#shrine he has in his bedroom? thanks!'
hammity-hammer · 10 months
GUYS can someone help me figure out this artist i rly like's tumblr?? they make super fucking sick steddie art that's all like super dramatic lighting & stylized and they did a cool ass like,,,, måneskin inspired eddie i think? I cant remember i just know it was rocker eddie & like they make a lot of super dark art and i'm just trying to find them😭😭😭
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ryescapades · 2 months
omg hai...... can i please request a loserumi (narumi) of him religiously admiring an idol!reader.. like he'd almost always show up to all her concerts and fan meetings to the point where his followers would always upload posts of him getting seen fanboying in public 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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— narumi gen, japan's strongest anti-kaiju combatant biggest fanboy ever.
characters: narumi gen (kaiju no.8) x idol fem!reader genre/warning: kinda headcanon format, none i think a/n: this is such a new concept to me so it took me a while to come up with something. thank you for the req anon! hopefully you don't mind me using kpop as the ref since i'm more versed in that compared to irl jp idols TT
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loser!narumi who undoubtedly has a stan account of you, his favourite artist across all social medias where he posts fancams, edits, merchs, etc.
loser!narumi who probably has a lot of customized/official jerseys with your name and birthday number printed on them. even sets his lockscreen with a picture of him wearing it or something.
loser!narumi who listens to your songs religiously and learns almost all of your choreographies. he's girlypop like that.
loser!narumi who has a 'y/n shrine' at home where he puts all of your albums, photocards, posters and prints that he got (also most likely he has a flag of your face on japan's logo hung in his bedroom. if you know that kpop idol on american flags, then you'd know what i mean).
loser!narumi who's your biggest defender and truther, he's never letting a hater of yours even breathe peacefully they gotta sleep with one eye open every night (he fights with them on twt and insta on a daily basis).
loser!narumi who definitely trash-talks Dispatch whenever you accidentally/mistakenly end up in a dating allegation.
loser!narumi who takes impromptu day offs from his captain duties in order to attend every single one of your concerts/fansign/cupsleeve events, especially when you're doing a tour in japan. he's in disguise, of course (japan would definitely riot if they see their cherished protector so much as mundanely breathe the outside air).
loser!narumi who still gets noticed by your other fans during said events. not like he tries that hard to hide himself anyway. not when he's loudly cheering along the fanchants during concerts, your lightstick held in his hand and he's screaming your name at the top of his lungs like his life depends on it (it does, he thinks).
loser!narumi who still pathetically denies the pictures of him posted on social media, saying he had a doppleganger or some shit (boy you ain't slick wtf that's clearly your ass squealing and dancing there).
loser!narumi who goes absolutely batshit crazy when you make eye contact with him or look directly at his camera when he's filming you or hold his hands and talk to him so sweetly during fansign events.
loser!narumi who giggles to himself, rolling around in bed, kicking his feet and shit whenever you reply to his comment during your live stream.
loser!narumi who always brings along a photocard of yours everywhere he goes, even during missions. "that one's for you, y/n!!!" *proceeds to kiss your photocard repeatedly* —narumi after killing a kaiju, probably.
loser!narumi who's a teensy bit delulu thinking one day he might be the one to have you, his dearest idol whom he loves so much <3
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©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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Hey👋🏾 ! Can I request Shinjuro x Widowed Reader who lost her husband and child to a demon attack years ago and is now remarried to Shinjuro after after Ruka passed. And how Shinjuro deals with being in love with another partner while also being in love with his late wife still grieving her after all these years. Also I’d wonder how Kyojuro and Senjuro would take to having a new mom🤔.
Hey! Thank you so much for the prompt!
So, this story ran away with itself, but I think this had to be a longer piece because there are so many emotions at play here. I wrote this as if the events of Mugen Train never happened and Shinjuro never had that moment of clarity after Kyojuro's death. (Kyojuro will never die on my watch)
If you prefer, it's on AO3 here
Content warnings for: alcoholism, recovering from alcoholism, death of a spouse, death of a child, and Shinjuro just being awful at the beginning of the story. It is kind of a slow-burn but there is an explicit sex scene so minors DNI. 
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A Rekindled Flame
Shinjuro Rengoku x F!Reader
Shinjuro curls his lip as you approach. "What do you want now?"
Your husband reeks of sake and stale sweat, his yukata falling open, exposing his broad chest and thick thighs to the neighbors as he sits on the porch. 
Enough is enough.
You hold your breath, "You know what I want. I've asked you every day since the day we got married; I want you to give up the drink and be a father to your sons. Kyojuro left for his mission brokenhearted."
"So… what if he doesn't come back?"
"Why should I care? He's a grown man. He can make his own damn mistakes."
"You're vile. You're shameful!" You were raising your voice to him now, which you never did. You would take shit from Shinjuro all day long, but when it came to the boys, you would defend them tooth and claw. Your fists coiled at your sides. "How dare you!"
Shinjuro's shock at hearing your raised voice buys you a second to snatch the sake bottle from the former flame hashira.
"Give that back!" He growls, trying to stand. He sways and stumbles back down. "I'm not finished."
You defiantly pour the alcohol onto the earth and hand him the empty bottle. "There. You're done."
He simply stares at you, too drunk to form a reaction. "You… my…"
You turn on your heel and walk back into the house, heading to your room. Throughout the year you've been married, you and Shinjuro have never once shared a bed. Not even on your wedding night. He'd barely even made it through the ceremony before he was passed out in a drunken stupor. If not for Kyojuro and Senjuro, you might have run away there and then. Your marriage is loveless by every definition.
"SENJURO!!" Your husband bellows through the house, looking for his youngest. You know exactly what for. He's too drunk to go and buy sake himself, so he'll send the lad to do it. You step out of your room and find Shinjuro staggering through the kitchen. "Where's the boy?"
"Not here." You weren't about to tell Shinjuro, but his youngest son was at the butterfly mansion, where he would stay until he was ready to come home. You've had enough. You have all had enough.
Shinjuro closes his eyes and his throat flexes. He's either holding back from yelling or vomiting or both. "When you see him, tell him I need more sake. Some hell bitch threw mine away." And then he stumbles off to his bedroom and slides the door shut. A few moments later you hear a thud, and then snoring. 
All things considered, it didn't go too badly. 
Before you finish your chores you head over to Ruka's shrine. It has been a decade since Shinjuro's first wife passed, and you know how much he's hurting. You've lived through it yourself. 
You had thought that having both lost your spouses, you would have been a compatible match and bonded over your shared loss, but Shinjuro had only ever reluctantly accepted you as his wife. You were more of a nanny and maid. 
"Ruka… I'm trying," you whisper as you kneel and light the incense. "I'll keep trying, for the boys and for him."
The next day, Shinjuro is in a foul mood as anticipated. He trudges from his room and instinctively heads to the porch before remembering the events of the previous day. 
"You owe me a bottle of sake," he grumbles, his voice deep and rough. 
"You owe me a year of my life. Let's just call it even." 
His thick black eyebrows furrow. "Where's Senjuro?"
"Gone where? There are chores to be done…"
You take a breath. "Senjuro left here yesterday morning. He's gone to stay with friends. Kyojuro and I thought it would be best." 
"What the hell is this? My whole good for nothing family turning against me?" He shakes his head, furious tears forming in his eyes. "Why did you take my son away?"
"I didn't send him, he wanted to go," you try to keep your voice firm but calm. Your heart is racing, and as much as you want to get the hell out too, you need to do this for Kyojuro and Senjuro. "Don't you see what you're doing to this family?"
Shinjuro scoffs. "You're the one breaking us apart. The boys are all I have!"
"Senjuro flinches when you walk into the room. Kyojuro works so hard every damn day to make you proud and all you ever do is drink and tell him he's worthless. I don't want to drive your family apart. I want to fix it. I need to fix it, because you have two wonderful sons who deserve the world. And all you're giving them is hell."
He stares at you. A tear runs down your cheek and you quickly wipe it away. He knows you lost your own son, that you blame yourself for failing to protect him from the demon who killed both him and your husband. If Kyojuro had gotten there just a second later, you would have died too. 
He steps toward you, muttering the first syllable of your name before he shakes his head. For a moment you could swear he almost showed you empathy. "So… what you're telling me is that I need to quit drinking, and then I'll get my boys back."
You nod. "I know how much you're hurting Shinjuro. I know Ruka was your world and you love her so much the pain is unbearable. But the drink isn't numbing it, is it? You're still hurting, and all the drink does is spread that pain to others." You take a step toward him and lay your hand on his forearm, gazing up at him with desperation in your eyes. "Let me help you, because you truly have such wonderful, kind sons, and they deserve a father. And you don't deserve to drink yourself to an early grave."
His jaw tightens and he looks away. "There's nothing left of me for you to save."
"That's not true." Your racing heart is breaking as you look into your husband's eyes and see there's no light in them at all. "Shinjuro, we'll get you back."
"It's impossible–"
"We're Rengokus. We do not give up. Please Shinjuro… let me help you and then… then I'll leave. You'll never have to see me again. But do this for your sons."
His eyes snap toward you. "Why would you leave?" 
"Because I know you don't love me. You never have, and that's fine." A bitter chuckle leaves your lips. "I don't love you either. Let's just do this one thing. If all we ever do is get you through this, I'll consider our marriage a success."
He stares at you for a moment before his gaze drops to the floor. "Alright. I'll do it. For the boys."
The first weeks are hell. 
The withdrawal keeps Shinjuro up at night. He shakes and sweats, throwing his guts up and snapping at you constantly. His irritability is worse than ever and you start to doubt either of you has the strength to keep doing this. 
Every night you pray at Ruka's shrine. It's a comfort to feel like you're both trying to help. The photograph of her gazes back at you with endless patience and grace, and you try your best to draw strength from the hope that she's watching your efforts.
You wash the sweat and vomit from his clothes, you brew tea to help his nausea and let him swear and grumble at you all he wants. But he doesn't touch a drop of sake. 
One morning, three weeks after his last drink, Shinjuro emerges from his bedroom and walks to the table where you're eating breakfast alone.
"Good morning," he says, his voice as deep and growly as ever but lately it's a little gentler. 
"How was last night?"
"Better…" he pulls in a breath and walks to the pot of rice gruel on the table, ladling out a bowl for himself.
"You're eating breakfast?" You've never seen him eat breakfast in the whole year you've been married. 
He nods. "Yeah… I'm hungry."
For the first time, your husband sits beside you and eats. He doesn't smell of sweat and sake anymore, he just smells like… Shinjuro. 
"I'm going to cut firewood today," he tells you as he eats. "I noticed we're getting low, with the boys being gone."
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Shinjuro has never done chores. "Oh, thank you."
"Don't thank me. I live here too. It's only fair I do my share." He finishes his breakfast and sets his bowl down. His eyes are downcast. "I'm sorry." 
Silence hangs between the two of you. 
You aren't sure how to respond. There are no words to describe the tangled web of feelings you have for the man. There's so much resentment and anger. But you're proud of him too, so very very proud. And truth be told, though your marriage exists in name only, you're attached to him. 
His hand rests on your shoulder, so big and heavy and oh-so warm. "I've been a terrible husband and an even worse father."
He bows his head. "I know words mean less than actions, but I will atone for what I've done and become worthy of the name Rengoku once more." He pulls in a long breath and turns to face you. "My wife… will–" He shakes his head, composes himself, and says firmly, "Can I hold you?"
His request takes you by surprise. "But you hate me."
"No," he shakes his head. "No, I've never hated you. How could I? I've watched you keep this home running while I've sat idle and useless. I've watched you be a mother to the boys and put up with the hell I dragged you through with grace and strength." His gold and crimson eyes are fixed on you. "You are a remarkable woman, the strongest I have ever known. And I know I'm unworthy of claiming the title of your husband, I'm beyond honored to call you my wife."
You can only stare. This man is so different from the one you've been married to this past year. "Shinjuro…" his name emerges as a whisper before your lips curve and you smile at him for perhaps the first time ever. 
Words are unnecessary as you lean into your husband's embrace and his strong arms wrap around you as he buries his face against your shoulder. 
And God, it shouldn't feel this good to finally feel appreciated and loved by him, but it does. You hold each other as if your embrace could heal the deepest wounds, bringing your hand up to softly stroke the back of his head and his wild fiery hair.
"I'm so proud of you," you say at last. "I know nothing has been easy these past ten years."
"It hasn't been for you either, and I've made it so much worse." He pulls back from the embrace and looks into your eyes. "I'm going to be the husband you deserve, if you'll have me. But don't answer yet. Let me earn it." 
He stands and takes your bowls to wash them. When he's done he silently heads outside and it isn't long before you hear the rhythmic thump of an ax hitting wood. 
You go about your daily routine, keeping the Rengoku homestead together as best as you can. You clean, maintain, fix, and finally cook.
When dinner is ready you head outside to tell Shinjuro, but the sight which greets you knocks the air from your lungs. 
He's still hard at work, his torso completely bare and his yukata gathered about his hips. His body is so big and burly, softened by age yet still so strong even though years have passed since he quit his hashira training. He's sweating and his cheeks and chest are flushed a warm shade of pink. He's slightly breathless. The golden sunset highlights every curve and muscle of his body. 
You just… stand… transfixed. 
Your body knows what it wants immediately.
He finally notices you standing on the porch and wipes his brow on his forearm. "Everything okay?"
"Mhm… yeah…" you nod as heat creeps across your cheeks and pools in the pit of your belly. "Dinner's ready."
He nods. "Almost done." 
The heat in your belly seeps lower as you watch him swing the ax again. 
You have to turn away. It has been years since you felt anything close to desire, and the sudden onslaught to your senses is more than you can handle. Heading inside, you splash cold water on your cheeks and add the noodles to the pot, ready to serve.
Your heart flutters as you hear Shinjuro's low hum of approval as he steps into the house a few minutes later. "Smells like miso."
"Miso ramen."
"My favorite!"
"I know." You chance looking around and instantly regret it. 
His yukata is back in place but he must have quickly washed up outside as his hair is wet and scraped up into a ponytail. And though he's clearly made an effort to be presentable, the fact remains that his yukata is hardly big enough to fully cover his chest. You can't tear your eyes from the hypnotic sight of water droplets sliding down over his skin.
"Oh~" you clear your throat and turn back to the pot, fixing two bowls of ramen. "It's a shame Kyojuro isn't back yet. He loves this dish."
"Kyojuro loves every dish," Shinjuro chuckles as he sits at the table. "Feeding him costs a fortune. But your ramen is very good." A pained sigh escapes him. "I do miss the boy. I expect he and I will have a difficult conversation upon his return. Difficult but necessary. And as for Senjuro, I can only hope he wishes to come back home."
You set the bowls on the table and sit beside him. "He will. He wants his father. And I've written to him telling him how well you're doing, though it may take a while for the letter to reach him, since Kyojuro has the kasugai crow on his mission." 
Shinjuro pauses with his spoon mid air. "You did that for us?"
You nod.
He reaches out and puts his hand on yours. "I would marry you again, you know. I know you probably can't say the same and I don't blame you for that one bit. But I would marry you without hesitation." 
His hand completely covers yours; large, firm, and warm. You rotate your wrist and turn your palm upward to interlock your fingers with his. 
"It hasn't been easy, Shinjuro, but I would do this a thousand times over to meet the version of you I see today." His stubble rasps against your palm as you reach out and affectionately cup his chin with your other hand, lifting it ever so slightly so he sits a little prouder. "I knew there was a good man beneath all those snarls." 
He chuckles and smiles at you fondly. "Thank you. Ah, I should probably shave, shouldn't I?"
"It's up to you, I quite like the stubble."
"Oh you do?" He raises a thick, dark eyebrow. "Then I'll keep it."
Your cheeks heat. You're flirting with your husband! He laughs softly and continues eating his ramen. 
"It's good. Thank you. You're an excellent cook and an even better wife."
When evening comes and it's time for you to go to bed, you stand together in the center of your house between the two doors.
"Goodnight, sweet wife," he says, squeezing your hand affectionately.
"Goodnight, husband who is trying very hard."
He laughs before he turns and heads to his room. 
From that point on, each day gets a little easier. You sit and eat meals with your husband and both spend the day working around your home. You become a team, a family. And every day he recovers more of himself. Every day he becomes the man his family deserves. 
When he's a month sober, you prepare a special dinner; a little banquet just for the two of you.
"Oh my!" His smile beams as he sees all your hard work. "My darling wife, you really are wonderful."
"Thank you." Your heart leaps as he leans in and gently kisses your cheek. 
"No, no, thank you." He chuckles and sits down to eat. He'll never admit it, but since he sobered up it's very apparent that Shinjuro absolutely shares the same voracious appetite as Kyojuro. "Mm… tasty."
You sit together, shoulder to shoulder as you eat, discussing the day and what still needs to be done around the house tomorrow. When he's finished eating you hand him a letter. "It's from Senjuro." 
His smile falters and he suddenly looks timid. His fingers are shaking as he opens the letter. You already know the contents, you know it's nothing but sweetness– of course it is, it's Senjuro– but you know how terrifying this must be for Shinjuro. 
You put your arm around his back as he reads and a few moments later you feel him start to shake as he grits his teeth and a sob bursts out of him.
"Senju–" he cries, bringing the letter to his lips and closing his eyes. "Oh my sweet boys. I miss them."
You pull him into an embrace,  wrapping your arms around him; one around his back, the other cradling his head to your chest as you press your lips to his hair. "It's okay. You're doing so well, Shinjuro. They'll be back soon and they'll be proud to call you their father."
He nods and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you as his tears subside and he composes himself. "You're right. They'll be back and they'll have a father they can be proud of." He keeps holding you, keeps resting his head against you. "Thank you. I can never thank you enough for what you've done for our family." 
"I would do it every day, a hundred times over." You kiss the top of his head, letting your lips linger in his hair. The scent of him is so comforting now, so you draw a deep breath.
He raises his head to look at you, smiling softly, and leaning in to  place a gentle, loving kiss on your cheek. 
His lips are soft in contrast to his stubble which rasps over your skin and stirs a cloud of butterflies in your belly. 
Your heart races as you close the space between you once more and kiss his cheek in return. Your kiss lands a little lower, a little closer to his lips.
He mirrors your gesture, exchanging another chaste kiss at the corner of your mouth. And another. And another.
The air between you grows thick and hot as those chaste kisses become loaded with a deeper need. And with every kiss your heart beats a little faster.
Your faces are just inches apart, his shallow breaths fluttering against your lips as the lids grow heavy over golden hued eyes. His gaze drifts to your lips. "Is it…okay if–?"
He chuckles, brushing his fingertips against your jaw and gently clasping your chin to bring your lips to his. His kiss is soft and tender, his lips slowly and tentatively caressing yours, as if he's rediscovering a path he once knew so well. 
But once he finds the rhythm his kiss grows more intense, and a deep, desperate moan rolls through his chest and echoes in you. The moment his tongue slips against yours you're both gone; lost to the heat and the pleasant tingles shooting through your bodies.
He pulls back for a moment, checking in on you, but you quickly close the gap once more, kissing him with all the passion and adoration you've craved for so long.
Your fingers graze over his stubble as you cup his face between your hands.
"Oh, my wife," he whispers against your lips as he switches from deep, hungry kisses to feathery, gentle ones. "My sweet wife."
He presses his forehead to yours as he traces your lips with his fingertip, making you shiver. 
"I should have told you every day; you're so beautiful," his voice is low and quiet and just for you. "I want to spend the rest of my life cherishing you as you deserve." He places a soft kiss at the corner of your lips. "I never thought I'd feel this way again."
You can hardly breathe; his tenderness is lovely and overwhelming. "I know I'll never replace Ruka. I don't intend to, and I would never expect you to stop loving her."
"You're right, I'll always love her, but I love you too, and there's room for both of you in my heart." He tucks your hair back behind your ear and kisses your temple. "I would never expect you to stop loving your late first husband either. The ones we lose, they're a part of us, and they would want us to be happy." He caresses your cheek and it isn't until he wipes away your tears that you realize you've begun to cry. "Before she died, Ruka begged two things of me: to take care of our boys and to find love again. And you've made both her final wishes possible. Ruka was my first love, but you are my last."
Your heart squeezes at his words. You caress his stubbled cheek before leaning in and letting your kiss tell him everything you can't find the words to express. His lips are addictive, and every kiss fans heat through your body. When you pull away you gently suck his lower lip, pulling a deep, needy groan from him.
"Oh~" his eyes flutter closed. One of his hands is at the back of your neck, the other drifts down to your waist. "You're making me weak, wife."
You can't help but smile as you lean in again and kiss him even deeper. That you can reduce this big, strong former hashira to whimpers with just a kiss is more thrilling than you ever imagined.
His cheeks are a deep shade of pink as he gazes down at you. "We have a lot of time to make up. I want to take care of you. Tell me how to do that."
"Well, we never got a wedding night," you say as your heart pounds.
"You're right." He kisses you again, runs his fingers through your hair. It seems he can't get enough of the sensation of you. "Would you like me to make up for that tonight?"
Your throat is dry, your breath stilted as you nod. "Yes. Shinjuro, right now I want nothing more."
You can see in his eyes how much this means to him. And you feel it too. It's not just the physical pleasure, but the intimacy, the outlet, the emotional release. He carries you to his bedroom and sets you down on the bed, his lips curving into a genuine and grateful smile as he kneels between your knees and leans forward, pressing his body against yours and kissing you. 
It's been so long since you felt anything like this, and your body drinks it in. Before long you're kissing like teenagers, both flushed, your bodies heating. You wrap your legs around him, grinding your hips against his, seeking friction as his tongue strokes yours. 
He chuckles softly. "Easy, little spitfire. I said I'd take care of you and I want to do it thoroughly." His fingers make short work of your clothing, laying you bare as his breath catches in his throat. "Beautiful," he whispers, his voice thick with reverence as he gazes down at you.
He kisses your neck, your collarbone, your breasts, latching onto your nipples with a wanton moan. 
There's so much time to make up for, and he loves you. He desperately does. Never once during that year of lonely hell did you ever suspect that Shinjuro was a man who loves to fuck, but as he kisses his way down your belly and over your hips, he can't hide the curve of his lips or the gleam in his eyes. 
His stubble rasps against your inner thighs as he teases you with hot, hungry kisses, inching closer and closer to where you so desperately need him.
"Just relax," he tells you in that soft, growly voice as he lies between your legs, his lips just inches from your pussy. "Let your husband take care of you."
And God, he does just that. Shinjuro eats your pussy like it's his first meal in forever, licking, sucking, groaning as he devours you. He's experienced; he knows exactly what he's doing, and he's enthusiastic about it, wanting nothing more than your pleasure and your fingers tangled in his fiery hair.
He listens to your moans, he pays attention, figuring out what works for you. Hooking a large, warm hand behind your knee, he lifts your leg and puts it over his broad shoulder and seals his lips around your clit, softly sucking as his tongue flutters. He's spurred on by your cries, your gasps, the way your legs tremble.
"Shinjuro…I'm close." 
It's music to his ears. He doesn't stop, he keeps the same pressure, the same pace, letting your pleasure build and build until you fall apart, bucking against his skillful mouth as he laps up every drop of your essence. When your trembling subsides he gently and affectionately nuzzles your clit with the tip of his nose. 
"God." You lie there panting as he kisses your inner thighs once more. 
"Do you want more?" He asks, lifting your leg and trailing kisses down your calf.
"I never want it to end."
He laughs quietly, shifting his body so he can lie on top of you. You kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on his lips as you run your fingers over his back. His muscles flex and relax beneath your touch.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He whispers in your ear. 
"Yes." There's so much desperation in your voice. 
A low, approving moan emerges from him before he rocks up onto his knees and stands to undress. His body is just as strong and burly as you remember and just the sight of him makes your breath catch. His cock is hard and standing straight out, curved slightly upward toward the tip, and thickly veined.
His eyes are soft as he looks down at you, but the shallow rise and fall of his chest tells you he's anything but calm.
Raising up, you sit on the bed and put your hands on his hips, pulling him toward you. He smiles and obeys your silent command, stepping closer to you to lay back down on top of you.
"I can't tell you how good it feels to know you want me," he whispers close to your ear. "My God, I have such a beautiful wife."
He trails kisses down your neck, pressing his lips to your throat as you run your fingers through his hair.
"You feel so good, Shinjuro."
"I want to make sure you're good and ready for me first." He reaches down between your legs, his fingers gliding over your overstimulated clit and down to your entrance. He gently pushes his finger inside, gasping at the wet warmth of your pussy squeezing him. "Ohh~ my girl, you're so wet already."
You're out of your mind with desire and pleasure as he finds the exact spot to curl his fingers against. "Shin… oh…"
"Hm? Is that good?" He adds another finger, circling your clit with his thumb and watching your every reaction. 
He fucks you with his fingers deep and slow, stretching you out in preparation, enamored with your whimpers and the way you moan his name.
Lowering his head, he takes your nipple into his mouth and laps at it with his tongue. "Are you going to cum for me again, my love?"
"Good girl, I know you've got at least one more for me." 
You're damn near feral as he keeps coaxing out your pleasure, that big, warm body of his pressing you down against the mattress. Your inner muscles flutter and clench around his fingers. 
"That's it, my love. There it is. Let's get this pretty pussy all wet and ready for me." 
Your orgasm tears through you and you cry out in pure bliss as he keeps on praising you in his deep, rough voice. 
"That's my girl. Oh you look so beautiful; so ready for me. You want it now, huh?" 
All you can do is nod. He chuckles and pulls out his fingers, bringing them to his mouth before he sucks them clean. "Mm~ I'm never going to get enough of your taste."
"Shinjuro," you moan as your hips involuntarily buck toward him. Your need surpasses all other sensation. You need to be fucked and you need it now. 
Shinjuro's lips curve into a grin. He strokes his cock between your folds, coating himself in your slick essence before he presses his tip to your entrance. 
"God, you're so big," you gasp as he pushes into you. Even with all his preparation there's still a little resistance. 
"Nice and easy, little spitfire," he grunts, his brow knitting together as he slides slowly deeper. "Ohh, you feel so damn good."
He buries his cock to the hilt inside you,  leaning forward so his chest is pressed to yours and he can rest his weight on his forearms as he caresses your face and strokes your hair sweetly while grinding his hips against yours.
"Look at you, my pretty wife, taking my cock so well."
As your passion grows, his vocabulary dwindles to nothing more than grunts and gasps. He rolls his hips, aiming to hit every pleasurable spot with each slow thrust. He's patient, savoring the sensation of you as he kisses every inch of your face.
His restraint starts to fray as you rock your hips beneath him, hinting that you want more. 
Those golden eyes of his flutter shut, and his lips part around a silent gasp. "If you keep that up I'm not going to last, my love."
You kiss him, deeply, your tongue dancing slowly with his as you keep on rocking your hips. As much as you want this to last forever, you want him to feel good too. Watching him start to lose his composure is a beautiful feeling.
He groans against your mouth. "Do you want to get on top?"
He rolls you over and lies back, letting you align yourself properly to ride him. Putting one arm behind his head, he reaches out with the other and touches the base of his cock, sliding up until he touches your pussy, tracing the seam where your bodies meet, with a deep, approving moan. "So perfect." 
You place your hands on his belly for balance and start to roll your hips, taking him slow and steady, rocking forward so your breasts are just a few inches from his face. 
"Ohh~" He's in bits as you ride him, his cheeks flushed, his eyes heavy-lidded.
Ever-desperate to please you, he strokes your clit with the pad of his thumb, watching the way you move like he's bound by your spell.
As your pleasure grows you start to move faster, taking him harder and deeper until you're riding him with desperate abandon. 
Your backs arch in sync as the pleasure becomes too much to bear, as waves of pleasure wash over you and you fall apart, he cries out, gasping, thrusting his hips up into you as he finishes. 
And then you collapse, fucked-out and blissful in the arms of your husband. Finally, finally after all this time.
You both lie there gasping for air, exchanging soft laughter and gentle kisses.
"I love you, wife." He pulls you to him, wrapping his strong arms around you as if he intends to protect you from the world. 
And finally you speak the words you've longed to feel since the day you married him. "I love you too."
You mean it. You truly do.
For the first time in your marriage you and Shinjuro fall asleep holding each other. And that's how you sleep every night thereafter. 
~A year later~
"YOU'RE HOME!" Senjuro is only fifteen and probably only half Kyojuro's weight, but he barrels into his older brother with enough force to knock the man flying onto his ass. The boys' loud, contagious laughter rings through the house. 
"Careful! Careful!" Shinjuro chuckles, ruffling his youngest son's hair before helping the eldest up from the ground.
"Thank you father," Kyojuro beams as he dusts off his hashira uniform and places his hand flat on Senjuro's head, measuring his height against himself and widening his eyes when he finds Senjuro is at nose-height. "Goodness! When did you get so tall?! You must stop growing. I'll be the shortest in no time."
"Then I'll call you 'little brother' instead." Senjuro grins.
A laugh shakes Shinjuro's chest as he places his hand on his eldest son's shoulder. "You may be the shortest soon but I'm still proud of you. I'm proud of you both. I have fine boys." He smiles affectionately. "How was the mission?" 
"Successful." Kyojuro lifts his chin proudly. "We prevailed, and the demon's would-be victims are safe. He won't hurt anyone again."
A moment later, Kyojuro is damn near swept off his feet a second time as his father pulls him into a tight embrace.
You can't help but smile from the doorway before heading into the kitchen. It's late spring, the air is fresh and pleasant, and everybody's home. It's as good an excuse to prepare a feast as any. 
Getting to this point took some work. There were many tears and long conversations. But in the end the family has come together and emerged from the darkness stronger. The Rengoku house is once again filled with love and laughter.
Kyojuro walks into the kitchen and wraps his arms around you. He knows what you endured throughout his father's recovery, and he'll never stop showing you how grateful he is. 
"I'm so glad you're home," you say softly as you hug your stepson back. 
He pulls back and his smile is beaming. Both Kyo and Senju have their father's hair and eyes, but Kyojuro is the spitting image of Ruka; his presence just as calming and comforting as the picture on her shrine. 
"How is he?" he asks. 
"Your father?"
"No, no I can see he's well. I mean…" his eyes dart downward to your stomach. 
You laugh, "Oh, you're so certain you have a new little brother?" 
"I'm positive, there hasn't been a girl in our family as far back as records go. Could you imagine a little girl with these eyebrows??" He laughs loudly. 
There's nothing wrong with our eyebrows," Shinjuro interjects as he enters the kitchen too. "Now, if you don't mind, your stepmother and I have a feast to prepare. You and Senjuro have a lot of catching up to do, I'm sure."
Your husband rolls his sleeves over his muscular forearms and gives you a wry smile as the boys head off, chattering between themselves. 
"We all love you, you know?" he says quietly as he begins chopping vegetables. "You brought this family back from the brink, and I can never thank you enough." 
"You thank me plenty."
"It's still not enough." 
He sets down the knife and stands behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning around to place a dozen little kisses on your cheek. 
You laugh– as you do so often these days– and kiss your husband, proud to be his and proud to love him so openly. Because Shinjuro Rengoku is a man to be proud of. 
The end
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libingan · 2 months
— an unhealthy obsession.
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warnings: stalking, dark themes, idk how to put warnings but both simon and the reader are obsessed with each other
a/n: part two, maybe??? idk, if you guys want something sexier just lmk ig
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simon has been obsessing over you for months on end. ever since he saw you bartending at the local bar he and his buddies hung out at, he knew he just had to have you. your laugh, your smile, the way you effortlessly moved through the crowd—it all drew him in like a moth to a flame.
he followed you home that very same night to find out where you live. he watched you unlock the door to your apartment complex, making a mental note of the building. the next day, he began the process to secure a place in your building. he contacted the leasing office, inquiring about availability, and swiftly filled out the necessary paperwork: a rental application, proof of income, a background check consent form, and references. he signed the lease agreement with a sense of grim satisfaction, ensuring he was just a few doors down from you.
which is why simon is currently perched on a tree outside your window, giving him a clear view of your bedroom. he observed you intently, watching your favorite sitcom along with you. with a packed dinner and some coffee beside him, he sat silently, his eyes never leaving you as you laughed at the show. he memorized your expressions, your routines, the way you curled up on the couch.
he waited until you fell asleep, then sneaked into your room through your window, moving with the stealth of a shadow. he collected small belongings—items you might not notice missing right away. a pen from your desk, a single pair of underwear hidden at the back of your messy drawer. he snapped a few photos of you as well, capturing your peaceful, unaware state. these mementos were little pieces he could add to his growing shrine, a secret collection that fueled his obsession.
as he slipped back into the night, simon felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. he was getting closer, his presence in your life growing stronger with each passing day. it was only a matter of time before you would realize you were meant to be his.
unbeknownst to simon, his feelings aren’t as unrequited as he thinks.
you had been thanking your lucky stars the moment you saw simon enter the apartment a few doors down. it was hard to get any information about simon without directly asking him. so when you saw a familiar face and a familiar mohawk at the bar you worked at, you immediately recognized this guy as simon's friend.
as a bartender, you knew how to read people and manipulate the situation. you casually served him drinks, adding a little extra alcohol to his glass each time. it was a subtle touch, just enough to make him more talkative and less aware of his surroundings.
by the time he was noticeably tipsy, you engaged him in conversation, guiding it towards simon with a practiced ease. the more intoxicated he became, the more he spilled about simon—his habits, his quirks. but it was when the friend, in his drunken haze, let slip that simon was currently “crushing” on his neighbor that your interest piqued.
“aye, simon’s got this neighbor he’s obsessed wi’,” the friend slurred, his scottish accent thickening as he struggled to keep his balance. “they’ve got this smile that lights up the whole room, and they’re always, like, glowing, ye know? pretty as hell. simon’s always bleedin’ talkin’ about ’em.”
you pressed for more details, feigning curiosity as the friend described you. the way he spoke about your laugh, your style, even the way you move around your apartment—it was all too precise. you realized with a shiver that simon must be paying an unsettling amount of attention to you. but instead of fear, you felt a thrill.
the night ends and you’re thankful for the alcohol. that idiot—simon’s friend—won’t remember a damn thing he’s said tonight. it was a risky move, but it paid off. as you sent him off, a small, satisfied smile played on your lips. you had gained valuable insight into simon’s world and were one step closer to understanding him.
knowing he was so close made your heart race. that’s when you started to notice the little things—how he followed you home, the way he watched you from a distance. however, instead of fear, you felt a thrill. you’d leave your window slightly ajar, hoping he’d sneak in. you even left small items deliberately out of place, knowing he’d take them. hell, you even started sleeping in more… revealing clothes hoping that simon would touch you.
you found yourself dreaming of the day he’d make his move, the day he’d reveal himself to you. each night, as you settled into bed, you whispered a silent invitation, hoping he could hear it.
you were ready for him, ready to show him that his obsession was mirrored in your own heart.
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mosaickiwi · 1 year
Hide and Seek
950ish word Ren(dacted) drabble off a spicy hide and seek prompt from da discord except I didn’t do the NSFW ending because I’m cringe, my bad. GN reader.
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
Prompt: Playing “Hide and Seek" with Ren in his spacious apartment, except no room is off limits, and he has to wear a Ghostface mask while seeking you out. And if Ren manages to find you, he gets to fuck you. I'M SORRY
Ren had given you fourteen minutes to hide. Fourteen much needed minutes to take stock of his pitch black apartment while he waited outside. 
You'd been overly thorough, going room to room, crossing off some spots and keeping note of others, both silly and serious—you were momentarily tempted to hang ass-out of the washing machine for a cheap laugh. At the moment, hiding in the shrine-turned-storage room was your top choice. It was piled high enough with stuff that you were sure you'd sneak by him to some other hiding spot if he tried to corner you. But just in case, you made your way into his bedroom to find another option or two.
You hurried across the room to open his closet door and turn on its light. The rows of hanging and neatly folded black clothes on either side of the spacious walk-in didn't give you much to work with; even if you crouched down, he'd find you in an instant. Maybe you would hide in the storage room.
As you flipped the light switch and turned around to do just that, the front door loudly slammed shut. Your heart sank. You were out of time. There was no way you'd make it to your hiding place now. Halfway panicked, you fell to your knees and slid as quickly and quietly as possible under the bed. An obvious cliche—but it was already too risky to leave the room. You thanked your lucky stars you’d closed all the doors on your way here. It’d at least buy some time.
With bated breath, you waited in the dark, heart practically beating in your ears. The noisy sounds of them opening and closing doors echoed through the apartment. You could clearly hear his footsteps as well. He wasn’t normally anywhere close to loud, so he was definitely making all that commotion for your benefit. You weren’t sure whether to appreciate it or not, thanks to your steadily growing fear mixed with anticipation.
The noises got closer much faster than you expected them to. You only pressed yourself tighter against the floor. It was impossible to see much in the dark, but not even a brief flicker of light showed through the gap at the bottom of the bedroom door. He wasn’t bothering to turn the lights on. You were a bit miffed that he knew the layout of his apartment this well.
A few more loud footsteps, and you knew he was just outside the room. The doorknob faintly clicked as he turned it. The door opened, but thankfully you didn’t hear it shut. You could feel his footsteps, heavier than usual, thumping against the floor. Barely visible, the toes of his boots came into view right in front of you.
“I know you’re in here, Angel,” sang his voice from above you, the taunting muffled by the mask. The bed slightly dipped from his weight as he began to kneel down. Your heart only beat faster against your rib cage as you tried to stay calm. Did they really find you that quickly? You silently cursed yourself for being so picky.
All of a sudden he seemed to change his mind. The bed shifted and he moved back into complete darkness, out of your limited field of view. You squinted, trying your best to keep track of him. But it didn’t do any good. His footsteps reverberated once again as he walked around the room. There was a faint creaking noise from what must’ve been the closet door, then the footsteps got the tiniest bit quieter and quieter until they stopped once more.
You had to take the chance while he was occupied searching the closet. Otherwise, they’d just come back to look under the bed. With your heart in your hands, you trembled as you inched out on the side furthest from the closet, getting ready to bolt. If you were lucky, you’d make it to the storage room. One deep breath, and you started to run like your life depended on it.
Except you didn’t get far at all. You reached blindly in the direction of the door as an arm wrapped firmly around your waist, then a hand clasped over your mouth to mute the absolutely terrified shriek you let out.
“Y’really thought I’d gone in the closet, huh?” they laughed from behind while you struggled for a moment. “Of course you’d try to run.” 
The rather violent thrumming of your pulse seemed to settle in his embrace. He moved his hand away from your mouth once you stopped flailing, and you heard fabric and rubber rustling as he took off the mask. You forced yourself to speak—in spite of the adrenaline still coursing through you, “I thought… I thought a chase would be more fun.”
His arm still around you skimmed low on your stomach before his other hand came to toy with the hem of your shirt, making you tense in excitement. “It would be fun, but we’re not in a movie. Can't make things that easy f'you,” he teased, along with placing a soft kiss to your temple.
You were thankful not to see whatever smug face he had. "You could've humored me a little bit." Your prep time felt like a waste, so you really wanted to put up a better fight.
He pulled you closer in response. The press of his body against you served as a crystal clear reminder for how your little game was meant to end. Eerily confident, his words took a moment to sink in when he began to push up your shirt, lips lingering at your ear to whisper, “Sorry, Angel. You aren’t ever getting away from me.”
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heian-era-housewife · 4 months
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Synopsis | I find there to be something so incredibly hilarious about a purely platonic and wholly devoted Uraume being far too involved in reader's private and/or sex life as a result of the King's requests while both Uraume and Sukuna think nothing strange or awkward of it.
Content | mdni, Trueform!Sukuna x fem!reader, mentions of sex, reader is walked in on by Uraume
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Early one morning you hear a polite knocking on your bedroom door. As you answer, Uraume stands in the doorway, head bowed in servitude, a tray held out in front of them.
"Oh! Uraume...what are-?"
"The King has requested I bring you tea and some chocolate pastries for breakfast."
"Oh...? That's very nice but why are-?"
"He also requested I deliver this box of tampons as today is the start of your menstruation and-"
"He what??? HOW DOES HE KNOW THAT?!"
"He has had me track your cycles for the last few ovulations because-"
"HE WHAT?!?!?!"
The air is thick with heat and the smell of sex. Echoes of Sukuna's name hang in the silence as you climb shakily off the King's glistening lap.
"URAUME!" He barks, startling you as he calls out his servant's name unexpectedly.
"Yes, Lord?" You hear through the thin shoji paper that lines the room.
"Bring us a towel and some refreshments." Horror settles in your stomach as you realize Uraume must have heard your entire romantic encounter.
"How long have they been outside the room?!?!" You squeal, embarrassed.
"The whole time?" Sukuna answers as if entirely obvious.
Before you can retort, the shoji door slides open and Uraume is handing you a cool drink, expression plain and unfazed at the sight of you fully exposed.
"Please be sure to rehydrate," they say kindly.
Sukuna has invited you over for a romantic dinner. When you arrive you find Uraume hard at work preparing the meal.
"Uraume! Did Sukuna make you cook all this? I thought HE was making dinner! I didn't mean for you to go to all this trouble!"
"'Tis no trouble at all to prepare what was requested for my Lord's most precious one."
"Hah!" You snort. "He doesn't call me that....does he?"
"He calls you by many names."
"Oh really??" You prod, "like what?"
"Beloved, precious, dove..."
"...Honey lips."
"Weird...but cute!"
"I believe that one is in reference to your vagi-"
"WOAH! OKAY! No more names. That's good!"
"Fleshly shrine."
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xstevex-world · 2 years
Steve Harrington’s favourite musician has been the same since he was 17.
He distinctly remembers hearing Chrissy Cunningham play in his car radio during his senior year, subsequently listening to nothing but her breakout EP for a week straight - and that was just the beginning.
He followed all of work for over the past 7 years: bought physical and digital copies of all her albums, watched every music video multiple times, read every interview, saved up enough while working weekend shifts at scoops to get tickets to her sold out shows in Indiana - he had so much merch that Jonathan Byers once joked that Steve could probably make a shrine to his idol.
He had even kept up during her hitatus, almost two full years of radio silence from the star, like she had disappeared off the face of the earth. It wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened, but it didn’t help that it overlapped with him dropping out of business school to pursue a career in cosmetology and that final falling out he had with his father over his choice in education.
The day she came back felt like Christmas.
Her comeback announcement dropped on June 13th - and it wasn’t just a new post on social media or a candid shot online someone managed to snap.
It was a whole EP drop, 4 entire songs (and a music video) that he knew he was going to play on repeat after 716 days of radio silence.
That opened the floodgates for everything to start again: she went back on social media, thanked her fans for their wholehearted response to her new releases. She started doing interviews again: discussing her mental health and the impact of her mothers control in her life; her reunion with her best friend (and apparent ex) from high school; her label dropping her after it was found that her “momager” had embezzled a huge amount of money from said company, releasing her from her contract early and allowing her to find new partners, new producers, new projects.
She talks about how she’s never been happier, and Steve can’t help but beam at it. He can hear it in her music, how it’s going more against the grain of what’s popular, opting instead for etherial synths mixed with heavy guitars. She sings about heartbreak and moving on and being better than then the people who brought her down for long, now that she’s starting fresh.
Steve loves it, thinks some of the changes have something to with Eddie Munson’s name appearing in the credits of all her new material.
Truthfully, he got curious after someone on Twitter posted a screengrab of cameos made by Munson and his own bandmates in all of her new music videos. He thankful someone else made the connection, and although he’s not the biggest fan of Corroded Coffin’s music (apart from the collaboration EP they did with Chrissy: “CCxCC presents Satanic Slumber Party”, that was incredible), he would lying if he didn’t say he was totally enamoured by Eddie goddamn Munson.
Let alone the fact that he’s totally Steve’s type (big hair, bigger eyes, a complete dork with a heart of gold but who also looks like he would bite someone in both a feral dog and a “please take me to your bedroom right now” kind of way), the guy is a genius when it comes to music, spending interviews talking about the process of artistry and the importance of storytelling - even when they’re discussing songs about him, written by Chrissy about their break up, he’s still so passionate and witty, the two of them spending interviews bouncing off each other in a way that would rival his relationship Robin.
He’s fine, really, he knows logically this is just a celebrity crush that will pass if he stops thinking about it for long enough, but he’s certain that this could develop into one of those all encompassing obsessions if he doesn’t curb it now- and that’s exact what he does. He tries to put that energy into school, excelling more than he ever did in an academic setting. He meets up more often with Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle and Barb, inviting them over more often for dinner or drinks, sometimes even just because he wants to make a breakfast feast and need someone else to eat it.
It’s at times like this that he misses Robin, who only has about 6 weeks left of her internship in Paris - he hasn’t seen her in person since he went to visit her a few months ago during spring break. He wishes she was her to openly judge him over this, before rambling on about her own current hyperfixation or moaning about her lack of romantic adventures since she and Vickie broke up.
They still talk on the phone every afternoon (nighttime for her), ranting to each other about their perspective day and sharing any worthwhile gossip.
Tonight’s no different, he’s telling her about the current drama happening in his classes when Robin says:
“I met someone today.”
He’s ecstatic - in his opinion robin deserves the world and the fact she’s met someone on her own in a city where she has been finding it hard interacting with people outside of her placement is a miracle in itself.
She tells him more: how she met this girl that morning at café, acting as a knight in shining armour (Robin’s words, not Steve’s) when the girl got flustered trying to order her coffee in broken French; how she spent the day showing this girl around to her favourite shops and parks and museums; how they spent hours talking about everything and nothing; how Robin hasn’t felt this way about someone since Vickie.
“So then we had dinner at that Italian place, the one I took you to, and, Steve, oh my goddess, she has the cutest little laugh-“
“Did you get her name?”
“Oh, sorry” he can hear her move the phone from one ear to the other. “Yeah it’s Chrissy.”
Steve stops his pacing. That would be one hell of a coincidence, if it was Chrissy Cunningham. She is playing in Paris the following night, the penultimate stop of her current tour. (The very show that he had been tempted to go to, since he could stay with Robin. It absolutely wasn’t because Corroded Coffin was joining her for the European leg of the tour - acting as her band, as well as performing songs from their collaboration as the encore - something that did not happen at any of the American shows). It couldn’t be the same Chrissy that Robin had fallen head over heels for in the space of a few hours, right?
“Did you get any of her socials?” He asks, cautiously.
“Nope,” she answers, popping the p for emphasis. “I didn’t think to ask, because I’m an idiot and all that-“
“Robs,” he interrupts, trying to keep his voice steady. “You’re not an idiot.”
Her hears her laugh on the other end of the line, the same kind of self-deprecating giggle she uses when she’s nervous. He wishes he was there with her so she could see him roll his eyes at her, their main way of communicating their love.
“What did she look like?”
“Oh!” She exclaims as he hears her tumbling over something (knowing Robin, probably herself). “We took a picture together, hold on, I’ll send it over.”
His phone vibrates against his ear, so he brings it in front of him, putting Robin on speaker so he can see the photo.
Holy fuck.
“Robin,” he says slowly, because he actually can’t believe it himself. “Do you know who that is?”
((Part 2))
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baby-tini · 2 months
Hii! I'm new to your account but so far, I love it! I'm sorry for bothering you but, if you haven't already done it, stalker Sanzu. Like he fell in love with a deaf reader and being too obsessed, he decided to stalk her. At first he wasn't making it obvious but then he started breaking in her house, stealing her things (panties for example) and etc? Thank you in advance!
I so badly wanna write a fic about this, based on the movie HUSH.
TW- Stalking, creepy behavior, breaking in and entering, noncon picture taking and bugging of a private living space.
-He can quickly become hyper-fixated with the smallest things, the most meaningless things about a person and he quickly starts too follow you around, especially when he finds out when you're deaf.
-He's quick too find out where you live, it's quite easy for him, being in Bonten and all that. He has fun with the chase though. As he stands outside your window, watching you do your daily tasks as your none the wiser. He knocks on your window, just too make sure you really are deaf and when you don't respond, not even the tiniest twitch of body, he grows the sickest grin on his face.
-He breaks in quite easily, you're so silly, keeping your door unlocked, do you know what kind of monster lurk just around the corner.. well, you're about too find out princess.
-When he does sneak into your house, he'll just sit on your bed and watch you. He watches you sleep as he plays with your hair even going as far as too cut off a lock and take it with him, something he uses when he's alone at night. He steals a lot of your things, your panties being his favorite, he doesn't even try too make it look non suspicious. You belong to him, meaning your things do too.
-He has camera set in your bedroom while your away doing whatever it is you do. He bugs your house with wire taps, video camera and sound recorders. Whenever he's not busy though, he just sits at your desk and watches you. Stroking his cock as he watches you play with your pretty cunt in the dark of night, in the "safety" of your own bedroom.
-He takes so many pictures of you while you're out, using the best damn camera that money can go. He hangs them up on his wall, keeping his own little shrine of you, in not only his private room but as well as his office. He doesn't even try too hide his sick obsession, everyone knows about it and he gives zero fucks, he's proud of it actually.
-He makes this all psychological for you, before he pounces. He starts moving your clothes around, putting your things in different rooms, and at first you blow it off, thinking you were going crazy, but then you start finding muddy shoe tracks in your house by your front door, but again, you blow it off as you forgetting too take off your shoes, it did rain the day before, after all.
-When he does finally pounce though, it's quick and planned out, he calculated in the whole thing, not letting there be an ounce of space of mistake for there too be made. He's so quick with it as well, you don't even know what's happening, and when he has you, he's never letting you go, so you can forget all about escaping.
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candycandy00 · 1 year
The Offering - A Sukuna x Reader Fic Part 5 (Final)
Once upon a time, Sukuna was a human man, albeit a monstrously cruel and powerful one. Villages across the land worshipped him as a living deity. One such village holds a festival for seven nights in his honor every year, and on each night they make generous offerings to him, including women who are never seen again. On the fifth night, you are selected to be the offering. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated! If anyone has any comments, questions, etc, please feel free to say so! I love talking about my stories lol. Thanks to everyone who has followed this story this far!
Smut. 18+. Sukuna is a human (my theory is that he got his four-armed body by modifying himself with jujutsu fuckery later in life). Dubcon. Mentions of rape that happened “off screen”. Very rough sex my. Blood. Bondage. Biting. Sukuna just generally being a sadistic monster. F!Reader. This is dark and quite intense!
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Late in the evening of your last night as Sukuna’s offering, he summoned you to the bedroom. You wore the pink robe he’d given you and the shrine maidens had perfumed your hair and lightly painted your lips with a pink glossy color. When you walked into the bedroom, alone, you found Sukuna standing beside the bed, his own robe tied so loosely that the front of it was open down to his waist. His bare torso, with its toned muscles and black tattoos, made your breath hitch.  
“Take off the robe,” he said in that voice that made you melt, “unless you want it to be ruined.”
You slipped it off, still feeling a bit shy about being naked in front of him. He had already seen everything, but you always felt so… inadequate. He was perfect in every way, and you were just a normal woman. But you were getting a bit more used to his eyes roaming over your body, so you folded the robe and laid it on the dresser, then turned to face him. 
He gestured toward the bed, and your eyes shifted over to it. You immediately noticed something that hadn’t been there before. From each of the two wooden posts at the head of the bed, there were thin red ropes attached. You stared at them, wondering about their purpose, until a terrible thought entered your mind. 
You looked at his face, and he was grinning. That’s when your fears were confirmed. 
He stepped closer and placed his hands on your shoulders, slowly sliding them down until they reached your wrists. “Get on the bed so we can start,” he said, rubbing your wrists gently. 
You felt panic rising in your body. What did he plan to do to you that would require him to tie you to the bed? But you couldn’t refuse him, no matter what he asked of you, so you climbed onto the bed and laid on your back. 
Sukuna climbed onto the bed after you, straddling you with his knees on either side of your body. He looked down at you, and his heated gaze caused the growing wetness between your legs to drip out of your folds. You tried to remain perfectly still as he pulled your right arm up above your head and tied the red rope tightly around your wrist, so tightly that the rope rubbed your skin in an unpleasant way. He then tied your left wrist in the same fashion. 
When finished, he stared down at you. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like being completely helpless to my whims and desires?” He hovered over you, his loose robe sliding against your bare skin. “Are you excited, or frightened, by what I might do to you?”
Looking up at him, it was obvious what he was doing. The way he loomed over you, the way his robe fell open, the way he looked at you… he was intentionally turning you on. Your heart was beating rapidly, making your chest rise and fall with your quickening breaths. “Both,” you said in a weak voice. 
He moved down, making sure his body rubbed against yours on the way, and spread your legs with his hands, positioning himself between them. He leaned down so that his face was very close to your soaking wet pussy and used his fingers to open your folds. “Already so wet for me,” he said. Then he moved his fingers around, rubbing everywhere except your clit. 
“You want me to touch it, don’t you?” he asked, his finger moving dangerously close to that hypersensitive bundle of nerves. “This poor little neglected clit. It’s desperate for my attention, isn’t it?”
Your body arched up slightly, trying to get his finger closer to the bullseye. “Yes, please!”
He grinned widely. “Alright. I’ll be merciful and pleasure your clit all night,” he said, making you sigh in contentment, but then he added another comment that made your blood run cold: “But if you cum without my permission, I’ll hurt you.”
You raised your head up from the pillow slightly to look at him with your panic-stricken face. “W-wait!”
He leaned down suddenly and ran his tongue over your clit. The pleasure shot through you like lightning, your hips bucking off the bed as you moaned. “Please wait, Lord Sukuna,” you said, tears filling your eyes. 
He looked up at you, that smug expression on his face. “Beg me to let you cum, and I might show mercy.” With that, he used his thumb to rub over the tender nub, then licked it again. 
You squirmed and whimpered beneath him, completely defenseless with your arms tied above your head. “Please… please let me cum, Lord Sukuna!”
He looked you in the eyes as his thumb kept rubbing over your clit. “Denied,” he said, and you let out a half moan, half sob, your body jerking and thrashing. 
“Please, I beg of you! I can’t bear it!” Your voice was higher than usual, your cries frantic. “Please… please…”
He used his tongue again, the tip of it teasing your clit and even pressing under the hood. 
Your arms pulled against the ropes, burning your wrists. Tears were streaming down your face. “Please, Lord Sukuna… I’ll do anything… just please let me cum!”
“Denied,” he said again, before giving one more long lick and finishing off by wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking. 
The pleasure was too much. An orgasm rocked your body, making you clench up and cry out. Sukuna raised up to watch you, but his thumb kept stroking your engorged clit mercilessly even as you rode out your climax. 
“You came without my permission,” he said in a low voice. “What a bad girl.”
You were sobbing now. “I’m sorry, my Lord.  Please forgive me!”
His thumb was still rubbing you, and you could already feel the pleasure building. “Now I have to hurt you,” he said, his voice pure silk, “to show you what happens to those who disobey me.”
As you watched with teary eyes, he lifted one of your legs up, bending it at the knee. He pressed his mouth against the plush flesh of your inner thigh and gave it a small kiss before running his tongue over it. Then, while looking straight at your terrified face, he opened his mouth and sank his unnaturally sharp teeth into your thigh. 
Your body jolted, reflexively trying to pull your leg out of his grasp as blood began to weep from the bite and into his mouth. It hurt, badly, his teeth feeling like knives cutting into your skin. You cried out in pain, again pulling against the ropes in a futile attempt to free yourself. 
But perhaps worst of all was that his thumb never stopped rubbing your clit, and now you were on the verge of cumming again. 
He slowly pulled his mouth away, licking up the blood dripping from the red bite mark and giving you the most seductive look you’d ever seen, smiling against your fresh wound. Then, within seconds, his tongue was lapping at your clit again. It was even more sensitive than before, and your whole body was shaking. 
There was a tremor to your voice as you cried out for mercy. “Ahhh… please… allow me to cum….ahhhh!!”
He raised his face to look at you, letting his fingers take over for his tongue. They stroked your nub as he said, “Denied. You’ve already disobeyed me once. Why should I reward you?” The purr of his voice against your spread open pussy nearly sent you into orbit. 
“Please forgive me… ahh… Lord Sukuna! Forgive your pitiful offering… ahhh… for cumming!”
He smiled again as he dove back in, not giving you even a moment of relief. His tongue and lips and fingers were all working together to stimulate you, and before long, another climax hit your body like a boulder. You screamed out, pulling tightly against the ropes, your hips rising and inadvertently pressing up into Sukuna’s mouth, making the pleasure even more intense. 
He stroked your clit through your orgasm again, sending currents of pleasure rippling through you and causing your body to spasm in the bed. Your face was soaked with tears as you looked at him. “Please forgive me…” you murmured weakly. 
He pulled away from you and moved up toward the head of the bed, making sure his bare, muscled torso rubbed across your prone body as he did so. Once he was face to face with you, he licked your lips, then licked tears from your cheek, then moved his mouth to the underside of your exhausted right arm. He held it tightly in one hand and licked the flesh there. You shook your head. “Please… don’t!”
His lips curled back into a smile, showing you his teeth, before he bit into the soft, tender skin. Again, pain flooded your senses. He licked and sucked at the wound, his mouth making obscene sounds right above your head, his body pressed against yours. He was deliberately choosing the most sensitive places to bite, to inflict the most agony. You whimpered and shut your eyes, trying to block it out. 
Then he moved back down, and his fingers were holding your flesh so widely open that it hurt, and his tongue was alternating between battering your now sore clit and gently licking it. Sobs shook you as you kept crying. “Please… please…” was all you could say. 
“Please what? You have to tell me what you want of me,” he said. 
“Please… allow me to cum… Sukuna…”
He stopped for a moment, and your eyes snapped open. You’d called him Sukuna, not Lord Sukuna. You glanced down, afraid to see the anger on his face at this show of disrespect. With you so weak and vulnerable right now, the punishment could easily finish you off. 
But he was just staring at your face, seemingly in wonder. He gave you a strange, unreadable look, then returned to torturing your clit with overwhelming pleasure. You didn’t even have the strength left to jerk and squirm, so your body simply twitched under his hands and mouth as you begged him to let you cum. 
He continued to deny you, and when you climaxed a third time, you laid there under him, panting, pleading for forgiveness in a small voice.  
He moved up your body again, and this time he extended his tongue to lick one nipple before wrapping his lips around it. You looked down in disbelief, then shook your head frantically again. “Please, no!”
Another smile crept over his features as he turned his face toward yours. “What was it you told me in the bath earlier?”
Your eyes widened, then slammed shut again. 
His voice drifted up to your ears. “Tell me again, and I might have pity on you.”
“Please don’t make me say it, Lord Sukuna,” you whimpered, trying to turn your face away. 
“Oh? Why not? Was it a lie?”
You opened your eyes and looked at his face. “No! It wasn’t a lie! It’s just…”
He took your nipple into his mouth again, licking it gently. “Just what?” 
“Ahh… it’s just… I know a pitiful offering like me… isn’t allowed to love you… my Lord…”
He pulled himself up so that he could say into your ear, “Just for tonight, I’ll allow it. Now say it again if you want my mercy.”
You looked at him in shock, but he was already sliding back down, his mouth encasing your breast. 
“Lord Sukuna, I love you!”
Just then, you felt his teeth on your nipple, and they bit down slowly. He didn’t bite as deeply as he had on your thigh and arm, but he broke the skin, allowing blood to dribble onto his waiting tongue. It hurt, probably even more than the other bites because it was in such a delicate place, and you screamed as his teeth sank just a tiny bit deeper. He licked the blood off and pulled away, then moved back down. 
His thumb was already rubbing your clit again, but now his hot mouth was on it again, and you thought you might just die right there. “I love you,” you said in a breathy voice, then repeated it like a mantra. “I love you. I love you. I love you!”
Having his tongue running over your clit while you poured out your feelings so shamefully made your head swim. You could only lie there helplessly as he did whatever he pleased with your body. You were still crying as you made a final plea, “Please let me cum… I love you so much…”
That’s when you suddenly felt his teeth graze over your clit, and all at once your tired, aching body was on full alert. You looked down in horror, shaking your head, but he just grinned up at you and said, “You have my permission to cum.”
It was like a dam broke. You sobbed out a moan as you finally let all the heavenly sensations you’d been trying to block out wash over you. He continued licking and rubbing with his fingers until you were nothing more than a quivering piece of flesh underneath him. 
When it was over, your body went limp, and you laid there breathing hard as he leaned over you, watching. He remained there for a little while, then stood up and turned away from the bed. Was this it? Was this the end? You couldn’t bear it. 
Sukuna tightened his robe as he glanced back at the offering still tied to his bed. Looking over her weak little body, all splayed out, and the red, bloody bite marks he’d left on her, made it even harder to ignore the pulsing erection he’d had since he first bound her wrists with the rope. But he didn’t mind taking care of it himself. He’d decided to let the night end on her pleasure instead of his own. 
It was the least he could do for her, considering what he planned to do to her. 
As he started to walk away, he heard her soft voice say, “Lord Sukuna… could I make a final request, before you kill me?”
He looked back at her. She’d slipped and called him only by his name once, leaving him slightly annoyed that she had immediately went back to using “Lord”. He rather liked the way his name had sounded being moaned from her lips, even though he had beheaded at least three people for being so disrespectful in the past. 
His eyes met hers and he asked quietly, “What is your request?”
Her face was red from blushing so much, but she held his gaze without looking away. “I want you inside me again, one more time.”
He hadn’t expected that, and he must have been wearing a surprised expression, because the offering averted her eyes and said, “Please?”
Sukuna stepped back over and sat on the edge of the bed beside her naked body. “I thought you wanted me to be gentle today,” he said in an uncharacteristically kind tone. “If I fuck you now, I won’t hold back. I won’t be able to. I’ll be rough with you, I’ll hurt you. I’ll fuck you as hard as I can, because anything less would leave me unsatisfied.”
Her eyes looked like they were made of glass as she stared up at him. “I don’t mind. You can hurt me.”
His cock was throbbing between his thighs, but he kept himself under control. “Be careful when you say things like that,” he told her, wanting nothing more than to mount her right there and then. “You’re making it hard for me to contain the monster you know I am.”
She arched her back, lifting her hips from the bed as she moaned, “Lord Sukuna, please… take me… hurt me… cum inside me again.”
The last of his self control evaporated into thin air. His robe was ripped open and discarded, then he climbed onto the offering and pushed her legs up, letting them rest on his shoulders as he rammed his entire cock inside her drenched pussy. She cried out, from pain or pleasure, he couldn’t tell, but her face looked blissful as he pounded into her. 
Every other time, Sukuna had maintained some level of control. He hadn’t wanted to wreck her so quickly, but now that control was gone. With her writhing beneath him, her arms still tied to the posts, her eyes wet with tears and her body rising up to rub against his, he surrendered completely to his desire to be buried as deeply inside her warm, wet pussy as possible. 
He fucked her like an animal, harder and deeper than he’d ever fucked anyone before. He could feel his cock slamming against her cervix, bruising and battering it as her whole body jerked with his violent thrusts. The whole time, she was murmuring something between her moans and cries. A word he couldn’t hear clearly enough. 
One of his hands groped at her breast, and he realized too late that it was the one with the bloody, bitten nipple. She winced and shuddered, still mumbling that unknown word, and he quickly switched to the other breast. As an apology, he took the injured nipple into his warm mouth and licked it gently, still thrusting into her with deep, powerful motions. 
She jerked against the ropes again, and he remembered that she liked to wrap her arms around him while being fucked into oblivion, so he reached up and ripped the ropes free of the posts. Her arms, no doubt sore and tired, encircled his neck and clung to him. She buried her wet, tear-stained face into his shoulder, and that’s when he finally identified the word she’d been uttering all along. 
His name. Only his name. 
Her voice was unsteady, her body shaking with sobs, and she continued clutching him while crying out his name. 
She must have been in pain, but she never once asked him to stop or even slow down. She accepted his violence, his brutality, deep into her delicate form. 
“I love you more than anything, Sukuna…”
He heard the words but didn’t acknowledge them, only continued fucking her wildly. He didn’t know if he loved her. He didn’t know if he was capable of love. What he felt for her was contradictory and confusing. He wanted to hurt her, he wanted to hold her. He wanted to give her more rich, beautiful robes to wear and watch her smile as she tried them on. He wanted to use his cursed technique to inflict a thousand tiny cuts all over her body, then lick the blood from all of them. He wanted to share more meals and baths with her. He wanted to string her up from the ceiling by her arms and relentlessly fuck her until the only word she was capable of saying was his name. He wanted to go to sleep with her in his arms. 
He simply wanted more of her, in every way possible. 
She clenched tightly around him every time his tip rammed into that sweet spot that made her moan. Soon she was screaming out his name as she came for the fifth time that night. 
Her ragged breathing and trembling body pushed him over the edge, and he drew back onto his knees, pulling her with him, letting her legs slide off his shoulders and wrap tightly around his waist. His mouth crashed into hers as he squeezed her against him as hard as he could, finally cumming deep inside of her. 
They stayed entangled that way for a while, even after the last of his cum had shot into her womb, wrapped in each other’s arms, theirs tongue mingling together. When he broke the kiss, he looked down at her face. She was more lovely then than she’d ever been, her face flushed, her lips parted, his own saliva and hers all over her mouth, her eyes glazed over as she stared up at him lovingly. 
“You can kill me now, Lord Sukuna,” she said, looking into his eyes. “I can die happy, being so full of you.”
He was still completely buried inside her. He didn’t want to pull out, but the night wouldn’t last forever, and there was still much to be done. He lifted her off him, and her body was limp, too exhausted to move. He laid her back on the bed and stood up. She was watching him, trying to stay conscious, but after a few minutes she passed out again. He pulled a sheet over her and watched her sleep for a while. Then he summoned all three shrine maidens. 
The women walked into the room with their heads down. He had already pulled on a clean robe, and was tying the sash at his waist as they entered. 
“All three of you, look up. I need to be sure you understand my instructions.”
The three women hesitantly raised their faces. This was probably the first time they had gotten a good look at his face. One of them glanced at the bed, but said nothing. 
Sukuna gestures toward the offering and said, “She is not to be touched in my absence, by anyone. She is not to take a husband. Do you understand?”
The women seemed shocked, but they nodded their heads. 
“Make sure all her needs are met until the festival next year,” he said, then looked over at her sleeping form before adding, “See to it that she is well fed. I wouldn’t mind seeing some more meat on her when I return.” With those words, he gave the women a grin that intentionally showed off his sharp teeth. 
All three women paled at the sight, clearly aware of his… unusual dining preferences. 
His orders given, the women left the room while he prepared to leave the village. His attendants were working on loading all the material offerings into his traveling cart, though he’d told them to leave the pink cherry blossom robe and any food offerings that hadn’t spoiled. He dressed in his thicker outer wear and then walked back over to the bed, taking one long, final look at the girl who had pleased him like no one ever had before. 
She was still asleep, and he was glad of it. A teary goodbye was simply not in him, and he knew she would be sad to see him leave. He wouldn’t take her with him. The things he did would no doubt frighten and repulse her, and he was too invested in his goals to allow for such a distraction. But having someone waiting here for him didn’t seem so bad. 
He glanced back to make sure no attendants or shrine maidens were nearby, then he bent down and kissed her lips. 
Minutes later, he was gone. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were shocked to still be alive. The shrine maidens informed you that Lord Sukuna had left the village in the night, as he did every year. You felt an ache in your chest, a pain that you had felt once before. You thought it was probably heartbreak. You’d wanted to be with him forever, even if that time was fleeting like the cherry blossoms he liked so much. 
Then the shrine maidens told you that you were not allowed to marry until the next festival, and you realized what that meant. He wanted you to be the offering next year! Your heart swelled with love at the thought. 
And so you returned to your family and your normal life in the village. Most of the villagers, including your parents, refrained from asking you about your time with Lord Sukuna. You had returned to them covered in bruises and bloody bite marks that the shrine maidens had bandaged, barely able to walk. They had assumed you’d been brutalized and deemed it insensitive to question you about it, though it was clear that many people wondered how you had survived. 
You didn’t volunteer any information either, except to tell your parents that it hadn’t been as bad as they imagined, if only to keep them from worrying so much. 
Your life was a bit dull, but happy. You carried on as you had before, but secretly, deep in your heart, you longed to wrap your arms around your Lord’s neck again, to feel him inside you. You watched the seasons change, eager for spring to come again. 
Cherry blossoms drifted to the ground all around you as you pressed your forehead as low as possible, bowing with the rest of the gathered villagers in the festival grounds surrounding Lord Sukuna’s shrine. You heard his footsteps, and your heart was beating so fast that you thought it might burst from your chest. 
Would he even remember you? Would he ask for you specifically as the first night’s offering, or would you need to volunteer? Regardless, you were so excited to see him again, it was very difficult to keep your head down as his footsteps came closer. 
They approached, but instead of walking by you, they stopped right in front of your bowed form. You drew in a sharp breath, looking only at his sandaled feet. He crouched down, his knees becoming visible, and then you heard his voice in your ear: “You can look up now.”
You raised your head immediately, and found yourself face to face with your village’s deity. Tears sprung to your eyes, and he gave you the same smug grin he often wore. His hand brushed the tears from one cheek and he laughed as he said, “You’re always dripping whenever you’re near me.”
You blushed, but smiled as he took one of your hands and pulled you up. Nearby, the village elders who were escorting Lord Sukuna to the base of his shrine looked at you with shock. They’d heard you were a survivor, but the look of rapture on your face, along with Lord Sukuna’s behavior toward you, must have been totally unexpected for them. 
Sukuna looked at them and said, “I already have a woman for the week. No more will be needed.”
The elders quickly bowed despite their surprise. “As you wish, Lord Sukuna,” one of them said. 
“Oh, but do make sure plenty of fresh fruit is offered,” Sukuna added, then gave you a meaningful look and said, “We especially enjoy peaches.” 
Your face turned crimson at the memory of last year, but you couldn’t stop smiling as Lord Sukuna kept hold of your hand and pulled you up the steps to his shrine. 
Once you were far enough away from everyone else, he glanced back at you and said, “I hope you’re prepared. I’ve had all year to think about all the terrible things I’m going to do to you.”
You smiled at him, bright and happy. “And I’ve had all year to look forward to it, Lord Sukuna!”
Once again, you thought you caught a glimpse of a faint pink tint to his face as he turned back toward the shrine’s doors. “Smile all you want, but I’ll show you no mercy. You’ll be screaming on my cock by nightfall.”
You stepped closer to him and said in your sweetest voice, “Lord Sukuna, please wait until we get inside the shrine to say such things. I’m afraid I’ll leave a mess on the steps if you keep making me so wet.”
His eyes shifted back to your face, and then his gaze slid down your body before returning to your eyes. He grinned, baring his teeth. “Such a needy little offering.” 
The two of you entered the shrine, dismissed the shrine maidens, and closed up the doors behind them, eager to begin a week of utter depravity. 
Tag List:
@yourmumsthings @boogeysmoth @gojoscumslut @slut4animedilfs @urcrybby24 @kaqua @chiisana-akuma @httpslu0 @thoreau-ly @poopoobuttsy @idk-bro-gay @morgueswrld @pastelbluecloudy3
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annefolklore · 1 year
yes its me. the one who wants more, but my birthdays in 2 hours tho (may10) SCREAMING
Pairing: Bsf!Ethan Landry x Reader
Warnings: Possible spoilers from Scream 6, use of Y/N, D/N is for daughter’s name
Synopsis: Ethan and you were friends with benefits until he reveals his true identity. Even after all this, he survives and begs to be apart of the baby and your life
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It’s been a year.
A year since you last saw his face. A year since everything crumbled apart around you.
It all happened so fast but so slowly at the same time. One moment you guys were in his bed making out and a second later, you were in the shrine while Ghostface was taking off his mask to reveal curly brown hair.
You didn’t want to believe it at first, thinking it was all a nightmare because why would your bestfriend with benefits be behind all this mess? He looked at Tara and Sam first and when his eyes laid on your face, his cruel expression softened for a few seconds like he was apologetic before getting back to his cruel self…But it all looked fake.
At this moment, you wanted to cry. Bawl your eyes out as you asked yourself a single question.
“Did he wanted to add these benefits only to take advantage of me before killing me?”
This question haunts you day and night ever since discovering who was behind the mask-
A high pitched cry interrupted your thoughts and you sighed as you stood up from the couch.
After you had rocked her in your arms for what seemed like an eternity with her cries echoing in your ears, she had finally found again some sleep, but still kept her in your arms.
At one point, the doorbell rang throughout the appartement.
You quickly walked toward the door. It was probably Chad, Sam or Tara
“Hi-" you begin but the greeting die in your throat as you immediately recognize who was at the door.
That wasn’t Chad, Sam or Tara…no it was an undead.
He haven’t changed much except for his hair that got a bit longer and his gaze wasn’t as innocent as it pretended to be before. Now it was dry without an ounce of joy…until he laid eyes on your daughter
Our daughter.
Did he noticed how much she looked like him? She has the same tuft of curly hair, same eyes, nose and the same smile that could make anyone’a heart melt.
“Good evening Y/N” he greets you and tried to make a soft smile.
It’s like you snapped out of my trance and everything that happened twirled inside your head. Anika, Quinn, Gale, the core 4. Every memories came back like a tsunami of thoughts.
“Stay back” you muttered as I walked backwards.
Your hold on D/N increased a bit and he noticed the way your hold her even closer to you. His eyes were filled with an apologetic and ashamed look.
Ashamed of himself.
“Please just listen to me” he begs as he takes a step toward you.
You didn’t stop walking backwards as my head was making the “no” side over and over again until your calves touched the couch.
This couldn’t be real right? This couldn’t be happening right now.
“I know I fucked up and you have every reason to hate me…but please just listen to what I have to say” he says again with a pleading look in his eyes.
He hesitated. You couldn’t risk D/N safety around someone like him, but curiosity got the better of you. Telling the core 4 about his return would be a mistake too, because they’ll kill him and you’ll never know what he wanted
So you made the safest option and you let him enter your appartement. It was like letting the wolf enter the lamb’s home.
Your index pointed the couch and he sat down as you demanded him to. Meanwhile, you went to your daughter’s bedroom to put her in her sleeping self in the crib.
If his intentions were still wicked, at least she wouldn’t be in the same room and you prayed he wouldn’t hurt her after killing you.
“You have ten minutes” you acknowledged him and sat at the opposite side of the couch.
“Thank you”
Ethan found the need to say that before beginning anything. You made a small nod and he began talking.
“First of all, I want you to know that I never wanted to do all that-" but you interrupted him.
“But you still did it Ethan! You lied and-" this time he interrupted you
“Please let me speak” he said as he sighed. “I did all this so my dad could actually find me interesting. Ever since I was a child it was always Richie, the perfect son. The one who got all of my dad’s attention after my mother died. If it wasn’t him that was being praised, it was Quinn. She’s the first daughter and the oldest twin. Quinn has always been a daddy’s-little-girl and she became the favourite child after our brother’s death.”
He explain. Ethan took a deep breath before continuing.
“But what about Ethan Bailey? I was only the youngest, the baby of the family that nobody acknowledged. After Richie died, Wayne started treat me like Richie and I enjoyed the sudden attention…until he asked me to be a Ghostface. I hesitated a long time, but accepted because I thought that if maybe I did like Richie he would love me more”
You were speechless as he spilled all this at you.
“But you came along and we began our benefits relationship- and oh you don’t know how much I hated myself at this time-" but you interrupted him again
“This doesn’t explain how you survived and found me”
He almost chuckled at your eager of answers, but this wasn’t something to laugh at.
“The tv only hit my head, but it didn’t damage anything, it only made me black out for a few” he explained “Fortunately, I woke up the same moment cops showed up and I successfully slipped through their fingers”
He hesitated before continued his story. “Now you’re gonna find me weird” he sigh
“I already find you weird, just say what you were about to” you say
“I found where you lived because I looked for you and the core 4” he spited out
“You stalked us” You say more as a statement than a question.
“No I looked for you, I didn’t stalk you…and if I didn’t I would’ve never found out that we have a daughter”
Ethan chose not to say that he followed you almost everyday to know that got where you needed to be safely.
A silent went in between both of you. You couldn’t believe what you were doing. Ghostface was right in front of you and you were having a cordial conversation with him. What would the others think?
“Can I ask you a question?” you breath out.
Ever since he got here, the question has been burning your tongue. He nodded and you asked it in a small voice “Did you agree to level up our friendship only to take advantage of me?”
He frowned at your sentence. He never imagined once that you would feel like that
“Y/N of course not. I’m not some kind of monster…”
“But I still don’t know if I can trust you Ethan…after everything”
Ethan pursed his lips together and looked at the ground. “Please, I will do whatever it takes”
“I don’t know…” you whispered and stood up as you sigh and he stand up too.
He made small steps toward you and when you didn’t pushed him away, he took your much smaller hands in his with a pleading look. “Please Y/N, you’re the only one I knew wouldn’t kill me if I shewed up”
“How do you know I won’t kill you” you say, attempting to scare him but it didn’t work one bit. You knew damn well you weren’t going to kill him.
“Please, I promise to never do anything stupid again” he pleads as he looked into your eyes.
His gaze was full of sorrow and regret while yours were uncertain. Ethan noticed how tense you were and did the first thing that came to his mind.
His knees soon touched the ground and he began the beg even more. “Please Y/N, I cannot live knowing you hate me. I accept the core 4, but please not you. You’re my best friend and I love you so much”
His voice was cracking as he spoke and his hands that were still holding you began to shake. “I even started therapy and I could get a psychologist too if that would make you happy and feel safe around me”
Tears blurs your sights as you listened to his promises. Maybe you should give him a chance after all…
“I’m so sorry for everything” his sentence full of his teary voice as he cried. “I won’t ever do something bad again. I’ll make you happy everyday Y/N and if you allowed me too I would make our daughter happy”
Your appartement was filled with his pleading and his cry and after all, the wolf was revealed to be as soft as a lamb.
I hope you liked what I wrote for your request and happy birthday @scqr6m ! This was really long to write and I tried posting it yesterday for your birthday but because of school I couldn’t 😭And also you can choose the daughter’s name since I did this for your birthday.
This is unfortunately a one time thing, because I don’t want people to lie about their birthdays so I write them something. I did this for her because it was my first serious request so yeah
I hope you guys liked it and English isn’t my first language but I tried my best to make it make sense.
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amorediaz-writes · 1 year
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│ FORMAT・゚⎯ 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌
│ SUMMARY・゚⎯ 𝖠𝗓𝖺𝗋𝗂𝖺 𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗈𝗐𝗇, 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗂𝖽𝗇’𝗍 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗌𝗁𝖾’𝖽 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗄 𝗍𝗈 answer Cesar’s invite.
│ WORD COUNT・゚⎯ 𝟤,𝟫𝟢𝟣
│ WARNINGS・゚⎯ 𝖺𝖽𝗎𝗅𝗍 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾.
│ NOTES・゚ ⎯ 𝖧𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒.
⟼ O𝗌𝖼𝖺𝗋 𝖣𝗂𝖺𝗓 Masterlist || Series Masterlist
⟼ 𝖭𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋
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𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖨❤️‍🔥: 𝖶𝖾𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖡𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖳𝗈 𝖥𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗀𝖾
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   AZARIA SMILED AS she drove through the county of Los Angeles to her new house. After saving all her money, she finally bought herself a cozy three-bedroom place. Also, Azaria didn't know what to expect when her friends saw her again. One thing she did know was that she couldn't be any happier to be home. As Azaria drove past the bridge of shrines dedicated to those that lost their lives, she knew she had made it to Freeridge.
  Driving down the street, Azaria couldn't help but reminisce on her memories before she left. All the block parties she attended, the fights she had on the road to enjoying the sun while walking on the sidewalk. There was one person she would always kick it with, and that was Oscar Diaz. The two were inseparable. After meeting in high school, you would never no see them together.
  Oscar and Azaria spent all day together the day before she left Freeridge and made love all night. She took a piece of Oscar's heart with her when she left. Azaria missed him every day and vice versa. One thing Azaria hoped to happen now that she was back was to rekindle the flame between her and Oscar. That's what she planned.
  In no time, Azaria pulled up to her new house and parked in front. As she stepped out, the sun beamed down on her while staring at her greatest accomplishment. Noticing the moving truck pulling up, Azaria locked her car and greeted the movers. After exchanging greetings, Azaria unlocked the front door, and the helpers moved the furniture inside the once-empty home.
  Rolling her suitcase inside her new home, Azaria thanked the helpers and locked the door behind them. She stood in the living room, not knowing what to do first. Azaria wanted to call her best friend Imani. When she grabbed her phone, the doorbell rang. A confused look appeared on Azaria's face as she went to answer it.
  She saw the top of the person's head through the peephole. As she opened the door, she peeked around the door seeing none other than Jamal, Ruby, Caesar, and Monse. Jamal and  Ruby seemed to be bickering back and forth. Azaria opened the door all the way and stood there watching them.
"I know it's Zari, and you can't tell me otherwise," Jamal remarked, stomping his feet like a child.
"What if it's not her? We knocked on a random person's door, Jamal!" Ruby affirmed, shaking his head.
"Are you guys done arguing yet?" The woman questioned, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed.
  The teens looked up, gasping as they met Azaria's eyes. "See, I fucking told you it was her." Jamal was excited to see Azaria again as he jumped up and down, clapping his hands. All she could do was shake her head.
  Jamal's energy made Azaria miss him the most. That kid always brightened her day whenever they came across each other.
"What can I do for you guys?" Azaria asked, crossing her arms over her chest and cocking her hip.
"First and foremost, welcome back to Freeridge Zari," Ruby said, shoving Jamal to the side. "I see time away has made you more beautiful."
"Thank you, Ruby." The woman praised as a smirk came across her face.
"Second, I missed you," Jamal commented, walking up to Azaria to hug her. "Why did you leave me."
  Ruby scoffed and shoved Jamal again, pushing him away from Azaria. As he went to wrap his arms around her, he sneakily ran his hands down to her ass, resting them there. Azaria couldn't help but smile at the young boy's antics, but she had to tell for the hundredth time.
"Ruby, sweetheart. I love you like you're my little brother, but if you don't move your hands, I'll break them in so many different places that you won't be able to masturbate again." Azaria warned, staring at Ruby, who slowly retracted his arms. "Thank you. So what are you kids up to?"
"We were going to the pool to go swimming when we saw you were moving in. Do you want to come?" Monse questioned, stepping in front of the two boys who started bickering back and forth.
"Sure, I'll see you guys there in an hour," Azaria replied, nodding her head.
"Good, we'll see you there." The young girl beamed, clapping her hands.
  Azaria waved at the teens before closing the front door. She goes over to her purse, grabs her phone, and calls her closest best friend, Imani. These two had an unbreakable friendship and would ride for each other ten toes down. After a few rings, Imani answers the call.
My Other Half🌞🤍 - Didn't we get off the phone?
No, we didn't, but if you want me to find another best friend, I can do that.
My Other Half🌞🤍 - Don't get disrespectful. What's up?
Do you and Honey Buns want to meet me at the community pool?
My Other Half🌞🤍 - Yea, we'll meet you there.
Okay, see you, babe.
My Other Half🌞🤍 - Goodbye, my love.
Azaria plugged her phone and headed to the bathroom for a quick rinse. After she stepped out of the glass enclosure, she wrapped a towel around herself. Searching through her clothes, she didn’t know what to wear. Finally, Azaria decided on an orange and yellow tie-dye three-piece bikini with shorts. She grabbed her phone and car keys before heading out as her feet slid in some slides.
   As she drove down the road, Azaria couldn’t wait to see her best friends, especially Samara, aka Honey Buns. Since she’s been away, Samara called Azaria every day. They'd talk on the phone from sun up to sun down. Azaria was thankful for Samara calling her and checking on her. She appreciated her friendship so much.
   Arriving at the public pool, Azaria noticed Imani’s car and parked beside her. The friends stepped out of the vehicle simultaneously and screamed upon seeing each other.
“Bitch! Look at you!” Samara beamed, spreading her arms wide.
   Azaria smiled and ran into her best friend's arms, smiling at her. “Oh, I miss you so much, Honey Buns.”
“Girl, I missed you too,” Samara replied, not wanting to let go of Azaria. She wanted her friend to stay in her arms forever.
“Um, excuse me. What about me?” Imani dramatically coughed, standing with her arms open.
“You know I missed you, boo.” Azaria smiled, wrapping her arms around her other friend.
“I see you’ve gotten thicker.” Imani teased, smacking Azaria on the ass.
“Hell yeah, you did. I love it.” Samara said, nodding her head in approval.
“Well, I’ve been hitting the gym while I was away.” Azaria smiled, twirling around in a circle.
“Mhm. Either that or getting some dick.” Imani remarked, smirking at her friend.
   The pair stared at their friend, waiting for her to reveal the truth they wanted to hear. Azaria rolled her eyes, making the girls laugh.
“Okay, a little bit of that too. I’m not going to lie.” She laughed, shrugging her shoulders.
“I know that’s right.” Imani cheered, giving Azaria a high five.
“Well, come on. I want to get in some water. It’s hot as the devil's dick out here.” Samara replied, fanning herself with her hand.
   The three friends placed their sunglasses on their faces and started walking through the gates, looking like some bad bitches.
   Oscar leaned against the side of the pool, lost in his thoughts. Lately, he couldn’t keep his mind off his true love, Azaria Summers. He missed the hell out of her and wished he could see her beautiful melanin face again. Little did Oscar know his wish was going to come true. As he glanced towards the entrance gate, he suddenly felt like he had a deja vu.
   He couldn’t believe the view before him; he knew he didn’t have 20/20 vision but swore his imagination was playing tricks on him. Since Azaria arrived with her friends, Oscar couldn’t tear his gaze away from her beautiful body. Something was different about Azaria. She appeared thicker than the last time he saw her five years ago.
   The thought of Azaria occupied Oscar’s mind, thinking of all the times they’d shared that he didn’t hear his current armpiece calling for him until he felt a smack on the back of his bald head.
“¡Pinche perra! No pongas tus putas manos sobre mí.” Oscar cursed, turning to face his arm candy, Danica. ( “Fucking bitch! Don’t put your fucking hands on me.” )
   Oscar met her last year at the strip club, where he had to handle some business, and she approached him. He thought Danica was looking good, and he needed a release. At first, it was supposed to be a one-night stand, but he couldn’t cut her loose for some reason. Danica would only be a hit and quit, but Oscar always felt lonely, but she could never fill that hole in his heart that belonged to Azaria.
“I’m sorry, bebé, but I’ve been calling you, and it’s like you’re stuck on something.” Danica apologized, rubbing the side of his stubble.
   More like someone, and that someone is a person he held close to his heart, unlike the chica he’s with now.
“What is it?” Oscar asked, blocking his face from the bright sun.
“I asked if you wanted to do something special tonight.” She replied, fixing her sunglasses on her face.
“Special like what?” Oscar questioned, arching an eyebrow in confusion.
“I don’t know, maybe you, me, a bottle of Don Julio, and a bathtub,” Danica smirked, biting her glossed bottom lip.
   If Oscar was honest, he didn’t want to spend any more time with Danica now that he knew the love of his life was back in town. The look on her face held a hopeful expression.
“Nah, I have the gang coming over,” Oscar remarked, shaking his head.
“But they always come over, and I never have you to myself,” Danica whined, making Oscar cringe. 
   The sound of her voice was like nails scraping on a chalkboard, and it honestly irritated him. “You know what you signed up for when you got with me.”
   He watched her from the corner of his eye as she rolled her eyes and huffed like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Oscar knew that now his chica was back in town, he had to do whatever it took to get her back. With his back against the pool wall, Oscar gazed up at the sun after fixing his sunglasses and smiled. Now that his one true love was back in town, he couldn’t wait till he felt her soft skin. Things would finally go back to the way they were before she left.
   Oscar sat in the cool water and watched Azaria from across the pool like a creep. He felt like a weirdo for doing so, but he didn’t care. Danica started getting on his nerves, complaining about the sun being too hot, making him roll his eyes.
   You should’ve stayed fucking home.
   With a huff, Oscar turned to say something to his arm candy but stopped when he saw his little brother Cesar walking toward him. Oscar was glad his hermano came in time. At that time, Danica got up and walked to the bathroom, letting Oscar sigh in relief.
“Wassup, little bro?” Oscar questioned, looking at Cesar.
“I see you are staring at Zaria,” Cesar smirked, pushing his shoulder against his brother’s.
“When did she get back?” He asked, smiling at his younger sibling.
“Today. The crew and I were walking to the house and saw a moving truck. Come to find out, it was Azaria moving into Freeridge.” Cesar explained, dipping his feet into the water.
“How far does she live?” Oscar asked, nibbling the inside of his cheek.
“About a block away,” Cesar answered, swinging his feet.
“Invite her over.” The eldest brother said as a smirk appeared on his face.
“Why?” The youngest sibling asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
“Do it,” Oscar replied, climbing out of the pool.
   When he gathered his things, Danica followed like a lost puppy behind him as they exited the gate to the parking lot. Cesar grinned and approached where Monse, Jamal, and Ruby sat near Azaria and her friends.
“Hey, are you guys doing anything tonight?” Cesar asked the three women, who raised their brows at him.
“What’s it to you?” Imani questioned, pulling down her sunglasses.
“You guys should come over. Today’s one of the homie’s birthday.” Cesar smoothly claimed, trying to be persuasive.
“What? You want us to come over?” Azaria smiled, laughing at Cesar’s antics.
“I don’t see why not, seeing as Imani and Samara are always there.” Cesar shrugged as a grin appeared on his face.
“I guess we can come over,” Samara replied, rolling her eyes.
“See you guys later.” Cesar waved at the girls as he and his group exited the pool area.
“What the fuck just happened?” Samara asked, utterly confused.
“I think we got asked out by a fourteen-year-old,” Imani replied, shaking her head as she laughed.
“Well, it looks like we have plans tonight.” Azaria laughed, checking her phone notifications.
“Bitch I know you fuckin’ lyin’.” Samara cursed, rolling her eyes.
“I wish I was.” Imani sighed, shaking her head.
   Azaria laughed at her friends as Samara had a look of disbelief written on her face.
   Walking to her car, Azaria smiled as she hugged Samara and Imani. “We can meet up at my house.”
“Hell, we’ll follow you there,” Samara replied, waving her hand.
“That’s fine with me.” Azaria shrugged, tossing her bag in the passenger seat.
   She climbed into her car and shut the door as she stuck her keys in the ignition. Arriving at home, Azaria unlocked the front door and entered the dwelling.
“Ooo, girl, I love your new place.” Samara beamed excitedly, looking around the living room.
“Yea. It feels empty, but yet it's not.” Imani replied, nodding in agreement.
   Azaria turned to her friends, arching an eyebrow at them with an amused expression, and said, “Ya’ll can get the hell out with all that negativity.” She pointed to the front door as she leaned against the plush couch.
“Miss me with that bullshit. We are just playing with you.” Imani replied, smacking her lips and waving her best friend off.
“Anyway, the guest rooms are that way. I’m going to take a shower.” Azaria explained, pointing to the opposite end of the hallway.
“See you in a minute.” Samra nodded, walking into the guest bathroom to run a shower.
   Azaria entered her bathroom, turned on the shower, entered her closet, and searched the hanger for an outfit. She knew it would be warm outside, even with the sundown, since it was the middle of summer, so she knew her clothing had to have fewer sleeves. Once the water reached the perfect temperature, Azaria removed her swimsuit and stepped inside the glass enclosure. The water felt good running down Azaria’s body as she washed the chlorine and pool water off herself. After washing off, Azaria shut off the water, wrapped a towel around herself, and walked to her room.
   When Azaria dried off, she moisturized her skin and dressed in Shein's sexy ripped raw hem denim shorts, Shein’s orange icon letter graphic knot front crop top, and Nike SP Syracuse dunk low sneakers. For her hair, she brushed it into a slicked-back bun with her black Burgundybay acrylic frame glasses and orange Telfar small bag. Looking in the mirror, Azaria applied clear glitter lipgloss on her lips and took a few pictures. Before she left her room, she sprayed her body mist from Bath & Body Works and closed the door behind her. Azaria waited in the living for her two friends since they loved spending their sweet time preparing for any social gathering.
   Huffing through her nose, Azaria threw her head back, annoyed. “Ya’ll come on! We’re just going to see your boyfriends!”
“Girl shut up, we’re coming!” Imani yelled from inside the guest room.
“It takes time to look this good,” Samra remarked, poking her head out the door.
   Upon seeing Azaria’s outfit, she gasped, saying, “Oh girl, you look good. Who’re you looking cute for?”
“Would you finish getting dressed and come one, please,” Azaria replied, rolling her eyes.
“What’re you rushing for? You wanna see Spooky that bad, huh?” Samara joked, playfully teasing her friend.
“Girl, I’m not looking cute for him or anybody else.” Azaria lied, rolling her eyes. She didn’t know what to think, knowing she would see Spooky after all these years.
“Man, miss me with that bullshit,” Samara replied, smacking her lips, retrieving back inside the room.
   Don’t get her wrong, Azaria was happy yet nervous to see him again. She wondered if he was in a relationship and how he’d react when he saw her again. Did he think about her as much as she did him? Azaria didn’t know.
   Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Samara and Imani walked into the living room, dressed.
“I love your outfit. Where’d you get it?” Imani questioned, checking her best friend out.
“Shein and Nike.” Azaria smiled, posing for her.
“So fucking cute.” Imani complimented, nodding in approval.
   The three friends took pictures of each other for Instagram before exiting Azaria’s house and heading toward the party.
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slashmagpie · 10 months
“Okay, but seriously,” Grian says, long after the session’s over, when the long night falls and the three of them are camping out in Bdubs’ bedroom because it’s the only bedroom they’ve got. (Other than the shrine, of course, but that’s outside, with the dark and the mobs, and it’d been trapped earlier, so. Probably best not to sleep there, really.) “What is it with you two and Bdubs?”
Cleo and Etho glance at each other. “What do you mean?” Etho asks, trying for light-heartedness and not quite sticking the landing. It’s not his fault his heart is doing something weird in his chest. 
“You know, the whole, complimenting Bdubs thing?”
“I thought it was Etho’s task.”
“I was pretending it was my task so the yellows wouldn’t call me out.”
“Huh. Smart.”
“Thank you, Cleo! See, I can be smart sometimes.”
“Sure. Sometimes.”
“No, but—” Grian breaks off, seeming to struggle with his words. “You built him a bedroom. You didn’t build me a bedroom. You didn’t even build you guys a bedroom! I guess I’m just—I’m a little confused—”
“Well, that’s just Bdubs,” Cleo says with a wave of her hand. 
“But what does that mean,” says Grian, distressed.
“It’s just—it’s—you know! It’s Bdubs!” Cleo also sounds kind of distressed, now. “He’s—you know—he’s got that weird thing with Etho.”
“Hey, don’t put this on me!” Etho cries, and now he’s distressed, too. That’s the problem with the three of them, he thinks: they’re all easily distressed. And that’s a bad thing to be, in a game like this. “You guys have a weird thing too!”
“We do not!”
“You do! He doesn’t call me Mom, you know.”
“That was—that was last season. It’s a different universe. It’s fine.”
“Uh-huh. And Third Life…?”
“You—! Well, what about Last Life, huh? What about that, Etho?”
“Hey now, that’s unfair!”
“Mhm! Maybe you’re being unfair, right now! Maybe I should get to be unfair back!”
“I have no idea what’s going on,” Grian says. 
The two of them go silent. They’re not looking at each other anymore. Suddenly, Etho is grateful for his mask. He has such a terrible poker face, is the thing. If he didn’t have the mask—
“Bdubs is like a baby duck,” Cleo says.
Etho frowns. “Excuse me?”
“He’s like a baby duck,” Cleo repeats, “and he just latches onto you and starts following you around.”
“Imprints,” Etho offers.
“Yes. That. And then it’s like… well what am I gonna do? Leave the baby duck alone? To die in the cold? I may be cruel, but I’m not that cruel.”
She nods, like this explanation makes sense. It makes plenty of sense to Etho. He nods in agreement.
“He’s a grown man,” Grian says, despair in his voice.
“You just don’t get it, Grian,” Etho says. 
“No, I don’t!” Grian agrees. “At this point, I’m not even sure I want to get it! I don’t have to go along with the bit anymore. I don’t have to be part of—whatever this is.”
“You don’t want to be part of our alliance anymore, Grian?” Cleo asks, something sharp in her voice. 
“No, no, I didn’t say that!” Grian holds his hands up in surrender. “I want to be part of the alliance! I just—don’t want to be part of whatever’s going on with Bdubs.”
“Oh, well that’s fine,” Cleo says, relaxing back against the wall. “You don’t have to be.”
“Right,” Grian says, sounding doubtful, unsure. “And what Etho said, about the, uh…” He mumbles the word foursome so quietly it’s almost inaudible. Etho’s got good ears, though.
So does Cleo, apparently, who promptly kicks Etho in the ribs.
“That’s not a thing,” Cleo says. “Very much not a thing. Ignore Etho, he’s—he—he sucks.”
“Mean to me,” Etho says, but he’s grinning beneath the mask.
“No, no, we’re besties. I’d never be mean to you.” 
“Except for when you are.”
“Except for when I am, sure. But you deserve that.”
“I don’t understand you two,” Grian says with a slow shake of his head. “I don’t understand you guys at all.”
“Aww, Grian, you’ll get used to it,” Etho says.
“I don’t understand you either, so we’re even,” says Cleo, and Grian barks out a laugh.
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makayla-is-writing · 9 months
Male Forest Fae x Female Reader (Pt.3)
Find all parts here
You hadn’t thought you’d be back so soon. After all, you had only promised to visit in order to please Nori, without any intentions of fulfilling your promise. However, as soon as you had left the forest, this urge to return bloomed within yourself. Days passed with little sleep. Every time you closed your eyes, Nori’s smile passed through your mind. 
Now here you were, a basket of strawberries in your hand as you stood outside of Nori’s tree. You weren’t exactly sure on how to make your presence known. You tried anything that came to your mind. Knocking on his tree, circling the roots, even clearing off some more weeds covering his shrine. At some point, you gave up and sat down against the oak tree. Days of no sleep finally began catching up with you, and before you knew it you had fallen asleep. 
Waking up to kisses peppered against your face was one hell of a way to become conscious. You slowly come to as Nori continues his ministrations, giggling as he notices your movement. You squint your eyes as they open, realizing you now laid within his blankets, bundled up in a particularly fuzzy one. 
“Hello there, sleepyhead. Hungry?” Before you have a chance to respond, Nori gently lifts a strawberry to your lips, pushing the small fruit into your mouth. You wrap your lips around the berry, squeaking as Nori pushes lightly against your tongue with the pads of his fingers. “You’re too cute,” Nori claims as he removes his hand. 
As your mind begins to find clarity, you question him. “What time is it?” You felt well-rested, meaning you had to have gotten some healthy amount of rest. Nori avoids the question, walking away and towards a small alcove in his underground bedroom. 
Disappearing around the corner, he calls out, “I have a gift for you, princess!” You blush, not expecting a present. When he comes back around, Nori is holding an elegantly laced dress, something you hadn’t owned anything close to. He presses it close to your chest, letting his hands linger as he bends down towards your ear. 
“Be a dear and try it on for me?” Again, not a question but more so a command he has given. You hesitantly take the dress from Nori, quietly thanking him with crimson cheeks. Waiting for Nori to leave the room, you grow frustrated as he just tilts his head in amusement. How were you supposed to ask him to give you some privacy to change in his own home? 
“I’m sorry, but could you..?” You couldn’t finish your sentence as you felt your face become flush. Nori gives a noncommittal hum, before a light goes off in his eyes. 
“I know exactly what you're asking for!” You sigh in relief, before squealing as Nori begins lifting your shirt above your arms. You step back, falling onto his bed, consequently dragging him with you. Nori lands on you with an ‘umph’, hands on either side of your head. 
“That’s not exactly what I meant, Nori.” You hide your face behind your hands, dress scrunched up in your grasp. Nori readjusts himself before removing your arms from your face, gazing upon your reddened face. He gives a cheshire smile before meeting your eyes, which promptly look away in reaction. Gripping your jaw softly, Nori pulls your focus back onto himself. 
“Why’d you react like that, you silly sunflower? I was only helping you change.” He laughs, burying his face in your hair to hide his smile. 
“It’s a human thing, Nori. It’s weird to undress in front of… company.” You avert your gaze before bringing it back after a gentle squeeze from Nori. “...is awkward,” you finish, hoping he understood. The fae grins, and with a playful tug at your hair, he leaves you to change alone.
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magnolix · 2 years
Demon Slayer Thanksgiving Headcanons
Happy Turkey everybody! In the good spirit of sharing thanks and eating delicious food, here are some fun Demon Slayer Headcanons with everybody from the Hashira to the Kamaboko squad!
tw: gn!reader, gn!y/n, fluff, bit of smut, thanksgiving shenanigans, alcohol, cursing, Tomioka is VERY horny, children
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| Tengen:
Tengen, being the sugar daddy that he is, uses thanksgiving like an early Christmas
this man LOVES spoiling his partners rotten and giving them all sorts of surprises
and even better, he doesn't ask for anything in return
as long as his partners are happy, so is he
when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, however, he does not mess around
this man makes everything, has recipes as long as his arms, and buys only the best of ingredients
in a modern!au, he'd probably rent out a whole restaurant and invite all of his friends to come
after the feast, tengen likes taking naps or going to the onsen with his partners
sometimes, he even brings alcohol and they host a sort of "after party" once they're done eating
his favorite thanksgiving meal is the turkey and he usually gives thanks to either his partners for the banger sex or to Ubuyashiki for being such an awesome master
| Rengoku:
Rengoku is usually the cook during thanksgiving
much like Tengen, he LOVES food and usually starts cooking a few days in advanced
when it comes to how he celebrates, he and you usually get up and visit some shrines to pray
sometimes he invites his little brother and even Gyomei to tag along with everyone
at your private residence, Rengoku sets up and decorates a shrine of his mother
he even makes her a plate of food so she doesn't feel left out
every thanksgiving, he buys all of his family members (even Shinjuro) a new coat for the approaching winter
surprisingly, Thanksgiving is the only time Shinjuro willingly comes over willingly
it makes Senjuro so happy
if you and Rengoku have any kids, they usually cower behind you or your husband while Shinjuro struggles to greet them
his favorite Thanksgiving meal is sweet potatoes (of course) and he usually gives thanks to his family, his mother, the food, and demon corps, and his mother's spirit who motivates him to continue living
| Sanemi + Genya:
Thanksgiving for the Shinazugawabrothers is like an unspoken agreement
every holiday, no matter how much verbal abuse the other has received, the two come together and make the best food you two have ever had
and no matter how much sleep you got the night before, you bet your ass you are getting up at some absurd hour in the morning to help these two cook
Sanemi usually works with the main courses, Genya works with appetizers, and you are in charge of desserts
if you have kids, the little ones are all helping to set up the table or helping you with preparing the meals
once done with all of the prep, Genya usually goes on a walk to clear his mind and get some fresh air while you and Sanemi have a "thanksgiving treat" in the bedroom
during the actual eating portion, you three all either have a mild conversation, play some board games, or just sit down and enjoy the silence
Sanemi's favorite Thanksgiving meal is either the turkey or the Ohagi that you made him in secret
Genya buys some fruit but if there's nothing good in season he eats corn
the two surprisingly don't give thanks but they do all enjoy being with each other
| Shinobu & Butterfly Squad:
for Thanksgiving, it's usually just cleaning up the butterfly mansion
you and Shinobu enjoy being around each other so getting to work with her has always been your favorite
if you, Shinobu, the triplets, and Kanao all happen to be together during thanksgiving, you all make a simple dinner and relax after a long month
you and Shinobu sometimes go to visit the other Hashira and all bring them leftovers or stay for a while and catch up
Shinobu usually makes a small offering for Kanae's shrine and you always bring something as well
other than that, it's mostly just a rest day for all of you
her favorite Thanksgiving meal is pumpkin pie, and she usually gives thanks for good health and a great harvest
| Gyomei:
you and Gyomei have always eaten with the master's family during Thanksgiving
as much as you love eating alone with your partner, you always love seeing him open up and enjoy himself
the master loves it as well, you help his wife cook while Gyomei and Ubuyashiki catch up
if you two have any leftovers, you usually take those with you and give them to the poor
sometimes, if it's raining or too cold to travel, you and Gyomei stay inside and simply enjoy each other's company
his favorite Thanksgiving meal is either soup or the turkey
and for his thanks...
you two are gonna be there for a while
| Tomioka:
"how does he celebrate?" you ask? sex. lots and lots of sex
you two eat in the morning, clean up, and then it's straight to the bedroom for the real thanksgiving feast
he loves the meal, don't get me wrong, but he uses this break as a chance for you to really catch up
but if you're visiting somebody else or Tengen and Rengoku show up to bug him, poor man's gonna be pent up all day long
sometimes he doesn't mind
sometimes he actually does all the cooking for you, but other than that you two find other ways to celebrate
his favorite meal is actually salmon, you two don't like turkey much
as for his thanks, well, same as Tengen
| Mitsuri:
Mitsuri is notorious for hosting Thanksgiving at her residence
you and her make so much food it's like a fucking restaurant in there
she even has a cute little apron she wears just for special events
by the time everyone arrives, their stomachs are already rumbling
the decorations are also a pretty big deal
fancy lanterns, fancy cutlery, fancy tablecloths, fancy everything
you and Mitsuri sit on opposite ends
all the guests start by going around and giving thanks
and once done it's about 5 minutes of everybody waging war for the food they want
you guys had to ban weapons but Shinobu usually finds a loophole
Obanai sits next to Mitsuri while Tengen, Rengoku, and Sanemi sit next to you
once the main course is done, you and Mitsuri whip out the desserts and watch everyone else finally get a food coma
mitsuri usually hangs out with all of the girls and the kiddos while you and the boys bust your ass getting the dishes put up
Mitsuri's favorite Thanksgiving meal is anything she can get her hands on and usually gives thanks for the food and everybody being able to make it
| Obanai:
Obanai and you don't celebrate
he just doesn't like thanksgiving
usually you two just "celebrate" by taking a walk or training but other than that you two don't do much
if he did have a favorite meal, he'd probably just eat his favorite dish, Tororo-Konbu, as for thanks, it's be for the Demon Slayer Corps and his pet snake Kaburamaru
| Muichiro:
do y'all really think he'd remember it was Thanksgiving
he'd probably show up to the Christmas party and think it was for Halloween
but for real though, he loves visiting with people
the Hashira actually enjoy coming to see him and ask how he's doing
especially Shinobu and Gyomei
sometimes when Muchiro is just doing his own thing, the Master comes by and offers you all some leftovers
it's a whole thing
| Tanjirou & Nezuko:
these two love having you over
Tanjirou makes the day all about his guests, and Nezuko usually sits with you while you do her hair or have her help you cook
you always bring gifts to the siblings and they always light up
if the Hashira plan to invite the Kamados to their residence, they bribe you to see if you can skip it this year, but even if you take their bribe, you somehow always end up going along with Tanjirou and Nezuko to wherever they plan to celebrate
Tanjirou makes it his mission to have room left over to help you clean your house
you always tell him not to worry about it but at the end of the day he and Nezuko leave your house after thoroughly cleaning and beautifying it
Tanjirou's favorite Thanksgiving meal with Green Beans and he gives thanks for his strength, his friends, and his journey
as for Nezuko, her favorite meal with either the Cranberry salad or whatever you're having for desert, as for her thanks, it's a little hard to translate but if she's human then she gives thanks for just being with her brother
| Zenitsu:
he fucking hates it!
typically he goes out to eat with you but always either gets distracted or nitpicks at everything he thinks is going "wrong"
but when it's just the two of you, he's in heaven
if you two are together then he likes to invite Tanjirou and the rest of the squad over to brag but they end up just helping you cook or coming by to visit
the last time Zenitsu tried to cook you were in the butterfly estate for a month
he has lost his oven privileges
if you do eat a traditional thanksgiving meal then he tends to go for the pie or the turkey
as for what he's thankful for, having such an amazing and beautiful person like you with him for the holidays is all he could ask for
("das right baby, you're excellent and wonderful! am I, the author actually breaking the fourth wall and giving you affirmation? FUCK YEAH! cause guess what? what? you fucking deserve it you beautiful person!")
| Inoske:
"what the hell is a 'thanksgiving?"
at first he thought it was weird
he didn't understand what it fully was at first
but after mentioning the massive amount of food he was sold
instead of normal thanksgiving meals you all make comfort food
so much tempura-
so much miso soup-
so much f/f (favorite food)
sometimes he invites the squad over and they love seeing him having fun
one time Tomioka came and Inoske couldn't stop fangirling
also, Insoke eats everything
when news of this got out to the entirety of the demon slayer corps, suddenly Inoske would receive boxes upon boxes of food and leftovers from other slayers
one time, a bunch of juniors came to visit and brought him dozens of boxes of tempura
he would never admit it but loved it
much like Mitsuri, his favorite meal is everything, especially the tempura
and he always gives thanks for his strength, his friends, and his title of "King of the Mountain"
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I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I started writing this at 2pm (it's 5:30 rn) so it's safe to say this took a while T^T
I hope you all are doing absolutely wonderfully and I cannot wait for December. Please make sure to like, comment, and reblog if you like my work and I'll see you all in my next work,
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m-writes-at-4am · 1 year
maybe...if you write me a lil sladick drabble will i consider sharing my ideas.... :3
Mwah of course I’ll write for you.
Dick woke up cold, he whined when he saw the numbers on the clock said 4am. He curls closer to the heat he knows should be around.
His hands hit empty bed when he reaches out.
He cracks his eyes open to see no Slade in bed next to him. He sits up with the sheets pooling around his waist. With a quick scan to the room he can tell Slade’s phone is still sitting there.
“Slade?” Dick slides out of bed and across the floor as quiet as he can. He sees Slade bent over the small shrine Dick has under the living room window. He places a photo on the sill above the photos Dick has of his parents and Jason.
“I’m so sorry Grant. Happy birthday. We all wish you were here for it.”
Dick blinks, oh. He didn’t know Grant’s birthday was today.
“Baby? Want me here or back in bed?” Dick knows Slade heard him come in the room, he hears everything. Slade shakes his head, “no birdy. Let’s go sleep more. I’m sure you’re cold.”
When Slade makes it over to Dick he can only take his boyfriends hand, “I’m sorry.” Slade nods, he pulls Dick back to the bedroom, “it’s fine, we all made choices there.”
Dick nods. He’s pulled on top of Slade’s chest when they lay back down. “Love you.” Slade let’s out a shuddery breath, “love you too.”
Dick quietly thanks Grant for watching over Slade for so long, he knows they both wish Grant was alive but they never would’ve worked their shit out if he was. Dick closes his eyes and curls his arms as tight as he can around Slade, he loves this man. Wants to protect him. Even if Slade insists he doesn’t need it. Dick will watch out for him here while Grant watches everywhere else.
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ccghastly · 2 years
you got me curious! What are your headcanons for the citadels towers? or do you have any really niche hcs?
Mad Max Fury Road Headcanons
Hi Anon! Thank You SO MUCH for asking! It really does mean a lot to me. To answer this I'm gonna have to go on a bit of a rant, as I've thought about this too much and have put far too much detail into these particular headcanons. I'm also gonna be answering this back-to-front.
I hope that's okay.
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War Boys and Bedrooms
(I really didn't mean for that title to look so much like an innuendo, but I'm not mad about it)
We're starting with the Niche Stuff cause I think it's a bit more interesting and fun to read.
Most Warboys sleep in The Pit, the lowest level of the second tower.
In the early days, when there was less space, it was tradition for crews to carve and dig out the walls, making their own alcove to claim. This has largely fallen out of practice, as the turn over rate of the warboys leads to there almost always being empty alcoves to claim. Infighting over alcoves that are considered 'the best’ remains rampant. 
Warboys are also known to carve out personal nooks just about anywhere the wall depth allows, rules were quickly implemented about what walls can and cannot be carved into, to prevent the citadel from coming down around their ears. To circumvent uncarvable walls, Warboys will embed hooks into the walls or ceiling to securely suspend beds and platforms, building these nests absolutely everywhere. 
Imperator alcoves are called ‘grottos’. They’re among the highest levels of the second tower, have windows, multiple rooms, bedding, and direct access to aquacola.
The Coma-Doof Warrior was granted his own Den as a reward from Immortan for his singular talents, at his own request most of his rooms are open to the sky(for premium sunbathing), with many hammocks of varying sizes strung up in every room. His rooms have the same amenities as an Imperator's Grotto and are connected to a smaller lower floor that he arranged to be given to his Drummers and crew.
Warboys commonly bunk in alcoves with their crew, in nooks within the dorms that are unofficially separated by role, in a personal nook/nest, (rarely)in their imperator’s grotto, or in an alcove with their friends allies.
The general opinions of the warboys on the bunks goes, from least cushy chrome to most: Nest, Nook, Alcove(commonly just ‘Cove’), Grotto, Den, Trove(Immortan&sons rooms), Vault(the wives)
Now onto the more nitty-gritty stuff!
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The Citadel: Towers, Levels, and Floors
In my headcanon the towers of the Citadel are organized into Levels and Floors, typically with multiple floors making up each level. Every level and some floors are named, ostensibly for ease of reference, but mostly for my amusement. Each rank of person in the Citadel is separated into a different level within the towers. We'll go tower by tower.
The Levels of the First Tower of Citadel, listed highest to lowest(with named floors):
The Garden
The Crown(Vault, Trove(Immortan&Sons), Gallery/Balcony)
Immortan’s Court(Parlour(milkers), Aviary(high breeders))
The Levels of the Second Tower of Citadel, listed highest to lowest(with named floors):
The Greenery
The Doof Den(Coma-Doof's rooms, Drummers Alcove)
The Grottos(Prime's Grotto, Furiosa's Grotto, etc)
The Court(Nursery(cubs), Roost(damis), Abbey(low breeders))
The Kennels(pups)
The Shops(Wheel Shrine, Blood Bank, Organic-Mechanic/Bloodshed, Garage, TradeHaul)
The Lift(the floor that is the lift’s main stop, which is its own level)
The Pit(Wreck(recreation), Mess(cafeteria), Clay Pools, Dorms, Alcoves)
The Third Tower
Staffed by and home to lifted wretched and a few full-lifes to manage them, it contains:
The Kitchens,
The Mill & Mill-rats,
Tannery & Tanners,
GateKeepers rooms,
(are you meant to give 'etc' its own bulletpoint? I've no clue)
I hope all that makes sense. If anyone has any questions I'd be more than happy to answer them!
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