#shiro nanbaka
thenanbakacorner · 1 month
I love Shiro, I find him a very interesting character and he certainly feeds my taste for quiet but sweet characters. Can I request His reaction to a prisoner reader proposing to him with chocolates that they themselves made? thank you (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
Daww sure thing, we love our big friendly giant!!
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🍛Shiro Proposed to by prisoner!Reader with Chocolates Headcanons🍛
You and Shira had been close for quite some time now, always spending time together and being sweet on one another
You had to keep your relationship on the down low around the guards, as relationships between inmates and the prison staff isn't exactly smiled upon
However, you'd been meaning to make a promise of sorts to the hulking chef. A promise to be with him forever once your sentence was served
So, while you had the designated free time, you asked Shiro if you could borrow the kitchen for something, which he happily allowed you to
You struggled quite a bit, as you'd never done this before; making chocolates, as gourmet as you could manage. Thankfully though, you had a few cookbooks on hand to help you through
After tireless trial and error, taste testing for quality and scratching your head wondering if these results would be perfect enough, you finalized a batch and were ready!
When you next got to see Shiro, you surprised him with the chocolates, and more or less proposed to him, telling him that you wanted to be with him for the rest of your mortal lives as soon as fate would allow you to, and asking him if he felt the same
He was absolutely floored and, for lack better word, more speechless than he already always is
With a bright red face he nodded his head eagerly, wrapped you into his arms and kissed you, eternally grateful for such a loving and kind act
The chocolates themselves were more than adequate for his tastes, as he happily chomped on them while you sat together, soaking in each other's company
They were all gone in less than twelve minutes.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
And for the last fandom for this fandom prompt, I'm hitting a fandom of mine that kind of desperately could use a lot more love than it currently gets, Nanbaka! It's part of why I love creating for it so much, because I do feel it doesn't get the love or attention it should! For anyone wondering, my lovelies, I have about six more fandom prompts I plan on throwing up soon and then I'm hoping to get at least one, but possibly two, good quality responses to a request out before shit-posting some gif reactions/non-gif reaction headcanons for various fandoms that I have kicking around.
Send me a fandom and I will name a character:
Who I will protect at all costs: Nico is a precious treasure. He’s gone through so much that he shouldn’t have had to but he’s still so cheerful and sweet and pure and just…ugh, I want all the good things for him.
Who deserves better: Shiro! So many people seem scared of him but he’s just a gentle giant who loves cooking!
Who was killed off too early: Nobody. Absolutely nobody that my mind can come up with at all. Nanbaka really did start out as a comedy, after all.
Who I used to hate but now I love: I hated Honey at first. Just something about him really irked me with his first appearance but I did really grow to enjoy him. I don’t quite love him as much as some other characters but he definitely grew on me.
Who I used to love but now I hate: There’s nobody who fits that bill because, while there’s character’s I mildly dislike, there’s none I absolutely despise, to be honest with you all.
Who needs to be killed off asap: I think it’s just because of my own personal feelings, but Inori could disappear forever, and I genuinely would not care.
Who is unfairly hated: There is really nobody, either by the writer or by the fandom. I won’t question the writer’s decisions for their own story, and I firmly believe that everyone has the right to feel however the feel about fictional characters, love or hate!
Who is unfairly loved: See the answer above.
Who needs to sort out their priorities: Oh, so many but I’ll go with the notable one. While I understand a lot of where Enki was coming from and why he did what he did, I also feel there were vastly better ways to handle it all. The way he did what he did was shit and it left lasting repercussions for those around him.
Who needs a hug: Samon. I really feel Samon would benefit from a daily hug. He really does get the brunt of it and isn’t respected enough. Also, the group from his building that we see a lot of, that is Liang, Qi, and Upa, also qualify for this.
Who needs to get out of their current relationship: Either Elf or the man with the scar. Those two together are toxic and take everything horrible about the other and amplify it, at least the way I view and see it, with the headcanons I have.
Who the writers love: Honestly, it’s Jyugo. However, he is the main protagonist, so it is only natural and they definitely don’t fall into the trope of making him just this incredible person with no flaws. I actually really enjoy his character and don’t mind the amount of focus he gets, though my heart, as with most of my fandoms, belongs to the minor characters.
Who needs a better storyline: A lot of characters honestly. I’m not fully caught up in the manga, so there is a chance a lot of the characters got more fleshed out and got character development, but a lot of the minor characters could use more focus. Even ones we really should know more about, like Mitsuru, don’t really have full storylines or fleshed out characters yet. However, Nanbaka did start out mostly as a gag manga, so I can get the reasoning behind why they don’t.
Who has an amazing redemption arc: I don’t think it counts as a full out redemption arc, considering there wasn’t really a lot of backstory or build up to it, but I liked seeing Qi’s character growth from his introduction to where he is now.
Who is hot as fuck: No lies, there’s just something about Rock that really does it for me.
Who belongs in jail: So yeah, funny thing…most of them kind of are in jail? Or guarding a jail. So, this question for this fandom is kind of a moot point, haha!
Who needs to be revived from the dead: I really don’t have an answer for this in this particular show/manga, honestly. The only person I can think of that I would really like to see more of, that doesn’t get much screen-time and could kind of fit this category, is Jyugo’s father. I feel like there’s a really interesting story there that would be well worth reading or watching.
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shiggser · 3 months
I like to think that Rock takes 1 on 1 cooking lessons from Shiro
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iamapoopmuffin · 2 years
In Nanbaka, the character voiced by Aaron Dismuke frequently bullies a much taller man for being useless and lazy.
In The Devil Is A Part Timer, the character voiced by Aaron Dismuke is frequently bullied by a much taller man for being useless and lazy.
Oh how the turns have tabled.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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General Staff
👑Sauzando Shin
🎙Hitokoe Mitsuru
Building 1
🐰Ichijou Tamato
🔩#01396 Zakuro
🍓#0117 Hina
Building 2
🐱Nimaijita Mao
🐯Nikaidou Taiga
🐆Nikaidou Kotetsu
🐈#0235 Mike
🐅#02106 Tora
🐈‍⬛#0287 Hachi
Building 3
🦚Mitsuba Kiji
❤#0382 Honey
Teaching You How to Play Darts (os) ♂️ 💞
🔧#0303 Trois
🌸#03320 Haru
🍁#03922 Aki
Building 4
🐶Yozakura Kenshirou
💅🏻Suguroku Hitoshi
🔥#04634 Musashi
Building 5
🐒Gokuu Samon
Inmate Reader With A Monkey (os/hc) ♂️ 💞 🧀
🐗Hakkai Inori
📿Sanzou Houzuki
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
🦖Daisen Youriki
🌺Daisen Kokoriki
📦Daisen Rokuriki
🦎Gojou Ruka
🗻#05900 Gokuu Enki
🐉#0502 Liang
🌿#0517 Qi
🙏#0558 Upa
#0508 Hachiman
Building 6
🦇#0689489 Hakushaku
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
📢#06262 Tsumuji
🪴#06810 Baio
⚙#061066 Toroichiru
Building 7
🍩Nanairo Nijimasu
🔴#0727 Nina
Seeing His Partner in Nanba (hc) ♂️❔
🔵#0737 Mina
Seeing His Partner in Nanba (hc) ♂️❔
🟡#0747 Shina
With a Pre-Arrest Idol Boyfriend (hc) ♂️
Building 8
🐍Orochi Yamada
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
🐬Mizuki Tanaka
🐡#08109 Rokurajin Murakami
🌷#081486 Ishal
Building 9
🦊Kyuubi Koinosuke
✝️#0944 Sith
About Beliefs (os/hc) ♂️ 💞❔
Building 10
🦨Jubaco Tatsumi
⚡#1030 Dhi
Building 11
🪐Rianni Ju-Ichigo
🌌#1124 Yupiter
Building 12
🏜Scara B Kepri
🕌#12716 Nile
🛖#12316 Mummy
Building 13
🦍Suguroku Hajime
💪🏻Godai Yamato
⭐Tanabata Seitarou
🔓#1315 Jyuugo
🎲#1311 Uno
🍽#1369 Rock
📺#1325 Nico
Hanging Out and Snuggling (os) ♂️💞❔
🥷#1399 Tsukomu
♨️#13243 Fuji-San
🏞#13932 Kusatsu
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
About the alpha — Multifandom
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Notes: This is in no way, shape, or form how you have to imagine their meetings or who they are in my writings, I always try to keep these vague, but in case you want to know how I think their story and meeting with the omegas would go.
I will do Inuyasha's characters separately, cause I think of so many ways they could meet each other, and that's to all of the characters.
Warnings: might have grammar errors, heavy spoilers on HTTYD, and mild on Voltron (principally Shiro's and Lotor's)
Now I must explain this first, when I make a Character x Reader I don't normally include the other characters having an Alpha(Reader), so if in certain scenarios where they would be the "same person" just think of two different universes.
I'm also aware that some of these might change significantly or completely the plotline of their anime/series.
» Voltron:
For Keith and Lance, I imagine the alpha being an Altean who was with Coran and Allura, more specifically Allura's older brother (by a maximum of 5 years).
For Hunk the alpha is another race of aliens, I cannot choose between Galra and Olkari, so maybe a hybrid of both. I just know I would love for his alpha to be a Blade of Marmora member.
For Shiro is a lot more simple, they would be a human, either part of the Atlas crew or a civilian he met after the war. If he met them before the Cerberus mission (like Adam), I do think Alpha would also go to the mission.
Now for Lotor is more complicated, I would love for him to have a childhood friend with who he fell in love in the future, but for that to happen they would have to be Galra and I don't know if he would fall in love with a Galra considering what he said about them on his close to last moments. So he might fall in love before his hatred started, that's the only way this could ever work.
» Stardew Valley:
Obviously, for both Sam and Sebastian, the alpha would be the new farmer, but I think the way they would meet is different.
While Sam has seen the farmer around town and pretty early on have talked to them and become friends, that's a little more difficult for Sebastian, who spends most of his days inside his room.
So the farmer will have heard of him by Sam and Robin, maybe even Abigail and Maru, but has never seen him. The first time they see each other is on a rainy day when Sebastian decides to go to the beach.
» How To Train Your Dragon:
Hiccup and Snotlout would only date someone who's from Berk, preferably a fellow Dragon Rider. For Dagur we have two ways, either alpha was a dragon hunter and redeem themselves with Dagur, or they're a Defender of the Wing member who worked close to the Dragon Riders on some missions (I love Dagur and Mala as a couple, even though it was kind of rushed).
For Viggo, he would only date a Dragon Hunter, but they would've only become one because of him, they wouldn't feel pleasure in killing or slaving dragons. When he went to hide after falling into the volcano, he would have made his alpha hide with him, and on his redeem, they both would die.
» Boku no Hero:
For all three of them (Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima), their alpha is in the hero support class and they're the ones responsible for their omega's hero suit. Or they're at a maximum a civilian, I cannot see them dating another hero, I don't know why.
» Nanbaka:
These are quite simple also, for Musashi and Liang alpha would have to be an inmate, but not for a serious crime like murder, maybe they're in for robbery (for survival) or for escaping arrest/prison.
For Hajime, they would either be a civilian who visits him from time to time, or another guard as long as their relationship doesn't affect their work.
Enki depends on the time, if they met when he was a guard then they would have to be a guard, but if they met when he became an inmate, then they would also have to be an inmate.
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Hiiii : D
So I know I've reblogged quite a few self-ship/f/o posts, and I've been meaning to post a list of characters that I like, so...
That's what I'm doing : D
I'm sharing my entire simp/comfort list, which is pretty long. We'll see if Tumblr even lets me.
❤️ = Simp 💗 = comfort ✨️= Platonic
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden:
💗✨️Shikamaru Nara
❤️Neji Hyuuga
❤️💗Denki Kaminari
❤️Shoto Todoroki
💗✨️Shota Aizawa
❤️💗Hitoshi Shinso
💗✨️Izuku Midoriya
Danganronpa (1, 2, and 3):
❤️💗Chihiro Fujisaki (1)
❤️Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (2)
❤️💗Kokichi Ouma (3)
Yona of the Dawn:
Twisted Wonderland:
❤️💗Malleus Draconia
✨️Cater Diamond
❤️Ruggie Bucchie (sp?)
❤️💗Idia Shroud
❤️Riddle Rosehearts
✨️Lilia Vanrouge
✨️Divus Crewel
💗Leona Kingscholar
❤️💗Deuce Spade
❤️💗Epel Felmier
Assassination Classroom:
❤️Karma Akabane
❤️💗Nagisa Shiota
❤️Itona Horibe
Snow White With the Red Hair:
❤️💗Keith Kogane
💗Lance McClain
💗✨️Takashi Shirogane "Shiro"
💗✨️Hunk (he's just a giant teddy bear)
Full Metal Alchemist:
❤️💗Edward Elric
❤️Envy (I don't know how)
💗✨️Alphonse Elric
Demon Slayer:
❤️Inosuke Hashibira
❤️Tokito Muichiro
❤️💗Rui (Imma wait for questions and concerns for this)
❤️💗Tanjirou Kamado
💗✨️Nezuko Kamado (precious sweetie)
❤️Kurapika Kurta
❤️✨️Killua Zoldyck
❤️💗Itadori Yuuji (sp?)
❤️Sukuna (don't judge-)
❤️Gojo Satoru
Diabolik Lovers:
❤️💗Subaru Sakamaki
❤️Kanato Sakamaki
❤️Azusa Mukami
Harry Potter:
💗Draco Malfoy
Yu Yu Hakusho:
❤️Kurama/Shuichi Minamino
💗✨️Sleepy Ash/Kuro
Dance With Devils:
Black Clover:
Yugioh DM:
❤️💗Yami Yugi/Atem
The Royal Tutor:
❤️Heine Wittgenstein
💗Kai von Glanzreich (sp?)
Ensemble Stars:
💗Makoto Yuuki
❤️💗Mao Isara
❤️💗Nazuna Nito
💗✨️Mika Kagehira
❤️💗Natsume Sakasaki
💗Tsukasa Suou
💗Ritsu Sakuma
❤️💗Leo Tsukinaga
Pretty Boy Detective Club:
❤️Sosaku Yubiwa
❤️Samon Gokuu
Hazbin Hotel:
❤️💗 Lucifer Morningstar
❤️💗 Sir Pentious (also known as Sir Precious because y e s)
💗✨️ Angel Dust
I will be accepting questions and any concerns you guys may have about any of them, so ask away. I'm not much of a self-shipper but I do get little fantasies from time to time sooooo *points to the self-ship and f/o ask games I reblogged* feel free to send anything from any of those with any of them~
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xiaoalexy · 3 years
me: i don't have a type
me, reading manga: a grey haired middle ager who could break my neck with their biceps? where?
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thenanbakacorner · 1 month
May I ask for Shiro and Hajime's reactions to seeing their partner spending more time with their cats than them? THANKS (I'm glad to see You here again ❤️❤️)
De kitters!! Yesh, lets spoil those lil fluffballs~ And thank you!!
With Shiro, partner is a chef and with Haji, partner is a guard!
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🍛 Shiro 🍛
Shiro is a busy man, working in the mess hall every day, but he makes sure to spend plenty of time with his partner whenever he can
They've only been together for a few months, but he can't help but notice his partner is particularly attached to Haku
He catches them feeding him some extra treats quite often, cuddling with him, petting him, etcetera..
It gets to the point where he feels they are with Haku more than him!
As cute as it is that his lover is so attached to his cat, he gets a little bit jealous
Retaliates by grasping their hand as he passes them while they're petting Haku and drags them away before pulling them into a hug and refusing to let go until they reciprocate
Even when they return the gesture he keeps holding them till he has his fill of affection
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🦍 Hajime 🦍
Like Shiro, Hajime is rather busy, probably even busier than him
Whenever he gets a break, he'll come see his partner for some kisses and attention, but most of the time he finds them already loving on Kuu
He makes jokes that Kuu is stealing his lover from him, poking the cat's cheek as he "scolds" him
But after a while of him seeing his partner seeming to be giving Kuu more affection than they do to him, he does start getting jealous
He tries his best to ignore his jealousy, not wanting to sour their affections to his little buddy
But one day when he sees them give the kitty a lil smooch on the head, he huffs and grabs them, making them look at him and asking why they're giving Kuu all "his" smooches
Steals a kiss. Several kisses, actually; and playfully demands they don't deprive him of affection any longer
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Since I have never done anything like this before, hope the it’s not too many characters. 💙 + the main boys from Nanbaka (aka Building 13 Cell 13)
It’s not too many characters at all! I love working on group requests and the boys are so much fun! Thank you for sending in a request and I hope you’ll enjoy!
Who orders takeaway?
Honestly, while I do think Rock has a marked interest in learning to cook, and I do see him seeking advice from Shiro while in Nanba, I think that for the most part, he is guilty of really abusing takeaway and delivery. Not only is his appetite huge, but Rock really is a very adventurous eater in that he likes to explore different cuisines and different dishes, not all of which he can easily recreate at home.
Who has the more adventurous love life?
That one is easy, since it’s canon that Jyugo has no love life, Nico’s not likely to have had a lot of romantic experience, if any at all, in my opinion, and Rock’s got a very short, safe dating history. Meanwhile, even shown in canon, Uno has a real love for love. He has dated a lot, is always interested in dating more people, and really is someone who desperately kind of craves the security, fun, and romanticness of being in a relationship with someone.
Who is better at keeping secrets?
Honestly, it really depends. Rock is really pretty good at keeping other people’s secrets, but only if he thinks the secret in question is actually serious enough to keep secret or is something that would hurt the other person to have known. If he thinks what he was told is silly or stupid or harmless, he’s not going to work hard at keeping it a secret. Uno is pretty good at keeping secrets, until he’s in an argument with that person, where he might, in his temper tantrum, kind of use it against them, though he will genuinely feel horrible when he regains his head for doing so. Jyugo is really good at keeping his own secrets, but not so great at keeping other peoples, though he tries really, really hard. Nico just shouldn’t be trusted with secrets period.
Who knows every rumor?
Uno is one hundred percent that bitch. He loves drama and secrets and gossip. It gives him life. Like, no kidding, this man unironically watches soap opera just to get that little bit of extra drama in his life. He goes out of his way to be caught up on all the latest gossip in Nanba, and he’s shook whenever someone tells him gossip he’s never heard before. Like, give him a moment, he needs to go find out every dirty detail and every fact about this right this second.
Who suggests a movie night?
It’s usually Nico, and usually it’s an anime movie. He went through a period where he would beg the others to watch Studio Ghibli movies with him and somehow, even though not all of them are into either those particular movies, or in some cases, not even into movies period, they have a really hard time refusing Nico. Might have something to do with Nico having the biggest, softest puppy dog eyes that he shamelessly uses when he’s trying to get his way.
Who tries to convince the other to try skydiving?
Again, it would be Nico. I do feel like Nico really loves the idea of all extreme sports and he wishes he could go and do all these things, but with his body the way it is, there’s not a lot of sports in general that Nico can partake in. Skydiving can be done even with his weaker body, and I do think it’s definitely something that would be on Nico’s bucket list and something he’d want the others to do with him.
Who is the holiday planner?
While the prison really does do most of the holiday planning, I think Uno, among Cell 13, does the majority of the planning within the cell and he’s got the most opinions on how to go about celebrating, be it decorations, activities, anything along those lines. He really does want and value the other’s opinions; he’s not a dictator or anything when it comes to planning, but he’s definitely the one most enthused by the actual act of planning itself and the one who is best at being organized and thinking of the step by steps.
Who spams the other with memes?
So, assuming they did have cell phones, I could easily see both Uno and Nico spamming the other two with memes all the time. Rock forgets to charge his phone a lot and doesn’t always see the memes, but he’ll emoji react to the ones he does see. Jyugo doesn’t get memes or emojis, to be honest, someone please teach this boy how phones, texting, and all that even work.
Who has never enough money with them and lets the other pay for things?
It’s either Rock or Jyugo. And it’s not that Jyugo doesn’t have the money – he just doesn’t think to carry money on him. In Rock’s case, it’s hit or miss if he does have the money and simply forgot his wallet or if he’s deadass broke and is using not having his wallet on him as an excuse so he can skip Uno’s lectures on financial literacy.
Who wants to try a classic sleepover?
None of them, really. Honestly, being in the same cell, they kind of have sleepovers every night.
Who answers their phone at 2 am?
Again, running on the assumption that they have phones…Nico doesn’t bring his phone to bed with him because he has a slight addiction to phone games and would stay up way too late playing them if he did, so he’s not answering his phone that late. Jyugo is likely to answer the phone that late, because he is both a light sleeper and a bit of an insomniac who tends to more nap here and there rather than to sleep through the night. Rock won’t hear the phone in time to pick up if he’s asleep as he’s a rather deep sleeper and he’s probably just waking up as the person hangs up. Uno might answer, but only to scream at whoever thinks it’s okay to call him at that hour and interrupt his beauty sleep.
Who plays pranks?
I think Uno and Rock kind of each do this at times, here and there, but they’re always relatively small and stupid pranks. Jyugo is somehow both easy and hard to prank – the bigger the prank, the more likely he is to dodge it, but the really small and stupid pranks? They get him almost every time. But again, pranks are a lot rarer among this group than you would think.
Who initiates dates for the other?
This is definitely Uno’s territory. He’s so into relationships himself that he really wants that same thing for his friends and he’s really into playing matchmaker, if he ever can, not just for the other guy’s but for anyone in general. Again, the man is in love with the idea of love. However, Uno is picky about his matchmaking. He genuinely has to believe that the two people could work well together and that they would make each other happy for him to step in and start meddling.
Who is more chaotic?
Jyugo tends to be the most chaotic but that’s simply because prison escapes is the only hobby he has, the only thing he really knows how to do. Without it, he kind of gets bored and depressed, and of course the others quickly follow along in his lead, so he’s always the seed of chaos for the poor guards of Building 13.
Who has the more bizarre quirks?
This is kind of Nico’s whole thing. He has so many bizarre diseases, weird symptoms and side effects that can also sometimes be incredibly contagious. Of course, much hilarity ensues because of it, so we all love Nico for that.
Who spends the most money on unnecessary things?
Honestly, it’s a toss-up between Rock and Nico, but I’m leaning more towards Nico mostly because all of Rock’s indulgences are largely food-based, and food is a bit more necessary than all the anime, manga, and video game related merchandise that Nico buys.
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shiggser · 3 months
I love that Shiro and Haku match
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cassyedith · 3 years
Wow, I love seeing characters whose arc gives the message of "sexism is bad" without it sounding cringy or cliché.
A great example of this is Liang from Nanbaka :D
First they introduce the reader to him and let him have a first character moment (the fight and the peachbun scene with Rock) then they explain why he is the way that he is (the master betrayal with Hachiman, being a hitman in the mafia, Enki beating up people in the chinese prison) then they show how that upbringing resulted in him being sexist towards women (when he goes to building 3 with Trois and Honey) and later on they directly (and literally) proof said belief to be wrong (his fight with Shiro and Chimney)
I also like that his development in the lunch death match arc doesn't sum up to just "sexism is bad" but to the bigger message of "instead of running away from your past, embrace it and use it to become a better version of yourself"
In conclusion, I just really love Liang.
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(That font is so nice. And swirly.)
(Fyi, I've got school, so content will be sprinkled around like pixie dust)
1. Jin's name change.
I have brought this up in a meme, but like seriously. Jun to Jin. Could you guys came up with a more original name? (This isnt pointed at Sho, this is pointed at The Man with the Scar.) Like you literally named her brother swastika. I was thinking about what the options would be if MWS (The man with the scar) did that to Manji (Manji is Ban) so the options would be:
Bin or Bun
And that is just *sigh* amazing.
2. How in the literal guacamole did Isou get a school nurse job?
Ok, I dont know about Japan's teacher degrees, but to be a school nurse, in America, you can't be a criminal. You can't even go near a school if your a criminal.
You guys are probably saying:
What if they didn't know that they where hiring a mass murderer to work as a school nurse?
Well, there are literal wanted posters hanging up with this mans face on them
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Like literally. Why are they letting this guy work at a school? Come on! Do school districts in Japan not do background checks?
They where probably blinded by his doctorate. Of doom.
3. Why didn't the people on the yacht use a radio system?
So I am refering to chapters 252 and 253 where Korjio kindly asks the aggressive pontooners to stop killing his shark friends, and in response they say that sharks are evil and then throws a whale in K-man's face. Some time later Ikkaku destroys the people's phone, while looking like a bad ass:
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(I still hate his guts buttt.....)
And to this I say, Why didn't they use a radio system? I don't know for sure, but my grandpa's old boat has a radio in case of an emergency, and I would be shook if a yacht didnt have one. The only exuses that I could come up with are that they died too quick to reach the radio. But that would leave the question, who was driving the yacht? And that they spaced it or don't have one. The Zodiac get there, but they are already dead so once again the police fail to protect the people they are sworn to protect.
4. Aren't you not supposed to chew gum with braces?
This is referring to Six. I thought chewing gum would get stuck to your braces.
According to Healthline.com,
"Chewing gum, whether it is sugarless or not, can harm braces. Gum is sticky and can easily get stuck in the brackets and wires that traditional braces have as well as adhere to elastics (rubber bands). Gum can cause even flexible wires to bend and adversely impact the effectiveness of your braces to straighten teeth." (Healthline.com)
So umm ya. Chewing gum with braces isn't really a good idea. Maybe its magic gum that doesn't stick to your brackets or something, but in real life, don't do that.
5. Is Shiro a really basic name in Japan? (Is Shiro the Hailey of Japan?)
No offence to any Hailey's or Shiro's out there, but not only is Shiro this guy:
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Shiro is also this guy:
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(I know half of y'all didnt know that, I didn't know that until I read the fandom page, so hopefully the people at the fandom page arent lieing, because that would turn my arguement into sand.)
So, is Shiro a common name?
The only thing that I know about the name Shiro is this story about two dogs that that fell in love but Shiro had to move and then his girlfriend dog got sad, and then he died, and then they made a statue about it.
(That was a really bad summary so if you wanna read the actual story its here)
I can't really research the common-ness of the name, (since I am in america, and I can't easily find Japanese websites) so this was just probably a waste of time. But its ok!
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camellianswer · 3 years
Nanbaka 270 Transcript
So this is Nanba Prison? I don't think he'll be visiting the prison where he works. I arrived here earlier than I planned. Let's go see him face-to-face for the first time in a while. Oh? Are you on your way to give a snack to Konchas-Kun? I'll show you the way. No, there's a place I want to stop by right now. Building 13. Oh! You're in luck, I was actually heading over there myself! Today's Building 13's super big event! Big event...? Nanbaka No. 270: SPECIALTY Hey, no. 15! Lift your legs higher when you run! 11, stop worrying about your ponytail and get moving! I don't want you to make reckless plans without telling me. Did something happen? What do you mean? Sounds suspicious. If you don't got a good excuse then you'll have to deal with my fist! Is that really the case? Really? I can tell you're not concentrating at all. Why did you invite me here? Tell me quickly, or I'm going to leave. Wow...well, Actually, I did have another reason to call you. Another one? Liang, I have a favor to ask of you! W...what kind of favor exactly? Alright! Hurry up and take a shower and change your clothes before meal call. Oh yeah, I can finally try some of Building 13's famous food! It's been a while since I had any so I'm looking forward to it. Ah! Is that why you insisted on coming in supervisor's place, Inori-san? I thought it seemed odd... On the training day of Building 13's, we will handle our own lunch, so no need to wait. Whoaaa how amazing! Hey, you guys. Today's the day! Huh? Today is....what? Wh....WHAT THE HELL IS THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS???! Why is there such a stupid thing in Nanba Prison...? It's too wide for professional wrestling. Looks like it was custom-made... What the hell is this even for?? Oii, it's almost time!! Place your bets quickly. Ehh, what makes you think I'm gonna try betting again? What are you guys up to? Explain all this! Eh? Don't you know? Today is the big bi-annual event here at Building 13! Event...? The LUNCH DEATHMATCH! Naming things is 13's specialty. What's with such a wild-sounding event title??! What does a death match even have to do with lunch? Oh, that's simple.It's an event where the winner gets an Ultimate Lunch prepared specially by Shiro! Is Shiro that cook ?! No, it's impossible. If you fight that, you'll die. He's usually super kind, but today he'll crush you like a berserker! That's even more terrifying!! And I'm still desperate for lunch! Even so, I'm curious about this 'ultimate lunch'. What would it taste like? Are you gonna participate then? No Thanks Prompt answer!! Hey heyyyy! Looks like everybody's here now. Ah! He's arrived That's why I asked for it this time The time is come for.....the LUNCH DEEEEEEAAATH MAAAAATCH!!! Are you ready?? This time, at the request of little no. 25-chan, the lovely me, Hitokoe Mitsuru, will be giving a live commentary to the match! Let's turn the throttle on this exciting battle all the way UP!! Guards and prisonsers, you'd better be prepared YOOO! Where is the guy who defeats the strongest cook in Building 13 and wins the ultimate lunch today? Wait, has anyone even gotten to eat yet today? Hmm .... I went to a good place last time. Wait, where the hell are no. 69 and no. 02? They were here just a second ago- Right, the challenger's pot is ready! This time, the daredevil challengers are no. 69 of Building 13, and Building 5's inmate no. 02! Oops, looks like they're gonna form a two-man team! Just wait, this is gonna be exciting! Hey, hey! Why is my inmate participating?! Ooh! It's gonna be cool with Liang here! Although there's not really a limit on how many people can participate, you don't have to go easy on ol Shiro! It's quite a tough opponent for you no matter how you slice it! This time, I'll keep my mouth shut and beat him. And then eat the Ultimate Lunch! Heh...typical of you to only get this fired up over food. That's okay! I once thought I was seriously fighting Shiro. Ah? Just take a look at it. Let's team up with you only this time. Hold the fuck UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!! Whoa - what the?! Something just fell from above- If you're gonna come to the challenge with two people....then it's only fair we do the same, right? Hey, crashed-from-ceiling guy. The hell are you talking about? Who are you?? Who am I, you ask? I'm the owner of renowned restaurant Chimney Chimney - Chimney Helmintz!! Well, really I'm just a pastry chef who happened to be passing through.
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izzy2025 · 3 years
I dicided to make a new au.
Information: In this au jyugo isnt a criminal instead he Is a teenager female who is shiro's neighbor and her mentally and slightly fiscally abusive parents kicked her out for her sexuality and she works at a lock and security store and sometimes if shiro forgets things she brings them to him and there is a story I have about it and how she met cell13 also I have a suprise for all of you very soon.
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Random Nanbaka headcannons
The skin on Jyugo's neck/wrists/ankles is super sensitive. Not in a nasty way . One time Uno flicked his neck as a joke and it left a welt for weeks after.
Most of the food Rock seems to be given by favoritism he actually helps make. Its actually one of the main reasons he breaks out of the cell.
Rock is the only one allowed to hug Shiro. Rock likes remaining in contact with at least one person at a time. (He's just touchy like that) He's gotten into fights a few to many times for randomly hugging someone or draping an arm around someone's shoulders.
Uno regularly guilt Seitarou into gambling matches. Seitarou also regularly loses gambling matches. (Even in memory games they tie.)
There's a prisonwide rule that Seitarou, Trois, and Honey aren't allowed to be in the same room at the same time. This also applies to Hitoshi being in the same room with more than one of them at a time. They just emit too much pretty boy energy. (As if Hajime would willingly let Trois and Honey get anywhere near Hitoshi, though.)
Nico's mimicking also extends to languages. But that's not as easily forgettable as a fighting move. Before Nanba prison he used to find YouTube videos of multilingual people speaking whatever language he wanted to speak more. From this he'd be able to speak whatever they said and also be able to understand it in the language he already spoke.
This also helped him in the prisons he went to across the globe.
Qi and Upa have a bit of a monopoly around building 5. They can usually get whatever they want with Qi trading fake drugs and Upa making sure people keep up their end of the bargain.
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