#shoto todoroki analysis
sleepingpopplio · 2 months
A Reminder about MHA’s last chapter
Dear MHA fandom, the leaks never said that Class-A lose complete contact with Izuku for the last 6 years, only that they haven’t been able to see eachother because of scheduling conflicts. TEXTING, CALLING, AND VIDEO-CHATTING ARE STILL A THING. FOR ALL WE KNOW THEY’VE BEEN TEXTING 24/7 SO PLEASE STOP REACHING SUCH AN INSANE CONCLUSION WHEN THATS LITERALLY NOT THE CASE.
Translations say they “haven’t had enough time to get together”, which means seeing each other in person. It doesn’t mean anything about other forms of communications. Long-distance relationships happen all the time. Dont you remember still keeping in touch with others after moving away or after highschool/college? It’s the same case here.
So, let’s all take a deep breath, no matter who you ship or care about most, and remember that these kids all care about eachother and nothing can change that.
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Natsuo Todoroki hasn't changed
Since he was introduced, I have always considered Natsuo troublesome for his family. He doesn't respect Rei and Fuyumi's choices to forgive Enji. He spreads the false rumours that Toya said to him as a kid. Despite Enji already atoning, Natsuo gets aggressive with him, stressing out the whole family and preventing them from healing.
As the manga reached its finale, I hoped that Natsuo would realise he was going down a dangerous path and apologise for his mistakes. However, this turned out not to be the case. Natsuo hasn't changed and is set to turn out like his father, if not worse.
When it comes to stopping Toya, the Todoroki family is inconsistent with their choices. At first, the family's civilians remained safe, and the heroes were allowed to do their jobs. Otherwise, they could get into legal trouble for vigilantism. It doesn't matter how personal the stakes are. Additionally, Shoto could focus on his fight with Dabi and not worry about his loved ones.
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Natsuo fulfils his promise at first, remaining in the shelter and keeping his sister safe.
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It was reckless enough when Rei got involved in Toya's fight. Then, Natsuo and Fuyumi had to disobey their mother. Three civilians had stuck their noses in hero work. Luckily, it all ended well in the end.
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Who knows, this plan change could be better in the long term. They are in the middle of a war, and sometimes, you can't wait for legal permission. The ice users have no hero training but could negotiate as the criminal's family. Natsuo claims he is the closest to Toya, so he must step up the most here.
For a brief moment, Natsuo seems he is on the right track. He remembers the night when Toya called the women "useless", and he refused to refute it. He enabled Toya for too long and now Natsuo must take responsibility.
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Instead, he unhelpfully insults Toya. Where is Natsuo admitting his own guilt? Where is his meaningful speech? He hardly tries for the brother he claimed to be close to and enabled.
This is why non-professionals getting involved was a bad idea. He could have angered Toya further and made everything more dangerous.
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After this brief line to Toya, Natsuo gives up on negotiating. Instead, he focuses on using his untrained quirk and trying to overpower Toya. This could have been disastrous.
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When Shoto finally defeats Toya, Natsuo makes his loyalties known. He doesn't rush to check on Toya, who is likely dead. Instead, he keeps his distance. Natsuo is simply flunking his duties.
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Natsuo doesn't even acknowledge or thank Shoto for saving everyone. It is Fuyumi who speaks up.
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Despite having his thoughts, Natsuo doesn't say any of them aloud. He completely ignores his villainous brother dying on the ground and the complicated history that led to this point.
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Enji's apologies revealed the bitter truth about Natsuo. He had it the easiest out of the entire Todoroki family. Enji and Shoto have put their lives countless times on the line to save them. Rei has spent ten years in a mental hospital. Fuyumi had to do the housework and keep the family together from a young age.
Meanwhile, Natsuo can fulfil his dreams at college, get a girlfriend and barely phone home. It is time for him to do his fair share and do some emotional labour. He can ease the load of his loved ones. However, he selfishly makes them do all the heavy lifting.
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Even after his 16-year-old brother faints, Natsuo doesn't move to check on him. Toya is one thing, but Shoto is the most innocent one of all.
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Even at the lowest possible point, Natsuo can't help but insult Enji: "Mom and Fuyumi had enough heat for one day." He indirectly throws shade on Shoto as well, just because he has a fire quirk.
Worst of all, Natsuo demands that Enji continue fighting despite losing his arm and having third-degree burns. Ignoring the family aspect momentarily, Natsuo is incredibly ungrateful as a civilian towards a serving hero.
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After the war, the Todoroki family visit Toya in the hospital. Despite his brother dying and everyone being scarred, Natsuo just coldly stares. Rei and Fuyumi pipe up, but the thirdborn thinks he can ignore the past.
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Worst of all, Natsuo decides to make it all about him and suddenly announces he is disowning Enji. Is he going to abandon his mother to look after his wheelchair-bound father? Will he ignore all the effort that Enji has put into atoning?
A child unnecessarily disowning their parent will leave an emotional scar on their very soul.
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Has Natsuo reflected on everyone's part in the family's dysfunctionality? Does he not understand how sociopathic Toya was as a child and responsible for his parents' poor mental health? He remembers that Toya called the women "useless", but he doesn't acknowledge all the other horrible things Toya did.
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Will Natsuo be a hypocrite and not disown the relatives who sold off his mother?
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Despite Natsuo's stinging words at Enji, he gives him emotional whiplash by praising him. Deep down, Natsuo knows Enji deserves better, and he wants a connection with his father. However, he is overtaken by childish stubbornness and pettyness. Natsuo is the only person preventing Fuyumi's dream of their family being complete and he is denying her that. He is holding everyone back. He is a coward and ungrateful.
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I'm seriously convinced that Natsuo will continue the cycle of abuse. He is already making the same mistake of marrying at the young age of twenty.
I'm wondering what Natsuo's girlfriend feels about this. Why did she agree to never meet her father-in-law? Why did she agree to a non-ceremonial wedding? Did she agree that her future children would never know their grandfather? She looks like she has a shy personality, and I wonder if Natsuo likes to take advantage of that. Is he controlling towards her?
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What will his attitude be towards his future children? What if they become curious about their family history? What if they have fire quirks? What if they look exactly like Enji?
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I fear that Natsuo will become like Kotaro Shimura, Shigaraki's father. If this happens, the ice user would be worse than Enji. Endeavour lost his father at a young age and didn't have a good example for his own parenting. Meanwhile, Natsuo has a long history to learn from. Multiple loved ones are reaching out to him and begging him to heal. Natsuo should know better, yet he chooses to fester on his grudges and potentially carry on the abusive cycle.
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Natsuo already has a fierce temper and a habit of hitting things. How long before it turns from objects to real people?
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nortsauce · 6 months
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(And i’ll be typing the rest here because there are too many slides so read bellow)
My LONG ASS rant on how MHA (among other things) fails to present its ab*se victims in a good way,
Starring the todoroki family
So, i know literally no one cares but i feel like it needed to be said: but MHA has a BIG issue with victims of abuse being treated kinda shittily, to making whole arcs about their abusers.
This isn’t a HUGE thing, as the lack of sympathy for Hawk’s abusers was definitely there, but they still were portrayed in a semi-sympathetic light. This is not the main focus however.
I’m sure many could go on and on about Bakugou and Midoriya’s relationship, but thats not what i’m focusing on.
I’m focusing on the most OVERLOOKED and ABHORRENTLY handled dynamic of the Todoroki family
I will be going over each of the characters and why they suck in some way, but as a whole i have to talk about this: Each one of the characters of the family are all victims of abuse in some way, and represent the different ways that trauma affects the victim, i understand that.
All in all, they do a good job of portraying the different ways in which the people handle abuse,
Endeavor being one who never dealt with his past egotistical superiority complex and threw his baggage onto his family/children to live vicariously
Rei being the one who is emotionally/physically damaged to the point of a mental break
Touya being the ex-golden child, and the one who continued the cycle of violence (and misogyny but thats another topic for another paper)
Fuyumi being the one who holds onto an idealized version of a family that possibly only existed in her dreams, being codependent and longing/working to get those “happy times” back with her family, clinging onto smth that was possibly never there
Natsuo being the one who is (justifiably) angry at his abusers, cuts his family off and goes to pursue his own life/dreams
and finally shoto
the one who realizes his role as the golden child is only for his parents to live vicariously, breaks his cycle and is trying to figure out who he is.
These are all great representations of how people cope/handle trauma, and i believe that was on purpose, considering that it also speaks on abuse of children on baselines of being in a famous family.
However, certain aspects are clearly not handled properly; allow me to explain.
Shoto, the youngest of the family, is often seen as the architect of the abuse, as the family was actually quite “fine-living” (i’ll come back to this) before shoto was born.
There were obviously cracks in their family from the beginning, Touya being the golden child despite not being able to physically handle his own power without hurting himself (an allegory i’ll discuss), the fact that Enji (endeavor) basically bought his way into marrying Rei, and of course enji’s complex of being less than All-might.
However, many characters seem to blame the birth of Shoto for breaking the camel’s back, and starting the domestic violence that had already threatened to spill through.
It’s shown through the anime that shoto has a kind heart and never liked enji, due to the fact that he would harm him, his siblings, and his mother,
but for being the tritagonist of this show, we never get to see how he really feels. In all of this, perhaps we could see him feeling guilt for being the reason his family is broken, the possible resentment yet dependency he has for his father, the thoughts on how he feels conflicted yet guilty about his mother and continues to blame himself.
Its interesting how he never stops blaming his father, but regardless we only get his apathetic views on his father and no one else. Its saddening to see the sideline of the victim of abuse while his abuser gets a whole arc. But i’m not there yet.
Moving on we have Natsuo and Fuyumi. I grouped them together because they both have opposite ways of dealing with their trauma, as Aforementioned: Natsuo tries to cut all ties while Fuyumi tries to be a “normal” family with her remaining members.
Both of them have valid ways to why they act this way, and its tragic, however, the way they deal with their youngest sibling, shoto, is disheartening to say the least.
Both of them understand how Shoto was physically abused since he was 5, and neglect to form any sort of connection with him despite his better efforts in natsuo’s case, using him as leverage against his father and nothing more, while in fuyumi’s case, basically presents him in her fantastical version of him in their fantastical “perfect” family life, causing him to have multiple meetings with his abuser and forcing him to relive the trauma so she can have peace of mind.
In hindsight, this is all interesting heavy topics to explore in a character, and i was honestly curious to see how it would be handled
however it all faltered as soon as I saw the hospital scene.
After Dabi’s Dance, the todoroki family comes to visit Shoto and Endeavor in the hospital, both of whom are heavily bandaged and bed-ridden.
Despite this all, Rei, Fuyumi, and Natsuo force todoroki, who is burnt and recovering his voice, to get up and walk over to his father’s ward to speak to him.
Shoto, despite being unable to form full sentences, makes it FULLY CLEAR he does not want to be there, by closing the door to his ward, and attempting to leave. Despite his clear efforts, his family makes him go in to talk to him.
this 16 year old boy being forced out of RECOVERING, fully bandaged and barely able to talk, forced to visit his abuser to hear him cry about not being able to fight his own son, depsite also being his son and physically harmed by him since childhood.
In my opinion that wasn’t a good move on any of the family’s part.
Rei is a difficult subject to discuss. She is clearly a victim and has been for. while. She is mentally distant after being harmed for so long and spent time in a psyche-ward to handle herself.
Saying that she was a bad mother would be too far in my opinion, as she did her best to provide a nice life for her kids as well as defend them from her husband.
Not much is said about her, but from what we can tell she loved her kids very much, until the abuse started.
I feel the blame for shoto began with her, not being able to face her own son after the “death” of her first and the fact that his face reminded her of the abuse she’s faced from endeavor.
Her character is honestly an interesting one, but she is not safe from my scrutiny of the hospital scene. She was very brave for facing her abuser like this, however, she did not have to drag her bedridden youngest into the fray.
She is the DIRECT reason shoto has a scar on her face, (indirectly endeavor’s fault)
But i will never blame her for the abuse she faced for her children, by her husband and to an extent, her own son touya, which leads me into my next point
Touya, aka Dabi, is the “Late” eldest brother who was originally Endeavor’s ticket into living vicariously to defeat all-might and be the number 1 hero.
I could go into the psychology of his character but he is ultimately very interesting. In all honesty the way he is presented as being the consequences of endeavor’s actions is palpable and honestly quite raw. At a young age, he was handling the pressure of being his father’s perfect creation, and the fame and fortune that followed as he sought his father’s approval. Soon, his quirk began to burn him every time he used it, a fact that endeavor ignored to pursue his goal. Touya’s power became self-harm at some point, an allegory for his disregard for his own life and well-being for his father’s dream which ultimately (literally) exploded on itself.
Touya’s story is interesting, from his abuse causing him to act like his father craving his approval, which lead him to act put against his mother and shoto, while laying his baggage onto his younger siblings, to losing his mind and realizing that he wanted his father dead and continuing the cycle of abuse further.
This is all a deep and interesting way to look at abuse and how the abused may become an abuser, HOWEVER.
MY critique here, is how sidelined his whole arc is, as his story is more portrayed of Endeavor’s past coming to haunt him, all for the watcher to sympathize with endeavor rather than understand how the abuse endeavor put onto touya made dabi. This whole arc was framed to be sympathetic towards endeavor, and to fear Dabi. Don’t even get me started on how Shoto’s feelings meant nothing in this arc, as well as being immediately cut off by a surprise cameo of a character that possibly discredited Dabi’s expose video on his abuser.
Finally, we get to talk about the elephant in the room: Enji Todoroki, endeavor himself.
What is there not to say about this man.
I feel I should start eith the obvious:
The forgiveness/sympathy arc for endeavor was quite possibly the worst thing to ever happen in the anime, and this is not subjective.
The whole arc is based around how Endeavor is a victim of his own mind and is trying his hardest to make up for being a terrible person.
Personally, i love to see character arcs of villains becoming a better person, but thats the very thing: Endeavor is trying to ask for forgiveness from his family, who he abused for 15 YEARS. This is no exaggeration as Shoto is now 16, and his cracks started forming as soon as he was born.
Endeavor had illegally married a woman that he basically bought his way into,
was illegally “breeding” (eugh) for quirk benefits,
Treated one of his son’s like a vicarious version of himself
Physically abused his son (age 5+) his wife, and verbally abused the rest of his children
isolated his son
treated his son like a weapon
and finally felt too prideful for any sort of meaningful apology.
This all adds up to a character who only felt sorry for his actions after the consequences started hitting him in the face, as he only felt remorseful when Shoto refused to be associated with him.
Now, some of you may be thinking: “A lot of characters are forgiven for more, why would he be the exception? It’s fictional why do you care?”
There are several reasons to why I care but i’ll speak in terms of framing for now. This show is highly influential to not only kids (as it is a KIDS SHOW) but to adults as well. May i direct your attention to the man who saved a woman from a murderous ex-boyfriend by blocking his machete hits all because My Hero Academia inspired him to take action and be a hero?
Or how about a murder that took place because the accused was inspired by an invader zim episode (the dark harvest)
Whether you like it or not, fiction HAS an affect on reality. Yes, we can determine what is real and what is fake, but you cannot deny that a lot of what media we consume helps us be who we are.
If the show promotes more sympathy towards an abuser than their victims, then people may find themselves sympathizing real world abusers over the voices of victims.
I wont speak on delicate subjects but I can already see affects of this happening, as people rally to defend famous people accused of being abusers rather than listen and provide support to the alleged victims.
In conclusion, These topics are definitely not easy to write, and I, for one, am NO expert and my word should not be used as gospel truth or a guideline on how to write these characters.
This is all simply my opinion on how the bias towards abusers in the show leads for the message to be skewed and marred in action.
I understand that no one is perfect, but if we only reward and sympathize with those who only seek redemption after they face scrutiny, then we lose the meaning of what makes someone worthy of forgiveness.
These topics are deep and interesting, but the way they are handled in this show is simply bad writing.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk and again: no shade towards the writers. Just critiques!
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yokai-girlie · 3 months
MHA Chapter 426 Manga Spoilers Under the Cut
I’m playing a bit of compare and contrast with these images and trying to decipher what it all means. I’m really bad at putting my thoughts into words so i’m sorry if this makes no sense lol
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This first one in my opinion is authentically Toya. That’s who he should’ve been is the best way I can describe it. Bright smile, fluffy hair, a family that is present and paying attention to him. They are happy to see him. They are proud of him. Why isn’t Shoto there? Because in a different reality, Shoto wasn’t necessary. Toya didn’t “fail”. This is a reality where Shoto being born was never necessary to begin with. Enji didn’t fail Toya in this reality.
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But this is is the Reality of the situation.This is what has actually happened. This is what Too Late looks like. But Enji Todoroki is a stubborn man that refuses to give up. So he’s going to try anyways, even though he’s already failed. He’s going to make the most of the last moments he has left with his son.
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Instead, he’s choosing to see someone that is authentically Dabi. A reality where Enji did fail, yes but he’s not too late. He’s choosing to cling to the hope of a reality where he can atone. He’s going to apologize for the rest of his life. He’s promising Toya his undivided attention because that is what Toya needed before it was too late.
Enji does this because this is all he can offer. And it will never be good enough and it will always be too late but it’s all he can do because he can’t change what he did in the past.
Where are Toya’s arms in all the pictures?
Well, that’s the source of the quirk. Enji spent his entire life focused on his children’s quirks. Now is not the time for that. Now is the time to focus on what really matters.
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You know, thinking about it, the resolution of the Todoroki plotline might have me more convinced we’re getting a My Hero part 2 more than ever, because it…didn’t really resolve much. Dabi still wants to die. He still hates his family. No one in that family can talk to Touya to save their or his life. And I know some people have stopped caring over time; but corruption in hero society looks like it’ll still run rampant and we have 0 reason to think there won’t be more Endeavors and Dabis in the future.
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I mean all the 390 climax was, really, was Shoto using his ice in conjuncture with his family’s ice to overpower Dabi’s fire. And sure there was some symbolic meaning to the whole affair but…that’s really it, that’s the climax for the entire Todoroki plotline? No sympathizing with Touya, no convincing him to live, no Endeavor putting his family before heroics…just Shoto stopping a bomb we knew about for 5 whole chapters and leaving everything else as it was? (I guess there was also the world’s weakest-ass-apology if you want to count it.)
Look I know there’s a degree to which they’d have always had to talk about some things off screen, and they did say they were gonna talk. There’s already people supposing that 390 wasn’t the end, we’ll come back for a final-final resolution between the family. There’ll probably be something similar for Toga & Shigaraki. But some things is the key term; not everything. You can’t cut back to them for a few pages and address everything wrong with Touya in that time before moving on to the other two. I know people like to simplify the villains to make their saves seem easier & more guaranteed, but I think it’s fair to say Dabi’s a bit more complicated than that.
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And like, maybe it is just rushed writing; but the sheer degree to which all the bad blood is still there, coupled with Dabi’s new ice side of his quirk that we’ve done little to nothing with, just makes it seem like the Todoroki plot line is not close to done; which flies in the face a bit of this being the final arc. Hence why I’m back on my theory train as to how this is not the finale and there’ll be a My Hero continuation after the war.
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shehsart · 1 year
Here's my thoughts on the last few chapters since they've wrecked me mentally. The panels are so beautifully done and every single one portrays tragedy. There's so much symbolism and I think this is the most artistically pleasing arc in the entire series.
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This panel this fucking panel is so heartwrenching because we discover Touya is imagining this scene play out while burning to death.
He thinks he's finally getting his family's attention when in reality this is happening and he's just hallucinating due to brain damage.
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These panels make it even more heartbreaking. They're just yelling at him to stop but he's still happy because all he ever wanted was his family to see him. Just think about the amount of desperation.
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Then Dabi is back meaning he's still holding on to his resentment. He tried and tried to get unconditional love which every child deserves thinking he had to accomplish something to achieve it. If giving him attention was so easy why did it take so long?
Now that he's an adult most think it shouldn't be a big deal but abuse/neglect fucks you up really badly for life. You want to blame someone but blaming your own parent fucks with your mind even more. It makes you guilty about your own existence.
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AHH yes the ending. Shoto finally arriving with his ice 🙏 Kun from the nomu fight and the rest of the world are praying. This is the moment where I was finally a bit satisfied.
Too many parallels to the fight back in chap 190 so here's to hoping no one will die. Touya just might but I don't think he's taking his entire family with him. He's not even taking Endeavor with him.
But think about it the worst thing for this family would be for Touya to have come back and died right in front of them again, it would be just haunt them so much. It's horrible but it would be interesting to see. Ironically if he lives he'll end up imprisoned forever.
I'm a bit confused I want to see him live and heal with his fam, actually discover who he is apart from his family's trauma but the way this current society is set he won't be able to. I want to see more of Dabi/Touya though and I'm sure we all do. I need to see more of the Todorokis, I need to see them happier ;~; I think he'll def get more content like a spin off even after bnha ends. I'll fucking campaign for it.
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
So i ADORE the PR yn fics like they have the perfect blend of comedy, office tension, and romance *mwah* they’re beautiful
And I definetly agree with the concesus that Katsuki’s PR has got it THE WORST. Like poor man is a PR NIGHTMARE. but honestly I think the class A big three are all PR problem children. like remember that one training exercise/interview thing they had going on right after Katsuki and Shotos getting their professional licenses? (at least I think it happened around then) Katsuki just swearing like a sailor. Shoto is being a cute little bean content to sit there but not actually contributing to the interview. And Izuku either freezes up under the camera or immediately sees it as an opportunity to info dump his latest obsession. Like hun none of these boys can give a proper interview 😭😂
Not to mention these boys have insanely powerful quirks and can demolish those freaking ridiculous mini city training facilities UA has. like yeah Kats is definitely the worse, but I think they’re also all struggling with some very parallel issues here
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aeryzdoesstuff · 1 year
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Reading the the latest MHA chapter there was two details that I really took note of that I particularly enjoyed. The first one being how Touya and Shouto's thoughts merged in to one. Highlighting how similar the two of them are and how Touya doesn't really want to die. Like Shouto, he wants a family, he wants to be happy. He wants a relationship with his little brother I believe, hence the vision of Shouto being a child comes in to play; it's Touya's pov. He views Shouto as a child still, the last time he saw him he was 13. That's the vision of Shouto he knows, he can't see Shouto for who he is now because mentally Touya isn't there. He's still that 13 year old boy. Touya is scared and lost and doesn't know how to cope with what he is feeling. He doesn't know how to express himself in his outer dialogue beyond what we see and it's a nice juxtaposition to his inner dialogue. Touya's too scared to allow himself be vulnerable and that's why in chapter 389-390 we're given access to his inner dialogue. It's how he truly feels. Now for the last panel, this one really breaks my heart as Endeavour is voicing his apologies to his family. Endeavour and Dabi are together in one corner. Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi is in the other. Shouto is entirely alone as he collapses, like he's been 'othered' by the family. As if maybe that's how Shouto himself feels about his relation to the family. It was forced on to him to piece the family back together for his family's sake. A task that no child should ever be responsible for and now that they're finally together the only one who is alone is Shouto. Really highlighting how isolated he really is from his family even in this crutial moment. It also doesn't help that Endeavour's apologies are too little too late. They feel empty and pointless. So the use of the wide angle shot in the bottom panel is a great highlight for how pointless it all was. Not only for Endeavour but for Shouto who has already voiced in this chapter that he's 'othered', he said himself; "Maybe... I was never actually the masterpiece creation.". For a young man to say that, isn't a small thing. He still thinks he doesn't belong. Shouto is a character with a soft, loving heart and perhaps one of the most isolated character in MHA. Just like his brother Touya.
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neonscandal · 9 months
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from BNHA? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
My faves, I've been asked a few times so I'll be light on explanation, but, honestly, I'm liable to switch up depending on whatever I just read or watched.
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Katsuki Bakugo - I just expanded on this but I just generally think more people could give more grace to the traumatized little demon child who has, for reasons against his will, largely been put through trials not only as Midoriya's rival but also as a potential love interest (re: damsel in distress trope)
Izuku Midoriya - I kinda touched on what makes Midoriya interesting but realize it's kinda in the context of the chemical reaction between he and Bakugo. Simply, I like Midoriya for a few reasons that I may not have previously intimated. Those being he is a certified chaos gremlin which is sometimes lost on us as the reader/viewer because he's our narrator (Bakugo only seems insolent. He'll say "don't tell me what to do", but do exactly as you've asked. Midoriya will smile in your face after being told what not to do and adapt the most pants shitting plan to break his bones and risk fatal injury known to man right after.), he's such a fucking nerd, also, kin.
Shouta Aizawa - I love a good traumatized character. But his characterization is so stern, rough around the edges and nonchalant (I usually like trauma with a side of silly goofy✨). It truly belies the fact that he's just a big ole softie who understands the nuance of his students in such an endearing way. Like, I just love him.
Shoto Todoroki - Character wise, Shoto is really entertaining because, while he is a nepo baby, he is skilled to back up why he should be in class 1A. He is not dumb but he is simple. I appreciate that he is regularly unexpected comedic relief and it definitely comes at the price of something neurospicy. Additionally, he and his family situation are just as integral to the story as Midoriya and Bakugo's evolving relationship and power dynamic and it adds texture to him as a tritagonist.
Eijirou Kirishima - My fifth is an oscillating fan available for whoever last occupied my mind but this comes from a recent ask where someone mentioned being a kiribaku because same. Kirishima is the first to earn Bakugo's respect because of his earnest and unrelenting attempts to befriend him. He and Denki are good indicators that Bakugo is, perhaps, not as enigmatic as the narration leads us to believe. His veneer of manly bravado barely covering his insecurities and lack of confidence? The fact that he thought the best way to be a new person was to dye his hair?? KIN. He is precious to me.
⚠️ Spoiler Warning through chapter 411.
These moments are not in any particular (in terms of favorite or chronological) order.
Feral Deku Being Found By Kacchan - Just, the whole arc of being found by Class 1A, beaten down by them, apology in the rain, and being advocated for by Class 1A against an angry mob? The whole thing was goosebumps inducing, just the way they've all grown.
Discovering the Sir Nighteye's Prediction Saw Deku Dying in Action - Toga is a disruptor but also, perhaps, so are all those OFA quirks. Even so, Sir Nighteye not only resigned to his own death but also Deku's which is so wild of him when he so earnestly wanted to discourage All Might from the path to destruction he saw ahead of him. He really had beef with a kid. BUT ALSO Sir Nighteye coming back to be like "All Might... this isn't a comic book, you don't have to die here,". OMG the boomerang arcs all of these characters get is just so heartwarming/wrenching depending on who it is.
Bakugo, With No Other Choice, Facing Off Against Shigaraki - We got so much from that, including, confirming that he cared about that whole host of extras so much that he would think to pass along their care to someone else. That was just so beautiful for his development but also real tears. I remember I was in the midst of reading the manga for the first time and saw a hint of a leak and I read like 150 chapters in a matter of days to get caught up.
Heroes Rising - Literally, that whole movie. GOOSEBUMPS.
Bakugo vs Uraraka at the Sports Festival - This fight was so brilliant for so many reasons.
1. Uraraka gave Bakugo a legitimate run for his money all on her own 2. It demonstrates sexism in universe based on audience perception of the fight as well as how much public opinion bears on the split between a hero and a villain 3. Aizawa gave an unbiased interpretation of the fight and continues to defend Bakugo's character later in the story when people bring up his "villainous" behavior at the Sport's Festival 4. Bakugo is shown to be really noble where other boys from Class 1A seem to think they need to go easy on girls (who end up handing them their ass later) during the Sports Festival but also during the Class 1A vs Class 1B joint exercise 5. It spurred Uraraka to push beyond the confines of her quirk and seek tutelage under Gunhead which is like.. so huge in terms of her development but also pushes her outside of a perception of helplessness that would typically befall a main female lead in a shonen series.
Thanks for asking!
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A little rant over the why I consider that Todoroki Shouto is autistic
Disclaimer: As always, this is just one of my many theories. Please don’t attack me for this, if you don’t like it, scroll and continue with your life. 
This is the third mha character that I have analysed, and I also think he is the least likely to be autistic (strangely enough because he is also the one more often read as autistic). This is because a lot of his actions can also be read  as trauma responses rather than autistic traits, however, this is your friendly reminder that autistic people can (and are actually statistically more likely) to have PTSD. For Shouto, I think it is both autism and C-PTSD.
This post HAS manga spoilers!
Insistence on sameness, and difficulty dealing with change
Even though this is not explicitly said anywhere (as far as I know), it’s something that you can definitely notice if you look very closely.
Todoroki remodelled his entire dorm in a day for it to be the same as it was in his home for comfort. He even went to the extent of changing the floors. That shows that he has difficulty dealing with transitions (moving from home, to the dorms).
He is also a very stubborn person, shown in his insistence to only use his ice side for so long. And even though we know this is connected to his trauma towards fire, even after he starts overcoming that, he still heavily relies on his ice, and has a tendency (almost a routine) to always using it first. 
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Strong sense of justice
Todoroki has an incredible sense of justice, and not in the ´follow every rule’ way like Iida. Todoroki has never hesitated to break the rules to stand up for what he thinks is right. He literally considered torture in USJ arc, if it meant gaining information that could potentially safe lives. In the Kamino Ward arc, he decided to break the rules and go and save Bakugou because he knew that’s what was right (even if it was illegal). He followed Bakugou and Izuku even though it was dangerous and he technically shouldn’t have, but he still went and fought alongside them. In the ‘World Heroes’ Mission’ movie he didn’t hesitate to help Izuku and tell him how to escape even though he was literally accused of mass murder. I think there are many examples of this in general.
It also shows that he is a very loyal person, which isn’t an autistic trait (I think), just a very cool thing about him.
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Recognizes patterns easier than his peers
I have two specific examples for this. 
Calling himself a hand crusher. He definitely recognized a pattern there. He fought with Midoriya -> He injured his hand. He fought with Iida -> Iida injured his hand. Therefore Hand injuries are caused by him (under this logic).
He was quick to figure out why the villains were at the USJ, and that they definitely had a solid plan. (In a similar way, Tsuyu did the same, who I also headcanon as autistic, but that’s off topic).
Speaking differences/struggles
Todoroki has what can be described as a ‘flat tone’. There are only some very specific scenes where he raises his voice, but in general, his voice tone never really changes. Even when delivering jokes, or sarcastic comments, his tone is always the same. 
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Struggles with social cues and reading other people tones
I believe this is one of his most recognized traits. He has a lot of difficulty understanding sarcasm and exaggeration when it comes from others, even being told by others that he is ‘too clueless’ (Mount Lady, and Min*ta). He takes things very literally, a good example of this being when Mt Lady told him that girls would die for his smile, and he took it very seriously, to the point where not even under Mr. Smileys quirk he didn't actually smile. 
He also struggles ‘reading the room’ and social cues, having in mind the way that he is convinced that he is friends with Bakugou. (He is. Bakugou is just in denial/hj. They definitely care for each other, and they ARE friends. But Todoroki considered him a friend way before Bakugou even considered it).
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Says things directly
Todoroki says things with 0 to no hesitation. He is not afraid at all to call people out. He says things like they are, he doesn't sugar code anything. There are many examples of this, like him fighting with the chief of the police, every possible interaction he has had with Endeavor, him saying that he didn’t even notice Hagakure was with him in the USJ, him telling Midoriya that he is objectively better than him and others. Trauma dumping on Midoriya during the sports festival. This might come out as rude sometimes, but he definitely (mostly) doesn't do it with bad intentions. 
‘Flat’ facial expressions
Same as his voice, his facial expressions don’t really change, and it could be argued that they don't match his emotions. For example when he froze Sero during their fight in the sports festival, and even though he didn’t really looked angry, he apologises and tells him that he was angry. 
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Comfort food and being a ‘picky’ eater (term that I don’t personally like, but I’m using to make a point)
Shouto really likes Soba. Especially cold soba. He is seen eating it in the anime, and it is stated in the character profile of the manga’s second volume. He even offers it to Midoriya when he is sad (that was really cute by the way, I do that too. You’re sad? Let me get some chocolate for you!)
It being cold can be because of two things. 
Sensory issues about food temperature.
Him not liking boiling water because of what happened with his mother.
Either way, it is canon that he loves cold soba.
Genetic factor
I am not here to do an Endeavor analysis, but ASD is considered to have a genetic factor and Endeavor has some autistic traits as well, including fixated interests, saying things directly, difficulty with volume control, and others.
This is also your friendly reminder that autistic people are NOT saints and can commit crimes, mistakes, abuse etc. 
Moving on because I don’t enjoy talking about Endeavor /hj
Low empathy and difficulty reading other people emotions
Just like Bakugou, he struggles identifying and expressing his own emotions, and has difficulty relating to other people's feelings. I think a perfect example of that is his interaction with Iida during the Hero Killer arc. He also stuggled with this a lot after Dabi revealed he was his brother, and he definetly had problems grieving him.
He also doesn't really know how to show empathy, I think that’s why he offered soba to Deku. He didn’t know what else he could do to help and show that he cared. And he is usually looking for solutions rather than offering support. 
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(not related picture, I just thought his face was really funny here).
Admittedly, I couldn’t find many examples of stimming in him. But I noticed that he has a tendency to rub his finger when he is thinking.
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Special interest
Becoming a hero, and in a way, All Might. I don’t have much proof of this rather than a vibe, but he doesn’t have any other interests or hobbies apart from this (apart from reading manga), which leads me to believe it’s his special interest. 
Other details that I want to mention (aka, the headcanon zone)
He is often seen wearing sweaters, which I believe can be a consequence of sensory issues, and he has a very high pain tolerance. He is very observant as well.
I don’t have proof of this, but I headcanon that he is like me, and doesn’t notice that there is something wrong with him unless it’s extreme. I rarely notice that I need to go to the bathroom until I’m about to pee myself. I live constantly dehydrated because I forget to drink water and I don't really get thirsty. And I don’t notice I’m in  pain unless it’s pretty extreme. 
That’s it, thank you for reading! I love Todoroki. When I started the series he very quickly became one of my favourite characters. 
Next up in my list, Shigaraki!
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ace-touya · 3 months
I don’t know if anyone’s listened to the Enneagram album by Sleeping At Last, but I’m going to assign each song to an MHA character!
Izuku Midoriya
One is an optimistic song. For Izuku, I believe it highlights his beliefs that being a hero means to save others and contribute to making the world better, and the confidence he has in heroes to do that. This song also has a few lyrics that I think resonate with his arc in terms of being quirkless.
All Might
Two is a song that focuses on the narrators relationship with others rather than self-reflection like many of the other songs in enneagram. I think this highlights one of my favourite traits that All Might possesses - the fact that he’s in no way arrogant despite definitely coming across as someone who would be. The themes of this song also relate to the aspect of All Might’s character that puts others before himself far too often.
Katsuki Bakugo
Three is an anthem for burnt-out gifted kids. A major part of Katsuki’s character revolves around a fight to be the best, and this song delves into the moment of realisation that perfection isn’t necessary, and that the narrator has worth even with all their flaws
Shoto Todoroki
Four revolves around learning to find the good in the world and discovering yourself. Shoto has come a long way since season one of My Hero Academia, realising the things that he truly wants and who he wants to be, learning to forgive, and forming friendships with people who he feels safe around. In four, the narrator is still working through their feelings, but they’re beginning to love the life they lead.
Tomura Shigaraki
Five explores the thoughts of someone who needs to understand the world in order to not feel threatened by it. Tomura’s character, all throughout the series, has worked to reveal the holes in hero society. He hates it, and he wants rid of it, because he no longer wants to be hurt. The narrator of Five struggles with detachment and a fear of the chaotic world around them, feelings that I do see present in Tomura’s character. However, the narrator finds closure and belonging through human connection. And Tomura found that with the league.
Keigo Takami
Six speaks on struggling with negativity. Keigo is an overall optimistic character, but he’s been through horrific traumas and as a result, that positivity likely doesn’t come as easy to him as Izuku’s does. Keigo struggles, but he ultimately believes that the world is good. Five portrays a fight with depression, and the narrator is constantly fighting their own mind just to stay alive, yet they also want to be there for others. I think this is the kind of energy we’d get from Hawks if we saw what his day-to-day was like.
Eijiro Kirishima
Seven is a song about adventure. Kirishima is full of infectious positivity who, while maybe not the most confident in himself, is confident in his goals and morals. He wants to be manly, which to him means brave and compassionate. Seven’s narrator is always trying to move toward their goals, and deeply appreciates the world they live in and the people they’re surrounded by. Seven doesn’t seem, at first glance, to be as deep as the other songs in the album, but it is still just as introspective once you pay attention.
Touya Todoroki
Eight is about growing up too fast. When Touya became Dabi, he also became closed off and secretive. Eight’s narrator is angry, and scared of healing, and is finally putting themself and their pain on display in hopes that they’ll be understood. Dabi wants to be seen and heard and still craves the same thing he wanted as a child: validation from his father. The narrator feels like they aren’t the same person they were when they were young, and that they can’t go back to that version of themself, and has a deep sense of protectiveness over anything that they see themselves in. This is my favourite song on the album.
Himiko Toga
Nine is about the aftermath of being what others want instead of being yourself. Toga’s childhood was full of pretending to be ‘normal’ to appease her parents and fit in, leading to her desperation to be herself and do what she wants now, because she was never able to before. The narrator wants to start over, and what’s to be someone they like. They want to experience life for themselves, regardless of what other’s think of them. However, they still find their understanding of others just as important as their understanding of themself. This is my enneagram!
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nighttimeebony · 2 years
The Scars of MHA
This might be a really weird thing to notice or care about, but I absolutely love the way MHA does scars. The scars in MHA are rough, jagged, off-color, asymmetrical. How often have you seen an animated property where scars are thin lines that are almost more like beauty marks than injuries? But not in MHA, where not only are the scars imperfect, but their appearance also reflects the nature of the injury.
Kirishima got the little scar above his right eye when his quirk first activated and he cut himself by accident. Since it was a relatively minor injury that happened so long ago, the scar is more silver/white in color but unmistakably there.
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Izuku's scars are comparatively new, hence the red coloring to his scars, but they're also jagged and rough and give off the impression of major injury. Even his crooked right hand, which does have more faded-looking scars, but it was due to a healing Quirk, and even if the scars don't look quite as bad as the red one on his arm, it still gives off the impression of internal damage that, while healed on the outside, he will have to deal with for the rest of his life if he isn't careful. And speaking of the big scar on Izuku's arm, he's shown wearing a compression sleeve over it, implying that he has issues with chronic pain because of all the damage that's been done to his hands and arms.
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Similar principle applies for Aizawa's scar that he got from the USJ. Because it's a new injury, it's still sort of pink in color, but it's also jagged and rough-looking because of course it would be after getting his face slammed into concrete. Even the placement of it is kind of significant. Because it's so close to his eye, you really feel just how close it was to completely fucking everything up, because Aizawa needs his eyes to use his Quirk, and if his eyes are put out of commission or damaged, then so is Aizawa's effectiveness in a fight. Aizawa is instrumental in almost all the fight scenes in this series, and we KNOW that if he were to get taken out, it would be bad for everyone involved.
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Shouto's scar was a major, severe injury and was caused by a burn, so it's red, splotchy, and takes up most of the left side of his face. It's also surprisingly smooth when compared to other characters scars like Izuku's or even Endeavor's, and it's because burn scars are bright red and kind of smooth-feeling in comparison to the normal texture of human skin. This makes even more sense when you consider that Shouto's scar is technically a freezer burn, and when you compare the look and texture of irl freezer burn scars to Shouto's, the similarity is even more obvious. (No, I will not be putting images here, cuz it can be kind of gross if you're squeamish about stuff like that, but feel free to look it up yourself if you're curious).
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Eri's scars are clean but numerous and entirely cover her arms and legs. This is due to Overhaul's continuous experimental dissections that were clinical and precise but relentless. And I think it's also notable that (with the exception of hospital robes) Eri always wears long sleeves and tights to cover them, which implies that she's self-conscious about them, which is a really good little character detail.
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I just really like that the characters of MHA are allowed to be scarred and have physical imperfections that aren't glossed over or hand-waved, and they aren't treated like something that needs to be "fixed"; they just become a part of them and become natural integrations into their design. I just, I fucking love it.
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kharmii · 2 months
I'm trying so hard not to get sucked into this as my new favorite thing. Found a couple of good clips from the Dabi/Shoto fight on Youtube. The first one has the awkward sub translation, and I like the dub translation better, especially the part where they change 'You're like the congealed broth of calamity!' to '-And you walked among them, even though you are a child of calamity!'. (Makes more sense)
Shoto deserves a moment of self-pitying teenage angst dealing with this shit. -Like imagine him coming out with, "I didn't ask to be born! I didn't ask to have you feeling a constant sense of self-rejection looking at me like I'm your replacement! I work so hard to be that close to effing perfect, and yet you have to find reasons to call me dirty and shameless!"
Then there's the bite where Shoto tells Dabi he has the kind of powers that can beat him (not true. It ended up being a whole family effort at the end). Dabi comes back with how Shoto had it all -ideal body, fire resistance, training- but he was a spoiled brat who didn't live up to his full potential. Then they changed half-baked 'doll' to 'puppet' in the dub. Calling someone a puppet is more of a burn.
Imagine Shoto saying, "Give me a minute! I'm sixteen! GAWD! I had to grow up hearing it from Dad, and now I have to hear it from my older brother while he's trying to murder me! Then you had the nerve to call me dirty and shameless!"
(Nobody wants to be shamed constantly. Nobody wants to be thought of as a puppet who lets people jerk them around).
Then someone posted a video of the end of the fight where Shoto explains he isn't a puppet. He treats Dabi with a lot of depth and decency for someone his age, even as he defeats him. Dabi makes the comment about the two of them being on parallel tracks whose paths will never meet, and Shoto replies, "Our paths will cross; I'll force them to.."
It's like he understands that Dabi is somewhat the victim even if he did unspeakably evil things, and he's trying to say that someday when the sting of having Dabi try to kill him subsides, maybe then they can forge a familial connection like normal people. (Later he proves it by asking him what his favorite food was as a gesture of kindness, or because he's sincerely trying to connect with him).
Shoto froze the entire city, but he has his provisional license, so it's all good.
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myheroanalysis · 2 months
Catch the F*ck Up: MHA Chapter 428
Hey y'all! Join Nicole and Fern as they discuss the latest manga update for My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia: Chapter 428, "The Girl Who Loves Smiles". Want more? Check out our website, myheroanalysis.com. Thanks for listening!
Episode link
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izukurtus · 2 years
(this is a shoto todoroki character analysis. if you're not familiar with him, he is a main character in the anime and manga "boku no hero academia" which is also known as "my hero academia." this will also be exploring izuku midoriya and the canonical relationship between Todoroki and midoriya.)
in the first few arcs, we see Todoroki is cold and powerful. he is a very nonchalant and serious individual who is very skilled in combat. we learn early on that he had a traumatic childhood and that he hates his father, and because of this he refuses to use his quirk how it was meant to be used. we also learn that his mother was also abused by his father, both mentally/psychologically and physically.
because of this, he protected himself by not showing any emotion. for obvious reasons, this is sad as fuck. he was a very blunt person with no social skills or knowledge of social cues, which meant it was impossible for him to make friends. we learn that he suffers from this and has suffered from this all of his life. he doesn't know how to socialize because he was never taught. as a child, he wasn't allowed to play with his siblings. he was forced to train until he passed out from exhaustion.
as he gets older, he starts to build resentment towards his father because he sees him abusing his mother. he goes to his mother when he's 5 and ends up getting a boiling hot pot of water thrown over his face.
now, I find this really interesting because the climax of izuku and todoroki's childhoods occurred when they were both five. this is a really cool parallel because we get to explore the dynamics of their relationship and their childhood trauma. together, as characters, they're extremely similar and both went through traumatizing experiences.
for one, todoroki was abused by his father and got assaulted by his mother, and i cover the most important stuff already, but this is just the basics of what he went through.
for two, Midoriya was abused by bakugo. it happened in a much more graded down and minor manner at four years old, but after katsuki began to develop his quirk, the abuse devolved and got much worse.
so, we can already see a similarity here: both are being abused, and both are being abused by someone that's supposed to take care of them. a friend is supposed to take care of you, and izuku thought of kacchan as a friend, even though he wasn't. a parent is supposed to take care of you, yet shotos dad emotionally neglected him and physically abused him.
you can already tell that they have shitty lives. izuku is ostracised by bakugo and his friends and also bullied/abused.
so, you get that same feeling of not knowing how to socialize and having no idea how to cope from both kids, which is another way they're similar to each other.
another similarity between todoroki and midoriya is that as they grow older, they find ways to cope in their situations. Midoriya's is writing a bunch of journals analysing heroes, their costumes, their quirks, and everything about them. Todoroki's is by rebelling against his abuser and only using his ice quirk.
it's scientifically proven that realistically, we're more drawn to people that remind us of ourselves, people that are very similar to us. Todoroki and midoriya, are similar.
midoriya is very emotional, which means he tends to express himself through physical contact. he acts like an emotionally vulnerable human being, and sometimes that makes people want to care for him. enter todoroki into the equation.
when they meet, they first have an ominous relationship. todoroki dislikes, NOT hates, midoriya. midoriya is curious about todoroki and wants to be his friend. todoroki makes a public announcement that he doesn't intend to become friends with his classmates and that he will defeat izuku.
now, he says this because he recognizes that dekus quirk is similar to all mights quirk and that they're probably related. his entire upbringing was spent training to defeat all Might, so obviously once he uncovers this discovery, he'll feel conflicted.
but then again, this is a pretty good example of how their friendship works! you see, we've seen before how todoroki struggles to understand others in general due to his personality type. this is the reason why midoriya seems to be drawn to him. midoriya is naturally a hero, and a helper. he wants to help todoroki and save him from his inner conflict.
right before their match, we see them meet up and talk. todoroki explains his theory about why he thinks deku got his quirk from all Might, and he opens up about his childhood trauma.
they go on to fight, blah blah blah - but this is an actually super important part of their relationship and todorokis character development. Izuku screams "its not his quirk, its yours!" during the battle. it's obvious that he feels strongly about todoroki becoming a better person. izuku and todoroki become closer because of this, and they bond as heros and best friends.
this also the first time izuku has saved someone mentally, from their own self. it's also the second time he saved someone in general, so you can imagine how much it means to him, how much todoroki means to him.
they form a deep friendship afterwards, enough so I would consider them best friends. but i don't think anyone understands - izuku literally SAVED todoroki from falling into an even deeper pit of self hate, rage, hate at his father, etc. etc.
the bond they formed over that? fuckin deep. shotos backstory, childhood, and trauma are all really well written and beautiful. it was as realistic as possible - the effects of abuse on a little kid. it was as clear cut as could be because izuku knew him better than anyone else. he knows exactly what kind of impact domestic abuse has because he's seen it all in shoto.
he legit knows shoto best, and i think shoto knows izuku best as well. their relationship is really cute and healthy. they're also rivals, but in a healthy, "we're still friends" kind of way.
they've fought alongside each other and tried as much as possible to protect each other. when izuku sent out the alert in the internship arc, the whole class dismissed it except for todoroki, who showed up on the spot on the off chance that midoriya is in danger. not only does this symbolize how close midoriya is to todoroki's heart, but it also symbolizes his killer fucking instincts. this dude was willing to drop EVERYTHING for someone he just met.
this showcases how deeply they bonded after the sports festival. they risked their lives for each other. and not only that, but im gonna go back to the sports festival in question. imagine delving all of your deep, inner secrets, trauma, and past to someone who you just met. DAMN, that's deep!
AND, after that, midoriya inspired todoroki into being a hero, healing up from his traumas, visiting his mother, and other shit. do you really need more proof of how big of an effect they have and hold over each other?
without midoriya, todoroki would have stayed the same emo kid and had the same exact relationships with his family. he also never would have become a hero without izuku.
also, that's not the only evidence for the development of their relationship either! shoto actually LISTENS TO and CARES ABOUT izuku and his problems, not just the other way around! he listens to izukus rant on Kota and even shares his own advice. they're extremely patient and caring towards each other.
also, one of the tropes that they fall into is the helper vs help trope. it probably falls under a different name, but I'm sure you guys understand. izuku is naturally a helper, shoto needs help... geddit?
so, this evidence proves that tododeku isn't one dimensional, single fold, or any other negative terms! it's not one sided love at all, and "it's your power" isn't the only moment of bonding that they share.
and not only that, but they both have their own characters outside of each other. they both have their own things going on both in and outside of their relationship. they both have different goals and different ways to achieve those goals.
they're significant to each other, complement each other in important ways, and it would be super interesting if they got together!
and not only that, but izuku seems to calm todoroki down when he's upset. i can't remember what chapter was in, but the panel is right here.
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he's ALSO super observant of izuku and his needs. shoto notices when izuku is upset and curious, just like izuku notices when shoto is upset and curious!
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and not only that but they're the perfect pair when it comes to fights, they're both powerful, capable, and strategic people.
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that's a picture of shoto and izuku fighting stain da killer. and if you won't notice, then you'll ALSO see that he's confidently using his fire side right after the sports festival.. in the presence of izuku. this, again, shows how izuku inspired and continues to inspire him everyday.
edit: during the midoriya vs muscular fight, izuku used shotos words to inspire and save not only him, but Kota as well. he remembers what shoto said, and uses it to activate 100% of OFA, which in of itself is an amazing feat.
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and in the class a vs b, when shoto goes up against TetsuTetsu, he reminisces on izukus words and uses it to fuel his fire! he ALSO uses one of his father's moves, something he would not have done without izuku.
now, im not trying to say that tododeku is gonna be endgame, or that it's canon... im just presenting canonical evidence and analyzing the two of them together. make of it what you will. im just trying to explain why it's my OTP and why it really isn't a far fetch, and if any other tddk stan needs proof of why they like the ship, then here it is!
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i wonder if the himura ice and touya’s flames will trigger rain 🥲🥲
Hmm, on the one hand; logically quite possible.
On the other hand; I’m not sure what narrative significance it would have (I think everyone around/heading towards any fire rn are fire proof, have ice powers, are so burnt it wouldn’t matter, or some combination).
On the freaky third hand; it would be a really pretty visual, and symbolism & cool aesthetics can really carry an idea.
And lastly, on the less freaky fourth hand; isn’t already raining? I remember that being a plot point, that it’s just raining everywhere in the country.
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