#shiro x galra male reader
bagerfluff · 6 months
Exhausted And Guilt Ridden
Keith Kogane x Male Reader
Prompt - Guilt
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Keith let out a grunt as he brought his sword down on the training dummy. Keith had been at this ever since the team got back from a mission. The reason that Keith had been spending all of his time in the training deck was because Y/n was hurt on the mission.
A Galra soldier had slashed Y/n on the shoulder. Casing them to need to spend a week in the healing pod. Keith blamed himself. Y/n was his boyfriend. He should have protected him.
So Keith distracted himself by spending his free time training and pushing himself really hard on missions. So hard that he almost died multiple times but brushed it off. Not even Shiro could get him to quit.
Keith should have protected Y/n. He had almost lost Y/n. that last familiar person in his life. He had lost all of his family, and now he almost lost Y/n, the only person in his life who loved him.
Keith knew that other Paladins loved him. But Y/n loved him differently. Keith was so wrapped up in fighting that he didn’t realize that someone else had entered the training deck. “End training sequence!” Keith yelled as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Normally I would find this hot if Hunk hadn’t told him this is all you have been doing for the past week”. Keith whipped his head around to the voice. To see Y/n standing there with a bandage wrapped around his shoulder and chest.
Y/n was also holding his side, and his eyes were half closed. Tears came to Keith’s eyes as his Bayard fell from his hands. Y/n smiled sadly as he walked over to Keith. Once Y/n was in front of Keith, he opened his arms. Inviting Keith for a hug, but not being the one to initiate it.
Letting Keith decide if he wanted a hug. Tears fell down Keith’s face as he ran into Y/n’s arms and hugged him. Y/n wrapped his arms around Keith’s stomach and squeezed him. That’s when Keith started stuttering out apologizes.  
“It’s okay, Keith. I don’t blame you” Y/n whispered as he placed a kiss on top of Keith’s forehead. “I’m sorry” Keith whispered as he tightened his grip on Y/n. It was that moment that Keith realized that he was really tired.
The feeling of Y/n’s arms around him and the words of comfort that came from his mouth. Keith slumped in Y/n’s arms and closed his eyes. Y/n let out a little laugh as he picked Keith up and started walking to his room.
Once Y/n got to Keith’s room, he placed Keith down and put his blanket over him. Y/n was tired himself, so he didn’t think about changing Keith’s clothes. Keith would probably wake up soon too. Y/n placed a kiss on Keith’s forehead before moving to leave his room.
But then Y/n felt something grab his wrist. Y/n looked over to see Keith looking at him. “Please don’t leave me,” Keith said quietly. Y/n smiled and walked back over to Keith and got under the covers next to him.
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dragonhybrid456 · 5 months
I went with the dating headcannons, hope you like them :)
Warning!! I have not finished Voltron completely yet, but I do know bits and pieces so this might be a bit ooc
Voltron dating headcannons (GN reader)
* I like to think that his love language is acts of service
* He’s very new to the whole “dating” thing and isn’t really good with his words so he relies on doing things for you
* Need help training? He’s got you. Stressed out? He’s not the best at it, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try and help his lover
* I don’t see Keith as the type of guy to use a lot of pet names
* Like dont get me wrong, I love pet names, but I personally can’t see Keith using them
* As tough and mean he is to others, you see a softer side of him
* Not in a “he’s really a big baby on the inside” crap
* More of a “he feels more calm and relaxed around you”
* After a stressful mission, he will definitely enter your room without a word and just flop either next to you or on top of you
* No words would be expressed, all he needs is some quiet and you to decompress
* In no way would he EVER let you get hurt
* This man will protect you with his life
* He can’t stand the thought of losing you, it kills him just thinking about the “what if” situations
* Not a big social person, but if you are then I think he will at least tag along for the ride
* Keith definitely worries that he’s not the “best” or “ideal” boyfriend for you
* He’s part Galra, he’s mean, he’s abrasive, he’s stubborn, what could you possibly see in him?????
* He needs a reminder now and then that he’s enough for you and that you love him
* You’ll sometimes find him late at night in the training room if he’s had a tough day
* You’ll have to physically drag him into bed and hold him down for him to sleep
* Oh boy, he’s not called “lover boy” for no reason
* Absolutely loves to compliment you every single day
* Calls you stuff like, “mi amor” and “my girl/boy/partner”
* He likes to show you off and talks about you a lot
* Honestly the rest of the team is a little sick of it but they are also happy that he found someone like you
* Takes you on joy ride in his lion when he has some downtime
* He gets an earful from Allura
* His love language is definitely physical affection
* He loves holding your hands, your hugs, kissing you any chance he gets, and cuddling you
* Thinks he’s the big spoon but is really the little spoon most of the time
* When he gets homesick, he likes to be around you and talk to you to distract himself
* But some nights he’s crying in your arms, missing home, missing his family, and not knowing if or when he gets to see them again
* He likes to tell you stories from when he was little, what his family is like, and stories from his time at the garrison
* Will complain to you about how Keith annoyed him this time
* Overall, definitely a great lover
* Shiro is definitely more experienced with love than the other two
* He calls you stuff like “darling” “sweetheart” and other cute older pet names
* His love languages are quality time and acts of service
* I like to think that with all the excitement and craziness that comes with being apart of Voltron that he likes to just spend time with his lover and relax
* You two don’t even have to be doing something together
* He could be reading while your in the same room doing something completely different and he wouldn’t mind, just as long as he’s around you after such a stressful day
* Has severe PTSD and get nightmares almost every night
* He’s used to dealing with it alone but once you enter the picture he’s gonna have to get used to you waking up with him to comfort him
* Always tells you to go back to sleep and that “it’s nothing” but you know better than that
* He also has some self esteem issues about his metal arm, being disgusted by it some days and wanting nothing more than for it to disappear
* Please comfort him, space dad needs some love 🥺
* Likes to listen to you talk, your voice grounding him to reality and comforting him in times of need
* Like Keith, he is also protective of you
* After Adams death, he can’t help but have nightmares of you meeting the same fate
* Sometimes he becomes so paranoid about it that you have fights about missions you are sent on
* He knows you can take care of yourself, he trained you after all, but that won’t ease his nerves and memories about Adam
* He’s so sweet to you, you don’t understand!
* He likes to call you “baby” “baking partner” or just a shorten version of your name if you have one
* His love languages is definitely gift giving and physical affection
* He loves cooking and baking new recipes for you to try and give him feedback
* With physical affection, he’s gonna be a bit nervous in the beginning about it, having never been in a relationship before, but he slowly starts to get more into it
* Hand holding, cuddling, hugging, there all his favorite ways to say he loves you
* He definitely one of the more nervous one when it comes to you fighting along side Voltron
* Hunk himself is more of a pacifist and is therefore already a little uneasy about even HIMSELF fighting
* So for you, his lover, to be put in the front lines with them has him very uneasy and nervous
* He just loves you so much he would never forgive himself if something happened to you 🥺
* He is always there if you have something on your mind that’s bothering you
* Whether it’s something small or large, he will always listen to you
* And vice versa, if he has something on his mind, be there for him cause he sometimes feels like he’s not listened to by the others
* Definitely the least experienced out of the group (her and Keith are like neck and neck)
* I don’t see her using pet names, much like Keith
* Idk it just strikes me as odd for her to use pet names
* She definitely has stupid nicknames for you, but not stuff like baby or sweetheart
* If you don’t like that, sue me
* Her love language is definitely quality time
* She likes when you come around while she’s working on a new project so she can geek out about it
* You don’t even have to understand anything she says, she just likes when you’re around her when she’s working
* Also has you test some of the safer projects, she would never let you NEAR the more outrageous ones
* Unlike the others, she’s actually really open to you fighting along side her
* Don’t get me wrong, she would murder everyone if you got hurt, but she likes working with you and strategizing
* Will make you a weapon and enhanced suit if you asked
* Even if you don’t, she probably already has them in the works
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idk6123 · 2 months
A Vulnerable Leader (Shiro X Male Reader)
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Living on a remote planet isn’t the most ideal, but it was far better then being revolved around the war that is happening in the cosmos. The scavenger often sees crashed spacecrafts on the planet. Most of the time, getting something good out of it. It wasn’t too exciting after a while, and living to see another day doesn’t seem a worry anymore. One day though, a spacecraft crashed on the solitude planet. Once Y/N get to the crash site, he’s quick to realized this is something else. Doing this for a long time, he knows Galra and other spaceships. This is something else entirely. It’s looks like an animal, with black and white colors.
Once he checked the spaceship out for danger, Y/N infiltrated in to see the driver. When he get to him, he notices that his vitals are still active, but it looks like he’s hurt, extremely. Once he carefully removed the helmet carefully, he sees that the man is a human, just like him. Curious as he is, he takes the fellow human to his shelter.
Days has passed. Shiro slowly opens his eyes, only to see a blur. He’s fully undressed, only down to his underwear. Once he get conscious, he notices the pain in his body as well and grunt out in pain.
“S-Shit…!” He hears a male voice, though a bit fainting. Some seconds later, he sees whoever it is. That’s when he sees a human man, around his age, though definitely younger. Shiro can’t help but wonder to think he’s back on Earth. “Give me a sec.”
His face disappears. After a few seconds, he feels a piercing pain in his neck. As his eyes move to the left, he realized that the man putted him to sleep. That’s the last thing he thought before getting back to sleep.
The second time Shiro wakes up, he instantly feels sluggish, though alive. Remembering what happened before the crash, Shiro tries his best to fully awake. He moves his head to the left, seeing the stranger’s back of a man. He tries to speak up, but can only make out some noise. Luckily, it did the trick and the scavenger looks back before walking over to him.
“Hey.” The man crouches next to the lying man. “Do you feel pain?” Shiro thinks about it, but only feel numb. He shakes his head a little. “Good. …It looks like I gave you too much and made you numb. Sorry, I got paranoid and thought you were going to die. It should be over around a day.” Shiro hums in respond, but he still wonders who he is, but can’t ask.
The scavenger notices his gaze looking at him, checking him out. “You’re safe. Don’t worry. I’m Y/N. I saw your spacecraft crashed and found you. Though I couldn’t flew it to here, sorry.” Y/N smiles a little, trying to make the other human feel a bit better. “Anyway, if you need something to eat or drink, just hum.”
A day later, and Y/N wake up once he heard a thud. He get out of his bed and to the other room, to see Shiro on the ground, panting tiredly. Y/N is quick to help him. “What happened!?” He helps Shiro stand up to see him sweat, despite the weather being chilly. Having a bad feeling, Y/N put the paladin back on the couch, put the blanket over his body and put his hand on his head. “You’re sick.”
“I’m… fine…” Shiro respond with some pants. He tries to stand up, but Y/N won’t allow him. “I need to go…”
“You just fell. No way I’m going to let you leave.” Y/N stands up to get some water.
“You don’t understand…” Shiro tiredly speaks up. “My friends are… looking for me… I’m a Paladin.”
“I dunno what that is.” Y/N walks back to Shiro and try to have the man drink, though Shiro merely grabs the bottle. “But I’m sure your friends find you dead in a ditch when they see you crashed in another planet.”
Shiro frowns as he drinks. “Do you got a radio or something else to contact-?”
“Nothing of the sort.” Y/N responds. Shiro looks disappointed. “I live here alone. Just take it easy and rest.”
Shiro wants to protest, but he doesn’t have the energy for it. Because of it, he merely closes his eyes as he right now he’s fighting his sickness instead of fighting the war.
The next day, Y/N checks up with the sick man. He’s still sick, sweating furiously and exhausted. But it’s better than yesterday, which is an improvement. Not just that, it appears Shiro could talk better.
“You feel a bit better?”
“I feel hazy…” Shiro mutters. His panting is less heavy. “But besides that, better…”
“Good.” Y/N grabs something to eat and drink for his temporary roommate.
As he does, Shiro looks at him. He still wonders about Y/N and where he is. But he asks before doing something else… “I’m Shiro…”
Y/N turns back. “Nice to meet you.” He continues grabbing the food. After putting in on a plate, he walks back to Shiro. He put the food down to the side, helping the man sit up before putting the plate on his lap.
In front of Shiro he sees something similar he eats back at the Castle, now confirming he isn’t on Earth. “Where are we?”
“On a planet. Dunno what it called. I just live here.” Y/N grabs a chair to sit besides Shiro, as he begins eating the food.
“But you’re human…”
“Got kidnapped by some aliens, but I escaped. You?”
Shiro hums. “Same…” He takes another bite from the food. “So… how long do you live here?”
“…I lost count.”
“Oh.” Shiro awkwardly looks at him. “Feel free when I’m better to join me…”
This reminds Y/N of something. “You said something about being a Paladin?”
Shiro hums softly. “Let me see how to explain this… You seen my Lion? My spacecraft.” Y/N hums. “Basically, there are 5 of them… each one has a pilot… We’re basically a squad that helps people across the universe.”
“So you’re a hero? That’s pretty cool.”
“Thanks.” Shiro smiles. “You’re one too, since you saved me…”
“You say that, but I would’ve just left you if you died.”
The Black Paladin chuckles. “Luckily I didn’t.”
The next day, and Shiro has his breakfast. Today, his disease managed to decreases a bit. He lost his haziness view, but he’s still sweating. With the lack of walking, his legs are a bit stiff. Still, things are looking up.
“I think tomorrow may be the day.”
“I hope so.” Shiro responds. “My friends are probably worrying sick about me. Still, I prefer looking a bit better.” He then sniffs, noticing something stinking. He then looks a bit embarrassed. “And maybe a shower… or two.”
Y/N chuckles. “I didn’t want to be rude… but I started breathing from my mouth two days ago.” Shiro laughs along, but is still embarrassed. “I don’t have a shower perse. I do have a bath, some water and a sponge.”
“That will do.”
In another room of the shelter, Shiro is in the bath with Y/N helping him clean up. The Black Paladin stays quiet, finding it a bit awkward being naked with someone he just met. Because of that, he makes a joke to lighten up the mood.
“Usually guys bathe me after the third date.”
Y/N laughs. “And how many baths are that? 100?”
Shiro looks up. “What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing. I just imagine someone with your appearance to be popular. That’s all.”
Shiro hums, looking back. “You could say that, but I prefer having a normal relationship instead of guy hunting.” That’s when Shiro remembers Adam, wondering how much he’s missing him. “I had a boyfriend back home.”
“I haven’t seen him in so long.” Shiro begins sharing his trouble. “I wonder if he thinks I died.”
“Why would he think that?”
“Because I got caught by the Galra.” Shiro answers. “Nobody back on Earth knows what happened to me, but it’s likely they think I died during my mission.” He let out a sigh. “Do you think there is a chance he moved on?”
Y/N doesn’t know how to respond. “I’m not…”
“It’s alright.” Shiro mutters. He looks back at Y/N. “I’m sorry I had to put you on the spot. I shouldn’t said anything.”
“It’s alright. You can talk to me.”
“…I usually don’t talk about my problems.” Shiro confessed. “Since I’m the leader, I have to remain calm so others won’t panic. This is the first chance I could just say something about it.”
“I understand.” Y/N gives an reassuring smile. “I’m always here with open ears.”
Shiro smiles. He looks back at Y/N, his face close to his friend. “Thank you Y/N. You’re a kind guy.”
The two quietly look at each other. It didn’t take Shiro long to have his instincts kick in and kiss Y/N. Despite the nudity, the Black Paladin isn’t bothered with his position and merely let the purity of it take the wheel. He appreciate someone looking after him, after a long time looking for other people himself. It feels nice for a chance to be taken care of.
Shiro pulls back after kissing Y/N. With a nervous smirk, the man blushes a bit. “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
Luckily, Y/N merely smiles. “Not at all.”
The next day, it’s time to leave the planet. Inside of the Black Lion, Shiro is finally wearing his clothes. Y/N stands besides him, grabbing the chair for support.
“Are you going to miss this place?”
“Years of isolation and survival? Not at all.” Y/N looks quiet excited to leave. “And now I can finally get back to other people.”
“About that… You know we’re just with 5 people in total, in terms of humans.”
“Still better than being alone.”
Shiro smiles, agreeing with him. “Then we leave. Any last one words?”
“Then let’s go.”
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lil-bumbum · 4 years
Shiro x male galra reader
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  ×3rd pov×
M/n!! Please it's me!it's Shiro,  your friend! ", Shiro yells begging for his galran friend to respond.  (m/n) ignores his friends plea as he continues working with Haxus on the controls of the ship.  Sendak chuckles evilly.  " He won't help Shiro. ",  he says chuckling more.  "(m/n)! I know you remember me! You have too! You helped me escape!! ", Shiro yells,  now frustrated.  " After he had helped you we punished him and did some.......upgrading.",  Sendak says smiling at shiro's distress.
    "Sir, you should listen to this. ",  Haxus says to Sendak.  " What is it? ",  Sendak says still staring at Shiro, smirking.  " I found a radio signal,  sir.  We think there is another paladin inside the castle, sir. ", (m/n)  says,  catching Sendaks attention.  Sendak walks over to the pair.  There is static but if you listen hard you can hear the fuzzy,  muffled voices. " Make it clear.", Sendak demands getting a nod from (m/n).  The said boys expert hands flying across the controls.
    The signal gets clear enough to where you can clearly make out the words being spoken. "We now know where the paladin is.",  Haxus says smirking. " Follow the paladin,  then kill them. (m/n) you stay on the controls and wait. ",  Sendak orders.  (M/n)  once again nods as Haxus runs to find the paladin.  "You called me space cow because you read books about earth and you said my hair reminded you of a cow!!! ", Shiro yells,  his eyes full of sadness and hurt.
    (M/n)'s head snapped up and his hands froze. The collar around his neck sparked a little bit. Shiro's eyes widened as Lance laughed at the ridiculous nickname despite them being in a literal life or death situation.  'Why didn't I notice that collar before! '.  Shiro thought mentally smacking himself. " WHO SAID YOU CAN STOP!? GET BACK TO WORK! ", Sendak yelled making (m/n) snap out of his daze. " You never called me champion because you know how much I hate that name!"
    "You always said 'You have to fight it. If you let your arm control you then that means the galra wins.' You would steal food so that I can have something to eat! You were never scared of me even though I'm scared of myself! You helped me escape even though you knew that death is one of the punishments!! ",  Shiro yelled at the ravenette/white haired boy.  ((I think galrans only have black, purple or white hair)) . (M/n)  froze again.  All of the memories flooding back.
    (M/n) falls to his knees, clawing at his head. He screams in pain as he remembers his punishment. The knives, the whips, all of the blood and bruises.  Getting beaten to the point where he thought he would die. He whispers,  shaking and muttering to himself. Then (m/n) finally faints as his collar stops sparking and starts smoking.  Shiro and Lance stare, eyes wide.  Shiro's in shock and regret for leaving his friend. Lance's in shock and sympathy.
    Sendak walks to (m/n) 's unconscious body. Shiro eyes now filled with anger.  " DON'T TOUCH HIM! ",  he yells. Sendak ignores Shiro and taps (m/n) 's foot with his own. He growls turning around,  ready to strangle Shiro and Lance.  As he angrily walks toward the two there is a big boom,  echoing through the halls. The lights spasming on and off before finally stopping leaving everyone in darkness. Sendak yells in anger as his plan to take control of the ship back fires.
    The sounds of grunts and hitting reach his ears. The lights turn back on,  this time glowing blue instead of red meaning it's no longer under galran control. Sendak spins around.  The droids on the floor in pieces Shiro and Lance gone. He growls turning back around toward (m/n) 's body to find that he is also gone. He walks over to the controls and punches the table in anger. He now has no choice but to retreat.  Lance and Shiro runs, (m/n) in Shiro's arms.
    Shiro stares as (m/n) and notices his purple skin is paler than usual, his body lightly shaking, his eyes going back forth under their lids, and his breathing shaky. Shiro runs faster wanting to help his friend before its too late.
  Muffled talking echoes through the halls. Hunk staring at the stove ((Do alteans have stoves?)) thinking about what had happened. All of the lions we're almost taken and hundreds maybe even thousands of innocent lives were almost killed. And now there's galran in one of their healing pods. Hunk is snapped out of his thoughts by a sizzling sound. 'Balls, balls, balls! I forgot about the food'.  Hunk rushes to mix the oddly bright, chunky mixture so that it doesn't burn any more than it already has. He tuned off the stove and gets plated for the group and scoops up the bright green goop and puts it on each plate.
    He holds all of the plates on his arms like a waiter and makes his way to where the rest are thinking of what to do. He hears yelling as he walks closer to the closed doors. And almost drops the plates as the big door slams open and Shiro stomps away. Hunk regains his balance and walks into the room, nervously smiling at the tense, cold feeling radiating off of allura. He gives each member their plate and shaking makes his way toward allura, pulling his collar as he sweats. He quickly drops her plate in front her and runs to his spot.
×Shiro's P.O.V×
    I angrily stomp my way to the healing pods. I know I should calm down but I can't help it. It's not their fault that they're not fond of galrans but not ALL of them are evil. (M/n) proved that. He was the first to show me kindness and he wasn't afraid to help me. He gave me whatever I needed and he helped me escape with no hesitation. 'He's my........... friend. If the others gave him a chance the would realize he doesn't plan on hurting anyone'. I start thinking about what I had just thought about. 'What is (m/n) to me? '. I shake my head as I open the door to the healing pods. I walk over to (m/n) 's pod and stop. I feel my anger dissapear as its replaced with sadness and regret. My eyes soften as I look at the scars covering his body.
    'I should've taken you with me', I thought. I look at his face, he looks so worried and sad. I put my hand on the glass that separates us. I see his finger twitch and I jump back as his hand shot up. His hand in the spot where I had put my hand before I jumped back. I cautiously step forward reaching my hand out. I put my hand where his is. (M/n) 's eyes snap open and the pods starts opening. I step back again just in case he's still being controlled. But my caution flies out the window as I reach forward and catch him before he hits the floor.
×(M/N) POV×
    'Where am I? Why can't I move? '. I try to open my eyes but I'm rewarded with nothing. I slowly start to panic as I can't move no matter how hard I try. I stop as I hear muttering. " I should've taken you with me. ". 'That voice..... I know that voice!,I can't remember who that voice belong too.i have to see who they are!'. I again try to move but get nothing. I continue to try and then I feel my finger twitch. 'Yes! Just a little more'. I think as I slowly gain control of my arm.
    I move my arm trying to feel where I am since Im slowly gaining control of everything but my eyes are still heavy. I raise my hand up and I hit something cold and hard. I hear something shuffle and then I feel warmth where my hand is despite the glass being cold. I struggle to open my eyes and when they do I open all I can see is a blurry black shape. I hear a hissing sound and a mist surrounds me as I no longer feel the glass. I try to walk but instead I fall not being able to feel my legs. I put my hands in front of me to protect my face and they hit something warm and hard. I open my eyes and and notice I was in someone's arms. " (M/n)  are you okay!? ", a panicked voice says. I look up and my vision cleared and I recognized the mystery person as " Shiro? What..... where are we? ", I ask confused.
   Shiro holds me at arms length as i grab hold of his arms to keep me standing. He stares at me as I stare back in confusion. I open my mouth to say something but Shiro pulls me back into a hug. He nuzzles into my hair and holds me tighter to his hard chest. I feel him start to shake and I feel something wet. I look up as best as I can since I'm being crushed into his chest. "Shiro? ", I ask softly.
×3rd pov×
    " Shiro? ", (m/n) softly asks. Shiro looks down at (m/n) seeing his confusion. Shiro gently lifts his hand up to (m/n) 's cheek, softly rubbing his light/dark purple cheek. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", Shiro whispers to (m/n). (M/n) looks even more confused. "What are you apologizing for?", the galran asks his human..... friend? " I left you. I left you instead of taking you with me", Shiro says laying his forhead on (m/n) 's. (M/n) huffs. "We both know I wouldn't have left Shiro. Someone had to distract the guards and it definitely wasn't going to he you. ", (m/n) says. Shiro sighs knowing that he's right.
    " But they hurt you. I should've come back for you immediately after...", Shiro's voice cracks. (M/n) cuts him off. "No, Shiro. What's more important one life or millions of others? Besides I'm right here in front of you. In your arms. ", (m/n) says sternly but soft. Shiro looks into (m/n)'s (e/c) eyes. Those eyes that have always read him like an open books, the eyes that seem to be staring right into his soul. The eyes that made him melt and go soft. " I missed you.... so much", Shiro whispers after a moment of silence. "Me too.", (m/n) whispers back.
    (M/n) closes his eyes, leaning into Shiro hand as his fluffy purple ears twitch cutely. Shiro silently watches (m/n)  enjoy all of the warmth he's getting. Shiro hesitantly moves forward as he closes his eyes. His lips connecting with (m/n)'s. (M/n)'s eyes flew open in surprise as his ears rise up, he slowly closes his eyes and purr ((i feel like they would purr idk 😅)) enjoying the pleasant feeling of the humans lips on his. There are no Sparks or tingles but there is definitely love. The two seperate from the kiss and look into each other's eyes. " (M/n), I love you.", Shiro says sincerely. "Shiro,...... ". Shiro looks at (m/n) with hopeful eyes. "... I don't know what that means", (m/n) says nervously chuckling as Shiro sweat drops forgetting the galran boy doesn't know most human terms. Shiro chuckles hugging (m/n) again. " My galran boy", he says breathing in (m/n)'s scent. "My space cow", (m/n) says smirking evilly as Shiro's eyes snapped open and narrowed his eyes at his now lover.
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bluebirdsboi · 3 years
Takashi Shirogane/ Shiro Headcanons | Shiro x Male Reader
Fandom: Voltron 
Genre: Fluff, Angst 
Requested by @xweirdo101x​: Hello, hope you are having a good day/night? I was wondering if I could request a headcannon/scenario of Shiro x male s/o, neither one has admitted their feeling yet and on a mission reader gets badly injured making Shiro realize his feelings???
Paring: Shiro x Male Reader 
Warnings: Mentions of Violence 
Word Count: 511
Requests are open 
Art From: Eryx45 (Deviant Art)
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* When you first joined the paladins of Voltron, you fell in love with Shiro. Not just for his looks, but for compassionate nature and that he was a natural born leader among other things 
* You too exhibited traits he admired and his feelings for you grew the more time you two spent together in the castle, but as the leader of Voltron he felt as if he needed to suppress these feelings 
* And so he did, so much so that he somewhat forgot about them 
* Though you weren’t a paladin yourself, you are able to help them from aboard the castle with Allura 
* Though this time, you’d be going into the field with the paladins on what was supposed to be a recon mission
* If there’s one thing you can help with while on the fields, its collecting intel 
* You and Shiro successfully infiltrated a Galra base and were successful at gathering the information you needed. The problem was escaping
* While you were escaping you two were caught back to back in a fight
* You did know some basic self-defense techniques, but they were just that. Basic
* You were clearly outmatched in this situation
* Shiro was able to defeat his opponent, but he had to finish yours off for you after seeing you on the floor covered in cuts and bruises
* Seeing hurt like that sparked something within him that he kept in his mind as he took you back onto the lion and back into the castle
* You were resting in your room after being patched up when you heard a knock on your door
* “Hey, you got a minute?” Shiro asked.  
* “ Well it's not like I have anything else to do.” you joked attempting to take your mind off of what happened to you 
* He picked up on the joke and chuckled as he sat on the foot of your bed 
* “So, I’m just going to be straightforward. I really like you and seeing you all hurt and beat up really tore me apart. Please stay with me and I promise that I’ll protect you and keep this from happening to you again.” 
A/N: WOW!!! I really said that I’m back and then proceeded to leave for almost six months. I just need to say that I’m really sorry about that. I don’t want to bore you with excuses, but its really just because I was really busy and had almost no time or motivation to write anything. Just a small update before you go, I’ve added Shang-Chi to the Character/Fandom List so you are able to request for him (I saw the movie yesterday, and I HIGHLY recommend you see it yourself if you haven’t already, it's nothing short of amazing). Also I am still busy with classes, so posts may be kind of slow but my requests are still open and they do take priority over what is on my to-do list, so feel free to request anything you want. Thank you to @xweirdo101x​ for requesting and thank you all for reading my fics <3
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the-wisteria-house · 3 years
The paladins of Voltron X Reader: PDA (+Matt and Lotor)
Shiro isn't really big on PDA.
He prefers to stay professional around others.
But he does stand closer to you than he would with other people.
He might also occasionally hold your hand here and there.
He believes things like kissing should remain personal and private.
But he is totally fine with cheek kisses in front of people when you are parting ways.
Keith isn't totally against PDA, but he does like to keep somethings personal.
But he does put his arm over your shoulder.
Whether you're alone or in public he'll have his arm around your shoulder or your waist.
It's his Galra side shining through. He has to make sure that people know he's your mate.
He believe things like kissing should stay behind closed doors.(There can be exceptions though.)
If he feels as if you're in any danger he might stand in front of you slightly, or gently grab your arm .
If he gets jealous he might kiss you or flirt with you in front of the person he's jealous of so they get the hint to back off. If they don't he'll call them out.
Also when it's Galra matting season he'll be super cuddly in public. He may also be flirty and romantic. Though he's not as intense as other male Galra are during matting season.
Lance loves PDA, like a lot.
He loves of being sure everyone knows you're his and his alone.
He will openly flirt with you.
He loves holding your hands and kissing you.
But he will always respect your boundaries.
If you tell him to stop he will.
He never wants to make you uncomfortable.
Hunk is a innocent little bean.
He might give you a little peck here and there.
He also loves holding your hands and seeing you smile.
If he's feeling confident he might flirt with you. But it's never anything graphic.
He will always respect your boundaries.
He loves you unconditionally.
He wants you to always be happy.
The last thing he'd ever want is to make you uncomfortable.
Pidge prefers to keep some things personal like making out.
But she totally fine with pecks, hand holding, and flirting.
As a joke sometimes she will say funny robotic, or space-related pick up lines.
She loves leaning against you and holding your hand.
She will do whatever she can to make you smile.
The last thing she'd ever want to do is to make you uncomfortable.
She loves you too much to purposely hurt you.
She will always respect your boundaries.
Matt doesn't mind PDA.
But he will tone it down if his family or superiors are around.
He loves holding your hand and kissing you.
But he prefers to keep some things private like making out and cuddling.
He loves using ridiculous puns to make you smile.
He will always respect your boundaries.
He'd never dream of hurting you.
He loves hugging you from behind.
He also likes having an arm around your waist in public. He likes to show that you are his.
Lotor isn't really big on PDA.
He prefers to keep things professional.
He can't show any weakness.
But you both are supportive of one another.
During mating season he can become big on PDA.
He doesn't care who's around he has no self-control.
Well unless if you tell him to stop.
He will respect your boundaries always.
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
Reader being the one to fight Matt and they reunite!!
Request 2: Hi. So uh, can I request a Voltron story? Where the reader used to date Matt Holt, but after he disappeared reader changed from the nerdy quiet girl she was to like a badass, and starts dating Keith. Thank you. Have a great day.
Request 3: any thing Voltron where reader gets hurt!!!
Summary: Now that Matt is back, he can’t help but feel that his (ex) girlfriends teammate is taking her away from him. Reader has to break to Matt that she has moved on after his disappearance and is now with the paladin of the black lion.
Date started; February 2, 2021
Date posted; March 1, 2021 (Jezus)
Warning(s); Cursing, fighting, blood, jealousy, angst.
Was not proof read.
Matt and reader have a past. This story is a Keith x Reader.
A/N: We’re slowly but surely getting things posted. Life’s been a bish lately so I haven’t been motivated to write. I had absolutely no idea how to end this, so it just cuts off.
Tagged; @boiled-onionrings
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“What is this?” Your eyes narrow in thought. Narrow at the footsteps that close in behind you. Widen when you turn, and a man is swinging his blade straight at your head.
Your body is quick to push back, into the control panel so it flickered and powered off, your hands pushing off in an attempt to roll to the side.
Your hand pulls your bay-yard from your belt, twisting in time for your weapon to collide with your opponents, both grunting at the impact.
The figure shoves forward so you fall onto your back, gasping as your bay-yard slides feet from your reach, pushing to sit up and reach for your weapon.
The quick swipe of the males blade causes you to hiss and clutch your shoulder, lifting your foot high enough to kick him backwards, into the control panel like he had done to you prior.
You reach out and lift your bay-yard, slinging your arm out so it hit your opponent in the jaw, knocking his mask off and over his shoulder.
You lift your head, jaw clenched and weapon drawn, eyes widening as your lips part in a gasp, when you meet the gaze of your opponent,
“Matt?” You squeak, dropping your bay-yard so it clattered on the metal floor and quickly retracted into its holder, free hand pressed hard to where your fingers slowly held blood,
“Y/N,” Matt breathes, his body pushing to stand up from where he fell to his knees, arms pulling you tightly into his chest so you hissed a second time, his hands holding your arms as he leans back, examining your injury,
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” He exhales, your head shaking as tears burned your eyes from behind your helmet,
“Oh my god,” You heave, bloodied hands pulling your helmet off so he could fully look at your face, “Oh, god, you’re alive,”
“I’m alive,” Matt nods, hands caressing your head so he could lean his forehead to knock against yours, your eyes pinching shut before you lean back, opening your eyes.
“Just wait until Pidge sees you, and-and Shiro,”
“Wait, they’re with you?” Matt knits his brows together, as you glance down at the blood through your amor. It’ll be fine.
“Well, on their own mission,” You exhale, “Any chance you’ve heard of Voltron?”
“Of course I’ve heard of Voltron,”
“Well,” You repeat, smiling shyly as you look up at him, “We’re all Paladins,”
“No way,” Matt shakes his head, “That’s so cool!” He reaches forward to twirl you around, pausing when noticing you flinch at the movement of your shoulder.
“Come on,” Matt pulls back, hand at your arm, “Let me fix your shoulder,”
“Actually,” You lift your helmet off the floor, placing it over your head, “I have somewhere we can go,”
“HEY, look, Y/Ns back!” Hunk and Lance turn at the white lions appearance, the team of five moving forward as the lions jaw opened, your figure stepping out with a hand on your shoulder,
“Whoa, what happened to you?” Pidge asks, eyes narrowed as she moves up to you, but you smile, her brows pinching as footsteps sound behind you, her gaze looking over your shoulder and widening at Matt’s figure,
“Matt!” Pidge gasps, your smile softening as you step to the side, Shiro crossing his arms as he moves up to you,
“How’d you find him?” Shiro asks, calmly, your eyes flicking up to him.
“That so called secret base?” Shiro nods, “It was Matt’s. He returned as soon as I went in. Started fighting before we realized each other,”
“You did a good job,” Shiro smiles, and you nod, looking over at Pidge and Matt pulling out of their embrace, “Does he know?”
Shit. No. He doesn’t. He hasn’t even met Keith yet. “No,” You murmur, sighing as you turn, “I don’t know how to tell him,”
“That might be something you talk about in your own time,” Shiro raises his eyes from your shoulder to your eyes, watching you nod and brush past him, missing Matt’s worried glance.
“FOCUS, Keith!”
“I am focusing! You’re the one not focusing!”
“Now you’re just fucking with me,”
Matt stops at the doorway of the training deck. By now he had gotten a feel of where each room was located on the ship, which lead him to sneak off and search for you.
He watches silently as you slung your bay-yard at the red paladin- Keith, Matt thinks- leading Keith to jerk back and knock his own weapon to the metal, pushing you away from getting a hit on him.
It’s a quick tuck and roll as you duck away from Keith’s swing, your foot hooking around his leg to knock him on his back, your teammate grunting loudly at the impact his body made.
Knees pinned at his sides, your hands pin his shoulders down, lips pulling upward in a snort as Keith rolls his eyes, head dropping against the floor in defeat,
“You win,” Keith huffs, hands at your thighs as you raise your eyebrows, eyes flicking between his.
“Nice,” You grin, dropping one eyebrow, “Rematch?”
Matt frowns as Keith lifts his head, lips nearly against yours, “Absolutely not,”
“So you admit I’m better than you,” You lean back, sitting up so you were sitting on his legs, “I’ll take it,”
Keith narrows his eyes, gaze then shifting to the side, so you turned and your smile dropped.
“Matt,” You call, when the dirty blonde turns and exits the deck. You send a short glance down at Keith, pushing to stand up, “Matt, wait,”
Huffing at his refusal to turn around, you fasten your pace, “Matthew Holt, look at me!”
“Oh, so now you care?” Matt turns, sharply, arms crossed as he watches your brows furrow and footsteps stop.
“Matt, I always cared,” You breathe, shaking your head, “You’d been gone for years. I had to do what was right for me and move on. I should have told you when you first came back, but I didn’t know how,”
“So you two?” Matt’s eyes flick to the door of the training deck, and you nod, gazing down.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” You say, lifting your gaze, “As the paladin of the white lion, my main focus has always been saving earth. Im not the girl you once knew, who only read books and was afraid to talk to anyone outside my little circle. I’m a paladin now. I save people,”
You glance to the side, silently moving back to the training deck where Matt frowns, jaw clenching in defeat. He had lost you, years ago.
“ARE you two okay?”
Lance and Hunk skid to a stop into the abandoned ships control room, both breathing heavily through their helmets, “We’re fine,” Lance heaves, “But we need to get out of here, now!”
“Why?” Pidge rushes, “What happened?”
“It was-,” Hunk pauses, shock still in his system, “Monster- blue flash- I had rotten food goo,”
“Wait,” Lance stops his teammate, eyes narrowed in thought, “Where’s Keith and Y/N?”
YOUR eyes scan the empty hall. Galra bots float, lifeless, Keith and Kosmo floating beside you, “Hello?” Keith calls, Kosmo growling in defense,
“What are you?” The robotic voice of the remaining Galra bot causes you to pause, eyes squinting. The bot repeats his question, Keith raising his flashlight to the bots face,
“My name is Keith,” Keith starts, head barely tilting towards you, “This is Y/N. We are Paladins of Voltron. Paladins of the Black and White lions,”
“Wait,” You speak, “Yordum Bering Exus. Is that you?”
“Where are the rest of the Galra?” The bot asks, your head turning to look at Keith,
“They’re still on Planet Ryker. Why?”
“Planet Ryker,” The robot repeats, before it pushes forward, your eyes widening at the large monster behind it.
“Keith,” You alert, reaching to grab his arm so he tugged you into him, sharply, avoiding the sudden purple blast ray that the monster- Sentry- send, his shield coming up to block the second shot, shoving you and him both into the metal wall beside you.
You grunt out in pain at the impact, Keith pushing you to the side so you rammed into Kosmo, who quickly teleported next to Keith, Keith grabbing your hip protectively as you vanish.
“Keith, Y/N and I were in communication before we got disconnected,” Pidge explains to Lance, hearing Matt in her earpiece ask in a panic,
“You lost contact with them?”
“Keith and Y/N can hold their own together,” Allura breathes, “We need to figure out what that thing is,”
You reappear in the control room, gasps wheezed in fear before you push away from Keith, eyes wide, “What the hell was that?”
“What?” Pidge rushes, “What did you guys see?”
“Some- monster!” You heave, hearing Matt’s voice glitch in your earpiece as it gained connection,
“Oh thank God,”
“The base you sent this fleet to plunder, was it Warlord ranveigs?” Keith rushes, flying up to Lahn.
“Yes. It was,” Lahn answers, shortly, Allura glancing at you in alert.
“Keith, what’s going on?”
“The creature on this ship is a superweapon designed to destroy the Galra, and only Galra,” Keith starts,
“Warlord Ranveig would never create such a thing,” Lahn hisses, Keith shaking his head.
“Ranveig found the creature in the Quantum Abyss and experimented on it with Lotors Quintessence,”
“How do you know so much on this, Keith?” You ask, floating up between Pidge and Allura.
“Krolia and I let it lose so we could escape Ranveigs base,” Keith sighs, eyes fluttering shut, “This is all my fault,”
You shake your head, ignoring the glare Lahn sends your teammate, “Pidge, can you set a protocol that could self destruct this place? We need to get rid of the ship, and that monster,”
“Once I set it we’ll only have two minutes to leave the ship,” Pidge rushes, fingers pressing buttons, before she turns, waving a gloved hand, “Go. Go!”
You turn, jaw clenching at Sentrys appearance at the side door, “All Galra must perish,”
You yelp as the monster lunges forward, darting to the side before flying up with your jet pack, rushing for the door. Your front slams into the now shut door, fist curling to punch the metal before you look over, realizing Keith, too, had been trapped.
“Guys!” You shout, eyes wide in terror as you face Sentry, pulling out your bay-yard as he flew forward, you and Keith dodging in different directions so Sentry slammed into the doors front.
You hiss as Sentrys tail wraps around your body, pinning your arms at your sides, your gasp cut short as his tail flicks, hard, sending you into the metal wall feet away.
Your vision swims black, growing blurry as your lungs gasp for air, the sudden pain in your ribs causing you unable to move. Keith looks over as Sentry roared, rushing to you, Keith’s body protectively shielding yours as his shield protects himself, shoving you both into the wall a second time.
“Stay awake, Y/N!” Keith demands, rushes, arm at your lower back keeping you from floating away from him. His bay-yard shifts into a large gun, blasting at the monster before he turns and aims, shooting a hole into the locked door.
“Go!” Keith demands to his team, jet pack activating as he rushes forward,
“What happened to Y/N?!” Lance rushes, looking back at the distant explosion, where his eyes widen at the fire rising.
With a heatwave, the team of seven are thrown into space, the black lion quick to catch you and Keith so Keith landed on his feet, looking out his front visor where the white lion floated in front of his own.
“Let’s get her to the castle,” Keith demands, looking down at where your hand pressed to your rib, blood at your lips, “Stay with me, okay?”
You whimper, head tilting back before it leans to the side, dropping onto his shoulder.
“WHAT happened?” Matt and Shiro move forward towards their friend, Keith moving past them with you in his arms,
“The thing we had to destroy, attacked us, twice,” Keith hisses, teeth bared as he bends down to stand you on your feet inside the healing pod, stepping back in time for it to zap shut,
“She only seemed to be in danger around you,” Matt seethes, Keith looking over his shoulder to glare at the dirty blonde,
“What was that?”
“Do I need to dumb it out for you?” Matt steps up, ignoring Shiros call, “You’re the reason she got hurt. You’re the reason she left me!”
“Y/N left you because you ran off into space,” Keith snarls, Shiro and Pidge both jumping between the two so Keith stepped back, jaw clenched.
“Now is not the time to be fighting,” Shiro orders, Pidge nodding then shaking her head as she points to your unconscious, healing figure,
“Y/N needs you both right now, as much as you might hate it. So shut up and be here for her when she wakes up,”
Matt’s eyes shift from Pidge to Keith, Keith firmly crossing his arms over his armored chest before facing the healing pod.
Matt watches as Keith’s eyes drift to his bloodied gloves, glare faltering before looking back up to you.
Pidge exhales a heavy breath and follows Shiro, reluctantly, out of the med-bay, Matt crossing his own arms and scanning his eyes across your face.
“I’m sorry I came out rude,” He starts, Keith barely side glancing him, “It just, sucks. Coming back from being in space prison to find out your girlfriend moved on,”
“Y/Ns a lot different now than she used to be,” Keith reminds, “When I first met her I was an asshole and she was quiet. We didn’t click right away. But I found a meaning to my team and she’s apart of my team. It just- happened,”
“She’s definitely different,” Matt chuckles, Keith raising an eyebrow, “When I ran into her, I didn’t know she could fight like that,”
“She didn’t learn from me, that’s for sure,” Keith smirks, which instantly falls as the heal pod beeps, opening so Keith’s arms shot out to catch your leaning figure,
“That was quick,” Matt mutters, Keith shooting him a glance before you lift your head, brows pinched in discomfort,
“What happened?” Your eyes shift from Matt to Keith, who’s muscles visibly relaxed to see you up and moving. Matt noticed.
“We’ll tell you about it later,” Matt steps up, smiling lightly, “I’ll let the others know you’re okay,” Matt’s eyes meet Keith’s, his nod short before he steps back and out the door.
Maybe, just maybe, Matt forgave him.
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faean · 4 years
Shiro x Pansexual Male Reader
Rating: PG; Pure, self indulgent fluff.
Word Length: 1,040 words
Title: For You Alone
Author’s Note: I do not specifically state otherwise, so feel free to perceive yourself as human, Altaen, Galran, or whatever you wish. Also, enjoy!
          “You know, there are a lot more comfortable cuddling positions, my love.”
          Takashi only hummed in response, the vibrations rumbling across your chest as he laid atop you, head resting on your chest and his arms holding your sides while yours rested on his hips. He had been like this for a few hours, and you were not complaining. After all, it gave you all the time in the universe to gaze at him.
          Having travelled across the universe, meeting countless different civilizations and cultures, nothing and no one struck you as pure beauty except one man.
          Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane, or Takashi and ‘my love’, to you. You first met him when Voltron saved you and a group you were escorting from the Galra. Admittedly, you two clashed heads at first, considering you were skirting the boundaries of piracy before your time on the Castle Ship. You never exactly stole from anyone, except the Galra, and your services were more Robin Hood-esque. You provided safety during escorts in and out of Galran territory, performed hits on Galran and pirate installations, and made a living salvaging whatever ships and mechs you had to fight. As well as anything valuable just ‘lying around’.
          You actually had quite the reputation, and some even referred to you as the ‘Pirate King’ before you inevitably joined up with Voltron. Your intimate knowledge of trade routes, technology, and cultures made you invaluable, and your unmatched negotiation skills certainly helped you earn your keep, quite literally, too.
          Although, you did feel a little guilty. Not about the borderline piracy, but about the fact that before Takashi, you weren’t at all faithful. You had your fair share of flings with various people around the universe, regardless of gender and species, just because you could (and partially because you didn’t expect to live to see tomorrow). You wish you could go back in time and talk your younger self out of being so promiscuous, but at least it is a sign of growth. And all that matters now, is that you are always by Takashi’s side.
          “(Y/N), you have that look on your face.” He said, a soft smile on his face.
          A light blush dusted your cheeks as you smiled at him, meeting his sharp grey eyes filled with so much love.
          “I was just thinking about when we first met. I am so grateful we fought so much at first, otherwise I would have done something stupid and gotten myself killed. If that had happened, I would never have been able to experience true beauty.”
          Now Takashi blushed, and he buried his face in your chest as he murmured into it, “I almost did something stupid, too.”
          A chuckle escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “My love, that only proves just how oblivious we were. Look on the bright side, we’ve done a lot of incredibly stupid stuff since then… together!”
          You could feel Takashi smile against your chest, and you continued with your speech.
          “Not to mention I get to spend every day blessed by your beauty.” Takashi turned his head up to look at you, his blush deepening as he tried to hide his growing smile (and he almost succeeded, too). “I have seen wonders most people could only hope to dream of. Stars forming and ending, galaxies coming into view as you approach them outside of jumps, planet-sized creatures that baffle the mind, and so many different phenomena that I couldn’t describe as anything but magical. But you? You are beauty, the very definition of it.”
          You leaned forward off the pillows on the bed, Takashi now sitting in your lap as he covered his face to hide his blush. You loved to see him like this, and you were the only person who could make him feel like this.
          The pilot of the Black Lion. Head of Voltron. Leader of the Paladins. A leader who so calmly liberated entire worlds, fought against monsters birthed from the stuff of nightmares, and commanded the attention of anyone and everyone by simply walking into a room.
          And here he was, a blushing mess unraveling as an ex-pirate complimented him.
          “Your lovely grey eyes that I could gaze into for eternity. Those velvety lips that I long for when I miss you.” You took his human hand in your own, nuzzling into it and pressing a kiss to the palm.
          “The warmth of your embrace after a dangerous mission. The alluring sound of your voice when I first awake.” Takashi kept his hand against your cheek as yours went back to his waist, pulling him closer.
          “That reassuring smile you give that makes all my worries melt away. And the attention I need, lest I suffer a painful death.” Takashi couldn’t hold back the soft giggle you elicited, and he moved to wrap his arms around your neck, bringing your foreheads together, his sharp nose tickling your own.
          “Takashi, my love, there is nothing and no one in this universe, or any other universe for that matter, that I am in love with more than I am with you. My heart and soul belong to you and you alone. You alone are the reason I live, and I couldn’t think of a better reason to do so.”
          His blush was all but gone, replaced by a look of pure bliss. He whispered, oh so quietly, “You’re so cheesy.”
          And with that, he closed his eyes before taking your lips in his, a kiss filled with nothing but love and happiness. You were more than willing to kiss back, and you brought Takashi with you as you laid back down in bed, not once breaking the kiss.
          But when you two finally did, Takashi nuzzled into the crook of your neck, humming as he went to sleep. Your arms wrapped around him and his around you, you fell into the most peaceful sleep, the last thing you heard being his humming, and the last thing you felt being his heart beat alongside your own as you drifted off after him. Not once, did either of you break your embrace as you slept.
          And not once, did your hearts stop beating for each other.
          Three down, just seven left. I had so much fun writing this; fluff is amongst one of my favorite genres to write for. Anyway, have a marvelous Pride Month!
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The White Lion (Chapter Two)
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Word Count: 2849
Pairing: Keith X Lance X Blind!Fem!Reader
Warnings: General Voltron fighting and angst
Chapter: One Chapter: Three
A/n: So this started off as a small idea I had one day. A lot of you showed interest in the snippet I shared earlier. And let me tell you…this fic has grown! It will be multiple chapters cause as of right now I am at 10k Words and still writing! I will have a masterlist for this series so let me know if you want to be added! And enjoy!
Shiro landed first, after the strange white lion. The fact that they had managed to connect with them during Voltron, had been scary and unsettling. They now knew that something else could attach themselves. They didn’t know what this meant for Voltron.
Allura spoke, as they flew to the moon, that there should be no other lion. And that she knew just as much as them, which was...not much.
“Are we sure they aren’t the enemy? They listed Daibazaal as their home planet, isn’t that Galra?” Lance asked. His voice nervous.
Allura shook her head, “It can’t be. Daibazaal was destroyed over ten thousand years ago and unless they are like Zarkon… I doubt they have lived that long.”
Landing, the Paladins walked out of their lions, bayards at their sides. Cautious.
Standing beside the white lion, stood a figure, clad in white robe like attire. A scarf winding around their face, hiding it from view.
I held my breath. My anxiety spiking as I felt the energy of the lions surround me on the moon.
Blanche spoke to me, calming me down. Letting me know where they were, and how many.
Five pilots. Two Alteans. One of who...I had hoped to never meet again.
“[Y/n] Kolvason, right?” The oldest spoke. The leader. The black lion.
I nodded in his general direction, “That is my name. May I ask yours?”
The darkness in my head blocked his movements, I could not see him nod and wave his hands as he introduced his team.
“I am Shiro, Leader of Voltron. Lance pilots our Blue lion. Keith, our red. Hunk is yellow and Pidge flies Green. Then we have Coran and Princess Allura.”
I recoiled as the energy of the Altean came close. The energy halted, having seen my drastic reaction.
“We wish you no harm, Paladin. You fought along with us, we just wish to know more about you and your lion.” That soft voice.
I paused, choosing how best to say what I needed to. “I am sorry...Your...highness,” I had to bite back the formal introduction that I had been trained to say, “But I would feel more comfortable if you stepped back.”
I could practically feel everyone’s confusion at my request. But I breathed easier when the energy faded to the background, indicating that she had moved away.
“Princess Allura would not harm you. Nor would any of us. You helped us back there with the Galra.”
I smiled, but it was a bitter smile. “I know. And I will explain my odd behavior in a moment. First, I would like to start with saying...I am not from this reality.”
A collective gasp. And then a sharp, eager voice, “Are you saying you’re from an alternative Dimension!? How does that work? How did you cross? What’s your reality like?”
“Pidge.” A warning from the leader, Shiro.
I Was starting to piece together the energy signals to their respective person.
I sighed, knowing that I had to explain, Raising my hands, I gestured to them to stay quiet, “I come from a reality where Galra have all but been exterminated.”
A wary, accusing voice, energy laced with blue sparks, piped up, “How do we know you’re telling the truth? The Galra are ruthless killers!”
I shrugged, “You don’t. You just have to take my words. I do promise,” I added as their energies spiked with apprehension, “That I am telling the truth. I having nothing to gain from lying.”
“Continue.” Shiro spoke. Smoky Black Energy wafting towards me.
“Ten thousand years ago. A comet struck the planet Altea. Their leader, a man by the name of Foreal, used his Alchemy knowledge and built the six lions of Nortlov. At the time, there was peace throughout the Universe. Daibazaal, was a peaceful planet, with strong, willful people. Known as the Galra. They were the guards, protectors, of the Peace.”
A snort of derision. Red flames licking up to the sky.
I turned to the energy, lowering my head towards the man. “You think it’s silly?”
The voice was cold, calculating, but with an undercurrent of something else, “I just don’t see the Galra as being peaceful. And your story is wrong. The comet landed on Daibazaal and there were only five lions created.”
I opened my arms, “Aw, but this is not a story.” I reminded him, “It is my life. There were six lions. Fuschia, the right leg. Coral, the left leg. Violet, the right arm. Vermelin, the left arm. Ebony, the head. And Blanche, or white, as the heart.”
That voice. Femine, soft, hesitant to speak up. Energy swirling white with pink. “Heart? Your lion...during Voltron, had settled in Shiro’s chest. What exactly does the heart do? And why does your lion have a mane?”
I got excited. I loved Blanche, and flying. And the lore of Noltrov was one I loved hearing and telling.
“In a pack of Lions, there is one male and many females.”
Affirmation in the form of grunts from the surrounding people.
“Have you ever seen lionesses on their own without a male leading?”
“It’s true that they can survive without a male. But the females are the hunters. The male's protect the children and the females and cares for them. With no male, the females must be the hunters, protectors, everything. The stress tears at them and it’s not long before they turn on each other. The male balances them out. Keeps them together. He is the glue to the pack. The heart.”
I picked up speed as I grew more excited talking, “There is a head lioness, the main huntress. That would be the head. But the Male protects. Foreal knew this and created five female lions and one male. Blanche. Surely the lions have spoken to you, and you have sensed their femininity?”
I asked. Tilting my head.
Confused energy, before Shiro spoke up hesitantly, “They don’t speak to us...so much as we feel them in our minds. But yes, now that you mention it….I do sense Black is a female.”
“I always knew Green was a girl.”
“Blue has been my best girl since day one!”
“Wait! So Red isn’t a boy?”
I laughed silently, listening to these humans. They were so out of sync with their lions. Nothing like the bond my Rebels had...I shook my head. Clearing those thoughts.
“Anyways. Blanche has a mane, because he is the protector. Each of your lions have an ability? Right? At least, the lions of my reality did.”
The flames, “Yes, of course.”
“Blanche’s is shielding. He can put forward a barrier. And his mane is made of projectiles that can cut through most anything. Blanche can also open Wormholes...it's how my team flew around the Universe.” I loving looked up at my lion. Blanche purred, pleased.
“I saw that. Altean magic. If I’m not mistaken.”
I flinched, “Yes. Blanche changed his controls to Altean Consoles, easy to control with my energy, controls that worked for me when we bonded. Since I had no prior flying experience.”
Silent awe… “So you’re…”
I sagged, “Yes. I’m part Altean.”
“Part?” Blue like the water of the sea I saw once on a faraway planet, caressing around me in familiarity. But I couldn’t forget that these weren’t my Rebels.
I nodded, “The reason why I left my reality. In part. Was my bloodline.”
“What do you mean, partly why you left? What was so bad about your reality that you came to this one?” Fire licking up my face, the heat warm, but not harsh.
“After the lions of Noltrov were built...the Alteans became power hungry. Convinced they could bring peace under their rule. In a panic of what they could do if the lions were all piloted by Alteans, the leader of the Galra took them and hid them around the universe. But that did not stop the Alteans.”
I stopped. Taking a breath. Pain piercing my heart as I told my story.
“They began conquering planets, enforcing their ideals and practices on the inhabitants. The Galra tried to talk to them, tried to reason that this was terror, not peace. But Foreal would not listen. In a large battle that erupted weeks later...Foreal destroyed Daibazaal killing all Galra except for a select few who had been on peace missions elsewhere throughout the universe.”
The somber energies. The confused ones. The angry ones. I let them sweep over me. All but one. Pink with white. Spinning uncontrollably as she absorbed my words.
“As the years went on, the Altean Empire grew. And then Foreal died and a new leader came to the stage. One more ruthless and powerful than the Empire had been. Empress Allura of Altea. She stole Quintessence from planets to prolong her life,Letting her rule over thousands of years, corrupting her further.”
Horrified gasps filled the stagnant air.
Blanche kept up a steady stream of reassuring words, knowing how hard this was for me.
“The Alteans were peaceful people. We wanted to share our knowledge and peace with everyone, but we would not force it. I am not an Empress. I am merely Princess Allura.”
I nodded, “But you see why being near you is hard. I may know you are not like her, but it will take time for my mind and body to realize that. You’ll understand in a bit.”
I took a deep breath, “For the Alteans...Blood determines everything. From how high you can climb in the general ships, to how many slaves and planets you could look over. And for someone to have Altean blood but not be fully Altean...That was a crime of the highest order. The punishment, Death.”
Another shaky breath, “My mother was Altean. She met my father, a lost Galra rebel, during a recon mission. It is why I claim Daibazaal as my home, in honor of my father. My father was not full Galra either. In my Reality, Earth had already joined the vast expanse of the Universe, and so my father was part Human.”
Feet scuffed the moon’s surface. I could hear them thinking, putting the facts together in their heads as I spoke.
“She tried to kill him. But fighting turned to friendship. Turned to love.” I mused softly. A soft smile as I remembered the love my parents found in the middle of war.
“My mother took my father and told everyone he was a slave. But he had freedom to come and go as he wished. They would sneak around. Until...they couldn’t. My mother became pregnant. With me.”
My next words were cold, harsh, “When the Empress found out, she ordered immediate execution of my mother, demanding she tell her who the father of the abomination was. I was not supposed to live. But my mother begged for my life. She pleaded with Empress Allura to spare me and kill her instead.”
I chuckled darkly, “The Empress had a sick twisted sense of morality. She used to tell me the story all the time to remind how pathetic my parents were. I only saw the pain and the courage they had. She agreed to let my mother carry me to term, if she was the one to kill my father. She did it, watching her lover’s blood flow over her hands, tears falling and mixing with the Galra blood that was now growing inside her.”
“I was an abomination in the eyes of the Altean Empire. Someone who had their blood, but shared it with Galra and Humans. Once I was born, my mother was executed. I was raised in the slave hold by an Alkarion. I never had a name. I gave myself a name when I could talk. Growing up, you would never know I was anything but Altean. But once I hit puberty...my markings showed.”
I lifted my scarf from my neck, Careful not to reveal my whole face, showing the triangular purple markings that grew from my shoulders up my cheeks.
“I was assigned as the Empress's personal slave. I served on her battleship. Working day and night, endlessly, to please her. Beatings and lack of food was normal.”
The pink and white energy grew frenzied. I knew this must be hard for her to hear, what her other reality self did, but it had happened to me. And it still hurt.
“One day...I spilled Nunvill...on her robes. I pleaded, and begged, promising to clean it and that it wouldn’t happen again, but the Empress had this look in her eyes. She grabbed me and threw me across the room. None of her generals stepped in. I was an abomination and I often heard them ask why I was still alive and why Empress Allura hadn’t killed me as a babe after killing my mother.”
I lowered my scarf. Getting ready to unwrap it from my face. Hands shaking.
“She looked at my Altean markings. My galra markings. My pale, human skin. And she smiled. She said that I was a mutt, but that I should wear it proudly. That she would even give an Empress royal seal for all to see that I was something special. So she raised her hands...and she did this.”
I dropped the scarf. A strangled scream from the one who said she was just a princess.
“Quiznak” Soft gasp from the orange Altean energy beside her.
“Oh fuck…”
“Your eyes...”
“How can you fly?”
I laughed at the causal question spoken from Pidge, the one with the rolling green energy.
The only one who seemed undisturbed at the scarred exes across my eyes, now pure, white. Blind.
“After I was blinded by the Empress, I was thrown into a cell. Left for dead. A week later, I was rescued by a group of Rebels. They had found five of the six lions and had been drawn to my energy. And then Blanche found me.” I gazed up at my lion.
“He came flying through the sky and the rebels fought over who would pilot him, but I heard him. Clear as day. ‘You are my pilot.’ And I walked in without any assistance. I can see...through his eyes. When I’m flying him. He links his mind with mine. He speaks words. Not just emotions. Actual words. In a language I cannot define, but that I can understand.”
“I’ve never heard of anyone having a bond like that..” Princess Allura whispered. Half to herself.
“Blanche, with the other lions...formed Noltrov and we battled the Alteans. We freed countless planets and their people. We called ourselves the Rebels of Noltrov and we were a family…” I trialed off. Tears springing to my nonexistent eyesight.
“I’m guessing this is the other reason why you skipped realities?” Soft, determined Shiro.
I smiled at him, a hardened, grief ridden smile, “We were battling Empress Allura herself after years of running and fighting her smaller generals. But she had been prepared. A shot of pure Quintessence tore us out of formation and then there were nets...Everyone was caught in one except for Blanche and I. We managed to evade them. The nets were made with something...something I had never seen. My teammates couldn’t get out and then the screaming started.”
I couldn’t stop talking. Remembering the horrified, agonized screams of my team, as all I could do was listen.
“Empress Allura was dragging their quintessence straight out of them through their lions. The nets acting as a conduct for her magic. I tried to free them. But I couldn’t...My leader...my best friend… Snark...yelled for me to flee...so that the Alteans would never have the full power of the six lions. So...with tears in my eyes and a scream in my throat...I flew to Altea and found the rip in space time that the comet had left , it had never been destroyed… and with Blanche...I ran.”
I angrily swiped my hands over my face. The feeling of wet tears smearing across my face.
“My last memory of my teammates was hearing them die over our communications...Hearing their last gasp of air...My Rebels...My family…”
A heavy pause as everyone took in my words.
“This just happened?” Red flames, gently folding around my hands.
I gripped Keith’s hands as he supported me, “Yes. Just a few Vargas ago...before you found me and we fought the Galra. I haven’t..” Suddenly my legs gave out and I fell.
Before the ground could meet me, I was caught in strong arms.
“Woah, you okay?” Keith. Scared, nervous.
“Obviously not dude! What kind of question is that?”
A soft smile, Lance.
“Okay! Let’s get her to a healing pod. Between everything she’s been through and us questioning her, her bodies probably run through its energy.”
Straight to the point Shiro.
I felt myself be moved and cradled in someone’s arms and I slipped into unconsciousness to the sound of red heartbeats.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t @mialeelavellan @rainydaysrnevergrey  @platonic-plots @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi @ayyidkeither @mcuimxgine @mythixmagic @chas-z @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger
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snake-house · 6 years
Galran!Shiro X Altean!Male!Reader - first sight. [1]
Galran!Shiro X Altean!Male!Reader warnings: mentions of mpreg he/him pronouns used for reader (i dont put [Male Name] because my name is gender neutral so it weirds me out, so i just put [Name]) *complete au from series ahhh **i am sorry if anyone is too ooc & female pronouns used for pidge ***contains lance x keith and allura x lotor, sorry not sorry lol (also started before season7 sooooooooo) ___ Here is everyone’s species: Allura: Altean Shiro: Galran Keith: Galran/Human (like canon so he looks mostly human) Lance: Altean & Allura’s little brother Hunk: Balmeran Pidge: Altean/Human Matt: Altean/Human [Reader]: Altean ___
word count: 1,770
"Welcome to Altea," Allura beamed as her old friends Shiro and Keith walked off the ship, "How was your mission?" She asked immediately, ignoring Keith's wandering eye, already knowing he was looking for her brother. "It went well," Shiro started, sighing and nudging Keith to pay attention, "Nothing unexpected, we were simply sent to scout the rogue planet. It hasn't seemed to slow down since it was ejected from its solar system, so we are still watching it. There still hasn't had any civilian life been detected from it, but there are still signs of life, we are getting ready to send some probes to investigate more thoroughly before it decides to collide with something, but such a thing is far in the future." Allura nodded, Shiro already noticing the traces of deep thought on the Princess's face and smiled softly.
"How have you been since we have been gone? Any word on the marriage contract?" He asked gently, knowing the subject was rather touchy with her. "I've been well, Lance has been a wonderful distraction. He and I are training a boy who has shown quite a connection with Quintessence and wants to go into healing. Since my father has been distracted by that rogue planet, I have started his training along with Lance, though Lance doesn't show half the potential [Name] does. It's quite amazing too." She said with a smile, "I need to introduce you to him, he is becoming a wonderful friend, and Lance is quite taken with him," Keith's eyes narrowed at the words, "As in very protective, [Name] is a bearer." Allura fiddled with the sleeve of her dress, "As for that marriage proposal, I have ignored it as it is not the time to think of such things, but I am only barely into my second century, I have time." Shiro grinned at the princess, watching her straighten and her eyes turn determined. Even though she was younger than him, she always seemed to be able to hold herself in such a way that made her seem so much older and refined. He knew of her current distaste for such a thing, but he was curious. He had been gone for almost two months after all. "Let us find Lance and I will introduce you to [Name]. I am sure you'll like him, he is a sweetheart." She smiled brightly and led the way to the castle. The older Galran let his mind wander to the mistery Altean Allura was talking about. He was certainly a new development in the last two months, and he wanted to know more. They eventually found Lance in his room with Hunk and Pidge, and a smaller boy with [color] hair that neither Keith or Shiro recognized. "Hey, guys!" Lance brightened when he saw the two Galrans and stood up quickly to pull them into a hug, "How have you been? Did you just get back from the scouting mission? How was it?" Lance bombarded the two with questions. Allura pouted at being ignored by her brother. "It went well, we are going to send some probes to confirm there are no lifeforms on the planet, and when that comes back, then we will see what the next phase is," Keith explained easily, "How have you been?" "Great! Hunk and Pidge have been keeping me company, as well as [Name], who you guys need to meet!" The prince exclaimed and quickly motioned for the fourth and previously unknown person in the room to stand. "This is [Name]?" Shiro asked Allura with slightly wide eyes as the boy stood up and approached him. You were sitting on the settee by the window before you were called over, and the sun effectively shadowing your face. You stood rather short compared to Shiro, coming up just below Shiro's sternum. The smooth expanse of your skin really gave way to your Altean markings, making the stand out proudly against your skin. The sickle-shaped markings that sat under your [color] eyes were [preferred color], as well as the diamond shape that stood between your eyebrows and the other dainty markings beside it. (here is what reader's altean markings look like and ignore the bad art i haven’t drawn in ages but i thought you guys would like a visual) (and btw the marks are only pink so you could see them
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Allura's smile lit up as she nodded, "He's beautiful, isn't he?" She teased as she noticed her longest friend staring at the boy. Before Shiro could respond to the tease, you spoke up. "It's nice to meet you," You said meekly, looking at the two Galra soldiers and giving them a slight bow of your head. "Likewise," Keith said, "I'm Keith Kogane." He held his hand out to shake yours, which you easily took and shook. When you reached your hand out to Shiro, Shiro couldn't help but eagerly grab your hand and shake softly, just barely restraining himself from bringing the hand to his lips, "I'm Takashi Shirogane, I hear you're sensitive to Quintessence?" He asked, wanting to further the conversation with the smaller male past just an awkward introduction. You smiled slightly at the question and nodded, ignoring the fact that Shiro still held your hand, "I am, a prodigy according to Allura." "What do you plan on doing with such a gift once you are fully trained?" Shiro asked curiously, only now realizing that he still held your hand and tried not to make it awkward as he let go. "I wish to go into healing," You said, looking away from the taller male as you blushed at his action, "But that is still a long way away, and I have other duties to tend to along with my lessons." "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking," Shiro quickly added. A small smile tugged at your lips at his question, "I don't mind, I'll be 94 before the year ends," You replied simply, "Meaning I still have many more years before I can use my gift to help people." A bell sounded from your being. Shiro watched as you pulled out a small blinking blue screen. "Allura," You said looking away from the device to the princess, "Your father has requested me to do a lesson with him today. He has asked for you and Lance to come along too." "Oh shoot, I forgot what time it was," She started, pulling a reluctant Lance away from the smaller Galran soldier, "We'll catch up later?" Allura asked turning towards Shiro. When she got a nod from him, she gave the Pidge and Hunk a farewell and left Lance's room with you trailing behind them with your own round of goodbye's to the group. Shiro watched you leave with a slight hint of disappointment, he wished to talk with you longer. He only looked away from the door when he felt eyes on him, and he met the smug look of his brother in all but blood. "What?" He snapped hastily. "You're already smitten," Hunk chimed with an equally as smug look on his face, "[Name] has a habit of making people fall for him." "What do you mean?" Shiro asked again. "Oh don't worry," Pidge started, "You don't have any competition towards him, but Matt has already sworn himself in as [Name]'s protective older brother so you'll have to go through him if you want to pursue him." She added with a grin. "Who would have thought one of the best soldiers and commanders of the Galran Empire would fall for a small Altean bearer," Keith said smiling brightly, "If Allura's and Lotor's arranged marriage doesn't bring our empires together, your union definitely would." Shiro flushed, ignoring the deep purple hue that must have taken over his features, "Isn't that a bit much to assume we are going to get married? We've just met today." "Yeah, but with the way you looked at him when you walked in," Hunk said with a wide grin. “If you’re going to court him, you’ll have to first get his parent’s permission first, they’re super traditional," Pidge started in again, pulling out her mini com to start taking notes for him, "And once you get their permission, you'll have to ask him with a hand-made gift. My dad made my mom a circlet, with her favorite Earth gemstone in it." She prattled, fingers tapping quickly across the soft blue light. "Whoa-Whoa," Shiro said waving his hands in front of him, "We've only just met!" He repeated, feeling himself heat up at the confrontation. "Courtship does not mean you have to get married, it's just like dating, but in a more traditional way," Keith said, as he already knew all about Altean courtship rules and guidelines. "Either of you can end it whenever you wish." "At least let me get to know him before you all start throwing courtship rules at me," Shiro groaned, "Anyways, Keith, we need to report back and finish relaying what we found about that planet." The younger Galran nodded and gave Lance one last longing look before he followed Shiro out of the room. The two walked in silence back to their ship. They would be meeting with Alfor and Zarkon soon to talk about their mission and needed to regroup with the rest of their team before the meeting. They had already briefly filled Zarkon in when they arrived, but they were given some time to cool down from the intense mission before they would be grilled with every detail so they could work on their next move. "If you do wish to pursue [Name]," Keith started as they walked up to the ship, "I would support you, no matter what." Shiro understood the underlying meaning to his words. Keith was and has always been his little brother in all but blood, and knowing that there was always some risk to social stigma for dating or courting someone outside their own race, Keith would be there for him for he was in a similar situation. This what why it was important to Zarkon and Alfor that their heirs married. "Thank you," Shiro said genuinely, "I'll be there for you too, whenever the two of you decide to go public." It gave Shiro immense pleasure to see the younger light up red at his statement, he always knew how to catch Keith off guard. "Right, thanks," Keith said blandly, cheeks still painted pink.
Shiro grinned and ruffled the younger’s hair before letting the silence wash over them, both deep in their thoughts.
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wtfsapien · 5 years
Tales of The Last Berserker of Theruta  (Voltron x reader)
Tales of The Last Berserker of Theruta
(Voltron x reader)
Warning: a bit mention of death I guess?
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(The pictures are not mine so the credits go to their rightful owners)
“(Y/n)! Behind you!”  “Got it!” familiar voices and your own can you recall, but strangely, you couldn’t put a finger on it. What exactly happened, who exactly you were before?
But the scene changed before you could think
Alien warships flying around the night sky, shooting to be exact. Soldiers were fighting against another type of people, except they were purple. And they were winning. The defense blade a razor kind of blades that spins in high speed came towards the crew you were with.
“Row 1,2,3 on standing position! Row 4,5 on prone! 6,7 on knees!” That voice was familiar..perhaps it was yours? But the soldiers seem to do as you said and got on the positions before starting to shoot towards the razor thing.
Luckily the one that was commanding who seems to be you and the soldiers manage to shoot down one round of the razors. But none of you excepted to see another round of razors came again towards you. Some of the soldiers in the front tried to jump over it but to all your horror, they were cut to pieces and some of them didn’t even get to react before they were torn.
“NO!!” You heard your own heartbreaking scream. ‘Must have been really close to them’ you thought.
You and the crew beside and behind you laid on the ground as the razor thing swiped right over you. Your eyes were wide, both in fear and on guard. Then the ground started to shake. You and the remaining soldiers looked behind you and saw that the defense ring had drilled down into the or more like the floating city ground that you were fighting on, breaking the ground as the soldiers slide down one by one and you were one of them. Your hand waved around as you tried to grab on something.
Then you felt a pull as you grunted when you felt your body being jolt from the sudden pull. You seem to look up to see who or what had grabbed you. A woman that was probably a few years older than you looked at you with a determined look on her “Finish, the mission. Destroy Galra Empire,” she said as she pulled you up again.
    Gasping as you woke up from your dream, or more like a flashback. You found yourself sitting on your desk and it seems like you were still trying to find where the energy sources came from before you fell asleep. But remembering getting not much clue was making you frustrated again. It doesn’t really help either when you can’t remember much from your past either, despite what you remember nothing more than being in a huge war and someone with their face blurred out pushing you inside a pod and everything went black since then, and the next time you opened your eyes. You were on a planet called earth.
    The whole thing was just weird, and you kind of hate yourself for getting interested in it. But you just feel somewhat that you’re connected to this mystery, even if you didn’t want to get into another trouble. Make more dramas like it wasn’t enough for you that your whole life was already an opera play itself.
You didn’t even remember who—no, what you exactly were. Cause those (e/c) eyes that would shine in (f/c) every time when you accidentally walked into someone’s mind or being able to shapeshift to any gender was definitely not a humane thing—
At all.
    But lately, you found some mysterious energy sources from somewhere, no that much near you but definitely was strong. And being a medic in the Galaxy Garrison didn’t really help either, your name was (M/n) (L/n), a young human male at the age of 17 in human age and one of the youngest yet pretty good medic too. But working all day on filling in all types of health information about the cadets and the former members too. And don’t forget helping the cadets if they have injuries plus having your own medic training wasn’t that easy as it might seem like. So all you do after a long day is only to collapse into your bed and sleep.
    You often go as (M/n) after you found out that you can change between both genders and shapeshift, due to that you were simply not born on earth. And you thought that using your old identity wasn’t really safe because of the weird marks on your cheeks and how your skin would glow up in weird marks sometimes without reason, or at least what you know. But backstories for another time. Most of the people should also know that running fast with boobs or styling your looks always take more time.
    “Argh,” you groaned and leaned back on your chair as Matt came and ruffled your hair with a chuckle. “You should take a break (M/n), you still have training tomorrow and you’ll also be there to see us off too. You can’t get focused or get anything good if you overwork yourself,” Matt said as you just sat there, staring at the distance. “I know, it feels like I’m getting somewhere. But I don’t. This is so confusing,” you muttered as you tried to fix your hair that Matt messed up more. “And how many times do I have to tell you not to mess up my hair?” Matt looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “Why? We’re roommates, right? And when did you even put effort into your hair?” Oof. That burned. “yeah yeah and you’ll leave to Kerberos tomorrow. I’m going to take my sweet time ruining this whole room for you to come and clean,” you said with a grin making Matt role his eyes.“Whatever but go to rest now,”
    The next day came faster than you thought. It was time to see Matt, his father and the others off. “(M/n)!” you turned your head towards whoever that had called your name, turns out it was Matt. “Matt,” you said as he ran up to you. “Please I have to ask you a favor,” he said as he looked at you with a serious face. “What is it?” you asked looking at him “My sister, Katie. If she ever comes here, please watch out for her. You know how dear she is to me, just this once (M/n), as your friend and your roommate. I ask you to help me this once...If something happens up there,” Matt said looking at you as he put a hand on your shoulder. You were the same high as him so you looked directly at his eyes with your (e/c) eyes.
Unnoticed to you, just an eye contact from your (e/c) made Matt shiver inside. Something was definitely different about you and he doesn’t know about it.  “Why are you talking like I never helped you before?” you asked raising an eyebrow at him as Matt nervously chuckled “Just..please take care of her alright? She’s dear to me,” he said looking at you with soft eyes as you looked down and sighed before looking up at him before answering “Alright, I will,” Matt looked at you with a smile before opening his mouth to say something else before he was cut off by someone coming up to him
“We have to go soon, Matt.” You looked a bit up and saw the pilot, Takashi Shirogane. He as well looked at you at the same time as he smiled and reached his hand out “Hello, my name is Takashi Shirogane. But call me Shiro for short, nice to meet you,” he said smiling as you took his hand and shake it. “ I’m (M/n) (L/n), nice to meet you too Shiro,” you replied before looking at Matt “Alright, see you soon I guess? Don’t get killed up there,” you joked as Matt chuckled a bit with Shiro. You said your final goodbyes and wishing them good luck before they went to get ready.
 Little did you know that you won’t be seeing them in a long time and Matt seriously Jinxed himself.
I know I’m bad at this guys but should I continue this? Part 1??
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we-found-him · 6 years
I’ve done a bit of stuff so here it all is organized. assume that stuff is a headcanon unless stated otherwise! My stuff is on top, and Mod James’s stuff is below that.
Accurate as of August 2, 2018
Multiple Characters
Echo!Soulmate (Keith, Lance, Shiro, fluff)
Taking care of reader with broken arm (slight angst)
Reader is a runaway prince(ss).
Comforting female!reader after a breakup (fluff)
Reader who always says sorry (Shiro, Hunk, Lotor, fluff?)
Cute female!reader into horror (fluff)
Huntress!reader from RWBY (fluff)
Reader has an anxiety attack. (angst)
Writing on the arm soulmate. (Keith, Lance Shiro, Matt, Lotor)
Getting Stuck in Small Spaces (Fluff)
S/o has a country accent (Fluff)
Approval from parents video (scenarios, fluff)
Meeting paladins & first thoughts (fluff)
Male!reader finds a space cat (Pidge, Keith, Matt, Lance; funny)
Sleeping with and without reader (+Allura, fluff)
Most memoral/ passionate kiss (+Lotor, fluff)
Happy reader (+Lotor, fluff)
Being with a kick ass space mom reader (+Matt, Lotor, fluff)
Actress!reader (+Lotor, fluff)
with a short female!reader (+Matt and Allura, fluff)
Trans boy reader (Keith, Matt, Lance)
Social Anxiety (paladudes +Matt,)
Becoming Blind (+Matt, Angst)
Reader with Glasses (Paladudes + Matt, Fluff)
Plus Others (Coran, Galra generals, etc.)
Learning Earth’s history (Allura, Lotor, Coran)
Felmale!reader with ahoge (+minor trio+Thace and Ulaz, fluff)
Single Character
Scars!Soulmate AU (one shot, fluff?)
Shiro’s daughters find him. (one shot/ hcs, fluff and some angst)
Reader was a Galra prisoner (one shot, fluff and angst?)
True Space Dad w/ female!reader (fluff)
Pregnant female!reader (one shot, fluff)
Telling Shiro she’s pregnant (One shot, fluff, funny)
#80: -“Does he know about the baby?” -“Hold still.” (one shot, fluff, funny)
36 Questions setup (One shot, tooth rotting fluff)
Music!Soulmate AU (Drabbles, Fluff)
Keith gets hurt x Male!reader. (drabble, some angst)
Keith comforts stressed Female!reader (One shot, fluff)
“I love you, but you piss me off” (fluff)
Keith as a dad with female!reader (fluff, funny)
Keith x stubborn, sarcastic reader (One shot, fluff?, angst?)
Thunder, Keith x male reader (One shot, fluff)
I Love You with female!reader (drabble, fluff)
Flirting. (fluff)
Lance Karaoke (one shot, fluff)
Lance x Keith’s sibling (Fluff, funny)
Reader has a mental breakdown. (angst)
Shared thoughts Soulmate AU (Fluff)
Mod James
Klance: Wrapped up in You (one shot, fluff)
Shance: Distraction (one shot, fluff)
Sheith: Late Night Impulses (Oneshot, fluff)
Klance Parents (Fluff)
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So You’re Not A Goddess? (Keith x Reader)
Pairing: Keith x Fem!Reader
Warning: I mean angst? 
Word Count: Still too lazy
Summary: Keith crash lands on another planet where you care for him while he’s a bit delusional.
A/N: I really want requests, I’m borreeddddd (the picture isn’t mine)
Keith had no idea where he was but he knew he was in pain. He remembered the impact and the piercing feeling in his side but why he crashed evaded him. 
“You’re okay, my dear.” He remembered that voice, it was serene like a lullaby or the rocking of a calm ocean. 
 Something followed the voice. He couldn’t quite see, his vision was blurred and it hurt to move. Though the paladin could make out a glowing figure with skin that radiated light like a moon. 
 "Don’t move,“ You came closer, face starting to get a bit clearer. "You must rest you’re very hurt." 
 "A-are you a goddess?” The delirious boy asked. Your starry eyes squinted as you gave a light laugh. 
“Aren’t you sweet. You must sleep now okay?” Starting to softly sing a siren song drifting the temperamental young man. 
He drifted in and out of consciousness, all the same color of soft blues, whites and purples overstimulated his vision. The goddess always tended to him with a kind touch making sure his wound was fine and he was warm enough. Keith started to open his eyes, they were basically glued shut but his pupils finally were able to take the moon light, wait were there 3? His friends! He had to go back to the castle. He started to sit up but cringed at the sharp ache. 
“Shhh. Don’t get up.” Rushed over to his side. 
You were even more magnificent than he thought he dreamt. Your dress cascaded into a waterfall that blended into yout hair. Wait your hair ombréd into water. Though the moons were dazzling and the water glimmered, you are the brightest of them all. 
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“Who are you.” He croaked as his voice was dry. 
“Here, drink this and I’ll tell you everything.“ You started to speak once he drank the tonic. "I’m (y/n), you crashed in your red lion. We’re a healing planet, lucky for you. You had a large gash and almost died." 
Like the stubborn person he is, Keith started to rise. You didn’t protest, instead handed him an arm to help. He started to notice where he was, a large balcony that connected to the room so he could see the whole ocean and sky. He also realized he was wearing different clothing that matched your dress. Before he could become content with your presence someone barged in. 
"I’m sorry to interrupt you my queen but the Galra are causing trouble in the center.” A smaller young girl spoke in much urgency. 
 Your eyes widened. “Celeasa, please take care of him, make sure he’s comfortable.” With that you glided across the floor to what he suspects is the center. 
“She’s the queen?" 
"Oh yes, the kindest we could ask for.” The young girl probably around Pidge’s age. 
“What are the Galra doing here?” Keith was more and more curious. 
“Well when the Galra came to our planet, they used us as entertainment. The queen tried to to stop them but the fight was unfair and they threatened to kill everyone.” The child focused on his wounds, he felt sympathy for these people. He had to contact the other to help rid them of the Galra. 
While Keith was getting his history lesson, you were managing the Galra. 
“What is going on? You are not permitted in the castle gates.” You demanded. 
“I saw something I liked.” The purple alien snarled at the pretty lady hiding behind her queen. 
“We made a deal to serve you what you like in the center. Would you like to find out why your Zarkon wished to make a deal than try to go to war.” Your eyes iced over, no longer pupils but just glowing moons for eyes as the water flowed in your hair rose along with you. 
The solider raised his weapons but before he knew it blades of hair shaped water trapped him, so if he were to move, he’d immediately die. “Fine.” The Galra man stood down backing out of the gate. Your eyes faded back to their regular appearance, hair retracted to its normal length and you gently touched the ground again. 
“Thank you, my queen!” The pretty girl bowed down to her. 
“Please.” You guided her to stand. “Call me by my name, I am still a friend among you all." 
After you made sure the young maid was okay, you walked back to the foreign young man who seemed to have seen the whole thing. 
"You must hide, if they see you, you’ll be dead.” You rushed him inside. 
“I need to call my team, we can form Voltron and free you from the Galra.” Keith protested to you. 
 "You’re still hurt and I don’t think Zarkon will just leave us alone once one ship is defeated. We are their main entertainment.“ You tried to explain to him. He was still confused and convinced that his way was right. "I’ll show you tonight.”    
While Keith was in paradise, the others were trying to locate the red lion.  
"If we triangulate the trajectory of where he crashed maybe we’ll have a good estimate of his landing!” Pidge exclaimed while the others still looked dumbfounded.
“Alright,” After typing away for a moment, “here! He should be at this planet, Sirenance." 
 "That planet is the main vacation for the Galra. It’s said to have the most enchanting race.” The stift blonde alien informed. 
“Aw come on! Mullet got the most enchanting race!” Everyone ignored that comment. 
“Alright, we’ll take the green lion to sneak on the planet unnoticed and we’ll find some clothes to blend in.” Shiro spoke in his dad(dy) voice. 
When the others landed, they all had the same thought as their fellow paladin, you looked like a goddess. Even Shiro’s eyes widened at your infectious beauty.  
“-you like to find out why your Zarkon wished to make a deal than try to go to war.” You were still in the sky when they saw you threatening the Galra And saw him run away like a dog with his tail between his legs. 
 "Look it’s Keith!“ Hunk whisper yelled. They all saw you usher in the weak looking man. 
"Oh come on! He also gets the beautiful lady!” Lace spoke frustrated. 
Shiro led them around the back of the castle to find a weak spot when they came across a gorgeous balcony. 
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Your voice startled the pilots. “I was expecting 2 more of you by what Keith had said." 
"Who are you?” Allura asked in caution. 
“I’m (y/n), I’ve heard much about all of you.” You smiled brightly, going down the line cupping both cheeks and leaning foreheads together. This seemed to fluster the warriors. 
The team started to introduce themselves but were too much an awe. “These are my paladins. Hunk, Lance, Shiro and I’m the princess Allura of the planet Altea." 
"Welcome, I hope you find Sirenance suitable for your liking. I’ll lead you to your friend.” You were humble and sincere, making the princess a bit jealous but you took her hand to lead her first. 
 "Princess, I’ve heard much of your beautiful planet and people. You’re just as striking as legends say.“ You smiled sweetly. "I’m genuinely so sorry for your loss, if there’s anything I can do to make you feel better, please tell me.” The white haired alien started to warm up to the girl. 
Keith was sitting on a comfortable table with Celeasa still tending to his wound, almost healed. “I’ve got the rest, my dear, thank you.” You excused the sweet child. 
“Just one more healing and you’re free.” You brought out a pouch and poured a glimmering goo onto your hand and placed it to his side. 
“Are you okay, Keith? What happened?” The worried leader asked. 
“I’m fine-” the injured male started. 
“Of course, he’s fine! Look at him! He’s being cared for by a goddess!” Lance freaked. 
You giggled, “Your kind are very funny, I’m only a mere Siren like the rest who live on this land." 
"Don’t let that fool you, she’s the queen.” Keith grunted as he shifted in the chair. 
“You’re the queen? Then why are you helping Keith?” Hunk asked bluntly.
“You’re completely healed now.” You told the previous injured. “I don’t like being considered higher than anyone in my kingdom, everyone is equal. Even the bad must be treated with mercy.” Still sitting comfortably on the ground. 
“This is why we need to save these people!” The hot head tried to persuade his team. 
“Keith,” she stood up to take his hand. “There is nothing you can do. If you defeat the Galra on this planet, Zarkon will on get mad and they will only keep coming." 
"She’s right,” Shiro placed a hand on Keith shoulder. “We’ve seen the center. It’s not just one ship. All Galra come for the food, dancing, and relaxation.” “No! We have to-” he was cut off. 
“Take down Zarkon, bring down his empire. I can handle them.” You looked at the others. “You have an ally in us, we’ll fight beside you but not today." 
"Celeasa, please pack up the bag and show the other the underwater tunnels.” The group followed the sweet girl. 
“I can do something!” He yelled again in frustration. 
“Shhh. Come back when it’s over and I’ll be able to show you why we are so entertaining.” Your eyes sparkled as mindlessly led him to his red lion. 
“I’ll see you again, I promise.” And with that he entered his robot and flew away.  
“I hope so.” You hummed to yourself.
Part 2
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
An Unconventional First Date [Shiro x Reader]
Requested by anon: “Voltron request? Shiro taking his s/o on their first date and it fails miserably and by the end of the night he feels like dying a little inside but when his s/o kisses him, he goes back to his room with the biggest smile on his face. ( I just thought it would be cute!) thank you! I hope you have a good day!“
A/N: Hope you love it my lovely anon! <33
So the day Shiro finally asked you on a date everyone thought ‘it was about damn time.’ Living on the castle ship with the paladins didn’t leave much room for privacy and secrets, everyone knew how everyone else felt about the other. Meaning the other paladins knew Shiro was head over heels for you within the first week in Earth time. 
When he finally asked you out everyone sighed in relief. 
After finding out where it would be safe to take you, he planned the perfect date.
Leaving you rather excited. Allura sat in your room as you readied yourself. “You must be excited” she said, you turned from the mirror to face her. “Yeah, I’ve had feelings for Shiro for a while now. Since we were in the garrison together, I guess we were both oblivious to the other.” you laughed sitting beside her.
“I never really got the chance to ‘date’ as you call it. Being a princess made it difficult.” Allura informed you. Putting a hand on her shoulder, “You’ll find someone incredible, I know it” encouraging her. A large smile grew on her face, “Thank you [F/n]”
“And worse comes to worse, there’s always Lance” walking to the mirror again. Allura laughed behind you, “I’d have to decline the offer” she joked. Eliciting some laughter from you.
Not long after there was a knock on your door. Walking over you clicked the panel beside the door allowing it to slide open. Shiro stood on the other side, nervously fidgeting.
He smiled upon laying eyes on you, “Wow, you look incredible” complimenting you, Allura had lent you some clothes. It was nice to be in something different. “Thanks Shiro, you don’t look half bad yourself” teasing playfully.
He chuckled before asking “All set to go?”
“I am” answering as he offered you an arm. Of which you took.
“Don’t have too much fun you two” You could hear Lance yell from down the corridor. You simply laughed, looking up to see Shiro chuckling, face flushed. It was too easy to get him flustered. But it was undeniably adorable. 
He took you down to where his lion was. Climbing aboard you turned to him, “So where are we headed?” walking backwards toward the cockpit. “Well Allura and Coran told me about a friendly planet nearby so I thought maybe it’d be fun to go check it out”
“Sounds cool, lets do it” smiling at him. He blushed again before heading to where he pilots the lion. Standing beside him you held onto the chair. “Hold on” he said before taking off. Though the propulsion knocked you off balance.
Noticing Shiro quickly caught you by the waist. Though it caused the lion to jerk and you fell the other direction. That ended with you falling on to his lap.
You hands landed on his shoulders, his arms still around your waist. Meeting his eyes you both blushed bright red. “Oh shit, I’m so sorry” you cursed, quickly jumping on his lap.
“I-I” choking on his own voice, he cleared his throat. “I, uhm, don’t worry about it. It’s okay”
You both sat in a bit of an awkward silence. Before you started to laugh, “Who knew Lance’s advice would come into play so early” you joked. Shiro began to laugh as well, “Can you imagine how long it’d take to live that down?”
“We wouldn’t” you smiled while watching space fly past, as a planet came into view. “Is that it?” pointing out toward the mass.
“It is. Lets land and get the ball rolling” You nodded, getting a better grip onto the chair this time. Though the landing was smooth.
Once landed you both exited the lion, it putting up it’s force field the minute you stepped off.
You followed a path to a nearby town. It was a cute little place, tucked away from where the Galra could find it. It seemed to be a port for many travelers, seeing aliens of different species everywhere. “What should we do first?” Shiro asked standing beside you.
“I don’t know about you but I’m starving” your eyes skimming over the buildings. “Oh there!” you pointed to what resembled a restaurant, grabbing his hand “Come on!” a cheery tone to your voice. Leading him through the rather crowded street.
You made it to the small restaurant and got yourselves a table. “I have no idea what any of this stuff is” staring, confused by the menu.
“Maybe we can just ask to get what’s popular?“ Shiro looked around for the alien taking your order.
You did so and made idle conversation while waiting. Trying to keep the conversation light. The service was good, the food was out quickly. It looked less than appealing.
“Okay we both take a bite at the same time, it’s only fair” Shiro laughed gesturing between the both of you. “Ugh, fine! We take the bullet together” you hesitantly grabbed your utensil.
You both got a spoonful. “Okay, on 3. 1.. 2.. 3!” both taking a bite. “Oh god that’s horrible” placing your utensil down. Shiro shook it off, “That isn’t what we’re used too”
“We should’ve brought back up space goo” you laughed, staring disapprovingly at the food. He nodded laughing as well.
After paying you both began to wander the street again. Peering into each restaurant or store. Though one caught your attention, “Is that a bar?” you laughed.
“I think it is” Shiro chuckled following your gaze. “Well we’re both adults, and haven’t had a drink since we were brought out to space. So what do you say?”
“Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. “Come on Shiro live a little” squeezing his hand. He sighed, “Okay, just one”
“Deal” grinning before pulling him to the building. Approaching the bar, “Hi, how are you two? You new around here?” The bartender greeted. “Just passing through” smiling at him.
“Nice, what can I get for you?” he asked looking at the both of you. “Uh, I guess whatever is popular“
He smiled before coming back with two glasses. The liquid in it was slightly tinged pink. Taking the glasses and handing Shiro one. “To terrible food, lets hope the drink’s better” you laughed, Shiro smiled before clinking his glass to yours. Both downing the drinks.
“Whew, that is strong” placing the glass down. “And your unaffected and i feel like a lightweight” noticing how Shiro didn’t even flinch. He laughed, “I guess you are a lightweight.” he teased. The drink obviously making him more confident. “I’m hurt, you have wounded me Takashi Shirogane” using his full name in faux offense.
“I’ll be right back” he chuckled, “Okay but don’t abandon me here” you laughed. Watching as he headed to the bathroom. Leaning against the bar you fiddled with the empty glass.
“Hey sweetheart” a voice came from beside you. Looking up you saw a male alien, he had dark eyes, and purplish skin. You gave him a small smile before turning away.
“What’s got you here all alone?” he flirted coming closer to you.
“I’m actually here with someone, so please leave me alone” Politely rejecting his advances. Though he didn’t take the hint and continued to flirt. However, when he reached out to touch your arm he was pinned to the bar. Jumping back you noticed the Galra arm, shocked at this new side of Shiro.
“Leave her alone” growling before he pushed him away. The man gained his balance, punching Shiro in the jaw. Though Shiro barley flinched, being a prisoner and fighting the galra has given him a high pain tolerance. 
Shiro grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him off his feet. You were stunned, not having ever seen this side of him (not that you didn’t like it). Though the bartender soon broke it up, “I want both of you out now!” he yelled at them both.
“We were just leaving” you grabbed Shiro’s hand and pulled him out of the building. Beginning to walk back to his lion. You walked in silence.
“I’m sorry” he looked over at you. “I ruined the night” You simply shrugged, “It was probably the drink, lets just get back it’s late. I’ll clean up that gash when we get back.” Giving him a kind smile. “You were protecting me so thank you”
He gave a small smile before nodding.Though he couldn’t help but feel he ruined everything, including his chances with you.
Getting back to the castle ship, everyone had gone to bed. Telling him to sit on your bed as you went to get some supplies to clean up his busted lip.
Coming back with a wash cloth and antiseptic. Sitting beside him you focused on cleaning up the blood and tending to the area that would surely bruise.
“I’m sorry again. I ruined our night. I just really like you and I guess I got a bit jealous when seeing that guy wouldn’t leave you alone, and it mixed with the drink I had. Basically I understand if you don’t want to be more than friends after tonight.” he babbled, not allowing you a word in.
“Shiro, you didn’t ruin the night. I had a fantastic time and I’d love to go out again. Though, maybe next time something simple like stargazing or just exploring would be better. Away from weird food and strong drinks” you smiled at him. He felt relief wash through him.
Smiling he said “I’ll let you get some sleep” standing to leave. You followed him to the door. Turning to you he gave you a bashful smile, “Goodnight [F/n]”
You smiled widely back, “Goodnight Shiro” turning to return to your room. Though in a rush of confidence you stopped mid-step and turned to him again. Swiftly your hand landed on the back of his neck and you pulled his lips to yours.
He was shocked at first but soon relaxed into the kiss as his hands landed on your hips. Pulling away you smiled, cheeks flushed. Your face was centimeters from his as you whispered again, “Goodnight Shiro” before retreating into your room again.
Leaving a shocked Shiro behind. A grin beamed on his face, under flushed cheeks. He wore a ecstatic smile all the way back to his room and until he fell asleep. Still in disbelief that you kissed him.
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Adventures at the Coalition’s Academy for Future Elite Soldiers
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lUrtaa
by Aria_Verde
Gift for my sister, who wanted a Keith x Reader.
    At the start of the war, the forces on Altea saved the planet Earth, and with the power of Voltron, were able to push Zarkon's empire back on several thousand years worth of progress.
But then the Voltron lions were scattered across the universe in the heat of battle, giving Zarkon the chance to grow his empire again.
The Coalition of Altean and Terrain Squadrons helped in the creation of several military schools across the free universe, promoting citizens to fight against Zarkon and spread freedom to those trapped under his reign. Everything is looking up for the coalition as brilliant soldiers are made and the lions are found one by one. Together, you and your best friend Lance are going to try and graduate at the top of the class in your academy, and maybe help mend the relationship between Lance, yourself, and that other guy, Keith. It would be easier if Lance could control his ego, though...
Words: 4433, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), OC Enemy Galra, Some Other OCs
Relationships: Keith (Voltron)/Reader, Keith/Reader, Allura/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Military Academy AU - Freeform, Altea still exsits, fem!reader - Freeform, If enough people want a male reader version I can post one too though, Rating may go up and tags will change as story goes forward
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lUrtaa
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
A Safe Haven - Ch 1. [Shiro x Reader]
A/N: Yay, the actual first chapter. Whoop whoop. Here comes some space dad!  I appreciate any and all feedback! I hope you all love it!! <33
Chapter 1: My Characters:
Christian - Male - Reader’s Best Friend
Voight - Male - Pain in the Reader’s ass
Soldiers - around 4 others
“All right. Lets move” you called before boarding the ship.
They were all the similar. Same layout, similar guard changes. You had one goal get your people and get out. Simple. Easy.
You led your group of 6 soldiers. Of them your best friend and second in command Christian.
Each of them had a sword and blaster that had been salvaged from destroyed planets. Or were created back on the planet.
You used only your powers. Having a whip formed in your hand as your weapon of choice for this mission.
You held your hand up, signalling for the troops to halt. Peering around the corner you saw four guards. “I count four. Two sentries two Galra.” telling the troops.
“Christian take out the sentries, the guards they’re mine” you ordered looking back. A newer cadet by the name of Voight scowled. You didn’t want him on this mission, his sister was one of the captives. It’s too personal.
“I want in” he growled lowly. You shot him a glare, “You do as told cadet. Stay put, that’s an order”
Nodding to Christian, you both snuck around the corner. “On 3″ mouthing as he nodded. “1.. 2.. 3″ you mouthed the numbers before cracking your whip and it wrapped around one of the guard’s necks.
Yanking it back he was swept off his feet, dropping his blaster. When he landed in front of you, you swiftly landed a jab to his head knocking him out. After knocking him out his buddy began to shoot at you.
Holding up your other arm a magic shield formed, blocking the blasts as you repeated the motions with your whip. But when you yanked him toward you, you knocked him out with the shield.
Christian had gotten the two sentries. After the coast was clear you motioned for your other troops to follow. The newer members were in awe by your skills. It took years to get to where you’re at and it wasn’t easy getting there.
You didn’t encounter anymore guards on your way to the cells. It was proving to be an easy mission. Getting the cell door open you stood in the doorway, the prisoners inside blocked the bright light from their eyes.
Once their sight had adjusted the refugees that knew you immediately recognized you, “[F/n]” one of them said sounding relieved. You smiled at them all kindly, “Come on lets get out of here, all of you”
The prisoners quickly stood and raced out of the cell. “Where’s my sister?” Voight asked seeing the little girl missing. “She was taken by the guards about an hour ago, she hasn’t returned yet. They took her for questioning” one of the prisoners explained.
“We’re sorry there is nothing we could do to stop them” another apologized. You shook your head “This isn’t your fault. We’ll get you somewhere safe and then find your homes” you explained to the prisoners.
Turning around you saw Voight backing away from the group, “I have to find her!” he mumbled before turning and running down the corridor..
“Voight no!“ yelling after him. Growling you turned to the group, “You get them out of here, if we’re not back in 10 minutes you leave without us. Do you understand?” you ordered.
“But [F/--” Christian began. “Not up for debate soldier!” you said sternly. All the troops but Christian flinched under your harsh tone. He nodded. Returning it before turning and sprinting after Voight.
You stopped at an intersection of hallways trying to decipher where to go. But you heard a shrill scream. It sounded like his sister.
Without a thought you sprinted in the direction, before coming across a room with the door opened. Rushing in you found Voight pointing his blaster at a hooded figure that had his sister by the back of the neck.
“Haggar” you growled. The witch immediately looked to you. A revolting smirk growing on her lips. “I remember you.” she laughed.
Immediately you summoned your whip once more. “Ah ah ah” she warned, “We wouldn’t want to put the poor girl in any danger” her grip on the girl tightened as she yelped in pain.
“I’ll kill you!” Voight yelled. You turned to him, there was only one thing you could do. “Stand down cadet” your tone was firm and intimidating.
“But -” he looked at you. “Did I stutter?” commanding again as he dropped his weapon. You gave him a look that said ‘trust me.’
Turning to the witch you began again. “Haggar if I remember correctly you’re always up for a bargain. I have something of more value than the girl” she looked at you interested. “And what would that be?”
“Me” She laughed at the idea. “I’ve already learned what I can from the powers your mother had, you’re of little value”
“What if I said you were wrong” She scoffed. “And how so?”
Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes. You allowed your Draconian features to show. The scales formed on your arms, spine, eyes, and neck. Your [e/c] dilating to look like a serpent’s. “As you can see I’m not only of my mother’s descent but also of Draconian blood. I have two powerful forces at my control. I am of two times the value”
Her evil smirk returned. “I stay, they go” you ordered. She released the girl who ran to her brother. Watching the exchange, “I can’t leave you hear” Voight said.
“Go and for once do as your told” you ordered. He hesitated before running out of the room his sister in tow. He will have to take out some guards on his way there but they will make it in time.
You stood facing the witch as guards rushed into the room. They came behind you. Pinning your arms and taking out the back of your knees so you were kneeling. Haggar came up to you and took your chin in her hands.
“Tell me everything about your powers” she ordered. “No” spitting back.
“The bargain was I let the girl go and you stay and give up information” she yelled. “No, I said I’d stay. I never promised to telling you a damn thing” shaking your head out of her grip.
“You will talk, they always do” she backed away from you. A sadistic smile on her face before nodding to the guards. They then jabbed a taser type baton into your side.
You yelled out in pain before everything went black.
The Paladins were training for their next fight against the Galra. They needed to be focused and disciplined. Sadly only Shiro and Keith were showing those characteristics at the moment.
“Paladins we have just come in contact with a distress beacon” Allura’s voice came over the speakers. The training halted as they all ran to the control room.
They entered to hear Coran speaking.  “It’s strange, it’s not coming from a planet but just open space”
“Yes I agree” Allura looked at Coran but noticed the Paladins enter.
“What’s up?” Lance was the first to ask, his arms lazily behind his head.
“It seems we’ve received a distress beacon from a ship but it is not on a planet.” Allura informed them. “Could it be a trap?” Keith asked next.
“It is possible” Coran said turning to bring up the beacon on the map.
“Let’s check it out but proceed with caution” Shiro suggested and Allura set a course.
The refugees and soldiers had been stuck floating for almost a week. The ship was damaged when escaping the Galra ship and had gone as far at it could go. They  were beginning to lose hope until the castle came into view and Allura came over their communicator.
“Hello this is Princess Allura of Altea. We received a distress beacon from your ship.” Christian ran over to the communicator. “Thank goodness. Our engines are damaged and we’ve been stuck here for ages” he spoke waiting a response.
“Yes I see. We will bring you aboard and help with any repairs. Prepare for your ship to be extracted.“ everyone sighed a sigh of relief.
When the ship was brought aboard and the door to the ship opened, the Paladins were surprised to see the number of beings.
“You must be Princess Allura, I can’t thank you enough” Christian bowed to Allura. “You are correct. Are you the leader to these people?” His demeanor turned somber at the question. “No, I’m second in command”
“Where is your leader then?” Pidge piped up next. The soldiers all exchanged a look. “Taken by Galra” one of the soldiers said. Christian flinched at the words.
“Oh my” Allura gasped. “She’ll be alright though, she’s the strongest out of all our people.” Christian assured the refugees, and himself.
“And who are your people?” Hunk was the next one with a question. “A large group of refugees. We’re a safe haven for ex-Galra prisoners” Christian explained.
“Interesting. Why haven’t we heard of this safe haven” Shiro crossed his arms, skeptical of the newcomers.
“It’s been kept a secret for generations. But now we have to get our ship fixed and save our leader. We can’t just leave her there.” Christian turned to the soldiers. Of whom nodded in agreement.
“Perhaps we could be of some assistance” Allura caught their attention.
“How so?” Voight asked cocking an eyebrow.
“We have a powerful weapon on our side. These five are the paladins of Voltron” Allura gestured to the group. 
They had heard of Voltron, but thought it was lost. “Voltron? I thought that was lost” Christian stared shocked.
“It was for a time until I found the blue lion” Lance gloated. “Technically Keith found it” Pidge corrected.
“Anyway we’d really appreciate your help. I’m Christian” he offered a hand. Shiro was the one to take it. “Shiro, we’ll help the best way we can. This is our team, Pidge, Keith, Hunk, and Lance. Then of course the princess and Coran” he introduced the group. Christian did the same with the refugees and soldiers.
“We can’t thank you enough” Christian thanked them, while the others nodded.
“It’s not a problem.” Allura assured with a smile.
After coming aboard the castle it took what would’ve be a few days back on your planet for the ship to meet it’s repairs and for a rescue mission to be planned. Christian and the other soldiers did their best to describe the lay out, but you’re the one who normally dealt with those things.
The refugees were sent with two of the soldiers back to the refuge. There was no need for them to be put in danger again. Christian, Voight, and two other soldiers remained to help.
The plan was infiltrate the ship in pairs. The main goal was to find you and the second goal was to destroy the ship.
While gearing up Christian couldn’t help but say, “You all really have no idea how much this means to us all.” They all nodded at him appreciatively. 
“Lets do this” Lance smirked. Everyone giving a collective “Yeah!”
When boarded, Christian and Shiro were in charge of scoping out the wing you had run after Voight through. They were the most experienced and this was the most dangerous section.
Shiro was uncomfortable, being there reminded of his time as a prisoner. As gladiator. He wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.
Everything was quiet until they began to hear muffled and suppressed yells. Christian’s heart twisted. It took a lot to make you scream, he could only imagine the pain. “That way” he yelled before running toward the voice.
You panted as the Galra commander pulled back the heated rod. You were burned, battered, and bloody. Haggar had left your torture to this buffoon, she had other ‘business’ to take care of.
“Care to talk yet?” he growled in a low voice. Picking your head up, you spat at him. He reeled wiping his face, glaring at you. You gave him a blood stained grin. He grabbed you by your throat. Hands clenching in the restraints holding you to the table.
You felt yourself getting lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. About to black out before the Galra commander was yanked away. Coughing your head hung as you caught your breath.
“[F/n]! Just hold on alright” Christian said beginning to work on the restraints. Looking up you saw a man in black armor with a purple glowing arm fighting the commander. He was good.
You felt the restraints give way on your wrists and ankles. Christian helped you sit before running to help the man. Guards were going to be there soon no doubt and the Galra commander was getting an advantage.
Struggling to stand but failing at every attempt. You couldn’t just sit here.
Shiro and Christian fought him off the best the could but he was always one move ahead of them. When caught off balance, they were both hoisted by their throats.
Shiro tried to talk to get to the other Paladins help, but to no avail. He had to think of something. Fast.
But before he could think of a plan they both heard the crack of whips. Soon the sound was confirmed when the arms of the Galra were pulled back as he dropped them. Shiro witnessed in disbelief as you mustered all your strength to throw the Galra into the wall.
He was knocked out upon impact. Looking from the Galra to you, he saw you stumbling back as the magic whips slipped from your grasp. He stood and raced over. Catching you before you hit the floor.
The last thing you saw were his grey eyes. Holding you he could only wonder
‘Who are you?’
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