#shy Atsumu has my heart
nicka-nell · 3 months
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How they act when they have a crush on you
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Pairing: Atsumu x, Suna x, Kuroo x, Ushijima x, Daichi x, Hinata x, Iwaizumi x, Oikawa x reader
Warning: fluff, mdni
Part 1 | Part 2 (end)
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A total bully. Constantly in teasing mode.
Whether it’s in class and he throws little paper balls at your head, pulls your hair while you’re tying your shoes in the gym, or “borrows” your homework to copy it and give you your notebook back with a scrabbly drawing next to your exercises.
Atsumu takes every free opportunity to pick on you, thinking that you take it as a form of pleasant affection.
You’re chatting with some friends in sports class when you get hit in the back of the head with a ball. It wasn’t a powerful throw. In fact, you barely felt it, but you know immediately who the ball came from when you turn around with a grim expression and see the wide-grinning blond Miya brother running towards you. “Sorry sweetheart. But ya were standing in my throwing lane.” he grins and picks up the ball. Oh, how you’d love to hit him in the face with the ball.
After school you just want to go home, the umbrella is already open as it is pouring like hell, when you feel two strong hands snatching the umbrella from your hands. “Hey sweetheart, I’m sure ya won’t have a problem if I borrow the umbrella, will ya?” Atsumu smirks at you again, already holding the umbrella in his hands so that he doesn’t get wet. You’re next to him, but half your body still gets wet as you try to take the umbrella away from him. “Hey, I’m a damn superb athlete. Can’t risk it to get sick,” he complains, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you towards him so that you don’t get completely wet. You walk home together for quite a while until Atsumu leads in the opposite direction to his own home. With your umbrella, of course. You can prepare yourself to arrive home soaked and chilled. Awesome.
Atsumu would never think of telling you that he has a crush on you. He assumes that you already know this and that you also have feelings for him, but are too shy to tell him.
When a guy invited you out for ice cream and you agreed, Atsumu complained to Osamu. Osamu first had to make it clear to him that you two are definitely not a couple and that you certainly don’t assume that he has feelings for you, because Atsumu is also just an asshole towards you.
Atsumu interrupts you sulking while you’re eating ice cream with the guy, completely ignores this dude and tells you that you shouldn’t eat ice cream with other guys because he likes you and it annoys him when you do things with other guys who aren’t him.
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Suna is probably more of a secret, very laid-back admirer who takes things rather slowly.
He doesn’t behave any differently towards you in everyday life. That’s why it’s not obvious to outsiders that he has feelings for you. Even for you.
You’re in the same circle of friends. He’s not particularly jealous when you talk to other men. Possibly also because he knows exactly what he has to offer and is convinced of himself to a healthy degree.
But after a while, you notice that he’s more interested in you. He always likes your pictures on social media. Sometimes he comments on them with emojis. A fiery heart, or a smiley looking mischievously to the side, or even a smiley with heart eyes. Sometimes he also speaks to you directly about your pictures.
Rarely does he tease you.
“Saw your picture yesterday. Looked good,” he says calmly, his legs up against the wall as he lies on his back on the bed, his head hanging off the edge of it as he looks at his phone in his hands. You’re sitting on the floor with your back against his bed, still finishing up a few things for your group work for school, when you look sideways at him. “Thank you, that was with Tsumu. We played CoD,” you answer him. “A game date?” he replies with an almost arrogant look, still scanning you from his casual position as you shake your head and roll your eyes. Suna wouldn’t admit it, but deep down, he’s glad you denied his question.
Your free classes are for learning. But sometimes you use them to just relax, chat or do nothing. While one or two of you are studying in the school's common room, you approach Suna, who is sitting on a bench with Atsumu and Osamu. Both boys are looking at Suna’s phone, who’s playing a game, when you approach him and ask curiously what he’s doing. All three boys look at you before Suna grabs your hand and casually pulls you onto his lap while resting his head on your shoulder. His hands are around your waist while his phone is in his hands in front of you. “It’s a new mobile game that came out. It’s based on a webtoon,” he answers, still focused on his phone.
Suna would probably confess his feelings to you first. However, his confession is rather spontaneous.
For example, in a store when you buy some fruit sticks on the way back home and he also pays for your stick. Outside, you tell him that he didn’t have to do that and that you can pay for it yourself, but out of the blue, he just tells you that he did it because he likes you. “So what does it matter? I did it because I like you. So bad?”
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Like Atsumu, Kuroo is someone who would tease you to get your attention. But not in that childish way with paper balls in your hair.
But at the same time, Kuroo would also help you and is very attentive.
In sports class, you are currently learning the basics of basketball - how to dribble, make a lay-up and so on - before your sports teacher tells you to practice on your own for the next 30 minutes. Kuroo grins at you and throws you the ball. “Do you think you can beat me in a one-on-one?” he smirks, knowing full well that you can’t. Nevertheless, you accept his challenge, start to play and quickly lose the ball. “You need to be less stiff. Try to move with the ball. And... try to keep the ball at about waist height when you dribble,” Kuroo says as he dribbles past you to make a smooth 3-pointer. 
You’re sitting on a bench in the shadows during your break. It’s a hot summer day and you just want to get somewhere where there’s air conditioning. “You should drink more. It’s pretty hot today and you’re not an oryx antelope that can go without water for long,” says Kuroo, who suddenly stands next to you at the bench and holds out a small bottle of water.
He always acts so tough around others, but he cares about the people who are important to him.
Would he tell you that he has feelings for you? Probably not, but at some point you would notice it yourself and ask him casually. 
If you asked him about it, he’d start off by rambling and beating around the bush, but then eventually admit to having feelings for you.
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Ushijima would probably behave the same way towards you as he usually does. At least that’s what he thinks.
But you can actually see him looking in your direction from time to time and subconsciously observing you.
He also subconsciously thinks of you, asking Tendou, for example, whether he could imagine that you might also like certain things.
In class, you are all already in the classroom waiting for the teacher, while you talk to Semi about the new shop next to the school and Tendou tries to tell Ushijima about the latest manga he has read. Tendou quickly realizes that Ushijima isn’t paying any attention to him, but that his gaze is instead wandering toward you and Semi. “Wakatoshi? Were you even listening to me?” Ushijima barely visibly flinches, noticing that his thoughts were somewhere else when he looks over at Tendou again. “Can you lend me the magazine? They always have such interesting promotions on the last page,” he says, completely forgotten that his attention was still on you earlier. Unlike Tendou, who purses his lips and narrows his eyes.
“Uhhh, tell me, did you watch the new K-Drama series? The one with the lawyers and the forensic scientist? Mmmh, the lawyer’s secretary is sooo cute!” Tendou chants as he walks with Ushijima towards the gym for training. “No. Do you think Y/n would like the series? She likes watching these things, doesn’t she?” Ushijima asks dryly, not realizing that he’s only thinking about you again. “Mmm, I don’t know, maybe you two should watch the series,” Tendou replies, hoping to finally get a little more out of Ushijima, but he doesn’t respond to his statement anymore.
It would take so long for Ushijima to realize that he has feelings for you. Whether he finds out on his own, because he realizes that this rapid heartbeat is not because of his “suddenly worsening condition”, or because Tendou gives him a few clues to think about his feelings for you.
However, Ushijima would tell you as soon as he recognized it for himself. But not with a bouquet of flowers and a romantic dinner.
No, he would simply ask you at the next opportunity, if you were interested in him, because he is pretty sure that his interest in you goes beyond friendship. Not caring if you were alone or around friends during his confession.
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Sawamura is a little gentleman. He would show his kind of affection through small things. The typical “act of kindness”.
Whether it’s opening the door, holding your school bag while you put on your jacket, or simply walking home together, even if it means a ten-minute diversions for him.
“Ah damn...” you curse quietly as you sit in your seat in the classroom and realise that you’ve forgotten your pencil case at home. “Dai-“ you’re turning around to ask Sawamura if he can lend you a pencil only to see him holding one out to you already, with a slight smile on his face. “Thank you.” You whisper quietly and turn back to the front.
You’re on your way home after a pretty exhausting day at school. All of you stayed a little longer in the school library today to study for your final exams. So it’s already dark when you go home and you’re upset about not bringing a jacket. “Here. Next time you should remember to pack something warm. You never know when it might rain and the temperature could drop,” Sawamura says calmly, holding out the jacket he wears for volleyball training. He himself is still wearing his school uniform jacket. After all, he doesn’t want to catch a cold. You gratefully accept the sports jacket and put it over your shoulders. Sawamura wouldn’t admit it, but he wouldn’t mind if you forgot your jacket next time as well, and wore his instead, because seeing you in his way too big jacket somehow makes his heart beat faster.
Sawamura would think long and hard about whether to confess his feelings to you, because he wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship between you. But in the end, he would be the one to confess his feelings to you first, in the hope that you would return them.
Unlike Ushijima, however, he would do it at a moment that suits him. For example, when the two of you are alone, on the way home together, in a quiet and laid-back environment and a relaxed atmosphere.
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Hinata is so clumsy and although he tries to hide his feelings a little bit and keep them under control, even a blind man would understand how much he has a crush on you.
As soon as you enter the room, he gets all nervous and his vocabulary suddenly shrinks so much that it feels like it only consists of 30 words.
Even if Hinata appeared nervous towards you, he would never be someone who would tease you or have a cheeky remark on his lips. Nor would he ignore you. He would also be the cheerful and friendly whirlwind towards you, just a little awkward. He would try to support you, even if it was just carrying the bench in the gym together with you.
“H-hi,” Hinata stutters and turns away, glowing red in the face, as you smile at him and greet him too. “I’ve brought water for myself,” he says with a smile and holds out a water bottle to you. You give him an irritated look, but then giggle. “For you? Yes, that’s nice, but why are you giving it to me?” you ask and notice Hinata blushing again. He’s probably embarrassed right now. But you think it’s cute. “Eh, I mean for you. You. I’ve got my bottle here! See? It’s even full!” he says and reaches for the bottle in the side of his bag, wanting to shake it to show you that it’s full. But instead, he presses down on the bottle and splashes the water on his face. You giggle, but reach into your own gym bag and pull out a small towel to put on Hinata’s wet head so he can dry off. A gesture that is probably too much for his nerves right now.
Tired after his hard and long volleyball training with Kageyama, Hinata is just about to get on his bike and ride home when he sees you sitting at the bus stop in the dark. A little confused, he asks you what you are still doing here at this time of night when you tell him that you missed your bus."Then come on, I’ll drive you home!" he says with a cheerful smile and you don’t even have the chance to say no. Because you’re already sitting on the front of his handlebars while he pedals his bike and takes you home. He doesn’t seem to care that you live in the opposite direction to him and that it will take him even longer to get home, thanks to you. “Hold on tight, the Shouyou taxi is fast as lightning,” he says with a grin and drives you home.
With Hinata, it’s a fifty-fifty chance whether he confesses his feelings to you or not. Either he confesses them to you, but then because he babbles and the words just fall out of him with nervousness, or you tell him at some point that you have feelings for him.
If you are the one who confesses his feelings first, you can literally watch a fuse burn out in his head and how he is completely overwhelmed until he realizes what you have just told him.
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Iwaizumi is similar to Sawamura. He would also shine through his act of kindness. Even if he would try to hide it coolly.
However, Iwaizumi also has a protective and slightly jealous side, especially when Oikawa gets the idea to flirt with you. He doesn’t like it when you feel uncomfortable or when other guys get too close to you.
“You shouldn’t carry such heavy things. You’ll damage your back,” Iwaizumi grumbles, before taking the bag with all the water bottles for the volleyball team from you and hanging it over his shoulder. “Hajime... I’m not five anymore... I can carry the bag by myself.” You answer him with a sigh. He’s a bit like your mum... far too caring. The only thing missing now is that he shouts after you in the morning to always bring a jacket so that you don’t freeze in the summer when it’s thirty degrees… “Never mind, I’ll carry the bag now...” he replies casually and turns his head away from you, but the tips of his reddish ears betray his coolness.
“Uuuhh my favorite manager is back” grins Oikawa, who runs up to you and hugs you as if you were best friends, but quickly lets go of you when he is hit in the back of the head with a ball. “Hey Shittykawa, leave her alone. We’re here to train, not to flirt with women. Especially not with our manager, you idiot!” Iwaizumi yells annoyed and approaches you both, while Oikawa tries to hide behind you. “Not my face, not my face!” Oikawa begs from behind you, leaning his head against your back. Iwaizumi tries to pull him away from you as the coach calls everyone together and demands their attention.
Iwaizumi would definitely be the first to tell you that he has feelings for you. But also alone, not in front of all your friends.
He would pull you aside, casually ask if you had a moment and just before he confessed his feelings to you. His tough determination would leave him and he would scratch the back of his neck until he got the words out almost sulkily, not looking you in the eye at first, before repeating his words with more determination, this time looking at you.
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Oikawa would try to win your attention with every second.
Whether it’s in class because he offers to answer difficult questions and flaunts the answer to make himself look smart and strong in front of you, or whether it’s in training when he scores 5 points only with his serves.
Even your teacher doesn’t call you by name as often as Oikawa does when he wants your attention.
He also doesn’t like it when he sees you with other guys. He always pushes his way in between your conversations and tries to be close to you.
“Oh hey, Y/n-chan, what are you talking about right now?” he asks with feigned curiosity, his arms draped over your shoulders as he stares darkly into the eyes of the young guy in front of you. “Oh eh, we were talking about the new movie that airs tomorrow,” you reply, looking back over your shoulder at Oikawa, who suddenly looks at you with a smile, the dark expression completely gone. “A movie? Shall we go together?” He’s not really in the mood for the cinema, but if it means this guy leaves and Oikawa can spend more time with you, it’s a win-win.
Oikawa walks out of the changing room with a big grin on his face. Freshly showered and in everyday clothes after his team won the game against a neighboring team. “Did you see how many points I scored in that game? It’s amazing, isn’t it?” he asks, totally full of himself, as he puts his arm over your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. “Yes... you really scored a lot of points. But Hajime was also really-“, ”Iwa-chan could only score so many points because I’m the best setter. Right? You saw that, didn’t you? How I pass the ball into Iwa-chan’s hand?" he interrupts you, almost as if it annoys him that you were about to praise his best friend. With a sigh, you just chuckle. “Mhh yes, that’s right. You’re really great.” you answer him and watch as his eyes sparkle even brighter and he happily presses you against his chest. “I knew you only had eyes for me, little birdy.”
Since Oikawa assumes that every woman likes him anyway, he also expects you to like him. Would he tell you that he has feelings for you? Maybe.
The fact that you two are always doing so much together and that he’s like a clingy puppy somehow blurs the line between friendship and relationship.
At some point, when a guy had asked for your number, Oikawa had then shouted loudly that the guy should leave his girlfriend alone. You looked at him in confusion and there was a brief, awkward silence until you asked him if by any chance he had feelings for you.
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snazzyturtles · 1 year
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bokuto x f!reader, nsfw, mdni
bokuto kotaro’s biggest fan catches his eye, and he decides he has to have you
wc: 7.1 k
tw: strangers to lovers, virg reader, anal tease, titty sucking, mating press, unprotected, creampie, implied squirting, bd/sp, bokuto is VERY straightforward and confident while reader is a blushing mess, pet names (klutz, sweetie, darling, baby, little fan), bokuto likes teasing sO much, he bites you like once but it’s not bad
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thinking back on it, you could have never imagined yourself in the place you are now. what started as tagging along with a friend to a random volleyball game one weekend slowly turned into a hobby. a habit. one you couldn't shake off or ignore, because you just kept feeling like you needed more, and one team filled that want.
the msby black jackals were an amazing team, filled with wonderful athletes that were great at what they did. hinata, atsumu, meian, kiyoomi- they were all incredible. you were a big fan, loving to watch them compete. but one player intrigued you the most- bokuto kotaro. he was an astonishing player, and while watching their competitions, you couldn't keep your eyes off of him. for more ways than one. 
after the game, you walked down and greeted him while he was walking away, meekly asking him to sign your shirt. he was cheerful, happy to see that someone admired him after the game. 
“of course!” he chuckled, “didn't know I had such gorgeous fans.” he gave you a friendly wink.
your breath caught, heart fluttering in your chest. did he really just say that?
“i... ah... th-thank you.” you stuttered out, a blush spreading your face fast.
he chuckled softly, “oh, you're very welcome.” his cheerful expression turned into a flirty smirk.
“and what's the name of my favorite fan?” he smiled.
your blush got somehow even deeper, ducking your head down so he wouldn't see your flustered face.
“… y/n,” you replied, low and quiet.
“y/n, such a gorgeous name.” his voice was smooth but playful.
you went stiff, almost forgetting to breathe. bokuto kotaro was complimenting you?
“i see we got a shy one?” he smirked.
“i... well…” you took a breath and looked back up at him. your voice was shaky. “n-not normally... i just-“
his expression was a playful grin, he looked at you in the eyes while speaking.
“oh what's this? you got a crush on the ace?” he chuckled softly.
lifting your head, you stared into his golden eyes, slowly nodding.
“i... um, yeah…”
his eyes widened and his voice became soft.
“o-oh well in that case, would you like to go get dinner after this, sweetie?” he smirked. “i think my favorite fan has just landed a date.”
your eyes flew open. his words caught you by surprise, not expecting that response.
“w-wait what? are you serious?”
“of course i’m serious. a beautiful fan like you couldn't be alone on a special night like this, right?” he chuckled confidently, looking you in the eyes- his voice was sweet and smooth.
“but... but won't you be busy? it's after the game, you have interviews and other fans to meet…”
he chuckled and stepped closer. “i’m willing to spare some time for a loyal fan.”
he grabbed your hand, his expression was cheerful. “i’ll pick you up in an hour then, how does that sound?”
you nodded your head quickly, “that sounds great.”
you gave him your phone number and address, suddenly so excited for what was about to come.
the hour passed quickly and there was a knock on your door. it was bokuto, dressed in a button-up shirt and slacks, his hair was neat and his eyes were sparkling. he bowed.
“good evening, y/n.”
your voice caught in your throat as you opened the door to your apartment. you whispered under your breath, “i... i didn't realize you were dressing up.”
he chuckled. “i have to look nice for my fan.”
you were standing in the doorway, wearing the jersey he signed earlier and shorts that you could barely see underneath. you were dramatically underdressed in comparison to him.
“um... make yourself at home, give me one minute i'm gonna go put on something better.”
when his eyes widened as he noticed your attire, his voice became a bit raspy. “oh, um… alright, sure.”
he stepped aside and sat down in a nearby chair to let you change. you blushed deeply, then practically ran to your bedroom to put on better clothes.
you were rushing so much that when you went to tug your shorts off, you tripped and fell on the floor, hitting the wall and yelping loudly.
bokuto heard the sound of you falling and came running in, his gold eyes darted around and they focused in on you.
“y- y/n?” his voice was shaky, he seemed concerned.
“are you okay?” he started cautiously walking over towards you. “i heard a shriek and a loud sound, are you hurt?”
“ow.” you said under your breath, gritting your teeth as you rubbed your knee. “i'm sorry bokuto, i tripped when i was changing clothes & hit my knee-“
mentioning that was all it took for him, and he immediately bent down and picked you up. bokuto held you in his arms as he examined your injury.
“this is definitely a bruise, you'll probably also have a bit of a limp,” he frowned.
“you hit your knee on the wall?” he looked at the wall and back to you. “how fast and how hard did you have to trip to do that?”
you covered your face with your hands, turning into his chest to avoid looking at his face. you were embarrassed.
“i was trying to change pants and it got stuck on my ankle, then i slipped… sorry i'm a bit of a klutz.”
bokuto sighed. “what an adorable klutz.”
he chuckled and looked down at your face, his eyes were sparkling. “you could use some ice, but i have a better idea.” he smiled flirtatiously and started walking to the kitchen.
“I'll cook you dinner, makes it a bit easier so you don't have to do much. how does that sound?” he gave you a gentle pat on your head.
“b-but... you came here all dressed up... you made plans for our dinner tonight...” you looked down at the floor, avoiding looking at his face as he held you. “i'm sorry i messed everything up.”
he chuckled and kissed your forehead. “there's no need to apologize, you can't help being silly sometimes.”
he placed you on a chair in the kitchen and started cooking. it was quiet for a while when bokuto spoke again.
“hey, y/n. can we talk for a second?”
you looked up at him from where you were sitting, a bit confused about his question. “yeah, what is it bokuto?”
he looked at you for a solid 30 seconds before speaking again.
“do you like me?” he paused for a second, “like, like like me?”
he said this awkwardly, his facial expression was that of embarrassment mixed with hope.
a blush crept down your body, spreading further in your embarrassment.
“i....” squeezing your eyes shut, you blinked and then looked up at him.
“yeah, i have, for a while now. i was one of your biggest fans for a reason, and now all that's happening tonight is kinda firing it a bit more.”
bokuto let out a sharp breath and turned around. he definitely wasn't expecting that answer. he grabbed a cloth to wipe his hands and face. his expression was one of happiness, excitement and surprise. “oh wow, really?”
he chuckled happily and his eyes were sparkling, a bright smile appeared on his face. “i-i thought you just liked watching me play volleyball, but no, you actually like me?”
you quickly nodded your head.
“that's kinda why i've been so awkward tonight... doesn't help that i fell while getting dressed, and so now i’m sitting in an oversized jersey & underwear while watching you cook.”
bokuto chuckled and approached you, taking off his button-up shirt to reveal a white t-shirt underneath. he placed his shirt on your shoulders and smiled.
“here, wear this, it'll make you look a bit more... presentable.” he smirked. “and as for you, you are an adorable klutz, it's just part of why i like you.”
as he laughed and went back to cooking, you felt his shirt on your shoulders. his warmth was radiating against your body.
you blushed when he turned away, tugging his shirt tighter around your shoulders. “you think i'm adorable?” 
then you realized what he said.
“wait... you like me?”
bokuto was stirring the contents in the pot when he heard your question.
“hm?” he turned and looked at you with surprise. “oh, i was supposed to not admit that, huh?” he was smiling cheekily. “i like you a lot.”
your blush somehow got even deeper. “but-but we just met for the first time tonight? right?? or...”
then your mind clicked, and a shock wave passed over you. you went to almost all of the msby games, always wearing his jersey number. he was bound to recognize you from that.
“do... did you recognize me from the other games?”
bokuto's expression became that of a flirty smirk.
“yeah, how did you get such perfect seats every game?” he chuckled.
“i always saw you, so adorable in your cute little fan outfit. i couldn't help but recognize you.” he walked over and sat next to you, putting his arm around your back. “so... how does being my girlfriend sound?”
“i... what?” your head snapped to look at him, you were confused and low-key freaking out.
“you-you want me to be your girlfriend? but we just formally met for the first time tonight, bokuto.”
bokuto's flirty expression and playful smirk returned, “yes i do.” he put his hand on your shoulder and looked you in the eyes, his voice was soft.
“if you think about it, we kinda have been dating for a while. we would both make each other's hearts skip a beat when we were at the games together. and we always wanted more of each other.”
he was so close up to you, breathing right onto your neck. his voice was soft and sweet.
“i…” your voice was caught in your throat, you couldn't think of what to say. his actions and words were throwing you for a loop, and it almost didn't feel like reality.
“t-that’s not dating though… that’s lusting over somebody-” you cut yourself off in the middle of your sentance, because while yes, that was what he did, that’s what you had done too.
bokuto was so close to you, his eyes sparkled, and you swear you could hear his heart beating. he was holding your shoulders, his voice was whisper-quiet.
“i know this is all a bit sudden... but you looked so beautiful tonight, so I thought…” he kissed you on the cheek. “why wait, right?” he chuckled.
bokuto put his arm around your waist, pulling you to his chest as placed you on his lap. “now you're where you belong.”
you stared into his gold eyes, with an expression of fright and yearning combined. you hesitantly nodded your head, slowly leaning closer to him.
he smirked in a flirty and teasing way and kissed your lips softly. “you're mine now, aren't you?”
you whimpered, wrapping your legs around his waist as you sat in his lap. it all felt like a dream. nodding your head, you whispered against his lips, “i'm yours.”
bokuto's eyes widened, wrapping his arms around your back. “well aren't you the bold one?” his voice was full of excitement and happiness.
“i guess this also means you want a more ... personal show after dinner...” his eyes became that of a flirty smirk.
you stared into his eyes. you had a rough idea of what he was implying, but you wanted to hear it from his mouth directly. “what do you consider a "personal show?”
bokuto looked directly at you and his tone seemed serious, his voice was soft and sweet. “my favorite fan...” he gave you a gentle kiss on your lips.
“you're getting a special show tonight... a one-on-one performance from the ace himself,” he chuckled and smiled, “just for you.” his voice was smooth and it made you blush.
you squirmed from his words. “can't wait.”
bokuto smirked as he stood up, lifting you with him. he started carrying you to the bedroom. “well, my dinner's ready.” his voice was flirty and his eyes were shining.
he made a beeline to the bedroom and locked the door, carrying you to the bed and placing you gently on it. you stared up at him, scared and excited, waiting to experience his next move.
bokuto bent down and gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead, his eyes were that of a flirty smirk, and his voice was soft.
“you're too gorgeous to not get a special show from the ace...” he placed your hand on his chest, staring down at you. “so, i should let you experience the ace in every way tonight.”
looking up at him, your breath was growing heavy in anticipation for his actions. he was being vague, and it made you both anxious and turned on about the idea of what might come next from him.
he started moving his hands to the bottom of his shirt, his eyes were sparkling with excitement as you watched his hands creep under the hem. his voice was soft and sweet. “you'll understand soon sweetie...”
you held your breath as you watched him peel his shirt up and over his head. he had quite possibly the most chiseled chest that you had ever seen. defined abs you traced with your fingers, and big pecs that looked like they could double as pillows.
when you touched his body, your cold hand became warm from his body heat. he chuckled as he threw his shirt onto the floor behind him, not caring where it landed. his bare chest was in front of you, and his arms looked like they could crush someone.
“so, what do you think of the ace's physique?” his eyes were glistening and his voice was teasing as he waited for your reaction.
“gorgeous.” you whispered, staring up at him while your fingers lightly trailed the crevasses of his muscles.
his pectorals were huge, your eyes immediately drawn to them. so defined and sculpted, you had secretly loved watching them as he played for as long as you could remember. but before you could only see the impression of them, this was your first time seeing them this close, in person and bare. he noticed you staring at his pecs. he was quite proud of himself for his physique, and he raised his voice while laughing.
“i'm glad you like them that much, you'll have the chance to see them a lot closer,” he chuckled and sat down next to you. “now you should get comfy. i'll give you a second to get rid of that shirt and i'll start the show.”
you stared at him, your breath catching in your throat from his words. you couldn't move. you didn't know what to do, your body still in anticipation, waiting for his next actions.
bokuto looked at you with a flirtatious smile, the corners of his eyes sparkling and his expression seemed one of happiness and excitement. he put his hand on your thigh, his voice was soft and sweet.
“i can help you get that off if you wish,” he smirked and his expression showed that he was enjoying your surprise and fluster.
your eyes wide, you stared into his and slowly nodded your head. “o-okay. thank you bokuto.” you whispered out, feeling on edge from not knowing what he'd do next.
bokuto gently took the shirt off of you, loosely holding onto the bottom hem as he lifted the jersey up and over your head. he stared down at your body, looking at your beautiful, smooth skin and you heard him give a subtle gasp of air in his chest.
he smirked, “you never wear anything underneath, do you?” he said with a soft and teasing tone.
your eyes widened. you had almost forgotten about that. your cheeks started burning deep red from the blush spreading. 
“i... not sometimes...”
you heard him snicker. “so that's why I see your chest bouncing so much when you jump in the stands at my games.” bokuto gently traced your collarbone with his fingertips.
“and i always thought that was how you were trying to get my attention.” he chuckled. “my lovely little fan, wearing nothing beneath her msby jersey... who knew?” he was smirking at you and his voice came out almost like a whisper. you could see how much he liked seeing you blush.
your breathing was shallow, unsteady- you were more flustered than you could have imagined possible for the night. the star you’d had a crush on for years was now sitting in your bedroom, both of your shirts off, and he was complimenting your chest?
bokuto put his mouth close to your ear and whispered into it. “is there anywhere on your body that's sensitive? or makes you feel flustered? I want to find every spot.”
he said it in a low voice as his mouth was close to your ear, making you shiver. you snapped your head to look at him, without thinking of your actions before you did them. your mouths pressed together, and your eyes widened when you realized what was happening.
bokuto kissed you and pulled you really close, his arm around your back and a hand in your hair. the kiss was so passionate and it felt like your heart was beating a mile a minute.
bokuto broke the kiss after a few seconds and leaned back. he was breathing heavily and blushing.
“i… i'm-“ he cut you off before you could apologize for your mistake.
“no need for apologies. i liked it.” bokuto chuckled, caressing your cheek. “now, let me have you like you wanted me to earlier... a very personal show just for you.” he looked at you with a flirtatious smile. he turned away and began taking his belt off.
your voice caught in your throat. his back muscles were heavenly, making you wonder how they felt.
his voice became more quiet. “yes, my lovely little fan?”
you saw him take off his belt and he hung it off the bed frame. he was now just wearing his pants... and those pants were so tight on him. they highlighted his curves and he knew you were staring at his ass, but you couldn't help it. his ass had been one of your favorite things to watch from the stands, and now that it was so close in front of you, you had the potential to look at it in full detail. his body was literally sculpted.
it was almost hard for you to breathe with how incredible he looked, not believing that this was actually happening. “you... you look so...”
he knew you were staring at his ass and he felt the urge to tease you.
“you like it, don't you?” he smirked. “i'm glad, i'm glad you like what you see. i worked hard on keeping this body in shape for you darling.”
you nodded your head. you did like it.
he smirked and turned around, his pants making a loud noise as they hit the floor. he kept his eyes locked on you as he made his way to the bed. he looked amazing walking towards you, and you couldn't help staring at him. his muscles flexing with every step, the low lighting made him look gorgeous. and then you looked down…
you noticed his lack of pants, and what was in their place. a set of grey boxer briefs, tight enough that it didn't leave much room for imagination. you could see the outlines and shadow of his cock, and it made your breath catch.
bokuto smirked as he saw where your gaze went. he was proud of himself and he made it known. he knew he had your full attention. he was very excited for his little fan to have this.
bokuto put his hands on his hips and he stood still, making sure you were able to get all the time you wanted to look. he was breathing heavily and you could tell he was anxious as well by how fast his nipples stuck out in excitement. he kept looking at you, he didn't want to stop looking at you.
he looked smug, but you could tell his nervousness wasn't going away the longer you two stared at each other. you stood up slowly, walking towards him.
bokuto looked down and saw you approaching, surprised by your actions. he put his arms out towards you and was waiting for you to come closer to him, his voice was soft and excited. 
as you stepped close to him, his arms closed around you, scooping under your ass and lifting you. bokuto smirked as he picked you up like you weighed nothing and he kept his arms around you. your legs were hugging his waist, your soft thighs brushing against his hips in a position that made him want to squirm. your arms were wrapped around his neck, his face so close to you that you could feel his breaths. he could kiss you easily.
“oh, you haven't fully earned that yet, darling.” his voice was flirty and he was making teasing noises. a whimper left your throat at his response, and you felt his cock twitch through his boxers under your ass. the sounds you were making turned him in, and he let out a loud groan.
“looks like you're very attracted to me,” he kissed you again. “but you want to see me more, don't you?” he kept grinning as he teased you.
you couldn't form full sentences, couldn't speak words, couldn't think. everything he was doing to you was so much.
bokuto chuckled. “that's okay, you really are attracted to me.” he kissed you again and started leaning down to lay you on the bed. “just relax. i’ll do all the work here.”
as soon as you were laid down, he began kissing your neck and your chest. whimpers and whines escaped your mouth as he started to work his way down your neck, kissing and sucking at any skin he could find. you were sure there would be marks the next morning. when his mouth found your nipple and sucked it, your body tensed and you let out a yelp.
as soon as you yelped, bokuto took his mouth away and turned his head to look at you. 
“oh, sorry darling.” his eyes were sparkling with excitement. “is this your sensitive spot?” 
he moved his mouth closer but he didn't make contact, he just purposely breathed heavy on it. the air coming from his mouth made your skin prickle and your back arch. he seemed eager to find your most sensitive areas.
you groaned, nodding your head with your eyes squeezed shut. it was sensitive, but it felt so good. “m-more. please bo.”
bokuto smiled and his eyes became more excited from your noises. he kissed your chest again in that same spot, sucking over your nipple and biting it lightly. he seemed very happy to hear your noises of approval.
“oh, you like it, right?” he whispered the word "right" in such a soft voice, and he seemed to be looking for an affirmative answer.
you nodded your head quickly, “uh huh.” it felt so good to feel his mouth on your body, like nothing you could have imagined.
bokuto let out a content groan as he heard your moans and he kept going, his tongue making circles, mapping your skin, soft kisses across your chest and tummy. his fingers lightly trailed over the marks he made, making you shiver. he was looking for more sensitive spots as he kissed your skin.
making his way down your body, it was obvious you becoming more sensitive the further he got. when he reached your panties, he looked up at you. without saying anything, he gave a slow kiss on top of the fabric, and you let out a deafening moan.
bokuto noticed and his mouth became more soft and gentle. your moan turned him on even more. he kissed you on top of your clothed mound again, and when he pulled his head away he was blushing.
“oh, i'll just take these off.” his voice was teasing yet soft. you looked into his gold eyes as he stared at you while removing your panties. when you felt the air hit your core you gasped. he was unpredictable, and your body couldn't keep up.
upon seeing your reaction, bokuto pulled your legs close to your chest and he put his hand underneath your back to lift you. this made you two face to face, your legs squeezing around his back. his eyes were sparkling as he looked down on you.
“i think i'll give you what you want...” he smirked. he looked proud of himself, making you feel embarrassed yet excited at the same time. the new position made your bodies closer, practically wrapped around him, and you could feel his clothed cock poking at your entrance.
he noticed your body shaking, lifting closer to him with each breath, and his boxers were tightening a lot. his eyes were sparkling and he smirked again.
“I'm gonna be honest with you, darling…” he paused and you could see his confidence and pride go up. “I wore tight boxers... just for you to get to see…”
“y-you did?” your voice was high-pitched and shaky. you couldn't believe it. he predicted that you’d end up like this tonight?
he smirked as he saw your surprised reaction. “yes, my little fangirl, i wore it just for you.” he pulled his boxers down a bit and your eyes went wide. you could see his pelvic muscles, and the start of his happy trail leading to his belly button. you felt your pussy twitch in anticipation.
bokuto's voice was soft as he giggled while looking at you. “you think i like to tease a lot? you haven't seen anything yet…” a whine left your throat at his response and actions. he was baiting you for him, and you wanted more.
“please bo...”
bokuto chuckled and you felt his breath on your ear. “oh? you're getting really needy...” he looked down at you with a soft and proud expression. his boxers were barely pulled down, just to taunt you. it was so close to you that you could swear you felt the heat.
you looked up into his eyes, and whimpered, “please bo... i’ll do anything.”
bokuto smirked, “so, you want me that badly, don't you?” his voice was soft and the look he gave you was exciting and jeering. he placed his hand on your waist, the other moving to your ass, squeezing it.
bokuto noticed that you called him by his first name, and it turned him on even more. “yes darling?”
staring at him, another whimper left your throat as you felt his body shift on top of you, hiking your legs further up and giving him better access. “please,” you breathed out, your words barely audible and under your breath.
bokuto heard you and he smirked, “your words are too quiet, darling.” he placed his ear on your mouth and listened closely. “you have such a cute little voice though...” his voice was soft, the hand on your ass slowly moving up and down.
your eyes were squeezed shut and your teeth were grinding. his hands on you felt so good, you couldn't help it. you kept slipping down his waist from how much you were squirming, your feet playing with the waistband of his boxers.
bokuto was very much enjoying seeing you so turned on. he liked this kind of teasing a lot. your grip on his hips tightened and it made him twitch. “what do you think you’re doing there, darling?” he was biting his lower lip. in response to your teasing, he decided to do even more. staring into your eyes, he slowly lifted one of his hands to his mouth, licking his thumb before moving his hand down.
a gasp left your throat as you felt his hand travel lower, and his thumb press into your asshole. the feeling burned, not used to being stretched there, and his hands were so big. you yelped when you felt him try to move his finger, pulling at the sides and wiggling his thumb around inside a few times before removing it slowly. staring at you, he shook his head. “too tight.”
bokuto was smirking when he looked down at you. he noticed you panting, your hole squeezing around nothing. “oh...” his thumb started teasing you again, circling the rim while he looked at you intently. “your body is very sensitive here, isn't it?”
you were whining loudly. you wanted him, but he was being such a tease it was almost unbearable. “koooo…pleaseee. i-i want you in me”
he leaned in close to you and whispered in your ear, “you do?” he gave you a playful and flirtatious kiss on your cheek as he put his mouth on your ear to speak, “but... you're so innocent... it could hurt...”
“w-wanna try.. at least,” you turned your head to look into his eyes. “i want you kotaro.”
bokuto was blushing and he moved to look you in the eyes. “so... you do want me like that?” he was giggling and he looked like he was proud of himself. he moved his hands up your body as he squeezed you hips.
“i think this is your first time, right darling?” he whispered in your ear.
you nodded your head, squeezing your eyes shut. “y-yeah.” 
he chuckled and you felt his lips kissing your neck as his hands went up your body. he placed his tongue on your neck as he sucked gently, before looking back up at you.
“well... if it's for me... okay.” he caressed your cheek, suddenly sounding serious “you want me to be your first?”
“y-yes kotaro.” you stared at him, breath quick from his kisses and licks.
bokuto placed his mouth on yours as he gave you a passionate kiss for a few seconds before breaking it. “i love how you look when you're like this...” he started biting your throat and your neck to tease you and make this extra special for you. after he was proud of the line of marks he made on your neck, he sat back on his heels to look over you. 
the only fabric left between the two of you were his tight boxers, and you watched as he reached his hands into the waistband.
bokuto noticed your eyes looking at his boxers and he smirked as his voice became more serious. “oh?” he looked back and smiled. “do you have your eyes on an award?” he was teasing you and he slowly took his boxers down to his ankles.
when his boxers fell down, a sharp intake of breath escaped your throat. his cock slapped his stomach when it slipped out, and you could see it fully now. it was long, so thick, slightly curved up. his sack was fat and swollen, looking like they were filled and ready to explode. it made your pussy twitch in anticipation.
“you're... staring... aren't you, darling?”
bokuto made a teasing smile and put his hands on your chin, his head close to your face. he kept looking at you to see how you would react to his body and to his words.
you nodded slowly, then whispered under your breath, “...so big...”
bokuto was blushing from your words, catching him slightly off-guard. he looked proud but not too arrogant, like he'd been waiting for you to tell him this. he moved his hand to place it on your neck, his fingers slowly brushing along it. “what if it's too big?”
your eyes slowly drifted back to his,
“we'll make it fit.”
“oh?” bokuto whispered and he smiled again. “well, we'll see.” he got on the bed again and put his body on top of yours. his arms wrapped around your waist and he looked you in the eyes. 
“you really want it, don’t you?” he was still teasing you and he kept up the flirty smirk.
“y-yes ko...” you whined out, desperate for him. “want it so bad.”
he leaned down, suckling on your neck again. your skin was already so tender there from all the bruises he left, but he wouldn't stop. you could feel his dick rubbing on your tummy and it made you moan.
bokuto made a soft groan as he heard your words and he slowly kissed your jaw. his lips were soft and playful, he knew exactly what he was doing. he continued teasing you.
his mouth left your neck and he got close to your ear again, whispering, “do you know what comes next?”
he put his hand on your thigh and he caressed it as you nodded your head quickly, your eyes squeezed shut. you were ready.
“please ko, please”
bokuto was biting his lower lip, he wanted you to enjoy this as much as you can. his hand kept teasing your legs and his breath was filled with excitement. “then, say it to me.” he whispered in your ear.
you opened your eyes, staring straight into his. taking a deep breath, you said what you had been wanting to say the whole night.
“fuck me, kotaro”
bokuto was stunned. you really said that. he heard every word of it and it pleased him. his body was touching yours as he played with your hair.
“well... if you say it like that...” he gave you another kiss, long and soft. when your lips split, he looked back at you. “i’ll make you scream my name.” 
he suddenly grabbed your legs, hiking both of them up and over his shoulders. he had you folded in half, and you couldn't do anything but stare at him. you squeezed your eyes shut, anticipating what was about to happen next. you could feel his breath on your face.
your body was now in a position in which he could use it to his liking. you felt like you were in heaven and you were somehow even more sensitive to his touch. bokuto smiled with a proud and taunting look on his face. “you're ready, aren't you?” 
he was going to make sure that this would be a moment you would always remember.
you nodded your head, giving him permission to do whatever he wanted. 
suddenly feeling a poking at your core, you looked down to find him aligning the tip of his cock with your entrance. he slowly pushed in, your breath catching in your throat as you let out a long whine.
it burnt as he pushed forward. you weren't used to something of this size, your fingers being tiny in comparison to how thick his cock was. he was reaching deeper than you had ever been able to do, and you were mewling from the pains.
bokuto was looking at your face, panting as he started rubbing your hand. he looked worried. “i hope... i hope you like it..”
“i... i love it, ko.” you whispered between staggering breaths. it hurt like hell, but you wanted a taste of his heaven. he leaned down and kissed you, slowly and passionately, trying to distract you from the sharp pains.
“do you?” bokuto's eyes were sparkling and his voice was softer than ever now. he caressed your cheeks and kissed you again, longer than last time. “this is only the beginning, darling.”
with those words, you felt him begin to move. he started soft, pulling out until just the tip was left inside, before slowly pressing back in. after he noticed that you stopped squirming as much, he gradually started gaining a pace until he was pounding into your pussy. you could feel his balls hitting your ass with every thrust, the tip ramming deep enough that it kissed your cervix. 
his groans were constant and loud, and you could see that he was staring at you whenever you’d open your eyes.
bokuto kept looking at you. your face was so cute to him in the moment, eyes squeezed shut and mouth hung open. you could feel the weight of the tall, strong man on your body right now, pressing down to hold you in place. his lips were kissing your neck angrily again between his moans.
“ah- ohhhh.” 
“k-ko?” your breath was panting as you questioned his noises.
“oh, i know...” bokuto could see you were becoming too sensitive and he was loving it. he kept moving, snapping his hips and kissing your neck. “ah... oh... ohhhhhh.”
your breath caught in your throat with a whine, hesitating before whispering out the next words to him-
“…..m-more ko. harder.”
bokuto was breathing heavier now and you could feel his heart beat faster as he jerked his head up to look into your eyes. it was like you had him in every single way, this is the most pleasure and euphoria bokuto had ever felt. “you’re just saying that now?” his voice was shaky and his eyes glossed over. he was sweating, his head was spinning and his body was filled with adrenaline that was about to burst.
he stopped for a second to breathe and calm himself, before starting back, with more force and speed than before. he was pounding into your sensitive spots, and it made you whine louder. you could feel a knot forming in your belly, and you knew you were close to finishing.
you whined his name out, almost as a warning to him. suddenly your pussy clenched and spasmed, squeezing him tight as you came around him. you were gushing, spraying around his cock and making a mess all over the sheets.
bokuto was smiling and he looked proud of himself. he could make you experience this for the first time, from him and only him. your squeezing was so tight around his cock, and it led him to the edge. his body began stuttering, his breathing was harder.
“b-baby i’m about to… ah..” it was almost a warning for you. “ohhhhhhh.” his eyes were closed, and he could tell he was about to finish.
his final grunt came, and a bite to your shoulder was the only warning for what was happening. his hips became faster, then suddenly stopped. you felt your center become warm, feeling him shoot his release deep in you, and heard him moan the loudest he had that entire night.
the room went silent, the only sounds you could hear were the fan above you two, his panting, and a few bird chirps outside. 
bokuto was still on top of you, caressing your face while breathing into your neck. you felt him pull out slowly, then felt his warm cum start to spill out of your pussy and drip onto the mattress. your breath caught in your throat. “i... you...”
bokuto was feeling weird, his body was shaking and he felt nervous. he didn’t mean to do that, but he tried to be brave and stay on top of you. 
“i... i made a mess...” he was blushing and it was visible on his face. he tried to cover it up by putting a proud look on his face again. “please tell me you liked it..”
your breathing was slow and shaky, trying to figure out what just happened. you couldn’t believe it. bokuto kotaro, you were his biggest fan for years, and now he had just released his cum inside you.
“i... i loved it, ko.”
bokuto’s breath caught. your words surprised and pleased him. he felt accomplished that you loved every second of that. he held a cute look on his face. “good…”
he kissed your forehead and your cheek, caressing your hair.
“now, you're not innocent...” 
he giggled at his own words. he was teasing you again, but his voice was soft and he held a smile.
you laughed back at him, he wasn't wrong. “yeah, i guess not”
this moment is like a dream for him and he just kissed you passionately again. when your kiss ended, he laid his head down on your chest, and you sat in silence for a minute before you spoke up.
“h-hey ko?”
he looked up at you, slightly confused.
“what happens to us when we wake up in the morning? you're still a big-time professional volleyball star, and i'm just a fan you picked up off the bleachers for a fun night...”
bokuto looked at you and his face went serious.
“if you want us to be nothing, then we can be nothing…” his voice was calm and his body was relaxed again.
“but...” he took a deep breath, as the thought flashed in his head. “...if you want to be more... we can be more...”
he looked like he couldn't believe he was saying this, that his mouth was speaking without telling his brain what to say first.
you looked deep into his gold eyes, took a deep breath, and then whispered, “what do you want?”
there was another long pause before he collected his thoughts and opened his mouth again.
“i-i want you… your voice, your eyes, i want it all..” he caressed your face and he had a slight nervous smile as he looked at you.
“when i wake up in the morning, when i close my eyes and i'm tired from practice, or when i want to escape the world's craziness, i want to imagine your face, your voice, your eyes. i want you with me all the time, i want you to be my love...”
you took a breath in, staring at him. your heart skipped a beat from his words. he wanted you like that?
“i... we can try that”
bokuto was looking at you and his face turned bright red. “really...?” 
it felt like his heart skipped a beat and was about to jump out of his chest.
“can i hug you now?” he was asking you, even though he already knew the answer was going to be yes.
you laughed, giggling at his reaction. “yes bo, of course you can.”
bokuto smiled happily and he hugged you tightly. it was a warm and cozy hug, him rubbing his body on yours to make it better. he sighed, and whispered out-
“i'm going to enjoy this...”
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@tsukiran wanted me to tag her on this lol hope you’re happy
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augustinewrites · 2 years
@sunasbabie — for last year’s bday, christmas, and new years gift bcs ily or whatever 🙄
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suna used to have a really nice denim jacket.
it was made of black denim, bought from some american brand that cost him way more than he’d care to admit. he loved that jacket— he’d worn it over t-shirts in the summer and thick hoodies in the winter. he’d been wearing it on the day of onigiri miya’s grand opening and the day he’d signed with ejp.
he’d also happened to be wearing it the night he met you.
he remembers seeing you the night of atsumu’s new year’s eve party. remembers thinking that your dress was highly impractical because it was sequined and backless but damn— you looked good.
and no matter what osamu thinks he remembers, it did not take him so long to talk to you because he was feeling shy. he was just giving the other guys at the party a chance, is all. he’s nice like that.
atsumu, the drunken idiot that he was, had ended up dragging everyone up onto the roof of his apartment for the countdown. and you, idiot that you were, started shivering 15 seconds into the count, suna watching as you’d rubbed your arms for warmth and and suddenly turned to face, as if you’d felt him watching.
with 30 seconds to midnight and a shove from osamu, he’s closing the distance between you both to say hi. you have his jacket draped over your shoulders by midnight. just because he’s nice like that, not because he’s silently marking his territory and telling potential suitors to fuck off.
he even lets you leave with it, but not before exchanging numbers so you can return it as soon as possible. which you do, showing up at his place the next afternoon, his jacket washed and folded neatly in your arms, offering to buy him lunch as a thanks.
you’re the one wearing it, four months later, when he asks you to be his girlfriend. because ‘it’s just so windy out, rin. you don’t want my dress flying up, right?’
on cooler days, he’s almost sure you forego your own jacket just so you can steal his, and he lets you. you wear it draped over your shoulders when you walk back to his place after a movie. you use it as a blanket during longer car rides. there’s this fatal bug in suna’s system, and it doesn’t let him tell you ‘no.’
you’re wearing it the day you move in. he wasn’t going to make you unpack all your clothes just to find a jacket to wear to lunch.
you’d spent three years stealing that jacket. the denim is soft and well-worn, with a tear or two in the hem, but you love it. and he loves that it still smells like your perfume on the odd day he gets to wear it himself.
maybe that’s why it hurt so much, watching you brush your fingers over it as you pack away your clothes. you’d left every every t-shirt of his you’d slept in, every hoodie you’d claimed, in what was now his closet again.
but for this, you hesitate. a dull ache throbs between his ribs as he watches you hug the fabric to your chest, eyes fluttering shut.
“just take it,” he’d told you quietly from the doorway. “i don’t want it anymore.”
suna used to have a really nice denim jacket.
it’s almost six months later when you call him for the first time since the breakup.
suna has to do a double take when he sees your contact. mostly because three in the morning and no one should be awake at this hour, but also because he can’t believe it’s you.
his brain and his heart are at a crossroads. he shouldn’t answer. you probably hit the wrong contact. you have other friends in the city, surely you would call one of them if you needed something.
but there’s that flaw again, and suna hits accept.
“rin? rin! hi.”
he sits up in the darkness at the sound of your slurring. “are you drunk?”
“no,” you lie, even hiccuping a little. “i just…i really just wanted to tell you—”
you cut yourself short, sighing. “that you did really good during your game last week.”
he raises his brows slightly, chuckling. “you were watching?”
“no,” you say again, much too quickly. “i just…heard.”
“i know what you sound like when you’re lying,” he reminds you, sliding out of bed and pulling on a hoodie. “and i also know what you sound like when you’re drunk. stay where you are, i’m gonna pick you up.”
you send him your location right away, and he drives over. he calls you to let you know he’s there, because he’s sure you’re not gonna hear your text tone, and when you step out of the bar—
he sees that you’re wearing his jacket.
that damn black denim jacket, american label and all. it hangs off your shoulders loosely, and when suna gets out of the car, he grabs the collar, pulling you closer and pretending not to notice the way you inhale sharply. ignoring your wide-eyed stare as he adjusts the jacket, doing up the buttons because he knows you’re gonna complain about the night chill.
“c’mon,” he says, pulling open the passenger door. “get inside, dumbass.”
the cute pout that downturns your lips is just like suna remembers. he closes the door after you, rounding to the other side of the car.
“did you tell your friends you’re getting home safe?” he asks as he reaches across you to put on your belt. “how come none of them came to get you?”
“oh, uh, yeah i called them but they weren’t answering,” you tell him. “i’ll call them now, just in case.”
suna watches as you fumble with your phone, tapping back and forth through the phone app until he grabs it from your hands with a sigh. he has no idea which one of your friends you’d called, so he goes to your recents.
only to see that he’s the only one you’d called tonight.
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77gigabytes · 4 days
Pinpricks {Miya Atsumu x Reader}
You know... All this brain juice should really be going into writing my assignments, but it’s whatever :D
Anyway, I'm thinking of posting a masterlist soon, there's not a whole lot, but please look forward for that! :D
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You and Atsumu have been friends for as long as you can remember.
Not too long ago, after he had won a championship game, you confessed your feeling to him.
“I’m sorry, YN, I just… I just asked another girl to a date a few days ago.”
A thousand needles. All over your body.
Tears prick at your eyes and you clench your hands to will yourself from letting them drop.
“That’s,” You give him your best smile, “That’s great!” You chuckle a little.
You both know it’s the kind of smile that doesn’t reach your eyes.
Who were you trying to fool?
You laugh a little - as a coping mechanism or from embarrassment, you don’t know.
“Hah, forget I ever said anything then.” You shy away from his gaze.
“YN.” He says as he reaches his hand out, “Look-”
“No,” You’re quick to cut him off. You tuck your hands around your waist and lean back ever so slightly, “I, uh…” You clear your throat to stop your voice from shaking, “I should get going.”
You turn to leave.
“YN, wait I-”
Act normal.
You’re fine.
You lift a hand to wave at him, “I’ll see you around, Tsu-” Your hand drops slowly. Tsumu? Could you even call him that anymore? You bet his new girlfriend would.
With these thoughts in mind you quickly correct yourself, “Atsumu.”
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You don’t think you’ve ever gone this long without talking to Atsumu. Well…Aside from greeting him like you normally would. Or at least as best as you can without breaking down.
In between classes, you take the most convoluted route possible. At break times, you hide yourself amongst your girl friends; forgoing the rooftop to eat in the crowded cafeteria.
In some classes it’s quite hard to avoid him when he literally sits next to you.
“Pssst. YN.” He leans towards you.
You spare him a glance, “Shh.” You give him your best glare, “I’m trying to write notes.” You speak while scribbling in your notebook, “You know this topic is hard for me.”
Not true... But it was your best excuse.
From the corner of your vision, you see him narrow his eyes.
With your eyes trained on your notes, all you can hear is a huff and tearing of paper.
Moments later said piece of paper lands on your desk.
I need to talk to you after class.
You turn to him, who already has his eyes trained on you.
You answer with a subtle shake of your head.
To which he replies with a frown before turning to write another note.
You’ve been avoiding me
You hold the note in your hands and stare at it for a few seconds.
You look up at the ceiling and blow out a breath before writing down a reply.
Fine. After class. 2 minutes.
Short and sharp.
You pass the note back to him and he looks to you with a smug smile.
But pins prick at your heart once again.
You once thought of confessing by passing a note to him like this...
After all, it was something you two did almost every day.
Just how long had you been harbouring these feelings?
It doesn't matter, it's too late now.
You don’t think you’ve ever dreaded the end of class as much as you have right now.
Everyone is speeding away, having thrown all their belonging into their bags to head to lunch.
But your hands are shaking as you pick up your notebooks.
What am I supposed to say to him?
Lost in thought, you don’t realise that Atsumu is holding your pencil case for you to pack away into your bag.
He’s standing in front of your desk with his bag slung over his shoulder, “YN?” He asks.
Snapped out of your trance, you look up from where your seated but don’t answer him.
“Let’s go,” He laughs lightly, “Ya only gave me two minutes, I gotta hurry.”
You take your pencil case, “Right…” You whisper, “Thank you.”
“C’mon.” He motions to the door with a nod of his head.
Languidly, you follow after him. Every step pinches at your heart.
“Look Astumu,” You try to beat him to the chase, “I-”
But he cuts you off, “You’ve been avoiding me.”
You bite your lips. Of course I have. You think.
He places a hand on your forearm, “I told you, you don’t have to be awkward with me.”
You almost scoff at him, “It doesn’t— I can’t just—” erase my feelings for you.
With a deep breath, you gather your thoughts, “I—” You look up at him, “I just need some time to get used to it.”
You gently cover his hand with your own, “I’m embarrassed enough as it is.” You admit and dip your head as you feel the tears rising, “I’ll—” You pull his hand away, “I’ll come to you when I’m ready, Atsumu.”
“And when will that be?” He whispers.
You can only shrug.
He sighs, “You’re my best friend, YN.”
That’s what makes it hurt more. You grit your teeth. Why can’t he understand that?
“I don’t want to lose my best friend.”
Again... A thousand needles. All over your body.
You close your eyes for a moment as the tears threaten to spill over.
“Neither do I.” You hate the way your voice shakes.
“Atsuuuu~” It’s his girlfriend’s sickly sweet voice.
You quickly wipe your tears and turn to leave, “I have to go.” You point behind you with your thumb, “I have to borrow PE clothes from a friend.”
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One thing that is both a blessing and a curse about being friends with Atsumu is that you inevitably become friends with his twin, Osamu.
“You know you can’t avoid him forever.” Osamu says, leisurely leaning back in his seat in front of you.
You scowl, “Watch me.”
You know this is misplaced anger, but this heavyhearted feeling is becoming too much to bear.
“Will you at least come for our birthday later this week?”
Your body goes slack.
You've never missed their birthday, and they've never missed yours.
It was an unspoken promise at this point, one that you, unfortunately, think you can no longer keep.
When the morning of their birthday arrives, you’re curled up in bed.
You’ve been vomiting all morning; feeling lightheaded with a fever but feeling so cold all the same.
Osamu came by a while ago. He was meant to pick you up and head back to their place to celebrate their birthday.
“Just take the presents.” You groan as you prop yourself up, “The blue one is for Atsumu. This black one is yours.”
You began preparing their presents months before today - collecting little volleyball trinkets that you think they would have liked.
You gather the blankets around your body and take small steps to the presents you prepared.
With all the strength you can muster, you give him a smile and say, “Happy birthday, Osamu.”
... and Atsumu
When Osamu arrives home, he delivers the present on your behalf, “Here, Tsumu. This is YN’s gift for you.”
He smiles when he takes the box, “Oh, nice. Thank you—” He looks around... Behind Osamu... To the door, “YN?” He says slowly as he tilts his head.
“She’s sick.” Osamu explains, “She was vomiting all of last night and this morning when I came to pick her up.”
Atsumu frowns at that, “What?”
Why didn’t she call me?
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When your eyes blink open, you see Atsumu sitting on your bed.
He lifts his hand to your forehead and greets you with concerned eyes.
I must be seeing things.
“I’m going crazy.” You mumble and turn your back to the figure. I guess I’m more ill than I thought.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” The voice is crystal clear in your ears.
“Nope.” You push your fingers into your ears, “Go away. I just need more sleep." You nod your head, "That’s probably it.”
Atsumu pulls one of your arms away, “Why didn’t you call me?” He asks, barely above a whisper.
You freeze at the realisation. It’s not a dream… He’s actually here.
“You always call me.” He mumbles and turns to tuck the blankets under your feet, “You hate being sick.” He states.
You watch him fix the blankets some more before asking, “What do you mean?” You croak out, “It’s your birthday…”
He turns to look at you, “So?”
You blink at him confused, “Soooo…” You drag out, “I’m not gonna call you to take care of me.”
He doesn’t speak, but his gaze is too tender to simply be concern for someone who is sick.
It makes you feel uneasy and you fidget under the blankets, “I’ll be fine. Where’s Osamu? You should head back.” You ramble.
You grunt as you sit up, “Go.” You urge him by pushing his shoulders with whatever strength you have left, “You’re missing out on your own birthday party. I’ll be fine.”
“YN…” It almost sounds like a plead.
“Just go.”
But, you can be just as headstrong as he is, “Just go, Atsumu.”
A few beats of silence passes and he stands up on his own accord.
You r gaze drops to your hands in your lap, but you can hear his footsteps fade followed by the click of the door.
You didn’t actually think he would leave.
But he was right, you hated being sick and he would always be the one to take care of you.
But things have changed between the two of you. He has someone else he has to take care of now.
Your body falls back onto the bed at the thought.
You pull the blankets closer to your body to muffle the cries that fall from your lips.
Crying when you were sick was always the worst. The tears feel so much hotter on your cheeks. Like little pinpricks to your eyes.
Atsumu used to be the one to wipe them away.
For now, they’ll just have to soak into your pillowcase.
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The first thing you feel when you wake up again is the cold towel on your forehead.
When you look around, you notice that there’s a humidifier on your nightstand and another blanket draped across your body.
As you try to make sense of the situation, a loud bang comes from behind the door followed by a string of curse words.
You groan as you sit up and your vision sways from having laid down all day.
As you stand, you have to brace yourself against the bed momentarily as your body aches in complaint.
When you exit your room, you’re greeted with the sight of Atsumu crouched down on the kitchen floor, rubbing the top of his head.
“You’re awake.” He says, “Ugghh,” He presses against the sore spot, “I was tryna cook, but damn, your rangehood is so low.”
You’re speechless for a moment, “Why… Why are you still here?”
He places a pot onto the stove as he answers, “Well, yer super sick, why wouldn’t I be here?”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t even the least bit happy to see him here, but of course you’ve got a traitorous mouth, “Atsumu, I told you that I’d be fine.’
He shakes his head, “You were 38 degrees before I left.” Then makes his way over to the dining table, rummaging through a plastic bag, “You need ta take some meds. Come here.” He beckons you over with a wave of his hand.
Your feet moved on their own and before you knew it, you were inches away from him.
But of course, you’re still at war with yourself, “Just go.” You bring a hand up to stop him, “I’ll take them later.” You assure him
But evidently, it does nothing of the sort.
He looks at you with a frown, “Why do you keep brushing me off? Telling me to go away?”
“Because it hurts seeing you here, okay?!” The words fly out of your mouth in a tone you didn’t quite like.
Your chest heaves as you admit it to him.
But your outburst is met with cold silence.
“I really can’t see you right now.” You say through clenched teeth, “I want to stay friends, I do. I want to go back to how we were before… Before all this.” Your hands motion between the two of you, “But it’s so hard, okay?” You look up at him, searching for anything in his eyes.
When he says nothing, you curl into yourself, “Just…Just leave me alone. You’ve done what you need to do.” You place a hand at his back in an attempt to guide him to the front door, “We can end everything here and I…”
You pause as he begins to push back against your hand, “I don’t want to see you again.” You mumble.
Swiftly, he turns around and grabs the plastic bag from the dining table
Oh, right… He can’t just leave without his stuff. You think
But he turns and grabs your wrist as well and leads you back to the bedroom.
“Atsumu! What are you— Let go!”
“Lay down.”
“You’re not in your right mind, right now.” He throws the blanket over you. “We can talk when you’re better.”
“— No.” He says sternly.
His tone is enough for you to cease your struggling.
“Sleep.” He guides you to lay down, “We’ll talk when you’re not sick.”
“ You—”
“Enough.” He cuts you off whilst jabbing the sheets between the bed and your body.
You huff in defeat and childishly untuck yourself, “You can’t just bulldoze your way—”
“I said enough.”
In anger you glare at him and it’s only then that you see the hurt that's masked behind his sharp tone.
It catches you off guard.
As he turns to leave, he says, “I’ll... I'll wake you up when I’m finished cooking.”
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Why do I hurt myself like this? hahahha
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emmyrosee · 1 year
HAI EMMY!!! i've always wanted to send this request since it's been on the back of my mind for a while now;;
i just wanna know how kita shinsuke would act if he had a crush. likeeee would he be straightforward about it, or would he shy away from his feelings, OR OR OR IMAGINE IF HE BECAME ALL CLUMSY BECAUSE READER HAS SUCH A SOFT SPOT IN HIS PURE LITTLE HEART. AUGUAHAHHUH he's so cute and pinchable it hurts.
you don't have to tend to this request right away, of course. ^^ I JUST HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AND PLSPLSPLS DO STAY HYDRATED!!! ・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜
*sneezes* you got me in my feelings mate 🥺❤️❤️ also this is pre-timeskip bc I needed the boys for support dont @ me
Because kita shinsuke- the man, the myth, the love of my life and the reason I wake up in the morning…
Is SO. DANG. BAD. when it comes to having a crush, because all his steadiness and confidence and grounding is completely gone, and he turns into a mess. With most feelings, it’s easy for him, the love he feels for his granny is complete adoration, his teammates are admiration, and you… he doesn’t know what you are, because you feel different than he is used to.
All his ducks were lined up if anyone were to ask how his emotions were sorted. Then you came along out of seemingly no where.
He doesn’t know what happened; he’s known you for years, you’ve been in similar classes and know each others name, but then you started showing up when Suna Rintaro came along, even sitting quietly at practice while the second-year played. While people noticed your arrival- namely the twins- Suna would immediately shut them down with a snap of his fingers and a dominating “absolutely not.”
From then, Kita just assumed you were off limits. Not that he had specific feelings for you regardless, but he kept his distance just in case.
One day, Rintaro fell at practice and twisted his ankle, and while you had indeed helped him to the bench and laid ice on it, your scolding was just a loud hiss as practice continued.
He… liked, that you weren’t going to sugar coat the magnitude of injuries.
After that, for some unholy reason, you’ve absolutely plagued his mind.
His serves are off, he’s working harder and harder in practice as if to impress you, talking more in class for you to hear his voice. He tries to find shoes to make him look taller, shirts that tone him a bit more, he tries to style his hair a little different, anything and everything to be more visible to you.
All that seems to do, however, is make the twins notice him.
“You could be a long lost twin,” Osamu snickers on a rare day you’re not at practice, taking a sip from his water. He raises his hands in defense when Kita shoots him a small glare, “I’m serious! Cant say I don’t appreciate the style but… why?”
“Because captain’s in looooove,” Atsumu sings, dramatically resting his head on Kita’s shoulder. Kita blinks down unamused at the blonde, but everyone sees right through him as his back tenses and eyes blow out slightly. His cheeks give a small flush, and he’s so full of it, it hurts.
“Being in love implies that there’s a two party consent,” he defends. “I have absolutely no indication that she has any feelings other than platonic for me.”
“Not true! Suna’s in love with you!”
“See? The love Suna has for me, is not part of a two party consent. Not quite the same as being in love.”
Kita ignores the completely offended middle blocker, giving Atsumu a small shrug of his shoulder to make him raise his head. The setter does, but not without continuing the conversation, “come onnnn! What have you got to lose by confessing? Huh? Plus you gotta be in love, because you’re so nervous for those feelings to not be mutual, if you weren’t you wouldn’t care!”
And gosh, he does have Kita there. Why do you make him so nervous? Truly! Maybe it’s his fault, perhaps he sees you as a fond younger class man, despite being in the same years… in… fact you may be older than him? But that’s beside the point,
“You know Kita-San, I’ve never seen you so… out of it,” Osamu continues. “You’re usually like, cold and stoic and straightforward-“
“Benched me three practices ago when I kept fooling around,” Suna snickers.
“Yeah! Now you’re smiling at your phone and laughing more during drills at our crap and just… happier. It’s strange.”
A thick brow cocks in confusion for Osamu’s words, “im… I didn’t think those were bad characteristics to have?”
Finally, to mend the situation, Aran sighs and stands up to clap Kita on the back, “I think what our eloquent second hears are trying to say, is that she’s good for you… maybe you pursue something with her and get some answers.”
Maybe he should.
Kita thinks he should sleep on it.
But in fact, all Kita does is toss and turn. All night. Thinking about all the outcomes if he does, or doesn’t, confess to you and how you may or may not feel about him in return.
In fact, Kita spends the whole rest of the day thinking and day dreaming about you and the mere idea that you could return any of the affections he could share. He shambles uncharacteristically like a zombie, a complete 180 from his usual composed self.
With all love in the world… you’re ruining his life.
He’s barely able to comprehend his movements, if he didn’t have a team relying on him, he’d immediately try to go home for the day and shake whatever remnants of you are on his mind.
His team, who look at him with cocked brows as Kita enters the gym with a massive, book in his hand; and listen… he doesn’t really know where he got it either.
But it has your name on it. He can’t remember if you left it, or forgot it, or… honestly, he may have stole the thing on a subconscious whim to talk to you.
Either way, he’s got it and not you.
“Whatcha got there, cap?”
“Her book,” he says flatly. “She… left it on her desk… I think. She needs it for her homework.” He looks at the second year who’s glancing back up at him with sharp eyes. “I was wondering if you could bring it to her on your walks home.”
“Or,” Suna says, hopping back onto his feet once his shoes are tied. “You could return it, and maybe then tell her how you feel?” He takes out his phone and immediately, his fingers start to fly.
“Oh… I’m not sure about that-“
“Too late,” he says indifferently. “I already texted her that you were on your way; she was on her way here after digging for it, so,” he claps his captain on the back. “Have at thee.”
Kita sighs in defeat, “remind me to force a phone-ban when I get back.”
“That’s my captain,” Suna teases. But he does send Kita an encouraging push on his back, and the captain takes a deep breath before shuffling out.
And his thoughts of what to say run over and over and over and over again, creating a string of words to fire out at anything and everything you could say.
He just wants to confess at this point. He can’t go on being so stiff and distracted; he needs you to either like him back, or reject him.
That, of course, dissipates when he sees you on the other end of the hall.
Your face brightens up as you see him, bouncing relieved on your toes and he approaches with his usual small smile.
“You are a godsend,” you praise, and Kita’s ears turn hot pink at your words. “I just completely blanked on grabbing it, thank you, thank you.”
“It’s no trouble,” he assures. He then swallows thickly as he continues to watch you place the book in your bag and then trying to make your way to the gym to watch Suna and the boys.
He, subconsciously, steps in front of you.
“I… think you look pretty today,” he says, gnawing his lip and keeping very intense eye contact with you. You tip your head and, in an attempt to ease his nerves, crack a joke.
This, evidently, was a bad idea.
“Huh. Am I not pretty everyday?”
You almost hear the whimper in his throat, and before you can tell him that you’re just joking, the word fountains turn on and he’s off.
“Of course you are! It’s just that today in class, I couldn’t stop glancing over at you and the way you were chewing on your pen- because even though that’s bad for your teeth it made you look positively focused and your eyes were kept on the board and no one else and I couldn’t help but look at you because I like the way you look when your focused, I like the way you look when you do anything-“ he takes a deep breath while you blink in surprise.
“-And I don’t know how to stop liking the way that you look but the way that it’s making me feel is making me feel confused and almost a little frightened because I’ve never had these feelings before but apparently Suna has similar feelings and according to Atsumu that’s normal to have feelings that may be unreciprocated-“
“-But he’s the one that encouraged me to do this because I’ve been such a fool with everything I do because I can’t stop thinking about you and Atsumu said that it’s easier to get an answer rather than guess and-“ there’s small snickering around the corner, and the shy, rambling Kita snaps back to his usual composed, captain form, “atsumu, I hear you over there. 50 push ups and 3 laps around the court when I come back to practice!”
“Suna’s here too!” A voice whines.
“Then both of you! OUT!”
There’s a dash of sneakers down the hallway. He takes a deep breath and finally looks back at you, completely flushed and out of breath from the past minute and a half.
He clears his throat before he cards his hair back, “for… for reference, I have no desire of pursuing a relationship with Suna.”
You blink. Then, you snort to try and hide a giggle.
Then, you’re laughing, you’re laughing straight into his face and clutching your sides, and he could almost cry from embarrassment, swallowing thickly and looking down the hall where the twins were hiding.
“I understand,” he says quietly. “I do hope you continue to support our team-“
“Kita-San,” you say, trying to gather yourself. You reach for his hand, which is clammy and he feels bad for, but you don’t seem to mind. “I’m laughing because I like you too; I’m always staring at you too, Mr. Perfect, even when you do see it.” You plant a small kiss to his knuckles and he nearly faints.
“I was laughing, because Suna is basically obsessed with you, I tease him for it constantly on our walks home; just the idea that you had to clarify to me that you were indifferent towards that was just silly.” He opens and closes his mouth like a fish to try and reply, but you shake your head with a smile, “I like the way you look. I like the way you put your heart and soul into everything you do. I like the way you always have some money incase someone needs something for the vending machine.” You beam up at him, and he feels like he’s floating, but he finally cracks a smile back, and when you open your palm in an attempt to initiate hand-holding, he laces his fingers with yours happily.
As you walk down the hall, only the sound of footsteps ring through the air, and kita is happy, he’s thrilled that not only do you feel the same, but you had no judgement towards him. You liked him for all the reasons he couldn’t see, and that meant the world to him.
Then, you hum, and he casts you a look.
“Is it really that bad to chew on the end of your pen?”
“Horrendous,” he chuckles. “The enamel of your teeth wears down.” You laugh and shake your head at the silly fact.
“But that’s okay,” he continues. “I like when you do it. It’s endearing.”
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miyasstan · 10 months
Sakusa (touch me and you'll die) kiyoomi actually likes cuddling and Miya (physical touch is in my DNA) atsumu always turns into a flustered mess. His heartbeat would go erratic because the way Omi randomly but fondly snuggles with him and caresses his hair will always leave him breathless.
(soft omi and shy tsumu has my heart <3)
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taeyamayang · 2 years
ft. miya atsumu, bokuto koutarou, & iwaizumi hajime
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ㅡyou tease them by calling them babygirl.
this is inspired by a conversation with an irl friend who finds it hilarious that i call hayakawa aki (chainsaw man) babygirl i mean, how can i not!! lol
tw: mentions/use of mommy, cursing, anddd nothing more ig. if there's anything let me know
(haikyuu!!, jujutsu kaisen, tokyo revengers)
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˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ Miya Atsumu
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atsumu is a bit unpredictable
one time he's up for a teasing (he initiates most of the time) but other times he's sensitive and overly dramatic
hence, curious of how he would react, out of the blue, you try it
he sits across from you with his back facing you
and his lower body tucked under a wooden table as he pretends to participate in the online meeting of MSBY
you scream-whisper,
"hey, babygirl!" to get his attention
he twists his neck to side, wondering if he has heard something
(or is the meeting too boring hence causing his brain to imagine things)
but when you repeat it, he finally turns around, brow arching as if asking you if it was indeed you calling him
he doesn't even question the pet name, please 😭
and when you repeat the term of endearment,
instant regret flashes before your eyes
this is why we don't play with fire, folks
a cheeky smile clads on his lips and behind his foxy eyes is mischief
he's definitely up to something
his volleyball-filled brain has thought of something that will bring you to instant K.O.
thus, he rolls his tongue over his bottom lip, supressing a growing smirk as he responds in a low seducing tone,
"yes, mommy?"
and just like that he renders your cheeks beat-red, floored, and caught of guard
he's enjoying it
he. fucking. enjoys this
he loves watching you internally scream and struggle to let out a single word
all to his doing
he leaves you wordless as he winks at you before shifting his attention back to the meeting as if nothing happened
˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ Bokuto Koutarou
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bless his soul because this man has the most endearing reaction of all
in all honesty, if he isn't six foot something the bbygirl term endearment fits him so well
his pure heart, naivety, enthusiasm, and positive outlook in life is soㅡ
ugh, i want to keep him in my pocket!!
but, yeah, going back
when you called him a babygirl he shoots you a look beyond confised, head tilted to the side, and his lips protruding into a pout
he questions,
"i don't get it, (y/n). why are you calling me that?"
and when you tell him because he is your babygirl
he laughs at you like you're a standup comedian who had just dropped a punch line
and says, "you are the babygirl. i'll protect you from anything that could harm you and spoil you with everything i have. and i'll love you with the way you deserve."
he bends down to level his glimmering eyes with you
and adds affectionately, ruffling your hair gently and his smile reaches his eyes
"am i right, babygirl?"
i mean...
how could you noooottttt fsndgs%@&#^!!
˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ Iwaizumi Hajime
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this one is a challenge
it's not like he dislikes pet names but the thing is
he doesn't want to admit that term of endearments make his stomach do backflips
so calling him a babygirl means trekking an unfamiliar path you don't want to be in
but still, you did
an absolute nuisance!!
he catches you on your first try, almost immediately because the next thing you know is that he's scowling at you
like you said a word he has never heard of that sounded nowhere near pleasant
"what?" he asks, eyes never leaving you
"i called you and said babygirl."
he's squinting his eyes on you now
but luckily he turns his head away and chooses to ignore his pesky other half
but that won't stop your teasing bc you're a lil shit
you repeatedly call him the nickname while lightly poking his sides,
"come on, babygirl. don't be shy and answer me with a polite 'yes'."
he counters with a strong flat, "no."
which, unfortunately for him, only gets you going
"go on look at me, babygirl. i know you missed me." your point fingers travels from his flexed bicep up to the crest of his cheek
a light tap was enough to bring his attention back to you however he keeps his mouth sealed
you run your thumb over his cheek and point out a lie in a whispering tone, "you're blushing. you like it when i call you babygirl, don't you?"
but a lie soon turned true as he feels his entire face heat up
iwaizumi hajime is embarrassed
damn you!!
as soon as you see the pink on his face, you burst out into a fit of laughter
only to be stopped when he says,
"we are over."
a joke, of course, bc your laugh is too contagious that he couldn't help but mask annoyance with a loving smile
you dramatically protest by lightly hitting his toned torso with your fist
"no! no! no! nooooo!!"
it is then iwa's turn to chuckle
he catches a flying fist with his hand before pulling you into an abrupt embrace
his chin rests on top of your head after giving you a peck on the side of your temple
"it's a joke but don't ever call me that again."
with the way he reacted, this definitely won't be the last of it
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as usuallll rbs and likes are very much appreciated! thanks for reading, stay hydrated mwa! <3
masterlist | hq.list
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
happy birthday aran!!! have some inarizaki hcs let's go
back when they first played shiratorizawa aran didn't know what to do bc tendou kept yelling weird shit at him and aran was, quite honestly, frightened for his life
tendou: "watch this i'm going to intimidate their ace so hard he won't be able to play properly and we'll win!" semi: "okay, what are you going to - " tendou, putting his hands around his mouth for the whole stadium to hear: "HEY NUMBER EIGHT, GET READY FOR ME TO PISS IN YOUR PANTS" semi: "dude what the fuck"
the twins are SO ready to fight and they probably would have if kita hadn't stepped in
kita didn't even have to do much he just stared down tendou with all the energy of "your most respected/favorite teacher is disappointed in you and you're going to cry bc of it" and tendou backed off
(for all of five minutes. then he started dumping on akagi but akagi gives what he gets so what the hell, kita let it slide)
this might be considered bad sportmanship tbh but it's funny as fuck so whatever
okay sorry back to the normal schedule
i think bc aran's the ace and court captain people try to follow his lead at school or ask him to make the final decision on things and such and he HATES it. it's soooooo much pressure and he really doesn't want to disappoint anyone!!
like no he does NOT want to be the tiebreaker for what their class should do during the school festival he just wants to walk around and eat a crepe. no he does NOT want to choose what paint color looks best for remodeling the garden fence why the fuck are you even asking him he's part of the volleyball club!!!! he always texts kita for help when this happens LMAO
and even if he DOES mess up the other students are always like, "ah, of course ojiro-san would do that!! he totally did that on purpose!! of course it's because [insert farfetched excuse here]!! why didn't we think of that either!!!"
if anyone's ever seen or read handa-kun (light-hearted prequel/spin-off to barakamon <33) it's basically that LMAO
kita's surprisingly good at telling scary stories
not just that but he tells normal stories in such a way that most people think he's telling a scary story first and then he says some totally mundane shit like "and that's why we no longer store our towels under the bed" and people are like. damn guess i'm not doing that either!!!
every day suna texts his sister one funny zero-context quote from practice. his sister has collected all of these and set up a twitter account for them.
gin thinks atsumu is going to get his ass kicked for not knowing when to shut the fuck up. atsumu thinks he's going to get his ass kicked because osamu paid someone to do it
osamu insists he wouldn't tho bc then he'd just do it himself for free
akagi, aran, and kita tease oomimi for being younger than them and make a running joke of ruffling his hair like a little kid which oomimi actually finds really comforting bc people usually shy away from being tactile with him. like guys come on oomimi is a sweetheart i love him so much
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kyezone · 6 months
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﹐﹕ first kisses with you
ʚ synopsis : atsumu and kiyoomi kiss for the first time. sort of.
pairings — sakusa kiyoomi & miya atsumu, haikyuu
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author's note — sakuatsu my beloved :[ this is basically just a short drabble of how i think their first kiss went. i like to think they already knew each other since middle school and went to the same summer volleyball class. this is just self-indulgent and based off of this skts piece! (it's my favorite fr). enjoy !
— © kyezone ‘24 ﹕ do not steal, copy, repost.
"This is stupid," Kiyoomi (14) grumbles, shaking his head. Sitting across him on the bed in the same cross-legged position is none other than that cocky setter, Miya Atsumu (15).
Kiyoomi, for the life of him, has no idea how he got swept up into this current predicament. Trust Atsumu to make someone like Sakusa Kiyoomi lose all sense of rationality.
Atsumu pouts at him. " 'S not stupid!" He retorts. "Aren't ya curious, Omi-Omi?" Kiyoomi grimaces at the nickname, ignores how it makes his heart flutter ever so slightly.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't" He admits, ever the truthful boy. "But I'd rather give my first kiss to a frog than you," He says flatly. It's true, call Kiyoomi old-fashioned but he wants to save his first kiss for the person he's going to spend the rest of his life with. He wasn't going to give it to just anyone, let alone someone like Miya freaking Atsumu.
Atsumu gasps like dramatic slob he is, a hand clutching at his chest as if to better show his hurt. "Well, 'scuse me I don't fit inta yer standards, Omi!"
Kiyoomi rolls his eyes. "Why don't you find someone else to do this with?" He asks, head tilting to the side. Atsumu remains quiets for a moment and Kiyoomi can see the exact moment a faint blush colors his skin. He suddenly hopes he isn't doing the same.
"I ... I don' wan' it ta be someone else ..." Atsumu's voice is small and shy and not at all what Kiyoomi has come to expect of this arrogant and loud guy. For once, Kiyoomi thinks, Atsumu is acting like boys his age usually would when in the presence of their crush.
Kiyoomi shakes away the thought. He shudders. Yeah right. It's quiet between them for a moment. Kiyoomi takes the oppurtunity to sneak glances at Atsumu. Brown hair and chocolate eyes, slightly tanned skin sprinkled with freckles.
Atsumu's fiddling with the volleyball between his legs, tapping on it slightly. It's obvious that he has no idea what to do now so Kiyoomi brings it upon himself to slice through the silence. "Fine," He says, and it's enough for Atsumu who's eyes glow with excitement.
"A'ight!" He exclaims, but he doesn't make a move.
They aren't exactly sure how to go about this. Atsumu studies Kiyoomi like an exam and Kiyoomi can't help but squirm uncomfortablly under his gaze. He watches with batted breath as Atsumu inhales sharply, squeezes his eyes shut, and leans in.
Kiyoomi does the same, eyes screwing closed as he anticipates, lips are pursed awkwardly. He can feel Atsumu invading his personal space and his hand goes flying into Atsumu's arm (Atsumu isn't any better, gripping onto Kiyoomi's shirt and undoubtedly crumpling it in the process), trying to calm himself as Atsumu's lips finally meet his.
Neither of them move, too scared to even do anything to fix the awkward position they're in. They don't open their eyes either and Kiyoomi can feel Atsumu's hand quiver, trying his best to keep himself steady and not fall into Kiyoomi's lap. Comedically, it takes them an entire minute before they finally break apart.
Atsumu is flushed red, but there's a big, toothy grin splayed across his face, perfectly encapsulating his joy and excitement. While he's over the moon, Kiyoomi is mortified. He sits there, completely dumbfounded.
He wipes at his mouth vigorously, suddenly able to think clearly again. He just kissed Miya Atsumu. His first kiss. Was with Miya. Atsumu. He's petrified.
The scariest part of all this? He wants to do it again. He shivers.
Oh god!
"Ya don't gotta be so dramatic 'bout it," Atsumu scoffs, pouting childishly. He leans forward teasingly and Kiyoomi can see his cockiness coming back as he does. He hates how he can feel his cheeks start to warm. "I know ya liked it," He teases, winking cheekily. Kiyoomi is unimpressed by this; leave it to Atsumu to be proud of his kiss with zero technique and zero experience.
Kiyoomi shoves him off the bed and Atsumu yelps when his bottom hits the tiled floors. "What the hell!" He cries.
"Don't flatter yourself," Kiyoomi grumbles, scurrying under his blanket. He tunes out Atsumu's rambling and complaints, instead focusing on trying to will his heart to calm down.
Gah, he can't believe it. He wasted his first kiss on Miya Atsumu. It wasn't like he was going to marry Atsumu, he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life with this snobby idiot. Over his dead body!
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Kiyoomi stirs awake, eyes heavy with sleep. He looks around the room, the sun just now beginning to rise, bathing the room in a purple and dreamy glow. His eyes land on a patch of blonde hair next to him, snorting softly as Atsumu snored.
He yawns, laying back down and pulling the blanket over them. He pulls Atsumu's sleeping form closer to him, enjoying his warmth as he pressed a chaste kiss on the ring on his finger.
His 15-year-old self would go insane if he told him he would indeed marry the person he gave his first kiss to.
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pparadiselost · 1 year
by the heart.
miya atsumu x fem reader atsumu's courage is commendable, even if a little misplaced. warning(s): nsfw, slight femdom, titjob minors do not interact.
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“yer tits are so fucking hot…,” atsumu whines, the usual bravado of the cocky setter disappearing quickly as you kneel before your boyfriend. it’s no foreign scene to you: glancing up at his flushed face in between his legs, with atsumu perched on the side of his bed and staring down at your naked body as if you were crafted painstakingly by god’s loving hands.
if such a god even existed to begin with. 
you keep your face neutral, doing your best to maintain a straight expression as you let his eyes roam all over you. atsumu loves letting his eyes and hands wander, and he never fails to be attached to you in some way if he can help with. most of the time it’s just him being a clingy boyfriend without any other intentions attached, but on the off chance that it isn’t, all you could say was that you had gotten very familiar with the feeling of his hands pawing at your breasts and his cock sliding wildly in and out of you.
and atsumu always ate up any love you were willing to throw his way, eagerly lapping up your time and affection as if he were a kitten drinking up a bowl of milk. but for whatever reason, he had been extra clingy today, practically draping himself all over you and trying to cop a feel at your body whenever the opportunity presented itself.
“i wanna fuck yer tits-,” his rough voice jerks you back to reality. his hard cock hovers just inches from your face, standing proud and tall and yet still craving your attention. “bet yer boobs would feel so good around me… fuck- i’ve always wanted a boobjob from ya…”
“-and where’d that idea come from?” you eye him warily. “lemme guess, some stupid porn vid from twitter?”
you could already envision the scene in your mind. atsumu and his dumb, insatiable cock, beating himself off to a video of a hot girl wrapping her breasts around someone’s hardened length. he’d touch himself the way he liked best, his mouth parting and letting out his usual loud moans, imagining that it was you touching him. atsumu has such horrendous habits that you have yet to fully banish, but he justifies it by saying that being this infatuated with you only exacerbates his vices.
“does it matter? ‘m horny- c’mon, can’t ya do this for me? wanna touch you- want you to touch me…” he grips his dick, giving it a few lazy strokes. he can’t tear his eyes from your chest even once, and he greedily lets his gaze trail over the plush flesh of your breasts. 
he can’t help but be a little bit of a shallow pervert around you. your body’s so ridiculously stunning; how could anyone blame him for wanting to get his hands all over you? your tits are so soft and sweet, and he loves groping at your mounds with his big hands or even sucking on your sensitive nipples. you always act like you’re above getting horny, like you can’t stand the thought of letting your boyfriend do something so depraved to you, but your shy face and pleasured moans betray your true thoughts. 
you frown, but you still inch closer to him. “just once. only once, okay? i can’t keep letting you get away with shit like this, miya. that dirty mind of yours is no good at all.”
“my mind’s only dirty ‘cuz of you. ‘t’s not my fault yer too hot for yer own good.” he swallows thickly. you arch your back slightly, and you press your arms to your sides, letting the plump curves of your breasts perk up as your arms hoist them somewhat upwards. atsumu’s cock throbs painfully in his hands at seeing you offering up your tits to him like that. you look like you want to put a bullet through his head, and fuck- atsumu thinks that’s the hottest thing in the world. 
he taps his cock against one of your tits, letting his heavy tip slap against your nipple. you bite back a small whimper when you can feel the contact. a jolt of electricity rips through your body, trickling like liquid fire down your insides and settling with a simmering aftermath in your core. atsumu looks utterly entranced as he continues to rub his tip against your nipple, and you suck in a harsh inhale. 
your nipple starts to harden and pebble under his teasing, and with each curious prod from him, you shudder and squirm. it’s tantalizing, too humiliating for you to say that it feels good, but enough to let him continue having his way. sticky pre-cum spreads all over your areola and your skin, and atsumu moves his attention towards your other tit. he does the same, panting like a goddamn dog as he prods and pokes your nipples. your body is quick to respond to him, and you feel the way your inner walls twist and pull, the clockwork like signs of arousal flaring up in your cunt.
“here-,” the blond releases his cock, letting it stand as it is in front of you, “-i wanna see ya wrap your boobs around me.”
“you’re a good-for-nothing pervert,” you spit disdainfully. you move your hands up your stomach and towards your chest, and instead of giving him what he wants, you let your fingers wrap around your nipples. you massage your breasts for a little bit, imagining that it’s your said good-for-nothing boyfriend’s hands groping you instead of your own. you roll your hardened buds over your fingertips, letting out tiny gasps as you can feel the pleasure jerk your thoughts around.
atsumu simply laughs, leaning back against the bed as he admires you touching yourself. “god, yer unbelievable… how’d i pull someone like ya? yer always actin’ like some kind of untouchable princess, but look at ya. who’d imagine some as icy as ya on yer knees and touching yerself like that?”
“shut up, miya, i’m getting to it. not everything is about you…,” you mutter. heat flares up in embarrassment behind your cheeks, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of you giving in that easily. you sit up straight on your knees and bring yourself flush to his cock, and you use your hands to guide your tits to wrap around his length. the curves of your breasts eagerly welcome him into the valley between your boobs, and you look up at atsumu with a look as if to ask him if he’s satisfied.
his eyes are blown wide open. the expression he’s giving you is downright sultry and lovestruck, and his cock spasms against your chest. “a-are ya gonna give me a boobjob now then…?”
“yeah. you’re the one that begged for it.” you cup your tits, and you drag them upwards, letting the fat of your chest catch and envelop as much of his dick as you can. atsumu lets out a high-pitched whine, his voice sounding akin to that of a wounded animal. your cunt reacts to his moans immediately, twisting painfully with need. you fondle his dick through your breasts, moving your body in rhythm to emulate the movement of him thrusting his cock against you.
“ah-! ahh-! fuck- ya feel so good already- so soft- so fucking soft…!” atsumu’s head has already lost control of any pride left in him. his mind goes blank the instant he feels your tits pressing up against his cock, rubbing up all lewdly against him. it quite literally is a scene ripped straight from a porno, and he’s sure that he’s going to jerk off to the sight of you with your breasts wrapped around his dick for weeks. shit—with how hot it is, he might even end up with a wet dream or two.
you focus on the task at hand. globs of pre-cum keep escaping from his weeping slit, and it drips down your chest. your skin feels slippery and sticky, and you try moving your breasts in a uniform motion to moving them separately, stroking atsumu in more of a circular motion. it earns you another drawn out, pathetic whimper from him. 
“do my tits feel that good?” you want to make fun of atsumu. who could ever guess that this is the same man that landed himself a position as a setter on the japanese national team? he brags constantly about how much of a wonderful setter he is and how there’s no one quite like him, and you don’t doubt him. he’s handsome and confident, and he has everything a young man his age could covet. of course his ego would be through the roof.
and yet you have him in the palm of your hand. moaning like a bitch in heat, his cock keeps jerking like mad against your chest. he looks like he’s falling apart already, losing his mind completely to the electric pleasure running rampant through his nerves. you can feel his heavy balls on the underside of your boobs, and just the thought of cumming on your tits makes atsumu nearly finish right there.
“love yer tits- love yer hot fucking tits- i’d fuck them every day if i could- ya gotta let me, ya gotta let me fuck yer tits again- i need ya, need yer sexy boobs-,” the blond babbles. his words are quickly slurring, the man getting drunk off of the stimulation on his sensitive organ. the swells of your breasts keep jiggling and pooling out of your hands as you massage and pulse your flesh around him, and it drives atsumu wild. 
you snort at him, half-chastising him in a way you know gets him shamefully off. it’s that masochistic streak in him; he loves it being put in his place just a little too much, and knowing that you’d come crawling back to him even though your words say otherwise does something fucked to his stupid volleyball brain. you shove your breasts harshly inwards before letting go, emulating the sensation of something squeezing around his length. “you’re so goddamn needy. didn’t i say i wasn’t going to do this for you again? that this was going to be a one time thing?”
“n-o, don’t say that…!” atsumu immediately protests. you move faster, your fingers thumbing over your nipples as you jerk him off. his chest heaves as he breathes in shakily. tears dot and blur his vision, and all he can think about is how much he needs you. he’s never wanted anyone so badly in his life, never known how downright torturous it was to crave someone this badly, to the point that it rendered him physically unable to do anything else. “i’ll die if ya don’t touch me! don’t say things like that to me- yer gonna kill me for real…!”
“i’m going to kill you if i withhold sex? now you’re really tempting me.” you raise an eyebrow. arousal twists violently in atsumu’s stomach at your accusatory gaze. he feels like he’s being smothered. he wants you so badly he can’t even breathe properly. all the blood in his body rushes to his cock, and any remaining logic in his brain has jumped ship. 
you’ve ruined him. your body’s ruined him. his dick only ever craves you now, and everything he does boils down to wanting you. you have every right to call him an idiot and pervert that only thinks with his dick, but whose fault is it if the reason why his dick is so responsive is because of you? he’s drooled and masturbated to your tits too many times to count, but this is the only time he’s worked up the courage to actually ask you to get him off properly with them. it feels like heaven to him, graduating from rubbing himself shamelessly all over his hand like some kind of horny freak to having you lavish this much attention onto his throbbing length.
the skin between your tits is entirely slick and slippery, and every inch of his swollen cock disappears quickly and easily in between your boobs. atsumu really wishes he had the brainpower to find suitable words to describe how fucking good it feels, but all his thoughts can hone in on are is how soft and warm you are. 
“ah- hahhhh- i want ya to fuck me to death- ‘s that okay? god, yer making me crazy…!” he moans out. his voice is like honey to your ears. he’s nothing more than an overexcitable puppy dog who deludes himself into thinking he’s so much more clever than he is, but all it takes is a few well posed words and the temptation of your body to get him to crumble like dust. “‘m yers- ‘ve only ever been yers- ya can say ya hate me and can’t stand me, but i’ll do anything to be with ya!”
“don’t make such ridiculous promises. people will misunderstand us. they’ll think we’re in a loveless relationship. that i’m simply using you. that’s not true now, is it?” you slide your boobs around the bottom of his cock, grinding down on his balls. he lurches his hips against your chest, desperately attempting to thrust shallowly into the valley of breasts, willing to do whatever it takes to further get him off. the pleasure is nothing short of addictive to him, and if atsumu doesn’t get enough of a hit, he doesn’t know how he’s going to deal with how turned on he is. 
“take everything from me, if that’s what ya want… my money, my position, everything- i just want ya. that’s all i’ve ever wanted!” his cock won’t quit leaking like a broken faucet. he’s spewing nonsense at this point, begging for you and droning on and on about how he can’t live if he’s separated from you. it’s flattering certainly, but it’s also a signal as accurate as clockwork that your boyfriend’s about cum all over himself. 
“whatever i want, huh? you’re willing to do whatever it takes to have me, ‘tsumu?” the nickname earns a particularly drawn out mewl from the blond man. he wants to be special to you so badly. 
the muted march of your heartbeat seems to match the way his pulse strains in his engorged dick. you can feel the dull rhythm through the blood and fatty tissue of your breasts, and you can hear the way your pulse roars in your own ears. you could always say something scathing back in return, to watch him squirm and fall apart like putty, but you can’t help but notice something so poetic about touching him so intimately with the place physically closest to your heart.
if atsumu knew though, he’d let it go straight to his head. he’d tease you about it endlessly once he snapped out of his horny drunkenness, intoxicated to the nines over your tits.
but you know what you want from your boyfriend. you keep rubbing your breasts against the bottom of his dick, ignoring his weeping cockhead and the rest of him. you want him at the peak of his desperation, to be the only one to wield this kind of sadistic control over him, to relish and revel in the trust he has towards you, to know that no one but you will have him like this.
“tell me you love me, atsumu.”
“i love ya-,” he really doesn’t need to be told twice, “i love ya so much!”
you pick up your breasts with your palms, and balancing them expertly, you forcefully stroke his entire length roughly from bottom to top, engulfing and drowning his cock out one final time in the fullness of your tits. atsumu lets out a strangled cry, and while still buried balls deep into your chest, he cums all over you.
you flinch, instinctively shutting your eyes as semen spurts everywhere. the curves and dips of your chest take the brunt of his climax, immediately coated and drenched all over with his scalding hot sperm. a few stray drops flick onto your face, and you wince. it burns, it burns all over your breasts and collar and face, but you stay latched onto his dick, making sure those tits he loves so badly has milked him down to every last drop before you quit fondling him through his orgasm.
atsumu, on the other hand, swears his heart stopped for a moment there. something deep and primal inside of him snapped when you forced him to tell him that he loved you, and he came all over you before he could even say anything. it feels so dirty but so fucking worth it, to drown your tits in his pearly white cum. his vision is foggy and unfocused, but he can make out the hazy sight of his cum dripping down your chest. the rivulets semen snake down your breasts, dripping over your erect nipples and covering so much of your tits.
it’s a sight for him to take to the grave. 
you wipe futilely at the cum covering you with your hands, trying to get the burning sensation to stop, grimacing at the slight pain that covers your entire rib cage. you know it’s a losing battle, especially when atsumu whimpers in protest, wanting to see your cum-covered body just a little bit longer before you’d get rid of any evidence that any of this even happened to begin with.
“happy now? i gave you the boobjob you wanted. was it as good as you imagined?” there’s really no need to ask him that, especially when his answer is already this predictable. the man nods, not fully sober from his high, and when he leans down to give you a shaky kiss to the crown of your head, you can only laugh and lay your head against his inner thigh.
“i could marry ya right now,” he whispers, out of breath. 
you scowl, making a face as if you’d eaten something sour. “don’t you dare. i want a more romantic proposal from you.”
“yeah-,” atsumu manages to wheeze out. “whatever you want. i’ll propose with the biggest fucking diamond found if that’s what ya asked for.”
“okay, maybe not anything that ridiculous.” you crane your neck to press a kiss to his thigh. you pause, lost in thought momentarily before you steal a glimpse up at your boyfriend. “y’know… if you really want a boobjob from me again, i wouldn’t mind giving you one every now and then.”
atsumu instantly revs to life, straightening his back and staring down at you with a sparkle in his eyes that would rival the aforementioned diamond he thought about proposing to you with. “r-really? then, i want one every night-”
“-i said every now and then. slow down, miya.”
he pretends to pout and puff his cheeks out, and it nets him a defeated giggle from you. you continue to pepper kisses along his thighs, ghosting closer and closer to his crotch, his pubes tickling the tip of your nose. he holds his breath when he can feel you nearing his half-hard cock, knowing perfectly well that this is your way of riling him up.
“then… if i’m allowed to try my luck a little,” he swallows back the lump in his throat. he thinks back to how you forced him to confess his feelings to get him to cum. god, it would be so tempting to ask you for a blowjob right now, to get you to wrap your pretty lips around his thick cock and fuck your mouth senseless, but that would be letting you off the hook too easy.
no, atsumu wants something he can carve into stone too. he licks his lips. “could i ask for something else then?”
you look up at him through your lashes, your eyes playing the perfect support part for your main casting as the coquettish seductress ruining his life. “and what were you thinking?”
“can ya tell me ya love me too?”
you almost laugh at how innocent of a request it is, and you sigh dreamily. you get up from where you were sitting on the ground, and you climb up on the bed and on top of atsumu. you press your body down against him, and you slide your cum-stained tits right onto his broad chest. his breath hitches in the back of his throat as you close the distance between his face and yours, and you kiss the corner of his lips sweetly.
“i love you. i love you too, atsumu. don’t you dare forget it, okay?” you breathe, your voice nothing more than a feather-light sound. “you’re mine, all mine for me to love. you belong to no one other than me.”
he swallows again, and the lovestricken haze in his eyes this time comes from something other than being turned on. it’s a mark of how truly far he’s fallen, and it makes you happy to a degree that you can’t even start to articulate. you can feel his heartbeat match yours from the skin-to-skin contact, your two bodies melding into one connected amalgamation of obsession, lust, and love. 
“all yers.” his arms wrap around your waist, and he kisses you back. “only ever yers.”
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KINKTOBER 2023—le deuxième jour.
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adorerinn · 2 months
hiii! can i request a matchup? :)
i go by she/her and would prefer to be paired with a guy
traits i’d want in a partner is someone who can keep up with my humor, but also be mature, grounded and is able to bring me back to earth. also someone more outgoing because i’m kind of introverted lol
i’m kind of shy and kept to myself but once i get comfortable with someone i feel like i never shut up tbh 😭 i love joking around with people and also find myself being very sarcastic and pessimistic sometimes
my interests are playing guitar, writing, animating/editing, sketching and baking :3
my giving love language is acts of service and words of affirmation, my receiving would be words of affirmation and physical touch!!
i think my dream date would be something like a restaurant or cafe for a first date just to get to know the person and talk yk? then for a second date maybe an amusement park or shopping :3
my zodiac sign is leo and my mbti is isfp if that helps idk 😭😭
thank uuu and sorry if i wrote a lot -🍎
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I match you with Atsumu Miya!
✧ Atsumu is the type that will match your energy whether you're happy, sad, angry etc he is always willing to put in the same energy you do
✧ he always make stupid jokes and sometimes make lame jokes and he will laugh whenever you crack a joke even if it wasn't funny he will think it's the funniest thing ever
✧ although when it's a serious moment he knows to be mature (Osamu probably taught him how to tell when it's a good time to joke and when it's time to be serious)
✧ he is always reassuring you whenever you need it no matter what he will never get tired of having to reassure you even if it's over the smallest things
✧ he absolutely LOVES taking you out places. he will find the most random places to take you whether that be taking you to a new cafe that opened up or some random park he found
✧ Atsumu would probably be intrigued with your introverted personality since he is very extroverted but once he gets you to open up to him and he gets to see who you really are he will love listening to what you have to say with hearts in his eyes
✧ if you're ever sarcastic or have the smallest bit of attitude with him you best believe he has some stupid snarky comment to say back
✧ if he hears you playing guitar he will always be there to listen even if you're just strumming the strings he will be absolutely memorized
✧ show him some of your writings and he will read them through fully even if he doesn't enjoy reading he will read it all just because you wrote it
✧ if you give him a sketch of yours you better believe he is hanging it up somewhere like a proud mother
✧ he will TRY to help you when you're baking. keep in mind TRY. he would probably mix up salt and sugar...but he enjoys just being able to spend time with you and doing what you like doing
✧ as for love languages he loves when you do anything for him. he will be super happy even if it's the smallest thing you do he will just be the happiest guy ever.
✧ if you ever compliment him he will always try to act nonchalant about it but he will always be pink in the ears
✧ as I mentioned before he will always reassure you in whatever you need but he will also complement you whenever he feels like it which is usually at the most random times
✧ when you two go on your first date he will be such a nervous wreck
✧ he most likely has sweat palms and hands
✧ he was probably ranting and panicking to Osamu because he wanted everything to go perfect
✧ he would also try to pick the best cafe ever and make sure that you would like it too
✧ I think at the end of the date he realizes he panicked over nothing because everything went smoothly without even trying
✧ definitely rants to Osamu about your guys date
✧ when you two go on a second date at the amusement park he is more calm and not as panicky as before
✧ although he will act like he is not scared of all the giant roller coasters he will shit his pants if you make him get on a a scary one
✧ overall I think you and Atsumu Miya would have a very nice relationship and would balance each other out and get along very well
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hi anon!! I hope you enjoyed this I was having a hard time choosing between Atsumu and Semi but I went along with Atsumu. I really do hope you liked it and sorry it took me so long I kept accidentally refreshing my page on my computer so I rewrote this like 3 times.. I really do hope you like it though and don't be scared to request again!
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thatonericeball · 2 years
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Why Is He So Cute?
- Always trailing behind you happily
- He says to everyone that he couldn’t see himself with anyone else but you
- He has this angelic smile that makes your heart skip a beat
- When you walk to class together he zones out when you’re talking because he’s too focused on how cute you look getting excited talking abt whatever it is you’re passionate abt
- He shamelessly says the most embarrassing stuff aloud to people and acts as if his intention wasn’t to fluster you even though you very well know it was
- He always has to plan what he’s going to say to you and memorize it because he doesn’t want to come across as unconfident to you
- He has these puppy dog like eyes that have a hold on you
- How he becomes really happy when you tell him he did a good job
- The way he gets lights up when you ask for a kiss
- He is impressed by smallest things like how “cool” you looked
- He’ll say “wow you looked so cool just now! I’ll do my best too!” when you literally just spiked 1 volleyball or something simple like that
- He’ll see you from afar, notice he’s walking in your direction, freeze then sprint the other way because he’s too shy to talk to you
- He has these wide eyes when he’s looking at something curiously
- He wasn’t a big fan of being just friends with you…let’s be honest, he wasn’t a fan at all
- If he gets a snack he always gets one for you too and is excited to eat with you so he buys lots of snacks
Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata, Oikawa, Nishinoya, Futakuchi, Kuroo, Terushima, Hoshiumi
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kaes-wonderland · 1 year
𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒚𝒖𝒖 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
↳ ☆ pt.1 ☆ pt.2 ☆ … ☆
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❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Published: May 8, 2022
❥ Kae’s Notes: I’m proud of myself for FINALLY being creative, it’s been so positive, nothing like Wattpad. But I’m starting to get back in a funk, but all the love on the first part made me really excited to get this one out. See my navi for more! And, please request, I need the distraction!!
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SOMETIMES ATSUMU forgets he’s dating you because he still can’t shake the fact that someone as amazing as you would want to date him.
TENDŌ ALWAYS memorizes the the tune to your favorite song(s) so he can hum them to comfort you and impress you with his natural listening skills.
NISHINOYA HAS A LOCKET with a picture of you two in it. He’s constantly caught admiring it, especially when he’s waiting to be subbed in.
YAMAGUCHI GETS OVERWHELMED very easily, so he loves holding pinkies with you. That alone makes him a blush my mess.
KENMA HATES the feeling of latex gloves/dye on his hands, so he loves when you help dye his hair
BOKUTO HAS A hard time falling asleep at night, so if you can’t sleep, or are just a night owl, you WILL be baking cupcakes while watching crime movies, or random clips of volleyball matches
AKAASHI IS QUITE bashful about this, but he loves when you sit on his lap while he finishes his work/your work if you’re to mentally drained to finish.
FUKUNAGA WRITES little love notes to you, telling you all the things he’s noticed about you (little things) and gives them to you all bashful
SUGAWARA IS A plant parent, meaning he lets you name all of his plants and will remember every single one of them without you having to correct him.
YAMAMOTO LOVES to hug you from behind and rest his chin or cheek on your shoulder/top of your head.
SUNA HAS GROWN A SOFT SPOT for you. Every time you get a small scrape or cut, he’ll patch it up and then lightly kiss your boo-boo…then laugh at your stupidity.
KIYOKO ALWAYS GIVES YOU head-pats as that’s her way of giving affection as she’s not the most…affection person.
KAGEYAMA GRIPS ONTO your sleeve or the bottom of your shirt when he wants attention.
YACHI SUBCONSCIOUSLY doodles you and her initials in a heart on her notes and always gets flustered when someone points it out.
HINATA ADORES your giggles, so he loves to give you butterfly kisses against your cheek, neck, or stomach.
LEV AND YOU have a tradition of baking something new when you visit each other…having Yaku on speed dial if something catches fire.
KUROO COMES UP behind you and covers your eyes, and in a strange voice goes, “guess who?~”
AONE WOULD WRITE POETRY for you. He has a box in his room he puts the papers in, too shy to give them to you quite yet. Although, he’s not the best hider, so you’ve found them, you falling for him all over again with how whipped he is for you.
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©k_kae- 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim them as yours. But reblogs, likes, and comments are alway welcomed. Thank you, stay positive シ
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seijorhi · 9 months
Glitter & Rot is written so well!! I honestly had an inkling of suspicion that the “major character death” might be samu in the hands of tsumu for being unfaithful to reader in this very difficult time and breaking her poor heart. But then again, I also had doubts that the twins will ever do that to each other?? Anyways, the build up and twists and turns got me on the edge of my seat. And that reveal— those bastard twins. My poor sweet Suna😭😭
I also have a few questions. Were the twins playing the long game hoping that Rin and reader will break up someday so they can snatch her up? Or did they have major doubts that they were ever gonna break up seeing how in love with each other they were in high school? If so, were the twins planning to murder Rin for a long time to eliminate him out of the picture once and for all? Or was their murder rampage spontaneous after they heard the news of reader and Rin’s engagement ultimately losing reader to Rin forever. Also, I can’t imagine the twins reaction if reader finds out that she’s pregnant with Rin’s baby😭
okay honestly, if anything it would've been atsumu murdering samu out of seething jealousy haha.
because osamu was definitely not shy or particularly nice gloating over the situation while his brother was still tied up with volleyball for the season :))
but no, the twins knew that prying the reader away from suna was gonna be a messy thing, especially after they graduated and it became pretty clear that this wasn't just some high school romance bullshit. i don't think they were exactly planning to murder him, it was more so a case of them each coming to an understanding that this was probably only gonna end one way, and they'd have to find peace with that and oh boy did they
the engagement news was definitely the breaking point tho. that was the moment it crystallised from a vague possibility into a solid plan.
as for the pregnancy thing, well, neither twin has any intentions of raising some dead asshole's bastard baby. never mind that dead asshole used to be their best friend.
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oiks-milkbread · 2 years
They take care of you when you're sick
Akaashi Keiji
Keiji's lips are soft on your forehead, you close your eyes, enjoying the contact, but you can't help but play with your fingers, still feeling a little bit nervous.
"You're still warm", your boyfriend's eyes are on you, you can feel them as you avoid looking at him, still playing with your hands.
"And I still want to go", you huff, an annoyed expression plastered on your face.
"It's very likely you'll have this fever tomorrow too, love", he says while sitting next to you on your shared bed. "You know it's irresponsible to go to work while you're sick, right?", his tone is gentle as usual.
"Yeah, I know", you still avoid looking at him, "I just don't want to stay at home alone, at least I could do something productive...".
"Rest is necessary sometimes", he gently cups your face, "and there's no need to look at me like that".
"I just hate when you're right", you sigh, finally meeting his green eyes.
"Oh", keiji raises an eyebrow, "But I'm always right".
For a second you're taken aback by the bold affirmation, you already knew he knows he's always right, but him admitting it just like that wasn't something you were used to.
"Ugh, shut up", you dramatically roll your eyes, then you just lay on your back, once again avoiding you're boyfriend's face.
"Plus, it looked like you enjoyed sleeping in this morning", he playfully lays like you, trying to meet your eyes.
"Keijiii", you whine, "you should take care of me instead of whatever this is, I'm sick", you jokingly give a light punch on his chest.
"I'm sorry love", you feel his arms around your hips, "What do you need? Can I make you some tea?".
"Mmh, can we just stay like this for a while?", you ask, nuzzling against his neck.
"As you wish".
Miya Osamu
You stick your head out, looking who's outside of your apartment door. With your surprise, you're greeted by a gentle smile and a pair of grey eyes.
"Hi, Osamu", you smile shyly, still hiding behind the door, "Uhm, what are you doing here? I'd invite you in, but I'm sick, so..."
"Hey", he smiles at you, "Yeah, my brother told me. That's why I'm here", he says while handing you a shopping bag full of food. "I also added some of my onigiri, I know you like them...and you haven't passed by my place in a while".
You take the bag as you feel your heart racing in your ears, "Thank you! You didn't have to", you gift him a smile, still feeling a little bit shy, things has been weird between the two of you lately. "And sorry, I've been kinda busy lately", you both know it's a lie.
"Maybe we can catch up another time? I don't want to give you a fever, you have a business to run", you clutch at the shopping bag, almost hugging it.
"Yeah", he says while scratching his neck, "Are you sure you don't want me to cook you something or help you with the apartment? 'Tsumu told me you've felt really weak".
You feel your old eye tic coming back. Smiling through pain, you take a mental note to tell atsumu to stop telling your stuff to your crush.
"I'm okay now. And I've got your onigiri", you say while putting the bag down, one hand ready to shut the door, "No need to worry, osamu, really".
"Okay", he pouts, "Will you call me if you need anything?"
Suna Rintarou
"I'm home", rin says while taking off his shoes, "and I've got your medicine". You can't help but shudder, hiding yourself under the blanket.
"Please", you cry out, "tell me you've got tablets".
"Sorry, babe", the volleyball player gives you a look full of pity, "at the pharmacy they only had the goo".
"Don't call it the goo! It sounds gross", you shriek, hiding yourself further under the blanket.
"It doesn't change the fact that it doesn't taste good, babe", he says with his usual blank expression.
"Ugh", you huff, "you're insufferable"
"That's not true", his swift hands take away your blanket, "C'mon, time to take the goo".
"I hate you"
"You love me", rin smiles smugly before giving you the bottle with the medicine and leaving the room. It doesn't take long before he comes back with a spoon and a glass of water.
"Time to wear your grown up boots and drink this", he says while pouring the syrup in the spoon. You roll your eyes, giving him an annoyed expression.
"Don't look at me like that, babe. I also bought you some cake, so you can wash away the taste of your medicine", he looks at you with a little bit of curiosity, searching for your reaction.
You silently admit defeat, taking the spoon he offers you. Rin tries to hide his laugh while watching your disgusted expression.
"Is it really that bad?", he asks while handing you the glass of water.
"Yep", you say after gulping the water, "now the cake...and, Rin", you take his hand, "thank you for buying me my medicine, I don't hate you".
"I know", he kisses your forehead.
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First of I wanna say I just LOVE the way u write ur work is so good ur like one of my fav acc on tumblr. Also I saw that u have ur request open and I wanted to know if by any chance you could write abt how the haikyuu boys would react to meeting a beautiful fan.
HIII tysm Anon, that is so very very kind of you <3 I am honoured to be one of your fave acc's, ty for the request :3
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He's absolutely speechless. Someone is shaking his shoulders to get him to leave the court, but his sole focus is on you. A teammate later drags him off because he doesn't want to take his gaze off you and he knows he has to find you later. He would probably keep thinking about you in a daze, hoping to see you again. And coincidentally, when he's leaving the venue, he does. You're gorgeous and his eyes never stray far from you, until your pupils go wide and you start laughing. He looks around cluelessly before realising his shirt is on backwards because he was too busy daydreaming about you.
Kageyama, Bokuto, Semi, Komori, Yamaguchi, Osamu, Kunimi, Lev, Sakusa, Goshiki, Washio, Sugawara, Fukunaga, Aone, Kindaichi, Konoha
A beautiful fan? Where? Oh, there. The second his eyes find your figure, he's fighting the urge to yell out how divine you are to the entire stadium. He's annoying ALL of his teammates, "Look! Over on the left! I have a super beautiful fan sitting right there!" Chances are he doesn't stop talking abt you to his friends because he is absolutely hooked. You become the subject of his mind and he always tries that extra bit harder when he sees you've come to cheer him on again. At some point, he definitely forgets everything and goes up to you, much to your delight. He's too busy staring at you that he almost forgets to ask you out.
Atsumu, Kuroo, Oikawa, Hinata, Tendou, Koganegawa, Yamamoto, Hanamaki, Yaku, Nishinoya, Matsukawa, Tanaka, Yahaba, Terushima
He starts staring immediately. It's not subtle and yet you almost don't notice it at first. You're waiting outside with some other fans of his team and you're startled to see him staring at you as if he has hearts in his eyes. He doesn't mean to keep his gaze on you for so long, but he can't find the words to say anything to someone with such beauty. He's too shy to approach you, but before he leaves, he definitely looks behind him to see you one more time. After attending a few more games, he'll eventually go up to you, unless you say something to him first which he'll undoubtedly love.
Kenma, Asahi, Shirabu, Iwaizumi, Daishou, Ennoshita, Kita, Akaashi, Ushijima, Tsukishima, Suna, Kyoutani, Daichi, Aran, Kai, Futakuchi
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