#should i tag this? these aren't fresh injuries
whatudottu · 1 year
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Have a human Shockwave! I wanted to try figuring out how Empurata would work (the burning + partial melting of the face), but I also didn't want to disrespect facial differences in doing so-
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writing-whump · 10 months
Status: upset and getting worse
Seline is scared, Matthew is upset and Isaiah deals with the fallout. Emeto, fluff and comfort.
✨️You can find the wonderful illustration for this chapter made by @bellysoupset here✨️
Isaiah thought today would be an easy day. Apparently, that was too much to hope for.
When he got out from the parking lot, whistling softly to himself, he noticed a someone cryiny at the bench few meters from their building. The sniffing noises and shaking shoulders...
He turned the corner to take a look if there was something he could help with, only to find it was Seline.
She didn't have a jacket or she was only in her pelty slippers.
"Seline? Hey." He went to her, crouching to be on the same level, watching her teary face. He could see no injury or obvious cause...and why wasn't she inside?
Seline looked up at him, sniffling. She gave him a strained smile, rubbing at her cheek, trying to take her composure back.
"What's wrong? You are crying." He hesitated but then reached for her hands to hold them in his in her lap.
"It's fine, I just..." she stiffened again, fresh tears welling up.
"You are cold. Come on inside and you can tell me all about it," he said softly, tagging at her hands.
She recoiled from him. "No! I'm not going up there."
Isaiah's head went back a little. Okay, something was very wrong here.
"Did something happen with Matthew?" He asked, dread clawing up his back.
"Oh, did something happen with Matthew?" She said mockingly through her tears, crossing her arms on her chest. "What would happened with Matthew? Ah, you mean how he threw a wolf jealousy fit, pulled his shadow on me and scared my student into getting sick on the sidewalk?"
Isaiah stiffened. "Did he attack you?"
"Yes. No. Technically he just pulled his shadow up and then didn't follow us out, so I guess we should all thank him and be happy."
Okay, this was more than alarming. He thought Matthew was pretty settled with them since they moved in together and he and Seline seemed to get along well. They went to all those bonding activities she came up with and dozed off together on the couch and all in all their new roomate situation seemed to have been working well...
He needed to know the whole story. From Matthew as well. But he couldn't just leave her here crying alone, could he?
Isaiah sat down on the bench next to her. "Come on upstairs. You are cold. You don't have to talk to him. I'll figure this out, hmm?"
"No, I'll not. This was a mistake, all of it." She looked at him accusingly.
He didn't know what to say. But she was trembling so he shook of his coat and threw it over her shoulders.
The gesture made her blink and cry harder again.
"Seline..." He said helplessly.
"You are going to be on his side, aren't you?! Because he is a wolf, and he can't help it, and it's just that his shadow is strong and of course he would react to a foreign wolf on his turf..." Tears were sliding down her cheeks freely now, in quick succession, dripping from her chin and skipping to the side into her hair.
He was starting to understand this though. Seline said she didn't like how her parents coddled her younger brother when his pubertal hormones and moods made it harder to control his shadow. She had moved away after an argument with him.
On the other hand Matthew never had a pack of his own. His shadow was so troublesome in combination with his bad temper, he was always rejected. Of course he would react to challenges to his place and territory, even the smallest one...and more so because they weren't an official pack and it made their shadows insure. Shadows were primal, primitive sides of them. They wanted clear territories and people that were theirs, to feel stable. To know whom to fight and who to protect.
If they had become a pack at the beginning, Matthew's shadow could never turn against her. Not against his witch.
These would have been all understandable issues separately. But they have both just kicked their sensitive points with their hurts.
And Isaiah didn't know how to clone himself to treat them both at the same time. If he could cut himself in half, he would.
"Well? What are you silent for? Just say it-" she spat with anger at him.
"I hate to see you cry," he said quietly, looking at her. Her tears made his stomach tightened and heart squeeze painfully and made him want to shake someone or break something. How could she doubt that?
Seline's eyes widened, the anger fading as something hopeful and vulnerable replaced it.
He opened his arms for her, offering, letting her choose the next move.
She sniffled and then basically threw herself into his arms, face smashing against his chest. Crying even harder.
Her closer his arms around her gently, lips on her hair. "Of course I'm on your side. I'm always on your side, silly."
Isaiah rubbed her back as she cried against him, hands balling up into his shirt. He could feel her tears seeping into the fabric.
"Shhhh. It's okay. I'm here, so it will work out, okay?" He pulled his coat more snugly around her, his shadow very happy to have her wrapped in his scent like that.
It had been clearly the right thing to say, for despite her crying her breaths were slowing down and she nuzzled her face into him. It was making his heart beat all faster, hoping she wouldn't notice.
Isaiah only cursed himself for not carrying handkershiefs on him, when Seline pulled back a little, wiping her face into her hands. She had that wobbly smile now that he was coming to recognize as her way of getting herself back under control.
"You still don't want to go up? Even if I go with you?" He asked.
Seline just shook her head. Isaiah held her by the shoulders for a bit, enjoying the excuse for contact that would soon run out.
"Listen. What about you go to the coffee house across the street, get a chai latte and cake or whatever you like and come back, when you feel better? My wallet is here," he tugged against the inside pocket of his coat still draped over her shoulders. It didn't escape him that she had left the apartment without anything on her to pay with. "Come up, when you feel ready. Or text me if you want some company. I'll go first and deal with this." He was getting seriously worried about Matthew as well, but didn't want to sound like he was ignoring her worries either.
Seline didn’t protest the idea, so he hoped it wasn’t an insensitive offer as he made his way towards the apartment. Her scent and tears were clinging to the front of his shirt and he only had his suit jacket and not the coat, so he looked a little rumpled.
When he opened the door, he was met with a sight.
The walls, floor and the windows were covered in a shadow, like somebody spilled black paint all over it. Even the sunlight was blocked. The shadow was stretched all over, moving in front of his feet. 
Seline had the right idea not to come. This would just scare her more.
“Matthew? I’m coming in,” he announced, stepping gingerly inside. The shadow wiggled restlessly, but didn’t fight him on contact. Isaiah followed the the trail as it thickened towards the bathroom.
Matthew was curled up on his knees inside, forehead pressed against the cold tiles, hands on his head as if he was trying to block a terrible noise. 
“Oh, Matt,” Isaiah sighed, going to his knees beside him. “Can you hear me, bud? Hey.”
Matthew made a sound at the back of his throat. “Zaya?” His voice was strained and raspy, on the verge of crying. 
“Yeah, I’m right here. Come on, buddy, pull your shadow down.”
“I can’t.” Matthew’s hands tigheted into fists beside him, head turning enough to give Isaiah a side-way glance. “I c-can’t control it all. Zaya, please. Roll it down for me.”
Isaiah winced. Rolling down someone’s shadow was a terribly painful thing for said wolf. Even if the shadow was a manifestation of dark instincts, cutting a wolf off from his natural power, leaving them helpless and unable to heal with their shadow paralyzed from the ordeal for the next few hours…and wolves capable of such a thing were very rare, since it required both innate aptitude for precise control and lots of skill. Not to mention the knowledge was strictly guarded, for it was an ability for pack leaders who usually only passed it over to their children or successors. 
Isaiah had been forced to roll down shadows before, when stopping an escalating clash in a public space or helping a young inexperienced wolf to hold down their agitated shadow. He had done it for Matthew once before, when the other wolf couldn’t make himself calm down in a very dangerous meeting with overwhelming numbers. 
But he hated doing it. It wasn’t right, any part of it. And if Matthew came to rely on it too much, temper or not, he would never have the confidence needed to control himself. 
“Matt, you can do it on your own,” Isaiah whispered. “I’ll help you, but you have to do it.” 
Matthew took a shuddering breath as if he was trying to lift weight off his back, then clenched his teeth. “I can’t.”
“None of that.” Isaiah’s voice grew louder and commanding. The black haired wolf gripped Matthew’s shoulder, trying to offer an anchorpoint, something to ground him. “You are alright. You are not your shadow. You are in control. You win this. It has no place here, when you command it. You hear?” 
Matthew let out a quiet sob, eyes squeezing shut. Something was moving though, cause the shadow tentacles over the place started to pull back together, concentrating in a whirlpool like shape around them. 
“That’s it. Very well done. Just a little bit more. Don’t let it breathe. Don’t let it think it can win.” 
Matthew nodded, whole body tensing. The rest of the giant mass pulled back into what looked almost like a regular looking human shaped shadow, if a bit too black for the small light of the bathroom. 
Isaiah watched it carefully. “That’s it! Excellent work-”
He was interrupted by a loud gag as Matthew heaved over the floor, once, twice and then a giant pool of barely digested food splashed against the tiles. 
Isaiah grimaced, gripping his shoulder harder so Matthew wouldn’t crash head first into the mess. “Okay. Take deep breaths.”
Matthew heaved again, whole body shuddering as more puke joined the mess. “Sorry-”
“Shut up. It’s fine. Everything is fine now.” He rubbed Matthew’s back. It was sticky with sweat and he could feel every laborious breath the red haired wolf took, fighting against the nausea. 
Matthew gagged and coughed, then made a move to stand, only for his feet to buckle underneath him. He collapsed against Isaiah, who grunted, catching him. Matthew’s energy seemed to have been sapped completely, for he didn’t try to get up again, sprawling over Isaiah’s lap like a rag doll. 
Isaiah let them both just breathe for a minute, though the smell of vomit was intense. Matthew’s head was over Isaiah’s stomach who had his legs folded underneath him, leaning against the wall to support their combined weight. 
“She hates me now, doesn’t she.”
Isaiah looked down at Matthew in surprise. “Of course not.”
“I smelled the fear on her. On the kid too, but…that was worse. For a second I-”
“It’s your shadow. It reacts too strongly, especially when you are surprised by a foreign wolf.” 
“I wouldn’t have hurt her, Isaiah. I swear I wouldn’t.” Matthew’s voice was hoarse from emotion.
Isaiah’s hands slipped around him from behind, gently wrapping him closer against him. Matthew didn’t protest, melting in his arms. 
Isaiah’s shirt was still wet from Seline’s tears. 
“It’s the pack thing,” Isaiah said finally. “We have been really close since we started living together. Your shadow craves it. So it feels threatened easily. Like someone is trying to take her away.”
“I should be able to take a visit from another fucking wolf.” 
“It’s not like you have much experience with…friendly interactions.” 
“Oh yeah? What do you think this is?” Matthew asked, his tone getting more ironic and like him again. 
Isaiah chuckled. He was getting the impression lots of things would get a lot easier if they just did become a pack. Just like Reuben said. Their shadows would stabilize, their tempers calm, the insistent threatening incomplete feeling would go away. And thing like this wouldn’t be weird. Not like it felt off now.
And Isaiah realized how badly he really wanted it. For all three of them to be a pack, to be able to worry, touch, protect and comfort each other with a prerogative right to do so.
"We are going to figure this out, Matt. One problem or two aren't going to destroy everything."
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little-tyrant-gortash · 8 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Word count: 1,905
Ao3 here.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. ⬇
Chapter 20.
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Chapter 19: The Test
As Astarion had left the ball while they were out in the balcony, Tav could somewhat relax a little for the rest of the evening. She still hadn't left Gortash's side as he was talking to the nobles, going through future plans of making Baldur's Gate better, listening in on the deals he made with them. It all seemed normal, and very, very boring for her.
Nevertheless, the finger food the servants served was great, and the wine also helped her to get past the panic Astarion caused. She took a particular liking to cheese and sweet wine, smiling at Gortash whenever he looked at her to check if she was alright. Her hand remained on his arm for most of the night, though.
Wrapping up the event and getting away at last was a bit of fresh air. As they walked down the corridor and started to climb up the stairs, Tav tripped and nearly fell. As Gortash steadied her with his hands, she giggled out loud.
"I think I had a bit too much wine", she admitted, feeling rather tipsy now that she had to walk back to his chambers with him.
"Indeed, darling", Gortash confirmed with a smile as they stopped walking.
He was careful not to consume too much from the stronger sort - he personally wanted to make sure she was safe -, but he said nothing when he saw that she did. After all, she needed it for her nerves, and it seemed it truly helped. He wished that their night went pleasantly; had he known about Astarion being so important to her, he would've removed him from the guest list.
"Do we need to bathe?" She asked, then hiccupped, then covered her mouth with her free hand. "Whoops." Another giggle, another hiccup. "Oh no", another hiccup.
Even drunk, she remained irresistible for him. He hoped against hope Bane wouldn't notice how his heart stirred for her, how he would've done the unthinkable if she wanted him to.
"No, we needn't bathe now. We'll do it in the morning."
"Oh thank you", she rested her head on his shoulder with a huge smile. And hiccupped. "Your Grace- how very merciful of you-"
"Can you walk back to our chambers, or should I carry you instead?"
"Our chambers?" She giggled as she got a hold of his arm, pulling it a little as she swayed on her feet. "I don't remember moving in~"
"Perhaps you should", Gortash half smiled, then reached under her legs and lifted her up in his arms, bridal style.
"Oh- but I don't have fancy clothes-"
"We'll have tailors make some", he cocked a brow as he glanced down at her, walking up the stairs.
"Yeah. You'd love to spend a fortune on me, aren't you?"
"The Chosen of Bane who's taking everything – would give things to me? For free?" She murmured, moving his coat in a way that the golden sculptures on it wouldn't poke her face.
"Your company is enough compensation for me, my dear."
"Is that all I have to give? Myself?"
"Curious, isn't it?" He looked forward as he continued his way down a corridor. He felt her fumbling with the shirt over his heart. "If I know you're near, all is well and good."
"You sound like you love me", she purred, tickling him under his chin. Gortash nearly stopped walking, but instead, he just swallowed and tried to ignore what she just said. "Awww, you're blushing~"
"Tav", he warned her quietly.
"Hmm?" She fumbled with the cord on his shirt again. Working it open. "Am I in trouble?"
"Take a guess."
"Take another guess."
She giggled just when they reached his chambers. He used his elbow to open the door, then as soon as they were inside the dark room, he used his foot to shut it behind them. He walked over to his bed, then placed her down on it gently. By then, she removed the cord from his shirt and when he leaned over her, she placed it just under his nose.
"Mustache you a question", she giggled again, making him purse his lips.
"Tav", he murmured, grabbing her wrists gently and pinning them above her head. "I had no clue the wine would make you behave like this."
"You don't like it?"
"I didn't say that."
"Good. Because I'm not planning to change anything for anyone."
"Why, were you asked to change by others before?"
Tav bit her lower lip as she moved her legs, wrapping them loosely around his waist.
"Plenty of times. I'm never good enough for anyone, I suppose."
"You're good enough for me."
"You'll always be good enough, Tav."
"With all of my flaws and mistakes?"
"Especially with all of your flaws and mistakes."
He leaned down to kiss her, and she reciprocated as a memory bubbled up in her mind. On that night, she was also drunk, and her partner advanced just like Gortash did now; but no matter how she complained that she wanted to go to sleep instead because she was tired and wasn't in the mood, he didn't listen.
Now as she was thinking about it, she wanted to test if Gortash would be the same. Until now, they had slight… problems keeping themselves away from each other whenever they were near each other, but the more she thought about it, the more important it became for her. She had to know if she could trust him in that regard. That if it ever came to it, in a more serious situation, he'd stop if she told him to.
The mere thought that there was a possibility that he wouldn't, made tears gather in her eyes. Her hands found his shoulders as soon as he released them to cup her face, and she pushed – just a little was enough, he pulled away instantly. She didn't even need to say anything. She didn't need to turn her head away. Her throat tightened when she saw his questioning look.
"Is something wrong?" He furrowed his brows when he saw her expression. At first, he couldn't depict what it was. Fear? Relief? Confusion? A mixture of all three? "Are you alright?"
"I'd… rather not…" Tav whispered, biting her lower lip, looking away. "Not… not now, if that's alright."
A heartbeat of unbearable tension building higher and higher within her chest – until he let out a soft, quiet ah, pecked her lips one last time, and moved away.
"Alright. I can understand", he half smiled at her when she looked after him, "I'm tired, too. Maybe tonight we should just go to sleep, hmm?"
Tav sat up as she watched him remove his belt and coat, her arms wrapped around herself in silence. She couldn't recall if they ever went to bed without devouring each other first, but Gortash didn't look like he'd mind not having sex at all. He demanded no explanation, he didn't require reasons and begging, he just… stopped. It was so easy. Natural.
It should've brought her relief and comfort, but instead, it brought her immense sadness. Sadness and pity, for herself. How each and every soul she met was telling her that he was bad, bad news, and how he straight failed to act like a monster with her. He did get under her skin in many, many ways, but never like that.
Never as others did.
She tried to keep silent as he got up on his feet to hang up his coat near the door, and could manage to silently sob, her shoulders shaking, her eyes shut tight; but it did not take long for his arms to wrap her in an embrace again.
"Alright, what's the matter?" Gortash murmured in her ear. She got a hold of his shirt on his chest and grabbed, hard, as she sobbed in his shoulder. "What happened? Just a few minutes ago you were acting silly and I thought… Tav, what is it?"
"Nothin', nothin', just… just that you… didn't act like you didn't hear me…"
Now, he pulled away, with a completely different look on his face. He cupped her cheeks and rubbed her tears away with his thumbs.
"Why would I do that? Why would I ignore anything you say?"
His heart rapidly beat against his ribs as he slowly realised. He hurt me, she told him earlier.
"He didn't do the same for you, did he?"
Tav's eyes darted away. Gortash focused on every little clue she gave, the way she trembled in his hold, the way she refused to maintain eye contact.
"Not him", she whispered, touching his hands which were still on her face. "Others."
She was lying, and he knew.
"I see", Enver whispered back, then held her close again. "It's alright, okay? You can say no to me, Tav. I promise. You can always say no."
She glanced back at him, uncertain.
Gortash closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers.
"Because I know how that feels", he whispered, just as he did when he showed her his scars on his back.
Later that night, when he had her tucked in, holding her close and she fell asleep in his arms, he was staring at the ceiling as he was thinking about his next steps. Astarion can not be allowed to be in her presence again – except for one last time, when Gortash severed their contact at last. Astarion did not need to die; he was a powerful ally with resources Gortash could use, and, of course, he had a tadpole in his head that would make him an obedient thrall.
If he did not travel with Tav anymore… he wondered how he had resisted the voice of the Absolute, but he thought little of such small details. What mattered was that Astarion was a thorn in his side and a shadow in her past that still kept her in terror; she couldn't be his formidable warrior if such a man could send her shivering into his arms.
Astarion needed one firm shove that put him back in his place, which would make him forget Tav and would stop him from pursuing anything with her in the future.
And there was but one thing Gortash could do to make it happen.
It'd be risky; Tav will surely hate it, she might as well turn against him if he went through with that plan, but the risk was worth it to him. He glanced down at her; she had her head tilted up slightly, as if she had been looking at his face before she fell asleep. He thought of the horrors she went through and how she still could find peace with him; how she, even infected, with her free will, chose him over everyone else she knew. There were so many who were better than him in so many regards; how could he even deserve her?
The thought drowned in his mind as fast as it came to the surface. Of course he deserved her. Of course she was his and his alone. After all, he was a Banite; he deserved the best of the best of everything. And he knew he'd be the best for her, too. Both of them suffered enough until now; they deserved each other.
And if anyone wanted to step between them, well… the Black Hand of Bane would crush them.
End notes: Did you know that if you fail a persuasion check, the narrator says that Astarion hears you when you tell him to stop biting you, but he doesn't, because he's past the point to care? Yeah. I had that in mind.
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spotaus · 3 months
Thinking Thoughts about Tulpa so I'm gonna write them and see if the Art Ghost comes back later to help fill in the gaps.
So, "Tulpa" is a nickname that's actually given to the pair indirectly by Nightmare.
In this AU he and Dream don't reconsile anytime soon, but he's one of the first to notice how weak his twins magic is. Dust landed a solid hit, so of *course* Dream is weak, but it's for a weirdly extended amount of time. He doesn't worry too much, he kinda hopes Dream is off somewhere is immense pain, but he definitely knows something is up.
When he finally encounters Dream again in battle, he notices how his brother's movements are choppy. Less fluid, as though he's expecting more reach from his arms or more length in his legs. As though he jumps too far abd is too light to balance. It reminds him of when he was first corrupted, when he couldn't move with his long and extra limbs. And Dream feels... muffled. Like his soul is being covered by something, a cloak of some kind. His aura is dampened too. Night isn't quite sure what it is, it's his brother's eyes and wayward convictions, but he can't share the feeling.
Then there's the day Dream's body seems to move on its own to avoid an ambush he certainly didn't see. The way Night recognizes, then, the glint in his dark socket. Dream had a tag-along. And while he wasn't sure who or what it was yet, he knew that his brother was different now. He told his boys that Dream was a 'Tulpa', something made up of the desires or those around him.
Nightmare knew his twin should still be unmoving. Maybe not dead, but his soul wasn't strong enough to support his body with that lasting injury Dust had caused. Dream would never give up the fight as long as there were people who wanted him to fight. Now he was giving up everything, even when he'd lost control of his body, to fight a useless war.
The gang started calling Dream 'Tulpa' when they saw him, which in turn led to Dream letting Fresh reveal himself sooner rather than later. Dream didn't hate the nickname though, so he asked others to adopt it later on.
Dream and Fresh aren't a fusion, but they are Soul-Bound now.
It was immediately after Fresh took his first bite of Dream's soul that it happened.
The Golden Apple which acts as Dream's soul has been storing his love and compassion and hope for YEARS now. Ever since he absorbed it. Just like every monster, it's the core of his being. Yet it's more. It's also the thing that compels him to uphold the balance, to fight Nightmare, to try and make everyone happy. He desires a peaceful world, so he does what he can to achieve that thanks to the apple's influence.
Fresh? He wants to feel full. Upon eating the apple, he is fundamentally altered. Not only can he survive like Dream does (absorbing positivity) but he also is Addicted to the aura of the apple. Dream has no part in this, it's just the nature of the Apples.
From the moment he took a bite, Fresh actively became... like... idk an Avatar (think The Magnus Archives) of that damn apple. Just-so-happens it's also bound to Dream, who has a vessel that just... Doesn't Decay.
Thanks to the apple, sometimes Dream abd Fresh act more like one person, each comfortably settled in the vessel at once. Sometimes they'll answer for themselves amd eachother. It's hard to unentagle them once Fresh finds it in him to be more devoted to Dream. So, they take on the name Tulpa to help save people some embarrassment.
Fresh can still leave Dream and inhabit other bodies.
Like I said, Fresh is Addicted to the apple, and Dream is the perfect body to linger in. But, sometimes two heads is better than one, or they have different plans that overlap. It's uncomfortable, like missing a piece of jewelry you always wear or forgetting your phone at home, so they don't do it often.
The good news is, Fresh is now much less likely to kill his hosts. He thrives on positivity now like Dream, and negativity (like from getting taken over by a parasite) actually feels like something to him now. So, he usually finds a willing host he can borrow the body of for an hour or two (his go-to is actually usually Blue (He cares a lot about Dream and trusts Fresh won't hurt him) or Ccino (too nice to really tell him no? Usually just a taste of Uncomfy rather than Terror).)
Once, Blue let Fresh take his body for the sake of hanging out with Dream in the omega timeline. They danced and had food and explored as much as they dared. They were able to hold hands and nuzzle skulls and kiss and hug and it was nice. Fresh likes to be able to give Dream a break sometimes, but he also loves to be able to smother him with affectionate actions from the outside and really get a good look at Dream's face.
Dream likes being able to hold Fresh's hands and see him in his full outfit without it being super baggy on himself. Dream *also* thinks it's a little weird when he kisses Fresh, knowing the body isn't technically his, but Blue (the wingman of all time) has given permission, and Dream doesn't do it often anyways.
And once or twice Fresh had appeared at a location after Dream arrives and scared the living heck out of folks just for fun.
DreamEater AU was a name I came up with after about 5 seconds of thought, but it IS symbolic.
So, it's kinda on the nose. Dream's soul is getting "eaten" by Fresh. That was the first reason I called it that, but the follow-up reasoning is just that... my headcanon for Dream is that he's constantly being eaten up by guilt, and stress, and the weight of expectations all baring down on him.
Dream, at this point in the au, never has a moment of positivity for himself. Always playing peace-keeper for everyone but himself, and he's hit his fuse. When Dust injures Dream, Dream is paralyzed from his neck down, some sort of magic flow imbalance. He literally cannot pick himself up and force himself to keep going.
That is, of course, until Fresh comes along and takes over Dream's vessel. Fresh literally eats him, yeah, but once they finally get to talking, Fresh eats away at Dream's persona. Fresh keeps Dream from overworking himself for people who don't need the help, he keeps Dream from being a push-over, and gives Dream a reason to be imperfect without shame. He literally eats away at the "Dream" people thought they knew and gives him a healthier and happier view on life.
And honestly, Fresh isn't even doing it out of kindness for Dream. His second nature is to call out bullshit when he sees it, and he just happens to see... a lot of it.
So, yeah, DreamEater AU is both silly and serious :) but wholly self-indulgent.
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lunamists · 1 year
A Different Kind of Danger [BKDK]
Omegaverse A/B/O
A!Doctor!Bakugou x O!Yakuza Boss!Izuku
Cw: blood, violence, injury, weapons, murder
Katsuki sighed as his shift at the hospital ended and he finally got the chance to head home. It had been a grueling 12 hour shift and it felt like everyone somehow was managing to get hurt in the worst ways possible. Way more than usual.
He watched the clock closely while he typed into the computer some notes for himself and things for patients he took care of earlier.
Once that clock hit 12 am, he was free.
He barely got much sleep the night before so he was lucky to have himself a day off the moment he stepped foot out of the hospital. Slinging his bag closer to himself he started his walk back home.
His house was only about a block away, he got somewhere that was close enough so he wouldn't have to drive everyday to work while being in the middle of all the good food spots and stores.
It was no wonder why the price tag on that house was so high.
He just let the cool autumn air hit his skin practically dreaming about the warm shower he would be able to take and the long nap he would be engulfed in when he got home.
Or so he thought he'd get.
No, a doctor's job is never done even when they aren't in their hospital.
So when he passed by an alleyway that he normally didn't pass by, only changing things up because of the construction that had started at some point during the day, he saw the figure of someone in the alley.
Now there was 2 things he kept in mind once he got his degree.
1. He couldn't save everyone.
2. Saving someone might cause him his life.
He was currently staring at the figure remembering his second note but he couldn't help the distressed scent that came from within drawing him in. It was an omega he could tell very easily.
But what he couldn't tell was what exactly was wrong.
The more his eyes focused and the cars that passed by that illuminated light into the alley for split seconds the more he could notice.
The way the omega was breathing heavily and was slightly slouched.
And the slight traces and smell of fresh blood.
Was the omega hurt? Does he say something? The omega is still standing...but is still in distress.
He didn't have much time to think about that though as the omega leaned slightly back before turning their head towards Katsuki.
"I can hear you, you know. What do you think you're doing?" The male voice asked. Male omegas were rare so Katsuki's eyes slightly widened upon hearing him.
"I smell the blood and distress coming right off you. If you're trying to not be noticed you're doing a poor job at it."
Katsuki watched as the man turned around more and took some steps forward as he chuckled quietly. "Are you scared? Worried? I can't tell with you...I usually can."
"Yeah, that's the power of scent blockers and suppressants working their magic. You should invest."
"You're funny. I could be coming over to kill you next and you still have such a sharp tongue with me" The omega fully stepped out from the shadows and Katsuki got a good look at him.
His hair was a curly mess–well, overall he was kinda messy. Probably from whatever he just went through. His eyes were slightly in a daze but Katsuki could still see the dull green that hid behind his expression. His eyes matched his hair in the green aspect but his hair was slightly matted and clearly had some blood whether it was dry or not was hard to fully make out.
He wore a black blouse that showed off his arms and was slightly unbuttoned to show his collar. His body was covered in scars, some worse that others but one of his arms had a full sleeve of tattoos that reached up to his neck that covered up some.
His blouse, however, along with the pants he wore, white bell bottoms that he wore were drenched in blood, some spots were brighter than the others showing the age of the blood.
Katsuki looked over his body, he wasn't dainty, quite the opposite actually, he packed muscles that matched Katsuki's own. Hell, he'd say they were even tougher looking. His outfit said quite the opposite than his figure, so he was confused on why he was so dressed up.
Though those questions would have to wait, however as the omega looked at Katsuki, taking in his features as well and went to talk to him again but quickly went to hold his side as he hissed in pain.
"F-Fuck.. Adrenaline wore off.." He chuckled quietly through his teeth. Katsuki sprung into action, not even thinking, just turning on his doctor brain for this guy even though he openly admitted to killing as he gently grabbed a hold of his wrist to pull his hand back.
"Let me see." The guy had a glint in his eye that screamed death that would make anyone stay at least 50 feet away from him but Katsuki stood his ground.
"Let me see. I'm not going to hurt you nor say anything. Just let me see."
The man's glint slowly turned into a look of pain as he relaxed and let Katsuki take a look at his side. From first glance you couldn't have tell that there was a wound there, a deep one at that.
But as Katsuki lifted up the side of his blouse he saw the deep gash there. It was crazy to him that this man was even still standing and talking and even walking. "How long ago did this happen?" Katsuki asked pulling back for a second to look through his bag.
"Shit...I.. I'm not sure...I guess I kinda blacked out there the entire time.. Once that fucker was d-dead I noticed that was there. He must have got me with a knife or something.. It's no big deal, I can walk it.....off..." His words trailed off as he watched Katsuki bring out compression bandages and wrap them around his torso before sighing. "My place isn't that far.. I have medical supplies there.. You need stitches now."
"You think I'm just going to let you take me to your house? Absolutely n-"
The man held an arm over his eyes as he let Katsuki stitch up his wound. He didn't make a sound, he looked just tired honestly, and before he knew it Katsuki was done with the stitches and bandaged them up.
"That was the quickest stitches I've ever got.. And they're really neat..hm." The man hummed impressed.
"..A doctor helping some random person in pain...a random person who just killed someone in an alley. You aren't afraid of that?"
"Threatened too many times to be phased honestly."
"Yeesh, doctor life sounds rough." The air filled with silence for awhile as Katsuki packaged back all he had into their respective spots until the man spoke again. "Thank you.. What's your name?"
"Katsuki. You?"
"...I have a feeling you'll find out one day. I better go, my lieutenants are probably worried why I haven't returned."
Katsuki looked the man up and down before chuckling. "Normally I'd suggest not moving at all right now, but, you seem like you can take it." The man smiled at him before he started to walk to the door. "Not many people would do what you did." He hummed quietly. "For that I'm in your debt." He said before he walked out of the house.
Katsuki sighed, watching the man leave. He didn't have a story, he didn't have details, yet he let in someone who was bloodied in not just his own blood but also someone else's.
He let in a murderer.
Yet, he didn't feel weird about it.
The omega, while strong, yes, couldn't mask the pain he was in. The pain of betrayal and heartbreak. Maybe he went feral? Maybe that was just him naturally. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
But what he wanted to know could possibly.
Katsuki spent his day off mostly inside. He couldn't be bothered to use more energy than he needed to. Energy that could be stored for his shift tomorrow. He was still on call, sure, so his day off could be cut short.
But he didn't want to think about that so he just laid about, mostly sleeping but watching movies. The one time he decided to go out that day was when it was around dinner time. He decided to order food and bring it back home.
He hasn't been able to eat at the place in awhile so, it was like his treat for getting through as much as he had.
Yet, a thing he tends to forget about is how dangerous his area of living is.
So when someone came up behind him, holding a knife to his neck, demanding everything he had on him. He let out an exasperated sigh and jabbed the perpetrator in the stomach and twisted his arm around.
The person groaned in pain as they dropped the knife, giving Katsuki the in to push them down to the ground and step on their wrist. He was about to let go and tell them to run off and leave him alone but a giggle came from behind, catching him off guard.
"Got yourself under control?" Katsuki looked back at the green haired omega before looking back down at the thug who looked like they've seen a ghost.
"You know you're not supposed to be doing things like this in this area, silly." He said to the thug, walking closer.
"M-Midoriya..I..I'm sorry..my..my boss was going to kill me if I didn't get s-something for him. I'm so-"
"So this is your boss' doing, hm?"
He said before snapping. Katsuki was confused until a couple of people came out from behind him, making him jump. A brown haired omega and a blue haired alpha. They quickly took a hold of the thug on the ground and looked at..Midoriya.
"The warehouse? You want us to get ahold of his boss too?" Midoriya thought for a moment, humming quietly. "Leave the boss to me, kay? Anyone can take care of him there. I have something to take care of."
He said, looking back at Katsuki. The two of them nodded and dragged the thug off leaving Katsuki and Midoriya to their own devices.
"Just..what..are you?" Katsuki asked, confused. "Let's go get your food, alright Kacchan?" Midoriya said, starting to walk in that direction.
"How do you-"
"You'll get those answers eventually."
Katsuki was unsure whether or not to just leave it be but in the end he just nodded and quit trying to ask him questions.
Midoriya was clearly someone to not mess with, not that he wished to.
It was strange. Katsuki would run into Midoriya then go a week without seeing him again. Most times that he saw him was by complete accident. Katsuki couldn't say he was complaining and everytime he saw him he just felt like he got closer to him.
It was probably what had brought Midoriya to be waiting for him outside of the hospital he worked at after his shift with a grin.
"Wanna find out everything?"
Izuku, Katsuki came to learn, brought him to his place of work while starting to explain some things. "Izuku Yagi, to be exact. Head of the Yagi clan. I run everything alongside my father."
Katsuki listened as he spoke, curious of what this would lead to. "The day you patched me up was the day I found out my alpha was actually out to kill me rather than be with me. It was arranged, but.." He trailed off, looking out the window. "I guess I started to actually feel something for him towards the end there." He sighed.
"I shouldn't drag you so deep into this, but.. You patching me up meant a lot.." He hummed. "Plus you looked so miserable. No offence. Thought we could spice your life up a bit." He winked.
Katsuki chuckled quietly, rolling his sleeves up. "Spice?" He hummed, looking at Izuku. "Who says there's not already spice in my life." Izuku's eyes widened as he looked down at the sleeves of tattoos he had on his arms before a grin appeared on his face.
"Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou." He held his hand out. "My clan isn't situated in this area, we're actually quite far. So I don't blame you for no recognition. Its been getting kinda boring..yet when you came in my life that rush was back." He smirked.
"So what do you do right now?"
"We've been wanting to expand while situating a name here. I already had a medical degree and with my work there I'm already renowned as the best in this hospital here. While I do that, I do distant work, looking for people to work with."
Izuku clapped his hands happily. "Oh, Kacchan! You should have told me sooner! Oh, I can't wait to introduce you to everyone." Izuku sighed happily learning more about Katsuki as Katsuki did with Izuku.
They walked around the halls where many people worked in their building, everyone bowing a head at Izuku as he passed by. It was rare to have an omega be a clan leader and be respected as much as Izuku was. Yet everyone here treated him like a force not to mess with. It made sense, Katsuki was strong, stronger than average.
Yet Izuku could kill someone with the flick of his wrist.
He could get even the biggest of alphas to kneel out of command with his words. Katsuki admired his strength.
"Dad! I brought someone back!" Izuku giggled, running into a room.
Toshinori looked at Katsuki, instantly noticing his tattoos and smiled warmly. "Welcome. You must be the 'Kacchan' my son has been talking about." Katsuki looked towards Izuku who had a light blush on his cheeks. "That would be me, sir."
Toshinori walked towards him and held his hand out for him.
"Bakugou." He shook his hand. He nodded, "The way you treat my son according to him is admirable. Not many see him past his secondary gender. You have my respect." He told him honestly.
Katsuki prided himself in the instant respect he gained from what seemed like such an influential force. He bowed his head before looking back at Izuku.
"Your son is the strongest person I've ever met. Thank you for allowing me to stay in his life."
Izuku looked at Katsuki, a glint in his eye that just showed care...and love. The time they've spent together, though not long, has meant a lot to him. The way Katsuki treats him, the way he has the most fun teasing him, the way Katsuki just allowed him into his life.
That's why when later, when they were being driven back to Katsuki's place Izuku looked over at him and began to speak.
"To repay you for helping me out, what can I give you?" He asked.
"Just your presence is enough." Katsuki answered, looking out the window.
"C'mon, there's gotta be something!" He shook his shoulder. Katsuki chuckled and finally met his gaze.
"You wanna know what I honestly want?" Izuku nodded rapidly, listening intently. "The chance to court you. That's what I really want."
Izuku blushed and smiled softly, his heart feeling like it would thud out of his chest.
"I guess today made me realize the way you make me feel. It would be an honor to be your alpha." Katsuki had a determined look in his eye. Izuku let out a happy scent and nodded gently laying his head on his shoulder. "It would be an honor, Kacchan, but know that I'm no pushover." "
I'm willing to work as hard as I need to for you."
"Then it's settled."
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chaoticrystal · 9 months
I’m so sorry to bother you, but you left some tags about someone telling you to go run without knowing you and your health problems. 1. Totally understand as a wheelchair user myself but 2. I feel like maybe reframing this for yourself would be more helpful, like if the person does not know you have invisible disabilities, they could just be offering advice that has helped them non-maliciously. You can just chose to note that it probably wouldn’t be good for you bc of XYZ reason they don’t know and move on. Sometimes people aren’t trying to be ableist and malicious, especially since you say you hike.
I think noting how much someone actually knows about your illness can help Re-frame the outlook on the situation. That person probably just wanted to help if they said it that way in that context ! Not everyone wants to hurt you, even if some people do!
ah thank you! In this case I think it was an ableist remark by the tone and the other contents of what they said. I appreciate this ask though! Unfortunately some people just... aren't kind about such things. They did try to argue with me after I brought up a reason I can't and I quickly shut that down. It ended up bothering me way more than it should have and is still pretty fresh in my mind as it happened only yesterday.
I'm grateful that I'm surrounded by people who do genuinely understand and do give good advice! And because my disabilities are mostly invisible, it rarely happens that people outside of my group make any comment at all about them. It's just... unfortunate when they do. Most "advice" I've been given by strangers throughout my life has been thinly veiled to just straight-up unsolicited and disparaging comments about me or my parents for "letting me be disabled" (when in reality they've only done their best over the years to help me succeed as a person despite the struggles they had too.)
Adding disabilities into the equation doesn't negate the respect and decency you deserve... It is my firm belief that everyone, despite their personal situations, should be treated with kindness, and that wasn't even afforded to me by those select few, just because I'm slightly off of what they view as acceptable. It adds insult to injury that they were trying to frame it as "being helpful" in those situations.
In the end, it doesn't matter that I do take care of myself, that I hike, or that I look physically "healthy", there are still people with pre-concieved ableist notions that are apparent when you tell them you have "health problems." People should be afforded decency no matter their problems and that decency should be reflected in what they chose to say to you. After all is said and done, those negative interactions will never be as important to me as the generous and genuine advice that I've been given by those (strangers and friends alike) who were kind to me.
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indiacater · 4 years
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Disclaimer: This story will contain mention of racism, sexism, prostitution, sex and violence. I do not own any of the PB related characters nor the locations mentioned in RDR2.
Liam cocked his head confused. The sheriff’s laughing finally made sense as he tries to swallow his surprise. Despite the pain he was still suffering from he stood up straight as he held out his hand. Showing no hesitation Jèan reached out to shake it, only to be a bit surprised herself as brought her hand up to his lips and placed a light kiss upon it. As Jèan takes her hand back giggles. “So you’re the Saint Denis boy that was looking for me? You’re a long way from home. And you should still be laying down.” She says as she goes to bring him back to the bed.
“Wait!” Liam tries to protest. “I need help-"
“Given that you barely made it 20 miles before nearly losing you valuables and your life from an obvious trap. You need more than just help. You need a wake up call that you don’t belong out here rich boy" Drake interrupted as he stood by the door.
Jèan gives Sheriff Walker a hard stare as she gets him back down on the bed. The sheriff’s smirks as he moves more into the room.
“Well thank the lord for that you went after me and put down those criminals who tried to kill me.” Liam exclaimed as he laid back down. Once again the look of confusion was upon his face as he saw Jèan and the sheriff exchanged a confused look with each other. 
To Liam’s annoyance Drake begins to chuckle but immediately stops as Jèan again glares at him before turning her attention to Liam. 
“Do you not remember anything before passing out?” She asked. Liam shook his head. “The sheriff didn’t save you. It was me.” Liam again looked confused. “I was already back in town when I noticed you getting your horse. Judging by how tired you look I decided to follow you. Lucky for you I did after you stopped for the fake soldier I saw his partner coming up behind you.” J��an then stood up to fetch a glass of water and brought it to Liam as she continued her story. “I was fortunate to not use too many bullets also that you didn’t sustained any serious injuries. All you need is to rest for day or two.” 
“The sheriff said that you wouldn’t have been back until the afternoon.” Liam exclaimed. 
“I got back early. Plus I had another bounty to turn in.”Jèan answered as she sat down on the nearby chair. “So since you are still deciding to be ignoring instructions to rest, why don’t you go and tell me why you’re here and why do you need my help?” 
Immediately Liam felt embarrassed and fell silent. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the person he was seeking was a woman. Having already been told she was colored wasn’t nearly as shocking. 
“Well" Jèan says. “Out with it.”
“I told you Jèan you were wasting your time with him" Drake said as he walked from the door to the window behind her. She shrugged. “I guess I am.” She got up and started for the door.
“A gang killed my father.” Liam spoke through anguished breath. “They ambushed us at our home, during a celebration. They seemed to want to kill me but my father pushed me out of the way.” He continued trying and failing to hold back tears. “Even though he was shot so many times he was still alive. This fat, crazed faced man in black stood over him and shot dead.” 
Jèan had sat back down in the nearby chair. Though her body sat stoic Liam saw the compassion and remorse in her eyes. “ I need your help. I need justice. I want to find those bastards and I want them to pay.” Liam exclaimed through labor breath.
“Jèan leans back in the chair and gives a brief look at Drake before turning her attention back to Liam.  “I know of the man you speak of .” Both Liam and Drake look at her with equal surprise. “His name is Charles Dupree. However he goes by the name Big Black.” Jèan took a breath before continuing. “And since he’s the man that killed your father then this wasn’t an isolated incident.”
Liam still surprised slowly sits up. “Why did this bastard kill my father?”
“Likely because he was ordered to.” She answered. “He’s not the gangs leader. That gang is known as the Abanthus Faction, led by a man named Anton Severus. He’s the man that gave the order to kill your father and since they left after he was killed he was the one they were after.”
“How do I find him?” Liam hissed. Drake steps forward “Haven’t you been listening to what she said? A man like him is too connected. You go after him and he’ll have you killed before you can make it to his low level thugs.”
“Well I’m not going back to my family and hope they’ll get captured.” Liam argued. “If I have to go after them so be it.”
“You are out of your rich boy mind!” Drake argued back.
“ENOUGH!” Jèan said loudly enough for both men to shut up abruptly. Keeping her attention on Liam she steps to him. “I’ve heard why you were looking for me. Now that you know who and what I am, the questions now are do you still require my assistance and why should I help you?" 
Liam sat back down on the bed. After a minute he looked up.
"I will admit that you're not what I imagined you would be, but I do need your help. This is more than just my father being killed, those men terrorized my family, adding to more devastation we already had been through. Ones that left us with no answers. I can't let this go unanswered. And you already shown you live up to your reputation. All I can do is ask if you will." He stared at her, eyes pleading. "Please help me get those bastards."
Jèan gave Liam a hard stare as she placed her hands on her hips. Then she sighed. "I have to collect one more bounty, that should give you enough time to fully rest." She took a small bottle from her satchel and handed it to him. "This tincture should help you sleep. Take at least two spoonfuls. When I get back we can go from there."
Liam looked surprised. "So you'll help me?" Jèan nodded. Drake scoffed and head out. Jèan walked to the bed and kneeled down to eye level with Liam.
"If you're serious about this, then I expect you to take this seriously." She said in a low, intimidating tone and with a hard glare. "Seeing that you don't want to head back to Saint Denis and wait for word. You're going to have to pull your weight and that means you do what I tell you. You understand?" Liam slowly nodded. Jèan gave a curt nod and reach out to caress his face. "Now take that medicine and rest. I'll be back soon." With that Jèan stood up and walked out the room. Liam sat there in shock over all that had happened. More than that he found his hand caressing the spot Jèan's hand was. It still felt warm and it made his beat fast. Not wishing to give her any reason to no longer help him Liam took the medicine and soon was asleep.
A day and a half later Liam woke up feeling better. He slept like the dead and all his pain was gone.
"So you're awake now." Jèan said, startling him. She sat in the nearby chair and the sheriff stood behind her, evening light casted an intimidating shadow on him. "How are you feeling?" She asked. 
"Much better. Thank you" Liam replied. 
"I have a bath ready for you. Go wash yourself and when you finish that there will be super and a fresh change of clothes waiting for you here. Found a lead. We'll go over it when you're clean and fed." Jean then got up and walked out leaving Liam and sheriff Walker in the room. 
Drake looked at him with disinterest. "Well rich boy, you better get yourself ready. Once we talk shop we head out at first light."
"We?" Liam asked surprised. "Aren't you the sheriff here?"
"Guess you didn't hear." Drake answered, smugly. "I'm retired. Your looking at the new owner of the Emerald Vale Estate." Drake tipped his hat and walked out.
"Ass." Liam muttered.
Tagging: @bebepac @bobasheebaby @ao719 @cordonianroyalty @dcbbw @radlovedreamer @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @kimmiedoo5 @elles-choices @emceesynonymroll @hopefulmoonobject
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