#shout out to new dawn for making the hc
ulfhrafnx · 2 years
in modern verse , if you run into lira outside of the bar while she’s working , this is what you’re going to run into. she wears more fitted tactical gear , all in black , as opposed to the loose fit clothing we see here, but the mask and the fur / hood are still accurate. unless she takes that mask off you’re not going to know what she looks like.
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iobartach · 5 months
name — Nix
pronouns — anything at all tbh, i don't mind!
preferred comms — leaning more towards discord than tumblr; i am just a slow replier / not available at times. so gimme a shout if you ever wanna share discord usernames!
name of muse — miguel o'hara / spider-man 2099
experience in RP — coming up fast on 18ish years this july, i think? 🥴tumblr's been the platform i've used the most, i came over from bebo, the original version, way back in the day, and also gave forum and discord server rps a go, but eh, i just like the format of tumblr more? especially for being able to make themes and stuff.
best experiences — fortunate to have had plenty of 'em! with miguel though, i have to say it's been especially fun? i really missed the whole aspect of meeting new people and crafting plots / crossovers when it comes to RP, as i had slowed down on writing for a while to get my career started. but now, i'm so glad to be back at it , more often!
pet peeves/dealbreakers — ahhh, let's see, i've gotten laid back af the longer i've been writing? the things that i appreciate nowadays are when folks take the time out to read over my guidelines, headcanons, bio (it's so poorly written, i am so sorry) etc, but i'm not gonna be a hardass about telling you to do so, either? like, someone taking the time to read my hcs is cool! going the extra mile and mentioning them in threads / plots? damn, kudos to you, i can't thank you enough! and if someone has any questions? my door's always open, i will ramble at you until the crack of dawn about miguel if you give me the chance 😂 but yeah with all that said, i'm not gonna hassle or bother folks if they don't read my stuff or ask me questions.!
that said, though, i do wanna point out that there are some specific things to my flavour of miguel that i'm trying to be consistent about? which, for anyone who's known me for years shouldn't be surprising to hear. i've been meaning to add them to my pinned post for my own / other's reference, and 100% accept that i don't call or jot them down as often as i should, it's all kinda just sitting in my head! oops!
and well... to that end, i'd also like to tentatively say... please don't automatically make assumptions / presumptions about my take on miguel, either? 🙏 yes, he's arisen from the atsv version, which i acknowledge can attract certain... notions. but, at the same time, please respect that he's not a soundboard or a thirst trap. he's a guy that, in my telling, fucked up, royally and is trying to deal with that, in his own way.
same also goes for no meaning no. both in-character and out-of-character. miguel will be blunt / react accordingly to things he doesn't vibe with (physical touch, dehumanising comments [deliberate or otherwise], etc), especially with strangers / unfamiliar people -- and for myself, i've been in enough rpcs for long enough to not allow myself to be strongarmed into doing certain things. i'd expand more about my previous experiences, but a munday post ain't the place for that, so yeah. i just would be grateful for any acknowledgement of this. all i wanna do is write one spidery guy, in relative peace, at my own pace & leisure. cheers !
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — i'm a glutton for a bit of everything, but i kinda lean lately more towards action and slice of life. fluff is good, but i try to approach it so that i don't overdo it -- same with angst, i thrive on it, but again, all things in moderation ! and of course, if mutuals ever feel like i'm leaning hard towards a particular genre (which i've a tendency to do!), feel free to pull me back a bit, i won't mind!
plot or memes — memes are the balm for my soul, i stg <3 i love how they can be icebreakers, as well as the perfect thing to spark some muse inspiration after spending the weekdays working. i do love to plot, too, and i've been thinking of doing a lot more of it lately, especially as i grow to learn about another mun's muse, but i'm also a bit of a slow burner when it comes to that, largely because of how much of my week is taken up by work (a blessing and a curse :() . so if you're fine with plots & long form threads progressing over months, absolutelyyy hit me up! 👀
long or short replies — cackling me + short reply is rarer than hen's teeth🤣 i can't do one-liners for the life of me, so you'll always get a small paragraph or two. i love doing long replies, especially if my writing muse is thriving, but never fear about matching reply length or anything! i just ... can't shut up, sometimes, lmao.
best time to write — weekdays are a huge hit or miss 🥴 sometimes, i'm able to write, more times, i'm not. so weekends, when i have the time to chill and relax, not stress about things, is when i find my motivation to write thrives the most
are you like your muse? — in one very specific way maybe; little patience for assholes 🤣 . i'd love to be able to take things on the chin, but eh, stupid stuff can get to me at times. if anything, i feel i'm more like miguel's brother gabriel, and i both love and work in tech rather than in science. worked a two-year stint in a medical corpo and i came out the other side vowing to never again do that. 🥴 i'd also love to be a smartass and have miguel's dry wit, but alas i'm just a funky irish potato.🤣
Tagged: @pzfr
Tagging: anyone who wants to steal this!
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cyrodiilproblems · 1 year
Have you been able to get an interview with High Chancellor Ocato? Surely this would make for good PR! Let us know if you do.
Cyrodiil Problems: Good morning, your Highness. Thank you for the tea.
High Chancellor: I do hope it’s adequate. You will have to forgive me, I don’t know in the slightest who you are.
CP: Oh, we get that a lot. Nobody wants to admit they read the half-baked comedy-satire column in the tabloids.
HC: *surreptitiously sliding something into his waste-paper basket*
CP: It has come to our attention that a lot of people in Cyrodiil do not know very much about you, our new leader. Could you describe yourself in three words?
HC: Um… High Chancellor Ocato?
CP: That’ll do. What is your favourite flavour of sandwich?
HC: I have more important things to form opinions on.
CP: We’ll put down ‘cucumber’. That’ll please our audience. Can you answer the allegations that you are quietly rooting out dissent against the Empire and its leadership?
HC: I’d rather have more questions about sandwiches actually.
CP: Last week a man was arrested in the Talos Plaza for looking like he might have been ‘about to cause trouble’.
HC: If you are referring to the man wearing full Mythic Dawn uniform and shouting about the end of the world, – 
CP: That’s just Tom, he does that. What is going to happen to the Imperial Dragon branding, now that there is no longer a ‘dragonborn’ emperor?
HC: That is a very good question which I hadn’t considered. In fairness I have been preoccupied with quashing the Mythic Dawn remnants, rebuilding an entire province and carrying out erosion control on the new Temple statue. I will make a note of it.
CP: A question from a reader which we do not endorse: how burglable is the Elder Scrolls library?
HC: You will have to excuse me. Something just sounded like a person falling down the chimney.
CP: Thank you for your time, Potato, um, Potentate Ocato.
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Char, you know I love you, which is why I'm coming to you with this slightly cursed yet topical ask: rank the Twilight movies from favourite to least favourite and justify your answers 💜
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Ok, let's rumble (affectionate) -
I am a fool for pining and the first book delivers. There's a delicious build-up of snarling, huffing and angst before the will they/won't they collides with lust, infatuation and then danger. I was FED. My paperback barely survived the rereads before I clung to the movie. Then I quickly replaced my hc's with each actor as they were announced and loved nearly everyone. The Cullens are a dream vampire family, their house and cars a shiny bonus. Plus baseball outfits. Iykyk. And yes, the soundtrack still fucking slaps. Supermassive 10/10. We'll always agree there.
Breaking Dawn
I wish I could break this in two. Wait, it's my review. I shall! The first: Breaking, the steamy slayyyy! The literal bed-breaking passionate destruction and oceanfront honeymoon bliss were a satisfying payoff for the build-up in Twilight. This is the fantastical, happily ever after shit my teenage brain craved. The pregnancy experience was about as much as I knew about pregnancy, so perfect level of detail. Bella has to become a vampire to save her family? So relatable. And Dawn: The dawning of a new era, where mother and child learn to love, where mother makes the noble sacrifice, where racing through the woods and hopping off tall trees is suburban bliss, where your friend and former love interest falls in fucking love with your kid. I stg, this was a true testament to my own new relationship. The man who stayed, who listened, who loved me and poured wine for me while I literally SCREAMED and SHOUTED at my teen rated book proved a level of devotion that neither Edward nor Jacob will ever be capable of. Still, I place the whole book at #2 because it conjured far more emotions than "UGH," unlike three and four.
But first, an interlude.
Midnight Sun
Edwards POV, my beloved. While Twilight + Breaking Dawn holds all my teenage dreams, this origin story companion is a fanfic indulgence I imagine Stefanie wrote simply to clear her comment box. "Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt as though mine were about to." It's satisfying because Edward made me swoon but not particularly insightful, unless you're in the market for a little Volvo coupe. The car and driver edition of the series, if you will.
New Moon
My boy drives away, sob! Edward peels out of snowy Forks in a cloud of angst, flinching jaw muscles and puppy-dog eyes in the best interest of his clumsy DANGER MAGNET. He's so dreamy! She's so dumb! I'm so sad! Sweet, furry Jacob lights up our world with his bronzed glow and motorcycle tricks, but the infatuation is short-lived (sweet, attractive boy who only wants your happiness? ew.) because hallucinations of a cute, fanged control freak are better. Until he's slapped around by the Volturi. Love the Volturi though - the name, the aesthetic, the evil popeness vibe - good stuff. If only there were more Volturi and less woe.
Danger, Danger! Victoria wants to kill Bella and destroy the Cullens. But worse than that, Bella has to decide between Jacob and Edward. Is she IN LOVE or does she just like-like supernatural dudes who want to make her their property? Who loves her more? Is it like, too embarrassing to get married at graduation? Do I like have any friends? Like, oh my god, what should I do????? Is there anyone on earth with harder decisions to make? CRINGE. She's insufferable and I lost centimeters on my molars in the repeated gnash. The worst.
The End!
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aikoiya · 2 years
DB HC - Kept Tails
Honestly, I hc that in DBZ & DBS, the saiyans continue to grow their tails back because, let's be completely honest here. The real reason Toriyama stopped putting tails in was because he got tired of drawing them.
So, I don't like that & there's no reason for them not to have them & it could even create great plot threads with the inclusion of Wrathful Form earlier & SSJ4 eventually. Though, I don't like that they called it SSJ4 as it's actually something different from SSJ. It would've been more accurate to call it the Hitozaru Form or Primal Form. It'd also be interesting if achieving Primal unlocked a form of saiyan magic for them. I mean, it comes with magic clothes. Might as well run with it.
Not to mention, the inclusion of quirks, behaviours, mannerisms, & body language involving their tails. Really make it part of them & how they interact with the world around them.
Like, I hc that saiyans have instincts reminiscent of Dusky Titi Monkeys. Especially involving their mates. Which, these monkeys choose a single partner their entire lives & stick with them forever. Said mated pairs are known to twine their tails when near each other. However, since Goku, Vegeta, & Gohan's wives don't have tails of their own, they instead wrap their tails around their wives' leg, waist, or wrist.
They also like to brush their wives' hair & have their hair brushed in return. As well as brushing their children's hair. Obviously, it doesn't do much for how wild their hair is, but it's the bonding that's important.
It used to be that, every morning the Sadalan Saiyans used to go outside, climb to the highest point they could reach, & at dawn greet the morning with a shout to the rising sun. It always got the blood pumping nice & good. The sound was much like the Spanish grito with a definitive rolling r. It was an exclamation of excitement & always helped to start the day on the right foot.
Not to mention that training is also a form of bonding for Saiyans. It's part of why they do it so much.
I feel like Primal would make them oddly affectionate & strangely mischievous or pranksterish. That being because it puts them closer to their basic instincts.
Also, I hc that you can't reach Primal until you've mastered SSJ. Having & mastering SSJ2 & SSJ3 just makes obtaining Primal incrementally easier while also granting greater boosts to base Primal.
I'd make it so that Bulma makes moonshades, or sunglasses that block out blutz waves, so that Earth can keep the moon & they don't always have to worry about ape attacks.
At the same time, no one knows about Wrathful Form, which is sorta a pre-Primal form, until Broly. This prompts Goku & Vegeta to try & figure out what it is & how to use it. The discovery that they can access Oozaru's power in their base form is new & interesting & they try to pursue this concept.
It's at least fanon that SSJ increases a saiyan's S-cells. However, using Oozaru increases their O-cells. Primal increases both & is the optimal merging of the 2.
Not to mention bringing in GT to create a single long chain of events.
Though, if it were me, I'd also give Saiyans opposable toes & instead of regular shoes, they wear this glove-like footwear specifically so they can use their feet. Just a small detail that I'd find fun to have as a casual aspect & means of interacting with the world around them. This, along with increased dexterity, flexibility, & sense of balance/equilibrium makes them natural multitaskers as they have what are essentially a second pair of arms to do things with.
The Primal Form puts them in greater touch with their basic instincts, which tends to center around the 3 Fs; food, fighting, & fucking. They are the Saiyan race's greatest instinctive desires. Primal just makes those desires greater. It just so happens that when in Primal, they are typically focused on just fighting due to only really being used during fights.
At the same time, make Saiyans naturally physically minded. Meaning that they think better when they're using their bodies. This causes them to be more inclined to be on-the-fly strategists.
Finally, I would make it so half-Saiyans kept that instinct/desire to train & fight, though it'd be less intense than in full-Saiyans. That way, they really enjoy testing their limits & pushing beyond them, but they don't, like, obsess over it like with Goku & Vegeta.
DB Masterlist
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welkinsky · 3 years
I saw you were looking for Shikamaru asks, so here I am.
Hcs about Shikamaru crushing on an artist who likes to be outside in the forest?
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Shikamaru X Artist Listener Crush | Fluff
Shikamaru Masterlist
It was a long day and Shikamaru has been training since the dawn. It was those sort of days where he's just randomly get a burst of energy and motivation and train like there is no tomorrow. He regrets it latter obviously.
It was now evening, almost night. The moon was up and shining bright, it was a full moon. But it was almost time for him to leave.
He was kind of out of his head today and couldn't solve a case that he's been assisting in. It was all too twisted for him too. He was practicing kunai practice and he threw one by mistake in the forest to which he heard a loud scream, it was a woman.
He rushed there almost panicking. That's when he first saw you.
You were on the ground, moonlight shining through the branches of the trees. Slow wind swaying your hair away from your face and making your nose red because of the cold wind. To his comfort he didn't hit you, you just screamed because you got scared. He was stunned for a second but then your expression changed and you shouted on him for not being careful and then he snapped out of adoring you.
He helped you to get up and collect all your art material that fell on the ground. "Are you okay?" he asked concern lurking in his voice. To which you replied, "Yea I am, what the hell are you doing throwing random kunai in the forest, what if it hit any animal here?!" You had a point and he apologized for it. You can see he was being serious so you nodded in response.
"My name's Y/N by the way" you said sticking your hand out for a shake. He looked down to your hand and then up "So you forgive me?" he was genuinely confused. You laughed heh his face was cute you could help it. "Yes, but don't try that again" to which he nodded fast.
Ever since then you both had secrete meetings almost every other night. Sometimes you both would just sit there and talk for hours or he'll watch you work on your art.
You later found out that he is one of the official working closely with Hokage, you kind of felt embarrassed to raise your voice at an official. Since you were a civilian you never knew much about them.
He learned a lot about you and found all of that adorable lol finally someone who wasn't a drag for him.
You both met at night mostly because you both have work in day but sometime you both would sneak in lunch together.
He loved spending time with you and it wasn't until Choji pointed it out that he realized that he talked about you a lot. Ino laughed way too hard at that because she's been suggesting him to officially ask you out already but every time he'd brush it off while deep down he knew he was just scared.
But this one time you both were coming back from lunch when you bumped into Naruto. Shikamaru hesitantly introduced you to him. Without spending a second, Naruto said, "Oh so she's one you keep talking about!" and leaned towards Shikamru with a smirk, "Have you finally asked them out yet?" hahah you and Shika both couldn't stop blushing!
That is when it all started, he finally asked you out.
Shikamaru Masterlist
Thanks For Reading and for the ask! You can send new ones too if you liked this.
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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tangledinmdzs · 4 years
with you - junior quartet hcs
juniors reaction when you die in their arms
warning: major sad vibes  please read at your own discretion
i am personally a very fluffy person and try to make my blog as such. but sometimes we crave a tad bit of angst in our lives
so here it is.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Lan Sizhui
you can’t help the tear that rolls down your cheek
it’s the only warmth that you can truly feel
especially when everything, even your skin
was beginning to numb
“don’t close your eyes,” 
you hadn’t realized that you were doing that in the first place,
you don’t know where you get the strength to pull your eyelids open again, but when you look up
you’re glad that it’s to something familiar
“Sizhui...” you breathe out, feeling your breath choked on something from inside
“s-save your energy, y/n” 
you’d never heard Sizhui stutter before 
perhaps this demon curse was scarier than you thought
and the curiosity lends enough strength for you to find his face again,
maybe if you focused hard enough, you could feel how tightly his arms were wrapped around you
how close he was holding you to him
but you can’t feel anything, anymore
you blink rapidly, looking up trying to meet his eyes
though you can only see the bottom of his chin, barely follow the way that his head flickers here and there for help
“Sizhui...i’ll be alright...”
at your voice Sizhui looks down, and his tear filled eyes meet your blank, dulling ones
how is it, even in this moment, 
you were still the one reassuring him
“it’ll be alright...” you tell him, just as the darkening edges of your vision take over
when your eyes close, Sizhui feels like his own breath stops
his hand lands on your face, thumb catching on the final tear that rolls gently down your face,
he leans his head down to meet yours, 
and he cries too
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Lan Jingyi
Jingyi’s soft hiccuping tears has been your company for the past few hours, 
along with the drip drip of water in the desolate temple you were both trapped in
your blood that was once warm has stained both of your hands, red and bright
now it dripped in tandem with the water from somewhere in the temple, a small puddle at your side
the shallower your breath gets, the more Jingyi cries, his tears and hiccups mixing with pure fear
Jingyi doesn’t think that there is anything that can help him regain himself, his mind, not when you were this hurt, this injured, 
this close to-
he feels your warm, blood slicked hand land on his
Jingyi jolts hard at the contact, looking down to you right away
luckily he finds your eyes immediately, staring up at him
he’s grateful that you’re still awake, though there’s a haziness that’s setting into your stare
“...at the very least...i’m not alone,” 
“you didn’t think that i would leave you here, by yourself, did you?” Jingyi stutters out at you
he can’t understand if it was your heroism talking or you were simply that stupid
you take in another breath, though it doesn’t travel as deeply into your lungs as you want to
“...you should of-”
“and what then? who’d help you? who’d get you out of here?” 
Jingyi’s voice sounds borderline hysteric, which is why your calm, soft voice dulls everything,
“...there was never an exit for me...when i took on this mission,”
Jingyi stares down at you, finds your eyes then 
he sees the acceptance in them, something that he was never prepared for
a fast tear rolls down his face, following the previous tear tracks that have already wet his skin
he can barely feel it when your blood slicked hand gently covers his, pressing down on your wound
he can barely hear the smallest ‘thank you’ that you breathe out to him, your final breath
only when you go still in his arms, blood seeping onto his robes does Jingyi let out an anguished, desperate cry
the temple hears his wails, echoing in the vast chambers
cradling your warm body, Jingyi wonders how there was any god that could be so cruel 
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Jin Ling
Jin Ling has never run this fast in his life
but now he was running like his life depended on it
actually, he ran as fast because your life depended on it
and that would be equivalent if not more than his own life
a hard shiver from your body in his arms almost makes him lose his balance, but he holds you close, pushing on in the night as the moon sits high on the sky
this night hunt had gone wrong
so wrong in so many ways
but Jin Ling would not
be adding your name to the casualty list
the thought of anything worse happening to you makes him misstep
and much to his fear, you both fall to the ground
he’d manage to bracket much of his body around yours, taking the brunt of the impact
but when he sits up, you’re deadly still in his arms
“y/n-y/n” he shakily calls, holding your shoulders than your face, 
you don’t respond right away and he’s fearful
“y/n!!” he shouts
and your eyes open slowly, blinking up at him almost in confusion
he’s relieved that your eyes have opened, but your skin is sickly pale, your qi fighting inside you from the demon’s mantra
Jin Ling knows that the sooner he gets you back to the camp the sooner you would get help
so he doesn’t hesitate wrapping his arms around you to pick you up again
but you wither in pain, hiccuping out a small moan as he tried to so much as lift you
“h-hurts,” you whimper out and Jin Ling holds you closer to him, letting you hide your face in the juncture of his neck
his hands rub rapidly up and down your arms when you stutter our a breathy, ‘cold’ despite the warm night 
“we need to go get help,” Jin Ling tries to tell you but your ‘no’ overlaps with how hard you begin to shiver 
in a final desperate attempt, Jin Ling holds your head steady, wrapping his entire cloak around the both of you to conserve warmth
“y-you can’t, you can’t leave me too. i can’t lose you too y/n” Jin Ling stutters out his voice cracking as the fear of losing you finally dawns on
held this close in his arms, you want to reassure him, want to do more than cling onto his robe sleeves and dig your nose into skin
but before you can
you qi is involuntarily sealed
and the rest of your body, feels the depths of fire and the sharpest of ice cold all at once
you barely have time to hear his scream of your name
you don’t have time to say goodbye
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Ouyang Zizhen
“the blossoms are beautiful today, aren’t they?”
your voice is softer today than usual, reminisce and melancholy despite the young age that you are
both of your young ages
sat with you in his arms, Zizhen leans his head on top of yours gently, arms encompassing you as the cool spring breeze passes by the open awning of your bed chambers
when Zizhen looks down at you, he watches the little smile appear on your face as you stare out at the scenery, the awakening of new life just around the corner
Zizhen keeps his eyes on you, takes in the look of your profile against the backdrop of the cherry blossoms of the small villa
many had always said that the had looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky, pulled up the sun when morning came and whispered to the moon for a little extra light at night time
Zizhen had always watched you with a look of love, of deep love for you
some people say that it might just be the honeymoon stage
since you both were married so young and have barely had a year together
Zizhen feels (knows) that he will always love you
despite the young age
despite the fast marriage
despite your illness
when a particularly hard cough racks your body, Zizhen quickly tightens his arms around you, fixing his cloak tighter around your already warm robes
you manage a small smile when you catch your breath, leaning back into him,
he feels your weight on him, though you’re much lighter than he’d like you to be
“we should go inside now, the wind can’t be good for you after a long time,” Zizhen tries to persuade you but when he looks down to catch your little pout, he finds it hard to even heed his own words
“i’ve always seen the blossoms from far away, never this close. let’s stay a little while more Zhen-Zhen” you tell him
the dwindling amount of time that you had left with him had always loomed over the both of you ever since that fateful day a few months ago, from the physician’s words
that had be the first and only time that you had seen Zizhen cry about your illness with you, when you were feeling most despondent
he had never cried again since
doesn’t want to fill the remaining moments with you in his life with tears and sadness
wants to remember you happy
so he lets you stay out despite his heart beating too rapidly in his chest, and his mind whirring with what to tell the cooks to make for when you come inside later
“Zhen-Zhen,” you call, even though he’s really close to you
Zizhen looks down at you, gives a small half smile when you lean your head down closer into his chest
small smiles are what you are both often accustomed to nowadays
“i love you my sun and sky,” you whisper eyes closed as you feel his warmth surround you
Zizhen lets out a little funny huff, wrapping his arms tighter around you
“i love you more, my moon and stars,” Zizhen replies just as gently 
because you’re so close, he feels the moment that your final breath puffs against the column of his neck,
feels the different kind of stillness of your body in his arms
and Zizhen knows, he knows that his time with you was always meant to end sooner than later
but it doesn’t change the fact
that he will never be ready it
Zizhen closes his eyes, presses a final kiss onto the crown of your head
though his arms can’t find it in himself to let you go
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
I adore your Titan HCs, do you have any for the younger generation?
*jotaro kujo voice* YES! YES! YES! YES!
❤ warning: long post ahead! ❤
okay full disclaimer- Prometheus is my favourite titan <3
i imagine him to be that guy that you bring home to meet your parents and they instantly love him... he's the guy that other parents see and are like "yeah he's a good kid, you should be more like him".
i think Prometheus does have a little bit of a mischievous side, but he's NOT immoral.
he enjoys good pranks and funny jokes, but he's not obscene- he's just cheerful.
i also think Prometheus is very intelligent. from all of the younger generation, i think he's the smartest and the wisest.
Prometheus is also very considerate and gentle. i don't think he's the kind to yell or shout.
he doesn't get "angry" as much as he gets "disappointed" (which we all know is worse T-T).
during the Titanomachy, the original myths say that Prometheus sides with Zeus, but i wanted to elaborate on this further- my hc is that Prometheus didn’t just side with Zeus, he had, for some time before he even knew Zeus existed, been going around and rallying the other younger Titans to form a resistance.
i think that he grew up around Cronus’ palace and watched Cronus as he slowly corrupted himself, and Prometheus knew that it was time for change. 
so i think that Prometheus and a few of his cousins had a little superhero group going on, and when they finally met Zeus, i think Prometheus was essentially Zeus’ right-hand man. i don’t think they always saw eye-to-eye, but i think Zeus appreciated Prometheus’ advice and leadership skills, and this just makes the fire incident all the more tragic </3
about the fire incident- i think that Prometheus has a genuine love for humanity. to him, humans are the children of the gods and he believes that it's the gods’ responsibility to take care of them.
which is why he risks his life to grant humanity fire- he knows how important it is for them to survive, and his heart bleeds every time he sees the gods abuse and interfere with them </3
in a previous set of hc's (scroll down to the Cronus section), i mentioned that i think Prometheus' love for humanity began as a child when he saw Cronus create the first age of man- the Golden Age.
i think he was quite captivated by these living beings not born from the gods, but molded and shaped by them in their image. and i think that really impacted him deeply.
Prometheus' wife is Hesione, and i think that when Prometheus stole the fire from Zeus, he did it because he knew that Hesione is a strong goddess, and he knew that she'd support him (which i think she does!). i think his whole family shares his love for humanity.
when Prometheus was chained to the rock, i think Deucalion was still very small and didn't quite understand where his dad had gone, so i have this hc that when Deucalion grows up, he actually goes to the rock where his dad is chained and they talk it out- and Prometheus expects that Deucalion will be full of hate for him because he left them all alone, but in fact, Deucalion is a lot like Prometheus, and he actually really looks up to his dad and he’s proud to be Prometheus’ son, and he’s proud to help humanity the way his dad did :)))
more Prometheus hc's as well Atlas, Menoetius, Anchiale and Epimetheus hc's here <3
i think Helios is a bit of goofball.
in my head, he’s this incredibly handsome and elegant looking titan... he looks so cool and he’s turning heads when he walks.. but then he trips on the pavement because he got distracted looking at a frog on the sidewalk.
Helios is very kind, i think.
in the myths that he appears in, it’s usually because he’s seen something happening to someone somewhere and now someone else wants to know what’s up so they consult him- and it’s occurred to me that Helios literally never refuses to help.
he helps Demeter when Persephone went missing, he told Hephaestus when he saw Aphrodite and Ares having an affair. he helps his granddaughter, Medea, even after she commits a bunch of atrocities. i think at his core, he’s just a very amiable titan.
i think he does have a bit of an ego. he’s proud of who he is and who is family is. he knows that he’s important and that the work he does is important. but Helios isn’t arrogant or boastful about it. he values honour and despises cowardice.
Helios is very energetic. when he gets excited, i think he jumps around a lot and he just wants to tell everyone and anyone about what’s made him so excited.
in some myths, they say that Helios’ wife was Perse, an Oceanid, but my hc for him is that he doesn’t really have one wife- he has many consorts, and i think he doesn’t really care for settling down.
he’d think of himself as a romantic.
also, Helios is very paternal. i think he loves his children more than anything else in the world. he probably shows pictures of his kids to everyone, “hey have you seen my daughter? she literally just turned some guy’s friends into pigs,, isn’t she awesome? #prouddadmoment”
i don’t think that Helios is the brightest bulb in the shed. he’s not stupid, but i don’t think he’s an intellectual genius the way i’d say Prometheus probably is.
in the previous section, i mentioned the idea that the younger titans had a little resistance group, and i think Helios was a part of this group.
i have this brotp idea that consists of Prometheus, Helios and Pallas being bros. i think Prometheus brings the brains, Helios brings the looks, and Pallas brings the brawn.
i’ve always wondered why the younger titans never seem to have that much of a role in Olympus- i mean, it’s always Zeus and his siblings, despite the other titans being quite powerful (i mean, Helios is literally the Sun). my hc for this is that after Prometheus was so brutally punished by Zeus for the fire incident, everyone was pretty hurt- i mean, they were closer to Prometheus than to Zeus, so seeing him being punished like that was just extremely sad and heartbreaking for the rest of the titans.
i think as a result of the incident, the rest of the titans kinda distanced themselves from Olympus. no one wanted to be there anymore because it felt wrong.
i like the idea that Helios visits Prometheus at his rock often, and they sit and chat and Helios tells him about everything that’s happening :)
i think that Selene is the eldest of Hyperion’s children. first came Selene, then Eos, and then Helios- the moon is followed by the dawn which heralds the coming of the sun and the start of a new day.
Selene is very tall. i imagine her to look very beautiful, but also very intimidating.
while her siblings are described as having numerous lovers, i don’t think Selene is much of a romantic. the only love of her life was the mortal Endymion.
i think Selene is very guarded. she comes across to people who don’t know her as cold and aloof, but that couldn’t be further from the truth- in fact, i think Selene is very emotional, but she’s not vocal about it.
she expresses her feelings through actions rather than words.
just as i think Helios was part of Prometheus’ little resistance force, i think Selene and Eos were as well.
as siblings, i think Selene, Eos and Helios are super close- they are quite inseparable. they’re all very protective of each other as well, and they’d defend each other at any cost.
Eos is the middle child in Hyperion’s family.
i think she’s very energetic and passionate. she’s incredibly friendly and not-shy.
as the goddess of dawn, i think she generally is a pretty gentle soul, but she can also be very loud.
i think she has more than a short temper- it’s a fleeting temper. she’ll start yelling and screaming, but then she’ll see a butterfly and she’ll calm down immediately.
Eos is also a little whimsical. she can be indecisive about what she wants or what she feels- that’s not to say that she’s deceiving. i don’t think she has a deceptive bone in her body- she always says what she’s thinking, maybe sometimes without a filter.
but even so, i don’t think Eos plans ahead. she’s a live-in-the-moment type of girl. 
in the Eos-Tithonus myth, when Tithonus starts to age because Eos forgot to gift him eternal youthfulness to go with his immortality, Eos takes pity on the poor guy and turns him into a cicada- and even though it was kinda Eos’ fault that Tithonus was suffering from old age to begin with, i think it was a kind gesture that she relieved his suffering, rather than just ignoring him.
related to cicadas- i think Eos love bugs and critters and stuff like that. she loves all animals, and that includes little insects.
there’s a myth where Eos sleeps with Ares and incurs Aphrodite’s wrath- Aphrodite punishes her to be filled with insatiable lust and that’s why Eos kidnaps a lot of pretty boys. but tbh, i like the idea that Eos, at her core, is just naturally a lover.
i think she’s a bit of romantic, and she falls in love easily.
i think she appreciates typical romantic sentiments- roses, and chocolate.
of course, i think her greatest love is Astraeus, her husband (more about him below ^-^).
more Eos hc's here :D
Pallas is one of the titans who doesn't really have too much lore.
the Latin author Hyginus calls Pallas "the giant", and he was assumed to be the titan god of warcraft, so this makes me imagine Pallas to be decently tall, and muscular.
Pallas in my head is pretty stoic. i don't think he's all that verbal with his emotions.
in saying this, i don't think he's averse to saying what he feels- he doesn't think that emotions are a bad thing, he just doesn't express it too much.
earlier in this hc set, i mentioned my hc that Prometheus, Helios and Pallas have a brotp. i think that Prometheus and Pallas, in particular, are really close- Pallas is the son of Crius who was thrown into Tartarus for siding with Cronus, so i imagine that Pallas and his brothers must have grown up with Prometheus and his siblings.
related to his domain of warcraft, i think Pallas is a really good fighter. i think he likes to fight, but he's very honourable.
if he lost in a fight, i don't think he'd be a sore loser, or he'd rage about it- he'd accept his defeat with grace and dignity, and he'd acknowledge the strength of his opponent.
in my previous set of hc's for the elder titans (scroll down to Eurybia's section), i mentioned that although Pallas likely would have sided with Cronus rather than Zeus during the Titanomachy in the original myths, my hc is that Pallas sided with Zeus instead.
this ties in with my hc that Pallas is an honourable and noble titan.
Pallas' wife is Styx and i have this hc that while on a hunt, Pallas went to wash his bloody weapons in Styx's river, not realising that she was there. and Styx was really mad about him "polluting" her river so they fought. and i think Pallas was really impressed by her fighting skills, and eventually they became friends, and then lovers, and then they got married.
i also think Pallas was really lackadaisical about it- i mean, i don't think he's a romantic at all. he just looked at Styx one day and was like, "hey do you want to get married?", and Styx, who is also generally pretty chill agreed <3 i think they are probably the most chill couple from the younger titans.
my hc is that Perses is the middle child in Crius and Eurybia's family. Pallas is the oldest, and Astraeus is the youngest.
i think Perses, from all his siblings, is the most like Crius.
he's very intelligent, and sensible. he's quite mature.
Perses' name means "to ravage" or "to destroy" which paints a pretty brutal idea of him. but i personally don't think that Perses is violent as much as he is a strategic and skilled fighter.
i like the idea that Pallas taught Perses to fight <3
i think he's a little colder than his siblings, and i think he has blind loyalty to his king, which is why i agree with the traditional lore that suggests that Perses ended up in Tartarus after the Titanomachy.
in the previous set of hc's (scroll down to Eurybia's section), i mentioned that i think Eurybia has moments where she can fly into quite a ruthless rage- i think Perses inherits this from his mum.
on Perses' wikipedia page, it says that he "was wed to Asteria", which, when i first read it, sounded pretty cold and aloof. i mean, it didn't say that Asteria was his consort, or his wife (which sounds more intimate and familiar), it just says that he was wed (which sounds like it's just something that *happened*)...
what i'm trying to say, is that i don't think Asteria and Perses had a love marriage- i think it was probably arranged.
that's not necessarily a bad thing. i think Perses and Asteria both agreed to it, and i think that for the most part of their marriage, though they may have not been in love with each other, they were certainly quite content to be together.
Perses, though he can seem indifferent to those around him, is still kind. i think he's very patient, and respectful.
i've said before that i like the idea of having Hecate's magic something that Hecate inherited from Perses' side and Asteria's- i think Coeus (Asteria's father) was pretty nifty at magic as was Crius (Perses' father), and i think Perses and Asteria both inherited this and passed it on to Hecate.
Astraeus is referred to as the titan god of the dusk, and he was also associated with the winds and the constellations.
my hc is that, unlike his older brothers, Astraeus is a lot more in touch with his emotions. i think he's quite vocal about it.
in terms of personality, i think Astraeus closely resembles his mum, Eurybia.
more often than not, he's always smiling and laughing, and being positive.
i also think that Astraeus is a gooey romantic. he's the cheesy type.. the cringey lover.
Astraeus' wife is Eos, which makes a lot of sense thematically since Astraeus represents dusk, and Eos represents dawn.
i have a hc that Astraeus fell in love with Eos the first time he saw her- love at first sight. and i think Eos felt the same way.
because Eos represents the dawn, i imagine that she's an early riser.. i mean, really really early- 3 AM. Astraeus meanwhile, who represents the dusk, is a little bit of a late riser.
i have this hc that Eos stopped by his house at some obscene time in the morning and woke him up so that he could ride with her in her chariot and witness the sunrise the way she sees it, and it was the most beautiful thing Astraeus had ever seen (besides Eos of course <3).
anyways, then they got married and sickened everyone to death with their cringey nicknames for each other.
in the original myths, it's mentioned that Eos had many lovers on the side, but i think Astraeus is okay with it- i don't think he feels threatened by Eos' affairs because he's knows that he's the only true one.
also, i'm not sure whether Astraeus was originally sent to Tartarus, but my hc is that he fought on Zeus' side through Prometheus' little super-titan resistance team. this makes sense to me not simply because i like Astraeus and i don't want him to rot in Tartarus, but as the god of the dusk, he has a pretty important role as a personified concept. so it doesn't make sense why he would get removed from the narrative like that.
Asteria is best known as being the mother of Hecate by Perses.
as i've already said, i think that Asteria was quite proficient with magic herself, and i like the idea that she taught Hecate.
in terms of personality, i imagine Asteria to be very clever, and witty. i think she's very gracious and patient. i don't think that Asteria is much of a fighter- she doesn't like violence or conflict, but she hates injustice more, and she is willing to make reasonable sacrifices if the cause is just.
my hc is that she is close to her cousin Prometheus. i think they get along very well because they have similar personalities. i also like the idea of her being good friends with Hesione, who becomes Prometheus' wife.
during the Titanomachy, she almost definitely sided with Zeus in the original myths, and i agree with that idea.
after the war, the myths say that Zeus pursued Asteria as well as her sister Leto, but Asteria rejected his advances. in most myths, Zeus' unrelenting pursuit of her ends with Asteria escaping from him by transforming into the island which becomes known as Delos.
i like the idea of Asteria becoming Delos which, as we know, becomes the refuge of Leto when she gives birth to Apollo and Artemis. i like the idea of family always finding away to provide support, BUT i don't like the aspect of Zeus as a forceful and insatiable god.
so my hc is that while Zeus did chase after Asteria, i think Delos had already been created by Asteria previously as a place for her to raise Hecate, and when Asteria returned to that place, i think Zeus knew that it wasn't happening and he gracefully gave up.
i mentioned in Perses' hc's that i think Asteria and Perses had an arranged marriage. i think their marriage was interrupted by the Titanomachy, and although Asteria took Zeus' side, i think Perses took Cronus' side- which definitely led to a little conflict within their family.
my hc is that Asteria already knew that she was pregnant with Hecate during the Titanomachy and she wanted a better life for her daughter which is why she fought alongside Zeus, and i think she also knew that Perses wouldn't fight against Cronus- so she had to choose between her child and her husband, and she chose her child.
after Olympus gets established, i think Asteria and Leto live on Delos together, happily retired, the way they deserve <3
i've actually already done a few Leto hc's here so i won't repeat them :)
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yukipri · 4 years
Hello again~ i went through all of your hc again because i just cant get enough of this au and began to wonder, how does luffy meet coby? Is she alone when she meets coby like in canon or is there an ace there as well?
Hey again!! I am DELIGHTED to finally get to answer this, because as much as I love all the other asks about other characters, I admittedly haven’t thought in too much detail about events that are further along in the timeline. 
But COBY, my boy Coby’s right there at the beginning!! So yeah I’ve got some thoughts to share <3
First, how do they meet? Well, exactly the same as in canon! The barrel Luffy was sleeping in gets sucked into a whirlpool and is picked up by the ship Alvida’s pirates attack.
But wait...how did Luffy come to be in the barrel, when in this AU, she didn’t set out alone?
And there, friend, is the difference, because while Luffy and Coby’s meeting isn’t all that different, somewhere in the same East Blue a little ways away, Portgas D. Ace is FLIPPING HIS SHIT because APPARENTLY, mere HOURS after they started their grand adventure setting sail from Dawn Island, THEY HAVE ALREADY LOST LUFFY.
They have Ace, who’s capable enough that the government wanted to recruit him as a Warlord, his first mate when said recruitment happened, and a freakin’ Whitebeard Pirate Commander, and yet they STILL managed to lose her?!??!! What do you mean she fell asleep in a BARREL while Ace took his eyes off of her for one second to discuss their course with Deuce and Thatch??? What do you mean the barrel fell overboard??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BARREL GOT SUCKED INTO A WHIRLPOOL?!?!?!?!?
This does not bode well for their future adventures.
So back on the lil fishing boat, three of the most over powered pirates in East Blue are freaking out and doing a lot of shouting, but well. Luffy doesn’t know and doesn’t care bc she’s experiencing her first Adventure, and she just met a funny lil weak kid with pink hair! How exciting!
Coby, on his end, was already shocked enough when a gangly teen toppled out of a barrel and stretched inhumanly and beat the crap out of the pirate he’s been forced to work for. The fact that she’s a girl, and a freakin’ MERMAID those exist???...well, Coby’s already way over his shock capacity threshold, so it doesn’t end up making all that much of a difference.
When Luffy casually suggests that they should find an island, because her crew will be looking for her and oh yeah she can’t swim...well, Coby just nods, still kinda numb to everything. Because sure. His new mermaid friend can’t swim. Alright then.
They go to Shells Town and Luffy’s excited because well, she’s here anyway, she wants to see if she can recruit that Zoro dude before Ace finds her. He won’t be too mad if she’s Accomplished Something Piratey like recruit a cool new crew member while she was gone, right?!
(Ace and the others do find them, right as they’re being shooed out of Shells Town. Zoro, Coby, and all the marines lined up to salute them gape, because no, no one’s heard of Luffy, but they sure as hell have heard of THOSE pirates, and Luffy conveniently failed to mention how infamous “Nii-chan,” “Mask Guy,” and “Bread Guy” are. Zoro belatedly wonders what he signed up for)
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
Can I get some hcs for Freddy x reader who have like very love/hate reltionship? Like they annoy eachother constantly but still seek each others company. Thanks!
This is the first time I have ever tried writing for Freddy and to be honest, I am quite nervous I did him wrong. Please forgive any ooc characterizations i may accidentally give him - i tried my hardest to make him accurate to the 80’s version (yes, this one will be based on old freddy not the new one (2010 remake), hope that it okay <3) i also hope that you don’t mind if i make the reader a killer as i am only comfortable writing for freddy when the power dynamics are equal
Thank you for the request and i hope these are good enough for you 
Headcanons for The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger) with a Killer!S/O who have a Love/Hate relationship
When you are an obedient little dog, when you kill mercilessly and the Entity grows fat from your bountiful supply of food, the spider-god showers you with rewards. Most forms of these appreciations take a physical appearance (new and terrifying outfits to adorn during your daily workouts or new weapons for you to play with). But there were some gifts that were intangible, and otherworldly and oh so irresistible to you - dreams. The Entity lets you sleep if you do well in trials and sometimes even offers you sweet, beautiful dreams. They were indulging at first, so totally vivid in their detail and color that you could almost lose yourself completely in their daydreams. It was a spider web most wonderfully and intricately made. A labyrinth of the mind. But it did not take you long to notice the spider lurking in the corners of his creation.
You spotted him often hiding under the shadow of trees, just standing there in the corner of your eye - one look and he would vanish without a trace. You would have thought nothing of the strange occurrence had it had only happened once and in only dreams. During your walks in between realms, you’d spot the man through the treeline. He was unmistakable in his silhouette and in the way his eyes glowed a horrid orange. You did not fear him however, he was no worse a monster than you were. Rather you were annoyed by his presence in both reality and dreams. 
You bend down and pick up a rock, turning it over in your hands testing its weight and size. “Hey!” You shout at the man who halted his retreat into the dark, night wood at the sound of your voice. “Stay out of my fucking dreams, asshole!” You throw the rock at him, narrowly missing him and instead, striking a tree.
“Such a temper.” A hoarse voice coos from somewhere behind and you spin around to meet it. It was him, moving faster and quicker than air and appearing next to you, closer than ever before. You got your first good look at him. His skin was a sore pink leather and he smelled like smoke. “Trust me, sweetheart, I would if I could. Your dreams,” He takes out a hand covered in razor-sharp knives and mockingly strokes the hair out your face, “, are so boring.” You snatch his hand away from your face, barely noticing the sting of blades in your soft palm and the trickle of warm blood down your forearm. You did not grimace, did not cower, and did not back down. He grins at your defiant expression. “And here I thought you’d thank me for giving you the chance to live in such a wonderful world. I’m hurt,” He feigns agony, his free hand placed sorrowfully on his chest, “, good work always goes unappreciated.”
You scoff and show your teeth. “I would prefer nightmares if it meant I wouldn’t get to see you.” The man laughed and flexed his knife-fingers, fresh blood oozing out your wound.  
“Oh babe, you and me both. I don’t like this babysitter gig anymore than you do.” He leans closer grinning with his horrible yellow fangs, the scent of a recent kill seeping off his tongue. “I prefer nightmares anyway.” 
“You look like a nightmare.” You spit into his face, finally letting go of his weapon and glaring at him. He laughs again.
“You are a feisty one. I think you and I are going to get along fabulously.”
Of course, he did not heed your warning for that very same night you saw him again in your dreams. Though now, he made it a point, not to hideaway. He approached you and actively talked to you, following you around your dream like a resistant plague. He commented on your shit reality, on all the things you could have wanted to dream of, and yet you only wanted to be in an empty field at the brink of dawn. He shakes his head and degrades your poor taste with even more snarky comments. You knew you couldn’t do anything to him while in his dream but in the physical world - well, that is a completely different story. 
If he was going to bother you while you slept like a buzzing mosquito, you decided to bother him when you were awake. In the real world he was much less intimidating, that aura of cosmic power that bubbled around him while in a dream state, was not present in the night air and you smirked at his weakness. You mentioned his height, asking how anyone could be scared of such a small man. He’d lash out, swinging at you with both his blades and his harsh tongue.  He was easy to toil, easy to wind up but a task to deal with. Freddy could take a punch to his pride and deal out damage times 10. 1 mean-spirited remark deserves 10 more. 
Freddy thrived on this back and forth. Ordinarily, he would turn his nose up at the idea of bickering with another killer - sure, some of them were fun, simple minds with which to bend and manipulate in dreams but most were already so twisted in their own self-delusions that well, he just didn’t find them all that interesting. But your mind was sharp and quick, built in the skull of a hardened murder professional yet dainty enough to still yearn for the sunlight world of goodness. A perfect balance. It had been a very long time since last Freddy had had a conversation of equals - a real conversation where the table was not shifted in the favor of either one. If he said something that crossed a boundary or hit a nerve (a task he sought out to do almost every night) you would turn on him, shoot daggers at him with the sole intent of murdering his little ass. Sure, it never really scared him but there was no denying that in a way, to spare with an equal really turned him on. To be challenged. 
There were times when he would become too much. Like the static on a dead radio station, he would drone on and on about a certain topic he knew would heat your blood. Always poking his stick deeper and deeper into the bear until you’d bite. Luckily it was quite simple to turn him off - just don’t sleep. You never really needed to rest in the Fog anyway, tiredness never made its claim over your bones even after a long day at work. Sleep was merely a reward, after all, a gift that could be refused if so desired. If time could be recorded within the Entity’s world, then the longest you had gone without sleep, and without seeing that little creep, would have been 2 months. He had really pissed you off when in a dream he produced a small songbird and made you watch as he melted its skin off - all for sport. A sight that did not necessarily make your skin crawl but one that irked you. It was always a game with him, a competition to see who would break first and try to strangle the other. And, to be dead honest, it was starting to annoy you more than anything he could say or do. So you stopped seeing him, stopped dreaming, and stopped seeking him out in the woods. You were tired of always trying to be bested and frankly, his childishness was wearing you thin.
But there was no denying that in that quiet that ate up the space where Freddy used to stand, a strange loneliness would grow incredibly heavy and dreadful. You missed his rather repulsive company, his witty and sharp tongue always keeping you on edge and on your toes. There was no way you could stop your head from turning around to look for him, seeking out his small frame among the dark wood. It was lonely without the flies, silent and decaying slowly.
For the life of him, Freddy tried to move on. He had never tied himself to one person before, never allowed himself to latch on to anyone save for his favorite little toys. But with you it was different. It was fun to annoy you, it was fun to torment you in dreams. It was even fun when you reeled at him, hackles raised threatening to kill. It was exciting, it reminded him of the joy of being powerful and alive (in a sense). And when you never took his bullshit sitting down, when you'd raise to meet his call, oh how it set fire to his heart. To be challenged. He could feel himself wither away, the interest that you had sharpened only seemed to dull and break off in your absence. He’d hate to admit it, but he missed you. Missed your noise and missed that sweet dream of yours.
Both of you are too prideful to confess to the other that you were lonely. But when, one day, you find yourself dreaming a familiar vision, that built-up residue of solitude melted and you turned to face Freddy eagerly.
“Did you really think you could not sleep forever?” He crossed his arms over his gloating chest, a snake tongue flickering victories in between teeth. “I always get my prey.” You smirk, not surprised in the slightest by his rather rude welcome back. You look around at the grassy field surrounding you both shining a brilliant emerald, the sun feeling warm on your back, and the fresh, clean air carrying with it the scent of spring flowers. 
“Aw, you missed me, Frederick?” You tease him with his unused full name, casting a devilish side-eye to the dream-demon. You see a flicker of panic, alerting you that you had hit the nail on the head before he spits and loudly proclaims,
“Don’t be so far up your own ass!” His golden eyes gleamed pure hatred at you. “It's not a hat.” You laugh at the face of the fuming man, knowing that despite how his actions appeared malicious and distasteful, there was no feasible way to deny that the dream he had made for you was spectacular and expressed something deeper than just surface-level annoyance. 
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oldguardhc · 4 years
Old Guard hc #57
Prompt number: 18 - “You don’t see it?”
Fandom: The Old Guard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Tags: Joe and Nile, Joe grabs Nile’s wrist (below cut)
AN: Kind of a Dead Like Me AU. Gets real choppy below the cut, so here’s your warning. 
“You don’t see it?” Nile asks, following the little demonic creature with her eyes. She’s been seeing those damn things ever since she woke up in the infirmary at the base. They’re nasty little things, two feet tall, spikes on their head and back, a Voldermort’s nose, and an overall sickly appearance. Just looking at them makes her skin crawl. 
“See what?” Joe asks, following her line of sight. “The man in the green pants? I mean, it’s kind of hard not to see him. I’m pretty sure the grinch uses less green than that man.”
“What? Oh, wow, that’s a lot of green.” She knows several people who would kill to have their lawn be as green as that man currently is. She doesn’t think she’ll ever understand America’s obsession with perfect lawns. She shakes her head and drags her eyes back to the creature. It’s climbing up a tree at the moment. “No, I keep seeing these small demons. They knock shit on the ground, shove things in the way, they’re like a bad cartoon if I’m honest.” Tom and Jerry was more original than these guys. 
The demon is bouncing on a branch now, each bounce making the branch sway a fraction more than the last. Nile doesn’t know when she started holding her breath, but now that she’s aware of it, she couldn’t suck in a breath if she tried. She’s unable to tear her eyes away from the demon that’s getting more fervent with his movements. 
It’s a relief when the branch finally snaps, barely missing two bikers on the trail as it crashes to the ground. She watches the bikers turn around, realization slowly dawning on them of just how lucky they are. 
It happens so fast. 
The warning builds in her throat like molasses. By the time it passes her lips, both bikers are on the ground in one bloody mess. 
Nile’s up on her feet, phone in hand, ready to call an ambulance when a hand wraps around her wrist. She turns to look at Joe, “We have to help them!” 
Joe swallows and he looks pained for some reason. “Nile, it’s their time.”
“What?” She tries to break out of his grip but Joe tightens his fingers and starts to tug her away. “What are you doing? Let go!” What the hell is wrong with him? “Joe! They’re hurt!”
 “I know,” Joe says, continuing to guide her away, “there’s nothing you can do.” Nile digs her heels into the ground and yanks on her arm, forcing Joe to stop and look at her. She’s going to have strong words with him later about what’s appropriate and not. 
“You better fucking explain and let go in the next five seconds because I’m getting really pissed off.”
Joe blinks at her, looks down at where he’s still holding her wrist and releases her as if she electrocuted him. “Shit, I’m sorry,” Joe quickly apologizes, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Nile experimentally rolls her wrist, sees the way Joe is watching the movement with a guilty frown and she thinks, good. Her wrist is already fine though, any potential bruising or swelling gone. “We should go,” Joe says after a pause, glancing around the park. There’s a crowd forming around the two bikers, people frantically shouting at each other to get help and call an ambulance.  
“Why?” Nile almost shouts, managing to lower her voice to a hiss at the last second. Why are you acting this way? Why do we need to leave? What aren’t you telling me? 
“You’re seeing death and death doesn’t like us.” Nile squints at Joe. Did he eat crack for breakfast? 
There’s a crazed energy building within him and Nile doesn’t want to see what a 900-year-old man looks like when he snaps. Joe crosses his arms, “Quynh had your gift. Those things you’re seeing? They’re sadistic little bastards and they love us. So we need to leave before it clocks us and we wake up in a morgue,” Joe says, his voice tightening near the end. 
None of what he just said makes sense. She’s got more questions than before he started explaining, but Joe looks genuinely freaked out that she lets her sympathy momentarily win and nods, letting him set the pace as they exit the park. 
They don’t talk the entire walk home, hell they don’t even so much as glance at one another and she hopes he doesn’t think he’s off the hook. They still need to have words about grabbing her and whatever the hell she’s seeing. 
When they get to the empty house, Joe motions for her to follow him into the kitchen. He pours them both a drink and Nile takes her glass with a ‘thanks’ before sitting down at the table. 
Joe sits down in the seat in front of her and hangs his head in shame. “I’m sorry for grabbing you without your permission. That was very wrong of me,” Joe quietly says, looking up at her at the end. He looks genuinely sorry, and not like he’s only saying what Nile wants to hear. “I got scared, I know that doesn’t excuse what I did, and I wish I can take it back, but I can’t. I acted poorly, I hurt you and I’m sorry about that.”
Nile lets his words sink in. 
She fights back the instinct to immediately accept the apology. This isn’t something they can skirt around, not if they want to remain as teammates, much less as friends. “I’m more upset that you made a choice for me.” 
She can practically see the entire replay in his mind and she knows when he sees her point when he winces. “I’m new, Joe. I haven’t known you for two-hundred years, I can’t tell yet when to follow you with no questions. You have to explain stuff or at least say ‘Nile, danger. Explain later.’ I trust you to have my best intentions but you can’t—you gotta let me make that choice.”
Joe nods, hunching further into himself. “I understand. I’m really sorry, Nile.”
Nile reaches out to place a hand on his shoulder, “We’re going to be fine, Joe. I just need time to get on the same page.” She gently squeezes his shoulder, “I’m going to have this conversation with Nicky and Andy too. This was inevitable, looking back.” 
Joe huffs, a small smile creeping onto his lips. “I’m really happy you’re not afraid to set us straight. Booker,” Joe pauses, a flash of anger crosses his eyes, but as sudden as it appeared, it’s gone, leaving a trail of sorrow in its path. “It’s hard to have boundaries when you don’t care.” 
Nile doesn’t know what to say, and maybe there’s nothing to say. Booker is such a sensitive topic that it feels taboo to even think of his name sometimes. She gives his shoulder another squeeze and drops her hand onto the table.
Joe clears his throat, “Right, and onto the next topic. Quynh,” Joe closes his eyes, lets out a raspy laugh, and opens his eyes again, reaching for the drink. “We’re just going through all the difficult topics today, aren’t we?”
“I can wait,” Nile starts, she can tell how drained he already is and what’s a couple more days when they have billions more? 
Joe shakes his head. “This is important, will put you in danger for not knowing, important information.” 
She remembers Joe’s earlier words. Sadistic bastards. They love us. 
Joe sips at his drink and Nile mirrors the action. “Quynh called the things you see death’s helpers. They don’t directly kill people, they just set death into motion,” he pauses until Nile’s looking at him again, “Nile, whenever you see one, get out, especially if you’re in a public place. They know when they’re spotted and they know we’re special.”
Nile frowns, she has so many questions, she doesn’t even know where to begin. Why does she see them and they don’t? Is she in more danger because she can see them? Will those things attack her just because she can see them? 
Joe scans her face, “I can see you have a lot of questions and I do want to help, but I think you should ask Andy.” Ask Andy about her lost lover? The one she still feels extremely guilty about? Maybe Joe did eat crack for breakfast. “I know but she’s known Quynh the longest, she has the most information on this. I only know the bare minimum, Quynh didn’t like talking about it and I didn’t like asking about it.” 
Nile already knows this future conversation is going to be a painful one. Andy clams-up tight when she wants to and no amount of prying or crying can get her to open up. 
“It’s alright, you at least answered the big question,” Nile says, and she wonders if this is going to be a theme. The what always being answered but the why remaining a mystery. “Thank you for filling me in.” 
“Yeah, and I’m sorry once again-“
 “Joe,” Nile interrupts with a shake of her head. “We’re moving past that.” 
“Right, of course.” Nile rolls her eyes, reaches out to ruffle his hair just like how her brother hated. Joe hates it too and she grins as he smacks her hand away, smoothing the curls back down. “Brat,” he mutters, it’s all reluctant fondness and the tension in his shoulders is gone, so Nile’s counting it as a win. 
They’re going to get there one day. 
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a-lonely-tatertot · 4 years
Finding Home
A/n: Hey this will be a multi chapter fic with a bunch of different ships and characters in it (expect them to all be gay in some way) this is based off of a set of hcs from @linhamon-roll  as always this was betaed by the lovely @bookwyrminspiration and I am extremely grateful for faer help! (Also if you guys like this enough tell me if you want a tag list for it, @everyonehasthoughts whoops posted this one instead)
Tw: talk of nightmares (if there’s more please tell me)
word count: 2760
Chapter 1: Back to the Beginning
“I’m not going to the upper levels,” the words spilled out of her mouth before she could stop them. Wide eyes stared at her from all around the room. She managed to count three breaths before the inevitable outburst.
“What?!” Grady shouted. He’s not angry at you, she reminded herself, just surprised.
“Are you kidding?” Fitz whispered in confusion.
“You have to go to the upper levels. How else do you think you’ll become a part of society?” Alden said in his perfect no-need-to-worry voice that just made her want to smack him more.
“Sweetie I know it’ll be new and it’s normal to be scared-” Edaline started before she cut her off.
“I’m not scared okay? I don’t give a damn about being a part of society, and no I’m not kidding. This is my decision,” Sophie snapped. She was so done with this, with the stares, the names, being “Sophie Foster” and “human-raised”, a “war-hero;” she just wanted to be no one again. Maybe that made her a coward, but that’s who she was.
“Sophie, you’re not making sense,” Alden said, shaking his head, smiling that horrible venom-filled smile that barely contained the storm. Ever since she’d learned what Alden had done to his family she’d hated him almost as much as the Neverseen. Because he and Cassius were the same, but only one paid for it.
“Did I not speak clearly enough for you?” she asked, letting the hatred seep through her words and relished in the surprise on his face. “I am not going to the upper levels. I am not staying here either. Here I’m always going to be Sophie: the Moonlark, the leader of Team Valiant, the war hero. That’ll always be me. Here I’ll be stuck picking up the council’s mess for my entire life and I wanna be a kid still.”
“So what do you plan on doing?” Biana spoke up after a silence.
Breathe. “I’m going to go back to the Forbidden Cities, I’m gonna go back home.”
The uproar came back twice as loud as before. She was hit with hundreds of “no”s and “you can’t”s and the occasional “that’s illegal” but in between it all she locked eyes with Fitz. They didn’t need to be Cognates to understand what the other was thinking. She held his gaze and didn’t back down, this was her decision. Fitz smiled a bit at her stubbornness and nodded slightly. There wasn’t any danger from him, no “You can’t do this!” Nothing that the boy she used to know would do.
He’s different now, Sophie realized, how had she missed it?
Her eyes drifted to Biana who was staring at the middle of the room with a blank expression. It was like she wasn’t there, lost somewhere in an ocean of thought. Finally, she looked up, “It’s your decision Fos-boss.”
A hundred times before those words had been directed at her. When deciding the fate of the world she was always plagued by uncertainty. But for once, it felt right; she was going home. Alden and her parents would say no as many times as they could to make her stay, and Fitz and Biana would try at some point, but one way or another she was leaving. She’d be back eventually, but for a while, she wouldn’t have to be Sophie Foster.
The next night they had gathered everyone. Well, not everyone, just the people she cared about. Della and Livvy stood off to the side and Sophie smiled at their intertwined fingers. Maybe, just maybe they would be fine without her. Keefe stood quietly, his face blank, and it made her rethink everything. But Linh placed a steady hand on her shoulder and she was back. Stay focused, don’t lose it, Sophie told herself sternly.
Grady and Edaline watched her, and she wondered how the house would feel without her. She took a breath and turned to Dex. He, out of all of them, wasn’t quite ready for her to leave.
“I can’t make you stay, can I?” Dex asked. His voice wavered slightly and there were tears in his eyes. There were tears in all their eyes.
Sophie shook her head slowly, “Not this time.” Everything was in place, all she had to do was just leave. That was the hardest part. To make it real.
“C’mon Soph, we did it; it’s over,” his eyes pleaded with her. “Let me come with you.”
They had all tried this. In different manors, in different ways, except for Linh. All she did was wrap her arms tightly around her and squeeze like she would never let go. Some part of her, buried under many many layers of protection, knew that if Linh tried she could make her stay. “That’s the problem Dex,” she had said this so many times before, “We are always going to be fixing things and we’re always going to be fighting, and I am always going to be Sophie Foster the human. I just want to be normal, for a few decades that’s all. I’ll be back soon, just make sure to keep these idiots in check while I’m gone alright? I gotta do this alone.” Her voice caught on the last word as it dawned on her that it might be the last thing she would say to them for a long time.
Dex wrapped his arms around her and squeezed, picking her up slightly. “I’ll miss you dumbass.”
She nodded mutely into his shoulder, “Likewise asshole.” It’s time now. She stepped away, flash drive in hand, because if Dex couldn’t join her he would always help her. And she loved him for that.
She turned away from them. She dug her heels into the dirt and braced herself.
Three. Linh’s hand left her shoulder and she could feel all their eyes on her.
Two. It wasn’t the first time she had done this. It was teleporting. It was in her bones, literally.
One. Dex sucked in a breath in sync with her. The feeling of the tension running through her, becoming her, was intoxicating.
Zero. There’s no looking back now. And she ran. Her feet pounded the ground, her heart seemed to get faster with every stride. Dirt bounced with every thud of her shoes and she was free. And she jumped.
Falling. Floating. Landing.
The stale, polluted, stiff air greeted Sophie on the other side and she had never been more relieved to step into a broken world. Her broken home. From now on, she’d be Amilia Ruewen and that was okay.
“The hell you doing here kid?” an old woman stared her down from behind the counter. She had wrinkles; on her face, on her apron, on her surprisingly steady hands that held an outrageous stack of plates.
“Uh,” Amilia said nervously, “I need a job.”
The woman’s dark eyes narrowed further, “And you came here.” It wasn’t a question.
“That I did,” she muttered, it took every bit of her not to yank out her eyelashes.
With a huff, the woman set down the plates and walked out from behind the counter to march up to her. Amilia swallowed hard as the woman grabbed her hands from her sides. Her stark white hands seemed too pale and clean in the older woman’s dark hands. Amilia felt like she was under a microscope, like this woman could see every bit about her life as she stared at her hands.
“You’ve worked, you’ve fought,” she said quietly, and dragged her eyes up to hers. “If you can clean you’ve got a job.”
Something exploded inside her and couldn’t’ve been happier. But wait, “No cooking?” Amilia called out as the woman went behind the counter again.
She chuckled lightly, “Clean first, then we’ll see. Chop chop, it’s almost time for the rush and these tables still haven’t been washed.”
“I don’t even know your name ma’am!” Amilia realized suddenly.
“You want a name, new girl?” she said. fixing her with another hard stare, “It’s Mari, you’ve got a real name?”
Amilia closed her mouth tightly, “It depends on your definition of real.”
Mari let out a harsh laugh, “Less philosophy more cleaning.”
A smile tugged at her mouth as she caught the wet rag the woman tossed her.
By the end of the day, she had been introduced to the regulars as nothing more than “the new girl”. She had scrubbed the counters over and over and Mari still managed to look unimpressed. Her sweeping skills got corrected and she became more familiar with the crappy sink than she would’ve liked. If you turned the old fashion handle too far right, then the water was basically boiling. If it was too far to the left, you got ice. There was one temperature that was decent and it was not moved from that spot. Amilia had found that out the hard way.
When Mari flipped the paper and probably homemade sign from “open” to “closed”, she flopped down on one of the booths. She was tired and wiped, but it was good because she was happy. She couldn’t have done this in the Lost Cities. And she wouldn’t have done this in San Francisco. Because this was normal, and no one knew her name, and that was the opposite of everything she once was.
“You going home yet kid?” Mari asked from the lightswitch. She hadn’t thought about that, where she’d stay for the night. The booths weren’t optimal but they would work.
“Can I stay here for the night?”
“In these shitty booths? Not happening,” Mari responded, shaking her head lightly. Amilia’s heart fell to her stomach and Mari sighed at her probably pitiful expression, “You really don’t have a place to stay?”
Amilia shook her head. “Fine, come on. You can borrow my couch for the night.”
The night turned into two, to a week, to a month and eventually Mari stopped asking about her family.
“We’ve all got secrets,” she’d say, and Sophie wondered what her secrets were. Mari stopped asking about where she was going too.
“This is a pit stop town,” she said one night while they put away dishes.
“It wasn’t for you.”
“It’s where you find yourself when you’re young and get pulled back into when you’re old and broke.”
“Maybe I’m finding myself,” Amilia said only to get a hum in response.
The words that Mari had said when she first met her came to Amilia often. Could she really tell what she had gone through? Or was it some weird old lady thing she did to freak her out?
There was one night where the nightmares came back worse than ever. She woke with sweat soaking her shirt and barely breathing. There was soft clinking in the kitchen that sounded too much like throwing stars. She remembered how they felt in her hands, drawing her own blood as she cleaned them. The sweet release as they left her hand to make a soft thunk in her target. How the rush it gave Sophie was always followed by a thick sense of dread. Because if it made her excited, how far away was she from the monsters she fought?
“I thought it’d be a rough night,” Mari said leaning on the doorway.
“How did you know?”
“You’ve fought wars, those don’t go away easy. Come, I brought sugar, thought you would need it.”
So she stumbled her way into the kitchen, tired and trying as hard as she could to keep her tears in. Mari had pancakes and shakes and had brought them out to the front porch. The best thing about this place was you could see every star in the sky.
“How could you tell I’ve fought?” Sophie asked. The shake was shockingly cold against her hands and she tried to stop the shiver that ran through her. Mari rocked back quietly like they had all the time in the world to watch the stars move.
“You have the look in your eyes.”
“But you looked at my hands, why?” Somehow, the shake tasted like mallowmelt. The kind that Edaline would make on bad nights before tucking her into bed.
“Because your hands have been everywhere, they can tell stories if you let them.”
She decided not to ask any more questions, every answer would just be more confusing than the last. “And because they look like mine,” Mari finally said quietly.
Mari didn’t look at her while she talked, “I saw a kid, who looked lost as hell with no immediate future, who had the hands of a fighter and eyes that held secrets. I thought I could do right by her.”
“I think you did,” Sophie said. For real this time, she wasn’t Amilia, she wasn’t trying to be her sister, for this night under the stars, she could be Sophie.
Over the year Amilia sometimes forgot about the demons that haunted her. Her past life- lives. They were not her anymore. Days and hours where nothing other than the simple act of flipping pancakes and washing tables were her only thoughts. The town was small and out of the way. No glittery castles and fancy houses. Only small farms, sketchy strip malls, and home. There was only one hint that she wasn’t human, the small leaping crystal around her neck.
“For emergencies,” Biana had said placing it gently around her neck.
“And when you’re ready to come back home,” Fitz had whispered against the top of Sophie’s head.
So it stayed around Amilia’s neck, night and day; a reminder that she never had and never would belong. But she wanted to; she craved it. And Mari made her feel somewhat normal.
She wanted something human. Something reckless and young, that was the human she wanted. Sitting at her computer at the table in Mari’s old yellow motorhome that had housed her, she found herself looking at colleges. When she was younger “college” was an expectation, perfect grades, perfect words, perfect scores. Sophie didn’t get to decide her future. To put it simply, it was never an option, her years were already filled with other’s ideas. But as Amilia clicked the tab for courses she realized that for once she controlled her next small forever. And in her next small forever she could just maybe belong.
Tables had been washed, the sun had gone down, and she had flipped the frayed sign. She had thought about it all day, the college she chose was far away and she didn’t know how to tell Mari this. The woman had become much closer to her than she thought she would. So as she grabbed her small packed duffle bag and held the door handle she tried to ignore the sharp pain that hit her chest. It only got worse as a soft voice came down the hall.
“Amilia?” Angie, Mari’s “friend”, whispered down the hall.
“Go back to bed, I’m just grabbing some things,” she said, wincing at how well she lied.
“That duffle says otherwise young lady,” Mari appeared seemingly out of thin air. Sophie knew this wasn’t going to end well, the feeling cemented itself as anger flared white hot in her stomach.
“‘Young lady’? Sorry did ‘kid’ just get thrown out the window? What are you now, my mom?” she snapped.
Mari gapped at her for a second, “Oh I’m sorry, right now I guess I’m more of your mom than whoever had you and left you on your own!”
“You don’t know nothing about them!” Sophie shouted. She didn’t mean too and she hated the way Mari flinched. But Sophie had pushed them away and that wasn’t their fault.
“The hell is this all about Amilia? You wanna go, go. Just don’t be a coward and leave without a goodbye.”
The tears fell fast down her face, because it was all too familiar. And she had never wanted to leave Mari like that. But she was angry, and that never ended well. “Fine, you want a goodbye? Goodbye.”
The door slammed hard behind her, and the rain soaked Sophie’s jacket mixing with her tears. It felt like a crappy hallmark movie from the early 2000s, but she was too angry to care; About the rain, about how muddy her shoes were, or how she didn’t really know where she was going.
The next morning she regretted everything. But by then that bridge was ashes in a stormy ocean; there was no going back. She moved forward because she had to.
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hejer-maomao · 5 years
It's okay I dont mind requesting for ikerev! So! How do you think, Lancelot, Fenrir, Jonah and Harr would react to being walked in by someone when they're having sexy timezz with their female s!o? Thanks^^
Since my country is in complete quarantine at the moment, I’m stuck at home and I’m getting really anxious.
And since writing usually helps in calming me down, I decided to look at my poor neglected inbox and respond to some asks that are long overdue! *sweats nervously* 
My dear, I hope you forgive the long wait and enjoy this! ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
Some NSFW hints, so under the cut just to be safe (✿´‿`)
Lancelot, Fenrir, Jonah and Harr’s reactions to being walked in during intimate moments HCs:
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His long fingers were firmly holding your waist in place as his lips sucked and licked and marked your chest. Your head was thrown back in blissful pleasure, your upper body fully leaning on the King of Hearts’ desk as you struggled to catch your breath.
Raising his head to look at you, Lancelot sensuously licked his lips, heated gaze locked with your naked form sprawled on the wooden surface.
Your eyes, bottomless pits of desire, latched into your lover as he slowly moved his hands further down your sides and began to remove the last piece of article hiding you from him.
Lancelot was the first one to notice when the door of his office started to open, the loud voice of a drunkard Kyle spilling into the silent room. With one smooth gesture, Lancelot’s red cape was upon you in seconds, successfully hiding you from anyone’s eyes. 
The newcomer’s footsteps froze in place as he took in the sight before his eyes before finally registering the scene. Few seconds of utter silence dominated the room before finally being broken by your embarrassed gasp as you finally came down from your height. Lancelot’s commanding voice immediately echoed in the room as he solemnly ordered the Red Army doctor to “Leave.”
Almost tripping in his attempt to flee his King’s wrath, Kyle made a leap to the door, all alcohol suddenly evaporating from his system. Once the door was firmly shut behind him, Lancelot turned back to you, his warm body replacing the fluffy cape you were enveloped in.
Seeing as you covered your eyes and whimpered in embarrassment, shaking your head at Lancelot’s attempt to continue where you stopped, the King of Hearts placed his lips near your ear and whispered two words in a low, husky voice.
You ended up spending the rest of the day in Lancelot’s office and spent the next week avoiding Kyle’s equally embarrassed gaze.
You told him. You fucking told him not to touch you in the living room in the middle of the day when anyone can walk in on you.
You were supposed to be the most rational out of your pair and it was your job to stop your reckless boyfriend before he ruined both of your reputations.
But how could you resist those gorgeous sapphire eyes looking at you with desire burning at the bottom, hear his ragged breaths beside your ears and feel his calloused hands gently lift your skirt and touch your inner thighs and say no?
The result of your momentary loss of control was Seth’s loud shriek as he entered the Black Army living room with the intention of retrieving some documents he left out on the table.
Fenrir’s reaction was instantaneous, one hand moving your skirt back into place and the other bringing your head closer to his broad chest to hide your flushed face full of desire.
The Ace of Spades turned around, a sheepish grin drawn on his face as Seth’s yelling rose in volume, spouting what sounded like “FENRIR FUCKING GODSPEED I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” and “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PRECIOUS ALICE” before he angrily stormed out of the room still screaming bloody murder and threatening to call Sirius over.
Your face was so flushed that Fenrir was worried you were not properly breathing. The horrified feeling rising within your chest as reality dawned on you was diffused in mere seconds as Fenrir dropped his face into the crook of your neck and held his breath. His body slowly started shaking in laughter as he held you closer to his body, ignoring your appalled reaction.
As you found yourself lightly hitting his firm back as a punishment for his reckless actions, a smile rose on your face and giggles spontaneously spilled out of your lips as you finally joined you boyfriend in his fit of laughter.
“Get out of here.” Jonah’s cold voice quietly rang in the empty room, carrying his unrestrained rage to the poor soul who dared to enter his room to clean up without knocking on the door first.
You sighed in exasperation between Jonah’s solid arms as his body shielded your naked form from view the minute the door of the bedroom opened.
The whole situation, was in fact, Jonah’s mistake. At this time of the day, the Queen of Hearts would usually be out at the training grounds carrying on his duties and supervising his soldiers. Jonah, however, stepped out for a while from the training to retrieve a document Edgar requested from him. 
When he found you in the room, still fresh out of your morning shower, a small peck quickly escalated to a full on making out session and then your clothes were on the floor and Jonah’s hands were pulling you closer to him, parting your legs and then, well, THIS awkward situation happened.
Okay, maybe it was also your fault for not stopping Jonah in time, but that was beside the point.
The Red Army soldier who was in charge with cleaning the room was now shaking in fear at the threshold. The more Jonah coldly glared at him, the more he was unable to move his feet from his spot. Few seconds passed and you could feel your lover’s rage rising in intensity and you honestly felt sacred for the soldier’s well being if he did not leave that instant. 
You were debating whether you should grab your discarded towel on the floor to hide yourself and move to dispel the tension in the room or try and calm down a fuming Jonah when the door finally clicked shut behind a hurrying figure as a new soldier dragged his friend from the door, a quick apology in tow.
Jonah inhaled deeply, his teeth gritting in anger as he swept his gaze on you, making sure you were alright in his embrace. Your cheeks felt flushed and you could already see how embarrassed you will be the minute you encounter those two soldiers again in the course of the day, but your softly chuckled at your boyfriend’s adorable pout and allowed him to drop some kisses on your shoulders before kicking him out of the door with a warning not to touch you for the rest of the day.
Your were furious. Completely and utterly furious at Loki.
It took you countless of pecks, cuddles, begging and pleading for a whole year just to get Harr to accept touching outside of the confined four walls of your bedroom. You wanted his hands on you as you lay on the grass of your favorite picnic spot in the forest, his lips kissing your chest and his hands caressing your hair as his mouth makes its way down south.
And it finally happened. You have succeeded in provoking your otherwise calm boyfriend and pushed him past his limits as you sat on his lap, and Harr was on top pf you within seconds, his hands unbuttoning your blouse as he passionately kissed your lips.
You were drunk on the feeling of victory mixed with intense desire for your lover, when you heard the faint rustling of the grass behind you. You barely registered the sound as a threat as Harr’s lips left your mouth to latch into your throat causing a soft moan to escape your lips. It was probably just wind, you carelessly thought before you moved your hands to thread through Harr’s black hair.
The playful amused voice that rang just a few feet away from you in the next second, however, was impossible to simply discard as the wind. Loki’s voice was laced with mirth as he feigned surprise and shouted “Oh my, am I interrupting something?”
Harr was off of you in mere seconds, his face gaining a deep crimson flush as he locked eyes with his student. Not skipping a beat, his left hand shone in silver light and a soft blanket immediately dropped on your front, hiding you from view.
But before Harr could utter a word to explain the situation to a grinning Loki, you caught his arm and dragged him back to you, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
Still laying down, you shot a glare at a now confused Loki, and softly smiled at him before responding “Yes, we’re in the middle of something that children shouldn’t interrupt.”
The last thing you saw was Loki’s stupefied face before a white light surrounded your surroundings and you found yourself back in the cabin in a blink of an eye.
It is needless to say that Harr spent the next few weeks avoiding eye contact with Loki and shying away from any of your attempts at touching him. You, on the other hand, is already planning your next picnic with another scheme in mind.
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edna-skiffens · 4 years
When Opposites Attract - Tom Holland Headcanon
 When Opposites Attract - Tom HC
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You and Tom had undeniable chemistry. 
That didn’t change the fact that you were different from each other in so many ways.
In fact, when you first met, you both thought that even though you were attracted to each other, there were too many differences to even try pursuing a relationship.
You both thought to yourselves it would never work.
Your friendship kept up for a few months, but when your playful bickering turned into light flirting, he finally made a move.
When your friends found out you two were dating they were shocked, to say the least.
For starters, Tom wasn’t just an avid dog-lover. He was 100% anti-cat. 
And while you had a precious kitten at home that you considered your child, you were allergic to dogs. 
Tom turned his nose up anytime he came over to your place, refusing to admit that your tabby, Nutmeg, was adorable. 
That didn’t stop the feline from rubbing up against his feet or attempting to sit in his lap. 
“Great, now I have cat hair on me.” 
Tom always wanted you to go on walks with him and Tessa, but anytime you tried she playfully pounced all over you which sent you into an allergy fit for days. 
You knew Tessa owned a piece of his heart, however, and were willing to put up with the sniffles and itchy eyes if it made Tom happy. 
And even though he would never admit it, you caught Tom napping on the couch with Nutmeg in his arms more than once. 
Another difference was your preference for DC over Marvel. 
It was actually a sore subject.
“How on earth can you say Batman is better? He isn’t even a real superhero. He’s just a rich guy with cool toys.” He would shout in disbelief. 
“He risks his life to save his city that turned dark and murdered his parents. He is a hero. And his cool toys make him super.” 
“Oh my- I can’t believe we are actually having this discussion right now. Marvel has THE AVENGERS!” 
“And DC has Justice League. So what?” You countered. 
“Marvel is funny. Everyone loves it!!” 
“The world gets blown up.. How many times? And you think it should be funny? DC carries the right tone for what’s going on. It should be dark. Plus DC has the best villains. I mean, The Joker. Need I say more?” 
“I cannot believe my girlfriend is an actual idiot.” 
“I cannot believe my boyfriend signed up for the wrong franchise.”
Even though he might never get over your preference for DC, he loved having someone to talk to about his nerdy passions like comics.
The biggest and most recognizable difference was how British Tom was and how American you were. This alone brought its own slew of disagreements. 
He once overheard part of a phone conversation with your dad, back in the states, discussing how excited you were about the upcoming football season. 
Later, he brought up that he had no idea you were into football. 
You launched into your love for the sport and your teams and memories of different big games when it finally dawned on him. 
“We were up by 4 touchdowns at the half. It was incredible.” Smiling, you noticed a flat look on his face. “What?” 
“Y/N, what do you call the sport where you aim to kick a black and white ball into a goal?” 
“Umm.. Soccer? Wh-” 
“NO! Nooo! Football! That’s called football!” 
“No. That’s soccer. Football is where you throw or run with the ball to try to get to the end zone to score a touchdown with a kind of oval ball.” 
“What does ‘soccer’ even mean? And why would you call it football if you aren’t using your feet?” 
“You’re using your feet to run, genius.” 
“Oh my God. I can’t with you.”
Coming from the south of the U.S. in particular made a big disagreement in one small area. 
You were raised on sweet iced tea, while he was used to hot tea with cream. 
“I’m going to make some tea darling, do you want some?”
“Sure, babe. Thanks.”
He pours your mug and asks how you want it. 
“I’ll fix it.”
He watches as you pour the mug of tea into a larger glass, add a spoonful of sugar and multiple cubes of ice.
“What. Are you doing?”
“Making my tea.”
He stares at you in astonishment while you stir the drink. 
“Is there a problem?”
“Your American taste buds are a problem.”
Even though it was a common and easy joke for each other, you both loved having someone that grew up differently to share new experiences and culture with.
Example: He definitely didn’t complain when you brought him back for Thanksgiving.
The boy loves food.
One thing he doesn’t love is technology.
It was another area where the two of you were vastly different.
You loved to point out how tech savvy you were and how technologically challenged he was.
This didn’t cause many disagreements between the two of you. It was just a way for you to tease him.
You lost count of the times he came to you asking for help with his obligatory promotional posts on social media.
Or when he was shouting from another room
“Darling, how do I end an instagram live again?”
You acted like it annoyed you, but really you loved teaching him, even though he never seemed to get the hang of it.
And you loved that he wasn’t obsessed with his phone and would rather spend his time with you.
It rubbed off on you and made you take a break from your apps for a bit.
It was fun to banter with each other about the differing opinions, but truthfully you loved them. 
They added something interesting to the relationship.
And they helped you each grow as people.
What made you different was what drew you in, even if you denied it to anyone else.
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pikachu78109 · 5 years
Idk, I feel like writing something dramatic or maybe something depressing. Some of the topics are not suitable for Wooloo, so if you feel uncomfortable or anything, then by all means skip this headcanon/reader insert/long read post. Anyway, there’s not really a specific theme, but if I had to pick one, it would be abusive relationships. This will be if the Galar characters were being abused and their s/o trying to help them out.
On a side note, I am taking break from writing any requested SWSH headcanons, seeing that my inbox has a lot right now. I’m trying to post as many HC’s as I can, but it will take awhile given that I am busy with upcoming finals in college and other things outside of social media. So, ask for your patience as I am doing all that I can to get more requested SWSH headcanons out and finished. With that said, let’s get onto the post.
-You didn’t really suspect anything happening much to Milo. I mean, Milo is a very sweet guy who loves to tend to his farm and his flowers. His Pokémon always feel relaxed around him and, so far, nothing really interesting has happened until a few months later. For some reason, you started to notice a few things that you knew deep down wasn’t like Milo. For starters, he wasn’t going outside as much. As a farmer, Milo has always been working outdoors, tending to the fields and the Wooloo alongside with his Eldegoss and Yamper. So, it didn’t sit right with you that Milo wasn’t present during the day time. Regardless, you try to think up a reason as to why he isn’t outside. Maybe he’s been dealing with a lot of Gym Challengers? Perhaps he’s caught a nasty cold? However, over time, these assumptions started to fade out and you clearly tell that something was wrong. Surprisingly, you spotted Milo the other day out in the fields, carrying bales of hay. Strangely, you noticed he had a blank, almost too concentrated look on his face. Which is out of the blue, because Milo always smiles when he works.
Taking an even closer look, you noticed how tight his scarf was tied around his neck, almost too tight that you started to worry. His mannerisms were another that drastically changed. Milo has gotten to be very quiet, almost too afraid to speak when being approached by someone. He wouldn’t even look at them in the eye. It suddenly dawned on you that Milo has been trying his hand at dating, something of which you could remember him saying to you once. Apparently, he met someone who has the same interests as he does and, not too long after, they became a couple. It happened so fast that you started to wonder if Milo might be having relationship trouble with his partner. After all, whenever you see them go on dates, you can tell there was something...off about the person Milo was dating. They wouldn’t pay attention to Milo and would get annoyed pretty quickly over the most trivial things that Milo do. You tried asking Milo if everything is alright, but he would reply by saying, “Everything is fine. They just had a bad day,”
Which, deep down, you know is false. Their sudden annoyances with Milo suddenly turned into something dangerous. While you would take your nightly stroll through Turffield, you could hear audible yelling coming Milo’s house just a few blocks away. Outside, you could see Milo’s Eldegoss and Wooloo huddled by the door, quivering in fear of what’s going inside. Knowing that Mill always puts a spare key underneath his welcome mat, you quickly opened the front door and dashed upstairs to Milo’s room. Upon opening the door, you could see Milo on the floor, holding his neck protectively as his partner looms over him, a belt in their hand. Immediately, you pushed the abuser away from Milo and stood over the gentle giant’s body. Before the abuser could do anything, you got out your Butterfree and told it to use String Shot, which luckily tied them down instantly. After calling the cops and getting Milo’s now ex-partner our of their life, you can only hope for a speedy recovery for Milo. When Milo comes to, you noticed the bruises implanted on his neck and understood why he tied his scarf so tightly. All you could for Milo was help him get up and move him towards his bed to get him to lie down. Milo looks at you in a tearful gaze, but mutters his gratitude. He also apologizes for not being honest about his situation and blames himself for not doing so sooner. However, all you tell Milo is that everything is okay now and they are here to help him in whatever they can. Appreciating this, Milo reaches his hand to caress your cheek and smiles gently as he wants to kiss you badly. Knowing this, you bend down to give him a kiss on the cheek and promise to stay by his side no matter what.
-As a Dark type user and singer, Piers has attracted a few fans. You were one of them who enjoys listening to your friend’s music and would stop by to help write new songs with him. Unbeknownst to you, there was news spreading around Spikemuth that Piers was in a relationship with someone. At first, you were confused, because Piers made no mention about being in a relationship. Still, being a supportive friend nonetheless, you feel happy for him. It wouldn’t be until a few months that you started to see less of Piers. Even Marnie herself told you that Piers has been coming home late at night and wouldn’t bother telling anyone where he was or what he has been doing. However, you manage to brush that off as something typical that Piers would do. You and Piers would sneak off all the time late at night to see any concerts that were playing. So, it didn’t bother you much when Marnie told you this. Instead, you would reassure her that this is Piers and that he always comes home late. Fast forward a few more months and you suddenly got word from a Team Yell member that Piers has cancelled one of his upcoming concerts. Assuming that he might have a caught a cold or might be busy with anything relating to the Gym Challenge, you also brushed that off.
After awhile, you finally come across Piers as he’s making one of his late night excursions. You catch up to him and, for some reason, he ignores you. His body language appeared tense, stiff even. Getting a good look at his face, you noticed how his eyes have bags underneath them and that he looked a lot more pale than usual. What caught your eye the most was the bandages on his hands and a few Band-Aids on his cheek and chin. You wondered to yourself: “Did Piers get into a huge fight with someone?” Asking this, you were met with a sharp tongue from Piers who tells you to piss off and that it’s none of your business. Feeling a bit hurt, you took a bold step forward and grabbed Pier’s arm, preventing him from walking away. You start ask questions, which Piers stubbornly refuses to answer. With each reply, you could pick up hint of fear and urgency in his tone, which prompts you to wrap your arms around Piers’s skinny waist, hugging him tightly. This was unlike you. You weren’t the most affectionate person nor someone who begged or pleaded. But seeing Piers, a close friend whom you hold near and dear to your heart, act like this...it scared the hell out of you.
Piers would gently remove your arms around his waist and turn to look at you. This time, his eyes were pleading for you to stop and to leave him alone. Before you could say anything, Piers runs out of sight. Not wanting to give up, you followed Piers deep within Spikemuth, until eventually you saw Piers enter an abandoned building, not too far from the city’s exit. The building looks really dilapidated but it still harbored a few Galarian Zigzagoons and neighboring Toxals. You entered the property and could hear a few muffled voices coming from upstairs, along with some headache inducing music. Walking up the stairs carefully, you could smell a faint scent of something foul, which you immediately knew was marijuana. Spikemuth has its fair share of drug dealers so the smell shouldn’t come to a surprise. What did surprise you was the fact that you saw Piers enter a unlocked room, where he was greeted by shouts and some slurred speech. Treading behind quietly, you peered through the doorway to see Piers being shoved down harshly on worn mattress, the shirt off his back exposing his skinny frame.
Moving your eyes, you noticed someone standing over him, their voice loud and dominanting over the metal music. Putting the pieces together, you realized that this Piers was messed up s/o, someone who hides their time getting drunk and high while treating Spikemuth’s Gym Leader like a piece of sh*t. You noticed the bottle they were holding in their hand, the contents of which were emptied. By the time your eyes blinked, you heard the sound of glass breaking and a painful cry being let loose being followed up with insults and swearing. Not wanting to listen to this any longer, you grabbed your Pokéball that you always carried with you and brought out your Morpeko. By opening the door with just your foot, you immediately tell your Morpeko to use Nuzzle, which manages to paralyze Piers abusive s/o. Taking a look at Piers, you noticed the glass shards on his body and the specks of blood that appeared on his arms, chest, and bottom lip. After calling the police and having them arrest the abuser, you cleaned up Piers and waited beside him for an ambulance to arrive to take him to the hospital. Piers looks at you with a saddened yet grateful expression, his eyes locked onto yours. He grips your hand tightly until your knuckles are turned white and apologizes profusely as you held him. You shushed gently and brush his bangs out of his face while saying he’s safe and that he needs to stay still. You give him a kiss to soothe his nerves and quietly wait for help to aid Piers. With all that had happened, you never regretted following Piers that night and you certainly will always take what concerns people may have into account.
-You knew that Raihan is a popular social media star when he isn’t taking on Gym Challengers. With every app, you follow him on every platform and like his posts, which mostly consisted of him taking selfies or blogging about the latest fashion trends that he came across. Being a close friend, you would joke about Raihan’s fashion choices or selfies because you knew how ridiculous Raihan’s hobbies can be at times. However, in this particular instance, you were pretty shocked to see a photo with an update that Raihan suddenly acquired a s/o thanks to whatever dating app he’s been using for awhile. You’re not against Raihan dating, since you know that being a Gym Leader can be pretty hectic but, regardless, you thought nothing of Raihan surprising announcement. With the weeks that followed, you noticed a lot of selfies of Raihan and his s/o, mainly consisting of cute couple poses, matches outfits, and just general romantic moments that can make you say ‘Aww!’ or make you eye roll. You were both. This string of selfies continued for a couple of months until they started to slow down unexpectedly. By the time another months has passed, Raihan somehow stopped updating his social media and hasn’t uploaded a selfie in days. This started to worry you because Raihan isn’t the kind of person who do this.
Not wanting to assume the worst, you figured maybe that Raihan was dealing with Gym Challengers, maybe he lost his Rotom Phone charger for the umpteenth time, or perhaps he might spending more time with his s/o, the latter of which you went with. Over the weeks, Raihan’s lack of presence started to gain some traction to the fans that follow him, including yourself. Because of this, you tried calling multiple times in hopes that he’ll pick up, even texted him twice a day since you were beginning to get more worried than ever. Unfortunately, your calls and messages would fail to come through because, for some reason, your number has been blocked. This was strange to you, because Raihan doesn’t block any close friends and relatives that he talks to regularly. Unless they did something wrong... But haven’t seen Raihan weeks, so there is no way you did something wrong in front of Raihan that was deserving of a blocked contact. Wanting to get to the bottom of this, you headed over to Raihan’s place to be up front and direct about it. You were worried, but also kind of ticked that he would block you without a giving a reason why.
As you approached his place, you could hear awful yelling coming inside his apartment that was accompanied with Raihan yelling back. His voice sounded off, like he was in pain and on the verge of tears, which didn’t sit right at all with you. You hesitated a bit but knocked on the door twice loudly. A brief moment of silence ensued. Stepping back, you heard the door open but only half way. You looked up to see Raihan peeking from behind the door, his face suddenly turned surprised to find his close friend standing opposite to him. You ask if he was doing okay and why he unexpectedly blocked you on his phone. From the background, you hear scuffling and sharp voice coming from behind Raihan. He winced at the tone and looked back you, flashing a smile that hardly looked genuine. Raihan apologized for the blocked contact and promises to unblock you soon before shutting the door completely, leaving you standing in the empty corridor. You nearly cried when Raihan did that...
That evening, you laid in bed with your Rotom Phone at your side, waiting to be unblocked by Raihan. As minutes turned to hours, you decided to look through his social media again, hoping to see if Raihan updated his selfies. As you did, you heard a loud banging coming from downstairs that caused you to jolt out of bed. Hurrying downstairs, you headed for your door with which the banging continued. Opening it up, you were surprised to see Raihan standing outside, breathless and shaking tremendously. Not wanting him to stand in that spot for too long, you pulled him inside and quickly closed and locked the door. As you turned around, you were greeted with Raihan hugging you tightly in a Bewear grasp, shuddering breath after breath in mixture of fear and relief. You asked what happened and Raihan confesses what has happened during the passed few months. Apparently the person who Raihan was dating was very controlling and domineering, who would constantly look through Raihan’s phone while he wasn’t present, and was the one who blocked you from Raihan’s contacts. Realizing this, you asked Raihan where this person was. He replied that his s/o went out after another one of their yelling matches, which caused Raihan to get hit on the face more times than he cared to count. He managed to get his Duraludon to knock his s/o out and contacted the police to arrest them on the account of domestic violence.
As Raihan is still shaking, you guided him into the kitchen where you got him a glass of water. Taking him upstairs to your room, you lied him down on your bed and took off his orange headband and unzipped his hoodie. You never seen Raihan like this before and it deeply upsets you that someone so confident and strong was being harmed by someone else behind closed doors. You gently kissed Raihan and told him that he did the right thing and that he is safe. Raihan asks if he could hold you, which you obliged. By being wrapped in his arms, you feel Raihan starting to calm down, but still feel tense and on edge. You rub his arms and pepper him with kisses with which he welcomes. Raihan vows to never use dating apps ever again because of that experience and wishes that he could’ve been more wary and careful with his actions. But, in the moment as he held you close, Raihan realizes that he made the right choice of seeking your help when he needed it most.
-You knew Hop when the two of you were younger and started on the Gym Challenge together at the same time. You two were pretty close and had the same interests. When you were apart from him, Hop would text you updates on what he was doing and how his journey is going. You know, the usual Trainer stuff. So, it would come to a surprise to you that Hop announced that he was dating someone. At first, you were hesitant to believe this because you have been harboring feelings for Hop for quite awhile. But seeing that Hop did not pick up any of your signs, you decided to not be bitter about this and congratulated Hop and his first relationship. You kept wondering to yourself if Hop told Leon as well, seeing that the two brothers would talk about to each other every now and then. Still, you went about your journey and decided that Hop’s relationships were his business and not yours. You would meet up with Hop at times to battle and you would notice a sudden change in attitude towards him. At first, he would appear pretty amped up and ready to battle but recently, Hop has been more... subdued. His battling technique was starting to falter more easily and his usual can-do attitude no longer felt present during the battle. You assumed if Hop was defeated by either a Gym Leader or another Trainers, possibly Bede, who knows? Hop would tell you not worry about it and to keep pushing forward.
For a moment, you accepted what Hop said and that he can shoot a text to you at any time. Further along into your journey, Hop wouldn’t text as often and this continued well passed the Gym Challenge after you saved all of Galar and defeated Leon in battle. Your phone would remain dead silent and wouldn’t be bombarded with any of Hop’s texts. It started to concern you on what was going on and if Hop was doing okay at all. You decided to try calling him but he would never pick up. Figuring that maybe Leon might know what’s going on, you asked him via text if he noticed a sudden change in Hop’s behavior. Surprisingly, Leon has picked up on Hop’s change of character and has multiple times tried to get Hop to talk to him, but Hop wouldn’t be responsive and would shut everyone out, including their mum who was greatly worried. With this fount of information, you headed over to Hop’s place in hopes of getting him to open up.
Upon arrival, you immediately scaled the stairs towards Hop’s room and opened his bedroom to find him in bed with the blankets over his head. Walking over, you lightly tapped his covered head and told him to show himself and that they needed to talk. Hop refuses and pulls the blanket tightly around him. This causes you feel frustrated and you manage to wrestle the blanket off of him. What you didn’t expect to see was Hop’s tear streaked face and disheveled hair and rumpled pajamas. His Rotom Phone laid there next to his pillow, the screen displaying an in text conversation with which seemed endless. Hop tells you to go away and that he is busy, but you ignored his wishes and quickly grabbed his phone. Scrolling through the conversation, you noticed how the messages started to become vicious and hard to read. There were many insults made about Hop, comparing him to his brother and even messages pointing out his flaws and insecurities as a Trainer. Looking back at Hop, you noticed that he pulled his blanket over his head again and could soft, choked sobbing underneath. Sitting down close to him, you gently tugged the blanket down to see Hop’s weeping face and gently tilted his face to look at you. You asked who he was texting and when he answer his s/o, you immediately blocked and deleted the person from his contacts.
Hop asks why you did that, with which you responded that this person has no right to insult or berate him like that. That all the things they said to him were lies and nothing more. Hop looks at the phone, his eyes fresh with tears, as he mutters self-deprecating comments about himself and that everything his now ex-s/o had said about him was true. You put Hop’s phone down and cup his face and gave him a kiss on the lips. Surprised, Hop pulls back and asks why you did that just now. You reply by saying that relationships are supposed to be loving and genuine and the relationship that Hop was in had none of that. You also confess your feelings to Hop, saying that you knew him for so long that you know who he is and the kind of awesome Trainer he has grown to be. Hop will doubt your words, but does try to see the trust in what you just said. He knows you do mean it, he just hopes that he’s able to see it for himself after dealing with so much.
-Being the former Champion of Galar, Leon has a lot of time opened up to him. Of course, he still gets recognized everywhere he goes, which is to be expected, and sometimes he attracts the media as well. You sort of expected this to happen to your friend and find it kind of hilarious that Leon is still prominent a month after his defeat. And given the time he spends at the Battle Tower, you haven’t seen much of him lately. It wouldn’t be until after a few months that Leon has texted you that he met someone at the Battle Tower and that they have been talking and hanging out quite a lot. You thought nothing of it and told him that it’s great. After a few weeks, Leon then released a text that he’s in a relationship with this person. You offer him your congratulations and carried on with your business. Knowing that Leon is a busy guy, you don’t get many texts from him. And since he has acquired a s/o, his texts start becoming a scarcity with which you find somewhat normal, if not typical for Leon.
That said, you often wonder what he was doing and question if he really is busy at all. Even so, you didn’t want to worry yourself sick about Leon’s whereabouts, because again, it wasn’t any of your business. During the weeks that followed, you suddenly got a surprising text from Leon asking if he could hang out a bit at your place. You said okay and, within an hour, Leon arrives. When you open the door to let him in, you noticed that he looked a bit...off? His hair was sort of messy (then again, it always looked messy) and the hoodie and pajama bottoms weren’t something he usually wore. You asked if he’s feeling alright, and he replies with a quick yes and comes in. He grabs your hand and leads you away from the door, heading into your bedroom. He flops down on your bed and curls up in a ball and...goes to sleep. Taking a closer look, you noticed that he did look more tired than usual and tucked him regardless of your confusion. By the time he woke up, Leon wonders where you went and begins to frantically search your place to find you. Eventually, he finds you in the backyard, gathering laundry with your Wooloo and you turn to see him standing outside the back door, looking a bit frazzled yet panicked. Coming over, you once again asked if he was okay, and once again Leon says that he’s fine and that he didn’t know where you were.
After a few awkward minutes of no talking, you went back to your laundry. Behind you, you heard Leon’s footsteps come closer and felt his arms wrap around your waist tightly. He leaned his head down to give you a kiss and by that point, you moved away. You told him that he had someone and that he shouldn’t be this close to you. Embarrassed, Leon begins to apologize profusely and says he didn’t know what came over him at that moment. Taking your laundry basket, you headed over to your Wooloo and picked the sheep Pokémon up and placed the fluff bean in your basket of warm clothes. You headed back inside where Leon quickly follows. By that point, you started to lose patience and placed your laundry basket down on your bed and turned to face Leon, looking a bit aggravated. Once again, you ask what Leon’s deal is; why he’s acting like this all of a sudden. Without wanting to further your annoyance with him, Leon begins to take off his hoodie, revealing a few bruises and cut marks on his shoulders and chest.
You are taken aback by these injuries and began asking him questions to what happened to him. Leon responds by telling you not to worry and that he can handled a few cuts and scrapes. On the contrary, you disagreed and hurried to find the first aid kit. As you began to leave, Leon grabs your hand and pulls you back to him, holding you still and gazing down at your with pleading eyes. He says that he can take care of himself and that he had a few disagreements with his s/o a few days ago, but backed it up that it was his fault for ticking them off. Realizing this, you urged Leon to not go back to them afterwards and to stay out. He initially refuses but hears your voice harden with worry. Eventually, he does what he is told. Placing Leon on the bed, you grabbed your phone and call the police to report a case of domestic violence and, after awhile, you hang up to turn your attention back to Leon, who was petting your Wooloo during this. His appearance was hard to look at, especially his face and how almost panic/frightened they appeared before. But, given that he came to you after dealing with his now ex-s/o’s wrath, you’re just glad that he’s here now, safe and sound.
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Hello! Im a big fan of your MK posts. So, I have an idea (albiet cliché, lmao.) Anyway, I had to help my snake shed the other day. It gave me an idea, could you include some of the pets the MKCrew may have? Of course they wouldn't be cannon, but some creatures you could see them having. If you do decide to do it, please include Johnny Cage and Erron. Thank you!
Hi! I’m glad you enjoy my posts! :) And of course! I wrote this on the bus whilst a storm was happening! Rain, Raiden and Fujin must have been arguing! I loved this idea, it was so cute!!! Thank you for the request!I put a cut in because it was a bit long and didn’t want to clog the tags!Warnings; Mentions of Kano but it is a shitpost, when isn’t it? When I die, I want that on my grave ‘Shitposted about Kano a lot’
·        Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang); 110% a penguin. He fucking yeets an ice one at people in Injustice. He thinks their adorable. Plus, they mate for life, loyalty and sweet as fuck. They can live in cold temperatures (well most of them) So that’s perfect for him! And did he mention they are cute as fuck? I have some art of Sub feeding some penguins. Best thing I’ve ever bought.
·        Bi-Han; As Bi-Han he'd want a polar bear. Their soft and fluffy. But also, terrifying. Like, can you picture one of them, with Bi-Han on the back. Magical. Very scenic, enough to be on a card you send your aunt at Christmas. That and it’s better than Kuai’s fucking penguin. Fuck the penguins.
·        Noob; Is Saibot a pet? Potentially. He does lift him up and they do look ready to drop the hottest mix tape of 2019. But on a serious note. A bat. Cliché as fuck. But they like the dark, they hang upside down. Feared but oddly loveable. And they fit his new edgy "It’s not a phase Kuai!!!” aesthetic.
·        Smoke; A snake. Why? Low-key chilled. I imagine something like a ball python. Something that’s going to be chilled. That, and their perceived as scary as fuck, but are actually adorable. Just like he is! Will boop the snoot. It’s called Noodle and you cannot tell me otherwise. Sir Noodle of Noodleton. Would be his full title, has made him a little crown.  Will often bitch about people to it. Mainly about Bi-Han.
·        Kabal; A dog. He 110% has a dog. I agree with the general consensus he adopted a dog. He probably has a staffie. A fat, happy, rescue Staffie. It’s chilled, laidback but can be energetic. Just like him. This’ll only apply to Post-Burn Kabal. Pre-burn wants a dog. But knows he has no time... unless he’s got a cute neighbour who doesn’t mind dog sitting when he’s away. Now I want to write fluff about this HC.
·        Erron Black; either a horse or a deer.  A horse is an obvious shout. But like I don’t know why I’m saying deer. I can just imagine him explaining it to Kabal like “their majestic as fuck” and that’s probably the reason why I say deer. I imagine he’s the type of person to take people camping. Just to look at the fucking deer. He’d be like that vine, were someone sneezes and scars the deer off. “Oh, nice one Kano"
·        Cassie Cage; Going out on a limb here to say, she has a dog. And not a small dog either. I imagine she’s got a German Shepherd, but she gave it a really soft name. Just to psych people out. Like “Oh you wanna meet Snuzzles?” and it’s just this hulking ex-military dog she rescued. Scary on the outside. Soft on the inside.
·        Johnny Cat; Yeah, he’s got a Sphynx Cat. Where did it come from? It was A cat that was used on set for one of his movies. It was meant to be one of the baddies cats, but he could not stop fawning over it. And that’s how Beerus Snagglepuss came to be. He loves that fucking cat. It’s his mascot now. Matching sunglasses as well. Tweets about it loads.
·        Kano; Is an animal himself so doesn’t really have a pet.  I would not trust him with anything. Because I’m pretty sure in one of his taunts, he stabs and eats a lizard. Him and Baraka are similar on that field, but you know, Baraka is more of a gentleman and probably smells better.
·        Takeda; He wanted a rabbit. But Hanzo wasn’t having it. So, Jacqui being the absolute good-hearted princess she is, got him one to keep on the farm. Hoppy the bunny is its name. And it is so fucking soft. He loves it. Best gift ever. Just don’t tell Hanzo… Jax cannot believe he’s been saddled with a fucking rabbit. But he loves it too.
·        Havik; No pets but moths flock to him. Why? Because they are chaotic as fuck too. He is their lamp. Before opening Hotaru’s wardrobe and letting them in, so they can chew holes in his clothes. Chaossss.
·        Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi); Does not own pets. But he has a soft spot for dogs and cats. He doesn’t have time for himself, let alone a pet. But like, when he spies a cat or dog. He kinda sneak pets it. He’ll make sure nobody is looking and BAM pets. Even if anyone saw him petting the cat, are they going to tell someone? No. Because nobody would fucking believe them.
·        Geras; Kronika is the type of person to say ‘I’m allergic to animal hair’ when she’s not. Just so nobody can have their pets around her. Sorry, not fucking sorry. So poor Geras has been lacking in the pet department. His eternal loneliness would be made a lot easier if she allowed him to have a pet. I honestly think he’d like cats, more specifically a quirky looking rescue cat. He’s alone and thinks he needs an equally as quirky companion.
·        Skarlet; I think she’d have a snake. Not a small one either. Like a massive python or a constrictor. She’d be the type to lounge around with her snake. She gives me major villainess vibes, but on a Dark Queen level. And I fucking love it. So yeah, I think a snake fits her aesthetically and personality wise. Scary on the outside but loveable. That is a running theme for most of the Kombat Krew, to be honest.
·        Raiden; He. Is. A. Cat. Person. He loves them. Oh my god look at their lil ears twitching. Legend says Sky Temple is a safe haven for strays. He just loves them. They are calming, cute and little sweethearts. He will never be caught fawning over them in front of others. But, showing him a cute cat is one sure way to get out of trouble. It’s why Kung Lao will bring the cutest one with him, when Raiden has requested a meeting. He can’t shout at him if he’s holding a purring bundle of joy.
·        Fujin; Whilst Fujin likes cats. I imagine he has a pet bird. Something like a Falcon, it’s not really a pet, but more of a wild friend. He respects nature too much. This bird will come constantly to see him, bring him messages and it’s a friendship that was built up over time. He likes birds because they need the wind to fly. They are also free to go anywhere they want and see everything and anything they want. Something he sort of envies. Plus, he loves the sound of them. The Dawn Chorus is the perfect meditation music.
·        Rain; Totally has a tiger or some exotic big cat. He is literally a Disney Princess to me at this point. Something that is intimidating to others but soft and sweet to him. I always imagine rich people have exotic pets and well this is it. I do not promote keeping them as pets. But if we are talking what they would canonically keep, it would be something like a big cat. Or maybe a peacock. Something flamboyant.
·        Jade; Even before the Kotal ship set sail. I always imagined Jade having an affinity with big cats. But unlike Rain, I kind of pictured Jade having more of an alliance and understanding with them. Rather than having one as a pet. Maybe one she rescued as a cub, raised up, set free and it comes and aids her from time to time. She is so perfect and has a heart of gold. It would be hard not to see this. I am getting all soft and fluffy imagining this now.
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