#shipping malarkey
mygbsk3tch3z07 · 23 days
Requested by @devin-gamerz-sugar-rush
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allthingsobrien · 1 year
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enzo + calling caroline gorgeous
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 month
HI IT’S KAY!! ok here’s my request
a fellow soldier is shot in the chest, the men rip their clothes off like usual to attend to the wound, not thinking twice about it, and then… BAM! TITS! how do the men of easy company react?
Easy co. finding out you’re a girl!
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A/n: Thank you for requesting Kay! You’re the best ;)) @saintmalosunsets
genre: comedy/romance? (i’m not even sure what this is tbh)
warnings: innuendos, mentions of blood and war. (fem! reader, but anyone can read!)
Description: The men finding out that their comrade was secretly a girl after opening their shirt to tend to a wound (mulan style)
taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsenthal @sweetxvanixlla @mstiemountainhop (If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
BoB masterlist
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Dick Winters: To put it wisely, he’s worried, very worried. He’s of course not going to show you or any of the other men that, but he is. I think he probably would've had suspicions before, either that or he flat out knew you were a girl but didn’t say anything for your safety and protection. When he hears of some of the men uncovering your secret he’s there at the scene immediately, his first instinct is to protect you and ask questions later. “Everyone get away from her! Are you alright, miss?” He might develop just a teeny tiny crush that only nix knows about too lol.
Lewis Nixon: I mean guys, he’s an intelligence officer, so of course he’s also gonna have some suspicion like Dick, but he won’t pry on the subject, if you are a girl, who cares? As long as you’re putting in the effort, he really doesn’t give a shit. When you’re hurt and they rip open your shirt all he can say is, “Damn” It’s obvious that he isn’t surprised by the fact that you’re a girl but by the fact that they’re there lmao. He’ll treat you the same afterwards and will probs try and matchmake you and Dick.
Carwood Lipton: He would be blushing so bad, he immediately takes off his jacket and gives it to you so that you have some proper clothing. “You’re a girl?” He is surprised at the fact that he didn't catch it sooner tbh. As soon as he knows you’re okay, all he wants to do is protect you away from the other guys and make sure you are taken care of. “If any of the guys bother you, let me know, okay?” I think he’d be the sweetest about the whole situation, He’d be the type to get you tampons if you were too shy to ask Roe.
Joe Toye: He can’t help but stare, only for like a few seconds though before Roe tells him to cut it out, once he’s brought back out of his trance I think he would make sure you are okay, doing whatever the Doc tells him to do until he knows you will be fine. Afterwards, he tries not to be too different around you. He can’t help but scold himself when he swears around you because he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable. He’s like your little body guard that follows you around (That is also secretly in love with you haha.) making sure none of the guys are trying anything stupid.
Joe Liebgott: He hates to be like some weirdo, and he doesn’t mean to stare, he just does accidentally. Absolute bliss would be the proper word to describe his face when your shirt rips open. He quickly beat himself up about it afterwards and makes sure to stay focused on your health and see if you are okay or not. While you’re gone at the aid station he would be a worried mess, his exact words would be, “Pretty girls like her need to be protected at all times”, He stress smokes until you are back, when you are back he’s apologizing to you about staring earlier. (Also like the others, he’s madly in love with you lmao)
Bill Guarnere: Surprisingly, I don’t think he would look as much as the other guys would, his first priority is your safety, and until you are for sure going to be okay, he’s not going to be thinking of anything else. His reaction is a bit late though, like he doesn’t fully realize that you’re a girl, and what he saw earlier was NOT pecks, until you are gone with Roe. He will swear to keep your secret safe with him, your friendship would have either two scenarios: one would be him flirting with you 24/7 until you give him at least one shot. Two would be him taking you in as his little sis and protecting you at all costs. (He would protect you for both tho for sure)
George Luz: He’s like Lieb in this situation (Like a lot of the other guys lmao) he’s in a trance, only a second before he makes himself snap out of it. He’s so surprised though, like, he genuinely had no idea?? It’s such a shock that he has to take a second and process all the information lol. After you come back from being hurt, be ready to be asked a million questions by the one and only George Luz, he’s gotta know how you did it, acting like a boy for so long. From then on, he will be at your beckon call whenever you need him.
Bull Randleman: Before even thinking about it, this gentleman is taking off his shirt and wrapping it around you so that you don’t feel uncomfortable while Roe is wrapping your wounds. He would be shocked but also not really? He always just assumed you were more of a feminine guy and had no problem with it, but after you get hurt then it starts to make a bit more sense of you being a girl. When you get back from the hospital, he's joining Toye as another one of your body guards, absolutely no one is bothering you anytime soon.
Eugene Roe: He’s shocked, very very shocked, but he continues to do his job and make sure you are okay first before anything else. If anyone tried to bother you during your recovery all he would say is “Leave the her alone.” (cue the infamous death stare) Like some of the others, he’s got your back 24/7. You need tampons? he’s got them. You need any kind of feminine products? He’ll get them for you. On a weekend back from Paris, He’d probably gift you a bracelet or something sweet like that. (He also likes you but keeps it strictly professional until the war is over.)
Floyd Talbert: When he opens your shirt and sees everything, no joke this man almost passes out, he doesn't mean to disrespect you at all, and feels kinda like he did for ripping your shirt without any questions, he’s also very overwhelmed at the moment, he’ll have to take a step back and let Roe take over so he can take a sip of water (The mans thirsty alright?) Whenever you come back he’d honestly get shy around you at first (Which is very unlike him lol) but it's easy to say he catches feelings for you after what happened.
Skip Muck: He does NOT believe it's real at all. “Did Malark tell you to prank me? This is gotta be the best one yet!” He’s sure you’re messing with him until he sees that you’re actually hurt and in pain, then he starts freaking out. Once he knows you were okay though he would probably ask you a bunch of questions like luz, he’d also be apologizing for all the times he’s said some inappropriate shit in front of you lmao. He’s left 10 bucks less than before your secret (Yes him and the mortar boys betted on it) “I told you she was a girl!”
Don Malarkey: When your shirt pops open, his eyes pop so far out of his head, like it is so obvious that he likes what he sees. When he sees you are in actual pain though he quits the bullshit and offers you some support, (completely feels bad about looking earlier) he would be the sweetest, all of a sudden he’d start stuttering because he’s so nervous? “Yo-you’re gonna be okay, alright sweetie?” Once you’re away at the hospital he starts feeling horrible for all of the times he’s done or said some embarrassing stuff lol. He apologizes when you return with the guys, (Whilst also being super in love with you like the rest of the fellows)
Babe Heffron: “Oh geez” Like Floyd, he’d feel like passing out. This would be a COMPLETE shock to him, like he is genuinely so surprised he doesn't even know what to say. He makes sure you are okay before saying anything though, he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable but he doesn't want to act like it never happened. When you come back from the hospital he’s definitely gonna say some sweet but corny shit like, “You’ll always be like a little brother to me, no matter what you are.” This guy is your wingman when you need one for sure.
Shifty Powers: Like Lip, he’s looking away from your body to give you that privacy, he’s surprised, but he wouldn't wanna show you that and make you uncomfortable. It is obvious that he is blushing badly though. He would take off his shirt to wrap it around your body for the extra privacy (When Roe got you all fixed up.) Once you come back from the aid station he is the guy you go to whenever you need someone to talk to, he’s not a girl, but he’s so understanding and sweet, probably the one who’s chill about it the most.
Frank Perconte: “What the fuck?!” Like a lot of the other guys (unfortunately) he’s going to be absolutely freaking the fuck out. He hates to stare but your wound is right there, on your chest. Should he help you and touch it? Try to work around it as best as he can? He’s conflicted until Roe tells him to go and find another medic. When he does he’s kind of being a flabby mouth about the whole thing (not in a bad way but still.) When he knows you’re alright then he can finally relax, his next plan when you come back from the hospital is to swoon you until you are annoyed with him lmao.
Ronald Speirs: He isn’t surprised, and even if he was he surely doesn't show it. Most likely he probably knew and didn’t want to say anything, mostly because there is WAYY more important stuff going on at the moment in his opinion. Once you get back and are okay his eyes are gonna be on you 24/7. His constant questions are, “Where is y/n? Is she okay? Safe? Anyone?” He’s got like at least 4 guys protecting you and making sure you are okay at all times. If you got hurt again there would be hell to pay for the other men lmaooo.
Johnny Martin: “What the hell?” He is kinda pissed at himself for not noticing before. Once he realizes that you are a girl he sees how genuinely beautiful you are. When you get back from the hospital, He’s going to be the guy who is constantly getting on to the other men when they say something mean or inappropriate around you. “Any of this little fuckers bother you, I’ll hit ‘em up side the head.” Like Bill, he’s going to be your designated older brother (Not by choice, by chance ofc.)
Skinny Sisk: He’s absolutely tongue tied, he can’t say anything, and if he tried he would be a jumbling mess because you are the most beautiful thing he’s seen this entire fucking war. “Wow, thank God for you, honey.” When you get back to full health, this man is definitely going to be giving you all of the sweet talk, so much that it almost gets annoying. When you guys get to Austria he would loot so much shit for you it’s unreal lmaoo.
Chuck Grant: For him it’s love at first sight, (let's be honest this man is THIRSTY for you babes.) He’s kind of mad a little bit too ngl,(not mad at it you ofc) mostly because war is such a nasty and bad place and he would never want you to be apart or around something like it. It’s a bad environment and he wants to take you somewhere nice where you don’t have to be around a whole lot of annoying men. (His words not mine.) He’s pretty much the sweetest guy who will ALWAYs protect you!
David Webster: Bro is actually freaking out. Like having a full blown panic attack. I feel like he would have to take a step back and think about it before saying anything to you. (he probably won’t be able to help you after you’re hurt because he’s so shocked afterwards) he also feels kinda betrayed by all of it? Like he doesn’t get why you would keep the secret from him for so long. Once you and him both came back from your injuries I think he'd be all good tho and just glad to have you back.
Buck Compton: He is so shocked, like shocking in a good way but also a bad way? “I knew she was too pretty to be a boy” He’s tough like Toye, ready at your beckon call to beat up anybody who even THINKS of messing with you. Once you come back from your injury he would make sure to keep you extra close when the bullets start flying. He’s like a cool older friend that’s always there, for the most part. (also like the other guys is a big simp for you too)
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THANKS AGAIN KAY!! LOVE YOU!!! If anyone else enjoyed this, please make sure to like or reblog! 💗
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malarkgirlypop · 10 months
MEDIC Part 16 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Hey guys, listen it's gonna get happy soon, hehe, maybe. Oh god I just keep writing sad stuff. I swear I am so happy and funny in real life! I just like to dump all of my feelings and sadness onto Emily, cause then it isn't my problem but hers and she's not real so... my problems aren't real. OK! ahahah. Also I am so so so so sorry for this is the slowest slow burn of all time, if you are here for romance I am totally sorry. I just want them to kiss, but then it isn't the right time, like idk if I make them get together while she is just going through it. Plus I feel so mean for Don he always helps her and he's just fine. IDK ahhh a lot going on up in my brain. Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @xxluckystrike (let me know if anyone else wants to be on the tag list 🥰, totally understand if you don't, this is the most depressing story and if you're having a good day I'm sure it will ruin it.)
Emily stands from her crouched position, striding over to the Nazi soldier. She stands over his body, tilting her head to analyse the dead man. But she doesn’t see a man nor a human. She sees filth. Pig scum who was a waste of space and air. She kicks his leg hard, but he stares up at the sky. Emily bends down picking up the gun slung across his body, she yanks it free. She checks the ammo, seeing the gun is still full, she scavenges over the body taking his magazine. She stands tall walking to where the assault happens, she strolls past her own men who yell at her to take cover. They look at each other confused, wondering why the medic is holding a German gun and walking straight into fire. She spots a group of German soldiers who take cover behind a hay bale. Her finger squeezes the trigger spraying the men in fire. She watches as they fall like dominos. She moves to where they were, firing more shots into the bodies to ensure they are dead. A round fires near her all missing, she scoffs, turning her attention to where the shots came from. Emily picks up her gun, shooting the men down one by one. She marches over to where they were stationed. One man that she had missed scrambles back from her, she notes he looks young, like the boy who’s blood covered her face and chest. She pins the boy to the floor, getting in his face.
“This is for them!” She snarls as she pulls the pistol from her pocket. 
She gets up from the now lifeless body picking up her discarded semi-automatic weapon, continuing on her warpath. She walks back out into the opening as if taunting the men to shoot. She stands with dead eyes, her hair loose from the vigorous movement, blowing across her face. Her men stampede either side of her, taking the advantage she just created for them. She tosses her now empty gun to the side but still grips her pistol tightly. A firm grip lands on her shoulder. She doesn’t hesitate, whipping around, she aims the gun right at the man's head. Familiar eyes locking onto hers.
I hold the pistol right between Malarkey’s eyes, the tang of blood on my tongue and the stench of copper on my clothes. I exhale shakily, eyes frantically darting around. 
“Em, you’re ok!” Malarkey grips the barrel moving it down from his face. 
I step back, dropping the gun to the ground. I take in my hands tacky with blood, I go to wipe them on my front but the green uniform is stained red. Tears spring to my eyes, my heart pounds in my ears. What happened? I look again at my hands, they shake as I recollect the scene that just unfolded. I killed those men. I killed a young boy. I caused the life to leave from his eyes. I shake my head, frantically trying to wipe the blood from my hands, it won’t leave my skin. I drop to my knees tearing at my clothes trying to find my canteen. I pull it from my belt pouring the water over my hands, I desperately rub them together to wash away the stains. I grab at my button’s needing to get the smell that permeates in my nose off my body. I shake violently, unable to unfasten the buttons. “Help me!” I beg Malarkey who watches me with a sympathetic look on his face. He kneels in front of me, undoing my shirt, he helps me to pull it off. I touch my fingers to my face, finding more blood. I pour water from my canteen onto my hand rubbing the liquid into my face. I sob as I wash. Snot mixing in with the blood and tears. I tear at my skin not feeling clean enough. My wrists are grasped. 
“Em, please stop, you’re hurting yourself!” Malakey begs me. I gasp for air in between sobs. 
“What did I do?” I choke out. Malarkey and I kneel in the open field as he holds my wrists. The sound of gunshots slowly dissipating. He shakes his head, unable to find the words to tell me, not knowing how to put what he saw. 
“I killed those men?” I ask, not believing my blurry memories. 
“Em you weren’t yourself.” Malarkey tries to explain. I wasn’t there, felt like I was pushed back into my mind and I lost all control. Like falling asleep. 
“I murdered those people, Don. This is their blood. I… killed them.” I hyperventilate, shaking my head. Trying to rid my mind of the images that flash behind my eyelids. I gag, retching the contents of my stomach onto the ground. Don watches, sitting helplessly in front of me. “I can’t, I can’t.” I muffle my screams behind my hand. I curl over myself. Pressing my head to the ground. I grip at the grass underneath, hoping that something will help my world stop spinning. I dig my nails into the ground tearing at the earth. I sob uncontrollably, choking on my own breaths. I have never felt this pain in my life. Like my soul is being torn from me. Like everything is being ripped from my body. Unbearable. I wail. Unconsolable.
“EM!” Don pleads with me. He moves to my side, raising me from my hunched position on the ground. He presses me into him, my chest against his. His hands in my hair, pressing my face into his neck. I sob still. His hands rub circles on my back, soothing my hair down. Don rocks us. 
“Em this is not your fault. Shhh you’re alright.” He coos in my ear. I hiccup, the cries easing from my throat. I feel the tears still sliding down my face, pooling on his shirt. I grip at him, Don stops my world spinning. I hold on for dear life, worried he could slip away if I loosen my grip. 
“I’m so sorry.” I whisper, into the air. I send it out into the universe.
“I’m so sorry.” I see the men's faces, cold and still. Young men, lives ahead of them, I took it. Their chance to live. I took their opportunities. I took a mother’s son, a sibling, a friend. I can’t justify my actions, there was no rationale, no means. I took advantage of the hatred I held and turned it against them. They were following orders, just like our men, just like me. I was the one out of line, I did not follow my orders. I look up at Don, his eyes meet mine. No disappointment in his face, just sorrow. The other men come back, the assault is over. We need to keep moving to Noville. If we sit out in the open we make ourselves more vulnerable. I hear crunching footsteps approach us. 
“Let’s get moving.” Lip says to Don. I move to get up but Don holds me close. I look up at him, I nod my head, showing him I’m fine. He lets me go, I move to stand. I shudder looking at my clothes. I lift my head trying to distract myself. I still feel the blood coating my skin. I just want to get somewhere I can change. We walk in silence, Don close to my side. We hang back from the rest of the men. I’m ashamed, I don’t want them to see me like this, covered in blood. That is a normal state for me but this feels different, this blood was not shed from a wound I was trying to fix. It was shed from maleficence, my malice, my hatred. Lip walks in front of us, casting his glance back every so often to make sure I’m still there. I can’t read his expression, but I know he is disappointed, all of the men will be. 
We set up camp in one of the houses on the outskirts of town. By the time we reach it night has fallen. I wait outside by myself asking Don to go and get me a new uniform, I don’t want to be paraded through the house in my blood soaked clothes and skin. 
He re-emerges out of the house holding clean clothes for me.
“There is a stream not too far away, would you want to go wash there?” Don asks, I nod. There were no showers or places for me to wash here. I would take a cold stream over anything else. I followed behind him, he still held my clothes for me. We used a small torch to light our way. We didn’t talk on our journey, but it was short, we arrived at the stream soon enough. Snow covered the ground but thankfully the stream hadn’t frozen over due to the running water through it. He placed my clothes on a rock.
“I will wait for you up on the bank.” He said and left. I stripped down to my underwear, untying my hair from its bun. I took off my shoes and socks last. My feet burning from the cold underneath my soles. I stepped tentatively into the stream, gasping at the coldness. I walked further in the water coming to my waist. It was freezing, my breathing quickened due to how cold it was. I took a deep breath and sank beneath the water. I didn’t stay under long, my urge to gasp from the cold forcing me to resurface again. My teeth chattered but I persisted. I scrubbed my skin from the dried blood. I washed my face, my hair, and my hands. Washing away all of the bloodshed I'd caused. I didn’t realise it but I was sobbing as I washed. I slipped under the water again, my body now more used to the cold. It was quiet under the surface, muffled and muted from the outside world. My heavy bones felt light floating in the water. But I couldn’t hold my breath forever, I needed to surface at some point and face the world again. That felt all too real. I broke the surface, gulping in air. My body was numb by this point from the cold. I needed to get changed before I got too cold. I stood moving back to the edge, walking out, I dried myself with the towel that Don had brought for me. He was always so thoughtful, and I had pushed him away. Guess I didn’t learn my lesson last time. Luckily I couldn’t push him away so easily, we were in the same company, I had to see him everyday. I got dressed quickly, making my way back up to where Don waited for me. A soft smile formed on his lips seeing me clean again. He opened his mouth to say something but I walked into his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into me. He stayed quiet but wrapped his arms around my back squeezing me. 
“I’m so sorry, Don.” I whispered into his neck, “I was being selfish. I pushed you away. But I don’t want to be apart from you.” Tears ran down my cheeks as we held each other still. “I want to remember them with you. I don’t want to forget them.” His hand rubbed up and down my back. 
“We will remember them, Em. Those guys will be with us forever.” He said softly into my hair. He knew exactly how to comfort me. I pulled back to smile at him, his thumb brushing away the tears on my cheeks. 
“As long as you have me, we won’t forget. And you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He grinned at me, making me laugh tearily. 
“I don’t want to get rid of you.” I shook my head. “I’ve decided to keep you, for as long as I can.” He grinned at me nodding his head. 
We made our way back to the house. The building was warm due to all the bodies packed into it. I was ready to crash, I had been running on fumes for days. The quiet chatter died when we walked back into the house, I was very aware of all of the eyes watching me. I walked closer to Don trying to hide behind him, but it was no use. I looked down at my feet as we walked, finally making it to where Don had saved a spot for us on the floor. What were they thinking? They had all seen it happen, so surely they all knew about it. Did they hate me now? See me as a monster? I bit my lip nervously, thoughts swirling in my head. Don’s warm hand landed on top of mine, he gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded not needing to speak, we both knew what we were saying without words. 
“Do you mind?” Malarkey said loudly turning to the group of men, they all looked away from us, their chatter resuming. I laid down, resting my head on my bag, he pulled the blanket over the both of us, resting beside me.        
“Tomorrow will be easier.” He squeezed my hand before rolling over away from me. I fell asleep not long after. Tomorrow will be easier.  
Chapter 17
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roxstarmode · 1 year
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miss zaki and mister malarkey, partners in crime
they ditched whatever formal this was and did extreme sports together 👍
(obviously they’re both aged up no 9 year old looks like that)
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storywriter12 · 1 month
I'm going to start to write for bonnie and Enzo from vampire diaries I just think that they are a cute couple so you guys might be bombarded with bonnie and Enzo fanfic
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Look at them🥺😍
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mariagreenwoodart · 6 months
Headcanon: Montague and Midas are brothers
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I told you i was gonna be here
Names Alexi, He/Him, INFP-T, love languages are physical affection and words of affirmation, my hobbies include: writing (actually trying to now), drawing, and playing the saxophone, some of my goals are to get into college to become a teacher, some my interests are history, animals and dinosaurs, what i look for in a partner is someone who is funny, can keep up with my chaos and just an all around fun time, but they understand my issues that i deal with (specifically my anger and my self-esteem), and smth that can be taken accounted for, i'm 5'5, and you can use any of the guys idk rlly care, hope this makes sense
Aaaaaaa thank you so much for the ship request Alexi!!!!! You’re amazing 🥺❤️💖 (Also thank you so much for your patience lol)
So this one came to me surprisingly quick but honestly it just fits!!
I ship you with….
Don Malarkey!!
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A song from my Liked Songs that reminds me of y’all - Best Day of My Life by American Authors
How y’all met
So picture this - it’s Don and Alton in the motorcycle, living their best lives
You’re walking home from the store just vibing and daydreaming
Until ZOOOM they almost hit you and you get knocked on your ass
Of course they immediately pull over and Don just SPRINTS over to you
Don kneels next to you and makes sure you’re okay but when he makes eye contact with you for the first time he’s just
Completely and utterly smitten
“Can I walk with you the rest of the way? Let me carry your bag to make up for what just happened!”
Of course how can you say no to Baby Boy so of course you hand your backpack over to him and y’all start walking together and talking
There’s just an instant connection y’all can’t stop laughing and talking about everything under the sun, eventually, he subtly takes your hand in his for the rest of the way
Both of y’all are super sad when you get to your place
Don just looks at you with the sweetest eyes and goes “I’d love to see you again”
Y’all start just taking walks together almost every day and Muck and Penkala are so tired of just HOW MUCH Don talks about you, like sweet boy can’t get you out of his mind
How he knew he loves you
Ok so y’all are out to dinner and you notice fucking soBEL LIKE WTF H O W
But you and Don just look at each other and you both know you’re about to cause some CHAOS
So y’all hatch this perfect prank on Sobel
Long story short Sobel is covered in chocolate sundae and the two of you are running away from the restaurant laughing your asses off
Don just looks at you and… your laugh, your smile, how you two just work so well together
He tells you right then and there how much he loves you
Both of you just feel so overwhelmed with the feeling of like I Found My Person
You share a kiss and it's simultaneously so gentle but so passionate
Everything in that moment is just perfect
A conflict in your relationship and how y’all resolved it
Ok so I see it happening with you and Don are out with Muck and Penkala
The three of them are being themselves and laughing together
You were for a while but then your Social Battery dies
So of course you lean over to Don
“Hey babe, can we please go home?”
“Yeah in a minute love” he quickly replied before getting back to Muck and Penkala
…That's the third time he's said that
So you get frustrated and just walk out on your own and start walking home
Your intrusive thoughts start getting the better of you… did he really wanna spend time with you? Is he tired of you??
You're so swept up in your thoughts you don't hear Don running after you
“Love? What happened? Where’re you going??” poor boy is Genuinely Confused
Which you’re not sure if that makes things better or worse
Either way, you didn’t want him to see that you were hurt, so you turned it into anger
“What do you fucking want?” You turn around and shoot at him
He just has this hurt puppy look as he goes “What happened??”
“Just leave me alone” you try to keep walking but you feel him grab your arm and turn you around
“Please tell me what I did and I’ll do everything I can to make it better” Don just puts a hand on your cheek and his eyes are searching yours, begging for an answer
You see the concern and love in his eyes and you just break
Sobs wrack your body as Don hugs you tight, just being there for you while you let it all out
After a little bit you’re able to get out that you just felt ignored and that he preferred Muck and Penkala to you and he just
He realizes what he did and just places his forehead on yours
“My love, I’m so, so sorry… I should never have done that, we should’ve just gone home the first time you asked… how can I make it up to you??”
You just smile and ask, “...can we go home?”
Don just smiles and sweeps you up, carrying you the rest of the way to your place
… Muck and Penkala stayed waiting for you and Don to come back assuming that y’all just went to the bathroom
Your Happily Ever After
Most wholesome relationship known to man
Like this man will do ANYTHING to see you smile
You mention physical touch is your love language?
He’s making sure to have an arm around you, his hand on your back, giving you kisses ALL THE FREAKING TIME LIKE STOP IT'S GROSS BUT CUTE
He also just feels so comfortable and safe with you
Like the fact that y’all’s chaotic energies just blend so perfectly, he knows he won’t scare you away and it’s the best feeling in the world
Also he will listen to you talk about animals and dinosaurs for HOURS
Not only does he just love the sound of your voice but just how much you know it’s amazing to him
You wind up teaching him so much it’s basically like your first time being a teacher and Don’s the student and it’s the Best
A silly headcanon about your relationship
Y’all prank each other all day every day and it’s too cuTE
(obviously done with tact like if one of you is going through a rough patch of course a truce is declared)
But like
Powder in the hair dryer? Check; plastic wrap in the hallway? Check!
One of the best ones was when you gave Don a homemade candy apple
He took a GIANT bite
‘Twas an onion
He’s still plotting the perfect way to get you back…
Thank you again Alexi!! Hope you like it 🥺💖💕
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thedisasterracers · 6 months
It be like that tho tbh when you give someone that ‘Idk they’re kinda cute’ face.
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teabights · 1 year
crack ship?
Buck and Ron?
Winters and Roe?
Malark and Speirs?
Toye and Bill? (even i think we can agree that Bill is one of the few straights)
Lip and Luz?
Lieb and Talbert? Lieb and Tipper???????
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
Hi!! I was wondering if I could have a BoB ship?
I’m pale, sort of auburn-blonde, green grey eyed, 5’6” and fairly slender but with big boobs and hips.
I'm very passionate, always smiling, empathetic, sarcastic, smart, and easy going. I hide behind my humor so people can’t get too close, and I overcompensate my shyness by talking to everyone, so no one believes I really am. I’m riddled with anxiety and massively self critical and can be stubborn and proud. But I try to always put others first, and I like to challenge myself. I’m fiercely loyal once I let someone get close to me. I’m a nurse, and I’ve been told that instead of being like “work wife,” I’m “work jester” because I just go around trying to make everyone laugh.
I love animals, especially dogs (I have 9, plus 1 geriatric cat and 8 chickens). I also love learning about anything and everything; I spend a lot of free time listening to lectures or watching documentaries. I’m an avid traveler and reader. Music is very important to me, and I listen to just about every genre from every era. Drawing and painting are my catharsis, but I love doing anything creative.
Thank you in advance! 🦊
Thank you for your request, sorry for the long wait!!! <3
I ship you with… Don Malarkey!!
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Ahhhhh I was so torn on your request of who you’d match better? I definitely went for the more tender hearted, lovable, less in your face kinda guys????
When you mentioned how you used humour as a defence mechanism and also your selfless nature, I definitely leant towards Malarkey.
When you mentioned how you used humour as a defence mechanism and also your selfless nature, I definitely leant towards Malarkey.
I think Malarkey would definitely think you’re absolutely beautiful when he first lays eyes on you, let’s say somebody introduces you to one another and he goes all soft and shy??? He’s usually very playful, and maybe he is around your other friends, but around you he gets all nervous and a little awkward. It’s cute though.
lovesssss your hair, he thinks it’s such a unique and stunning colour that his eyes fixate on your fingers whenever they run through it.
Because you’re empathetic I think you could spot Malarkey’s shyness from a mile off, however because you’re so laid back and alwayssssss smiling it puts him right at ease.
adores your smile OMG, the two of you are grinning like Cheshire cats when you’re around each other and everybody can see what’s going on between the two of you.
I think you’d start out as besties who are secretly pining for one another and then one day (maybe after a couple of drinks) he kisses you and you’re shocked- he’s shocked too- but everything seems to work out perfectly from there.
he’s astonished by how beautiful you are and that you have the same feelings about him- most definitely asked ‘how are you this gorgeous’ and you’re literally like ummm idk that’s the 577th time you’ve asked me that.
Plays pranks on you the more comfortable you get with each other.
They progressively get meaner.
gets sad if you’re not smiling, really feels your emotions so he’s a super understanding guy.
he definitely doesn’t believe you when you tell him you were shy when you both met. Nothing could be as awkward as he was.
if you’re ever self critical or looking the slightest bit down, Malarkey notices this almost before you do.
he’d throw an arm around you and walk the two of you out to the most comfortable spot and kiss your forehead- ugh I’m so weak.
maybe if you’re working on rounds in the aid station and he can see you exhausting yourself, trying to boost morale, he’s the one that tells you, you need to rest.
in Bastogne he’d give you his hat and scarf- he’d never ever ever ever have his girl going cold or hungry or anything.
Very attentive, would ensure you’re not getting burnt out- and if you are then he’d talk you into just sitting for a good 30 minutes to rest.
doesn’t like you being in Bastogne, it scares the shit out of him- your relationship definitely becomes more mature??? Serious?? After this.
you’d be such a huge support for him after he looses Muck and Penkala. Seriously, just go give him a hug, he needs it.
after Bastogne you can see both your sarcastic, fun loving attitudes coming back. Of course it takes a while, but I think Malarkey really thanks you and is grateful for how truly amazing of a support you were to him and all the other boys, especially in Bastogne.
calls you Angel, love, my love.
Gets defensive if anybody is too nosy about your relationship- didn’t really think of it much, but after the war he’s really, deadly serious about marrying you and spending your lives together.
accidentally would mess up one of your drawings or paintings and almost cries- even if it’s a doodle on the back of a book or something.
sooooo soft and loving, like I said, always checking up to make sure what he’s doing is okay- this applies to during sex, I think especially after they’re finally moved off the line he’d be so attentive and caring.
those biceps, omg I’m blushing. Secretly loves it when you hold them. He’s not egotistical in the slightest so it makes him go all red.
loves animals just as much as you, it excites him the thought of you bringing home another animal, I think for a while he’d love having this as an escape after the war, whether it’s taking care of chickens or walking your dogs.
leaves you to your own hobbies in peace when you’re drawing or painting, but sometimes gets super involved and has drawing competitions.
you always win lmao.
gets surprisingly good at drawing???
You play music alllll the time in your house, and at first he acts embarrassed when you try to get him into certain songs and genres, but maybe a week later he’s humming along to the song, then the day after he’s singing it in the shower.
every song you play reminds you of him, so when you’re away he’d play them just for the comfort they bring.
misses you when you stay over at your friends for a night.
Would want lots of babies with you, he’s seen how good he can be at taking care of tiny, baby animals, so he gets more confident in his abilities of becoming a father.
would cry when his children are born, he’s super sentimental, and he’s a lot more open with his emotions with you than he’s ever been before.
family life is healing for Malarkey, the fact you’re such a patient and upbeat lover is super important to him.
I ship you platonically with… Babe Heffron!
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Like you, Babe can get a little shy around new people especially, but he hides this well with how upbeat and chatty he is.
you both would click instantly, being a nurse you’d be a lot more accepting and caring of the replacements, so you’d get to know Babe pretty quick.
let’s say you’re attached to 2nd platoon, it makes sense that you’re closest to who you spend the most of your time with.
people like you are so important to have in the army, and out on the line as your bring morale up whenever it’s at its lowest.
babe see’s how much you hide behind your humour and worms his way in, probably asks you a million questions whilst you’re trying to sew up some poor guys forehead.
if you’re anxious I don’t think Babe would understand at first? He’d get a little worried and flustered and start hollering for Malarkey, but you assure him you’re fine.
Would just sit with you sometimes in silence, it’s the most comfortable and comforting thing for you both. Especially after Julian dies in Bastogne.
Constantly laughing together, talking about all kind of nonsense.
I think because you’re pretty creative you’d come up with fun little games to pass time, whether it be a new card game, or whatever else, Babe would LOVE to play.
I think you both bring out each others inner child.
asks you loads of questions about Malarkey, and Malarkey loads of questions about you.
both so loyal to one another, you’d definitely keep such a close eye on one another after the everything.
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every malarkey/jones fic i've written i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Types of physical affection (BoB)
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Genre: Romance; fluff
warnings: a sickening amount of fluff
*gn reader*
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Dick Winters // back hugs
Honestly, getting a back hug from him would feel so nice. When he comes home from work, the first thing he does when he sees you is give you a big back hug, the way your head leans back perfectly into the crease of his neck, the way his hands feel wrapped around your waist, it’s almost perfect. Back hugs are definitely his special little way of showing you how much he loves you.
Carwood Lipton // cheek kisses
Omg omg, cheek kisses from him are the sweetest thing ever, like actually, he would definitely give you multiple pecks on the cheek throughout the day, honestly for him, it’s a simple but affective and it’s something he can do in public. And he also thinks it’s the sweetest thing when you give him a kiss on the cheek.
Lewis Nixon // massaging/caressing
After a long day, sometimes you just need a good massage, and he would be more than welcome to give you one, it’s not just massages, more just like caressing your body for you in reassurance, when his hands are on you, he’s just showing you how much he loves you, it’s honestly so relaxing and therapeutic, it just clears your head when you really need it, plus he is always ready to give you one if you need it.
Joe Toye // hip holding
Man just loves holding your hips when you guys are together, whether it’s cuddling, or you’re cooking something and it just so happens that he’s right behind you, he’s holding your hips for you 24/7. 1 because he thinks your hips are a soft place to put his hands, 2 because he is also insanely attracted by your hips like omg. Let him just hold and guide your hips when you guys are together and he will be a happy man
Joe Liebgott // hand squeezing
Let me explain; he would love holding your hand, it’s a perfect amount of pda and it shows that he’s got you in some form or way, when he squeezes your hand it’s so reassuring, it’s his non verbal way letting you know that he loves you, or for example, you start to get nervous or anxious, he’ll squeeze your hand, letting you know that everything will be alright. It’s so cute and it just shows you that he’s there for you.
Bill Guarnere // kissing
He’s a simple man, when he’s excited or is loving you a little extra that day, he’ll give you extra extra kisses. He thinks it’s a pretty straight forward way of showing you that he loves you. He doesn’t care who’s watching, if he feels like it, he’s gonna kiss you no matter what, his kisses could mean anything, a sweet kiss, a passionate kiss, it could be to initiate something or just to tell you he loves you.
George Luz // tickling
If he sees you down and out, the first thing he’s gonna do is ask you if you’re okay, then he’s gonna tickle you, he honestly loves tickling you because he loves to hear you giggle, he thinks it’s so cute and when he sees you smile, he gets sooo happy. It’s also his #1 way of saying sorry to you, if he accidentally made you mad, he’s going to try and tickle his way out of it. It’s a win-win in his eyes.
Eugene Roe // forehead kisses
forehead kisses are his special little thing that shows you how much he cares about you. Going to bed? forehead kisses. About to leave for work? forehead kisses. It’s just such a romantic way to comfort someone in his eyes. A sweet kiss on the forehead and hug after = perfection. Really he loves kissing anywhere on your face, but forehead is his favorite, it’s simple, but it’s so full of love.
Bull Randleman // hugging
Who wouldn’t want to get a hug from this sweet giant? His hugs are honestly so amazing, one hug from him and you will feel like a brand new, he loves giving you a hug because he can tell how much better you feel after getting one. It’s honestly so cute because he will just come up to you out of nowhere and give you a huge hug. His hugs are so soft and full of love, you just can’t get enough.
Floyd Talbert // Wandering hands
He loves just wandering his hands around your body, it’s so romantic to him, finding little birth marks, or little freckles here and there on your body, if you guys are watching a movie, or just cuddling is when he usually does it, it’s not always sexual, but sometimes just feeling your body is so comforting to him, if you let him do it he will be so calm and probably fall asleep 10 minutes into the movie.
Skip Muck // Face kisses
Omg he loves just planting little kisses here and there all over your face, it’s so cute to him just to see a smile come out of you when he does it. Please just let him wake you up by kissing your face at least once, it will literally make him so happy. And if you do it to him? omg he will literally be the happiest man on earth I promise you that, he just loves kissing your face so so much omg.
Don Malarkey // Hand kissing
What’s more romantic than a guy kissing your hand? It’s honestly so cute when he does it. Every time he does it, it makes you feel so much happier, plus it makes him feel just so complete. He’s a total gentleman every time he does it, bae is definitely ✨ the standard ✨ when it comes to romantic gestures. It’s subtle and cute at the same time, and he thinks it’s such a classic, romantic touch that every guy should do.
Babe Heffron // cuddling
Cuddling is such a classic way of comfort for him, when he cuddles you, he’s really just showing you how much he loves and cares for you, (plus how comfy you are) He wants to make sure you feel 100% safe and secure when he’s around so he will always try and cuddle you in some shape or form. Cuddles are a staple in your guys’ relationship and it’s honestly so important when it comes to falling asleep LOL.
Shifty Powers // hand holding
This sweet man loves to hold your hand, it’s a sweet and subtle gesture that shows you he’s here in the moment with you. He just feels so connected to you when he holds your hand tbh, it also makes him feel like he’s doing a good job as your boyfriend, making everyone know that you’re his, but not in a super noticeable way, it’s a super cute way of him showing you that he loves you 😭
Frank Perconte // Stroking your hair
Omg he loves stroking your hair so much, like literally if he starts playing with your hair he will get sleepy on the spot. He thinks your hair is so soft and nice he just can’t not play with it. It’s also so comforting and reassuring when he strokes your hair, it’s his non verbal way of telling you he loves you. He also loves brushing your hair too, he thinks it’s so cute when you get sleepy by him doing it omg.
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weirdmixofweirdness · 2 years
Just finished watching The Sandman today and honestly, I feel like Murdock and The Corinthian would’ve gotten along pretty well. Also, they could’ve gone to the Cereal Convention together!
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emmythespacecowgirl · 2 years
Hii could i please get a BoB easy company ship? Btw I love your work!!
I’m a female (she/her) I am energetic, i have big heart, i’m funny I love to chill and listen to music. I have a little bit of a short temper, i’m stubborn, but i’m very loyal and stick up for the people i love, I can be a little emotional at times, i love to cook, i’m a dog lover, and i’m competitive and passionate. I Make up my own rules. i love scary movies. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and maybe little ocd. i’m very short, (5.0) I have brown eyes, wavy light brown hair, big lips, freckles, button nose, and an olive skin tone. I have high standards, i’m sympathetic, i’m an INTP, My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff ( even though i tried to be a slytherin so bad 😭) My love language is physical touch and acts of service, I grew up with brothers so i love watching sports and playing them. I’m a sagittarius, I like to play the piano, and read and write in my free time. and In the summers I love to fish and swim at my boathouse. And springtime is my favorite season.
hi dear!! thanks for reaching out :) i hope you have a super fun new year with lots of good health and happiness !
I ship you with:
Don Malarkey from Band of Brothers!
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ship theme song: The Prom by Urban Cone
y'all are definitely the fun-loving couple!
and so cute together!!
when you and Malark enter a room together
the party starts!
he loves your button nose <3
he'll kiss your lil nose every chance he gets!
and even though he's not really a fan of his own freckles
thank you years of embarrassment from relentless high school teasing
he adores your freckles
he would count them all like the stars in the sky if you let him
i think a gryffindor/hufflepuff couple is just what the world needs rn :)
i can see Skip and Penk razzing you both for not dating each other right away
but Malark is like, "look, i would rather start out as friends than jump head-first into dating"
he's seen too many relationships fizzle out that were built on shallow feelings and sex alone
so your friends -> lovers slow burn starts
and it is well worth the wait!
you both get to grow together and learn each other's ticks
in fact, your first real date together is just another night in at your place
Don lets you do most of the cooking
since you enjoy it and are really good at it :)
plus his own cooking experiments during the war were like a science experiment gone wrong
literally just go ask Buck
you probably end up watching a scary movie together on the couch
which leads to something more... ;)
it's canon now: you're having a springtime wedding!
Malark in the spring is something to behold <3
the bright pinks and yellows of the baby flowers really bring out the redness in his hair <3
Don can teach you how to keep a tighter reign on your temper
sometimes you just have to pick your battles
and Don will be the first to tell you that
and you can teach him that having high standards and not settling can be a form of self-care and preservation
he is so proud of you for sticking up for your loved ones
i swear Malark's heart grows 3x in his chest
especially when he sees you with the puppy you eventually adopt together
Don isn't always the most patient man
so I can't promise he'll be the best fishing partner
but if you let him bring the dog with you
i can assure you that they'll bring you endless hours of entertainment :)
Don also grew up with lots of siblings so he can relate to you that way
he's more than happy to give you hugs and kisses in public to fulfill your physical touch love language <3
Malark loves quality time
anytime he can spend just the two of you together is golden
his favorite moments with you are rowing you down the Columbia River in Oregon in his canoe
or just tossing a ball back and forth with you in your backyard <3
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softguarnere · 2 years
I absolutely love your writing - like i'm sorry but the speirs x intelligence officer?? yes please - and I've been wanting to ask for a ship for a while so if that's okay here it goes....
I'm 5'6" so like a little taller than the average female, but if I were a man, I would definitely have short man syndrome. I have blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm a writer, and I love reading. I try to be levelheaded but if something gets me going, I may lose all cool very quickly. I cope with sarcasm and dark humor. I have a slightly southern x midwestern accent, so it sounds strange when I talk, but it's fun. I'm going to college for a degree in communications, I only sleep like four hours a night and I have a chronic obsession with old vinyls. My hobbies are reading, writing, singing completely out of tune, and falling down the stairs (it's a problem). I'm a decent shot with my rifle and I'm terrible at throwing things (knives, darts, baseballs, etc.) And I am also chronically clumsy.
I think I did this right....idk hopefully this is enough. <33
Omg thank you so much for the compliment! 🥹 Y'all have no idea how much it makes my day when I hear that people like specific stories 💖 And of course it's okay to have a ship!
I ship you with . . .
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Don Malarkey!
Okay listen, idk why, but I just kind of feel like Malarkey is one of those people who's able to handle any situation and take on multiple roles in a friend group depending on what's needed. So he can be a little more adventurous and goofy when you're more levelheaded, but if you start to lose your cool, he can easily become the one who can calm you down. You just keep each other balanced really well
He would for sure be someone who would tease you about your height, but only in a loving way. Like, if you tell him to stop, he will. (Man is only 5'8", so he knows what it's like to get teased about height, so he won't do it if it makes you uncomfortable.) He really does enjoy being taller than you, though, especially if you ask him to help you reach something. Makes him feel good and like you need him
Your accent is just *chef's kiss* to him. He loves to hear you pronounce certain words and phrases, just because the way you say them is so unique
Sarcastic duo. Always the wittiest couple in the friend group, keeping everyone else on their toes. He also copes with dark humor sometimes, but if you do it it's like he's hit with one of those Mom-friend-overrides. He'll immediately take a step back from the joke and make sure that you're okay, and he'll let you talk it out if you need to
No but you guys would talk all the time. He also has problems sleeping, so there are so many late night conversations filled with secrets and shared dreams, reading him your writing, or sometimes just holding each other and listening to your vinyls.
You guys would probably have so much fun on road trips. Not even long ones, but just drives to something an hour away. Lots of singing along to the radio, and mainly him just casting awe-struck glances at you because he loves spending this time with you
During the baseball game from the last episode, you're up to pitch, but you completely miss and end up throwing the ball right at his chest. He's not hurt, but he does think it's really funny, and likes to tell people that you pitched your way into his heart that day
Lol the rest of your friend group would wonder if you're actually clumsy, or if you sometimes just trip on the stairs to have an excuse for him to catch you with those chiseled arms. (Who's to say it's not a mixture of both? I won't tell if you won't 🤫)
Thank you for the request! I hope you like this 💕🕊️
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