#i would die for you ((klave))
softforklave · 7 months
Are you still into Klave?
They will always have a special place in my heart. TUA is the fandom I have been in the longest (like actively in one sitting), and klave is currently the only ship I have ever written for. And I have met some wonderful people here which has definitely helped me stay on for so long.
But the hyperfixation started to die a bit before s3, and I was hoping the next season would reignite the passion, but I wasn't super happy with how it turned out, so it died altogether. And with no Dave, staying on the Klave train was hard. While I was feeling lost and empty without a show, suddenly The Sandman came along and then WWDITS, Good Omens, Our Flag and Interview with the Vampire, GoT, MDZS, AoT, and now JJK has swept me off my feet and I cannot get up haahahah
Season 4 is coming in the summer so I am hoping it will get me back into it, and that Dave is there and klave gets a proper ending. But we will see!
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sees-ghosts · 5 years
tiny tag dump. 
(look at me trying to be organized lol)
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gatoplanet · 3 years
Are you doing little Klave requesty drabbly things? 🥺👉👈
How about the conversation in the bar, just before *that* kiss… (and then the kiss, obvs). 😘😘
“Would’ve expected you to be a closed door type of fella.” Klaus swishes the beads aside with the hand not holding his drink, does a little spin through the gap he makes for himself. “Full of surprises, David.”
The beads swing back into Dave’s shoulder as he follows Klaus into the alcove. “You are impossible.”
“Mm,” Klaus murmurs, grabbing Dave’s belt loop and - and going for his zipper, for heaven’s sake, “you don’t know the half-“
“Klaus,” Dave says, very softly. “What are you doing?”
Klaus freezes. “I’m sucking your dick?”
“Not in the middle of the bar, you’re not.”
Klaus blinks. “But - why are we back here?”
“It was loud,” Dave says. “I couldn’t hear you.”
“You couldn’t hear me.”
“Can you hear me?”
“I think so.” Klaus got Dave up against the wall, somehow, so he steps to the side, leans back next to him, shoulder to shoulder. And then he ducks in, says, “Can ya hear me now?”
“Loud and clear.”
“Good.” Klaus grins, takes a sip of his whiskey. “God, I’m so funny in fifty years.”
“Dunno if your word’s especially reliable, there.”
“Such doubt.” Klaus smiles down into his glass, and when he looks back up at Dave, he’s still got laughter in the lines around his eyes. “We can go back out, if you want. I wasn’t really saying anything.”
“M’fine back here. Unless you want to.”
“Nah. Not my scene. Maybe if I were on the clock, but like, not gonna set up a stall in somebody else’s market, if you know what I mean. I really hope you don’t know what I mean. This is why it’s better when you can’t hear me talking.”
“I love hearing you talk,” Dave says, and because he, too, has been sipping whiskey, in the aftermath of shooting whiskey, he follows that up with, “I love you.”
Klaus says, “No you don’t.”
The smart thing to do would be to agree. Brush it off, go back to their motel and get his dick sucked in private, pretend not to remember this conversation in the morning. Instead, Dave says, “Yes I do.”
“You are so drunk,” Klaus says, and then he laughs, like he’d forgotten to find it funny at first.
“Yeah,” Dave says, “I am. I’m drunk and I love you.”
“Baby.” Klaus usually only says ‘baby’ when Dave’s actively touching his dick. “You don’t even know me.”
“Sure I do.” Dave turns so his shoulder’s resting against the wall. It lets him look at Klaus properly, the easy arch of his back, the sliver of skin between his shirt and his trousers. The expression on his face. “Klaus, you’re my favorite person I’ve ever met.”
“We gotta introduce you to some better people.”
“I want you to know,” Dave says. Train’s left the station on this one, it looks like. Full speed ahead. “I want - before I die, I want you to know I love you.”
“Dave.” Klaus has his glass in his hand, but he hasn’t taken a drink in a while. “Honey, that’s not gonna happen. We’re gonna get you out of here.”
“Don’t gotta say it back.” Dave is touching Klaus’s face, his fingers in his soft curls. They’re still in the middle of the bar. It feels like they’re on another planet. It always does, when Klaus looks at him. “I just want you to know. That’s all.”
“You fuckin’ - okay.” Klaus tips his cheek into Dave’s palm. “Okay, baby. You can love me.”
“Well, gee, thanks for the permission.”
Dave meant it to be a joke, or at least to make Klaus stop looking like he just got a diagnosis. He can usually make Klaus laugh. Sometimes he can’t, but that’s fine. He’s worked out a good plan b.
Klaus tastes like the whiskey they’ve been drinking. It’s good whiskey. Klaus is a good kisser. He has been from the first time they tried it, tucked away in the jungle a month after Klaus dropped out of the sky, his skinny body wrapped up in Dave’s arms. There’s more muscle on him now. He’s so strong. So beautiful.
“Sorry,” Dave says into his mouth.
“Please don’t be sorry.” Klaus kisses him again, hovers close even after they break apart. “I really - I really don’t want you to be sorry.”
“Good,” Dave says, “‘cause I’m not.”
“Can you say it again?”
“I love you. I’ll say it as many times as you want. Again?”
“I love you.”
Klaus makes a tiny wounded noise and kisses Dave again. He slips his arms around Dave’s shoulders, at which point there’s a crash down by their feet.
“Oh,” Klaus says, and he giggles with his nose pressed to Dave’s jaw. “Fuck, uh. Oops.”
Dave drops his glass. It doesn’t break, but the whiskey in it splashes up onto the leg of his khakis.
“Holy shit.” Klaus keeps laughing, leans his weight into Dave’s chest. Dave kisses his cheekbone, the corner of his eyebrow. “Baby, we gotta bail.”
“I know a door we can close,” Dave says, and Klaus kisses him one more time before they haul each other back out through the beads.
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spookyfbi · 3 years
Klave doing karaoke - which songs do they serenade each other with? (Klaus would totally sing Kiss From A Rose.)
Hi Anon, sorry this has taken so long to answer, I haven’t been feeling well lately. I just looked up the lyrics and I can definitely see Kiss From a Rose from Klaus. Dave picks I Love You Baby by Frank Sinatra because those lyrics were definitely his thoughts in the bar scene as he’s trying desperately to flirt with Klaus and get his attention. Especially the ‘And I thank God I’m alive’ part because he signed up to war to die but he’s so glad he lived long enough to meet Klaus.
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theseance1968 · 4 years
If you could write one Klave scene for s3, what would it be like?
So I decided to just write out a scene. It’s kinda long, so I’m putting it under the cut: 
Klaus paced outside of the bookstore. He stopped to peak into the windows, using his hands to shield around his eyes to get a better look. He could only make out the vague image of rows of bookshelves. He sighed. He saw the ad for today’s event in the local paper and made the impulsive decision to go. Not that his siblings would even notice his absence. Why would they start now? Although, now that he was here, he inwardly wished Ben were still around to nag him and talk him out of it.
With a forceful sigh, he pushed open the door. Right in front of him stood a temporary floor sign. “Live Reading! In the Beast’s Belly By David Katz,” it read. Klaus gulped at the words. Maybe it wasn’t his Dave? Really, there could be hundreds of Dave Katz in the world. He was sure the book title was a coincidence. But he had to see for himself.
It had already started and he followed the steady voice to the back corner where chairs had been set up. The voice was old, but familiar. The chairs were mostly filled in, so Klaus took a seat in the very back, not wanting to disrupt the reader. When the man saw Klaus sit down, he visibly startled, but then put his nose back in the book and continued reading.
“…but perhaps my outlook on the world really changed on February 21st, 1969. Our camp was ambushed and, as someone on the front line, I had to put my nose in the dirt. In the dirt of hill 689 to be exact.” He paused to look directly at Klaus, a slight grin spread across his lips. Klaus gasped at the sight of him. He could barely believe it, but this was his Dave. Same sparkling blue eyes, same charming smile. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he listened.
“A week before I enlisted, I was approached by a man who claimed to be a psychic.” Klaus’ breath hitched. He was talking about him. “He claimed he knew me in another life, in another timeline where we fought together in the war. He told me I would die on that hill. And, in a way, he was right.”
He paused to look at Klaus again, more directly. Klaus could only blink at him from his seat now too far away. “The horrors I experienced on that hill changed me forever. It changed the way I viewed the world around me. The injustices I was a part of, that I chose to be a part of and meekly accepted when I should’ve questioned. I didn’t survive that hill, I simply escaped it, leaving an old part of me there. I left the army as soon as my tour was over and moved to New York to join the Civil Rights Movement. I continue to fight to correct the wrongs I grew up believing were a normal part of our world.”
There was generous applause as he closed the book. The crowd stuck around to ask questions. Dave answered all of them courteously and with patience, but it was clear his mind was elsewhere. When the crowd finally started to clear out, Klaus found himself standing and walking towards him. It was like he wasn’t in control of his own legs, and then suddenly he was right before him.
They stared at each other for a moment. The laughter lines were settled deeply in Dave’s face. His posture was a little slumped but he seemed well. Especially since Klaus estimated him to be about 80 at this point.
“Hi,” Dave said with a smile.
Klaus shuddered. “Hi,” he responded. There was a long pause. “It seems, uh, it seems I was wrong.”
Dave laughed. “Were you not listening?”
Klaus sighed into a laugh. “No, I was. But I was still wrong, and thank God for that.” He laughed again.
“Yeah,” Dave sighed. He studied Klaus’ face with a smile. If he didn’t believe Klaus was a psychic time traveler before, he definitely does now. His face was the same as the day he told him not to enlist. “You know, I was hoping you would show up,” he told him.
Klaus raised his eyebrows as if to ask, “What?”
“To the base. I was hoping you would show up and fight with me, like you said you did before.”
Klaus nodded, a little pained. “I’m surprised I didn’t, but you know, we did fuck up the timeline substantially.”
“My family and I,” Klaus clarified and Dave made an “aha” face. “Yeah, we messed a lot of things up, but clearly some good came out of it,” he gestured to Dave’s presence.
“Yeah, definitely,” Dave agreed. There was another pause and then Dave got serious for a moment. He moved a half step closer to Klaus and lowered his voice a bit. “I just want you to know that I came out. And I found someone to grow old with, his name was Adam.”
Klaus faltered a little bit at this, but quickly recovered. “Adam?”
Dave smiled at his name. “Yes, he was a fighter. We were happy, and I have you to thank. You gave me that courage.”
Klaus couldn’t help the tears welling in his eyes. Miraculously, none fell as he replied, “Well, you’re welcome for that.”
Dave looked at him a little coyly. “But, you know, I never forgot that face of yours.”
Klaus laughed. As he looked down at his feet, he was sure a tear fell. He took in a shuddering breath.
He was suddenly overcome with a million swirling thoughts. It hit him just then that there was a timeline or universe or other world, whatever you want to call it, that Dave lived. He grew old and happy and in love. He had a career and spirit and support. He made a change and a name for himself. It was a world where he didn’t need Klaus.
Klaus’ face journey as he thought these things were obvious to Dave. “Klaus? Is something wrong?” He asked.
Klaus just slightly shook his head side to side. He audibly gulped before saying, “Nothing, just, uh.” His eyes shifted to the books on the table next to them. He quickly picked one up and opened to the title page. “Could I get an autograph?” He asked with a sad laugh. Dave laughed as well and obliged.
“To Klaus: Keep fighting. You never know when you’ll meet your own hill. Love, Dave.”
Klaus held the book up to his heart. Love, Dave. He thanked him before starting to back away.
“I’ll see you around, Klaus.”
Klaus nodded and then let his legs lead him out of the bookstore. He took in a huge gulp of air as soon as he was outside and let it out in a shuddering sob. His heart was pounding in his chest. He was unsure of what to make of this experience. He didn’t know what to do or where to go, he just knew he needed someplace to sit.
Love, Dave.
He found a park bench and plopped down. He let the tears flow as he pulled out the dog-tags that were sitting on his chest under his shirt. He stared at the name. The weight of the metal was as heavy as the book on his lap. He cried and cried, wondering if this was his hill.
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bigassheart · 4 years
So, lately I’m seeing a bit of frustration in the TUA fandom directed towards Klaus/Dave fans. Not a ton, mind you. From what I’ve seen the past month or so, the fandom has been incredibly positive and excited and it has been such a lovely place to be. (Every now and then I see posts where people complain about all the negativity and I have to scroll through 10 pages of happy, excited fans to find one post where people are upset about anything. Calm down, guys. We’re in the good place right now.) That being said, there was one post I saw that I do want to comment on. 
The post was something along the lines of: Klave fans just think the entire show should revolve around their ship. 
Now, while I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Klaus/Dave fans would very much enjoy a show that revolved entirely around their ship (wouldn’t all shippers?), I don’t think anyone honestly expects the show to do so, or even for Klaus’s entire story to revolve around Dave. Or at least if there are those folks out there, they’re few and far between. Most of us don’t need that reality check about what the show is or will be. We just like playing in the hypothetical sandbox of fanfics, headcannons, and episode predictions. It’s fun. 
That being said, it’s not unrealistic to expect or want Dave to be part of season 2. This man was the love of Klaus’s life, who he saw die in a horrible, horrible way. Klaus loved this man so much that he followed Dave onto the front lines of a war he KNEW did not turn out well for US soldiers. He kicked a 17 year drug habit just to see him again. He is still wearing Dave’s dog tags all the way up to the second apocalypse. Klaus’s live may not revolve around Dave, but Dave is still a HUGE part of Klaus’s life. It’s not unrealistic to expect the writers to address this issue again. It’s not unrealistic to expect some kind of reunion when they drop Klaus into a time period where Dave is alive and well and potentially about to get drafted for a very bloody war that Klaus knows he will die in. 
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The post where I try to fix Klaus’ arc in TUA season 2
(((I guess I just am an umbrella academy blogger now)))
OKAY, so we all can agree that Klaus’s arc in season 2 (mostly with dave) was....not great. the intentions i think were good, but misguided. It started pretty good, the acting was great, but it didn’t have the lasting power. Here’s 10 things the writers should have done differently, or should do in the future (as told by me, a nobody). Yes most of this is a long Klaus x Dave shitpost 
1. Learn Basic Math:   Idk why this is so hard to fucking grasp, but Dave’s baby-faced teenager age doesn’t make any fucking sense. according to the wiki, he was born in 1939, so in 1963 he is 24 years old. the actor who played young Dave is currently 20, so was probably 19 when they filmed. 
Why? why. *instert why vine*
like yeah he’s younger, but he doesn’t need to look like a infant. The baby-est gay that ever did baby gay. it puts a weird dynamic into the whole season with Klaus. and it’s not like there isn’t someone else who can play dave....
2. Hire Cody Ray Thompson again:  ....like, I’m baffled. they’ve baffled me. This guy had one(1) job, fall in love with Klaus, and he did it with so much charm and chemistry that the whole fanbase is still quaking. he had like 2 lines. like less 3 total minutes of screen time. And we all fell in love with him cause he did so good. ((he’s also a klave stan check out his twitter))
Whyyyy couldn’t they just get him in for season? “hE’d LoOk ToO OlD” well the other kid looked too damn young. do his hair different, have him lose some bulk in the arms and shoulders, get him a k-pop skin care routine, I don’t care.
Imagine if he got to have multiple scenes with Robert Sheehan, when they had so much chemistry in just a short montage in season 1.
3. Knock it off with the homophobia: i’m not gonna talk about when Dave punches klaus it’s literally the worst part of the season. it’s not what i came here for. I want a refund. (see point 7 for notes)
4. Actually make the cult a useful part of the season: like we have hundreds of adoring klaus fans ready to do anything he tells them… could that have served a plot purpose at any point? Could that have been useful in a conflict, or some character development? No?
5. Establish the Ben possessions much earlier: probably one of the most interesting plot points from season 2 is that ben had more agency. And then 5 minutes later he didn’t. I know we have 7 main characters but did we need this many scenes with the Handler while Ben got diddly fuck until the last 2 episodes? 
6: Why Doesn’t Klaus see ghosts anymore?: like, he sees Ben. but, what about all the other ones? He got sober, does he just ignore them now? ((guys what if he conjured the spirit of JFK)) 
7: (this one’s long) Make Klaus’s arc about internal conflict, not an external conflict between him and Dave:  
Klaus is established in season 1 to be selfish, but in like a fun way. he thinks of self satisfaction before literally anything else. this comes to a head when he comes back from Vietnam and says “He was the only person I’ve ever loved more than myself” 
After this Klaus’ growth is kind of put on the back-burner for the apocalypse stuff. We never really get to see him put someone else first after that. Even when he gets sober to see Dave, it’s to fulfill his own desires. 
By season 2 his world view has shifted, he gets sober, but we need more actions toward change. he gets bored of the cult and ditches them, and he barely does anything for Ben.
(selfish but lovable)
Enter tall hunky texas boy Dave, (((who is an adult man))) who is in the closet from his homophobic family, but it’s not spelled out for us. It could be as subtle as a look, or saying a coded phrase. The audience isn’t interested in the macro-drama of 1960’s homophobia, we are interested in the micro-drama between these two characters.
Anyway, Klaus is excited to see Dave, and they like meet and have a normal conversation, where it is eventually revealed that Dave is already planning on joining the marines soon. Klaus wants to stop him but then he realizes (or Ben tells him) that if Klaus says the wrong thing (like telling Dave not to go to war) it would change the timeline and they would never meet in 1968. And for the next couple EPISODES i want Klaus to have to think about this, like it’s an actual hard decision to make. He’s a creature of habit, his instincts are selfish because he’s always been selfish, but he loves this guy so much. 
Maybe he tries bargaining, like maybe he can subtly tell Dave just enough to keep him alive, but not stop him from going to Vietnam. And Dave is rightfully confused that this person knows a lot about him, but also like… he’s kinda cute. I want weird coffee shop dates and long walks through the texas fields in the setting sun.  
But right at the deadline of “we gotta stop the apocalypse again” Klaus realizes that he can’t let Dave go to Vietnam, even if it means they never meet. Cause he loves dave like way too much to even risk it, even if it means putting his own happiness second. It’s the first truly selfless act of love Klaus does for someone. So he tells him everything, but it sounds fucking bat-shit insane and Klaus has to leave right then and there. Leaving Dave standing there like “Wtf”
Later on after the Kennedy assassination, klaus and all the hargreeves’ are named as suspects, so Dave wonders if he’s just been duped by a cult leader this whole time (but also is kinda sad about it). He enlists in the marines anyway, and this is where we stay on the season one timeline.
But speaking of time-lines…….
8. Use season 3 to retcon timeline issues: like obviously they are going to fuck around with the timeline, because of the fucking bird school and emo ben. So take this opportunity, dear writers, to figure out how Klaus’s (and everyone else’s) lives make any sense, and cut some stuff from the season 1 and season 2 timelines. (and no, Klaus and Dave never falling in love in Vietnam is not a valid choice. It’s a garbage way to make me cry.)
9: Set a whole (or most of an) episode in 1968 Vietnam: maybe this is when they are trying to fix the timeline. Idk it’s just for fanservice. They have a whole 10 episodes and they can’t give just one to klaus? bullshit.
10. (Fan Theory) Reveal that Dave was killed by the commission: the true tragedy of this romance is that if Dave lived Klaus probably wouldn’t have gone back to 2019. They might have actually lived a happy life together. But the timeline needs Klaus in 2019, to be part of and die in the apocalypse, so the commission sends someone (.....maybe not Five) out to kill his boyfriend. 
Anyway it took me so many braincells to write this post and i do not accept criticism for free, so dm for my paypal if you want to tell me this was stupid.
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wireless-telegraph · 3 years
for the fandom asks, ofc i’m gonna have to say tua 👀
1. The first character I first fell in love with
Probably Klaus? Five hadn't stepped onto screen yet, and I loved Klaus's aesthetic from the get go. Robert Sheehan's also one of the few actors I was familiar with prior to this series (loved Misfit). 2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now Luther. The more I thought about his character and potential for character development the more I fell in love with him. In addition, high int-low wis characters I have a particular soft spot for. 3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t
I don't know if there's a character I particularly dislike that everyone else loves? In part bc the characters I dislike are ones that everyone universally dislikes (Reggie, Harold, Carl). 4. The character I love that everyone else hates
Luther. I still see some anti-luther stragglers from Season one. In addition, there's Lila Pitts and Allison Hargreeves. Absolutely stellar and amazing characters. But there are people who are vocally against them for reasons that literally make no sense if you actually watch and care about the source material. 5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer
I haven't fallen out of love for a character. 6. The character I would totally smooch
Allison Hargreeves. She's such an amazing woman. Her charm is through the roof, nevermind she could wear a garbage bag and somehow make it look couture. 7. The character I’d want to be like
This is not the fandom for this question. 8. The character I’d slap
Reggie is a clear choice. If i could do it without being killed on sight, I would. That said, I’d love to give all of Team Zero a good shaking.
9. A pairing that I love Yes hello. I am in love with Almond (Ray makes me swoon. Their ride or die mentality makes me yell. I love it.), Liego (Affectionate bantering with a side of moments of vulnerability is my favorite ship dynamic), and Klave (what is more romantic than the potential of a ghost boyfriend??) equally for different reasons, but I also very much adore Author (Autumn x Luther). I’ve fleshed out Autumn’s character and created a dynamic for them that i absolutely would have loved to see in show. 10. A pairing that I despise The Hargreeves x each other. No no no no no. Bad for obvious reasons (pseudo-incest is still incest). But especially for anyone paired with Five (outside of Delores). He’s physically a minor.
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sunriseseance · 4 years
12, klave?
12. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
Dave can still hear the bullet whistling past his ear. He can still hear Klaus's anguish as it grazed his back, cut deep, but missed him. When he let's his mind wander, as he sits in the med facility, he feels the dread, the assumption that it hit right between Klaus's eyes, that when he turned around he'd see his lover dead on the jungle floor, body reduced to just that--a body. It all comes back.
It doesn't have to. Really. Klaus is lucky as always, and Dave is not opposed to scars. Though he worries this one might always make him sick to his stomach.
Klaus could've died in the days after, too, as they crawled through the jungle, short on supplies and time to worry about a festering wound. Dave saw the quiet pain, and hid his own when Klaus promised he'd had worse.
Should've known Klaus would never die of something like a bullet to the head. No, has to be a selfless sepsis so they can keep treating Wesson on the off chance he can survive losing a leg on Ho Chi Mihn trail. Except he did. Wesson survived, and Klaus is okay. Hooked up to an iv full of penicillin, resting in a medical bed, trapped. All things Klaus hates. He is alive, though. Every time Dave checks.
At some point, Dave falls asleep. He dreams of being an astronaut, on Mars, of not being able to find the blood in the dirt because it's all so goddamn red. There's a tap on his left shoulder. Another. Which doesn't make sense, he's alone on the planet. Alone.
When he wakes, it's not with a startle like Klaus. It's slow, sleepy, confused. Confused because Klaus should not be our of bed, not back in his uniform, and certainly not grinning. But he is.
"This a good idea?" Dave asks, because he knows Klaus like he knows the lines on Klaus's palm.
"I think I've probably had worse." Klaus sits next to him, favoring the left shoulder. He doesn't look any more pale than usual, but maybe a bit more weary.
"Do they know you're leaving?" Dave wants to grab Klaus's hand, rub his thumb gently until the fear that haunts Klaus always, but now especially, leaves.
"I did it all above the table, Soldier, don't you worry." His voice shakes, but he isn't lying.
"Think you can walk back to the barracks?"
"Dave, I'm okay. I can walk. And I am really, really good at swallowing pills so the goddamn horse antibiotics they stuck on me, I promise, will do their job. I just don't like hospitals."
Who does?
"Why not?" Dave says, standing up and offering Klaus a hand. It isn't necessary, but it is an excuse to touch him. Klaus accepts.
"They always feel, I dunno, haunted. So many people die in em." Klaus stumbles a bit, he is Klaus after all, and ends up leaning on Dave's chest. Dave wants more.
"You think you could stand it for a few more minutes? You can say no." He's taken to saying that whenever possible.
Klaus gets a shock of lightning in his eyes. His goddamn green eyes. Dave was absolutely fated to this from the start.
"Why? What do you have in mind?"
When Dave's eyes flit to Klaus's lips (left side of the cupids bow slightly taller than the right, a rosy pink color) he finds a smirk waiting for him.
"I saw this, uh, weird single person bathroom. Thought maybe we could investigate it. Together."
The smirk turns into a smile. Dave isn't smooth like Klaus. No good at sneaking around. No good at lies. Still.
"Mm. That does sound suspicious. Lead the way." Klaus stands so close that Dave thinks they may as well be touching. It's risky. Oh well.
Klaus hasn't even pulled the door on the bathroom shut before Dave kisses him. He can't resist. There's one hand missing from his hair, and he'd worry if it weren't for the hot, passionate way Klaus was kissing back, grabbing onto the nape of his neck. Then he hears the lock slide, they're safe, he thanks God for someone as smart, as dynamic as Klaus. The left hand, joins the first in Dave's hair, before Klaus let's out a sharp breath into Dave's mouth, and the hand falls to his waist.
Right. Dave almost lost him.
He kisses harder.
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friendofhayley · 4 years
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This one’s a little late because I’ve just started work again this month! Thank you again to all the fandom content creatures for giving us an escape. Here are the best fics I read in August and they’re all bangers. This rec includes 13 fics from the One Direction, Teen Wolf, and Umbrella Academy fandoms. The starred ones are fics I would drop in front of your door if I was your cat.
Larry (One Direction)
1. Naked Attraction by reader_chic_2 | reality tv au - Louis is basically a pixie dream guy - rock star Harry - true love - 12k
Louis Tomlinson was the only gay and unfortunate staff member chosen to step in for one of the six possible partners when someone dropped out. He hated working there, and he definitely didn't want to agree, but it was too good of an offer to be turned down. Nothing would come out of it, surely, and they even agreed to keep his identity a secret.
That all changed when famous singer Harry Styles walked out. Louis had no idea who he was, and Harry liked that about him.
2. thick alpha (series) by @eeveelou | a/b/o - Louis just wants to take care of his man and that includes kink hijinks - emotional hurt/comfort - chubby kink - 3+ parts
Louis loves Harry's body from the first moment he sees him. It takes Harry a little convincing to see what Louis sees.
3. *still feel the same around you* by @gaycousinlarry | this gave me cavities!! - out of order - girl direction - older Larry - 13k
Twenty-five years is a long time to fall in love with someone, to learn all the ways a person can fit into one's heart. It’s also an awful long time to lie to one of the most important people in your life.
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
4. Who Can Take the Sunshine (series) by Anonymous | fae Stiles - dad Derek - this is just so pure and can just take you out of any bad mood! - see how magic works - 12+ parts
It all starts when Derek and his five year old daughter meet Fairy Stiles at the market.
5. *Blood is (Not) Thicker Than Water* by Anxiety_Baker02 | tw: abusive extended family - BAMF Stiles - pining Derek - this WILL get you worked up - 78k
Stiles hasn’t seen his extended family in years- mostly because they’re assholes. His cousins bully him relentlessly, and his aunts and uncles aren’t much better. So when he hears that they’re coming out for a family reunion, he’s understandably upset. He knows the next week is going to be hell, and it’s made worse when a new pack shows up, vowing revenge on their pack.
6. Be still, my love (series) by tugela54 | werewolves are known and discriminated against - omega Stiles - pining - misunderstandings - 3 parts
When Stiles’ boss unexpectedly goes into rut, he offers himself to the lycan, knowing all too well how utterly terrifying it can be.
Will his gamble pay off, or ruin everything…?
Klave (The Umbrella Academy)
7. Like Real People Do (series) by ObliqueOptimism | yeah so Klaus self-harms himself to deafness - family bonding - good siblings communicate, who knew? - fluff and angst - 6+ parts
Vanya got a call from the hospital, Klaus had harmed himself while in rehab. She decided then and there to be there for him. Together they heal, grow, become the family they'd never been, and change the future in immeasurable ways.
8. And When I Look In My Window, So Many Different People To Be by ObliqueOptimism | witch Klaus - BAMF Klaus still has daddy issues - bless this author - the more ghosts you know - 24k
If you were to go looking for Klaus, you wouldn't look to the alleys where drugs are bought, or to a rave where you could lose yourself in dance, no. No, you would look to his garden full of protective herbs, to his bedroom at three in the morning where he tends to make magic amulets. Klaus grew into his power, both as a witch, and as the Séance.
9. Tombstones In Their Eyes by @siriuspiggyback | disabled Klaus - despite themselves this family can care! - hurt/comfort - angst with a happy ending - 12k
His siblings don't pay a lot of attention to Klaus, don't notice the dog tags and new tattoos, but even the Hargreeves have to notice a missing limb.
10. *Choirs Threaten in Voices I Only Feel* by @veteranklaus | hey veteranklaus? I’d die for you - blind Klaus - I love how this fic changes Harold Jenkins - Ben as a seeing eye ghost? perfection! - 61k
The last time Klaus saw his siblings was at Allison and Patrick's wedding. A lot had changed since then; including the not-so-accidental, irreversible loss of his sight.
There's no time to tell them that, though. Not with the return of their long-presumed-dead brother and the impending apocalypse. Plus, it doesn't matter. He's got Ben as a good seeing-eye ghost.
11. *Numbers (series)* by @veteranklaus | this series legit made me disocciate for a few days especially since I just finished The Accident by Wiesel - the Holocaust is a trigger warning - very dark - the writing is literally award-winning, like the research done? the empathy paid to the characters? god tier!! I’ve written several research papers on post/during-holocaust times and i just want to applaud you for the work you’ve done in writing this - 2+ parts
The briefcase transports Klaus into a time to fall in love with a bookshop owner and photography enthusiast with soft amber eyes and a yellow star sewn into all of his clothes. And later, Klaus will stand next to that same man behind a fence, and he'll hold his hands up to a camera and pray to a merciless god that his siblings open a history book and find him.
12. *At the Edge of the Universe* by @veteranklaus | this is turning into a veteranklaus rec post but i don’t care - this is the life Klaus and Dave deserved!!! - the gays are really winning today y’all - cottagecore but make it the 1970s - 58k+
There is a knock at the door. With a heavy sigh, Klaus untangles himself from the mess of Dave's limbs with a mutter of 'I've got it'. They rarely get visitors out here, their closest neighbour being about three miles away, and Klaus didn't even hear a car or see any headlights outside.
He opens his door, expecting to see old Mrs Richards asking for one of the dog treats they always keep for the occasions her dog runs off. He does not, however, expect to see his siblings - all of them, standing outside his door. Well, Five is being held up by Diego, and Vanya is being carried by Luther, but they are all there, on his doorstep, on this evening in 1970.
13. Counting Down The Days To Go by @siriuspiggyback | sick Klaus - sibling bonding - Klaus goes to therapy - there are some lines that just kick the breath out of you - 24k 
It started off small. Easy to explain away. That was his downfall, in the end. By the time they diagnosed him, it was too late; the cancer had gotten a tight hold on his body.
Klaus wouldn't tell his siblings, not yet, no matter how much Ben begged him. He wanted to feel as normal as he could, for as long as he could.
68 notes · View notes
apocalypse-gang · 4 years
Explain how Klave & WWDITS blows Destiel/SPN out of the water
They're actually good shows.
Okay really though I did explain it in another reblog of that post but I have more. Part of it is... they shows still has queer characters to begin with. No hints, it's on screen, and they aren't (permanently) killing them.
With TUA, you can make the arguement "Oh Dave is dead" but... it's done well imo? With the first s1, It didn't feel like a bury your gays situation. It was more that he is a character who died who is also gay. He is a character who died in a drama show where a lot of people died. He didn't die because he was the gay character on a show and it was a gay tragedy. It felt more like a tragedy that happened to be not straight.
It would be different if he was the only gay character, but Klaus was openly queer before and after meeting and losing Dave. The show has more gay characters (and yes she was separated from her love, but so were her straight siblings.). (And s2 definitely goes into the homophobia Dave dealt with as someone who didn't know himself but I'm thinking more about s1). I get not everyone being comfortable with it and that's valid, and I am not going to say criticism of it are bad or wrong.
And he isn't forgotten, either, which is often the point of bury your gays. He's a casualty is a war many were pointlessly killed in, he's wasn't killed because of his love for Klaus, and he's in a drama where many die and the stakes are high. His loss is felt, his presence is felt. And he and Klaus had a real, loving relationship. He motivates Klaus. And I also know we aren't done with his character. We don't know what will happen between the two of them in the future. But it is a drama and it's gonna get worse before it gets better for the whole Hargreeves gang.
What We Do in the Shadows is a comedy, but like the tension between it's characters (who are all either gay or bi) is there. The main characters have been with people of the same gender and continue to be. They now have two character with more tension than the married couple. And they have already started exploring that in s2 and have showed within their s2 finale they will continue exorong it more and more.
For s3 they've mentioned Nandor is going to be looking for love. He may find it Guillermo? Who knows. I don't even know if I want that ship, but I feel the tension and I don't think it's going to be ignored. We see Nandor is trying to be better at caring for Guillermo and Guillermo demanding better treatment for him. We see Nandor treat Guillermo leaving like a break, nd then he later confess how much he cares about the man. Something is there, and it will be slowburn. But it's not gonna take 12 years for the question to be answered. If they get together they get together, if their tension is resolved in another way? Great.
I'm also gonna say at the end of the day, it is also the vibe I get from the show. I can feel what the intention is. And with Supernatural, the intention is clear. It's not for the drama or good tragedy. It's bad writing and homophobia.
27 notes · View notes
softforklave · 4 years
The Big Klave Fic Rec
Reginald Hargreeves does everything he can to learn about the Umbrella Academy’s powers, but Klaus is the one who finds out why they have their powers. No one expected the answer to be “we’re fallen angels” but here they all were. This is for my lovely @cemeteryklaus I hope you enjoy this! You will not run out of klave fics on my watch ;)
I have excessively been reading klave fics since s1 came out in February 2019, when there was only one page under the Klaus Hargreeves/Dave tag on ao3 (before our King shared his full name on Twitter). There are currently 2056 fics on ao3, and I can (un)fortunately say I have read almost all of them (what am I doing with my life?). Klave has been blessed with so many talented writers, so this is quite the list. Many of them have written more than one fic (some even over 50!), and since they are all amazing, it would take ages to list them all. Therefore, I have decided to recommend authors who have written two or more klave fics and linking to their the umbrella academy ao3 works page. Go read all of their works, and I can guarantee that every single fic is wonderful! And dont forget to leave kudos and comments, our writers deserve all the love and appreciation that we can give them! 
I also highly encourage people reblogging with their favourite fics, if you want to show the writers some more love or if I have forgotten your favourite fic (you can also dm me if you want me to add it on)! I have tried to @ the authors, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right blogs. Please let me know if I have tagged you wrong, forgotten to tag you or dont want me to tag you, I will remove the @ at once! I will try to update this as I continue to excessively consume klave content (though this is limited to ao3 and tumblr), so please come back to this list for more recommendations. Happy Reading! <3
Authors (2 or more klave fics)
A - B
a_nybodys /// accidentallyanoctopus /// actuallymaxie ///admirabletragedy @admirabletragedy /// aelisheva /// AliNear /// Allandnothing /// allthempickles /// Ama /// Anglophile_Rin @anglophile-rin /// aubrey_writes /// aye_of_newt @aye-of-newt /// bacondoughtnut @spookybeez /// Becca_Hay /// Bendy_CA @apocalypse-gang /// bennybentacles @bennybentacles /// blazeofglory /// Bluebacchus @bluebacchus /// bluetigerlillies @frogsarebxtches /// brionylarkin @brionylarkin 
C - E
CaptainAmericaoftheTardis /// CharryWotter /// covenofthearticulate @codenameseance /// CowgayKermit @cowgaykermit /// crisecardiac @thistlemoth /// Cyane /// Dancinbutterfly @dancinbutterfly /// dandelyre @dandelyre /// deargalileo/// deathishauntedbyhumans @deathishauntedbyhumans /// discohargreeves /// Doctor959 /// Dog_Bearing_Gifts @dogbearinggifts /// Drhair76 @handcoversheart-76  ///  dyllpickless @dyllpickless /// electric016 @electric016 /// Eternal_Peace_Is_Overrated @flowercrownsandbooks 
F - K
Faetality @faetxlity /// forestdivinity (ForestDivinity) @forestdivinity /// forthekidswhoaintgotnosoul @prime8svevo /// FrazzledSquidz G33kinthepink /// ghostbythesea @gay-poster-child  /// goldieknocks @goldieknocks  /// Hemitreunited @hermitreunited /// hippieklaus @hippieklaus /// hujwernoo /// iamnotalizard @lizard-overlord /// ilikeshipment @theseance1968 /// intheflowers /// Karturtle (karturtle) @karturtle /// Katplanet @katplanet /// KawaiiCommunism @kawaiic0mmunism /// KindaCool @kindasickkindacool /// klausmoon 
L - P
lastyoungrene-gay-de @lastyoungrene-gay-de /// livid /// LiviJoyann /// livtontea @zontiky /// loves_buckybarnes ///  Lyviel @justatiredghost /// Majure @fanthings /// Mars_and_Moon /// mieczyhale @mieczyhale /// momebie (katilara) @charmingpplincardigans /// noodlerdoodler ///  MusicLover19 ///  Nyctae /// obscurityofphylum /// ohmygodwhy @gaycinema /// Opal_Lakes /// @opal-lakes /// ophelibob_writes @a-human-pippin-took /// Papapaldi @wykart/// perceptuallydisorganizedwriter ///  PickledBeef  @pickledbeefwastaken ///  polarkai /// princejoopie @princejoopie /// punk_rock_yuppie
Q - S
queenbaskerville /// QueenOfAllCorgis /// rumbleroarsslumberingcubs /// Scalliwag @sscalliwag /// seancequeen @seancequeen /// sehn_sucht @sehn----sucht /// SerpaSas @queenbeyondthewalll  /// Shadowscast ///  Shamefulshameless @shameful-shameless /// Sharpworksamurai/// shipNslash /// Siriuspiggyback @cowboyklaus /// Smallswritesstuff @mychemicalxmen /// smile_it_will_get_better @smileitwillgetbetterbitches /// softforklave @softforklave (shameless self promo) ///spookyfbi @spookyfbi  /// stuckinmybook /// Squintern @chinchillinator ///  squishitude @squishitude /// sunriseseance @sunriseseance /// sunshineklaus
T - Y
tealeavesandtrash @carry-on-my-wayward-hobbit /// thefangirlingdead @thefangirlingdead /// TheMadHatterOfficial /// thetreasuerhunter @yeah-klave /// tjstar @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky /// TobiBooneTheSmallSpoone @tobiboonethesmallspoone/// TotallynotRemus @totallynotremus /// TwistedIllusions @courtneytarynofficial /// twosidedcoin /// VeteranKlaus @veteranklaus /// wildeism @knifecatklaus /// writer_inthe_dark /// yukiawison /// zweebie 
Fics (authors with currently only one klave fic)
Placeholder by Ace_Chey (mrs_sakuma) @cheydoesfandom
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A FIRST DRAFT WIP, EXPECT MISTAKES IN SPELLING, GRAMMAR, AND TIMELINES after NaNo I plan to edit and republish a cleaner, more complete version in 2021 ~~~
When Klaus sees the news that their father is dead, they’re feeding their seven-month-old daughter, Grace Kelly Katz, one year sober, and finally back on T (prescribed this time). Their siblings still haven't met Dave, let alone Gracie, and Klaus can't bear the thought of introducing them, not now, under these circumstances, so they go alone. But when the family reunion becomes complete with Five's sudden and bizarre arrival, not from 45 years in a wasteland, but directly from the lunch he ran away from 20 years ago, they realize things are going to get more complicated and they might not be able to put it off any longer.
Words: 58,217 Chapters: 36/? Status: Hiatus
Snapshots of a Life Well Lived by Ace_of_Spades_400
One week into Vietnam and the briefcase is broken. Klaus is never going home. He's just going to have to make the most of his life here, now.
Words: 13,960 Chapters: 3/3 Status: Complete
Run for miles just to get a taste by Agf
Dave comes back to 2019, and Klaus has some memories best exorcised with new ones.
Words: 1,666 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Not a Replacement, Never a Replacement by AndThenHeGotKnockedUp
Klaus hasn't piloted a Jaeger in years. He hasn't wanted to without Ben. He's spent all that time wandering far, far away from anything having to do with the Academy and kaiju.
Unfortunately for him, the world is ending, and Luther doesn't give him a choice.
(Pre-Klave! Will have a follow up in the future.)
Part 1 of the UA PacRim Fusion series
Words: 2,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
soldiered together by Anonymous 
"... I was foolish enough to follow him all the way to the front line."
Words: 2,993 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
know tenderness by applepandowdy
Klaus wished, more than anything, that they had just had a bit more time.
Words: 1,266 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
whatever words I say, i will always love you by ariya167 and bigembarrasingheart @ariya-167and @bigembarrassingheart
Dave kissed Klaus first, but Klaus kissed him back.
Words: 921 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
if i could choose anything in the world (id pick you every time) by aseriesofessays @macroglossus
"Would you have come back?"
He thinks about a farm.
Words: 588 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Boy and The Ghost by Astheroid 
“Look for me. Promise me Dave, promise you’ll look for me at the Umbrella Academy!”
Dave never knew what those words meant, the parting words of the man he loved, and they made absolutely no sense.
Until thirty-four years later when he found his purpose.
“Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
or story of ghost Dave finding thirteen year old Klaus and swearing to protect him from all evil.
Words: 4,494 Chapters: 2/? Status: WIP
new year, new me (things always turn out how they’re meant to be) by Astronomical_Aphrodite @aesthetic-antheia
When they travelled back through time, Klaus wasn’t expecting to be the only one who remembered. 
Part 1 of maybe by next January
Words: 80,770 Chapters: 18/20 Status: WIP
Five times Klaus dies in Vietnam and comes back, and One time Someone else does by BabyPom
Klaus can't seem to die, at least not permanently.
Words: 1,169 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How The Hollyhocks Bloom by batcavemasquerade
In which Klaus Hargreeves, a retired pacifist, is dumped headfirst into the Vietnam War. Klaus never comes home and his brothers and sisters claw their way back to him, one by one, after the end of the world.
AKA: The siblings go back to the 1960s to regroup and to get a few measly moments of goddamned peace and quiet, and find Klaus serving in the Vietnam War, different and sober as can be.
Words: 24,035 Chapters: 16/20 Status: WIP - Chapter 16 is the new chapter 1. For the rewrite, read from 16 and upwards.
i hope you know you're my desire (i hope you know you're the one) by beezran
It must be fate when Dave puts his hand on Klaus’ cheek right as Klaus starts to ache for his kiss.
Kiss me.
His touch makes Klaus stand up straighter and edge closer to him.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” Dave says, and even with all that they’ve been drinking, Klaus knows it isn’t that what’s talking.
“Kiss me,” Klaus actually says it. He can’t take it back, and he doesn’t want to when Dave is looking at him like that.
Dave’s breath ghosts over his lips and Klaus keeps repeating it in his head like a prayer.
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.
Or he might have said it, he’s not sure when he’s so caught up in the feeling of Dave so close to him.
Words: 22,708  Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Arcane Incidents of Anoxia by Bellovebug
Klaus dies.
Klaus dies, and Dave can't breathe.
He forgets what it's like, the feeling of oxygen entering his lungs, the sensation of carbon dioxide exiting them.
He remembers, though, the stories Klaus used to tell. He remembers that joke he'd made about that briefcase he always carried around being a time machine. He remembers the tall tales of a family of superpowers, a less than stellar father. He remembers the stories he'd spun out of thin air, of time travel and a disappearing brother and a talking chimpanzee and a robot mother.
(He remembers the true story he'd told about seeing ghosts.)
He only learns once he opens that mysterious briefcase under Klaus's cot that all of the stories were true.
Every one of them.
Words: 22,075 Chapters: 4/? Status: WIP
life is full of pain, i'm cruisin' through my brain by bigembarrassingheart @bigembarrassingheart
Bullets whizzed past his ears, and he would have screamed but he already was. Klaus grabbed Dave’s face, stroked his cooling cheek, rested his head on his shoulder like he did when they had nights alone. There had to be some life left in his body. In any second he would feel the heave of his chest. He had to.
Klaus takes a pit stop before going back to the future.
Words: 1,188 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
found by burlesquecomposer
Klaus’s right hand is Dave’s favorite one to hold. As long as they embrace hello, Dave says, they’ll never have to say goodbye.
But war is a bitch, and Dave is the one who gave him an excuse to charge into it head-on.
Words: 2,628 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
You Drew Stars Around My Scars by caliibee
“Does it hurt?” Klaus asked softly, running his fingers over Dave’s face and down his neck. He trailed down his chest, mindful of the deep-set wound that always sent a shock through his heart no matter how many times he’d seen it. Dave caught his hands and brought them back up to cup his face.
“No, not anymore.”
Words: 792 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Umbrella Academy: Winter Soldier by chiquitasdave and ratsbaby (orphan_account)
Luther lands an uppercut to the jaw, sending the soldier flying, and Diego’s moving before he even lands. His grip on Klaus tightens and his mouth opens to say something, anything, to pull him back to the safety of the car they crouch behind, but Klaus beats him to the punch. He leans forward to better watch the action, to cheer his brother on (or clean up his remains, depending on how this goes), and stops cold as the soldier pushes himself to his feet again.
Klaus' first thought is that he’s beautiful. Klaus’ second thought is that he knows him.
The threat of danger is sensed and signals fire to tell the brain, no, not yet! We weren’t meant for this! He can’t take it now! The body reacts to stop him, but Klaus steps forward anyway. He ignores every impulse because he knows him, because love makes him stupid, because he has to.
Klaus takes another step forward.
‘Who the hell is Dave?’
Words: 13,120 Chapters: 3/10 Status: WIP 
I Could Not Be At Rest, I Could Not Be At Peace by CosmicJourney @cosmictapestry
With the apocalypse delayed, there's now ample opportunity for Klaus to open up to his siblings about his past. There's also ample opportunity to try and conjure Dave. Unfortunately, one of these has to take precedence over the other.
(Season 1 AU)
(Sequel to "I'll Find Sleep, I'll Find Peace")
Words: 52,274 Chapters: 10/10 Status: Complete
Sick Of Losing Soulmates by CrazyAngel
"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences."
Back in 2019, things are the same but also different. The Hargreeves have messed with the timeline way too much and some things clearly aren't the same — like giving the chance for Klaus to meet Dave again. Klaus knows nothing about reincarnation or if it was really he and his brothers fault for this, but he'll take the chance anyway. Even if this Dave is blind now.
Part 1 of the Right Back Where We Started (Again) series
Words: 26,417 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Admist the Chaos by crazynadine 
Ten months. Klaus spent ten months in Vietnam, fighting a war he didn't belong in, falling in love with a man he didn't deserve.
The long and convoluted tale about how a time traveling junkie and a disillusioned solider found love amidst the chaos of war....
Words: 87,700 Chapters: 10/10 Satus: Complete
The beginning of something by DoctorProfessorSong @doctorprofessorsong
The Hargreeves siblings find themselves in a future they barely recognize. Their father is alive. Their home is occupied by a mixture of strangers and familiar faces calling themselves The Sparrow Academy. None of them are friendly.
But it's all going to be okay. Five has a plan to restore the timeline. The rest of the siblings just need to sit tight and lay low. Just don't wander off. How hard can that be?
A continuation of the story from S2 because I am impatient for more. This one is gonna get real dark but I promise I am going to give the Hargreeves a happy ending.
Words: 52,548 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Complete
take me out, baby by downpours @fourhargreeves
For someone who spent a decade running from the debts he owed, Klaus spent an alarming amount of time trying to recompense Dave for loving him.
Words: 6,802 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Your Song by eithergayorgayer @yerbluues9
"And you can tell everybody, this is your song."
In which Klaus can play piano and sing and decides to serenate Dave who is watching from above.
Words: 3,578 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Hands by GoldenBones
Late at night after the disco when everyone else is asleep, Klaus kneels at Dave’s bunk and whispers a silent prayer into Dave’s hands. In a rare moment of peace against the harsh Vietnam winter, Klaus holds Dave’s hand against his face and tries to sleep.
Words: 1,640 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Ink and Dirt, Eggs and Orange Juice by HappySeaNinja
It’s a quick job on an overcast day, in and out, smooth like coffee, and the only hitch is in his voice when he says goodbye. There’s dirt under his fingernails, ink on his stomach, and a lingering shot of whisky on his tongue.
Really, it’s all that’s left.
Non-linear moments in Klaus and Dave's relationship across seasons 1 and 2. Please don't read unless you've watched all of season 2 as there are spoilers.
Words: 4,631 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
oh love, i'm there in memories by hellchoirs
"If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again."
Words: 1,536 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
To Have a Home by heterophobe
Dave Katz is a simple man. He values kindness, honesty and strength of character. As someone who is queer and homeless, he also has a fairly substantial distrust of law enforcement.
This is why—when a twig of a man, with kohl-lined eyes and a vibrant pair of purple tights, sprints across the alley-way he’s seated in, skids to a halt at the corner of a dumpster, and balls himself tightly out of view from the street—Dave doesn’t make a move to flag down confused-looking uniformed officers that follow him into the mouth of the alley.
It’s also why—when said officers approach him, and ask him if he’s seen anyone come by—he takes one look at the man’s pleading eyes and shakes his head mournfully. “No, sorry officers.”
As told through a series of non-linear snapshots, Dave and Klaus come to know one another.
Words: 3,346 Chapters: 2/15 Status: WIP
Dream A Little Dream of Me by idkpeachystuff
"Klaus, thinking back, had always thought that was a strange term. Making love. He wasn't actually certain why. Sex had always felt like...well, sex. Fucking. Nothing entirely special or intimate that he felt had the effect on his heart like nearly everyone had made it seem it should be. And despite how utterly and disgustingly cliché it sounded, that was of course until he met Dave."
Klaus wakes before Dave on their last morning together, on a weekend out in town that is, leaving him with one of his only options to remember everything that had happened the night before and realizing that he was deeply in love, and no matter what, he was never getting out
Words: 3,015 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
projected stars across the night sky by iheardarumor (sonicraptors)
The best nights he’d ever had in his life were spent at his side.
Words: 1,496 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Late Shift at The Umbrella Café by intravenusann @jeffgoldblumsmulletinthe90s
Klaus and Ben have the afternoon shift together almost every day. But not every day are the customers as nice — or as hot! — as this new Dave guy.
Or, in other words, a story where Klaus gets his life together enough to get a boyfriend.
Words: 45,563 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Need Some Advice by Jenni4
Niki wasn’t used to anyone asking her opinion, so she was surprised when Vina walked into work with an extra energy drink and slid it to her. “Need some advice.”
Niki raised an eyebrow and opened the can and took a big gulp. Vina had been sitting next to her at the call center for exactly two days now. “What makes you think I’m qualified to give anyone advice?”
Vina shrugged out of her jacket and took her seat. “You seem to have your shit together.”
Niki almost choked on her laughter at that one. “That’s so far from the truth but…”
Words: 5,192 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Farewell by JuliusQuasar @juliusquasar and LittleRit @littlerit
Day 20: Shipwrecked
Part 10 of the LittleRit's MerMay Fills 2021
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
a life so demanding by kaijugore @kaijugore
"He was still carrying the war in his heart, how was he supposed to talk about that?"
Ten months. 304 days. 7,300 hours. 438,000 minutes. It would never ever ever be enough time.
Part 1 of the i am (not) afraid to keep on living series
Words: 1,861 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
the sugar rush, the constant hush by kamisado 
The scars across his body mark a treasure map of mistakes. Tiny shrapnel scars and rosy-red roadrash, a lifetime of being thrown to the ground by Academy training and the real world. The ivory line tracing across his jaw, almost invisible. The tattoos and the traintracks, the pockmarked puncture wounds scattered like a horrifying constellation across his body.
He’s so tired.
[a klaus s1 character study]
Words: 3,801 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
By The Firelight by keatches @klauzoleum
They share a long look, their lips still tilted in small, secret smiles.
“I’m Dave.” He extends an open palm, skin callous but inviting. Klaus reciprocates with a clap of his own hand against his.
“Klaus.” He tilts forward as the bus jolts, trundling them away to disaster. The briefcase knocks against the heel of his boot, but Klaus absentmindedly nudges it aside.
The five significant times Klaus spoke to Dave. The one time he never will again.
Or, how they fell in love.
Words: 14,681 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
in midnights, in cups of coffee by klausgraves
Dave is just trying to keep his bookstore open, and the stoned hottie that keeps wandering in and talking at the air really, really isn't helping.
Words: 7,316 Chapters: 3/? Status: WIP 
Sehnsucht by KimbaSprite @pokemonmasterkimba
Day 26: Longing
What was supposed to be a casual night out takes a turn for the weird when Dave encounters a mysterious stranger stranded on the beach. His sister keeps telling him he needs to meet new people and make connections, so why not with Klaus? Even if he is so attractive that Dave feels he may get sick from nerves alone.
“Hey, my eyes are up here. Careful, or you may get lost in them.“ He looks into Klaus’s eyes as instructed and hmm. Yeah, wow.
Klaus bites his lip in a way that is definitely attractive, and Dave wonders if he realizes what he’s doing to him. Probably. Probably. Klaus seems like the kind of person who knows just how powerful they are.
All at once Dave finds himself sympathizing with old-timey sailors; he could see himself risk drowning just for the chance to exist in the same space as Klaus.
Words: 8,585 Chapter: 1/1 Status: Complete
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise) by LaceratedLullabies
But whatever apocalyptic future Dave found himself in couldn’t be worse than the present. His world had already ended. - On February 21st 1968, Klaus Hargreeves dies in Vietnam. A heartbroken Dave follows his last connection to the man he loves: a time-travelling briefcase. 50 years out of time, Dave has to deal with a changed world, his aborted grief and a tortured Klaus who doesn't know him yet. Oh, and the impending apocalypse.
Words: 13,851 Chapters:7/? Status: WIP
I Will Follow You by lostonthisisland @distilledspirit
After Dave's death on the front lines of the Vietnam War he's pulled through time to witness important points in Klaus' life.
Was going for a 5+1 format, but it's a bit looser than that. So, in other words, 5 times Dave sees Klaus and 1 time Klaus sees Dave.
Words: 6,693 Chapters: 2/2 Status: Complete
i get down on my knees and pretend to pray by marinersapptcomplex @wavesknowshoress
He was quiet, for once, standing silent and breathing in the air around him. There were tears in his eyes.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 1/1  Status: Complete
Soulmates by Meilena
"Klaus was twelve, as high as a kite, and in fact, did know why his soulmark looked so thin and light."
Everyone has a soulmark, which is where the name of their soulmate resides on the skin of their left forearm. Klaus has one too, only his is a little different.
Words: 853 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
(Feels Like) Heaven by Melivian @melivian
When Klaus wakes up in the afterlife, he can't believe his luck.  Somehow, despite his checkered past and wobbly moral compass, he's made it into the Good Place, where he'll spend eternity with his dream soulmate in a dream neighbourhood.
Only there are two problems. The first is that he's pretty sure the architect of this neighbourhood has the wrong person. And if she catches on that Klaus doesn't belong with all the heroes and philanthropists here, he'll be sent to the Bad Place.
The second is that for the residents, this dream is starting to feel a lot like a nightmare...
Part 1 of the I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door series
Words: 23,496 Chapters: 5/28 Status: WIP
Hello, Goodbye by michaelfalls
His eyes stare where Klaus can’t see. His soul goes where Klaus can’t follow.
Words: 2438 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
come on, baby by myeyesarenotblue @myeyesarenotblue
“Dave, my sister has powers,” Klaus says, matter of factly, bobbing his head up and down, “She’s had powers this whole time but my asshole father decided she was too-” and he looks down at the notebook, does finger quotes with one hand, “- 'uncontrollable' and 'dangerous’ to use them.”  
“As in- superpowers? ”  
“Yeah,” Klaus says, and then- “I have to tell her," and then- "Wanna come with?"
Words: 5,081 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
your fingers weave quick minarets by nerdsandthelike @nerdsandthelike
According to Five, they have an apocalypse to stop in the future and here Klaus is fifty years too early trying to get in the pants of some probably straight GI who Ben keeps reminding him looks like Luther before the protein shakes. Because he’s not Allison, Klaus decides to put that particular observation waaaaaayyy to the side.
Words: 6,615 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
My Heart Is Playing Hide-And-Seek (Wait And Count To Four) by nessbess (orphan_account)
Klaus had spent what felt like a lifetime searching for Dave after he died in 1968. But Dave found him first, long before that. Klaus was five years old the first time he appeared.
Words: 11,908 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP 
Five and Dave's Life Changing (Life Saving) Field Trip by neuronary
The little boy, who Dave could now see was not as little as he’d first thought, shoved a tin mug at him. “Drink this.”
Dave drank. It tasted sickly sweet and slightly citrus-y. “Who are you?”
“Five.” The boy’s scowl deepened at Dave’s confusion. “Klaus’ brother.”
Or, Five saves Dave's life to stop Klaus from moping. From Dave's perspective, a very grouchy, sleep-deprived twelve-year-old kidnaps him and he finds it much more entertaining than he should.
Inspired by Lyviel's 'Fixes to the Timeline'
Words: 1,728 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
breathy on the bits by Nucci @maundering-marauder
“So Fivey, tired of the school boy chic?” Klaus asked with a manic grin, “Because do I have so many ideas for you.”
“As long as it’s warm, I don’t really care.”
“Warm, check” Klaus noted, miming checking a box with his finger, “Any other demands?”
“No sequins,” Five replied and blipped out of the room.
Or, Five’s tired of wearing the Academy uniform and Klaus offers to help. As is wont to do with the Hargreeves, emotions and miscommunication ensues.
Words: 8,702 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Collision of Your Kiss by orphan_account
Klaus spends ten months in Vietnam.
Dave is why.
Words: 4,505 Chapters: 1/1 Status: discontinued
pieces (skin to bone) by orphan_account
The first time Klaus dies, he is thirteen. He dies again at seventeen, eighteen, twenty-four. By his fifth death, he has resigned himself to the blackness that awaits him. Not that he much cares: anything would be better than this, even blissful oblivion, even floating in blackness until his mind decays, and, like Five, he starts seeing people where there aren’t there, falling in love with a mannequin or a fleck of dust in his eye.
Dave won't come to Klaus, so Klaus decides to go to him.
Words: 2,128 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the mountain of the crouching beast by patrocluus
Dave catches his eye later, when they’re sitting next to each other in the bumpy truck, men jostling into each other on all sides; the corner of his mouth quirks up a little, just enough to make Klaus’ heart jump in his chest. He doesn’t remember the last time someone looked at him like that: like they have a secret to share, and that secret is the most important thing in the world, even if that world seems to be ending around them.
Or: It's 1968, and deep in the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, Klaus meets a man who feels like home.
Words: 8,203 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the january rain by phcbosz
And all Klaus has left to prove that any of it happened and wasn’t just one fucked up dream is a pair of bloody dog tags, a tattoo on his arm, and the taste of ash sticking to the roof of his mouth.
Words: 5,226 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing to the Rhythm of a Different Drum by PlaneJane
Klaus escapes from one terror, and finds himself in another: the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, 1968.
"They kissed at midnight, breath heavy with liquor, the first brush of Dave’s lips making Klaus weak at the knees. Giddy at the gentle way Dave took his face in his hands, like Klaus was something precious."
My Klaus and Dave backstory, because the show didn't give me enough.
Words: 1,498 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His name was Dave by punkspiders
Klaus reflects back upon his time both in the Vietnam War, and with the man he loved more than himself.
Words: 1,654 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How Not To Propose by RhubarbDuck
His life follows a monotonous routine: wake up, smoke, go to the same shitty grocery store, space out for eight hours and occasionally stock shelves, more drugs, rinse, and repeat.
His life was, at some point, a little more exciting (if exciting meant going on a week-long bender and waking up in a cell with the worst headache he ever experienced). After a couple weeks in jail and the threat of a rehab that he could never attend, he met Dave. Honestly, Klaus couldn’t remember his life before Dave. Dave was kind and understanding and way too put together to be with a fuck up like Klaus, but for whatever reason he seems to love Klaus- or at least he tells him so twice a day.
American Ultra AU
Words: 19,824 Chapters: 5/? Status: WIP
The Moments We Had by RosyPages @thesevenumbrellas
A series of moments between Dave and Klaus as they fall in love during the war.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 3/8 Status: WIP
In the Dark by runrarebit
So they're back in the past, they're thirteen again, Ben is alive, Vanya doesn't remember, her siblings are suddenly treating her differently, better, and all of a sudden she and Klaus are bonding- Klaus who is still trying to be clean and sober- except things are never easy, are they? There’s their father to contend with, once more alive and at the height of his power over them, and there’s secrets, always secrets, always in danger of getting out, and after their father decides that a clean and sober Klaus is a Klaus that can resume his training Reginald Hargreeves just might not be the scariest man walking the halls of the Umbrella Academy- even if only one person can see him.
The thing about Klaus is that, even trapped, in the dark, he is never alone. Never alone. Never. And the past he's been running from ever since he was a small child might just now be something he can’t escape from.
Words: 61,243 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Hitaus
well, the clock says it's time to close now by rythyme (pugglemuggle)
The first time Klaus falls in love, it's in the middle of a war. Fate really does enjoy cruel irony.
Or, a series of vignettes from the ten months Klaus and Dave spent together in Vietnam.
Words: 3,788 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Fancy Seeing You Here by Saccha @sacchariwrites
Dave miraculously survives being shot in the chest, and is present when Klaus gets in a fight at that vets bar.
Written for EnKlave Fest.
Words: 1,891 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Valentine’s Day in Vietnam by salvador-daley @salvador-daley
A hungover Klaus awakes after a night in the arms of a young man from Dallas
Words: 1.7k Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
In the Dark of the Night by sassmaster_tiresias @i-will-fong-you
The flashlight is still on, peeking out between the folds in Dave’s comforter, and Dave remembers how frantic Klaus had been to turn it on.
He remembers how he couldn’t even really see Klaus when he’d first woken up, his beautiful face obscured by the darkness. Then, he remembers the Christmas lights in Klaus’ room—strung in a haphazard zig-zag up the wall beside his bed, the soft glow that was present every time Dave had been in that room.
“The lights,” he says.
Words: 2,437 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
War is Hell by sauropod @occult-criticality
Klaus' hands were still filthy with dried blood and muck as he fumbled at the clasps, the combination lock on the top. Desperate, blind hope had his heart going a mile a minute. The dial still read that seemingly random set of numbers it had the first time he opened it on the bus, what felt like a lifetime ago.
“Please.” Klaus choked. “Please work.” He opened the briefcase.
Words: 80,813 Chapters: 21/? Status: WIP
New and Familiar by Snabby
If you told Dave a year ago that he had a loving (if a bit crazy) boyfriend, in a relationship which he didn’t have to hide, he wouldn’t have believed you. Although that thought isn’t as crazy in comparison to being in the future and the fact that his boyfriend, can not only see ghosts but was raised in a crazy cult-like superhero family.
In Dave’s opinion, the oddest thing out of the whole family is Five
So he was a little shocked and confused when Five popped in front of him.
“I need you to get a decent fucking cup of coffee” shoving his little finger in Dave’s face
Or Klaus and Dave pretend to be Five's parents so the poor little dude can get coffee
Words: 1967 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake by StardustInYourEyes
Prompt: Flour fight in the kitchen Klaus and Dave's attempt at making a cake
Words: 2,535 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i just wish that you were here, now by sapphictomaz
Immediately after the Season One finale, Klaus finds himself back in 1968, and is forced to so some soul-searching while dealing with the rest of his siblings and the memories he has of Dave from the first time around.
Title from "Wish You Were Here" by Marianas Trench.
Words: 4,055 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
face to face (and a thousand miles apart) by shadowlancer_95 @shadowsofmoonracer
His strides were long, and shaky as he stumbled through the darkness, relying on the barest threads of memory to Allison’s house. The cut on his lip stung in the cold night air, his throbbing cheekbone a mere shadow of the agony in the hollow cavity where his heart used to be.
Klaus, after his second (and most disastrous) meeting with Dave.
Words: 1,799 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i wore his jacket for the longest time by sharkhette
So, maybe Klaus wasn’t in his right frame of mind. Maybe he hadn’t been for a long time. But Dave was dead, and that meant Klaus should be able to conjure him, one way or another. The traditional method of cleaning up his act and sitting around to wait hadn’t worked, so it was time to get imaginative.
Klaus just wants to see Dave again, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen, no matter the cost. Includes conversations with Ben, Diego, God, a surly preacher, and gratuitous references to certain MCR songs.
Words: 7,252 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His oxygen belongs to Death by Sophiethegeek
He can almost taste their bloodlust on his tongue, feel their rage heavy in his breastbone. They’re bad today, and it’s safe to say he’s having a very bad day as a result. Each swipe is sending icy pain across his skin, making him shiver. God, he’s cold.
He closes his eyes, pretending not to hear the faint roar of the snarling, crying, screeching mass around him. Why did he think sobriety was a good idea? Christ on a cracker, this fucking sucked.
Or: After hopping around time, and returning to the day of the apocalypse that never was, Klaus falls apart slowly, then all at once.
Words: 91,661 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Love You, Sugar by spaceysev
There’s a reason Klaus can’t listen to Total Eclipse of the Heart anymore, and it’s got everything to do with the only man who was ever allowed to call him Sugar.
Words: 3,828 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
musical preference by sourcheeks
“Of course you don’t like country.”
“I never said that,” Klaus replied diplomatically, even though it was true.
Words: 227 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Wings of Feathers and Wax by TerezFox8989
A look at the morning after their first time.
Hell, he always considered it a personal victory if he could put a name to a face after, which had suited him just fine. Sex had always had a means to an end, he used and was used; drugs, food, sleep, alcohol. But never this...not mornings after wrapped up in each other talking about family.
Words: 1,534 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
One Night in Saigon by terracotta_heartbreak
They're drunk, they're in a Saigon Hotel, and Klaus is smoking on the bed, but that's nothing new. But it's such an odd thing to be alone together, that doe-eyed strange man who never made sense here, and the soldier who'd fallen for him, for all those eccentricities. How are you meant to make sense of each other in the 60s, in that musky haze of war, drugs and the sounds of political blues rock?
Words: 2,011 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Just One in Thousands by TheArchaeologist @ancientstone
Take the idea that Five is followed by all his victims from his time at the Commission, and take the idea that Five is responsible for Dave’s death, and what do you get?
Pain is what you get.
Words: 1,351 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing with a Ghost by TheBestofEverything
"Would you like to share this dance with me?" Dave asked quietly.
"I'd love to," Klaus smiled as he took Dave's hand in his.
(Klaus is finally sober, and he conjures Dave.)
Words: 664 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Bad Enough for You by thehoundisdead
Dave can be bad. He doesn’t want to be but he can. He wants to spoon Klaus; to gather him up tight enough against his chest to hold all of his pieces together, to let him relax for once. He wants to take a bath with him and shampoo his hair and make him breakfast in bed and wrap him up in his softest blanket. But that’s not what Klaus wants, at least not yet. Dave has a strong suspicion that Klaus has never been treated softly by a partner. So, bad boy.
based on the song bad enough for you by all time low
Words: 8,757 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Way Light Swallows Shadows by TheSevenUmbrellas (RosyPages) @thesevenumbrellas
Dave is a vampire hunter who has never hunted a vampire in his life. Klaus is a vampire made for a war that ended before he was even born. When ten years of peace are put at risk after the death of a hunter, they’re both faced with the possibility that maybe the war isn’t over after all. Separated from their respective sides, Dave and Klaus have no other option but to depend on each other to get home before a war can tear their lives apart.
Words: 5,932 Chapters: 2/24 Status: WIP
Tag, You're It by totallyevan @totallyevan
Dating in Vietnam was never easy. Klaus and Dave have to watch out for everything, but thankfully they know their way around the system. Things escalate quickly and the only witness is the moon.
Words: 11,116 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
something so magic about you (so tragic about you) by Tremble
Snippets of their live in Vietnam or Dave slowly finding out that Klaus is nowhere near ordinary. --- This was originally suppose to be a 5+1 thing, but uh that didn't happen. oops
Words: 6,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
21.02.1960 by Uglyfrogboi
It was funny how time worked, how it was both only a couple of weeks ago yet it was also exactly nine years in the future. Why is he mourning a day that hasn’t technically happened yet? It’s a simple answer really, that was the day he thinks he last felt anything other than that horrible, thick, smothering, emptiness that seems to follow him around. Today, nine years from now, is the day that his world ended.
How Klaus deals with being dropped in the past, ten days before the anniversary of Dave's death.
Words: 3494 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
you're getting on my (optic) nerves by untrustworthyglitch 
Klaus Hargreeves is many things. He's a former child superhero, an estranged brother, a drug addict, a frequent flyer at the local rehab facility. He can talk to the dead and never seems to die and loves a good thunderstorm.
He's also blind, but he wasn't always.
Part 1 of the blind!klaus (hazy, but hopeful) series
Words: 6,375 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Scarlet Song by UrsaCentum(phantomviola) @flecket
Klaus isn’t a big fan of Hell.
drabble written for TUA AUgust 2021 Day 25: Angel/Demon
Part 6 of the Ursa's AUgust Fills 2021 series
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
never felt so high (think i'm coming down) by wewhofightmonsters
“Dave,” he whispers, and he leans down to press a kiss, light as a summer breeze, to Dave’s forehead, “Dave, I’m a fucking idiot. I love you back. I love you back.” And as he says it, he knows it to be true, and that small, closed up part of him that has languished in the dark and the constant haze of drugs, unfurls and stretches out towards the light. “I love you back,” he says again, in wonder.
(Klaus and Dave, and second chances)
Words: 24,536 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Curl Conditioner by wormbcy @nastyworm
Klaus tidies up his supplies and puts it all back in the cabinet, and then hums to himself in thought.
"Hey Dave, space for another in there?"
Words: 6,524 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
would it be enough (if I could never give you peace) by ZJpotter
The Hargreeves' and their sixties love. 
Chapter 2: Klaus, bugs, and the definiton of home. 
Words: 2,909 Chapters: 2/2  Status: Complete
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years
Tumblr media
Touching bases
Hello sweet peas. Judging by a few private miscommunications, I think it might be good if I review some of the policies I practice in writing Klaus. 
If you are a mutual, please read below the cut, and like this post to confirm that you have read it. 
1) I don’t write addiction (Klaus’s, or anyone else’s) as a punchline, and I am uncomfortable with content that does (yes, even in the actual show).  I am unlikely to participate in circulating content of this nature, and I always will be.  
2) Addiction does not define a person. But it is a highly difficult disease to overcome. Falling off the wagon does not diminish a person’s inherent worth, or whether or not they “deserve” to continue getting support, as well as professional help.  I choose to write Klaus in the recovery process, which is alinear but worth the effort. This does not mean I value Klaus more when he’s sober than when he’s using.  It means I hope to give him a chance, even if only in fan work, at stints of successful sobriety. 
3) I ship Klaus with people other than just Dave. Klave is important to me, but not endgame. If you want to ask me why, I am happy to (privately) elaborate. 
4) This is the big one: I write Klaus EXCLUSIVELY at his point of character development AFTER THE END OF SEASON TWO.  This has earned a lot of ambiguous commentary, both on anon (which I have currently turned off) and one-on-one with mutuals, that my Klaus is “different” and people “don’t know what to do with” how I write him. I welcome and even celebrate your confusion! It means you’re registering that I write Klaus in a period of TRANSITION, from a person who flees his trauma into escapism and hedonism, into someone who still does these things, but is also learning to hone his natural ability to be sweet and nurturing.  He’s still a chaotic disaster, and he will always be, but I am exploring his potential. If you are confused about how to approach a slightly less childish Klaus, PLEASE feel free to send me an Ask. I LOVE discussing character development. 
5) I do not practice what appears to be a prevalent cause of “drama” in this fandom, a cause in two parts:
a) “Which Hargreeves sibling is the most traumatized and heroically enduring despite that trauma?”
b) “Which Hargreeves siblings are closest to Klaus?” 
Let me answer these questions, as far as my blog is concerned: 
a) Every single person who has undergone trauma deserves to be believed and helped. Every single person. Please stop making this a competition. 
b) Klaus ADORES, and would happily die or kill for, all six of his siblings. That said, nature of each relationship is different, and comparing apples and oranges will only frustrate all of us. Furthermore each individual muse is different. I can’t wait to explore this with each of you.  
6) Finally, while everyone needs a boost here and there from their trusted rp partners and friends, I am uncomfortable with repeated requests for reassurance that I “do not hate” / “am not ignoring” mutuals.  Please don’t do this. It is, even if unwittingly, manipulative. I do the best that I can and if I am following you, I REALLY REALLY want to write with you, UNEQUIVOCALLY. <33333
Thanks so much for reading this. <3 I needed to post it to avoid just going on a hiatus out of stress. ^^; 
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gatoplanet · 2 years
not your main klave anon but do you think the military affected dave’s relationship with his own sexuality or do you think it was specifically meeting klaus that got him to un-repress?
aaaah shit i can see this going so many ways, but since we met brian and have an idea of the environment dave had to navigate, i honestly think getting far away and having a chance to exist on his own terms for a while would have done more for him than anything else. going by the show’s timeline, dave would’ve had to go on more than one tour of duty, which was like, actively discouraged - i bet part of that was down to the literal and figurative distance from the life he had waiting for him. and there were hella dudes fuckin in the military lmao, that would also have been one of the very very few marks in the plus column
ultimately i can see dave getting to a point on his own where he thinks of his sexuality as having an expiration date. he can have something not unlike the kind of sex he wants to have, and he can get crushes here and there that make him smile to himself a little, and then he’ll either die or get shipped back and marry a nice girl and that’ll be that
and then klaus shows up and does klaus things, and dave is like [vine voice] is that allowed, and klaus is like hell yeah baby it’s encouraged. and dave starts wondering if maybe die and wife aren’t his only options
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spookyfbi · 4 years
Yay Klave asks! How do you think the conversation went when Klaus got his "Klaus loves Dave" tattoo? Do you think Klaus just went and got it or did he tell Dave what he was going to do? Does Dave even know what the tattoo says? And did he get a tattoo as well? What do you think his reaction was to Klaus' Hello/Goodbye and umbrella tattoos?
Woo, it’s Klave time!
Gosh, the “Klaus loves Dave” tattoo… it’s so intriguing because it’s not even explicit in canon that that’s what it says. If you’re not one of the obsessed fans, if you’re just a casual viewer, then it’s just another tattoo. Argh, we really have nothing about it, so I’m gonna have to invoke ‘I just think it’s neat’ logic again.
I have to believe that Dave knew what it said, that Klaus would have told him. Because Dave is a lonely boi who went to the war to die because that’s what he thought his family wanted for him. I have such intense feelings about this. Klaus is legit the only person in Dave’s life who seems to care whether he lives or dies. And I think Klaus knows it too because he literally said, “Don't die for nothing, because I love you.” Klaus knows that Dave feels unloved by his family and he knows on some level that if Dave knew he was loved he might be less willing to go off to war to die and unfortunately he wasn’t able to communicate it in the best way in season 2 but I think he did in season one and one of the ways he communicated his love for Dave was to have it written on his very skin, and I think it meant a lot to Dave.
Did Klaus tell Dave before or after? Mmm, could go either way. I think it was probably a spur of the moment decision. I think Dave was probably with him when he decided to go because I just imagine them being tied at the hip for the whole 10 months, unless they were directly ordered to be in different places (and even then…) based on again nothing other than I just think it’s neat. What I wanna know is did the tattoo artist know what they were writing? Like, did Klaus have to find someone who can write in Thai and have them write out his and Dave’s names and the word ‘loves’, and then go to the tattoo artist and say ‘I want this’, or did he go to a Thai artist and say ‘I want it to say “Klaus loves Dave” because Dave is my boyfriend and I love him’ But this of course ties into the much broader question which I think about on the regular, which is: how much homophobia did they face, and how many allies did they have, if any? Like, realistically, it’s the 60s… but also it’s the late 60s when they had like free love and such. And also, they kissed in that bar in front of everyone, which sort of implies that they must have felt relatively safe. So maybe they found a queer friendly tattoo artist in a queer friendly district and Klaus literally did just waltz in holding Dave’s hand and say ‘yes I would like a tattoo which says how much I love my boyfriend’.
And what does Dave think of the Hello/Goodbye and umbrella tattoos? The thing is, there’s another piece of information missing here. What do the tattoos mean to Klaus? Because that to me would influence what Dave thinks of them. I don’t even think we have that in the comics from what I remember, althoughI haven’t read the spin off ones. Did he get the Hello/Goodbye tattoos because they’re significant for him? Was it a dare? Was he just high and he couldn’t be bothered removing them later? And like even the umbrella tattoo, like obviously we know that’s Reggie’s brand, but… Did Klaus reappropriate its meaning into something that holds significance for himself? Did he leave it there as some kind of self flagellation? Does he just not really care about that tattoo in the scheme of things? I think that by the end of the 10 months Dave would’ve know the story and significance (if any) behind every single one of the tattoos and whatever they meant to Klaus they would mean to Dave as well.
I think that Dave really admires and appreciates how unique Klaus is. The time period that he grew up in was very prescriptive of the way a person is supposed to be, and we can see in season 2 how uncomfortable he is with that. I think it would have been very refreshing and liberating to see a person like Klaus who is very comfortable breaking all those rules and not conforming, and I think all those unusual tattoos would have just been another example of that to Dave at first. I think the tattoos were probably one of many signs to Dave that this was a very interesting person that he wanted to get to know more about.
Nearly forgot - does Dave have a corresponding “Dave loves Klaus” tattoo? So… from what I have heard, tattoos are kind of a no-no in the Jewish religion. But then, not every Jewish person decides to follow every rule - I’m speaking outside of my lane but this is what I’ve heard and read. So, what is Dave’s attitude to tattoos for himself? Well, we don’t know, but I did think a while back that I could extrapolate based on whether he has any other tattoos. If he had, say, that “Sky Soldiers” tattoo, then he would definitely have a “Dave loves Klaus” tattoo. I tried to look for it but the season one lighting department hates us and I couldn’t tell. So then I decided to just… ask Cody on twitter, and he actually replied and told me that he didn’t have any tattoos. So… it doesn’t necessarily prove anything, he could still have a “Dave loves Klaus” tattoo and just not have any visible ones. But I chose to extrapolate from the lack of visible tattoos that he chose not to have any tattoos, possibly for religious reasons. And I actually kind of… really dig the idea that Klaus made the gesture of getting that tattoo while also fully respecting Dave’s decision not to reciprocate that gesture and not in any way taking it as Dave loving him any less? Like, Klaus really does love Dave selflessly and this would be another example of that.
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circumstellars · 4 years
The TUA fandom really has to have a talk about how crap the ship names are lkhkhjkl
Listen I love you guys but as always here’s some random Stoner Thoughts(tm)
the ship names are so bad and always make me laugh khkhh. I don’t understand some of their origins In Japanese/anime fandoms from way back, it was always: (first two syllables of Seme’s name)(first two syllables of Uke’s name): ex. SasuNaru or NaruSasu (shjadjks I *know*) In Korean fandom stuff in the 00s at least, similarly, but 1 syllable and often as so; (first syllable of Shipee A)(last syllable of Shipee B): ex. HyeonMin But even in more recent western media fandoms, we didn’t always follow protocol, but there was an Attempt(tm): ex. JohnLock, (in Korea, Japan it was) SherJohn, but we had some shit takes from the hets like SherLolly (????????? like what is that, but I digress) Coming into TUA it’s like -
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Let’s be honest with ourselves... is Alluther and Vissy the best we can do?! Smh lmao shadklsj  Seems this fandom has a fascination with not syllables as is traditional, but just mashing names together any which way until we get... Kliego *khkhkhkhkh*  If I was here from S1 (as I should have been, but I’m an idiot) here’s how I would have done it based on my Oldness ways (some examples): Sis/ya, Van/sy All/thur (It needed to be balanced!) Five/dol (like Midol but Five aajshkhsa) Li/go, Lil/ego Klau/go, maybe Die/klaus (only bc how you pronounce it and write it are funny jadshjkd but say Die(go)-Klaus and its lolol good)
Kl/ave is actually on point, I can’t be mad ‘atcha Okay meeting adjourned, the Klaves win the ship wars I guess we can all go home.
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