#shitty ghoul hc
moony-ghoul · 1 year
what i think ghoul horns are made of
dewdrop: mahogany obsidian
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swiss: labradorite
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phantom: rainbow moonstone
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aether: amethyst
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rain: frosted sea glass
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mountain: twisted tree root
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aurora: rose quartz
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sunshine: amber stone
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cumulus: blue chalcedony
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cirrus: malachite
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oatoast · 4 months
SPOILERS FOR E4S2 SMILING FRIENDS/ observations and opinions
Charlie has a pacemaker, is a LOTR fan, has a problem with money (shitty apartment yet spent600 dollars…tbf he was drunk but still [he also owns a gaming laptop]) seems to not have a TV(?), has a p0rn poster on his wall, doesnt have an monitor just a laptop, is serious about catholic rituals in regards to demons/ghosts/ghouls, NO BEDFRAME (HURRAY), his uncle is still alive- and he seems close to him, and will very quickly do anything to help his boss. (More of a HC) Charlie also lives super close to the HQ since he walks to work and they immediately went to his house
Its also reslly hrghh like. Pim was really willing to stab a person when Charlie wimped out im going insane.
I really thought the direction on this episode was incredible btw, its probably the best in the whole season next to E1. The animation was also amazing as always. Not to mention TWO cameos. Holy shrimp.
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In regards to each of the 3 rooms we have it has excellent visual story telling about the characters. Charlie and Pim’s being the saddest so far is so heghh. Like theyre both so empty in different ways.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 11 months
Hi there!
I saw that your requests are open :D
May I ask for hcs or a little scenario, if you wish, of how Swiss and Mountain would react to seeing reader (he/they pronouns, if possible) up really really late because of nightmares and insomnia? I’m thinking about fluff and platonic relationships! (Cuddles? Little kisses? Yes please)
Thank you so much for your time and for your writing! writing! 🖤
❝kiss the nightmares away❞
➵ “i’ll be your little sunshine.” —❤︎
pairing: swiss and mountain x male!reader (he/they)
theme: fluff ✿
a/n: first of all, i hope you’re doing well hon, i hope this fic can soothe some potential nerves you have there <3 i hope this fic met your standards. and tbh it can be read as platonic or romantic so i didn’t use the platonic tag
cw: insomnia sucks, that’s really it. swiss and mountain are very caring for the reader here
his head hurt so much.
normally, the insomnia never got this bad— but tonight was a particularly shitty night. not only was his day at the ministry rather rough, but y/n had just experienced a chilling nightmare that still sent shivers down his spine— which only worsened the effects of their sleep condition.
it was anything but pleasant, but he hates to say that this wasn’t the first time this has happened.
insomnia was a bitch, but they have grown accustomed to dealing with it on their own— even if it sucked.
sighing heavily, y/n’s feet carried him through the ministry halls and into the kitchen, in hopes to find a snack that’ll soothe his mind and hopefully calm his nerves down.
the fridge door swung open and y/n grabbed the nearest thing on the shelf, not even bothering to look at what he had just grabbed— or the label for that matter.
just as y/n was about to open whatever container he snagged— the sound of someone clearing their throat made y/n whip his head around to find the source of the sound.
“you know you’re holding a jar of mayonnaise, right, sweetie?”
confused, y/n turned his head to the entrance of the kitchen, and was met with a familiar multi ghoul leaning against the door frame. swiss, with his arms crossed, looked at them in an almost amused manner.
y/n looked down at his hands to see that he was indeed, holding a jar of mayonnaise. he didn’t even notice, he was probably way too tired to even function. sighing heavily, he opened the fridge and put it back inside.
“sorry, i didn’t notice.” y/n responded, looking downcast to avoid swiss’ gaze
“i can tell.” swiss replied back with a cheeky tone, before he made his way over to y/n. he could already tell something was up.
“so what are you doing up so late?” swiss asked, his tone of voice shifting into a more caring one. y/n didn’t respond, his silence was already a good enough answer for swiss, and the multi ghoul sighed.
“that bad, huh?”
“it’s always bad, swiss. but tonight has just really fucked me over.”
swiss let out another heavy breath of concern, and brought his large, clawed hand to gently rub y/n’s back— who was currently hunched over the kitchen island, head bent down. it was the most he could do to comfort the poor boy.
at that moment, heavy, but gentle footsteps, made their way into the kitchen, causing both y/n and swiss to look over at the kitchen.
it was mountain. he must’ve heard one of them come down to the kitchen. tilting his head in confusion, he turned to swiss.
“what’s going on?” the earth ghoul asked, almost innocently.
“insomnia is kicking y/n’s ass again.” swiss replied back, his tail flicking a bit as he spoke. he then went back to rubbing y/n’s back.
“damn right it is.” y/n groaned out, his forehead resting against the table as he just let swiss rub his back.
mountain just let out an ‘ah’ at Swiss’ answer. he felt bad for the poor boy, he knew how bad insomnia could get at times. all he knew now was that y/n needed some comfort.
the drummer turned to look at the vocalist, and the two exchanged a knowing look before nodding at each other. at that moment, the earth ghoul scooped up y/n in his strong arms, cradling him like a baby— which made them yelp from the sudden change.
“what the—!? hey what are you guys doing??” y/n asked almost suspiciously, wondering what in hell these two ghouls had in mind.
“what do you think, honey?” swiss said from behind mountain, peeking over the earth ghoul’s shoulder to look at y/n. “we’re going to help you.”
it wasn’t long until the trio reached mountain’s room. y/n breathed in the fresh aroma of healing herbs and fresh water, must’ve been from the decorative plants in mountain’s room.
being the gentle giant he was, mountain carefully placed y/n on the center of his queen sized bed, and it wasn’t long until the two ghouls were all over y/n.
swiss was cuddled up on the right side of y/n’s body, his head buried under the curve of their neck, while his arms proceeded to wrap around y/n’s waist and his legs tangled in the other’s. mountain then moved to y/n’s left side, his chest pressing against the smaller boy’s back softly while he draped his long arms over y/n’s and swiss’ bodies to move them closer to him. the earth ghoul’s tail was also wrapped around y/N’s leg affectionately.
the position was… oddly comfortable, and it was quite serene too. it put y/n’s mind at ease, and his muscles visible relaxed after being stiff for so long. both swiss and mountain took notice of this, and started to purr lovingly— the vibrations of their purrs only serving to further heal y/n.
“this is nice…” y/n muttered out softly, to which swiss chuckled slightly.
“told ya we’d help, pretty boy.” swiss teased back slightly, making y/n only rolled his eyes at him.
“oh shut up.” they retorted, eliciting a chuckle from mountain, who rested his chin on top of y/n’s head.
“alright, simmer down you two. i think we all need to sleep. especially you, y/n.” mountain said with a more firm, but soft tone, making both swiss and y/n nod.
swiss couldn’t resist, but he pressed a soft kiss onto y/n’s cheek to help comfort him, which in turn made them giggle from the ticklish feeling. mountain let out another chuckle and placed a kiss on top of y/n’s head, purring softly right after.
y/n definitely wasn’t expecting his night to go like this. being pulled into a cuddle pile with the flirty multi ghoul, swiss— and the sweet and gentle earth ghoul, mountain.
his insomnia was definitely bad.
but these two ghoul’s provided enough comfort for him to make him feel safe.
and that feeling was enough to allow his mind drift off into a dreamless, but peaceful sleep, appreciating the warmth of another’s arms.
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Era IV - V Ghouls HCs (part 1)
Color shows who made what hc - reblogs are appreciated!
Phantom and Aurora are siblings with Aurora being the older sibling. Back in the Pits since they were ghoul kits they've been inseparable. They were summoned together. Can be a bit chaotic with each other if left alone together, but the moment Swiss joins in they'll all need to be watched like a hawk.
It took a while for Mountain, Sodo, and Aether to warm up to Copia as frontman since they were used to Terzo
Ghoulettes have girls night every week. They blast white girl bangers all night
Ghouls send Copia the ant with bindle photo when he scolds them to get out of trouble (it always works)
While most ghouls like to play fight, Swiss and Aurora do it the most and it’s usually pretty intense so the others avoid with them unless feeling particularly worked up. You would think they were actually trying to kill each other but no
Cirrus, Cumulus, Sodo, and Swiss watch those shitty reality TV shows to point fun at humans and the awful things they do. This is nearly a weekly thing if any of them have time to hang out with free time.
Cumulus and Cirrus always would send messages with at least one emoticon
We know Mountain is the tallest, but the smallest current ghouls are both Cumulus and Aurora at 5’3”. However, they are not the smallest ghouls of modern day Ghost (that title goes to Mist at 4'10" aka three sauces tall.)
Summoning day is June 21st, 2015
Favorite animal is pangolins because they look like dragons
Transmasc (ftm)
Went by Dewdrop when water ghoul, but changed it to Sodo when he became a fire ghoul
Middle child energy
He still has some fin-like features on him, but not as much as before. Some water ghouls could have scales like fish, so you'd have to squint to see the patches of scales on Sodo now. They were larger when he was still water. The fire features kinda override it.
Not mean (unless it's Aether /j), just easily irritated
Would never get angry at any ghoulettes. He drinks respect women juice everyday. He most definitely fears Cirrus sometimes
Sometimes joins the ghoulettes with their girls night just to get away from all the chaos, especially after a rough week
Will sell Aether's non-existent soul for a single corn chip
Ok he actually does care about Aether, but he just has limits to his shenanigans.
Since he was transformed into a fire ghoul instead of naturally born like that, the features a fire ghoul would normally have are weaker with him (ex: he doesn’t radiate much heat from his body)
Wants affection and then bites when he’s had enough like a cat
Doesn’t take criticism very well
Summoning day is June 24th, 2015
Favorite animal is tigers because of how big they are and goofy they can be at times
One of my three weed smoking girlfriends
Little sibling energy that Sodo is the main victim of
One of the most kindest ghouls you'll meet
He has some knowledge in healing and health, so if any of the ghouls, or anyone who is close to him in general, are sick or injured they go straight to Aether
He does that thing where he gets his hands wet and flings his fingers out to get water on Sodo
Helped take care of and watch over ghoul kits back in the Pits
He is still around the Ministry after leaving Ghost and still hangs out with the others when they're not touring.
If he could wear socks in sandals all the time he would
Very sensitive. Cries at those sad dog ads and donates the Ministry’s money
Summoning day is June 19th, 2015
Favorite animal is ram since he has similar horns like them and how tough they are when butting heads with each other
Gentle giant
Has long, dark black hair that is super soft to touch and doesn’t mind the others playing with his hair
Ghoul equivalent to a golden retriever
Like a big brother to Sodo and Aether
Doesn't hunt like the other ghouls. He is able to control his urges, and plus there's already food inside so why bother
Plant dad. Even if you give him a fake plant he'll still love and cherish it. Names them all
Usually will have to stop Sodo from trying to lunge for Aether’s throat
Taller than the average earth ghoul at 7’3”. There were bruises on his face because of walking right into door frames when first summoned. Gets front passenger seat privileges
Keeper of air jail (lifting somebody up if they are causing trouble) Grabbing em by the scruff when the others are fighting
Any pronouns
Summoning day is July 18th, 2016
Favorite animal is blue marlin because of how fast it can swim and the sword-like appendage on their noses
Likes to keep fishies
Can only sleep when it’s pitch black
Has shark like features (the teeth, tail, sense of smell, etc)
Not shy at all, but just not very social. Possible social anxiety? Yes social anxiety bc projection
Eats the rainbow aquarium rocks like they're Nerds candy.
Mainly sticks around with Mountain since the two have good chemistry.
Gets mad at his own hiccups
Summoning day is April 4th, 2016
Favorite animal is mourning dove because of how they coo
Wine aunt
Anxiety. Not too terrible, but it still is awful
Would bring a dead animal inside after hunting and call it her Girl Dinner™
Literal Disney princess. She could sing and birds would fly to her to sing along
Terrified when first summoned. Glued to Cirrus’ side for the first six months
She is one of the sweetest ghoulettes, but she has quite a bit of weird and creepy pictures and items that will freak people out. Her and Swiss send each other cursed images and videos
Very motherly and protective of the others
Loves to wear fluffy, cloud-like clothing
Link to part 2 will be here soon!
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terzosbignaturals · 1 year
may i offer some ghoulette comfort hcs in these trying times?
i got no explanation for this really i failed a midterm and i'm sad so take these -- CUMULUS.
this woman is the cuddling expert
you barely have to even say anything to her-- her arms are already wide open for you to sink into
she's one of the more emotionally conscious of the ghouls, and even if she didn't pick up on that particular scent humans have when they're holding back tears, she'd be able to tell from your glassy eyes and stiff posture
she has an arm draped over your shoulders as she leads you to her nest to wrap you up in her fluffiest blanket and hold you close. accompanying you in The Nest(tm) are countless very-well-loved stuffed animals which she might pile on top of you to make you smile eventually, but for now...
has you rest your head on her chest and cards her fingers through your hair soothingly, whispering gentle words of comfort.
if you want to talk about it she's the most amazing listener, if not, she's content to just lie there and hold you until you're feeling a bit better!
eventually she'll start humming to you and it's pretty much impossible to not fall asleep wrapped in her arms (and you bet she's gonna be there when you wake up as well, getting up while you sleep is the equivalent of moving a cat sleeping on your lap to her.)
not as good at picking up on it as cumulus is at first, but if you know her well you bet she's memorized all of your mannerisms.
like as soon as she notices you're feeling down, she's scooping you up and taking you to the ghoulettes' wing.
doesn't care if you're in the middle of ministry duties-- gives an absolutely withering glare to anyone who tries to stop y'all or tell you you can't leave.
once you're alone, urges you to tell her what's going on, she wants nothing more than to understand so she can help you properly
if you're sad because someone did or said something to you, lord help them
you can see the way her eyes darken as soon as the name leaves your lips, although her expression remains soft
"don't you worry about them, hun, I'll take care of it from here."
they might go missing in the next couple of days, maybe the next week, but don't you worry your pretty little head about it :)
plays her keyboard for you!!! has you sit on the bench nestled between her legs, leaning back against her as she plays a little concert of your favorite songs just for you
if you're a musician, she'll walk you through some of the chords so you can learn to play them yourself! places her hands over yours and moves your fingers so you can memorize their placement and satan her touch is so soothing
THE friend to rant to
even if you're mostly sad about whatever happened, as she listens to you speak, she'll get absolutely pissed on your behalf
"are you-- oh my satan are you SERIOUS?! that's fucking bullshit!"
you will most definitely have to talk her out of yelling at someone on your behalf, whether that's a shitty boss who assigned you way too much work for one person or a professor that gave you too little time for an exam.
even in her human glamour she can be intimidating as fuck, after all--
-- and that's just on her own. when there's something she particularly finds unjust, she'll rope cirrus into it as well
and oh boy you do NOT want to be on the receiving end of those two's wrath.
not so experienced with the whole comforting aspect of things, but gives excellent hugs-- tight, secure, and will lift you off the ground no matter if you're taller than her or not, she's stronger than she looks.
this calls for an emergency intervention.
no sooner does she see your face, she's aggressively speed-dialing
"dew? swiss? get over here, we've got an emergency. bring the switch."
at first, you're a tad concerned that you'll have to keep the Terrible Trio from stabbing someone with a switchblade on your behalf
but your concern is swiftly and thoroughly alleviated as you're treated to the most intensely chaotic game of Mario Kart you've ever experienced.
the stakes are astronomical. you've gotten three noise complaints from three different siblings. you're all crowded so close to the TV that you're pretty sure you'll end up with eye damage, throwing your arms up in triumph as your green shell smacks Dew's kart head-on, prompting a rainbow of hissed-out curses
swiss has fallen off rainbow road seven times-- you've kept count-- and is somehow still tailing you and Sunshine, giggling maniacally
it's the third lap. the finish line is IN SIGHT, and Sunshine is whooping in pre-victory, just barely keeping her grasp on first place by the inch or so between your karts.
you catch a glimpse of the blue shell before Sunny does
and you'll never forget the sheer art of her expression as her victorious euphoria melts into absolute and utter horror
someone's screaming at the top of their lungs
dew falls to his knees, overcome with emotion
swiss is somehow driving backwards now
and the moment the pixelated 1st symbol appears on your screen, you're leaping to your feet in triumph, nearly losing your grip on your controller as you thank the hells below for your hard-won victory
"SHUT UP!" yells someone who is probably Rain from the room over
and you find you can't even remember what you were sad about in the first place
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odetokeons · 1 year
I just KNOW that all of the Papas enjoy musical theatre, so here's my headcanon about each Papa's favourite musical
Primo ⸸ Little Shop of Horrors
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A classic
Funky tunes, spooky vibes and alien sentient carnivorous plants taking over the world, OF COURSE peepaw would love it
He definitely has at least one venus flytrap in his garden that he named after Audrey II
Secondo ⸸ The Phantom of the Opera
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He may not seem like it, but he's a romantic at heart
In Papaganda, Special Ghoul said “Papa is from the same bloodline as Leonard Cohen and Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, all the Vincent Price's and Don Corleone's.”, so it's only fitting that POTO would be his favourite musical
The Phantom being a misunderstood, scary-looking, lonely, 'miserable old wounded bitter man' who just craves companionship and understanding? Sounds familiar.
Terzo ⸸ The Rocky Horror Picture Show
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It's spooky and queer and horny just like him <3
Terzo (especially in the From the Pinnacle to the Pit and Square Hammer mvs) gives me the vibes of someone who would be into both witchcraft AND science alike, I can just picture him in his secret lab doing his silly little mischievous rituals and experiments and his gayass would DEFINITELY try to 'make a man to relieve his tension' (that's how he ended up summoning Omega)
I bet he made Omega dress up as Rocky (while he dressed up as Frank-n-Furter, of course) at least once, perhaps on Halloween (hc inspired by these two gorgeous fanarts)
Copia ⸸ Repo! The Genetic Opera
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"Hope this doesn't awaken anything in me" [realizes he's bisexual AND trans right after watching this movie] I'm definitely not projecting WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT (also he took one look at Pavi Largo and said 'I WANT HIS GENDER'. No, I will not elaborate further.)
He has daddy issues, OF COURSE he would eat this up (and be super invested in Shilo's storyline in particular) again I am NOT projecting
A (shitty) father deeming none of his three children worthy of carrying on his legacy and instead leaving everything to an outsider (who's the child of the woman the aforementioned father loved in his youth)? Sounds familiar.
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javaghoul · 6 months
alright, so
going off my stupid HC the other day about Yoriko forcing Touka to read a shitty YA book. Yoriko has been banging on about a book series for evveeeer. Keeps telling Touka how amazing it, so Touka pity reads it.
It's ACOTAR by Sarah J Maas.
At first Touka is not impressed. She hears it's a Beauty and the Beast retelling and is like 🥱🙄 but then she reads that the MC is illiterate and has a dead mum, a pathetic father, and two dumbass siblings she has to singlehandedly support.
That's interesting.
She reads on and finds out that the Fae are ostracized and humans want to FUCKING KILL THEM.
She understands that situation.
Then she discovers that the Fae are FORCED to wear masks
And then it's revealed that not all Fae are bad - just MiSuNdErStOoD.
It's at this point where Touka is seriously wondering if the author is a ghoul
Dont tell anyone - and she'll deny it if you do - but Touka is pretty hooked on this book. She thinks Feyre is a nob, but she can relate to the Fae?! Is Maas using fantasy as a way to discretely tell others how unfairly ghouls are portrayed??
And then Touka gets to the part where Feyre constantly talks about her "bowels turning to water' and Toukas like "nah 😑"
She has to keep sidestepping Yoriko when she tries to press the rest of the series on her.
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Hi Comet my day has been a nightmare and I keep getting missgendered on purpose by a coworker. I've been trying not to cry but finally just broke down in front of my boss. Do you have any hc's about the ghouls? Just anything in general.
Thank you
I'm sorry you've had a nightmare day. People really suck sometimes and I don't understand why they have to be so shitty. Yes, I think I can probably scrounge up some random ghoul headcanons for you. No theme here, just thoughts, under the cut.
Aether is not a morning person. He's known for staying up late and sleeping well into the morning. If he's up before ten am, he either didn't go to bed, or there's a problem.
So, when he first got summoned he took overnight shifts at the infirmary. He misses it now that he's expected to keep a more normal schedule.
Mountain and Sunshine work in Mountain's greenhouse together a lot. He taught her everything he can about plants. She immediately took to his herb garden. The spend a lot of summer days working together in silence. Mountain tending to his vegetables and Sunshine working on strange herbal concoctions for the other ghouls.
This of course, leads to random late-night visits to Sunshine's room. If someone has a headache, she'll get a knock on the door. A cold? A stomach ache? Can't sleep? Sunshine has just the thing for it.
Cirrus has made friends with the Abbey corvids, and they sometimes bring her little trinkets (that have usually been stolen from unsuspecting Siblings). Cirrus keeps all of her little gifts in a small box on her bookshelf. If anyone happens to see a ring in there that definitely belongs to Papa, no, they didn't.
When Mountain is really relaxed he'll sprout eucalyptus from his horns. Rain has a bunch hanging from his shower head that he adds to whenever Mountain joins him for a bath.
Contrary to popular belief Dew doesn't actually hate water. It's just that swimming in the lake on a hot summer day reminds him of his life before. He misses being able to dive under water, to not have to hold his breath. It's bittersweet. So he tends to avoid it.
Sunshine has a large collection of stupid t-shirts, and button-ups with garish prints. Swiss steals them from her all the time.
She has that collection because she, Cirrus, and Cumulus like to hit up thrift stores when they're on tour. They try to find at least one in every city, and they each always bring an extra bag on tour specifically for their thrifted finds.
If the rest of his pack would let him, Rain would sleep through the entirety of winter. He can often be found curled up in his bed under a mountain of blankets. It's a group effort to get him to get up and rejoin society. It never lasts long though, he's usually back to trying to hibernate within a week.
Swiss knows how to ice skate. He tried to teach other ghouls. Cirrus took to it quite easily and loves it. Cumulus too seems like a natural but doesn't enjoy it as much as she expected to. Dew and Sunshine refused to go anywhere near the ice for fear of melting it. Mountain was too lanky, looking a little like a baby deer just learning to walk. Rain could probably do it, but he doesn't like going out in the cold, so he opted out. Aether can sort of manage, but after Cirrus and Swiss started skating literal circles around him he went inside to make hot chocolate for everyone.
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
can you expand on eds and pots haver rain?
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED, few headcannons coming right up (under the cut)!
I think Rain's eds isn't a very bad case, I don't think he'd play bass on stage and shit if it would (but it's still a total pain in the ass). He tried to hide his issues for a very long time because of that, he felt like it's not as bad as Zephyrs, so he shouldn't complain because, in his opinion, he has no right to. Even after years of his pack knowing and helping him whenever they can, he still sometimes feels shitty because of it because "its not that bad, it could be worse, I'll be fine". They always shut him up with something like "it could, but it isn't, and we'd take the same good care of you no matter if it would be worse or better".
Rain mostly feels frustrated with his illness, when he can't get up from anything without swaying, open a bottle of water or anything that should be easy. What brings him a bit of peace is the lake, not only because he's a water ghoul, but also because swimming is very good for his joints. BUT if he's having such a bad pain day he can't pick up his bass... then the frustration is gone and all that's left is fucking misery, panic attacks and crying till he passes out (yup, pots). He always screams at whoever wants to calm him thorough it that he can loose anything but the ability to play bass. He wouldn't survive it.
Regarding how eds and pots affect Rain in general, I think for most part it's joints popping out or locking (his back and hands the worst, Dew has to unlock him with his warmth), this dull, pulsing pain in his limbs for no reason, overall hypermobility (ofc) sometimes muscles spasming and bad sight (yup, that too). It's always the worst in the evening, all the pressure hitting up just as he lays down. Especially if he spent a majority of the day upright, then he's not just overall achy and tired, his whole body compresses as he can't breathe because his ribs are touching.
Pots makes Rain always tired, he's exhausted exactly the same whether he sleeps 3 or 13 hours, dizziness hits him in the most random moments, not rarely he just goes down (like Terzo on stage) in the middle of a conversation with someone. His heart races, always, and taking into consideration ghouls' enhanced hearing... yeah, imagine Swiss yelling at Rain to go lay down because he can hear his heart going 200 bpm across the hallway. Rain is in a better relationship with pots than eds, because the latter is still creating new restrictions for him, while pots is always the same. He's kind of used to it, while he cannot get used to shit eds brings along. But pots makes his mental health shitty too, he's tearing up immediately in moments when he just doesn't have the energy to go eat, to take a shower, to have a fun game night with his pack or to fuck.
Fuck, okay, I think that's enough for today, kids LMAO. I do have more hcs, but I'll leave them for some other occasion, hahah. Thank you for the ask!
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shaunamilfman · 11 months
thinking about doing some Halloween themed HCs/drabbles.
GirlFailure Vampire!Jackie who can't hunt for shit
Witch!Lottie who keeps buying shitty occult books from your bookstore as an excuse to talk to you
Ghoul!Shauna from your lit class invites you over for dinner. OR
Werewolf!Shauna who vet!Y/N tries to pet in the woods. (something about the idea of werewolf!shauna trying to scare you off but being so pitiful that you think she's a dog lmao)
feel free to hmu if you have better ideas though it's not totally set in stone.
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ghostussy · 2 years
Tw: abuse mention
Augh yall know how if you live in a bad household for years you'll get stuck in constant fight or flight mode? And once you get out of that situation you just fucking. sleep for days after your body realizes your safe
And also how you sleep a lot around people that make you feel safe
Imagine teens coming from abusive homes to the ministry.
Anyway heres my hcs cuz I just. aufg
. . .
- everyone in the ministry is trauma informed due to the amount of teens that come from unsafe homes.
- obviously they realize that you've got some trauma under your belt, but they don't ask or pressure you to tell them
- it takes you a few weeks to settle in and get comfortable but when you do? Oh boy
- You're not sure how this happened but you're fuckin SLEEPY
- zonking out anywhere and on anyone. No shoulder is left unnapped on
- and everyone in the Clergy knows exactly why except for you
- every Friday there is a movie night. You've fallen asleep during every one of them
- sometimes you fall asleep in random spots throughout the Abbey. On couches, in corners, hunched over tables, anywhere really
- each of the papas has found you at one point
- Primo found you in the garden. He gently patted your shoulder to wake you and led you back inside to rest
- Secondo found you sleeping at your desk. He carried you to bed himself bc he'll be damned if he allows you to spend the night at a shitty hardwood desk
- Terzo found you curled up on a loveseat by the window. You reminded him of a cat
- Copia found you in the library. He took a seat next to you and read aloud until you woke up
- the ghouls can sense emotions so any time you're feeling particularly sad/upset/overwhelmed/tired one or more of them will come find you and drag you off to sleep in a ghoul cuddle pile
- look. The papas may be warm and sweet but nothing will ever compare to a ghoul cuddle pile DO YOU HEAR ME-
- the ghouls will have music or a movie playing in the background while playing with your hair and rubbing your back as you fall asleep contentedly
- and if you ever admit out loud to anyone in the Ministry you WILL be dragged off for the sweetest cuddles and the best nap you've ever had in your life.
- Primo will offer to make you his special "sleepy time tea" and good lord it is EFFECTIVE. knocks you out immediately.
- Secondo will invite you into his bed to cuddle. As he rubs your back soothingly he sings in Italian. He enjoys watching the light fade gently from your eyes as you inevitability fall asleep.
- Terzo will watch a movie with you, knowing full well that you're not going to make it through. He thinks it's cute that you zonk out almost immediately every time
- the amount of times you've fallen asleep to copia reading a book quietly in Italian or Latin is kinda embarrassing honestly. Not that you're complaining though
- and every time you wake up after unintentionally falling asleep you're like "oh sorry I didn't mean to" with half-lidded eyes but each time whoever you're napping on makes you lie back down saying you still look tired (and you are)
- finally as you begin to recover you start sleeping less, much to everyone's disappointment (though they're glad you're getting better!). They rather enjoyed your childlike clinginess, though none of them will ever admit it
- funnily enough, you're still clingy once you've gotten better. Not quite as clingy, but when you're feeling sleepy everyone around you becomes fair game for cuddles.
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moony-ghoul · 1 year
ghouls favourite jellycats
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a-tiny-frog-girl · 2 years
your ghost files au,,,,
do you have any hcs for it, or maybe just general g/t ghoul boy thoughts? :0
- brick
Yes!! Thank you for the ask!!
For the uninitiated, my ghost files au is a g/t story wip I'm currently working on in my free time!! The plot is based off the hc that the reason the ghoul boys are never finding anything is because Shane is actually a very powerful supernatural being himself. The story is basically that Shane is a demon and has to go back to his realm of hell every now and again but this time Ryan follows him. Demons are gigantic compared to humans and that's where the g/t comes from :)
disclaimer: I am not christian and all my knowledge of this sort of thing comes from people retelling me stuff
Shane is a chaos boi. Originally as a young demon he did a lot of crazy stuff (that's why he has so much power today) but kinda settled down over time. He took a trip into the human world to get some ideas and became fascinated at the free will of humans and the absolutely ridiculous things they do with it and decides to protect them as best he can.
Then Shane meets Ryan and he starts spending more time in the human world than in hell because by the gods he thinks he's found the most chaotic human and he is in awe of his new best friend!!
(extra lil secret hc, Ryan causes much random shockwaves of chaos that Shane just takes credit for back in hell. Hell thinks Shane is back to how he used to be when he was younger.)
Shane also has to do a good amount of redirecting the demons' hatred of humans. The demons all think they're better than everyone, especially humans, so fraternizing with them would be a sign of weakness and any crack in the armor can let in a weapon.
So back in hell, Shane has to pretend to be this evil human hating guy to control his underlings while also keeping them from doing anything too shitty.
Some world building: Demons have an incredible amount of power in hell, but a lot less in the human world. Their whole deal is trying to cause as much chaos/harm as they can with only tiny amounts of power and without blowing their cover. They also want to trick as many humans into giving themselves to hell as possible, because then they can mess with that human to the full extent of their power.
Bonus angst: Shane is an immortal being that lives in hell and is best friends with a human that he wants to go to heaven when he dies. The demonic nature of Shane's being constantly flares up and tries to convince him to keep Ryan for himself so they can be best friends for all of eternity, but Shane fights it because he wants better for his buddy.
random hc: hell looks like a giant but otherwise normal office building
Demons are born, not made, so Shane is basically a completely different type of being than Ryan. He doesn't need to eat or sleep, it's more of a habit or an indulgence.
A good amount of the time, a shit ton of immortal beings above Shane's level of power have their eye on Ryan. Shane is aware of this but can't do much about it so he just shields Ryan from what he can.
i.e. Shane and Ryan go to Starbucks together before filming and Shane takes one look at the barista ('s holy glow that only he can see) and goes "Hey Ryan, why don't you wait in the car, this might take a sec."
Ryan thinks he's the most normal guy in the world, but he's consistently being tracked by the most powerful demons AND angels because Shane follows him around like a lost puppy
luckily for Shane, the more powerful a demon/angel, the less they care about the specifics of how things are done. Basically, as long as their side comes out on top, they don't give a shit if one of their guys is being incredibly unconventional. They have more important things to worry about. Shane just has to make sure he doesn't get too high up on the importance list.
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hidewari · 6 years
If we share dreams I had a tg themed one of saiko challenging her maman to dance dance revolution, it was aggressive, but haise was getting into it, I don't know how it ended though sadly
I just imagined Haise and Saiko playing an intense round of Love ♥ Shine and I think I just ascended.
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violetnotez · 4 years
Random HC I have of the JJK characters
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Pours the cereal in AFTER the milk
Kinda has a wierd love hate relationship with Titanic (poor baby was devastated when Jack died)
Dude likes sleeping butt ass naked
If there’s a fire in the middle of the night he is screwed affff
Had the biggest crush on Hinata from Naruto as a kid
Alssooooo Starfire from Teen Titans
dyed his hair pink as a joke thinking it would wash out
Likes pineapple on pizza
Chugs Yakult at odd ass hours of the morning
Violently kicks in his sleep and doesn’t even know it
Has a pretty singing voice but will never ever EVER let anyone hear it
Has a secret obsession for Tokyo Ghoul
Has a death fear of clowns
Finds Yuuji fucking disgusting for liking pineapple on pizza
Has 2 drawers full of the same pairs of glasses
Type of guy to not show up to work and be found in a random ass movie theater chilling as if it’s normal
Would eat shredded cheese out of the bag at 2am
Can never find a bed his size so he has to take out the frame at the end if it has one and place like a love seat in form of his bed so he has just enough leg room
Once tried to learn piano to pick up girls and got bored in the first week
Has a wierd thing when he eats food he doesn’t like to continue to eat the food as he complains on how shitty it is
Got into Hamilton and was sooooo into it
Follows a CRAP ton of cosplay girls on Insta
Has so many anime waifus Istg 💀😂
Can actually tolerate the taste of orange juice after brushing his teeth
When he stubs his toe, he doesn’t yell, but just stomps around angrily
Has never said the word “shit”
And I think we all know why 👀💀
Wore braces as a kid and is permanently angry from that life experience
Loathes the idea of wearing a frilly gown
A beautiful bi
Looooooooves cheezits
Dream vacay is going to London one day
Hates Disney movies
Thinks Harry Potter is dumb but secretly is obsessed with it
Also finds Yūji fucking disgusting for liking pineapple on pizza
Gets compared to Hanje from AOT ALOT
Didn’t know who tf that was until she watched the show
Now she’s a whole AOT fan and loves Hanje with all her heart
Secretly likes Star Wars
Lowkey a tomboy too
Was the kid who could beat up someone twice her size and not even bat an eye
Somehow owns only one pair of glasses and just takes superrr good care of them
Is a total Disney nerd
also has a wierd ass obsession for My Little Pony she never grew out of
definitelllyyyyy owns a crap ton of plushies she really isnt proud of
whenever someone compliments her hair she turns into a red blushing mess and mumbles for like a straight hour
Gives himself fangs once and a while for the ✨aesthetic✨
Once when Yuuji ate a hamburger he wouldn’t shut up about it
This bitch loooooooves hamburgers
Medium Rare tho cause he’s boujee
Hates allllll of Yuuji’s music
But loves all the emo punk bands
OHOHOOH Corpse Husband is such a vibe for him
Could listen to Corpse Husband for the rest of his sad sadistic curse life
Will scream in Yuuji’s head at like 3am just to fuck with him
Secretly obsessed with ASMR, cause once Yuuji watched a video as a joke and he got ✨tingles✨
Sukuna was like WTF WAS THAT.
so now he gets super excited whenever Yuuji watches an ASMR video 💀
Like Gojo, makes Yuuji follow a shit ton of cosplay girls on Instagram
Freaking weirdo
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saipng · 3 years
Sai, you asked for hc shit so imma give u au hc shit chief. brace yourself for my shitty attempt lmao.
Ok. Heisenberg starts protecting Ethan (cant let the twink croak before he’s served his purpose lmao) after he agrees to his deal and they start questing through the village together. Like, he starts out real subtle and lowkey, like, not letting the enemy get too close to Ethan, letting the man actually rest, you know, lowkey stuff. But as time flies, Karl catches himself actually caring for Ethans safety (and maybe even starts catching some feelings??) so his efforts to protect him just escalate from there.
Like, he starts to deliberately put himself between Ethan and danger. Not that it stops Ethan from getting injured, but you know. Its the thought that counts. And Ethan being the oblivious dumbass just chalks it up to Karls blood knight tendencies and doesnt pay it much mind. (And if one happens to lose ones limb again, and ones metal hobo ally really insists on tending to your wounds, and turns the whole process into a weird emotionally intimate experience between you two, well, that just a european thing, right? like, thats just how things are done round these here parts, right??)
It all comes to a head sometime later during an aftermath of an especially brutal fight, during which Heisenberg took an especially vicious blow meant for E-boy. And in the rare moment when its actually Ethan tending to Heisenbergs wounds, hearing Karls delirious slip-ups about wanting to protect him, looking back at their entire journey up to this point, E-boy finally realises that Karl actually cares and it all turns way too emotional resulting in tender loving sexy tiems™️ (after Heisenberg gets better, ofc. Remember, kids: safe, sane, consensual)
Anyway, this entire thing kinda ran away from me, I’m sorry lol it was supposed to be a bunch of hc’s, idk what this is. Anyway… uhhhh…. have a good one and goodnight and, like, stay hydrated you magnificent funky little gremlin you <3
ok. ok? ok. OK!
this? obsessed. speechless. legendary stuff.
like this is SO galaxy brain that i need a moment because. YES?????
you know, i've been thinking about ways to write an au where all the lords live and team up against miranda and ive been literally wrecking my brain trying to justify this happening but here you come in and give me the simplest solution of all - start from the end.
Heisenberg is the first lord Ethan faces off against, and he proposes the deal, and Ethan takes it. now not only are they teamed up against the village ghouls, they're also going around and recruiting other lords in the process. moving on to Moreau, then Donna, and finally Dimitrescu and her daughters (and thats where she slashes Ethan's arm off and that is when Heisenberg is like 'o no baby what is you doin' and heals it for him)
now after some gentle persuading and metal bending, they're all teamed up against miranda (derogatory) (this is where Karl suffers that painful blow and Ethan is like 'wait. you like me??? for my personality???' and Karl is like 'yeah i was surprised as well.')
now Miranda is back in hell or walmart or wherever she belongs and Rose is restored and the lords are free to party it up and come to terms with their new family members. Ethan celebrates his new family, gives Rose to Chris for a minute while he goes talks Feelings (TM) and he and Heisenberg get together and start life anew.
They all move to Montego Bay and live near the coast
The End :')
...uh hey anon. if I, hypothetically speaking, were to turn this idea into a fic. would you mind?
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