#shot through the heart ((eudora))
abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Understudies, Season 1, Chapter 5
Word Count:  1.7k
Warnings:  angst, mentions of death
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“Don’t you get it, you big ape?” Five growled, glaring at Luthor, “that’s what I’ve been trying to do.  I’ve been trying to make sure it doesn’t end!  But you guy-”
“YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Both brothers looked at Diego, who was charging into the room at Five.  But Luthor grabbed him and lifted him off the ground before he could reach him, “HEY.  Put me down!  GET YOUR APE HANDS OFF ME!”
“I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down!” Luthor pointed out as his brother tried to fight against him. 
Diego went limp, his rage quickly melting him into a puddle of self-loathing covered in leather, “fine!”
“No!” Luthor said quickly as he put Diego down and looked him in the eye, “you’re going to tell us what you’re talking about!  What’s going on, Diego?”
“Our brother’s been pretty busy since he got back!” Diego pointed out, “he was in the middle of that shootout at Griddy’s.  Then at Gimble Brothers after the guys in the masks attacked the academy…looking for him!”
“None of which is any of your concern!”
“It is now!” Diego hissed, pointing at number five, “they just killed my friend!”
Bri looked at him for a moment, her head popping up at the mention of Eudora.  Worry coursed through her veins as Diego nodded to confirm what he’d just said, “sh-she’s gone?”
“Looking for him!” Diego seethed, his dagger pointing at five.  Bri held her son a little bit closer to her chest and turned his head away from the arguing men.  Diego’s heart lurched in his own chest at the reminder of the first woman he’d loved and how she’d shared her love with his brother, “she went chasing after a lead I told her about and she’s gone now!”
“Who are they, five?” Luthor asked slowly.
“They work for my former employer,” five sighed, “A woman called the Handler…she sent them to stop me.  Then as soon as Diego’s friend got in the way…well…they’re fair game.”
“And now they’re my fair game,” Diego growled once again, “And I’m gonna see to it, that they pay!”
Diego stormed out and Bri looked between five and Luthor, and back to her son, “we-we should go! We-“
“Can help!” Benji said quickly, cutting his mom off, “Uncle Five, tell us what we need to do!”
“I’m afraid you can’t help, kid!” Five muttered, looking at his nephew.  His own heart ached at how much he looked like Ben, “your mom and you should get somewhere safe while w-“
“WE can help!”
“Former employer?” Luthor asked, breaking the tension between Briana and Benji, “What is this really about, five?  And don’t give me any of this ‘it’s not any of your business, crap!”
“Well it’s a long story…”
“We’re leaving, Benji!”
“But mo-“
“Now!” she said firmly, shooting her son a look.  Benji frowned, still at his mother’s side, while five talked about how he was an assassin.  On her way out, she paused, seeing Diego still in the alley beside the house in the car.
“You should talk to him, mom…”
“It’s not that simple, Benji…”
“From what you always told me, dad would have been the kind of guy to encourage you making up with Uncle Diego…he never liked the idea of any of you arguing,” Benji said softly.  She sighed, knowing that he was right, as she looked at a very sad Diego.  She passed her phone to her son, “what’s this for?”
“Call your Aunt Allison and tell her to meet us on the coffee place on fifth.”
He nodded and instantly started dialing a number while she went down the alley; the gravel crunching softly beneath her feet.  When she reached the car, Diego had his head in his hands and was softly crying.
His head shot up and he shot her a look, before quickly wiping the tears from his face, “what do you want?”
“I know Eudora meant a lot to you, Diego…”
He sniffled and looked at her, “you don’t know what she meant to me, Bri…”
“I know that you wanted to marry her...that you-“
His eyes narrowed as he glared at her, “what? How did you know that?  Were you stalking me or something?”
“No-no…I just…she found me…when you two first started dating,” she said quickly, “She-“
“She what?”
“When you were training at the police academy to become an officer with her…and you two were seeing each other, she looked me up…”
“Why would she do that?” he asked, confusion lacing his voice, “why haven’t you ever told me about this?”
“It-it’s not like we were on good terms, Diego,” she muttered, suddenly regretting her decision to check up on him as she looked back to her son, “I mean…after you cheated on me, I-“
“I didn’t mean to…”
“And after me and Ben got together…and then he died.  I just…I tried to put distance between us all!” she admitted, “the only ones I kept in touch with were Dot, Allison, and Luthor…”
“Yeah…I heard about you and Luthor,” he grumbled, a pain hitting his chest at the mention of how Bri and Luthor saw each other for a while after Ben passed, “caused a rift between you and Allison for a second…”
“She was married to Patrick…look…we’re getting too far off topic.  I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, Di-“
“I’m never okay, Bri,” he said quickly, cutting her off, “I haven’t been okay since you left me for Ben.  And then coming home and meeting him…he-“
“Don’t you dare pin any of this on Benji…you don’t know him.”
“You’re right!” he hissed, “I don’t know him…and I don’t want to.  Because that kid shouldn’t be Bens…he should be mine.”
“Mom!” Benji called from the top of the alley, holding out the phone, “Aunt Allison is calling back…she wants to know where we are!”
“You should go, Bri!” Diego muttered as he turned the car on, “wouldn’t want to hold you up from something important…”
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Klaus pulled himself out of the water, gasping deeply as the oxygen rushed back into his lungs, and the sounds and sights that hid behind his eyelids faded.  A calm looking Dot watched him curiously as she sat on the edge of the tub, “I was wondering when you were going to come up for air.”
“It wasn’t a matter of wanting to, Dot…”
“You have PTSD…”
He shot her a look and leaned against the curved back of his tub, his arms draping themselves over, dripping red tinted water onto the marble beneath him.  She eyed it momentarily and then looked away, “I can sense it on you, you know…”
“What are you talking about?”
She smiled softly at him, the look turning sad when she took his hand, “you should get dressed, Klaus…we have a lot to talk about.  And this isn’t a discussion that will be a short one.”
“I don’t want to…”
“Come on,” she offered gently, taking her brother’s hand.  He sighed heavily and stood up, following her as she wrapped a towel around him, “it’ll be okay, Klaus.”
“It’s never okay,” he muttered, “I haven’t ever been alright.”
She nodded sadly and followed number four to his room, ignoring the bloody trail that he was leaving behind himself.  It wasn’t much longer when she heard the soft padding in the hallway, another frown perching itself on her face when she saw five in the doorway.  He looked to Klaus, “are you okay?”
“Yeah…long night.” He lied, looking between the two, “why is everyone asking me how I feel all of a sudden?”
Five looked at Dot, who shook his head, and suddenly five began examining him from a distance, “more than one from the look of it.”
Things began to click as five noticed the smaller details that were added to his brother that hadn’t been there yesterday, “don’t remember the dog tags.”
“Yeah…they belonged to a friend.”
“How about that new tattoo?”
Klaus lazily rubbed at his arm, and began to shrug it off, “yeah…you know, I don’t even totally remember getting it.  It was a long night.”
Five looked back at Dot and she bit her lip.
“You did it, didn’t you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know, I can recognize the symptoms, Klaus!”
“The two of you are crazy,” he muttered, shaking his head, “what symptoms?”
“The jet lag,” he pointed out, “the full body itch.  The headaches that feel like someone shoved a full box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain.”
Klaus stopped fiddling around and looked between Dot and Five.  If there were to be anyone in the house that would know what he’d been through and wouldn’t think he was crazy, it would be the two of them. 
“So, are you going to tell us about it?” he asked, gesturing to Dot and himself, “because we can both tell what’s going on.”
“Your pals,” Klaus began, nodding along, “when they broke into the house and they couldn’t find you, they took me hostage instead.  Five smiled, “and you took their briefcase!”
“Yeah…and I thought that there was money in it!” he admitted, “or that I could pawn it.  You know.  Whatever.  But then when I opened it…and the next thing I know…”
“Where?” Five asked.
“What he means is…when?” Dot corrected.
Klaus swallowed his anxiety, not able to look either of his siblings in the eyes, “what difference does it make?”
“What diff-“ Five asked, cutting himself off.  He shook his head, “better yet…how long were you gone?”
“Almost a year!”
“A year?” he asked, “do you know what this means?”
“Yeah,” Klaus scoffed, his scoff turning into a sarcastic chuckle as he tried to make a joke, “I’m ten months older now.”
“No Klaus, this isn’t any sort of joke!” Five admonished, “Hazel and Cha Cha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase back.  Where is it now?”
“Gone!” he sighed, “I destroyed it!”
“What the hell were you thinking?”
Dot stood up from her spot on Klaus’ bed and glared at five, “he didn’t know what he was doing, Five.”
“What do you care, anyways, you prick?”
“What do I care?” Five asked, “I needed it, you moron…so that I could get back.  So that I could start over!”
“Where are you going?” Five growled, glaring at Klaus as he tried to excuse himself from the situation.
“Interrogations over…I’m tired of good cop, asshole teen!” Klaus said simply, leaving the room, “just leave me alone!”
Chapter 6
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sees-ghosts · 5 years
tiny tag dump. 
(look at me trying to be organized lol)
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sorry [five hargreeves x reader]
request: wanted to say I love ur 5 fics and how you portray their relationship as old partners :”) 💖If it’s not trouble to do (Dont feel obligated plz) I had this idea of 5 and reader having a fight and them being too prideful or bitter to apologize. Reader ignores him for some time and Five gets grumpier than usual bc of that. To the point where, one of his siblings tell him to just stop being children, apologize and give them flowers. But he finds it hard bc he is not good with that kinda of stuff ☺️
a/n: thank youuu <3, i try my best to keep the tua characters in... well, character lol- as much as possible! i hope this fic turned the way you wanted it, anyway- enjoy!!~
summary: five gets grumpy when his girlfriend gives him the silent treatment for being a jerk... shocker.
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“Could you stop for one damn second and relax?!” You yelled at your boyfriend, already stressed out by the way he had been almost carving a hole through the floor of the living room with all his pacing.
“Relax?!” Five yelled, turning to glare at you, “Do you even realize how stupid you sound?! How could I relax- I lost my last lead on that fucking eye!”
“Come again?” You raised a brow, crossing your arms as you watched him curiously. Did he just call you stupid indirectly?
Your nerves were tugging at the last threads of patience you had left within you- they had been doing that for a few days. You knew that life wouldn’t be quiet when you decided to give a relationship with your partner a shot, but you never expected things to get so messy.
Not only you followed his grumpy butt all the way to 2019 to stop an apocalypse- which you couldn’t care less about, now you had been stuck in your younger bodies because he miscalculated something before traveling in time. On top of all that, he had been a jerk to his siblings- which you grew quite fond of and viceversa, he also started being an asshole to you, all because he couldn’t find a way to stop the apocalypse.
“Five Hargreeves, did you just call me stupid?” You asked, seeing that he was frozen in place, going back over his words in his mind.
“Not exactly.” He knitted his brows in confusion, before realizing the irritated look on your face, “I don’t have time for this, Y/N.”
“You think I had any time these past two years putting up with your shit?” You retorted, making him raise his brows in surprise by your sudden burst, “Screw you, asshole.”
“Now that was rude!” He yelled after you, once you started walking out of the room, completely ignoring him, “Y/N!”
You had been with the Commission for over four decades, you completely trusted its choices, since you never were given a reason not to. Well, that was until the Handler recruited Five Hargreeves. He was about four-five years older than you, but nonetheless still had the impeccable skills of an assassin- just what the organization wanted and needed.
You, being one of the Handler’s most trusted agents, she assigned him under your wing in the beginning until he’d get adjusted. So, he became your partner, it didn’t take long until he became your partner in the real sense of the word.
Five was in love with you- stupidly in love with you. He loved your wit and your kindness, he loved that he could have intellectual conversations with you for hours on end, he loved the fact that he’d feel whole again with just one look at your face, your smile, your eyes.
But he was a prideful man, he knew that. If he was wrong- which he rarely was, he had no intention of apologizing. You knew how important stopping the apocalypse was to him, but... it pained you to see him almost lose his shit completely when he loses the last remaining lead.
For the next couple of hours, you completely avoided him at all costs until he’d get that stick out of his ass and apologize. 
And he’d better have a grand way of doing it.
You knew that it was not like him- he’d never apologize, and the fact that you were avoiding him was not making it any easier on him, but you were beyond pissed. Even if he may not have meant it, all you tried to do was help him relax for a moment, take a breather before that pretty head of his would explode. And in return? 
In return, Five fucking Hargreeves continues being an asshole- what a surprise.
“Jesus, where did all the caffeine in this house go?!” Five groaned, searching the cupboards in the kitchen, feeling grumpier than usual.
“I told you- dad didn’t like it.” Allison reminded him, as she and Luther sat at the table, watching him in confusion, “What’s got into you?”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, not done yet with his search- he wanted at least something that felt like coffee, “Come on- we don’t even have... coffee flavored fucking chocolate or some shit like that..?” He mumbled, shutting the cupboard with a loud smack.
“She means... you’re... grumpier... than usual...” Luther hesitantly explained, afraid that his little-older psychotic brother might have finally snapped.
“Mind your business, will ya?” Five asked with a fake smile, stomping out of the kitchen.
“I love Y/N, I swear I do... and oddly enough, Five too.” Allison spoke up, “But honestly, what was she thinking becoming his girlfriend?”
“I am just happy for her they’re not married.” Luther shrugged, resting his hand on his palm, as Diego walked into the kitchen;
“Is it just me or is Five a lesser ray of sunshine than usual?”
The following day, you treated Five with the same coldness as the prior day, which really drove him insane. Not only he spent the night in his bed alone, since you decided to bunk for the night in one of the empty rooms, but now you were still giving him the silent treatment.
Luckily, during breakfast, the Hargreeves siblings finally managed to understand what was going on.
“Hey, Diego, do you think we can pay Eudora a visit at the station after breakfast?” You asked the man, “I promised her the other day some files to help with an investigation she has on the side.”
“Sure thing.” Diego smiled, looking forward to seeing the detective again, even if he bickered with her from time to time.
“What files?” Five asked curiously.
“Vanya, can you please pass me the salt?” You ignored him, smiling at his sister.
Vanya raised a brow, unsure what to do, as the other siblings were piecing the puzzle together. Five raised a brow, as you avoided eye contact with him, waiting for the salt shaker which was, ironically, closer to him than Vanya.
“Here.” He said, reaching for it before his sister, handing it to you.
You looked at him with a smile, then at the salt shaker that was waiting on you to pick it from your boyfriend’s hand. Instead, you scoffed, getting up from your seat with your plate in your hands, suddenly losing your appetite.
“I am gonna go change.” You declared, placing your dish in the sink, “Diego, I’ll wait for you in the car.”
“Unbelievable....” Five muttered, throwing the salt shaker somewhere on the table, before abruptly getting up from his seat to pour himself a cup of freshly made coffee- Klaus made sure to stock up since Allison and Luther told him what had happened the other day.
“Why is Y/N giving you the cold shoulder?” Diego asked his brother, raising a brow.
“Leave me alone.” Five muttered, leaving the room even grumpier, with his hot cup of coffee in his hand to at least soothe him down a bit.
“Five!” Allison yelled after him, but he was already out of there, “Urgh, he’s such a child!”
After you and Diego had left the Hargreeves mansion, Five found it hard to focus on trying to get another lead on the prosthetic eye- he could not stop thinking about the fact that it almost had been twenty four hours since the woman he loved had chosen to deliberately ignore him, all because his stupid mouth could not help snapping at her.
What a moron he was, he knew that.
“Y/N told me what happened.” Allison told her brother, entering his room softly, watching as he laid on his bed on his back, “And woah- aren’t you an asshole?”
“What do you want, Allison?” He asked, rolling his eyes, staring up at his ceiling.
“Here’s a crazy idea... why don’t you apologize?” She suggested, crossing her arms.
“Have you... met me?” Five frowned, lifting his head to watch his sister in confusion.
“Look, you and Y/N both need to stop being children!” She said, “I know you may have teen bodies, but aren’t you both like over fifty? Honestly, Five...”
“Knowing I will regret this, what do you suggest, Allison?” Five asked with a sigh, watching as his sister smirked in response.
You and Diego didn’t really take long to finish your business at the police station. In about thirty minutes, you both were back on your way home, unaware of the big surprise that was waiting for you.
You entered the house, stretching your arms, already telling yourself you needed a drink, even if it was only noon. You figured a glass of some expensive bourbon would calm you down, so you made your way in the living room, as Diego went to his room in his own business.
Although, you couldn’t help but widen your eyes in surprise, as you stopped in your tracks once your look fell on Five, who was sitting at the bar with a Margarita in one hand, and a big bouquet of flowers rested in his lap.
“Five?” You frowned, stepping towards him confused.
Never in his life, would Five ever think he’d be so happy to hear his name on your lips. He softly smiled, realizing that Allison’s plan was working, as you finally spoke to him, even if it was one word.
“Y/N.” Five gulped, setting down his glass to jump off the stool, “These are for you...” He hesitantly said, stretching his hands towards you, as he held the big, colorful bouquet of all sorts of flowers towards you.
“I... Uh... what?” You frowned, taken aback by the gesture.
Five wasn’t necessarily the romantic type, so this was the first bouquet of flowers you ever received from him. You knew he loved you with all his heart and he was in love with you, that’s why you didn’t care about the romantic gestures he never did- but, right now, watching his cheeks turn into a slight shade of pink as he was biting on his bottom lip anxiously- your heart melted.
Allison had given him all sorts of advice on how to apologize to you with the help of Vanya, since they were both well aware of the fact that their brother was not capable of saying such words by himself. But right now, as you stood before him, Five had forgotten all that they taught him.
“I... I suck at this kind of stuff, I gotta be honest.” Five sighed, stepping closer to you, still with the bouquet in his hands, as you were still hesitant, “I... I shouldn’t have snapped at you, Y/N, I know. You didn’t deserve to be told that, even if I didn’t mean it at all. I swear, I was only mad and I never meant to take it out on you.”
“Oh my God.” You covered your mouth in shock, “Are you... actually... trying to apologize to me?”
“Sort of... yeah...” Five sighed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, “Look, what I am trying to say... What I am trying to say is that I appreciate your love, and having your support with me, and I know you care about my well-being.”
“Keep going...” You smirked, stepping closer to him, “Come on... they are three simple words.”
“Right...” Five sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Look, Y/N? I... I am...”
You didn’t even let him finish, as you softly took the bouquet out of his hand not to squish it, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a tight hug. You knew how hard it must have been so far for a know-it-all like Five to say that, so you didn’t want to push him further. To you it was enough that he at least felt sorry for bursting like that.
“I love you.” Five sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist, “And I truly mean what I said earlier.”
“I love you too.” You smiled, not yet pulling away from the loving embrace, “And I know... I know...”
Five pulled away to smile down at you, “Thank you for being so understanding... and supportive.”
“I’d say it is my pleasure, but I’d be lying.” You teased him, bopping his nose with the free hand that was not wrapped around his neck still and holding the flowers.
“Hilarious.” Five sarcastically said, slowly leaning in, “I think I liked it better when you weren’t talking.”
“Really?” You scoffed, but before you could continue the playful banter, Five had already captured your lips into a soft kiss, finding a better way to shut you up.
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starryevermore · 3 years
play with your heart: run the other way (1) ✧ the avengers
play with your heart ✧ a soccer!avengers series | ao3
pairing: soccer player!steve rogers x eudora stark (ofc)
summary: eudora knows that she could never date anyone on the team. but…some part of her wants to give it a shot. 
word count: 2,242
warnings?: mention of creepy paparazzi, not proofread
note: there is no set update schedule for this; new parts come whenever they come.
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There were a lot of cons about having a father that owned the biggest soccer team on the East Coast. Because he was in the public eye, his entire family was in the public eye. He did a framed magazine of the first time Eudora appeared on the cover of a major publication. Her mother had just dropped her off at the Stark Tower (the loving nickname of the building where Tony’s penthouse apartment was), telling Tony that she never wanted to a mother, that she had tried, and that she just couldn’t do it. Tony hadn’t been entirely convinced that Eudora was even his—he barely remembered her mother. But he took one look in her dark brown eyes, and he decided that it didn’t matter. Eudora hardly ever left his side, and when the paparazzi snapped photos of Tony going into Shield Stadium with a baby strapped to his chest, they had a field day. But the Daily Bugle broke the story first, and that magazine was still framed above their fireplace twenty-six years later. 
And while that was still a fond memory, something that Tony loved to show any guest he had over, it weighed heavily on Eudora. For her entire life, she rarely had a moment to herself. Not even in the privacy of her own home—she still shuddered to think about how paparazzi used drones to try and get risque shots of her just after she turned eighteen. Every single thing she did was under scrutiny. A simple slip up, the smallest of mess ups, was documented for the world to see.
That wasn’t to say she wasn’t grateful. She knew she had it better than so many other people. She never had to worry about money. She got the best education, got into one of the best universities. She would probably get her dream job, too, because if you see the last name Stark…well, Tony Stark wasn’t the kind of man you wanted on your bad side. And if he thought someone wronged his little girl? Yeah. Yeah, there’d be hell to pay. Eudora knew she was one of the lucky ones, and she didn’t take that lightly. 
But if there was one pro to it, one thing that made it all worth it, was how close Eudora was with her dad. Growing up, it was hard to relate to the other rich kids. Though, if she was being completely honest, she wasn’t sure that she got along well with any kids. It was hard to make connections with anyone when, for as long as she’d been alive, everyone wanted something out of her. Or, rather, they wanted to use her to talk to her dad, or to get season tickets for the Avengers, or to get invited to the penthouse. Tony was always there, though. The press used to call Eudora his little sidekick. Where one went, the other wasn’t far behind. At the end of the day, the only person who understood what Eudora was going through was him. 
Howard Stark, Tony’s father, had been the first co-owner of the Avengers alongside Margaret Carter and Chester Phillips. Howard was the media guy, the one that was always in the public eye. When Tony was growing up, he was always asked about his father. Howard this, Howard that. Tony couldn’t even take ownership of the team without people bringing up his long dead dad. How would Howard feel about the direction Tony was taking the team in? Would Howard have hired this coach or that coach? Did Tony really think Howard would approve of the new uniforms? It was enough to drive anything insane. 
For all of Tony’s faults, though, he tried his damned hardest to make sure that he and Eudora never had that kind of relationship. He knew how awful he felt when Howard would blow him off, when Howard showed little interest in what Tony did. When every accomplishment Tony had was met with disinterest and “oh, that’s all?”. So, he did everything he could to ensure that Eudora knew he cared about her, no matter what she did. 
Which was why every Tuesday, after Eudora’s last class of the day, she would swing by so they could go out for lunch together. It was a beloved tradition between the two of them. Eudora wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
Well. Except, perhaps, to be anywhere than where she was right now. 
“I’m just saying, if I was able to see this many smoking hot people whenever I wanted, I definitely wouldn’t be single,” Heather, Eudora’s best friend, was saying. 
As much as Eudora loved Heather, her boy-crazy friend sometimes made her want to run and hide. 
“Because none of them are my type.”
Heather raised a brow. “Your type? Do you even have a type?”
“Everyone has a type!”
“How can you have a type when you’ve never dated anyone?”
“I can still appreciate how someone looks and acts!” Eudora said. “I’m not talking about this. You and I both know that I’m never going to date any of those egotistical assholes anyways. I already deal with the paps too much. Can you imagine if word got out I was dating one of them? I’d never have a moment of peace!”
“You should tell them that.”
Eudora balked. What the hell was Heather talking about? The woman hadn’t even met any of the players yet! How could she possibly know that one of them liked her? “You’re making shit up.”
“Uh oh, America’s princess said a dirty wordy,” Heather teased. “But, no, seriously, you don’t even notice them? I can name at least three of them who’ve been trying to impress you in the last fifteen minutes.”
“We’ve only been here five.”
“My point still stands,” Heather said. “Don’t you want to know who it is I’m talking about?”
“Why? Like I said, I’m not going to date any of them. OR fuck them, before you go on about that. I just…I want the person I’m with to be someone who loves me for me. Not because my dad’s lining their pockets, you know?”
“Fine. Fine, I’ll drop it. Buuut—”
“Yes, I’ll introduce you to Pietro. But, he is the type to fuck and chuck. You okay with that?”
“Dude, if I could bag Pietro fucking Maximoff, I could die happy. I don’t need a relationship for that.”
Eudora shook her head, laughing quietly. Well, at least she knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it. That was more than Eudora could say for herself. “C’mon, practice is nearly over. I’ll introduce you.”
“Wait, seriously?” Heather asked, her eyes as wide as saucers. “You don’t have to do that—”
“I’d be a shitty wingwoman if I didn’t help you get laid,” she laughed. “C’mon, let’s go down there before he runs off to the locker room.”
She led Heather down to the pitch, waving at Nat and Wanda as she passed by them, telling Nat that she was looking forward to drinks after the big game in a few days. Eudora tried to ignore the other players though, their teasing jeers making her want to leave Heather behind and run the other way. “Hey, Pietro!” she called out, waving down the silver-haired man. “Come meet someone, will ya?”
Pietro jogged over, not hiding the way he gave Heather a look up and down. “Little Stark!” he greeted. “Hope you’re referring to your beautiful friend.”
“I’m Heather,” she said, the corner of her mouth lifting into a half-smirk. 
Sensing that she’d done her role well enough, Eudora began to turn away, saying,  “I gotta head out, but you two have fun.”
They barely noticed Eudora as she was leaving. Eudora wished everyone on the pitch was like that. Once she heard the voices, the ones shouting her name, she just wanted to run the other way. To run and run and run, because she hated the attention. She hated that she was seen, that she was known. 
“Hey, Little Stark!”
And, god, she hated that one the most. 
Any time she heard Steve Rogers talk to her, she suddenly felt like she was in middle school again. Awkward, struggling to find her place in the social hierarchy, knowing that any guy who talked to her was only doing so to get tips on how to go pro despite the likelihood of them getting scouted at age twelve was slim to none at best. 
So she ran. Didn’t look to him, didn’t look to anyone, just raced back in so that she could find her dad, get out of there, and avoid a painful encounter that would only remind her that her worth was directly tied to her last name and her family’s legacy. 
“Hey, hey! Eudora! Wait a second!”
Fuck him for running after her. 
And fuck him for being a fucking fast runner. 
How was Pietro known as the team’s speedster when Steve Rogers was able to catch up to her without breaking a sweat? 
Knowing that she couldn’t run any further, Eudora paused, standing in the hall h, waiting, because she knew she couldn’t outrun Steve Rogers. “Can I help you?” she asked without turning around. 
He walked around her, standing in front of her. And you know what? Damn him for being so pretty looking. Eudora turned her gaze to the floor, knowing that if she looked in his eyes, she’d melt into a puddle. “I wanted to know if you were going out for drinks after the game.”
“Nat invited me, so yeah. I’ll be there.”
“Great. Great! You know, I feel like I barely know you, even though I’ve been on this team for nearly five years.”
“Yeah, well. Things happen for a reason and all that.”
She allowed herself to look up, and she immediately regretted it. There was an almost hurt look in his eyes. Why? It didn’t make any sense. Steve Rogers didn’t know her at all. Not in the slightest. So why would he be hurt by what she said?
“I want to change that. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for drinks.”
“I’m going out for drinks. With Nat.”
“You know what I mean—” He sighed, reaching up and rubbing his face with his hands, dragging his hands up, running them through his long hair. Eudora’s heart skipped a beat. How was it fair that he could look so gorgeous without even trying? “Look, I’m normally better at this. But, you get me all tongue-tied, and I’ve been saying the wrong thing for fucking years, and I just…I want to ask you out—”
“You almost ready, Little Stark?”
Oh thank god for Tony, Eudora thought. 
“It’s weird when you call me Little Stark,” Eudora said, smiling as she stepped around Steve. “Ready when you are, daddy-o.”
“Fantastic,” Tony said. “Let’s head on out.”
Eudora brushed past Steve, following her dad out to his car. She knew he had more he wanted to say. But she also knew that he wouldn’t say it where prying ears and eyes could witness it. If the team knew that Tony would do anything to make sure that she didn’t get involved with one of them, they’d only try harder. And they already put in a colossal amount of effort. 
So it wasn’t until they got in the car, Tony turning over the ignition, before he finally said, “Do I want to know that was back there?”
“I barely know what that was back there,” Eudora said. “I was trying to get to your office, and he followed me, and he was asking if I was going for drinks after the game, and then he was…I don’t know, asking me out or something. He didn’t finish the question.”
“Do I need to say what I’m about to say again?”
Eudora shook her head. “No dating anyone on the team.”
“And especially no dating Steve,” Tony said. “I don’t say it to be mean, you know that, right? But you’ve always wanted a private life. Ever since you were little. You can date anyone in the world that you want. But dating someone on the team…”
“I’d be signing my soul over to the hell hounds,” she said. “I know. And I’m not going to. I have no interest in anyone on the team. Especially not Steve. I promise.”
Tony nodded, looking at her in the eyes to try and see if there was any part of her that might not have been telling the truth. When he was satisfied, he turned around, changing gear, pulling out of his parking spot. “Great. Hey, there’s this new restaurant that’s just opened that I thought we could check out and—”
But Eudora was barely paying attention to what Tony was saying, absentmindedly nodding and humming in agreement from time to time. Because, if she was being honest…Well, she began to wonder if it would be such a bad idea if she at least talked to Steve. Nothing more. Nothing further. Because if she was really being honest, she…She did like Steve, in the same way people like the Mona Lisa or marble statutes or other great works of art. She’d liked him like that for a long time. And, well, she could still have her freedom if she was just friends with Steve. 
And maybe that wouldn’t be a very terrible idea at all. 
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 4 years
Can you do a season 1 Diego Hargreeves x female reader one-shot where reader is his girlfriend, is a forensic scientist and met him when he was a cop, was born on the same day as him but wasn’t adopted by Reginald and can control fire, and she’s there when he reunites with his siblings after Reginald dies and gives him a comforting hug from behind when he cries and stutters as he turns Grace off? She’s basically a real life firebender from Avatar: The Last Airbender
(A/N): First time writing for Diego! I hope you’ll like this. Also, sorry, this is a very long one-shot, and I don’t think I managed to put everything you ask for in it but... yeah, I can only hope you’ll like this nonetheless.
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“Have you finished analyzing what I gave you yesterday?”
“Ah, shoot-” You rub your face, listening to Eudora’s voice through your phone. “No, sorry, I... I haven’t been at work all day.”
“Oh, right. Diego’s dad and all...” You can feel the awkwardness in her voice, the detective having forgotten about your boyfriend’s father’s recent death. “How... is he?”
You know how Diego and Eudora used to be a couple back in the day, a slight tingle of jealousy growing inside your heart. “He’s... okay. Despite it all.”
“Good. Good... I-” She takes a small pause, which makes you quirk an eyebrow. “Do you... how was meeting the family?”
Weird. That’s the first word that came to mind. Despite all of them being weird in their own way, they all felt as if they were surprised to see you. As if none of his siblings expected Diego to be dating someone, especially not for as long as you did. Then the funeral, along with a bunch of other unexpected shit happening (cue Five’s sudden appearance through a gigantic portal in the backyard), took you and the others off guard and... well. You didn’t need to tell any of this to Eudora.
“I’m sorry.” She speaks up before you have the chance to think of an answer. “Do you think Steven could analyze the stuff? I’m kind of in a rush here.”
You shake your head, trying to shake off your frustration. “Yeah, yeah... sure, Steven’s there tonight, I think-” You cut yourself off when you notice a bright orange light from the corner of your eyes, your head turning just in time to see a fire growing onto Diego’s childhood bedsheets. “Oh fuck-”
“I gotta go.” You end the call and put your phone in your jeans’ back pocket, already using your hand to try and shut down the fire. “Fuck, fuck fuck-”
You’ve been careless; let your emotions take over you. Fire always starts when you feel jealous or frustrated, and you know you can’t always control it.
“Oh, thank god...” 
You give out a sigh of relief as soon as you manage to get rid of the flames. Though, it soon disappears once you hear gunshots through the manor, soon followed by loud crashes one after the other. Your eyes widen, fear grasping your heart as you start to run up the stairs.
‘What the hell is going on?’ 
You don’t have time to ask yourself anything else that you see Allison run down the same stairs you were currently climbing, her eyes immediately telling you to turn around and hide. You barely register her message that she grabs your arm and pulls you back into the kitchen along with her, alarms ringing inside your head.
“Allison, what’s going on?!”
She doesn’t answer you since gunshots suddenly fly behind your head, making you scream. The Hargreeves sister simply pulls onto your arm harder to try and get you somewhere safe. She then shoves you down beside a Foosball table before she hides behind a pool table not too far away, a quick finger to her lips to tell you to stay silent. You nod to tell her that you understand, internally hoping that Diego and his other siblings are safe.
Your eyes widen once you realized that Allison made your assailant trip with a cue stick. She sends you a quick look to tell you to stay hidden before she goes ahead to distract the attacker away from you, your eyes carefully looking up to see her avoid a few of the psycho’s hits. You have to shove down a gasp as soon as Allison is being pushed against the same table you almost burnt down, a sigh of pain escaping her lips.
“You wanna rumor this psycho?”
Your shoulders relax in relief as soon as Diego comes into view, an expression of pure annoyance on his face.
“I don’t need to...” Allison turns around back towards the assailant, rage gleaming in her eyes. “... because this bitch just pisses me off!”
The woman hiding under the dog mask scoffs. “We just want the boy!”
“Oh, well, in that case...”
You give out a gasp upon seeing Allison running towards the attacker to fight, worry settling on your face as soon as you see her being shoved on the ground against another table. Sadly for you, the psycho seems to have heard you, her feet already dragging her towards you as she rolls a cue stick in her hand.
“Hey, asshole!”
Diego doesn’t let her get close enough that he already tries to fight her off, actually managing to give her a few hits before she kicks him off towards the Foosball table you’re hiding behind. He gives you a cocky grin just as he pulls one of the metal bars out of the table, already turning around to counterattack one of her cue stick’s hit.
“A little help, babe?”
You don’t wait for him to say more that you’re already rounding the Foosball table to get to his side, a fire soon being blasted out from between your lips towards the masked woman. She gives out a gasp of surprise as soon as she sees the fire take onto her clothes, the woman taking a few steps back to try and pat it off. She barely manages to do so before Allison gets up and cuts her shoulder with a small knife, the assailant screaming in pain before she runs out of the room.
“Ugh...” Allison shakes her head, handing the knife towards Diego. “Get her.”
He throws the knife as soon as he gets a grip on it, another scream of pain soon being heard from the stairs. 
“Also...” Allison blinks a few times before she turns her head towards you. “I think you forgot to say that your forensic girlfriend controls fire.”
“We don’t have time for this.” He grabs your hand and pulls you along with him towards the stairs, a determined expression on his face. “Come on.”
She follows you up the stairs within a second, your mind still overly confused as to why the manor was suddenly under attack. Were they looking for a boy? The only ‘boy’ you know is Five, which you’ve only known for a day or so. But how in the world would he manage to get these type of people coming after him in such a short amount of time?
“Luther!” Allison screams those words as soon as she sees the blond man groaning on the main entrance’s hall floor, trying her best to help him up. “Come on, Luther, get up!”
Diego lets go of your head to help him up, your head turning around the place to try and spot any other assailants. Your eyes only manager to meet Vanya’s, the violinist currently hiding behind one of the pillars while holding onto a bleeding cut on her head. She slowly points up, your eyes looking up with curiosity. That’s when you notice the masked woman looking down at the three Hargreeves siblings still standing in the middle of the room, the psycho about to cut the chandelier right onto them.
“Look out!”
Luther sees the chandelier come towards them before the others, his arms already shoving Allison and Diego out of the way. You barely register them screaming his name before the chandelier crashes onto him, a loud gasp escaping your throat upon seeing this. You look back up to see if the masked woman was about to attack again, only to realize that she’s gone now...
“Oh, fuck...” You take a step towards Luther a few seconds later, your mind already analyzing all the injuries he could possibly have after this, if he’s still even alive that is. “We need to get him out of-”
Your eyes widen as soon as you see him slowly stand up despite the heavy chandelier pushing on his back, loud groans escaping his throat as he does so. You can’t help but look in shock as he takes off his coat to fully free himself, seeing for the body he’s been carefully hiding behind his clothes ever since you met him a day or so ago.
“Holy shit...” Diego can’t help but stare in complete shock at his brother. “What the fuck happened to you...?”
You unconsciously hold onto your boyfriend’s arm, worry settling inside your mind along with a million forensic questions. What sort of chemical miracle transformed Luther into this? How many particles of his human DNA have changed? How painful was the whole process?
You don’t let out a word as you see him run past you and Diego with an expression of shame on his face, air getting stuck in your throat. How long has he been hiding this? How many days or months has he spent hating this side of him, alone?
“Hey...” Diego takes your mind away from him, his hand carefully taking yours. “... are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“... no, I’m...” You shake your head, not used to being in the middle of a fight like that. “I’m good. I... I should be worried about you.”
He gives out a small smile as you gently cup the side of his face, your eyes looking for any injuries. “You’re always worried anyway.”
Your lips slightly stretch out. “You’d prefer if I didn’t?”
He opens his mouth to give you a retort, though the sound of a woman humming cuts him off.
“Shit.” His head snaps upstairs, worry settling on his features. “Mom!”
He lets go of your hand to run up the stairs, your legs making you follow him soon after. His mother was an advanced-homemade robot that you’ve been secretly obsessed with since you met her, so you were sure that she was fine... but even so, you hoped that the attackers haven’t injured her in any way.
“Mom.” You arrive upstairs just as Diego gently puts his hand on his mother’s shoulder, the blond woman still humming while crocheting something. “... you okay?”
She gives out an empty smile, her eyes staring into nothingness. “Of course I am.”
Your boyfriend sends you a look of confusion just as you join him, his eyes looking back at his mother with worry. “... you didn’t hear the noises...? The guys in the house that just shot up the house...?”
She looks at him for the first time. “What are you talking about, silly?”
You frown, a million theories going through your mind. There’s no way a robot like her, one that was made to protect and take care of Diego and the others, wouldn’t be able to hear something as loud as the attack you just witnessed. You can’t help but wonder if she was indeed injured by the assailants.
Diego carefully sits down next to her while you kneel down on her opposite side, the woman turning her head towards you.
“Oh, hi, (Y/N).” She gives you a sweet smile, though her eyes are empty. “Did you have a great day at work?”
Worry increases inside your mind, remembering how you two had a conversation thirty minutes ago. “I... I was here all day, Grace... remember?”
“Were you?” She turns her head back to her crocheted piece, continuing to put the threads through it. “I’m sorry; I don’t remember that.”
Diego notices her putting a kneel through her wrist instead of the piece she’s working at, his eyes looking into yours for a moment. You can see the sadness starting to take over his features as realization both hit you: something was awfully wrong with Grace.
“Diego?” Confusion seems to appear on her face as your boyfriend gently takes her arm, tears falling down his face as he cuts open her skin with one of his knives. “What are you doing?”
You stand up and go to him as soon as you realize his intentions, your hands gently holding onto his shoulders as your eyes tear up. You can feel his body starting to shake while he pushes apart her skin, revealing the light wires that were hidden inside of it.
“It’s...” He barely manages to speak, his teary eyes looking into his mother’s. “It’s gonna be... o-okay-”
“Remember what we worked on.” She gives him a warm smile, not at all bothered by what he’s doing. “Just picture the word in your mind.”
“It’s gonna be okay...” You gently put pressure onto his shoulders to let him know that you’re behind him, his eyes printing his mother’s face into his mind. “... mom.”
He soon presses a button inside her arm to turn her off, tears falling off his cheeks as soon as he does so. His sadness seems to pour out even more once his mother’s eyes start closing, her last words stuttering out of her mouth before she completely shuts down.
“Di-e-go... Re-mem-ber...”
His bottom lip quivers as soon as he hears those words, whimpers barely coming out between his lips as he lowers his head. He grasps onto one of your hands tightly, silently begging you to not let him fall apart. You don’t wait a second before you tightly wrap your arms around him, trying to gently calm his trembling body while he cries into your sleeves.
“It’s okay...” You murmur those words, carefully placing a kiss at the top of his head as you feel your own tears falling down. “It’ll be okay... I got you...”
You didn’t if he believed any of the words you were telling him, or if your presence was even enough to comfort him at this point...
... but you were going to try your best to get him through this whole shit show.
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vanillacaramelhoney · 4 years
Different (3)
Pairing(s): Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: "YN?“ she called out. "YN!”
Warnings: This is probably the worst chapter so far and I would like to sincerely apologize for that
A/N: This doesn’t seem to be showing up in tags, even after reuploading it, so for those of you that see it, I’d really appreciate it if you reblogged!
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“We survived on scraps. Canned food, cockroaches, anything we could find.” Five let out a sad chuckle. “You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life? Well, it’s total bullshit.”
Vanya had brought coffee for the two of them, and they gladly accepted it. YN had moved to sit on the floor to be closer to Five.
“I can’t even imagine,” said Vanya.
“It was the only way to survive,” YN told her.
“We adapted,” Five said. “Whatever the world threw at us, we found a way to overcome it.” He paused a moment.
“You got anything stronger?”
He ended up with a decent amount of alcohol, jumping right in for a sip. YN had declined her offers for some as well.
“You think we’re crazy, don’t you?” he asked.
Vanya, who stared at the two with a look that added to his suspicions, quickly shook her head lightly.
“No,” she stammered, “it’s just… it’s a lot to take in.”
“Exactly what don’t you understand?”
“Calm down, Five,” YN muttered to him from where she still sat.
“Why didn’t you just time travel back?” Vanya asked.
Five scoffed and blew a breath. “Gee, wish I’d thought of that,” he sassed. “Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice and never acorn-ed.” That earned him an odd look from YN.
“You think I didn’t try everything to get back to my family?”
Vanya was quiet for a second.
“If you grew old there, you know, in the apocalypse, how come you still look like a kid?” she asked. “Her, too.” She glanced back at YN.
“I told you already,” Five said, moving past her to the kitchen. “I must have got the equations wrong.” He opened the bottle to pour more for himself.
“I mean, Dad always used to say that time travel could mess up your mind. Well, maybe that’s what’s happening?”
“This was a mistake.” Five put his class down. “You’re too young, too naive to understand.” Five walked past Vanya to the door as she objected.
YN stood slowly in the chance that she needed to join him.
Five looked back at Vanya.
“I haven’t seen you in a long time, and I don’t want to lose you again,” she told him. “That’s all.”
Five looked at the ground.
“You know what, it’s getting late, and I have lessons early, and I neep to sleep, and I’m sure both of you do, too,” she said. She laid a blanket out on the couch before looking at Five. “We’ll talk in the morning again, okay? I promise.”
She gave Five a quiet ‘night’ as she passed him, to which he returned.
The two watched in silence as she walked back to her room. Five sat on the couch.
“We’re not staying, are we?” YN asked.
With a sigh, he pulled out a cloth, unwrapping a fake eye from inside. He showed it to her, and she nodded in understanding.
They snuck out of the apartment, careful to make sure Vanya didn’t hear them.
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Blue and red flashed brightly in the dark of night, and loud police sirens filled the area.
The area around Griddy’s Donuts was blocked off by officers, while others investigated the mess inside.
“This is a once in a blue moon type of situation I’d say,” Detective Eudora Patch spoke as she looked around the room.
“I’m inclined to agree,” her colleague, Chuck, said.
“Same gun on every vic, all M4s,” she remarked. “All the casings are .223s. Know what I think?” She looked over at Chuck. “I think these idiots all shot each other.”
“And stabbed,” he added. “One across the neck, one all over his backside, two in multiple different areas, and this guy got his neck snapped.”
Eudora crouched by said man.
“All quick and efficient kills,” Chuck commented.
“These guys were definitely professionals,” Eudora said. “Dumb, but professionals. Any witnesses?” She stood up.
“Yes,” Chuck answered, pointing to the corner of the restaurant. “One. It happened during her shift.”
“Oh, god.”
Eudora quickly walked over to the woman. “Agnes?”
“Oh, Eudora,” the woman sighed, watching as she sat across from her.
“I need to ask you a few questions,” Eudora said. “Did you see what happened here?”
Agnes sighed. “No, not exactly.”
“Let’s start at the top.”
“Well, it was a slow night, it was quiet,” Agnes explained. “My last customers were this guy and his kid, and- oh dear, Eudora, YN was there.”
Eudora’s brows furrowed together. “Wait, what? She’s supposed to be at home right now.” The woman shook her head. “I- please continue.”
“The guy had a donut- no, no that’s not right,” Agnes shook her head. “The guy had an eclair, the kid had coffee, and YN had her usual. I went into the back room to just get some more change, but then I heard his truck start up. They drove away. I don’t know if YN left during that time, but I hope she did because that’s when I heard shots. And by the time I got back in here…” The woman trailed off, looking over at the mess surrounding them.
Eudora could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She wanted to run out of the shop and home, but she had a job to focus on right now.
“Was there anyone else in the shop?” she asked.
“No, I don’t think so,” Agnes shook her head. “I’m sorry, not to be rude, but do I have to go through this all again?”
“Again?” Eudora asked.
“Well, I already told the other detective everything.”
“What other detective?”
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Unlocking the door of her house, Eudora quickly stepped inside.
“YN?” she called out. “YN!”
The girl came tumbling around a corner, dressed in pajamas and hair wet.
“Hey!” she smiled at the sight of the woman, skipping toward her. “You’re home early for once.”
“Are you alright?” Eudora quickly fussed over her.
YN’s grin faded into a look of confusion. “Of course, I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Eudora sighed. “Why were you out at Griddy’s so late?”
“I wasn’t,” YN said, her confusion deepening. “I was here all day. I just got out of the shower not too long ago.”
“Agnes said that you came in earlier.” YN shook her head.
“Maybe it was someone that looked like me? All I know is that I didn’t go out to Griddy’s today.”
Eudora pursed her lips, her face still showing concern.
“Are you sure?”
“Mom,” YN sighed.
“Alright, alright,” Eudora caved, holding her hands up in defense. “Maybe it was just the shock that had her confused. I’m just worried about your safety. I don’t want anything bad happening to you again.”
“Nothing bad is going to happen to me,” YN laughed lightly. “Besides, I’ve already told you- I don’t remember anything that supposedly happened before you adopted me, so you don’t need to worry about it.”
With a sigh, Eudora pressed a kiss to the top of her daughter’s head.
“Alright,” she said. “Go get some sleep.”
With a nod, YN ran off to her room.
“I love you!” Eudora called after her.
“Love you, too!”
@fancytravelerbird​ @megasimpleplan4ever​ @yikes-matey
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Is it too late to request cliche 15 for Light Fingers?
A/N: You managed to get this in just in time. 😊 I wasn’t sure if this is actually the one you meant, since it’s an...odd choice for a married pair, but I think it came out stupid cute so thank you. Word Count: 1319 Content Warnings: alcohol references, self-deprecation/self-worth issues
The gentle rattling of the doorknob made him tense, reaching for a knife on the coffee table beside him, until the sound of giggling rang from the other side of the barrier. He sighed, pulling his hand back as Y/N finally managed to get her key into the lock and come bursting through.
“Diego!” she cheered, much too loud in the stillness of the early morning. “Hi baby!” 
Her footsteps lurched like a toddler, quick but unsteady as she crossed the room and launched herself at him. He grunted, winded, as she dropped on top of him where he lay on the couch. 
“I assume you’ve got things from here, Hargreeves?” Patch laughed, leaning against the entryway. 
“Yeah, we’re good,” he groaned, slowly recovering the breath Y/N had stolen and slightly distracted by the kisses she started planting on his neck. “How much did she even drink?”
“I tried to stop her after the seventh shot, but she was really on a roll. Hit ten before the bartender cut her off. Plus a couple of cocktails earlier.”
“Great,” he sighed. “Thanks for getting her home Eudora.”
“Of course, Diego. Have a good night.” Patch offered him a smile before turning to go, closing the door behind her.
“Alright sweetheart,” he said, turning his head to look down at his drunk and very snuggly wife. “Time to get you to bed.”
She whined, burying her face further into him and refusing to move. He chuckled despite himself. 
“We’re not staying here all night. I don’t want to face the demon in the morning.”
“What demon?” her mumble betrayed how sleepy she was now that she had stopped moving, and he knew he only had a few minutes to convince her to move or he’d have to carry her to bed, somehow. 
“You.” He gently nudged her shoulder. “Come on, up.”
“‘M notta demon.” He could almost hear the scowl in her voice past the slur.
“You are when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up with a crick in your neck. Please get up so we can go to bed sweetheart?”
She was silent for a moment and he feared she had fallen asleep. 
“Fine,” she finally groaned, rolling limply off of him and landing in a seated position on the ground where she pouted. 
With hands wrapped around her middle he lifted her to her feet and supported her, guided her, to the bedroom. Sitting her on the end of the bed, he fixed her with his sternest face.
“Wait here, I’m going to get you a glass of water and I want you to drink it before we sleep, okay?” he said, and satisfied by her nod, went to do so.
When he returned he found her flopped blackward, staring up at the ceiling.
“...never thought I’d be in love, ya know. Not like this, not with someone like him. He’s so good, isn’t he?” She paused as if waiting for a response. “I mean of course he is. He’s one of...no it’s not about how he was raised either is it? He’s just that way on the inside. Sweet and funny and clever and witty and kind and wonderful. And he’s so pretty. Really, beautiful. Especially when he smiles. I’m so glad I get to make him smile all the time. I hope he is too…”
He stood, stunned and staring, unsure whether to interrupt or just listen. Her drunken soliloquy was obviously about him, and it wasn’t like they hadn’t complimented each other before, or talked about loving each other, they said the words or something meaning them at least three times a day. But still, it almost felt like intruding.
“I love his smile. I love his heart. The metaphorical one and his actual one. I love listening to it when I can’t sleep at night. And I love his hair, especially when he waits a little too long to trim it so it gets all floppy and cute. I love his smile. I said that one already. I love his laugh. I love the little crinkles around his eyes. I love his eyes. And his butt. He has a really nice butt. Not as nice as Dora’s but still in class A.”
He stopped resisting the smile that threatened to split his face in half as he listened to her ramble, and was just about to clear his throat and interrupt with a teasing remark when she suddenly started to cry. Immediately, he was by her side, depositing the glass of water on the bedside table and crawling across the mattress to wrap his arms around her. 
“I don’t deserve him,” she sobbed. “I love him so much that it hurts. And he’s so good. But I’m not, I’m kinda terrible. He should have someone good, like him. It’s not fair.”
“Shh, no,” he soothed, stroking her hair as she rolled to bury her face against his chest. “No, that’s not true. You’re perfect, and I love you, just as you are. There could never be anyone else. This was...we were meant to be, Y/N.”
The next morning dawned bright and warm, and despite the faint throb in your head, you were glad of it. A dreary day would have only lent strength to your regrets from the previous night. As you stretched, you realized that some time after you had cried yourself to sleep, Diego had changed you out of your dress and into a comfortable albeit ragged pair of flannel pants and one of his shirts. And more importantly, you realized that you were alone in the bed, and the air carried the faint nutty scent of coffee. 
Rubbing your eyes blearily, you shambled out into the kitchen just in time to spot Diego pouring two fresh mugs of the beverage.
“Morning,” he said with a soft smirk. “How are you feeling?”
“Not too bad, all things considered.” You hesitated, biting your lip. “Sorry, I was kind of a mess.”
He circled the counter, pressing one of the mugs into your hands and kissing the top of your head affectionately. 
“Don’t worry about it, baby. Do you feel like eating?”
“Are you actually going to cook the eggs first?” you hid your smirk behind your mug as he groaned. 
“You’re never going to let that go are you?” he rolled his eyes. “It’s good protein for a workout.”
“Nope,” you popped the p dramatically. “Because it’s also disgusting. But it’s good to have flaws, even if they are little ones.”
He stiffened, face dropping just slightly before he tried to hide it behind a laugh and started pulling omelette ingredients out of the fridge.
“Diego…” you sighed.
“You were pretty drunk, Y/N,” he ventured, swiftly whisking the eggs and not meeting your eyes. “How much do you remember?”
“I wasn’t…drunk enough to forget. I know what I said. And...I meant it.” You stared at a familiar pattern of scratches in the worn countertop, feeling tears stinging at your eyes.
Warm hands were on your shoulders first, trailing up your neck to cup your face and pull it up to meet his eyes. You marveled not for the first or last time at how quickly and quietly he could move and at the fathomless depths of his eyes, how such a depth could be so warm. 
“Do you remember what I said?” he asked softly, barely above a whisper but still enough for you to hear the crack in his voice.
You hesitated, mind flickering back over the night. We were meant to be. The sentence bounced and echoed through you, making your heart flutter, stubbornly filling you with the sort of fuzzy bliss you used to think was only in fairytales. You swallowed and nodded.
“I meant what I said too, okay,” he pressed, resting his forehead against yours. “Every single damn word.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Never give up (Diego Hargreeves x Fem! Reader)
A/N:  This is the second and final part of the previous one shot: Just One Chance , I hope you like it -Val
The requests are still open!
Words: 2,853
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"How could you betray me? I thought we were best friends," says Allison from her phone. I roll my eyes.
"It's not treason, it's just a date" I say walking towards my closet. "It's not a big deal, Al."
"Sure, because it's a good idea to date the guy who practically used you as a punching bag."
"Al, Diego has never hurt me physically, at least not on purpose ... not that way."
"Right, if he did, all my brothers would kill him," I nod, even though she can't see me.
I reach out my arm to take two dresses and put them on my bed.
“Hey, which dress should I wear? Blue or red?"
"It seems that you do have a lot of interest in your date..."
"I thought you were against it."
“Hey, it's not my fault. I remember when you were crying when Diego made fun of you, then you got over it and now you ask me for fashion advice for a date with him-"
I sigh as I sit back on the mattress.
"Do you think I should cancel?" I ask nervously.
Allison is right, although all of our fights were childish, I really thought Diego hated me, but when he explained everything –I don't know-
"I can't help you with that."
"Come on, Allison. Now I feel the betrayal."
“You're going out with my brother and even if I don't want to admit it, if he gets hurt, I'm also hurt. I love you, you know, but I also love my brother, Y/N."
“Okay, let's forget for a moment that we had those problems when we were kids. What if I'm wrong to give it a try? You know that I don't have luck with my relationships..."
"Hey, no, no, no, don't start with that. We've talked, they were the idiots, you're great and it's their lost. Enough doubts and insecurity, forget what I told you!" She remains silent for a few seconds. "I could say that red would highlights everything, but I know that blue dress you mentioned and I'm sure that you'll leave my brother breathless. I vote for blue." I smile a little. “Listen, like you said, it's just a date. And I know you very well, if you don't go, you will regret it."
I sigh.
“It's nothing, sweetie. Don't forget to tell me how it went!" She says and then hangs up.
I stare at the blue dress.
"Please don't be a disaster" I implore.
"Do you want to review?"
I nod unable to stand still.
"Well, I hear you," says Vanya sitting from her bed.
"First I'll go for her and I must give compliments, avoiding mentioning her breasts or butt," I say quickly. "I'll take her to the restaurant that is two blocks from her house, we'll have dinner, we'll talk… I'll confess everything and hopefully she won't yell at me or kill me."
"Diego!" says Vanya scolding me.
"Can I say something?" Sissy asks sitting down next to my sister. "I don't think it's a good idea to plan a date like that."
"What?" I snap looking at the blonde.
"I'm not saying that you're doing things wrong," She says, trying to calm me down. "It's just that, I think it's better when you don't plan it and you're just yourself..."
The three of us remain silent for a few seconds.
"Honey," says Vanya, taking her hand. "We already tried that."
"That doesn't help me at all," I growl.
“Diego, relax. If she sees you tense or calculating, she'll think it's just a game," adds Sissy.
"It's not."
"Then just think that you're going to date a cute girl, if you want things to go well, you both have to be comfortable with each other."
I analyze her words.
"And breathe, please," Vanya adds.
"Ok," I stretch my arms, walk up to the mirror and adjust my jacket, making sure everything is in order. “I-I'm going out with a beautiful girl. A d-date,” I nod in front of my reflection.
"You can do it, Kraken," says Vanya in a mocking tone making me laugh.
I ring the doorbell of her house, I wait a few minutes until I hear a "I'm coming" from inside. I step away from the door and breathe calmly again.
Don't rush, let everything flow.
She's the boss, keep an eye on the signs of affection.
Just relax.
The door opens and my breath catches at the sight of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my damn life.
"Hey," She says with a shy smile. I shake my head and smile at her too.
"Hey," I look at her blue dress -which looks spectacular- without stopping in some inappropriate place... for now. "You're beautiful, Angel." I say without thinking much about the little nickname, but I know it was the best decision since I see a slight blush on her cheeks.
"Thank you, you don't look bad either, Hargreeves," She closes the door, we both go down the stairs. "What's the plan, Knife boy?" I smile at the mention of the nickname from when I was a child.
“There's a good restaurant two blocks from here. We can go walking.”
"Sounds good."
We both walk in silence for a few seconds, until she giggles.
"What?" I ask with a nervous smile.
"Oh, it's just that... I'm so used to it– I thought you were going to make fun of my outfit or something."
"Well, sorry, I don't have material. You look beautiful and it's not that I'm an expert, but blue looks good on you,” I say scratching the back of my neck.
We soon reached the restaurant, where Vanya made reservations. Truth be told, I appreciate my sister's suggestion, this place is great for a first date.
After ordering our food I can see her in more detail while she's distracted, my heart races when I notice her playing with her hands, she constantly takes a strand of her loose hair and looks at all the decorations to avoid locking eyes with me. Is she as nervous as I am?
"You're good?" I ask.
She looks up at me.
"Yes, I am, it's just that ..." She shakes her head. "Forget it, it doesn't matter."
"Hey," I lean in and put my hand over hers. "If you feel uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else, no problem."
She tilts her head and frowns slightly.
"No, it's not that," She says moving her hand away. I also take away mine and fix my jacket. "This place is beautiful..." She looks at me. "Everything has turned out well in a short time, I don't know, I'm waiting for you to say nonsense, just... something hurtful."
Her words make me grimace. I can't blame her, I felt like an idiot for so many years, but even so, I'm trying my best, I haven't done anything wrong and she still thinks I'll hurt her.
"I won't," I say seriously. "But, if you expect something like that even after what I told you the other night, I don't understand why you agreed to this."
Maybe I'm willing to make a fool of myself in front of the girl I like, but I can't let my efforts be in vain. She tenses and leans in the chair.
"No, no! I didn't mean I- uhm" She stutters. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, you're right."
I sigh.
“Ok, let's promise something,” She looks at me carefully. “From now on, we will both be honest with each other. Let's forget tonight how stupid I was. I promise there will be no more games, or anything like that."
Y/N relaxes instead.
"Unless you want it," I add with a smile and she laughs.
"I promise to be honest with you, too."
The food arrives interrupting the conversation, but as soon as the waiter leaves, the tension is long gone.
"I can't believe I'm actually on a date with you," I say shyly.
“Trust me, me neither. My twelve-year-old self is over the moon,” She says.
I raise my eyebrows ."And what does your today self say about now?"
"She's still thinking things through."
The rest of the night we talk about what we've been up to lately. I told her about my boxing, some stories I had from when I help people -omitting some violent parts - the stupidest times I got arrested and she tells me about her life. She just finished law school and now works with a friend of hers, she tells me some funny cases, some sad cases, she also tells me the story of when her friend found out that she knew the guys from Umbrella Academy.
“I swear, she has all the action figures and some posters in her room. At first it was kind of adorable, but she's always asking me to introduce her."
"Is she hot?" I ask mockingly and she throws a grape at me, making me laugh. "Just kidding, just kidding!" I raise my hands in surrender.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Shoot," I say nodding.
"Why did you wait until now to ask me out?"
I stir in my place, a little uncomfortable.
"It's ridiculous," I clear my throat. "But, since my break up with Eudora, I uh-" I look down until I feel her delicate hand on mine.
"You can tell me, Diego." I look at her and I feel the warmth of her hand, sighing.
“I see my brothers, Allison with Raymond, Vanya with Sissy, even Klaus has Dave. I uh- I've been thinking, lately, about my relationships, all a mess. Not that I'm comparing myself to my siblings -we both know I'm amazing- but, I-I don't know. I see them with their partners and I can't help but want something like that,” I scratch my face, right where I have a scar. “With Eudora, we had a lot of problems, we wanted different things. Then I met a girl, Lila..."
Y/N looks at me confused. My relationship with Lila is not known with my family, I think only Five knew her.
“It didn't work either, but the point is that, when I give myself moments to think about a future next to someone," I take courage to see her in the eyes. "You are always there."
I pray to God that it doesn't scare her away.
“When we were children, I didn't know how to act next to you,” She says shyly, “if someone said your name, I would get nervous and was afraid of making a fool of myself in front of you. So my best solution was to evade you. Then you started with the jokes and I thought you hated me, but to be honest, my feelings for you didn't change overnight. I remember when Allison comforted me, while I was crying thinking that I could never be with you."
Maybe if I can convince Five to travel back in time and tell my twelve-year-old self that he's being a jerk, everything would be better.
"I'm very sorry, the least I wanted or want is to hurt you, Y/N".
“I know,” She laughs slightly. “Now that I think about it, we were just kids, Diego. None of us knew how to handle our feelings. With time I gave up." She bites her lower lip and then smiles. "But apparently, you didn't."
"I don't give up so easily, Angel," She nods.
"I'm glad you didn't."
Quite cheesy, but I feel like there's a lot of movement in my stomach and it's not the food.
We decided to take a walk through a park close to the place.
"Diego," She says, and I stand in front of her. She looks away. "You have to know something, before anything happens..."
"You're married?" I try to joke, but her words actually scare me to death. Her laughter reassures me. I'm proud to be the cause of those.
"No, you idiot," She sighs. "You were honest when you told me about your relationships. I suppose I must be too," She fidgets. "I haven't had much luck either, my last boyfriends haven't been the best, they ended up... badly," She says with teary eyes. "I'm afraid that something like that will happen again."
My heart clenches and I just want to hug her, but I stop. I take her chin and slowly lift it.
"I don't know the whole story, but I can assure you that they're assholes," I whisper as I wipe a tear from her cheek. "Although, I'm glad they're not in my way."
I cup her cheek.
“Y/N, I'd do anything to be by your side, to even hold your hand, listen to your day, kiss you... I've waited for years. I'm sorry, but if you agree to be with me, it'll be difficult to get rid of me later, no matter how many stories of ex-boyfriends you tell me."
"What if we end badly?"
"My brothers will be in charge of kicking my ass," is no joke and we know it.
"What if I'm the one who hurts you?"
"I guess Allison and Vanya can take care of your ass."
She laughs again and I join her.
"You really don't plan on giving up, do you?" Our faces are very close.
"No, ma'am," I say leaning down, about to kiss her.
"Not even if I tell you not to kiss me on the first date?" She walks away.
I freeze in my place and hear her laugh. I shake my head and look at her a little dazed.
"Is it a type of revenge?" I ask.
"Well, you once left me in the same spot when we were children."
I curse under my breath.
"Hey! In my defense that was Ben, he challenged me, trying to help me to confess what I felt for you, but in the end I chickened out," I say making a face.
She stands on her tiptoes and quickly kisses my cheek. I smile at her.
I'm sure my face is now that of an idiot in love and I don't care.
"What about kisses on the second date?"
She raises her eyebrows.
"I could consider it, but this time I choose what to do."
"Deal. Do you have something in mind?
"Maybe go to the gym where you can teach me some things about self defense..."
"Are you sure?"
"You offered yourself the night of the party!"
I nod.
"Whatever the lady wants."
"It's a date…"
 2 years later
"Klaus! You're already drunk and we haven't even started the game!” I complain.
"Don't be a spoilsport, Dieguito," He drawled as he sat in the opposite chair.
I roll my eyes and wait for my other siblings to arrive. This 'one night with board games' has become a tradition. At the beginning everything started well, but some don't know how to lose or even win, it always ends differently.
Luther arrives and sits next to Klaus to scold him again for being drunk, then Ben arrives along with Vanya and Sissy. After a few minutes, Raymond and Allison arrive.
"I hope you don't cry about losing this time, Y/N," says Five, Y/N walks in behind him.
“I've never cried. You're the one who always cheats!” She complains as she puts a bowl of chips on the table. She turns to see me pouting. "Right, D?"
She asks me sitting on my lap. I put my arm around her waist.
"He always does," I agree kissing her cheek. My brother looks at us with a sneer.
"Obviously your boyfriend's going to be on your side, brotherhood my ass," He complains.
"Don't be jealous, Five," I joke and he snorts.
"Well, we have to go over the rules," says Luther, drawing attention. "Five you can't flip the board again- Klaus put your glass away, the cards from the last time are still sticky..."
While he continues speaking, Y/N leans against my chest, I look down to see her.
"How do you think this will end?" She whispers.
"I say Ben will win, but Five will want to play again until he wins."
"Hmm..." She says, putting her hand on my shoulder. "I say Five will fight with Allison and it'll all be over before anyone can win."
"It's a bet?" She smiles and nods. "What does the winner get?"
"If I win, you should take me and Allison shopping," I groan. "But, if you win..." She leans close to my ear. "We won't leave the bedroom for a whole day."
I frown.
"Why wouldn't we go out?" She gives me one stern look and that's when I understand. “Oh! Yeah, okay." I smirk. "Deal, Angel," I say and then kiss her lips.
"Hey, you two!" shouts Ben in amusement. "We're going to start, so split up!"
We laugh. She turns a little to pay attention when Luther rolls the dice, I move close to her ear.
"I love you, Y/N."
She smiles at me and gives me a short kiss.
"I love you too, Diego."
Taglist (or somthing like that)
@gerim-1995​   @aymiron​  @white-wolf-buckaroo​​  @irenne-stans​​  @manchuria​​  @lindatreb​​  @alonewolfsblog​​
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maerenee930 · 3 years
5 & 13!
5. who is your favorite character?
- i have so many favorite characters lol. but first and foremost has to be the love of my life, Klaus 🖤 (i can go into why he’s my number one favorite character another time if anyone wants to know lol) and some of my other favorite characters are under the cut 😅 there’s a lot of them so i thought i should just do this so if anyone doesn’t want to read all of that, they don’t have to lol.
13. do you have any dreams or aspirations?
- i do 🥰 i want to become an actor/actress 🖤 (well i guess actor is the more gender neutral of the two 😅) like to play a character and work on a show or movie that can help someone through the tough times like my favorite shows, movies, characters and actors/actresses have for me, or idk maybe make them feel less alone, that’s all i want.
i want to be able to tell that character’s story well enough that someone can relate to it or feel like they are being seen and heard. i just- to be able to give someone even a fraction of what my comfort/favorite movies, shows, characters & actors/actresses have given me and continue to give me and how they make me feel so much less alone when i’m struggling, always managing to put a smile on my face or making a good day even better, that would just mean the world to me 💙
i would love to be able to give someone the comfort, happiness, love and security my faves have given me and still do give me 🖤 and i would love for there to be more non-binary, bi/pan/queer and demisexual representation in media!
like i realize it’s a long shot. but i have wanted this with all of my heart and soul, have dreamt of this and wished for this to be my career or what i do my whole life 💙 i want this with everything i have and love acting so much! it’s my passion! (hopefully all of that makes sense 💖)
thank you so so much for asking these 🥰💙🖤
my other favorite characters are the doctor (11,13,10,12), luba (idc if he’s not in the movie that much, he is one of my favorite characters lol) nathan young, vincent (the road within) rose tyler, donna nobel, clara oswald, river song, amy and rory pond, sally sparrow, jack harkness, bill potts, yasmin khan, missy, madame vastra & jenny (they’re all doctor who characters 😅) captain marvel, jim and pam (the office), sigrit (eurovision song contest the story of fire saga) alexis rose, david rose, stevie budd (schitt’s creek), diego hargreeves, ben hargreeves, allison hargreeves, vanya hargreeves, dave katz and eudora patch, sissy, lila pitts and raymond chestnut, sam and dean winchester, castiel (i love a lot of other supernatural characters but i’ll just leave it at those three for now lol), takeshi kovach (altered carbon), louise & tina belcher, linda & bob belcher, steve harrington, jim hopper, eleven, robin (stranger things), maleficent, aurora, prince philip, flora & fauna & merryweather, esmerelda, belle, ariel, rapunzel, flynn rider, star butterfly, marco diaz, marie & duchess & thomas o’malley (the aristocats), pongo & perdita (101 dalmatians), hook, regina and emma swan (once upon a time), alice (alice in wonderland the animated one lol) sam beckett (quantum leap), loki, wanda maximoff, black widow, gamora, bucky, theo & nellie crane (hill house), lucifer & chloe & maze & trixie & ella (lucifer), nick miller & jess & cece (new girl), marty & lorraine mcfly (back to the future), cindy & alice & ziggy (adult and young) & deena & josh (fear street 😅), peyton sawyer, brooke davis, quinn james, julian baker, hayley james scott, lucas scott, nathan scott (one tree hill), hatter (syfy’s alice), connor temple and abby maitland (primeval), sean falco, maeve wiley, eric effiong and aimee gibbs (sex education), franky doyle, bea smith, allie novak doreen anderson (wentworth), bo dennis, kenzie and dyson (lost girl), steven universe, garnett, amethyst, lapis lazuli, saphire and ruby, connie maheswaran, stevonnie and pearl (steven universe 😅) gloria pritchett and phil dunphy (modern family), michelle mallon, james maguire, erin quinn, orla mccool and clare devlin (derry girls), billy delaney, archie (demons never die), luke (cherry bomb), jamie (the bigger picture), vladek klimov, megara (hercules) and so so so so many other characters 😅
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lochrannn · 3 years
AU_gust: Maybe I’m yours
Read on AO3
prompt no 25: Time Travel
Relationship: Lila Pitts/Diego Hargreeves
Characters: Diego Hargreeves, Lila Pitts
“How short notice can you take time off?” Lila asks, leaning back but still holding on to his t-shirt at his sides.
Diego has just walked in through the door and got an armful of over-excited girlfriend and a sloppy kiss with slightly too much teeth. That never bodes well but he also can never bring himself to not wrap his arms around Lila and kiss her right back.
“Uhm, not sure… Why?” he asks, looking down into her brightly shining eyes and at the grin that splits her face with delight.
God, he loves her, but he’s also never not just a little wary of what she’ll come up with next.
“I want to take a road trip with you! I bought a car and everything!” Lila says, almost vibrating with excitement and pulling him back against herself with no trouble, despite their difference in size.
“But…” Diego breathes out a little dazed from her hungry kiss, “I have a car?”
“Sure, sure,” Lila pats him reassuringly on the chest, “but we’ll sell this one when we get to LA and then we fly back. I want to take a road trip, not be stuck in a car for three weeks. Allison says we can stay with her for a couple of nights before heading back!” Then she lets go of him and wanders off towards the kitchen.
“Hold on, Allison?” Diego calls out after her, before stopping and looking off into space for a second trying to catch up. Then he decides to literally catch up and follows Lila into the kitchen.
“You’ve already booked everything, haven’t you?” Diego says, pointing an accusatory finger at her. But he can’t help the amused smirk that makes its way onto his face when Lila gives him an extremely unconvincing, innocent look and says softly, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“When are we leaving?” he asks, crossing his arms.
“Day after tomorrow.”
It’s his first real holiday in years.
Or ever, really.
That’s not quite true. Eudora had convinced him to go on a weekend getaway to the coast when their relationship had already been on the rocks for a while. He had been an insufferably moody asshole in his early twenties, only weeks away from getting kicked out of the police academy, and in hindsight, Eudora had tried too hard to be mature and a grown-up, and had put up with so much more of his shit than she should have, trying to make things work.
From his perspective now, as he is in a relationship that, despite the slightly unconventional beginnings, weirdly works, he has finally learned to appreciate that it simply wasn’t enough that he and Eudora had been in love. All things considered they’d just been too mismatched.
Nevertheless, it had been a really lovely holiday and had probably kept them together a couple of months longer than they otherwise would have managed.
“What are you thinking about?” Lila asks and Diego turns around to look at her in the driver’s seat.
She’s already turning to look back out at the road, the sun coming in at a low angle, making her skin shimmer almost golden in the late afternoon light.
For a second it takes his breath away and Lila turns around to look at him again quizzically.
Diego reaches out to take one of her hands off the steering wheel - there hasn’t been a bend in the road in about an hour, he’s sure she’ll be fine with just the one, even if, for a former secret assassin she’s an oddly rule abiding driver - and presses her knuckles against his lips.
“Just that I’m fucking crazy to let you drag me across the country like this!” he says with a smirk.
Lila pulls her hand away without looking, reaches behind his head and rakes her nails across the shorn hair at the back of his neck and says, “You fucking love it though!”
And Diego can’t argue with that.
On day five they reach higher altitudes in the West. The sky is an impressively striking shade of blue and Diego could not be more content at the wheel.
They left out early from their hotel and when they stopped at a drugstore in the small town to get some terrible coffee, Lila bought bright purple nail polish that she was going to put on in the car.
Only, she’s decided that the results are too messy while driving, but she is apparently also bored, so right now Lila’s holding on to his right hand on her thigh tightly and delicately applying the color on to his nails.
Diego occasionally looks over at her and can’t stop the fond smile that tugs at his lips when he spots the small wrinkle above her nose that tells him she’s concentrating hard.
Then she looks up at him and asks, “What?” and Diego is just about to answer when she shrieks, “Oh my god, look!” and Diego whips his head around, realizing he hasn’t really been concentrating on the road for a few moments, expecting to be heading straight into the back of some huge 18 wheeler truck, but instead the road ahead is completely empty and he is still going straight in his lane.
“Jesus! What the fuck?” Diego breathes out and glances over at Lila out of the corner of his eye, not actually turning away from the road again. At least she has the decency to look a little guilty.
“Uhm, there was a sign for a gold rush museum town and I maybe got a bit too excited.” Lila replies with an unmistakable pout in her voice.
Diego huffs out a breath, trying to steady his racing heart and then asks as evenly as he can manage, “Next exit or the one after that?”
They soon arrive at the collection of wood houses, front porches arranged along a straight dusty street. Apparently the town was built as a set for a western in the fifties and some enterprising businessman bought the whole lot to turn them into a theme park. At least that’s what the brochure they got at the entrance says.
Beyond the fact that at least the facades of the structures look relatively convincing, the only part of the museum town that could be considered in any way even related to a theme park is the gunslingers show that is put on at the top of every hour.
And as that is the main attraction, it seems most people don’t even bother with the museum town itself, so Lila and Diego wander around it, trying to get the creepy animatronics to work and then hide away behind the fake saloon from the few other people who are milling about, to make out like horny teenagers.
At high noon they are sitting together at the top of the bleachers on the outskirts of the museum town where they are apparently about to be treated to a wild and exciting shootout and some of the world's most renowned trick shots. Again, according to the brochure.
The shootout is staged with blanks and Diego gets a little bored but perks up again once the artistic shooting starts. Lila has pressed herself into his side with one elbow resting on his thigh and Diego’s put his arm along the back of the bench to give her more room. She’s mostly concentrating on the fluorescent blue slushie she insisted on buying before the show.
Diego is watching the trick shooters intently and is pretty impressed at their aim. He could easily copy any one of their tricks using his powers, now that he’s worked out how to manipulate the trajectory of bullets as well as knives, but he has to admit, that he probably couldn’t do it without them, even though he had always been an excellent shot.
The star of the show is announced and after he takes his dramatic shots, baffled chatter starts up amongst the crowd because he missed every single one.
Diego frowns and then realizes that Lila has stopped slurping on her drink, going suspiciously quiet, so he moves his mouth close to her ear and whispers, “Stop that! You’re gonna get someone hurt!” but he can’t keep the amusement out of his voice.
Lila leans back and away from him and says with feigned innocence, dark brown eyes big as saucers, “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” before wrapping her lips around her straw and sucking up more of the unnaturally blue slushed ice.
Diego is momentarily distracted by the sight, then he reaches for the plastic cup with one hand, pulling it away from Lila, puts his other hand to the back of her neck and kisses her gently. She tastes of fake raspberry.
Lila practically melts against him, grabbing his t-shirt tightly with both hands and her eyes flutter shut.
There’s an almost painful sensation in his chest, a physical ache that wants him to never let go of her, but Diego nevertheless pulls back ever so slightly and he breathes against her lips, “Marry me.”
He didn’t plan on asking her like this. Heck, he didn’t really plan on asking her at all. Though they have been talking about it, they so far haven’t come to a clear decision, but there is so much certainty in him now that the last thing he would want to do is take back his words.
He hopes Lila knows it's alright if she says no, though.
For another beat Diego thinks she might instead simply pretend like she didn’t hear him but then her hands tighten in his t-shirt even more and she presses not only her lips but her whole body against him so fiercely that he doesn’t have to wait for her to pull away to know what her answer will be.
Nevertheless, it feels like she sets his heart on fire when she mouths along his jaw, bites his earlobe and then whispers Okay into his skin.
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magical-awesome-kid · 4 years
I just had the best idea for an Umbrella Academy AU.
So Klaus, as we all know, tried to get sober to get powerful enough to summon Dave, the love of his life who he met in the Vietnam War; however, except for the smallest glimpse (which might have also been due to head trauma), he never saw Dave.
So I propose an alternative theory: Dave’s spirit reincarnated.
It’s why Klaus has the impossible task to summon him - he’s not in the spirit world anymore, and only there by a thread like any living human (sans Klaus) is.
So meet David Kent, born sometime between 1988-1989. He’s always had some weird scattered birth marks on his chest when he was growing up (he always saw them as islands, but he doesn’t know that those are from a gun shot and shrapnel). As a kid he played football to make his dad happy but in the end he much preferred building computers. He got seriously injured during his sophomore year of high school, and he... wound up hooked on opioids.
It was during this time that he began to reconnect to his past life. His highs brought back memories of Vietnam, which his therapists tried to psychoanalyze away, but they were real to HIM. He was hooked and not receiving real treatment until he was half way through college (he was a functional addict, and he hid it well), but then he overdosed. His overdose was able to push him to remember EVERYTHING, but it also was almost the end of David Kent.
After, he got clean, finished his degree, and went off to start his own small repair business and online gamer PC store. He itched to find Klaus Hargreaves, but, at the same time, he was still questioning everything about everything. He knew about the Umbrella Academy - it was a comic, a childhood TV special on the news - but he’d never paid more attention than anyone else his age.
Now he had to know.
Then, one day, he saw a man with a brief case drop from the sky, looking panicked and wearing dog tags.
It’s complete coincidence that he was visiting his cousin in that town that day. It was complete coincidence that he’d gone to grab some sodas, because she was out of his favorites. It was complete coincidence that this at all happened.
Except it wasn’t, because Klaus was drawn to Dave, and that’s where the case took him.
And that’s when his last moments as Dave Katz overtook him, and he rushed forward to grab the man on the floor.
Klaus freaks, but then... Dave is there??? He looks a little different, his hair isn’t sandy blond but thick brown, his ears are attached and not hanging, but his eyes... those are the exact same.
Klaus loses his shit because he couldn’t deal with a ghost right now, but Dave is seized by everything he’d remembered, and he remains. He’s got questions - there are still gaps - but he KNOWS this man and he, deep down, loves this man.
The story diverts very quickly after that. While Vanya is still set to destroy the moon, Dave being there to keep Klaus grounded means that there are two very strategic soldiers now on the war path. Klaus is able to beat Luther to Vanya with the help of Ben, and, instead of trying to lock her up, they just... sit and talk. Work things out.
By the time Luther and Diego get on scene, Dave has already convinced her that she needs to ween off carefully (he went through withdrawal, and it was messy). She performs that night, and, while there is a power in the air, it is from the music and not her.
The world is saved because someone with half a brain and some therapy to pass on showed up.
Dave remains and somehow convinces Klaus and Vanya to attend therapy. They desperately need it, and Klaus needs a GOOD therapist, not just for his drug addiction but the terror his father put him through and the horrors that he’s seen. He goes to Dave’s therapist, who is finally convinced that Dave now saw war in a past life (after all, she’s heard the stories of the Academy).
The rest later follow. Allison still has her voice lost, but this opens up a lot of different opportunities for her. She learns sign and goes on to be a revolutionary mute actress, even after, years later, she is able to restore her voice. She learns about the deaf community and becomes a big advocate for it, even after surgery returns her tones.
Everyone gets therapy. They grow from it. Luther and Five are the most stubbornly against it, but when they fold, it’s good to get it out.
Vanya learns to control her powers slowly and carefully, in an environment of love. In fact, they all begin to unlock new abilities, what with the pressures of Reggie finally gone from them.
Diego finally is able to put Eudora to rest in his heart. He moves on, continues to be a vigilantes, but also plays by the rules with the other cops (well, the competent ones).
Klaus learns to finally shut the ghosts up, with his newfound telekinesis, but he also finds a bigger power: bringing people back to life.
It’s a major hassle, and you need a body, no matter how destroyed. Thankfully, that stupid statue in the back yard was a gravestone, and Ben’s body was there, fully preserved.
Klaus revives Ben, crashes into a coma for 3 days, and then wakes to have Ben, the Ben he knows (apparently the body took the form of the spirit) sitting next to him in the infirmary, reading a book that he hasn’t before, and grins as he sees Klaus wake, because, just so he knows, Dave is gonna kill him for the shit he pulled.
(Diego asks about Eudora, because he has to know, but Klaus tells him that he can’t reach her, meaning she’s either passed on to rest or maybe reincarnated like Dave had. Diego is both glad and sad that she didn’t stick around, but he hopes to meet her again in another life).
Klaus settles some. He loves his flamboyant ways and would never give them up entirely, but he find peace in his life, finally. He even agrees to help some of the nicer spirits cross over, who just have little messages that he can pop into the mail or just need a little closure before they go. The families who hear from Klaus are usually grateful and thank him, which... is a nice change.
The Umbrella Academy... No, the Hargreaves Children, are finally able to grow and live their lives. All because Dave brought half a brain to the party :D
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10 & 34 for the two part prompt! Whatever characters you want ☺️
10. After a near death experience & 34. “It’s 2am go back to sleep,”  thank you for this!! wrote about kenneth and arthur for this one😌
The room in Van Horn smelled damp and the stench of fish wafted through the window. Arthur would have preferred to not sleep here for the night but after the whole mess outside of Butcher Creek, those trees crawling with the Murfee Brood? It was safer in this musty room for a few hours. A ship horn gave a low bellow in the distance and he heard a dog bark on the street. There was less shouting in the air and he was thankful for it, the fighting at the saloon seemed to have ended. Plenty of people here were drunks and awake all hours of the night but it was finally late enough there was some peace. 
There was a shatter of a bottle outside and Arthur was embarrassed he jumped. He clenched his hand around his pencil and lifted it up from the current sketch he was working on. 
Arthur looked down at Kenneth who was sleeping on his side, curled up almost into Arthur’s hip. The lantern light was low and gave a glow to his hair, and the finer details of his face were in the shadow of Arthur’s side. He seemed unphased by the sound outside and Arthur was thankful, after all they’d been through tonight Kenneth just needed to rest. 
Arthur turned back to his sketch and added the scratches that were scabbing over on Kenneth’s cheek, face cut by branches as he’d fallen into a pit and struggled to climb out. It had been horrifying, the second the road seemed to explode in front of them, crowing and hollering from the trees and their horses bucked them immediately. Arthur’s ears were ringing as he saw Kenneth get up and run into the trees, either running from the Murfees or at them and his heart stopped when Kenneth fell into the ground. Arthur had rolled to the other side of the road and stuck to a tree for cover, trapped by three in the road. They shouted at the others to chase after Kenneth and Arthur swore. He did his best shooting with only his revolver, his rifle and repeater still on his horse who was running the other way on the road. By the time he was running into the trees to follow Kenneth he saw three other Murfees circling the pit Kenneth was struggling to get out of, they had been teasing and sneering down at the young man he could hear spitting swears and threats. 
The flash from the explosion made it harder to see in the dimming evening light and the thick tree cover made it even harder. He shot at one, or at least hoped he had in order to give Kenneth a fighting chance. He could just hear shouting and swearing and the Murfees laughing like this was the most fun they could have tonight. 
Arthur had kept running to them, saw Kenneth pinned to the ground by one of the Murfees fighting him off and snarling up at the man. A second stood by laughing and Arthur shot him down. It startled the Murfee trying to cut into Kenneth enough that he sat up and Kenneth flipped them, pulled his knife and stabbed the man, over and over. 
Kenneth had been shaking and had such a wild look in his eyes, one of which was most likely to bruise, Arthur hadn’t seen it but he was sure he’d been hit. His face was scratched up and bleeding just a bit and his side was covered in mud. 
They had rode hard and fast out of there after they called their horses back and just ended up here, in need of a bath and a roof over their heads for the night.
Arthur looked down again when he heard a sharp inhale. Kenneth’s eyes fluttered open and he sat up quickly and winced at the movement, looking around the room as if he wasn’t sure where he was. 
“Hey now,” Arthur put his journal aside and hovered a hand behind Kenneth, wanting to touch his back but not wanting to startle him. “You’re alright,” he soothed and Kenneth looked at him, brown eyes wide and Arthur could just make out the start of the bruise around the left. 
Kenneth let out a heavy sigh and his shoulders dropped, relaxing and bringing his hands up to his face. 
“Shit,” Kenneth whispered and Arthur almost laughed. If the last few hours could be summed up with anything, it would be a soft and defeated ‘shit’ in a dingy hotel room. 
“Y’okay?” Arthur finally let his hand touch Kenneth’s back and he could feel the young man’s heart thundering in his ribs. 
Kenneth nodded and dropped his hands into his lap, staring ahead to the dwindling fire of the fireplace. 
“Just, felt like I was getting grabbed again.” Kenneth mumbled and wrapped his arms around himself, bringing his knees up to his chest. “That was, that scared the shit out of me Arthur.” He added quietly, as if he was ashamed of it. 
“Scared me, you falling like that. Explosion too, we’re lucky the horses made it out alive.” 
Kenneth nodded, “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost Eudora, I,” 
“She’s alright though, you are too.” He rubbed a gentle circle on Kenneth’s upper back and watched him breathe slowly, trying to calm himself. “Bruised up but you’re fine, always are.” Arthur grinned and Kenneth smiled, maybe even flushed a little if Arthur was seeing right. Kenneth slumped into Arthur’s side and Arthur easily put his arm around him, resting his cheek on the top of Kenneth’s head. 
They sat in silence for a while before Arthur glanced at the small clock on the bedside table. 
“C’mon, it’s 2am, go back to sleep.” Arthur sighed, rubbing his hand up and down Kenneth’s upper arm. 
Kenneth nodded and felt at his cheek again, the scratches were just that and there was no fear of scaring or anything too severe. Even still, Arthur was sure that the feeling of scratching up his face to clamber out of a trap was enough to shake Kenneth severely. 
“You too,” Kenneth nudged Arthur with his shoulder and Arthur huffed. “Serious, you need sleep too old man.” Kenneth grinned and Arthur scoffed but smiled. Kenneth settled back down, curled onto his side facing Arthur and watched as the man closed up his journal and safely tucked it into his satchel. 
“Hold me?” Kenneth whispered and Arthur nodded, opening his arms to hold the other man to his chest. Both of them sore and just barely comfortable in such a shamble of a room but safe and alive. And for now that was enough. 
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
Dating Diego Hargreeves Would Include....
This is a lot of headcanons for the lovely Diego before the events of The Umbrella Academy! I hope you enjoy! Let me know if any of you would like a one shot with him! 
Warnings: Cursing and Hargreeves Family Trauma TM
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Diego is unwilling to submit to anything he deems too vulnerable.
Part of that may be toxic masculinity but a majority of the fear of fragility stems from his upbringing.
Despite his hate for Reginald, he words still haunted him.
“There is no room for weakness, Number Two. Again!”
“Go to your room! Maybe you’ll find the words there!”
“Attention here, boy! Grace is not your mother!”
“Emotions are a distraction from the mission.”
Sometimes he would wake up in a cold sweat with vile phrases still echoing in his skull, pulling tears to his eyes before he could suppress them further.
So when Diego meets you, he tries his best to ignore you.
But you make that man so weak, he just can’t admit it to himself.
Your laugh makes his knees shake
Your smile makes his heart race
And he knows he should be ashamed of feeling so deeply for you,
At least that’s what his father would tell him.
Sadly, he sees you every few weeks thanks to his....line of work...
So he finds himself weak more than he would care to admit.
You work with Patch in the police department.
“Hargreeves! Good to see you again.”
“Likewise, L/N.”
He would said it with a scowl, but part of you knew he liked you.
“Whatcha do this time? Steal evidence? Punch a suspect?”
“None of your business.”
“Well, actually, I do work here.”
He would just scoff and roll his eyes.
But when you turn back to your desk, Diego's eyes are glued on you.
You work so hard, with your lips pursed and brow furrowed.
You’re so goddamn good and he can’t help but stare.
Then Patch walks in and you’re asking her a question, glancing over at Diego.
Most of the time, he’s able to tear his eyes away when you do.
But one time, he just can’t.
“So what did he...you okay?”
He’s still staring at you and you turn in your chair to face him completely.
Even Patch looks at him in confusion.
“Hargreeves?” Eudora snaps her fingers, but his attention is still trained on you.
“Diego?” You’re leaning over your chair, looking into his brown eyes.
They’re shining under the light and you feel your heart pounding in your chest as you take in his features.
“You alright?”
He’s not though.
You don’t see Diego for a while after that.
“Hey, Patch have you seen-”
“Your loverboy? No. He’s been quiet recently.”
In reality, Diego has been everything but quiet.
Punching walls, punching punching bags, punching anything really.
He works out until his legs shake and stays up so late that even his boss starts to worry about him.
Diego does everything in his power to distract himself from his thoughts of you.
He doesn’t let himself think about the day he first met you.
How you smiled at him as he was dragged off the crime scene.
He had winked at you, not knowing that he would fall for you.
Diego had fallen for you....
So one day, at around two in the morning, Diego breaks.
He calls home and prays Reginald is asleep.
He silently hopes that Luther is too far up his own ass to hear the phone ringing.
“Hello, this is the Hargreeves residence. May I ask who is calling?”
“Hi, Mom.”
“I...I can I talk to you?”
“Of course, dear. What do you want to talk about?”
He talks about you, never once saying your name for fear that Reginald is somehow listening in.
He tells Grace about how funny you are, even if you think you’re not.
He’s overheard some of the shit you say under your breath at the office.
He talks about your smile.
He talks about your eyes.
And before he can talk about the rest of you, it’s day break, the sun lighting his small room at the gym.
“Sorry for keeping you up, Mom.”
“Nonsense, Diego. I’m happy that you have found a special someone.”
“Thanks, M-Mom.”
He stutters when he’s scared, frightened.
He’s scared of loving you.
“Well, your father will be walking soon. Call again soon, Diego.”
“Sure Mom. Bye.”
While Diego is torturing himself to Hell and back, you really begin to worry about him.
“Has there been any reports about a man dressed in black?”
“Who? Batman?”
“No, Y/N, I’m sorry.”
The day was long and you were walking out of the office late.
You’re fishing for your keys when you feel someone grab your arm.
Instinct takes over and you elbow whoever was trying to grab you.
“Ow! It’s me!”
“Diego?” You push some hair away from your face, surprised that it was really him.
He was leaning over, an arm over his stomach and visibly in pain.
Yet, Diego is smiling nonetheless; he’s just so happy to see you again.
“You scared me! Sorry,” you began, rushing over to make sure he wasn’t hurt too bad.
Your hand is on his shoulder, warm and inviting as you ramble out more apologies.
Diego's eyes are on you the entire time, smiling as you keep going on and on about how you simply weren’t expecting him.
“Y/N,” he tried to break through your words but you weren’t listening.
So Diego swallows his fear and grabs your hands.
The contact curtails your speech and suddenly you’re looking into his eyes like the last time you had seen him.
“Hey, uh, do you w-want to get a drink?”
His question catches you off guard, but your grin is instinctual.
As he waits for your answer, you can’t help but take in his expression.
His plush lips are parted, tongue darting out to wet his lips nervously; his eyes are bright, even in the darkness of night; and you realized you had never seen Diego so skittish before.
“I would love to get a drink.”
“Good, I-I-”
“If you take off the leather,” you gesture to the straps still adorning his chest, your words making Diego chuckle.
“You don’t like it?”
“Oh, I do,” you say, following Diego to his car, “I just don’t think people in the bar will appreciate it as much as I do.”
The drive to the bar was nice, with light conversation about work and teasing Diego about his outfit.
The attitude shifts with you both begin to drink.
Diego doesn’t normally part take, but he needs to take the edge off.
You make him so weak, he feels the need to have alcohol to blame in place of himself if he makes a foolish decision.
“So where have you been?” You ask, taking a sip of your beverage.
“Busy,” Diego signs, not holding your gaze.
“You don’t like to share do you?”
“I just don’t,” Diego says, a bit more cold than he intended. “I mean, I would like to share, I just don’t…”
“Trust people?”
Diego only nods in response, thankful and in awe at your understanding.
You reach across the counter top, sitting at the edge of your stool as you place your hand on top of Diego's.
“You can trust me, Diego.”
He smiles, like really smiles and you swear it’s like sunshine.
A silence gather between the two of you and you have to stop yourself from leaning closer to him.
Tension is growing between you, nearly suffocating the two of you.
“Unless you like kill a puppy then I have to arrest you.” Diego chuckles at that.
“A true detective,” he teases, “good to know I’m safe.”
“Like you need me to protect you, knife boy.”
“Wow, you drunk already?”
Drinks after work became a Friday tradition.
One Friday night, you and Diego arrive at the bar to find it closed while the owners were on vacation.
“Well, what now?” You ask, turning to Diego with a questioning look.
“Find another bar?”
“But it won’t be the same!”
Diego couldn’t help but smile at your exclamation and your loyalty to the weekly ritual you both had created.
“Why are you smiling like that, huh?”
“I have some beer at my place,” Diego said before he could even think. He scratches the back of his neck as he gauges your reaction.
Your breath hitches and you stare into his warm brown eyes.
“Okay, so your place?” You ask once you find your voice again.
Diego takes you to the gym and you’re confused at first. But he leads you inside and you see the conditions he’s been living in since he was kicked out of the police academy.
“It’s so cold in here,” you grumble, rubbing at your arms.
“There’s a few blankets on the foot of the bed if you want them,” Diego calls out as he pulls two bottles from his mini fridge.
You plop yourself down on his bed, the only true piece of furniture in the room and wrap yourself in one of the warmer looking sheets.
“Here, this might help,” Diego says, handing you a bottle as he sits beside you.
You both sit on his bed in silence, the easy kind though.
The silence you had grown to love when it was shared with Diego.
Anything with Diego made your day better.
You sneak a glance out of the corner of your eye to look at him, only to find he’s already looking at you.
“Sorry, I uh, I don’t have people over.”
“It’s alright,” you say, nudging your shoulder against his. “I like your place it’s…..cozy.”
“Small,” he corrected with a chuckle, “it’s small.”
You set your beer on the floor beside his bed and shake your head.
“No, I mean yeah, it is, but it works. Could use some paint, but it’s home, right?”
Diego doesn’t respond.
He only stares at you with pure adoration in his eyes.
His heart his pounding in his chest but not because he’s scared or thinking about everything Reginald had ever told him about weakness…..
..….his heart is racing because he’s in love with you.
Carefully, Diego places his beer down and shifts on his bed so he’s facing you.
You swallow hard, noting how his eyes have darkened and his lips have part for shallow breaths.
“I-I,” he curses when he begins to stutter and almost starts to apologize when you place a hand on his cheek.
“Hey, look at me,” he does and he sees only softness. “Trust me.”
So, for the first time in his life, Diego relinquishes control and his harbored fear.
He lets you lean closer to him and press a light kiss to his lips.
Your thumb skirts over his cheekbone and you peck his lips again and again
Until Diego is pressing back, hands pawing at your waist like a touch-starved animal.
Soon you’re straddling his thighs, holding his scruffy jaw in your hands and kissing him as if you need him to survive.
His hands are on your waist, not relenting in his hunger for you.
When you finally part, Diego is breathless.
You nuzzle your nose against his, the action making him chuckle.
“Been waiting to do that,” he murmurs, trailing his hand from your waist and up your arm.
“You shouldn’t have waited,” you tease.
He wants to bite back, say something witty.
But instead, he moves his hand to your cheek and pulls you in for another kiss. 
After that night, you and Diego make your Friday tradition daily. Only minus the drinking.
You spend the night at his place, only when he feels comfortable with it.
Diego's a private person and you don’t want to intrude.
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, he’ll make breakfast for you in his tiny kitchen instead of going out to eat in the morning.
“Eggs? Again?”
“I thought you loved my cooking?”
“Diego, you only cook eggs.”
Investing in new kitchenware and spending days off learning new recipes.
“How about that chicken dish? It would be good after you work out.”
“You look after me so well.”
Watching him do said work out.
If he’s in a particularly lovey-dovey mood, Diego will do that push up thing.
You know, that cheesy push up thing.
You’re underneath him and reward him with a kiss after every push up; that thing.
You both secretly adore that thing.
Despite their history, Patch is supportive of this relationship.
“It seems much healthier than ours. I’m happy for you both.”
You never worry about your security system.
Learning about Diego's family in more depth that what was shared in the media.
“Your dad was a….”
“Prick? Yeah, I know.”
Holding him after nightmares.
He’ll wake up, chest heaving and sweaty until your arms are around his waist, pulling him back to reality.
Cleaning up cuts and wounds after he goes off gallivanting, beating up criminals.
“How does it feel?”
“How does what feel?” You ask, wiping the blood off his forehead.
Diego's hands find your hips, pulling you between his spread legs and you can feel his body heat.
“Taking care the outlaw? The very man you’re supposed to be rooting against….being an officer of the law.”
“I don’t do field work, Diego,” you joke back, “and it feels great knowing you’re here now and safe.”
He’s not one for PDA
That being said, Diego is always touching you in some way when you’re both out and about.
Hand on the small of your back
Arm over your shoulder
Even, if you’re really lucky, holding your hand in his.
He learns to ignore the thoughts of his upbringing and allows himself to hug you close.
He loves to bury his face in your neck and escape the world he had been so alienated from by his father.
Kissing you is his favorite thing next to his knife collection.
Speaking of knives, on his birthday (any other holiday too) you give him a new knife and a pack of bandages.
“It’s like you can read my mind, babe.”
“Maybe that’s my superpower.”
On your birthday, Diego surprises you.
You think that he’s forgotten your birthday because the day starts off so normal (egg breakfast, workout, etc.)
But, when you stop by his place after work, he’s spruced it up.
He’s hung new lights, bought flowers for the small table in the kitchen and he’s even wearing a red sweater.
You had bought him the bright sweater as a joke on Valentines day, but there he was now, wearing it with the biggest smile you had ever seen.
“Happy birthday.” He wraps his arms around you and holds you so close it almost pains him to let you go.
“And I got you this.”
It’s a necklace with a knife charm on it; badass and hella chic if I do say so myself.
Grace helped him pick it out
You don’t even really wear much jewelry due to your job but you make a point to wear it everyday. 
Stealing his black sweaters (because he just has so many)
He can’t help but smirk when he sees you in them.
One morning, you wake up before him and tug one of his dark sweatshirts over your head.
You’re trying to find something for breakfast, ideally something that isn’t eggs again, when Diego wakes up.
He sees you in his sweatshirt ,roaming about the small kitchen like you own it and looking in cabinets for something to eat.
You look so small to him, but Diego knows it’s deceiving.
You’re a force to be reckoned with and he adores that you’ve let him love you.
He really loves you.
So he says just that.
“I love you.”
You’re about to put some bread in the toaster when he says it.
You stop moving so you can turn to face him, blood rushing to your ears as your face blushes.
He holds your gaze, still laying in bed while you stand in the kitchen.
His head it propped up against his arm, the sheets pulled over his body but leaving his chest exposed.
Diego looks like a painting when he relaxed; tanned skin so soft and eyes like embers in the morning light.
“I love you,” he says again.
Not because he think you didn’t hear him.
He knows you did.
He says it again because he’s never meant something more.
It’s his heart raw, in all it’s weakness, as a big ‘fuck you’ to his father.
Diego Hargreeves loves you and isn’t afraid of his old man’s teachings anymore.
“I love you too.”
And that’s all he needs to hear.
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mychemicalxmen · 4 years
I'm writing a sitcom in my mind about the adventures of the Hargreeves Exes Support Group and now I’m gonna make it everyone else’s problem
-This is a world that is pretty much based on this hc and complaint with the tags of this one. 
-Basically, time works differently in the afterlife. Once you die, you can watch over any point forward from that date. Unless, of course, you’re following a time-traveler, like Ben to Klaus. But the rules are fast and loose and easily bent to meet whatever shenanigans are taking place. If this were a real fic or show, there would probably be a running gag about how flexible the rules are. But ghosts tend to watch things chronologically as to not get too mentally exhausted. -Also, there’s two levels. You can watch from afar - like, in some fantastical place within the Bike Girl’s Greyscale Hell Zone - or you can haunt on the same plane as living humans, like Ben and most of the ghosts Klaus can talk to do. Ghosts can move back and forth between the two.
So. Pilot. In an au where this scene did in fact happen in the Day That Was but Klaus still failed: -Klaus is still a little intoxicated when Diego is tying him up in the attic, and even if he wasn’t, it takes real effort to focus in on any one ghost. So he doesn’t see that Eudora’s been following Diego around all morning, shortly after her death, still pleading Diego to let go of his vengeance trip but gradually learning she’s powerless to get through to him. -So she watches helplessly, sitting on a box a few feet away, holding back tears as Diego and Klaus are having their heart-to-heart about the people they’ve loved and lost. -She suddenly glances up and sees another bitch with another bloody chest wound doing the exact same Manly Cry on the other side of the scene. -and it’s just
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-They make eye contact and Dave is a total deer in headlights. There is so much “what the fuck is your story” in both of their eyes but they wordlessly realize “now’s not an awesome time, I should just shut up and make sure my ex-boyfriend isn’t about to go ballistic, cool cool, but we’re definitely gonna talk later.”
-after that whole scene is wrapped, they finally meet somewhere, and their minds are running with “who the hell are you what the hell are our idiots doing what the hell is wrong with this family what is happening” 
-but what ends up coming out is “so........... how’d you get shot?” 
-and yeah. they get talking. they’re really fascinated with each others’ eras. they actually find a few odd little common interests. they keep hanging out more and more. and they really need someone to talk to about the impact left on them by this weird ass family. 
So. Ghost bros. 
-My first hc was like this, but they have a lil private screening room in the Greyscale Hell Zone where they chill out with snacks and watch life go by. And following the Hargreeves as they slowly cause the 2019 apocalypse is god awful to watch but so fun to bitch along to like it’s a bad sports game.  -Diego will throw himself through Harold’s window and Eudora will just grumble “you dumb slut” from within a fortress of cushions and then rant about this one really stupid and embarrassing thing he did in police academy one time and she’ll be deadpan furious and Dave won’t stop laughing through the entire story.
-Luther locks Vanya up even though all the siblings are like “please don’t do that” and Eudora and Dave are just screaming.
-After an eternity of pestering, Eudora reads Dune. Because, hell, she has the time now. In return, she makes Dave read the book that made her want to be a detective when she was in high school. Ghost Book Club, y’all. 
-I also alluded to this before, but Eudora keeps trying out Cool Modern Nicknames on Dave. He pretends to hate it. She especially loves D-Kat, pronounced “Dee Cat”. 
-Sometimes Dave will make the most ridiculously outdated reference or use the most absurdly 60′s slang and Eudora will drag him so hard over it. 
-Most of what I imagine is their salty-ass MST3K-style commentary on the second half of s1 and then s2.
-And of course, one day, a woman will appear at the door. She will have passed away at her wife’s side in 2013 after a long and happy life. She will be back in the form she embodied in her prime, curly blonde hair framing her youthful face, and see a female cop and an absolutely shredded soldier from two very distinct eras of her life, sitting in the dark eating Twizzlers.
-“Um.... hello? Sorry to barge in, uh, that little girl on the bicycle pointed me this way... not really sure why. I’m still tryin’ to get my bearings around this place.”
-“Ah shit, ‘Dora, we got another one.”
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truitt-story · 4 years
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10. Write a one-shot about your character’s family, involving 3 family members minimum. 
The Queen of Mardi Gras | One Shot
Or, three Mardi Gras celebrations with three versions of family
8 February 2005
It wasn’t every day your birthday fell on Mardi Gras.
Well, actually, Tiana’s birthday fell two days after Mardi Gras in 2005. The next time her birthday would actually fall on Mardi Gras was in 2032. Her 37th birthday. Now that was pretty crazy to think about.
But it would be pretty boring to have her birthday right as Lent was starting, and much more exciting to have a birthday on Mardi Gras. So Tiana had begged for a Mardi Gras birthday party, and James Truitt, who really had a hard time saying “no” to his only daughter, promised her exactly that. Eudora got to work on the perfect Queen of Mardi Gras dress and crown, Eudora’s church friends tore up NTO looking for decorations, and James finally, finally, agreed to teach Tiana how to make a king cake.
“One day, you’re gonna host your own Mardi Gras parties and make your own king cake. And now that you’re gonna be ten, I think you’re finally ready to learn,” he explained, rolling up his sleeves.
“Shouldn’t it be a queen cake? Since I’m the Queen of Mardi Gras?” Tiana asked, an edge of sarcasm in her voice. Being almost ten years old, she was beginning to get the sense that she was a little old for playing queens and princesses, but she still wanted the special day that was going to be all about her. And she definitely wanted to know how to make king cake. 
James chuckled, and that was how the two of them continued, teasing and snapping at one another as they stirred and kneaded and chopped and baked. Just as the cake finished baking, James pulled it out and grinned conspiratorially, producing a small porcelain baby from his pocket. “Now, you’d better not peek,” he said, and Tiana covered her eyes, though she peeked a little bit. She was the Queen of Mardi Gras. She thought she should be allowed.
13 February 2018
Sometimes Mardi Gras fell before your birthday, but it got lumped in with it anyway because you barely had time for two parties let alone one, between all the different jobs you worked. Tiana felt silly even prioritizing this when multiple people had texted her asking if she could take their shifts at Remy’s, but some things were sacred. Mardi Gras was sacred.
She was in the attic with Eudora that day, digging through the old Mardi Gras decorations, when she came across the crown and dress she wore on her tenth birthday party. “Hey Mama, look at this!” Tiana laughed, holding it up to see that, despite her short stature, there was absolutely no way she was fitting in that dress. “You really kept these all these years?”
Despite its age, though, it was still beautiful. White and glittery, covered in sequins and feathers. Tiana didn’t even know where her mother had found all of these embellishments-- she probably had to take a trip out to NTO just for the dress. It sparkled in the dusty attic light and Tiana was hit with a wave of nostalgia.
“Oh, you know,” Eudora shrugged. “Sometimes the kids in the Christmas pageant like to use it for the angel costume. But you can have it if you want it.” She smiled knowingly. “I know how you get attached to these old things.”
Tiana made a face. “I do not,” she muttered, setting it down. “I just thought it was nice you still had it.” But Eudora knew her too well. Despite Tiana’s pragmatic exterior, she was a sentimentalist at heart.
Just as her mother predicted, Tiana took the dress and crown back to her flat. She didn’t know what she’d do with it. Probably lend it out for the Christmas pageant like her mother did. But she just liked the way it hung in her closet. Fit for a queen.
16 February 2021
Tiana ran around the tiny kitchen of her new house, the room full of steam and warmth and the smells of cajun spices. Her housemates knew to tread carefully in the kitchen when she got like this, in her flow state. Tiana didn’t notice much else around her when she was cooking. Especially in a high stakes situation. The high stakes being, introducing her new housemates to Mardi Gras.
Gumbo was simmering on the stove. King cake was baking in the oven, the same little porcelain doll carefully waiting on the countertop for when the cake finished. And there was one more thing...
She remembered as she saw Willa toddle into the kitchen, having broken the “avoid the kitchen while Tiana’s cooking” rule. “Wait right here,” Tiana told her, running upstairs to her room and rummaging through the closet to find what she was looking for. 
It was going to be way too big for her. Willa was just over a year old, and the crown had been designed for a ten-year-old (even if a very short ten-year-old). But they had to crown a Queen of Mardi Gras.
She found Ella and Aurora and told them to meet her in the kitchen. And once Tiana had the royal court gathered, she pulled out the crown from behind her back.
“So, there’s one thing I almost forgot,” Tiana said, smiling and thinking about all the years that had passed. And how much the tradition had meant to her as a child. “We have to crown a queen of Mardi Gras. What do you think, Willa?”
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rustic-space-fiddle · 5 years
The Umbrella Academy City police force is completely useless without Eudora and here is evidence that I am correct and they are dumb
They arrested Diego [for the suspicionof the murder of Eudora Patch] based on two pieces of evidence: 1) his fingerprints were found at the crime scene, and 2) he and Eudora used to argue a lot.
This is stupid.
The two pieces of evidence could easily be used to bring him in for questioning, but they hauled him in like he was already convicted for the crime. The amount of police they rounded up just arrest this one fool is SO STUPID.
I HAVE ISSUES with some of this evidence.
For one thing, they must have some high-tech fingerprint collector/scanning technology because as far as I could tell, the only thing in that room that Diego touched with his bare hands was Eudora’s face and coat, and maybe the floor. The floor is carpet, so they definitely coudn’t get fingerprints off that. DNA? Yes. Fingerprints? No. What about her face? Given the mixture of oils that already exists on people, especially on their faces, it would be EXTREMELY difficult to pull off a fingerprint intact enough to incriminate him. Again, DNA? Possibly, yes. But fingerprints? Possible, but unlikely. As for her coat, far more likely. possible. I’ll give that to them. But “all over the crime scene”? Shut up, no they were not. BS.
Their second piece of evidence is barely credible, almost moot. They argued a lot? So do a lot of people, especially if they’re talking to Diego. Granted, one could argue that the fact that they’d dated in the past and he clearly still had some feelings to throw in her direction could be seen as a motive, but despite arguing, they didn’t seem to be in an unhealthy relationship.
WEAPON USED. Since when has Diego ever used guns? Even on vigilante work were the opponent has a gun and drops it, Diego doesn’t grab it up and use it. He uses knives and hand-to-hand combat exclusively, as a rule. “Real men throw knives.” Given the knowledge that Diego had been arrested for vigilante justice in the past, they should have almost immediately ruled him out when they found out that it was a GSW.
LOCATION/PERSONEL ON PREMISES. This is a shady af motel. People die at shady motels all the time. That’s already a hazard. If they asked the fella at the front desk even two questions, they would have learned that Eudora showed up asking to search the place, with evidence that TWO DANGEROUS INDIVUALS WERE STAYING THERE. She had the evidence with her to prove that she went there on mission. The guy at the front desk has no obligation to withhold information about her searching from them because she was not a guest at the hotel and therefore did not fall under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule, it was the investigation of a murder (the murder of a police officer, no less), and given that the hotel was now a crime scene, they would not need a warrant. They would also learn that the room in question had been rented out by TWO PEOPLE named Cha-Cha and Hazel, which immediately sound like code names even to the untrained ear, especially when spoken together. This then begs the question: where are said Hazel and Cha-Cha? (This isn’t even the only question that would be asked afterward—its just the most absolutely frickin obvious.) They aren’t there? FIND THEM. GET A DESCRIPTION, AND FIND THEM.
RECENT SHOOTINGS. ...did they forget that they had at least two shooters on the loose? Shooters with no self control and kiddie masks? Why did they not connect the dots? Eudora goes in looking for two people, finds a room used by two people, gets shot, and then those two people go missing. WHAT A COINCIDENCE.
THE CRIME SCENE ITSELF. Here’s what they see: Eudora, on her back, about halfway between the open door behind her and the open bathroom in from of her. Her gun on the ground. A pool of blood beneath her. The open grate near the bed. These are all just the basic “oh look I have eyes” things that they can see. Upon closer inspection (aka their fricking job), they would see: A CHAIR WITH REMNANTS OF DUCT TAPE AND BLOOD ON IT. BLOOD ON THE TABLE FROM KLAUS BANGING HIS FACE ON IT. BLOOD ON THE OPEN GRATE. A BULLET HOLE EITHER IN THE WALL NEAR THE BATHROOM, OR A BULLET ON THE FLOOR (we see blood pouring out her front, despite being shot in the back, so it must’ve punched all the way through). EVIDENCE THAT TWO PEOPLE DID LIVE THERE (slightly less because the cleaning lady got in, and they did try to keep their footprint small, but sTILL). TO ANYONE WITH A BRAIN, IT IS CLEAR THAT THERE IS MORE TO THIS CRIME SCENE THAN MEETS TWO SECONDS OF LOOKING AT IT.
EUDORA SPECIFICALLY. They found her on her back, because Diego rolled her onto her back from her front after finding her. By that time, she was already dead and had been for several minutes. What happens when you die? Your heart stops, which means blood stops pumping. Judging by her position is relation the blood pool and her GSW, the amount of blood beneath her vs the amount of blood on her front, and it’s clear she was rolled over. By whom? Well, they said they found Diego’s fingerprints, so we’re going to assume (since they seem to like presumptions) that it was Diego. Alright, we’ve figured that out. Now, let’s say that she was still laying on her front. The bullet hit her in the back and went through her front, so the shoot her was behind her. However, judging by her gun on the floor and the direction she was facing, one could conjecture that she was focused on another target, one that prevented her from noticing the threat behind her. Was that target Diego? Could’ve been, but even though Eudora would tase him without question, people don’t often pull guns on people they know. It’s still possible, however, so I’ll let them have it. Going back to the idea that Diego rolled her over: why would he do that? To steal her badge? Her gun? Both were still there, so no. Motives are unclear, but it still doesn’t prove that he killed her.
GUNSHOT RESIDUE. This would take longer, and they would have to bring him in for questioning in order to get this information, but this idiot never takes off his suit. Wipe him down to gunshot residue. Didn’t find any? Darn. Looks like you jumped to the wrong conclusion. I won’t hold this on them, simply because they didn’t have a lot of time (apocalypse, duh), but lets pretend that this is a TV show with TV show time and that the testing would take like two hours or something. Of course, they’d still have to bring Diego in for questioning, but that’s not arresting him. That’s just how investigation works. We’ll ignore this because mostly i want to focus on the stuff once could figure out with just a couple hours of legitimate thought.
BASICALLY, what I’m sayin is that they arrested on Diego on some of the thinnest evidence on the planet. A child appearing out of a blue wormhole and telling me that he’s 58 trapped in a 13-year-old body is EONS more believable than the spiderweb threads they bagged Diego on. It’s absolute bull crap, and Eudora would be ashamed of them for such shoddy police work.
Also, to the one cop who literally said “You killed a cop, a**hole!”: You are stupid and unprofessional and I cannot believe they gave you a loaded weapon. You are not an investigator, you are the large man they get to haul people in. You are not even smart enough to figure out who done it in the first place, so you got a lot of guts throwing around such slanderous phrases as “you killed a cop”. Either shut the eff up and read the man his rights, or turn in your badge and gun and go watch the soap operas you so obviously wish you were in.
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