#shut up j9
milkkicoffee · 1 year
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haganezuka is so pretty...the 4 year wait was worth it 🥹
note: this is official merch! it's a notebook 😸
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kariachi · 2 years
Random quick fic- some proper aftermath for the shit Ben pulled at the start of Store 23.
There were two levels of Serious Mess, Kevin had learned. Gwendolyn pacing back and forth, on the phone with her grandpa, swearing heavily? That was level one. Level two was Argit calling him while this was happening.
“Would you like to know what your buddy’s been up to?” Already bracing himself, he leaned against the nearest wall and shut his eyes.
“Is that why the Tennysons are losing it?”
“He destroyed four Vaxasaurian eggs.” Kevin stopped breathing, eyes blowing wide. “There’s video.”
“Confirmed unedited video?” You had to make sure. Killing Ben over a lie would be on theme for him, but Rabbi Fisher would be very disappointed and Gwendolyn would actually kill him. Argit scoffed.
“Of course confirmed unedited, you think I’d call you over a rumor like this? Besides, it was taken and released by J9‘s third, uh… Haavee! Haavee, and Helen’s confirmed she’s a Ben 10 fangirl and can hardly manage to work Instagram filters. Not exactly the type to have edited a vid to make him look bad. Apparently, the kid’s been in a tizzy since everyone realized what it was he was blowing up at the start of the vid, she didn’t know at the time.” Kevin forced a deep breath to keep the sour rage building in his gut at bay.
“Send me the vid? I need to see this for myself.”
“Sure thing, Ravrsa. Oh, be on the ready for a call from your brother, too, right now he’s busy with the parents but, I’m thinking he’s gonna have things to say.”
He was sure he would.
“Just tell us why you thought that was a good idea. Please, any explanation.” Somewhere between pouting and scowling, Ben looked to the ceiling for strength.
“I had to stop Liam, and they were just eggs!”
Cooper and Manny took a long step back, dragging Gwendolyn with them. The lights flickered erratically as Kevin sparked, not that it mattered since Alan flared up bright enough to light the room better than they had anyway. Helen was actually vibrating, hard enough you could hear the hum.
“Okay,” Pierce said, stepping forward with hands raised, “we do this youngest to oldest- no grumbling, Kev- and nobody fucking kill him, the Jobaris are going to want their fair slice.”
“And to the shock of literally nobody, the Plumbers have suspended Ben for six weeks while they ‘investigate’.” As one, the youths of the Hollow Tone Pack huffed.
“This sorta shit is why our parents quit.”
“Lucy’s removed every post on her social media that includes Ben and refuses to acknowledge he exists.”
“That’d be because Lenopan lay eggs too.”
“I cannot believe this.” Heaving a sigh, Gwendolyn crossed her arms. She also stayed securely by the doorframe.
“It’s not like I approve, but he’s still my cousin!”
“He still thinks the rest of us are overreacting! About him destroying eggs!” The back of her parents’ couch creaked worryingly under Kevin’s grip. “And you’re going to ‘testify to his character’?!”
“He made a mistake-”
“He killed four unborn children! To stop their kidnapping! How far up your own ass do you have to be to stand up in front of their parents and defend his character!?” Nose crinkling, she drew herself up with a glower.
“Kevin!” He flashed menacing Ossy teeth.
“Love you to pieces, Gwendolyn, but this is a line in the fucking sand.”
“Just- how the fuck am I supposed to trust them? There’s at worst even odds I’ll be laying eggs and here’s Ben pretty much saying they don’t count, and G saying she disagrees but still wants to support him in court- And they’re surprised and upset that I’m pissed off about it!”
“You know, I do know plenty of people who’ll take a bitch out for a decent price.”
“Please, don’t tempt me, Mom, it’s one of those days.”
“Okay, I know you said you never wanted to hear about Tennysons again,” Argit said, draping himself over Kevin’s shoulders as he worked, “but there’s big news.” Rolling his eyes, Kevin sighed. Several months was enough time to start moving forward, but not to lose that sting of sharp betrayal. Not just for the egg thing, but because after ages of them being proud that he was trying to ‘be better’ and ‘be good’ Ben went and pulled that shit and it supposedly made no change to whether he was good.
If Kevin had done that, it’d be seen as a backslide, or proof he was a horrible person. Ben did it and it was a ‘mistake’.
Watching half his fanbase jump ship in response could only soothe so much when the person who mattered hadn’t.
“Let it rip.”
“Benny lost the lawsuit. Four mil settlement.” It was bittersweet news, and hardly a drop in the bucket of the money Ben was going to have some he hit twenty-one and got access to his royalty payments, but Kevin grinned all the same.
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midnight---hollow · 4 years
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(Jays speed is supose to be 2. Im an idiot and added, incorrectly added cus even the addition is wrong, instead of subtracting)
Ok i made a base plan for the hanaki au and i want to share it.
Hanaki background
Hanaki is a type of parasite that takess the form of flowers
If both parents have the parasite then the child is born with it
Spores can also be breathed in so you are almost certain to have it unless you get a surgery
The parasite helps push a person to fall in love but at a cost
When a human with the parasite exhibits love for someone the flower will send a diffrent type of spores in search for the spores of said person
If the spores of the other give a negative reaction then the body of the first person will begin to shut down, it will start growing the flowers to use up as much energy before the body kills itself and the parasite
When the person decomposes a flower bed will be left in there place
Said bed will let out an on spray of spores that attach to anyone or anything nearby
There are 3 ways to get rid of the parasite
1 is surgery
The surgery is risky though and unless the person is under the age 10 it will distort the persons sense of love
They wont be able to properly love someone
The second is the other person falling in love with the 1st person
The parasite will stop growing and slowly shink away, it wont leave but it wont hurt the 1st person unless they get a heartbreak
Just dating them wont do anything, it must be genuine love. As long as the spores react positive you are safe
The last way is if your turned into a proxy or alter ego
It dosnt shink or cure the parasite but it will prevent it from growing further
This only works if said alter is in control.
Example being tims flowers will keep growing but when masky wakes up they stop
Hoody masky are alters
How to calculate your stats
P1st will stand for the first person (the one who can get the hanaki)
P2nd is for the second person (the one who can cause the hanaki)
In order to have the chance of growing the parasite p1st need to a a love stat of above 5
_# will be fore a blank stat
The first letter of p1st name will go on _ and their love stat will go on #
Example being brian with love stat 10 for tim
That would be b10
You do the same for p2nd
You subtract p1st by p2nd and the number is the speed
Example would be b10-t2= 8
The closer the numb is to 10 the quicker the speed of the parasite grows
The closer to 0 the slower it goes
If you love more then ine person you can gain extra speed or decrease speed
For example jay has a b8 and a9
Jay should have a 4 speed stat but because brian has a j6 and 8-6 is 2 you subtract 2 from 4 to get a 2 again
So jays speed stat would be 2
An example for adding would be if someone (k) has a f10 and and e8
If e has k1 and f has a k4 you would get 6 and 7
If the difference is above 5 you add (you subtract if under 5)
So you end up with an 11 speed that turns into a 10 (you cant go past 10 speed)
Mh crew stats
(Speed stats are probably wrong. If you notice any are incorrect please tell me cus i dont math)
Speed: 4
Speed: 2
Speed: 6
Speed: 8
The story
In this au the story that happeneds in marble hornets happeneds here but with these factors at play
Alex isnt a villain unless his alter is at play
They learn who hoody is in the begining
The stats i gave out are the begining ones, they may change throughout the adventure
The alters are both helping and on TO side
If TO is nearby or has gotten to close to an alter then they follow what it says
If they have had a bit of time from TO they gain their own mindsets back and help out jay tim brian and alex
If the the parasite grows to much and an alter is in control it gains a new purpose
It will gain the instinct to go after p2nd in hopes of bosting their love stat
They dont hurt them they just get extremely clingy and constantly follow p2nd
Jay tim alex and brians goal is to get TO away from them (and hopefully take care of their hanaki)
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Popcorn Explosion
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A/N: Day 13 is here and it’s a lot different then I thought it would be. This is going to be a JoongNine or J9 fanfic! Now, I normally don’t write for the actors, but I kept it as civil as I could but nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy the fanfic! 
Summary: Nine didn’t think that so many things could go wrong during his and Joong’s planned movie night, but of course, he was wrong. Hilarity ensues. 
Word Count: 1216
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“Hurry up Joong! The movie’s starting!” Nine yelled, running towards the couch before he jumped and landed on the cushions, bouncing slightly as he settled. It was a Friday night and instead of going out like they usually did, him and Joong decided to have a night in and have a movie marathon. They had picked out all kinds of movies the day before and went to the store just to pick up some butter popcorn for the night as well. Grabbing the blanket that he had placed on the couch earlier, Nine wrapped it around himself and grinned when he heard the microwave beep and the sound of Joong swear as he most likely did not wait a minute for the popcorn to cool. “Wait a second for the popcorn! It’s hot!”
“No, shi...I know!” Joong shouted back, holding back a swear as he tried to grab the popcorn again. Hearing Nine laughing at him, Joong felt his cheeks flush slightly before he finally grabbed the bag and closed the microwave. Opening it, Joong pulled out a large green bowl and dumped the plain popcorn in it, smiling when the scent of the treat filled the air making his stomach growl a bit. Hearing another call coming from the other room, Joong rolled his eyes and grabbed the butter. “Do you want it buttered?!”
Giving him his confirmation, Nine settled back as Joong came into the room and placed the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. Sitting on the couch next to his friend, Joong pulled at the blanket Nine was crowding and covered himself with it too before he reached for the bowl, placing it in his lap as the movie finally began to start. Reaching into the bowl, Nine watched as the movie sequence started and the silence they had suddenly was broken when the loud sound effect for the THX appeared. Screeching in shock, Nine jolted back while Joong flinched and made some of the popcorn go flying as his friend knocked into it, scrambling for the remote with flustered hands. Lowering the volume quite a lot, Nine placed his hand to his chest before he glanced at Joong, who was holding the bowl to his chest and biting his lip, holding back laughter to what he had just witnessed.  
“Don’t you dare laugh!” Nine growled threateningly, pointing at Joong who was trying hard to keep the laughter in as he observed the pout forming on Nine’s face. Clearing his throat shakily, Joong nodded and moved his gaze away from the huffy Nine to the movie that had finally started its opening credits. Leaning back against the couch with his arms crossed against his chest, Nine kept the pout up until a snort had come out of Joong and the bowl was shaking slightly from his attempts of keeping silent. “Joong, I swear to god.”
“I-I’m soreheheheherry!” Joong giggled out, finally breaking down as the pout refused to leave Nine’s face, handing the bowl to him as he broke down. Letting out a whine as Joong laughed at him, Nine paused the movie and glared at Joong, who was breaking down into full laughter from the look he was receiving. Letting a smirk lift on his own face, Nine buried his hands inside the bowl and pulled out a hand full of popcorn, lifting it so Joong could see it. Shaking his head, Joong covered his mouth and shot his friend a pleading look. “Nohoho! I will gehehet you back!” 
Arching his brows from the dare, Nine smiled and whipped the hand full of popcorn at Joong, who squawked and ducked, grabbing a pillow instead and throwing it at NIne. Yelping as he placed the bowl on the table just in time before the pillow hit him, Nine narrowed his eyes as Joong did the same before they both grabbed pillows and a fight began. Letting out a battle cry, Nine launched off the couch and aimed for Joong’s head, getting a direct hit. Shaking his hair out of his face as he was pelted by Nine’s pillow, Joong cracked into laughter more before he stood up and wacked Nine right across the face with his pillow. Crashing to the floor, Nine broke out into giggles before he stood back up and threw his pillow. Ducking just in time, the two gasped when the bowl smacked the popcorn bowl, causing their movie night treat to go flying. 
“Oh shit,” Nine muttered, looking at the hotel floor before he glanced back up at Joong, who was giving him the same look. Moving their gaze back to the floor, the two stayed silent until there was a knock on the door. Freezing up, Joong glanced at the door with wide eyes while Nine swallowed the lump in his throat and moved towards it, knowing that they were going to get caught one way or another. Opening the door slightly, Nine grinned sheepishly as he came face to face with Pavel and Dome, who had their brows arched. “Hi guys…”
“What is going on in here? We heard a huge thump from our room across the hall,” Dome asked, giving Nine a look that made the other grin. Letting out a hum, Nine glanced behind him at Joong, who was practically moving at the speed of light, trying to clean up their mess with a broom and dustpan. Moving his gaze back to their friends, Nine muttered some stutters before he heard Joong come up behind him and opened the door a bit wider. “Joong, what are you two up to?”
“Nothing much, we just got into a pillow fight over something that happened in the movie we’re watching,” Joong smoothly replied, laying his arm over Nine’s shoulder with a smile. Squinting his eyes slightly, Pavel glanced behind them and by the look of his face, the two knew that he knew they were fibbing but he decided not to tell Dome. Grinning, Joong squeezed Nine closer and nodded towards the movie. “We’re kinda in the midst of a movie night. Wanna join?”
“Nah, we were in the middle of game night with Ben and Earth. Whenever you guys are done, come and join us?” Pavel asked, wrapping his arm around Dome before he pushed the other boy towards their room again. Nodding their heads, the two watched as Pavel practically shoved Dome back into their shared room before he turned back around and gave them a wink. “Have fun you two.”
Rolling his eyes, Nine shouldered Joong back into their room and quickly shut the door, pressing his back to it with a sigh. Watching as Joong shrugged and headed back to the couch, Nine groaned and followed him, raising his eyebrows as he noticed that most of the mess was cleaned up except for a few crumbs that were buried in the rug floor. Sitting back down, the two stared at the paused movie before they glanced at each other, finally breaking into cackles as they remembered everything that happened. It was true that their movie night was put off by this but if they were being honest, it went exactly how they’d want. Now all that’s left is to make more popcorn and actually settle down to enjoy their movie night.
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gunsatthaphan · 5 years
2M2 anon again! (might as well call myself that at this point lol) it’s so great that you get to see them! is it a fanmeet? anyway i’m excited for you! ☺️ oh yeah for sure i think the world needs more ming appreciation posts tbh. softest boi. also not to sound delusional and its not really about the shipping irl at all 🥴 but out of genuine curiosity... are any of the cast lgbt? i thought maybe the actors who played ming and kit were, but i don’t wanna assume too much.
hiii 2M2 anon! good to hear from you again 😄 
yesss, I will see them at a fanmeet in Germany and it still seems unreal lol. and the craziest part is that it’s not gonna be in a big city like Berlin or something, it’s gonna be in a tiny ass town that I’ve legit never heard of lmao. I have no clue how that happened but yeah the cast already posted about it on IG and I’m extremely hyped lmao. I just hope it will be a fun and casual meetup and not some cringy-ass fanservice-event….. but we’ll see.  
*biggest sigh* yeah……Joong is really…… an ethereal being. he seems unreal. He’s just……. so gorgeous I have no words lol. (shut the fuck up doreen he’s almost 7 years younger than you and basically a baby lmao) regarding the irl shipping - I’ve said this before but I’m very much not into shipping real people but J9….. they’re kinda pulling me in lol 🙈 
About your question if anyone from the cast is lgbt - I really don’t know. As far as I know, none of them has ever said anything publicly, so we can’t assume anything. I think Pavel and Joong once said in an interview that gender doesn’t matter to them when it comes to love (?) But idk. That doesn’t have to mean anything. 
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canon-fcdder · 5 years
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✩ { Meme } ✩  - ✩ { @gamblealife } ✩ - 19. A clumsy kiss 
{ ☆ } It had started like any other day. Diligently trudging along from class to class: enduring the ridicule and tormenting of his peers, the praise and adulation of his teachers, which then leads to further jealousy-induced jeers and pranks... Until he could finally drop his heavy backpack down onto the tiled-floor of the science classroom. While their club couldn’t meet every single day— despite Varian’s pleas to the contrary —today was thankfully, one where they DID. True, he and Sheldon tend to spend time together after school even when they don’t have a club meeting. But Varian is incredibly close to a breakthrough in his latest (semi-dangerous) chemical experiment and requires substances only found in the school lab.
Until he is able to acquire some more for his personal one, of course...
The other boy seems to be running a bit late, but Varian doesn’t blame him for it. Sheldon’s days tend to be even more hectic than his own, and it’d hardly be the first time he was delayed by forces outside of his control... Aside from when he goes out of his way to talk to X-J9. But that unpleasant thought is promptly (and roughly) shoved to the back of Varian’s mind, mild grumbling and the harsh jostling of a beaker accompanying it. Placed down with more force than necessary, the vibrant liquid inside sloshes over the edge. Hitting the top of the desk with an unfortunate sizzle and puff of smoke. The smoke lingers in the air for a moment before dissipating with a threatening hiss of its own. That’s... concerning. 
As is how the liquid begins to bubble violently, spreading across the desk’s surface. “Oh, no... No, no, no, no, nononononononono...” Varian mutters as he quickly sets down the beaker— still containing a decent amount of corrosive liquid —and races to find something to mop up the mess. Paper towels would be a poor choice, even with protective gloves on. That’s definitely not a mistake he’s eager to make again. Sponges would likely just dissolve as well... As seconds tick by, his search becomes more frantic. More desperate; the sounds of sizzling grower ever-louder and the smell of something burning becoming stronger. If he doesn’t find something to rectify the situation with soon... DISASTER.
He doesn’t even notice the other boy entering the room... until it’s too late.
Turning the corner of the desk (for what must be the third time) gaze darting around in search of something suitable for touching what he hath wrought upon the science lab, he only has time to let out a startled cry— feet futilely skidding to a halt —before colliding with his poor, unsuspecting friend. Stumbling forward, arms blindly flailing for something to steady himself with, his efforts are useless and soon Varian finds himself falling. However, his landing isn’t as hard as he expected. Instead of hitting the unforgiving tile floor, he lands atop something far more comfortable. A grunt of discomfort is emitted from his unwilling cushion as he falls on it— or rather, him —before it is abruptly cut off... For a reason Varian will soon discover. 
Eyes are closed— having shut when he felt himself losing his balance —hands resting atop of something that rhythmically rises up and down, a frantic beating felt underneath his palms. It only takes a moment for him to realize that what he feels is Sheldon’s heart racing... and one moment more for Varian to understand WHY. And why his own is following suit. Lips are pressed against his crush friend’s, awkward and a tad sore from the impact, but against Sheldon’s nonetheless. It’s... strange, and exciting, and wonderful, and terrifying, and- 
A million things that hit him all at once, causing his stomach to churn and his palms to sweat beneath his gloves and his heart to pound in his chest. It’s Varian’s first kiss... and it’s with someone who he’s imagined kissing for what must be a hundred times. He’s not certain if he’s doing it right. Their lips are touching... and that’s all a kiss IS, right? But he doesn’t allow himself time to figure it out, quickly pulling back mere seconds after realizing what happened. After all, it was an accident... He hadn’t meant to kiss Sheldon for real, and Sheldon certainly doesn’t WANT to kiss him. His heart is already focused on a certain robotic girl.
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“I-I... I, uh...” Varian breathlessly stammers, the metaphorical heart lodged in his throat making it difficult to speak. Hands are now resting on either side of Sheldon, to keep the upper half of his body from laying atop of him. Still an awkward position, Varian gazing down at the friend subconsciously pinned underneath him. But he is far too frazzled to realize that he should probably just stand up completely. He’s no longer kissing Sheldon and no longer feels his frantic heart... That’s the extent of Varian’s planning. “I’m... sorry?” Yes. He is sorry. Very sorry. So why in the world did that have to come out sounding like a question?  
“I-I mean, I am so sorry! Incredibly, unbelievably sorry, Shelly!” Varian quickly amends, words frantically pouring out. Cheeks are flushed a vibrant pink as the heat of shame washes over them, eyes wide as they distraughtly gaze into the other boy’s. As if searching to see how upset Sheldon is... Must be. “That was an accident, I swear!” Voice cracks, his heartbeat managing to quicken. Visions of his best friend becoming angry, becoming resentful, filling his mind in an instant. Disgusted with him... BY him... Leaving him. “I... I didn’t mean to.”
In the background— completely overshadowed by far more IMPORTANT things —the top of the desk gains a small flame, triggering the sprinkler system and drenching the teens. { ☆ }
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mlmdanse · 7 years
Male companions react to seeing Sole naked for the first time?
This is my first react! Hope you guys enjoy! (Also please feel free to constructively critique my work)
Note adding a read more cause it long.
Danse: “S-solider” Danse didn’t understand why he was so nervous. He’s seen and bathed with his brother’s many a times before. He’s seen each and everyone naked, he had no problems with seeing another man naked.
Sole was different. There was something about him that intrigued Danse. He was brave, and fearless, yet caring and kind. He was the both extremes. He was someone that could carry the Brotherhood name with honor and integrity. So seeing sole, in all his naked glory, was something Danse wanted. Danse admired Sole. He wanted to feel the compassion sole gave to the people. Danse wanted this.
“Danse...is everything alright? Come on in, the water feels great!
Danse walked into the shower, hoping to get a little closer (and a better view) of Sole. 
Deacon: “Wow, boss. You really like to let it all out, huh?” Deacon always loved wearing his sunglasses. Even when he sleeps, he sometimes leaves them on. Sort of...as a mask. 
However, even sole could see the red filling Deacon’s face. Deacon knew he was red. He couldn’t hide it from Sole. He loved how sole’s body was shaped. His chest, how it calmly breathed even though the land has, in a sense, gone to shit in a handbasket (Deacon’s never been good at metaphors) His toned body, a body that was made by the war. His...umm...special tool. Everything about sole made Deacon have weird feelings in his stomach. Deacon wanted to be closer to sole. He knew from the first time he saw sole leave Vault 111. Oh my God, he’s cute.
“Well, let’s just say I let it out for the one’s I really care about.”
Fuck...finally...in God know how many years, Deacon found the other person that can shut him up.
Gage: “Well, don’t you paint a pretty picture.”
People come and go in your life. Especially if you’re a raider. You either watch them leave, or you kill them. Gage grew up with that mentality. People came and left. Lovers came and left. One morning he’d be with someone, the next. They were gone. 
But...Sole. Sole felt different to him. He didn’t want to see him go. Gage seeing Sole interact with the other gangs made Gage...jealous. Seeing sole being hit on by the other raiders, how they commented on Sole’s “pretty skin” and “nice ass” and “banging body” gave Gage enough rage to fuel a furnace. He didn’t want anyone to talk about Sole like that. Sole was something to him, and Gage didn’t like to see him treated like a piece of meat. Gage wanted to touch his body. Explore his skin. Raid his heart. Gage was selfish that way.
“Well, I’m glad I can paint it for you.” Gage couldn’t believe how lucky a raider can get.
Hancock: “So...that’s what you’ve been hiding underneath that blue suit.” 
Hancock always needs to be in charge. He loved the feeling of being the “top.” Being the mayor of Goodneighbor, it fueled his dominance. However, sole was different. Sole was the only guy Hancock could be vulnerable to. Granted you can only be “mr. tough macho man mayor” for so long, until you need a chance to rest. He was happy that Fahrenheit was there for him, but he felt like he needed more. He always felt like he needed that little extra ‘bump.’ That’s what he was to him. Sole was there to hear him out. Sole was there to make sure he was fine. Sole was even there to partake in a little jet session. 
Sole saw Hancock as a man rather than his skin. Hancock loved that about him. 
“Yeah. Why? Is it something you’re interested in?” Hancock loved it so much. He loved him so much.
MacCready: “Well...this is an...umm...interesting view.”
MacCready always grew up questioning himself. From Little Lamplight to now. What if he didn’t let that Mungo in? What if he was able to save... What if Duncan never got that disease...would he’d still have meet sole? Mac didn’t know how he felt about sole. Yeah, sole was strong and brave and manly. But most of the guys in the gunners are. However, sole had this unique quality to him. Sole had this caring, sarcastic attitude that drew Mac to him. Mac saw sole as any other guy he saw. A paycheck. A couple of caps he can get to buy some hard liquor, cigarettes and candy. The more he walked and spoke with him, the more he realized, sole reminded him of her. Strong, dependable spirits. Put on this earth to help Mac get through his own life. That’s what made Mac give back the 250 caps Sole paid him. Mac knew it was a small price to pay for being with him.
“Interesting huh? Is it only that, Bobby?” He hated hearing his nickname from anyone else, but him.
Preston: “Oh...S-Sorry General...I didn’t know you were changing...I’ll be on my way now.”
Preston closed the door, letting the image sink in. He saw him. He saw EVERYTHING! Then...why...why did Preston feel this way? Why was his heart beating so fast? Why was his hand shaking a bit? What caused him to react like this? He remembers reading a pre-war book. How this one guy liked this one girl, and one day the guy admitted his feelings.and he was so nervous. Preston chalked it up to love. 
Love. It hit him like a bag of bricks. Of course he’d fallen in love with him. Sole helped bring back the Minutemen. Sole helped him overcome his thoughts of loneliness and suicide. Sole was a brave man that saw the kindness in Preston’s heart, when even Preston couldn’t see it himself. Preston loved the General. But...Preston was sure that Sole couldn’t love him back. 
“P-Preston...please come back in. I...I want to talk to you.” Preston’s could hear his heart starting up again. He slowly opened the door to the one that he truly loved. 
Nick: “Feeling a little adventurous are we?”
Nick was old. Flat and simple. He kept on telling himself that. Old, used, and unwanted. He always had that mentality. Of course, being labeled as a “defect” and thrown out of the place you were made didn’t really help. Then...why was Sole so interested in him? Why did Sole smile that handsome smile, mostly to him? Why did he use his charismatic tongue on an ol’ defective synth like him?It baffled Nick. Why him? Nick always kept a straight face around Sole. He never fell into the little traps Sole had around to him. 
But this time...he kind of wanted to fall. He loved Sole’s physique. He loved his playful nature yet serious demeanor. He loved the snarky attitude, mixed in with sarcastic, witty thoughts, and kind, caring affection. Nick loved everything about Sole. 
“With you Valentine, I’m always down for a little adventure.” Maybe it wouldn’t be to bad to fall every once in a while.
X6-88 “Sir, you might want to...put some clothes back on.”
X6 had no idea why he hesitated there. Seeing Sole standing there kind of brought something up in him. Maybe it was a defect. Maybe being in the Commonwealth has cause some sort of radiation damage. Usually X6 would suggest going into for some fine tuning. But this time, X6 didn’t want to. X6 has this weird feeling in his chest. And it always seems to grow more and more everyday. It only seemed to flare up when Sole was around, or when X6 heard his voice, or when he saw Sole get hurt. X6 couldn’t explain the feeling, but he always wanted to be there for Sole. Made sure he wasn’t hurt, or he wasn’t in danger...or he wasn’t dead. X6 didn’t want to lose him. X6 never understood how synths could fall in love. How did M7-97 and J9-91 fall in love? Synths were never supposed to be like that. Now...it’s all starting to click.
“A little hesitant there, huh X6″ X6 felt a new type of feeling. His face getting hot and flustered. 
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milkkicoffee · 1 year
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manifesting that ufotable put all of their budget into haganezuka's face reveal
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Episode 29: Alien Politics
J9-3 arrives at a space station, some banter is done when near it. Susie has interest in Uranus knowing that is their next stop. Jimmy is on edge once Uranus becomes visible. The J9-3 lands on what should be a gas giant as it turns out to be an ice planet with a city underneath entered via tunnel. The heroes land and enjoy themselves at a restaurant when DD pops in and states they can't stay too long because of time. Birdy doesn't seem to mind. DD goes on and on for a while. I wish I knew Japanese. DD soon notices Jimmy and Susie are missing. At a check point we see the two near a line, Jimmy is nervous but Susie tells him to relax as she sees a VIP pass area. The computer wants identification they don't have as soldiers waltz on by. Some guy with a laser pistol and a scorpion tattoo kills the soldiers and runs off. Jimmy grabs the laser pistol for no reason and some random woman accuses him of murder. On the J9-3 the heroes are still unable to find him when Susie comes in crying. At the station from earlier some high ranking military official is fuming after learning of the assassination- Why are there eyes lacking pupils? They think Jimmy is their assassin and the boss wants him dead so nothing can be traced back to them. After this goes on for a while the leader leaves. Jimmy gets interrogated and pleads his innocence, the cops don't buy it since he had the gun. The others ask around what happened to Jimmy to no avail. After that a cop car takes Jimmy to a space ship, Susie yells for him as he is hulled off as Birdy helplessly watches. The ship hatch shuts and Susie cries before the cruiser takes off for space. Susie keeps shouting his name.
Eye catch.
The prison ship leaves Uranus as we see the pupil-less underling earlier in a white ship catch the guards off guard (heh) and rescue Jimmy thinking he is the assassin. Both escape in space suits and flying red scooters. The underling pulls out a laser pistol and fires, but Jimmy escapes. At the space station the boss from earlier is chewed out with by his boss who has a white mustache. Jimmy keeps running when a fleet of ships shoots down a cruiser they were on. The space station pupil-less guys go after the underling who Jimmy saves before they both crash in a canyon. He does it in time while at the J9-3 the team thinks about what to do as they see a gray jet nearby with an insignia on it. DD rushes in to tell them about the transport cruiser being shot down. The women contact the men saying they got something covered and they go yay. Jimym and the underling have their helmets off and talk to each other, the latter having a head bandage. Jimmy mentions the scorpion tattoo the assassin had as a red VTOL lands with a soldier looking around for them. Jimmy trips and has to kill him with a revolver. The other red VTOLs fire red lasers at them (from the wings and two under the cockpit). The J9-3 shows up with Lock firing the roof turret when the main battleship shows up. J9-3 transforms into Sasuraiger who gets barraged by the battleship via four triple barreled laser cannons on the hull and a rapid fire missile pod from the left side. Eventually Sasuraiger just rams through it. Afterward Jimmy wakes up to hear Susie and the underling gives JJ-9 is thanks. The heroes point out he still needs to pay for what he did before cutting to the identity of the assassin.... Some politician. Some treaty is about to be signed when the heroes enter- HIS NAME WAS EDAROG!? But yeah, Jimmy identifies the assassin as one of the politicians and Edarog shoots him right as he pulls out a pistol. Beat wants to beat the other one up and Edarog has the other Uranus politician arrested. The pupil-less guys bid farewell and IC uses the roof turret to carve their mark on a glacier. Also the narrator confirms pupil-less guys were aliens.
Preview! A robotic space spider flies around, some rock star chick throws JJ-9 in a tower jail cell, and Sasuraiger fights some eadles.
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lily-after-dark · 4 years
X-J9 loves having her lover reprogram her.
"Uh- Um- I will neither confirm nor deny this..." Yes she does~ "Shut up!"
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arthausfl · 8 years
Surrey Mirror published Driver slams 'ridiculous' motorists who reversed wrong way up...
A driver who was stuck on the M23 after urgent repairs to power cables meant the motorway was shut for several hours has described seeing "crazy" motorists reverse the wrong way up a slip road to escape the queues.The busy motorway was closed northbound between J10 (Crawley) and J8 (M25), and southbound between J8 and J9 (Gatwick) last Thursday while UK Power Network repaired damage to overhead power cables.Delays were so bad on the road that more than 50 drivers started to turn around...
from Surrey Mirror All Content Feed http://www.surreymirror.co.uk/m23-motorist-astonished-at-ridiculous-drivers-who-reversed-up-a-slip-road-to-avoid-traffic/story-30115813-detail/story.html
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kellyturner1968 · 8 years
Surrey Mirror published Driver slams 'ridiculous' motorists who reversed wrong way up...
A driver who was stuck on the M23 after urgent repairs to power cables meant the motorway was shut for several hours has described seeing "crazy" motorists reverse the wrong way up a slip road to escape the queues.The busy motorway was closed northbound between J10 (Crawley) and J8 (M25), and southbound between J8 and J9 (Gatwick) last Thursday while UK Power Network repaired damage to overhead power cables.Delays were so bad on the road that more than 50 drivers started to turn around...
from Surrey Mirror All Content Feed http://www.surreymirror.co.uk/m23-motorist-astonished-at-ridiculous-drivers-who-reversed-up-a-slip-road-to-avoid-traffic/story-30115813-detail/story.html
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milkkicoffee · 2 years
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late post, but the taiju merch i preordered back in july arrived a day before christmas!! the perfect christmas present 🥹❤️ can’t wait to see and hear more of taiju on saturday!🫶🫶
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milkkicoffee · 2 years
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he LOOKS SO GOOD?!?!?!!?! his nose is so... 👁🫦👁
yalls im gonna evaporate in january i can feel it
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milkkicoffee · 3 years
omi sim to cope w college burnout <3
hair and omi's beauty marks by: @meghewlett (love u megu!!)
other cc/sim dl: dm!!
ok back to drowning in workload
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milkkicoffee · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE TAIJU SHIBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dis man deadass made 2021 better for me <3 looking forward to getting ur merch on november king
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