#shoulda seen that coming
thebrandonross · 9 months
Whoops, forgot some of yall who have my number still use tumblr 🫣.
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zeawesomeness · 5 months
AIGHT my silly lil “imagine” idea absolutely blew up— so I drew some concept art of what an age-reversed Future Leo would look like (I took inspo for his outfit from Cass’s Apocalypse AU)
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I’m considering making this a full-fledged AU of mine now but I’m still thinking of names. I might do a poll to determine the name but y’all can pitch names in the meantime.
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losfacedevil · 5 months
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So uh… this picture and the conversation @the-wicked-gnome and I have been having has inspired a little raunchy Hungry Eyes Sam bit under the cut 👀
“Oh you think I’m being a brat now, do you? Just wait Until we get home.” Sam’s brow would quirk, his lip curling just so as he watched you saunter around his dressing room, bending at the waist to dig something out of your duffel bag.
He would be so defiant and be so pouty as he realizes exactly what you’re doing, tucking your bullet safely in the palm of your hand before sauntering over to where he sat in the chair hair and makeup had him in. Slipping the red silk scarf off of his neck and secured his hands behind his back so he wouldn’t be able to touch himself.
“What is it that you say? Naughty girls don’t get pleased? Well… neither do naughty boys.” You’d giggle, showing him exactly what you had tucked away in your palm. His eyes growing wide as he watched you perch yourself on the couch and spread your legs, revealing the fact that you hadn’t worn panties under your dress. He’d tug at his restraints as he watched you turn on the bullet and slowly began to work over your core.
He became so whiny, the soft noises escaping him as his body reacted to the show you were putting on, his name slipping past your lips as you nuzzled the bullet against her clit and let your eyes flutter shut.
“If that toy is so great then you don’t really need me around at all then, do you? Huh? That battery powered boyfriends really doing the trick for you isn’t it?” He’d quip, jealousy dripping in his tone. You’d giggle softly, a sigh slipping past your lips as you focused your gaze on him.
“Why can’t I get myself off then, hmm? Because you made it quite clear that you don’t need me, so I don’t think I need you.” He’d tug at his restraints once more, feigning defeat as he realized he wasn’t getting off that easily. His hip bucking upwards as he tries to chase any sort of friction to quell the aching in his groin
It wouldn’t be long before his bratty behavior stopped, watching as you let go and came, the sound of his name slipping from your lips as you pulled the toy away from your core.
“You’re right. I was a brat, and i see that now. I’m sorry, but please please touch me. I’m about to explode.” He’d whine pathetically, bucking his hips upwards once more. You’d giggle softly and push yourself to stand, sauntering over in his direction and bending at the waist to place the vibrator right under the tip of his dick, eliciting the prettiest moan out of him and within a minute had him yelling your name, a wet patch forming on his stage pants.
His eyes would roll back and his cheeks would flush both with the arousal and embarrassment of the situation. With his eyes screwed shut he’d let his head fall back and puff out his cheeks.
“Well… looks like your makeup won’t be matching your outfit tonight, will it, pretty boy?”
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Ok but how do you think that alicole would react to getting a phone call from the school that says “yeah your kid got in a fight”?
Likeeeee it’s rotting my dumb little alicole brain
first they're worried. there kids wellbeing comes before any anger or strife or worry/thought of consequences. they just want to know they're safe and ok. they're also quite worried cause their kids are mostly bark and/or well behaved (Aegon is a bit of a class clown, but not all that of s fighter unless provoked. Aemond is easier to sway into a fight, but again, he's not one to throw the first fist. Helaena is a sweetheart and rather's her tongue over a fight. Daeron is a sweet boy and the most behaved of the brothers, even if young and rowdy) so they're worried someone has poked fun at either them or their families many oddities.
Both of them are at the school in an instant, rushing to their child, checking them over. Alicent's definitely not keeping her worry checked, to the point her kid is trying to shove her off (gently) and complaining that they're fine. then it's Cole's turn to check them over, he's just as worried, but he's putting on a strong face.
while they do want to just plead their kids innocence and go home, they do want the full story so they sit as calmly as they can, their kiddo cuddled between them (overprotective parents who? not them, no, no not at all). since Alicent and Cole got married (it was a civil union) later in their lives (I don't think they would have gone for it till Aegon was almost out of highschool and daeron was in middle school) Cole would typically have to argue his position as their father before they could even start their meeting with staff/the principal.
they do let their kids take blame where it's due, but they don't let their I'll treatment from others go unchecked either. they'll make sure their kid wasn't at all provoked and that they're ok mentally/emotionally cause kids can be assholes.
they have a "protect your own" and "don't start a fight but finish it" rules in their household so typically their kids can get off with a scolding from them so long as they had reason. typically their parents praise them once they get in the car, Cole advising them on how they could have done better for next time.
a few scenario's:
Aegon picking a fight with someone picking on his younger siblings, willing to let it remain words until someone tried to touch Hel, and he just wasn't fucking having it. he really only scared the other kid, but it got his point across, don't fuck with his siblings. Cole was proud of him, checking over his injuries with one of those proud dad laughs. Alicent was worried, but conceded when he promised he was fine. they didn't leave that office till the other kid apologized for messing with their kids and forcing their big brother to handle it. they did settle and made Aegon apologize for hitting him instead of getting a teacher.
Hel getting overwhelmed because a group of kids weren't leaving her alone when she was having a sensory overload and hitting anyone who tried to touch her including her teacher (her brothers and dad taught her well and her little punches hurt). Criston nearly blows a fuse when they call it 'fight' when it was nothing close, he'll defend his baby girl with his life on this front. Alicent's threatening to report the school board for the lack of accommodation and understanding. they don't even sit down for the meeting, Criston with Hel on his hip, flanking a very pissed off Alicent, making it clear they won't be staying long. they don't.
Criston had to go to Daeron's daycare to listen to a conflict resolution conversation between the staff and two sniffly 4 year olds. they'd been fighting over a toy. he doesn't know what else he's supposed to do, so he struggles through a "sharing is caring" conversation, trying not to laugh, until they're out the door and in the car. he does tell Daeron he needs to be nice, but knows it won't do much considering how little he is.
Aemond's been in a few situations cause of his eye, and every time he's got his parents support. they worry cause they know his self esteem is a bit shot, but also cause he's disadvantaged in a fight, so they do talk it out more with him, just to be safe. they don't want to be too hard on him, but they don't want to feed the habit of fighting being an outlet, so they double down on him continuing fencing (he was a fencing kid in my mind) to help with it all.
there have been more verbal incidents where the kids were picked on because of their messy family. all 4 kids are very protective over how people view Criston. he's their dad and anyone who says any different is wrong. Daeron's gotten into the most fights about this, especially cause little kids are brutally honest and say things about how daeron looks nothing like him, which makes him upset. older kids may know who the Targaryen family is (who they are and their equivalence of being a royal family in my modern AU I don't know, I just know they're important and wealthy that's just sorta there, a place for alicent and come to run from.) and taunt them for their mom leaving a life of wealth and power or having a dad like Viserys. those fights the kids get complete slack on, cause neither Alicent nor Criston can blame them for protecting their family.
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frogmanfae · 1 day
I was raised pretty religious and when I was like 12, I got a purity ring. Basically, for those of you who don't have religious trauma are unfamiliar, it's basically a ring that signifies waiting until marriage before you do the horizontal tango. I remember one of my friends told me I would regret it, but I was all like "nah. I've always known I wanted to wait anyway, it won't be hard" and I meant it. 1000%. Even without religious ties.
Anyway I'm asexual now.
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grimbeak · 1 month
just after mother's day too,,,,
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danishsweetheartmp3 · 27 days
daniel’s hater game is UNPARALLELED this episode his reaction to the lestat portrait….
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moltengoldveins · 4 months
bro I’m losing my mind. “I’m gonna write this book so it feels the way my POV did when I was a kid, so people can understand what it’s like being ace and autistic and disabled as a child. I’ll make it obvious how hard it was to perceive other people as real, how irrational peoples actions and emotions seemed, how confusing and unpleasant that was! This will illicit sympathy and understanding!! :D” hours later, surrounded by shredded paper and puddles of ink “I can’t believe my POV is confusing and unpleasant. I can’t believe it’s difficult for readers to understand the thoughts and emotions of the non-POV characters. What could have possibly caused thi-oooohhhhhhhhhhhh…..”
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hikelesbian · 8 months
when you find out a guy just wanted to hang out with you hoping you'd fuck. this is why i purposefully only make women friends.
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envelopesofbadluck · 7 months
Chomp >:3
-wakes up screaming and smacks-
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overchromatic · 3 months
I'm trying to think of ways to get more money since i currently have 9 cents and NEED to start saving for important things. your input is appreciated!
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spicedddrum · 3 months
people love to tell me im a catch or a queer dream or that im really cool or handsome looking or whatever until it comes to being attracted to me and then its like yes the ocean is full of fish but all the fish are dead and floating on the surface and i KNOW if i was skinny and/or had good skin id be swarmed with motherfuckers but unfortunately! people dont respect androgyny or sexuality or attraction if its on a fat person. its STILL just "yeah fat people can hot! hell yeah own your truth!" but they mean completely theoretically. i will only ever be attractive in a theoretical sense as long as im fat.
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thehumanarkle · 4 months
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Considering how Angela eventually went full TERF, this comic from 9 years ago today has ceased to be funny and is now merely prescient.
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realbadatpoker · 7 months
Tbh, I kinda did have "Netanyahu turns out to wanna be Nazis" on my bingo card for this year, ngl
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cutemeat · 1 year
look all i know is if we're getting Chase Utley we're getting s5-s6 threads and im just excited abt that ok
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pansexualeleven · 2 years
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