to you again. We’ve got sixteen standard hours til Bespin, and you and I only need four to hunt.”
She chuckled, petting his damp curls lightly. “I like the idea of that… And the whole way home?”
“How could I ever disappoint my princess?” he smirked a little and nuzzled her throat. “Especially when you sound so excited.”
“You promised me something dangerously close to a happily ever after, Fett. I intend to collect.”
He nipped her shoulder lightly. “Then consider this the first installment. I’ll pay, with interest.”
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Cloud City on Bespin was pretty, Angel thought. She'd spent the entire trip here pressed comfortably against Bobas chest, talking when they weren't making love and sleeping when they weren't talking. He had a thousand ideas about raising a child, and between his half- laughed and frankly terrible name suggestions she found herself just as excited as he was about it.
So when they got onto the sector, she was reluctant to pull away from him to get dressed. "I know. " he murmured, giving her a quick little kiss on the temple. "But this is the last one. We'll meet the contact here"
"What contact? " she stretched, pulling on her clothes before reaching for her armor.
He winced slightly. "Cyar'ika…"
She frowned. "Boba. Am I about to be pissed at you?"
"Possible. The contact is Imperial… it's a quick job, and the bounty is for Jabba! " he held his hands up when he saw hers clench. "He just wants to borrow the bounty to catch someone else. His business, I didn't get involved!"
It wasn't a total lie, and Boba promised himself this was the last time he withheld any truth from her. Her left eye was twitching.
"Boba, the Empire enslaved my brothers, destroyed Alderaan, and murdered Cody and Obi-wan!" Her voice was a fever pitch in the confined ship. He stood quickly and squished her back to his chest.
"I know. I know, ne ceta." He really did feel bad. "I swear, this is the last time. Just give me this last one. Then I'll never take another Imperial bounty."
She was glaring at him, but let him stroke his hands down her upper arms. "You're an asshole." She muttered quietly. "You couldn't have warned me?"
"I'm sorry, Angel. Really, I am. " Boba breathed.
She grumbled, but softened under his hands and let him kiss her for a few minutes before they finally had to get dressed. "Last one. You promise? " she murmured before putting her helmet on.
"I promise. No more Imps, and once we get the riduurok I'll take a break for a while. " Boba bonked their helmets together lightly.
She bonked back. "Alright. Let's get this over with."
"That's my girl." He chuckled and they headed off the ship, armed to the teeth. They met up with a black cowled figure and Angel's blood ran ice cold in her veins. Darth Vader… she hadn't seen him since that awful day on Mustafar when everything fell apart…
Maker, she hoped he didn't recognize her. She and Boba flanked him and listened to a discussion about carbonite sealing. Angel glanced at Boba quietly, shaking her head. "That's risky."
Boba nodded. "He's no good to me dead. "
Vader fixed him with a somehow still creepy stare even masked. "You will have your bounty. If he dies you will be reimbursed for the loss, provided everything else goes to plan."
Everything else? Boba's up to something and I don't like it….
But she kept pace when everything started moving. Lando Calrissian had double crossed Leia Organa and Han Solo. Angel was furious to see the smuggler alive.
Of course. Smooth talking bastard ran off with the princess and left Obi-wan and Cody to die.
She was going to enjoy handing him to Jabba.
She was quick to let Boba cuff Solo, moving to discourage Chewbacca from getting involved. "Just business, Chewie." She said calmly "Don't make it ugly. You need to keep the princess safe." Her voice dropped low. "Where's Luke?"
Leia peeked back at the menacing visor. "You know him?" She whispered.
"I know you both. I'm Cody's sister."
Leia blinked. "They'll come for us." She breathed.
"They?" Angel pretended to dig her gun into Leia's back so her helmet could lean a little closer to the princess.
"Cody and Kenobi went with Luke to Dagobah."
A surge of hope swole in her chest. "They're alive?"
Leia nodded. "Yes, miss…"
"Angel." She murmured. "I can't do anything for Solo right now. But stay low, and I'll help you when I get planetside. Understood? "
"Why are you-" Leia started, but Angel backed her up towards the carbonite chamber when Boba waved for her to follow.
"Trying to set an example for a kid we don't have yet. Now lay low and memorize what I'm about to tell you. Relay it to Cody."
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Carbonite was kriffing heavy. Angel helped Boba move the solid hunk of stone that was a still-living and technically awake Han Solo onto their ship. Vader was waiting for someone and Angel was pretty sure she knew who.
Once they were moving, she looked at Boba. She wanted to yell at him for getting involved with the Empire; especially Vader… not that he really knew Vader was Anakin. She hadn't discussed much of that awful trip with him past the tearful discussion in the cockpit with baby Luke in her arms.
Instead, she took a settling breath and tried to remember what Obi-wan had taught her about being calm and centered in the Force when everything felt too much. She loved Boba. She was going to marry his stupid ass, what purpose would it serve to have an ugly fight when there was so much good between them?
He’d kept a secret… That didn’t mean she couldn't have her own. He didn’t need to know she was going to help Luke and Leia. It was just one little secret, smaller than the one he’d kept about the Empire. How bad could it be?
“Are you still mad?” Boba asked quietly as she took her helmet off.
Angel sighed. “Kinda…. But I get it. Good credits, right? It better have been for dealing with him.”
“Triple what Jabba was paying just to get Solo.” he admitted in a soft voice. “I’m sorry cyar’ika....”
She shook her head and reached for him. “C’mere, bucket brain. Don’t do that shit again, but don’t use that voice on me. You know I’m a sucker for you.” He immediately wrenched his helmet off and moved to wrap his arms around her.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum.” He muttered into her ear. “No credits are more important than you.”
She chuckled. “Good. Because you’re my favorite thing in the galaxy, even if you are an absolute fucking jerk sometimes.” Her lips pressed softly to his cheek. “Now get us the fuck off this planet, and I’ll join you in the cockpit… we got a baby to make, right?”
He grinned, delighted she wasn’t too angry with him to pick up where they’d left off when they landed. “Think it’ll be a boy or a girl?”
“I think it’ll be a Fett.” She teased. He begrudgingly let her go so they could ascend the ladder to the cockpit, and he quickly got them off the ground and into hyperspace. Angel admired the streaking beauty of the stars going by for a few minutes before giving Bobas profile a considering look.
The years and trauma of them had weathered him a bit. He looked so much like Jango now that she couldn’t help but wonder if looking in the mirror haunted him a little… he wasn’t much younger than his father had been when he died. That might have been why he kept his curly hair long still, even if he constantly complained about how hot it made him in the helmet. Not that Angel would ever complain, since she loved getting her hands in it. She loved everything about him, from his dark curls to his full mouth, deeply tanned skin littered with scars from years of hunting and survival… even though his face could be any one of her brothers, his eyes were always so uniquely his own. The fire in them, which she only could assume burned because he hadn’t undergone the genetic manipulation to make him more docile like they had, called to her like the light of the Force in her chest.
This was the man she’d chosen, despite the brutal path to get here, to be the one she spent forever with. To be the one who fathered her child, if it was even possible…
“You’re staring.” he chuckled softly.
“I like your face.” She shrugged, standing up and walking over in front of him. He turned the seat just a little, making space for her between his widely spread knees and the control panel, and she immediately slid to her knees in front of him. Her palms came up and rested just on the inside of the cargo pockets on his pants, testing the duraweave and muscle of his thighs below it with her nails. “Still personally offended by this.” She flicked her finger off the metal of his codpiece, where a blaster dent marred the paint. “Serious loss to the galaxy if they’d made that shot.”
Boba shivered slightly, trying to ignore the very deliberate way her fingernail scratched the metal and sent faint vibrations through it. It was making that particular piece of armor more and more uncomfortable. “Didn’t you shoot that one in the head?”
“Yeah. No one shoots at you in my presence and walks away without at least a flesh wound.” She calmly pulled the offending armor off and fiddled with his zipper, keeping her touch light enough to tease even as she felt him growing hard as the beskar she’d slipped off. “I don’t particularly like killing, but for you… well, the list of what I wouldn’t do is a lot shorter than what I would.” She finally dragged the zipper down and pulled his cock from his pants, slipping her gloves off to stroke him with her hand almost lazily. “I think…” She mused quietly over his suddenly ragged breathing. “That I’m gonna suck you off right here in the cockpit. Then I’m gonna crawl up in your lap, and stay there for the next couple of hours and let you fuck me while you fly. And then, I’m gonna go down to the hold, get us a ration pack and some water, and then ride you in our bunk until we get back to Tattooine.” She paused to drag her tongue from base to tip of the underside of his cock, pulling back when he shuddered out a faint groan. “And after we hand over Solo, Jabba will wanna make a big show out of the whole thing. So we’ll get absolutely shitfaced on spotchka, go back to the guest room, and you can wreck me on every surface in there until it glows under blacklight. How does that sound, Boba?”
“L-like a damn good p-plan…” he muttered, head tilting back against the seat when she leaned forward again and swallowed him in earnest. “F-fuck, Angel…”
Oh, I will.
She wanted it, absolutely. But she also needed to keep him lust-drunk and busy so she was still at the Palace when her reinforcements showed up. She needed to be able to help… and there were few more pleasant ways to distract Boba than this. So she put her everything into it, hollowing her cheeks and working his length down her throat until there was nowhere else for him to go. His fingers clenched the armrests as she worked him over with practiced ease, the seams of the padding creaking with how hard he pulled.
She knew his tells, knew when he was getting close, and pulled away with a final teasing kitten lick against his head. He sagged in the seat as the tension spilled from his muscles, voice halfway between demanding and pleading when he moaned her name. “Angel….”
“Hmm?” She stood, pulling her armor off with slow care, setting each piece down like a Mandalorian strip tease before removing her dress and breeches. Naked in the cool recycled ship air, she leaned over him and trapped his hands under hers on the armrests. “Easy, ner cyare. I always keep my promises, don’t I?” She slung a leg over his lap, settling comfortably on the muscle of his thighs before rocking back and forth and grinding her soaking core against him. “Let me take care of you for a while.”
He let his head fall back again and Angel took her time licking up the column of his throat, exploring his jawline with her lips, and nibbling at the shell of his ear all while she stroked a half-lost orgasm back to its precipice and let it fade again. “Cruel.” he muttered, wrapping his arms around her waist. “You know exactly what you’re doing to me.”
“Of course I do.” She smirked. “How bad to you want me?”
“More than anything.”
“Good.” She shifted her hips, situating him where she wanted before sliding down his length in an easy drop. The stretch arched her back and Boba held her steady, groaning at the relief of finally being bottomed out in her. She rested there a minute, holding him tight, before getting the tips of her bare toes down to the floor and pushing up half off his cock. Then she sank down again, the rush of heat in both of their veins enough to drive them both half insane with pleasure.
Boba clutched her tightly to his still armored chest and met her every movement with his own in a wordless apology Angel couldn't resist accepting. This was fine. She'd help Luke and Leia get Solo back and send them back to the Rebellion. Boba wouldn't take any more Imperial jobs. They'd focus on their little bit of the galaxy, and not worry about the central government.
She didn't need to be the big hero. She needed Boba. One last shot at tipping the scales in the favor of good, and she would settle down and be content. She wasn't a Jedi, or a soldier. She was a bounty hunter now, and she could live with that if it meant they'd always be together.
Like her spiral of touch- drunk thoughts had weight, Boba pulled her a little closer. He wanted to be selfish, keep her forever right against his chest and be sure she was his. Angel smiled quietly and tugged his mouth up to hers, grinding her hips just a little harder into his too make him moan against her lips. His fingers squeezed hard on her hips, inches from coming undone. Angel tugged a handful of his hair and he bucked under her, hitting a nuclear detonation inside her. Her eyes rolled back and she faintly heard his snicker before her legs snapped tight around him and her tensed muscles snatched his own orgasm from him.
She went limp in his arms and they both panted into the other one shakily, fingers interlaced and held between heaving chests.
"Still think I'm a jerk?" Boba chuckled, tracing his other hand lightly up and down her bare back.
"Yes." Angel huffed, cuddling a little closer to enjoy the warmth seeping from under his armor. "But you're my jerk."
Boba laughed. "How many times do I have to fuck you before you're over that? "
"How many times before you get me pregnant?" She snickered.
He kissed her jaw. "I see."
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catcodemon · 4 years
"I was SO happy I didn't have to see your ugly mug and out of the ground you raise to return to my life!" -an annoyed Slayer when the realisation hits that Hayden is in the ship, quite literally, please?
ok so i haven’t done eternal yet so i wasn’t sure how this would go? but here is just my take of it. i tried reading up on it but didn’t want to spoil anything
Vega pings him as he’s out on a mission.
“Something curious has shown up on scans of our new base,” he comments. “Would you be willing to investigate when you return?”
He nods, knowing Vega will be able to tell through the Praetor’s movements.
The rest of the mission is done absently, his mind focused elsewhere. What sort of thing could prompt curiosity, but not worry?
When Vega opens the portal back to the base, he slips through easily. He starts for their room but pauses, waiting for Vega’s input.
“Welcome, Slayer,” Vega’s warm voice greets him. “As far as the anomaly, I have detected a significant energy signature in the southeast end of the base. I figured it would be smart to at least investigate it.” His HUD pings as his map is updated. “Here is the location. Exercise caution, please.”
The Slayer ambles through the base’s halls, footsteps echoing off the thick walls. Vega does his best to keep his path illuminated, but they haven’t had a chance to fully repair the electrics since arriving. 
Outside the door of the suspected surge, he pauses. He unholsters his shotgun, then kicks the door open.
What’s inside makes his gut drop.
“Oh, well…”
Slayer’s hands are twitching with how angry he is. His shotgun is thrown to the floor as he signs, mostly just for Vega to understand.
Hayden, unfazed, speaks straight to the AI. “What’d he say?”
“To translate literally,” Vega clears his throat. “‘I was so happy I didn’t have to see your ugly mug, and out of the ground you raise to return to my life’.  A few...selective words scattered within.”
The Slayer’s fists ball up as tightly as they can, making the armor creak.
“Perhaps it is fate that we meet again,” Hayden muses.
The Slayer raises a middle finger at his deteriorated form.
Vega has to hold back a laugh. “For better or worse, I suppose.”
Slayer’s hands move again.
This time, Vega can’t hold back a chuckle. 
“Vega?” Hayden asks accusingly.
“Nothing, sir,” he finishes with a falsely stable voice. “Nothing at all.”
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sueboohscorner · 5 years
#AgentsofShield Season 6 Episode 2 "Window of Opportunity" Recap and Review
Evil Coulson and his team are raiding a gas station for supplies. He says that you can tell a lot about a world by their currency. He doesn’t appear to be a fan of paper money, but at least it’s light. He then taunts the cashier by saying “people fantasize about doing something heroic in times like these.” The guy isn’t a hero, so evil Coulson shoots his shotgun at something, makes fun of combustion, and leaves with his team in the shades he picked out. They then cloak the truck and drive away. This Coulson is very much into “aesthetic.” Oh, and they’re in Ohio.
Mack is talking about the dead redshirt. He then splits up the rest of the team to look at different angles of this new problem. He doesn’t tell them about evil Coulson just yet. He wants more info before that goes wide.
The bad guys are quarrelling. The smaller guy, Pax, is mostly the one complaining. The bigger guy Jaco’s native atmosphere includes motor oil in gaseous form, proof that they aren’t all from the same planet. Pax also talks about the guy they lost and the things he was in charge of. Apparently they are out of PEG’s that the dead guy carried around in his pocket. And now I understand the butterflies. They all believe in reincarnation. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t mass murderers be reincarnated as cockroaches or rocks or something? Isn’t that how it’s generally supposed to work?
Mack gets a lead on the gas station. Him, May, and Yo-Yo then talk to Dr. Benson, who thinks that evil Coulson might be an LMD. He wants to talk to the idiot who designed them. That’s a problem because of them is dead and the other is in deep space.
Fitz is engineering the heck out of some alien tech, when he gets confronted by one of the other workers on the ship. He gets outed by the same dang snails he turned his nose to with Kasius and accidentally says that he comes from an irradiated wasteland. He was using an iroscope to hide his identity. Thank goodness he wasn’t on drugs. Anyway, the boss’s name is Viro and he’s played by Damon Werth from NCIS. He wants to throw Fitz and Enoch off the ship. Fitz explains his usefulness to the ship and offers to work for free, so Viro decides to let him live.
Evil Coulson and Pax are caught by a security guard in a shipping yard. They shoot him and disappear.
Mack knows that the bad guys are looking for something. He also knows about Yo-Yo and the redshirt. He then gets notified about a sighting in the shipping yard.
Mack, May, and Yo-Yo talk to Benson. They affirm that Coulson is in fact dead and they did not bring him back to life. Evil Coulson has DNA, which LMD’s don’t have, so there goes that theory. His DNA is identical to Coulson’s, once some extraterrestrial anomalies are stripped away.
Evil Coulson talks to Jaco about replacements. They also need to rob a jewelry store.
Enoch and Fitz talk while they work. Enoch is the one who taught him the alien language. Viro then tells them that he’s now planning to kill the other engineers because Fitz was right. This isn’t at all what Fitz wants, but he can’t convince Viro.
Dr. Benson asks Mack what Coulson was to May. Mack kind of tells him.
Evil Coulson gives the same speech to the jewelry store teller that he gave to the guy at the gas station. Unlike him, she does something. They don’t kill her because they need her to get into the vault.
May and Yo-Yo find the security guard and talk. This is more the May I’m used to, because she tells Yo-Yo to be careful. A lot can change in a day. Mack found the jewelry store, which causes them to shut up.
Evil Coulson brings in Jaco through a portal in the vault wall.
Fitz wants to help the engineers, though Enoch advises against it.
May and Yo-Yo get to the jewelry store. May wants to see into the vault, because no version of Coulson would go in without an exit strategy. She then sees five heat signatures even though only four went in.
Evil Coulson mocks the manager when she talks about how valuable diamonds are. He’s looking for crystals that can generate an electric charge via applied mechanical pressure. The teller directs him to a drawer full of quartz and topaz.
May sees the portal in the wall and drives back to the shipping yard, where she finds the truck.
Fitz tries to save the engineers by reasoning with Viro. When that doesn’t work, he gets in the airlock with the other engineers and the other airlock opens, sending Viro and his minions out. Enoch holds on long enough to close it.
May knocks on the door of the truck, and then proceeds to kick some serious butt. She manages to get the teller out and tries to leave Butterfly girl in the vault. Evil Coulson sees the teller running and goes back to the truck. May stops punching long enough for the bad guys to leave her in the vault, just in time for Yo-Yo to finally make it through. Evil Coulson says that “Coulson” rings a bell.
Dr. Benson tells Mack that the dead guy’s watch is a biological hard drive. On it, they watch an entire world disintegrate. That’s what they’re up against.
Fitz needs to get to Kitzin to save the crew. He has time to go back into cryosleep. As he leaves, HE JUST MISSES SIMMONS, who shows up almost exactly as he leaves.
They just missed each other and that hurts me. Nonetheless, it was a good episode, and I can’t wait for next week! 8/10.
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mandrakebrew · 16 days
"if you saw the monsters i want to fuck you'd hurl" me and clef say at the exact same time then proceed to make out
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lotrewrite · 7 years
LOT Chat Summaries (Sep-Oct)
Sorry this took so long! Find below the LOT Chat Summaries for the chats held on 16 September and 1 October. Includes the song recs and fanfic/fanart etc moments we’d like to see, as mentioned in the chats :-)
Episode 1
A gifset of Kendra flying, a flashback to a sepia-toned image, and then her saying “not another flashback
Gifset of Kendra saying she dumped Carter
One with Mick and Nate, with nate realising he’s travelling on his own
Something of Nate waving his pencil in Oliver’s face and complaining about his thesis
Run Boy Run by Woodkid
Don’t Let ‘Em Grind You Down by motörhead for Nate
Dust in the Wind by Kansas for Mick
Centuries by FOB just in general
Do it like a Dude for Queen Bee
Europa - Globus should be for WWII
40s music! There’s Torched Song from the L.A. Noire soundtrack and it’s so good for Mick
You Turn Me Right Round for the Lichtenstein anomaly Hello by Adele for Coldwave
Postmodern Jukebox
for the 40s in France music, there should definitely be Le Temps des Cerises
Legendary by Welshly Arms for the rewrite in general
Welshly Arms - Legendary for the whole season 
"Look What you made me do” theme for the Legion
 Our Corner of the Universe by KS Rhoads for Team Legends
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjiupe-odRQ Goldberg Variations
“Sexual Healing” for Queen Anne/Sara…
“House of Memories” by Panic at the Disco for 2 or 3
way to the future by kate herzig
Episode 2
Bambi and Ray eating together
Ratigan riding bambi at one point
Bambi meeting Ratigan
Bambi in the remains of the other raptors
Ratigan standing on Bambis head, pointing one paw: ONWARDS, Waverider in the background, Ray and Mick screaming of screen “Come back you little shits!”, “Join the Legends of Tomorrow” text above, “Save the Timeline” underneath, think like an old style Soviet propaganda poster, Waverider in the background, Ratigan and Bambi up front, “Join the Legends of Tomorrow” text above, “Save the Timeline” underneath
Coldwave song idea- Whispers by Dave Baxter)
Angel with a shotgun (for song choices)
gregorian monks chanting modern songs?
Pull the monks from Monty Python
For Ray: “I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts”
Gregorian version of “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”
“I walk a lonely road” = Ray having a moment
We are the monks from the Galavant soundtrack
I’m a different kind of princess from the galavant soundtrack for Sara
Mick telling Jax to fly because he’s already had whiskey
Jax and Stein in the infirmary
More of Kendra’s incarnation’s story
Hotblooded for Mick
arsonist’s lullaby
Sir Patrick Stewart played the Lionheart once
coldwave - fate don’t know you by desi valentine
a version of friar tuck as one of the monks 
Jurassic Park theme
Jon Bernthal’s character would be good for Peter
“Istanbul not Constantinople” by They Might Be Giants
“Jerusalem of Gold” by Ofra Haza
“Lanercost” by Steeleye Span
Episode 3
Ginnifer Goodwin as Nancy wake?
Melanie Lynskey for Nancy
Amaya and Sara’s conversations
The moment where Nate shouts “NANCY WAKE?!?”
le temps des cerises europa
fanart of that fight scene with everyone
Edith Piaf
Europa by Globus
“Le Temps des Cerises”
“La Vie En Rose” by Edith Piaf
In the Mood" by Glen Miller
la marsaillaise by edith piaf
The jukebox version of Seven Nation Army
Sentimental Journey by Doris Day for Amaya
Cover of paper planes done in a '40s style by jukebox
Hitler Has Only Got One Ball to the Colonel Bogey’s March
Nancy Wake’s song is Witness by Mindless Self Indulgence 
Episode 4
Watch Your Back by Sam Tinnesz for the second half with Eobard
Fanart of the moment Eo brings back Laurel
Sara and Laurel in the med bay
Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall, possibly some ominous cover version, for the villains’ evil wall related schemes
Sara and Eobard drinking together
Every Breath You Take by Chase Holfeder. He does great minor covers of songs in major keys
99 Luftballoons by Nena
Something with Stein giving Marty his talking to, in the middle of the crowds in Berlin
Kim Weston – You hit Me Where It Hurts
The Ramones – Never Should Have Opened That Door
It’s So Easy when you’re evil
Rotten to the Core Disney movie descendants
When You’re Evil" by Voltaire for the Legion
Episode 5
Faroese Valravn or German Faun’s music
Mick Rory with the viking horns
Gunlod singing at the battle
ride of the valkyries
Looking too Closely by Fink for the end
Faun’s Walpurgisnacht would fit
fanart (gifset if possible) of Jax and Gunlod, being all flirty
Valravn has a version of Drømte mig en drøm
Jakob Oftebro for King Sweyn
Never Forget by Greta Salome
the fires
Mick headbutting the viking with his horned helmet
Paprika Steen or Hella Joof for Adisla
everybody talking to Lisa about their memories of Len, like one of those pics, with the bonfire and everyone around it, in the centre of the page, and then everyone’s memories in a circle around it
Eivør Pálsdóttir for Gunlød
“For the Love of a Princess "James Horner https://youtu.be/fckH2P0KK14
Episode 6
Uh, all of it
fancasts for our robot gangster
brent spiner
THE VOICE OF K2-SO whatshisname
Alan Tudyk
James Spader
we should just have ALL the famous robot actors hanging out
C3PO too
R2D2 and BB8
something frank sinatra
mission impossible theme
Robot Parade
"Mr Roboto”
A mix of Mission Impossible and the LoT theme
There’s a french revolution documentary with a song called rise of robespierre that sounds very steampunk and mechanical
Mick in his fireman clothes
the song from anything goes where she’s singing about her gangsters
Lisa kneeing Ray in the balls? like, I love Ray
like, every moment of lisa
“Weird Science” for the Stein/Dr Metcalf argument by Oingo Bongo
The Last of the Real Ones by FOB
Episode 7
Cisco getting thumbs up from Felicity and Winn when Lisa winks at him as she’s walking off
X-files theme somewhere along the way
seven nation army the original version would be good there
“Space Girl” for all the girls
salute by little mix for the girls
“Science Fiction Double Feature”
Episode 8
it’s a kind of magic
Lupita Nyong'o for Queen Bee
Magic Man" by Heart
Angela Basset
Taraji P Henson
viola davis
jada pinkett smith
Constantine interacting with the Legends
Something with the legends standing outside Zatanna’s place, looking frustrated at her “I’m not here” sign
Episode 9
Mick and Georgie, anything and everything with them
Is Anybody There from 1776
One of those things that fly across your dash with Ray and his rocket boot
Battle of Yorktown
fanart of that first confrontation when they meet Rip for the first time
Fanart of Washington’s ridiculous height
Georgie and Mick towering over everyone
Sara realising she just knocked back Martha’s eggnog and is actually talking to George Washington
Joke suggestion for Rip: I knew you were trouble, Taylor Swift
For Georgie storyarc, the Too Late to Apologize cover
mama look sharp from 1776
for Mick and Len and the hallucination arc, “Drumming Song” Florence and the Machine
“White Rabbit” Jefferson Airplane for Ray’s shrinking arc
 "The Battle of New Orleans"
Episode 10
black sails intro
pirates OST
Ray’s costume trials need “Sharp dressed man”
There’s a lovely cover by Jo Dee Messina
“Yo Ho A Pirate’s Life for Me”
Wolves of the Sea by Pirates of the Sea, the Eurovision version
Assassin’s Creed Black Flag music
I’m a Modern Major General for Stein in disguise
Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw for the legends at some point in some episode
Ray’s montage fanart
something from crouching tiger hidden dragon maybe
Ray dressing as blue beetle and everyone looking thoroughly unimpressed
Ray trying to be Cold, and Mick of taking back the cold gun
Mick and Ray arguing about pirates vs ninjas and Len in the back, very very frustrated
Fanart of what would happen if Len COULD change outfits at will, mick looks over and has to try not laughing if len could change outfits, Len shows up in a terrible pirate outfit, Mick spit-takes, Ray says “we have to re-shoot that”, Sara (from offscreen): “Where did you even GET that?”
Ming-Na Wen for Ching, Maggie Cheung, Michelle Yeoh, Fan Bingbing
Episode 11
Mick in shorts
“Down Under” by Men at Work, maybe for the sequence where Mick is being mistaken for an Aussie
fanart of that scene and also of everybody in their clothes
Everybody Wants To Rule the World by Tears for Fears
all the bad fashion
lost boys soundtrack
fanart of the intro scene of bby Mick and Len
people are strange by the doors; don’t cry little sister
Weird Al’s “Smells Like Nirvana” for the section that goes
we didn’t start the fire
Ngaire - Keisha Castle-Hughes
Episode 12
the alien theme
Sort of atmospheric background music
skittering noises
Space Girl
Ziggy Stardust
Lost in Space theme
Thus Spake Zarathusa
cold as ice for Len
AIDA from Agents of Shield in part inspired Grace, but she’s not the fancast
major tom 
sigourney weaver as the engineer
for fanfic, something about Mick as Chronos, or Rip and Miranda hearing the story of the Mosaic
The moment with the Captain is saving Mick
Len and Gideon
The ghost behind Sara, and of Medusa!Grace
scaredy cat Stein
Sara and Mick sharing the quiet moment next to the graves
From Space girl: “Travelled through the time warp in the Psycho Plan”
Len shouting at Mick not to go on the other ship
Episode 13
Some ironic/dark use of something from the Evita musical
Don’t cry for me, Argentina
Mercedes Sosa
Solo le pido a dios
Churros. Any pic set of this episode must include churros.
Saved the world by eurythimics
copa la vida by ricky martin, maybe for the sequence with the soccer reference
under my umbrella aka, “Bus Stop” by the Hollies
The Legion surrounded by umbrellas
when Mick and the others are in the bakery
Fanart of Len, Thawne and Dahrk replicating the Singing In The Rain poster
Episode 14
fanart of Amaya dancing while Jax looks on like a proud brother
Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry
Pasttime in Good Company
Brian Blessed
Eric Bana 
Sean Astin
Mick sitting alone in the garden with his lighter while len looks at him sadly
the globe burning
Sara dancing with Henry, and amaya in the back like….oh shit
Burning Down The House
Talking Heads
Royals by Lorde
Sons of Serendip
Fanart of Sara and Amaya trying to get dressed
Natalie Dormer as Ann, Natalie Portman
prison themed music for the dungeon scene
Johnny Cash
lone blues harmonica 
Mood board for henry and anne (+sara)
Episode 15
New york new york
All the old Irish songs about New York
Streets of New York
Pogues and Flogging Molly 
Wolfe Tones
the legion in their “hq”
Queen Been in a barbershop chair
Amaya carrying Sara with spirit wings behind her.
Legion!Len being pissed at racists
Some dramatic baroque-layout style picture of the mob about to start, and the only points of colour in the pic are Sara, Amaya, and Darhk
Lily fanart
her and Rip working together to guide the team from the Waverider
Stein helping a tiny Lily make her first atom model
Episode 16
annoying game show background music
A montage set to the actual Legends of the Hidden Temple, or art with the Legends and Legion wearing those dorky outfits
Benny Hill theme song
The Chicken Dance song played in slow mo 
theme from Gremlins
Someone who does podcasts needs to do some lines from the announcers
Fanart of the renegades first appearance
Fan art of affronted Mick and Len
Those (song) in Minor Key posts, Maybe the Benny Hill theme in minor key for dramatic parts
Stephen Fry would probably be perfect for Ethelred
Some of the challenges in the labyrinth should come with really annoying early computer game sounds
Art of the game in the style of one of those old crappy text RPGs and at one point, there’s a sign off to the side that says “don’t go this way - you will be eaten by a grue”
The whole Legends in The Future, yelling at a computer
16 or 32-bit version of the characters
 in the year 2525 (song)
Episode 17
it's gotta be cassette quality 90's music
Green Day
Aqua barbie girl
drunk Legends
Spice Girls
lots of Madonna and Prince and Maria Carey
Jax and Jessica duke it out at the whack a mole
all the home alone sequences
Sound of Silence for the “Hello Darhk-ness my old friend” part
O!Len realising L!Len can see him
Jessica - Gina Rodriguez
“I put a spell on you” for the final sequence with Queen Bee
Any Jax/Jessica photoset would need their respective dolls
Episode 18
music rec: we will rock you. Nothing else will do for Sara’s gladiator appearance
the woman who played Lucilla in Gladiator for Fulvia
Marc Antony, the guy who played him in Rome did it
Is Anybody There from 1776 musical
Rome, Spartacus, The Gladiator soundtracks
Sara fighting Darhk
EVERYONE in ancient Rome outfits
Kendra and Fulvia, lounging on their seats
Legion!Len in his toga
Having scenes from this episode using dialogue from Life Of Brian.
Kendra in Rome getup
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Episode 19
Camelot from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Len’s ice ramp
Old school superhero comic style fan art of the knights
Joan (song)
everyone dressed up for dinner
Mick and Mordred
Colin Farrell for Jason Blood
Merlin - Taika Waititi
Eva Green for Morgana
Sofia Boutella for Nimue
Ivana Baquero ystina
Faun's Tanz mit mir for the party scene
Doomworld 1 & 2
crossover fan art of a certain Victor von Doom being angry with the Legion
It’s the End of the World as We Know It
Eurythmics "Sweet dreams are made of this"
Walking on the Ground
for Batman, Batfleck, Jason O’Mara
B: TAS theme
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"
Nathan Fillion - Hal
Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant
Ted - Danny Pudi
Everyone decked out in their doomworld versions
The fight between Mick, L!Len, and then the lanterns show up
all by myself to be playing in the background at the very end when Mick is left alone
Land of Confusion by Genesis, or the Disturbia version
Uprising by Muse
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Last Episode
Fan art of Bambi leaping joyfully into Ray’s arms
A gif set of Mick and Len hugging
fanart, specifically, of Ray and Bambi skipping through a field of flowers towards each other as “So Happy Together” plays in the background
everyone hugging Len, then Len and Mick hugging
A sweet piece of Sara and Laurel talking through the inter-dimensional skype
O!Len holding the spear, with the team in the back yelling at him not to do it 
The sequence where the jump ship explodes in the middle of the time stream
we are the champions
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Strange guest - @cas-is-my-hero fic challenge
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Canonically possible mention of Destiel
Word count: 1440 words
Summary: Holy shit, the aliens are apparently a thing! (don´t tell Bobby)
Prompt:  what are you doing on my doorstep at 2 in the morning?
Warnings: none
A soft knocking on a motel door, wouldn´t wake many of the people. Sam, however, wasn´t just a regular. Hunter instincts have saved him from many sticky situations. Also his intelligence, but he had to admit there were times when Dean could thought up of better tactics. Speaking of Dean, he was sleeping like a baby. Sam chose to not interumpt his sleep. Yesterday´s werewolf hunt had been an exhausting one. Sam grabbed a silver knife from his lampstand and cautiously approached the door. The werewolf they hunted down could have some buddies near the town. Nothing could´ve prepared him for the view he met when he opened the door though.
„Who are you and what are you doing on my doorstep at 2 in the morning ?“ he asked the hillariously short figure that stood in front of him, while holding his knife close. It certainly wasn´t a human.
„I come in peace.“ Said the figure in a shaky voice. „I-I´ve been cast out of my home planet.“
„Dean, wake up.“ Sam shouted out into the darkness of the room where his older brother slept, maintaining defensive stance, just in case the creature was lying.
„Sam, if you´re trying to get me to live healthy, you better stop now. I am not going jogging with you ever again!“ Dean waved his hand at Sam and turned on the other side. He was having such a nice dream. He wanted to go back and drown himself into those heavenly blue orbs. „I am not taking you jogging, and never will since the time you used my running clothes to get laid. This is an emergency!“ Sam´s voice was gradually getting more desperate.
„Is Hell freezing solid or what?“ asked Dean, finally getting up and fixing his wild hair sticking out in every angle possible and grabbing the nearest clean pair of pants.
„Sir, from the little I know about Hell and it´s culture, that´s scientifically impossible.“
„SON OF A BITCH!“ screamed Dean, subsequently getting stuck while trying to put on his flannel shirt. „Sam, WHAT is this ?“ he asked, pointing at the figure near Sam.
„Dean, calm down, it´s just a harmless refugee. I guess.“
„Also an alien. Actual, breathing, grey-skinned alien... wait, a refugee ?“
„Yes, sir, I am indeed what humans call refugee.“ Said the alien, with a glimpse of nostalgia in her big black eyes „I´ve crashed near your residence in the foliage of local growth. By the laws of Claes'od, I am your slave now.“
The small figure fell on the knees and bowed in front of the hunters. Neighter of them seemed to be comfortable with that.
„You are not our slave.“ Said Sam, „Laws in here forbid slavery. Plus, it would be highly immoral.“
„Sam´s right. We will get you back home to your kind in no time, pal.“
„No, you don´t understand! I can´t go home. I was exiled because I commited an unforgivable crime against my family.“ Ranted the disstressed alien. „When saving people from a burning building I put my mate before my parents, resulting in their death. THE MATE! Do you even realize what that means ? Blood is thicker than water, and that´s a law!“
„What´s your name ?“ asked Dean quietly, kneeling next to the small frame of the Claes'od
„Maxiprgpjadosj´evenuu“ she whined softly.
„Okay... Max.. ughh, can I call you that ?“ she nodded and Dean continued „You see, the world is not so simple. Same goes for the relationships. If your kind wants to dick around and make it a law, it´s their choose, but here on Earth, family doesn´t end in blood, and it doesn´t start there eighter.“
„Thank you, human Dean.“
„Now that that´s settled, we should probably hide the ship, or whatever you arived on, before anyone finds it. Last thing we need around now is guys from Area 51.“
„Oh don´t worry, the ship has invisibility shield that mimics it´s surroundings. Only beings with hightened perception of light wavelenght can see the minimal anomalies it causes.“
„Fair enough, but let´s go check it, just in case it isn´t hidden enough.“ Said Sam.
„Good idea.“ Agreed Max
„Let´s go ship-hunting then. I´ll man the flashlight.“ Said Dean with a child-like grin on his face.
The group of three had searched the bushes behind the motel up and down, but they couldn´t find anything, by seeing or just hitting it accidentally. As Max grew anxious, Dean was getting annoyed by it.
„I don´t understand. The ship is invisible, not immaterial. It´s gone.“ Max cried out
„Well, maybe that, or maybe you were just lying.“ Dean spat out his doubts
„Guys, I think it was rather stolen.“ Said Sam „There´s a tiny bit of sulphur.“
„So demons. This night just keeps getting better.“
„It´s not going to be the night for much longer. Max will need some disguise, and probably food.“
„Food ? Oh you must mean nutritiens. No, I do not. My species lives similarly to plants on this planet. We breathe oxygen and carbon dioxyde to create energy.“
„Well, that helps with a budget. Let´s find you some human clothes, then. Your current outfit could draw unwanted attention.“ Said Sam, pointing to the sleek fabric that shifted colors with every move.
Naturally, every piece of clothing was huge on Max, but after a bit of tearing and stitching here and there, Sam and Dean quickly made them suit her thin body.
„Now, just one last thing – a big hat and a pair of sunglasses.“ Said Dean putting them on. The hat couldn´t be tailored to fit Max´s small head, but with the sunglasses it covered most of her face.
„I think we are golden this way. Maybe we could head out to the Bob-“
The light in the cheap stinky motel room flickered. Most of the people wouldn´t be bothered by this, in fact they would expected the lights to flicker – but not the Winchesters.
„Grab a shotgun and let´s go. Looks like the demons came back.“ Shouted Dean, tossing one to Sam.
The trio ran towards the Impala and soon they were speeding on a highway followed by an enormous cloud of black smoke.
„We gotta get rid of them, Dean. They don´t seem to be keen on letting us go just like that.“
„I know Sam, but what chance do we stand. It´s not like we have demon-killing bombs on us. Our best chance is getting the demons as far from the town as possible and then put up the best fight we can manage.“
The atmosphere in the Impala was dark, but there still was a glistering sliver of hope. Max turned in her seat and studied the cloud closely.
„Do you have any kind of energy package on you that you don´t mind destroying ?“ she asked
„You mean a battery of some sort?“ Sam answered
„Yes, a battery. A smaller one, preferably.“ Said Max „But hurry, they are getting close.“
Sam quickly pulled out his phone out of his pocket and threw the battery from inside it into Max´s hands.
„Will do. Now, stop the transport machine, Dean, I need to get out.“
„Are you crazy ? Aparently they are after you, and we can´t fight them all.“
„You can´t fight them...“ Max corrected „...but I can.“ She took of her necklace with a large pendant made of strange stone. It seemed to glow softly, shifting even, as i fit contained something.
„When I´m out of the car, close your eyes. They are too delicate for what´s about to come.“
„Okay, Mad Max, but you have only one chance at this. Better make it count in the afterlife.“ Said Dean as he jumped on breaks and send the Impala into spin. The front now faced the smoke which menacingly flew closer with every second.
Max didn´t wait for second signal. She jumped out of car, with phone battery and the pendant, one in each hand. She joined them together in a loud bang as the sparks of electricity cracked around it. She threw the pendant on the ground as she looked fiercely into the smoke.
„Eat this“
The battery flew right into the middle of the cloud and exploded from the amount of energy it was forced to take in.
Luckily, they´ve been far enough from the town, so the citizens only saw something very similar to fireworks.
„What a bunch of idiots... It´s not the 4th of July yet.“ Old, grumpy sheriff Todd said to himself as he fell back into dreamless sleep.
honorable tag: @cas-is-my-hero​ - because you can´t just ditch the prompt source
tags: @moostache @dragon-tail @wildtendermythologia @shit-happens-bitchachos @mishacrazyworld @snovolovac @nicowhereinhadesareyou @geekself @funnycas - feel free to reblog and spread this like a wildfire (it´s not funny or anything, but hey, I am narcissist who wants some attention, sue me for that xD)
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
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Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter Developer: Obsidian Entertainment Publisher: Bethesda Softworks ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: October 19, 2010
Hollow Rock Locations
1. Northern PassageOn the eastern rock wall, near the grave and “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 2. Ruby Hill MinePart of the rock wall, just to the right of the door. 3. Charleston CavePart of the rock wall, just to the right of the door, by the heart graffiti. 4. Silver Peak MinePart of the wall, just to the right of the shack through which you enter. 5. Vault 22On the north bank, across from the “Keep Out” sign, by the entrance. 6. JacobstownJust outside the perimeter, to the right of the main entrance, where the Super Mutants stand guard. 7. Remnants BunkerAbout 10 feet north of the entrance, part of the rock wall. 8. Chance’s MapAdjacent to the dirt map, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti on it. 9. Bloodborne CaveJust to the right of the cave entrance. 10. Cannibal Johnson’s CaveJust to the right of the cave entrance. 11. Fisherman’s Pride ShackBy the campfire, north-west of the shack. 12. Camp GuardianNext to the Camp Guardian population sign, at the base of the path up to Guardian Peak. 13. Follower’s OutpostBuilt into the steps of the signal box structure. 14. Boulder Beach CampgroundBy the side of the road, north-west of the jetties, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 15. Cazador NestPart of the rock wall, on the east side of the nest alcove, facing back towards the alcove. 16. Tribal VillageAt the start of the Ravine Path, close to the corpses and tents. 17. Makeshift Great Kahn CampOn the west side of camp, near the desert plants. 18. Yangtze MemorialAt the base of the south steps, with the peace symbol graffiti. 19. Goodsprings CaveJust to the right of the cave entrance. 20. PrimmAttached to a large rock, near the scattered chems and the rock perimeter, above the concrete support wall. 21. Jack Rabbit SpringsSouth of the pools of radiation, on the shore of the Dry Lake. 22. Morning Star CavernBy the entrance to the cavern, by the bones and the explosive crate. 23. Crescent Canyon WestIn the canyon, on the west exit slope, adjacent to a rusting car husk. 24. Crescent Canyon EastOn the east exist slope, just after the rail bridge. 25. Vault 11Just to the right of the entrance. 26. Black Rock CaveJust to the north of the fallen radar dish. 27. El Dorado Dry LakeWest of the Savaged Brahmin, in the sands of the Dry Lake. 28. Hidden ValleyWest of the eastern bunker, with the “no missile” and heart graffiti. 29. Powder Ganger Camp EastNext to a Honey Mesquite Tree, around 20 to 30 feet south of the camp. 30. Primm PassClose to the Brahmin bones, on the western end of the pass. 31. Dead Wind CavernOn the south rock wall slope, around 20 to 30 feet from the entrance. 32. Hidden Supply CaveTo the left of the cave entrance, with the “no missile” graffiti. 33. Walking Box CavernAround 20 to 30 feet east of the cavern entrance. 34. Broc Flower CaveAt the foot of the entrance slope, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 35. Abandoned BoS BunkerWith the small cluster of rocks and shale on the slope leading up to the bunker grating. 36. Techatticup MineTo the right of the entrance, with the white blocks graffiti. 37. Lucky Jim MineSlightly beyond the shack, near the wooden cart. 38. Searchlight North Gold MineOn the flat rock bank to the south of the entrance hole. 39. Searchlight East Gold MineSoutheast of the entrance; climb on the pile of rock and shale to reach it. 40. Cottonwood CaveOn the road between the two sets of crucifixion poles, with “The Sun Is Killing Me” graffiti. 41. Bradley’s ShackOn the west side of the entrance, by the small valley landslide. 42. Fire Root CavernAt the foot of the entrance slope, on the left.
Weapon Locations
.357 Magnum Revolver – LuckyIn Primm, in the floor safe inside the cashier’s area of the Vikki and Vance Casino. .44 Magnum Revolver – Mysterious MagnumOwned by the Lonesome Drifter, by the Sunset Sasparilla Billboard, close to El Dorado Dry Lake. 9 Iron – Nephi’s Golf DriverCarried by a Fiend named Driver Nephi, in his territory. 9mm Pistol – MariaOn Benny, when you kill him. 9mm Submachine Gun – Vance’s Submachine GunIn Win’s Hideout, inside the safe. Alien BlasterAt the Hovering Anomaly. BB Gun – Abilene Kid LE BB GunInside the Fiend’s Shack, lying on a shelf. Bladed Gauntlet – Cram OpenerIn Camp McCarran, owned by Little Buster. Boxing Gloves – Golden GlovesInside Lucky 38 Casino, on the upper bar of the casino floor. Bumper Sword – Blade Of The EastIn Legate’s Camp, carried by Legate Lanius. Cleaver – ChopperOn the stove of Wolfhorn Ranch. Combat Knife – Chance�s KnifeIn Chance’s Grave. Cowboy Repeater – La Longue CarabineIn Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling. Displacer Glove – PushyInside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member. DogTag Fist – Recompense Of The FallenIn Aurelius’ desk, on the upper floor of the main building in Cottonwood Cove. Euclid’s C-FinderOn the Freeside Streets, carried by Max, in and around Nick and Ralph’s. Fat ManIn Quarry Junction, near the skeleton by the southern silt pool. It is also occasionally found on prospector corpses. Fire Axe – Knock KnockIn the Camp Searchlight Fire Station, in the restrooms. Frag Grenade – Holy Frag GrenadeIn Camp Searchlight, in the basement of the eastern church. Wild Wasteland must be taken. Gauss Rifle – YCS/186At the Mercenary Camp; Wild Wasteland trait must not be taken. Grenade Machine-gun – MercyOn the floor of Dead Wind Cavern, near a dead BoS Paladin. Grenade Rifle – Thump-ThumpAt the Nellis Array, lying on the floor near the Ant mound. Hunting Shotgun – Dinner BellAt the Old Nuclear Test Site, inside the shack. Laser Pistol – Pew PewAfter completing “The Legend Of The Star” quest, it will be on the body of Allen Marks. Laser Rifle – AER14 PrototypeInside the Vault 22 Common Area, on the blocked stairwell only accessible from the Food Production level. Lead Pipe – The Humble CudgelInside the Sealed Sewers, near the Prospector Corpse. Machete – LiberatorIn Nelson, carried by Dead Sea. Minigun – CZ57 AvengerIn the Devil’s Throat, inside, at the back of the container trailer, by the dead body. Missile Launcher – AnnabelleIn Black Rock Mountain, carried by the Nightkin Sniper on Black Rock Summit. Marksman Carbine – All-AmericanIn the Armory Cache, Vault 34, on the floor, on an upturned table. Oh, Baby!In the deepest part of Charleston Cave, near a Chewed Stealth Boy. Plasma Rifle – Q-35 Matter ModulatorIn the locked shipping room of REPCONN HQ, in a pod casement. Pulse GunIn the Armory Cache, Vault 34. Sawed-Off Shotgun – Big BoomerIn Gibson Scrap Yard, carried by Old Lady Gibson. Sniper Rifle – Gobi Campaign Scout RifleIn the footlocker of the Sniper’s Nest, overlooking the Cottonwood Cove. Spiked Knuckles – Love and HateIn Bonnie Springs, on the Viper Gang Leader. Straight Razor – FigaroIn the back of King’s School of Impersonation, owned by Sergio. Tesla Cannon – Tesla-Beaton PrototypeOn the ground near the crashed Vertibird. That GunIn Novac, on a shelf in the locked storage room inside the Dino Bite Gift Shop. This MachineAt the end of the “Dealing With Contreras” quest, it will be a reward from Contreras for not turning him in. Varmint Rifle – RatslayerInside the Broc Flower Cave, propped up against the desk. Zap Glove – Paladin ToasterIn Black Rock Cave, near the body of the dead prospector.
Snow Globe Locations
Goodsprings – Goodsprings Cemetery : Near the water tower is a patch of upturned soil by a small, rectangular grave marker. The Snow Globe is sitting in front of the marker. Hoover Dam – Hoover Dam : Search the visitor center for a terminal near two curved desks. The Snow Globe can be found on a desk here. Nellis AFB – Nellis Air Force Base : Pete’s makeshift museum holds this Snow Globe. It’s on a table in the corner under a mural. Mormon Fort – Old Mormon Fort : Julie Farkas has an office inside a tower at the fort. The Snow Globe is on top of a bookcase here. Mt. Charleston Snow Globe – Jacobstown : In the lodge, search the entrance and reception area. This Snow Globe is sitting on a curved desk by some terminals. Test Site – Lucky 38 Casino : Head to the cocktail lounge and look for the cash register. It’s across from the entrance. The Snow Globe is behind the register. The Strip – Vault 21 : After you access Sarah’s locked bedroom, grab this Snow Globe off of the table between the two beds.
Fallout Cheats
To enter cheat codes, press the tilde key (~) to open the console, and then you can enter the codes below.
player.setav # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.QQQ :Quits game fast.tcl :No clippingSexChange :Changes sextmm 1 : All mapmarkersaddspecialpoints # :add # special pointsadvlevel : Advance one levelplayer.additem 000000F (number of caps) : Bottle capsunlock : Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.tgm : God modeplayer.setav # (max 100): sets the skill bonuses.
Full Cheat List
Add # of sunset sarsaparilla blue star bottle caps : player.additem 00103b1c add # special points : addspecialpoints # Add Debug MegaPistol (Most powerful pistol.) : player.additem 001465A6 1 Add Perks : player.addperk (perkcode) Advance one level : advlevel All mapmarkers : tmm 1 Bottle caps : player.additem 000000F (number of caps) change all face options : ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu change all hair options : ShowBarberMenu Change faction reputation : SetReputation [Faction ID] [0/1] [1-100]changes leve to #, doesn’t affect anything else. : player.setlevel # Changes sex : SexChange Closes All Menus : CloseAllMenus Create gamesave with desired title : Save [what you want the save to becalled]Debug-like filter/mode : tcg Gives x karma points(use negative values for negative karma) : RewardKarma x God mode : tgm HP cheat : player.modav health # Increase the Gamespeed of all NPCs & the User (Default is 4) : setgsfmoverunmult # Increases maximum carry weight by number specified : player.modav carryweight# Infinite health : tdm Kill every NPC in area : killall Kill selected NPC or enemy : kill No clipping : tcl Opens door without unlocking it. : activate Perfect VATS Aiming : SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100 Player can wear power armor : setpccanusepowerarmor 1 Player health and Limb Health will be restored : player.resethealth Quits game fast. : QQQ Remove Perk : player.removeperk [Perk ID]Removes all items of selected NPC : removeallitems Repair items. : player.srm Restore health and limb health : player.reset health Resurrect selected dead NPC or enemy : resurrect Save and quit : saq Set ownership of selected item : Set Ownership Set S.P.E.C.I.A.L. level : setspecialpoints [number 1-10]Set skill level : modpcs [skill name] [number 1-100]Set the scale of a NPC ( 1 = normal) : setscale 1 Set the scale of yourself ( 1 = normal ) : player.setscale 1 Sets ownership to a item(must select item first) : setownership Sets player jump height (default is 64) : setgs fJumpHeightMin # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those fromgear, tag skills, or attributes. : player.setav # Sets your currently equipped weapon’s condition to 100. :player.setweaponhealthperc 100 Teleports player to quest target : movetoqt Toggle detection : tDetect Toggle Free Camera Mode : tfc Toggle gore : bDisableAllGore=0/1 Toggle leaves : tlv Toggles fog of war in local map : tfow Toggles Grass display : tg Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals. :unlock Unlocks door, safe or computers.(must click the objet first, may causeglitches) : Unlock
Glitch: Infinite XP
If you can get your speech skill to at least 50 or higher, you can persuade Old Ben to offer his escort services to the local bar. If you succeed in his Speech Challenge, you gain 61 XP. If you follow him back to the bar afterwards and wait until he sits down, you can speak to him again and redo the same Speech Challenge over and over again for unlimited XP. You can find Old Ben sitting by a fire close to the King headquarters in Freeside.
Currently we have no unlockables for Fallout: New Vegas yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Fallout: New Vegas yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Fallout: New Vegas yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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Currently no guide available.
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Steam Achievements
Ain’t That a Kick in the Head – Complete Ain’t That a Kick in the Head.
All or Nothing – Complete All or Nothing.
Arizona Killer – Complete arizona killer.
Artful Pocketer – Pick 50 pockets.
Assemble Your Crew – Recruit Dean Domino, Christine and Dog.
Blast Mastery – Cause 10,000 damage with energy weapons.
Caravan Master – Win 30 games of Caravan.
Cash Out – Confront Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre’s Vault.
Come Fly With Me – Complete come fly with me.
Crafty – Craft 20 items.
Desert Survivalist – Heal 10,000 points of damage with food.
Double Down – Play 10 hands of Blackjack.
Eureka! – Complete eureka!
For the Republic – Complete For the Republic.
G.I. Blues – Complete g.i. blues.
Globe Trotter – Discover all snow globes.
Hack the Mojave – Hack 25 terminals.
Hardcore – Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.
Having a Ball – Complete the Sierra Madre Gala Event.
In a Foreign Land – Scout the Zion Valley for signs of the White Legs.
Jury Rigger – Repair 30 items.
Know When to Fold Them – Win 3 games of Caravan.
Lead Dealer – Cause 10,000 damage with Guns.
Little Wheel – Play 10 spins of Roulette.
Love the Bomb – Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives.
Master of the Mojave – Discover 125 locations.
May my Hand Forget its Skill – Evacuate Zion.
Mod Master – Install 20 weapon mods.
New Kid – Reached 10th level.
New Vegas Samurai – Cause 10,000 damage with melee weapons.
No Gods, No Masters – Complete no gods, no masters
No Tumbler Fumbler – Pick 25 locks.
O Daughter of Babylon – Crush the White Legs.
Ol’ Buddy Ol’ Pal – Recruit any companion.
Old-Tyme Brawler – Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons.
One Armed Bandit – Play 10 spins of Slots.
Outstanding Orator – Make 50 Speech challenges.
Render Unto Caesar – Complete render unto caesar.
Restore Our Fortunes – Resupply Daniel and the Sorrows.
Return to Sender – Complete Return to Sender.
Ring-a-Ding-Ding – Complete ring-a-ding-ding.
Safety Deposit Box – Trap Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre’s Vault.
Sierra Souvenir Aficionado – Collect 500 Sierra Madre Chips.
Stim-ply Amazing – Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks.
Talent Pool – Complete talent pool.
That Lucky Old Sun – Complete that lucky old sun.
The Boss – Reach 30th level.
The Courier Who Broke the Bank – Get banned from all the Strip’s casinos.
The House Always Wins – Complete the house always wins.
The Legend of the Star – Complete The Legend of the Star.
The Whole Gang’s Here – Recruit all companions.
They Went That-a-Way – Complete they went that-a-way.
Up and Comer – Reach 20th level.
Veni, Vidi, Vici – Complete veni, vidi, vici.
Volare! – Complete volare!
Walker of the Mojave – Discover 50 locations.
When We Remembered Zion – Arrive at Zion.
Wild Card – Complete wild card.
You Run Barter Town – Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods.
You’ll Know It When It Happens – Complete you’ll know it when it happens.
0 notes
mandrakebrew · 2 months
EXTREMELY late ask is extremely late but metalcore, classic metal, and industrial metal
never too late to ask me about my blorbos
who is the 'um they asked for no pickles...' half of the pairing?
Going with Yamai for this one, and it would be me. If it's literally a wrong order situation, it's not that he's shy he just wouldn't care enough to have it fixed but I would say something.
have f/o and s/i ever attended a concert together? who was it?
I could see Clef dragging me to one. I'm not big on crowds so they don't really appeal to me. He'd take me to see either Mountain Goats or Will Wood, I think.
who stays up late working and who convinces the other to come to bed?
Aaand back to Yamai. I could see us both being guilty of working too long. Though once we got together, he would see me staying up too late and being like, "okay, we need sleep." (also he likes the warmth of being in bed and holding me)
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