#sidon is an amazing boyfriend
frostbite-yinny · 1 year
You should get Rudy another bird
I remember reading this shit before going to the pub and I woke to this fucking video
<The camera shakes as whoever is holding it tries to prop it up properly. His voice barely audible above the loud chatter "No-no, like, you have Pokemon and pokeballs! Do you have- you have pokeballs right? I think I have a like a spare one-" Yinny, who is out of the frame cuts in "But that's not romantic enough EVERYONE can throw a pokeball at some pokemons head but, like, wrestling it down??? That's like so so so much more romantic" the camera finally turns to her standing in front of the pub door as the unknown cameraman talks again "Wrestling down a pidove is not that big of like, I can't fucking remember how words work, acknow-anklenow- ugh, like a big deal" "Have YOU ever caught one with your bare hands???" "Yeah okey fair enough, uhhh, I choose you, Yinny!"
With that, Yinny burst out the door. Camera barely managing to catch her bombdiving down, the dirty window making it hard to see her. The manical laughter the only thing that indicates she is even still there. A hand shots up. Holding up a very confused pidove clutched by the wings to make sure it didn't fly away.
The laughter of the cameraman shooks the camera until Yinny is back in her seat. Putting the pidove on the table with a heavy hand resting on top of it "You got any berries?" she questions as she pulls out a pocket knife, opening the blade with her teeth as the dark skinned hand pushes an oran berry forward behind the camera "You REALLY could just got your boyfriend, like, a makeup palette." he chuckled out as he held berry in place "Nah, he got his own like special brand he uses from from. I never seen that shade of blue anywhere before. Like, have I talked- you can close the video now thank you, like have I talked about him? He is, like, GREAT amazing even. He is just so so pretty and beautiful and handsome and like so nice and lovely and and-"
"Yeah the one with the blonde hair? Yeah you gushed like a school girl like-" "You gushed about your fiance proposing to you for like 45 minutes I deserve this!" "yeah but-" the male takes a gulp of whatever liquor he has in his glass as Yinny starts feeding the berry pieces to the pidove one by one "You also talked about how amazing your mom was for hours too!"
A pause as Yinny slowly looks up "I only talked about them?" the camera slowly lowers down as the still unnamed cameraman understand his mistake "There are still SO MANY PEOPLE- like Bane is- oh also Sidon is- im so proud and Amy is so cool and I don't give a fuck about their past and Brandy is SO COOL and OF COURSE ROSIE and her wife are so great and, they own- I don't remember what they own my head is buzzing they made me a cool jumper and TIX and their cafe is so good and they have so good food and and- okey so Bane, my house wife-" "You also have a wife???" "Platonic, also husband also we are like besties and like like he had pretty bad depression AND HE IS GETTING BETTER like he is going on walks with much less fight and smiles more and I SWEAR I heard him hum an emo ass song! Like he is getting better and it's very good but and also he has- Pokemon, his names Noctis, I love them both SO MUCH and also-"
The screen goes black.>
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newtabfics · 1 year
What are your opinions on yona?
I adore her. For me, the fact that Yona EXISTS is amazing from a lore perspective. Weve always know there was way more than Hyrule as far as this series goes. Its only ever been referred to in passing as things like "other lands" so to have ANOTHER ROYAL ZORA FAMILY?!?!? Insane. It opens up entire theories that I never wouldve thought of before.
And her character is just good! Shes fascinating in that she loves Sidon with her whole being and even snaps him out of his panic.
Sidon is traumatized by The Calamity so to see him reacting in a panic to make sure no one is lost is fantastic and more reason why Yona is so important.
Yes, Link is his bestie but by the looks of dialogue in TOTK we can see that Link hasnt seen Sidon for quite awhile, if only since maybe a month or two before TOTK starts.
Sidon NEEDED someone who can look at things from an outside perspective. Link has also lost people to the Calamity so Sidon can confide in him for this.
Yona? Yona understands it and also is firm in her ways. She MAKES Sidon see her as she is, a strong Zora princess. Shes not helpless and shes willing to save Sidon from himself.
Tldr: i love Yona and I ship them so hard. To a point that she gives me the same energy as "This is my husband, Sidon. And his boyfriend, Link" bc i just love her man! I wanna know more about her and her Zora Domain she hails from.
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thedionlee · 7 years
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So I nearly go into a car crash because some people don’t believe in red lights BUT I was graced with this AMAZING keychain in the mail! All the props go to @celesoran for making it!
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Hello. This is my first request for the Legend of Zelda, so I do not know how to write it correctly. I don't speak English and I'm writing this in a translator, so there may be mistakes here, sorry. In general, I want to see how the reader will react to the fact that Revali, Link and Sidon cheated on her. (something made me feel sad) Thank you in advance ╹▽╹
I'm so sorry something happened to upset you. If it's along the lines of this request give me a name😤👊 anyways thank you so much for requesting!! This ended up being so much longer than I intended but I'm pretty happy with it. I hope this is what you're looking for!
✨ requests are open✨
Warning: angst, cheating
I think with his prickly nature not a lot of people would stick around long enough to get to know how much he cares
But some bitch saw how much he was training to perfect his powers to help Hyrule and couldn't resist
It started off as bringing him lunches and heat pads after a long day of training and then it escalated
They would wrap his wings up and suddenly he was letting them fix his braids. He never saw it as much more than a fan helping him out but you saw differently
It ended up in a big fight when you finally brought up how Revali was allowing this fan to hang off of him like they were his partner not you. You brought up excellent points like how he took such a long time to even trust you with braiding his hair and that he could at least let them know he's in a relationship.
Revali got upset (probably cuz ur right and he can't admit it) and snapped that at least they appreciated him
Yeah bad move. You walked out and bird brain left to train away the pain
You came across his first and decided to head to the shooting range with some peace snacks but what do you find?
You walk up the slope towards the archery range, a container of Revali's favourite snacks in hand. As you approach you see something sitting inside the hut and assume it's him. Sterling your breath you walk into the hut and what you find takes your breath away- not in the good way either. Revali sat there with his wings wrapped around them, too caught up on their liplock to notice you standing there.
The container hits the ground with a shatter, ruining their little scene.
"Don't even try it." You wish your voice didn't sound as broken. No matter how much your heart squeezed in pain from the betrayal, you wanted to come off so much different- angrier. Because you were angry. "Just because we have an argument does not give you the right to run off with your new friend."
Revali flinches at the word and you feel a sick glimmer of satisfaction. He opens his mouth to protest, ignoring your glare. "I-I'm sorry." Your glare darkens and he immediately flounders for the right words. "You accused me of something I didn't do-"
Yeah, not the right words. You wish you could do something, anything to hurt him like he hurt you. But you had to be the bigger person no matter how much you wanted to snap that precious bow of his in half.
"I accused you, not have you permission."
"We can work through this, together" his wing reached out to you, but you recoiled to fast.
"We're not together." You walked towards the entrance "I hope it was worth it."
Link 🗡️
Link is a closed off person. Sure he has people worship him for his title as the hero of Hyrule, but he would never let that get to his head. You could tell this boy he's amazing and it still wouldn't get through his insecurities
Maybe it's cruel but, that almost reassured you he would never break your heart like that. You felt secure in your relationship
That's why it was so shocking when you found out he had fallen for Zelda.
It wasn't meant to ever be more than knight and princess. And you never should have found out.
You were walking towards the stables of your party was staying at. It was supposed to be a simple trip to complete some research out in the plains. Of course your trip was ambushed by an energetic princess who begged to come along for research purposes. You couldn't complain because the addition of the princess also came with your boyfriend Link.
Now you were looking for him outside the small ranch. You fully expected him to be caring for Epona like he always did after a long trip. His love for his horse was something you had always loved about him. The way he would stay later than everyone else to make sure she was okay. It had made stables kind of your spot. Hanging out at the end of a long day to talk and spend time together while caring for your steeds.
Maybe that was why your heart felt so utterly shattered when you did find him, standing next to the stable, with the princess in his arms. Maybe you could have fooled yourself into believing he was being friendly if he hadn't pressed a long loving kiss to her forehead followed by both her cheeks, chuckling softly as she giggled.
You knew they had always been close. I mean they spent all their time together. You'd just never thought that Link would do something like this to you.
You walked away from the stables fighting backs the tears in your eyes. It was only when you found you had walked into an older area, a spare shack outside, that you finally let the tears fall. Your heart twisted in pain as sobs tore from your throat.
Why hasn't you seen this? Why weren't you enough?
Your research trip was almost over. You had gone back late into the night to find Link on the edge of his bed head in his hands. He had shot up to demand where you had been when you finally walked in and although he looked like he wanted to argue, he accepted that you had been organizing your research supplies and notes in quiet.
That had been 3 days ago. You had spent the research trip sticking close to your colleagues, poring over each plant and testing their uses. The princess was too distracted with her own interests to really notice how you shied away from her presence. Link had though. And he was about done with you brushing him off in favour of your work. You both were busy so not having time was nothing new. But this was different. You couldn't meet his eyes and he had caught you staring at him and Zelda as if you were about to cry before. He was at a loss and now he needed to figure things out for himself.
However he wasn't quite ready for the answer.
"I saw you and Zelda together."
His throat closed up. He wanted to say so many things. How sorry he was. How he wished he could have told you himself. How he wished he could hold you and forget how complicated things were.
"it's okay." Now that, he wasn't expecting. "I thought I could be mad at you. Both of you. But I guess... It just makes sense." You sniffled softly. You really didn't want to do this. You hated that it had to be you who gave up. But we're you really going to fight? No. As much as it tore your heart into pieces, you would stand aside for them. "I wish that things hadn't changed but, clearly you don't feel the same anymore and I don't want to hold you back. I love you. So much. But I don't deserve this, and I won't put either of us through the trouble. I hope you two are happy together Link."
As you walked towards your friends to head home Link felt his heart clench. You deserved so much better.
You were a princess from another kingdom, betrothed to Prince Sidon of the Zora. We all know how these things go, neither of you were all that fond of the idea but you would go through with it. For your kingdoms
You tried to be as understanding as possible of the situations, knowing that the prince was just as trapped as you were. So you played along with your parents wishes.
You two went on dates and spent time together, getting closer and closer until finally you kissed him.
Things were great. You were planning your wedding and enjoying the time you spent with your fiance as you prepared for your future
It wasn't until a few days before the wedding when you were trying on your dress that things fell apart.
Your dressmaker had been in a bad mood, grumbling as they worked and even sticking you with needles a few times. You would have brushed it off as a bad day if not for the facts that they seemed so unapologetic.
You finally brought it up, softly asking if there was something wrong and if you could help. They snapped, going off about how you were ruining the princes life and that he didn't love you and was only marrying you for his kingdom and that he deserved to be happy.
They realized their mistake and left quickly, leaving you alone in your wedding dress with shocked tears slipping down your face.
You later made you way to Sidons office, hoping to clear some things up and maybe seek comfort from the one you loved.
What you didn't expect was to find him already comforting someone. Your dressmaker.
You watched as he whispered sweet nothings and reassurances to them. It was when he said no matter what they were the one that he loved when you broke away.
You stood in your room, packed bags beside you. You knew there were better ways to deal with this. You knew that your kingdom was counting on you and thus marriage. You just couldn't go through with it. Not anymore.
You sound around to find the Zora princess standing in your doorway. Mipha had become a close friend in your time in the Zora domain, even feeling like family as you worked closely planning the wedding. She had once told you that you were everything she could hope for in a sister and wife for her brother. You guessed it didn't matter in the end.
Finally you choked out pained words "I can't... I just... I can't do this anymore."
"If you are feeling nervous, I can assure you my brother would never hurt you."
This made you laugh. It was cold, similar to the ice creeping into your veins. "He would. And he did." You cut off Mipha's confusion, wringing a hand through your hair, "Sidon is in love with someone else. I made every effort to work through this engagement despite our... rocky beginning. But he didn't choose me back. He never wanted me, and I won't ruin his chance to be happy."
The room was silent after your outburst. You only noticed the tears when your friend wiped them from your eyes. She offered you a small smile, sharing the pain you felt. She was losing you and still understood it was best for you. You needed to move on and save yourself from a life of pain. A life of being chosen second.
"I hope one day we can meet again, sister."
You let out a choked mix of a son and laugh. Hugging the princess before you grabbed your bags and walked out the door, out of the kingdom that stole your heart and crushed it in its hands.
"I love you, always."
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Prince Sidon Headcanons
Male! Reader, no warnings, fluffy content
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Oh my Goddess he is so soft
Just a gentle man
Since he’s naturally larger than a normal Zora because he’s a royal he loves just grabbing you and cradling you in his arms like a little baby
His little precious baby
Speaking of children
Would be the type to support everything they want…
…Unless it’s like going to fight the Lynel on Ploymous mountain at 5 years old
Then he’ll just kinda keep them within the domain and safe
Loves cuddles
His height definitely helps with that
He doesn’t care if he’s big spoon or little spoon, he’s just happy to be next to you and touching you
When you leave the domain he’s just sad and wandering around waiting for you to return
When you do and he sees you
It’s over for you ain’t gonna lie
Swims up to you before you even get to Luto’s crossing
Then proceeds to offer to walk you back or to swim back while you’re on his back
Literally no one in the domain cared that the prince loved a guy
Well there was one older man who was upset at him
He hasn’t been seen since then
Anyways, Sidon is just amazing to have as a boyfriend/husband
He’s so gentle
Extra caring and loving
If someone makes you upset or sad he immediately just pulls you into his arms and hugs you
Sometimes it’s to prevent murder, most of the time it’s to help you calm down and realize it’s okay
He is the only person who’s not scared of you when somehow you get you’re hands on a weapon
You came home from a trip once and a Zora guard scared the shit out of you on the main bridge
*you calmly walking back to your home*
“Your majesty! Welcome back!”
“AHHH” *pulls out spear and starts attacking whatever spoke*
“Oh I am so sorry, I couldn’t tell it was you, my apologies”
“No I owe you the apology, I snuck up on you”
When you told Sidon he giggled at you and then continued to cuddle you
Such a wholesome man, he deserves it all
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Tummy Shock
After @squidbiscuit made not only that wonderful piece with Link but also an amazing drawing of my fishy husbando Sidon last night I had to write something based off her pic! It was just too good! And expect plenty more Sidon stuff now that I'm crushing hard again X3
Sidon sighed contentedly after eating such a hearty and delicious meal with his Hylian boyfriend. The two had just eaten a bounteous feast that Link personally cooked within Sidon's chambers.
"Ohh by the goddess my friend. That was a tremendous feast!" Sidon praised happily with that iconic smile of his that showed off his sparkling white fangs to Link. His hands dropped down onto his silky tummy which was visibly jutting out from how much the young Zora Prince had eaten. "Erf though its possible I may have overdone it..."
Sidon's bloated stomach groaned deeply prompting him to raise a fist over his mouth in time to stifle an incoming burp that rumbled deeply in his mouth.
His cheeks reddened and he smiled bashfully at Link. "P-Pardon me."
Link grinned and thumped his chest letting free a burp loud enough to be mistaken for a Great Beasts roar. He smacked his lips contently and gave his belly a few satisfied pats. His tunic was looking very tight around the middle on account of his tummy sticking out a little more than Sidon's.
Sidon chuckled softly and smiled back at Link. "You're incorrigible."
Link just innocently shrugged.
But Sidon's smile dimmed when his distended stomach churned noisily. Sidon winced in discomfort and placed a hand delicately against his gurgling belly uncomfortably. He barely contained the burp working its way up his throat.
"Unngh that doesn't feel too..." Sidon paused for another rumbling closed-mouth burp. Another one rumbled even harder in his mouth which he almost couldn't even hold in which made him blush. The hand that rested against his tummy now gripped it a little firmly with his webbed fingers. "...That doesn't feel goOOOod." Sidon covered his mouth again blushing hard from unexpectedly burping the word 'good' out.
When his stomach groaned louder Sidon cringed in discomfort.
Link frowned when he saw Sidon looking so miserable. He offered to cook Sidon something to settle his tummy but the mere thought of eating when his stomach was griefing him so much almost made him lose his lunch.
Sidon's tummy swirled within itself. The churning wasn't letting up. Poor Sidon just couldn't hold it in anymore and loudly burped out some of the pressure brewing in his belly with a blush. The young zora held his tummy while his other hand hung close to his mouth. He hiccuped hard enough that his tummy shook and caused a hiccuping burp to wetly leak out of his mouth.
When his belly gave a deeply gaseous groan Sidon cringed then glanced back at Link nervously.
"Th-ULP!..." Sidon immediately covered his mouth worried that wet burp was going to cause more rushing up his throat. When it passed Sidon huffed and continued. "...Those skewers you made didn't happen to have-urp!-ungh zapshrooms on them did they???"
Link shifted nervously. Zapshrooms gave the trouts a deliciously electric flavor.
Unfortunately electric mushrooms sat awfully in the zora's stomach. And even if Link didn't answer the way Sidon's stomach twisted and borbled gave him his answer as plainly and painfully as possible. Sidon doubled over and kept one hand over his mouth and the other against his noisy aching belly. It was all Sidon could do not to whimper in pain.
Link frowned and sat his fishy boyfriend down on his bed. Poor Sidon may have towered over Link but the zora felt so small and weak when his tummy gave him so much grief.
When the two sat down together Link's height was up to Sidon's white silky stomach anyway. So he decided to make up for his mistake by rubbing Sidon's aching tummy. He had to push a little harder on account of how much bigger Sidon was than Link but that didn't make the treatment to the zora's middle any less gentle.
Sidon huffed and slumped back with his webbed palms used to support himself against his bed while his bulging tummy stuck out a little more for Link to rub.
"Unnnnf that's a little better my friend. Thank you..."
Link nodded and continued to rub circles all over Sidon's belly. His skin felt so alluring and silky. His tummy was always the warmest part of Sidon's otherwise nice and cool body but it felt even warmer with the zapshrooms gurgling inside of him and causing the poor beloved Zora so much grief.
The hero really went to task on Sidon's belly.
He very tenderly ran his hands up the crest of Sidon's stomach and savored that smooth silky feeling brushing against his palms and fingers. Link had to actually stretch out just to reach the highest peak of Sidon's fishy tummy. Then he let his hands glide low enough that they slipped slightly beneath the waist of Sidon's gem-crested belt. Sidon blushed heavily and bit his lip with his fangs. That was the most sensitive part of his tummy which Link knew from experience.
Link's hand roamed across Sidon's lower stomach. He cupped Sidon's underbelly and kneaded into it which got a small moan from the zora. Then he kneaded circles into Sidon's sides.
Sidon huffed making his long thick tongue hang out of his maw mildly. He was loving every bit of his and his tummy's noisy gassy churning seemed to mellow a little bit the longer Link's tummy rubs went on. There was still some intense churns that erupted every now and then that made Sidon cringe and go mildly green. He'd follow that up by bringing a fist to his mouth and muffling a really deep burp in his closed mouth.
Link could see Sidon's cheeks puffing out every time he belched. Muffling them wasn't bringing Sidon any relief. So to help it some more Link gripped Sidon's belly from the center and used both hands to press down firmly into Sidon's stomach.
The pressure was too great for Sidon to hold in and he ended up releasing a choppy burp that got heftier and rumblier at the end.
Sidon blushed intensely in embarrassment. But that embarrassment didn't stop Link from leaning into Sidon's belly and pushing down so hard that Sidon couldn't help let out an embarrassingly huge burp.
Sidon wasn't a prude but he had good manners. Around Link he was comfortable enough to let loose every now and then but never that loud. it was humiliating but at the same time oh so relieving. Enough so that he couldn't hold back a sigh of hearty relief.
"Unnnf o-okay my friend...I think that's...that's all of..."
Sidon's voice off. He felt another one brewing in his tummy and so did Link. Which was why the hero grabbed either side of Sidon's belly and pushed down as hard as he could resulting in the biggest burp Sidon had uttered quite possibly ever.
Sidon blushed hard when he heard it echo throughout the halls of Zora's Domain from how loud and long it was. but damn if that wasn't the single most relieving burp Sidon had ever had. He slumped back so much that he was half-laying down on his elbows and gave his tummy a few pats.
"Ungh that's so much better. Thank you so much my friend..."
Link smirked and leaned forward to lovingly kiss Sidon's belly button. The fishy prince blushed then hiccuped cutely one more time which made his tummy bounce and slosh and blushed harder. He covered his mouth apologetically but couldn't help laughing a little. Link did the same and gave Sidon's stomach a few teasing pats. The pats worked out one last sudden burp that caught Sidon by surprise but made them both laugh.
Then he hummed contently while Link resumed softly rubbing his bloated silky tummy.
All in all not a bad date night.
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
Sidon opening up to his bf and telling him about how amazing and cool his sister was and how much he misses her 🥺
Honestly, it's a really tender moment because Sidon likes telling everyone how amazing his sister was but it's partly because it's been 100 years now since she was gone and he doesn't know if he can still quite remember her, and he feels so disloyal for starting to forget her but his boyfriend is there to reassure him and tell him that she's still there watching over him.
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techmomma · 4 years
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Because OKAY
HERE IS WHAT CANONICALLY HAPPENS IN ZORA’S DOMAIN. You get close. Zoras keep telling you that Prince Sidon is looking for a Hylian’s aid. NOTE. PRINCE SIDON. Not King Dorephan. Not Zora’s Domain. Prince Sidon. We’re just gonna keep that in our little brains for now.
We meet Sidon at the bridge. He is very polite, and sends us on our eay. I need to review that scene but for now it’s not terribly important. We get to Zora’s Domain, and we meet the regular people, who know it wasn’t Link’s fault, and the old geezers, who got a nasty case of misplaced trauma guilt goin’ on maskin’ as racism, hate him. But they are also ADAMANTLY turning away hylian aid with disgust. At least one of them is a Councilman, Muzu. Keep this in your brains too
We meet King Dorephan, and it’s apparent that he was not in on Sidon’s plan to get aid from a Hylian. He seems aware of it, “the Hylian the prince was looking for,” something like that, but either is hiding his participation, or was not participating at all. If Dorephan was sending out for help, we don’t see it. My guess is with the reservoir flooding, he had enough on his hands just trying to put out fires as they sprang up.
This was Sidon’s plan. Sidon’s plan was to get the aid of a hylian, who are more immune to electricity, and he was doing this against the opinions of the elders, and at least one councilman. I suspect the other elders we see are also councilmembers, but I can’t confirm it. At most, he had Dorephan’s blessing, but at worst, he was doing this against the council and probably because his father’s hands were tied with a council full of old geezers turning away aid but disobeying them would probably look like tyranny.
But a royal who can more easily get away with this plan? A prince.
Sidon is so convicted or at least so damn fed up that he is going against the elders, possibly against a council, to get help for his kingdom. That takes a lot of guts. That takes conviction. This is not a wishy-washy prince, this is not a dumb prince, this is a prince who has taken on the mantle of leading and protecting his domain.
And he is compassionate enough, like his father, to understand that Link wasn’t at fault. He and his father, if anyone had the right to be angry about Mipha dying, it’s those two. But they’re not. They both treat Link with kindness and in Sidon’s case, endless advocacy. Even after Muzu’s outburst, he treats him kindly, if firmly. He even talks to Link about understanding why they harbor such feelings, even if they’re unfair to Link. He is the ideal prince, protector of the realm and tireless advocate.
Something that he clearly puts great effort into, while his sister exuded it effortlessly. Sidon is working the whole time you’re doing the quest and then going after Vah Ruta. He swims right into battle with you against the thing that took his sister’s life.
Imagine your sibling dying in a particular building—one that looms over your city for as long as you can remember. Do you think you’d have the stomach to even approach it? Maybe you would. Maybe you wouldn’t. I still haven’t been to the place my sister died. It’s a half-hour away.
A reminder that Sidon was a child when she died. I’d say he’s roughly the equivalent of a toddler. He was a toddler when the title of crown royal came to him, and he would have to assume the real training to be king one day, take on the duties of his sister. Dealing with a father forever scarred by the loss of his child, dealing with his own trauma and grief that he’s probably had to stomach down for a century to do his job and do what’s right, all in the shadow of his peerless, graceful sibling who, almost perfect in life, was now perfect in death to the domain. Who could match her skill with her trident? Who could be so easily loving and courageous and strong?
How could a grieving, heart-broken toddler with his childhood ripped away from him compare to that?
There’s aspects of his characterization after this that would entirely be my own speculation and spin on him, such as attempting to fill the space Mipha left behind, seen in how diligently he tries to tell Link how incredible he is, how wonderful and amazing—perhaps also because he never got to tell those things to Mipha, and now will never get his chance. I see him as a prince who looks endlessly enthusiastic—and he is, in a way. But stretches himself thin, pushing himself harder than he should both to fill the gaps left behind by his sister and perhaps, though he’d never admit it, crawl out of them himself. He puts on a brave, strong face, for his father, for his people, for Mipha, and for himself. But it tears at his soul in death by a thousand cuts, a little at a time, every time he can only see his own shortcomings and failures and inability to fill the shoes his sister left behind.
I would not say he is tormented, or that it’s all fake; far from it, I think he genuinely believes not only in Link’s abilities but the abilities of everyone around him. But I believe he aches. An old bruise that’s easy enough to ignore most of the time and healing slowly. But it lingers, aching whenever he thinks he comes up short, pun intended. Reminding him that he is not Mipha. Reminding him that when his father looks at him he no doubt causes him pain, to resemble Mipha. Dorephan is a loving, supportive father, but even the most loving will be different after the loss of their child. Nothing will bring back the days that Sidon probably remembers faintly. And that is, itself, a grief that Sidon is, has, or will have to come to terms with. Your parent cannot be the same parent after the loss of your sibling, and your life will forever become Before Their Death and After Their Death. His father loves him, but grief paints them both. Their love as father and son is forever changed with her death. Each has a hole that neither can fill—and both of them know that. It does not lessen their love; but it remains incomplete.
He has well-earned his fan club, but not for his hot bod.
And no I wouldn’t ship him with Link because yes falling in love with your dead fiancee’s sibling happens irl but like I said before if one of my own dead sister’s old boyfriends came back from the dead and was crushing on me I’d be out of there in a heartbeat, GOODBYE. It’s a perfectly fine ship BUT I GOT MY OWN BAGGAGE OKAY.
Maybe Bazz. Or Yunobo. Or Kass and Teba if they’re down for some polycules. Link and Sidon can be good-but-slightly-awkward-bros.
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OOH can we see how Kohga would react to Mipha asking for relationship advice? Since she’d see how devoted and passionate Sooga is for his Master, and not really anyone else in their group is in a relationship soooo
I’m just obsessed with him just adoring Mipha and trying his ass off to get her and Link together it’s so cute
One, thank you for recognizing the fact that Kohga playing Mipha’s wingman is possibly the best idea I’ve EVER had. Two, I am SO ready to start this absolute soft shit. Smut is fun and all, but come on, Kohga trying to hook bitches up is amazing. And third, this got waay out of hand, so enjoy some double dates here.
“So, did you get me something?”
Sooga hardly left Master Kohga’s side. Whenever he had to, be it to lend a hand elsewhere; he had TWO rules to follow; come home to him at the end of the day, and bring him something. Kohga had been sitting here, having tea with Mipha, while Sooga offered to help Sidon hunt for sneaky river snails (Sooga had a real knack for knowing where to find them). They came back with quite the haul, so the fact that he managed to get anything else was nothing to scoff at. He put the large bag of fish down on the floor, and from his pockets, produced a small cage. Inside the cage was what appeared to be a winterwing butterfly. Kohga clapped his hands together, clearly loving it.
“Ooh, I’ve been looking for one of these!”
“I know. It was why I had to stop in the middle of fishing to catch it for you. I may have let Sidon fall in the water in my haste. Maybe.”
Mipha cocked her head to the side upon seeing his reaction to the small bug.
“You like bugs?”
“Just the butterflies. I only keep them for a day or two before I let them go, I just think they’re neat.”
Kohga took a hold of Sooga’s chin, grinning from ear to ear.
“And SOMEONE seemed to remember me saying I wanted this specific one. You’re such a sap, Sooga.”
Sooga was trying (and failing) not to smile.
“I listen to EVERY word you say, master Kohga.”
“Ugh, you’re being mushy again. Get outta my face, go help shark boy with the fish.”
Kohga tried to look mean as he gently pushed his face away, but it was plainly obvious; Kohga loved him. Sooga pardoned himself, hoisted the bag over his shoulder, and walked off with Sidon. Mipha took a sip of her tea, watching as Kohga lightly shook his head. She knew it was a bad emotion to feel, but she couldn’t resist feeling a bit jealous. They were so happy with one another, and yet, her own love and affections were clearly not recognized by the one boy she loved, more than anything. Perhaps…
“Kohga? Can I ask something?”
“Whatever you want.”
Kohga stopped ogling his boyfriend for a second and gave her his attention, snacking on the cookies she made, just for him (shaped in just the cutest seashells). She squirmed a bit in her seat, unsure of how to go about it, before she finally came out with it.
“How...did you get someone to love you, the way Sooga does?”
Kohga stopped eating for a second, looking at her sullen face. This little fish was just sweeter than banana bread, and it hurt poor ol’ Kohga to see her love so much, without Goldilocks even talking about it with her. Sure they were young, and they had forever to talk about this stuff, but there was no time like the present.
“Sooga is a fucking idiot, for one, and I attract idiots. Second, you kinda just. Come out with it. We started off as friends before anything, and that’s now all relationships start. Course, your case is a BIT different from mine. You want my honest opinion? Just shoot your shot. I mean, worst he’s gonna say is no. Or nothing with his mute ass…”
Kohga mumbled that last part, helping himself to another sip of tea. Realizing it didn’t seem to be very helpful, he sighed.
“Or, you could cook him something. Call me old fashioned, but my mama always said the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I make mean salmon skin, look at the hunk I bagged.”
They both turned to look at Sooga, who was busy de shelling the fish alongside Sidon. Mipha pursed her little lips, before softly nodding.
“I...suppose that isn’t a bad idea at all. If I can find the courage in my heart to ask him.”
Just then, Kohga noticed Link walking alongside the princess. Small land, honestly. Kohga put his hands to the side of his face, crying out to Link.
“Yo Goldilocks! Mipha’s cookin’ tonight, you want in?!”
Link nodded, giving a thumbs up. Kohga shrugged.
“See? Easy. You just gotta be straightforward with boys.”
Mipha held her face in her hands, obviously embarrassed.
“But what do I do WHEN I make him something?! What do I say? What do I talk about with him?”
Kohga loved Mipha, really he did, but girl needed to stop seeing boys as a lynel, and more along the lines of wild horses. Something to tame, not to fear. He sighed.
“Tell you what. Me and Sooga will join you, sorta like a double date kinda deal. I’ll be there if the date goes bad, and we can dip when the date is going GOOD.”
Mipha looked up from the table with just the softest eyes you’ve ever seen.
“You...would do that, for me?”
“Course, lil red! You’re like, my favorite in the little team of goody two shoes. Plus, free eats, can’t complain-”
She suddenly got out of her seat, and nearly pounced on him for a hug. The things he did for love.
“He here yet?”
“Not quite, but I’m just about done!”
Kohga came back a while later, alongside Sooga. Kohga had his own men helping her in the kitchen, setting up the dining room, everything she could need, Kohga helped with. Kohga scoffed as he put his gift on the dining room table (he’d be remiss if he didn’t bring something to drink for the occasion), lightly pulling up one of her fins, and scoffing.
“Okay, let the boys finish up. Sooga, get to work on this girl, she needs to focus on being as pretty as a fresh stack of banana pancakes.”
Sooga nodded, prompting Mipha to follow him to her bedroom. Kohga was about to see just what she was cooking, before the main doors flew open. Link. Aka, Goldilocks, aka, the guy that never fucking knocked. He was wearing the classic gerudo outfit. A real tits out look, and honestly Kohga would jump on that in a heartbeat.
“Goldilocks! Bit early! How you doing? Mipha will be ready in just a second, take a seat, lemme get you a drink!”
Link nodded. Kohga chatted him up for a minute, serving him a nice glass of banana wine (it’s actually VERY good). When he caught the eyes of Sooga, he pardoned himself and dipped into the hallway. He took one gander at Mipha, and gave a whistle.
“Girl look at YOU! Lookin’ prettier than a pack of opals!”
She really did look like a beauty. Freshly touched lipstick, sharpened nails, her silver jewelry replaced with gold, and instead of her usual blue sash, Sooga somehow managed to find time to make a blue, see through looking dress for her. It fit around her body snugly, but it was a loose, comfortable material, perfect for fashion, and function. Sooga was so talented, getting that together so quickly. Kohga nodded towards Link.
“Go keep him busy, gotta give this girl a pep talk.”
Sooga nodded. Once he left, Kohga carefully put his hands on her shoulders.
“Look at me. Lookin? Okay good. You like this guy, so be you. BUT, you need to let him know you’re interested. Be flirty. Touch his hands, compliment him, fucking, feed him from your plate- make it obvious. You’re a princess. He’s a knight, it’s GONNA happen.”
She nodded firmly, shoulder’s straight as a Lynel’s. 
“I can do this!”
She peered over at Link, and immediately hid behind a wall again.
“I can’t do this! He’s wearing the voe armor!”
“For the love of…”
Kohga sighed. Why did he love all these shy bitches?
“Mipha. You’re gonna make HIM drool, not the other way around. Come on, you’ve got this. I’ll be right here, I’ll make you look good as hell. On three. One. Two. Three!”
He carefully pushed her towards the dining room, and Mipha looked ready to have a heart attack. Poor thing.
“Link! It’s so nice to have you over! I hope my invitation wasn’t sudden!”
Link shook his head. Kohga, sensing things were still awkward, jumped in. He was always the fun one at parties.
“Hey, you know what, we should totally start eating! I heard Mipha made quite the spread, Sooga why don’t you help bring the stuff out?”
Sooga nodded, heading into the kitchen. Kohga gestured for all of them to take a seat (with Mipha sitting right next to Link of course), and him just a bit away from them. Close enough to be supportive, but just far enough to beat it if he was cramping their style. Soon enough, trays of food were brought in, and even Kohga had to admit, he was starved.
“Master Kohga?”
“Yes, Sooga?”
“I’m sorry.”
He was about to ask what for, but then he saw it. Fish dish. Fish dish, not a single dish WASN’T fish. And he couldn’t just NOT eat her food, less he make Mipha’s food look awful. Kohga gulped, and Mipha seemed to catch onto his distress.
“Oh Kohga, I’m so sorry, I forgot you didn’t like fish! Please, let me make you-”
Kohga could feel his ass sweating. He was really gonna sit here and eat fish, because Mipha deserved it. Link looked over at him, clearly just as confused as anyone else. Kohga forced himself to chuckle.
“I mean...I HATE clam chowder. A lot. It’s gross, it’s squishy, it smells AWFUL. Unless it’s Mipha’s. I LOVE Mipha’s clam chowder! She is just. SUCH  a good cook, I could eat a whole bowl!”
Link looked him right in his face, grabbed a bowl, and filled it completely with clam chowder. He slid the bowl over to him, and Kohga wanted to throw up. That yucky, smelly smell of fish. 
“Son of a bitch..I mean, yum! Thank you, Link.”
Mipha just had to like this blonde asshole. Sooga made a motion to grab the bowl, but Kohga halted him. He was going to do this for Mipha. He took a taste of it, and he fought every urge not to puke. Dear god, the smell and the taste was awful. But he forced himself to swallow, smiling.
“See? I l-like it! So it’s GOTTA be good! Mipha is just, so talented!”
Link seemed satisfied, helping himself to a bowl. Mipha looked at Kohga, clearly worried, but he shook his head. 
“Make it up to me by getting some, Mipha.”
He muttered underneath his breath, forcing himself to eat more. Sooga had no problems, this asshole, eating fish like it was nothing. Mipha pretended like she didn’t know anything was wrong, giving her attention towards Link.
“So, Link! You’ve been over at the Gerudo desert, I take it. Urbosa is doing well, I trust?”
Kohga didn’t pay attention to the one sided conversation, too focused on handling the thick creamy broth. His stomach churned, his head hurt, and he was just. Dying. Not even Sooga could help him. He was going to bail, but he saw it in Mipha’s eyes. She was getting more nervous, and this was JUST from watching Link eat. Oh god this was a mess. He forced himself to think past the creamy mush still left in his bowl.
“So, Link, what do you think of Mipha’s new look? Nice right?”
Link looked her up and down, before giving Mipha a thumbs up. Her cheeks exploded in color, and she looked ready to just melt. Kohga tried not to gag at the fish burp he just had.
“And Mipha, thoughts on Link’s outfit?”
Mipha hesitated, letting herself get a look at him, totally not looking at that titty (atta girl), before softly nodding.
“You had it dyed white, it looks very...nice, Link. It really goes with your golden hair.”
Distracted by her thoughts, she played with a strand of his hair, before suddenly realizing what she was doing. They both looked away, buried in blush, just two, dumb, flirty messes. Oh his girl was KILLING IT. Kohga forced himself to gulp down his bowl (somehow not choking on the chunks), nearly gasping as he finished. Oh that was a mistake. That did NOT feel right. Didn’t matter, Mipha was GETTING somewhere with this guy. He whispered to her, nudging at her side.
“Offer him some of your food.”
“But? He has the same thing in-”
“Say yours is different. Just do it, trust me. Sooga! With me, kitchen, now.”
They dipped into the kitchen, and Sooga immediately handed him a bucket. Just in time for Kohga to purge his guts. Sooga patted his back, sighing.
“No one told you to finish the bowl, Kohga.”
“I am SUPPORTIVE, dammit! She deserves-”
Yet another purge of his guts. He groaned, relying heavily on Sooga to keep him upright.
“If it makes you feel better, I’m VERY proud of you. Going through so much for the sake of her happiness. You’re a wonderful person.”
“Sooga, that’s sweet, but dear god I’m throwing up here, shut the fuck up.”
Kohga was three for three, and he was wondering if it was worth it. Then he peered into the dining room. Mipha was spoon feeding him from her bowl, going so far as to scold him for his messy face, and cleaning it with a cloth napkin. It was adorable, it was sweet, and dear god was this worth it. Sooga chuckled, peering down at Kohga.
“You’re incredible, Master Kohga, letting her have this.”
“I AM pretty great, aren’t I?”
They sat there, watching them. For a moment, for a brief, sweet moment, she wasn’t shy. She was honest with herself, she was even just a bit flirty. And Link looked as if he wasn’t clueless. It was so goddamn sweet, it was worth every second of stomach pain. Kinda.
“Oh it’s coming again- he better marry this girl, or I’m starting the war all the fuck over again.”
He was complaining, sure. But he was really, honestly proud of his little Mipha. He’d do this again and again, if it meant getting to see such a sweet, happy smile.
He just prayed he didn’t have to.
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autistic-beshelar · 4 years
Your Sidon+Riju character analysis got me and now I wanna hear what you think of the next gen champions as a whole 👀 (found family for the WIN if you ask me)
OH YES OH YES also i still can’t believe i wrote a whole fucking essay about that. i am going to write another essay because i have rights and also adhd. sorry for any typos my cat lays his head on my keyboard
i LOVE the next gen champions. they’re all such diverse, interesting characters, their approaches to the fights are all so different, the way they treat link is different, it’s just... really interesting. and i think they’d all get along like a house on fire. literallly. the house would be on fire. 
They Would Be Friends. they have a few main things in common already - they’ll do anything to defend their people and their homes, they’re brave, and they’re all friends with link. but i just think their personalities would intertwine and they’d all compliment each other in different ways. 
teba is bird dad but he’s also chaos dad and really should not be and does not WANT to be responsible for anyone. riju is generally the voice of reason amongst the group and when they want actual serious advice they go to her even though she’s like. ‘guys i’m 13′. teba has a particular soft spot for her. he also is totally open about it. he’s just like. yeah she’s my favourite. but he really cares about the others as well, riju is just.. well, she’s small. daughter shaped.
riju and yunobo are kind of the kids of the pack but they are VERY different. riju is hard working and ambitious and yunobos like. hm. i will take.. a nap. followed... by another nap. and honestly, riju wasn’t sure she liked him at first. but then she found out how nice he is, and she finds him really funny, and they bond a bit over their ancestors being fierce warriors and amazing people and wanting to live up to that.
my fave next gen relationship: SIDON AND YUNOBO...
link visits goron city as often as he can despite the fact that the heat murders him, because he really loves hanging out with yunobo. and yunobo loves hearing about all link’s stories and adventures (though he doesn’t know a lot of hylian sign, so it often ends up devolving into charades). after ganon is defeated, yunobo tells link that he’s inspired him and he’s decided to get out there and have some adventures of his own. so link suggests they have some adventures together and then they go to the domain!!!
sidon has already heard a lot about him so he’s super excited to meet him (yunobo does not get a romance but he is aware link is very Fond of sidon) so when link brings yunobo to the domain theres like ten whole minutes of vigorous arm shaking and sidon excitedly yelling about how amazing yunobo is before the poor boy can even speak
sidon thinks yunobo is amazing and just compliments him all the time, and they’re both /really/ interested in what the other has to say, esp about their different cultures (i have a whole hc about sidon’s special interests but that’s another post). especially because sidon can’t visit death mountain he wants to hear all about it, and yunobo insists he doesn’t really know much, and sidon’s like - i can read facts in /books/, i want to know how it feels to LIVE THERE, TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR LIFE and yunobo’s just. rly shook that someone is so invested in him? and what he has to say?
they just talk and talk for hours while sidon takes yunobo on a tour of the domain and link hovers in the background like. my boyfriend. stole my best friend. i have been Abandoned. Betrayed. and goes to sulk in a kiddie pool. this isn’t relevant at all i just think it would be very cute and also funny if link just had a lil tiny pool in sidon’s room for paddling in bc he’s too small for the normal ones. baby pool for babies.
also shortly after this the group chat happens and there are so many memes and one day i will draw them. i call it the sheikah server and i think i posted about it before
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sasuhinasno1fan · 5 years
A snowed in wish list - Klancemas Day 3 and 4
So the idea kinda leaned more to Snowed In than Wish List. I also didn’t mean for it to be linked to the fic from before but it did. Maybe I’ll makt them all linked to each other. Saves me the hassle of coming up with a whole new idea. So enjoy I guess and check out @monthlyklance for other klancemas stuff Snowed In/Wish List
Lance hummed as he packed his book bag. This was going to be amazing. Just him and Keith, as far away from this college campus for 2 weeks. It had been part of his wish list to stay in a cabin during the winter at some point in his life. He always imagined it would be with his significant other or his friends. He certainly hadn’t imagined it would be with Keith, seeing how they couldn’t really get along when they first met, but who knew that it would be a concussion that would bring them together? He could have done without the headaches and wooziness but still. He was in a relationship that he finally felt safe and confident in (thanks high school relationships and Nyma) and nothing could bring his mood down.
A knock rang through his door and for a moment he was worried it was Griffin back to stay for the 2 week break their school was giving them because of the slight explosion that happened in the science building – Lance was sure it had been Pidge and Matt’s fault, not matter what they said – and he was gonna piss him off right before is dream wish list vacation.
He brightened at the voice. Lance ran to the door and threw it open, already throwing himself into the arms of his boyfriend.
“And here to make my day even better. Hi good looking.”
Keith rolled his eyes good naturedly. “You’re such a weirdo.”
“But I’m your weirdo. Hey, do you wanna bring your stuff here since my room is near the parking lot?”
“Um, Lance? Have you looked outside yet?”
Lance raised an eyebrow at the tone. “No? I had the blinds closed to keep me from deciding to run out and enjoy the snow. I just got over my last cold, don’t need another one. Though I wouldn’t mind a bit if you took care of me for a whole two weeks. More cuddling.”
“But no kisses. It’s just…I think it’s better if you do.”
Now Lance was getting worried. He pulled away from Keith and went over to the window. He had a slight flashback to when he first saw snow starting the rain down on campus. Now however, it wasn’t a gentle rain, it was a torrential downpour. The heavy snow was sticking to each other and creating an already impressive mound.
“The weather report said it’s gonna continue like this for the next few days.”
“And the traffic report mentioned the roads to the cabin is closed.”
“And the owner of the cabin called and cancelled our reservation and sent our money back to make sure we didn’t risk our lives to meet our reservation.”
Keith looked over at the lump on Lance’s bed. The school had already sent out a school wide text and email warning students still on campus to not leave. They were apparently working to get snowploughs out to remove the snow and then direct the students to the townhouses they had for events like this where there was a small group of students on campus. Until then, they were to stay in their dorms and in groups if possible. Keith had brought over all the groceries they bought in preparation for their trip and his bag.
Keith was pretty upset. If he had any clue this was gonna happen, he would have accepted Lance’s idea when they had made the plans originally to leave the night before. Keith didn’t want to be tired the ride over, so he insisted on leaving the next day. He would have never imagined this though.
He knew Lance was pretty upset though. Just like he had his odd fantasy about seeing Lance in his sweater, Lance had his own about being alone in a cabin with his significant other, but not in a horror movie way. Just taking the time to relax and be with each other with the beauty of nature around them.
He turned off the lights to the room, hitting the switch for the fairy lights before going over and climbing next to the lump. He tapped where he hoped Lance’s head was.
“I know this isn’t what you wanted but think of it this way. What if I went ahead because of your late night class last night and you were stuck here while I was at the cabin? At least we’re together.”
It was quiet and Keith wondered if Lance fell asleep in his sadness when the comforter moved until Lance’s head was shown.
“Yeah, but I wanted us to be alone at the cabin together. It was like, a wish list item for me to do with a significant other.”
Keith pulled the comforter down more to take Lance’s hand. “Tell me more.”
“Of your wish list. What would you wanna do with a boyfriend? With me?”
“Well, I want us to go to a concert together, as soon as we find a meeting point in music likes.” Keith couldn’t blame Lance for that one. He liked old school rock while Lance lived on pop music. “I also wanna do a couples costume together. All my other dates said it was stupid.”
“Well we let Halloween slip us by, but we are going to that convention in April. Might as well start now.”
“Oh!” the comforter slipped off more as Lance pushed himself up to look down at Keith. “Can we do Link and Sidon? You know I love Zelda but I really wanna do a human Sidon outfit.”
“Overly happy and believes in everyone? A warrior who wants quiet and hugs? Can’t argue with that.”
Lance laughed at his boyfriend. “I want us to do touristy things in the city. Like, let’s get on one of the tour buses and just explore.”
“Random, but ok.”
“Hey, this is my wish list.” Lance said dropping down on Keith, slipping his hand out of Keith’s to hug him close instead. “And I want us to plan a trip together, like Spring Break trip where we plan and just go. Even if it’s with a group, we’ll have a day just to ourselves.”
“As long as it’s not popular places. I want to take you to Yahiko, it’s the area in Japan. I went with my mom and Shiro before I came here and it’s the perfect kind of out of the way place to go.”
“What else do you have on your wish list?” Lance asked, resting his chin on Keith’s chest. It seemed that his mind was finally far away from the cancelled trip.
“My wish list? To be with you. I don’t care what we do, I just want to do it with you.”
Lance turned red and hide his face in Keith’s chest. “First the sweater, now this! Why do you insist on being such a sap?”
“Because it’s so fun to see you blush.”
If someone asked him what he had on his wish list, Keith would have assumed they meant Christmas and started listing the few things he wanted. Now though, his wish list had one thing. A hope and desire that his relationship with Lance lasted so everything Lance had on his wish list could be done together. Even if right now they were just ideas said in a dorm room they were locked in because of snow. It was going to happen, someday.
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teatitty · 5 years
it’s amazing how quickly everyone who played BOTW went “Sidon is hot” and “Link and Sidon are boyfriends and they FUCK”
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mrsegbert · 7 years
Extended Zodiac Signs as Memes From 2017
Aries: Winona Ryder's SAG Award Reaction Arist: Italian Memes Argo: Changing The Hollywood Sign Arga: Chancellor Palpatine Arittanius: Solar Eclipse Arritarius: SaltBae Arpio: Spotify Playlists Arpia: Mr. Worldwide Arra: The Floor is Lava Challenge Arza: Bad Volume Sliders Aro: Roll Safe Arlo: RompHim Aricorn: Right in Front of My Salad Ariborn: "I had to grind for this view” Arnius: Snapchat Hotdog Arrius: Meryl Streep Singing Armino: White Guy Blinking Armini: Trash Dove Arsci: Mocking Spongebob Arsces: One Thicc Bih Arcer: Distracted Boyfriend Arcen: Powder that makes you say ‘yes’ Arus: Elf on a Shelf Aren: Sometimes, things that are expensive... Are worse Taurus: You vs. The Guy She told you not to worry about Taurist: Welcome to your Tape Taursci: Porgs Taurnius: I've got [BLANK] down here Tauricorn: The Floor is [BLANK] Taurittanius: Cracking open a cold one with the boys Taurpio: What Redbone sounds like Taurra: “I love this woman and her curvy body” Taurgo: Beyonce ordering food Taurlo: Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi Ad Taurcer: Cash Me Ousside Taurmino: Lounging Diddy Taurun: The Orb Tauries; Fidget Spinners Taursces: "I Will Survive” Zootopia Comic Taurrius: United Airlines Tauriborn: The Ting Go Skraa Taurittarius: Oscars Best Picture Mistake Taurpia: Singing Shaq  Taurza: Fyre Fest Taurga: Draymond Green’s Pep Talk Tauro: Kendrick Lamar’s “DAMN” Cover Taurcen: Garlic Bread Taurmini: “... So jot that down” Gemini: Jim Carrey's "We're Nothing" Rant Gemun: “I will now buy your game” Gemries: How to Talk to Short People Gemsces: Classic Gaming Emotion Gemrius: “The Person Above Triple Gay” Gemiborn: Begone, THOT Gemittarius: Now do Classical Gas! Gempia: Boneless Pizza Gemza: Buenos Dias, Mandy Gemga: Problems, stress, pain Gemo: Why weren’t you at Elf Practice?! Gemcen: Wrow Gemino: Fake News Gemus: Bowser Block Gemrist: Sniper Elite Headshot Gemsci: Mario’s nipples Gemnius: Crash Bandicoot “Woah!” Gemicorn: Just Like Dark Souls Gemittanius: Doki Doki Literature Club Gempio: Who Would Win? Gemra: Net Neutrality Gemgo: Hey, you see that guy over there? Gemlo: Wholesome Memes Gemcer: Hewwo
Cancer:  Travis Scott’s Concert Pic Camino: Press A to Pound Canus: “What’s the matter, little fella?” Canrist: The Emoji Movie Cansci: “You’re Doing Amazing, Sweetie” Cannius: Skyrim Skill Tree Canicorn: Hey There, Demons Canittanius: (Jazz Music Stops) Canpio: The Girl Reading This Canra: Pennywise Dancing Cango: Shooting Stars Canlo: 10 Bands I’ve Seen Live Cancen: “Now this looks a job for me” Camini: Fireflies Canun: England is My City Canries: Whomst Cansces: “Hold My Beer” Canrius: Horny on Main Caniborn: Death Stranding Trailer Canittarius: Milkshake Duck Canpia: Corn-cobbed Canza: “Lookin’ like a snack” Canga: “Oh no, baby, what is you doing?” Cano: Dilly Dilly
Leo: Understandable, Have A Nice Day Lecen: “I didn’t know there was this much green in the whole galaxy.” Lemini: Boruto’s Dad Leun: “You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Rick and Morty” Leries: You Know I Had to Do it to Em Lesces: Grape-kun Lerius: B Button Emoji 🅱 Leiborn: "It’s Everyday, Bro” Leittarius: Emoji Sheriff Lepia: “If My Girl Drowning” Leza: Guess I’ll Die Lega: The Cuck Comic Lelo: As a Father Lecer: I don’t understand this meme and at this point I’m too afraid to ask. Lemino: Welcome to The Gang Leus: Pipis Room Lerist: Prince Sidon Lesci: “Thanks for Coming to my TED Talk” Lenius: #AlternativeFacts Leicorn: Thec Scroll of Truth Leittanius: Conflict in Literature  Lepio: Two Scoops Lera: My Bike got Stolen Recently Lego: First Class Comic
Virgo: “First Of All” Virlo: BBC Dad Vircer: This Folder is Empty Virmino: The snowman Virus: Crying Northwestern Kid Virist: Zoom in on the nose Virsci: Will Now Have Stories Virnius: The Babadook Viricorn: Dancing Winnie the Pooh Virittanius: George W. Bush and His Inauguration Day Poncho Virpio: Nothing but respect for MY President Virra: Gorilla TED Talk Virga:  DELETE THIS NEPHEW.... Viro: “This is where the fun begins” Vircen: Your Mother and I Will Always Love You Virmini: Ted Cruz Twitter Scandal Virun: Expanding Brain Viries: Kellyanne Conway's Couch Photo Virsces: Dr. Pig Virrius: “I diagnose you with [BLANK]” Viriborn: The Boss Baby Virittarius: Youtube “Storytime” Clickbait Parodies Virpia: Bitmoji Virza: 3 AM Challenge
Libra: Thinking Face Emoji 🤔 Ligo: Szechuan Sauce Liblo: I Called and They Actually Answered Licer: “YOU’LL NEVER SEE IT COMING!” Limino: Big Ben’s Final Chimes Libus: Protogent Antivirus Librist: 2016 vs. 2017 Libsci: Michelle Obama Side-eye Libnius: “This is the future liberals want” Libicorn: Your Eyes on Drugs Libittanius: “Sorry, the old [BLANK] can’t come to the phone right now...” Lipio: James Charles Libza: He protecc but he also attacc Liga: Distinguished, functional, disaster Libo: Mayweather vs. McGregor Licen: Pickle Rick Limini: Frog in Tom Holland’s mouth Libun: Student Athlete Libries: Brother, may I have some oats... Libsces: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird Librius: “I don’t care that you broke your elbow.” Libiborn: Despacito Libittarius: “Big Enough” AAAAAAAAAA Lipia: “[BLANK], Sweetie, I’m so sorry...”
Scorpio: What if You Wanted to Go to Heaven, but God Said... Scorra: Karsten Warholm's World Championships Reaction Scorgo: Russian Cat Translations Scorlo: Virgin Vs. Chad Scorcer: Petscop Scormino: Dream Daddy Scorus: Virgin-Killing Sweater Scorist: Inhaling Seagull Scorsci: “This is a Christian Server, Sir, No Swearing” Scornius: 👉😎👉 Zoop! Scoricorn: “The Sun is a Deadly Lazer!” Scorittanius: Post Malone Cop Scorpia: I Bet There Will Be Flying Cars in The Future Scorza: Zenzi Scorga: "Yeah, sex is cool, but..” Scoro: “It’s a surprise tool that will help us later!” Scorcen: Big Toblerone Scormini: Das Good Shit Scorun: Dog Petting Edits Scories: Medium Rare Chicken Scorsces: Luigi Dab Scorrius: Tom Cruise’s fake butt Scoriborn: Cofveve Scorittarius: Facebook Events
Sagittarius: Lawnmower Man Sagipia: Nic Cage in Kazakhstan  Sagiza: 1-800-AREYOUSLAPPIN? Sagiga: Double D’s Facts Book Sagio: Outback Steakhouse Satanic Cult Sagicen: “Your Teeth are So White” Sagimini: Pee is stored in the balls Sagiun: Bike is Short for Bichael Sagiries: Animoji Sagisces: Portrayed by Spongebob Sagirius: Tumblr’s Fancy Font Sagiborn: Pretty vs. Bitchin’ Sagittanius: No Nut November Sagipio: Destroy Dick December Sagira: When no one understands [BLANK] Sagigo: Whoosh Sagilo: History of the Entire World, I Guess Sagicer: Resolution Comparisons Sagimino: Garfield Gender Debate Sagius: S Stands For Sagirist: The Worst Trade Deal Sagisci: Monkey Haircut Saginius: Me Me BIG Boy Sagicorn: #NotMyRodrick
Capricorn: Then Perish Caprittanius: The Doink Guy Capripio: “Had it not been for the laws of this land...” Caprira: Wendy’s Twitter Caprigo: Snails Sleep 3 Caprilo: Thrussy Capricer: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Caprimino: “WHY IS THE FBI HERE?” Caprius: Simple Rick’s Fondest Memory Caprist: Shocked Thomas Caprisci: Please Do Not Swear on My Profile, Thanks Caprinius: Send me $5 and see what happens Capriborn: The Undertaker throwing Mankind off Hell in a Cell Caprittarius: Persona 5 Batlle Menu Capripia: “The Bath” Capriza: Beep Beep I’m a Sheep Capriga: Mark Hamill reading Donald Trump Tweets in The Joker’s Voice Caprio: That Damn Smile Capricen: Bad Acronyms Caprimini: I am the Senate Capriun: Badly Explain Your Profession Capries: Cristiano Ronaldo Bust Caprisces: “I don’t like sand.” Capririus: “Fellas, is it gay to...”
Aquarius: Riot Hipster Aquiborn: Conceited Reaction Aquittarius: “I Have the High Ground.” Aquapia: Lady Gaga’s Half-Time Show Aquaza: What Are Your Intentions With My Daughter? Aquaga: Avocado Toast Aquo: Thanos Edits  Aquacen: Angry Hurricane Harvey Cat Aquamini: Justin Trudeau's Handshake With Donald Trump Aquiun: Cup Blowing Challenge Aquaries: Laughing Theresa May  Aquasces: Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later Aquanius: Impossible. Perhaps the Archives Are Incomplete. Aquicorn: Jukmifgguggh Aquittanius: 1,000 Degree Knife Videos Aquapio: Donald Trump Quotes Bane Aquara: Obi-Wan’s Force Push Aquago: waterguy12 Aqualo: Country Flag’s Colors Representation Parodies Aquacer: Well Whadaya Know Aquamino: You Mess With Crabo, You Get The Stabo Aquius: Gohan Blanco  Aquarist: “Straightforward From Here” Aquasci: “I’m Mary Poppins, Y’all!”
Pisces: All Life is Precious Pirius: iOS Question Mark Box ⍰ Piborn: Party Rockers in the Hou Se Tonight Pittarius: I Killed Them All Pipia: Bernie Sanders Brings Tweets to the Senate Piza: Insecurity/Anxiety Text Messages Piga: What are you gonna do with that big bat? Gonna hit me? Pio: Touch The Ant Picen: What R U Going to Gain From It? Pimini: Celery Piun: WHOA TECHNOLOGY Piries: “Why Not Visit?” Edits Pisci: Sector is Clear Pinius: Spiderman: Homecoming Poster Parodies Picorn: “You Probably Don't Recognize Me Because of the Red Arm” Pittanius: God Left Pipio: Donald Trump’s Frog Chin Pira: Quicksaving... Pigo: It Pleases The Crown Pilo: “I... Worked on this story for a year...” Picer: “Milk and Honey” Parodies Pimino: Obama Vacationing Pius: I Get My News From a Reliable Source Pirist: Google, 11 Minutes Later
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cuteouji · 7 years
Do you ever think that Sidon use both of 'them' during 'activities' with Link? I'm a perv I know. 😥 You're art is awesome by the way, you have a true amazing talent, following your good looks and handsome boyfriend!! A girl with luck!
Why not :^) (even if sometimes I'm a little bit sorry for Link. I MEAN........ EVEN IF THEY USE JUST ONE STILL IT'S PROBABLY NOT EASY FOR HIM CONSIDERING SIDON PROPORTIONS.)Awwww thank you so muchhhhh cutie ❤ you are super sweet 🍬
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princesiddie · 7 years
Maybe he works as a park ranger and runs a nature photography/awareness blog in his free time? Pictures of beautiful plants and the amazing views from the park he works in, featuring his gay pining over Sidon. "These flowers are super poisonous (and taste gross) and are also the colour of My BOYFRIEND SIDON'S EYES I LOVE YOU BABY!!
!!!!!!!!!!! i like tht alot !!!!!!!!!!!half the pictures have sidon somewhere in the background n the other half are of sidon holding whatever plant hes supposed to be taking a picture of
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Hi. Could you write fic, where Link is miserable cook, so Sidon has to cook for him? But because Sidon is much bigger than Link, he makes too much food for his tiny boyfriend, Link still would be certain he could eat it all.
"I must say my friend...you continue to amaze me!" Sidon declared with a dashing smile was almost as bright as his blushing face when he saw his boyfriend sitting on the floor so bloated he couldn't even stand up straight.
Link burped loudly and deeply in response to Sidon's adoration then groaned.
He sat on the floor so bloated that his blue tunic rode all the way up and let his big fair-skinned tummy stick out freely. Link almost looked pregnant with how round his stomach had become from eating so much.
Sidon was used to cooking a heavy amount of food any given day. After all he was a very large framed zora with an appetite that was unmatched. He cooked about what he would have cooked for himself. Only this time he did it for his boyfriend. And the young hylian hero was certain he could eat whatever Sidon threw his way.
Only now after eating so much the poor Hylian felt like he was going to burst. His tummy was achingly full to the brim with all manner of zora delicacy which churned noisily inside of Link's belly. Link's face went a little green from how full he was. He brought a fist to his mouth and winced. There was a burp lodged in his throat that he wasnt sure if he wanted to let out or hold in because part of him was worried some of his dinner might come up with the gas if he let it out.
Meanwhile Sidon smiled and sat himself down next to his immensely stuffed little boyfriend and eyed his bulging belly up with a pleased and enamored look on his face. "Oh my yes. Most amazing indeed."
Eventually Link couldn't hold it in anymore and burped so hard that his tummy rippled with the erupting gas. He sighed and patted his belly with exhaustion and relief that only gas came up. Then he slumped back with his palms against the tiled floors. His smooth ample tummy spilled out a little more prominently before Sidon's very eyes.
Sidon looked as if he had just struck gold.
The young prince laid his webbed silky hand down over Link's bulging stomach. Because Sidon was so much larger than Link his hand enveloped a good portion of the mans stomach even with how bloated he was. Sidon's blush intensified when he felt Link's belly against his hand. His flesh was so comfortably warm and his stomach so smooth and jiggly to the touch. The young man had such an intensely accelerated metabolism that so much of what he had eaten was already partially digested. That gave Link's tummy a little extra softness and bounce which Sidon took advantage of by drifting his fingers down to Link's lower tummy and jiggling it around.
This caused a couple of loud and heavy burps to erupt out of Link back to back.
"As you adorable Hylians often say...nice one," Sidon said with a flustered smile.
His hand more gently stroked the crest of Link's tummy where it felt the fullest. Sidon's clawed fingertips lightly kneaded down into Link's warm bubbling flesh. Because of how soft Link's tummy was his fingers sank into the stomach flesh like Sidon was kneading dough.
He was absolutely in love with the way Link's belly felt in his hands. The way it shifted with an audible slorsh when Sidon ran his hand down the sides of Link's tummy or jostled with every light pat or thump Sidon gave Link's tummy made the zora swoon. It almost sounded like a thick little like-like sloshing about.
Sidon lovingly stroked Link's belly with light little circular motion. He barely had to move his large palm to cover every soft inch of Link's tummy.
Link moaned pleasurably. He very desperately needed his tummy rub and no one rubbed it better than Sidon.
"It astounds me that someone as small as a Hylian could eat as much as I can," Sidon mused while he rubbed. "Your iron stomach never ceased to amaze and...infatuate." He said that last part with a thirsty look in his eyes and gingerly patted Link's belly as he spoke.
It jiggled and sloshed with each pat he gave which caused the boy to let out a cute hiccup.
When Sidon felt Link's stomach gurgle noisily in his hands he pressed down on Link's belly softly.
That added pressure made Link wince then usher a huge burp.
Sidon shuddered at that booming sound. Eager to hear more he pressed down a little harder on that big squishy tummy to squeeze another big throaty burp out from his bloated boyfriend.
It was a well kept secret that the young prince of the Zoras had a crippling burp fetish that made him weak in the knees whenever he heard his boyfriend burp. Each one was like music to Sidon's ears.
Not that Link minded. It felt oh so satisfying getting each wet throaty burp out of his system. The fact that Sidon was swooning with each one was just a bonus.
After getting out an especially lengthy burp Link slid down onto his back. His arms sprawled to his sides while his big belly wobbled above him with an added gurgle. He let out one last cute little burp and hiccup then sighed contently with a blissful smile on his face.
Sidon simply gushed with a bright red flush in his silky cheeks and leaned down to lovingly plant a kiss over Link's belly button.
"You're incredible my friend."
This time it was Link's turn to blush.
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