#sifa vapra mixed gelfling
ben-the-hyena · 1 year
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And what better way now I'm back in the TDC fandom than my favorite underrated Gelfling, the Lord Commander from the sequel comics ! Well at least his fan rewritten version, Jarra, fanon rewritten as Jen and Kira's son, because the wasted potentials and undervelopped ideas still make me salty lol so recently, with @dracocheesecake we discussed that Gelfling hair are rarely unicolor. I had drawb him plain platinum blonde, like how I used to see who I HC to be his grandaunt Brea, but it turns out even she has lavender strands in the back. So we discussed what colors to give him with all these various genes (Vapra, Drenchen, Sifa, Stonewood and Grottan), and because they return the post we chose green and white/silver. So here he is with a few silvery strands and a green highlight in the back. Also another excuse to draw him barechested in his DILF glory
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thanatasia · 4 years
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I added this to my IG but here are my Dark Crystal OC’s! They are so much fun to draw and destress with, I might do another IG ask and share some of the drawings again.
From left to right;
Fleur (Stonewood x Dousan but she inherited a lot of her father’s features): Adventurer, Bounty Hunter, and Sass for days.
Viara: the sweet bean and the levelheaded one of her friends.
Cha’l ( Stonewood x Dousan, Fleur’s older brother): He travels with the Sifan and loves causing mayhem with his best friend Kiel.
Kiel ( Sifa x Vapra): He goes by many names; Prankster, Sly-Guy, and Sifan Deviant.
I still need to work on their stories but I love them and I wanted to share them with you all.
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rocky-fennek · 3 years
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@createforthra - Day Seven: A Great Conjunction
Just a little Gelfling, born several generations after AOR. She can trace her lineage to each of the seven clans, and has traits from each one!
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fishtail-tavra · 2 years
it’d be funny if Gelfling gender was just “Wings = woman, Wingless = man” purely for the chaos of
skeksis not getting how this works
(not helped by Gelflings almost always wearing cloaks)
skeksis getting frustrated at being corrected every other word bc they addressed someone wrong again
(apparently it's rude to ask if someone has wings)
emperor skek’So having to ban throwing Gelflings out of windows just to check what gender they are (winged or traumatized)
skek’So making new laws to make sure only women get important positions partly to control Gelfling society but also partly in the hopes this will Simplify Things
skek’So messing this up when he promotes a Gelfling for her leadership during the Arathim wars and makes her captain of the castle guard only to be told afterwards that Ordon is in fact a MAN
skeksis giving up and defaulting to calling all Gelflings “Gelfling” because gender is stupid
different clans having stricter or laxer ideas of what makes someone a woman or a man depending mainly on how close that clan’s social ties to the Skeksis are
re: Stonewood, Spriton, and Vapra being very No Wings No Woman and No Woman No Leading while
the Sifa let men be captains and love mixed up things including genders
the Dousan keep to older traditions including allowing men to be Sand Masters
the Grotten left Ha’rar partly because of the silly new rules the Skeksis were pushing there, including wing stuff
and the Drenchen have medical transitions thanks to the healing vliyaya of their Maudra’s family  
Gelflings calling the skeksis “Lords” instead of “Ladies”, even though in their culture it’s the ladies that usually do the leading, just because the skeksis don’t have wings
Gelflings calling Aughra “Mother” even though she doesn’t have wings because even though they don’t remember how important she used to be to them the tradition of referring to her with the most respectful way they have still lives on.
Gelflings assuming Podlings are all men or eternally children
Podlings having fun with this by sometimes pretending to pull a newborn baby out of a pod while a Gelfling watches and goes ‘OAO` ????
Jen and Kira’s exchange of “Wings! I don’t have wings? :C” – “Of course not. You’re a boy XD” getting extra silly bc
poor “raised-by-mystics” Jen doesn’t know how Gelfling gender works and
Kira “remembers-her-mom-and-was-raised-by-podlings-who-understood-gelflings-gender-perfectly-fine-even-if-gelflings-wouldn’t-return-the-favor” thinks Gelfling gender is so obvious she doesn’t explain that “no wings = boy”, instead of the “boy = no wings” that Jen probably understood it as
Jen getting very confused when some of their kids start growing wings like ??? if they can grow wings... can I grow wings? OuO
Kira repeatedly having to save Jen from jumping off tall things
everyone watching the two saviors of Thra go crashing into the trees again bc one of them is sure if he falls enough times he will someday Fly
and the other literally died and got better so this doesn't even seem that far out to her and she completely supports her partner in Jumping Off All The Things
speaking of being supportive
Onica is still called a woman even after losing her wings (supposed indicator of womanhood) because she is either dealing with
her own clan (who don’t care)
other people from other non-conforming clans (the Grotten and Drenchen)
Kylan (who is a sweet heart)
or Tavra (her loving wife who cares more about people than any laws or tradition that might hurt them so much she died for it [and then also got better])
it would also mean Amri The Ally dressed in Gelfling drag to help a lesbian save her wife
and he rode off into the sunset with Naia, possible medically transitioned winged Gelfling who is now literal queen of her swamp people
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sifanjewel · 3 years
Strongest Clan Rivalries/Alliances
I wanted to make a list of the Gelfling clans who get along the best and those with the most conflict. Most of this is canon (info from Song of the Gelfling Clans, comics, ect) and some headcanons based on personal observation.
Also, warning of slight spoilers from the comics and novel series
Vapra/Sifa - The Vapra and Sifa practically share borders with Cera-Na being in close proximity to Ha’rar on the coast. Much of their trade happens in the marketplace and docks between the two locations. These clans definitely intermingle the most, with many Vapran citizens appearing to be mixed with Sifa. Despite the Sifa’s brief plans to break away from the clans altogether, their alliance was solidified by the marriage between All-Maudra Mayrin and Captain Kam’lu.
Vapra/Stonewood - Being the two “highest” clans, there must be good relations between them. While there is some jealousy from the Stonewood regarding the Vapran Maudra’s position as All-Maudra despite the Stonewood having closer contact with the Skeksis, it is a topic dare not spoken of not only to avoid offending the Lords, but also to keep a steady trade system with the Vapra and Sifa. Plus, based on how highly Maudra Fara spoke of Mayrin, there’s no doubt the respective leaders got along, which most definitely helped in keeping peace.
Drenchen/Stonewood - I’m not completely sure on this one, but I think with the way Fara and Maudra Laesid interacted, it’s a good guess there's a pretty steady alliance between them. Not to mention Rian and Gurjin’s friendship, though I think even if the clans were initially rivals, the two would have found the good in each other regardless. The only doubts about the strength of this alliance come from the Stonewood’s behavior toward outsiders and Bellanji’s disdainful comments toward the clan at the start of the books series which suggest he may have had some negative personal experience with them, though Laesid is quick to shut him down.
Dousan/Sifa - Much like with the Vapran, Sifan borders with the Dousan are fairly close, and the two clans are very alike in terms of lifestyle and traditions. There are many similarities between the two that one begins to wonder if this is the result of Dousan culture weaving it’s way into Sifan culture, or perhaps the other way around (the former being more likely). The Seven Clans book mentions that though the Dousan live solitary lives, they come to Cera-Na to trade, which shows a great amount of trust in the alliance if the Dousan are willing to leave their precious desert to mingle with another clan, something they are rarely known to do otherwise.
Drenchen/Grottan - This is my personal headcanon, but since both clans are known for their healing, it wouldn’t be surprising if the two shared their different methods and worked out a good trade system. The Grottan teach alchemy and the Drenchen willingly demonstrate their vliyaya, which the Grottan are always amazed by.
Spriton/Stonewood - It has been made clear several times that the Spriton and Stonewood have been rivals for years, perhaps centuries. Though both clans appear to be quite territorial in nature, their conflicts seem to stem from a power struggle. Both are highly ranked (Stonewood second and Spriton third) and have similar clan lifestyles (each a mix of farmers, warriors, and song tellers), which creates a competition to win Skeksis favor. Fara even outright states how much Maudra Mera loves the Skeksis *almost* as much as she fears them, and her tone makes it clear that this has been the case for some time, and it doesn’t surprise her that she wouldn’t initially participate in the Resistance. Her tone makes it clear that they had never really gotten along even prior to this. Not to mention the way Kylan is treated for having a Stonewood father, and they way his parents had to live as outcasts in dangerous territory because of their frowned-upon union. 
Spriton/Drenchen - Most of this is book canon, but the way the Spriton think of the Drenchen is so blatantly obvious from the start, simply from the way Naia is treated the moment she steps foot in Sami Thicket, even by the Maudra herself. Though Mera does her best to be cordial, her politeness is simply out of making herself look good for hosting a fellow Maudra’s daughter. She even goes so far as to say the Drenchen aren’t “important” when Naia asks about the Skeksis creating a census for the clans. Fara’s statement about Mera in the show is proven fact when the Spriton are willing to go into outright war with the Drenchen under the orders of skekUng, even when Mera knew exactly what the Skeksis were doing at that point. The Spriton’s loyalty to the Skeksis was stronger than clan relations, which nearly broke whatever peace the two clans had left between them, if not for Naia and the others stepping in when they did.
Vapra/Grottan - Not so much a “rivalry”, more of a general dislike for one another. Because the Grottan were pretty much shoved underground after the Silver Sea clan split, the Vapran soon seemed to forget about them and/or ignore them along with everyone else. After all, the Vapra symbolize the future while the Grottan handle things of the past (i.e. the Tomb of Relics), and are therefore more easily forgotten. The geographical and social differences between the clans cause a rift between them, leading the Vapran to disregard their “lower” halves and leave the Grottan somewhat bitter about the whole thing (as is made clear by Amri’s opinions in Songs)
Vapra/Drenchen - Another social/geographical divide, but much worse than with the Grottan. The two clans don’t interact much, but when they do, things can get ugly, as demonstrated by Naia and Tavra’s first meeting in the show. Their meeting and relationship through the first two books isn't exactly a friendly one either. Like with Maudra Mera, the two only initially get along because of Tavra’s professionalism and her priority to complete her mission as smoothly as possible. And although Laesid appeares to think somewhat highly of Mayrin in the show (or at least her final actions before her death), that was the extent of whatever semblance of peace there was between them.
Dousan/Everyone else but the Sifa - Like the Grottan, the Dousan are more just disliked by the higher clans. They don’t involve themselves in rivalries, it’s really more like the world is against them, but that doesn’t make it any better. None of this is the Dousan’s fault, which makes the situation even more sad. The Skeksis twisted the image of their clan and made them out to be “death worshippers”, therefore blasphemers in their eyes, causing the other clans (at least the ones closest to the Skeksis) to essentially turn their backs on them and fear them. It’s a conflict they don’t deserve to be put in the center of.
So that’s my list of the strongest Gelfling clan alliances and rivalries. I hope I got my book information correct, I haven’t read them in a while and a friend is borrowing them so I can’t really check (I know I could look it up online too but honestly it’s easier to flip through the books). If anyone wants to add to or correct me on any of this, that’s perfectly fine!
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dkscribe88 · 3 years
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First off, I am not back from my self-imposed hiatus from this platform. I was asked if I might do something by my friend @tunnelscreamer so I am. Secondly, I did not draw the above image. This is something @fenth-eiria drew for me. I still owe them a story for it, so I just want to say to them I have not forgotten. I’ve just gotten busy with life and school. This drawing is my Sifa crew from my AO3 story Meet Me by the Seafarer’s Lantern chapters 4-6. Two of the characters seen here are @fenth-eiria’s. The Dousan girl with the whit blouse and blue dress, and the male Gelfling in the way back. Four other Gelfling are all canon characters. Tae with the orange hair, Onica sitting at the table, Captain Madso holding the sword and Ivo, the redhead standing at the table, which is a character from the AoR: Tactics video game. The only thing non-canon about any of them is that I made Madso a Spriton, where the books suggest he might be Stonewood. I’ll introduce my OCs down below.
First up is Aedra. She is the pale pinkish haired lady being held by @fenth-eiria’s OC. Her name comes from the Hebrew name: Adira, which means majestic, strong or noble. She is in her mid-50s. She is of mixed clan heritage with her father being a Sifa and her mother being Drenchen. She has healing vliyaya from her mother and also possesses great strength, able to do the work of three Gelfling in addition to healing. If I’m remembering the backstory I gave her correctly, she lost her entire family in a shipwreck at a very young age. This caused her to adopt an anti-social personality throughout most of her life. Anyone that tries to get close to her gets pushed away for fear that they’ll just end up leaving her anyway. She gets work on various fishing boats as both a healer and deckhand. One day in Cera-Na she finds a young girl wandering around near the entrance to the Crystal Desert, and this is where my next OC comes in, Zili.
Zili is one of my favorite OCs. In the picture, she is the indigo-haired woman hanging from the rafters. She was inspired by the best friend I had in elementary-high school, mixed with Kate McKinnon’s Ghostbusters character and a few other inspirations. Her name is Hebrew for My Shadow, although I originally got it from the name Ezili, which is the Benin goddess of beauty, water and love. I can’t remember her exact age, but she’s around 19-21 in my story.  She is thought to be of mixed clan heritage Dousan/Sifa, but it hasn’t been confirmed. Her backstory is that she can’t exactly remember anything before meeting Aedra. At first, Aedra sought to get rid of her, but it felt irresponsible to do that, so she kept her around. Zili stayed quiet, scarred by her past for the longest time, but then one day she just started talking and has rarely stopped since. She is hyper and eccentric, often doing random things that make no sense to anyone but her. She and Aedra both get hired by the Sifa Maudra as a guardsman and healer respectively. Zili is known for being very fast and agile on foot and in the air, and very clever. Often outthinking her opponents and getting them to defeat themselves.
My next OC is Tae’s boyfriend Galen. His name is Greek and means calm. He is 22 trine old. He’s the black and white haired young man holding Tae in the drawing. Another mixed clan of Sifa/Spriton/Vapra heritage, his father was a Vapra who fell in love with his Spriton/Sifa mother. This relationship caused his father’s family to disown him and kick him out of the clan. To this day, Galen’s Vapran kin don’t know he even exists, nor do they care. Galen grew up on various ships, eventually ending up first mate to his uncle, Captain Madso. Galen is funny, flirtatious, brave, kind and reserved at times. He does not drink alcohol, and thus can watch out for Tae when she drinks to excess. He’s also very analytical, able to think several steps ahead of most people, except Tae. She always has him beat.
The final OC in the drawing is Fram. His name comes from the Norwegian word fram, which was a type of ship used in expeditions back in the late 18-early 1900s. He’s full Sifa, age 24, with sandy blond hair and a scar across his face. He is Ivo’s love interest, although neither of them have expressed their feelings for the other yet. Fram is gruff, coarse, and very off-putting to everyone around him. The only known survivor from the last Sifa expedition to the isle of Diabhal, he is Onica and Tae’s guide to the treasures of the island and the dangers they must face to get them. During this quest is when he falls in love with Ivo, and much like little boys that don’t know how to express that they like a girl, Fram picks on Ivo, causing Ivo to believe that his own feelings will never be returned. By the end of the story, they are friends but have not made the leap to lovers yet.
I’ve many other OCs that I didn’t list on here. All of them can be found in various chapters in Lantern, so if you liked these, check out the story on AO3. Well, that’s about it for me. I might do one other post for createforthra, but I don’t know for sure. Back to my hiatus - DK
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These are just my HCs on the benefits and flaws found in Thra-born skeklings.
Less Volatile- The Twice-Nine, despite their efforts to act polite among the gelfling, are still at heart wild creatures that rely on instincts. Thus, some are known to lash out with bared teeth when annoyed. Thra-born skeksis have grown up with their instincts and so are far more in control of them. While some city-living ones are called domesticated, this lack of predatory sharpness allows the Thra-born skeksis to tolerate more stress with minimal hissing and growling.
Full use of arms- Growing up in bodies with four grabbing limbs, most thra-born skeksis have trained their secondary arms as their main grabbing arms. Typically used to carry prey, weapons or bags, it frees their front paws for running.
Part of the Song- The souls of the skeklings are part of Thra. Thus, when a skeksis dies, their souls enter the smörgasbord which is the Song of Thra. As such, some can be reborn as gelfling or anything else. Or gelfling can be born as skeksis.
Pack-sense- Already social creatures, the new generations of skeksis generally live in groups known as flocks. The nature of a flock can differ and it isn't rare for a skeksis to switch flocks as their life demands. Some flocks are siblings who dispersed from their nest, others are a group of mated pairs and so on.
Flocks usually live together in a hollow or a building, sharing food and tools unless otherwise noted. As per their ancestors, each skeksis has their duty among their flock. Though most modern skeksis consider titles rather corny, some still assign them to keep the tradition alive.
Flocks raise their children communally, preferring to share parenting responsibilities. It is for this reason that most thraborn skeksis will seek mates outside their flock.
Own language- Skekxis as developed by the Twice-Nine was a rough and limited language ill-suited for longer communication. It could carry quick warnings and moods, but it and its written cuniform were rarely used. The modern skekxis might not be as developed as common, but it is leagues above the older variant. Consisting of a mix of body language and sounds, skekxis is near impossible for gelfling or podling to learn. It also incorporates long distance whistles and 'songs' for distant flocks to communicate with.
In its written form, skekxis is based on its old cuniform, but simplified drastically. As both feral and city skeksis use it, it often looks nothing more than a series of lines. Clawed onto trees or written in ink, most thraborn read both equally well.
Quadruped- The urskeks floated on two feet, the original skeksis took their stance from the urskeks and the gelfling and podlings. Unlike the Twice-Nine, the skeklings grow up in bodies built for hunting and speed. Bodies that function best with the four longest limbs on the ground, that are not meant for long-term two-legged walking. Thus, most thra-born skeksis will only stand on their hind-paws when there is a need, otherwise moving on their primary four and using their secondary arms to grab things.
Despite the pressure from the Twice-Nine to conform, most modern skeksis find long term two-legged 'waddling' extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing. Thus, most modern skeksis do not use chairs and instead have softer floors for sitting down on their haunches.
Limited lifespan- As they lack an urru counterpart, modern skeksis live lives half-shorter than the Twice-Nine. Being only creatures of flesh and not the spiritual half of an immortal whole, their lifespans are only 500 trine at most.
Feral/Domesticated- As much as modern skeksis are more controlled than the Twice-Nine, it also means some have lost the 'sharpness' that comes from an active prey drive. This is typically found among those who live among or close to gelfling cities.
For those who have grown up in the wilds, their ability to handle 'polite' social functions is more limited. Relying mostly on their body language and skekxis for communication, they also have high prey drives to chase and kill.
Genetic-soup- All skeksis were not created equal, as they were reflections of the issues bothering their urskeks. Some traits were not functional for survival or predation, such as inward growing teeth, lack of proper feather/fur pelts and poor eyesight. The modern skeksis have inherited these traits from their Twice-Nine ancestors, resulting in poor bites or lack of any insulating pelt. Dentition is a common issue, as each Twice-Nine had a unique dental make-up. It isn't uncommon for a Thra-born skeksis to have missing teeth, as some grew crooked.
Instinct-Bound- Modern skeksis are creatures of Thra, not of the stars. Their existence is as mundane as that of a gelfling. Thus, a lot of the high-minded ideals that the urskeks had have been dropped in favour of trusting instincts. Group-thinking, predatory and loud, modern skeksis are well known for being materialistic.
Unique cultural traits;
Clan affiliation- Despite their ancestors considering themselves the rulers of Thra, modern skeksis are surprisingly egalitarian. Rather, the flocks affiliate themselves with a gelfling clan and take upon their traditions and culture. While some gelfling see this as freeloading, most don't overthink it too much. The longest and proudest tradition of such co-operation is naturally found among the Sifa. Just like their gelfling clanmates, the skeksis typically marry within a clan and distrust mixed offspring.
Titles- A controversial topic among modern skeksis, having titles is both seen as upholding onto a tradition and a mark of the urskeks. As such, only those among the Vapra and the Stonewood truly care about titles. As titles are seen as a way to signify heritage (another very touchy topic), they usually reflect their Twice-Nine ancestor in some way. Ritualist, priest, shaman and such are common titles given to skekZok's line.
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gelfbog · 4 years
headcanons for the gelfling clans accents !!
As someone who is really interested in languages and linguistics, one thing I always wish AOR did was give all the clans different accents. So, I decided I would do it myself! I’ve basically been researching different (mainland) UK accents and I’ve put an accent to each clan. This is based a lot on my own headcanons, but I’ve taken into account different information we’ve gotten about gelfling accents and languages, as well as the geographical placing of the clan’s settlements, and their clans status and culture. I’ve linked videos with each clan to give you an auditory idea of what I think they would sound like. All under the cut!!
(!! disclaimer !! : I am Irish, not from the UK, so I’m sorry if my description of/videos I have chosen to display any of the accents are inaccurate. I’ve tried my best not to generalize with the accents too much, but I know that a lot of accents change from town to town, so unfortunately I have given just a broad umbrella description of some accents. I’m sorry if I get anything wrong!!!)
Vapra - Queen’s English/Received Pronunciation
I think the Vapra are the only clan to have been canonically distinguished as having a particular accent, but maybe I’m wrong. It’s mentioned a lot in the books about how the Vapra have a very distinct accent, SkekSa even noticing Tae speaking with one, when she was taken over by Tavra. Their accent is “distinct and noticeable” according to the Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, and is similar to the Skeksis accent. I think that maybe the normal gelfling of Ha’rar speak with a type of Received Pronunciation, whereas the aristocrats, and the Royal family themselves, would speak Queen’s English. It would make sense that the Vapra would speak in Received Pronunciation, an accent associated with privilege and education, as they are known for.....well, privilege and education. Each word is articulated very clearly, and it is a sharp, almost cold accent - which suits their climate nicely. It is often thought as the “proper” way to speak, and those gelfling who speak with this accent automatically present themselves as a higher class, although other clans may just associate the accent with snobby-ness. Naturally, the Vapra coming from the capital city of Ha’rar, the seat of the All- Maudra, I think Queen’s English is very fitting.
Here are some videos of people speaking Queen’s English/Received Pronunciation!
Old RP
Received Pronunciation (RP)
Received Pronunciation Dialect Breakdown
Upper-class Accent Examples
Stonewood - Brummy (Birmingham Accent)
I was between Cockney and Brummy for the Stonewood, as I think both accents suit the wood-dwelling clan. However, I think Brummie is better suited, as Birmingham is is situated in the central midlands of England - like how Stone-in-the-wood is “the hearth of the Skarith Land”. The Brummy accent is quite nasally, due to the amount of industry that used to be in the city. Industry is something the Stonewood are known for, with their weapons, tools and instruments their blacksmiths create being well-renowned and sought after across Thra. The accent is sort-of a mix of a southern and northern English accent, which I think this suits the Stonewood well, in terms of their clan status. As much as they are a rough, warrior and battle focused clan, they are of a very high standing, second to only the Vapra. Therefore, the mix comes from Vapra/Skeksis influence, and then their own woodland charm. Although other clans may see the Stonewood accent as brash and arrogant, the warrior clan is proud of their dialect, and don’t try to hide it!
Here are some videos of people speaking with a Brummy accent!
A Brummie Accent
Birmingham "Brummie" Accent (Female) AccentBase File #41
NO F*CKING FIGHTING - Peaky Blinders S03E01
Alison Hammond's Funniest Moments | This Morning
Birmingham: Reputation vs Reality Part 1 @ 2:50 - 5:44
Spriton - Yorkshire Accent (South, West and East)
I have a good bit to back up my headcanon here. The Spriton are a widespread clan, about 1/3 of them living outside of Sami Thicket, some families living over a days journey from the main village. For this reason, I think the different Yorkshire accents suit them very well. Since the Spriton live all over the Spriton Plains, some nearer to Stone-in-the-Wood, some nearer to the Swamp of Sog, and some even living at the edge of the Dark Wood (rip kylans parents), it would make sense that they all have variations of a similar accent. I imagine that it can be hard for other clans to tell each of the different Spriton dialects apart, but the Spriton themselves can hear a clear difference in the voice between someone who was born in Sami Thicket, and someone who was born on the outskirts of the plains. You can see, as we move further south down the Skarith Land, the presence of the posh Ha’rar accent, is slipping away, with different vowels sounds and timbre, even different grammar. The Yorkshire accent often omits words and letters to make speaking faster, which is a practical way of speaking for the busy farmers and soldiers of the Spriton Plains. 
Here are some videos of people speaking with Yorkshire accents!
School Of British Accents – YORKSHIRE
interview with millen eve - true yorkshire accent!
South : Louis Tomlinson Gets Quizzed On Yorkshire Slang
West : Zayn Malik Sounds Off on Fashion, Fame, and the Meaning Behind His Home Studio | Vogue
East : Best of Jenny and Lee on Gogglebox
Drenchen - Edinburgh Accent
Now, this is a headcanon I will fight for. I will eternally feel that we were ROBBED of the Drenchen having a Scottish accent. I was deciding which Scottish accent would suit them best, and I finally landed on an Edinburgh accent. As much as I think that my favourite swamp dwellers would have a strong accent, I don’t think it’s overly realistic. While they are isolated from the other clans, which would naturally cause them to speak differently to them, I don’t think they are isolated enough to have a drastically contrasting accent. Therefore, I thought that the Edinburgh accent, said to be softer and less intense than other Scottish dialects, would be perfect. They still have a similar tone to the rest of the clans, but their soggy lilt is unique, and is still noticeably different of a timbre to the other clans of the Skarith Land. I also presume that their gills would have some sort of influence on their intonation, another reason I chose the Edinburgh accent, which comes almost from the back of the throat - closer to the gills!
Here are some videos of people speaking with an Edinburgh accent!
Outlander | The Many Scottish Accents | STARZ @ 1:25 - 2:05
Shirley Manson's Guide To Swearing
Sean Connery 1971: The BBC Interview HD
12 Times Professor McGonagall Was a Boss Ass Witch
Ewan McGregor on being recognised as Obi-Wan | The Graham Norton Show - BBC
Sifa - West Country
I think this is a pretty obvious accent to assign to the Sifa, as it’s the origin of the traditional “pirate” accent. They have a distinctive way to say their “r”s , and it can sometimes be a harsh sounding accent, suiting the sometimes dangerous lifestyle of the rogue clan. However, the rounded vowels and somewhat cozy feeling you get from the intonation of the West Country accent, shows the mythical and peaceful side of the Sifa. I headcanon that it’s uncommon for a gelfling to have a truly Sifan accent, due to the influence of other gelflings with other dialects that join the Sifa, therefore with most Sifa ending up with an amalgamation of gelfling accents. However, with families that have sailed with the Sifa for generations, the accent is still very much alive. For those gelfling who run away to the Silver Sea for a while, they always return home with a subtle sea-faring twang.
Here are some videos of people speaking with a West Country accent!
Learn Hagrid's British Accent (HARRY POTTER) | West Country Accent
Learn how to do the West Country accent - Sound like Hagrid from Harry Potter.
Harry Potter - Best of Hagrid
School Of British Accents – WEST COUNTRY
LOTR The Two Towers - The Tales That Really Mattered...
Dousan - Lancastrian English
It took me a while to decide which accent would be best for the Dousan. I wanted an accent that didn’t draw out many sounds, and was spoken quickly, as the Dousan try to preserve as much moisture in the desert air as they can. After looking through hours of footage of different English dialect videos, I decided on the Lancastrian accent. They have shorter vowels than other dialects, and also shorten a lot of words to make them quicker to say. I thought this was perfect for the Dousan, a clan which avoids speaking for long, if they can. It is quite a unique accent, especially in terms of grammar, which makes sense, as the Dousan rarely socialize with other clans, meaning they would not pick up other slang or pronunciation. The Dousan use the Language of Silence, a type of sign language, which is sometimes used in unison with audible speaking. I thought that the unique Lancastrian grammar went well with this, as in The Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, it says that “more was being communicated when both hands and tongues worked together”. Perhaps the reason the Dousan grammar is created to be much shorter and quicker to say, is because the Language of Silence allows the Dousan to communicate in full, meaning there is no need to speak with long sentences? Either way, I think the accent is a perfect fit for the nomadic clan.
Here are some links and videos of people speaking with a Lancastrian Accent!
Lancastrian English: Dialectable Episode 4.
Listen to accent  of Lancashire England
Lancashire Dialect Poem - Northern English Accent
https://www.mykp.co.uk/learn-lancastrian-accent/ (this breaks down what I mean about the shorter grammar)
Grottan - South Wales Accent
Deet’s tendency to sing often made me think that the South Wales accent would be perfect. It is a naturally sing-songy type of accent, with a musical intonation. This is because the South Welsh accent is heavily influenced by the Welsh Language. I thought that because the Grottan have been isolated from other Gelfling, and rarely go “topside”, they would have very little impact on their dialect from the Skeksis, something their sister clan, the Vapra, have been hugely influenced by. This led me to think that perhaps the Grottan accent would have a lot more in common with the old-gelfling language, giving it that sing-songy and particular lilt. Like the Dousan, the Grottan have their own language, Finger-talk, which is incredibly difficult to learn for non-Grottan gelfling. Maybe the reason it is so difficult, is because of, again, the influence of old-gelfling, something the other clans have slightly lost a connection to. But perhaps, the Grottan accent may also play a part in why it is so difficult for daylighters to learn this peculiar language. As the accent has such musical intonation, with lots of high and low sounds in it’s speaking, perhaps finger-talk is based more on these high and low sounds, and less on the actual words themselves, which is why Grottan find it so easy to learn, as these high and lows are built into their accent regardless. Nevertheless, the South Wales accent is one of my favourites, and it perfectly fits the peaceful and secluded Grottan.
Here are some videos of people speaking with a South Wales accent!
Newport (Casnewydd), Gwent, South Wales, Welsh Accent (Female) Accentbase File #144
School Of British Accents – WELSH ENGLISH
Elis James Bad B&B Experience | Alan Davies As Yet Untitled | Dave
And that’s all! I was really surprised by the amount of people that were interested in me making this post, so I hope I haven’t disappointed anyone! I’d love to know what you guys headcanon the gelfling clans to sound like, and whether you think my headcanons or accurate or not. Again, I’m sorry if I got anything wrong about the accents, or generalized too much. I’m linking a few more videos which go through all of these accents, with more examples of people speaking with them, all well as some linguistics background to the dialects. I’ve also linked the Survey of English Dialects, where you can find lots of clips of all these different accents I have mentioned. Thank you so much for reading all of this, I really appreciate it!!
Survey of English Dialects - Accents and dialects
20 British Accents in 1 Video
One Woman, 17 British Accents - Anglophenia Ep 5
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skekheck · 4 years
All About the Seven Clans: the Stonewood
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Clan Index: Dousan Drenchen Grottan Sifa Spriton Stonewood Vapra
The Stonewood, once known as the Woodland Folk in ancient times, lived in the Endless Forest (or in other versions called the Dark Wood). Made strong and resilient from their environment, they were the perfect soldiers and constituted the majority of the skeksis army. While they were a warrior clan, the Stonewood were peaceful who valued gelfling culture and songs. Their hometown, Stone-in-the-Wood, was the site of major historical events throughout Thra’s history. 
The Stonewood totem animal was the Fizzgig and their core elements were fire, the hearth, and keeping of the song and essence of gelfling culture. Their clan color was red, their sigil was beige and green with earthy tones, and their pennant color was red with green and yellow detail. 
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The Stonewood were some of the strongest and hardiest of all gelfling. They had an olive complexion with green or greenish-blue tinting. Like gelfling from other clans, Stonewood tints were visible on the face but were restricted to the forehead, temples, and around the the eyes. Hair was black, brown, or a mix of both with highlighted sections of blue and/or green. Styling was very minimal with some braiding and styled up in ribbons or clips, but were mostly kept loose. Eye color tended to be blue or various shades of brown. In the J.M. Lee book series, Stonewood wings came in a variety of colors. Shoni, Rian’s mother, had brown and red wings with two large black eyespots accented by other dapples of orange, gold, tan. Maudra Fara in this version had dark burgundy and gold wings.
Stonewood clothing was described to have browns and other natural foresty shades like greens and grays. They preferred to wear leathered armor over regular civilian clothes regardless of their profession. They were also known to carry light weapons on them at all times. 
Strength, courage, and hardiness were traits the Stonewood valued and emphasized, especially towards other clans. The Stonewood way was to remain put and endure so they grew strong and prospered. All of these values made them perfect warriors. But despite this, the Stonewood were very peaceful. Much like the Fizzgig, their totem animal, they only fought to defend themselves. There was a heavier focus on the community as well as culture and song. 
The Stonewood had great respect for nature, but were also aware that they lived in one of the most dangerous regions on Thra. They understood that no gelfling was on top of the food chain and had to adapt to an eat or be eaten world. They favored a hunter-defender archetype: to understand the cycle of life and have the knowledge to protect oneself as well as their loved ones. But they chose to abide by the laws of nature and frowned upon things like hunting for sport.
The Stonewood Clan had the second largest population of all seven clans, only succeeded by the Vapra. Thanks to an abundance of resources provided by the forest as well as by other clans and the skeksis, their population flourished during the Age of Division. There were smaller Stonewood villages spread out all over the forest to compensate for the clan’s size. This process was difficult for them to accept as it went against some of their traditional values. The Stonewood were known to be slightly more advanced than other gelfling clans as they had sophisticated weaponry and armament to protect their homes with. 
Daily Routine
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A Stonewood’s day started off with the sound of clangs of blacksmith hammers early in the morning. The maudra and her elder council assigned daily tasks to all adult gelfling. Those whose jobs took them outside of the village said their good byes and departed early. The others that stayed met with their groups to discuss the day’s plan. Work continued until sunset when the clan’s hearth is lit for the communal supper with the accompaniment of a song or two. Lanterns full of firebugs were kept alighted for gelfling working nightshifts. 
Aside from nightly songtelling, the Stonewood had other pastimes. The most notable of them were sports and competitions. Regardless of whoever won, all Stonewood showed great sportsmanship and encouraged one another. A popular pastime among childlings were Ipsy battles. During mating seasons, the otherwise peaceful male Ipsy would fight other males for the affection of the female. Childlings would collect Ipsy males and staged battles between them. When the battles concluded the childlings would return the unscathed Ipsy males back to the forest. 
As a large industrious community, the Stonewood Clan had a variety of jobs. There were blacksmiths, woodcrafters, stoneworkers, firekeepers, gardeners, hunters, and a dozen other specialists. Unlike in most clans, songtellers were seen as integral to the Stonewood as other occupations. The clan had unique professions as well. One were wayfinders: they were responsible for helping travelers on their journey and kept them from getting lost within the Endless Forest. Sometimes, a wayfinder would spend days aiding a gelfling. Another was staba-senta or “wood watchers”. They were more keenly aware of the balance of creatures within the wood and were charged with maintaining and upholding it. 
Stone-and-Wood Crafting
Inspired by their environment’s requirements for resilience, the Stonewood turned the trade of stone-and-wood crafting into an art. It was a highly sought out skill for its high difficulty and importance in fortifying the village. Stone-and-wood crafters were able to weave wood, trees, and stone together to create many homes for the clan. It took many trine to learn the skills and even more to execute them. A woodcrafter would spend their entire life growing wood into specific shapes. For stone cravers it took generations to shape a single rock.  
Although some Stonewood used metal swords and the like, hunters and trappers preferred stone tipped spears and finely crafted stone daggers. Stonewood spears, their preferred weapon, were renowned for their durability and perfect balance. 
Stone-in-the-Wood’s Famous Instrument Makers
Among Stonewood’s crafters lived one family who were famous for their instruments. They were often away from the village collecting materials from all over Thra. They built their instruments from ordinary materials like wood and stone, but also mixed unusual ones. Some items included melted crystal sand, Sifan driftwood, fine shards of bone, and hollow feathers. It was said that the materials used in these instruments invoked the voice of Thra itself. Among their instruments, their lyres were the most popular. Even the All-Maudra’s musicians sought them out for their unique sound. Despite being busy, the family took up apprentices so they too could create unique instruments. 
Stonewood Legends: Jarra-Jen
Songtelling and folklore were an important part of Stonewood culture and they had plenty of songs about famous characters and legends to tell every night around the hearth. One of these popular characters was Jarra-Jen the Lightning Born who came from Stone-in-the-Wood. As his epitaph suggested, his birth was heralded by lightning. He was characterized as fearless, charming, and curious with an intensity only rivaled by the forces of nature. Whenever he returned home, he’d always brought treasure and mouth-full of stories from his adventures. Many of his stories were told around campfires and memorialized on the stone slabs found on top of Bolentor’s rise.
Some songs were created to explain the origins of things such as him being the one to plant all seven Great Trees. Others were meant to entertain or teach lessons, whether they were true or not. One favorite epic was called Jarra-Jen and the Horn of Thunder. After passing a series of tasks, Jarra-Jen defeated the tyrant Creghel and freed the gelfling he enslaved. Another song, which was more popular with younglings, was called Jarra-Jen and the Fizzgig King. It taught younglings from digging and accidentally disturbing hibernating fizzgigs during the colder seasons. Jarra-Jen accidentally steps on the Fizzgig King’s tail and was swallowed hole. In order to free himself, the hero tickled the inside of the king’s throat which expelled him. The sound effect of the king’s flatulence was left up to the songtellers to put their own unique signature on the song. 
While Jarra-Jen was a Stonewood legendary figure, his tales were told and celebrated by other clans and regarded as a hero of Thra.
Stonewood Legends: The Hunter
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For every hero there was also a villain and no Stonewood villain was as popular as the Hunter. He went by other names like Bone-Mask and Four-Arms, but many agreed that he was a bloodthirsty one-of-a-kind monster who loved hunting for sport and ate his prey whole. Stories about the Hunter were told to older childlings to keep them from wondering the forest at night, like the short song “Beware the Hunter”. Legends of the Hunter were found all over the Endless Forest and surrounding regions, even finding their way in Spriton and Podling stories. “The Hunter’s Knife” was a notable non-Stonewood myth sourcing the Mystic Valley as the Hunter’s birth place and the noises that came from it was his heart (which he carved out to continue his evil deed unrestrained) who desired to return to his body. Some songtellers, like Kylan, told stories featuring the Hunter and Jarra-Jen together.
Not many Gelfling believed the Hunter existed, but the legends were based on skekMal the Hunter. He was an outcast skeksis whose main hunting grounds were the Endless Forest and its surrounding regions. He was as bloodthristy and fearsome as the songs described him. So skilled was he in his profession that he remained undetected by most Gelfling, with the exception being the Dousan who guided him through the Crystal Desert. SkekMal’s prey didn’t usually include Gelfling unless under certain conditions as he, in his own words, considered weak and preferred stronger creatures. This was different in the book series as he hunted indiscriminately. He bathed in gelfling essence to mask his scent which made it easier for him to catch prey.  He also prevented podlings from expanding outside of the forest and Spriton plains as he hunted them down and delivered some as slaves for the other Skeksis. Regardless, skekMal was always a terrifying force and feared by many even by his own kind. 
SkekMal’s reign of terror finally ended at the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood which was his (at least seemingly) first and last public appearance. Before killing Rian, his latest target, his other half urVa the Archer sacrificed his life in order to stop him. As the two were spiritually connected, skekMal died as well.
A Stonewood diet was varied which included meats from game caught by hunters and the many fruits, vegetables, and other edible plants growing in the dense forest. They would also purchase foods that couldn’t be grown or produced in the Endless Forest. Stonewood dishes were prepared near the clan’s hearth and were commonly roasted, baked, and seared. Food was served in groups and were noted to be jolly, hearty, and unforgettable. 
Peachberries were one of the well known native fruits found in the Endless Forest. It had a sweet and sour flavor that was easy to pick. More dangerous to obtain fruits were that of the bluemouth. The bluemouth was a carnivorous plant that lures prey in with its sweet smelling nectar and were dangerous to Gelfling. The fruit of the Bluemouth Tree was considered a delicacy for that reason. The fruit of the arara (or screaming) tree was less dangerous. As a defense mechanism, it produced poison by screaming. It was deadly to smaller animals, but for Gelfling, it put them in a dreamlike daze.  Other foods included merkeeps, a delicious tuber found in traditional Stonewood foods. 
Stonewoods usually washed down their foods with a cup of cold water from the Black River. Other noteworthy beverages was the Stonewood Brew, a type of alcohol that trickled down from trees into a giant trough called the Brew Trough. Both natives and outsiders alike served themselves or each other with the cups stacked near by.
Stonewood Apothecary and Recreational Poisons
The Endless Forest had the most diverse flora and fauna, including ones that were venomous and poisonous. Stonewood apothecaries had an important role of supplying treatments and antidotes for a variety of inflictions gelfling received. And on the flip side, they found ways to use harmful substances for more benign ones. Even usually fatal poisons could be altered (through fire, water, or soil) and distilled into potable liquids. Plenty of these recreational poisons were traded among themselves and other clans.
One of the more involved distilling methods were from the poisons created by the arara tree. When produced in smaller quantities, it had a relaxing effect. Apothecaries got the help of experienced harvesters who stealthily picked the fruits off the tree before it had time to produce its signature scream. When given to the apothecaries, the berries were placed into bowls of water and the apothecary would scream in the perfect tone of the screaming tree. The berries would react and produced its slime which dissipated. It was later reduced into a measurable substance and bottled. 
Stone-in-the-Wood, Hometown of the Stonewood
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Stone-in-the-Wood was the main village of the Stonewood Clan. Like their namesake, they lived in shell and stone homes interwoven into trees. It was surrounded by mounds of rock and a lake that sat next to the Black River. It had sections for tourists and traders as well as private ones exclusive to Stonewoods only. The Crucible, the clan’s hearth, lied at its center with the Stonewood Great Hall beyond it. 
The Great Hall was the home of the Stonewood Maudra. It had a large chamber where they held court. When a gelfling, or sometimes podling, misbehaved guards would send them into the Rascal Hole. It was a small jail held down beneath the floor of the Stonewood Great Hall and not too far from the maudra’s throne. 
The village was the second largest gelfling settlement. It became a popular tourist and trading site as the village was a necessary stop to go anywhere in the Skarith region. Beyond that, Stone-in-the-Wood was believed to be the original home of the gelfling, making it one of the oldest gelfling civilizations. It was also the location of important historical events in Thra’s history. 
The Historic Battles of Stone-in-the-Wood
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Two historical battles took place in Stone-in-the-Wood. The first battle was also the conclusion of the Arathim Wars. When the Arathim were kicked out of their ancestral home by the skeksis for refusing to join the Alliance of the Crystal, they rebelled. The rebellion was a series of attacks throughout the Age of Division until thirty trine before where Age of Resistance series began. The First Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood began while Ordon and Fara searched for the dual glaive which was rumored to help end the war. The village was evacuated when the Arathim arrived with Maudra Vala and her warriors there to defend it. At first the Arathim had the upper hand, decimating the gelfling forces and inflicting a fatal wound against the maudra. She survived long enough to see Ordon arriving with the dual glaive. After killing several Arathim, he plunged his sword into an Ascendancy of Silk Spitters and drained them of its essence. Ordon promised to let the Arathim live if they stopped their assault on the gelfling. The weakened Ascendancy gave in and retreated from the village but promised this wasn’t the end. This event officially ended the Arathim Wars. 
The Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood was the first major battle of the Gelfling Resistance. Stone-in-the-Wood previously had a failed assault on the skeksis in both the TV and book series where the Stonewood were thwarted by the skeksis or the Arathim. The survivors of that failed assault returned to join Rian and his small rebellion ready to fight the skeksis. There were casualties on both sides, including three skeksis and Maudra Fara who sacrificed her life protecting All-Maudra Seladon. But it also brought the return of Mother Aughra and unity of all inhabitants of Thra when the other six gelfling clans and their former enemies the Arathim proclaimed their support of the resistance. This was the gelfling’s first major victory fighting the skeksis. 
Bolentor, the Pride of Stone-in-the-Wood
Also known as the Stone Tower, it was a large mount of rocks weaved together by vines, roots, and trees. The stone’s rise was where Stone-in-the-Wood was positioned. Its top was covered in talking stones featuring the dream-etched legends and folklore of the Stonewood Clan. It told of Jarra-Jen’s adventures, stories of Gyr the Songteller, and Aughra’s teachings. Strangely, many of the rocks that constructed the mound originated from other regions of of Thra like the Claw and Grottan Mountains. Speculation were all over the place from a giant moving the rocks there to being petrified droppings of an enormous bird. 
A favorite theory came from the song called Maudra Melyff the Rock Singer. Though the gelfling in the tale was actually unnamed, many agreed that she fit the description. According to the song, the maudra was so lonely that when she sang the mountains were moved and offered their boulders to keep her company. A different version of this tale was found in the book series and the maudra was named Maudra Ynid the Tree Singer. Similarly alone, she wept at the heart of the Endless Forest and with the Cradle Tree’s blessing, stones multipled from the Earth and became Stone-in-the-Wood. She was also said to be the sister of Mesabi-Nara, one of the Drenchen’s first maudras. 
The Stonewood had a name-day tradition that revolved around Bolentor and was considered a rite of passage. Younglings whose sixth name-day anniversary landed within the same season were sent to climb Bolentor without the guidance of adults with a chisel in hand. Once they reached the top, they found a stone and carved a sigil into it. That sigil became the sign of their name which was memorialized among hundreds of others before them. 
The Crucible
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At the center of Stone-in-the-Wood was the Crucible, both a monument and hearth. Like other gelfling hearths, it was the gathering place of the Stonewood during important occasions. It was where the maudra made her announcements and conducted ceremonies. Traders from other regions would come to the Crucible to be welcomed by the village. 
Within the Crucible were dozens of swords and other weapons. It tied with a Stonewood tradition: whenever the clan returned from a battle, their warriors placed their weapons within the Crucible to be melted until there’s nothing left. It was the Stonewood’s way of leaving their aggressive acts and memories behind and go back to their normal lives. In some cases, the melted remains were used as other symbols. After Maudra Vala died, her sword was melted and forged into a crown. Her daughter and successor Fara wore it as a reminder of the battles that were fought, the cost of peace, and to never forget those who lost their lives.
It was one of many examples of the Stonewood’s relationship with their patron element fire. Gelfling from this clan were described to have “fire in their hearts and whose embers never died”. It’s no wonder that the Stonewood gelfling Rian was the one who lit the fires of resistance and sent out his message of rebellion through the Crucible.
The Wall of Destiny
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The Wall of Destiny was a giant prophecy that foretold the end of skeksis rule. It was discovered by Jen and Kira when they stumbled upon ruins of a gelfling settlement. At least in the book series, its location resided within Stone-in-the-Wood. In that book’s version of the Second Battle, the gelfling defeated the skeksis through song and their combined singing formed the creation of the Wall of Destiny. 
Another version of its creation happened when both Gelfling and Podling were taken as slaves by the skeksis. Dismayed, they looked into the fires of prophecy. Seven circles of seven Gelfling, (which totaled 49 Gelfling), laid on the hilltops at night. With magic their dreams were made into stone and the Wall of Destiny was created. 
It told the Gelfling their quest: to find the lost Shard and heal the Crystal by the next Great Conjunction. However, the skeksis saw the prophecy too and feared the Gelfling would succeed. To stop them, the skeksis sent their Garthim and Crystal Bats to find and kill all gelfling. However, at least two survived: Jen of the Stonewood and Kira of the Vapra. Jen ultimately became the Gelfling foretold in prophecy that reunited the shard with the Crystal and ended skeksis rule. 
Olyeka-Staba the Cradle Tree
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The Cradle Tree was the Stonewood’s patron tree. It towered over all the others within the Endless Forest whose trunk was as wide as the Black River. It was the originator of all other trees and what the forest felt and heard was also heard and felt by the Cradle Tree. It was only a short distance from Stone-in-the-Wood and many gelfling visited it often. Stonewoods sat underneath the tree and hoped to hear its wisdom while others came to inspect it for illness as it determined the health of the entire forest. When one lied beneath it, they would experience a soothing sensation described as being cradled by one’s mother. “The Cradle Tree’s Lullaby” was a popular song sun by Stonewood mothers while rocking their childlings to sleep. 
Like the other Great Trees, the Cradle Tree struggled to keep the darkening at bay. In the book series, the Cradle Tree was so sick with it that it displayed vivid hallucinations which preyed on the fears of the individual. Both Naia and Kylan went through this ordeal with Naia being haunted by apparitions of her brother and Tavra. It also attacked her with vines and roots until she was helped by Kylan. Naia was able to dreamfast with it and healed it of the darkening. 
Relationship With the Skeksis And Other Clans
The Stonewood benefited from the influx of traders and visitors, but it reinforced clan-first mentalities. To preserve a sense of safety, stability, and culture, the Stonewood created public and private sections of the village. The clan was kind and friendly to any outsiders but would treat them coldly if they trespassed on private property, on accident or not. Besides that, they seemed the most susceptible to clan stereotypes, seeing how some were highly suspicious of the Dousan and ignorant of the Grottan. While the Stonewood believed they were tougher and sturdier than other gelfling, outsiders viewed them as aggressive and arrogant.
Being geographically the closest to the skeksis, the Stonewood were frequently called upon to be guards at the castle of the Crystal. In fact, they made up the majority of the skeksis’ army up until the late Age of Division. Plenty of Stonewood were elated to get their recruitment letters as it was seen as one of the biggest honors a gelfling received. Because of this, the Stonewood believed they had a more intimate relationship with the skeksis than other clans. 
That ultimately created some resentment towards the Vapra. Many Stonewoods believed the skeksis were in error by choosing the Vapra as the ambassadors and leaders of the gelfling clans. It wasn’t a secret either as the Stonewood had passionate conversations about the topic. Even Stonewood Maudras would make mention of it while in the presence of Vapran representatives. These vents never went too far as they knew disagreeing with the Vapra was also a disagreement towards the skeksis. Such comments risked their reputation as well as access to resources and valuable supplies. Despite it being a well-known secret, the Stonewoods kept it to themselves. 
Of all the clan relationships, none were more well known than the rivalry between the Stonewood and the Spriton. The severity of the rivalry were different between the TV and book series. In the timeline established by the Age of Resistance, the rivalry was seen more in childlings and didn’t go as far as name-calling and rumormongering. With a mix of the skeksis’ meddling and Stonewood’s overall competitiveness kept this rivalry alive. In contrast to the book series, however, was more serious. The Spriton were a warrior clan in this version and fought over territory with the Stonewood over the trine. 
Legacy of Stonewood: Jen
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Although most gelfling were wiped out during the Garthim Wars, their legacies were kept alive by their survivors. Jen was the son of at least one Stonewood parent and seemingly the only surviving member of his clan. He was rescued by urSu the Master who took him to the Valley of the Mystics and raised him in safety. On his death bed, urSu cryptically explained to Jen about his destiny. He was able to succeed in his quest with the help of Kira.
Jen seemed to know some small things about his heritage. He wore the Stonewood sigil on his clothing and was taught how to play the firca. urMaj the Cook attempted to make him gelfling food, but Jen noted it never tasted right  It was possible that what Jen learned he passed it onto future gelfling civilizations and preserved what was left of gelfling culture. 
Notable Stonewood Members
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Rian: Son of Ordon and Shoni who lived during the late Age of Division. He was a castle guard who witnessed his girlfriend Mira be drained by the skeksis. Taking the only proof of the skeksis’ betrayal, he was marked as a traitor and wanted by the lords to keep their secret hidden. Rian started as well became the unofficial leader of the Gelfling Resistance. Like his father, Rian ended up wielding the Dual Glaive. 
Ordon: A veteran of the Arathim Wars and the first wielder of the Dual Glaive. He was promoted to be a captain of the castle guards after his victory in the First Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood. Not knowing that the skeksis were the true perpetrators, Ordon personally requested to seek out Rian in the hopes of curing the supposed sickness that caused his “treachery”. 
Maudra Fara the Rock Singer: The Stonewood Maudra who succeeded her mother Vala during the late Age of Division. She believed in strength and loyalty and did whatever she believed was necessary for her clan. She played a big part in the Arathim Wars as well as being the first maudra who challenged the skeksis when she learned about the truth.
Shoni: Rian’s mother and husband of Ordon who lived during the late Age of Division. 
Jen: The seemingly last surviving member of the Stonewood Clan nearing the end of the Age of Division. Saved by urSu the Master, Jen was raised by the mystics so that he would fulfill his destiny of ending skeksis rule and save Thra. 
Maudra Vala: A Stonewood maudra and mother of Fara. She lived during the late Age of Division and took part in the First Battle in Stone-in-the-Wood where she was fatally wounded.
Thriya: A songteller who lived during an unknown time in the Age of Division. She spent her entire life traveling all over Thra to learn about the cultures and songs of each gelfling clan. 
Mythra: A book series exclusive character. She was the younger sister of Rian who supported him while he was branded as a traitor. She also took part in and survived the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood.
Timtri: Rian’s younger brother who only exists in the book series. 
Maudra Melyff the Rock Singer: Believed to be one of Stonewood’s first maudras. She was credited with the creation of Bolentor which would become the home place of the Stonewood. In some iterations she’s known as Maudra Ynid the Tree Singer and was sisters with the Drenchen’s first maudra. 
Old Ari: An old songteller who lived during an unknown time within the Age of Division. 
[Sources: Song of the Seven Gelfling Clans, the official Dark Crystal website, Shadows of the Dark Crystal, Song of the Dark Crystal, Flames of the Dark Crystal, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, the Dark Crystal Film, The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance: An Epic Return To Thra, The Quest for the Dual Glaive, Creation Myths, Author Quest: The Gelfling Gathering, Heroes of the Resistance, the Dark Crystal Bestiary] 
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 7
Tides of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because I need to get back into it. Being on a trip really kicked me off my momentum. Something about a boat? Some Gelfling?
Last times on book: Amri, Kylan, Tavra, Naia, and new party member Onica set sail on a quest from Aughra and/or the Crystal to unite all the Gelfling clans in resistance to the Skeksis. Presuming the Vapra good and united thanks to the All-Maudra claiming support, the group heads to Cera-Na next to appeal to the Sifa Madura Ethri. On the way, Amri learns some swording and Kylan learns some sailing. A good time is had by all except for all the hurt feelings.
Chapter 7
Amri and co meet with Maudra Ethri but don’t quite get the response they’re hoping for.
"Though Sifa ships may sail alone for many trine at a time, we always return here... and when Omerya is in port, we are all home again,” Onica explained ass he brought them into port and tied the ship to one of the many white coral spires rising from the coastal floor.
Love it. Love the lore. Love the description later of Cera-Na being a forever changing city of ships depending on which ones are at port.
Love the description of the Sifa “looking like wind and fire” due to their red hair sometimes streaked with black or blue or turquoise.
And I love Amri realizing that the Sifa also welcomed Gelfling from other clans as well and recognizing attributes of Spriton or Drenchen or Vapra.
“That is the beauty of Cera-Na, and Sifa tradition. We are bound together not by blood or by the confines of the earth. We are bound together by heart and by the changing wind. If the prophecies and signs say one must become Sifa, one does. We accept that.”
Given that its an explicit trait of the Sifa, I wonder how the other clans view intermarriage. In the comics Mayrin married a Sifa. In the books, Tavra is totally dating one to her mother’s disapproval. Kylan is of mixed Spriton and Stonewood heritage.
Would Rian have faced resistance from her family if Mira hadn’t exploded into goo?
We’re getting descriptions of Gelfling who have heritage in multiple clans like its an unusual thing so I guess the clans marry internally as a matter of course. Castle guarding is an unusual situation that would expose Gelfling to those from other clans. The Sifa interact with a lot of clans due to traveling around.
They run into an old friend of Onica’s, Tae, “a freckled Sifa with golden-red hair” (gosh she sounds pretty) and they get to chatting. Even though Tavra has been hanging in Onica’s hair and whispering to her this entire time, she doesn’t pipe up or identify herself when Tae gives Onica her condolences over what they heard happened to Tavra.
Onica tells Tae that she needs to speak to Maudra Ethri and Tae says she’ll try to arrange it but warns that Ethri has been preoccupied with a dot dot dot guest and with a thief on the loose.
Man, this feels exactly like rolling into town and getting hit by a whole bunch of sidequests all of a sudden. I really wish there was an open world Dark Crystal RPG. Choose a clan to start with to get a neat clan perk, that sort of thing. Alas.
Tae and Onica turn away from the group to have a whispered exchange, annoying Naia greatly, and then Tae scampers up into the Omerya.
She then waves them inside and they follow her through the maze of passageways up to the deck. Despite the unfamiliar surroundings, Amri is reminded of Domrak and sees a hearth, thinking to himself thats the common thing between all Gelfling clans, that their center is the hearth before noticing that the hearth is cold and hasn’t had a fire in a long time.
A Sifa came striding from an exit across the deck, every step jangling with metal chimes and bells. She had wild, dark crimson-and-black hair, accented with glittering beads and copper wire, ears strung with gemstone earrings. One of her green eyes sparkled more than the other, catching the light like a stone.
“Gem-Eyed Ethri,” Tae said with a curt bow. “Maudra to the Sifa of Cera-Na.”
She also sounds pretty.
Ethri surprises the non-Onicas by being so young, being the same age as Onica and having grown up with her. And also that her very sparkly eye is actually a gemstone jammed into her head. I guess Gem-Eyed isn’t just figurative language. And if you’re going to need a false eye anyway why not go for the glitter?
The maudra asks what they need to talk to her about and after confirming that Ethri has seen the plot recap flower petals, Naia bluntly asks if the Sifa will join them.
“Join you?” the Sifa maudra asked, as if she didn’t understand the question.
Naia frowned, taken aback. “If you don’t believe us...”
“I believed the instant I saw the dream stitched in the pink petals. But you’re asking me to pledge myself to... what, you? To Aughra and Thra? If I agree to join you, who am I even joining? How will we know when the time is right - is it you who will tell us? Is this a war or an idea?”
Huh. The unite the clans thing is a little short on details actually, yeah.
Amri feels like Maudra Ethri is laughing at them and is about to get confrontational when Onica tells Ethri that its all true, that she saw the dream herself, that Aughra gave them the mission, and that the All-Maudra is on board.
But Ethri says Doubt. Hey if you have the Vapra, why do you need me? And if its so important why didn’t Aughra ask her directly? So this unitification thing is nice and all but Ethri is just going to go do what’s best for the Sifa and the other clans can do whats best for themselves too.
“Be assured?” Amri cried. He bit his lip, trying not to speak out of turn, but he couldn’t help himself. “The Skeksis are eating our people. That’s the long and short of it! Devouring us like moss from the cave wall!”
Ethri waves off his outburst and tells them that she has to get back to her important guest. She dismisses the group, tells them that they can spend as much time as they like in Cera-Na before they dash off to try to convince another maudra, and then asks Onica to stay behind for a word.
Onica tells them to go on ahead, that this isn’t the Ethri she knew and that she’ll try talking to her. An apologetic Tae reappears to show them out.
After the group minus Onica is alone, Tavra finally shows herself (having been transferred to POV Amri when the group was leaving).
Amri asks why she’s been hiding and Tavra replies simply “I don’t want people to know.” Whatever emotion or motive attached to that hidden beneath her usual Tavra stoicism.
Tavra tells the three to return to Onica’s ship and wait there while she sneaks aboad the Omerya and tries to spy out who Ethri’s mysterious guest is. Then in the morning, they’re going to force Ethri to commit to the united Gelfling.
“Force her!” Naia exclaimed, surprised and impressed. “How?”
“You’re not the only one whose mother is maudra. There is a reason the Vapra have led the seven clans since the rise of the Skeksis rule.”
So, look, that sounds like you’re going to try to pull rank on her which I feel is going to go not how you’d prefer.
Anyway, she tells them to stay out of trouble while she’s gone but she should know better by now. When has this group ever listened to her about staying out of trouble? The instant she’s gone, Amri suggests going to the beach (mostly because he’d prefer to be on solid ground instead of a ship).
Amri gestured, away from the Omerya and Onica’s ship. “I think we should do what all good Gelfling do when something strange is afoot in a strange land. Seek answers.”
Naia grinned in agreement. Apparently she wasn’t eager to retire to the ship, either.
“Great,” she said, leading the way. “Let’s find ourselves some trouble.”
Tavra’d be better off instead just point blank asking them what they plan to do instead of listening to her. That way she’ll know where to find them later.
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podlingmom · 4 years
Gelfling OC profile
[Name here]
[Nickname, optional]
♂ \ ♀ \ other
[ Add drawing here, or describe their appearance at the bottom]
Clan: Dousan \Drenchen \Grottan \Sifa \Spriton \Stonewood\ Vapra\ Mix
[Age] Trine old
Born: Age of Innocence \ Age of Harmony \ Age of Division \ Age of Power
Residence: [Ha’rar, Sami thicket ect]
Job: [Paladin, princess, song teller, farmer ect]
Faction: [ Resistance, Skeksis loyalist, ect]
Skills: [sword fighting, bola throwing,medic ect]
Vliyaya: [Healing, Dreametching, Dreamstitching, Fardreaming ect, if any]
Clan traits: [Drenchen amphibian, stonewood strength, grottan eyes ect]
Equipment: [Sword, Journal, Bola, Frica ect]
Wings: [Optional] [Clan specific traits, abnormalities, ect]
Personality traits:
Appearance: [optional]
Copy, don't reblog. Tag some people with OC’s if you want. Add whatever you want.
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
So out of melancholy following the cancelation of The Dark Crystal and still no news about any other streaming platform taking it for a continuation probably because of Netflix's rights and COVID preventing puppeteers to work properly, I keep rewatching clips from the show and the movie thinking of better times and dreaming of a continuation
And I realized something
When Gelflings mix between clans, they mostly generally look mainly like one clan with details from the other if not at all
Jen, if the theory he is Deet's (Grottan) and Rian's (Stonewood) son is true, mainly looks like a Stonewood some silver locks aside and is classified as such in the official website
Kira, whatever the theory is true (daughter of Seladon a Vapra and Gurjin a Drenchen ? Of Brea a Vapra and Kylan a Spriton ? Of Brea and Re'kyr a Dousan ? Of Brea and Deet ?), mainly looks like a Vapra her wings and green locks aside and is classified as such
Seladon is canonly the daughter of Mayrin, a Vapra, and Kam'Lu, a Sifa, but she completely (unless her tail is different but there is no canon chart) looks Vapran and is classified as such (and doesn't even seem to know about her Sifan origins nor do her sisters, DAMMIT MATTHEW ERMAN COULDN'T YOU FUCKING FOCUS)
Kylan is canonly half Spriton from his mother and half Stonewood from his father, he mainly looks like a Spriton, green highlights in his hair and different earshapes aside, and is classified as such
If the theory that Fara is not completely Stonewood is true but half Vapran as well (we never see her father, she is close to the Vapran court, and unlike other Stonewood girls who are described to have moth-like wings hers look like Vapra's), she still mainly looks Stonewood earshapes and wings aside and is classified as such (and any other origin is never addressed as if it is a secret, whether she herself knows or not)
In short all to say as if Gelflings genes hardly if not never fully blend together, one will always be more dominating than the other. Now the questions are "why" and "which of the 2 is more favorable to come out ?" Vapran seems to be strong, Stonewood even stronger, Spriton maybe even more...
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thanatasia · 4 years
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Here’s a set of “IG Questions” about Kiel. I really like him and he’s the best friend for Cha’l because he’s so silly and carefree. Kiel is so fun to draw and I can’t believe I created him lol
I also love how I messed up on the sentences in the first drawing lol.
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Modern day au Skeksis/ Mystics, part 2
SkekSa the Mariner:
Really, not a lot changed with her.
Relationship with the Sifa actually got even better after the Skeksis were no longer considered Lords.
She is still greatly respected and is still the Captain.
She still sails the seas with the Sifa, though she has also begun to aid them in actual modern day jobs instead of living like pirates.
Has entire maps set up for fishermen Gelfling so they know where the best spots for what sea creatures are.
Accidently monopolized the fishing empire on Thra.
Still works hard for the best life for the Sifa.
Is trying to get along better with her Mystic half at the request of the Sifa.
Its........ a work in progress.
Actually visits the land more often and has gotten in touch with some Skeksis and Mystics.
Has grown closest with SkekTek and SkekVar.
Living her best life.
UrSan the Swimmer:
Not a lot changed with her either.
There is a large lake by the Commune where the other Mystics live, so she visits more often.
Teaches the Gelfing of the Commune how to swim.
Those that wish to travel with the Sifa will be guided by her.
Is also trying to work on her relationship with SkekSa. Again, a work in progress.
The don't necessarily hate each other, but they also don't miss one another when they are apart.
Works with the Gelfling to ensure the waters stay clean and pure as technological advancements are made.
That is one of the few things that SkekSa agrees with her on and helps out with.
Enjoys her days swimming and living her best life.
SkekLi the Satirist:
Was literally tripping over himself when he found out that the Skeksis were no longer Lords of the Crystal.
The others tried to say he was still banned from the Castle.
Aughra let him back in.
May or may not be part of the reason why a bunch of Skeksis left.
Aughra thinks he is an absolute riot and is especially amused by how much he annoys everyone else.
He has taken to doing stand up and actually becomes a famous comedian.
The Skeksis may not like his humor, but the Gelfling love it.
He becomes genuinely liked and appreciated by the Gelfling for his jokes and humor.
Becomes close friends with mainly Gelfling.
He can and will put up posters for his comedy specials all over the castle and will gloat about it to anyone within a one mile radius.
Absolutley loving life.
UrLii the Storyteller:
He thought about leaving the Caves of Grot.
For like five minutes.
Chose to stay because the idea of leaving the caves was just unappealing to him.
Became an anonymous author under the name "Argot the Relic".
His books are sold out the moment they are put on the shelves.
Maudra Argot isn't as big of a fan because everyone thinks shes the author.
Upside, the Caves of Grot have been getting more visitors and it has become a very popular tourist destination.
The Grottan clan has become very popular thanks to UrLii.
Has become penpals with UrTih and UrSol.
SkekAyuk the Gourmand:
Still lives in the Castle, but travels often.
Became a wildly renowned chef and food critic.
Has multiple Gordon Ramsey style tv shows.
As well as multiple cook books.
He gets to eat and cook all the time and couldn't be happier.
Aside from SkekLii and SkekEkt, he is amongst the most famous of the Skeksis.
Not as well liked due to his prejudices against the Gelfling still.
His chunk has only gotten chunkier.
UrAmaj the Cook:
Actually lives in the Castle, along with UrUtt and UrNol.
Chose to live there after finding life in both the Valley and Commune unsatisfactory.
Reached out the SkekAyuk first and worked a deal out with the Skeksis.
Is SkekAyuks coworker.
Is the co author of the cook books and also the voice of reason when it comes to the cooking shows.
Trying desperately to have SkekAyuk not be so bigoted towards the Gelfling with mixed results.
Also has helped in developing dishes that Gelfling can actually eat.
Has also been working on getting the Skeksis to at least slaughter the animals before eatting them.
Be more humane about it please.
Enjoys making more than just Mystic food anymore.
SkekEkt the Ornamentalist:
Also lives at the Castle still.
Has made his own clothing lines and is particularly popular amongst the Vapra.
Also has his own makeup line and runway show.
Now that he is distinguished even more so amongst the Skeksis, he is an even bigger drama queen than before.
More respectful towards Gelfling compared to SkekAyuk, but definitely patronizing towards them.
Actually ended up becoming good friends with SkekLi when he came back and has even had him as a guest at a few runway shows.
Collaborates with UrUtt and has a respectful relationship with his Mystic half.
UrUtt the Weaver:
Went with UrAmaj to live in the Castle.
It was actually SkekEkt that reached out to UrUtt after seeing the impressive stitchwork he could do.
UrUtt and SkekEkt both worked together to help modernize some of the Skeksis and Mystics fashion.
Not all took to the new styles, though some, Such as SkekLi and a few in the Commune, came to love the styles.
Ended up having a good relationship with his Skeksis half.
Was always a bit of a drama queen, but being around SkekEkt made it a lot worse.
Started their own fashion tv show and is one of the judges.
SkekEkt will occasionally join as a guest judge, but he has enough on his plate as is.
Makes outfits for UrSus orphanage in his spare time and donates all of them anonymously.
SkekOk the Scribe:
Lives in Har'ar.
Worked with the All Maudra and greatly expanded the Vapran Library.
Also began the arduous task of actually making sure all Gelfling were literate.
He did not just make a huge library for all those books to go unread!
There is actually a tower attatched to the Library where SkekOk lives.
Aside from SkekSa and SkekGra, he became very close with the Gelfling, especially the family of the All Maudra.
He even started programs for farmers to send their childlings to lessons where they may learn for a couple hours and still be back home soon enough to continue to help with the farm work.
Acts as though his interest in Gelfling is superficial. All the Gelfling closest to him know it is genuine.
He is best friends with the Librarian, whom has become his newest gossip partner.
Still keeps in touch with SkekEkt and SkekLach.
UrAc the Scribe:
Lives in the Commune.
Teaches the childlings how to read and write, as well as the adults who may not know how.
Works with SkekOk and receives books and writing materials for the orphanage in exchange for original stories or first hand copies of UrLiis newest book.
Has his own blog where he talks about things from the latest goings on to the weather.
Usually has a spot dedicated for which celebrity did what recently.
SkekOk is his source of information for that spot.
Close friends with SkekOk.
Works closely with Podlings to translate books into their language as well, so they may have more literature.
SkekLach the Collector:
With UrIms help, they actually got the pustules taken care of!!!
Without the pustules and always being sick, SkekLach became infinitely more pleasant to be around.
They still complained, but not nearly as much as before, and even had something decent to say every now and then.
Still lives in the Castle, keeps in close touch with SkekOk.
Didn't know what to do for the longest time.
Just had their collection.
Seeing SkekOk expand the Vapran Library actually gave SkekLach an idea.
They opened up a museum.
They have such a lovely collection doing nothing and gathering dust.
A museum was the perfect way to have their collection displayed in a way that satisfied SkekLach.
They also quickly discovered that some stuff in their collection was more valuable than they originally thought.
Their museum is actually super popular and Skeklach actually ends up discovering that they like having their museum.
They don't really care about all the nerdy history and everything, but having their collections displayed so lovingly and actually being appreciated?
That makes SkekLachs day.
UrSen the Monk:
Stayed in the Valley.
Helped UrZah out with his religion and is the one who helped build the main church and temple in the Valley.
Ended up starting his own religion on accident, aiding Gelfling who wanted to lead their lives as monks.
The Valley is now filled with monks and those that practice UrZahs religion.
Thankfully, the two groups get along well and there is little to no fighting.
UrSen enjoys his life and has become a great teacher to the Gelfling monks.
SkekNa the Slave Master:
Another Skeksis that didn't take the changes very well.
Joined SkekUngs failed rebellion.
As one of the more violent Skeksis, Aughra kept a close eye on him.
He was put in jail at one point for beating a Podling.
He was put in jail again shortly after being released after he cut the finger off of a Gelfling.
Like SkekMal, he got the talk that Aughra had no issue imprisoning him forever if he couldn't behave.
Unlike SkekMal, he didn't take Aughras advice.
As it stands, he is still imprisoned.
Raunip is working with him to see if perhaps his love for music can be worked into something healthy.
The process is slow going.
UrNol the Herbalist:
Went with UrAmaj to live at the Castle.
Worked with him and SkekAyuk to change the Skeksis dishes to be more palatable for Gelfling.
Created a large garden at the Castle.
Became close with SkekAyuk and showed him plants the Skeksis had never seen before.
He finally got to keep a plant that spits acid and he is very happy about it.
Also works with UrIm, sending plants and herbs used as medicine.
Has started a business of crossbreeding various plants and herbs to create new varieties and flavors.
Enjoying the peaceful life.
SkekShod the Treasurer:
Went back to the Castle for a little bit before leaving again.
He found there was no place for him there.
Ended up in the Commune, shortly before SkekVar showed up.
Quickly realized that the Mystics had absolutely no concept about how money worked on Thra.
Really had no concept on how material possessions in general worked on Thra.
He began to set up a system where the Commune would actually be able to function and survive in the modern world instead of having a bunch of broke Gelfling and Podlings with no idea how the world works.
Set up banking systems for individuals, set up the funds for the Commune as a whole, and even started a class teaching Gelfling, Podlings, and Mystics alike how the monetary system on Thra works.
Also helped set up a safe system so that any valuable possessions would be kept well guarded and away from any thieves.
Realized two things very quickly:
One, that he didn't have to worry about being harshly judged or mocked by those in the Commune.
Two, that the quieter, shy childlings were drawn to him.
And three, that he absolutely adored the quiet childlings and saw a bit of himself in them.
Many of the quieter young ones grew up and ran successful businesses, often given startup donations by an "anonymous backer".
UrYod the Numerologist:
Lived in the Commune.
Became a teacher at the Orphanage, specializing in teaching math.
Despite his stuttering, he was a very popular teacher and excelled in his work.
Was the first Mystic to actually get a grasp on what SkekShod was trying to teach them and, in turn, taught the other Mystics.
Worked closely with SkekShod and developed a good relationship with him.
Was the one to set the various schedules of the Commune, as well as the one to make sure they all ran at the correct time.
Even if they weren't in his class, he worked closely with any childling that was struggling in the orphanage.
Both he and SkekShod ended up becoming visited frequently by the quieter childlings or ones going through issues in life.
When all were asleep, he would meet up with SkekShod and the two would discuss which childling was having which issue and how best to take care of it.
Theres all the Skeksis and Mystics in the Modern AU!!
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tabicfox · 5 years
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Destressing by sketching Gelfling. Lol this Gelfling looks like a mix of Deet and Tavra. She looks Vapra, but also like a Sifa too. What clan do you think she could be from? She could be a mix of two too.
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I’ve been told by a couple of friends that Vapra suits me better, and i also love the Sifa. I guess if i was a gelfling, i’d be a mix of both
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