#the visuals of a tower reaching up into the universe
Tower of Dormont ISaT AU
Had a weird dream I figured would make a great ISaT AU if anyone wants to take a swing at it so umm, general idea:
Instead of the House being taken over by the King, instead the Favor Tree is warped into an evergrowing tower reaching up, up, up into the heavens.
Instead of the King's Curse slowly making its way across the land and Mirabelle being the 'Chosen One' to collect the orbs to stop it, it's time freezing Sadnesses raining down from the top of the Tower all over Vaugarde and surrounding countries, with heroes from all over (Euphie, Claude, various Defenders, people from other countries, etc) heading into the Tower to figure out what is happening only to never return...
And well. It looks like the end for Vaugarde, Mirabelle (having finally hit the 'I know what Euphrasie said but I've got to do something' point) has recruited Isa, Odile and Bonnie for a last ditch effort to try and stop the world from ending by Tower and...
Within the first few floors (which keep changing but kind of look like... The House of Dormont? No, that bit there looks like Odile's family home, and that room there is just like Nille's???) they find an unlocked bedroom and in that room an exhausted, terrified and near hopeless Siffrin who can barely remember anything from his life before being imprisoned here (even takes a bit to recall his name over the now despised 'Bright One') but after a bit of coaxing they admit they know a LOT about the floors ahead and might be willing to help the party reach the top of the Tower where they can put a stop to the madness going on outside but in return they must not let the King catch them (not again not again not again)...
Party are actually pretty cool with this (you know, aside from general 'is this person legit or actually an enemy?' concerns) but well, it's hard not to notice as their guide goes from barely able to fight beyond weak scissors craft and buffs to healing and every craft type under the sun. From claiming they don't know what's behind a certain door or above the next floor to explaining in detail that the prisoners in cages on the next floor are all Sadnesses, or that 'the King is coming, he hasn't realised I've left the room yet but I need something, anything, to mask my scent' (and later gets everyone to leave false trails down halls via jars of sugar and honey they picked up a few rooms previous). From claiming that the party are the only other people they've ever seen here to having near breakdowns over finding books or paintings with imagery and words that seem eerily familiar (think a book that reads like 'Claude wonders why Euphrasie and their amnesiac guide are so fussed about the walls here apparently being covered in stars? Why do stars matter anyway?'), etc.
Oh and they glow more and more with each floor which er, is probably going to make hiding from the King (who is VERY DEFINITELY after them judging from all the "Bright One, you know you are not supposed to leave you room. You do not want me angry again do you Bright One?" roaring) increasingly difficult.
And yeah. I don't actually know what is going on in this story beyond cool imagery due to the whole 'Literally woke up with this in my head because dream' but...
Been thinking it's kinda like an 'end game Persona series' situation where a chance friendly meeting/talk between Sif and the King right before the King's rampage would've started, led to the King to realizing he could use his Wish Craft to force the people of Vaugarde to 'wish with him' (see: escalating brainwashing madness), forcing a terrified Sif to go along with it (no brainwashing for the Bright One no, not when they were clearly sent by the Universe to be the King's guide ignore the Bright One's screams that this is wrong, that they want nothing to do with this; clearly oracles only relay the Universe's intent not share it themselves), and the current 'raining time freezing Sadnesses/Sif clearly being stuck in some weird looping variant' stuff being the result of Sif's 'Please protect Vaugarde and restore our home' wish said at the King's orders being heard by the Universe as "please Universe do whatever you can to stop all of Vaugarde- No, the world from falling under the King's control! + Someone, anyone save me! + 'immense amounts of self loathing and a desire to known and held accountable for inadvertently sparking a man made apocalypse' + Universe I wish I had people who actually cared about me/who would never only use me as a tool to save the world" and er well. The Universe had a way to 'protect everyone from the King' that would also kind of fit the King's wishes, a whole heap of power from all the brainwashed people the King was leading plus the 'meant to be repurposed' freezing all of Vaugarde in time ritual the King crafted to work from Dormont and... Yeah. Add to that people all over Vaugarde and possibly other countries 'adding' to the 'please save us' wish bank after Sif had already accidently centered it all around himself and basically both Sif's loops and the Sadness hell storm are being powered up by everyone everywhere in one huge ball of 'Hmm, I wonder if this all ends with the King getting killed or is there gonna be a big old morality question thingy post King killing at the end where Sif, upon remembering that "this is all my fault" tries to get the others to kill him which other heroes may have done (and thus triggering the loop, sending Sif back to the start possibly missing memories of them to hide away in shame/terror/etc) whereas Mira, Isa, Odile and Bonnie have gotten far too attached to this tragic, self sacrificing idiot and were willing to let the rest of the world be fully frozen for the rest of Sif's natural lifespan if it meant he could finally be free (not happy about it mind you, but like, just the 5 of them living in a quiet world until everyone else is safely freed after Sif's natural death is better than murdering someone who went through an eternity of horrors to protect a world they couldn't even remember and who's death might not even be the true answer anyway)'.
Oh and the King should basically be treated like a yandere version of the Reaper or something throughout the story (dream had way too many 'and then the King was suddenly there killing someone until Sif slashes their throat -no tears to use in this Tower alas- and from the party's perspective basically has a 'vision of the future' and/or freakout for seemingly no reason in the middle of Snack Time), while each of the many many floors of the Tower are basically due to being altered to match the minds of everyone (frozen or not) in the Tower, kinda like a Palace or P4 dungeon, due to well, Sif unconsciously wanting to learn more about them, wanting to remember/forget, possibly on some level wanting the King to how horrible this all actually is IDK (snack rooms, like the bedroom Sif was in are basically P5 saferooms but less 'area weak in cognition' and more 'Sif wishes for there to be places safe from the King and all the Sadness so there are some even if he knows he can't stay in them forever least they become prisons for him'). ...Might be nightmare floors as well? To represent Sif's terror of bad things happening to anyone he becomes attached to and wanting to be able to protect them so basically, they are accidentally making their own opposition (possibly based off of what they hear the others being afraid of/the desire to be useful to them) and I think Slay the Princess might make for great inspiration there if you need an idea of how crazy that might go~ XD
...So. Yeah. If anyone wants to use any of this for any fanfic ideas, please go ahead as I kind of would like to focus on my Selkie Au and fics for other fandoms more than this weird dream that basically took over my brain and said SHARE in caps so loud I've been stuck thinking about it ever since.
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sw33tsnow · 3 months
Sculpture and you
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Keegan x Artist!F!Reader (18+)
Summary: It was an accident which led to you both separation but Keegan knew how to fix his wrong doing, fixed it real good.
Warnings: NOT FOR MINORS, College!au: older!reader & younger!Keegan, mentions of injury, slight angst, fluff, heavy plot, smut: mommy!kink, desperate (?), swearing, footjob (m!receiving), oral (f!receiving), heavy praises, nipples play, mating press, unprotected sex (p in v), cum on stomach, etc. Wordcount: 8k1
Here are the paintings that've been mentioned in my writing: The Triumph of the Name of Jesus , Michelangelo’s titanic portrayal of the Old Testament Book of Genesis , Starry Night , Café Terrace At Night
So sorry for the wordcount ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა
Love equals a piece of artwork. It is brittle and prone to being damaged when it's initially incomplete, yet becomes remarkably solid when subjected to heat. But, it'll eventually shatter if you don't treasure it or put your mind to it well.
Situated on a nearby hill, your university is prominently displayed in the city flanked by the scent of damp soil and vibrant lush foliage that varies in shades depending on the seasons. A vast campus is formed on either side of the river that flows through the middle with the ever-present fog on the surface creating the most picturesque scenery you'd ever catch in your entire life. The majestic yet graceful architecture of seven buildings took years to design by the brilliant professors from all departments and to build, standing tall and proud like sentinels guarding your campus from all directions.
It could never be boastful to state that your university has a significant influence on the fine arts scene globally, and that you have worked so hard to succeed here.
The Visual Arts building - your course's tower, which housed the painting, drawing, and sculpture, was placed between the Architecture and Literature ones. That's quite convenient for you because, despite receiving excellent comments on your expertise and collaboration, you failed to get along with others in your course because nearly all of your buddies were Architecture department alumni. Perhaps that helped explain why you're sitting happily in the study hall which did not belong to your building, where from the librarian to the sophomores were so familiar with your constant presence that they didn't care to question.
However, you didn't show up to have fun this time. The theme for the architects' project was History and Religion and your bestfriend reached you because her junior had picked a topic closely related to the Visual Arts and required assistance.
"As an exemplary senior, I've to help my juniors as much as I can. Especially when it only costs three meals to repay the favor, right bestie?" And she batted her lashes at you, only to get a nod of approval from you to escape the cringeness that she offered. 
Since your closest friend chose the construction of the Kölner Dom, a stunning specimen of Gothic architecture, as her topic, you must admit that you were a little dubious about this proposal. Architecture's learners do not show interest in any particular paintings, drawings, or sculptures. What fascinates them are the construction, the length of time the projects require to develop, the value and backstory.....blah blah blah, so much dull information that you couldn't help but groan each time she babbled into your ear.
Until you met Keegan.
He was a freshman, passed the tensing admission of your college four months ago. On the opening day, there was one pastime that the girls of all faculties had in common: gushing on the new students. Although you're not one of them, the seemingly never-ending parties and overwhelming adoration towards outstanding individuals undoubtedly added to the widespread fervor for Keegan. 
A picture is worth a thousand words.
The boy had deep blue eyes and a remarkable height, he even had to bend down when going through the doors. You mistakenly thought he was a model because with that attractive visage and that masculine jawline, not to mention that his sturdy yet slim waist and protruding chest muscles were flaunted beautifully in a simple black T-shirt tucked into matching trousers. Silver belt buckle and chain necklace swing rhythmically with each step he took, the leather backpack hanging off one shoulder and those Timberland boots; it's awkward knowing that the keen eyes and meticulousness you inherited from your mother and have utilized primarily in your studies has proven to be so beneficial.
"Keeg, over here" One of the group's friends yelled.
The dark head spun around, his eyes shone like a lost child who had just found his siblings. He marched over to your table and took a seat opposite to you right away. Much to your surprise, Keegan’s quite reserved, which is pleasant for you because at least the boy still has something in common with those who constantly have a pair of thick glasses glued to their face; and because you’re pretty bad at dealing with arrogant punks.   
Impressively, not focusing on gigantic and iconic geometric features, Keegan has picked two of the finest ceiling decorations in Rome. 
“I still can't decide between The Sistine Chapel and The Gesù, so I need your advice. You don't mind, right?”
Attentive and respectful. He was probing your expression, as if didn't want you to feel uncomfortable working with him.
"Of course not"
Keegan grumbled softly at hearing your courteous response and turned away to retrieve his laptop from his rucksack.
"Uhm hmm, not yet" Your best friend murmured, prompting you to turn and stare at her with a puzzled frown.
Then the boy took out his laptop, and instead of the original casing, there was the well-known Starry Night painting by the begetter Vincent Van Gogh.
"Did you draw that?" Pointing at the case, the corners of your mouth curved up and your eyes widened slightly in amusement. 
"Ah, yes.....this's just my own taste cus I'm not really drawn to Picasso's blocks and color scheme nor adopt the surrealism like Salvador Dalí" Genuinely he spoke, "Do you also like Van Gogh as well?"
Raising your eyebrows before flipping the phone onto a table over, the drawing of Café Terrace At Night was likewise repainted on your phone case. That successfully earned a comfortable chuckle from Keegan, and you casted a innuendo glance at your best friend, who was already beaming mischievously at you.
From his penchant for style to his distinct standpoint on artists to the two religious structures he opted for as the focus of his task, Keegan has more surprises than you expect from him. There also did not appear to be a disagreement between your ideas, since your aesthetic preferences were clearly comparable.
The venue that he selected was Rome, also referred to as the Eternal City. Any discussion on ceiling paintings in this ‘never-ending array of fabulous churches and palaces’ city must start with what is arguably the most well-known artwork in art history: Michelangelo’s titanic portrayal of the Old Testament Book of Genesis. It’s hard to envision the sheer scale of the work of 175 separate pictorial fields containing over 300 monumental figures, including thundering prophets, ancient seers and statuesque nudes, also known as ignudi, framing the central narratives of the creation of the world. At the very centre of this epic biblical narrative is the most iconic scene of all - the moment when God gives life to his magnificent human creation with a single touch of index fingers. Elsewhere God is working diligently to complete the endeavor of creating a world that his human charges can thrive in. Here he divides light from darkness, and there he separates land from ocean. Tosses the sun, moon, and distant planets into the void in one scenario, and becomes a divine horticulturist by conjuring flora and fauna out of thin air in another. Yet not each and every detail is rosy upon the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Not too long do Adam and Eve find themselves in challenges, incapable to resist the forbidden fruit that an evil serpent offers, and all that follows falls to hell in the next scenes as the sorrowful couple is banished from Eden. Things only become worse as humanity descends deeper into depravity, culminating in the horrific Flood sequence where much of the world is submerged beneath the swelling waves of God's wrath. When Michelangelo's astounding fresco cycle was eventually shown in just four years of almost superhuman activity to a feverish public in 1512, the world was suitably amazed. He was hailed as the greatest artist of his, or any other generation, and the history of art was to be altered forever. 
About The Triumph of the Name of Jesus, which you suggested more. In the wake of the call to arms of the Counter-Reformation for a renewed emphasis on the ability of art to astound the faithful with astounding feats of painterly virtuosity, Roman artists went above and beyond in their pursuit of pushing the boundaries of their craft in the numerous magnificent new churches that were appearing all over the city. Among the most luxurious of them all was the Gesù, the mother church of the newly founded Jesuit order. The magnificent church's interior, finished in 1584, is a treasure trove of priceless artwork, but what truly excels visitors is the spectacular paintings that were painted on the dome and ceiling a century later. Il Baccicio, the artist, seemed to have created a miracle that is solely appropriate for the hallowed surroundings. As you cast your gaze upwards, the church's vault appears to vanish into a whirling mass of clouds, providing a clear glimpse into the celestial sphere of heaven. The Triumph of the Name of Jesus was the one dear subject matter to the Jesuits' hearts. Immersed in dazzling rays of celestial light, the monogram of Christ's name looms at the very core of the ceiling, encircled by a plethora of angels and holy beings enthralled with the miracle. By the mere mention of Christ's name, rebel angels tempted by Satan's hollow promises of power were defeated and tumbled illusionistically from the vault in a tangle of grotesque limbs and painful poses. Baroque bombast at its best together with the free combination of painting, sculpture, and architecture fosters a theatrical, multi-sensorial, and three-dimensional ensemble - Baccicio's enormous fresco guaranteed The Gesù's place as one of the most significant pilgrimage sites in Rome during the 17th century.  
The fact that Keegan shared and conversed the knowledge which every Visual Arts learner has plainly knew like the back of their hands with you was certainly impressive. Disparities with shapes, colors, and patterns; the balance between the frames and, more especially, Keegan's art-related approach is incredibly unrestricted and free. Much too refined an aesthetic sense for an architect of his caliber.
You two were so wrapped up in your work that the other friends had to remind you that it's almost time for the study hall to close, not realizing the two hours went by rather quickly. Silently, you sighed as you packed up your stuff, aware that you might not get to see Keegan again. It's extremely difficult to come across someone who suits you like that, after all. Despite your pout of discontent, you said everyone farewell and began to leave.
"Wait!" The boy called after you in a hurry, so you stopped and gestured to your best friend to wait for you in the parking lot.
Even though you're shorter than Keegan, this posture of him was as if he just got scolded by you as the boy scratched his head and stared down to the floor. Humming speechlessly because he couldn't find the right word , you were patient to wait for him to continue.
"Every day after school.....are you free?" He raised his voice timidly.
"It depends, what's wrong?" You inquired again, carefully, so as not to press the issue.
"Just, if it's okay, can you teach me how to paint.....I mean, doodling is fine" He quickly added, "Please....don't say no"
With a grin, you lifted that attractive face to face you by your index finger under his chin, "I can teach you everything about visual arts, as long as you don't criticize my limited abilities sweet boy"
Keegan flushed as he heard your teasing and the pet name you gave him, but managed to nod with his lips pursed.
For several months, Keegan consistently showed up on time. He waited for you to finish your lectures before the two of you headed to any random tools room in order to practice. You taught him almost everything: molding ceramics, sketching then painting on canvas frames, or how to create tertiary hues......
Exams requiring greater expertise, such those for oil painting or sculpturing, could come around sometimes. If you allowed Keegan to assist you, you'd stand right next to him, holding his hand, and pressing his larger fingers onto those details that needed extra attention. Of course, you were deliberately interacting closely with the boy but there was no denying the sparks between you both as well.
You're different from the people Keegan knew. You refuse to care about things that didn't concern you, so when you first met you seemed quite formal; you also possessed quite dark humor, which definitely interfered with your artistic fancy. 
Actually, you admired Italian painter Roberto Ferri even more. Roberto's works reflected what you're seeking in various pieces of art - the shading and coloration, the nudity and amalgamating were not jarring or confusing, but rather extremely precise and incisive. You elaborated once that 'Contrariety is necessary', nevertheless, as with other fields. It was previously remarked by your professor that your taste in artistry is sort of….dark and vulgar, they suggested that an extremely distinct portrayal would be beneficial for stimulating the artist's brain system. So you decided to go with Vincent Van Gogh. You valued him because he was influenced by painters like Monet and Renoir, who embraced New Impressionism, and shared a fascination in light with them. But he quickly established his own unique: powerful brush technique, mainly using warm reds, oranges, and yellows. Subtle brush strokes resulted in powerful and striking visualizations.
“And basically because a tiny frame as my phone case couldn’t fully convey Ferri's painting and the content was also more sensitive” Similar to Van Gogh's art was definitely the more suitable option.
That's how you explained when the younger one started to ask way too many questions rather than focusing on his work. 
Keegan found it fascinating that you're quite flirty and enjoy calling others by pet names as he got to know you better. The boy flushed upon hearing you calling your best friend by tons of intimate names that you gave her. You also compliment a lot, but what's bothered Keegan was the way, the tone in which you delivered them. 
Your voice is a bit lower, sounding like you're purring. Good job, That's it, Perfect for his efforts and Pretty boy, Sweetheart, Love for the times when you two talked outside the box.
Keegan always felt as though there was a dulcet shiver traveling down his spine after earning praises from you; itching but intriguing somehow. And in return, he called you Tutor, his tutor, to both tease and offer his appreciation for the guidance which you're happily imparted without assuming any explanations from him. For instance, why did he choose Architecture and not Visual Arts?
You respect his privacy, he knew. You still tended to him, but not in an uncomfortable way, making him willing to be lured to your side more and more. 
Everything was going so well until a few weeks ago. Keegan abruptly grew more and more aloof. Frequently, he would either cancel in the last-minute or the night before, leaving you disappointed and not understanding why. You assumed there was something special between you and him. Yet, after he returned, you were overjoyed at first but eventually grew uneasy around him as he became angrier, more easily agitated, and no longer wanted to be close to you.
He wanted to try whittling this time. Unlike stone or clay, which could be readily crafted, the main substance used was wood. 
Wood and other hard materials are usually tough to mold, and Keegan was plainly not capable of handling them given his greeness. But whenever he gave up and you just sighed then redone the whole log, it still simply caused disappointment if it didn't turn out the way he wanted. You knew that Keegan was under a lot of pressure due to the art program's periodic exams so you've attempted to steer him toward a more agreeable subject, but his stubbornness proved to be a bothersome obstacle. 
So you merely stood in the corner of the room and gazed at that enormous back for that reason. Your head slightly tilted to take a better view of a coating of sweat adhered to his forehead and his eyebrows furrowed as his lips pursed when the boy was unable to come up with ideas. The soft gestures in stark contrast to his veiny arms always made you wet your lips in silence.
They said ‘Men are most charismatic when they're focused’. And you couldn’t agree more.
If he caught you, like before, he would purposefully poke fun at you and garner an eye roll from you before your enraged fingers pinched a part of his sculptures. Superb reprisal.
But shit was different that day....
"Fuck me, why is it so difficult?" Keegan complained with his raspy voice, throat as parched as the Sahara desert from dehydration for quite a while.
"I'll go fetch something to drink” 
“No need….here” You quickly stopped him, reached into your bag and pulled out your water bottle, and tossed it to him, “Don’t want you to get kicked out of here” 
According to the rules at your university, you risk being expelled if, after office hours, you enter the wrong building as a non-student belonging to that specific department.
“Alright, whatever you say” He spoke as holding up his hands in a surrendering gesture.
Which made you scrunch your face due to his disrespectful manner.
"Are you upset about me raising my voice?" Catching your grimace, Keegan mockingly raised his question.
He was always playful, but at the time, he's being snarky toward you. And you detest that so much.
"Concentrate on your work" Maintaining the monotone tone but lowering your voice a bit in order to show authority, you slowly moved closer to his standing. 
"Don't touch" The boy glared.
You folded both hands behind you, focusing entirely on the piece of wood rather than Keegan. He also resumed his motion, occasionally crouching down to search for sketches that had been discarded somewhere or different carving knives. 
Interruptedly, you and Keegan would talk about approaches to improving the origin log, but the discussion quickly devolved into another argument, so he snubbed you and turned away to continue. For fuck sake, these teenage lads' egos are so goddamn tremendous. You're solely offering advice, not imposing; why would he behave like that? 
Just take a look around....The floor beneath his feet, where tools were being flung and numerous strewn bits of pared timber scattered all over. Your mother used to frequently nag you when you were a kid because of your untidy traits, plus, that terrible habit would get you into trouble eventually. 
And as predicted, when the boy turned to retrieve his palette, he neglected to take out the blade, leaving it lodged in the wood. So undoubtedly, you have to remove it to avoid any potential dangers.
"I told you not to touch it!" 
Turning back and seeing you touching the most difficult mosaic area that he had just completed, Keegan barked and quickly paced to violently nudge your hand away.
There was a faint sound of something sharp cutting through the spongy softness, and the knife had left a sweet, delicate line which broadened from your palm all the way to your chelidon. Because the blade is designed to precisely carve into small spaces so your veins did not splash out any gallon of your sweet crimson; instead, one drop, then two drops, and at last, like sap oozing out from a tree trunk - your arm have unleashed waves of red fluid, dripping onto the chilly surface below. 
With a hiss, you quickly reached for your thin blouse and tightly wrapped it around your arm to halt the bleeding. It wasn't painful, but the stinging and burning that were given seemed as if your skin was being roasted over an intense flame, forcing you to shut your eyes to block out the suffering.
"F-fuck...oh fuck..." Keegan's voice trembled, "I told you not to come closer"
You slowly turned around, tightly sealed lids opened and penetrated straight into his sapphire pupils. Menacing expression made him gulp.
"Don't blame others for your carelessness, Russ" You gritted your teeth, "If it weren't for me, you would have to ask the professor’s permission for submitting your assignment late, so be grateful and quit that attitude of yours, eh?"
Every word, laced with venom as you amplified them. It's true that he's also working on his test, so the boy was too stunned to speak, dumbfounded and did not dare to chase after you as you stormed out of the room. 
It's the beginning of autumn, the sky was pouring, and dry leaves that are tinted with ocher and lemon were falling everywhere throughout the campus, adding to your already melancholy mood.
Two weeks of nonattendance on account of an implausible excuse, such a car accident, as it's a violation to the law to arbitrarily use the college facilities and supplies other than during regular instructional sessions.
The lobby, which was crammed to excess and devoid of standing space, had become vacant by now. After all, your class was the last one of the day, thus it's unsurprising that the place was quiet without a soul in sight. You stayed back late to wait and chat with the professor about some unfinished school work since you dislike having to jostle, surely not to avoid meeting somebody.
Dark green moss off-shoulder knitted sweater with stretchy jeans and a pair of Dr.Martens leather boots. As you drainedly opened the locker to store your things, the voice that had become ingrained in your memory appeared somewhere behind you. 
“I texted you about the injury, but you didn’t reply”
Fucking bad timing, you cussed under your breath.
“My mother said she’d chop me into pieces if I dare to hold a paintbrush, let alone texting” You answered curtly, wanting to shoo Keegan away. 
“Oh….so is yo—”
“My arm ‘s alright by now, you don’t have to worry ‘bout it…” You shutted him off, clearly didn’t have enough patience to deal with him, “I have to go, bye Keegan”
Turning swiftly on your heel then immediately getting captured by the younger person by your wrist, you pushed out a deep sigh before frowning and glancing up at the person who was blocking the path in front of you.
“Slow down, hey, I just want to talk—” He retreated his palm right away, “I-I want to apologize for what…uhm...”  
It's been a while since you've witnessed this withdrawn and reserved side of him, but you're so fatigued that you didn't want to talk to or give a damn about anyone. The boy seemed to have realized how you were suppressing your discomfort and has moved back, returning you back your personal space.
“Please, I’m terribly sorry for my precipitation, I didn’t mean to make you bleed”
Keegan didn't want you to ever leave on your own again because of his past foolishness, so he reminded himself to maintain his distance and remain composed. You understanded that Keegan was truly sincere in his intention to make it up to you, and yet you did not ask him to. It's not like you saved him or something, plus, you hate the thought of someone owing you a favor or anything similar.
“It’s just an accident, Keegan” You exhaled, punctuation, end of discussion. 
If possible, you wish to never see him again. You always find a way to avoid confronting your complex emotions since you're not very good at facing them and nothing else can give you a sense of security other than that.
"Then can you, please, one last time...." He spoke in a somewhat softer, more beseeching tone, ".....Be my tutor"
As if being haunted by his previous mockery, you searched for irony in those stunning eyes, and you found none. There's also a determination that rendered it impossible to argue against, so you have no choice but to approve.
Keegan followed you to your regular spot. Because it's the weekend, even the janitors had fled as soon as their shifts ended, leaving the entire campus to you two. You were correct to assume that, all thanks to the two-way, one facing the parking lot and the other towards the campus, which had taken the place of the room's two walls, showing only Keegan's bike there. Since the art building is regarded as your university's maze, students from other departments couldn't find you two so you certainly wouldn't be disturbed.
Unfortunately, there weren't enough necessary items and tools, you decided to paint on the canvas as usual.
Setting down your backpack, you faced the exterior and silently observed the younger one, waiting for his request. Keegan swallowed hard, hating the distance between you two. You fixed your gaze on him as though a slight movement of yours might result in a reprimand.
Fucking fool, he scolded himself.
"I....I want you to model f-for me" He scratched his head.
"A-and I got this piece of white silk....y-you can do whatever you want with it" he said hurriedly, frightened you might turn him down.
Seriously? Do whatever you want with it. What Keegan just said made him truly want to smack the shit out of him so bad. 
You tilted your head in silent thought. Obviously, sketching the body lines proved difficult enough but adding the garments unveiled an extra challenge entirely. That explained for your nod and your gradual removal of the clothing covering your body. Starting with your boots, then your jeans and panties, but for your upper body, you couldn't do it yourself.
"Get the silk then come here, please, I need a hand"
The request wasn't coerced, and you did not send it out like a command. Though you were not a people pleaser, Keegan always both loathed but admired your civility. The boy was aware that you're not the type to readily undress for others to view, yet something about your professional face unnerved him.
Grabbing the silk, Keegan cleared his throat and walked over to you. He waited for you to grant him permission before gingerly catching the edge of your sweater and pulling it over your head. Then the bra, which was simple to unclasp with one hand. The final bit of cloth slipped off your body, revealing you to the boy whose ears and face were as red as a ripped tomato due to your angelic bare physique.
"Are you gonna start?" You inquired and took the silk from the other person's hand.
And Keegan frantically ran to drag a divan for you to sit on.
The white silk piece was extremely lengthy but thin, resembling a stream that covered your entire body. The feather-like friction caused your nipples to tighten a bit, and your palm nonchalantly covered the tender region between your legs, creating an elegant yet equally alluring sight. You were aware that you weren't blessed with an aesthetically pleasing figure, but the tent that could not be appeased at the crotch of the artist across from you was enough to provide you a boost in your performance. 
Whether it's an ordinary biological response or another type of reaction... 
Your muscles were sore from maintaining the same posture for a long time. As you raised your gaze to Keegan, he saw and paused to give you both a moment to rest.
"Tired?" You asked when the boy stretched.
"I'm the one who should ask that, tutor" Keegan snickered. Oh the sound he made never failed to make you smile as well.
Standing up, the boy pushed past his work and knelt down before you to gently massage your calf with his warm hands. Keegan didn't raise his head, rather, he concentrated on aiding you in stretching your muscles. Needless to say, Keegan was deeply ashamed for his reckless behavior as well as the impulsive words that followed. Though it's clearly not between the two of you, there's still a problem, and since you're not a nosy person, you weren't sure how to approach him.
"My parents found out...." He bitterly confessed, "They broke the clay piece I made with you - two halves of the face kissing each other"
At that moment, your breathing stopped and your chest tightened when you learned the reason for the boy's sudden alienation.
"But that's not an excuse" He bit his lip, "I was an asshole, a truly fucking asshole.....You know, art a-and you are the only safe place I ever had. But I’ve treated you wrong, so wrong" 
Reaching for your wounded arm, he planted kisses along the sunken scar that owned a brighter pigmentation on your flesh. His tender and mindful gestures truly broke your heart.
"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry, I shouldn’t have, I should never treat you that way" His voice sounded ruptured, like it had been violently trodden upon, yet it likewise sounded like a growl.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You gingerly whispered.
Keegan's eyes were glassy and his orbs compared to two polished pearls, constantly wavering in misery. He didn’t know what to say or how to say it.
The divorce that resulted from one of Keegan's parents having an affair was the lowest point in his life. They filed a lawsuit in court, but neither one was willing to give the other child custody, so he ended up living under a rotten roof. All the dreams the boy had have been extinguished, they no longer meant anything. Allowing them to control his life in the way they wanted, forcing him to study like a dog day and night, and only bringing him the meals that were enough to meet his basic nutritional needs. When his passion for painting was once again re-awakened, Keegan did all in his ability to persuade his parents for the first time to let him decide his future, but they disdained art so much that they made him study architecture instead. Once again, Keegan's purposeless life has returned. He took a gap of four years to join the military, but his parents refused to leave him in solitude. They threatened to use greater punishments if he resisted again, stating that they forbade him from dying on the battlefield. 
How ironic, can you be forbidden to die? Ever?
Thankfully, after entering in this university, Keegan no longer had to live with his parents, letting him have more freedom for himself. Up until Keegan met you, it appeared that his typical university years were not proceeding along in the same way anymore. 
The boy fought to not shed a tear in front of you as his lips quivered whilst he recalled those painful memories. Knowing that no matter what, you wouldn't defame him, but vulnerability has never been on Keegan's mind.
“Hush, my sweet boy” Bending down and connecting yours with the boy's forehead, you cooed.
It was some time before the younger one calmed down. As Keegan's breathing steadied, you gradually withdrew to look him in his eyes, your hands caressing his cheeks and your thumbs lightly rubbing them in comfort. It made you smile warmly to hear him purring in his throat like a cat being cuddled by its master.
“Feel better now?” 
“Mhmm” He shook his head.
“Oh poor baby, what can I do to cheer you up then?” You giggled.
Out of the blue, Keegan took hold of your foot and placed it on his crotch, gently applying pressure and moving it back and forth to arouse the sensitive area beneath the fabric. And you were so taken aback that you couldn't take your eyes off where the boy was using your foot to pursue his pleasure. You've never imagined Keegan would be so straightforward.
"Ah...I-I'm...oh g-god..." He lowered his head and nibbled the skin on your thigh, "Can you -ah- feel my cock twitching f-for you, ma’am?"
“Can I call you ma’am….?” He’s breathing heavily, “In the end….ha a-ah…you’re still gonna be my tutor anyways, right?”
You blinked and then suddenly burst out laughing, and Keegan foolishly laughed along with you. Whipped your head down and moved your digits closer to his lips, you eagerly allowed Keegan to play with your foot as he moistened your fingers with his tongue. His soft tongue gilded back and forth between your pointer and middle fingers, and each time you bit your lip, his cheeks would sink in to suck them. It's amazing how different Keegan looked from what you imagined.
“How ‘bout mommy?” Poking your tongue to your inner cheek, you asked while still dancing your fingers with his tongue.
Of course, without hesitation, he nodded aggressively and continued to suck harder on your digits. But then you withdrew your hand and leg, making the boy whined in frustration and rubbed his head in your lap.
"N-no...no please don't do that...." He pouted, "I was so close...."
"Shhh...be a good boy and you'll get what you want" You murmured softly, and Keegan's body shivered as your lips touched his sensitive ear.
You raised an eyebrow and gave Keegan a satisfied smile in response to his yearning gaze. Instantly the boy drew closer, his lips meeting yours. Tongues intertwined, teeth scraping and lower lips bitten and swollen, you lowered your head to deepen the lustful, making Keegan groaned in pleasure.
"Moan for me, Keeg" You broke away from the kiss, moved down and bit his neck, "I wanna hear you, loud and clear"
And he obediently tagged along, his lips trembling as he continually let out muffled whines and mellow groans. The boy's body swayed in response to the sensation of your lips against his flesh.
"C-can I make you feel good, too, mommy?" He wetted his lips, hands reaching up to gently knead the soft plumpness on your chest with an unabashed greed.
"Hmm? You wanna suck my tits?" Your voice trailed off, teasing him
"Yes, yes, please" 
As soon as you nodded, the boy reached to the thin layer of silk and started squeezing your breasts which were set underneath. His large palms dutifully kneaded your feminine parts, mouth bit and sucked, leaving countless love marks from your jawline to your cleavage. You're just so soft, he couldn't get enough of it, of these beautiful breasts waiting to be fed to him. As his movements took over his mind, Keegan threw away the unhandy cloth, lunged forward to nibble the sides of your chest; his tongue circled each, constantly retreating to bounce them in his hands, making satisfying noises while latching on them again and again, non-stop.
“C’mon, don’t be shy” You cocked your head down to your chest, beckoning the younger person who was drooling over your delicious rosy nipples.
Keegan was indeed a good boy when you didn't have to repeat, shoving his face right into one of your bosoms without wasting anymore time. The first sensation you felt was his lips; he kissed them, then kept pinching and rotating them around with his teeth, prompting you to growl at the sting he brought. His fingers massaged the other one, taking good care of both sides equally, just like that - the boy was too devoured into you. However, that was still not enough. With a 'pop' as Keegan released you, he lifted your breasts and pulled them in, pointing your nipples towards the middle of your chest. Warm, pink tongue deftly rolled up and down, in between, wrapping around your buds. He twirled it, circled it around your hard nipples; lusty saliva was way too audible, irresistible ecstasy clenched your legs together and you kept pushing your chest harder to his face. 
“F-fuck…you’re doing so good -ha- so good” And he glazed his teeth tighter, “Yes! Fuckin— just like that pretty boy”
Your fingers reaching the boy's scalp, your nails clasped and lightly scratched his cleanly shaven nape, evoking more sinful groans from Keegan. His orbs, dilated with need, blown wide to meet yours, and his lashes fluttered somewhat, as though he wanted you to keep praising him. 
The thought of Keegan focusing on you as if you're a goddess, a faith, to be treasured and worshiped only by him, gave you chills.
Tilting your head back, your own feverish thoughts had heightened your arousal yet left the younger person unfulfilled.
“Tch…no” Keegan let go of your breasts, cupping your cheeks with both of his hands and pulling your face back into its place, “No, no….why’re you turning away, mommy? Keep those eyes on me, let me see…let me see them piercing a hole into my soul”
Trailing his strong, muscular arms down your lower body, Keegan grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to him. The suddenness of your knees buckled by your shoulders, exposing the glistening pussy dragged a quite loud yelp out of your lips. As your back sank down the divan cushions, your midsection had been folded in and the stomach rolls which always gave you insecurity made you hesitant to keep extending your legs. So you attempt to sit up, how on earth did Keegan allow that?
“I know what you’re thinking mommy, and I don’t give a fuck ‘bout that” The boy spoke, maintaining his intense eyes on you.
“I want you to own me, treat me like your fucking slave, use me as much as you fucking want, yeah?” He spitted on your cunt, making you moaned out like a bitch in heat. “I’m your little slut” he grunted, “I’m your little toy….I am, I am, fucking just for you” he whispered, teeth gritted as he punctuated on each word.
The boy kissed your ankle, bent down and nibbled on the back of your thighs and the sides of your buttocks. His large palms greedily caressed your asscheeks, not forgetting to add a few spanks.
“Use me, give me fucking confidence….give me a will to live, mommy” He plead, “Give me that fucking pussy”
All your embarrassment has vanished into thin air, leaving only devastating elation. And Keegan, who had been waiting for that, launched himself at your glistering cunt and immediately became addicted to the taste of your arousal. He lavishly covered your entire pussy with open-mouth kisses, his lips pressed firmly and gulping nonstop, smearing your juices all over his visage and down to your asshole, getting some fucking prohibited moans out of you.
The younger then stopped, long enough to take in your beautiful two holes close up as he examined the sweet long slit.
“Lemme sniff on it”  He inhaled the sweet, musky scent of your cunt, “Let your boy breathe on it, mommy, lemme look at it twitching for me”
Your body responded instinctively, pussy quivering beneath his heated breaths. Before you realized it, he had already let go of your legs to fully spread out your folds and was burying his face against your bare cunt once more. His nose nudged above your entrance and his tongue began to work in seconds, sinking and churning the inside of you. 
“Oh fu— YES, more Keeg….more” Your body trembled violently as your desire for additional pleasure grew, reaching out to clutch on him.
Keegan’s four fingers pressed firmly on your lower abdomen as he began to lick up and down your slit while using his thumb which was only inches above your pearl to pull the folds around away. And when your hood moved away, the boy finally had your blood-swollen clit sitting there in front of his lust blown pupils. It’s puffy, aching and throbbing. It’s calling for him, he assured that. Receiving your loud moans as an encouragement, Keegan softly hummed directly on your rock hard clit as he continued to stimulate your hole by landing his tongue against it. His digits buried deeply inside your pussy and he increased the pace, pumping in and out, rotating them, and curling them so as they scratched your walls vigorously.  
Without backing down, the younger one flicked his tongue, rubbing it up and down unforgivingly on your pearl. You jointed and fought to squirm out of Keegan's hold, only to be held back by him as his teeth bit down. You were too fucked out when his lips swallowed on your clit, thighs began to squeeze either side of his head due to the fantastic feeling.
“Mhm hmm, that’s it….” The boy continued to work his tongue and fingers on you as quickly as possible, “That’s my mommy, c’mon, keep squeezing me with those thighs….yeah, stare at me -uhm- stare at your pretty boy as he eat your pussy out”
Those fucking praises and the way he avaricious desire to attain your climax at all costs as a reward has successfully pushed you to the edge. The familiar hot cramping in your womb beneath your lower belly was fleeting for just a moment and then your scream of satisfaction came out, your hands clamped down on Keegan's head above your cunt to jerk your hips on his naughty mouth, riding out your high.
“Fuck…f-fuck” Your chest heaved rapidly, “You’re a fucking beast”
“And you did not let me go, tho I’m not intending to pull away either” The boy peered up with the shit-eating grin on his face before lowering down to smooch around your cunt one last time.
You giggled as Keegan scattered a trail of kisses all over your physique. Your lips, your navel, and your collarbone. You additionally show your gratitude by tucking your arms around his solid shoulder blades, lifting him above you to prolong the passionate kiss.
Exquisite - the divine taste of your release from his mouth, delicate - the way your lips clung firmly, and submerged - the way your tongues entwine without separating.
The moment was short lived since your waist was scraped by something stiff. You winced a little as you recoiled from the kiss, peered down, and were enchanted to catch a glimpse of Keegan's manhood - it was just... gorgeous. Only when you two pressed right against each other did the freshly shaven pubic hair of his gave you a nice itchy sensation. Your pelvises were adhered together so you could gauge the length, and the tip of his cock, which was already partially hard, was leaking precum onto your stomach. 
“Satisfied?” Keegan lifted his brows and inquired when he noticed you gulping and staring at his lower torso.
You beamed up at the younger one, stretching down to grab his ass, “I promise to make a sculpture of it”
The boy's low and seductive laugh was suppressed when he forced retained his breath while your grip moved lightly to position him directly in front of your awaiting cunt, not before brushing his head to gather the most of your slick. As a gesture to allow him to climb up to kneel on the divan, your other elbow pushed down to slightly elevate the center of your body up a bit. 
Keegan only gave you a brief kiss on your temple and leaned your foreheads together without saying anything. The two of you seemed to share the same breath, holding together when he plunged into you and exhaling together as he truly bottomed out. Your own eyes blurred with the startling fullness he provided you with.
“You’re so warm mommy, fuck, too warm” The younger hissed through a barely contained growl. 
Swallowing hard, you shifted your airflow and wiggled your hips in an attempt to adjust with the new intrusion. Fortunately, you're not an imposing person. Little by little, your pussy gradually loosened and accepted him, and his head flew back as his unwavering control slipped inch by inch, not so different from the way his shaft was slowly entering you.
“Move, love, need to feel you deep inside me” 
Sheathing Keegan deeper into you, you purposefully pressed your hips against his, whispering into his ear. For a few while, the younger one remained idling, realizing that you were showing him the sweet spots inside you. So whenever you heard him mewling like a horny dog, biting upon your lower lip gently as he felt your walls fluttered around him. You knew he was memorizing for his own pleasure, as well as that of you.
Failing to bear it any longer, Keegan sat up and tenderly pulled out his manhood. At first, you assumed him to be gentle, but you were incredibly naive. He struck with such ruthlessness that your breath left your lungs in a passionate symphony of his name and contented moans. Angling your legs on one side of his shoulder, Keegan caged your thighs with both of his arms and pinned them there. His pace was too rough, and the tension that followed made it simpler to sense the boy's steadfast heartbeat as your skin rested smoothly on his broad chest. 
“Keeg– Keegan, shit…” 
Keegan knelt in front of you - hair slightly damp from perspiration that partially stuck to his forehead and partially dangled with the tempo of his body's movements, those massive biceps, muscular legs, and taut waist all flexed as he hammered into your core. The room's dim lighting and your glassy eyes granted the younger person the appearance of a finely sculpted statue, an unreal portrait.
Fuck, “You look so beautiful, oh my beautiful boy”
I knew it might be an exaggeration but here, is your Björn Johan Andrésen. Exclusively yours.
“Ha–ah….yours, I’m all yours” With an ominous grin, Keegan drew forward to murmur, "And you're also mine, right?"
However, you were so engrossed in the pleasure that you failed to respond. That explained why the person above suddenly pulled back, leaving you there clenching around nothing. When you started to prop yourself up, he swiftly folded you in half, locking you in that position.
“Put your co—”
“Nah….you’re gonna say it” With one hand, Keegan pressed your knees to your chest while the other was lazily stroking his cock. Glazing the tip so damn nigh to your bloated entrance.
“For fuck sake, of course I’m yours” You huffed out, “As if any fucking cock could ever allowed to be inside me”
Surely the younger one's erection had returned because a lustful stupor hit you as his pelvis immediately slammed into your plump ass. Up to the hilt. He had reached your cervix with the tip of his cock, ache yet madly numb.
“You’re my mommy, my mistress, my fucking big tough mistress aren’t ya?” He eagerly pounding into you, in a more primal way, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkk…..you’re so damn hot when you’re mad, y’know that?”
“Yeah?” You smirked.
“Fucking yeah”
The harder Keegan pounded into you, the louder the moans of you both came to a crescendo, almost at the peak. Since you knew you wouldn't be able to hold off for much longer, you had to encircle him more tightly with your legs, flutter your walls, and swallow his cock more deeply to ensure that his body would soon follow you.
“You're gonna cum mommy? Yeah, yeah, cum for me mommy, cum, cum, cum” Keegan shifted down and rubbed your swollen clit with great effort, making you cry as his finger plucked nonstop on it.
The younger person's chants ended with a growl from both you and him. He replaced his shaft with his thick digits, slipping out barely in time since you didn't have a condom. You both focused on the earth-shattering orgasm, on how his cock twitched in his palm and on his ropes of hot seed shooting onto your abdomen, dripping down to your wide-opened cunt, unable to stop.
Swore that you two had never felt so euphoric.
You laid limp under his sight, eyes flooded in darkness as you looked to the drop of sweat slowly leaving his chin then down to your navel, mixed together with his cum. 
Keegan collapsed on top of you, head buried into your neck. His weight was comforting, and as your fingers trailed to your lower body, you collected the white thick texture there and brought it to your lips, sticking out your tongue to taste then smiled with a satisfied hum. 
"I want to draw you like this" The boy stared upward at you, smiling brightly.
“Should take a photo too, in case you mess up and let me down for posing for you” Keegan tickled you when you kissed him on the lips in response to your cruel mocking.
Having said that, you still truly want to see his painting - of you, what it'll turn out once completed. 
Taglist: @shadowlali , @ghostlythots , @fl3xgio (is it alright if i add you?? 😫😫) , @brickwall035 (saw u a lot on my posts, wondering if i can add u?? 👉🏻👈🏻)
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So synchronicities abound right now. I don't know exactly WHY or HOW, but they definitely are happening lots more frequently.
Example: I just did the prep and got what will be an excellent beef stew on to simmer for a few hours.
ALL through this I was humming an old Edith Piaf waltz and then vocalizing it louder, and went with it. So I was chopping away, browned the meat, chopped the onions and garlic, and the carrots, basically scatting this Edith Piaf waltz, and visualizing how I was gonna play it, the arrangement, everything, and being just generally happy as shit singin' and choppin'.
So I get everything finished, got the stew on a decent simmer and came back here to my room, where KDFC is playin' on the tubes. It's announcements, and then the FIRST thing that comes on, music-wise, is an orchestral arrangement of the song that MADE Piaf who she was, "La Vie En Rose".
I go from singing one Piaf waltz to hearing an orchestra playing her most famous song.
This kinda thing has been happening a lot. I used to call it "Breadcrumbs From The Universe"...follow the trail of synchronicities to what you're supposed to do.
So i'm about to get the keyboard all cleared off and fire up the tower and play that waltz in my brain first, then go through my 10-CDs worth of Piaf that I have in my collection, and figure out the NAME of the damn waltz!
OK...sat down and got the main melody out, and fingers just kinda went for Dminor as the key, so I went with it. Thing is, I can usually transpose a melody to another key with just a little exploration, which is a good thing, because after searching through all of the PIaf I have, I simply couldn't spot it as an obvious title.
So I went through track-by-track, until I finally found it: on Vol. 5 of "The Complete Piaf" (French 10 CD set) The little waltz is actually called "Sous Le Ciel De Paris" or "Under The Sky Of Paris". It was from a 1951 film of the same name, and Piaf recorded it in '54. It is actually in Bminor. It is a catchy little waltz, and I will probably end up figuring the arrangement out. I've at least got a head start on it.
It will sit in the repertoire next to the OTHER Piaf waltz I already play, which i is from 1946, "Un Refrain Courait dans la Rue". I recorded it back in 1998. It's in Aminor, which is probably why I reached for a Dminor melody line first. I don't know how I do this shit...I just do it.
At any rate, here's my 1998 recording of the OTHER Piaf waltz, "Un Refrain Courait dans la Rue", played on a Baldwin baby grand, at a small studio in Houston.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Special
Note: (4/4) lukai :3 TW: it’s complicated. uh. cannibals being cute.
“How can you already be sleepy?” Kai purred with a toothy smile, grabbing his waist and holding him like there was no tomorrow. “It’s not even time for bed yet…”
Sleepily, Lucian rested his head against his boyfriend’s lap and wiggled closer so that they could share their body heat. “I had too much to eat.”
“Mmh, yeah?” Moving the stray hair from his face and tucking it behind his ear with one finger, he watched as Lucian’s face remained unmoved. With his lips slightly parted and his eyelids drooping ever so gradually, he could hardly resist the urge to kiss him all over. “Cutie.”
A sleepy giggle erupted from his throat when hearing that nickname. Kai rarely used pet names unless he wanted to console, persuade, or seduce him. In this case, it was clearly the latter. Lucian’s eyes peeled open to exchange a glance at his boyfriend doting on him like a lapdog and cheekily grinned.
“Do you know what tomorrow is?” Lucian averted his attempts of flirtation to a different subject, wondering whether he would follow through with the act or not. It didn’t come as a surprise when he saw it fly right over his head.
“Really? What is it?”
Blinking while desperately yearning for words to fall onto his tongue, Kai’s adoring smile appeared silly rather than genuine. His boyfriend waited patiently for his reply with closed eyes and slowed breaths. He was practically half-asleep before his voice finally rang out through the comfortable silence. “Um, V-Val…Val-in-times Day.”
Lucian placed his two fingers right above Kai’s belly button and absentmindedly worked his way up to his chest as if his hand were on a grand journey. It wasn’t until he reached his abdomen that he paused, planting the entirety of his palm against his chest with a drowsy look on his face. The touch was enough to send bolts of electricity through his boyfriend.
“Mhm, that’s right. You’re so smart, honey.” Lucian giggled again, his shirt riding up his stomach a little as he stretched across Kai’s thighs. It was hard to avert his sharp golden eyes from tracing his gorgeous figure. Once he caught himself staring, he sheepishly looked away — It wouldn’t be good to let his eyes linger for any longer anyhow. [Even if Lucian didn’t mind it.] “You’re the best boyfriend in the whole universe. Y’know how big the universe is?”
Kai shook his head.
“Gimmie your hands,” Lucian demanded, still visibly exhausted despite his vivid consciousness. Without a shred of hesitation, Kai obeyed his orders and placed his fists onto his warm palms. His porcelain skin was surprisingly soft. “Now watch. Pretend your hands are the planets and my hands are the universe they live in, okay?”
Separating their skin contact by gradually removing his palms from his hands, Lucian continued to spread his arms further and further apart until they were as far apart as he could manage. In disbelief, Kai blinked a few times and tried to comprehend the visual representation that he created.
“See? You get it?”
Kai blushed and nodded. He didn’t truly understand what he was trying to say, but what he did know was the fact he was trying to explain it to him the best he could. “…I love you more than even that, Lu.” Towering over his face, he swiftly shifted his head to align with Lucian’s.
Shifting his hands onto the back of Kai’s neck and entangling his fingers into his hair, he hummed in pleasure. “Really?” His sleepy voice cracked with emotion.
To show his devotion to those words, Kai enclosed the space between their lips in a heartbeat. Gentle with him as always, he supported his back and embraced him lovingly, leaving not a single unwanted touch upon him. Lucian melted into his arms almost instantaneously. It wasn’t until he pulled away to breathe that Kai pulled away. It wasn’t until he shifted his position that Kai shifted his position. It wasn’t until he spoke that Kai spoke.
Whispering into his ear, his voice collided against Kai’s eardrums like a beautiful melody. “You wanna give each other matching tattoos?”
With his arms still wrapped around his shoulders and his thighs on either side of Kai’s legs, he leaned his head back and laughed to himself. Whatever he was thinking had to be good. Kai wished he could laugh for the same reason he was.
“Where do you want it?” Lucian asked, pulling his boyfriend's shirt off his shoulders to inspect the areas of placement that were available. “Right here, right here, orrrr…right here?” His fingertips land against the side of Kai’s neck with a flirtatious smirk displayed on his beautiful countenance. Kai couldn’t help but blush. Even though they’ve been dating for some time now, he couldn’t get used to how attractive Lucian’s facial features were.
Recpicating the same level of affection, Kai let his eyes purposefully linger on every attribute of his face that he found attractive. (Which were, well, all of them.) Once he was done staring at his lips for a good while, he allowed their eyes to interlock. “I dunno. Where do you wanna put it?”
He slid his fingers down his neck affectionately. “Riiiight here.”
When the final syllable popped off his tongue, he lowered his head and launched his teeth right into Kai’s neck. There wasn’t much blood at first; Actually, there was no blood at all until he finally warmed up enough to apply all the pressure he could in his jaw. And although it would sting like a bitch to any ordinary person, it hardly phased Kai. He giggled as he felt his boyfriend’s tongue working to clean the mess of red liquid up, rubbing his back so it wouldn’t become sore from the odd position. Lucian smiled against his pale skin as he finished up.
“See?” he bubbled, pulling away to reveal his blood-soaked teeth. Dabbing away the excess liquid on his lips with his sleeve, he continued on with his explanation. “Now all you gotta do is gimmie a matching one right here! Bite as hard as you can so it lasts forever!”
Kai’s eyebrows cocked upward from the mere suggestion. “I’m not gonna bite you as hard as I can, Lu.”
“Awh, why not?”
The answer was obvious but his face was tempting. So with a heavy sigh, Kai entertained this fantasy.
Lucian hadn’t realized he was shoved off Kai’s lap until his head cracked against the couch cushions. Disoriented, he let out a little whimper and resorted back to instinct, bracing for impact. When he peered upward, however, he saw the same old boyfriend who loved him. His tense muscles relaxed as he let out a soft laugh, embarrassed that he had been caught so off guard. Kai held his hands that were pinned above his head, sitting on his hips in order to adjust himself to reach his neck with no problem.
“Where do you want me to start? Your tummy? Your chest?” Kai sadistically sneered as he pulled out his ridged knife from his jacket, stroking the blade down his boyfriend’s tiny frame. “Ohh, I know what you want. You want me to slit your throat, huh? But I won’t be able to hear your pretty screams that way.”
Lucian couldn’t help but blush from his tone. He knew it better than anyone else. Butterflies fluttered around in his stomach from the thought, batting his eyelashes and grazing his tongue across his front teeth with a flirtatious smile. “That’s not what I want though…”
Lifting his freshly sharpened blade from his neck, Kai’s smirk peeled ear to ear. “Don’t gimmie that face, Lucian.”
The butterflies that infested his stomach bursted into fireworks of all shapes and colors when hearing his full name escape his lips. His face was bloodshot by the time he managed to get his words out. “What face? I’m not making a face.”
His airless laughter softened as Kai landed his fatal shot. Sinking his teeth deep into Lucian’s neck and savoring all the blood that gushed out, he returned the flirtatious remark. His tongue rubbed against the wound he created and delicately traced over the texture of his flesh, only for more blood to regenerate in seconds. Tears welled in the corners of Lucian’s eyes. Even though it felt like a mixture of heaven and hell at once, he made sure to voice his pleasure so that Kai understood he was doing a good job.
“It must taste good, huh?” he purred, stroking his raven-hair back to ensure it didn’t soak up any blood by accident. “I hope it does…”
Cradling Lucian’s waist, he didn’t say a word. His instincts begged him to move closer despite their bodies interlocking from the neck down. He knew better. Snuffing the feeling out like a little flame, he continued onward.
It was hard to pull away but when he did, his face was the color of the sun’s chromosphere. He wiped his mouth with the end of his shirt while admiring the damage he’d made on Lucian’s pretty skin. Every individual front tooth had managed to sink inside of him, leaving a sweet reddish-purple injury that bled profusely. It framed Lucian’s collarbones so well that he began to slip into the fantasy that it belonged there. Lucian was meant to carry the wound that bound them together.
Lucian was meant to be his.
“Your teeth feel good under my skin, sweetheart.” With shimmering eyes, Lucian planted both his index and middle finger in the gaping gash to presumably gather an approximate depth it had.
The pride Kai once inhibited completely melted into a puddle of humility. He covered his mouth sheepishly and giggled, taken aback by the sudden compliment. Lucian’s voice was in a perfect octave that rubbed him in all the right ways. “M-My teeth?”
One thing was certainly different about Kai’s teeth compared to an ordinary individual’s. Not only were they a perfect shade of white, straight as ever, and framed his handsome face well, but they also took the form of miniature daggers stuck in his gums. The most prominent feature of his mouth was his canine teeth. (Lucian’s favorite.) His canine teeth were sculpted beautifully along the rest of the row, sharp, dignified, and a bit unnaturally elongated. Maybe that’s why he could leave such harsh bites? Maybe that’s why Lucian struggled to fight back tears when he bit him? Either way, they must have been the source as to how he could land such a great blow. And the funny thing was, Lucian knew that wasn’t the hardest he could bite. He went easy on him.
“Mhm…” Lucian adoringly stroked his chest, his turquoise eyes inhabiting an unfamiliar glint within them. “It makes me wanna let you eat my insides.”
…Maybe that’s not what he really wanted. No matter how much he loved Kai and how safe he felt within his arms, there was no way he could withhold throughout the torture that he forced his victims to endure. Tearing their limbs off when they’re still alive and eating them in front of their face is one of the tactics Lucian wasn’t so fond of, so it did distort his view of saying what he did. Kai, on the other hand, was in his complete own world, blushing profusely from the thought of Lucian’s suggestion.
“I couldn’t do thaaaat…” he swooned, aligning his fingertips down his skinny frame. “I like the way your insides are now. All intact and pretty…”
“They’d look so much prettier in your mouth.”
“Keep pushing it like that. I dare you.”
“Hehe, pushing what? I’m not pushing anything. I’m just saying.”
And that’s how Lucian ended up biting off more than he could chew. His neck, shoulders, back, and chest had been utterly mutilated by the time Kai moved onto his final course — The thighs. But by then, Lucian was in a daze from the amount of blood he lost. His pajamas were stained red, his shirt unbuttoned and his pants lowered in order for Kai to finish his masterpiece. Silent tears drifted from the corners of his eyes from the sheer amount of bittersweet pain it caused him. But even through sniffling and wiping them away, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself from the pleasure he felt knowing Kai was the one doing it.
“Kai…” he murmured, his brain too foggy to form a coherent thought. “Last one, okay? Please…”
Figuring he was just sleepy, Kai peppered a few kisses on his delicate skin and interlocked their eyes spontaneously. A sly smile rose to his lips. “Only ‘cause you asked nicely.”
And with that, Kai made sure there wouldn’t be any misconceptions this year. Anyone that spared at glance at Lucian would know who he belonged to.
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 months
inspirations behind those starry outfits?
they r gorgeous btw
Thank you so much!
I actually pull out from alot of inspirations, alot of which I think are subconscious, but I think one of the major inspirations I could point out are the gems from Steven Universe, especially with the star motif and almost-human-but-not-quite alien fashion. I also tried to make as many direct references to the characters' corresponding Tarot Card as I could and give each character their own style, like for example;
Muddler's outfit in the ref sheet I made was inspired by Regency Era male fashion, but besides that I would imagine he wears other sorts of 19th century outfits pulled from any year he feels like wearing that night. His outfits would generally feel close to home (especially for older people in the time the AU takes place) but holy and regal and old-looking enough to feel just out of reach, just like how Muddler himself can't help but be placed a step above everyone else despite his desperate want to be among them. I also took some inspiration from The Sun tarot card, especially with the rays of his halo, it's not too prominent for the outfit I drew in the ref but I do plan on designing outfits for him that do incorporate more motifs from the card.
Fuzzy's outfits is most certainly taken directly from the Justice tarot card but given more flow and a space-like aesthetic. The gradients I think are directly color-picked from pictures of comets when I made her first ref sheet and I just took those colors again but tweaked the shades a little to fit her more intense fur color(s). She also has a cool flaming sword because the Justice card had a sword, comets used to be compared to flaming swords in the sky, it fits with the idea of her sort of being Muddler's knight, and it looks cool.
Hodgkins' white outfit is directly inspired by those white US navy captain's uniforms and I added a cape to represent the dark side of the Moon. Hodgkins will notoriously have a different outfit ever single time to represent the different phases of the Moon so I'm going to have a fun time coming up with those I imagine, their main aesthetic is mostly going to be navy military-looking because he really wants to go for that captain motif. His grey shoulder boards are a direct visual reference to the two towers in The Moon tarot card and his golden buttons are the gold droplets that are also on the card.
Fuddler the least realistic and more covering/clumsy looking outfit out of all of them because he is the most out-of-touch with Earth culture and is terribly awkward and ignored by many besides his parents. I kind of tried to create a similar silhouette to his canon outfit, particular with the turtleneck cape and the leg warmers. The frog buttons are a reference to his canon interest in frogs and buttons. Also, this isn't part of his clothes but the stars in his ears are a straight rip of the stars in The Stars tarot card, right down to the placement (the big yellow star is on the back of his head).
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winxrewrite · 5 months
CHAPTER TWO: Rebirth from the Ashes
This episode/chapter kicked my ass. Enjoy XD
Scene 1
It’s 10 PM, Bloom’s bedroom is a total mess. Paper crowding her bed, the floor, with a few Techno magic screens around that have the information she’s found. Most of which involves Domino’s geography and its main cities plus a few historical figures. One of which catches Bloom’s eye but elects to move on as it doesn't really help her. There is also allot of information about different prisons in the magical universe to see where the coven could reside. Contacting them has become impossible.
We get a flashback of Bloom in cloud towers script with Griffin by her side. No matter what Bloom does, nothing happens. Griffin ponders that Bloom accidentally eradicated the remains of their magic by accident with her presence. The dragon flame and all. Which only makes Bloom’s frustration worse.
We cut back to the present where Bloom’s frustration boils over as she groans into her pillow. Bloom complains that it would be alot easier if she could talk to Daphne. After 30 minutes of groaning and wasting away in her bed, Bloom decided to ignore her problems for now, get dressed and go out.
Scene 2
Bloom decides to go to the Frutti music bar to relax, she’s having a grand old time, and even has a small conversation with one of the bartenders working there: Roxy. after which a band goes up to perform. Bloom’s not really paying attention as she’s too busy brooding. As the band plays the lead singer stares at Bloom a little, trying to make sure it’s actually her. After the performance he goes up to her and introduces himself as Andy.
Which surprises the hell out of Bloom, she didn't exactly expect to bump into her Ex at a bar while trying to drown her sorrows, her life seems to be getting better and better huh… She’s surprised he started a band, he wasn't exactly all that confident when they used to date, but to be fair that was 5 years ago. They start catching up ( with Bloom lying about where she’s been,) she ends up telling him she's been studying abroad in America, as a not the thought out cover-up for her studies in Alfea.
He proceeds to pour his whole heart out to Bloom, talking about all the horrible things went through after their break up, including his hard battle of questioning his sexuality. He tells her it was all worth it in the end though, revealing he is now in a happy polyamorous relationship with his bandmates. Which proceeds to give Bloom even more whiplash, she’s over the moon for him, nonetheless. She explains her own relationship status ect.. And that she recently graduated and that she’s just kind of unsure of what she’s doing, which Andy can definitely relate to.
“You could have fooled me, you look like you know exactly what you want”. To which he responds that he does in fact know what he wants, it’s the getting there that’s the tricky part. Which resonates with Bloom for obvious reasons. They exchange numbers and he asks if she’s still drawing . She tells him that she does, to which he asks if he could commission her any time since his band needs a few visual assets.
Bloom readily accepts the offer.
Scene 3
Bloom goes to sleep. This night is the first night she’s been able to dream at all, although it’s not as pleasant as she wished it would be. She sees all her friends around her but when she tries to touch them they disappear, even sky. Leaving her all alone as her wings vanish. In the distance, she hears her birth parents calling her name, the ancestor witches block off her path to them as she tries to reach them.
After which she gets a vision of Daphne saving her as a baby and fighting the ancestor witches, screaming that they’ll never get the power of the dragon’s flame. Bloom suddenly hears her sister's faint voice calling out for her. She slowly regains her wings as her environment turns from a white void and into lake Racalouce, where Daphne’s spirit greets Bloom. They embrace, and Bloom asks where Daphne’s been all this time.
She explains, to Bloom’s horror, that as Bloom gets stronger Daphne gets weaker, and after Bloom earned Enchantix she knew her time to dissipate was near. Bloom wasn't born with the power of the dragon flame, it was Daphne’s once. Just like it was their mother’s once and so forth. She simply gave it to her in order to protect the power since she knew she wouldn't survive the attack on Domino.
Speaking of, Daphne has important information for Bloom, she can find information about what happened to their parents and how to undo the coven’s destruction. She must go to the mountain of the rock and find the Book of fate, it holds information about the past, present and future of the royal Domino Bloodline. When Bloom asks why Daphne didn't tell her about the book before she explains that she thought it was destroyed.
They have a heartfelt conversation about each other and this serves as Daphne’s goodbye since she doesn't know when she’ll see Bloom again. Bloom tries to tell her to not leave and in response She hugs Bloom and tells her she’s never truly alone. Bloom ends her dream with the sentence “ we’ll be a family again, someday..” echoing in her head.
Scene 4
Bloom wakes up shaken in the middle of the night. The words Daphne said reveroborated in her mind. The thought of losing Daphne was just too much. She can't lose her, she just can't. She’s all she has that links her to Domino, she wouldn't have survived half the missions she’s been on without her. She CAN’T lose her.
We get a montage of Bloom’s daily life: waking up, going to work, working, going home, and sleeping. We see this about 2 to 3 times, each time Bloom seeming less and less energetic and more so apathetic. She isn't eating well, she isn't sleeping much, she’s neglecting her wants and needs in a desperate attempt to cling on to Daphne. She’s been trying to make art assets for Andy’s band during these insomnia episodes but everything she’s coming up with is terrible and bad in her eyes.
This is what she’s doing at the end of the montage, as Bloom hits another dead end she gets frustrated. With bags under her eyes, she walks downstairs and tries to make herself some coffee but Mike stops her. He gives her the dad look while she tries her best to look normal to no avail. He gets some sweet treats and a glass of milk before sitting at the kitchen table to talk.
He starts out the conversation in a tender yet confronting tone, telling her that he’s noticed her neglecting her own health. She tries denying this but he just ignores her and tells her that she needs to sleep, she barely eats ect… Bloom lets out a tired sigh and tells Mike what Daphne told her. Mike was extremely stunned and very confused on how to help her, thus he began asking her questions about how she feels, let her vent a bit.
Bloom expresses that she just doesn't know what to do, she finally has a lead to get her to her biological parents but losing Daphne would be devastating. She doesn't like the idea of losing anyone else, especially after Tecna threw herself in the Omega portal.
Her father doesn't know what to say and she simply said that she’ll try to sleep. Mike is left feeling unsure of how to help her as she walks back up to her room. Bloom obviously can't fall asleep so she elects to try and make something for Andy. She gets to work making a few concept sketches. She sends them to him and asks to meet up the next day since she gets off work earlier. He accepts.
Scene 5
Andy’s walking through his makeshift studio. The rest of his crue/partners are relaxing. As she walks in with her concept sketches and a few more she’s made, Mark already doesn't like her but hides it the best he can mainly because Andy made him promise to not antagonize Bloom. It doesn't work, Bloom’s aura reading ability making her see right through his act. She can tell it’s not personal and while unpleasant, she elects to ignore it.
Rio on the other hand, gets up and introduces everyone including himself and shows her around the studio, Explaining that they’re under the contract label of Jason. He’s quite sweet to Bloom, the moment she makes a self-deprecating comment he shoots it down immediately and tells her that from what he’s seen from her work and her general disposition, she should have more faith in herself. Bloom can't help but imagine Daphne in his place.
This only makes Mike’s dislike of her more palpable and so Bloom, wishing to avoid being even more mentally exhausted than she already is, elects to pitch her concepts to them. When Mike makes a critical comment about her work, instead of getting angry, she simply lets the frustration simmer and takes notes. This leaves him surprised which makes him ease up around her.
After they’re done discussing, she asks if it would be okay if she brought some of her equipment here so she could work with them. Mainly because she just needs to be around some more positivity and she feels comfortable here. The guys accept it with varying degrees of enthusiasm. We get a transition from day to night, with everyone having mostly left except for Bloom and Rio.
As he’s packing up, he tells her that it's time to go. She apologizes and starts getting her stuff, she just spaced out. The bags under her eyes are even more visible. He tells her to calm down, she has time. He sees right through her anyway, she’s avoiding something and she’s using this gig to ignore it. Bloom is speechless, he elects to tell her that she doesn't have to tell him. Simply that she should take more care of herself, or at least sleep a little.
She pours her heart out to him, while avoiding certain details to make sure he doesn't think she’s crazy. He listens intently, after she’s done Bloom just cries and he comforts her the best he can. He tells his own tail of how he lost his own sister, a few years ago he got into an accident while his sister was in the backseat. He was fine but she was in pretty rough shape. She was pronounced dead a few hours later, ever since than he’s blamed himself for her passing.
It’s taken a lot of time to come to terms with the idea that his sister wouldn't want him to destroy himself. And he reassures Bloom that Daphne would want her to be happy. This settles in for Bloom and a new fiery determination courses through her. Daphne wanted her to save their planet, their people and she now has a way of doing so. She can’t just sit there and rot.
Scene 6
Bloom is on her way home, walking this time. She just needed some peace and quiet to reflect. She can't hold on to Daphne forever, she’s grateful for the time she did get to have with her sister but now she’s ready to fulfill her goals without Daphne’s helping hand. She can do this on her own, she’s ready and Daphne deserves to rest.
Suddenly, Daphne’s mask emerges from Bloom’s chest and presses itself against her eyes, Through which Bloom sees an image of Daphne, Revealing Daphne's face for the first time. She floats to Bloom, hugging her. And she whispers : Bloom… I'm proud of you..
This causes Bloom to tear up, with a soft smile on her face, she looks at Daphne. “ thank you… for everything..” Daphne, with a tender smile begins to fade into small little fireflies which disperse into the air. Suddenly Daphne’s mask turns an amber red, the once soft lumps at each end of the mask sharpen, after which it vanishes into small sparkles and disappears into Bloom’s fairy dust bottle. A parting gift from Daphne one could say.
Bloom watches the fireflies become nothing but small flickering lights with a somber look on her face. She starts walking back home. Determined to find the book of fate, she calls the rest of the girls and specialists asking for a favor.
As she walks away, the fireflies lead the viewer from earth, to space, through countless planets before settling on a dark, almost invisible planet. Entering its atmosphere, traveling through countless mountains, and finding its way in a clearing with 3 rock formations, each having a symbole upon them. A snowflake , a lighting bolt, and an octopus. In the center, lies a stone statue of a man reaching out to a sword, the fireflies head directly to the sword, which results in a blue flame erupting from its blade.
Sudden shrieks erupt as these 3 mountains begin to glow a deep hellish red. 3 shrill voices begin to scream about how hot the sword is, almost like its very presence burns them.
Scene 8
The owl lands in front of Bloom’s neighborhood with all the specialists and the rest of the winx. All of them ( including Bloom ) with new looks. Bloom embraces her friends, exclaiming that it's been too long, and thanking them for coming to help her
Helia’s quiet which causes Flora to feel uneasy, to which he reassures her that he’s fine. Musa and Riven are completely ignoring each other, while the rest of the group organically keeps them apart.
A bit more laughter ensues before Bloom said that it's nice to see them again but if they don't leave now they’ll end up arriving on Domino at night, and if the cold during the day was enough to kill whatever remained on the planet, imagine what it il be like at night.
Timmy and Tecna answer in unison that they would freeze to death in a matter of seconds. Which results in some awkward silence before Brandon exclaims that there’s no time to waste then! As everyone enters the ship, Mike and Vannessa stop Bloom to tell her just how proud they are of her. They hug her, que cute parent child moment. They share looks of support as the winx and Specialists take off to Domino.
End of episode
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lilitblaukatz · 2 years
Some speculations on what is happening in Hawkins, probable byler quest and an outcome.
Major spoilers for the Dark Tower septology by Stephen King, Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub 1984, Roadside Picnic by A.&B. Strugatsky 1972, Stalker by A. Tarkovsky 1979, Annihilation 2018.
Since the first two chapters of s05 are direct continuation of s04, I presume that 'movie dna' from s04 might bleed into them. There is Annihilation 2018 by A. Garfield. I wondered why not Stalker? And then I've read a Stranger Things book 2021.
Before I discovered feminism and hope for self acceptance at a tender age of 31, my favourite writers in my mother tongue were A.&B. Strugatsky, soviet sience-fiction authors. They are geniuses but as many great authors in the genre they disastrously lack relatable and wholesome female characters*.
So when I watched early seasons I saw right away Roadside Picnic ancestry of Upside Down. The book of Stranger Things confirms it of course, Strugatsky's book was worldwide popular in 1980s and Tarkovsky's movie is a classic, of course Duffers include those.
When our seven protagonists, three couples and a lone wolverine, stand on a hill and observe Upside Down in the right side up, I felt major Zone vibes more than ever.
In the Roadside Picnic there is a Zone (there are six of them), which is left after alien presence. Aliens were casualy having "a picnic" and left behind piles of 'trash' which is very dangerous and sometimes valuable for humans. Stalkers go into a Zone to bring some of the artifacts. A zone is full of anomalies, wonderous and deadly. In the end the main character Red goes there with the son of his friend and fellow stalker to reach a mythical golden sphere which grants wishes. He wants for his daughter to be normal (she is affected genetically because of his zone trips). But his young companion, who unbeknownst to himself is intended to a sacrificial death so Red can reach the Sphere, right before his planned death runs to the Sphere and yells naive selfless wishes which will benefit whole humankind. When he dies, Red reaches the Sphere and can't find any strength in him to wish for himself. He yells HAPPINESS FOR EVERYONE, FREE AND MAY NO ONE BE LEFT BEHIND.
So there was an artifact. I didn't want to look into the Talisman, which Lucas reads to comatose Max, but there is also an artifact, which healed Jack Sawyer's (main protagonist) mother and was useful beyond that. But I doubt that s05 Upside Down zone will contain any physical artifact.
The Dark Tower is a seven books long adventure of the Gunslinger Roland Deschain who at the end of it finds himself almost where he started at. And that what he basically does – finds himself. He chases a bad man, the bad man in some of Stephen King universe stories, but in fact he chases himself.
And there is Annihilation, mentioned on the s04 storyboard. It is based on a novel of the same name but it is heavily influenced by Stalker. What is remarkable about that movie – its almost all female cast. In case of an expedition into the Shimmer (Garland's version of a Zone) it IS all female cast. It is interesting enough: where men failed time and time again they decided to try and let women to bring something to the table. Oh wow thank you, you shouldn't have!
Anyway, it is a s*icide mission – nobody ever came back from the Shimmer except the main protagonist Lena's husband which was not himself and almost immediately died from a painful death. All other women sent into the Shimmer are broken too. While mission is s*icidal, most of them are not, but they are self-destructive. There are anomalies in the Shimmer and it is beautiful. It is also horror, so that beauty is horrendous, my kind of visual. So women go to the Shimmer, losing themselves to beautiful horrors, and their goal is a lighthouse, where alien presence struck and started to annihilate everything around it, gradually expanding itself. Lena reaches it and there she is confronted with an alien force which takes form of herself. It is really really beautiful and very scary. Her antagonist, her dark twin isn't just resembles her in appearance. It is HER.
I once adored Robert Howard's Conan the Barbarian. My favorite moment is when Conan meets himself on a path and he has to overpower himself to go on. They both are the same, they know the same tricks and at the same level of sward skills. Yet, Conan must win. He did.
Our heroine must do just that. And she does. She simultaneously wins and succumbs to herself and make it out on the other side someone new, merged. She accepted her alienated self and became someone new. Someone horrifying but that is the genre to you.
I believe that Will and Mike may go into the Upside Down zone (it can be present in Hawkins as a restricted area for years) Sam and Frodo style, but there won't be any artifact. Both of them are self-destructive, selfless and traumatized beyond humanly possible. One or better both of them should find, fight and accept their alienated selves and become the ultimate force of life – love.
*Stephen King, my absolute favorite till recent years is better in that field but by last year upon reading Elevation with two married lesbians in the plot I understood that it is good but alas he can't tell me more than I already know. It is time to read women and queer authors, also gain the perspective of authors who are not white.
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i finally watched battlestar galactica because it was VERY highly recommended by an old friend group and i should have known this shit was gonna be fucked up that friendgroup was toxic as hell and what the fuck is this ending. what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. we have MULTIPLE SEASONS where the assumption of the characters and the narrative itself is that this HUMAN/CYLON HYBRID BABY is the SHAPE OF THE FUTURE. okay. total transcendence regarding the meaning of humanity, literally melding with the machines through romantic love, the children of which are the only hope for both races to survive (cylons sterile with each other, resurrection destroyed, human women infertile due to radiation poisoning)-- transhumanism as salvation! structurally really well done! everything built up SO WELL! it is narratively very difficult to move characters from literally genocidal hatred to looking at their nemesis people group like their only chance for survival. and to have their conflict carry them to that place! to have them literally destroy each other to the point that they will go extinct unless they not only give up their hatred but become one people. the lore of the show hinging itself on cycles of time and cycles of violence--"this has happened before and will happen again"--humans destroy cyclons so cylons destroy humans so humans destroy cylons. it started because humans enslaved cylons and refused to grant them freedom and autonomy, which is especially fascinating as an early post-9/11* work, only a few years after the towers fell. ran from 04-09 and that was the height of what can only be described as a national frenzy of xenophobic bloodlust, one that lead to 20 years of war, the destabilization of 3 governments, and 11 million dead. this story took that bloodlust and followed it to the near-annihilation of both groups, forcing them to rely on each other for survival or go utterly extinct. interesting stuff!!
and in the LAST EPISODE. okay. the last fucking episode. they find a second earth (because we already found Real Earth which was really a cylon colony) and this earth2 is NOT their species' homeworld. they find human populations on earth2 anyway and specifically comment on how totally crazy unlikely it is to have the same exact species evolve half a universe away. earth2 is also our planet, same continents. so yaaay! not all humans will go extinct AND these earth2 humans solve their fertility problem because they aren't radiation poisoned which removes the need for the cylons! hold up though! the indigenous earth2 human populations are PRE-LINGUAL. WELL BEFORE THEIR OWN FUCKING STONE AGE. our galactic colonizers react by saying "we can teach them all that" (yes! the visual was racist!) and then talk about how their space civilization wasn't actually destroyed by the injustice of slavery or meaningless hatred but instead Really by "too much science, too fast." so they decide to REGRESS TO BEFORE THE STONE AGE, disperse the last of their survivors into smaller groups across the planet not to merge with existing people groups but for "better chances of survival," and SHOOT THEIR TECHNOLOGY INTO THE SUN. just to put a point on it, they will never be able to reach or speak to each other again seeing as they shot their planet-traveling technology into the fucking sun. they are trapped on different continents with only pre-stone age technology. no one has a problem with this.
so back to before the last episode, we spent MULTIPLE EPISODES building a strong alliance with the rebel cylons based on the hybrid shape-of-the-future baby. because our special hybrid shape-of-the-future baby was stolen by pure-machine cylons and they had to get her back For The Shape Of The Future!! supposed to become one people remember! everything building up to it. well! the pure-machine cylons still hate humanity but have basically agreed to an opposite-sides-of-space nonaggression pact and won't go extinct because they got resurrection back in exchange for the girl. they are planning to discontinue the human-model cylons because the leader of that faction thinks machines trying to be like humans is an atrocity and resents his own existence for it. OUR rebel cylons who escaped that maniac and were planning to interbreed only get about three lines and are suddenly just totally okay with their type of human cylon going extinct. they want to "be as useful as possible" before they "expire" or some bullshit. the human-cylon hybrid baby is not addressed once. the multiple battle episodes about getting her back are just the reason the other cylons aren't trying to exterminate them anymore.
the writer was a fucking mormon and you can tell he wrote himself into a corner on the Legitimacy of God and could not let it go.
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murshili-ii · 1 year
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End-of-Series special: Dead World
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Because all things must end.
With summer almost upon us, the Spring Vignettes series has reached its close. Thank you all for sharing in my little artistic escapade. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I did. Stay tuned for whatever I do next.
This is the twenty-first and last Spring Vignettes piece, which doesn’t correspond to any holiday; it’s just an original composition.
Before you read what the piece was intended to portray, share what it portrays to _you_. I’m just the artist; you’re the beholder.
Leave a comment.
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In the beginning, the primordial gods parted the sky from the earth and raised it up, opening the world.
One day, the sky will fall back down; and the world will end. The sun and moon will be crushed. It will be dark and still, forever.
It will be a dead, quiet, peaceful place. The noise and motion will have faded away into silence. All strife and hardship will be over; just an ancient memory. No one will be left but those who refuse to die, and they will live for such an unbroken eternity that their sleep is barely life.
Perhaps a new world will be opened. Perhaps the primordial gods had to die so they could open the next world for all other dead souls to follow. Maybe that’s how the cycle of the universe continues; world upon world upon world, forever.
Nothing good can last forever; but maybe new good things can be begun.
This is an all-original piece that doesn’t contain much in the way of cultural inspiration. I had a vision, and I expressed it.
The general idea of the sky having been lifted by a mighty primordial god at the creation of the world is inspired by Pangu, who lifted the sky and separated each thing from its opposite in Chinese mythology; as well as Shu, the Egyptian air-god who separates the sky from the earth, and Aztec cosmology, according to which the world we live in is one of multiple successive creations.
At least one major visual influence will be obvious to any connoisseur of neo-8-bit sandbox computer games focusing on mineral extraction.
The brimstone towers in the foreground are inspired by deep sea volcanic vents. The only thing that can fuel an ecosystem without the sun is chemosynthesis, harnessing the chemically active emissions of the earth to sustain life. Perhaps some strange fungal ecosystem could be sustained on the noxious fumes that still seep forth long after the world is over.
This was either the first or second piece that I created last March, when this whole thing all began. I thought it best that it should be the last to be shared.
In the order of release, this is the 21st Spring Vignettes piece; and 21 is the number of trump cards in a standard Tarot deck. There’s no real significance in that correspondence; I didn’t do it on purpose; that was just the number of pieces I was able to do before the ladle hit the bottom of the barrel. I thought it was an interesting coincidence, though. I suppose I could make a Tarot deck featuring these as the trump cards. It would be fun to play with; no different from the modern Parisian decks that are used to play the game today. I don’t know if they’d be any use for divination; maybe they would. If anyone would be interested in seeing this series adapted into a Tarot deck, let me know.
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kouros-herc · 2 years
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“glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver, its banners caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?“ - The Fellowship of the Ring.
Authors Note: While writing this, a huge part of the inspiration I have drawn for Hercules has been on his feelings about his adopted home, Faircastle. One of the things the GoT universe does so beautifully is adapt the architecture and visual aesthetic of different locations in ways that are beautifully interrelated to the people and Houses of that place. You get a sense of the bilateral influence of people on place and place on people (something I, an architectural historian, am obsessed with). 
So I wanted to base this House Thorne playlist on Faircastle itself. To soundtrack a Symphonic Poem to the place. Please ignore the track titles, and for 30~ minutes I will try to spin you an image of what I see in my head! I hope you enjoy! [Disclaimer - Rich swoopy strings in abundance. May cause ‘air conducting’]
[Listen to: A Love Song to the Stones here]
Prelude: The Streams of Nancy, Kate Rusby [not on spotify]
This song, and its description of a bannered, wondrous castle, charming and filled with gallant men and noble ladies, really filled my heart thinking about Faircastle, with the sort of yearning for a place (and a lover) that really seems to fit the tropes House Thorne have embodied so far! Perhaps one for Nemo to perform to Lord Finn ...
Track 1: Aslan Appears
We begin in darkness, the rolling hills barely distinguishable from the night’s sky. The stars have faded, and the first blush of orange creeps along the edges of the horizon. The earliest birdsong begins to fill the air. High towers stand black against the lightening sky.
Track 2: Lucy Meets Mr Tumnus
Fires are kindled, eyes are rubbed. Within the walls life stirs. Grooms begin to sweep, bakers begin to knead, the morning dew gilds the grass all about the castle.  Dawns gentle rays begin to light up the tendrils of mist that swirl about the hills, and gold creeps into the world.  The castle comes to life, as servants scurry. Fireplaces must be swept and guards must change watch, breakfast must be laid, and goods must be brought in. High above, the first breath of a gentle breeze ruffles the curtains at the windows of the Lord of Faircastle, who stirs in his bed.
Track 3: For The Love of a Princess
As the sun breaks loose of the rolling hills and climbs into the sky, it kisses the pale stones and turns all the world to gold.  Pennants of deepest emerald ripple and snap in the breeze as horses whinny.  A swallow soars above turrets that reach up to brush the sky, and a glint ripples from the armour of the Watch. 
Track 4: Flight From Edoras
Horses shift and shuffle in the courtyard, their masters tugging gently at the reins, as his Lordship mounts. The hunting party are ready. Banners stream forth from the gates, across the drawbridge hooves clatter and the wind rushes through armour before it swirls up to ripple the pennants of the gatehouse.  Faircastle stands proudly as the party makes its way towards the forest.
Track 5: Parting Ways
Hooves thud gently on leaves. Between leaves of green, the white bark stands tall. The godswood, its leaves kissed by fire, its power still touching every root and leaf in the place.  Silence falls on the hunting party. The Old Gods may not be dead, merely sleeping, and the eyes of the tree seem to follow you everywhere. 
Track 6: Donwell Dancing Again
At Faircastle life continues apace. In the Great Hall servants weave patterns around each other as they go about their duties, ladies sew. Light streams through the great windows, and the doors open. Lord Finn steps into the glow, followed by the happy hunters returned, to celebrate the day.  The Lord pauses, contemplating a seat that still does not rightly feel his, but the dance of the Great Hall life goes ever one. Platters appear, the fruit of the land and the riches of the soils of the Reach, as tables and benches fill.
Track 7: I’d Pluck A Fair Rose
[Deeds, not Words. House Thorne (unintentionally) is the house of the yearning lovers. Lovers who will pledge their every action to their loved one, and who will carry the flame in their heart through whatever tries to get in their way.]
The soft voice of the Nightingale rises over the crowd, silence falls in reverence of the Lady, and soft eyes make glances across the room.
Track 8: The Black Pig
Plates are cleared, cups are drained, and the fire glows warm as the light outside once more begins to turn to soft gold.  Tales are told, yarns spun, the babble of laughter fills the hall with warmth. As his Lordship retires, tables are pushed back, benches pushed back, hands extended and heads bowed.  Feet begin to stamp, tramp, clap as the fiddlers play on into the night, reeling together the house begins to weave its own knots for the Gods to observe.
Track 9: The Rose of St Magnus
But soon, weary eyes and sleepy heads begin to nod. The music slows and the fiddlers play a dream of home, a love song to the stones. Soft blue velvet envelops the world outside the windows and the fires shrink to embers.  Lovers take each other by the hand and lead away.
Track 10: A Sky Sparkling
The pennants of Faircastle snap in the warm night’s air. Stars blink to light, beginning their courtly dance across the heavens as the stories of the ages unfold once more. While mortals sleep and all the castle falls silent, braziers on the walls hold the warmth of home.
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centerspirited · 7 months
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sughoshperur · 8 months
Camping in Bhandardara: A Mesmerizing Lakeside Experience
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Imagine spending a peaceful night under a starlit sky, nestled beside a pristine lake, with the magnificent Kalsubai Peak standing tall in the backdrop. This dreamlike experience is what Bhandardara Night Camping offers – an unforgettable adventure that I recently had the privilege of experiencing. Located in the Sahyadri range of Maharashtra, Bhandardara is a hidden gem for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. In this blog, I will take you on a virtual journey through my Bhandardara camping experience, emphasizing the unparalleled charm of lakeside camping in Bhandardara and the allure of the nearby Kalsubai Peak.
Tents in Bhandardara
Bhandardara tent camping is an immersive experience. The comfortable and well-maintained tents provide shelter and offer a cozy night's sleep. It was fascinating to be so close to nature while still having the comfort of a tent. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I settled into my tent, which was equipped with essential amenities like a comfortable mattress and clean bedding.
The campsite comes alive at night with the gentle crackling of bonfires and the soft hum of conversations. It was an ideal opportunity to meet fellow travelers, share stories, and make new friends. The campfire was the heart of the gathering, and it made for a perfect evening of bonding and relaxation. Book your camping spots through Universal Adventure for an easy booking experience.
Lakeside Camping
One of the most captivating aspects of Bhandardara camping is the proximity to Lake Arthur. The morning view is truly something out of a fairy tale.  Lakeside Camping Bhandardara is a surreal experience to wake up to the gentle lapping of the lake against the shore. The reflection of the rising sun on the water's surface is an absolute visual delight.
The early morning hours are perfect for a serene lakeside walk, and that's precisely what I did. It's a time when the tranquility and natural beauty of Bhandardara truly come to life. Birdwatching is another popular activity by the lake, and I was fortunate to spot several beautiful species.
>> How long is river rafting in Kolad?
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Maharashtra's Highest Point
Bhandardara is not just about lakeside camping; it also offers an opportunity for adventure seekers to conquer the towering Kalsubai Peak. Kalsubai Peak Maharashtra is the highest point, standing at an impressive height of 5,400 feet above sea level. The trek to Kalsubai Peak is a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience for those who seek an adrenaline rush.
The Kalsubai Peak height is truly a spectacle to behold. As I embarked on the trek, the path was flanked by lush greenery, and the crisp mountain air invigorated my spirit. The trek took me through forests, rocky terrain, and steep ascents. The panoramic views of the surrounding Sahyadri mountains were simply awe-inspiring.
The sense of accomplishment upon reaching the summit of Kalsubai was unparalleled. The cool breeze at the peak, combined with the panoramic views of Bhandardara and the Sahyadri range, made the challenging trek entirely worthwhile. Kalsubai Peak is an ideal destination for both nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.
Bhandardara Night Camping: A Complete Package
Bhandardara offers a unique blend of natural beauty, adventure, and relaxation. The combination of lakeside camping at Bhandardara and the thrilling trek to Kalsubai Peak creates a well-rounded experience for travelers. The Bhandardara night camping experience allows you to connect with nature and rejuvenate your senses. It's an escape from the monotony of daily life and a chance to recharge your mind and body.
My camping adventure began with the arrival at the campsite, where I was greeted by the breathtaking view of Lake Arthur. Bhandardara night camping is an experience that promises tranquility and connection with nature. It is a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The serenity of the location, with the lake glistening in the golden rays of the setting sun, set the tone for the perfect getaway.
>> What is the best time to visit Bhandardara?
Bhandardara night camping and the trek to Kalsubai Peak in Maharashtra were an unforgettable adventure that left me with a profound appreciation for the beauty of nature and the thrill of outdoor exploration. The serene lakeside setting in Bhandardara, coupled with the challenge of reaching the majestic Kalsubai Peak, is a unique and memorable combination that I would recommend to any nature enthusiast or adventure seeker.
If you ever find yourself in Maharashtra, be sure to include Bhandardara in your travel itinerary. The lakeside camping and the opportunity to conquer Kalsubai Peak will undoubtedly leave you with cherished memories and a deep connection to the wonders of the natural world. Bhandardara is more than just a destination; it's an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.
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curlabroad · 1 year
Places You Should See in Vilnius - Part 2 (2/6)
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Welcome to the part 2 of Vilnius recommendations <3
1.6. Three Crosses (Trys Kryžiai) and Bernardine Park & (Bernardinų Sodas & Parkas) 
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After you visit the Museum of Applied Arts and Design you can keep walking and take a right turn or you can walk through Bernardine Park to reach the hill. Bernardine Park & Garden is just in between Gediminas Hill and the Bernardine Monastery. Right next to the park flows Vilnelė River. Three Crosses see the whole city! I like to visit the place at the sunset. The crosses are located in the Kalnų parkas. 
1.7. Republic of Užupis ( Užupio Respublika)
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The Republic of Užupis is an independent region in the center of Vilnius. The republic is quite unique. Don’t miss this must-see item when visiting Vilnius. Užupis proclaimed their independence in 1998. They are recognized by Lithuania and many other countries from the UK to Azerbaijan. Check their history here. The region is home to many art and design centers and streets are covered with great artwork and murals. I recommend entering Uzupio from Bernardinų Tiltas and getting out from Paupio Tiltas and visit these places and getting lost through the streets: 
Jonas Mekas Visual Arts Center, 
Bridge of Užupis (there is a pub near it and if you are lucky enough to find a seat, make sure to have a few drinks there) 
Angel of Užupis, 
Constitution of the Republic of Užupis. 
1.8. St. Anne’s Church & St. Francis of Assisi (Bernardine) Roman Catholic Church
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St. Anne’s Church (Vilniaus Šv. Onos bažnyčia ) and St. Francis of Assisi (Bernardine) Roman Catholic Church ( Vilniaus šv. Pranciškaus Asyžiečio (Bernardinų) parapija) are located near each other and you can easily reach them from the Cathedral Square or Bernardine Park and even it is close to the Uzupis. I highly recommend visiting inside the churches as they are greatly decorated. But keep in mind that, even on weekdays there are ceremonies in churches; so please be respectful. 
Adam Bernard Mickiewicz is a national poet in Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus from Poland. Mickiewicz is not only a poet but also a dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist. You can see his statue right next to the churches. 
1.9. Pilies Street (Pilies Gatve)
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This street is one of the famous streets in Vilnius Old Town. It’s only 2 minutes walk away from the Vilnius Cathedral. When you enter the street you will see there local restaurants, great pubs, and souvenir stores. This street is perfect to dine and buy. You will understand what I mean when you see it. 
On the street, coming from the Cathedral side, there is a little shop called Flea Market on the left side. Even though most recognize the shop quickly due to the colorful and crowded sill but some pass by as they are busy with other things. I believe the place needs special recognition on the list. 
1.10. Gates of Dawn & The Church of St Theresa 
Gates of Dawn (Aušros vartai) is a city gate that used to be a part of Vilnius’s defensive wall in the 16th century. The gate contains a famous Renaissance: The Blessed Virgin Mary. The painting is worshipped by Catholics, Russian Orthodox, and Greek Orthodox. Therefore the gate is known to be a prayer point among many. 
If you walk down a bit towards the street you will find The Church of St Theresa (Vilniaus Šv. Teresės bažnyčia) dating back to the 16th century.
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1.11. Church of St. Johns & The Bell Tower – Vilnius University
Vilnius University is one of the best universities in Vilnius and is the oldest university in the Baltic states. The university is centrally located and has hidden gems in it. 
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Church of St. Johns as short or the “Church of St. Johns, St. John the Baptist and St. John the Apostle and Evangelist” is located in the old town in Vilnius University’s garden. The church is simply beautiful. The Bell Tower of St. John’s Church nearby offers one of the best panoramic views you can get in the city. Definitely go up! 
Vilnius University Library 
Vilnius University Library or VU Library as most refers dates back to the 16th Century and actually 9 nine years older than the university itself. Also, it is the oldest academic library not only in Vilnius but in Lithuania. The original art on the walls and ceilings is very well preserved. It gave me Harry Potter vibes a bit probably because I have never seen such a library with such art. 
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Hong Kong Adventures
4 days 2011
Day 1July 24 Hong Kong airport
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I checked in to the Stanford Hotel situated beside Ladies' Market, located in Kowloon in one of the most colourful and vibrant areas of this lively, cosmopolitan city. Stanford Hotel Hong Kong is well served by public transport. It is just a few minutes' walk to the MTR Station as well as the Mong Kok East MTR Station, which connects to Mainland China. The Hotel offered complimentary scheduled shuttle bus service to Hung Hom MTR Station, Airport Express Kowloon Station, China Hong Kong City Ferry Terminal and Stanford Hillview Hotel.
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I decided to take a stroll around the area to checkout my surroundings. I wondered into Kowloon park where I viewed many sculptors.
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Right around the block from my hotel was the Ladies Market. This massive Mongkok street market is one of the best spots in the city to pick up a bargain. Find T-shirts, cheongsams, silk pyjamas, chopsticks, handbags, belts, hair accessories, toys, and more.
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I found many malls around the area. Def amazing to see international brands in another country. Dinner at the mall!
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DAY 2 Shek O Beach and Mainland Hong Kong
I found Breakfast 2 blocks from my hotel and made this my daily breakfast on the go spot!
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Hong Kong is very tourist friendly, I was on a mission to find a rock formation that I found in a tourist book. It didn’t have an address or directions on how to get there but I was confident that I would locate this place. The only piece of information I had was the name, Shek O VillageRoad.
To my amazement everyone spoke English. A mother and daughter let me know that they were required to take English I’m school. They directed me to the correct train station.
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When I arrived at the station the train workers helped me to figure out the train number to board.
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When I got to my destination the bus driver pointed to a path. He said to walk up the path and I would find it. To my amazement I had found a beach! It was hotter than the mainland, I had wish I brought my bathing suit.
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Shek O Beach is probably one of the most scenic and popular beaches on Hong Kong Island. It might be on the southeast end of the island, but it’s still relatively easy to access and is often the first beach that anyone new to Hong Kong visits (well at least I did). It’s literally a glimpse into the other side of Hong Kong, the side without skyscrapers.
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I then viewed the house I saw in the Tourist Guide book, I had reached my destination!
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I continued down the path to see if I could find the rock formation that was pictured in the guide book but to my surprised it was more than that rock image! Definitely was not prepared to see what I was about to see and I was so glad I ventured out to find it!
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I took the bus and rail back to the mainland. Next stop The Peak Tram is a funicular railway in Hong Kong, which carries both tourists and residents to the upper levels of Hong Kong Island. The journey takes approximately 8–10 minutes and is a visual experience to remember, as skyscrapers glide past at what appear to be impossible angles while the tram makes its ascent. The Peak Tram passes six stations in order: Garden Road, Kennedy Road, MacDonnell Road, May Road, Barker Road, and the Peak. The lower terminus is at Garden Road in the Central, while the upper one is on the third floor of the Peak Tower on the hillside.
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Before I head back down I had lunch at the bubba shrimp co Reaturant & Bar. With many days eating just Asian food I was happy to have a salad. When I got back down I walked over to visit St. Peter’s Cathedral the oldest Catholic Church in Hong Kong. The headed over to the Center.
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Stopped at the Madrain Hotel turn off to dinner at Yung Kee (Chinese: 鏞記) is a Chinese restaurant located on Wellington Street in Central, Hong Kong. It is most famous for its roast goose.
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Day 3 New Territories, Tap Mun & Big Buddah
Subway MTR to The ferry pier which was located at Science Park and University in between Shatin and Tai Po. Ma Liu Shui is an area in Sha Tin District, in the New Territories, Hong Kong.
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Grass Island or Tap Mun is an island in Hong Kong, located in the northeastern part of the territory.
We found a 400-year-old temple with an altar, and legend has it that it is connected by a hidden tunnel to Tap Mun Cave on the opposite shore of the island but we didn’t see one.
We found a hiking trail with stairs, when we got to the top we were able to take in the views! On the way down we encountered a cow. As we were walking pass it, it ran ran after us. What a scary moment, but we were able to laugh about it later!
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Tian Tan Buddha (Big Buddah)
Ngong Ping Lantau Island, in Hong Kong
Set on Lantau Island, the most enjoyable way to reach the Big Buddha is via the Ngong Ping Cable Car from Tung Chung MTR station.
You are also about to take a 2.5 to 3.5 hours hike and the cable car back to the station or catch a bus for the return trip. We decided to take the Cable Car round trip, which was a 30 min ride.
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It is totally free to visit the Big Buddha, however, we would recommend making a small contribution to their donation box as a kind gesture, as the Big Buddha Phuket was built entirely from donations.
The Big Buddha, also known as Tian Tan Buddha, is famed as the most iconic attraction of Lantau. Sitting next to the Po Lin Monastery, it is only a 10-minute walk away from Ngong Ping Village. The majestic outdoor bronze Buddha statue sits solemnly atop the peak of Mount Muk Yue.
We climb up 268 steps to reach the three-storey pedestal to visit the Buddha and enjoy the boundless views of Lantau and South China Sea.
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Day 4 Victoria Harbour Mainland HK & Stanley Beach
Victoria Harbour is a natural channel separating Hong Kong Island in the south from the Kowloon Peninsula to the north. With a glorious location in the South China Sea, the harbor is one of Hong Kong’s top tourist attractions thanks to its historical significance (it was one of the British Empire’s biggest military and trading ports) and the fact it offers gorgeous views of the Hong Kong skyline.
A prime way of experiencing Victoria Harbor’s allure is by riding the award-winning Hong Kong Star Ferry, which carries passengers between Tsim Sha Tsui on the Kowloon side and Central and Wan Chai on Hong Kong island. The 20-min journey will provide you with the most spectacular views of Hong Kong,
You can also take in the beauty of Victoria Harbor from the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade. This alluring promenade starts at the Star Ferry Terminal, where the historic Star Ferry departs from, linking Tsim Sha Tsui with Central Hong Kong. The ride is considered one of the top things to do in Hong Kong, as it offers the most dramatic views of the city.
We passed by the Floating Restaurant, Tai Pak Sea food. In June 2022, the city's iconic tourist attraction, Jumbo Floating Restaurant, left Hong Kong waters and capsized at sea while on its way to Cambodia for storage – a shocking news.
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Stanley Village & Beach
MTR Central Station Exit A / MTR Hong Kong Station Exit B1 to Stanley Village Bus Terminus Stanley has been a fishing village since before the British came to Hong Kong.
Stanley is a village in Hong Kong Island’s Southern District, where many of Hong Kong’s top beaches can be found. Visitors to Stanley will find a well developed beachfront before them, with a gorgeous promenade and a host of western-style bars and restaurants lining the waterfront. The village also has two beaches: Stanley Main Beach and St. Stephen’s beach.
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Next stop: Ritz Carlton, Kowloon
Occupying floors 102 to 118 of the International Commerce Centre in Kowloon, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, is the highest hotel in the world.With spectacular views of Hong Kong skyline; looking out to the Hong Kong city, harbour or Victoria Harbour view at 490 metres above sea level.
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LAN Kwai Fong LFK
Lan Kwai Fong is one of Hong Kong's most popular nightlife hot spots and home to over 90 restaurants and bars. The atmosphere ranges from stylish wine pairings to raucous jelly shots and the food on offer is as diverse as the clientele.
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Day 5 finally tried the sushi and took my hotek shuttle to the airport!
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mitsukui · 3 years
put your lips like this | f.w.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader.
Summary: there is a secret buried inside your heart that is keeping you from going to the Yule Ball. However, Fred decides to be the greatest of friends and  teach you one thing or two.
Word Count: 2.1k - oops...
Warnings: none! Just a whole lot of fluff! ✨ Oh, there is a curse word towards the ending.
Disclaimer: none of the pictures used in the edit below belong to me; I simply put them together.
A/N: HAPPY HOLIDAYS, BABIES! *aggressively listens to ‘My Boo’, by Usher and Alicia Keys*. Not to be dramatic, but James Phelps with long hair could punch me right in the face, and I would thank him. Please, leave me some feedback if you feel like it! My askbox is open for your opinions, thoughts and requests. Thank you so much for your time and attention!  ♡
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“You know I’m good at keeping secrets, so just tell me already! C’mon, tell me why you don’t want to go to the Yule Ball.”
A heavy and utterly annoyed sigh left your lips. Fred Weasley – that prick! – had been tormenting you the entire day. You knew he was a curious soul, but you had never imagined he would try so hard to make you spill one of your secrets out.
It was not something you fancied sharing; actually, it was something that made you feel rather pathetic and embarrassed. How could you tell your friend, whom you had unexpectedly developed feelings for, that you had never been kissed?
Curiosity and anticipation were emanating from his figure as he whispered soft ‘tell me’s, and moved anxiously on his chair. You fidgeted with the quill in your hand before you sighed once more. It did not seem like he was going to give up on solving that mystery any time soon. “Alright, fine. I will tell you. But only if you promise you will act as if nothing had ever happened.”
“Pinky promise!” He immediately dropped his own quill and extended his right hand towards you, his little finger waiting up to be intertwined with yours. Your eyes studied his hand, and you did not fail to notice how big and veiny they were.
Oh, Godric, the voice that took form of your consciousness echoed in your head, this boy is going to be the death of me.
Reluctantly, you closed your textbook and put your quill down on the wooden table, these two actions being followed by the connection between your fingers. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek, the similarity to a little boy that he carried in his behavior causing you to chuckle. However, your good spirits soon vanished away when you came to the realization you now had to tell him the truth. You had never been good at lying, for all it mattered.
He beamed widely at you, and he had his ears ready to capture all the words that were about to slip from your lips. But nothing was coming out of them, and a slight impatience resulted in his eyebrows being furrowed together. Fred went back to whispering words to hurry you into opening up, and the situation just overwhelmed your inexperienced heart.
It was all too much: you could not bear with the fact that he was staring so intensely at you, nor with the fact that you were about to tell him you saw yourself as a ridiculously stupid teenager who had never felt a pair of lips brushing against their own.
“I don’t really know how to do the whole…kissing thing. And I refuse to go to the Yule Ball because of it, given that chances of being kissed by your date are high.”
Your confession came out as a train losing its track – fast, unruly and through gritted teeth. Although you were deeply ashamed of that part of you, his face expressed the total opposite of any of your feelings.
His eyebrows were still furrowed together, but now scoff dripped from his words. “Yeah, right. And George is more handsome than me.”
You could swear your heart skipped a beat at that moment. Blinking in the rawest surprise your body could internally gather, you stared at him and waited for him to say anything else. You were lost for words. How could he not believe you?
“I mean, you’re incredibly beautiful. And I know you have a few people interested in you.” When you raised an eyebrow at his latter words, he was quick to snap back at you. “I’ve noticed how that Ravenclaw boy looks at you.”
Even though there was an inconspicuous blush tainting your face due to his compliments, you waved his words off and laughed shyly. He probably was just acting nice towards you. That was a huge characteristic of the Weasley family – being raised by an amazing woman like Molly herself made such a thing come out naturally.
You remained quiet for a few moments, your heart beating fast in your chest and your eyes staring out the library windows. You still had a hard time believing you had just confessed your deepest secret to your love interest, but it was of no use crying over spilt milk. If he were one to keep his promises, one of your rare studying sessions with Fred Weasley would soon return to normal.
But what if he started pitying you for it? Or what if he stopped talking to you, once he concluded your universes did not collide? He surely was vastly experienced when it came down to kissing. Kissing Fred Weasley would probably be the biggest honor of your life.
Unconsciously, your eyes left the windows and roamed the surroundings until they reached his lips. It was almost as if the whole world had stopped.
Fred had thin lips, but they seemed to be astonishingly soft for someone who caused as much trouble as he did. His upper lip was subtly curved, and you were mesmerized by every single little detail you could visually grasp. That moment would haunt your thoughts for a long time, once it was pure cruelty how you had fallen out of love – the one you loved did not love you back.
But you were terribly wrong about that. Fred had been experiencing some shifts on his feelings towards you lately. He had watched you blossom into a charming young girl, and there was something about you hitting hard on his heart. And, frankly speaking, after he caught you looking at his lips, he would be in heaven if he ever got the chance to kiss you.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here.” He helped you gather all of your belongings with a gentle smile hanging on his lips and, once more, you swore your heart was melting away over everything he did.
As you walked out of the library together, dipped in a somewhat agonizing silence, you felt his fingers brushing against yours, which caused you to instantly look at him. “Can I hold your hand while we walk?”
Holy moly, what did he just say? Your consciousness was again alarmed at the scenario taking place right in front of your eyes. Okay. Keep calm. Don’t freak out.
“Y-Yeah, I guess.”
He did not waste any time on ending the ridiculously small distance between your hands. However, he did not simply hold your hand in his; he intertwined your fingers together, and gave your hand a light squeeze. His eyes fell upon you, and his gorgeous smile grew wider. You could not help but smile along.
You continued on walking together in silence, the only tangible thing between you and Fred being the tiny circles his thumb drew on your skin. If it were possible to describe your feelings, one would choose the talk about fireworks, or waves violently crashing on rocks on a breathtaking beach.
He unquestionably would be the death of you.
He tugged on your hand once you stopped in a deserted hallway. There was something astounding about the fact that he was able to find a calm and quiet place on Hogwarts, but he had always been like a box full of surprises to you. And he was also really good at knowing all the best places in the castle.
You smiled at him, the riddle he was presenting filling your chest with amusement. “What are we doing here?” All of the terrors you felt earlier returned to you, and you felt like withdrawing. “Wait. We are not here so you can lecture me on kissing, right?! Because, if we are, I would very much like to lea-“
Fred abruptly shushed you, stepping closer to your body and gently pushing your back against a wall. His eyes darted up and down your face, and he grinned cunningly down at you. He was so much taller than you, and the sight of him towering over you was quite intimidating.
“I’m gonna be your kissing instructor.”
Bitch, said what?! Your eyes widened in shock, his fingers reached out to place a lock of hair behind your ear, and your biggest wish was to evaporate. With your head shaking vigorously, and your lips being pressed together in a disappearing line, you exclaimed you would never accept that.
You could never allow physical intimacy to destroy your friendship with Fred Weasley. It was better to have him as a friend than not having him at all.
He found your actions to be absolutely adorable, the desire to consume your innocence growing bigger and bigger each second. “I’m only trying to help you out, y’know. If that Ravenclaw boy is not willing to claim these luscious lips, I sure am.”
Your cheeks erupted in a dark red shade, and you looked away from him, unable to take it for any longer. He was now evidently playing with your feelings, and you did not know how to deal with his attitude.
You were torn apart between accepting his kiss and pushing him away. It could go two ways: you would either kiss him and dismiss all of your feelings and expectations, or you would fall even harder for him. You were not exactly leaning towards neither option.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while now.” He murmured his confession as he briefly dodged his eyes from your face as well. It was unusual to see the great Fred Weasley embarrassed but, apparently, it was happening right in your face. “So, please, let me be your first kiss. I promise I’ll be gentle.”
Your gaze moved back to him and he also had a light pink flush on his cheeks. He looked painfully handsome at that moment, with his freckles splattered all over his skin, and his lips trembling slightly. Your eyes met, and both of you smiled timidly. You were swooning.
“Okay.” He repeated your monosyllabic answer and nodded a bit, mostly to himself, assuring he would finally feel his lips on his. “I’m gonna put my hands on your hips now.”
And he did. Both of his hands ghosted over your body until they reached your hips. He pulled you a little bit closer to his chest, and his scent tickled your nose. You felt like electrical waves were rushing through your entire body, and you wondered how you had managed not to faint.
“Look, do what I’m doing.” Fred parted his lips slightly and tilted his head to his left side a bit, his eyelashes fluttering until he finally closed his eyes. He looked heavenly, but you could never admit that and put yourself into an even more vulnerable position.
An almost inaudible snicker rang in his ears, and he soon opened his eyes and looked at you. You confessed he looked quite silly like that, but he ignored your comment and ordered you to mimic him again. His voice was low and his warm breath hit your face gently. You finally obeyed, feeling all jittery and anxious.
You looked captivating in his eyes, and he was ready to show you how amazing a tad of intimacy could be.
He leaned down, bringing your lips together in an extremely slow brush against each other. “Put your lips like this.” And, a second time, you did as he told you to, copying all of his actions.
It did not take long for him to finally involve your uneasy lips with his own. He started out by giving small pecks onto your skin, but his hunger got too big and he demanded more.
Your small silhouette was pressed even harder to his body, and he touched your lower lip with his tongue, asking for permission to feel more of you. Your attempts to continue moving according to him went on, and you thought it was a good sign he had not stopped you yet.
Once the velvet-feeling of his tongue came in touch with yours, he groaned against your lips, which caused you to use both of your hands to hold onto his robes tightly.
The kiss went on for a few more moments until you and Fred were breathless, and you had to break away to learn how to cope with oxygen again.
It was difficult to find words to talk about whatever had just happened, but you mumbled a shy ‘thank you’, which he replied to with ‘don’t mention it’.
Kissing was not as horrible as you thought it would be. 
And, after all, maybe going to the Yule Ball could be quite nice if you had enough luck to get Fred Weasley to be your date and kiss you again.
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Nothing For Me
Part 5
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Main Masterlist
Part 4|Part 6
It was a strange sense of deja vu; except this time you weren’t staring at the glow in the dark stars that still lingered across the ceiling, you were staring at the back of your eyelids. Your thoughts still played loud in your head. They were like a playlist that was on repeat and you couldn’t press the pause button.
It was noisy but empty, if that made sense. A strange, but not unusual feeling to you.
The demons crawled into your head, made it their home and decorated it. And you just couldn’t find the strength to kick them out.
The back of your eyelids became something you had grown accustomed to staring at. If you weren’t awake and suffering at the will of your own mind, you were sleeping--hoping that your thoughts would turn off then.
You couldn’t see the light from the tv, but you could hear it. The ‘f.r.i.e.n.d.s.’ theme song was quite an interesting mix with the yells of ‘no one cares,’ ‘you’re invisible,’ or ‘just disappear.’
But you couldn’t sleep because the music was so damn loud. Apparently, the avengers retrieved the scepter and were celebrating. You were invited to attend by Natasha, but you didn’t have the willpower; to talk to perverted business men all night or to get out of bed--either one.
So you tried to ignore the sound of faint chatter and clinking glasses. Or maybe you would listen to it; it was undoubtedly better than whatever was going on inside your noggin.
Time passed. You didn’t know what time it was. Time is an illusion anyway.
The days were all just one big blob of nothingness to you at this point. Everyday, you felt the same, did the same thing, thought the same thoughts. So what’s the point of trying to tell whether the darkness you saw was from outside or from the back of your eyelids.
The back of your eyelids. What a strange sense of deja vu…
Stars reminded you of Michelle. The two of you always watched the stars together. It was your thing.
You’d never thought you’d have a thing with anyone. You were glad you had one with MJ.
You opened your eyes. The stars that were stuck to the ceilings seemed like they grew dimmer over the years--just like your eyes.
It was significantly quieter than it was before. You guessed everyone had homes to return to. What was a home?
Your mom was your home. But she’s gone now.
Maybe Michelle could become your home. Yeah. She keeps you warm and you do the same for her. Maybe she could be your home.
Pounding footsteps were heard throughout the hall. As tired as you were, your curiosity won out. You slowly sat up despite your body’s protest and made your way towards the door. Yeah, if you were in a horror movie, you definitely would’ve been dead by now.
Just as you were about to reach out for the handle, the door flung open causing you to jump back. Looking up, your eyes connected with red ones.
“You’ll do just fine, little Stark.”
The two former agents sped down the long halls of the tower. They reached the door and saw splinters all over the ground.
Natasha slowly walked in on high alert. She and Clint searched around the room; the bathroom, closet, anywhere where someone could hide.
The redhead faced her friend with a forlorn look on her face. Her head shook slowly.
“She’s gone.”
You were in your room--your old room. There was music playing downstairs; Whitney Houston. An artist your mom would listen to during her free time.
You ran down the steps into the kitchen and stood at the entryway. She stood with her back to you. Her fro was pulled into a messy puff and she was wearing her robe; the same robe you would wear as a cape.
It smelled like french toast. You always ate french toast together on the second Saturday of the month. It was tradition.
Her head lifted and she turned to face you. Instead of her glowing and blemish free skin and that beautiful, gentle smile, all you saw was a decaying body. The jaw was hanging by one side. It was as if tissue or muscle was stuck to her face and just gradually melting off.
“Hi sweetheart.”
You gasped and backed into the well causing one of the paintings to fall.
Your mom chuckled and when you looked back, her face was normal.
“You’re always so clumsy.”
Your breathing was still labored. You watched as the woman you knew as a mother picked up the piece of art. It was the one she got from her mother--your grandmother.
“You okay? You’re looking a little flustered.”
She strode towards you and rested a hand on your cheek and then your forehead.
You resisted the urge to flinch as her cold skin made contact with yours.
“C’mon. Let’s eat.”
Your body was on autopilot as you followed her to the counter. She passed you a plate and took a seat next to you.
“Useless,” was whispered and disappeared into the wind.
You looked behind you with furrowed eyebrows and a frown.
“You okay?”
You glanced at your mom before nodding.
“Yeah. Thought I heard something.”
“I’m glad I died.”
You whipped your head towards her and found the mummified version looking at you once again.
You stood and set your fork down before running up the stairs. You entered the bathroom and locked the door before sliding down the far wall.
The door was thrown open before her figure flew over to you.
Your eyes shot open and you sat up with a gasp.
Everything hurt. It all hurt.
Frantically, you pushed yourself to the corner of whatever room you were in regardless of what the throb of your head was telling you.
The rocks began crunching as if someone was walking on them. Your head whipped around in every direction trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.
“Your father took everything from us.”
“Yeah. Well he’s a taker not a giver.”
Your mom always told you your mouth would get you in trouble. You just hoped she wasn’t right at this moment.
Looking up, you were met with two pairs of eyes; one a woman the other a man.
They both seemed significantly older than you. The woman walked closer and bent down in front of you and her eyes started glowing red. You began hyperventilating, praying she wouldn’t harm you.
She lifted her hand to your temple and rested her fingers there.
“It’s time we get our revenge.”
All you saw was a decaying body. The jaw was hanging by one side. It was as if tissue or muscle was stuck to her face and just gradually melting off.
“Hi sweetheart.”
Your head was pounding and your neck was killing you. Groaning, you craned your neck and searched your surroundings.
Hands touched your shoulders gently. But it didn’t matter how gentle it was because you didn’t want anyone touching you with their hands that could kill you with the right movements.
You swatted them away from you--with your own hands that didn’t stand a chance against a lot of people.
“Woah, hey, hey, hey. Kid, calm down.”
Rubbing your eyes, you looked around as your vision cleared. In front of you stood Clint. His face was decayed; just like your mom’s.
You scrambled back and curled up in the corner of the corner closest to you.
“Hey. You’re safe. You’re okay,” he said gently.
Your gaze transferred from one area of the jet to another frantically. You wanted something to stand out at you; make it’s obnoxiousness force the visual of it in your brain. Anything would be better than seeing her face like that.
You didn’t even notice the archer moving closer to you until he rested his hand on your shoulder. You flinched hard and gently pushed it off of you.
Clint nodded in understanding and continued to kneel in front of you.
“We’re about 15 minutes from a safe house, alright? You can eat something and then rest there. That okay?”
Nodding your head, you leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart.
The most powerful thing you knew of was Cap’s shield. Seems like that witch was taking that spot.
True to Clint’s word, the jet landed less than 15 minutes later. You were the last out although Steve did end up waiting for you. His hand landed on your shoulder and when you turned to look at it, all you saw was bones and tissue. You stumbled back and hit your back on the quinjet.
The supersoldier looked at you with worried eyes before slowly walking away.
You watched the backs of the superheroes get smaller as they walked towards the porch of the safe house.
Is that what they were? Heroes? Everyone always described them as these indestructible beings that would always be there to help civilians and save the day. But who was going to save them?
They didn’t look so indestructible. They just looked like a group of people with the weight of the world--no universe on their shoulders.
Watching everyone enter the house, you decided to follow a moment later. Cap, ever the gentleman he was, held the door open for you and let it shut once you slipped inside.
“I know all your names,” the woman who stood next to the archer said. She scanned the group before her eyes landed on you, her head tilting slightly.
You tuned out the rest of the conversation as you looked around the house--no home. It looked like a home. Not some model house that some cookie cutter family lives in. A home where parents were raising their children to be themselves and nurturing them with love and care.
The room wasn’t spotless. There were legos and toys on the floor. It didn’t smell like cleaning supplies. It smelt like a homemade meal; one that would make any stress from the day just melt away.
A hand tugged on the sleeve of your shirt causing you to glance down. It looked just like the other ones; just a decaying, withering hand.
You flinched in response and quietly stepped away, not wanting to cause a scene. Rubbing your eyes, you looked down and saw a little girl that didn’t even seem the slightest bit fazed by your little episode.
“Can you play dollies with me?”
“Actually,” Clint cut in. “She needs to rest. (Y/n) can play after a nap, alright?”
The little girl nodded and went to minding her business.
The archer placed a gentle hand on your back and you tensed under his touch. You heard him whisper to his wife before the two led you up stairs.
“You good to clean yourself up?”
You grabbed the towel and extra clothes out of his hands and sat them down on the bathroom counter.
“I’m fine, Clint,” you muttered while pushing him out of the room.
You sat in the bed of the spare room that Clint’s wife, who you learned was Laura, said that you could stay in.
A knock reverberated through the room, the sound of the door opening following suit.
You felt a dip in the bed, but you refused to look up from the spot on the covers.
You didn’t want to see a decaying face.
You didn’t want to see someone dead.
You didn’t want that image stuck in your brain like a starred picture on google photos. You didn’t want to give your mind a chance to somehow twist it all around--inside, over and out--and convince you that it was all your fault.
You just wanted to have a few seconds of peace instead of the roaring tides that were washing through your head, even if it was false.
“What did she make you see?”
You swiped your tongue over your dry lips and shook your head.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
There was a moment of silence and continued to mess with the unraveling thread in the blanket.
“Look at me then.”
You hesitated, but eventually lifted your head.
“I said look at me, not at the wall. Look at me.”
Taking a deep breath your lip began to tremble.
“Don’t make me do it,” you whispered.
A hand was turning you towards her before you could even stop it, but you managed to close your eyes.
“Whatever she showed you is not real. I’m here and I always will be.”
You only saw her ivory skin and forest green eyes. There were no visible bones or muscles. Just her red hair and sad smile.
Your eyes fitted around her face, making sure that it wasn’t a cruel trick your mind was trying to play on you.
Natasha lovingly patted your cheek and pressed a light kiss to your forehead.
“Let’s get some rest, alright?”
You couldn’t rest, long story short.
It was so noisy up there and you just couldn’t get it to calm down.
Every time you closed your eyes, somebody’s dead body was infiltrating your mind. Whether it was Clint or his kids, Natasha or MJ.
MJ. Oh shit.
You threw the covers off your body and slowly lifted yourself from the bed. Making your way downstairs, you heard some chatter coming from near the kitchen.
“I thought you were dead.”
A hand immediately flew up to your mouth as if that would stop the words that already came out of your mouth. Muttering a ‘my bad’ you walked up towards the group of adults while simultaneously scanning your surroundings.
“I am,” replied Fury.
Clearing your throat you took in a deep breath. But before you could speak, somebody beat you to it.
“What are you doing here, kid?”
You rolled your eyes and prepared to talk.
“Does anyone have a phone I can borrow?”
Practically everyone raised their eyebrows at you in confusion. You let out a sigh and started wringing your hands
“I-I need to call MJ. Please.”
When it was clear that desperation was shining through your eyes, Laura was quick to get up.
“Sure, honey.”
Everyone else was left confused.
“Who the hell is MJ?”
Laura gave you a phone and told you, you could call from the couch.
You were swift to dial her phone number and bring the device to your ear. You bit your lip, waiting for your friend to pick up which she did after the fourth ring.
“Who is this?”
While you were grateful the phone was picked up, it wasn’t who you wanted to answer.
“I-it’s (y/n). I-i-i’m just calling from a d-different number. I-Is M-MJ home?”
You knew all the adults were staring at you and as much as it made your skin itch and crawl, you didn’t care about it as much as you cared about talking to MJ.
There was shuffling on the other side so you could only assume that her mother was traveling around their apartment.
“Thank goodness. I thought you died or something,” she chuckled.
A smile rose to your face before you could even think about it.
“I mean, close but no.”
“I-You know what? I’m not even gonna ask.”
“It’ll probably be on the news by the end of this week anyway.”
You had finally relaxed into the couch and pulled your knees to your chest. You could still feel them staring holes in your skull and it was making you feel like you were exposed and vulnerable.
It was silent for a moment before you heard let out a sigh MJ let out a sigh.
“Are you okay?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Do you wanna come over and talk about it?”
You let out a hum before answering, “I can’t”
“Why? A-are you hurt? If so, I can come over there and-”
“No. I literally cannot-”
“It’s not a big deal. I can-”
“I’m in another state.” There was a pause on the other side of the call. “Or country. I-I don’t know where I am.”
You heard the girl clear her throat before taking a deep breath, obviously processing what you just told her.
“So that’s what you meant when you said-”
You clicked your tongue a couple of times, wondering what was going through Michelle’s head at the moment as the silence lingered.
“I guess you’re not in Kansas anymore.”
You let out a small chuckle, something you only seemed to do in MJ’s presence.
“No longer in Kansas.”
The conversation could no longer continue as you heard your friend’s mom yell for her.
“Well, I gotta go.”
“Yeah, I guess I’ll talk to you later.”
The two of you never said ‘goodbye’ to each other not wanting it to feel like it was the ending of something.
You handed the phone back to Clint’s wife and made your trek back to the stairs before you stopped.
“Where am I exactly?”
The archer blinked owlishly at you while you stared at him with a raised eyebrow. You shrugged before continuing your way to the room you were staying in.
“Eh. I’ll figure it out.”
“What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“You’ll see.”
They left. Again. Not surprising.
You should be used to it by now. They had people to save anyway.
It was late at night and you couldn’t sleep--what’s new?
You didn’t want to bother anyone but you just couldn’t stand the commotion. You couldn’t stand that being the only thing you’re focused on.
You decided to go to the kitchen to see if Laura needed help with anything considering she did just have a whole team of unexpected guests.
The scene downstairs, kind of seemed… upsetting to you. The lights were dimmed, it was quiet, and the woman you were searching for was hunched over a cup of tea.
“Are you okay?”
Stupid question.
The brunette’s head snapped up and she met your gaze. Her eyes held a melancholy undertone in them and you just couldn’t imagine what was swirling in her mind.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
You took a seat next to her on the couch and fiddled with your hands.
“I just… worry sometimes, you know?”
“Yeah. Clint can be an idiot sometimes.”
You both shared a chuckle but the deafening silence still returned. The air flowing through the home could be heard. You could probably hear the kids’ breathing if you tried hard enough.
“Why are you still up?”
“Why are you still up? Isn’t that like, bad for the baby or something?”
Through the corner of your sight, you could see Laura shaking her head at you as a small smile danced across her lips.
“I asked first.”
You let out a sigh and shrugged your shoulders.
“Just...couldn’t sleep I guess.”
The woman nods in response and takes a sip of her tea. It was obvious to her that something else was on your mind but she didn’t pry and you were thankful for that.
Instead, she just grabbed the remote and turned the television on, an episode from the sitcom Living Single playing quietly.
A weight was felt on Laura’s shoulder and she looked down to see the young teenager resting with small breaths escaping her parted lips. The woman was careful to free an arm and wrap it around your shoulders, you subconsciously snuggling in further.
Walking down the halls of the compound, you searched all the doors. As you reached one, you raised your fist to knock only for the door to fly open before you could.
You clear your throat before looking towards the ground.
“May I, may I come in?”
The person nods and you hesitantly step inside the room and take a seat at the desk.
“I’m sorry about your brother.”
“Me too,” Wanda nods.
There was this awkward, tense silence that just floated through the room that seemed almost impossible to get rid of. It was suffocating.
“I’m sorry about the uhhh, whole mind thing.”
You too nodded in response and gave your reassurance, your mind focused on her accent. It was comforting to say the least.
It had been at least two weeks after the whole ultron thing. Tony was obviously oblivious to what happened to you.
When he ignored or neglected you, it was like a paper cut--never acknowledged or thought about until something provokes it.
You had passed the witch a few times in passing, but never truly held a conversation with her.
You knew of the passing of her brother and you knew how hard it was--is to lose a loved one. Especially if that loved one was the only one that made you feel like you weren’t completely and utterly alone.
“I know it’s not my place to say but,” you paused to take a deep breath. “Don’t let this hold you back. I-I was never given the chance to grieve my m-mom properly and, and I don’t want what happened to me to happen to you, I guess.”
At this point, you felt like you were just spitballing. You figured she already knew what was going on in your head so why not just be open about it.
“And I’m pretty sure the others will come around. Clint seemed to like you.”
The corner of Wanda’s mouth lifted a little and she gave a breathy laugh.
“And I guess, I like you too.”
You took a moment to gather yourself before heading towards the door.
“I guess I’ll see you around.”
“So to recap, you were kidnapped by a robot with murderous tendencies, got your mind manipulated by an enhanced individual, and now you’re living and somewhat acquaintances with said ‘enhanced individual’.”
“Yeah, that’s about it.”
Michelle chuckled in response and shook her head in disbelief.
“That’s crazy.”
You shrugged with a frown and scooted closer to her. Your shoulders were touching but neither of you moved.
“Eh, I’m kind of getting used to the crazy.”
You were watching the stars on the roof of her building again. MJ brought some snacks and a blanket which the two of you were currently snuggled up in.
The food was eaten quite quickly and silence was quick to wash over the two of you. But the silence wasn’t like it was with Wanda or even Laura. With MJ it was a peaceful and serene moment; like the two of you were in this indestructible bubble that only you two were allowed in. With her you felt safe.
You turned your head towards Michelle only to find her already looking at you. Both of your faces heated up but neither of you could look away. Instead, grins rose to both of your faces before the girl pulled you closer to her.
Yeah. Michelle was home.
@leahnicole1219 @thebadasssass @littlegasps @lengendarymcnuggies @stillmanicc​
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