#shoot damn aaaa
ohno-the-sun · 10 months
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Just some wholesome practice that is very serious
People who drew in this gartic
@just-a-drawing-bean @skizabaa @kandidandi @gopsnippers @lymphnoodle @chaireem @nosleepyguy @cloudyvoid
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
please just a crumb of heartsteel sett 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
✖ Heartsteel!Sett Headcanons ✖
✖ Word Count: 876
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: Just crumbs! I am UNINSPIRED! Aaaa it's just very domestic headcanons. Feel free to ask for more specific things if any of these make you excited!
- He likes picking you up, he's strong enough to. You cant reach something? No, he's not helping you, he's picking you up so you can do it yourself. Huh, walking is tiring? He's carrying you. Oh damn there's a puddle, alright up we go. Sett makes sure he can lift your weight. There is no instance you would catch him lacking, man will hoist you.
- Sett is always looking for you. Like actually turning around to make sure you're in the room. Waiting and searching to see if you are still following him. Walking around a store to make sure he has his eyes on you. He likes knowing you are there, that you are near so every so often you can see his head rise and turn as he looks for you, making sure you are there. The same for when he performs! Sett is constantly scanning the audience to find your face. Hoping to see you. Smiling widely when he does. He loves you! He WANTS to see you as often as possible.
- His ears get cold! He likes it a lot when you lightly rub them, actually being able to feel the warmth of your hands heat it up. Because he works out so often he is just a natural warm guy, so he feels the cold when the wind blows at his ears. Its why Ma made him the beanie anyway. If you kiss his ears they twitch. When he blushes they get warm. When you scratch them you might hear him purr, its a deep rumbling, a warm tone.
- Sett thinks its adorable if you want to work out with him! He will spot for you, give you advice, help you every way he can. Meal plans, tips and tricks, your personal trainer and motivator. Soft kisses when you hit a goal. Big hugs when you survive a gruesome set. He loves spending time with you and if you follow him to the gym he can do just that. Tired after? He's carrying you out.
- He likes body contact. He likes when you sit by him, lying on his lap as he practices singing or rapping. He likes you holding his hand as you walk around on dates. He likes to hug you from behind as you do things. He likes the physical reassurance that you are by his side. A hand around your shoulder as you two sit and chat. The gentle touch of his hand on your thigh when you talk to him. His arms wrapping around you when he falls asleep by your side. All the small things. He loves feeling You.
- When he gets the chance he always tries to buy you thoughtful gifts. He remembers! Ma taught him well. When you talk about needing a new bag because your old one is breaking? He find the best one and buys it for you. You talk about your favorite colors and animals? He remembers! He buys you cute little gifts that remind him of that. Damn, winter is cold, you forgot you lost your old gloves? He already bought you a new pair in fall. There are cuter moments too. You bringing up snacks you miss from childhood? He learns, he bakes them for you, buys them for you, finds Someone who sells them to get them for you. He is attentive. He is an idol with money, he will do what he can for you how he can.
- If you can and show up for his shoots or practices he gets excited. Doing his best, making sure to get things done as soon as possible so he find you during a break. Happily chatting with you while he hydrates. Laughing and joking at his mistakes with you when he fumbles. You warm his heart. If you get along well with everyone else in Heartsteel he gets happier. They are like family to him afterall.
- He refuses to have you spend money on him when its band related, he gives you all his merch. He gets a copy anyway and they are YOURS. Sett is happy to see you wearing a tee with his face! Have posters of him (signed) in your room. He likes if you show him off as much as he shows you off. He loves loving you and loves being loved.
- If you get hurt or get sick he's is nervous and frantic. He wants to be there for you at all times, making sure you are ok. He frets over you, genuinely worried that a little cold will be life or death. He doesn't know how to actually help you thought, it takes help from messaging his mother and Yone to realize he needs to keep you cool, get you food and just let you rest. Which he hasn't been doing cos he's been in and out of your room non-stop. But he's learning.
- He hums a lot! You can catch him singing or humming songs while working out, showering, doing chores. He is a rockstar and music is important to him, it shows. He doesn't get embarrassed if you point it out, its more like a " Eh? I didn't realize it was even doing it. Must be a good tune." Moment.
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starlight-write · 3 months
....lee!Husk () ler!Vaggie and ler!Charlie?
The others come in at some point idk (adorable sight though)
"Need some help there?" Vaggie laughed at seeing the cat sprawled out on the floor.
Husk yelped at the sudden voice before looking up at the exorcist standing at the side side of the bar. The cat's ear flattened in embarrassment and looked away.
The girl shut the door behind her as she approached him. "How did you even manage to get yourself stuck like this?"
"I was doing a little 'Spring Cleaning." He sighed. "I was sweeping under the shelf and the head of the broom broke off. Honestly, we need more cleaning supplies this thing was ancient."
"And you really thought your beefy arms could reach that and not get stuck?"
"Hey, I did get it!" The cat said before flicking the tool out towards the other.
"Good for you, hun." The exorcist noticed her girlfriend walk into the main living space.
"Hey babe, check this out!"
"Oh come on!" Husk whined as Charlie approached the bar. The princess peeked over the counter and shot her girlfriend a confused look.
"Look who got his arm stuck under the counter." Vaggie laughed. "You think we should call the fire department or something?"
Charlie laughed softly at the other. "Aww, poor thing. Does the kitty cat need our help?"
This was beyond humiliating. The cat thought to himself and banged his head on the floor.
"Yes, please." He groaned in defeat.
Charlie hopped over the counter and crouched down to face the two.
"Oh so you do have manners," The princess smiled. "Where was that a few hours ago during our last conversation? What was that you called me again? A shit-faced wannabe?"
Vaggie gasped dramatically. "Husker, how could you?!" The two girls giggled at eachother.
"For the last time, Princess, Hell or not, you're still not old enough to drink." The cat argued.
Said princess rolled her eyes before shooting an evil smile at the other girl.
"Y'know...Angeldust told us something pretty interesting about you the other day~" Charlie began running her fingers along the cat's arm.
Vaggie perked up, realizing where the other was getting at. "Yeah. Let us in on a secret on how to deal with your scrooge ass."
"Would you two just get me out alre-ADY- Hehehehey!-" The bartender squeaked when fingers began wriggling under his trapped arm.
Husk shot an angry look at the smiling princess. "Don't you even think about IT!- AHAHAHA- QUIT!!!" He shouted, squirming when Vaggie began tickling his sides.
The poor cat twisted and turned as he fought to get away from the absolute children who were wrecking his shit right now. He tried flapping his wings viciously to shoo them away. Unfortunately, this only resulted in each of the two pinning one down before attacking them as well.
Husk wished he could've said he kept his composure, but that would've been a damn lie.
"GET OHOHOHOFF!!! GET OHOHOHAHAHAHA-AAAA THIS ISN'T HEHEHELPING!!!!" Husk screamed and thrashed uselessly against his attackers.
Angel walked into the living space at hearing the commotion, followed by Alastor who had poofed himself beside the bar.
"What the absolute Hell are you guys doing-oh?" Angel laughed as he realized what was going on. The two girls looked up at the others, laughing as they got off their victim.
Alastor looked over the counter as well, looking slightly disappointed. "Yes, I heard screams of torment and got quite excited. My mistake."
The cat gulped in air, beyond embarrassed at this point.
"He got himself stuck." Vaggie explained. Angel nearly fell to the floor laughing so hard.
Alastor gave a small chuckle before snapping his fingers and the cat was suddenly poofed out of the bar beside Angel who caught him before he fell.
"Next time, call the fire department." The Radio Demon said before vanishing.
"You ok?" Vaggie asked when Husker had seemed to catch his breath.
The cat just huffed. "You guys are the worst."
A/N: This was a fun pairing to write. Sorry if this seemed a bit rushed.
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local-omen · 1 month
bad batch finale thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first of all damn. like damn. they really did it. those crazy sons of bitches did it. they ended this beloved show in a way that was cathartic, happy, full of tension, and did all the characters justice. my faith in star wars has been restored. i am so happy
—— the tension was unmatched this whole episode. like narratively, killing off tech told us as the audience that no one is safe, there’s no plot armor. so the whole time i was like omg they’re all gonna die but they dIDNT BECAUSE THEYRE THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOYALTY AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND THATS WHAT THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT. LOYALTY AND LOVE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
—— CROSSHAIRS HAND IM SOBBING there is something so heart wrenching but amazing about his 'shooting hand' being taken away from him. it's like the physical embodiment of why he was created but now that he's free of that embodiment, he can choose to be whatever he wants. such a good choice narratively imo
—— that elite task force was badass i'm obsessed with their designs and their fighting styles i kinda wish we got more of them but they were also terrifying
—— crosshair finally made the shot that mattered the MOST. i love him so much. like he seriously means so much to me idec
—— still bummed that tech is actually dead (no he’s not haha loser i’m happy in my delusions). while i do think it’s technically more realistic for clone soldiers bred to die and raised with the expectation that they’ll be killed in battle to lack emotion, i think the lack of emotion this season was to its detriment. however i will say that the “clone force 99 died with tech” line was so good it pretty much made up for it lol
—— THE ENDING WAAA A A AAA A. A A A A. A AAA. A A A A A. A A AAA AAA AAA AAAA A A AAAAAA A A. omega and hera best friends confirmed. they were rebellion pilots together. omega is in the rebellion. like that is just the perfect ending to her character i can’t even. because of course she would. and i love her. i’m so proud of her. she is the heart and soul of this show and anyone who hated her is prolly feelin realllll silly right now
—— damn we’re really just not gonna know who the cx 2 operative was huh. like. he really was just a guy
—— that last shot of tech’s glasses almost got me i fr almost cried. he would be so so so proud of omega. he would be proud of all of them
—— omegas and hunters older designs mean everything to me. just. storytelling through clothes will never not be my favorite thing. her little skull patch 😭🫠 the bandana 🫠🥲
this show means so much to me, truly. it has inspired me artistically, comforted me, and connected me to some amazing people. i don’t even feel stupid for writing all these thoughts about a ‘silly little star wars show’ because damn it this is what art and stories means to people!! this is how powerful they can be! i do not need to hide behind jokes and irony to communicate how much this artistic work means to me!
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yeenybeanies · 11 months
This is sort of a two-parter
Was part of why Price was so sad to see that Soap had hybridized himself because he knew it effectively halved his life expectancy? (Just saw your new tweet about hybrids rarely living past 50) and did Soap know it would do that?
Additionally would Gaz be any sort of exception because his species is so long lived? Or would it be burning the candle on both ends because he never stops growing, hence taxing his body faster
And then pt 2.
You said Ghost is effectively blind, how does that affect him with using firearms and how did the task force find out about that? I imagine he doesn't go about advertising it
aaaa i'm LIVING for these questions aaa thank youuuu!!!
putting under a cut bc it's a lil lengthy.
SO yes! that is definitely part of why price was sad! i haven't worked out a full timeline yet of events but price has been a hybrid for most of his military career (underwent the change when he was 19; he is currently 37, but him reuniting with soap was probably a couple of years ago). price was pretty well-informed on what hybridization would/could do to him, & how it would, among other things, shorten his lifespan.
when he was mentoring soap early on, working to get him into the SAS, soap had expressed a passing interest in undergoing hybridization, but price strongly advised against it. said he didn't need it. truly no one needed it. never went into much detail, though. soap didn't bring it up much after, so price figured it was settled. moved on.
so, when price does reunite with soap after soap's hybridization––which he did without telling price (he wasn't obligated to, & hadn't talked to him in a while)––price feels more than anything a sense of guilt. regret. like it's his fault for not doing more to talk soap out of essentially ruining his life.
made worse still because soap wasn't fully informed on what hybridization does. not for a lack of trying to find out so much as he was more or less lied to about it. he was fed the perks, while the downsides were downplayed or omitted.
gaz would not be an exception partially for your reasoning, yes. the continuous growing, even if it's slow, does tax the body significantly. & crocodilian longevity, it doesn't counteract the other strain that's put on the body as a result of the hybridization. the fact of the matter is that human bodies are not meant to be spliced together with these animals, & hybridization is not done with the recipient's health in mind. hybrids are created to be tools & weapons. so long as they can do what they were made to do, that's good enough.
so ghost is largely blind, yes. pretty much entirely blind in his left eye, & his vision is still pretty bad in his right eye. he can detect light (which he is still very sensitive to, despite the poor vision) & shapes, but not much else. he does wear contacts/corrective lenses, though. not a whole lot can be done for his left eye, but it's salvageable in his right, which is the eye that he shoots with anyway. it gives him decent enough distance vision that, with a scope, he can snipe just fine. (reading things up close, however, is a bit more of a challenge, as the contacts make him far-sighted.)
for closer situations, he doesn't really rely on sight at all. he instead uses his sense of smell, hearing, & echolocation. & he's damn good with it too. most people don't know that he's almost blind, because he moves & behaves like anyone with decent vision would. he tracks movement with his eyes, makes eye contact, & he can fight/shoot perfectly at close/medium range. hell, he can shoot better than most because he can work in pitch black with ease, & he doesn't need to be facing a target to know it's there.
price does pick up on the blindness almost immediately, since he's known ghost the longest & was there to help him adjust to his forced hybridization. & also because he's price. ghost knows gaz the next-longest, & probably just ends up telling him eventually. gaz suspected something was up (bc ghost is always wearing sunglasses, even at night), but never asked, & certainly didn't think that ghost's vision was as bad as it actually is. that surprised him, considering how ghost can still snipe. soap likely figures it out on his own after a while. just because of how his relationship is/grows with ghost & how close they end up becoming. soap is observant. notices how ghost squints sometimes, how he occasionally asks someone to read or summarize something to him, & other small things. & he might not ask about it either, but he'll start doing things to try & accommodate. writing/drawing things bigger. offering to read stuff for ghost (or just doing it unprompted). sharing audiobooks & music he thinks ghost would like. & when ghost does admit that he's mostly blind, soap's just like. oh. i know, but i'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me 🥰
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feral-and-chaotic · 6 months
Omg finally got round to watching the third episode! Aaaa
Firstly, the update to Medusa is fascinating! With so many updates to how she's portrayed, with the question of 'Whose the real Villain?' being up in the air, leaving Medusa so ambiguous is perfect! It plays so damn well into the thematic elements of the PJO series (The morality of the gods being on thin fucking ice) whilst also keeping all the Medusa interpretations in tact. Very tactfully done, nice job.
Secondly. I was immediately sad that the kids didn't blow up the bus properly.... And then I remembered that that might be a little insensitive due to mass shootings and such so... honestly good call there! Smart move. And they added some interesting interactions with the Fuery and Medusa. I applaud the writer's room.
Character wise:
Grover. Best boi. No notes. Him trying to resolve the conflict with a dumb song is so dam in character! I adore him. His actor is amazing. I adore his vibe. Argh.
Percy and Annabeth bickering like that is also great. Gods they drive each other up the wall. I adore.
Annabeth being 3 steps ahead of the game is great but to capitalize that with 'she won't tell anyone shit' is amazing. Medusa playing off of her pride is great and trying to use that respect for her mother to shake her is Stellar. Also it clearly is eating at her. (My Grand Plan playing in the back of my brain)
And then there's Percy. God he's so argumentative! He's so angry and he should be! He's a perfect foil to Luke. He's everything Luke could have been. And boi does he deserve to be pissed.
Also man the "Will be betrayed by the one who you call a friend" really hitting hard with his loyalty flaw. So damn good.
Also also "I am impertinent" best line. No notes.
Anyway. I think this is the best ep so far! Great characterisations and I'm so glad they are updating bits and adding to the source material!!!
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tunabesimpin · 11 months
Hello, my Tuna! Congrats on the milestone! :3c I was so excited about this event when I saw it! Yuuta will def be going to the beach party. After all the crazy shit at NRC he is ready for a break. Since Vil has been helping him with his potions he invites his tutor as his plus one. He doesn't know how Vil will respond but Vil was happy to accept a day of relaxing in the shade and reading over both their scripts for Film Studies! He was a bit taken off guard as he was sure Yuuta would ask Leona. (Since they both know how he can be.) But Yuuta was aware Leona will already be there for the volleyball games so it is no big deal to invite someone else, right? RIGHT? WRONG. The two of them had barely been there an hour and Leona is already "fallen asleep on an intertube", forcing Yuuta to "save" him. Damn. It was just when Vil was about to apply sunscreen on Yuuta's back too! *sigh* After the drama, I imagine Yuuta and Vil (Who is properly dressed for the sun with a huge hat and sunglasses) spend the rest of the day watching the games and cheering on their friends. Yuuta offers some snacks to the players but the Savanclaw members def hogged them all quickly. Yuuta would even help some of the players after the games by treating/massaging their sore muscles. But as always Leona would probably take up most of their time. Eventually, Yuuta MIGHT even let him share a hammock with them later to shut him up. (Oh and fav color is green btw!) I hope this was enough info! Link to Yuuta's outfit HERE. They only have a lifeguard suit so you can imagine how that would go for them all day. ;-;
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Leona was jealous. Would he say it outloud? Never, but he most definitely was. Seeing Yuuta arrive with Vil was one thing, but not having been personally invited by Yuuta was another. In order recieve retribution for this crime, Leona had made it his duty to be as bothersome as he could.
Throughout the volleyball game, Leona played dumb. He'd somehow manage to shoot the ball out of court that just so happened to knock into Yuutas parasol. Yuuta gave an annoyed look as they fixed the parasol back into place and took a seat back down. Yuuta quickly got comfortable and attempted to get back to relaxing only for another ball to fly over. Yuuta could see what Leona was trying to do, but wasn't giving in and ignored the ball. Nothing seemed to drive Yuuta out from the umbrella at this point. He had one last trick up his sleeve, if they won't come to him, he'll just have to go to them.
He lazed over towards Yuuta, not saying a word as he blocked out the sun. Yuuta was the first to break the silence "... What is it?" Yuuta began to sit up, but the lion instead pushed them back down as he plopped his body down ontop of them. Leona grumbled as he got comfortable across Yuutas thighs "Needed a pillow."
Before Yuuta could try to push him off Leona was out. Guess all that extra pettiness was more tiring then he expected, but at last he got some attention. Even if it was a childish war, Yuuta couldn't help but pet over Leona's hair. Yuuta couldn't help but think his dumb antics were just a tiny bit cute.
HELLOOO~ OMG THE ART YOU MADE WAS SO CUTE AND LEONAS FIT- All i could think of was the jacket from camp vargas XD He would wear a speedo too- Thank you for the congratz too! Aaaa i hope you can enjoy this! (Vil meanwhile is just like 😑 get a room- hHHSDEHB)
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vcnillazelda · 1 year
do you think we could get a sean x fem! bounty hunter reader?? 🫶
sean macguire x bounty hunter! reader
tags: established relationship, fem! reader, fluff, some flirty jokes (it’s sean), his love language is touch and acts of service pass it on, guns, sean low-key has adhd, he’s also mildly insecure
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a/n: aaaa of course!! i love the outlaw/bounty hunter trope <33, i did both headcanons and a small one shot bc i love sean he’s so babygirl <33
you two met when you were chasing him through blackwater, you managed to tackle him and he gave you a toothy grin, shooting you a flirty comment
he startled you enough to shove you away and run, so you let him go for the time being
sean sees you again at the saloon, you’re sat with some of your lawmen friends
he waits until they’ve left to approach you, flirting with you endlessly until your face is flustered and you’re getting up
he follows like a little pest until you two end up out of town
admits he likes you straight away after an hour of you humouring him and actually talking to you
the two of you start dating after 3 months
you’re heavily conflicted, because whilst bounty hunting was in your blood and your family would be very disappointed to learn you let a criminal go (and an expensive one at that), they’d also be horrified to learn you’re dating one
so, you kinda say you’re going away for ‘work’ and run away with sean
immediately the camps like “woah why tf is she here i swear she shot me once”
sean sticks up for you and uses his one time yearly big boy vote and vouches for you so you’re able to stay, yet for a while you’re on watch (like kieran was)
they warm up to you when you decide on supporting sean, he’s very passionate about his life and so you donate some money to the camp
will either chat your ear off or sit and clean your guns for you
if you ask him to do a little task, he will do it 110% bc 1. he wants to impress you and 2. he will dedicate to doing absolutely anything for you
the only time he will be quiet is when you ask him to do something bc he has to focus hard so he won’t get distracted
if you want him to go on a job with you, he’ll do his best not to shoot the target, but then again all of them look the same when they’re shooting at him so you may not always capture them alive
still it’s a fun day out with sean :)
will litter you with kisses whenever you pay off a bounty on his or any of the camp member’s heads, he’s absolutely over the moon that you love him that much <3
everyday he’ll mutter how much he loves you, even though you’re like opposites
if he’s you’re backup in a job, and you’re hunting down someone, he’s immediately like “i wish she’d run after me like that *wink wink*” or “damn i wish that was me lol jk, unless”
(javier, who was also asked to come, was left very confused and scared)
“lovely..!” a familiar irish voice calls. you hum, not looking up from your gun as you polish it. “that’s my job!” he complains, going to take it from you. “it’s my gun, sean. i can do it myself.” you explain softly, and the redhead sighs, pouting as he sits down next to you. you can feel the upset radiating off of him, so you roll your eyes with a sigh, handing him the gun, gun oil and rag. sean brightens, continuing the job with adept hands. “what’s up?” you ask, and he lets out a soft sigh, looking up from your gun. “so… that robbery…” he mutters, and you immediately roll your eyes. “it went wrong?” you predict, and he nods sheepishly. “oh, sean…” sighing, you nod. “alright. how much is your bounty?” sean grins. “it’s 80 dollars… arthur’s is 120.” you make a mental note to visit the postal office to pay those off. “leave it with me, i’ll fix it.” you sigh, and he grins. “thanks, love. you’re the best.” he kisses your cheek, carrying on with cleaning your gun.
you’re in bed, watching stars out of your tent. sean is silent as a church mouse, arms wrapped around you right. “why’re you with me?” he asks suddenly, and you look over at him. “because i love you.” you smile, kissing him gently. “yeah… but i’m an outlaw, you’re a bounty hunter.” he replies, squeezing you tighter. “yeah..?” you trail off, and he sighs. “i don’t know how i managed to get you..” he mutters, and you hum. “because you’re sean macguire. you’ve got a certain charm about you.” you smile, kissing his cheek as he hums. “i suppose i do.” sean smiles, squeezing you tighter. “i don’t regret anything with you, sean.” you assure him, rubbing circles over his back.
you’re quite happy. your last job went amazing and you got plenty of money for it. sean immediately notes your happiness, approaching you and enveloping you in a hug. “what’s got you in such a perky mood?” he asks with a smile of his own, and you giggle softly. “look.” you mutter, showing him the cash the sheriff gave you. “i’m proud of you, love.” he replies, giving you a soft kiss. you chuckle, pocketing some so the two of you could escape to the saloon later that night. “come on then, love. let’s drink to celebrate.” he grins, pulling you along to the campfire. you’ve never felt more at home than when you’re with sean.
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riacte · 2 months
aaaa i just read ur don’t you ignore me fic and it was SO GOOD like wow
i just wanted to say i lived the little bit with iskall always opposing false
iskall is always such a menace while ren is there like a happy dog trying to make her laugh in hc
but like as you said ‘of course he’s the first to oppose her’ 💗💗💗
HIIIII YIPPEEE thanks for reading <3
waitwaitwait i'm picking up what you're putting down. iskall and ren being like opposites when it comes to false. ren doing anything for her and iskall doing anything to bother her. i caught that bit of the charity stream when they were shooting each other with the nerf guns and damn they do love targeting each other 😭
ok i'm gonna ramble about the fic for a bit. got possessed when that ignoring clip came out, wrote a bit, left it for a bit, was gonna let it be (because the fic was so long already) but i started missing them and. yeah. it accidentally got up to 9k words and i was like "fuck it i'm making it 10k exactly" and ended up including all the scenarios i thought of but was too tired to write in initially <3
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wolveria · 1 year
Ok wait wait wait.
The idea abt the horny pill - just hear me out.
Wolveria - master of writing, what if you wrote a mini mini fanfic of your fanfic that either gives the reader or scp049 the pill (or both of them?). I'm not sure which one would be more interesting, but I think we need the idea to come to life now.
Obviously nothing long but GAH DAMN I need to know what would happen.
(AAAA what if it gets given to the reader and idk the only way to take the effects off is to do the horny and scp 049 knows that? HOW WOULD SCP 049 REACTTT? Or or or it gets given to the scp and scp049 kinda tries to not give in to it but eventually starts making subtle moves on the reader and uses its super lustful eyes? Ok ok stahp it, myself)
If it's not too much to ask of course :< No pressure if u don't do it, I'm sure you have got a lot on your schedule. Hope ur doing well and sorry for the long read ❤️
I do have a lot on my schedule BUT I also love considering scenarios like this. Ones that won't make it into the main fic but are still so good that they should be written somewhere.
I may consider creating an off-shoot fic (and turn Raven's Hymn into a series) that can be like "In Another Universe" type ideas. Because in the SCP universe, there are literally countless other dimensions and parallel universes, right? So these could be glimpses into those other universes, where maybe Reader or 049 gets a horny pill. We don't even have to stop there, I can add more ideas as you guys come up with them. I think that would be very interesting ;)
And if there's a lot of interest, I could make each chapter be its own one shot exploring different situations. I think that would be only fair, because honestly I'm at about 48k words right now in my word doc, and they only just FINALLY hugged.
Y'all this slow burn killing me, and I want to get to some horny just like the rest of you. So this can be our cheat code to getting there x3 If this is something you guys really want, I'll do it.
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the-girl-from-dres · 7 months
Slight vent inbound you have been warned
I do too much shit I have like. No time for anything ever aaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaäa
Honestly I need to get out of some of it but goddamn it I cannot bear the social tribulations and some of it's going to be done soon so... I will simply continue
This is what happens when you multiclass in extracurricular shit. like. Aaaa I have been roped into so many things like tomorrow is going to be painful because I am spending most of the day with my parents' friends who are pretty cool and we're all meeting up for some thing at a farm and then later a pre-christmas dinner. But I have to pack my viola in the boot (trunk) of our car because halfway through I have go to school because I'm rehearsing playing some of the musical interludes in a school drama performance thang for two hours before then shooting off early to catch the second half of the Social Engagement. Should be ok because is Food but damn it won't be fun.
Monday is much the same with me actually having to forgo one of my usual ensemble practices to then go to somewhere in the city centre to rehearse in a string quartet who have two performances in a primary school on Wednesday. Before then leaving that early for the first performance of the drama I mentioned before. I am not going to have a fun time. Tuesday is my respite day, I have D&D with epic folks then. But I don't really get to rest because I have to finish a history essay that should have been done on Friday and arrange a piece of music for four performers. Wednesday is the string quartet performance as mentioned earlier, so I'll need to carry both my viola and my swimming kit around for Games afterwards, Thursday is mostly chill and I have my bassoon lesson during break, but it also has my first free period of the week so that's cool. Friday is when my viola lesson is happening and I'll be honest I have not had the chance to practice any of my pieces I am unlikely to reach grade 7 by the end of the year. I also have to perform as one of the musicians in the four part piece I wrote on Tuesday and probably in the four part pieces of some of my associates. After school I get chill at my mate Harry's house for a bit, which is always fun but afterwards is my big outside-of-school orchestra which lasts until half 8 and that just about ends my week. If I'm lucky I'll get some semblance of a rest in 7 days time but my god through all this the homework's gonna be piling up and I've gotta clear it some time. I didn't even manage to finish the physics work I intended to today because damn it the Task requires I concentrate on something for more than 5 seconds and I didn't allow for the 2 hours it takes between sitting at my desk saying 'Right. Let's get this physics done' and actually starting to work on it. Bugger me amontillado the storm is coming I will see you lovely people on the other side
was gonna make a post about the first episode of the new Dr who thing but I need to sleep now so goodnight gamers
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blu-wingz · 1 year
dont look at me i swear im normal
trigun stampede, trimax/manga spoilers etc etc
this is for me, but also the trimax & 98 besties who know whats up
oh god where do i even begin.
like. wow what an episode!!
i noticed that there wasn’t much roberto merch/attention so i knew he was gonna die, but like damn, i didnt want him to die. BUT ALSO his death is the price to pay to possibly, maybe yes, get Milly in season 2. AND TO HAVE MERYL MORE SERIOUS AND IRON LOCKED HEARTED (she isnt that cold in the manga but still tristamp meryl was a newbie and everything was leading up to her experiencing a horror™ to become more like manga meryl) i love em both
and elendria. oh dear. again like i said, tristamp is an reimagining its not gonna follow the og material closely. but still. her reveal in the manga was so cool. she literally came out of nowhere, fucked around, then dipped. so cool. so inhuman. she was such a deadly threat, an intimidating force. but tristamp elendria...its a weird direction but i wanna see where this goes. why make her this “young”? why make her an independent? 
this leads into the possible time skip the writers may do. I only speculate that they’ll do it bc of the manga and yk, its not a panel-to-frame copy of the manga. narritavely it looks like there will be a time skip. taking the events of the manga into account, season 2 will have a timeskip. this season is like pre-july/time skip. so like. all these characters will change in S2: elendria will “grow up”, vash may change appearance and/or personality wise; will maybe enter his Eriks phase, meryl will get her milly, and vash’s bounty will get higher. its interesting and fun to see everyone speculate/affirm that yep, there’s a season 2 timeskip.
AND omg vash just taking the shot. just letting the guy shoot him. goodness this vash is depressing and i love him. self sacrificing vash hehehehe vash feeling guilty of the Great Fall hehehehehehe poor boy. AND HIS SCARS man it looks bad and he showed it to wolfwood aaaa. and wolfwood’s contract oh boy
oh fucking boy i had to pause several times to scream. i love this series sm. i cant wait to see where they take it. but also im scared that theyll do something the whole fandom will hate. idk how ppl felt about roberto’s death yet. but goodness, some don’t like the elendria change.
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fagsarecool · 2 years
dude i need to rant abt this because i am so utterly perplexed..,
someone i was talking to just compared speedingbullet to lolitas because scout looks "young" and sniper looks "too old" like,,,, scout IS 23...hes still a adult and could date really any of the mercs if he wanted to. but like..,, damn leave my man sniper alone dawg he just looks like that :(
Sorry, I get upset at this. Scout is not an kid!!!! He is not a teenager. And sure, he may be immature, that's just an aspect on his personality. And people are gonna ship scout with the other mercs (not talking about spy here).
Its not morally wrong to ship scout with the older mercs (again. Minus spy). Where the hell did this even come from I thought we all knew that these are grown ass men in a silly haha shoot em up video game. Also sniper is like 27, he's not much older than scout.
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by-persephone · 4 months
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❥᭣֤ࣨ Clamorverse.
ꐚ BIL, written in English & Bahasa J4metz,,
Long story short, it’s all begin when ﹫ 𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀͟𝗲͟𝗲͟ (I mean someone who look so damn gorgeous, fine, and attract my attention since day one) shoot me a dm in Jan 14. Pas itu aku lagi diem diem anteng menikmati ke-ansosan yang damai itu💆🏻‍♀️ and I don’t expect any kind of invitation come my way T______T kayak bejirrr, tiba tiba ada geludug, ini kah saatnya jadi aktifis?????? (hmch 🤔🤔 *decihku dalam hati). Lalu karena mendapat undangan yang sangat tiba tiba ntu, aku jadi penasaran dengan amorverse, aku coba coba untuk stalk dia && GUESS WHAT?? I JUST IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE, and screaming in silence like AAAA CKEP BGT INI SQ UEUEU SOO GOOD-LOOKING🥺💗✋🏻*wink*, AKU HARUS JOINK. So, aku terima undangan itu, dan untuk pertama kalinya aku mention dia 🥺🥺 aku bilang aku terima undangan dia huhu. Gak lama darisitu, ada notif masuk mention tab ku, notif dia pertama kali... TJUY,,, NOTIF PERTAMA DIAA 🫨🫨🫨🫨.. jujur kaya aku semakin excited📈📈📈 likeeee, I can’t wait for the story that will be unblocked by us, and soooo curious about where fate will take us 🥺 (tapi aslinya, I’ve even imagined dating or living forever with si dia, that cute and attractive, amorverse with dn lope bantet huhuw cinta banget).
Setelah interaksi pertama itu, kita lama ga interaksi. mungkin 2 atau 3 hari berikutnya baru interaksi lagi karena aku lihat gerbang dia baru aja dibuka hari itu. Actually, it took me a while to think about whether I would take a chance with amorverse<33, or just throw it away:( why? bc I’m quite comfy with myself that time, sq-less and really enough, with what I have. tapi ada juga pikiran aku yang bilang, ihh pengen deh coba coba pdkt sama amorverse dan ambil kesempatan buat sama dia. dan akhirnya aku langsung cling!!! repost and join amorverseee.
well, I didn’t think that I would be chosen and accepted so lovingly :( but here I am, an amor:( so prouuuud and hwappy to be here. makasi amor udah mau terima aku, padahal aku pas pdkt malah tarik ulur, ga jelas, pasti kamu confused dan bingung yak sm tingkah aku?? (gak si, ini mah aku curhat xixixixi :V
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Clairene, how’s love with Amorverse?
Kalian penasaran ga si Clairene after amorverse itu gimana? God, I found a lot of new things. Things I never thought I needed and could admiring them, things that came suddenly and gave me a chance to feels something new which is makes me so happy in a way I never felt before. I am filled with love. love that is filled with amors or verses... amor verse really stole my comfort zone, but filled my emptiness with stories and love that exist every day💗💗.
Mungkin beberapa dari kalian masi asing sama aku, Clairene Persephone Oleyvious🎀, yk rp ningning yang dn kosongan dan pakai leot sok anak alam entu!! aku bakal usahain buat kenal dan bikin kalian familiar sama aku, kalo gabisa ya ak paksain banh😁🔥🔥🔥🌾❤‍🔥 (lovenya khusus verse).
Jujur, sebagian emang mungkin malah belum pernah interact, dan sebagian ada yang aku familiar tapi belum sempet jadi akrab atau sering interaksi, but I’m genuinely wants to join circle kalian banh, I mean... mau akrab sama kalian sampe bisa diajakin ngepet bareng:(
HOWEVER, aku jadi interaksi, deket, dan kenal sama beberapa orang baru, my amoooor! amoor<33! aku juga jadi tau kalo nobita itu sebloon itu (thx kakak zipey si ini khususnya), aku juga jadi dapet list tontonan buat waktu gabutku (thx khususon kak ongep, kak elxy, adys, yg waktu itu kasi aku rekomendasi), aku jadi bisa melatih kesabaran dan mengasah insting ku pas game find your key, akuu juga jadi bisa refresh otak + upgrade jaringan biar ga 2G lemot karena pas game sama loui aku lemot bener fwek kesel, dan aku juga jadi kenal sama banyak orang baru.. join amorverse bikin aku mikir kalo orang baru juga bisa jadi pemenang dan bikin aku 1000x lebih happy. LOVE U, AMOR! VERSE! 🎀💗💗💗.
🎧 Lover — Taylor Swift
(kode, biar amor egk temporary *wlopun ga mungkin hiksret)
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with love, Clairene ﹫vningie.
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Favorite calm activity with Strange? What’s your favorite food Hook has made? Have you ever been on a date with Xigbar? What does a night out with 🚬 look like? (Hope you feel better! 🐹✨)
Waaaah thank you! I'm very
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right now, but I'm trying to handcuff myself to the Be Gentle With Yourself table right now. Thank you for the stuff to ramble about waaaaaaaaaaaaa--
I'm answering these kind of randomly don't mind that ehehe
Xigbar and Xayvn have TECHNICALLY been on dates. None of them were planned, but Saix very quickly found a problem with assigning them both a mission: they inevitably wouldn't do it. They'd much rather skip town for ice cream and laughs than take care of what needed taking care of (for the most part.)
Xigbar's approach was usually to speedrun the task at hand, whereas Xavyn is the one who more openly encouraged straight up not doing it. Whatever it was, the expected mission time would be doubled by the hijinks, lowjinks, and midjinks they got into. Never send them somewhere with a circus in town, Xavyn will drag Xigbar away immediately to go see it. Similarly, a shooting range is a really good way to convince Xigbar away from their goals.
They were never official dates, but they were all dates nevertheless.
And 🚬!!!! Much like Strange, he's a man of culture. Revolutionaries still can have taste, even if 🚬 and 🦴 have different ideas of a good time. Faers favorite place to be is with a gun in one hand, a knife in the other, and the sweet, blaring sound of Blood Sex and Drugs techno.
If 🚬 picks the festivities though, a night out with him looks much more refined. Nice wine, a dinner place he has to wear a disguise to even get into... Disguising 🦴 can be difficult, but if breaking into the cities is no longer an option? 🦴 is plenty content with what exists outside them. There are still nice bars out there, and 🚬 is plenty willing to blow money on his darling little Dead Eye.
That said, he still occasionally would consider a night out a night of indulging 🦴 in said rampage. Fae's a wonder to watch work! Just... Wear kevlar if you're in the audience...
Speaking of my unethical doctor, one of many for the collection...
There is a surprising amount of domestic activity the both of them can agree on. Once Kronos got some confidence, fae was very quick to "I want to perform villainy the way drag queens perform femininity." Strange is Strange, I don't know if I need to explain why domestic and him don't always look like close friends.
Kronos is more than willing to drag him to the couch to watch things together. He never cared about anime, not broader than the things Kronos shows him... But he also can't say "no" unless he's busy--there's times where he's convinced fae doesn't even look that happy in bed. Rambling away the whole time, excitedly lamenting how fae can't just spit spoilers (until being reminded that he doesn't care, please. Indulge him. What the hell is going to happen?)
And similarly, Kronos is an attentive listener. Insatiable curiosity has led to one of their calmer activities simply being bringing him things to explain. Things within his field--"so what the hell does this mean?" Even if it usually leads to him using terms Kronos also has to ask about, fae absorbs it like a sponge. At a point earlier in things, Strange was a little tempted to scold faer for not taking notes. Little did he expect faer to remember it all--to site it when asking about newer concepts fae stumbled upon... And there is contentment in them both--in him knowing fae gives a damn about the subject at hand, and in faer listening to his voice... Idly kicking faers legs, fidgeting with a half finished gadget the whole time...
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(fun fact, she bounces on time to the song I used as an example of "blood, sex, and drugs" techno.)
Glumiko didn't really know what to expect from human food, because basically everything the inky squid people ate was raw. They just kind of ate what they catched. The closest fae would get before getting with The Man Himself was people who dropped food while fae hung around the docks, but... That was mostly spilled liquor, and it gave faer a very funny impression of what exactly humans were eating up there.
Glumiko's first encounter real with rum was expectedly hectic and not relevant to discuss other than the fact that it turns out: getting the people made of ink drunk means you have lots of ink to clean later.
Inevitably, anything with fish Hook presented was received with less hesitance. Glumiko could probably tell you more about half those fish than anyone on board ever knew, too. He did accidentally give faer a taste for pork though. Turns out: squid people were missing out. Pig was where it was fucking AT.
He made pulled pork and it fucking blew faers mind.
Expected for a mostly carnivorous race: he couldn't get faer to touch vegetables tho :/
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bonetrousledbones · 3 years
i know this sounds weird and incriminating but how the hell do i settle on a good method of killing a guy
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