#siffrin honey????????
pixxyofice · 9 months
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a-weepin-willow · 3 months
Know the difference!! ^v^
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Happy Frin!! :)
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”I am desperately hanging on to this last glimmer of hope that I’ve fabricated in my mind just so that I can have anything to keep me going in this eternal prison I have created for myself” Frin!!
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sysig · 4 months
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Softly, slowly, I want to love you anyway (Patreon)
#Doodles#ISaT#Loop#Isabeau#Siffrin#Sloopis Sloopis Sloopis#Top tier polyship heck yes#Poor Loop :'0 Give them love now!!!#Kinda-sorta inspired by my Loop fic - that transformation had to be difficult ;;#The ones with Isabeau are deffo more Star of Your Dreams tho <3 Isa's so sweet weh#Loop honey letting people in is like The Thing that will help The Most#Always deflecting giving outs letting people off the hook at their own expense :'( Pushing others away is easier than letting them see ;;#It's why Isa's such a good boy!! He genuinely wants to know to be close to see the real them - both of them!!!#It's work but it's worth it <3#And obviously Sif understands haha#If ever a pair needed some self-love it was these two like Sheesh#Loop still wouldn't make it easy hehe <3 They're just like that#It'd be so easy for Sif to accidentally hurt them and need to backtrack and it's worse because Loop would Get It#They understand each other so intrinsically and yet Sif still has - will always have - a victory that Loop never got to ;;#Even loving each other and sharing what they currently have it's still a painful reminder of what they left behind :'0 Loooop </3#They really are fun to draw hehe Loop's eyes are so pretty ♪ And actual sparkles on the dark gradient this time! Yes!#I debated whether I wanted their tears to be visible - blotted out by how bright their head is? But went with it for expression reasons#Gods can you imagine how beautiful their tears would be tho? Little prisms splitting up their white light#Although that would imply colour lol - I mean if Anyone Would have a bit of colour it Would be Loop sooooo#Hmngh love 'em
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The utter devastation of Loop confirming they no longer belong in this world with their family VS me bapping Loop upside the head for Not Giving The Family More Than Five Minutes To Try To Recognize Them
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the-game-spirit · 6 months
the way siffrin, as the loops progress, starts to hate themself and think of themself as manipulative and awful for the way they follow the script while doing everyone's quests and "making them love you"....
like honey. sweetheart. baby. you are the one who wrote the script. you're the one who got it right the first time. they love you because you were just being yourself. you never deviate from the "script" because your first attempt (aka, just siffrin being siffrin and hanging out with his friends) was enough for them to open up to you and "love you" (as if they didn't love you already, siffrin.)
this game is Ruining me
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livesworthlivingau · 3 months
Lives Worth Living Chapter 14
ISAT Spoilers below the break!
"It seems I must have finally taught you how to properly steep tea over those decades." (Odile comments with a smirk, watching you carefully pour from the kettle into each of your teacups.)
"It only took me 5 of those years to make a decent cup~."
"... The fact I can't tell if that's a joke or not is more concerning than anything else..." (You let out a heavy chuckle at her somewhat worried look. You stick your tongue out a give an exaggerated wink.)
"And it still doesn't count as a wink if you only have one eye Siffrin..."
"You've been telling me that for 30 years Odile, it never sticks~." (She just rolls her eyes as she adds a bit of honey and milk to her tea.)
"Speaking of… How are you doing Siffrin, truly?"
"… I think you already know the answer to that question, Madame" (You tease with the lightest chuckle, though it's bittersweet.)
"I suppose I do, though it would still be nice to hear you say it properly." (You pause for a second, before letting out a sigh.)
"… I don't really know anymore… I guess I'm better than I was the first time around at this point, the first few weeks were really rough for me… It's nice to make some better memories to replace it… But those bad times were still important too…" (You start to explain, your hand wrapping around your covered forearm, as if for emphasis.)
"Those moments helped get you to where you are now… It may have been a painful journey but it was just as important as the destination." (Odile finishes the thought for you, her arms crossed as she gets lost in her own thoughts.)
"… Yeah… I know you don't want me to apologize again for what I said on that last day… So I'll just say thanks Odile, for trusting me with your oh so sacred backstory~." (You laugh. Your eye starts to blur from the tears welling up in it before you wipe them away. Odile just smirks a bit at your comment before rolling her eyes.)
"Yes yes, that and my fake research. I'm simply too generous for my own good." (She remarks sarcastically.)
"Now let's discuss something else, I'm tired of all these emotions."
"Heh, I couldn't agree more."
"Hey, Odile?" (You ask over your shoulder, fiddling with some thingamajig you found on the shelf. The both of you going on one of your famous 'secret missions' at a little random shop in the town you were passing through.)
"Yes, Siffrin?" (She responded over her shoulder as well, glancing through the various books they had for sale.)
"... There's... I can't stop thinking about something... from, uhh... before." (You begin, trying to dance around the topic without explicitly stating it. She pauses, perking up and waiting, as if telling you to continue.)
"... We all kinda went separate ways eventually, we were still a family of course but... we all had someone else at least... everyone but you Odile..."
"... What is it you're trying to say?"
"I-I'm saying... I don't know if you were happy... It felt like all that you cared about was work, when none of us were left around... You never got a partner, you never talked about friends you made, you..."
"Why are you bringing this up now, Siffrin?"
"... Probably because I never got the chance to before, and I didn't want to let that happen again..."
"I'm not sure how much use there is in talking about something that happens decades from now. What are you proposing anyways?"
"I... I don't know, just... I want you to be happy, I don't want you to be alone..."
"So, what do you intend then? Should I move in with you and Isabeau and stay on the couch forever?" (She asks with a smirk. Your lip curls a bit in response, but quickly falls again.)
"I mean it, Odile..." (She pauses at that, sighing out as she realizes how serious you were.)
"... Very well, Siffrin, I promise I'll keep this in mind... We've got a long road ahead of us until that but maybe things will be different this time around. That's what you're hoping for, yes?"
"In some ways I guess... I mean, these loops have to be for something, right?..."
"Maybe we should be focusing on that right now instead."
"Yeah... I guess you're right." (She suddenly walks over and lifts your hat off, ruffling your hair heavily.)
"You might have some years on me now, but you still overthink just the same." (The both of you laugh the seriousness of the conversation off, finishing up your little trip.)
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moots list (let me know if I forgot you!!! I’m so sorry if I did! I don’t have the best memory ngl)
@bleep-bloop-boo - honey she/her
@boba-pearl - Pearl She/her
@mintydandelionpuffs Mint, Dandelion, or Fluff any pronouns
@charliecarter13 - Charlie they/he
@i-eat-so-much-grass - Flynn they/them
@angsty-worm - Idk name they/them
@hugallurfriends - Isa she/her
@homocidalpotat - jasper mainly they/them (happy with it/its or he/him too)
@ashthenerdtheythem - ash they/them
@butter-is-bored - Idk name or pronouns
@touslin - R they/them
@im-probably-playing-genshin - Oliver he/they
@acez06 - ace any/all pronouns
@xrns - Xrnsx or Xrns he/she/they
@catinasink - cat, nico, pluto, neptune, siffrin, and calypso any pronouns
@zahrawr-likes-red - zahrawr and turkey she/her
@th3-st4r-gur1 - Ary she/her
@radio-silence-fan - Starlight any pronouns
@mybedroomceilingsbored - Mouse she/her
@thecrazyalchemist - nick he/him
@dracosleftarsecheek - Flynn he/she/they
@cloverthesimp365 - Clover she/her
@seagull9111 - sea, seagull, ani, and ani bani she/her
@obsessingoverl - idk name or pronouns
@daonedaonlyskh - Sk or Skh anything (including neopronouns) other than it/its
@k-is-for-potassium - K she/it
@galaxys-universe - Galaxy they/she (mostly they/them but she/her is fine most days)
@heartstopper-lover123 - Summer she/her
@something-lemonade - Bug He/they/it/xe
@your-gay-emo-cousin - Iyla she/they
@mediumdoodles - medium they/she/he
@woooaaah-buddy - Louis he/him
Please lmk if you want to be added to this list (….or removed..). Sorry if I missed you, it’s super late for me :)
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faislittlewhiteraven · 4 months
Tower of Dormont ISaT AU
Had a weird dream I figured would make a great ISaT AU if anyone wants to take a swing at it so umm, general idea:
Instead of the House being taken over by the King, instead the Favor Tree is warped into an evergrowing tower reaching up, up, up into the heavens.
Instead of the King's Curse slowly making its way across the land and Mirabelle being the 'Chosen One' to collect the orbs to stop it, it's time freezing Sadnesses raining down from the top of the Tower all over Vaugarde and surrounding countries, with heroes from all over (Euphie, Claude, various Defenders, people from other countries, etc) heading into the Tower to figure out what is happening only to never return...
And well. It looks like the end for Vaugarde, Mirabelle (having finally hit the 'I know what Euphrasie said but I've got to do something' point) has recruited Isa, Odile and Bonnie for a last ditch effort to try and stop the world from ending by Tower and...
Within the first few floors (which keep changing but kind of look like... The House of Dormont? No, that bit there looks like Odile's family home, and that room there is just like Nille's???) they find an unlocked bedroom and in that room an exhausted, terrified and near hopeless Siffrin who can barely remember anything from his life before being imprisoned here (even takes a bit to recall his name over the now despised 'Bright One') but after a bit of coaxing they admit they know a LOT about the floors ahead and might be willing to help the party reach the top of the Tower where they can put a stop to the madness going on outside but in return they must not let the King catch them (not again not again not again)...
Party are actually pretty cool with this (you know, aside from general 'is this person legit or actually an enemy?' concerns) but well, it's hard not to notice as their guide goes from barely able to fight beyond weak scissors craft and buffs to healing and every craft type under the sun. From claiming they don't know what's behind a certain door or above the next floor to explaining in detail that the prisoners in cages on the next floor are all Sadnesses, or that 'the King is coming, he hasn't realised I've left the room yet but I need something, anything, to mask my scent' (and later gets everyone to leave false trails down halls via jars of sugar and honey they picked up a few rooms previous). From claiming that the party are the only other people they've ever seen here to having near breakdowns over finding books or paintings with imagery and words that seem eerily familiar (think a book that reads like 'Claude wonders why Euphrasie and their amnesiac guide are so fussed about the walls here apparently being covered in stars? Why do stars matter anyway?'), etc.
Oh and they glow more and more with each floor which er, is probably going to make hiding from the King (who is VERY DEFINITELY after them judging from all the "Bright One, you know you are not supposed to leave you room. You do not want me angry again do you Bright One?" roaring) increasingly difficult.
And yeah. I don't actually know what is going on in this story beyond cool imagery due to the whole 'Literally woke up with this in my head because dream' but...
Been thinking it's kinda like an 'end game Persona series' situation where a chance friendly meeting/talk between Sif and the King right before the King's rampage would've started, led to the King to realizing he could use his Wish Craft to force the people of Vaugarde to 'wish with him' (see: escalating brainwashing madness), forcing a terrified Sif to go along with it (no brainwashing for the Bright One no, not when they were clearly sent by the Universe to be the King's guide ignore the Bright One's screams that this is wrong, that they want nothing to do with this; clearly oracles only relay the Universe's intent not share it themselves), and the current 'raining time freezing Sadnesses/Sif clearly being stuck in some weird looping variant' stuff being the result of Sif's 'Please protect Vaugarde and restore our home' wish said at the King's orders being heard by the Universe as "please Universe do whatever you can to stop all of Vaugarde- No, the world from falling under the King's control! + Someone, anyone save me! + 'immense amounts of self loathing and a desire to known and held accountable for inadvertently sparking a man made apocalypse' + Universe I wish I had people who actually cared about me/who would never only use me as a tool to save the world" and er well. The Universe had a way to 'protect everyone from the King' that would also kind of fit the King's wishes, a whole heap of power from all the brainwashed people the King was leading plus the 'meant to be repurposed' freezing all of Vaugarde in time ritual the King crafted to work from Dormont and... Yeah. Add to that people all over Vaugarde and possibly other countries 'adding' to the 'please save us' wish bank after Sif had already accidently centered it all around himself and basically both Sif's loops and the Sadness hell storm are being powered up by everyone everywhere in one huge ball of 'Hmm, I wonder if this all ends with the King getting killed or is there gonna be a big old morality question thingy post King killing at the end where Sif, upon remembering that "this is all my fault" tries to get the others to kill him which other heroes may have done (and thus triggering the loop, sending Sif back to the start possibly missing memories of them to hide away in shame/terror/etc) whereas Mira, Isa, Odile and Bonnie have gotten far too attached to this tragic, self sacrificing idiot and were willing to let the rest of the world be fully frozen for the rest of Sif's natural lifespan if it meant he could finally be free (not happy about it mind you, but like, just the 5 of them living in a quiet world until everyone else is safely freed after Sif's natural death is better than murdering someone who went through an eternity of horrors to protect a world they couldn't even remember and who's death might not even be the true answer anyway)'.
Oh and the King should basically be treated like a yandere version of the Reaper or something throughout the story (dream had way too many 'and then the King was suddenly there killing someone until Sif slashes their throat -no tears to use in this Tower alas- and from the party's perspective basically has a 'vision of the future' and/or freakout for seemingly no reason in the middle of Snack Time), while each of the many many floors of the Tower are basically due to being altered to match the minds of everyone (frozen or not) in the Tower, kinda like a Palace or P4 dungeon, due to well, Sif unconsciously wanting to learn more about them, wanting to remember/forget, possibly on some level wanting the King to how horrible this all actually is IDK (snack rooms, like the bedroom Sif was in are basically P5 saferooms but less 'area weak in cognition' and more 'Sif wishes for there to be places safe from the King and all the Sadness so there are some even if he knows he can't stay in them forever least they become prisons for him'). ...Might be nightmare floors as well? To represent Sif's terror of bad things happening to anyone he becomes attached to and wanting to be able to protect them so basically, they are accidentally making their own opposition (possibly based off of what they hear the others being afraid of/the desire to be useful to them) and I think Slay the Princess might make for great inspiration there if you need an idea of how crazy that might go~ XD
...So. Yeah. If anyone wants to use any of this for any fanfic ideas, please go ahead as I kind of would like to focus on my Selkie Au and fics for other fandoms more than this weird dream that basically took over my brain and said SHARE in caps so loud I've been stuck thinking about it ever since.
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Ok let me. Let me make a better everyone loops au.
So. Siffrin dies. They barely wake up 15 seconds in the field before mirabelle is s c r e e c h i n g their name. Then Bonnie is running. And isa is right behind them. And they all fawn over sif (without touch, always just having two inches away) and as soon as emotions settle down enough to ask what happened, odile (who snuck into the fiel while everyone else was sobbing) points two theories: either everyone just had a weirdly vivid and lucid shared prophetic dream, or time rewound. [The Researcher's right on the money~]
A voice that drips in sarcasm and honey is just blasted through their heads, and the voice instructs them to the favor tree. Fun!
Que questions and answer session with the weird starhead person. None of their stuff comes back, and they must always restart at dormont. Time has rewound, and will continue to do so anytime a teammember dies. Why? 🤷‍♀️ they're just as lost and stuck as everyone!
Starperson declares their names and pronouns (vehement rejection on "we" Pronouns, so they settle for they/them) and its time to guess how and why!
Well. The how is kinda simple. Rewinding time, time craft. How? Thats... complex. Is it siffrin? No, he died, can't exactly craft when you die, unless it was a last second thing. But sif absolutley has no idea how to use timecraft, so maybe mira? A perk of her change god blessing, then? Potentially! So this means... unlimited chances to fight the king!! A working theory and goal, which lines up with what everyone wanted anyway.
Celebratory dinner time~ not samosas, but something else. For fun!! And then it's into the house tomorrow.
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water-mellie-seeds · 2 months
siffrin, my honey mustard, i appreciate you trying to pry mira out of her shell by force, but those are! not great words!
Good idea bad execution, hey there's always next time! .......Oh.
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tourneys-by-me · 4 months
Here is the Bracket!
Match ups were randomized this time so there might be a few coughing babies vs hydrogen bombs, sorry about that
If y’all have propaganda can you please tag it as #propaganda or send it to my inbox so I can see it
(vs template by TotallyNotIncina on DA)
[bracket under the cut]
Round 1 (A)
Sinbad - Magi: the labyrinth of magic vs Weiss Schnee - RWBY
Cure Magical/Riko Izayoi - Precure vs Lafcadio Boone - The Sexy Brutale
Beverly Toegold V - Not Another D&D Podcast vs Carol Malus Dienheim - Symphogear
Lucy Heartfilia - Fairy Tail vs Aaravos - The Dragon Prince
Cure Miracle/Mirai Asahina - Precure vs Traveler - Genshin Impact
God Serena - Fairy Tail vs Joker - Persona
Maruju - TearRing Saga vs Omnath - Magic: the Gathering
Isaac - Golden Sun vs Delsin Rowe - Infamous
Mega Man - Mega Man vs Lord Snicklefritz - Towertale
Kakashi Hatake - Naruto vs Hazel Levesque - Percy Jackson
Mage - Miitopia vs Gill - Street Fighter
Jason Grace - Percy Jackson vs Mario - Super Mario Bros.
Round 1 (B)
Honey Lemon - Big Hero 6 vs Daylon - Dislyte
Donald Duck - Kingdom Hearts vs Y'shtola Rhul - Final Fantasy
Zoya Nazyalensky - Grishaverse books vs Paula - Earthbound
Alina Starkov - Shadow and Bone vs Domingo - Shining Force
Nami - One Piece vs Alatreon - Monster Hunter
Kevin Kaslana - Honkai Impact 3rd vs Omnimon/Omegamon - Digimon
Erin Ruunaser - Aurora vs Percival King - Epithet Erased
Citan Uzuki - Xenogears vs Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi - Bleach
Wairuha - Bionicle vs Mirabelle Chevalier - In Stars And Time
Mr. 104 (John Dubrovny) - DC Comics vs Tlalocmon - Digimon
X - Mega Man vs Robin - Fire Emblem
Sora - Kingdom Hearts vs Sypha Belnades - Castlevania
Round 1 (C)
Carl, the Invoker - Dota 2 vs Eidolon - Worm (Wildbow's Parahumans)
Vince Reynolds - Super Powereds vs Ark - Terranigma
Camille Severin - Muted vs Skylor Chen - Ninjago
Doctor Coyle - ARMS vs Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Clark Kent/Superman - DC Comics vs Magolor - Kirby
Cetrion - Mortal Kombat vs Siffrin - In Stars and Time
Elemental Hero Neos - Yu-Gi-Oh! vs Greencap - Lone Fungus
Castform - Pokemon vs Trisana Chandler - Emelan
Squall Leonhart - Final Fantasy vs Akamai - Bionicle
Rae Taylor - I'm in Love with the Villainess vs Kirby - Kirby
Korra - Legend of Korra vs Cassian - Villain to Kill
Silvally - Pokemon vs Tiamat - Dungeons and Dragons
Round 1 (D)
The Collector - Aurora vs Twinrova - The Legend of Zelda
MOON - Space Funeral vs The Mage - Magicka
Katarina Claes - My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom vs The Dragonborn - The Elder Scrolls
Chu Wanning - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun vs Zagreus - Hades
Teclis - Warhammer Fantasy vs Qiyana - League of Legends
Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto vs The Defect - Slay the Spire
Blackbeard - One Piece vs Ben Tennyson - Ben 10
Manaria Sousse - I'm in love with the villainess vs Koromaru - Persona
Link (BOTW and TOTK) - The Legend of Zelda vs Callum - The Dragon Prince
Patchouli Knowledge - Touhou vs Soren - Fire Emblem
Spring Man - ARMS vs Shouto Todoroki - My Hero Academia
Capricorn (Tristan and Byron Vera) - Worm (Wildbow's Parahumans) vs Dan Heng - Honkai Star Rail
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falst · 9 months
knowing Loops is Siffrin makes so many of their conversations be like. Painfully obvious that they are Siffrin. Honey no matter who you are you are only so good at lying
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joshnekuu · 27 days
Siffrin honey we can’t keep doing this!!!!
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stardustedwanderer · 7 months
A container of Arizona iced green tea with honey and ginseng is launched straight at Siffrin's head.
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Oh hey! Guess I should have seen that coming, at least it'll really hit the spot!
[Who... Who are you saying this for? You don't know. It's probably some kind of instinct by now. Let's go with that..]
[The tea is delicious of course, and disappears just as quickly as any other snack you can lay your little fingers on. It's refreshing though. Green tea under the stars... It almost feels familiar...
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I was thinking about doing a venn diagram of Danny Fenton, Jarchivist, and Siffrin and possible putting "fights alternate timeline version of self" under the combined Danny and Siffrin section.
But the idea of comparing the amazingly multlayered writing of Loop to Dan fucking Phantom enrages me tbh. I'm so sorry Loop honey baby you're so much better than that
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siliconforbrains · 9 months
"Why would I tell them?"
"Why wouldn't you? [...]"
(Why would you need help? You're the one in a position to help your friends here...)
"I don't really need their help."
Oh Siffrin, honey,,,,
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