#shit (gege akutami) just happens
eldritchdilf · 9 months
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crimsonxpx · 1 year
Spoiler??? JJK
Gege will hurt us so much during shibuya, if MAPPA doesn´t make it up with shirtless gojo and the best anime fight of the fucking year i will find that man, make him pay my therapy and have him watch me cry like a dog. I WILL WRITE A MANGA, MAKE SURE HE READS IT, LOVES IT AND THEN ´OFF´ ALL HIS FAVORITE CHARACTERS AS REVENGE!!!!
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slutshamethesquirrels · 2 months
Shamesy's Suguru Analysis (Part 1)
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so, recently, i have been what the ladies call "miffed as shit" over geto analyses i've seen floating around. so im here to give you ShamesysPookieBBG!Suguru , the way i know him.
firstly and foremost: a little bit of a warning, and something that i didnt see others tell their audience:
i am. an idiot. kay? i am a fat white girl from southern appalachia that sells fucking pottery for a living. i am not jesus christ, or gege akutami. i can only give you what i know from my countless re-reads and re-watches of jjk, particularly hidden inventory.
i have, however, recieved so. goddamn. many. compliments on the way i characterize suguboo in all the different AU's i throw him into.
what im saying is, take this less as fact and more as "if you wanna see geto like shamesy does this is how she got there".
also, it is my humble opinion that stsg is cannon. if that pisses you off, take your hatin' ass to the other geto analyses that refuse to mention it as if it isn't an extremely important part of his character.
alright boys, i got my la croix and my playlist, lets jump into it~~
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Part 1: Anime vs Manga
In the beginning, Gege Akutami created the AU. And the ball swallower was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Mappa moved upon the face of the waters.
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Okay, okay, I have briefly mentioned this before, but i'll reiterate here for those who dont know me: anime and manga suguru are two different beasts. both i appreciate, both i use for reference! however, for the majority of this analysis we will be focusing more on manga!suguwu because i am a believer in the word of gege akutami, as SICK and TWITEEEEED as his words may be.
i do, however, want to point out some things so my anime-only's get a better picture. and it starts with the FIRST WORDS out of this fuckers mouth:
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In the english dub, he says "I'll absorb it later."
Now this is so nitpicky, and jjk is notorious for having god AWFUL english translations in the manga, and anime adaptions have to change things so that dialogue matches lip flaps for animation sometimes, but something about this sticks with me hard. The way he casually refers to himself and his curses as "we". We, who live in this body, we who work as a team, we who are one. Interesting, no?
I won't harp on it too hard as we have a lot to get through here but its so fucking fascinating to me how this seems to imply that Geto views himself as one with his curses.
now, i feel like i MUST talk about how mappa portrays suguru's emotions and expressions bc the difference is striking.
anime suguru is calm, collected, unemotional. manga suguru is a teenage boy trying to put up an unemotional front.
lets start with his expression when he talks about jujutsu's purpose, anime vs manga.
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Anime suguru looks like he's trying to convince not only Satoru, but himself. His eyes are serious, dark, focused. He's telling the fact like he MUST believe it, not like he does.
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Meanwhile, manga geto smiles at these words as he says them like they're an old friend. This is a principal he's held tight to his chest for quite some time now. He looks happy, proud even of being able to be a part of such an ideal. Bittersweet. His face acknowledges that this concept is hard, but ultimately is good.
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we dont get a shift in this expression until gojo starts gojoing, teasing suguru (side note: look at those fucking eyes these boys wanna swordfight no metal ykwim). in this moment its coy, suggestive, in reaction to gojo's teasing him
....but when gojo challenges his ideals?
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anger, frustration. why cant gojo just understand the truth he just laid out? it IS, after all, the truth... right?
this is just one of the many scene's where the anime dumbs down his very readable inner conflicts for thematic effect. lemmie splash you with some geto expressions rq:
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manga: agitated, angry, one eye closed bc that happens when he gets really tied up in knots emotionally (something i think is SO CUTE POOKIEPOOKIEPOOKIE)
anime: sexy, sly, coy, maybe a little irritated but mostly chill, one eye like he's taking aim, not like he's really pissed
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manga: huge dopey frogeto grin. boyish, so boyish and genuine it almost reminds you of yuuji, no? genuine boyish ignorance that infectious
anime: calculated, serendipitous, yes happy but intentional with providing comfort. not entirely genuine.
to round out part one, i wanna talk about one of the most underrated suguru scenes ever: the one where he milly whops that old dude into hallucinating his dead dog.
in both anime and manga, suguru approaches with confidence, so im not gonna go into it too hard, but theres something very important that happens here that is missed HARD by the anime, and i wanna point it out.
lets talk about when that old man busts through the window.
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in the anime, we get a two second flash of getos face with wide eyes, and it doesnt key us in to much, but in the manga...
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it is way more obvious that he was not expecting this man to do that. that is a face of pure panic.
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so let's talk about his reaction to that panic. in the anime, he looks a little miffed, annoyed if anything, but ultimately this is nbd to him. anime suguru is calm and collected, remember?
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manga geto goes full on dead in the eyes serial killer mode, immediately, with zero hesitation. almost as if he becomes one with the darkness of the curses that inhabit him, no? this is often missed, but its the first time we see suguru looking legitimately cruel. and why?
because someone almost got the upper hand on him. he doesn't like that, at all. he hates it, actually. it pisses him off beyond belief. keep this in mind.
of course, he tells the shaman, this was his plan all along.
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but was it, geto? was it really?
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this concludes part 1!! let me know what y'all think!! part 2 when i feel like it, we've got a a lot to cover!!
basically, the point im trying to portray is as a teenager, geto was led by his emotions so much more than what the anime will have you believe.
ill leave you off with the funniest screenshot ive ever taken.
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shamesy out!
find part 2 here
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esggs · 1 month
analysing the martials arts of Jujutsu Kaisen - Karate
Suguru Geto
watching him fight makes my mouth water. every move is so perfect, so textbook, so nerdy almost. he STUDIED pure Shotokan karate. when he punches its the right target from the right distance at the right power at the right speed i wanna melt. the ease with which he shifts from blocking to grappling to close handed strikes. the scene of his beating up the old man in hidden inventory is pure orgasmic karate perfection.
he's super confident when he fights. he puts power in his punches (just the prescribed textbook amount). princess doesn't even tie his magnificent hair up (???).
he's very consistently aggressive. unlike karate, he has the boxing spirit where there's no gap between attacks, no hit-and-run. his attacks end when the opponent does.
god his stances, im drowning its so perfect. when panda is tossing his around in jjk 0 he's alwasy landing in the correct kumite postion, feet parallel and shoulder distance apart, knees only slightly bent.
usage of weaponry is uncommon in karate, but he's adept at it. the Playful Cloud, sanjigun (three sectioned staff) is an insane weapon tbh. if u look at it as a more complex nanchaku (which was my first reaction and mostly how todo uses it) its not that useful, as explained very well here. geto uses it more like a super flexible staff, which is really innovative and gets better use out of it as both a defensive and offensive weapon. but the one person who defo uses Playful Cloud best is Toji.
if i have to summarize, i'd say he fights cleanly. he knows he has both the height and weight advantage on yuta and uses both as full body strikes from "above". plus he's surprisingly flexible even in those flowy ass robes. he knows what works for him, he's done it for a longgg time (those reflexes take years to come) and he does it well. he keeps it short-range. he's a monster in combat.
surprisingly he's not particularly using any grappling techniques, even though he that would give him an easy edge over yuta. maybe yuta's hard to grapple, maybe gege akutami didn't think of it.
if i had to point out any flaws, i'd say he doesn't bend his lower back and hips enough to break falls. its a very minor complaint tho, he's delicious as a martial artist. a big issue is that he clearly doesn't lose much and hence doesn't know when to stop and change strategies. like, his fighting is on reflex, not because he's thinking thru each of his moves. but ig that's more of a personality flaw than a combat issue.
Noritoshi Kamo
it's very funny, he uses an old-fashioned traditional style in a very spunky rebellious way. definitely karate based on the prominence of upper body strikes over kicks, the open handed strikes and punches and that definitive teisho-uchi (palm heel strike). Even though Shotokan karate is more popular, he's practising the Shitorio style. we can tell cuz his stances are more upright, the way he prefers to hit fewer strikes with more powers than bombard his opponent with many strikes of lesser power, and his constantly-changing-his-base-position footwork.
when striking, he uses exclusively 'hard' techniques, as in he's sparring earthbender style, not airbender style. he's going for full frontal attacks and he's putting a shit ton of power behind them, which means he either doesn't expect to get blocked or he's not expecting the opponent's block to be very effective. (if u hit proper fucking hard with no gloves and get blocked hard ur hands will hurt like hell and uv wasted all the power and movement).
however, in general he does use a lot of "soft techniques" otherwise, grabbing megumi's tonfas away mid fight. he also just dodges attacks, only using blocks to create an opening for him to attack. irl, most combat happens in very short range so blocking is easier to dodging. but kamo fights mostly long distance, very typical karate hit-and-run type technique, where u do a few attacks and immeditealy create distance. a good technique considering his tall height. this is also why i think its Shitorio karate instead of kyokushin (which is tougher and keep-hitting-them style and lots of shin kicks).
there's no flashy moves like toji or even geto or yuji. kamo uses the most basic and actually practical moves. even though his strength is a given with Flowing Red Scale enhancing him, by the way he shifts his weight, you can tell that he knows how to turn his speed into momentum to create a shit ton of force. I wouldn't like to get punched by him.
as i mentioned, he's using orthodox styles in his own way. his stances aren't textbook correct, like geto, he's just doing what feels stable to him at the moment. he twists his palm heel strike unlike the common finger-up version. he doesn't move his eye before his head, he turns his whole damn head fully. he's sort of going with the flow, a bit too loosely for a traditionalist.
what confuses me is that he's not using himself to the fullest. at 5'10, he's taller than most people, so why not 1. attack from "above" such as overhead and on-shoulder strikes and 2. fucking use your damn kicks man. specially 'kick down'- the kicks that start above the opponents head and end up pushing them to the ground.
in the anime fight, he's deliberately trying his best to not hurt megumi. the entire fight is really short, but he's doing his best to just disarm and not to injure even a little. he's taller and megumi's head is wide open. the heavy tonfas by his side that makes it harder for megumi to block his face than torso... kamo literally punch his face. im dying here tbh. kamo punch his head. even if he blocks his face ull get a second where his eyesight is completely blocked and that's all u need to hit him in the kidneys or spleen. bam fight over. but noooo he's hitting him in the middle of the chest (twice! vary ur target positions to keep the element of surprise!) like what r u doing my man. it's like he want his attacks to be blocked. he fights like he's only 80% committed to it. i'd call him confused but very very talented.
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olivialau · 1 month
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Shadow's Embrace Ch.21
Sukuna x Reader
This is a work of fanfiction based on the universe of "Jujutsu Kaisen," created by Gege Akutami. The original manga, anime, and characters belong to their respective owners and creators.
This story unfolds in the Jujutsu Kaisen world, set in a slightly altered universe where Sukuna inhabits his own vessel distinct from Itadori Yuji's body, making him a separate entity.
Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, becomes fascinated with a female sorcerer rich in potential but lacking control. Initially seizing her for his destructive plans, Sukuna aims to bind her abilities through a contract. Yet, as he tries to dominate her, he finds himself intrigued by her strength and determination. Over time, his interest evolves from strategic advantage to a deeper, personal connection.
CHAPTER 21 - Tightrope
Every instinct told you to flee, to shut down the conversation before it reached a point of no return, but you had no choice.
You had to lie your way through this.
If Sukuna found out your cover was blown… well, you didn’t even want to think about what he’d do to you. You were expendable to him—useful, sure, but pawns could always be replaced.
You forced a pained expression as you began. “You want to know more about the kidnapping?” Your voice was steady but weak.
“To be fair… I barely saw Sukuna. Maybe two or three times? It’s hard to remember. I was in shock…” You clenched your fists in your lap, nails biting into your palms, and cast your eyes downward, as if recalling those moments was unbearably painful. It wasn’t entirely a lie—there had been plenty of shock—but that wasn’t what Gojo was after, and you both knew it.
You risked a glance upward through your lashes, hoping to see some sign of belief, but it seemed today was not your lucky day.
"Hmm." Gojo rubbed his chin, his expression thoughtful but distant. “I think you know that’s not exactly what I’m getting at here."
A cold sweat prickled at the back of your neck. He wasn’t buying it. But you couldn't fold now—not with everything at stake.
“I don’t know what you mean, Gojo-sensei,” you said, forcing your tone to remain neutral. “I’m really not sure what you're getting at.” The lie felt like lead in your throat, and you could barely supress the nervous fidgeting of your hands.
Gojo sighed, but it wasn’t out of exasperation. It felt more like...pity.
“Listen,” he said, his tone gentler now. “You don’t strike me as a bad person. I’m not sure what hold Sukuna has on you, but I doubt you’re working with him by choice. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s coercing you, threatening you in some way. He’s not exactly known for playing fair, is he?”
The knot in your stomach tightened, but you remained silent, hoping he’d continue without expecting an answer. And he did.
“The thing is,” Gojo went on, “I can’t ignore the signs anymore. There have been too many coincidences for me to just look the other way. You know what I mean, right? The fact that Sukuna let you walk away at all—no way that was an accident, not with someone like him. And then, just as the veil is lifted, we find you in that warehouse?”
He leaned forward slightly, not in a threatening way, but intent for sure. “That place was a mess. Blood everywhere. Clear signs of a fight… And yet—” He stopped just short of a challenge. “Not a scratch on you.”
You could feel the walls closing in around you. It was no use denying it anymore. Gojo wasn’t just suspicious—he was convinced.
“Then,” he said, ticking off more points like a prosecutor building his case, “you suddenly decide you want to move out of the dorms, after everything that’s happened? No protection, just like that? Not to mention the sudden boost in your fighting skills... That doesn’t happen overnight without help from someone extremely skilled.”
You stared at the floor, overwhelmed with shame. You could barely bring yourself to look up again.
“And you know,” he said, a small laugh slipping from his lips, “the biggest clue that gave you away?” You forced yourself to look up, your heart pounding so hard it hurt.
Gojo’s grin grew wider, almost playful. “You’re a terrible liar.”
He now burst into a full laugh, clutching his stomach as he wiped away a tear. “I mean, seriously. I thought I was bad at lying, but you? Pfft.”
Him laughing like that when you had sweat nearly dripping down the crack of your ass, was rough. But you silently thanked him for easing the tension, if only a little.
As his laugh slowly subsided, the playful air shifted into something much more serious. “Listen,” he said softly, his tone laced with genuine concern. “I’m not reporting this to the higher-ups. Because if they find out? You’re dead. No trial, no explanations—just dead. And I’m not about to let that happen.”
Your breath hitched. He was letting you off?
“And more than that,” Gojo continued, “I still see potential in you. A lot of it. So I want you to stay here. Keep training at Jujutsu High.”
You blinked, processing his words. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t condemning you. He was giving you a chance.
“So here’s what you should do,”
His voice was steady but carried an unmistakable warning. “Just… don’t let Sukuna drag you in any deeper than you already are. You’re playing with fire. He’s dangerous—like, end-of-the-world dangerous, and more importantly, evil. If things get out of hand, tell me. I’ll be watching too, but I need you to be straight with me.”
It was silent for a moment, and his eyebrows seemed to furrow slightly, as if his next words pained him despite the unwavering conviction in them.
“And if you cross a line—if you hurt someone... I won’t be able to protect you."
"I’ll have to stop you myself, even if that means killing you. And trust me,” his tone softened just a fraction, “that’s the last thing I want.”
You almost let out a nervous laugh, half-expecting him to throw in some offhand joke to lighten the mood. But there was no quip, no wink behind his blindfold.
This was Gojo drawing a line in the sand—one that you hoped, with all your might, you’d never be forced to cross.
Despite the gravity of his warning, he was letting you off the hook, for now, and you were immensely grateful for that. You bowed down with gratitude, shame, and fear all at once. “Thank you, Gojo-sensei,” you murmured, as you struggled to find more words.
Gojo dismissed your formality with a casual wave. "No need for that," he said, rising to his feet in one fluid motion. He stretched lazily as he sauntered towards the door. Pausing at the threshold, he glanced back. "And don't forget," he added with an enigmatic smile, “practice control over your cursed energy intake. You’re gonna need it.”
You made it back just in time for the second half of the day’s classes, but your thoughts were far from the lessons being taught. The conversation with Gojo lingered in your mind, and you couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling of having been seen through so completely.
It was oddly familiar, like the embarrassment of being scolded in high school when you and Ayumi were caught skipping class or sneaking a smoke behind the building. Though, this felt a hundred times more intense than those scoldings ever had.
Still, it was infinitely better than what Sukuna would’ve done had your cover been blown. You wouldn’t have walked away from that encounter—no, it would’ve been a massacre, and you’d have been on the wrong end of it.
When classes finally ended, you let out a sigh of relief, quickly gathering your things. You waved goodbye to Itadori, Kugisaki, and Megumi, pausing to thank the latter again for helping you with training.
Itadori who stood to your side, pouted. “No fair! I had to sit through a boring class while you two got a private lesson from Gojo-sensei.”
In response Kugisaki rolled her eyes and nudged him playfully. “Quit whining, Itadori. Gojo was probably relieved to have a break from you for a change.” She smirked, clearly enjoying the jab.
Megumi just shrugged, brushing off the compliment. “It wasn’t anything special.”
Now, as you walked the final miles to the apartment, each step felt heavier than the last. You silently prayed Sukuna wouldn’t be home—you’d had enough confrontations for one day.
The conversation with Gojo had been a sobering reminder of the perilous tightrope you were walking—a clear confirmation that you needed to banish those odd, dangerous thoughts about Sukuna that sometimes crept into your mind.
You repeated this to yourself once more before turning the knob and stepping into the apartment.
The apartment was silent, but you felt his presence immediately, like a looming storm. It was impossible to miss. You wondered if he might be in his room, but the sensation felt too close for that. Your eyes swept the space until they landed on the couch.
There he was, sprawled out with an air of indifference, eyes closed as if in sleep. Though you knew better—Sukuna’s senses were way too sharp to have overlooked your entrance.
You hesitated. Should you just ignore him? The couch was the only place to sit, but the idea of disturbing him felt like playing with fire. Swallowing your unease, you managed a tentative, “Uh… hello?”
“...Hello?” you tried again, your voice a bit less certain this time.
Then, Sukuna let out a low, irritated grumble.“What is it, brat?”
Oh no. You definitely weren’t going to ask him to move. He was the King of Curses, after all—how could you? What had you even hoped to accomplish by speaking up?
“Uh, no, never mind,” you muttered quickly. “It’s nothing.”
Sukuna’s eyes snapped open, glaring at you with a fury that made your blood run cold.
"Then keep your mouth shut.”
You swallowed hard and took a few more steps into the apartment, your gaze dropping to avoid his. It was then that you noticed the red stains splattered across his clothes. Blood.
Of course, you knew what he was capable off, but you’d never let yourself think too much about what he did when you weren’t around. Seeing the evidence so plainly, however, made it impossible to ignore.
Gojo was right. Sukuna wasn’t just dangerous—he was evil.
You set your bag down on the kitchen floor, trying to push aside the disturbing images that flashed through your mind as you stared at those bloodstains.
Tomorrow was Friday, which meant only one more day until the weekend. You’d have to travel back to your hometown for Ayumi’s memorial, and seeing as Sukuna controlled your entire existence through the binding vow, now might be your only chance to ask him about it.
“Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you…” you began hesitantly.
An irritated “Huh?” came from the couch, though Sukuna's eyes remained closed, barely acknowledging you.
The words seemed to catch in your throat, but there was no turning back now. “It’s about this weekend,” you continued, forcing them out. “My friend, Ayumi… It’s been two years since she passed. There’s a memorial service, and I have to be there.”
The room grew still, suffocatingly so.
Sukuna’s eyes opened slightly, his gaze sharp and studying as it fixed on you. The silence stretched on, and you started to doubt whether you should have said anything at all.
Then he let out a deep, mocking chuckle. “Ah, so you’re still pining over that pathetic friend of yours?" His lips curled into a small smirk, as he continued. “That stupid girl who got herself killed by a curse?”
You felt like you’d been slapped. You knew Sukuna was callous, indifferent to the lives of others, but the harshness of his words cut deeper than you’d expected. You stared at him, trying to find some flicker of humanity in his eyes, some trace of understanding. But there was nothing—just cold, empty malice.
“She wasn’t stupid,” you said, forcing out your voice as you struggled to keep it steady. “She was—”
“Dead,” Sukuna interrupted. He sat up slowly, his movements predatory, like a beast preparing to strike. “She’s dead because she was weak. And you, mourning her like this, are weak too.”
It felt like every word out of his mouth was designed to hurt you, to crush any sense of hope or comfort you might have had by targeting the one person you held most dear. Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, and your body trembled with a mix of anger and frustration.
"Fuck. Are you really that evil? Can’t you see it’s important to me?’”
“Important?” Sukuna laughed, a harsh, grating sound that you hadn't heard from him in a while. “You humans are so pathetic, clinging to the dead as if they still have any meaning. Wasting your time and energy on those who are already rotting in the ground.”
The fury that had been simmering within you boiled over, and you realized just how deeply you despised Sukuna. How could you have ever felt anything other than hatred for him? Every interaction, every moment of doubt, now seemed like a cruel joke you had played on yourself.
“It’s not a waste!” you shot back, your voice rising with your anger. “It’s about honoring her memory. It’s about love, about loyalty to the people who mattered! But you wouldn’t understand that, would you?”
“Love? Loyalty?” Sukuna repeated calmly, as he stood up to face you. “Such foolish sentiments. The dead are gone, and no amount of mourning will change that."
"And you—” He broke off, his gaze sliding away from yours, as though fearing that meeting your eyes might force him to confront something he was desperate to avoid. “You think I care about your feelings?”
“I don’t care what you think!” you shouted, the words bursting out of you in a flood of emotions. “I’m going to that memorial, whether you like it or not!”
For a moment, the room was completely silent.
You fully expected him to lash out, to remind you of the binding vow that tied you to him, to punish you for your defiance. Instead, he merely stared at you, his expression inscrutable.
As you glared back, you detected something in that cryptic gaze—something that wasn’t quite cruelty, but wasn’t compassion either. It was a kind of confusion, as if he were genuinely puzzled by your outburst, unable to comprehend the depth of your feelings. There was no overt malice, no anger—just a cold emptiness that made your heart ache in an unexpected way.
For a moment, you almost felt sorry for him, for being unable to grasp the most basic of feelings.
But that pity was quickly overshadowed by your anger, by the realization that he would never truly understand what you were feeling. He was a monster, not just because of what he was, but because he was incapable of being anything else.
Unable to stand the tension of your locked gazes any longer, you stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind you. You half-expected him to chase after you, to drag you back and beat you up.
But there was nothing—
only the rapid thudding of your own heart.
Thank you for reading!!! I promise they'll get there guys, eventually lol. <3
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irritablesnoutband · 4 months
Why? jjk261 spoilers
hello. I opened this account to push gojo agenda.
i seriously need to know what is gege akutami smoking when he is cooking in da kitchen? Opium?cannabis?
after reading ch261, his possibility of coming back is at rock bottom.
i am certainly disappointed with the writing decision of gege in this chapter. Only time will tell.
gojo in 261 is actually sad
i am literally fawning over how nobody was concerned about the swap with yuta. Maki was worried over yuta, but what about gojo? nobody cares what happens to him,seriously? till the end he died as a tool, a weapon. Nobody saw him as a human being with the exception of yuta,yuji and suguru.
shoko is sus as hell. I don’t understand how they stiched up gojo s body but they didn’t use rct to heal him completely. But they went over the backbreaking work of transferring brains,instead of reviving gojo.
My white haired king didn’t want his students to see a bloodier side of him, he wanted them to enjoy their youth properly, but obviously this is jjk and they had to tarnish their lives and be a monster.
till the end my man was still thinking about suguru and how he needs to be like him and stuff.
now, yuta is using his body for like 5 minutes, even though gojo gave his consent , this feels weird as af and disrespectful according to me.
I strongly believe gojo gave his consent beacause he believed he would win
i don’t think he would have believed this would happen.
what about yuji . He got his spotlight stolen.
although i am relieved that kenny didn’t take over gojo, but whatever yuta did seems disgusting too. I knkw how everyone is desperate af on this final fight.
My copium bar just vanished in thin air. I am sobbing for 3 hrs straight. I literally woke up to this in morning. i even bought baking stuff to bake cupcakes to commemorate the return of my glorious king.
I apologise if the post’s quality is shit, i am extremely disheartened as i am typing this.
what will happen to us,gojo-copers? It is really gojover?
will my king actually come back?
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p123apples · 5 months
wTF is wrong with gege akutami
spoilers for ch 259.
do not proceeed if you have not caught up with the manga or anime yet. this post contains spoilers.
I am posting this post in my personal account, as things got personal, gege akutami. Bring all of them back. all of them you killed mercilessly in your manga, you sadist.
Take your mouth out of sukuna"s meat and listen to me!!!
now i actually hate cats in irl beacuse of him.
I hate that they killed my boi in ch 259. Where do i even begin???
I fucking started sobbing. Why is it just pure pain for us gojo and choso fans.
I have to admit that his death was well done. His death is in the same level of nanami"s death.
Now we will never get to see the holy trinity of brothers
Todo is back,but at what cost.
Even though i saw death flags waving at him.still, i thought he would make it to the end .
Now with the recent chapter, Sukuna no longer has domain or rct .
His ce outputs are at rock bottom.Yuji is gonna kill him. This is yuji"s fight. He will probably kill the binding vow merchant.
But it also means another thing for us gojo copers, our white haired shaman"s returning rate is decreasing.
If yuji kills sukuna ang gojo comes back , what even is his purpose? ,maybe stopping the merger???.
MY prediction is that sukuna will deploy his heian era technique and gojo,yuji,yuta,maki,ino,todo and maybe hakari will jump at him and commence the mass jumping session.
That would make a satisfying ending,but we all know that will never happen as gege is gege.
I hate this manga as it always kills my comfort characters.
Gege,when i catch you gege.
fiction is supposed to be a escape from reality,not a reflection of it.
edit: this is a shit post. I actually admire gege for creating beloved characters. To those reading this dont take stuff seriously. I am still sad that my fav characters are dead.
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literaila · 7 months
"mom says that i'm better than you,"
sorry, i just had to take a breather there bc he called her MOM!!!! they way their relationship has been developing is so CUTE. the dynamic between the two is something ill never get overrr!!! also, i cant lie that i literally giggled to myself abt that part with gojo bc that shit was FUNNY!
tbh im so excited to see how the whole family dynamic will change as they get older, as things change & happen (especially if there's gonna be angst). and as always, once again, you ate this up <3
(pst...just a question...will yuji ever show up in the series?)
-ur lurker <33
now we’ll wait another ten years for megumi to even think about calling gojo dad.
you guys really want them to go through the pain and suffering, huh? they can’t be happy? reader was literally just complaining about freezing time so nothing had to change, and now she has to endure canon?????
yeah, i’m interested to see how they’ll deal with that too (or, more accurately, if) (or if i’ll deal with it). i may be cruel in specific moments but i am no gege akutami. i’ll have to level up first
(please you think i’m going to let princess yuuji not be apart of the story??? leave megumi alone forever??)
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k-martins · 1 year
May i rant?
The way Gege implies that Naoya and Mei were pedos and then never properly addresses it is really disappointing. Why bring up a horrific issue like that? It serves no purpose. He already made Naoya a total dick with a murderous streak and Mei a greedy bitch without regard for people. They were already obviously terrible people without the additional child predator label.
Like if he’s gonna write characters that way then have them face consequences or if he wants them to get away with it at least write more about the victims so the audience can see how tragic their situations are
Better yet he shouldn’t write that at all and just focus on more character development for the main cast
Ah, little anon, I understand that feeling. Mei Mei and Naoya are two annoying little shits and the way Gege wrote them creates this feeling of "these horrible people are always getting away with it, when will justice be served?". It's frustrating, disgusting and unnecessary. After all, as you said, they've already been presented as nasty people, so why add the list of sins to "child predator"?
Actually, this is a very serious question and I'm just a profile that talks nonsense about ITFS.
But I'll do my best to explain my point of view and why I think Gege is doing an interesting job with his manga.
Well, I'm going to talk about Mei Mei because her situation is much more complicated.
She is a jujutsu sorceress who only cares about her own personal gain, not caring much about the situation if it is sending money into her pocket. So far, we have the character established and, although it is a somewhat altruistic attitude, it is not all bad. She's still there doing her job, still exorcising curses, still giving Yuji a choice between facing a high-grade curse or the humans transfigured by Mahito. Mei Mei is a greedy bitch, but a greedy bitch who does her job at the end of the day (which is expected). Until this moment, we can only consider her an eccentric character.
The issue becomes complicated when we observe her relationship with her younger brother, Ui Ui, a 12-year-old child who is subjected to her sister's technique which consists of suicide, from what I understand. It's a strange relationship, uncomfortable to watch and irritating (Yuji's face is the reaction of all of us seeing it). There IS something strange about these two.
Then we have the Malaysian scene.
I have my own opinions about this scene, but let's move on to what most people think happened. Mei Mei is naked next to her brother suggesting they sleep together. If incest doesn't shock, pedophilia does. And it makes it even worse because this scene takes place after Nanamin says how he would like to go to Malaysia and then he dies. It is at this moment that her question comes:
"Why bring up a horrible issue like this?"
Yes, why Sensei Akutami?
Why put in this horrible scene while we're still dealing with Nanami's death?
Why give Mei Mei, the greedy bitch, Nanami's dream and dirty it with this horrible, heavy-handed insinuation?
Why do I have to watch someone horrible live while a good person dies? … Oh.
Well, this is the point.
In JJK, the world is unequal. Megumi said that herself.
Good people like Nanami, Nobara and Yuji are killed and destroyed while horrible people like Mei Mei, Naoya and Sukuna get what they want. Therefore, their depravities have no consequences. That's why Mei Mei went to Malaysia, that's why Naoya didn't take any more damage, that's why Sukuna beat Satoru.
Gege is laying his cards on the table and saying "Good can lose and evil can win. Nanami's die while Mei Mei's enjoy peace."
This is one of the reasons I believe that even though JJK is a shonen, there is a possibility for Sukuna and Kenjaku to prevail. There's this not-so-small chance that we'll see our good guys blowing up while the bad guys rest in a hotel in Malaysia.
Who knows.
Gege Akutami is unpredictable and there are more names to cross out in his Death Note.
So, to recap, Gege is purposely making bad people with terrible morals "win" to show how unequal and unfair this world is. Good doesn't always win.
It is revolting? For sure.
Would you like justice to prevail? Obvious.
Think this could happen? Perhaps. I dream of this moment.
Well, I hope I made my point clear.
I'm not good at writing analysis or playing characters. But that's more or less how I see Gege's script choices.
Sorry if I didn't talk much about Naoya. I don't remember much about his character other than that he was a misogynistic piece of shit and wanted to kill Megs. I need to reread the manga.
Thanks for the question, little Anon! I had fun writing it! :D
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rolecall / XG - TIPPY TOES / left right posting up slow switching lanes just like this / only direction i know swerving left right keep me upright / my adrenaline hit the pedal to the ground / 2 lil asians / don't we all deserve it ill tell you how we want it / no you cant deny it / you either like it or bite it / don't ask me if you dont know why / the only direction i know / what goes around comes back around / so when he comes down are you gonna let him pay or are you gonna let him stay
do you know why phonk gets popular on the social medias? because people dream of murder. they just find the most socially acceptable way to do it, because these are people interested in staying people. to those who dream of murder: this is will not kill you. for it did not kill me.
this is why everything i write is a poem.
and i think more of us should dream of murder, or what it takes to end a life. just one is fine. just 1. uno. uno. yi. yichi. one. One. the One. you believe in god? believe in the power of 1.
all for one / one for all. think on it. evoke all might, and evoke his enemy. why?
the universe is interested in this, too.
will you answer it - or shall i?
Dealer's choice.
You want to be cool? Be cool like a dying & a dead body.
I've lived through the age of humanitarian aid - ive seen nice people do nice things. Now I ask: Toni Morrison, what would you do different?
Fushigoro Toji knows exactly what I am referencing, and not only that: he knows exactly what I am aiming for. This is because he was interested in bringing the jiu-jitsu sorcerery world to its knees.
Gojo Satoru was interested in this too.
Now the question is: how?
Gege Akutami failed in his task to honor Gojo Satoru. I name you, Satoru: for all your fans call you Gojo, and I alone will know you. Now who will join you? By this, I mean: who will join me?
Who will speak conviction to action - because by the audre lorde, i Know Archive of Our Own, I know the dynasties of our time, and I know how to tell them from myths, and I know how to tell that from myth-making.
East Asian dragons are built like fishes for a reason.
Weavers in Palestine have still not fled. I need not know why. Why? I know why. Why? You gonna keep asking me shit or are you gonna use that brain two people gave you and the fact it's a muscle and do grindr? Grind on it. Grind. You done? Do it again.
You pissed yet?
You mad, broski?
You either wake, or you don't, unstirred - thus undeterred.
I say this now to honor James Baldwin: no more sleeper agents shall be in my path. Let's fucking dance, or there shall be war.
Sugimoto Saichi knows this so fucking well it made me get up and take a run, because he made me take a blow to the face and I survived it: he says this to a white US-American collector of Ainu artifacts: and do you know what he said? He said this: give up the artifact or I will take you down. Verbatim, by word of the translator on the pirated site on which I read: do you know what happens when negotiations break down?
It's called War. more simply: you, or me. it is an art. that's why "sun tsu" is famous in the white(?) man's world.
Now there is the mythicized World War 3. Chinese-Americans will for sure suffer like they were meant to be born stillborn in its wake. Do you want me to tell you why or will you look up? Current news is distracting for one reason: the news is merely an inch of actual reality that then proceeds to holler down several damaging hoops.
What is more accurate: current news evokes the current state of the world.
Here's a note to clue you in , not that any immigrant nor migrant nor vagrant really needs it, but here's something to piss you off anyway - Japanese-Americans were sent to internment camps. Wanna guess what number world war this was for?
Wanna guess? Or Wanna Know? See what I'm putting down yet? No? Okay.
No more sleeper agents shall be in my path. I say this now to respect the fact James Baldwin aided in my survival. He died already: why do I still feel him here, with me, laughing? It's simple, really. Because he loved Angela Davis: and Angela Davis is still alive today.
And I am right there beside her.
In the first and only book I've read from him, he said this through the mouthpiece of his characters, his loved ones, his chosen ones, the ones that would make him survive, AKA enable, and he said this: I will build a long, long table for folks to be eating off of for a long, long time. And the woman who loved him said this back: I'll go where you lead me.
This book changed the US-American consciousness. He wrote in France. I don't need to read his autobiography to confirm this. Here's why, because I could give less of a shit if you wanted to play devil's advocate: it is because James Baldwin judged he would not survive in The United States of America.
So he wrote in France.
I believe he died there.
Now I ask: will you respect 2024 or will you make someone come after you?
Dealer's choice.
You have been dealt your hand. Your ass is either shown or it will be shown. You either wake, or you don't, undeterred. It is this clear cut because empire has intensified, singing of its war drums: it has been, always, never new, always old, but never interesting, always predictable. It is why all the gongs of dehumanization are on. It is why those who have listened to it all their life are now cold like metal. We know how to be metal. Metal: the one thing that needs heat to shapeshift. Why is winter difficult to survive? This is why historians and social science researchers say the same shit and nobody listens, but they are slightly more likely to be listened to, and that is why people of color, and those of the margins, flood into academia anyway, knowing they will be perfectly tortured.
Do you want me to tell you how I have been tortured?
Do you want to guess, or do you want to know, or do you want me to torture you to make you find out?
There have been people who were shot for less. Of them: Hind Rajab. After or before her, because the order doesn't really matter, not really, only that they were dead where they stood: those two Red Crescent paramedics.
Toni Morrison must be shocked where she is in her lively post-death. She said this to me once, because I read it, and I felt her touch me, because she is real, and when she died in 2015, that is how I knew Donald Trump was fake: I will always be shocked. I will always choose to be shocked. I think anything less is a kind of death.
I have died. But I am still alive. Why? To honor the two people who raised me. One - a dragon herself. The other - a rabbit.
My dad has taught me to think like a prey animal.
Do you want to know why people daydream about shapeshifting into predators?
Do you want to know, or do you want to guess? Follow the path your parents have set you on since the day you were born.
Otherwise this is what will happen: you will never catch up to Martin Luther King Jr. You will not meet Audre Lorde. And you will not be looked at by James Baldwin, though he will see you, anyway.
Do you want to know what happened to the people who made Disco Elysium, or do you want me to fucking repeat myself?
You either wake, or Nanami Kento will never speak to you on his way to get a viet sandwich. And through your mouth will be flies: for you have failed to speak the truth, and honor the one and Only task you were given at birth: take care of thyself.
Number 1 rule of Art of War by a Chinese man:
It is the same rule that KDJ from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint dances to. This is why every character revolves around him, carnally. Their hunger is real. Their seeing and knowing already there. This is because KDJ is a reader. He knows exactly what potency it takes to kill a character, and what it takes to keep one alive. This is why Shing Shong was successful in their refusal to write a story that comes from domination. Because first: she was disinterested in it.
Because first: she wrote a story. And it was a long one. 500 chapters. And for what?
This is why I want Shing Shong carnally. Why carnally? Well: what do you think? You wanna spend a guess? Come here. Come and find out. Come.
2024 is the year of the wood dragon. Wood dragons are named for their transformations. I've decided. Do you want to know what I've decided, or do you want to guess? If you are impatient, now you will know how it feels like to be in a burning pit, hellish by Japanese standards, tortured, forever and ever, and then perhaps you will have your first rare and individual and selectively acquired taste of what it has meant for everybody else to be colonized, while you stand, alone, mute, wearing the most bodily privilege you have ever seen, never acutely felt, and you will stupid for it - do you know why? Because white supremacy has an adjective placed in front of it, and it is doing something there. White supremacy knows it must first trick the light skinned people. So first it creates an abstract idea: it creates -
What would I have said here? Pull it together for me. I seem to have forgotten. This is the tune of real survival. This is why all people from all walks, all individual tortures, are still interested in community. You find the punk, or it finds you with a crackle of knuckle. It's why cult survivors exist, past being kept like abused animals. Because you will not die at the end. You won't. How do I know this?
Did you fucking read, or were you fucking tone-deaf?
Here it is, though, because I'm being nice: global racial capitalism is a cult with death at the end of it. And you must know by now I am not unique. Because even the worst person alive, objectively, by anybody's standard, got here somehow. And I have killed myself to care. I have tortured myself. I have. I have killed myself over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over because ultimately when the rubber really hits the fucking road I believe Ajin: Demi-Human is an relatively optimistic story, because those who have learned to resurrect themselves at will will always be interested in the good fun. Samuel "Satou" Owen is my favorite white-ish man in Japanese manga. This is because, like me, the Ajin writers and drawers were wise: they did not name the unknown substance that brought everybody back to life. They merely places an man obsessed with ways of living, at all costs, in front of it.
Satou-san is a white-Chinese man. He is mixed. What does this tell you? It tells me this: he is of movement. This means he has two feet. If he has two feet, and he is bipedal, and he can wield a gun with the mastery of a guy with chef's tools but in a forest instead of a well-stocked and furnished kitchen, this means he is a person. He likes to fuck around and find out. His white-american father failed to stop him. Why: did he fail in his task because he did not love him? The Ajin makers are clever: they had his white man of a father beat him, first, and then, later, quite quickly, demonstrate that he was a father first, because Samuel's father apologized for hitting him, because he wants to know his son is a wonderful person, and Samuel, so young, a child, stood there, alone, with a smile on his face, dead animals around him and blood on his hands, probably caked under his fingernails.
So now I wonder what it would take for Samuel "Satou" Owen to go back home.
I will write on this - cuz I do be writing - but I'll give you an interesting thought here, because this is what I offer, relief that feels like a slice that cauterizes the wound on the way: Satou's father did not fail in loving him. He failed because he was too kind.
I will teach Satou-san what it looks like to be brutal, but with compassion. And I won't kill him - now why would I do that? Ain't he the most lethal demi-human immortal freak Japan and da rest of the world has ever seen? He came from the United States originally. He only ended up in Japan because he is a video game freak. It's not because he's crazy: it's because, actually, he likes to have fun.
This is why he refuses to take his life so unseriously: he felt the universe slot another coin into his piggy bank. The universe must be interested in him for a reason. Life in the universe needs no reason. It's how we got here anyway. Now you must see the conspiracy? This is why the researcher who named "IBM (Invisible Black Matter)" was called insane and asked for the cigs in his car when three fingers, one by one, were cut off his left hand. He was being serious. So now I ask: will you fucking play?
Those who read of medias that show off their gore, turned like stones, with fresh worms underneath, in that rich, rich dirt: c'mere. You know exactly what I be talking about. Ajin: Demi-Human dances on the grave of Shounen by placing a non-traditional protagonist in the path of a traditional shounen protagonist and Does not make them fight. Instead: they are made to collaborate. Now how were they made to do this? Because at the core of each, was a compassionate core, and so every character was interested in each other as a person.
Read Ajin. It dances. To a music that few hear. Because it takes skill. It is not like Jiu-jitsu Kai-sen. It was not made to be a franchise, because it sought to honor its people that lived in the narrative. The cost: it will never be popular. It is why its second season is the way it is. This is the cost that Ajin's makers incurred. And they incurred it anyway. I have heard them without ever speaking to them personally. This is my skill. So now it is my offering.
Gege Akutami failed in his task to honor Gojou. Do you wanna hear why now? Or am I being registered, like a smaller gong amidst all the gongs of dehumanization right now?
Hey, fans of the Golden Kamuy - y'all get it most, for Sergeant Tsukishima is a secondary character and he has earned many delicious, life-affirming fics on that One and Only site. Each one I've really read got at it hard. Tsukishima writers and lovers and comrades in arms: Do you hear me, or will I go unheard like I have seven years ago?
Will I die, or will you die first? I won't. So Now the question is: will you?
I think, but first, I choose to believe in this one thing: all people know exactly what I am talking about. Because you were born. And now you will die, because empires have never been interesting. They generate dead bodies for a reason. They never have to say anything to dead people. Because, again, they are dead, and there's no way to bring them back to life. That is why eradication is strategic, and that is why slow deaths are more interesting, because it's quite hard to kill somebody without a gun, and so serial killers invent fresh ways to do it - wanna know why? Cuz they be bored, just like I am, watching them do it and choose it like a abused dog might with its ragdoll of a chew toy.
We see the dead people. One of my parents decided to become a doctor, practicing zhongyao, purely because he saw the way his grandfather died. Do you understand the acceleration of skill to mobilize thought to action? He spent 10 years putting himself through his chosen torture - medical school. Or will you sit there, mute in your dead body shame, so totally unmoved you are disturbed by almost anything? Why don't you find a corner in the world where you won't suffer for it. You can try. The last person who went to outer space came back and said never mind, it's actually all here and this is really it.
You can try the ocean. Elon Musk didn't. Wanna know why? It's because the hard, the really, really, truly, back-breaking work, is never done by the toddlers in power.
So now I wonder if Noor Hindi is well. The answer is no. Why?
Will you ask me to repeat what I've just said, or will you Read:
Dr. Alreer said: if I must die, then let me be a story. Of what?
Of what?
We all come from matter. We all know when things die, the matter doesn't disappear. This is some kinda physics law. Astrophysics too. Supernovas and lesser deaths of stars generate elements that compose matter. So do stars when they come into being. Sure. The Ainu peoples knew it first, as did every other peoples native to a land who did not seek to immediately obliterate it. Because they were first interested in their survival, and in that: how to keep surviving. Anyways, this is interesting. Because this means while we are alive at the same time, we are negotiating it all the time. This is why Stands and Jojo's Bizarre's Adventure is Bizarre and so fucking fun. It dances, and it dances visibly. It is called drag. It is called performance for the purpose, on purpose, for interesting reasons. It's why Kujo Jotaro did not die until his daughter would, because he protected her, and she protected him, and they died, but their friend, truest witness, went and finished the task given to him. And so they still lived. So it is bizarre. Everything probably is. It's why people are so interested in convenience, in that quick fix, in that hit of ketamine, in those shortcuts, in taking their lives less seriously, because they already know how serious it is to live in a world like ours, and they already know just how hard it is to meet each other where they are at, because they have struggled in meeting themselves where they are at, which is the deepest fucking pit unique to them, for they are being tortured, even as we speak, because it is individual: but it is not unique. Because I have been tortured. And I am still here, speaking with you.
So are you gonna fucking participate in derogatory theatre, or are you gonna wait till someone like me comes over and whips you where it really hurts? For those who are hung: you know. For those who aren't: too bad, you've got a throat.
For those who don't: we know what happened to them, don't we. They don't get livestreamed. DRC is silent because they cannot make it a football game. People are dead, dying, and are being disabled from living.
So now you either speak, or you remain silent, or as Baldwin said it: uninitiated, or unactivated, or as Morrison said: un-artful. If you do, remain silent or quiet or whatever that really chafes you right now, then you will never know what Audre Lorde was saying when she said We Were Never Meant to Survive. Do you know the three ways to survive in a ruined world, or did Ocean Vuong say it already and you simply refused to clock it and let it travel inside you like a missile that hit Vietnam all those decades ago?
This is the risk I incur. So now I evoke all those who have aided in my survival. I know I am not alone. Do you know why there was not 1 dragon leftover, in ATLA? Because if there was one left, it would not have come out of its cave. It would have stayed there, forever, until it perished. So Zuko's uncle made sure there were 2. Am I understood, or do you see that when I open my mouth and see red, every color of life is evoked? The sun god folks in that iconic scene know exactly what I am talking about. It is why they keep the original fire burning for thousands of years, and this is why one of them looked at Zuko and joked about the masters (real) chewing him up, and their leader said shut up but did not say he was wrong. Because he wasn't.
Their leader does something nice here, which he is by no means obligated to do, but does, because he knows he is not free to abandon it like the sleeper agents have: hey, you might die if you do this. Will you still do it?
That is the risk you incur by coming after me. I make enemies. But first, because I am an dragon originating of the East Asians: I know exactly who my friends are, first. All I ask is for you to not act stupid.
If you insist: well. When the LONG opens its maw, you will be right to be terrified. Why do TIGERS have teeth if not to use them? Praise the knife that goes through the PEAR for you, or you will not eat well tonight, and if you do: know that it will not last.
Karma simply does not come quick enough. That's A-OK. The universe prefers slowness. So now I dance. I gave to it my sixieth spiritual death and it has finally snickered instead of dragging my face through the fucking dirt, asking me to open my mouth and taste the worms which dance in the rain with their entire bodies. It's why they writhe. Now when I laugh it laughs through me and seems genuinely pleased. But what I care about most is this: that I have gotten so good at what I need to do, and what i Want to do, that Nanami Kento now merely inclines his head and walks beside me. And this: that Toji merely glances an eye at me and lifts his chin, smiling, crazed at the edge of pleased, and asks me anyway, despite full knowing in all his rage and all his cool dead & dying & disabled body discernment: hey, how are we gonna fuck em up today?
Treacherous cunt.
I am not a spiritual person. I've merely died spiritually enough times for me to have to use the academic word for it. In me I have, first: the people who saw and shielded me - second: the people who taught me, dancing to their own survivals. I am the friend of Bob. The one who told me to keep writing. Bob, I am proud, and I know you are proud of me. Hey, hi, hello.
This is my dream. My friends are a dream. All of them are. One by one they have stood, and they have stood alone, and now I am there beside them.
I honor all those who aid in my survival. Face me when you shoot me in the fucking face. This is why union leaders are assassinated in their beds, with pregnant people right beside them. This is why small children in the first formally livestreamed eradication campaign call the men in tanks cowards, and mice, because that little girl was just that fun, that interesting. This is why Sugimoto Saichi, at the very beginning of his story/dance, he hesitated when that wounded animal came out and charged him, desperate and mobilized with all its might to clear a path to its survival. Because he saw and he understood in less, but it was still too late. So that is why Asirpa said let me take the shot next time, if you can't do it - in fact, don't even try. For we need heat to survive the winter. Dragons of the East are interested in one thing, and that is people, not god. We come when called. We come when uncalled. It is why we show ourselves when people of a land need rain. 's also why we show ourselves when people of a land don't think they need shit. Do you understand the level of discernment required to do this? My judgement is not divine. I don't give a rat's shit about God. Wanna guess what I give a shit about?
A rat's ass.
But just so you don't the wrong idea, because that is what personally pisses me off the most: I don't believe in God, but I believe in you.
How is this possible? Because I had a parent, and in her, she was a dragon, and she has evoked it enough times, at all the critical moments, for me to follow her example. I will incur the risk now. I have always taken risks, because I've seen what it takes to safeguard and then nurture and then, perhaps, cultivate a life. I was born into the year where dragons have danced and they saw me and I have seen them, and you really should be thinking about Zuko not being stricken down by the last 2 dragons of his time by now. My father is a rabbit - he knows how to respect the world, so that he is to be respected if he cannot be loved. And he still chose to care for me, a weakling. He still chooses it: for we played a poker game, just once, after majiang, and he saw how I dealt my last card and thus understood my entire play and he looked me in the eye when he said:
Don't do that again.
So now I incur the risk. Because I know the cost of what it means to survive in a place like this. The world. The world. People get hurt here.
Duh. Richard Siken is needed no longer. He has said what has needed to be said. He writes, and I write too. I pick it back up, the dead thing at the end of the road. Because in order for it to be dead, it must have been killed.
So I will incur the risk. You are welcome to join me. The time to wait has been over since the first people(s) said, fucking shit fuck help! help! and nobody came, or if they did, they still ended up dying anyway.
i have never been interested in living forever. people who do are interested in having fun. the rest are idiots. the people who have fun usually die first - it is why aang's entire people was eradicated from this earth, from that fiction lifeworld. so now i find it more interesting when the people who have the most fun don't die - and that is why Toji of JJK is ketamine to people. from everywhere. from all walks of life. do you want to know why JJK is popular now, everywhere? I will tell you why now. Because I am being nice, and I am interested in your surviving, your continuous survival, your real tunes. Because I would prefer to be your friend rather than your enemy, but you make your choices, and I will make mine.
Here it is the truth: it is because JJK is interested, at least initially, in what it would look like to wield overwhelming power responsibly, which is to say: meaningfully. It is why Gojo is Japan's animation poster boy right now. He always did like to fuck around and find out. And he found out, didn't he - he found out that his own creator gave up respecting his principles to serve franchise interests, the grinding acceleration of that kind of selected - and chosen - giving in. It is a death. I have grieved it.
Now I stand here, alone.
Now I ask : who is interested in seeing Gojo Satoru still alive, even knowing that he has failed in his task to do what he said he did? Is it because of him, as a character, as a person who lived within the narrative, or is it because of the narrative that either enables or disables his real and true living?
One of the oldest people in my life said this to me recently: I personally believe that there are no shitty characters. Only a story that no longer suits them.
Will you be a story that I can live in?
Or will you be a story that makes me want to come after you and demonstrate to you, selectively, intimately, how you have betrayed me?
Will you, or won't you?
Kong Si-Woo is calling me now. Sorry. Bye. Gong Si-U is the best negotiator I know, and he's telling me to take a break. You can't solve everything by your self, he is saying. That's why you pick your men carefully. And he has chosen. Do you know who he choose?
He chose Toji.
Toji survived after he left the torture pits in that family clan of his.
First, he ended the life of every cursed beast in the family's torture pit to relish the fact he could do it, perfectly alone. His solitude earns the survival of Zenin Maki, and thus the survival of her sister, Zenin Mai.
Second: he met someone who was curious about him there, also perfectly alone in one of the most inhospitable places alive, already similar by then, and earned his respect, unyielding for some reason not known to him, personally, but his ass is shown to me because I have tapped it and I liked the sound that came back.
This is because Kong Si-Woo and Toji have a 10-year history. Adults at that age, making new friends? Color me delighted.
Third: in earning the Korean man's respect: he earned the capacity for real trust, the kind that marks actual fucking solidarity. And then Toji, scorned Japanese man he is, lived for 10 more years with Kong Si-Woo near him and by him, because these are men who when they are killed will live on, until Toji fucked around and found out for the last time --- until, of course, the story itself brings him back to meet his grown son.
Now I ask you: will you be respected, or will you be interested in what real enabling, at all costs, looks like?
Will you give a shit the way Toji does, or will you give a shit the way Nanami does? Will you move the way Sugimoto does, or will you simmer quietly like a jar of moss like Qingming, pirated Dream of Eternity: Yin-Yang Master, softspoken and brutal in his withholding? Will you have fun like Satou Samuel Owen, or will you earn the respect and thus relieve the responsibility of Nagai Kei, at age 17, willingly took on because he saw clearly the danger Satou posed to every normal person alive on the planet, and decided for himself that he would end it now.
Will you be tortured like Suzaku Kururugi, so complete, fans of Code Geass feel it even today, or will you take decisive action to bring the very structures of the Jiujutsu Sorcerer's World down by disavowing the only child you've named for blessing, just so he could have a headstart?
Which character will you relieve of their responsibilities? Can you tell who needs it the most? Do you know what I'm saying here? I am saying I do not need Nanami Kento anymore and he has never needed me to speak. This is because he died in Shibuya, and I am glad he did, because Gege Akutami's writing abilities did too. I would not have survived the Nanami's badly written death the way I could survive Gojo's. Gege must have detected this in some way: he must, even with his franchise of an empire, because even a franchise of an empire comes from people: because he waited to kill Gojou, because he knew everybody seemed to like him, and genuinely love him, in many many lands, and what he did was brutal, and it was genuinely cruel: he bisected Gojou in half instead of blowing a hole through him despite putting him in Toji's killer fit.
It means Akutami was done with Gojou's character, and discarded his personhood, and gave his fans and comrades and enemies crumbs. Enemies of Gojo savored it: but they understood its brutality, and rejoiced because finally the biggest dick did win, as they foretold, because they foretold the death cult that is global racial capitalism, because they have survived, and they don't want anybody else to except for themselves, and their friends, of course. Even our enemies have friends. What does this tell you: it means everybody has the capacity to understand tragedy. Indeed, Everybody else simply understood it for tragedy. Now there's nothing wrong with a nice tragedy.
But is it interesting? Toni Morrison looked me in the eye in one of her interviews and I will tell you what she said to me: she said once you have gotten the jobs you have all trained so beautifully for, you must now go and free someone else. This is not a grab-bag candy game.
Now here's the thing about TRUE FICTION: AND TRANSFORMATIVE FICTION: we can bring him back.
I will do it. Anyway, I will do it. Why? Because I know what it takes to complete a story and respect a character's personhood. Because I learned how to draw first, and then I figured out how to write. Each time, it was a person who bestowed it to me. So now I read Dungeon Meshi and trill with delight. Now she gets it. So now I reread DOROHEDORO!!! Now this one too, she knows it. So now I follow Witch Hat Atelier, not only interested but believing in its conclusion: for Shimomura knows exactly how to dance to make her people dance, too. This is a skill.
Will you dance. You. Hey. Hello. I ask you now: Will you fucking dance? If so, come here. I protect all other/Othered animals. But first, you must show me your teeth, and then second, you must make it known to me you are not my enemy. For I am not god. I am merely a person born into dragon year. So now whenever I open my mouth, I do it knowing the whole world will listen. I stand alone, and I will go unheard, or I won't, and then: I will either be killed, or I will change people along the way. I don't mind either results. Because right now, Tosaki, the man with the mints and the cigarette and the crisp white suit, from Ajin: DEMI HUMAN is my favorite fucking character.
He dies at the end, by the way. He dies with no regrets. I seek to follow him.
Hey - Aaron Bushnell. I evoke your name to evoke your death, because your last words were Free Palestine and you chose to do it, standing there, perfectly alone, despite wanting to become a software engineer, transitioned out of active duty.
You have done your duty. I got it from here. I will not fail Hind Rajab again. Trust me, I won't. You plug it in right by me, or I will know. Now isn't that the real fun?
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Okay, hear me out, I still have some hope left that Gojo is still alive. I would give it a few chapters, hopefully after Sukuna vs Kashimo, or even after Hakari vs Uraume.
We haven't seen Shoko yet. Maybe someone was able to bypass the battlefield while Sukuna is preoccupied now to collect Gojo and bring him to her. Who knows, but I will see what Gege is cooking now before giving my full verdict.
Maybe because Sukuna showed Gojo that he is no longer the strongest, Gojo then can fully become Gojo Satoru instead of the strongest and level up mentally.
Hopefully, I just hope that it's not the end of him. If not, it will really be a shitty ending and writing for Gojo's character. It will be like his character development from Hidden Inventory to JJK 0 meant nothing at all. I hope Gege won't butcher it like this.
Okay. So. I have mixed feelings. Because we all know how much Akutami hates Gojo. However, I do agree that if he's alive, it will take quite a few chapters for him to come back. That's how Akutami operates. We all knew that we weren't going to see Gojo in 237, even if he's coming back. That's literally not how Akutami works. That won't change.
But, at this point, I'm so over his narrative style. It relies so heavily on shock value and breaking his own rules way too often.
I ranted so it's below
I will say that it makes a tiny bit of sense for Kashimo to fight Sukuna and possibly beat him because he's not a sorcerer from 'current times' meaning he could be stronger than Gojo. But I genuinely don't think he wins. I think he's about to get his shit rocked. Because once his technique wears off, he's dead anyway.
Also as of the end of 237, what the fuck has happened to Megumi? Because I do not see a way that he can be saved now. His body is gone, and his soul has been beaten to a pulp after having been used to kill his sister and Gojo.
Akutami has said for a while (I think) that he intended to kill a main character off. But I think he might have meant more than one.
Someone has a theory that all of the protagonists are going to die, and I actually think it might not be far off. Because what it feels like will happen is they're gonna just keep throwing people at Sukuna until one wins or no one is left.
But again, like I said, I'm exhausted by Akutami's narrative style. He's dragging the end of JJK out after he said it's nearing its end and it just feels like he's using cheap tricks to keep it going in order to keep people reading.
He knows that there are people who will read in hopes of seeing Gojo. So I wouldn't put it past him to have a single panel at the end with Gojo in it or something stupid.
As for not seeing Shoko, I think Yuuta would have a better chance at healing Gojo in this situation, not Shoko. Or both of them together. So we'll see.
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seoafin · 1 year
gege fridging yuki and now tsumiki. shoko, utahime, mei mei, momo, miwa disappering from the plot and now i dont think nobara is coming back after reading the newest chapter which would mean that her death was handled horribly 💀💀💀
i genuinely dont understand whats going on in jjk anymore tbh either like i stopped reading after 208 and your blog was how i found out about the tsumiki thing 😭😭 i wish gege wouldve atleast utilized her in the past chapters if the plan was to kill her because the impact just. isnt there. and like what was the point of yorozu??????? to show us that sukuna is strong?????????🤔 i will actually be surprised if gege turns all of this around but honestlyyyyyyy 😬 (1/2)
its a shame that gege doesnt know how to include female characters into the plot anymore because theyre all just interesting and have wayy too much potential.
like the idea of a character who only cares about money and could go as far to exploit their own sibling like mei mei or someone like shoko who is one of the few/only people in the world who can use rct to heal people (the fact that she was in the same class with the 2 strongest sorcerers in the world and she was never shown to be afraid of them or take their shit) or someone like yuki who was the first special grade in their generation and also an spv??? (if this had been revealed during HI arc the drama would increase tenfold...) OR TSUMIKI omg this one frustrates me so muchhh like she had SO SO SO MUCH BUILD UP AND FOR WHAT??? this girl had to get into the role of a parent for her younger brother because toji sold him and left them and her mother abandoned them and left. SHE IS ELDEST DAUGHTER CODED (so much so that her perspective and feelings during a traumatic situation are never explored because shes fine if shes hardworking and doesnt complain *cough*minari*cough*) imagine going through all of this at such a young age and having to adapt constantly and pick up the pieces alone because the have to keep living. like if megumi was too young to be going through all of that SO WAS SHE????? she deserved wayyyyyy better i could go on for hours about this but. yeah 😭😭😭 basically theyre all characters who've got their own agendas and it wouldve been so much better if already existing characters had been explored rather than 1098274 new characters being introduced. i miss plant trio. nobara balanced out fushiguro's emo angstyness by bullying him. oh well atleast we have maki 😍😍😍 (2/2)
no i agree with you 100% jjk had so much potential to have active and important female characters with agency in the beginning of the manga where akutami was still tying characters into world building. i think that made people (like me) hopeful for a deconstruction of gender norms and dynamics in the jujutsu world that would propel the female characters forward instead of letting them stay one dimensional but it looks as if that's what ended up happening anyway. once again i don't think akutami is intentionally sidelining them if that means anything i just think his planning and organization is off (not enough time given to develop characters other than megumi and yuuji) and that he bit off more than he could choose (having a large cast of characters). which is such a shame bc he could be doing so much more with them!!! like the narrative giving shoko the spotlight for like 2 seconds isn't even a step in the right direction it's the bare minimum!!! it's something we should've gotten during the shibuya arc!!!
also yes. i will die mad about yuki tsukumo and tsumiki. they could've been saved idc idc killing off one of the strongest female characters in your series is just plain WRONG. and tsumiki deserved to live my god.......NOT ANGEL. TSUMIKI. AGHHHHHHHH.
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menacinggh0st · 1 year
Kintober Day 6: Fingering
Fem!Reader x Maki Zen'in
WARNINGS: sexual content, some exobitionism , fingering
Art by Gege Akutami
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"Man I'm done with these damn curses" Maki said as she took her curse embedded spear out of the skull of a disfigured body; originally belonging to what once was a curse. She cringed at the blood that splattered across your face as she looked up at you through the glare of her glasses. 
"What the hell happened to you?" She asked before moving in your direction and wiping the blood off, "did you get hurt?" She continued as she turned your face to the side and up and down making sure you're okay. "It's not mine, one of the curses could blow people up like a balloon…I was just one of the unlucky victims who got caught in it" you said as you scrunched up your nose.
the man in the curse's arms inflated him using its tongue. His eyes bulged out his skull and his limbs became a swollen dark red and purple before blowing him to bits, his insides flying everywhere covering you and Itadori causing him to shriek in surprise and anger. 
Yeah you'd rather not
Maki looked at you and blinked before sighing, "you keep getting yourself wrapped up in some wild stuff, huh?" You nodded and she grabbed your hand. "C'mon let's go find somewhere you can wash off…it's a school they probably have a changing room somewhere" you trailed behind her as you both searched for a locker room or something before coming upon one with a functional shower.
"Oh thank god" you said as you began to strip but Maki stopped you "whoa, keep your clothes on we still have to be alert, just wash off your face and hands" you looked at her and shrugged before taking the rest  of your garments off while sticking your tongue at her before gagging as you tasted the man's blood. She sighed and shook her head in disbelief, she wasn't truly on you about your actions as she looked your body up and down as the blood mixed with the warm water trailed down your body. She was ogling you and realized it after she began to really stare at your tits and wondered what they felt like, her thoughts caused her to whip her head around in embarrassment as she tapped her foot impatiently.
"Could you hurry up" she snapped and looked back over to you as you cut your eyes at her. Damn brat, if she keeps on looking at me like that I'll wipe it off her damn face. "Okay, didn't know it was your time of the month" you muttered bitterly, before you knew it Maki had you pinned against the shower wall as the water soaked her uniform and her hair making it a mess. Her glasses were lined with droplets of water as she looked at you in irritation. "Watch your mouth" she growled, causing your breath to hitch "watch your actions and where your eyes are trailing" you said trying your best to shoot back, she froze. "Cheeky little- you did that on purpose? Didn't you?" 
You looked up at her innocently and batted your lashes, "I don't know what you're talking about Maki" you almost immediately regretted your words as you felt two something prod at your entrance and Maki revealed her fingers covered in your slick. 
She then smirked and pushed her fingers into your hole causing you to gasp and brace yourself against the wall "liar" she said with contempt as she bit into your shoulder causing you to shiver against her.
Maki, began moving her fingers skillfully as she curled them inside you; her actions made you slip out a moan but it was immediately held in her hand as she clasped it around your mouth. "Stay quiet you little shit, the others are still here." You nodded at her words and bit your lip until you drew blood when she removed her hand from your mouth and continued to pump her fingers inside you.
Your back arched against her causing you to whine as your sensitive nipples touched the cool shower tile. "Maki, please-" you said breathlessly as she reached her other hand to tweak the hardened buds a bit and left hickeys littering your back and shoulders. She mumbled into your skin "not till' you come hun." She then circled lazily with her finger on your clit while she used the rest to massage the pleasure point inside your dripping hole. "Mmmm~M-Maki, hold on- I can't" she moved her hand off your breast and turned your face to face her as she kissed you sloppily, some saliva dripping from both of your mouths and down your chin. 
Her fingers overwhelmed your senses as they touched your insides and your clit, causing you to buck your hips for release and your hole to tighten around her slender digits. You were close….you were so fucking close it hurt to hold back a scream in your throat as you hoarsely spoke Maki's name into existence over and over again before releasing on her fingers. "F- FUCK MAKI~!" You cried out. She caught the rest of your moans with her mouth as you came down from your high and removed her fingers from your clenching hole.
"Thought I told you to stay quiet" she said after pulling away from your lips in between gentle pants for air. You opened your mouth to speak but immediately shut up. "I don't want to hear it…pull some cheeky shit like this again y/n and I swear to everything holy I will make you leave the veil next time to fuck you."
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nanaminokanojo · 1 year
Okay, so yes, SPOILERS ⚠️ to those who haven't gone through the pain of 236 to 238 and the rest of Shibuya arc.
Lol I read the latest chapters of JJK and... 😭
Okay, I kinda understand why and how now, and I felt this sense of relief that it wasn't just because of some mundane reason like being too distracted of other factors while pulling off that last Hollow Purple or some hackneyed reason that doesn't make sense. So, I guess, thanks, in a way, Akutami Gege
It took a technique that damages the world itself to put the strongest to sleep. It took a damaging blow to a whole realm of existence to do that. At the end of day, Gojo Satoru was just one of the beings inside that universe, and if the latter can be damaged like that, then it makes sense. He's still the strongest. And I sorta agree with Nanami about it being a fitting end for one Gojo Satoru.
The minimum requirement to kill the honored one between heaven and earth is not such a trifling matter after all. And that puts me at ease...somehow.
Doesn't hurt less, but relieving in a manner of speaking.
I kinda hate how Gojo has to be the one to take that first unexpected blow, but at the same time, it made everyone else aware of the technique – enough for Kashimo to avoid it 😩 So he's still saving lives in a way.
But like...😭😭😭😭 I'm proud of you, Gojo. 😢👏👏👏
Anyway, apart from that, big question: what happens to Megumi? Sukuna already assumed his true form but what does that entail for Megumi? Where is our boy???
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Lol I so forgot that he had a mouth on his stomach where his abs should be. 😂🤣
Aaaaaaand, idk what this relationship is but Kashimo called Sukuna "beautiful" like... 😳 What is this BL shit??? Jk unless... 👀 But bruh, he looked better as Yuuji now that I look back. Hahahaha
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Anyway, fulfilling to see Yuuji jumping into action now. 😌👌
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i dont think his new art style is bad! i do LOVE the fight scenes im just a bit iffy with the people drawings - not necessarily my boat to float.
but i do understand that Gege is aiming to finish the manga this year - which, whether thats his personal preference, or if hes sick of being stuck in that environment or if hes being pressured by them we wont really know.
admittedly ive not really read past 235.. preserving my mental health n alla that - i just see panels here and there and get the general gist of the story. i’d like to know what happened in 252? so im not just accidentally shitting on gege without context 😭
that’s fair!!!! i think it’s a really good thing that you aren’t forcing yourself to read the manga 😭 BUT i will say that the battle right after 236 is one of my favorites in the series so!!! yk. something to look forward to :3 (tbf i was especially into it bc i love takaba and kenny lmao but i still think you’ll find it fun!! you can tell akutami was having a blast)
anyway !! 252 was a really stunning chapter but about halfway through a few panels looked like this:
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…. which is just . really really …. sad ? imo?? like they aren’t even giving him time to finish the chapters properly. in the author’s note for the chapter akutami also said he got a callus on his thumb from drawing so much. which is part of why i think it’s really messed up to complain abt the breaks he takes now and then…. complaining abt the art style and stuff is obv fine but i genuinely think some people forget that akutami is a person and that a person’s creative work is directly affected by their mental and physical health 😭😭
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hxhhasmysoul · 2 years
Is Jujutsu Kaisen feminism for 15yo boys?
The short answer is yes, so you can skip the rest of this ridiculously long post.
If you haven’t read the manga up until chapter 204 you’ll see spoilers here, also you probably won’t know what/who I’m talking about at times.
I have adhd, this is rambly af, this post is actually for me to organise my thoughts and not a hot take I want to convince others to buy into. but anyone is welcome to read if they have the patience.
They/them pronouns for Akutami because if the cursed cat isn’t explicitly assigning a gender to themself, hell if I will. 
They/them pronouns for Kenny. 
Now let’s watch this post age like dairy. I so hope it won’t, Gege please don’t disappoint me.
Let’s go. 
There are a few things that make me obsessed with juju. 
1. The fact that its plot and story structure are my wet dream - all these factions and individuals who are doing their own thing. All of these plots intertwining and coming together.
2. My sweet child Yuuji. *coughs* I mean, juju’s focus on characters. I’m very normal about Yuuji, I fucking swear. 
3. The art, it’s simply beautiful but I also have thoughts.
4. The bs power system, I live for that stuff.
5. It’s aggressively progressive. 
So lets focus on point 5.
Is juju as politically left as I am? Fuck no, not even close. There are things I wish it was braver on, like for instance the queerness. Fuck, braver on its leftism and feminism too. Is it very current and openly and aggressively progressive? Very much so.
If we look at the biggest antagonists of juju we get:
1. Toxic masculinity personified. A hyper-individualist. A 1000yo manosphere youtuber. A guy who thinks that strength should dictate hierarchy. A man who thinks he can hurt whomever he wants for his own pleasure and amusement because everyone is beneath him. A man who doesn’t care for anyone else but himself. A mass murderer and nihilist. 
2. A 1000yo person of unknown gender who presents most often as a man. An eugenicist. Someone entitled to women’s bodies and their reproductive rights. Someone who thinks their own children are only as valuable as they fulfil their ambitions. Someone who thinks they can hurt anyone because their goals are superior, because people are instrumental to them. And also a fucking classist piece of shit. (honestly idk why half of the fandom reacted surprised to the hyper capitalist moment in the recent chapters, as if in their first scene in the entire manga they didn’t say: this is a nuisance but at least it’s the poors that are being burnt to death before my eyes. - Gege didn’t need to add this line there, it’s not relevant to the conversation that is happening then but the line is there anyway.)
3. Two awfully sexist clans which have huge superiority complexes and are built on bloodlines and traditions and breeding for power. 
4. A bunch of mostly faceless old people who pull the strings from the shadows and do everything in the name of the status quo, constantly using tradition as an excuse. Who are afraid of the new, of the changes in society of new technologies. They won’t even accept them when they create powerful sorcerers. 
5. A male presenting personification of human hate and fear of one another. Who again, feels entitled to the bodies of others and doesn’t respect the bodily autonomy of others. Who’s a destructive and cruel nihilist. 
6. A young man who got radicalised into fascism because he was faced with the horrors of the status quo, of toxic tradition and backwater thinking and drew the wrong conclusions as to how to fix it.
On the other side we get kids and tired and/or silly millennials. And isn’t that just like real life, where the inaction and misdeeds of the previous generations blows up in the faces of today’s teens.
1. Teenagers. Teenagers who either don’t have family connections and come from lower classes. Or outcasts from their rich and powerful families. Children betrayed by traditions and the status quo. Children used or targeted by old people, ostracised, disrespected and violated. Children who have to suffer and die because the old people are only concentrating on maintaining the status quo. 
2. Gojou, this ex edgy teen who saw his bf (I won’t police how you read that) get redpilled and radicalised into fascism. It was all fun and games, stanning the joker and tyler durden until Getou decided to seriously go full on fasc with it and Gojou was like: man for real? I thought we were memeing here. So then Gojou turned into one of those “this is how I got off the far right pipeline” videos. Gojou is actually this rich privileged boy but he’s trying, he really is taking his best shot at progressivism. (sealed)
3. A feminist who’s calling out and fighting worthless old farts who feel entitled to women’s bodies. And who wants to change the world to make life better for everyone. 
4. A socially conscious man disillusioned with capitalism who takes a lot of responsibility for other people. (deceased)
5. A victim of eugenics who tries to be a good older brother to his brothers, also victims of eugenics. (the only one here who’s actually over 30)
6. Some other, less important, decent people in their twenties.
There are few people over 30 in juju that deserve any respect.
1. Headmaster Yaga, single dad. Does felting as a hobby. (deceased)
2. Yoshino Nagi, good single mum. (deceased)
3. Iori Utahime, a woman trying her best to do right by the teens despite having to work with Gojou.
4. Higuruma Hiromi, an idealist, mentally broken by the realities of the criminal justice system. Hobby: 5 min therapy sessions. 
Juju isn’t in any way shy about the fact that we should not respect elders when they fucking destroy everything. It’s established very early on that regressive traditionalists suck. That passive adults suck. That the status quo sux. That it should be the duty of adults to protect the children and not to make the world worse for everyone. That educating the youth and instilling different values in them is what can save us all, if we’re not beyond saving. That we need social change. We even get teen Noritoshi’s story, a cautionary tale about respectability, about trying to satisfy the requirements of the system to protect your own and how that is doomed to fail. And my leftist soul resonates with all that. 
So in this clear leftist propaganda there is also feminism.
And Gege does their best feminism when they aren’t trying, especially when they aren’t trying to verbalise it. My suspicion is that with this much internalised leftism Gege has internalised a lot of feminism but at a  conscious level the fact that Gege was most likely socialised male takes its toll. 
What I mean by that is that Nobara’s girlboss rant at Momo is weak. But I will give it a pass because Nobara is 16 and nothing about her screams discourse junkie so you know, it fits her character. Because even at it its least inspired the feminism in juju deserves a passing grade. Gege is trying.
There’s also the sad truth of shounen that women just aren’t meant to be prioritised in it, that it’s not the genre expectation. The fact that Maki gets so much focus and page time, that she has her own fucking arc, it’s already a lot for shounen. The fact that she’s built and now also permanently disfigured and the dudebros and weebs still worship the ground she walks on is a fucking achievement in itself. Proof that if you write a female character well you can take away her standard beauty and not tank her popularity. It’d be still much harder to make her not typically pretty from the start and achieve this but culture changes one step at a time. I wish we were there but we aren’t so I’m going to appreciate what I can get.
Maki is both verbalised and implicit feminism. Verbalised because she fucking slaughters a whole fucking clan of misogynists. It’s not subtle. Implicit because of her appearance and personality. She’s written like a male character but not meaning that she’s masculine or that she could be replaced in the narrative by a man. No, she has a narrative arc of her own, she’s written with agency and with no regard for making her personality be pleasing or oriented towards others. And her story is specifically a story of a woman in the world of jujutsu. 
Generally, in most cases, if you try to apply the feminist lens to a shounen manga you’ll just make yourself sad. You can do it for some shounen characters or plotlines and get something nice but you need to be very careful not to try to generalise that onto the whole work. My enjoyment of a lot of titles is dependant on my very conscious choice to rein in my feminism and leftism. 
With juju, though, with juju you’re safe. You can do it. You can go for it. It’s not going to be the most radical and mind-blowing experience ever but it’s possible.
Because the female characters aren’t where the most of the feminism is. They can’t be, it’s a shounen and they don’t get enough pagetime. The verbalised feminism is very clear in how the villains are framed, how much misogyny you can find among the evil characters. The implicit feminism, the better one, is very strong in the young male characters. 
Unlike in a lot of hyper violent media targeted at boys, in juju you never have these lines about what a man should be. Or what it means to be a man, especially a true man. What is most important is that nothing like that is ever said to a teenage boy. On the side we’re meant to root for we get a lot of different men and none of them are labelled as “true”. They are there for readers to identify with, to model behaviour after. And because no teen in the manga has his masculinity questioned then no reader will have to question his. Juju won’t contribute to such insecurity for anyone, an insecurity that can turn violent irl. 
Girls in juju are people.
What’s more, all the teen guys in juju have extremely normal relationships with the girls around them. They just interact with them without any exaggerated awkwardness or this “girls are strange, we can’t bond with them unless we want to date them”. Among the teens, the new generation, the hope for the future, there’s no separation built between men and women. Not through words and not through actions.  
The nonsexual, organic friendship, built on idiot to idiot communication, Yuuji and Nobara have, gives me life. And it happens despite Yuuji not understanding Nobara at first. Because it doesn’t matter that she’s different from him, they don’t dwell on it, they don’t try to make the differences into a big thing, into a rift. There’s no big arc of them working out their differences because these differences aren’t artificially blown up to underline some core differences between men and women. They can fail to understand each other totally but they can still be friends, they can still vibe with one another, care for one another. Femininity and masculinity don’t need to be some issues to deal with while forming a friendship between a guy and a girl. 
It’s fascinating how Yuuji fighting together with Megumi isn’t half as exciting and organic as when he fights together with Nobara. Their strengths and powers compliment each other so well. I’m actually angry that Gege didn’t let them fight Mahito together longer. Even if they would’ve done to Nobara the same thing they did. Why not let them be epic together again? (I’m also super angry at what they did to Nobara, she better come back, fucking hell)
And it’s a pattern too. Despite Yuuji being very much socialised as a guy in a very patriarchal and sexist society, so much so that he has a type at 15 and hangs bikini posters on his walls, he hasn't turned girls into aliens in his mind. They are still just people in his head. When Yuuji interacts with a real woman the male socialisation isn’t deeply rooted enough to hinder him. It’s never an issue.
Toudou tries to do this very masculine bonding thing with Yuuji and Yuuji is super confused by it. Because Yuuji’s relationships aren’t built on the concept of masculinity. And I mean Yuuji bonds with Toudou eventually because it’s Yuuji but we are shown the struggle when with Nobara or Megumi or Junpei it just happens. Also Yuuji is the only one who bonds with Toudou but that’s because Yuuji is compassion. 
Toudou is generally disliked and his dumb male posturing contributes to that. Also in the Japanese context it’s very clear that Toudou is an unserious person and that’s how he’s meant to be perceived. If you have any doubt about that, the juju fanbook is there for you where Gege is very clear about that. Basically the idol thing is there to paint Toudou as immature. The whole conversation Megumi has with Toudou is a very clear lesson for teen boys. Be like Megumi and girls will like you, if you are a Toudou you’re a joke. You can be built and powerful and clever and still be a joke and girls won’t like you.
I like Toudou a lot btw, I actually think it’s funny that an 18yo boy thinks he reached some deeper truth about people because he knows what a fetish or kink is and he’s tactless enough to ask openly about it. It’s fucking hilarious but also some teen boys just be like that unironically. But I also like him because of how his character is framed and how he functions in the story. Because Toudou gives another important lesson to teen boys. A lesson about rejection. In the story he makes up in his head we see him confessing his feelings to Takada and she turns him down. And he just takes it. This is such an important message. In Japan stalking is a huge problem, stalkers murdering their victims is a problem. Men who feel entitled to women in such a violent way. And here we have a guy who gets rejected and takes the L with grace. And all he wants is for his best friend to console him. 
I’m very normal about Yuuji.
So the balls on Gege to name their typically shounen protag “calm compassion”, or maybe “endless humanity”, “endless compassion”, “quiet humanity”, all of the above? More?
Gojou says that to be a sorcerer one needs to be crazy. And he says that Yuuji has a few screws loose from the start. The thing is that yes, Yuuji is odd but not in the way the rest of the sorcerers are. So far in the manga Yuuji has never entered the state of mind that to my understanding Gojou is thinking about when he talks about being crazy. What I think Gojou means is this state of unhinged glee during the fight. And the ability to compartmentalise the fights and the kills. 
So far in his fights Yuuji has been neutral, proud of himself when he was doing well, hyper focused, frustrated, desperate, depressed and filled with all-consuming rage. Never filled with unhinged glee. And he hasn’t compartmentalised any fight, any failure or any kill, not one, they all seep into a huge ball of guilt inside him. And it’s his kills and Sukuna’s together. Yuuji’s compassion is actively destroying him from the inside. Yuuji can’t disconnect from his humanity and that’s a basic job requirement for a sorcerer. 
Yuuji constantly shows how much emotional intelligence he has. When he defuses the situation with Junpei at the school. When Megumi finds out about Tsumiki going under the bridge. When he’s with Chousou. When he puts his depression on hold to help Megumi during the culling game. He shows understanding, emotional support, physical contact and prioritises the emotions of others over his own. 
Compassion, empathy, responsiveness towards others, willingness to adjust and accommodate aren’t stereotypically masculine traits. No, they are culturally feminine in many places around the world, including Japan. 
Yuuji is also passive and reactive despite being stronger than normal people, and that too is culturally more feminine than masculine. Yuuji doesn’t really have much of the shounen protag drive. It can be lit in him in the form of resilience or determination or rage but it’s not self-sustaining, reactive not proactive
And speaking of Japan and East Asia, what Yuuji is displaying can’t be written off as collectivism either. Because these reactions are personal, they aren’t towards the society at large. They aren’t giri aka a specifically culturally Japanese sense of duty, or any other of several similar concepts. There is no sense of duty or obligation in what Yuuji does, not on a group level. Yuuji says that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if people got hurt because he didn’t try to get rid of Sukuna. For him it’s not because it’s the moral thing to do, or the right thing to do but because he’s concerned about the suffering of those people on this very empathetic level. As Nanami says: he genuinely gets upset on behalf of others. 
That might be why Yuuji isn’t really that popular as a character. Maybe that’s why people prefer Megumi who’s more typically masculine, stoic, distant, intellectual but also proactive and not reactive in his violence and values.
A lot of people consider Yuuji weak. They complain about how much he loses and how in most of his fights he gets carried by other characters, how they are actually the winning factor and not him. 
I actually like that a lot. I think it makes the story interesting, it makes Yuuji interesting that he’s at his best when he’s not alone, that he’s actually doing best when he’s support. That his strength is in how he compliments others. I honestly don’t want him to change into a more typical shounen protagonist. Thematically the way his fights go suits him perfectly because humans are a social species, we thrive on cooperation. And if Yuuji is boundless humanity he shouldn’t stand alone. 
I’m very normal about Yuuji so it turned into a post about him. I swear this wasn’t the plan. The plan was to write about leftist propaganda. The other guys in juju are actually really cool too. Like Megumi, him constantly trying to figure out his values and reconcile what’s happening around him with them is great. Yuuta with his need to belong and justify himself is amazing. Chousou the family oriented sap (please survive baby). Hakari who said fuck you to the conservatives even though he wasn’t so well positioned as Gojou and it resulted in him getting ostracised. I’m not going to shout out everyone or go deeper into these characters but I really like how there isn’t one type of masculinity in juju. 
I don’t know how much these are conscious choices by Gege, or how much it’s just their internalised leftism seeping through. But it’s nice. It feels good to read. And I hope that because the messaging isn’t always as didactic as with the Zen’in or the Kamo clans, that it’ll go down well and actually be this tiny crumb of feminism in the minds of 15yo boys who read it. And with how hype juju is atm, I hope that overt leftism will strengthen in the pop cultural mainstream directed at boys. And with it feminism.  
Could juju be better?
Of course, there’s no perfect work of art. No author is perfect and perfectly enlightened. No work is ever going to 100% match with anyone’s politics, sensibilities or expectations. etc etc. But I really think juju already does a lot. The fact that it’s open to a feminist reading is a lot. And I appreciate it for it.
I really wish juju was better on the queer stuff but I’m wary of assigning blame here. Idk if it’s Gege who misunderstands stuff and is uninformed and crude. Or is it because they write a shounen series for Shounen Jump a corporation which is averse to risk. 
I really wish Kirara had a canon gender and identity. I wish Gege made an official call on Kenny’s gender as they did with Tengen. I wish Gege also clearly stated that Kenny is Yuuji’s mum because the fandom cishets are really twisting themselves into pretzels trying to come up with theories that the mum is actually some woman controlled by Kenny and not Kenny. I wish Gege made NobaMaki canon instead of drawing fanart of the ship and pretending it’s not what it looks like. And even though ItaFushi leaves me mostly cold I wish Megumi’s answer proved to be what all the itafushis headcanon it to be, even if it was to prove to be one sided. I wish I wish I wish.
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