#sick of neurotypicals
katebushsbabushka · 2 years
The time my lecturer got annoyed at me, an undiagnosed autistic student, during his lecture about autism because I was stimming.
I think my favorite story about pre-therapy me is that, as part of one of my education classes, we all had to attend an autism lecture. Well, I was obviously very bored during the lecture because it was in the late afternoon, and I was burnt out and wanted to go home. I began fidgeting with a penny I had on my desk right as the lecturer began talking about stimming.
I don't know if he got offended that I was amusing myself during his talk or what, but he proceeded to point me out in the middle of the lecture and say, in a very loud and obnoxious voice, "Stimming. That's exactly what she's doing right now."
I think it's very funny for several reasons:
Dude was obviously peeved at me for silently contenting myself instead of staring him down and pretending like I was listening.
He absolutely used Sheldon Cooper as the pinnacle example of autism in media.
It did not cross his mind once that I may have been autistic, probably because I was in college, a female, and relatively neurotypically passing.
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dougielombax · 1 month
It’s amazing how often you’d come across somebody whose opinions on things like justice, human rights and other such matters are perfectly rational.
Then you ask them about something like international affairs or vaccines and disabilities and it turns out that they’re completely fucking insane and deranged.
Babbling all the usual conspiratorial drivel about how “tHa JeWz” are controlling everything and that their shitty internet connection is all the fault of the “ZOG”.
(What even is that?!)
Before going on the spout the usual drivel about vaccines causing autism. Which btw they don’t.
The cognitive dissonance on display is astounding.
They’re so close to seeing bullshit for what it is, and then they sell their brains to 4Chan or kiwifarms or wherever and embrace fucking bigotry!
It seems to be something of a pattern.
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puppygirlgirldick · 8 days
talking to neurotypical people is so fucking exhausting. it's a fucking endless chain of implication, hidden meanings, and loaded questions. and then they'll just segue into completely unrelated topics and when you stop them and ask for clarification or an explanation as to why we're here or what they're actually saying they get mad at you for not understanding.
also they seem to have no concept of fucking personal space because that conversation i just had started with her shoving her fingers into my face to make me smell the plants she'd just been working with without a fucking word of explanation as to what she was doing or what was expected of me. just looking at me expectantly waiting for me evidently to go "oh that's basil how lovely" instead of asking what in the name of fuck she's doing in my personal space.
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avpdvoidspace · 1 year
just neurodivergent things (that are overlooked because they're more common in neurodivergences with less awareness)
-speaking in a super vague and indirect way out of intense fear of criticism or rejection
-creating personas tailored to different spaces because few people can be allowed to know the Real You -puroposefully triggering dissociation to feel like a ghost and get away from human beings, including the sense of your own human body
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
it's so funny to think back of how so many people thought it was dumb that murders would happen over a doll in watanagashi/meakashi when as ever shion has been simmering for a long time and it's just the straw that broke the camel's back. yasu is the same. they said she murdered everyone because she just wanted a prince on a pony. "she just didn't want to study" we're in a time loop now. they're all just catalysts that people use to invalidate their victimhood.
satoko, shion and yasu are extremely similar in that they're all victims of abuse who interpret their complex trauma through the lens of their feelings for a specific person (rika, satoshi, battler).
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strangesickness · 2 months
can we as a society please please please stop treating stim tools like annoying fads. like i just got a fidget spinner today and it is INSANE! like you mean they made these when i was in high school and i could have just?? had one??? but didn't because we treated them like cringey toys???
i see the same thing happening with pop its, like no they aren't just a cringe fad they help a lot of people... it's so frustrating how tools made for neurodivergent people are ridiculed, then accepted into popular culture as toys, then become passe and cringe and are once again ridiculed.
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schr0dingus · 7 months
its justified i get incredibly pissed off about how the creator of sonichu was and is treated, right?
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lottieurl · 6 months
Tumblr media
look. if someone doesn't like that type of wording that's completely fine and no one is forcing anyone to describe their experiences that way but the post is genuinely funny to me like. "you mean you were changed by art?" no i mean i spent three weeks almost not sleeping because all i could think about was that show and i was so hyper i run on two hours of sleep and frequently forgot to eat. that's what i MEAN when i call it brainrot. i call it brainrot because i'm actually quite aware it isn't healthy or good for me - being dehydrated, sleep deprived and not sleeping enough is usually not great for human beings. i know how it feels to be moved by art. i do not call it brainrot. "you're going to talk about art? you're going to be passionate?" i'm going to have a hard time talking about other things for months, i'm going to accidentally ghost friends because the idea of talking about other things can be painful, i am going to abandon working on things important to me because all i can focus on is that piece of fiction. also calling it brainrot is very funny because it feels actually weirdly disabling - genuinely losing ability to care for yourself and being unable to do the things you need to do - so it's fun to be able to at least joke about it and call it something that fits the experience way more than "being moved by art"
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senseiwu · 9 months
I'm sorry but the "I am.a surgeon" meme.makes me feel sick
And the fact that people who have no clue whats going on act like dr han is some "chad" and not an ableist jerk
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since nonbinary has had its claws and teeth and wings clipped by people who've turned it into the third gender of whats now a trinary, i think we should expand its definition; what if nonbinary means you dont subscribe to any binary
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katebushsbabushka · 2 years
Things In My Neurodivergent Class That Just Make Sense
Very little HW
Stim toys and plushies
Class is routine based and structure, but it's not complicated. I don't do a ton of handouts. I don't dumb my kids down.
I NEVER do group work.
Cross curriculum is BS. Math and English are not compatible. I don't do it.
I don't hide how stupid standardized testing is.
I teach in a religious school, so I'm constantly trying to help my kids through their already existing religious trauma. It's extremely exhausting.
Graphic organizers and other forms of extremely guided work are insulting and boring, so I don't use them.
Lecture and group discussions are better when they are relaxed and INTERESTING.
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themetalvirus · 11 months
i also envy sonic's large and supportive friendgroup #cavewitch #threefriendsirl #oneismymom
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darby-rowe · 8 days
good afternoon y’all
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theradicalace · 6 months
neurotypical people are banned from asking me if i'm okay until they figure out that me being quiet and not actively smiling doesn't necessarily mean something's wrong
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eyes-of-the-fox · 20 hours
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mister-girl · 10 months
As a neurodivergent person with noise sensitivity I just wanna say: if you play base heavy music in any public area I hate you if you have a loud car motor I hate you if you rev your stupid loud fucking car motor I hate you if you do construction work or use any heavy machinery before 10am I hate you if you slam doors loudly I hate you if you do any of these things on a Saturday or Sunday I hope you die slowly and painfully
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