#side channel
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View of a side channel of the Yellowstone River from Livingston, Montana by
📸 Douglas Scott
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ruporas · 4 months
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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pumpairsolutions · 1 year
Side Channel Vacuum Pump at Best Price in Australia
Looking for the low price Side Channel Vacuum Pumps in Australia? PumpAir Solutions is the right place for you. To know more about product details and specifications, visit our website today.  
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armand-dearest · 2 months
I'm in the middle of reading the Devil's Minion chapter and tbh why were the blenders and microwaves what people focused on when trying to sell how bizarre Armand is. Blending stuff based on colour alone and microwaving rats were the most normal vampire things about him that I've read so far 😭.
I'm more surprised that the guy has a literal gaming room. A whole room for his videogames. He also recorded a timelapse of himself sleeping, and watches it back for fun. He was obsessed with taking long haul flights, sometimes returning back to the same location on the same night. Bro just had a hyperfixation on planes, he did not care where he was going. He also hyperfixated on astrology and had massive telescopes installed onto buildings he only lived in for days at a time before moving on. He gets so impatient to go out with Daniel that he throws his boyfriend in the shower and washes and shaves him himself if Daniel is feeling sleepy. He's actually insane
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hisbucky · 6 months
Chris: You. Tommy: ...Me? Chris, shaking his head: I thought you were cool once. Never again. Tommy: Wha-what did I do? Chris: Of all the things you had to do, you really had to muck up all the progress I've made with getting my dad to ask Buck out! Tommy: Say what now? Chris: You better make my other dad happy, because I've got crutches and I'm not afraid to use them! Tommy, blinking aggressively: ...What.
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cheswirls · 2 months
short asl thing based on @where-does-the-heart-lie's modern au :) i started this over a year ago but the beginning is all dialogue and felt more like a script to me i suppose??? which deflated my desire to work on it. anyway i checked it over recently and it's completely fine lmfao, self-confidence restored here we go !
"Yo. Aren't you usually in the middle of your shift by now?"
"I've been banned from the hospital."
"Like, for life?"
"No. For the next, uh.. Twenty-two hours."
"That's oddly specific."
"It was twenty-four, but I fell asleep after leaving the building."
"That wouldn't have to do with why they kicked you out, at all?"
"Hmmm. I'm too sleep-deprived, apparently."
"Ah. And, um, you called me because...?"
"I pressed a random number in my call log after waking up. Lucky you, I guess."
"Yeah. Right. Lucky me. And your car keys are...?"
"Ah, right, of course."
A beat of silence. Two. Three, then "Look, if you're busy, then–"
"No, no.  You called me, so I'll be there. Give me twenty minutes."
"Alright. Thank–"
"Thank someone else. Also, if you fall asleep in my car, I'm taking it as express permission to drive you around wherever I want."
"Ugh, go die. I don't even know why I bothered."
"LUCKY YOU, I guess," sounds off way too loudly in his ear. "No take backs. See you in ten."
"I thought you said–" Sabo breaks off as the call ends, leaving him staring blankly at his phone's too-dim screen. He squints, turns the brightness all the way up, and still squints as the sunlight proves too strong for the display.
Ace shows up in more than ten but decidedly less than twenty minutes. Sabo doesn't waste much brain power on it, only climbing into the passenger seat and yawning into his palm while his other hand fixes the seatbelt into the buckle. Not a second too soon, too, as Ace roars the engine to life and peels away from the curb at record speed.
Ace fiddles with the radio. He turns the music up, then dial it back down to inaudible. They hit the expressway and he leans over the steering wheel, frowning with his eyes fixed on the road far ahead. Sabo yawns again and this appears to be the limit to his patience. 
"Hey, so, I had a thought after you hung up on me."
Sabo grimaces. "You mean you–"
"Today's Wednesday."
He doesn't elaborate. Sabo is too tired to process. "Yes," he follows, after a second. He glances at the sky out the front window. "What time is it?"
"Oh, uh." Ace fumbles with hand placement so he can lift his watch to his face. "Nine forty."
Sabo takes a couple beats to try and process this, moves his eyes away from the skyline, and sighs as he pulls his phone out. 2:47 is what the display reads, which sounds much more believable.
"How did the minute hand get off?" he mutters to himself, chancing a look at Ace's busted wristwatch. Ace raises a brow, taking his gaze off the road to scrutinize Sabo. "No, it doesn't matter," he mutters to himself once more, sliding his phone away back on his person and out of his hands.
"My point is," Ace continues, like he hasn't just been interrupted by a whole thing. "Your timeout will be done midday Thursday. Did they switch your days off?"
"No." Sabo sighs. "They technically gave me the next thirty-six hours. Technically closer to forty. Something like that. I go back in on Friday. Sometime.” He tries to smile and it turns out very lopsided, from that he can make out in the rearview mirror. “Can you tell I’m tired?”
“I don’t think ‘tired’ is an accurate description,” Ace quips. “When did you eat a proper meal last?”
“Uh, yesterday. Maybe.”
“A ‘proper meal’ means different things to the two of us,” Sabo huffs. “On my account it was yesterday. I’ve had food since then, of course.”
“Alright, so here’s the plan,” Ace announces before absolutely whipping it around a curve. Sabo is his passenger in the passenger seat and had fully prepared to be so when he got in the vehicle, but he’d been vastly underprepared for this sudden course of action, which is how he ends up halfway out of his seat with his cheek slammed into the cold window. Ace doesn’t quite notice his brother’s terminal velocity until the car is once again on the straight and narrow, and only then it’s because of the audible thunk Sabo’s face makes when it collides with the glass.
“Aw shit. You good bro?”
“Ow,” Sabo mutters. “If I have broken bones I’m suing your ass.”
“Well, if you’re good enough to make jokes, I think you’re better than you’re letting on.” Ace keeps the wheel steady with one knee while he takes both hands away to crack his fingers. When he glances over at Sabo again, he looks even more pathetic – like he’s becoming one with the glass. “Anyway, as I was saying.
“I’m taking your ass home. You’re going straight to sleep and while you crash, I’ll make you something decent to eat and stick it in the fridge for you to heat up later. I’ll even make you two servings to eat two different times, since you clearly can’t be trusted to take care of yourself correctly.”
“I want you to conk out for as long as your body allows. We can reset your sleep schedule tomorrow, alright? Put your phone on silent; do not answer any calls. In fact, you know what, just give it to me.
Sabo glances over to see Ace’s hand held out to him, palm up. Fingers wiggling expectantly. His lips pull up into a grimace. “I’m not doing that.”
“Fine.” Ace takes his hand back. “But you will comply with everything else.”
“Wow! It’s so funny, I didn’t realize you turned into my mother overnight! Really tapped into your mom potential, huh? Anything exciting happen in your life that would cause that? I guess I wouldn’t know, since I’ve been a zombie for the past two days.”
“There’s nothing wrong with acting like your older brother, you dipshit, especially if you keep putting yourself through the wringer like this. You go home. You sleep. You wake up and eat. You go back to sleep. Then we do laundry. Does that sound agreeable?”
“That’s negotiable, at the least,” Sabo mumbles. “I will accept good food as a form of bribery.”
“Oh, nice, because I’m flat broke at the moment.”
Sabo makes a mental note of that, and then they’re pulling into the driveway. Ace lets him exit the vehicle by himself and then promptly manhandles him all the way onto the couch where it will be easier to force his body to relax than in a real bed. Ace knows this, so he calls him weird before chucking a loose blanket at his head. Sabo is almost too tired to function at this point, so he lets Ace have the last laugh in favor of finally closing his eyes.
Coming to is a surreal experience, especially since the sun is still out. He must make a noise because Ace is suddenly within view. His limbs are tangled in the blanket and still so heavy that he doesn’t bother moving. “Thought you would be gone,” he half-groans, eyes slipping shut again for a moment.
“I did leave,” Ace confirms. “I had to go pilfer some stuff to make stew with. It’s almost done, so I’ll hang here until then.”
Pilfer. That could mean any number of things. Sabo chooses to believe in the option where Ace is an upstanding citizen, and then remembers Ace saying earlier that he had no money. He frowns and squirms on the cushions enough to where it looks like he’s checking his pockets. “Where’s my wallet, Ace?” he bluffs.
“Somewhere around here,” Ace pipes up. “Your stomach will thank you for your contributions to the Portgas Household’s pantry!”
“Ugh, I got robbed,” he complains. “This sucks. ‘m going back to sleep.” He rolls over so his back is to Ace.
“Yeah, you do you, bro. Stew will still be here later. I’ll see you when you’re back in the world of the living.”
Luffy comes in late that night and slams the front door shut as loud as humanly possible. When he appears in the main room, he doesn’t seem to be upset, so Ace writes it off as a Luffyism. Sabo hasn’t stirred at the noise, so it’s all good.
Realizing this, Luffy pads closer to Ace’s side and looks at Sabo’s unmoving body warily. “Why is Sabo passed out like a corpse? Is he sick?”
“No, he’s not sick, he just can’t take care of himself. Which is why we are going to let him sleep for as long as possible.”
Luffy just nods to this, but it’s the uncomprehending Luffy-nod that means he’s just going to end up doing whatever he wants to regardless. Ace sighs, then jerks his head towards the kitchen. “He ate a little earlier, but I want him to eat again when he wakes up. There’s stew in the fridge if you want it – just leave him a little. Got it, Monkey D. Luffy?”
Luffy throws him a salute and then runs off in his socks. “Yippee! Ace made stew!”
“Think of your brother, Luffy, and make good choices!” Ace calls after him. “He’s a pathetic man who needs food to feel better or he’ll end up sleeping through Laundry Day!”
Sabo does not sleep through laundry day, but he does sleep for sixteen whole hours, so it’s just around noon when he forces himself up off the couch and into a warm shower.
Ace is around, which is mildly unexpected. But he’s still half-asleep, so everything is at least a little unexpected. He glances up from playing video games with Luffy to see Sabo leaving the steam-filled bathroom with his hair hanging around his shoulders. “You look like a wet cat,” he calls.
“Sabo’s awake!” Luffy cheers. “Ace thought you died at one point.”
Ace elbows Luffy in the gut, making him hunch over. “I did not!”
“He totally checked to see if your heart was still beating!”
“I’m undead, actually,” Sabo says completely seriously.
“Does that mean you don’t need to eat anymore?” Luffy questions. “Because I ate all the stew last night.”
“I saw that coming and made extra.” Ace finger-guns in Sabo’s general direction. “That’s why I bought two sets of ingredients. With your money!”
“With my money,” Sabo echoes, because it’s such a wild statement to have to deal with this early in the day. Well, early for him. “Fuck you.”
“I mean, I can tell Luffy where I hid–”
“Thank you, Ace, for agreeing to share your quarters with both of your brothers so we can all do laundry today on your dime!” Sabo raises his pitch so his voice is mockingly squeaky when he says this. He starts moving down the hall before Ace can start to argue, letting his and Luffy’s voices bleed into the background.
When he comes back out, now dressed, it smells significantly better than before. “I reheated the stew,” Ace announces, gesturing for Sabo to take a seat at the kitchen counter. “Let’s all have lunch before we head out.”
“You have to drink this too,” Luffy tells Sabo, sliding a Gatorade across the counter so it sets in front of him when he finally does take a seat. “Ace’s orders.”
“Gotta get those nutrients back somehow.”
“Aren’t we so considerate, Sabo?”
“Do you even know what ‘considerate’ means?” Sabo asks, lips quirking up into a half-smile. At Luffy’s shrug, it turns into a real smile. “Well, thanks anyway. Both of you.”
“No sweat. And look!” Ace brandishes a five dollar bill for both to see. “I found this baby for us to use on coins! It’s all on me today–”
“Where’s my wallet, Ace?!”
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astronicht · 5 months
I’m not there yet but. Tolkien rlly said what if the Carolingians and the Saxons were 🌟friends🌟 actually… what if they fought together against someone who may or may not be some kind of min-maxed Weland the Smith… what if the new king who Pippin the Short introduced to Frankia I mean Gondor loved horses a lot and didn’t start a holy war against the northern heathens and destroy their sacred tree trunk— hey wait a. Wait a. HE’s the one with the sacred tree trunk. The heir of Gondor. Aw man . We all bonded over horses and trees all along.
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emdotcom · 3 months
Yeah, so while I was on my "I'm going to read into Vanny/Vanessa as much as possible" journey, I noticed an odd quirk in her animations in how she moves. At first, I thought it reminded me of a ballerina, 'cause she's kinda tip-toeing, & she has this way of keeping her head & chest in one place as she moves, but I looked again & realized --
That's not ballet! She's doing a tight-rope act. Like, look at this one:
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This is like standing up on the wooden boards before you do the actual tight-rope walking, & the ring leader is hyping you up as you do some fun movement for the crowds. &, then, these:
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These are all instances where she walks with one foot directly in front of the other. In that third, she's doing the "woaaah" wiggly-ass balance movements & everything, as if she's swaying up at the top of the tent, even though she's down on solid ground.
Idk, I feel like the way her feet are placed isn't accurate (pretty sure they should be pointed left & right, not both forwards...) doesn't make this 100% correct, but I like it. It also connects back with her first SB teaser, wherein she's up in the rafters.
#em.txt#security breach#fnaf sb#vanny#vannessa#okay but you can read more into this. tightrope acts are almost always associated with circus performances#& we know afton enjoyed himself a circus themeing -- made the whole circus baby peanut gallery & he was also a massive clown#see he's like molding her into one of his performers where he is the ring leader calling the shots#& she is the tightrope walker that the crowd watches with baited breath to see if she falls or makes it across#tightrope walking has also been associated with walking a line between two different worlds or extremes#so on one end she wants to obey afton & comply in killing & on the other she wants to hold onto her life as it was#& she's in the middle trying to not step too far to either side or else she's gonna fall & there is no safety net for her#there's also like. in ruin the vanni mask obscures reality. the vr world is completely different.#if vanny's mask has that tech in it then she's constantly stuck in vr. to her it may actually not look like#stable ground. it may look like she's miles up in the air about to fall. because that's what the glitch needs her to see#because if she saw that wherever she next planted her food foot was safe stable ground she might not be so anxious to keep on#moving down this path#wait hold on is this all an optical illusion & I'm seeing it wrong is it the angle#IT'S TOO LATE THE POST IS MADE HIT POST#did i just pull a matpat misread a minor detail & extrapolate unintended overly detailed info#that is inherently untrue bc the detail it's based on isn't there/is incorrect?#see this is why the game theory channel should have gone to me i can do this matpat bullhonkus no prob bob!
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bitchy-craft · 2 years
10 Facts About Your Future Spouse | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out ten facts about your future spouse. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
1. They like to play card games and board games
2. They are a perfectionist
3. They are sensitive
4. They are loyal and will argue with anyone who did you wrong
5. They need their sleep to get through the day.
6. They love to be outside and look at nature
7. They love to be social from time to time, but do need their personal space
8. They are a cat person
9. Their mind is never quiet, they constantly think
10. They love to pic-nic
Pile 2:
1. They love tea
2. They often lose stuff
3. They are very intelligent and knowledgable
4. They love communication and need it in order to keep a calm mind
5. They love quiet walks at night
6. They are really ambitous
7. They do anything in their power to make life easier for the people around them
8. They love cuddles
9. They will make sure you will never be left out on things
10. They are very chaotic minded
Pile 3:
1. They will protect you from troubles
2. They love gossip
3. They love outgoing personalities
4. They will never leave you behind
5. You are their star, their Evangeline (Princess & The Frog Reference)
6. They will always ask your opinion on ideas and future decisions
7. They are good at keeping secrets
8. Red is their favourite colour
9. They find bows to look great on people
10. They'll always prevent you from getting overwhelmed
Pile 4:
1. They are sraightforward and clear in their communication
2. They are compassionate and have a lot of empathy
3. Even though they aren't the most confident person out there, they'll protect you
4. They often loose track of time
5. They find everything fun and love getting into new hobbies
6. They always see the positive in things
7. They love couple clothes, they love to match
8. Their love language is gift giving
9. They love icecream, cake and cupcakes
10. They love to draw
Pile 5:
1. They are very logical
2. They love research and facts
3. They love collecting things
4. They know what they're worth, they stand up for themselves
5. They love to create things yet give credit to others
6. They find the future and world intimidating
7. They are great at saving up
8. They are goofy and love to make jokes
9. They are selfless
10. They always try to make people around them feel better
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medi-bee · 4 months
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isat pokemon au, my liege?
my rambling in tags
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#my art#in stars and time#isat#isat spoilers#pokemon#siffrin#mirabelle#isabeau#odile#bonnie#i am not individually tagging pokemon sorry. floragato eevee ursaring scorbunny meowstic <- for anyone who does not know them#im personally a big fan of when artists mold pokemon designs like clay to fit their characters so i tried to channel that#siffrin really does have the perfect mystery dungeon backstory. washes up on a beach with no memories of their past type of deal yknow#i imagine that he was still a sprigatito then? and evolves at some point during their journey? dont ask me for details i dont know them#veryy tempting to make him an absol but ive already seen that done very well!! so i kept most of these to floragato sif#mirabelle being an eevee is suuuch low hanging fruit sorry. i could not resist the evolving pokemon not wanting to evolve trope#i was concerned that sif was no longer shortest party member until i realized they just stand on their back legs all the time to feel talle#when quadruped like mira he is still shortest. sorry siffrin#isa gave me such a hard time. like i never thought i would turn a character into ursaring of all things but it really was the best choice#my other choices were bewear or pawmot if you care. he’s so bear coded#if going purely based on looks i probably would have made odile a sneasler. but i wanted her to be psychic#ill be honest bonnie was purely vibes. they carry the treasure bag :)#never draw bonnie's hat in profile worst mistake of my life#loop is still cat shaped here but i’ve seen the idea of them changing species thrown around. much to think about#i like the idea of the party seeing sif and loop side by side and immediately clocking their entire deal#the change god is mew btw. very important information to no one but myself#eurasie as hisuian zoroark?? lots of hair. and the king can be darkrai#don’t mind the inconsistencies. me and my 2781 ways of drawing the same character#wait what does an eevee look like again. googles it. oh i really crabbed this one up#uhh. looks around. been sitting on this one for a bit too long i think. maybe ill clean up some more sketches later
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catsharky · 2 years
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"I'm sorry. For everything, I mean."
Got on a big Portal 2 kick a while back and felt like doing some fanart of it for the first time since 2011. Decided to draw the scene I always wanted: Giving Wheatley a second chance.
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incognetomisquito · 1 month
The Crackle of Your Voice [Art Post]
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Hullo hullo all, i emerge for yet another year of TS Sides Big Bang!
Collaborated with the wonderful @katelynn-a-fan to illustrate their fic, The Crackle of Your Voice
(@tss-storytime btw)
Depicting the first, and last times Patton sees Roman in the arena
Ok, mandatory rant under the cut (and process pics!)
I had so much fun trying to nail the vibes, which is on par with all my illustrations lmao. I wanted a before and after, with the two Romans being mirror versions of the other. Despite being two different moments in time, its virtually the same pose! But with a shoulder shift and vastly different context.
The design stayed simple, I’m never one for overly detailed clothing or backgrounds, but I conveyed my point. And I’m not too strong on color yet, so keeping everything simple let me really explore the shading, lighting, and hell overall composition
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My sketch to lineart process was pretty straightforward (tho still fun) but the coloring is where it got interesting
I wasnt really sure where to go? I knew i wanted something dramatic, and im a sucker for lighting, so i started with that. Ive been sketching with this specific blue so i started the lighting mockup in that, and got something really nice.
And then i kinda just. Incorporated that into everything. Roman himself is a palette of red and gold, and then the lineart evolved to be a more red hue of that blue sketch color. The background went purple, again to bridge the gap between that blue sketch and the red Roman.
Then I got stuck again, bc I loved that lighting mockup, but didn’t know how to re-make it with an actual color palette. The glory of overlay tho, meant i didnt have to! After that, it was playing around with shadows and highlights, and some good filters to get the electricity to pop. Plus one last layer of the light beams.
Im really proud of myself with the lighting tho! The way the shadows really let you know where the light source is, it looks really nice. And the way the colors all stayed in harmony, although i think the overlay did a lot of the heavy lifting
And fun fact! They’re phone background size :D
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I headcanon that Romans voice puts Remus to sleep. Like if remus couldn’t sleep he puts on a compilation of just Roman talking about god knows what. Roman doesn’t know this or does anyone else lol. Like he has a YouTube playlist to things that help him sleep: 18+ things and other stuff then there’s compilations of just Roman babbling about something lol.
Ree's YouTube history is just nothing but "Sanders Sides But Only Roman Scenes Edition" XD
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Bingqiu is so funny to me like,,, you have sexy man turned into an idea of a tumblr sexyman and uh, some guy that watches instagram reels bc “he could never be a TikTok user”
Asdfghjkl that's exactly what they are. No wonder they're so popular on tumblr XD. Sqq is that one reddit user who swears every week that he's leaving this toxic hole for good and you know you'll find him mere hours later arguing pedantry on some incredibly niche sub reddit.
And he's somehow gay married to a guy who underwent an irl sans verse swap with his evil version. Who is his 'I can fix him' blorbo. His poor little meow meow. Lbh would have an aesthetic tradwife account, you know the ones where there's some scandal about them actually being insanely rich and in some weird marriage? That's him. His recording room that looks like an offshoot of a small cosy traditional cottage is actually a renovated spare room in his palace quarters.
They're that one meme about their braincells cancelling each other out. They're so stupid I love them.
Thanks for the ask :D!
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sefina2 · 10 months
18+ reading (LOVER)
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What are your lover’s kinks?
What is it about you that makes your lover crawl to you?
How will your lover give you oral?
What sexual fantasy does your lover imagine of you?
Your first time with your future spouse/current lover
What will aftercare be like with your lover?
What is it about you that makes your lover forget everyone else? + channeled song(s)
What are your future spouse’s inner thoughts when they see you naked?
What are some quirks during sex that your future spouse will adore?
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owenhcrper · 1 year
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Will Turner Wednesday - 2/?
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