#ship: night orchids
dragonologist-phd · 10 months
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Naia and Shadowheart in their little bog cottage filled to the brim with all the animals Shadowheart adopted 🥹 including Buttons the wolf pup 😭
(how do they maintain so many animals on their own, you ask? Naia's skeleton army, of course. undead farmhands to help enable her animal-loving wife)
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Title: Midnight Black and Paris Green Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Rating: M Status: Ongoing (11/?) Characters: F!Tav, Shadowheart Ships: F!Tav/Shadowheart Additional Notes: Missing Scenes, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Eventual Mild Smut, Canon-Typical Themes Word Count: 28k Summary: Shadowheart isn't accustomed to placing her trust in other people. Neither is Naia. But these are interesting times, and stranger things have happened. (A loose re-telling of the game, with a focus on the Tav/Shadowheart romance)
read here on ao3
Chapter 1 below:
Shadowheart does not quite remember her capture, or the crash, or even the falling. She does not register any pain- only the harsh sunlight piercing through murky darkness as she comes to with a jolt. Fractured recollections trip over themselves in her memory, all culminating to push but one thing to the front of her mind: the artefact.
Her eyes fly open and her hands scramble desperately at her pockets. A shadow falls over the glaring sand, a voice mutters something she cannot hear, and instincts take over as Shadowheart realizes she is not alone. She rolls into a defensive crouch, ready to send off a blast of radiant magic.
But it is not an enemy who faces her now. It is the woman from the ship. The one who saved her.
That recognition is quite unfortunately followed by a flood of memories which make her stomach lurch and her skin crawl. The mindflayers. The nautiloid. The tadpole.
“Are you okay?” the woman asks in a low, halting voice, and another scene is triggered in Shadowheart’s hazy memory.
It was all madness by the time she awoke, madness and panic and distant noises of destruction. And she was trapped. All she could do was bang on the pod and scream for help, cursed with knowledge that help would likely never come.
But then the pod fell open. Shadowheart stumbled out, desperate with relief, only to find herself face to face with what she thought for a fleeting moment was another mindflayer.
She could not be blamed for the misconception; the creature before her was obscured in shadow save for two pinpricks of red burning in their eyes, glinting in the eerie light of the ship. But then the light shifted, and Shadowheart realized it was no mindflayer before her-
It was Naia. The name comes back in a rush, along with many other bits and pieces of recent days.
But where is the artefact?
Shadowheart turns away from the woman, scrambling again over her pockets and satchel. Only when she finally puts a hand to the cold metal does she allow herself a sigh of relief.
“I’m fine.” I have the artefact. I’m alive. I can still complete my mission.
The other woman does not comment on her behavior; she is rather distracted herself, as her gaze sweeps over the ruined landscape around them. Twisted metal, still burning, litters the beach they’ve landed upon.
“What in the hells happened to us?” Naia mutters. She turns her eyes back to Shadowheart, who has to hold back a shudder under that gaze. This is certainly the same tiefling from the ship: short gray horns sticking out above a mess of dark hair, pallid skin which looks a sickly grey in the sunlight, void-dark eyes with pupils rimmed in red that are still far too reminiscent of a mindflayer for comfort.
But she saved Shadowheart, and Shadowheart does not have time to be picky in her choice of help. The mindflayer has planted its tadpoles. Her time is slipping away as they speak. If she wants to make it back to Baldur’s Gate with her mind intact, she’s going to need every ounce of help she can get.
Thus marks the first day of Shadowheart’s tadpole infection, and of her partnership with the tiefling known as Naia Gwaelon.
It’s stumbling chance that leads Naia and Shadowheart to the ruins on that initial leg of their journey. The idyllic little beach they landed on is sorely lacking in supplies; whatever this place was before, it’s now all ruin and wreck and lifeless, luckless fishermen who got caught in the nautiloid’s debris. The heavy stone door is the first sign of real civilization they come across, and all it takes to enter is a few minutes of Naia stubbornly jamming at the lock with makeshift tools.
The inside of the structure offers no more cheer than the beach. What they’ve stumbled upon is clearly an old crypt, complete with rotting skeletons, booby-trapped caskets, and other such classics. Luckily, the offerings left for the dead include a small array of still-viable weapons and armor. Even more luckily, the crypt has apparently already been infiltrated by looters, and Shadowheart is able to hunt down a small stash of food and supplies.
Meanwhile, Naia busies herself hunting down things of another nature.
“Looking for anything in particular?” Shadowheart finally asks after watching the tiefling wander through rows upon rows of coffins with a look on her face which can only be described as reverent curiosity.
Naia’s answer is quiet and distracted, and Shadowheart only catches a few words. “Ancient magic…I don’t even recognize…still traces of magic preservation, but for what purpose?”
Shadowheart shakes her head, not bothering to ask again. Wizards.
It’s funny, in a way. Back on the nautiloid ship, the urgency of their situation meant there was little time for chatter. Then on the beach, with the panic subsided, Naia had seemed too dazed for conversation. Now she’s finally come alive again, and the only things she seems interested in speaking to are the dead.
Shadowheart doesn’t mind, though. She remembers, again and again, that Naia did save her, even though it would have been far easier for her to cut and run. What’s more, Shadowheart remembers the display of angry magic that cut through the mindflayer’s thralls on the nautiloid, and she knows this wizard is not one to be trifled with. Power like that, however odd, should not be squandered.
So Shadowheart allows Naia a few minutes of fascination. The tiefling mutters a few more observations, skittering around the ancient tomb with little grace, apparently having forgotten that Shadowheart is there at all. It’s an amusing sight, in its own way, and it provides the opportunity to rest for a bit in the cool shade, so there is no reason yet for Shadowheart to protest.
Not until Naia presses her hand against a sigil in the old stone wall, and a shimmering, sickly green light erupts in a wave that washes through the crypt. Shadowheart leaps back to her feet, pulling her mace into position just as the petrified bodies decorating the tomb spring to life.
To Naia’s credit, she faces the skeletons without so much as flinching. But it’s still a grueling encounter, especially given everything else both women are still recovering from. When the last skeleton finally collapses into dust at Naia’s feet, she collapses as well, slumping to her knees on the cold stone floor.
Shadowheart is at her side in an instant, holy healing at the ready. Naia tenses at her approach, but upon realizing her intentions allows herself to relax, if only by a fraction. At this point, Shadowheart cannot hold back a sigh as she guides the magic through Naia’ battered body.
“You just had to press the button, didn’t you?”
“The dead typically aren’t so easily offended,” Naia protests weakly. Even in her petulance, her words are curt and stiff. “These were guarding something. Look.”
Shadowheart follows her direction and, yes, there is an opening in the wall that wasn’t there before. And yes, Shadowheart would be lying if she said her interest hasn’t been piqued.
“Good eye. These holy temples are always full of valuable secrets. And after all that, this one had better be something special.” With that, Shadowheart finishes up her spell, scrutinizing Naia’s state as the magic fades from her fingertips. “Feeling better?”
“Somewhat,” Naia answers in a clipped tone. She’s scowling, but not at Shadowheart; as she lifts a hand to her temple, the source of her displeasure becomes obvious. “Better than should be expected, actually.”
“You mean you don’t feel as if tentacles are about to burst from your mouth?” Shadowheart asks. “Me too, funnily enough. But that doesn’t mean we can afford to rest on our laurels. Finding a healer must be our top priority.”
“Couldn't we rest just a little longer? With all those protections, this room should be a safe enough place. I don’t mean to hold us up. I know we need to move, but I-”
Naia’s words are cut off as she hisses in pain. Her hand twitches, fingers trembling, but she pulls away before Shadowheart can inspect her any further. Dark hair- almost violet in the dim light- hangs in her face, obscuring whatever expression is hiding in her scarlet-dotted eyes.
The last thing Shadowheart wishes is for paranoia to get the best of her…yet she cannot help but count back the time it took them to cover the beach and half these ruins. They are nearly twenty-four hours past their time of infection, and the sword hanging over their heads will only continue to lower. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“My magic is drained,” Naia insists. “We already know looters have been rooting around here. If we get killed by them, or by another round of skeletons, our tadpoles won’t matter much at all. I just need a little time to recover.”
Bloody wizards, Shadowheart thinks with another sigh, but she nods. “Fine. I suppose I can’t complain too much. After all, you saved my life on board the ship. How can I do anything but sing your praises?”
The words come out somewhere in between sardonic and sincere, but Naia nods along, her gaze once again taking on that look of distant distraction.
“I keep thinking about that, actually. The ship. Why it took us. I can’t figure it out.”
“It’s how the vile creatures reproduce.”
“I am acutely aware. But do they always take so many? I know nothing about this is normal, but still…something seems strange.”
Shadowheart muses over the point, and her thoughts return to the artefact stowed away in her satchel. She’s positive it’s connected to this, though she can’t fathom a guess as to how.
“The voice on the ship told me I’d become a ‘beautiful weapon’,” Shadowheart admits, turning the memory over in her mind. “I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean.”
Naia hums in thought. “Maybe that part was a compliment.”
The words are so unexpected they startle a laugh out of Shadowheart, in spite of everything.
“You’re adorable,” she says, and Naia’s eyes go wide. She is a cute thing, Shadowheart realizes in that moment. An odd sight, certainly, covered as she is in cobwebs and bone dust, but still. Maybe it’s the eyes- now that Shadowheart is somewhat accustomed to the sight, there is something entrancing about their inky darkness.
What’s more, there’s a cleverness to this woman that Shadowheart can’t help but like. It’s for this reason that Shadowheart gives her a teasing smirk as she adds, “But your timing? Just awful.”
Naia blushes under her bruises, and Shadowheart bites back another laugh as she rises to her feet. “Go on, get your rest. I’ll check out this tomb while you do so, and then we can be on our way.”
Day three of Shadowheart’s infection, and something is wrong here.
They’ve gathered more allies by now, all with the same little stowaways in their heads. All blissfully devoid of symptoms.
What it means, Shadowheart can’t begin to say. Maybe it’s all connected to her mission, and the answer is locked away with her memories. Maybe not. The only way to find out is to press on, and hope that she has surrounded herself with allies rather than liabilities.
But Shadowheart has never put much stock in hoping, and her allies are all rather…questionable. A wizard whom they found stuck within a rock, an elf who’s clearly brimming with secrets of his own, and Lae’zel. Not Shadowheart’s first choice of company, to put it lightly.
Naia, however…
Naia continues to surprise. She is withdrawn, yet decisive; wary, yet curious. She wears the bone amulet they uncovered in the crypt on a small chain around her neck, and her spells glimmer with the telltale sickly sheen of necromancy. Naia is the one who might understand, should Shadowheart confide the truth of her mission. She clearly does not draw away from death; why should darkness be any different?
Even so, Shadowheart is smarter than that. She can’t simply go around trusting every woman who wanders through a graveyard. This mission is hers, and hers alone.
But trust is not required to simply enjoy somebody’s company. On the third night they spend together, Shadowheart settles in to join Naia over a campfire dinner, prepared by Gale and accompanied by a bottle of wine. Shadowheart eyes the wine in particular with caution. “This isn’t something else you pilfered from the crypt, is it?”
Naia pauses, lips pursed in thought as she glances down at the bottle. “It’s vintage,” she finally says.
“You’ve an optimistic way of viewing things.”
“The way things are going we’ll likely be dead ourselves within a few days anyway, so what’s the harm?”
“And such a charmer, too.” Shadowheart traces a finger over the bottle in her hand, her mind whirring. No matter how hard she tries- how hard they all try- she knows there really is only one topic on anybody’s mind.
“What would you do if I turned into a mindflayer?” she asks, opting to get straight to the point. “If I turned tonight?”
“I’d kill you.”
Naia’s answer is quick and without malice. A statement of simple fact. It’s the correct answer, yet the frank honesty is so unexpected that for a moment Shadowheart does not have a response at the ready.
A shadow passes over Naia’s face, and she huffs in frustrated embarrassment. “Sorry- I didn’t mean- I don’t want to kill you- I would just have to-”
“Oh, don’t you dare apologize,” Shadowheart interrupts, and Naia’s tense shoulders slump in relief. It is not the first time she has done this- say something without hesitation, then wince as the words leave her mouth. Shadowheart, however, cannot help but respect the pragmatism. “Killing me would be the wise thing to do- and I daresay I’d be happier dead than I would as one of those things. Although I do hope you would miss me after I’m gone. I think I’d miss you, should the roles be reversed.”
It is adorable, how Naia’s night-black eyes widen at the slightest provocation. Those eyes trace over Shadowheart’s face, betraying little yet saying quite a bit all the same.
“I would,” Naia says at last, and Shadowheart smiles. She takes a sip of the wine-
And immediately spits it out, gagging at the taste. “Oh. Oh, no. That was a terrible idea. I think that had bits of undead stuck in the cork.”
Naia laughs- short and low, and Shadowheart realizes it’s the first time she’s heard the sound. It’s…nice. She decides in that moment that as bad things are, she can at least say she likes this new ally of hers. She rises to upend the contents of the tainted wine bottle into the campfire, and she can feel Naa’s gaze follow after her as she goes- and Shadowheart feels fairly confident in saying that Naia seems to like her, too.
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spotaus · 8 months
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Having a blast doing some proper story-boarding for an animation I've wanted to do forever! Reset's story as-told by Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown.
This section is about Reset and Orchid making their plans to resurrect Reset's brother! (They are 9 and 10 respectively at this point, and the plan itself is very childish because of that.)
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They write it down in one of Orchid's journals under the guise of a kid's story they're writing, hense hiding it from Nightmare, Killer, Cross, etc. The adults dismiss it as kids shenanigans. Meanwhile Orchid and Reset are planning to steal hundreds of monster souls to make a replacement host for Reset's brother to come back to life with.
Orchid understands the severity of this, having to kill and maim to get their way. Reset doesn't quite realize it until later, but he never truly loses his enthusiasm.
This book started it all, and even at the peak of their plan, hundreds of deaths and a larger crew, Reset refers back to the (by then) worn and old book. Doodles of him and Orchid as stick figures sit right beside gruesome pictures of resurrection, and notes that say "Friends 4 Ever" are scrawled in glitter pen just above a list of AUs toppled in their wake, scratches of red pen through each name.
They're beasties tho frfr. And I'm glad I finally got this section figured out.
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olgipolgi · 11 months
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brain going crazy cuz what.... what if their ship name was moonpetal?? 🥺😭
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fueledbysano · 10 months
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welcome! here at rent-a-boyfriend, we understand that everyone has unique needs and desires, which is why we signed up a roster of men to fit your preferences! whether you want to piss off your ex or need a date on that company event, our team of charming boyfriends are waiting for you!
♱ ft. chifuyu, baji, ran, rindou, hanma, shinichiro, wakasa
♱ content: fake dating, fluff, humor, romance. [ wakasa's: suggestive ].
♱ a/n: a lil warmup for everyone whom I wish I've written more of! a little idea I got while working on commissions so I'm indulging in it.
𓆩♡𓆪 our taglist of loyal customers: @iluvizana @livefromnc @scoobydoofruitsbacks @moon-byeol2001 @vivid-orchids @slqttttt @awkwardaardvarkforever @cawwn @silphyl @chunkygirl07 @keenkittenstrawberry @m4nj1ro1 @reiners-milkbiddies @mysouleaten @souyaddiction @saenora @smutbae @fuyuswifey
☥ @enchantedforest-network
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Chifuyu Matsuno | 26 | PET SHOP OWNER | 5’6 | LOYAL
Jokingly entering a lottery for a luxury couple’s cruise, you were surprised to receive a notification saying that you were the lucky winner! You now have to find a “spouse” for the trip. You’ve considered your friends, but all of them probably have commitments already. And then on the day of the cruise, Chifuyu greets you with flowers. He was so much cuter and in front of you. You settled into your luxurious cabin and began the journey.
On your first night, you tried the fancy dinner aboard the ship, shared your favorite dishes and chatted about your childhood memories associated with food. It struck you when he mentioned he was formerly a gang member, as he certainly did not look like one. you also bonded over your shared love of animals and memories of having owned pets as children, while Chifuyu told you all about the interesting things about these pets.
You also enjoyed a masquerade ball; Chifuyu was not the best dancer but he was so gentle with his movements. He was nervous at first, unsure how to navigate the party, but with your guidance and reassuring touch, he gradually relaxed and even started to enjoy the activity. You took the lead, taking him to the rhythm. With your hands on his shoulders and movements in synchrony with his, you glided across the dance floor, lost in the music and in each other's company just like dinner. Chifuyu was impressed by your confidence and grace on the dance floor. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for that.
After a long day of exploring the ports and enjoying the activities on the cruise, you decided to unwind at the couple's spa. On the way there, the two of you even came up with a fake love story in case the masseuse asks— you were high school sweethearts. Inside the spa, you settled into adjacent massage tables, holding hands and enjoying the deep tissue massages that the spa offered. The oil worked its magic onto your bodies, and you turned to Chifuyu, who seemed to be holding his laughter from being ticklish. You smiled at him and chuckled as you made eye contact, letting him know that you didn’t mind. You couldn't help but notice Chifuyu's toned body. His toned back and arms were on full display, you felt yourself being attracted to him in a way you hadn't been before.
As the week went on, you and Chifuyu continued to learn more about each other while also participating in the cruise activities, all while pretending to be a couple. By the end of the cruise, Chifuyu couldn't deny the connection he felt with you, and he was surprised by the depth of his feelings for someone he had only just met. It was then that he realized that despite being the one who was rented for the vacation, it was he who truly rented your heart. So when you visited his pet shop, he couldn't deny the connection you had and was happy to see you again. It’s against the rules of the rent-a-boyfriend services, but he does not need that anymore and so do you.
Baji Keisuke | 26 | VET | 5’9 | TSUN-TSUN
As you prepared for your family's Christmas trip, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Your relatives were constantly badgering you about finding a partner, and the pressure to conform to their expectations was starting to wear you down. That's why when you heard about a service that could provide you with a pretend boyfriend, you saw it as the perfect opportunity to get your family off your back and enjoy the trip without the constant constant nagging.
When you met Baji, you were surprised at how charming and easygoing he actually was. He was exactly the kind of guy your family would approve of, and he was happy to play the role of your boyfriend. Both you and your family were struck by how handsome and charming he was. His tall, lean figure and stunning eyes made him look like a model, but his warm smile and how gentle he was with your family made him seem accessible and likable.
You found yourself growing nervous as the time went on, but Baji was quick to pick up on your discomfort and put you at ease. He asked questions about your family and interests, and he made you a drink before settling into your room for the night. Baji then joked and laughed about things your parents have told earlier, making sure to give you a sense of ease and comfort with him. After all, you will be going on a trip together. You knew that you were both putting on an act, but you couldn't deny his potential of being an actual partner.
So the trip began, Baji proved to be a great choice. He was friendly and outgoing, easily striking up conversations with your relatives. He quickly became a favorite especially to the children in your family, who were drawn to his playful nature and witty banter. He spent time playing with them, telling jokes and stories, and generally being a fun and engaging presence. He was so good at interacting with the children that they started calling him "big bro Baji". He simply made a positive impression on everyone. He even went out of his way to compliment the cooking and offer to help with luggages, and making sure that everyone was taken care of, especially you, even if it meant putting himself in second place.
On the last day of the trip, you find yourself wondering how he was so good at handling family members, and he was more than happy to explain that he had a close relationship with his own mother growing up. He also said that in his career, he had come to see his animal patients as members of his own family. He described how he would take the time to get to know each animal individually, talking to them in the veterinary clinic and taking them out to play and explore. He told you that he believed that the key to understanding and connecting with other beings was to see them as unique individuals, just like people.
You did miss Baji after the trip. He had made such an impact on your family members, especially the children, that he was brought up in conversations even after he was gone. Your parents asked about him, and his absence was noted by the young ones who had grown so fond of him. You found yourself thinking about him often and wondering what he was up to. The trip had been such a special experience for you, and you felt grateful for the time you had shared together. Even though your relationship had been temporary and arranged, you found yourself wishing that you could see him again and continue your connection. So when you called him up for a “rental” again, it was to your surprise when Baji answered with “Don’t worry, this one’s on me.”
Hanma Shuji | 28 | PHOTOGRAPHER | 6'4 | DAREDEVIL
You have been struggling to keep your ex-boyfriend at bay. Despite repeatedly asking him to leave you alone, he would still find a way to contact you, whether through social media or by showing up at your workplace or at your apartment. You were worried about the situation and wanted it to stop, so you decided to hire a pretend boyfriend to make your ex-boyfriend back off. You chose Shuji Hanma, a 28-year-old photographer with a charismatic and handsome look. He also had a rebellious streak that made him perfect to play the role.
Hanma's stylish motorcycle added to the spectacle of his arrival at your apartment. As you rode away, you noticed that your neighbors were staring, probably wondering who the mysterious man on the motorcycle was. It was the same case when you arrived at your workplace, your colleagues were equally curious about the identity of the mystery man who waited for you at the lobby.
Hanma was engrossed in his work in the lobby, concentrating on editing his photos on the computer screen. He noticed the faint sound of footsteps approaching. The sound grew closer, and Hanma looked up to see your ex-boyfriend walking towards the seats. Hanma was not impressed, and he almost immediately approached him. “Hello, I'm Shuji Hanma. You are…?”
“Uhm, Touri—desu.” He was confused, but shook Hanma’s hand anyway, which he regretted… Hanma’s grip was undeniably strong, which turned his skin to crimson. “You new here, huh?” Hanma tried to remain cool. “Eh, not exactly.” The guy shrugged, and Hanma scoffed and took his belongings. “Well, I'll be on my way.” He headed to the receptionist and spoke loud enough, “Good afternoon, can you please deliver a message to my girlfriend, Miss [ L / N ]? I have our lunch~” This was enough to grab your ex’s attention, and he was visibly confused and angered.
Hanma immediately escorted you off the elevator when you arrived, letting you know of your ex’s presence as he protectively put an arm around you. Which seemed to work, because he was only angrily standing there with a piercing glare. Hanma was inarguably intimidating with his fierce eyes and tall height. As you sat together for lunch, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. You knew that your ex-boyfriend was watching from a distance, witnessing you having a wonderful time with another man. Hanma also appeared to be enjoying the situation, and he kept up his loving and affectionate demeanor throughout the meal, like Hanma taking your hand and kissing it, feeding you, and simply looking like a real couple. When in reality, you were also talking about your day so far and telling each other about the usual get-to-know topics.
After you walked out the restaurant together, your ex stepped forward and started yelling about how you could move on and replace him. “And with this twig?! Come on [ Y / N ], is this the best you got?” He chuckled and attempted to reach your arm. As he continued his tirade, Hanma lost his patience and punched him in the face. You were shocked at your pretend-boyfriend's sudden burst of violence, but you had to admit that it was somewhat satisfying to see your ex take a hit. Hanma quickly pulled you away from the scene and kicked your ex’s stomach. “Who’s the twig now? If I see your face again, I'm going to break every bone in your body.” He spat and then led you back to your apartment.
Once you were inside, Hanma apologized for his behavior and assured you that he only wanted to protect you. Still a bit shaken, you knew that Hanma had been there for you, and he did his role perfectly. You forgave him for resorting to violence and appreciated how devoted he had been to you with a generous tip, to which he answered, “I’m not leaving without making sure that guy never comes back.” You were taken aback when he took a seat on the couch by your front door. “And don't worry about the rent thing ♡” He winked. You were pretty sure he just enjoyed beating your ex, but you got yourself a pretty damn good fake boyfriend/guard dog.
You were feeling a bit down about attending the wedding of a college friend without a plus one. Your friends were all in loving relationships, and you were tired of being the odd one out. Rindou was intrigued by the request and quickly agreed. He looked forward to the opportunity to spend the evening with you and to help you feel less awkward.
Rindou was a stickler for presentation, so he took it upon himself to choose an outfit that would make you feel confident and comfortable. He asked you about the theme of the event, the colors of the invitations, and any personal style preferences you had. Using this information, he was able to find a perfect ensemble for the evening.
When you arrived at the venue, you felt a new sense of confidence. The dress that Rindou got tailored was a perfect fit, and the shoes made you feel taller and more sophisticated. You knew that you looked good, and that made you feel even more comfortable mingling with the other guests. Rindou had been right, the outfit had boosted your confidence, and it showed while he was happily your arm candy. As you continued to make your way toward the main event, Rindou couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity with the place. He quickly realized that he was one of the co-owners of the venue, and had completely forgotten to mention it to you. He felt a bit sheepish about the oversight and did not make a big deal out of it.
However, it did come back to bite him in the ass later on. “Mr. Haitani?” The groom took notice of his presence when the couple visited your table. “Pleasure to meet you, I did not see you on the guest list. What a surprise!” They shook hands. “My girlfriend is here with me.” He smiled and held you closely. “You didn’t tell us that your boyfriend owned the venue, [ Y / N ]-chan!” WHen the bride said that, it seemed that the other guests on the table now seemed more interested in you. “How did you meet?” “Is there a ring yet?” It was a bit of a shockwave to you and your friends. Suddenly it seemed as though they were all more interested in you than they were before, and you felt a tinge of discomfort, which Rindou easily picked up on.
“Oh, shut up…you won’t even talk to her two minutes ago…” Rindou scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Wanna ditch?” You were touched by his offer, and gladly accepted. You needed a break from the endless talk about your friends' relationships, and it was nice to have a place to escape to for a little while. Rindou took you to the bar of his brother’s hotel nearby, where you were able to enjoy your own night just by yourselves without having to impress people who you barely know anymore. “Sorry for not telling you sooner, it was exactly what I was trying to avoid…” Rindou knew his way around a bar, and you found yourself in the perfect spot with him at your side. He explained the menu items and suggested a few different drinks that he thought you might enjoy, making sure to cater to your tastes. You felt grateful for his attention, and you appreciated how much effort he was putting into the conversation.
As you sat at the bar, you found yourself opening up more than you ever thought you would. You talked about your job,hobbies, and even a little bit about your past relationships. Rindou was a great listener, and he made you feel comfortable enough to share details that you had never told anyone before. You loved the fact that even though he was a complete stranger, he was genuinely interested in your life and experiences. While he also had a fair share of stories, especially the reason behind joining the rental services despite being a wealthy businessman… Rich people get bored sometimes too, you know…
You felt like you had known Rindou for much longer than just one evening. You couldn't believe how quickly the time had passed, and you found herself wishing that the night could go on forever. As they closed down the bar and left the reception, Rindou walked you to the suite he offered, and you found yourself wishing that you had the courage to ask him if he would like to see eachother again…
Ran Haitani | 31 | CLUB OWNER | 6'0 | BOLD
You have been using your “fiance” as an excuse to get out of uncomfortable situations or company gatherings, but now you are facing a dilemma. Your boss was hosting a company outing, and you knew that you couldn't use the same excuse again because he personally invited “your fiance”.
Thinking quickly, you reached out to Ran and asked him to play the part of your fiance for the whole trip. You were relieved when he agreed, knowing that he was the perfect person to accompany you to the event. Ran was charming, charismatic and extremely meticulous so you knew he would be able to sell the "fiance" ruse perfectly.
Ran likes to live life to the fullest, and he's not afraid to splash out on extravagant things. He's handsome, wealthy, and he has a way with the ladies. “You wanna make this more believable? I’ll take you on a date before our flight ♡” He took you to the finest restaurants and their club, and he insisted on paying for everything. He bought you clothes to bring to the trip, and you took a lot of photos together to show around. And he of course did not forget the fiance scheme and took you to Cartier for ring shopping. You were surprised by Ran's opulent lifestyle, but you were also drawn to his confidence and charm. He's not afraid to take risks or to try new things, and you feel like you can learn a lot from him.
On the day of the flight, you pulled up at the airport in his luxury sedan, dressed to the nines that truly made you look like the real deal. Ran was a smooth talker and a natural flirt, and he made you feel like the most important person in the world. And being the actor that he is, Ran smoothly introduced himself to your boss and colleagues. But you only gave them a glimpse of your ruse, because Ran had bumped your seats to first class where you praised each other for your acting.
During the trip, you were treated like a queen by Ran. He was always making sure your needs were met and that you were comfortable. He would hold your hand in public, carry your things, and go out of his way to make sure you were comfortable and well-cared for. You liked the way he whispered sweet nothings in your ear, and the way he looked at you with a sparkle in his eye. You were constantly getting compliments on your clothing, accessories, and your perfect “fiance.” You knew it was all just an act, but you couldn't help but enjoy every minute of it. Ran was way too good.
One night, you and Ran spent the evening soaking in the bathtub on your hotel balcony, surrounded by the sounds of the sea and the stars sparkling above you. He uncorked a bottle of the finest champagne, enjoying the bubbly beverage as you talked about your actual lives. You took the opportunity to let loose and talk trash about your co-workers. Ran laughed and poked fun at their annoying habits and quirks as well, bonding over your shared experiences. Ran was a natural storyteller, sharing stories from his past and his dreams for the future.; while You were fascinated by his adventures and insights. In turn, you talked about your own hopes and dreams. Ran listened intently, offering advice and support where needed. The conversation flowed effortlessly, with no awkward silences or forced conversation.
Ran was a true professional, and he played his role as your fiance flawlessly throughout the trip. He remained attentive and gave you affection in front of everyone. You were impressed by his commitment to the bit and his ability to seamlessly slip into character and couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for him. He made you feel like you were the most important person in the world, and you were touched by his thoughtfulness and attention to detail.
You were seriously moved by Ran's dedication to the role, even as you said goodbye. He had played the part with such natural grace and ease that she had almost forgotten that it was all an act. You were grateful for his commitment to the bit and his attention to detail, and you enjoyed the fact that you had someone during the trip. “Come on, I can’t keep these.” With his gifts in your hands, you insisted. Of course, you could… But you thought it was polite to offer. Ran’s answer intrigued you, though… “Of course you can…” He chuckled and opened the door of your home. “We still have that wedding, right?” He winked and kissed your forehead before seeing his way out.
Shinichiro Sano | 36 | BIKE SHOP OWNER | 6'0 | CHIVALROUS
You had grown tired of your friends' incessant efforts to set you up on blind dates, with stupid college boys to make matters worse. You appreciated their well-meaning efforts, but you simply weren't interested in pursuing romantic relationships. And so you decided to seek the assistance of Shinichiro, hoping that his chivalrous disposition would be enough to convince your friends to lay off.
You decided that for the cover to be believable, you would need to go on a date with Shinichiro before hard-launching him to your friends. You also made sure that he was comfortable with playing the role and that you had a good rapport, but you had no idea what to do for your very real fake date. However, Shinichiro took the matter in his own hands and insisted you did not have to move a single joint.
You and Shinichiro arrived at the cafe of the main deck in Tokyo Tower, which offered breathtaking views of the city's skyline. You were seated at a corner table, giving a clear view of the vast expanse of lights and skyscrapers. It was a dreamy and romantic setting, enhanced by delicate table settings and soft music playing in the background.
Shinichiro treated you to a multi-course meal, where you savored a selection of traditional Japanese food. They were exquisite and perfectly prepared, and you couldn't help but be impressed by Shinichiro's good taste. You talked about everything and anything, from your childhood memories to your ongoing endeavors. Shinichiro was a good listener and made sure to ask thoughtful questions, ensuring that the conversation flowed smoothly. You were honestly impressed by his openness and genuine interest in you, and you found yourself sharing things that she had never shared with anyone else before. The conversation was so engrossing that you lost track of time, and it felt as though you had been talking for hours.
However, the motorcycle race of his little brother's team, "Top of Manji," was an exhilarating experience. You marveled at the skill and precision of the racers as they raced around the track at high speeds. Shinichiro's passion for mechanics was palpable, and he explained the intricacies of the race in detail. You were moved by his enthusiasm and felt grateful to have had the opportunity to share in such a unique experience, and it was genuinely warm to listen to Shinichiro talk about something he really loved.
And so the day arrived and you invited your friends for dinner at a restaurant you and Shinichiro had found, a Japanese izakaya that you thought they would enjoy. You had made a reservation for a medium table in the middle of the restaurant, where you would be surrounded by the lively atmosphere. After greetings and pleasantries, you finally introduced your friends to Shinichiro, revealing that he was your new boyfriend. They were all visibly surprised by the revelation, but Shinichiro turned on his charm, making small talk and engaging in witty banter with your friends. He was so natural at it, making everyone feel comfortable and included. You couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for his presence and for the support he had shown you thus far.
Shinichiro was very affectionate towards you, making sure to pay attention to your needs and feelings. He cut your food, poured your drinks, and wiped the side of your lips. And as the evening wore on and the temperature dropped, he took off his jacket and casually offered it to you. It was relieving to see that your friends were starting to warm up to Shinichiro. They were impressed by his chivalry, intelligence, and sense of humor.
As the evening went on, she and Shinichiro grew more comfortable with each other, exchanging smiles and sharing inside jokes. Although your friends were initially skeptical about Shinichiro at first, however, as they spent more time with him, they began to see what she saw in him. They noticed his chivalrous nature and how he treated you with “love and respect”. They were impressed by his ability to hold a conversation and how engaging he was. They praised you for finding a good boyfriend and expressed their support for your relationship. This made you feel touched and felt grateful for their encouragement.
Shinchiro was an older man, but he carried himself with a youthful energy that was contagious. He had a kind heart and a charismatic smile, making it easy for you to feel at ease with him. He was a gentleman, always using polite language and good manners, but he also had a bit of mischief in him. He loved to make jokes and banter with you, and he always had a twinkle in his eye that made you smile. The dinner was a hit, and you were thrilled to see your friends enjoying themselves so much.
Maybe it was the fact that Shinichiro was older than the guys you previously dated and even older than yourself, but you actually enjoyed the extra attention and care that Shinichiro gave, as compared to your previous dates. You found yourself beginning to fantasize about having a real boyfriend like him, who would pamper and take care of you in the same way. It was a nice feeling to have someone who seemed to genuinely care about you, and you were grateful for the experience of dating him, even if it was just a temporary arrangement. Or will he allow it to remain that way?
Wakasa Imaushi | 36 | GYM OWNER | 5'3 | NONCHALANT
Wakasa Imaushi was the perfect person for your plan to win back your ex. He was charming, confident, and seemed to know how to treat a woman. Your plan was to make your ex jealous by spending time with Wakasa and having you paint a picture of a perfect couple.
He was impressed with your predictions on the whereabouts of your exes, and he was always ready to hop on your antics. Wakasa was a natural at billiards, while you considered yourself to be a bit of a novice. Despite this, he was patient with you and taught you the basics, guiding you through each shot. As you played, you stood closely together, with his hand on your back as he showed you how to grip the cue. As you finished up your game, you noticed your ex watching you from across the room, clearly jealous of the attention Wakasa was giving you. This only seemed to fuel Wakasa's desire to treat you like a princess, and up his game for your next “dates”.
As you waited outside your office building, you spotted Wakasa pulling up on a sports bike. It was obviously a labor of love for him, and it was clearly a statement piece— beautiful paint job, modifications, and powerful engines. He even got you your own helmet, and as you took a seat on the back of the bike, Wakasa revved the engine and took off down the road. You couldn't help but notice the looks of envy and jealousy from your ex-partner. You had always admired his bike, which was pretty decent, but Wakasa's was on another level. It was entirely his idea, knowing that it would take a hit on your ex’s ego. Which was right— he couldn't help but feel jealous of Wakasa and his newfound ability to make you happy and sent you a pretty petty text later on that day.
You eagerly showed Wakasa the text from your ex, and his reaction was everything you had hoped for. His expression turned into a proud smirk, and he leaned in closer to you as he read the text. You felt a sense of joy knowing that she had the upper hand in the situation and that your ex was feeling a sense of jealousy. No one could even see the two of you right now, but you were hanging out together in his gym, seemingly having a blast together. As part of your workout routine, Wakasa finds himself beginning to focus on helping you train, providing guidance and assistance as you lift weights. He was attentive and supportive, helping you with your form and demonstrating proper technique. Wakasa found himself enjoying the process and the feeling of coaching someone. You appreciated his guidance and support, and she felt a sense of satisfaction as you lifted heavier weights than you've ever had before…
“Don't fall in love with me, [ Y / N ]...” He made eye contact with you through the mirror as he held your waist. “Shut up.”
One particular day when you got off early at work, you and Wakasa found yourselves on a night out at his favorite drinking place, sipping drinks and enjoying each other's company. As they sat in the dimly lit bar, their conversation grew more intimate, personal, and playful, laughing and teasing each other. With the alcohol flowing, your inhibitions began to slip away, and before you knew it, you were locked in a deep, passionate kiss while you sat on his lap.
You were both surprised by the spontaneous kiss and felt your heart racing as you and Wakasa shared an intimate moment. “You’re making a mistake.” “Probably.” “Definitely…” You remained close together, not wanting to break apart just yet. The kiss was long and passionate, and it seemed to last forever. As you finally pulled away from each other, you both felt a sense of emptiness, wanting more of each other but unsure of what to do next.
As you woke up in Wakasa's place the next day, the reality of the previous night's events started to sink in. You realized that you had made a mistake in giving in to your urges, but at the same time, you couldn't help but want to continue doing it. You were hesitant at first, unsure of how to approach Wakasa about what happened, but you found herself drawn to him anyway. You knew that your relationship was still temporary and that you couldn't let your feelings get in the way of your agreement. Despite this, you found yourselves wanting to spend more time with him, both in your ruse and outside of it, all while pretending to Wakasa’s face that this still meant nothing.
It is certainly not common for a boyfriend-for-rent to give you a monthsary gift. Such gifts are typically given by a long-term romantic partner, or someone who is seeking a long-term relationship. Since the arrangement with Wakasa is meant to be temporary and was not originally intended to last longer than a few weeks or a months, it would not be expected for him to give you such a present. So you were surprised when Wakasa presented you with a small gift for your one-month anniversary. You were touched by the gesture, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt knowing that you shouldn't be developing feelings for him…
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ㅤㅤthank you for renting our boyfriends! did you catch feelings? we don't care! as long as you come back to see them again ;)
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cindol · 21 days
thinks about the thought of fiancé!nanami and fem reader
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౨ৎ .ᐟ .ᐣ — blurb hcs(kind of ), fluff, suggestive,
a / n — trying out a new style of gradient so let’s just pretend this post is a test run lol
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fiancé!nanami wants everything perfect for his future wife. He doesn’t care how crazy or illogical, this is your wedding he’s planning and a special day for both you and him.
fiancé!nanami doesn’t mind who gets invited to his wedding. Usually he would groan at gojo satoru being invited to things organized by him but when you give him a sympathetic look fluttering your lashes.
“I’m sure satoru’s adult enough now to get invited to a wedding baby, I sent an invitation to suguru and shoko so they’ll keep him in check.”
he sighs then looks at you and the empty letter you were gonna write to satoru. With anybody else he would say no, but you’re his woman, his childhood sweetheart.
“only for you, but I feel like just a e-mail would do instead of us doing a thousand letters to our friends baby.”
“I like the effect kento! Makes me feel old school.”
fiancé!nanami knows what his wife likes and has the florist pick only the best orchid’s and peony’s for the venue.
fiancé!nanami has a hard not peaking at your dress fitting so he stays home but always wants updates.
“kento baby, I can’t get you every detail on my dress fitting now! The tailor’s still trying to get measurements.”
“I know I know darling I just want to check up.” that’s such an excuse but it slips off his tongue naturally.
you hum into the phone tapping your nail till you answer.“tell ya what, I’ll give you a detailed description on what my groom will be expecting to see on the big day.”
“wow me.”
“satin dress, goes all the way down to my legs but hugs my curves just right.”
that description was enough for him to pause in the middle of his own sentence.
fiancé!nanami once he sees the dress at the wedding when you’re coming down the aisle with his grandfather leading you down his stotic strong straight face nearly cracks seeing you all glammed up in that long mermaid wedding dress makes him sweat. Not from nervousness but from the fact he may be getting hot seeing your body stick out the way it did in that satin white dress.
once you both kiss and say the vows you’ve promised to one another immediately wants to rush to the honeymoon and skip reception. Seeing even your backside while you’re talking shoko’s ear off while waving you hand to show her the ring on your finger got him flustered. Immediately he was grabbing your hand before you got the chance to excuse yourself from shoko.
Near a lonely wall he was giving you neck kisses making you giggle and stop him for a moment to talk.“I see somebody wanted more kisses but don’t you wanna wait baby? loads of food and I know haibara is gonna wanna talk your ear off.”
nanami didn’t wanna be rude. This was the day you waited but all he could think on is wanting to rip that dress off of you in a hotel room. Scratching the back of his head and rubbing his neck he tsked, would he wait all the time for the reception to be over or skip to the night with his beloved?
he’d rather skip.
“I mean this so much respect sweetheart, but seeing you this beautiful in your gown makes me just wanna jump ship and go to the honeymoon already.” his eyes scoped you from down to up looking at your bust to how the dress flowered down to your legs.
that already got you biting your lip. Seeing nanami in this flustered state while touching at his hair made you wanna immediately follow after him.
“You think the others will mind or care seeing me disappear off?”
“If you tell satoru he won’t give a damn, just make a slick cocky comment and make some excuse to the others.” Nanami wasnt fond on gojo but he knew how he thinks. is
fiancé!nanami is gentle with you on the honeymoon night. As thirsty as he was to just get to that hotel room with you that he specifically got the hotel to set up with champagne and rose petals he couldn’t care less about them.
Taking each arrival of clothing off of you was what he took great care of. Slowly he lifted your bridal veil showing your pretty face, eyelashes batting at him and lips all pouty. His thumb swiped near you lip making you pout.
“You’ll mess up my lipstick kento!”
“It won’t be here for long darling, I can promise that.”
fiancé!nanami treats your body like a work of art to be appreciated on this honeymoon night.He first started by neck kisses just to get you hot and bothered with more kisses in the middle of your cleavage also till you just explode.
“Just do me already kento!” saying it in a immature way but he knew exactly what you meant.
fiancé!nanami that night nanami kento made you happy a bride.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 3 months
Buck stumbles on a wedding planning folder on Tommy's computer and has all sorts of feelings about it
This was such an adorable prompt! I loved writing this. Thank you!
The second Tommy left the house, Buck pulled pulled out Tommy's laptop. He'd mentioned in passing the night before that his grandmother would make him meatloaf when he visited her. He'd had such a fond look on his face when he recalled the memory that Buck immediately knew he was going to make it for him. He'd opened the laptop with the intent on looking up some recipes to surpises him, and as the screen lit up, he saw the folder that that Tommy had left open.
The folder was untitled, and had multiple other folders inside it. 'Taxes', 'insurance', various car manuals littered the screen. But there was one folder that caught Bucks interest immediately.
Buck stared at the unopened folder. Tommy had told him he had never been married. Maybe it was photographs from someone else's wedding? His finger hovered over the track pad. It would be wrong to open it, right? It would feel like violating Tommy's privacy. Something inside Buck was curious, though. He double clicked, and the folder opened.
It was filled with photographs but they weren't of somebodies wedding. Well, technically, they were, but they were random images of different peoples weddings, alongside stock photos of flowers, table arrangements, decor.. it was Pinterest for the luddite. Buck smiled.
He clicked on the first photo - a simple, rustic looking, 3 tiered wedding cake with cream frosting - and began scrolling across. An antique wooden table decorated with lit pillar candles of differing sizes, a male model in a black fitted suit that made Bucks mouth water at the thought of Tommy wearing, two men stood at an alter with vines of purple and white flowers hanging down above them, a collage of different coloured orchids, a tungsten wedding band..
Tommy, to the outside world, was very squared away. He was well versed in keeping himself together and rarely, if ever, let himself slip. It was one of the reasons Buck felt so unbelievably lucky that he got to see a side of Tommy that nobody else saw. He saw Tommy giggle like a kid in bed late at night over something ridiculous Buck had said. He got to see him with food spilled down his shirt, or his face when he comes apart when Buck touches him in the way that he likes, or when he's sick and hasn't showered for 3 days because he can't get off the couch without wanting to vomit.
However, Tommy did struggle sometimes with being open about his needs. Buck had learned that Tommy had spent so many years having only himself to rely on. It was hard for him to admit his needs or even his wants. But, over the almost year they'd been together, he had begun opening up more and trusting that Evan wasn't going to see him any differently. He wasn't going to think he was less of a man or less attractive. That Evan loved him, and taking care of Tommy's needs was something that he wanted to do.
Still, knowing that Tommy had this collection of ideas filled Buck with more love for him. Tommy was a romantic, Buck knew that, and he'd seen it many times. The man's favourite move was 'Love, Actually' for Gods sake. But even after almost a year, Tommy's softness still wondrously surprised him.
Buck continued to scroll through the images. More random decor - the overarching theme was very rustic. Lots of wood and flowers. Then, an image slid onto the screen that made his smile even bigger.
It was a photograph of Buck. It was taken at the medal ceremony after the famous cruise ship rescue. He was holding the wooden plaque with a big grin on his face. The next photograph was him again. This one, he was in his everyday blues, playing pool at the station, laughing at something. He continued - a selfie he'd sent Tommy from his kitchen where he was covered in flour while making cookies for Christopher's school bake sale, a selfie of the two of them Buck had taken in bed, where Tommy was fast sleep with his face nuzzled into Evans neck, a picture Hen had taken of the two of them smiling proudly with their medals around their necks, and then a photograph of Evan leaning against the fence of Tommy's deck, looking out at the ocean. Buck hadn't seen it before. The shirt he was wearing he'd only bought two weeks ago, so it was recent.
He clicked across to the last image in the folder, and his heart damn near burst out of his chest. It was a receipt from a jewellery store. For a tungsten band.
Buck shut the laptop, quickly placing it on the coffee table. He'd bought a ring. Tommy had bought a ring.
The first feeling that coursed through him was terror. They were 2 weeks away from their first anniversary. It was too soon. Buck was supposed to be impulsive one - Tommy was the calm, patient, and methodical one. But was it impulsive? A year is a long time to some people. Cap and Athena dated, got engaged, and married all in less than a year, so comparatively, it wasn't that short a time span.
The second thing he felt, which he tried to keep down, was excitement. He would be lying if he said he hadn't allowed the words 'Evan Kinard' to flicker through his minds eyes occasionally. It always created little flutters of warmth deep in his belly. This time, he couldn't stop the images of Tommy standing in front of him, placing that ring on his finger. Those flutters in his stomach raced up to his heart, expanding it to a size that was probably not safe.
The third feeling, the deepest and most all-encompassing, was love. And unfathomable amount of love that he didn't think was possible for a human heart to withstand. He loved Tommy - that had been obvious by the second month of their relationship - but in this moment, it suddenly occurred to him that this wasn't just any love - it was the love. Tommy was it. Tommy was his soul mate. Tommy was the sun, the moon, and every single star in the universe. He made Buck see colours he couldn't see with anybody else, sounds and sights that no gadget or gizmo would be able to detect.
And he wanted to marry Evan.
Once the shock of it all began to disapate, it suddenly occurred to him that he wasn't supposed to know about this. He opened the laptop again and clicked out of the folder before putting the laptop back where it was.
Tommy was going to be back from the grocery store any minute. All he had to do was figure out how the hell he was going to act completely normal around Tommy and not go full Buck. He heard the front door opening and he took a big, centering breath before leaving to couch to meet his future husband at the door.
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lilacgaby · 9 days
Your stories are wonderful ♥️♥️
I couldn't stop reading ✨✨
I was thinking about a fantasy AU, where we have the big dragon bakugou and his tiny fairy friend a Tinkerbelk vibe lol
And what would their routine be like, perhaps scaring away some treasure hunters?
I love your stories ♥️✨
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dragonking!katsuki was the most feared king in all the lands. he was strong, wielding a sword he welded with his own flames, magic stronger than a clan of witches, and unforeseen knowledge that always gave him an edge.
how did he get this knowledge you ask? it was a secret to most, however.. only his most trusted dragonknight knew it was because of his pocket-sized fairy, you.
you wore a flower dress of your favorite color, always glowing and shimmery because of the fairy dust you used to keep yourself healthy and flying. you'd found katsuki when he was a prince, he was teary eyed as he sat out in the gardens, upset that his childhood rival had been revealed to have royal blood.
you were lost, still in a white, orchid gown as you slowly flew around, eventually landing on his knee. he eyed you oddly, jumping slightly when you landed on him. though, as he examined you further, he realized that he was being touched by a real fairy. something he'd only heard about in tales he'd hear at night. you spoke to him, though at first he could only hear a bell sound.
he saw you looked frustrated, until smacking your forehead with a "duh!" and flying up to sprinkle him with some fairy dust. after a bit of confusion, he kept his red eyes locked onto you as you cleared your throat. "can you hear me now?" you said, making him speechless. he managed a nod and you continued.
"i don't really know how to get back to my hollow so.. can i stay with you?" you asked, shyly putting one leg behind the other at your request. he sputtered, before managing a, "t-that's cool, fairy girl."
"it's actually [name] random guy!"
"okay [name], uh-- katsuki's fine."
he soon realized not everyone could hear you, and you explained that the fairy dust you used was too valuable to let just everyone use it. he smirked though, happy that he'd be special to you.
you were there as he was sent off on his crowning journey, telling him where to find the best loot, the best resting places you'd remember, and even how to scavenge for food. you'd keep him company through the uncomfortable nights, and he'd carry you in his gloved hands during winter, since your wing's would freeze over.
he'd make you tiny leaf beds and let you sleep a safe distance from his head, he'd make sure you ate and would take you to collect pixie dust from the various trees you'd remember.
with your help, he was the first successful one of all the heirs to help awaken the crimson dragon, officially crowning him king.
he celebrated with you, treating you to maple syrup and finding you the best flowers to finally make you a new dress, topping it all of with a baby's breath crown.
you were always on his shoulder, always hidden by the fur coat he'd adorn. people would find the king randomly smiling as he heard your jokes or comments, but when questioned he'd slam his fist.
the casual day for you two would usually be hunting for treasure. for some reason, fairies were hardwired with amazing intuition that was always correct, so you were like his own metal detector. he'd hold you close to him, a habit he formed after you were snatched out of the sky once by a hawk, and you'd point in the direction you'd need to go.
when he arrived, seeing the pirates already in process of looting the place, he'd ready his magic, whispering to you to get under his coat. he fought off the 20 some men alone, leaving with not only the treasure in the cave, but on the pirates ship too.
as he called his village people to come get their share of the fair amount of treasure, he smiled softly at you, who was now eating some more maple candy he'd got for you on top of his thumb.
he owed it all to you, his fairy.
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can you tell i loved this req??? ty for the support always <3
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Here is the first list of ships that may most likely interest you if you are a fan of Darklina ! Essentially it's about enemies to lover, or a dynamic reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast !
▪︎ Merlin & Morgana. (Mergana) | Show, Merlin BBC. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Halbrand / Sauron & Galadriel. (Haladriel / Saurondriel) | Show, The Rings of Power. [In progress]
▪︎ Rey & Kylo Ren / Ben Solo. (Reylo) | Star Wars, postlogy.
▪︎ Osha & Qimir. (Oshamir) | Star Wars Show, The Acolyte.
▪︎ Dracula & Mina. (Dracmina) | Movie, Dracula 1992. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Sarah & Jareth. (Sareth) | Movie, Labyrinth 1986. [Open Ending ?]
▪︎ Dongfang Qingcang & Xiao Lanhua / Orchid. | CDrama, Love Between Fairy and Devil. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Xiang Liu & Xiao Yao. | CDrama, Lost You Forever. / Book, by Tong Hua. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Tantai Jin & Li Susu. | CDrama, Till the End of the Moon. [Open Ending] / Black Moonlight is Guaranteed a Bad Ending Script, by Teng Luo Wei Ji. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Erik & Christine. (Erikstine) | Le fantôme de l'opéra, by Gaston Leroux. / Phantom, by Susan Kay. / The Phantom of the Opera, 25th anniversary, at the Royal Albert Hall, by Andrew Lloyd Webber. [Tragical Ending]
▪︎ Raistlin & Crysania. | Trilogy, The Legends, from Dragonlance universe, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. / Musicals. [Tragical ending]
▪︎ Warner & Juliette. (Warnette) | Book series, Shatter Me, by Tahereh Mafi. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Julian & Jenny. | Trilogy, Forbidden game, by L.J Smith. [Tragical ending / Open Ending]
▪︎ Addie & Luc. | Book, The Invisible life of Addie Larue, by V. E. Schwab. [Open Ending]
▪︎ Vasya & Morozko. | Winternight trilogy, by Katherine Arden. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Marya Morevna & Koschei. | Book, Deathless, by Catherynne M. Valente. [Open Ending]
▪︎ Kasta & Zahru. (Kastaru) | Trilogy, The Kinder Poison, by Natalie Mae. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Jude & Cardan. (Jurdan) | Trilogy, Folk of the Air, by Holly Black. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Corien & Rielle. (Corielle) | The Empirium trilogy, by Claire Legrand. [Tragical ending]
▪︎ Ruhn & Lidia. (Ruhnlidia / Daynight) | Trilogy, Crescent City, by Sarah J. Mass. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Feyre & Rhysand. (Feysand) | Book series, ACOTAR, by Sarah J. Maas. [Happy Ending / In progress]
▪︎ Elain & Azriel. (Elriel) | Book series, ACOTAR, by Sarah J. Maas. [In progress]
▪︎ Emilia & Dorian. | French book series, Vila Emilia, by Elodie Faiderbe. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Laila & Darius. | Trilogy, When the Stars Alight, by Camilla Andrew. [In progress]
▪︎ Jane Eyre & Mr Rochester. | Book, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronté. / Show BBC, 2006. / Movie, 2011. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Will & James. | Trilogy, Dark Rise, by C.S. Pacat. [In progress]
▪︎ Laurent & Damen. (Lamen) | Trilogy, Captive Prince, by C.S. Pacat. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Evangeline & Jacks. (Evajacks) | Trilogy, Once Upon a Broken Heart, by Stephanie Garber. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Agnieszka & Sarkan. | Book, Uprooted, by Naomi Novik. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Auren & Rip / Slade. | Book series, The Plated Prisoner, by Raven Kennedy. [In progress]
▪︎ Ash & Mary-Lynnette. | Book series, Night World, volume 2 : Daughters of Darkness, by L.J Smith. [Hapoy Ending / In progress]
▪︎ Hades & Persephone. (Persades) | Webtoon, Lore Olympus, de Rachel Smythe. [In progress] / Greek mythology.
▪︎ Xibalba & La Muerte. (Xibamuerte) | Animation movie, The Book of Life. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Beauty and the Beast. | Fairy Tale. / Animation Movie Disney. / Movie, Jean Cocteau 1946. / Show, Once Upon a Time. [Happy Ending]
▪︎ Chise & Elias. | Anime, Mahou Tsukai no Yome, 2017. / Manga, The Ancient Magus Bride, by Kore Yamazaki. [In progress]
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leona-florianova · 1 year
While the dependant plants in Trigun Stampede look cool as combination of angelic alien orchids and some sea creatures in their little aquariums, im intensely bitter because of how literal they made it (oh they really are plants plants huh) and the lack of the absurdly massive light bulbs they resided in in the 98 anime and manga..Like, Not all of the light bulbs were humongous, hanging over towns, but the ones that were, were mindboggling...There is something intense about something so powerful (and kinda eldritch) being captured in something so massive yet fragile looking.  I loved the old bulb and plant designs so much because they werent just cool aesthetics... I loved them because their size and design didnt make sense. As a man made horrors beyond our comprehension shouldnt make sense. And their visuals evoke in me memories of how it felt standing at a foot of a 125 meters tall cooling tower of a nuclear power plant. Its monumental, useful and potentially very dangerous... so much so one has to feel humbled.
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- Plants in trigun 98 (we didnt learn much about them because there wasnt enough of material to work with)
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- Plants in the manga...whats important to note, is  that the plants often stood over the towns as in constant vigil (monumental yet sentient)... not just visible from all around by everyone, but they themselves kept on observing all the people living their lives underneath their bulbs... All the people prospering from their services.... or fighting and killing over them
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- Plants in Stampede.. While they are still interesting designs, the little aquariums conveniently small enough to be more easily stolen dont do it for me, even though they still represent the power of captured nature. They are also...very very sheltered from humans. Hidden and overlooked, although important.. Which makes me sad. And doubtful that there will be many interaction scenes between them and the people... Hopefully in next season there will be big bulbs and interactions.. but who knows.. (Ok, like, it makes sense that a core of a power plant should be hidden and protected inside of a building,  but I wish to see some big bulbs!! I wish to see them spilled out of the wreckages of the big space ships)
And to illustrate what I meant about the comparison to actual nuclear power plants in their absurd monumental insanity (which is somewhat also sort of mundane??).. here are some photos of our nuclear power plants. Dukovany and Temelín
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-Dukovany photo by Zdeněk Dvořák
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- Temelín as the Big Night Watchman (video mapping by Milan Cais, photo by ČTK)
I love this sort of thing so much n need more of it.
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dragonologist-phd · 10 months
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Almost a shame we're with company- I'd be tempted to let you whisk me away someplace quiet.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
What the Straw Hats get you for Valentine's Day!
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Summary: How your nakama surprise you for the most romantic holiday!
Warnings: All fluff, platonic!Chopper, fem!reader
Straw Hat Luffy:
Luffy frowned as he tilted the hat in his hands, inspecting it's quality. He'd commissioned it recently from a hatter on the last island, whom he'd compensated handsomely to keep quiet about their deal. The hatter had promised the pirate a replica of his own, down to the last detail, and Luffy assumed that the ins and outs of the task must have gotten lost in translation. This new hat lacked all the nicks, stitches, and frays that his had.
As usual, the captain decided to take matters into his own hands, taking a dagger, needle and thread and began molding the straw hat into an exact copy of his own. Finally he was satisfied with level of destruction he'd inflicted on the thing, he stepped back from it and smiled. In the dead of night, he crept into your room to set the gift on your nightstand with a note that read:
'A king needs a queen, and a queen needs a crown. Happy Valentine's.'
Pirate Hunter Zoro:
Zoro hummed in almost an irritated manner as he drug the cold steel of your weapon of choice through his microfiber cloth covered hand. He was so vexed over practically being forced to shine all your weapons for this stupid holiday- even though nobody asked him. He had no choice! He didn't want to go through the trouble of picking you out a gift you probably wouldn't even like, so he had to.
Then again, he wouldn't have been breaking a law if he hadn't given you a Valentine's Day surprise...but then you'd nag him about it! (Or so he'd convinced himself.)
Cat Burglar Nami:
Nami mulled over her decisions, literally weighing her options. In one hand, she held a beautiful diamond necklace, adorned with a pattern of pearl cut sapphires for color- and in the other, a 14 karat gold tennis bracelet with round cut emeralds all throughout. She sucked her lip into her bite, brows furrowed and unsure of which you'd like more. Or perhaps would wouldn't like either. She knew the ship was too far from any landmass to chance any chance at getting something else. Maybe she could just tell you she forgot to get you something, and then take you on a shopping spree at the next one?
With a hopeless sigh, she sat on her bed, groaning dramatically. She knew she was being silly and that you'd love any type of gift. You weren't as materialistic as you were, and she tended to give present that she would like to receive, but you always adored them. Maybe both..." she muttered, dragging herself off the mattress and out of her pity party to walk over to her dresser. On top of it sat a sparkling red gift box with a satin pillow inside.
Delicately, she laid the necklace out on it, before retrieving a piece of tissue paper and wrapping the bracelet in it, setting it on top. Finally, she crumbled the remaining paper and stuffed it into the box, so as to obscure the shine of the jewels, before setting the lid on and tying a silver bow around it, relieved to have made a decision.
God Usopp:
The gift that Usopp had in mind to give you was months in the making. He'd gifted you things for many other holidays since he begun this little project, having started it all the way back in April of last year. All his hard work had paid off though- all the late nights and early mornings and trips to certain islands to make sure he had the perfect supplies. On his desk sat the most perfect Ghost Orchid in an ornate pot. He'd gotten the seed from a shop that sold rare plants several islands back.
Apart of him was nervous that the flower might die in your care, after all the work he invested in it. The orchid was also endangered, which lead him to anxiously envision it being stolen if any enemy pirates ever looted the Sunny. With a deep breath he shook those thoughts away, sighing with a smile as he sat down at his desk to admire the gift. Tying a ribbon around the pot, with a small name card attached, his mind drifted off to more pleasant things, like how you might react to the gesture. Usopp was sure you'd cry, you always did when you received unexpected gifts. He was certain you'd agree to be his Valentine, most likely giving him an over joyed hug- maybe even a kiss. Blushing and snapping out of his daydreams, he paused, a bit embarrassed of himself.
Black Leg Sanji:
Sanji stayed up all night on the thirteenth, unbeknownst to the rest of the crew. He slaved tirelessly in the kitchen, crafting you the most decadent chocolates ever made. Chocolatiering was always something that he excelled at but it was his current occupation rarely had room for such a skill, that's why he loved Valentine's Day. Each truffle took him hours to create, but simply thinking of the way your eyes would light up- the way you'd at first refuse to try them, lest you risk ruining their beauty, only to cave and melt at the taste kept him going with a smile.
Once he had finally curated a dozen pieces, each not at all similar to the last, in flavor or presentation, he arranged them carefully in a heart shaped box that he'd bought from the last island, and fed the contents of which to Luffy. He wanted you to think he'd simply purchased a cheap treat for you, only to find his hand crafted assortment instead.
Cotton Candy Lover Chopper:
Chopper held a bubble of air in his cheeks as he snuck about the ship in the dead of night, well beyond his bedtime. Quietly, he his way to the deck and ascended the stairs to the gardens of his crewmates, basket and ribbons in hand. He snicker devilishly as he went through the rows, ignoring the signs labeling 'Nami/Usopp/Robin's garden, Keep out!' assigned to each respective section.
As he passed by Nami's orchard, he plucked a few of her sacred tangerines from their branches and stowed them away in his basket, before moving on to the sniper's plot, picking the least deadly looking greens he could find. Finally he made his way to Robin's flower bed and selected the prettiest curation of blossoms he could put together, before tying them together at the stems with a pink bow.
Devil Child Robin:
Robin combed through the shelves of the lounge, many extra sets of hands sprouting around the room to pick a select few books from their places. Each limb passed it's claim to one another until they reached her view for inspection. With he approval, she collected them all in stacks of three on the table, all to be tied with ribbon. The theme she'd chosen was 'tragic romance', opting for 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Jane Eyre', just to name a few.
She had thought it a wonderful way to spend the holiday of love snuggled up with you, reading you the saddest love stories ever written to remind both of you how deep and healthy of a relationship you shared.
Cyborg Franky:
Franky wiped the sweat of his brow with a large hand, before his dainty one returned to work, tinkering and putting the final touches on his latest and most important project. Satisfied with it's out come, he grinned before falling back against the back of his chair. He was sure you'd go feral over his.
Running one last test to make sure it functioned perfectly, he wound the tiny key on the side of the mechanical box, watching it open to reveal a beautiful porcelain dancer spinning, and occasionally stopping for a pirouette on her platform.
When the display drew to a closer, the doll folded back into her hiding place and the hatch closed again as the song ended flawlessly. He chuckled a bit at his success, and delicately cradled the device, carrying it to a decorative box before wrapping it as a gift.
Soul King Brook:
All Brook could do to calm his nerves was tune carefully tune his violin, ivory phalanges trembling, a shake which traveled up his arm with a rattle- his bones clambering together. Once he could no longer deny that the instrument was in tune as it would ever get, he forced himself to gently set it down on it's stand before adjusting his sheet music.
Without a doubt, he was terrified for the most important concert of his life, the one that might ensure your place by his side for eternity- the one that he hoped would charm you into accepting his proposal.
Knight of the Sea Jinbe:
Jinbe grinned warmly, gently pinching an old photograph of you and himself, reminiscing on the moment it was taken, many years ago. Finally after a moment of looking back on the past, he carefully encased it in a golden frame, fastening the buttons that held it in place with the utmost care. After done, he wrapped the object with love, eager to bestow it upon you the next morning.
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starsfic · 14 days
Summaries under cut
Long Xiaojiao teams up with several other streamers, including speed painter Marcy Wu, conspiracy theorist Todoroki Shoto, and figurine maker Gangle, to play Mario Party for charity. Shenanigans happen, including magic outbursts, old bullies popping up in chat, and general chaos.
While working on marketing and such for the park, Ed finds Indigo Park’s long list of lawsuits. The biggest one happened when Rambley’s animatronic body glitched and murdered a young employee. Weirdness abounded with the lawsuit of Indigo Park vs Playtime Co.
To boost morale for the anniversary of Elliot Ludwig’s death, Playtime Co. sponsors a happy hour at a nearby bar for the workers. However, the phrase “loose lips sink ships” rings true, especially when those lips are loosened by alcohol enough to share stories of several weird occurrences. The toys and children alike aren’t sure what to think when, the next day, they’re set free.
After learning about his parentage, Mikey sneaks inside an art auction of Hamato Yoshi’s art, learning both about his father and Draxum.
College AU: Cole's life is going to shit. Nya and Jay have been acting weird around him since that carnival game decided that he was Nya's soulmate. Hoping to ease the tension, he asks the cute waiter at his favorite restaurant to act as his fake date on a double date with Nya and Jay. The waiter's only stipulation? That his boyfriend watch the drama from another table.
Red Son gets turned on by Qi Xiaotian's hero speeches. Xiaotian notices. Smut.
That one fic I mentioned to @twinklecupcake: AU of Pignapped where Tang and the kids instead land in the capture where Zhu Bajie joins the journey and must work with Sun Wukong and Tripitaka to wrangle the pig. What Tang also finds is a rival over his husband- Blue Orchid.
Based on this post, the gang is hired to investigate the rumors of a bunny animatronic ghost overnight. The truth is a little more tricky.
In an AU where Dipper decides to stay with Ford, Mabel's parents aren't happy when their daughter turns up sans brother, especially when they learn who he's with.
A year after her husband is sealed, Princess Iron Fan stumbles across the god of marriage Yue Lao and decides to ask who her son will marry. The answer enrages her.
AU: The costar of famed actor Red Son is terrified of his true form...which is an issue considering they're doing an erotic version of Beauty and the Beast. However, one of the caterers doesn't mind beef. Smut.
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apoemaday · 1 year
My God, It’s Full of Stars
by Tracy K. Smith
In those last scenes of Kubrick’s 2001 When Dave is whisked into the center of space, Which unfurls in an aurora of orgasmic light Before opening wide, like a jungle orchid For a love-struck bee, then goes liquid, Paint-in-water, and then gauze wafting out and off, Before, finally, the night tide, luminescent And vague, swirls in, and on and on…
In those last scenes, as he floats Above Jupiter’s vast canyons and seas, Over the lava strewn plains and mountains Packed in ice, that whole time, he doesn’t blink. In his little ship, blind to what he rides, whisked Across the wide-screen of unparcelled time, Who knows what blazes through his mind? Is it still his life he moves through, or does That end at the end of what he can name?
On set, it’s shot after shot till Kubrick is happy, Then the costumes go back on their racks And the great gleaming set goes black.
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bottombatch · 6 months
Romance Banters 12
Karlach & Shadowheart
Karlach: You look happy, Shadowheart. Like a night orchid in bloom. Shadowheart: You must be imaging it. Karlach: It's all over your face. Shadowheart: It must be all the fresh air since the crash- has me flush. Karlach: Huh. You're cute.
Party banter [Romances] | Baldur's Gate 3 [x] - 25:08 if the timestamp doesn't work correctly
Ohh my god. The softness is Karlach's voice and Shadowheart's stammering... This is nuclear ship material, handle with care.
Though, the context of this confuses me. Like, its late enough for Karlach to know that Shadowheart's favorite flower is the night orchid, but soon enough that Shadowheart references the nautiloid crash like it happened recently. Unless there's another crash, of some kind?
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secretwhumplair · 24 hours
741 words | No Warrior (sequel to Changing season)
Content | Existential insecurity I guess?, mention of pregnancy
Notes | The day has come. No not that day.
Taglist | @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​ @whump-me-all-night-long​​​​ @whumpadump1939​​ @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight
@whumpzone​​ @angel-stars​​ @kixngiggles​​ @whumpsy-daisies @yet-another-heathen
@rosesareviolentlyread @cupcakes-and-pain @hollowtreesinhollowwoods @pleasancies @much-ado-about-whumping​​
@nine-tailed-whump​​ @whump-em​​​ @itsleighlove​​ @newbornwhumperfly​​​ @tears-and-lilies
@deluxewhump @whump-cravings @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning @neverthelass
@whumpsday @silent-orchid-lady @everynameistakencarrots
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The whole village assembled at the pier to see the warriors off. It was a beautiful day, the sea almost blinding with sunlight, a firm but gentle breeze catching in Yves’ hair, now long enough to tickle his ears. He didn’t want to cut it, of course, he would suffer through the little inconvenience until it was long enough to tuck behind his ears properly.
He had come with Runar, and it felt strange, knowing that he would leave without him.
Runar hugged his family members, hugged Ingunn, who by now had a noticeable bump, and wished her well. She laughed, her eyes remaining serious. »Can’t wait to introduce you when you come back. Now go forth and bring them back something nice.«
Runar turned to Yves. His hug was as warm and secure as ever. It felt strange to think he’d be without it.
»Take care.«
»Come back.« Yves couldn’t stop the stupid words. He didn’t want to guilt Runar — this was what he did. This was the reason Yves had been saved.
Something heavy settled into his stomach. He had known the goodbye was coming, Runar had warned him, and of course there was no way he would be going with him. He didn’t want to go back, and he knew he couldn’t fight. Still, Runar had been taking care of him all this time, and now? Now he’d have to get by all by himself.
He squeezed Runar as hard as he could, knowing he couldn’t hurt him if he tried. He couldn’t let that stupid comment be the last he said to him. »Take care, too.«
»I will.« Runar squeezed him back more carefully, and for a moment, Yves thought he felt Runar’s heart race in his chest. He couldn’t be sure over the sound of his own.
Then Runar and the rest of the warriors boarded, ropes were loosened, and in the midst of much shouting and waving, the sail caught the favourable wind the elders had predicted for today.
They stood as the ship left. When it was out of earshot, the villagers started to leave. Yves stood still at the pier, his eyes still on the vessel gliding across the glittering waves. He barely noticed the crowd around him thinning.
It felt strange, watching the sail disappear on the horizon.
For the first time since… he was really without Runar. No one to come running when things went wrong; no one to run to.
A sudden, dizzying rush of panic washed through him, so fierce his vision swam, his breath caught in his throat. He was alone, and defenseless.
»Yves.« Someone touched his wrist; a cooler hand than Runar’s had ever been.
With some effort, he focused on Aslaug standing next to him. She said nothing more, as usual, just looked at him attentively.
He wasn’t alone. He was one of them. That was what Runar had said.
Now he’d find out if it would hold up.
He struggled to calm his breath. He was being pathetic. He wasn’t a child. He didn’t need to be looked after; wasn’t that what he had wished for, even months ago?
»It’s hard,« Aslaug said.
Yves simply nodded. »Thanks.«
She smiled, nodded back at him, then turned to leave.
When Yves followed her, he saw most of the others had already left. Signy’s spouses remained, but only because they had gotten distracted by one another; it must be nice to keep someone while their wife was at sea.
Yves looked away from their kisses and made his way back into the village as well.
* Runar looked back for as long as he could make out Yves’ little figure standing at the pier. He had said goodbye to his family many times, and they to him, but for Yves… it was different. He wasn’t surprised he remained for as long as Runar could see him.
He just hoped he wasn’t frozen in fear once more.
There was nothing he could do anymore. He had to hope what he had done so far — what Yves had managed so far — was enough.
Someone punched his shoulder.
»He’ll be okay,« Signy declared confidently. »He’s strong. And he’s been fine for months, to be honest. Stop worrying so much.«
»Excuse me? This could have been about Ingunn and the baby.«
Signy laughed. »Sure. Now come on, time to look forward.«
He chased her to the bow, and couldn’t help a laugh, himself.
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