#shuriken x reader
milkcookiekin · 4 months
nicknames phighting characters would give their s/o
slingshot - sunshine, cupcake, sweetheart
“hey sunshine, you wanna help me bake?”
skateboard - babe, hon/honey, doll
“babe, watch this!” *tries doing a trick to impress you*
boombox - baby, sugar, cutie
“c’mere sugar! can I hug you?”
rocket - angel, muffin, honey bun
“you’re…really pretty, angel..”
sword - bunny, pumpkin, amor
“amor, c’mon, let’s get some rest..”
shuriken - teddy bear, dumpling, pudding
“let’s cuddle, teddy bear!”
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phighterss · 4 months
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CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR -> Sword, Skateboard, Biograft, Katana, Banhammer, Rocket, Slingshot, Hyperlaser, Shuriken, Scythe, Medkit, Boombox, Subspace, Vine Staff, The Broker
WHAT I CAN WRITE -> Fluff, Angst, Smut, Headcanons, Drabbles, Full-on stories
—> Link to Phighting Masterlist <—
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sojuzz · 4 months
Hi it's me again :)
I got rlly happy when I knew you also liked CS bcuz now I can make asks like the following:
Shuriken x Pathfinder! Reader
IM SO SORRY IF THIS TOOK SO LONG I WAS ON A VACATION FOR DAYS😭 also forgive me if im not that familiar with critical strike i just got here🤕🤕
Shuriken x Pathfinder reader! (Headcanons and a short oneshot)
-lets get things straight, he probably toys with your lantern and swings it all around whenever he gets the chance
-hes also very impressed with your skills! He loves yapping to his sister about it
-he'll also start begging you to let him watch you phight (haha get it)
-lets be real hes gonna get flashbanged by the light, practically a moth to a flame
-shuriken also loves impressing you with his (terrible) impressive throwing aim, infact he broke your lantern during one of his show-offs!
-you watched him get scolded by vinestaff after as she forced him to apologise to you with the saddest eyes ever
"hey wait up!" turning your head back to see a familiar ninja looking phighter running up to you, stopping your tracks to greet him "oh hi shuri!" "Hii!!" shuriken grabbing your shoulder for support, he must've chased you for a long time as he wheezed out "so...are you free right now?" "yeah, why?" he sighs out in relief "can i pleaaaase watch you train? I'll pay for you in slingshots cafe!" he gets on his knees and practically begs you with the saddest puppy eyes "okay okay fine! Just don't back out on what you said" "yahoo!"
He used vinestaffs wallet since hes broke
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phighting-x-you · 9 months
Hello! This is a Phighting x Reader blog! Since I've noticed a lack of Phighting x reader fanfiction, I've decided I'll write my own, whether it be requested or non-requested!
Characters I'll be writing for:
Well, I'll be writing for everybody, really. Including the Phighters, Zuka, Broker and the Flipside brothers (Dom and Valk). However I won't write for anyone else as I'm not sure how I'd write them. (I'll try figure out how to do so in the future, however, so not all is lost!)
Tropes I'll be writing for:
Kinda just anything, really (Fluff, Yandere stuff, Comfort, maybe suggestive stuff but not full NSFW). Though I won't write heavy angst or heavy gore, nor will I write heavy NSFW.
And that's all, really. Feel free to request anybody on the list. :3
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kuabiso · 5 months
— Welcome to my blog! I'm going to publish my work here. So don't be afraid to make requests, I will accept any request. And also this blog gave me the desire to do this.
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About Me
— My name is Kua/Kuabiso
— I love talking to people, so don't be afraid to text to me!!!!
— Fandoms I will write for its only phighting, but if I like that, maybe I'll add something to the list.
— You can also visit my telegram channel!!
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What i WILL write
• I think everything is standard, for example fluff, angst, yandere, platonic, romantic, comfort. Or your other suggestions, which I will be glad to!
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What I WILL NOT write
• Explicit NSFW, lemons, rape, abusive, pedophilia, incest and the like.
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— If I don't like your request, I won't write it. Sending a request in the form of spam = I will not write it.
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— I think that's all I wanted to tell you, I'm waiting for your requests! :3
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Guilt (18+)
Leonardo x reader x Raphael
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A/N: Spicy time!... Or, kinda... This is the first time I’m writing anything that is stepping anywhere close to the NSFW area. It is not a lot, but I hope it’s still enjoyable.
You are in a relationship with Raphael, but Leonardo is hiding some intense feelings for you. Mainly written with Leo’s thoughts in focus.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, implied smut, angst?
The lair echoed with the distant hum of machinery, a subtle reminder of the ever-present dangers that the four turtle brothers faced in their perpetual battles against the forces of evil. Yet, amidst the shadows, Leonardo fought a more personal and silent struggle - the tumultuous clash between his duty as a brother and the profound longing that stirred within him.
It began innocently enough, as friendships often do. The camaraderie shared within the close-knit family of mutants was undeniable, but for Leonardo, the connection transcended the boundaries of brotherhood. It was you - the one whose laughter echoed through the lair like a melody, whose presence brightened the darkest corners of their hidden world.
In the beginning, Leo dismissed these light feelings, attributing them to the intensity of you and his shared experiences. You were one of the few humans he and his brothers got to spend time with, so it wasn’t strange that thoughts like these would come up. After all, the bonds forged in the crucible of battle were bound to be strong, and so were those made in the comfort of one's own home.
But as time marched forward, Leonardo found himself captivated by the subtle nuances of your personality - the way your eyes sparkled with determination, the gentle touch of your hand on his arm, the infectious joy that radiated from you.
The realization hit him like a shuriken to the heart. Leonardo, the fearless and disciplined leader, was entangled in a web of emotions that threatened to disrupt the harmony he so fervently sought to maintain. The source of his internal conflict? Raphael - the fiery and impulsive brother who, unbeknownst to him, held your heart in a tender embrace. But as time continued, Leonardo was coming to that realization, and it hit him, hard.
Leonardo had felt it like a punch in his guts, the day he saw you and his brother on the couch. You guys were looking and talking. You giggled and bit your lip at something Raph had said, and as he put his arm around you, you leaned further into him, blushing ever so slightly. Leo had to go to his bedroom, and process through his lightheadedness, what he had just witnessed. But that wouldn’t be the last time he saw you and Raph like this.
You started coming to the lair more and more often, until it became almost everyday. But with each visit, you came less and less for Leonardo and his brothers, but Raphael. It came to a point where you would walk straight from the lair’s entrance, straight to Raph’s room. And then you started staying the night.
One morning Leonardo woke up to find you in the kitchen with Michelangelo and Donatello while cooking breakfast. Then came Raphael and hugged you from behind, before giving you a tender kiss on the lips. Leo almost forgot to breathe, while Mikey and Donnie started talking about how it was about time, and that they had been waiting for the two of you to become a thing for quite some time. Leo hoped that it would be the first and last time he would see you and Raphael in such a way, but he soon learned that it wasn’t the case. It happened more and more often, and no matter how hard Leo tried, he just couldn’t look away.
As Leonardo observed the tender moments shared between you and Raphael, he couldn't deny the undercurrent of envy that surged within him. The stolen glances, the whispered confidences, the shared laughter - each instance etched a deep groove in his soul. A conflict of interest blossomed within him, tearing at the fabric of his unwavering loyalty.
The guilt, however, was a constant companion. He questioned his motives, chastising himself for harboring such feelings for a brother's partner. Yet, he couldn't control the flood of emotions that surged each time he witnessed the intimacy that eluded him.
In the quiet hours of the night, when the lair was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, Leonardo grappled with his internal turmoil. The hum of the city outside seemed to fade, leaving only the rhythmic beat of his own conflicted heart. He sought solace in the shadows, where he could watch from a distance, unseen and unheard. But there was one night that would forever be stuck in his head.
Ever since you and Raphael had made your relationship official, Leonardo had had a hard time sleeping. Therefore one night, he decided to go make himself some tea, in hopes that that would calm him down. But as he sat down in the kitchen with his hot tea in hand, he heard something he never thought he would hear. He froze at the sound of your soft moans coming from his brother's bedroom. His heartbeat quickened and his hands shook. You were begging him to keep going, telling him how much you loved it. For a moment Leo forgot where he was and what he was doing, and imagined you underneath him, begging him and telling him how much you loved him. Then you said his name, but it wasn’t Leo’s name. It was Raphael’s. Leo froze, cold running down his back as you were telling Raph how close you were. Leo would never forget what he heard next, and how horrible it made him feel.
Beyond the door, inside of Raph’s room, he could hear Raph say all sorts of filthy things to you, and you were responding to each and every word with the most pleasurable moans.
Then Raph asked you; “who makes you feel this good?”
And you answered; “you Raphael! Only you!”
Leo left the kitchen without drinking any of his tea.
But despite the pain that accompanied these clandestine observations, Leonardo found a strange comfort in the role of the silent watcher. The dance of your fingers tracing patterns on Raphael's shell, the shared glances that spoke volumes without words, the marks Raph would leave on you whenever you stayed the night - the scenes played out before him like a tragic love story, with him cast as the silent spectator.
The ache within him intensified with each passing day, yet Leonardo remained committed to the principles instilled by Master Splinter. The code of honor dictated his actions, and he dared not jeopardize the delicate balance within the team. He questioned the selfishness of his desires, grappling with the notion that perhaps true love meant sacrificing one's own happiness for the greater good. But Leo couldn’t deny how bad he wished to be the man you would kiss in front of everyone, and how badly he wanted to be the one that made you come with those moans at night. How badly he wanted to make you feel good, screaming for him to keep going, while he gave all he had to you. But he wasn't that man...
In those moments when your lips met Raphael's, Leonardo felt a sharp pang in his chest - a poignant reminder of the line he dared not cross. And so, he chose the path of selflessness, burying his emotions beneath layers of stoicism and discipline.
His heart, however, was a turbulent sea of conflicting emotions. The love he harbored for you was a flame that flickered in the shadows, threatening to consume him. Yet, he held onto the hope that time might dull the edges of this unrequited longing, allowing him to find peace within the confines of his duty.
As the nights turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Leonardo's silent suffering became a testament to the resilience of a leader torn between love and loyalty. He yearned for a day when the ache in his heart would subside, when he could smile genuinely at the happiness shared between you and Raphael without the bitter taste of jealousy.
And so, in the depths of the lair, Leonardo continued to watch - a guardian of love's bittersweet dance, a silent witness to a story that unfolded beyond his grasp. The shadows held his secret, and he carried the weight of unspoken emotions, a master of self-restraint in the pursuit of a harmony that remained elusive.
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sharkksee · 8 months
The Bird and the Cat !!
―― Damian Wayne x Thief!Reader. 674 words. Part two here.
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Damian hates this with every ounce of his being, and he has every reason to hate it. It's not for nothing that he puts on Robin's cape and takes to the streets following his father like a tail dog, hoping to catch the attention of criminals and kick their butts. He does it because it is a duty that he chose and to which he was guided. That's why he made fun of the love relationship between Bruce and Selina, for Damian, it is a hypocritical issue, his father, the hero, dating a thief. How funny.
And now he feels like the hypocrite.
You had just robbed some important men, a suitcase full of money. Damian was doing his daily patrol, when he saw you—he didn't have to blink twice to know it was you―he had already been alert to your activity, knowing that you would appear; because he wants you to do it.
He attacked you as you jumped from building to building, you wouldn't have even noticed his presence until he gave you that strong kick that sent you off your path. He had decided the right moment to attack you as you jumped onto a roof.
The young Robin landed a few meters away from you, he looked at the suitcase that was next to you. He approached with slow steps, and kicked the suitcase away of your grip.
“You lost a life, cat.” Robin sentences, his voice almost a whisper. His hands clench into fists as he looks at you, brow furrowed, watching as you rub your neck from the pain of the fall he caused you.
“Shut up, little bird.” You growled, trying to grab the briefcase containing your robbery target. Damian stepped on the object, narrowing his eyes at you.
“If you have courage, take it,” Damian said, and pulled the R-shaped shuriken from his belt. “Just look how much I care, cat.” He joked calmly, face Stoic with a tone of defiance in his voice, trying to provoke your reaction and show his superiority of the moment. You're just a thief, not a fighter. Damian knows this because he has analyzed you—he is very interested in you.
His green eyes stared at you, a slight smile forming on his face. He liked when you get angry whenever he interrupts your heists, when he stops you from accomplishing your crimes, and you have to fight him. But that's when something never fits: he never gave you up to the police.
You tried to attack him with a punch―or a scratch rather―but you failed horribly. Robin saw your movements and stopped your blow with his hand, looking at you coldly.
Neither of them moved a muscle, frozen at the moment between duty and crime, feeling the pressure course through his veins. His hand moved slowly, holding your wrist.
Why couldn't I arrest you? It was the question Damian couldn't answer, and he wished no one would ask it. He was even doing his best to keep Father from knowing about his failures.
Then, to your surprise, he let go of you, letting his hands fall to his sides. He uttered no words, no sounds, no clicks. He didn't even attack you, as if he was absorbed in another world.
Then you understood, he was letting you escape. You didn't waste the opportunity, although you seemed confused by it.
“Damn cats…” Damian muttered, breathing deeply, his heart beating faster than ever. He watched as you grabbed the suitcase and run away quickly.
Damian felt a rush of adrenaline that filled his entire body. It had been a long time since he had experienced someone who made him feel like this, and now the person who did it turn out to be a thief.
He is experiencing the same thing as his father, a game of cat and mouse. He chases you, defeats you, and pushes you to your limits, as if all he was looking for was your reaction—your attention. The Robin is just like his father, but that irritates him, because he is confused and doesn't know how to react…
Maybe yes, maybe you stole his heart.
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detectivestucks · 3 months
Saturday Lunch
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader
Summery: As Sasuke's loving older sister, you would pick him up after Team 7 was finished training for the day. His sensei becomes infatuated with you and takes things too far when you invite him over for Saturday Lunch at the Uchiha compound.
Warnings: NSFW, NONCON, slight yandere, fingering, unprotected penetration.
Word Count: 5.5k
Anon Ask
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“Sasuke!” you waive as you walk up to the young group of ninja.
Sasuke grumbles your name in embarrassment as you approach him and his teammates.
“Remember to thank your sensei!”
“Thank you Kakashi-sensei.” he mumbles, barely audible
“Thank you captain!” you beam at Kakashi, while draping your arm around your little brother’s shoulder.
The man immediately flushes. A light rose dusts over Kakash’s cheeks as he returns your thanks for picking up his student.
“Are you coming to lunch tomorrow?”
You kindly direct your question at the tall silver haired man.
“I wouldn’t miss it.” He hums, his eyes practically closed from his smile hidden beneath the mask.
“Come on Sasuke, Mom and Itachi are waiting.”
“What about Dad?”
“He’s out tonight. He had responsibilities to take care of in the Hokage’s office.”
You and your little brother continue talking while you head towards the Uchiha compound. Kakashi watches as your hips sway with each pace. Your arm affectionately draped around your little brother as you walk him home. 
You always did that. Pick your brother up and walk him home. Ever since Itachi was no longer able to do it. You’d take his place so that Sasuke wouldn’t feel too forgotten. Kakashi knew in his soul that it was partly because it gave you an excuse to come see him. How could he forget your infectious sweet smile? The way your cheeks swell as your lips stretch to reveal your pearly whites. It made his heart stutter each and every single time. 
The problem is that it seemed your smile stole the attention of others too. Kakashi knew these men for what they are. Greedy selfish perverts, undeserving of your soft, gentle gaze. It fueled him with anger when he’d see them stare. 
You were more than a pretty face. Everything about you was perfection. He couldn’t stand to see how the scum would approach you and try to steal a moment alone. Tugging on your delicate hands to guide you away. When that unsure look spreads over your face Kakashi takes the opportunity to step in and give them a death glare for so much as thinking impure thoughts about you. 
You were grateful to him for always being so kind. Stepping in when normally your older brother Itachi would. You viewed him as a stand up guy and a great role model for your little brother.
However, Kakashi knew what those looks of appreciation really were and he lived for them. Feeling the high of your relieved eyes and happy gaze. Living for the days when your musical voice would thank him and invite him with the team to lunch at the compound. You were destined to be his wife. He would not allow anyone to get in his way. 
Always around by happenstance. Always ready to grab you by the waist and pretend to be your boyfriend. Always lurking over your shoulder to scare away pervs with his piercing gaze. Always casually toying with a kunai or shuriken whenever a man is nearby. 
He laid his claim over you clear as day. Well clear to everyone…except you.
It’s another Saturday at the Uchiha house. You and your mom hurriedly prepare as much food as possible before all the guests arrive. You grab the leaf to your table, doubling its length, and grab the extra seat cushions out of the nearby closet. All shoes are stacked neatly by the door and you hear the timid voice of a pink haired kunoichi over your shoulder. 
“Uhh, Y/N?”
“Hi Sakura!”
“I-is Sasuke here?”
“Yes, of course! He’s in the back with Itachi.”
A huge smile covers her face as she goes to follow your little brother like a lost puppy. You swear she’s so cute, obsessing over him. It makes you laugh how your brother pretends to hate it but you see how he allows her to touch him. One day he’s going to admit how much he likes her…one day.
You hear another knock at the door. You turn around and it’s their charming sensei.
“Hi Kakashi.” you softly sing in greeting
“Good Afternoon, Y/N.”
You completely miss how his voice lowers as your name rolls off his tongue. You give him a peck on the cheek to say your thanks for coming as he stoops over to take off his shoes. He offers his help in finishing preparations and setting the table as he always does. 
Next thing you know, you hear the boisterous sound of one golden haired boy running in through the front door, throwing his shoes behind him as he runs towards the back of the house looking for his friend and rival. 
Both you and Kakashi exchange looks as you giggle at Naruto and his antics. That’s when you hear a light rap at the door. You give Kakashi a look of confusion before walking over to the door. 
“Oh hey, Setsuna!”
“Hey! I found that one wandering around harassing the neighbors so I decided to walk ‘im over for ya.”
The man blushed and scanned up and down your body as he talked to you. Kakashi clenched his teeth feeling a vein pop out of his forehead. The man was looking at you with hunger. Couldn’t you see the disrespect he showed for your modesty? Undressing you with his eyes and imagining himself with a woman who didn’t belong to him. Kakashi was sure the man imagined he had more of a claim over you, being an Uchiha and all, but Kakashi had no intention of rolling over and letting anyone sniff around what was his. 
Kakashi walked up to you and laid his arm over your shoulder.
“Hey Kakashi.” Setsuna said somewhat nervously, eyes darting to how Kakashi was holding you. 
“I’m sorry, I didn't realize you had so much company over.”
You shrug and in the process casually slip Kakashi’s arm off your shoulder, walking towards the door. 
“Yeah, it’s Saturday lunch and we always invite Sasuke’s team.”
“Well I better let you get back to it.” He says flirtatiously but with eyes that continue to glance back up to Kakashi’s glaring face just over your shoulder. You reach out and rest your hand on his bicep.
“Well thank you for dropping off Naruto. We appreciate it.”
“Yeah” Kakashi grunts, “thanks.”
You move to close the door and turn around to a stoic Kakashi.
“You okay?”
He glares at the door for a bit before coming to his senses. He blinks a few times as his eyes focus on your face. 
“Hm? Oh, yes. I’m fine.” his throat was dry and his words unconvincing. You give him a questioning brow but soon the kids come into the dining area anxious to eat.
A chorus of “Thank you for the food!” is heard around the table before everyone dives in. You eat happily, eyes dancing over the kids and your family. 
Your father only stays for a few minutes however, before he pulls Itachi into a far corner of the house. The two of them seemingly are talking about private information regarding the future of the clan. Stuff that you, as their daughter, are not privy to. 
About halfway through the meal you excuse yourself to use the restroom. Without knowing it, Kakashi’s jealous gaze wandered over to you as you turned to leave and head down the hall.
After a few moments Kakashi excused himself as well, following after you, lost in his thoughts.
You had touched another man. Why? 
You shrugged off his arm. Why?
You didn’t seem grateful to him for coming to your aid. Why?
He needed answers from you and he needed them immediately. 
You come out of the bathroom and collide into Kakashi’s chest. “Oof, uh, oh hi Kashi” you smile sweetly, but your smile quickly falls as you look up at Kakashi's scowl. “A-are you okay?”
“Do you want him?”
“Do you want him?”
“Want who?”
“No?” Kakashi asks raising a brow
“No.” you say more sure of yourself
“Good” Kakashi purrs.
You give him a questioning and startled look.
Feeling relief and a wave of affection for you, Kakashi steps forward, closing the distance between you two. You turn so as to slip past him but he just uses the opportunity to press his arms into the wall by your face. You swallow as your eyes zero in on how Kakashi is caging you in. You start to feel nervous and when you look back up in Kakashi’s eyes you are met with a predatory gaze that makes you shrink. 
For the first time ever, you feel afraid of him.
“Kakashi, what are you doing?” You whisper, trying to give him an out and end this awkward moment.
“I’m claiming what’s mine.” he whispers in your ear, pulling back to flash you a masked smile.
“W-what’s yours?” you swallow again
“Oh come now” Kakashi breathes into your neck. “You can’t possibly tell me that all those smiles when you pick up your brother are just you being nice.”
His fingers graze your waist before grasping your wrist. You whimper under his light touch.
“You can’t tell me that you keep inviting me to your house because you’re not interested in me, sweetheart.”
You continue to shutter as his fingers lightly draw a line from your wrist up your arm, tracing all the way to your shoulder. 
“...and the way you call me captain.” Kakashi closes his eyes as he groans at the memory.
You’re barely able to breathe as his figure looms over you, having you cornered in the hall. Your eyes keep shifting towards the dining room where everyone is eating and talking. You believe your dad and brother will be back at any moment and catch the interaction.
“Tell me sweetie, which room is yours?” 
He purrs the words into your ear. Your eyes squeeze shut as your arm points to the second door on the right.
He spins you around, facing your room. Kakashi’s hand finds its place lightly wrapped around your throat while the hand that’s now snaked around your waist keeps you tight against his chest, walking with you towards your room. 
Once inside he slides your door closed and rips his mask off his face, discarding it on the floor. He presses gentle kisses on your neck while standing behind you. Continuing to push his lips against your shoulder over your clothes.
He breathes deeply, inhaling your scent as he tightens his grip, possessively hugging you. You belonged to no one else. Just him. You never invited those other men over, just him. You showed him how you viewed him as family by constantly bringing him to the compound. Even if you weren’t married yet, he knew that’s what you wanted. You made sure he spent as much time in this part of the village as possible so he'd feel at home when the time came.
He readjusts the hand on your throat, allowing his slender fingers to swipe up to your cheek and turn your face towards his. “Tears of joy my love?”
He held you too tight for you to shake your head ‘no.’ You were so scared of what he would do to you. You weren’t strong like your brothers. You weren’t a fighter. You were simply a kind woman who loved her family and always tried to show love to others. 
“Let me make you feel so good baby. Let me do that for you.” he cooed into your ear. 
Kakashi was simply drunk on the idea of being alone with you for the first time. His fingers slowly undid the buttons on your sweater, pulling it off of your shoulders as his lips ghosted over your cheek.
“I love you baby and I know you love me too.”
Silent tears continue to stream down your face as he lifts your shirt over your head then turned you around to face him. His hands, so gentle but so violating. They slide up your sides and brush over to your chest. His hands cup the weight of your breasts, swiping his thumbs over the nipples, making them stiffen.
You watch as he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, clearly turned on by your figure. He chews on the soft skin as he moans at the way you feel, so delicate and fragile in his hold. Somebody to protect. Somebody to be gentle with. 
His hands travel down your navel to your pants. His digits undoing the top button and lowering your zipper. Fingers slipping under the waistband and pulling it down over your tender rear, allowing the fabric to pool at your feet. 
Kakashi kneels before you. His arms wrapping around your waist and hugging your naked frame. He presses his face against your stomach as one of your hands goes to push his shoulder and the other his face. When your hand lands in his hair, trying to peel him away from you, he simply lifts his face to your tear stained gaze, love etched into his eyes. He kissed you at the base of your pelvis, his mouth dangerously close to your sex. You shudder and try to push him off again. But he ignored your shove, his lips instead brushed against your skin and pressed a tender kiss on your hip. Then another at your belly. His lips working their way up your center towards your jaw.
As you accepted your fate you felt a strange feeling. The front of your mind had a shift and all of your senses heightened. Your body must have swayed because Kakashi pulled back. A wide smile stretched over his face. His thumb wiping away some of the tears.
“You’ve activated your sharingan. That’s incredible baby.” He kisses your cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”
His lips drop to your ear, kissing the shell, “I can’t wait to teach you how to use it.”
Your…your sharingan…You activated your sharingan…
The stress of the situation brought it out of you. You start to feel brave. You have the strength of your clan. You can be strong like your dad and brothers. You begin to struggle and try to push Kakashi off of you but to no avail. He merely chuckles at your futile attempts and walks you closer to your bed.
“Sweetheart, we can save role playing for later.”
Kakashi kneels down one more time, pulling you down with him so that you are kneeling, straddled over his lap. His hands sit firmly on your hips as he holds you down to rut his hips up against your bare sex. He closes his eyes  and softly groans. You see drool drip out of the corner of his mouth. 
You try to fight his grip and get up but he holds you in place. Curse your weak body. Curse your tiny muscles. You couldn’t move! You couldn’t escape. But you could feel his bulge push up into you. You could feel it through his pants. The dark fabric gets soiled from your fluids as Kakashi rubs himself against your naked folds. 
Your maroon eyes observe him in slow motion. You see every ragged breath he pulls, every silver lash as he blinks, you watch how his tendons twitch as he grips you. He closes his eyes while he leans in to recapture your lips. You are everything he’s been yearning for. His tight grip readjusts to hold around your waist and his other hand resting against the back of your head, pushing your face into his.
He leans forward so that he lowers you down, your back sinking into the mattress resting on the floor. Your hands push against his chest as he hovers above you. He only smirks, delighted by your adorable efforts. 
“No need to be shy, sweetheart.”
His kisses a trail over your cheek and jaw then over to your neck. His hand sliding down to your thigh, rubbing up and down, feeling how soft your skin is.
Your breath hitches as you hyperventilate, so terrified of how exposed you are under him. His palm slides up your core to your breast, fingers closing around it. A needy whine slips past Kakashi’s lips, feeling how the tissue gives way to the pressure as he squeezes. 
“I’ve been dreaming of you. Wondering how soft you would feel.” He expels all air from his lungs. “It’s even better than I could have imagined, sweetheart.”
Kakashi kneels above you, pulling his shirt off and lowering the waistband of his pants. He fishes inside his briefs and pulls out his member. You see the tip glistening with precum and watch as he smears it over with his thumb.
“This is for you baby.” he says in a deep voice. 
The sound so soft and gentle but brimming with delusion. He leans over you once more, lifting the same thumb to your lips, glossing your bottom one with his fluid. You watch as the visual of your lip sheen with his cum steals the man’s breath away. You begin to tremble under him, knowing what comes next. He rubs his length against your labia, manipulating how it touched you at the base of his shaft. 
Seeing that you weren’t wet enough he let go of himself and instead sunk one of his long fingers into your entrance. He immediately felt how warm it was, biting his own lip at your temperature. Your trembling only increases. He sinks a second digit into your warmth and begins to stroke. Small cries coming from you as he moved. 
You wished this was consensual. You wished it wasn't your first time. You wished this feeling was had under different circumstances. 
You clench around him hard. Your walls trying to keep him out. 
“It’s okay, love, I’ll prep you. I’ll stretch you out to make sure it doesn’t hurt.”
The tears continue to silently fall as your hand grips his bicep, nails digging into him, leaving bruises where each of your fingers rest on him. He didn’t mind the pain though. He felt it romantic. You were leaving your mark on him. Your bruising grip laying claim to his skin.
His fingers slide in and out of you. Though you remain tight, fluid starts to form. Slick is generated by the motions, lubricating the area for his rock hard length eagerly waiting for its turn. He spreads his fingers inside of you. With a scissoring motion he tries to loosen you up. Make room for his manhood, but you restrict around him just as much. He slips in a third digit causing you to throw your head back and moan. The noise slipping out of you and leaving Kakashi’s dick throbbing. 
The motions of his hands increase. They move faster, burying himself up to the third knuckle as he works your gummy walls trying to prepare you for his love. The ultimate show of affection. 
He genuinely wants to pleasure you. He flips his wrist and hooks his fingers upwards. You moan a second time, feeling how he hits a sensitive spot as his fingertips drag along your walls. You reach your hand to your chest, feeling yourself the exact same way Kakashi just felt you. Squeezing down on your own tit as you close your eyes, embarrassed and shocked that you’re capable of feeling pleasure in this moment.. Kakashi’s speed increases till he feels you flutter around his fingers. A warmth spreads over your lower half. He slows down, still stroking as a ring forms around his knuckles before he fully pulls out.
When he does, you open your eyes and look over at his beaming face. His pupils dilate impossibly wide as he looks at his hand, lifting the fingers to his face and smelling your essence on them. You watch him drag his tongue between the fingers, licking up your slick before sinking them into his mouth.
“Mmm, so sweet.”
You swear you see his eyes cross as they roll back into his head. When he's done lapping up your cream he brings his attention back to the task at hand. He has one hand on the mattress by your waist and another at his base, beginning to line himself up with your quivering hole. “Wait!”
You plead, hand grasping his wrist near your waist.
“It’s okay my love. I’ll make you feel good like I did just now.”
You feel shame and fear take over before his tip lightly touches your lips. The mushroom head sinks in slowly stretching you out and taking your virginity. Kakashi groans just a tad too loud at the feeling of your walls caging around him. He’s absolutely in heaven and when he looks down at you with his lovestruck eyes, he sees your mangekyou staring back at him. 
The act of forcibly taking your chastity fuels you with so much emotion that your sharingan immediately evolved. The affection on his face became immensely deeper. He genuinely was in love with you and overjoyed to see your eyes. His own brimming with so much love that he began to thrust into you. Both his hands now placed by your face, your hands shot up to his forearms to steady yourself. Biting at your bottom lip to stop yourself from screaming at the pleasurable pain. 
“It’s okay sweetheart. I’ll go slow.”
He kept true to his word. Pushing up inside of you with deliberate strokes, prodding at your squishy spot, forcibly pulling moans out of your timid mouth. He was gentle, treating you like you might break beneath him, respecting your lack of experience. At least in his mind. He gives you time to adjust to his size as he stuffs you with his girth. 
His hips slowly back in and out of you, guiding his manhood with each shift of his pelvis. Your eyes are scrunched with tears pricking at the corners, Kakashi kisses them where the tears fall. 
“It won’t hurt much longer.” he cooed with a peck to your cheek
He continues his slow rutting into your slit. You chew on your bottom lip, starting to feel the pain ebb away and a comforting friction take its place. Your entire core was still tight from tension but Kakashi, seeing your discomfort, softly kisses you. Working his peach skin gently against your trembling lips. His mouth lightly licks your cheek and skims over to your jaw before trailing feather light kisses over the expanse of your neck and chest. Dropping his weight to his forearms so that his hands could embrace you as his languid strokes eased in and out of your once chaste hole.
He hums happily into your chest, “I love you so much.”
“S-stop.” you cry
“What’s the matter, baby?”
“S-stop saying such t-things. Y-you don’t mean it.”
“But I do. You are going to make an amazing wife and our children will be extraordinary.”
You whimper beneath him as he continues. “You can keep your last name and proudly stay an Uchiha. I’ll move here to the compound with you. You won’t have to give up anything for me. I promise to provide for you, to love you, and to honor you.”
As his confession comes pouring out of him, his strokes gain speed. His emotions start to get the better of him and his tender touch fades away. 
“K-kakashi…” you begin to whine out of protest but it dies in your throat. His increased pace begins to bring satisfaction in a way you weren’t expecting. His member deliberately massages you in places that make you moan and coil in pleasure. It’s not possible, you tell yourself. He’s a delusional rapist but as his tip brushes against that spot you never knew existed till now, you feel the fear slip away from your mind. Your fingers grip him at his shoulders, the sensation between your legs fogging your mind and stealing your thoughts. 
He brings his face back up to yours to nuzzle noses, happily accepting your touch. His pace increases steadily, soon turning into a proper fuck. Your eyes begin to widen and sweat falls from your brow. Your chest bouncing with each collision of Kakashi’s hips into yours. 
Not knowing what to do with yourself, you wrap your legs around him and your fingers sink into his skin tighter, the pleasure heading straight to your chore.
“That’s it, baby.” His once frightening voice suddenly sounds honeyed. “Here, let’s try another angle.”
Kakashi gently pulls out of you and you feel the cold air contact your wet folds, realizing suddenly how soaked they are. His large hands guide you onto your stomach and pull up your hips. Aligning himself behind you, he sinks in, eyes nearly crossing at the feeling of you wrapping around him once more. But this time it’s better because this time you’re squeezing him out of arousal rather than pain. Instead of pushing him out, your walls were sucking him in and he felt dizzy from it. 
Hips pulling back before pushing in, rolling into you, making you squirm. Kakashi lowers himself to whisper in your ear.
“Does that feel good?”
“Mhm” is all you need to squeak out to make a smile split his face in two.
“Now arch your back f’me.”
He requests it so delicately that you forget how this entire situation started. As soon as you change your position, tilting your hips towards the mattress, an instant wave of heat washes to your core. He sunk into you deeper with a room-filling groan. 
You were terrified someone would hear and it causes you to restrict around him.
“It’s okay sweetheart. I know the walls are thin but Naruto and Sakura are being loud. No one can hear us.”
You quietly nod. He loves how meek you are. Just a gentle soul sent to this earth to bless its creatures with your kindness. You resume arching your back and the way he sinks in knocks the breath out of your lungs. Kakashi continues to lean over you and hum in your ear.
“You’re doing such a good job. Just like that.” You feel your face flush at his praise.
 Kakashi finally lifts up, looking down on you and surveying your small figure bent over below him. One hand purchased on your hip and the other rubbing large circles over the soft flesh of your behind, his eyes drank in the view, coveting how your body looked below his. 
He rocked back and forth, beginning to reestablish his pace from earlier. The new angle completely changing the feeling of how he fit inside of you. A gasp slips past your tongue as he slips in all the way up to the hilt. Kakashi bites his own lip at the sweet sound and the feeling of your tightening grip around his manhood. 
The more he stroked into you, the more you sank into the position. Rocking your hips back into him, lowering your head down to the mattress. The feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable and the thoughts about how handsome the man behind you is began to creep towards the front of your mind. 
For a moment you decided to look back at Kakashi. The stolen glance had you lose your breath. He was gorgeous. Flawless milky skin covering a network of toned muscles. Veins threaded in and out of them, drawing your eyes from his hands, up his arms and to his shoulders. Your eyes take a moment to truly adjust to the look of him without a mask. You spot just how square and sharp his jaw is. How his lips are a bit swollen from him biting them and how a beauty mark sits just below them. His hair, though a bit of a mess compared to his normally pristine swooped style, still soft and fluffy. You moan, feeling him as you truly see him. 
A smirk tugs at Kakashi’s lips. “You like what you see?”
You blink and nod your head. 
His smirk breaks into an all out smile. His hands readjust and grip your hips tighter. Thrusts gaining speed now that you seem more comfortable. He bottomed out in you and rolled his hips. You drop your head back down on the mattress, moaning loudly into the sheets, praying that no one outside can hear you. 
Kakashi looks down on you with lidded eyes, heavy with lust. He lifts a hand, bringing the palm down on you with a light spank. You grunt and clench around him on impact. You hear a whimper come from him. He truly could not handle feeling you squeeze around him like that. After months of pining, he had you wrapped around him perfectly. He did it again, getting the exact same reaction. Not wanting to get caught, he doesn’t risk spanking you further but the wet slaps emitting from where you conjoin give away your activity just the same. 
You spread your knees wider and sink your spine lower, earning a grunt from the silver haired ninja. He thanks you by leaning down and settling his middle fingertip over your clit and swirling it around. Your breath hitches.
“Ah…thank you” you whisper, just barely audible over the squelching from your entrance.
Sweat is rolling down Kakashi’s chest and dampening your brow. The hand squeezing your hip slides up to your breast and lifts your chest off the mattress, pushing your rear flush against his pelvis as he snaps into you. Your head rolls back and your eyes close. How he greedily gropes your breast, expertly whirls around your bud, and stokes against all the right spots, it all feels so overwhelming. You reach one hand to massage the other breast that he wasn’t touching and place your second hand over his hand between your legs. Your  breathing becomes heavy as you soak it all in. Basking in the hot, wet, sensation of him taking you from behind.
His lips ghost over your neck, “On your back for me, baby”
You dumbly nod your head ‘okay’ as you reach your arms down to the mattress and roll yourself over onto your back. Kakashi centers over you and pushes your legs up into your chest before thrusting back in. This time he went impossibly deep.
“Nagh!” Your eyes snap shut as you struggle to take him.
“You’re doing so well baby. You can do it, you can take me.”
He encourages you in his deep husky voice, low with lust. You open your eyes and he sees how your carmine gaze is glossed over, looking so innocently up at him. It’s enough to pluck his heartstrings. He feels his chest become impossibly tight as your delicate fingers grab a hold of his biceps.
“Hands around my neck sweetheart”
You pout your lips and nod, quickly grasping at his neck, allowing your fingers to thread into the bottom of his hair while you cling onto him. Kakashi slaps up into you, pace steadily increasing as his excitement gets the better of him. Your eyes begin to roll back and your lids close. The softest little moans slipping past your lips as he feels your legs start to quiver underneath him. 
Kakashi lost his composure, feeling you cum around him. Your walls fluttered closed, milking him as if you needed him to fill your womb with his seed. 
His face twisted in pleasurable agony. He tried desperately to hold on and let you finish your orgasm before he satisfied his own but he couldn’t hold on any longer. He had to pull out and quickly paint your stomach so as not to start a family with you just yet. He groans at the idea of breeding you and claiming you by putting his baby in your belly. The thought makes his cock twitch as he finishes pumping his ropes onto your stomach. 
He falls forward, leaning his forehead against yours. Both of you panting as you look upon the other’s face. Kakashi’s eyes drop down to your lips and you reach yours to meet his. You suck on his lip and let your teeth sink into it. Kakashi swears he feels his heart stop when he pulls back, slowly freeing his lip. 
“I love you” he whispers into your face.
“Then take me on a proper date.” you whisper back, eyes returning to normal.
Kakashi flashes you a toothy grin. You can see his sharp canines and how sparkling white his teeth are. This man really is gorgeous.
“We should get back before they miss us.”
“Agreed. Let me clean you up.”
Kakashi stands up and redresses himself prior to slipping out of the room. He goes to the bathroom and grabs a warm washcloth, then sneaks back into your bedroom. He massages your legs and then your feet, before kissing all the way up your body. He insists on helping you put your clothes back on, then takes your hand in his and kisses it. 
His eyes lift up to meet yours before he faces the door. “Do I have to go back out there and pretend I don’t have feelings for you?”
You look down at where your fingers intertwine with his. “Don’t let go of my hand.”
The words coming out in the form of a whisper. The puppy dog expression you are met with melts your heart. You swear you almost see him cry as he pulls you into a hug.
“C’mon, let’s go.” you urge
He releases you and you step out into the hall together, reentering the dining room only to be greeted with three young disbelieving faces…
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Help to Sleep
Kakashi Hatake x Reader, SMUT. MDNI 18+ only. Ao3
6.8k words, kind of a shorter one but im trying to be more concise. also this one won the poll but the Higuruma fic and the Jiraiya fic will also be posted soon! thanks to everyone who voted and I hope you enjoy. tags: thigh fucking, biting, a lot of talking about smell, kakashi is tired and desperate and loves you so much.
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When you met Kakashi he wasn’t a sound sleeper. He would get up periodically throughout the night and excuse himself from bed to sit in the living room reading or cleaning, trying to lull himself back to sleep through monotony. As years removed him from the prescient danger of working in the anbu and moved him to a technically safer position of teaching, he found himself able to sleep feeling safer, sleeping harder, dreaming more, unafraid of being caught unprepared. He could still rouse himself at the slightest shift or change in your shared home, but these days, you would find him sleeping so peacefully, so still, that you felt compelled to check under his exposed nose to see if he was still breathing. He always was. He would often then be awoken by your approach and take your trembling hand in his and press a soft kiss to the heel of your palm, touched by your concern for him. Sleeping next to him was like sleeping next to a large, warm dog, slobber included. As selfish as it was, sometimes you wished he would keep his mask on during sleep, just to have another barrier between you and his drool. His bare, strapping arms would wrap around your shoulders, holding you tight to his warm, broad chest and not release you until he had woken the next morning, pulling you with him in every readjustment and every toss and turn. You would never admit this to him, but he had recently begun to snore, a soft, rattling breath inhaled and exhaled in little huffs. You knew he would take it as an example of his rigorous assassin’s training slipping away from him as age and direction had led him down another path, so for now it was a secret only for you. And you were honored to know something about him so intimate, so private, something he, himself, didn’t know. 
You had never known bliss like being held in his arms, pressed right up against his naked torso. Kakashi never slept with a shirt on, citing his own body heat became overwhelming for him if he did. Once you two had gotten more comfortable as a couple, sharing beds over and over, he began sleeping with nothing on period, encouraging you to do the same, again blaming his body heat. You were happy to oblige, slipping between the sheets with him completely bare, his hands glued themselves to your soft, exposed skin. They were rough, his gloves did their best to protect the thin skin of his hands from callusing and blistering, but they could only do so much. His long fingers were textured and bubbled in places, the palms themselves bearing small nicked scars from the wayward kunai or shuriken, but they felt like butter on your body, sliding so smoothly down your side, from rib cage to hip. Tonight was one of these nights, where his hands grabbed you freely, squeezing every curve of flesh he could reach, his lips ghosting over the back of your neck. 
“So beautiful…”, he would whisper before sliding his tongue up the outside of your ear. 
By this point you could feel him becoming harder against your ass, you pressed your hips against his, rocking slightly to stimulate his growing erection. Kakashi was a grower, starting contained and unimposing but expanding and lengthening into a wondrous, full staff that never left you unsatisfied. His hands would get hotter, press harder, squeeze tighter, as you pulled this transformation from him, bruising the outer part of your arm, your hip, your breast, wherever he was using for leverage to rut his cock against you. You raised your arm to cup the back of his neck, wanting to have as many points of contact as possible with him. He continued kissing your neck, up to your ear and down to your shoulder. 
You wanted to be concerned about how late it was, he had gotten home only thirty minutes ago, after being away for four days. You knew he must be exhausted, you saw the fresh healing bruises on his arms and torso when he disrobed earlier. You wanted to help him relax however you could, allow him to turn off his busy genius’ brain for a while and just feel good. You lifted your top leg slightly, his now engorged cock slipped against your other thigh, and closed your legs again, encasing him between your legs. Kakashi shuddered a groan out against your neck, burying his head further into the juncture between your throat and shoulder. 
“Thank you.” he mumbled, so grateful to be understood so wordlessly by you. 
He hadn't even had to ask but you had read his mind. He wanted the mindless, thoughtless expressions of intimacy that he had only ever known with you. Acts so primal that they held no space for thought or distraction. It gave him a break from how loud his mind usually was, his hips moved on their own to slide against your dampening pussy. Your slick was coating your outer lips and inner thighs, giving him a perfectly lubricated gap to fuck himself into. You loved him like this, so mindlessly desperate for you. You may be the only person in the world to have ever seen him like this. You blushed at the thought. He whimpered and grunted against you, moving his hips faster between your thighs. You felt every inch of his shaft sliding against your slit, his fingers clenching the flesh of your hip; clean, trimmed fingernails leaving crescent shaped impressions in the skin. 
“Baby please…can I? Please, love?” His voice was husky and rough, his lips dampening the skin of your neck. 
His nose was filled with your smell, your hair was in his face, your legs were so tight and wet around him, he needed to cum so badly. His every thought was about you, how good you were to him. How lucky he was to find someone like you. How much he loved you. He was becoming drunk on the feel of you, the smell of your perfume, your shampoo. He could smell himself on you, his laundry soap, the earthy soap in your shared shower.  Feeling you nod finally, Kakashi bit into your pulse point, his long canine teeth burying themselves into your flesh. You gasped at the sensation, your back arching pressing your ass back to meet his thrusts. His movements were becoming frantic and jerky, his building orgasm turning his brain to mush. The build erupted on itself, his teeth bearing down on your neck even harder, long white ropes of cum spurted from his cock, coating your legs and the sheets in front of you. He had been so pent up, it seemed that he would never stop spilling out. A pool of his cum gathered in front of you, you fought down the sense of jealousy, longing to have his cum buried deep inside of you rather than spilled on top of and beside you. But you’d have your chance soon, he needed this. And you were happy to be what he needed. 
Kakashi stilled his hips, releasing his clamp on your neck and he licked the raw spot, already starting to bruise. He should feel apologetic, but he couldn't bring himself to feel anything but pride, the way you panted in his arms, supporting his shivering body. You had been so good for him, so generous with your body, your time, your love. He loved you so much, his heart stirred in his chest as he struggled to catch his breath behind you. 
“I love you.” You sighed, gripping his arms as they wrapped around you, pawing at your breasts.
“I love you, too.” He brings his face around to where you can turn back to reach and kisses you deeply, sliding his tongue against yours, reveling in the feeling of your mouth so hot and wet for him. 
Taking his time to kiss you, relaxing after his efforts, Kakashi finally roused himself to change the bed sheets and you cleaned your legs up in the bathroom. By the time you returned to the bedroom he was covering the bed in the comforter once more, tucking it in the sides and pulling it back so you could get in. He slid in next to you, still naked, the new sheets cool against his flushed skin. You laid on your back, Kakashi opting to lay his head in your chest and wrap his hands around your waist. Every once in a while he would press wet, open mouthed kisses to the outer flesh of your breasts, or the space in between. His mind (and balls) finally empty, he could feel sleep descending quickly as it always did when he was with you. Your hands moving through his silver hair were a tactile lullaby, pulling him deeper and deeper into his dream. You started to nod off above him as well, his heart beat syncing to yours. Tomorrow morning there would be work and reports and lessons and reassignments, but tonight there was just the two of you. 
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milkcookiekin · 3 months
scythe, boombox, skateboard, banhammer and shuriken reacting to the reader confessing to them!
“oh? you love me? how sweet of you, darlin’. you know, i’d be lying if i said i didn’t catch feelings for you too..”
she whispered with a soft smirk on her lips, before she slowly sauntered over to you and planted a soft kiss on your cheek.
“aw, that’s real nice of y- WAIT, WHAT?! like… “love me��� love me?! no way! that’s so cool! i love you too!”
he’s completely caught off guard, but he dives into your arms with the most gentle, yet somehow intoxicating hug, you never want to let go..
“i- wow, really? i-i didn’t expect that at all, but.. i-i love you too.. you maybe want to go on a date sometime?”
he’s a blushing mess, but he’s still pretty casual about it and tries not to stumble over his words. he’s already planning out your first date together.. (hehehe)
he can’t even say anything, he just bursts out sobbing loudly and cries tears of joy, he pulls you in for a giant bear hug and snuggles you. he’s fine though, he just feels very happy, feel free to kiss him as much as you’d like, that’s an invitation to do so!
“you… love me? hah! of course you do! i-i totally expected you to say that!”
he looks away from you for a moment with a big, bright green blush on his cheeks before looking back at you and whispering,
“y-you actually love me..? really…?”
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phighterss · 4 months
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✦ SWORD ✦ ->
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
✦ KATANA ✦ ->
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
✦ ROCKET ✦ ->
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
✦ SCYTHE ✦ ->
Nothing here yet..
✦ MEDKIT ✦ ->
Nothing here yet..
✦ BOOMBOX ✦ ->
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
✦ ICEDAGGER (platonic only) ✦ ->
Nothing here yet..
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Let’s Keep This a Secret
Prior notes: I like my men a little scary. He got me giggling, kissing my feet, and crying in horror. Also I just really wanted to post something of mine and change it up.
Pairing: Reiko x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Do you fear skin to skin contact?
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You were only a baby when your mom married General Shao. You never viewed him as your stepfather, he was always your father. He raised you as if you were blood related to him. He promised to protect you and love you as his own.
And protect he did, from any and everything. Especially boys.
The older you got, the more attention you attracted. Not only were you the general’s daughter but you had your mother’s beauty. Many men wanted to get with you for the fact that you were pretty and they wanted the general’s admiration. That never happened. Shao would never allow a boy to step close to you at all. The only one who would ever get close was Reiko. Yet even Reiko had a hard time getting to know you.
When you both were young he rarely cared about getting to know you. He was an orphan who lost his parents to the war. All he cared about was what General Shao had to say to him. He listened well to every order he gave. After a while Shao almost started to see him like a son. Still not a good enough position to let near his daughter.
In fact, Shao thought you shouldn’t be seeing the grueling and harsh conditions it takes to be part of his army. It’s better that you don’t know. But you did want to know. You have the right to know. Plus you wanted to know a thing or two since Shao didn’t want to teach you anything. He said he would protect you, he meant it. Why do you need to know how to protect yourself when you got him. It just pushed you away from Reiko even more.
You would find reasons to go over though. Every time you would come around to the training grounds you would always look for Reiko. At this point he was the lieutenant to your dad’s army. How could you not be drawn to a man with power and authority. When he was the only man in your life that your dad somewhat let you close to, you started to be attracted to him. Seeing those milky white eyes take a glance at you made you excited. However, no matter how old you got your father would not allow you anywhere near.
You had to take matters into your own hands. You went out with friends one night. As you were out you realized no one would be able to stop you from talking to any boys. The only person who could stop you was yourself, and you did stop yourself. You were too nervous to be around other guys or even say a word to them. Shao was to blame for your lack of social skills when it came to men. The only person who you could fathom talking to was…Reiko! Of course! Why didn’t you think of him before? You should go see if he is anywhere around.
Your friends were not too keen on sticking around and running to the training grounds. They didn’t want to get in trouble and they were actually scared of Reiko. Not many women go after him believe it or not. They begged you not to go but you were determined. You walked off on your own, your heart pumping with nervousness and excitement. As you expected you saw Reiko at the training grounds. Lucky you.
You hid behind a tree, not wanting to disturb his training. You looked with curious eyes as you watched him get some extra training in. His shurikens would strike the wooden dummy. His aim was precise. Every time he would fling them he would let out a grunt that made your stomach do twirls. The way the sweat on his muscles glistened in the moonlight and how his hair slightly blew in the light breeze made you think you were looking at nature’s finest specimen. You didn’t realize you were being drawn towards him in that moment and you stepped over a stick. It snapped and Reiko’s head snapped towards your direction. You gasp as you went back to hiding behind the tree. You were worried you had ruined everything. Closer and closer you heard him make his way towards you in a quick pace. Then there was silence. In one fell swoop he turned the corner and was right in front of you, pushing you against the tree. His knife was out but once he realized it was you he made sure not to have it too close.
“Oh, it’s just the general’s daughter. Why are you out here so late?” He spoke to you in his usual gruff voice.
You couldn’t say anything since you were so excited that he actually spoke to you. You stared up at him all stupid-like but with eyes filled with awe. Reiko was very confused but he backed away from you once he realized he was way too close. He put his knife away and was thinking of just leaving you be before thinking for a second. If somehow you got hurt while out here alone his ass could be on the line. The last thing he wants is for the general to see that his daughter got hurt and find out that his loyal lieutenant let her walk away all alone in the night. Yeah, no, not willing to risk it.
“Come on, let me get you back home. Your father won’t like this.” He warned you but you didn’t care.
He yanked on your arm and dragged you away, gently though cause he can’t hurt you in the slightest. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his arm. He flinched and was about to push you away but he stopped himself.
Don’t hurt the general’s daughter. Don’t hurt the general’s daughter.
He groaned but kept walking while you clung onto him. You kept staring up at him all starry eyed. He looks even more handsome up close. He felt your eyes on him and he had no idea what was up with you. Actually everyone’s eyes were on him and you. The general’s daughter was clinging onto a man? Impossible! Reiko was letting a woman cling onto him? That’s even more impossible! It was so frustrating to him to be in this position but he had a task and he had to finish it.
The moment he brought you to the door of your home and the door opened you were off him immediately. That dazed expression was gone and you looked focused as you looked up at your dad. Reiko was confused but carried on as he explained that he was just bringing you home. Shao thanked Reiko for bringing you back home safe and before he could scold you, you gave him those sad puppy dog eyes that get you out of most situations. And then the excuses came about how you lost track of time, you got separated from your friends, some of them bailed on you, blah, blah, blah. Shao just took all that you said as a fact. His sweet girl could never do wrong. You walked inside your home, giving Reiko a wave goodbye before closing the door. That smile on your face was full of joy. You were up in your room kicking your feet and thinking about your moment with Reiko. You’re definitely doing this again.
It’s like every week at this point. You go out with friends, you sneak off to see Reiko training, he catches you and brings you home, you make up your excuses, rinse and repeat.
Reiko caught on that this was definitely intentional. He started letting you stay with him for a bit, not wanting to cut his training time just for you. Then y’all started talking. You talked about your home life, what you like to do, your hobbies, your friends, etcétera etcétera. He first ignored you but the moment you seemed hurt by the fact he wasn’t listening he got his act together and started listening. Once he did he realized you weren’t that bad. You weren’t annoying or stupid. In fact you were even kind of cute when you told him about your life. Woah, did he just find someone cute?
He started opening up to you, speaking about his past and his present. It actually made him feel better to have someone listen to what happened to him other than Shao. He was surprised that even when he said something negative about your dad you wouldn’t judge him or having him punished for speaking his mind. Even he who is loyal to Shao can get upset by the things he does.
You and Reiko grew closer and closer to the point you guys would forget how late it was getting. He would immediately rush you home, holding your hand to guide you back. At this point Shao was getting highly suspicious of you. Why were you coming back so late and never coming back with your friends? You just shrugged it off and told him he was getting too worked up. You pushed your way inside and the moment your dad turned his back to you, you swiftly turned around, grabbed Reiko’s face, and placed a light kiss on his lips. He was stunned but couldn’t say anything in that moment. You just waved goodbye like usual and closed the door. So you just gonna leave a man hanging like that?
Alright clearly there was much more going on between you two. You made it clear to Reiko that you wanted to be something more. That explained your strange behavior from the beginning. You just had a mega crush on him. You got him hooked he won’t deny that. He’s never loved someone and he didn’t know how. All he knows is fighting and war. But you can teach him, and teach him you did. You both were learning and you found out what felt right for you two. The kissing, the touching, the love language. It slowly became clearer and you two were compatible. You were over the moon. Finally, you had a boyfriend. A man you can trust and felt safe with. Hopefully whenever your dad finds out he won’t kill Reiko. He can’t kill his best lieutenant, right?
Oh just remembering it all gives you butterflies. Sigh
Did you have a good time going down memory lane? Good! Cause someone is knocking on your window. Go open it!
You yank the curtains away and see Reiko at your windowsill. You quickly open the window and he leaps in. You are surprise by the fact he managed to climb all that way up to your window just to see you again. It was risky since you should be asleep at this time but you were up thinking about Reiko nonstop.
“What are you doing here? I thought you would have already left.” You whisper to him.
“How could I stay away from my woman. We just can’t get caught.” He picks you up in his strong arms and starts to kiss you.
He was much more rough in every sort of way. That means his kisses are too. You don’t mind at all. You like it. You like how rough he can get considering you were always treated so delicately.
Your legs wrap around his waist and your arms wrap around his neck while you two keep kissing. Your hands hold his face, letting your fingers feel his stubble. He walks over to your bed and places you down on it. You look up at him with the same sense of awe you got when you first saw him training.
“I think I’ll stay for the night. I did put in the effort to sneak in here, I think I deserve to stay.” He whispers in your ear.
You don’t say anything, you just smile and nod your head frantically to say yes. You two have done this before but you always get super happy to get the chance to have him sleep in your bed.
You know what makes it even better? Skin to skin contact!
He starts to take his armor off and places it down gently on the floor. Too much metal on there, it’s gonna freaking wake up your parents if it hits the floor. You take off your clothes as well. You thought you would be more nervous to get naked in front of somebody. You can’t even talk to other guys how are you gonna strip in front of them. But seeing how Reiko shows off his body with little shame since his armor exposes him quite a bit you felt that there was nothing to be worried about. If guys can have their chest out why can’t girls? Same thing, different structure.
Once you two were both naked you guys got into your bed, the sheets being the only thing to cover you both. He brings you in closer, his rough skin contrasting with your soft skin. His hands wander as he goes back to kissing you. Your hands went up to his head let down his hair. Your fingers rake through the thick strands. You wish he could always have his hair down. He looks so hot when he has it down.
You spend the rest of the time talking to each other, whispering to prevent anyone from hearing you. The close contact combined with the loving eye contact made you realize how lucky you are. Though Reiko is not perfect when it comes to love he does his best for you.
At the end of the night you two slowly succumb to the tiredness. He holds you close to him while he lays his head on your chest. It’s like his own personal pillow. He listens to your heartbeat as it slows down. Your arms are wrapped around his head as you caress him to sleep. Before you fall asleep yourself you have one more thing to say to him.
“I love you.” One more kiss to his forehead and you’re out like a light.
After notes: I want that man. I want that scary man. I wanna lick him. My fiancé pointed out that his nipples are too dark I don’t know why he ever pointed that out. It sent me into a spiral and I asked him who else got dark nipples and he said all of them. Fucking…really?! Anyways yeah I just wanted to switch it up cause I was doing SO MUCH when it came to the Lin Kuei brothers. I have no issue writing for them but it’s like I gotta do something else or I’ll start hating it. Not anyone’s fault that’s just how I am. Hope y’all can enjoy this. Adiós!
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ichatake · 1 month
Can I PLEASE request for a young kakashi, obito and reader ? Like what if kakashi and obito have a crush on the same person? Maybe the reader is like part of this super prestigious clan that makes her train a lot and they want her to succeed in everything. That’s why she might have a very strong attitude?
So when Obito Kakashi and her get teamed up for a mission, she ends up getting hurt but refuses to let the mission go to waste? How would Kakashi and Obito act?
Once again, YOUR AMAZING!!! THANK YOU! 🍀
HC: Young Kakashi and Obito liking the same person
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Requests are open! (Request rules)
The first one to fall is Kakashi, considering Obito was too distracted with Rin to think about anyone else. Kakashi found you interesting, because you were the first girl he ever saw training so hard—well, as much as a seven year old can train. You were part of a prestigious clan, so being a girl was already a burden. You’d been pushed to train ever since you could walk, so even as a child, you were already climbing to the top.
The first time he ever noticed you, was when he was taking a walk with his father. They’d passed through a training ground that always seemed to be empty, but today, it was different.
A man stood tall, watching his little girl struggle to throw kunais and shurikens in a straight line.
“Some kids your age already know how to do this (Y/N), you’re falling behind” the man would say, his back turning, revealing his clan symbol. Kakashi had recognized it as the same symbol you wore. That must’ve been one of your family members—your father maybe.
Kakashi’s father stopped, looking back at his son who seemed to stop and take a look at the people training, “Kakashi? Is something wrong?” He asks and looks at you and your father, “Ah, the (L/N) clan,” he shakes his head and takes Kakashi’s hand. “They train their children as young as possible, so they can succeed quickly. That must be his first born,” he starts walking with Kakashi, much to his distaste,
“Why?” Kakashi asks, looking back at how you huffed and tried the same technique for what seemed like the hundredth time. “Because they thrive off victory. If their children are not good ninjas, then they are no good for the clan,” he frowns, “such a sad thing,”
Ever since then, his interest in you has peeked. When both of you entered the academy, he didn’t really make a move to talk to you. You interested him, yes, but that didn’t mean he would just go talk to you. You sat right in front of him.
You were a very attentive student. You took your grades seriously—even more than him! He wasn’t surprised though, since his father’s words still echoed through his head.
As time passed and everyone in class began to become friends, you seemed to get along well with all the girls, especially Rin, so Kakashi took this opportunity to bud into your conversations once and a while. That’s how he got to know you better.
As for Obito, he’d take a little longer to fall for you. He was head over heels for Rin, so you were simply just ‘Rin’s friend’.
Since you were such good friends with Rin, you found yourself hanging out with the three of them. Kakashi had never seen you smile as much as you did when you hung out. It was like you could finally enjoy being a kid and not be worried about your clan’s honor for once.
You climbed up the ranks quickly, and as soon as Kakashi took the graduation exam and succeeded, you decided to try out as well. Your father’s wishes were to be obeyed, and though it took you a few tries, you did succeed.
“What?! You too?!” Obito exclaimed once he saw your new headband. Kakashi on the other hand, was quiet.
“Yeah, I thought if Kakashi could do it, then maybe I could give it a try,” you say, as your eyes connect with Kakashi. “Took you long enough,” he says. He mentally facepalms at what he says. He wasn’t good at complimenting people—even the girl he liked.
Your facial expression seemed to die down as you nod, “It did,” you say and sigh before shrugging, “I was just giving you a chance to shine,” you joked and smiled at Kakashi, making him look at you with crossed arms, “or maybe you just like copying me,”
“As if—,”
“Now, now, guys, there’s no need to argue,” Rin cuts you off, smiling and taking your hands in hers, “I’m so glad you made it,” she smiles and hugs you. That was the first time Obito noticed you a little more than he already had.
After everyone had graduated, you still hung out together. The four of you seemed to become really close, but of course, were separated into teams. You had been separated from the three, and it made several people sad. Those several people being you and the other three.
Thankfully though, you got assigned to many missions with them. One time in particular, Kakashi, Obito, and you were called up to the Hokage’s office. Due to Rin being sick and not able to go with Kakashi and Obito on their mission, you were assigned to it.
“It had to be you,” Kakashi says with crossed arms, earning an eye roll from you, “you always have something nice to say to me Kakashi, I might think you’re in love with me,” that made him choke on air, and Obito laughed at him.
“Oh (Y/N), I don’t think he’s capable of actually liking anyone,” Obito snorts as he walks out with you and Kakashi. You didn’t catch the glances the silver haired boy took of you.
As you walked towards your destination, which just had to be a very far away village, Obito chatted you up. It wasn’t something out of the ordinary, and you didn’t mind it either. You had to admit the dark haired boy grew on you. You’d giggle and laugh at anything he’d do or say, which only fuled him more than he was.
Thankfully, you couldn’t see the annoyance on Kakashi’s face, this boy was a very jealous boy. No one can tell me otherwise.
“You guys are driving me crazy,” Kakashi scoffs, “can you keep quiet and focus on the mission? It’s already bad enough that Obito is here,”
“Hey! What the hell does that mean?!” Obito yells at Kakashi, making the three of you stop.
“It means you’re annoying as it is, I don’t need two people chatting up my ears until they bleed,”
“You take that back—,”
“Guys keep quiet,” you quickly say, grabbing your kunai. Mist filled the area around you, and you could barely see anything. They caught onto this quickly and took out their own weapons. The three of you positioned yourselves back to back.
“Someone’s here,” Kakashi says, squinting his eyes to try and see through the mist, “There’s more than one person,” you correct, gripping onto your Kunai.
Obito seemed nervous, or maybe he was just excited. You couldn’t tell the difference.
Of course, you were right. There were more than one ninja waiting to strike the three poor hidden leaf kids.
When you thought that Obito and Kakashi didn’t fight well together, you didn’t think it would’ve been to this extreme. They were all over the place—you had never seen a team so out of rhythm before. While Kakashi took the lead and fought on his own, Obito went his own way, fighting—and struggling—with one of the ninjas. You were attacked by two of them, and barely managed to win! You were cut up and bruised while the other two struggled with the rest.
You knew Kakashi could keep his own weight, but you and Obito weren’t at his level. Even though you craved to be as strong as him, the truth was, you were just a normal genin.
Since both the boys were fighting on their own, no one was watching each other’s back, so when three kunais came lunging towards Obito, your feet moved on their own and you quickly jumped into them. They hit your back, and you fell face first to the ground. You gasped for air, the sharp pain of the blade and the fall had knocked the air out of you.
You tried to stand up, but you couldn’t seem to. You were… paralyzed. The blades must have some kind of poison in them that made you immobilized.
Kakashi was the first to notice and was quick to throw you over his shoulder, “Obito, let’s go,” he says and pulls the dark haired boy. Running away wasn’t something he’d usually do, but right now, you were hurt and vulnerable. It was the best choice they had right now.
Somehow, they managed to outrun the ninjas and hide in the forest.
Kakashi laid you down on the ground and looked at your back. You were filled with blood and you were pale.
Obito was crouched next to you, panicking. You had just saved his life, and you were paying for it, “Kakashi, she’s bleeding so much,” he says with a shaky voice. No one had ever jumped into danger for him before, and yet you did it with no second thought.
His heart tightened at the thought. You were so brave… so humble.
“She’s going to be fine,” Kakashi says, but even he sounded unsure. He went through your bag as you tried to speak. You were dizzy and out of it. You were basically incoherent, but you forced your finger to move and point towards your bag.
You carried bandages and medical supplies that might help along the way, but you never thought you’d have to use them on yourself.
“Obito, take the blades out,” Kakashi says, preparing everything he needs to at least stop the bleeding. “What..?” Obito hesitated, his hand shaking for a moment before he closed his eyes and pulled one out.
Your scream was one of the most horrifying ones he’s ever heard. Both Kakashi and Obito winced as you cried out in pain, but they couldn’t wait much longer. With a heavy heart, he pulls out the remaining two and shut his eyes, his teeth and fist clenched. This was all his fault.
He helped Kakashi pull off your shirt and wrap you in bandages while you quietly cried. The pain was unbearable.
Kakashi had never prioritized something else over the mission, but he found himself considering leaving it behind just to bring you back to the village.
Once they were done patching you up, they laid you against a tree.
“Can you talk?” Obito asks gently as he sat beside you.
“I can,” you say softly, but you were weak.
“We’ll head back to the village once the fog is cleared,” Kakashi states, making you snap your head towards him, “no,” you hissed at the pain in your back, but you still shook your head. The poison had somewhat faded, and you were starting to regain strength. “We’re completing the mission,”
Obito shook his head, “(Y/N), we can’t complete the mission. You’re hurt. We need to get you back to the village—,”
“I am not the weak link,” you snap, your body shakily standing up, “I will not go back to the village with my tail tucked between my legs. We will complete this mission,” you walk towards Kakashi, “you can’t make me go back,”
Kakashi didn’t like how stubborn you were, and he didn’t want you to get hurt, “you’ll drag us down if you continue the mission,” he says, but he didn’t mean it. He just wanted you to go back and get treated. However, you didn’t take that lightly. You jumped on him, making both of you fall the the ground.
“(Y/N)!” Obito quickly got up and ran towards you both.
“Don’t ever say that! I’m not weak!” You pull on Kakashi’s shirt, “I am not a burden to anyone, you hear?!” You look down at him, as his eyes were wide and staring at you in shock. Your eyes were glossed with tears. He understood that this meant a lot. Your family would’ve shamed you…
When Obito tried to pull you off, you shrugged his hands off, “we’re completing this mission even if I’m missing an arm. Do you understand me? I’m not going back to the village like a loser,”
After everything that happened, you took the pain like a champ and completed the mission. You got into another fight with the same ninjas, but this time, Kakashi and Obito worked together with you and you managed to beat them.
You got to walk back to the village with a completed mission, though when you passed those gates, you immediately fell to the ground. Kakashi and Obito quickly panicked and rushed you to the medical ninjas.
You were fine, thankfully, just exhausted. You were in the infirmary bed, and when you woke up, the two boys sat right besides you. Kakashi noticed when your eyes opened and stared at him, quickly looking away with crossed arms, “you’re so stubborn, you know that?” he says, catching Obito’s attention.
The dark haired boy quickly stood up and grabbed onto you hand, “you’re okay! You almost gave us a heart attack! We thought you died,”
“He thought you died,” Kakashi corrects, before finally looking at you again, “how do you feel?”
You look at them and then smile before sitting up and hugging them tight, “I'm doing just fine,” you say but quickly hiss and lay back, earning an angry “be careful” from Kakashi.
“You need to take care of yourself,” he scoffs while Obito keeps babbling about how he’s sorry and that he should’ve been more attentive. You couldn’t tell, but Kakashi’s cheeks were flushed red.
“You’re so strong—I can’t believe you kept going even after you were hurt. You’re so amazing,” Obito compliments you, holding onto your hand tightly, “I promise you (Y/N), if we ever get assigned on a mission again, I’ll make sure to protect you with my life,” he says and grins, looking determined, “You better believe I’ll give my life for you,”
“Let her go idiot,” kakashi buds in, “get your sweaty hands off of hers,” he crossed his arms, earning a ‘huuuuh?!’ from Obito.
Once again, Obito and Kakashi started arguing and bantering, but you didn’t care. You giggled which made them turn towards you, “Thank you, for always making me laugh,” you say with a smile, making Obito grin with red cheeks, and Kakashi looking away with a bashful look.
They didn’t know it yet, but this was the beginning of a very complicated love triangle.
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piplup335 · 20 days
Darkheart x reader!
H E L L O, F E L L A S ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I'm back to write! My exam just ended 2h ago, and I'm doing alright! To whoever requested this, I'm so sorry you had to wait so long ;-; I had stuff to do and I had to rush this because I may not be posting for another month or so otherwise ;-;
but yea, enjoy the story! :D
Crossroads. Known for being the lively town which joined all four factions together...and the only thing stopping them from engaging in war.
Blackrock, Playground, Lost Temple and Thieves' Den.
For generations, Blackrock had considered themselves sworn enemies with Playground, and the phighters of Playground thought likewise, so the sight of demons from each faction leaving the other alone instead of going at each other's throats in Crossroads was a treat for everyone. 
It also just so happened to be the only place where people of different factions could meet up and relax after a long day of phights. 
Someone from Lost Temple could chat with someone from Playgrounds without any conflicts happening on either side. 
Someone from Thieves' Den could walk into a bar with someone from Blackrock, and that would be perfectly fine on all sides. 
However, Crossroads wasn’t just the number one hangout place for phighters- it was one for the SFOTH deities, too. Especially during their days off. 
And sometimes, they just so happened to be in the places no one would expect them to be. 
Of course, Firebrand was standing in the centre of it all, boasting to demons about his great power and how he ruled over the entirety of Crossroads. 
Other deities hid elsewhere. They watched over Crossroads from the shadows, save for Windforce who went to Banlands to find her son. 
They all had a favourite place to watch Crossroads from. Illumina enjoyed standing at the edge of the Crossroads tower, watching demons move around like ants on a grid. 
Some of the deities’ favourite spots were slightly unusual, however…
…such as underneath a bridge. 
“Freaking finally…”
The weekend was here. You, a phighter, made a living by duelling other demons in “phights”. They were regularly hosted by Dom and Valk, the two famous idols known as Flipside. 
They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and you were participating in these phights to maybe, just maybe, make enough from them to ensure you get to live well for the rest of your life. 
You knew you already could, however- because of your lover. 
He had everything. Strength, affluence, hell, he was also well-known around the Inpherno.
He had offered you everything you could ever wish for. He just wanted you to be there with him until the end of time. 
You refused, however- how could you let your loving boyfriend do all the work?
So, you still worked by phighting- you enjoyed the job, anyway. Your boyfriend would even visit sometimes. Just, well- to annoy the hell out of others.
"A little bit of chaos is fun...don't you think?"
You internally cheered at the sight, but everyone else groaned. Even Biograft, despite it being a robot, seemed to tense up, gripping its energy blades harder...
To you, it was a blessing.
To other players, it was a curse...literally.
“Feeling vulnerable…?”
Just then, the enemy Biograft seemed to falter, its lights dimming. Seemed like he got the curse…
Those were his last words before getting obliterated by your ally, Hyperlaser…
Your ally, Shuriken, was chasing down Sword, who was on 15 HP. 
“We’re feeling a gust of wind come along…!”
The next thing he knew, Shuriken got blasted upwards…and out of the map. 
Of course, Darkheart would make sure that you were out of harm's way before casting another one of his curses. Though, he wasn’t as merciful with your teammates…
So here you sat, after a long day and a hard battle, snuggled up in your boyfriend’s arms. 
"Darkheart...I'm exhausted..."
"No need to worry, dear...we'll be here..."
You never really understood why your boyfriend always referred to himself plurally, but it was just another one of his quirks that you adored about him. You loved him, and he loved you back.
His one withered wing wrapped itself around your frame- his own special way of hugging you. Another one of his little habits. 
"We just don't want Illumina to get to you, you know...? We're trying not to be too overprotective...who knows what he'd do to you?"
You giggled. Typical Darkheart- always protective of you, fearing for your wellbeing...sparing you from the usual curses he'd inflict on the others- hell, Darkheart would even curse other people if they got too close to his beloved. 
As you fell asleep in your boyfriend's arms, you couldn't help but let out a small smile. Seeing your happy expression, Darkheart let out a small chuckle.
"Sleep well, my dearest..."
This was your life. Yourself, with Darkheart by your side. Sure, there were little disputes or disagreements in your relationship, and sometimes people would laugh at you because Darkheart was so much taller than you. But despite all this...
...you couldn't ask for more.
- thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! this is my second (I think lmao) romance fic, so if you have any feedback do leave it in the comments so I can improve my writing for you guys! :D
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thecuriousquest · 9 months
hello can give yandere sasuke Uchiha x f!reader
Pregnant headcanons please 🙏😊
Yandere Sasuke Pregnancy Headcanons
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, breast touching, pregnant reader, a little bit controlling
Checkout my Master List here.
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🖤He’s honestly really hard to figure out because he’s caring yet so nonchalant throughout the entire pregnancy. You’re glad he’s not overbearing or chaining you to the bed/threatening to break your legs if you even attempt to get up. However, what you don’t know is that he has hired two anbus to guard you whenever he isn’t around to do it himself.
🖤When you go into your mood swings, he treats it as a major inconvenience. You’re crying and screaming, and he’s rolling his eyes. You’re craving some odd food combination, and he’s telling you, “Well then, go get it.” You huff because he doesn’t cater to your every need. You’re pregnant for fuck’s sake!
🖤Yandere Sasuke bought a toy shuriken for the little tyke. It’s plushy and tough, and he thinks it’s going to be the kid’s favorite toy.
🖤He’s still an ass man, but he loves how much bigger your tits look. He really likes to get in there and feel them.
🖤He’s slapping hands that try to touch your belly. He’s the only one who gets to touch you.
🖤He leaves names up to you. He couldn’t give a fuck what you name the kid.
🖤He will help you build a crib or whatever you need built, but do not expect this man to go baby shopping with you. He has “better things to do” as he puts it.
🖤When you get close to the birth, he knows what to do. You told him your birth plan, and he’s following it without a single ounce of worry.
🖤All in all, he’s reliable during the pregnancy. He keeps a cool head, and he has confidence in you the entire time. He’s happy at the end of the day that someone he loves is carrying his child.
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Nightwing x criminal!reader
Summary | When all of Nightwing’s usual methods for stopping criminal!reader are unsuccessful, he tries a more… unconventional approach.
Warnings | Smut, sexual content, 18+, knife play, blood (barely), masturbation, sex, unprotected sex, breeding
Words | 4.5k
Notes | There’s already a part 2 in the works but I’m working on other fics rn so don’t expect it soon lol
Ao3 link | <3
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Groggily opening your eyes, you looked around the dark room to try and figure out where you were. When you moved to get up is when you finally noticed your wrists were tied to the arms of a chair. This guy was thorough because he also restrained your ankles and the tops of your shins to each leg of the chair. You groaned at the sting on your skin as you pulled harder against the restraints. 
“You’re just going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that.” Your head snapped up when you heard the voice from behind you. Of course it’s him. 
“I’ve broken free before. I’ll take my chances.” You replied, continuing to pull on the rope. 
“Not from these.” He chuckled and you eyed the intricate knots holding your wrists down. 
“What are you a fucking Boy Scout?” You muttered, giving up on your wrists and trying to move your ankles. 
“Not quite.” He was closer now. The hairs on the back of your neck rose as you anxiously waited for your captor to show himself. You couldn’t even hear his footsteps. Finally you saw black and blue out of the corner of your eye. 
“I didn’t know vigilanties started taking captives.” You said, voice dripping in contempt.  
“Just the pretty ones.” He stood in front of you now and you looked up at his face, then quickly rolled your eyes at the smirk on his lips. 
“I’m flattered.” You deadpanned. “Why am I here? Has Blüdhaven’s hero finally gone off the rails and resorted to kidnapping? What’s next, are you gonna kill me too?” 
“I would never kill you.” He grabbed his bird shaped shuriken and leaned down so his face was just inches from yours. “Maybe some light maiming…” He purred, dragging the tip of the weapon down your cheek. “A little torture- though I reckon you’d enjoy that.” He smirked, using it to pull your bottom lip down. Before he fully released it, he used the edge to lightly split the skin, making you hiss in pain but mostly surprise. 
“But that’s not why you’re here.” He said, suddenly standing up. He moved behind you again, then grabbed the back of the chair and started dragging you to the side of the room until your back was to a wall. 
“Fuck you, bird boy. Let me go.” You spat indignantly as you pulled on the restraints again. 
“Don’t rush things, sweetheart. That’s for later.” He jeered, taking a few steps back, and you scoffed. “But for now… I think I could use a little target practice.” You stared at him with wide eyes, trying to mask fear with anger. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” You spat, squirming in the restraints again. He took the shuriken in his hand and tossed it up into the air a little, letting it spin before finally catching it. You froze and clenched your jaw, trying not to show any sign of fear, but he practically had a sixth sense for it. 
“Don’t try to act tough. It’s hotter when you’re scared.” He smirked, then quickly threw the weapon at you, making you flinch and let out an embarrassing yelp. You only opened your eyes when you heard it hit the wall behind you. 
“What the fuck?!” You screamed, feeling your heart pounding in your chest. He grabbed another one and ran a gloved finger over the edge as he watched you. 
“If I were you, I’d stop moving. I’m a little out of practice.” The glint in his eyes made you both nervous and horny. He always makes you feel like that though. Your breath hitched as the second one flew by your face, landing on the wall a little left of your head. 
“Good girl, keep that up. Although you could scream a little more for me.” He critiqued you casually, as if he wasn’t currently throwing weapons at your face. And despite your pounding heart and sweaty hands, you could feel warmth pooling in your stomach. You wanted to blame it solely on him calling you a good girl, but you know for a fact that’s not true. 
Your chest heaved as you stared at him, watching him reach for another. Sick of the humiliation you felt from being so scared, you tried to get some semblance of power back. 
“You must be pretty sick in the head if you’re getting off on this.” Your faux confidence shattered the second the corners of his lips turned up. 
“If I’m sick then what does that make you?” He raised his brows as you floundered for a response. 
“I- I’m not…” 
“Sorry, what was that?” He held the shuriken up behind his ear, pretending to use it to hear you better. 
“I am not getting off on this, you sick fuck.” You spat, glaring at him. 
“N-“ The third shuriken hit the wall before you could even finish, making you gasp. You bit your lip to contain the sounds crawling up your throat. 
“So if I checked right now, you wouldn’t have soaked through your underwear already?” He smirked and you gritted your teeth. 
“No.” You decreed. 
“Well now you’re just lying.” The bastard looked so fucking amused- but doesn’t he always? Anytime you fight, he enjoys riling you up, letting you get a few hits in before easily beating you, always making sure to rub it in during and after. 
“Is this the only reason I’m here? So you can get off on trying to scare me.”
“Trying?” He scoffed a laugh, making you huff in frustration. 
“Why am I here?” You pressed and he paused, eyes roaming your body as he considered you. 
“That’s not the only reason, no.” He said simply, making you even angrier. 
“Why?” Your voice was firm as you stared at him, waiting for a response. 
“Clearly the cops aren’t equipped to handle you since I’ve handed you over to them six times now, and every time you’ve escaped.” You tried to ignore the way your core ached at how that almost sounded like a compliment. “And since I can’t hold you forever and I’m not going to kill you, I figured a punishment might do the trick.” You scoffed a laugh at that. 
“Really?” You deadpanned, raising your brows. He just continued as if you hadn’t even spoken.  
“But I knew it had to be a special punishment. One that would really resonate with you.” 
“And this was the best you came up with?” You replied in disbelief, poorly containing your laughter. 
“I haven’t started the punishment yet. I’m just having some fun fucking with you while also getting you ready for said punishment. Multitasking.” He explained with a shrug. 
“So what is the punishment then?” You forced yourself to ask even though you probably didn’t want to know the answer.   
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. Not unless you ask nicely.” 
What the fuck does that mean??
He grabbed another shuriken and you let out a heavy breath. He’s not going to hurt you, you tried to remind yourself. 
“I wonder…” His gaze moved between you and the weapon, before he finally held his free hand up to cover his eyes. 
“Wait-“ You cut off with a sound that was partly a gasp and partly a whimper when the edge grazed your ear. You stared at him in shock as he removed his hand from his face. “You fucking cut me!” You yelled, feeling the hot sting on your ear. 
“Calm down, I barely grazed you.” He scoffed and you clenched your jaw, trying not to explode from anger… and arousal. He walked toward you and leaned down. Taking your jaw in his hand, he turned your head to examine your ear. “So dramatic…” He muttered under his breath. 
When he released your jaw, you took the opportunity before he moved away to slam your head into his. It hurt really fucking bad, but the satisfaction you felt from watching a trail of blood fall from his nose made you forget all about it. He brought his hand up to feel, smearing the blood with his finger. You couldn’t help the smirk growing on your face. When he looked away from his finger to your face, his jaw clenched as he let out a heavy breath through his nose. 
“Fine. I won’t be nice anymore.” He stood back up and you could hear him grabbing the shurikens from the wall. 
“That was you being nice?” 
He rounded you again and crouched down between your open legs. He lightly dragged his hands from your ankles to your knees, making your breath hitch. 
“W-what are you doing?” You gasped, staring at him with wide eyes. His hands continued up your thighs, painfully slow. “What the fuck are you doing?” You snapped, voice raising in volume. When his hands kept going up, you started pulling on the restraints again.
“I’m seeing if you were lying.” He all but shrugged, glancing at your face before looking back down to your legs. His hands reached the top of your thighs and you took in a sharp breath when he squeezed them. You knew if it was skin on skin, he would’ve been digging his nails into them. 
“Kidnapping and now rape? Didn’t know you had it in you.” You said breathlessly, making him release a low chuckle. 
“Always so dramatic.” His finger brushed your heat and you choked on a gasp. Finally he removed his hands and you let out a heavy breath. He quickly untied the knots on your legs and then moved to your wrists. When you were sitting there, now fully free, he rose to his feet and took a step back. 
“Go ahead. Leave.” You stared at him in confusion as his words repeated in your head. 
“If you really don’t want to be here, then leave.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. You tentatively got to your feet as you rubbed your sore wrists. You took a small step away from him, never letting your gaze leave him. 
“What are you playing at?” You narrowed your eyes at him and he chuckled under his breath. 
“Nothing. If you’re not even a little bit curious about what’s going to happen, then go. I won’t stop you.” You took another step away but froze once his words fully registered. Fuck… you are curious. And the bastard knows it. 
You know you should run, not give him a chance to turn you in again. But he said himself that he’s going to try something different. You just don’t know what that something is and it’s killing you. As is the growing knot of arousal in your stomach. 
“Tell me.” You snapped, crossing your arms over your chest. 
You huffed and looked away from him, then started walking. You only made it a few feet before stopping. Letting out a heavy sigh, you cursed under your breath. This is a monumentally bad idea. Probably one of the worst you’ve had. You turned back to him and watched as he tried to hide the satisfied smirk on his stupid, pretty face. Taking a few steps toward him, you huffed and looked at the ground with a scowl. This is basically like waving a white flag and you fucking hate it. 
“Tell me and I’ll stay.” You said quietly. 
“But that would ruin the surprise.” He chuckled and you looked up at him. 
“I hate surprises.” You deadpanned. 
“Not this one.” 
He took a step forward and you instinctively moved back. He continued until your back hit the wall. Placing both hands on the wall on either side of your head, he leaned down a little until he was in your space. You bit your lip to hold in the sounds you wanted to make from him being so close. 
“Good girl. You made the right choice by staying.” He rasped and your breath hitched at the praise. “Now. I'm not done playing our game yet.” He smirked as he snaked his hand up your torso to the zipper of your cat suit. You let out a shaky breath as he pulled it down at a tortuously slow pace. You could feel your head getting floaty already and he’s barely done anything. 
“What game?” You whispered. He gave you a low chuckle and instead of responding, pulled the top half of your suit down your body. Your chest heaved as you watched his gaze trail all over your body. You stood there in only a bra, with your suit hanging around your hips, and even without the clothing, your body was practically on fire.
He pulled you back over to the chair and had your stand in front of it as he kneeled at your feet. You swallowed thickly as his hands burned a trail up your thighs to your hips. Grabbing the suit and your underwear, he slowly dragged them down your legs until they fell to the floor around your ankles. He didn’t even bother removing your shoes to fully undress you. 
He maneuvered you to sit on the chair, then angled your hips up so your heat was completely visible to him. You blushed and closed your thighs but he just forced them back open as far as they could go in the chair. 
“I don’t want to have to tie you up again, but I will.” He warned and you bit your lip and gave him a small nod. Before standing up, he dragged a finger through your slit, careful not to apply too much pressure. Pulling his hand away, he smirked at your arousal that was now very obviously coating the gloved fingertip, making you flush in embarrassment. He stood up and took a couple steps back as he looked you up and down. You could feel how sweaty your hands were as you gripped the arms of the chair. 
“Touch yourself.” 
“W-what?” You gasped out, eyes widening in shock. But despite that, your stomach still twisted at his words. 
“Do it. Show me how you make yourself come.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he widened his stance. 
“I usually have a vibrator for that.” You raised your brows and he gave you an amused smile. 
“I’m going to want to see that next time.” He smirked and your stomach fluttered at the thought of a next time. 
Tentatively bringing a hand down to your heat, you looked at him for confirmation. You didn’t get any, but his lack of response was confirmation enough. 
You let out a quiet gasp when your fingers met your clit. Wasting no time, you started rubbing circles over it, biting your lip to contain your sounds. 
“Ready to continue?” He asked and your brows furrowed in confusion but the expression quickly dropped when he pulled out his shurikens. Your hand slowed down as you prepared to object. 
“Don’t slow down. I said I wouldn’t hurt you but that is subject to change.” You hesitantly obeyed, maintaining constant, fast circles over your clit as he took a shuriken in his right hand, preparing to throw. You let out a low whine at the image of him handling the weapon and he chuckled. 
“Feel free to beg me to stop.” He gave you a small smirk then quickly threw it at you. You let out a loud gasp as you flinched and moved your hand faster. Before you could even say a word, he was already throwing the second one at you. 
“Fuck-“ You released a choked moan and quickly bit your lip to stifle it, but the damage was already done. 
“What was that about you not getting off on this?” He snickered. 
“Shut up.” You grumbled, feeling your cheeks heat up. He tossed the third one into the air, then effortlessly caught it. 
“Look at how soaked your cunt is, I can see it dripping from here. Bring your fingers down, get them nice and wet.” You let out a loud whine at his words. Tentatively moving your fingers down, you barely had to move away from your clit until you felt your arousal. Your cheeks burned under his gaze, but it only encouraged you. 
You brushed your fingers through your slit, just barely dipping inside your entrance before pulling away and bringing it up to your mouth. You sucked your arousal off your fingers and practically beamed at the low groan he released. 
“Look at you,” He cooed condescendingly, “I didn’t even have to tell you to act like a whore. It just comes naturally to you, doesn’t it?” Letting out a whimper, you brought your hand back down to your core, this time slipping your fingers inside your entrance with a low moan. You immediately clenched down on the intrusion as your hips bucked into the stimulation. 
“Fuck…” You said breathlessly, watching his hungry eyes roam over your entire body. 
“Something’s missing…” He pondered, tapping the corner of the weapon to his lips. “Take your tits out.” He gave you a small smirk and despite this being one of the more tame things he’s said tonight, you couldn’t hold down the moan crawling up your throat from his words. You made quick work of pulling the cups of your bra down until they rested below your breasts. The cool air on your now bare nipples made you shiver. 
“Good girl.” He purred. Growing needier, you reached a hand up to play with your nipples and pressed the heel of your hand into your clit. Your back arched off the chair as your head tilted back, mouth open in a silent moan. When the shuriken passed over your face, only missing you by a couple inches, you snapped your head back up to look at him with wide eyes. 
“Look at me.” His tone left no room for discussion. So you did your best to keep your eyes open and on him. “One more?” He raised his eyebrows and you let out a quiet whimper. Instead of waiting for your answer, he took another shuriken in his hand and eyed you, deciding where to throw. 
“How about one more time without looking?” He smirked and you stiffened. 
“You fucking cut me last time. No way.” You spat, odium poorly concealing arousal. 
“You still cut me!” He was silent for a moment and you squirmed under his gaze. 
“Remember that one night? Gotham Museum of Antiquities?” You stiffened as you immediately recalled what he was talking about. 
“That was an accident.” You pleaded, even though you knew he wouldn’t believe you. 
“You still stabbed me.” He scoffed. 
“On accident!”
“How do you stab someone on accident?” He exclaimed and you huffed in annoyance at the arguing. 
“Fine! Go ahead and stab me so we can be even and you can stop bitching about it.” You weren’t serious. You knew he knew you weren’t serious. And yet…
“Fine.” Before you could protest, the weapon was already flying past you, grazing your bicep before hitting the wall. 
“Fuck! You fucking dick head- that hurt.” You yelled, removing your hand from your breast to grab your arm. He snickered and walked toward you, grabbing the shurikens from the wall, then returning to his spot in front of you on his knees. He moved your hand to look at the cut. 
“I’d hardly say we’re even. But if you apologize, then I’ll let it go.” He did a shit job at hiding his smirk and you rolled your eyes. 
“In your dreams, bird boy.” You scoffed. His eyes roamed your face for a moment, then he grabbed your neck and lifted you from the chair. You let out a whine at the loss of your fingers as he pushed you into the wall, holding a shuriken at your side. Right at the exact place where you had stabbed him all those months ago. 
“Should I make it even then?” He mused, trailing the cool blade up and down your waist, making you shiver. You reached out to move his hand away, but he quickly grabbed both of your wrists and held them in one hand above your head against the wall. His leg slotted between yours as he pressed his body weight into you, preventing you from moving. 
“Hm?” He raised his brows in question but the only sound you could release was a shaky breath. When you felt the sting on your side, you looked down to find a drop of blood trailing toward your hip. He pressed a little harder and that was all it took for you to concede. 
“Fine! I’m sorry, okay?” The pressured lightened, but he didn’t remove it from your skin yet. 
“Sorry for what?” He smirked, making you huff and clench your jaw. 
“I’m sorry for stabbing you.” You muttered, looking away from him. 
“I don’t know… I’m not entirely convinced you mean it.” He patronized, pushing the blade into once more. 
“Okay! Okay- I’m sorry! I’m sorry for stabbing you- honestly I am.” You cried, trying to move away from the stinging pain on your stomach. He removed the blade entirely and you let out a heavy breath. 
“Good girl. I forgive you.” You forced yourself not to scoff or roll your eyes. He brought the weapon up to your face, then trailed the tip of it down your cheek with a condescending smirk. 
“Now. Is your cunt nice and ready for me?” You nodded eagerly, feeling yourself clench around nothing at the thought of him being inside you soon. He quickly turned you around and pushed your chest into the wall, making you grunt from the sudden impact. You heard rustling for a few seconds, then felt the blunt head of his cock rub up and down your folds. He used one hand to hold your hips still, as the other lined himself up to your entrance. Not making you wait at all, he slowly pushed inside. You choked on a gasp at the burning stretch, then let out a whine as he just kept going deeper and deeper until his hips were finally flush with your ass. His now free hand also grabbed your hip and he held you against him. 
“Fuck- How are you so fucking big?” You whimpered, feeling his grip tighten. 
“How are you so fucking tight? I thought you said you were ready for me.” He groaned. 
“I thought I was.” You snapped, trying to focus on relaxing around his length. He slowly dragged his cock out until only the tip was inside, then forced himself back in. He repeated that slowly a few times before gradually increasing his speed. With each thrust, you could feel it getting easier to take him until finally all you could focus on was the blinding pleasure. 
His hips pistoned into you, each time making you let out short gasps from the impact. You clawed at the wall, scrambling for purchase as his thrusts started to speed up. His grip on your hips turned bruising and you let out a small whimper as it added to the growing arousal in your stomach. 
“Please.” You gasped out. No longer able to hold yourself up, your chest collapsed into the wall. You could just barely see him behind you with your cheek pressed to the cold concrete. 
“What are you begging for?” He wasn’t even slightly out of breath. 
“I- I want to come. Please.” You whined, knees starting to shake from his relentless pounding. 
“Not yet.” 
“Please!” He let out a dark chuckle that made you shiver. 
“You still haven’t figured it out yet?” He asked, amused. When you didn’t respond, he continued, “You’re not coming.” 
“W-what? Why not?” You whimpered, tears starting to well up in your eyes from desperation. 
“Bad girls don’t get to come.” You should have expected that. After all, he did say this was a punishment. 
“I won’t be bad anymore.” You cried, trying to turn your head more to see him better. “Please- I promise.” 
“I don’t believe you.” He said simply, making you let out a choked sob. His pace grew more frantic and it seemed like he was getting close- the knowledge made your cunt ache even more. 
“Please! I can’t hold it,” You were cut off by a hand wrapping around your throat, pulling you up and against his body, his thrusts never ceasing. 
“If you come, I’ll ruin it.” He growled, making you moan.  
“Unless you want me to come right fucking now, you need to take your hand off my neck.” The usual attitude in your voice was replaced by an embarrassing breathiness. 
“And make it easy for you?” You didn’t have to look at him to know he was smirking. After a beat, he spoke again. “How about this? You go one week without commiting a single crime and I’ll make you come.” 
“Why- fuck,” You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut because of a particularly deep thrust. “Why should I believe you?” You said through a breath, making him chuckle. 
“Because I’m not a liar, baby.” To be honest, you didn’t have a reason to not believe him. But you still wanted to come right now, which you made sure he knew. 
“But I don’t wanna come in a week, I wanna come now.” You whined and he didn’t respond. After a moment, you mewled quietly, making him chuckle. 
“Good choice. Oh also, if I have to ruin it right now, you’re not coming next time either.” You mentally begged him to finally come because you were embarrassingly close, even with the lack of stimulation on your clit. 
His thrusts grew more erratic until he let out a low moan and pushed you forward into the wall, keeping you trapped in place as his come filled your hole. You took deep breaths, trying to ignore the way his breath on your neck, the warm come coating your walls, and the twitching of his cock inside you were all adding to your burning need for release. When he pulled out, your knees trembled, but he caught you before you could fall. 
“Good girl.” He whispered against your ear, making you shiver. “Keep being good and you can come with me next time.” You nodded even though it wasn’t a question. “Think you can stand?” He asked softly. Putting your full weight on your shaky legs, you held onto the wall as he hesitantly let you go. 
He dropped to the ground, keeling in front of you, then parted your legs and put his mouth on you before you even realized what was happening. He lapped up his come that was starting to drip onto your thighs, then worked his tongue inside you. Your hands landed on his head and you pulled his hair, making him groan against you. He made his way to your clit, sucking the it into his mouth for only a moment before pulling away. Your hips bucked forward, chasing the pleasure, and he let out a low chuckle.  
“Just a little preview of next time, if you behave.” He smirked. Before you could even think about glaring at him, he was pulling your suit up your body as he stood. He helped your arms into the sleeves, then slowly dragged the zipper up to the base of your neck. 
“Be good. I’ll see you soon.”
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