#sifu female mc
the-red-butterfly · 9 months
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Lavender, jasmine and mint
Yin & Fajar (Sifu)
Fajar’s brows furrowed deeply. You say that a lot, he signed. Starting not to believe you. Yin took a few deep breaths, slow and steady. “I know. I’m sorry.” Her eyes began to burn, which only made the ache in her head worse. But she didn’t know how to stop it. And even if she did, she was too tired to. Her face scrunched up, and a lump formed in her throat, cracking her voice open. “I’m sorry.” When she began to cry, Fajar leaned forward and drew her up with more ease than she would’ve thought possible of him. She curled up and leaned her head on his shoulder, with his strong arm wrapped around her. His free hand found hers and she held it tightly. This close, he didn’t smell like purple flowers anymore. More like lavender, jasmine … And a touch of mint. CH. 25 -- Spoken Truth The Path To Wude by ArlenianChronicles
The cross fandom contamination keeps getting worse, and I love it. A bit of fanart done for @arlenianchronicles / @arleniansdoodles lovely story The Path To Wude . My heart and soul belong to those two and their interactions.
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survivalove · 1 year
I hate to do this but someone reblogged one of my posts and I scrolled down their tl, hoping to mutual, and saw this mess:
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Do people actually somehow watch the show and not see every single moment where Katara blushes or plays with her hair around Aang, gets shy at the thought of kissing Aang, is clearly attracted to him in Book 3, gets jealous of any girl that’s also attracted to him.
Or Aang comforting Katara several times: hugging her in the Serpent’s Pass and validating her feelings to the point she cried, comforting her when Jet died and getting the whole group to hug her, telling her how she inspires people and gives them hope, literally tells her she’s a hero??
Aang and Katara literally having several disagreements, Aang’s perception of Katara changing over the three seasons, him agreeing with every single idea she had to flat out rejecting her advice, then wrongly blowing up at her after zuko and the rest were flat out racist to him?? Aang telling her to confront the man that killed her mother after she rejected his advice??
Mind you Katara can barely tell Aang likes her back until season 3 and clearly shows feelings for him way before he starts initiating romantic acts with her after TWO seasons of her touching, kissing him on the cheek and hugging him unprompted 💀 not to mention “forces non-romantic feelings on her” when she is the one that said he was her family after a week of knowing him?? what does that even meannnnn
And I’m supposed to believe that these people actually watched the show, paying attention to… KATARA?
On top of that, to say (not pictured) the only person to ever comfort her was the guy that attacked her several times 💀 and he didn’t even do anything??? used Sokka’s trauma to come up with a plan he didn’t even agree with (nor did he ask him, like you can ask him to retell the most horrible moment of his life, but you can’t ask him if taking his sister to confront the man is a good idea? you can’t even ask him if he wants to go??? that is literally the most horrible writing i’ve ever seen but i digress). on top of that doing it for the most obvious ulterior motive of getting her to forgive him. standing there while she bloodbended and almost killed a man, not knowing she just swore off doing the former weeks ago because all he knows her to be is hostile until that moment. He doesn’t know Katara to be someone that expresses love and kindness until she forgives him but apparently this is how you comfort someone over every single moment of Aang comforting her that I listed above. okayyyyy
Just to contrast for contrast’s sake, Aang:
1. offers to take Katara to the North Pole with zero ulterior motive,
2. gets her mother’s necklace back with zero ulterior move,
3. helps her destroy a factory with zero ulterior motive…
4. helps her get Haru back, stands up for her to Pakku, calls her Sifu when she complains, comes back to save her home and gives himself up, comes back to save her in ba sing se and I’m sure a million things I’m missing, all with literally zero ulterior motives at all.
Meanwhile antagonist does one nice thing for female mc with shady undertones that might as well be overtones and now he’s allegedly better than her friend who helps her several times for no reason other than the fact that its something she wants.
Like am I supposed to believe that these people actually like Katara or are media literate at all? I feel like I’m going insane 😭
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arleniansdoodles · 10 months
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The Fighter at the Fight Club
Stuff like this makes me wish I'd held on to my Sifu fic a little longer before posting it, just so I could add more boss interactions and backstory :'''') Eh, maybe this will be my excuse to work on an extended version of it (which would be fitting, given that I'm a LOTR extended edition fan XDD)
Anyway, here's a little pre-Sifu story idea I had for Sean and the female MC! The setting is inspired by one of the Club-themed levels in Sifu's arena mode. Back when MC was still a child, Sean was a fighter in the Club's illegal fighting ring. At one point, he has to go up against some enemies/rivals; losing isn't an option for him (plus I'd imagine there's a lot of money at stake). It's pretty much Sean's chance to become king of the fighters.
At the last minute, he's saddled with watching over MC since Yang, Sifu, and Sean's father aren't aware of his illegal activities (Yang may have an inkling, but not enough to go on). With no other choice, Sean takes MC with him to the fighting ring. MC knows that this is a big deal for Sean and that he needs to win - and what follows is one of the roughest nights she's ever had as she watches Sean get beaten to a pulp ^^;;
But in the end, Sean wins, and MC is super happy and proud of him, and also super relieved because she thought he was going to die loll As for Sean, his feelings are a little more complicated than hers, but maybe that'll be a character rant for another day XDD
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johnlocsin-johnyakuza · 4 months
So I haven't given the Female MC of Sifu a whole lot of love, so more Sifu gameplay I throw out will feature her!
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loveliceleprosy · 2 years
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For the 4 people who enjoy my Sifu art…. Femmc in the Young Man suit
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the-red-butterfly · 10 months
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The Sharp Sent Of Mint
Yin & Fajar (Sifu)
Was that mint? She took several breaths of it. Gradually, her head cleared, and the cacophony of noise and images faded away. She was in Fajar’s room. It was quiet here. And green. “Hm,” Fajar hummed, drawing her attention. You alright? he signed. “Yeah, I – I’m fine,” Yin said distantly. “I’m okay.” Looked like you were going to faint. Fajar squeezed her arms briefly. Yin winced, but the ache brought her closer down to earth. “It’s fine,” she said, rubbing her forehead. “It hasn’t happened in a long time.” She lowered her hand to her lap and felt the tickle of leaves against her fingers. Mint grew around her crossed legs, rising up past her elbows and brushing against her shoulders. The cooling aroma soothed her like a fresh breeze after a hot day. CH. 9 -- Potted Orchard The Path To Wude by ArlenianChronicles
Commission done for my good friend (and cross fandom contamination expert) @arlenianchronicles / @arleniansdoodles of her WONDERFUL story The Path To Wude (which, even if you've never played the video game or know little about it like me, it's still such a GREAT read. So, super recommended if you ARE looking for something to read. Lots of good angst, familial dynamics and KUNG FU.
I'm still doing commissions if anyone's interested 😁 there's a small waiting list tho. Just be warned.
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the-red-butterfly · 9 months
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Rise, One More Time
Yang & Yin (Sifu)
Yin lay on her back. Her eyelids blazed red against the sunlight. Someone cradled her close, with an arm supporting the back of her neck, and the other holding her hand to her chest. She felt the smooth shapes of Yansheng coins under her palm. She heard the soft sobs above, felt the hair tickling her cheek, and took note of the raindrops falling on her face. No, not raindrops. Those were tears. She drew in a deep breath and opened her eyes. Yang’s head bent over her. He was weeping. As she watched, still trying to comprehend this sight, he caught her gaze and sucked in a sharp breath. “Yin!” he choked out. “Oh God – you’re alive!” Yin moistened her dry lips. “I … I’m alive,” she murmured. A sob broke free from Yang’s throat, and he drew her close, brushing the stray hair from her face with shaking fingers. “Don’t go,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” “I’m not going anywhere,” Yin assured him. “I’m right here, big brother.” CH. 30 -- Sacred Mountains The Path To Wude by ArlenianChronicles
(In Samwise Gamgee's voice) What's this? Even more Sifu. It's more likely than you think (and if I had more strenght of soul than I currently do, you would see even more.
One more commission for my fellow writer and artist @arlenianchronicles / @arleniansdoodles thanks again for the wild ride 😁.
If you guys know the story, just let me say that option a) for the commission was just plain sad and painful (not that that would've been wonderful and amazing hehe). But just know you saved yourselves some tears ✨ We got the good ending though, bless 🙏🏼
Anyone interested, I'm still doing commissions 😁 all the money I'm getting from them is to go visit my sisters these holidays 🙏🏼
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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The magical objects of Sifu! Five talismans stolen, and one pendant given.
Okay so, I spent a day on each painting and ended up finishing these in six days! The Sifu brainrot is real lololl But I wanted to go for another polished painting series since the first one was so much fun: this time, the theme is about defeating the Guardians who kept the talismans, leading up to the game's prologue.
From left to right, we have:
Fajar and the Wood talisman
Sean, his father, and the Fire talisman
Kuroki and the Water talisman (with a cameo of her father)
Jinfeng and the Metal talisman
Yang, MC, MC's father, and the Earth talisman
Female MC and the immortality pendant
I took the Guardians' designs from Jinfeng's conspiracy board in her boss level! Thankfully, MC's father, Sean's father, and Jinfeng already have clear designs, so that was easy to work with XDD
As for the talismans themselves, they're only mentioned in-game but never explicitly shown like the immortality pendant. I imagine they look like traditional Chinese talismans, slips of paper covered in seal script writing, and such.
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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One of my Sifu headcanons following the game's true ending is that the MC develops a sibling dynamic with Kuroki - in this case, the female MC becomes a surrogate sister, stepping into the empty space left behind by Shiroizu, Kuroki's late twin. Following that, Kuroki eventually manages to lay her twin's memory to rest.
I also just love the idea of the MC turning their former enemies into allies, so y'all will definitely see some more art on that! XDD
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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Here's some more post-true ending art for Sifu that I did a while back; I just never got around to posting it until now XD This time, it's Yang and the female MC with a yinyang theme!
From what I've seen, a lot of people in the Sifu fandom go with the idea that the MC is named Yin to match with Yang. I wholeheartedly love this idea, and it's part of the reason why I've been focusing on the female MC so much, because yin represents the feminine side while yang is masculine.
Also, for anyone wondering, MC is getting some much-needed spa treatment in the first painting loll
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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Another pre-game Sifu painting with Sean and the female MC! He wants to train, but can't bring her inside the Club since kids aren't allowed, so I imagine he'd bring her to the next-door gym instead loll (hence the similar neon lighting and lantern that you'd find in the Club)
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arleniansdoodles · 8 months
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According to Sifu's lore, Yang was raised and trained by MC's father, who is a sifu. Wouldn't that mean he was raised by MC's mother as well?
Behold my design for said mother, Simou (the title given to a sifu's wife)! I tried taking elements from both the male and female MCs so she'd be recognizable; I also wanted to give her a gentle quality, like maybe she'd be the type to teach tai chi or qigong while Sifu teaches combat/defence with Pak Mei XDD
On that note, I think it'd be pretty funny if Simou was a Shaolin disciple, given the history between Shaolin and Pak Mei loll
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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"Sean. I met him several times when I was a kid. Our fathers knew each other as Kung-fu masters."
I'm still on the Sifu train! XDD I haven't been in an arty mood recently, so I only have a few old pieces, such as this sketchdump of Sean (the second boss) and the female MC. I initially wanted to render these, but I think I'm back to my sketchy phase since rendering does take a lot of my energy loll So here they are!
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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"Yang - trained and raised by my father and Sifu. We were close, he taught me a lot over the years."
I'm still on a Sifu streak, so here's Yang teaching the female MC how to have a proper stance! The above quote is from an in-game collectible, though I do find the wording a bit weird where it refers to the MC's father loll I think it's supposed to mean, "my father who was also Sifu," because he indeed ran the kung-fu school where Yang and the MC trained at.
All that aside, I am having fun indulging myself in the interactions these two might've had before the game's events! XDD If the game's not going to give it to me, I'll just have to make it up myself lololl
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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More fanart for Sifu, except now I’m getting into pre-game territory because I love exploring the dynamic between these two T_T Here’s Yang and the female MC when they were younger, as a happy family; in the first painting, he’s trying to teach the MC how to have good posture loll He also has green tea while the MC gets mango! :D
The second painting is closer to the game’s events, but not quite there yet! Yang is worrying about his wife and daughter, who I headcanon have terminal illnesses based on the game’s lore tidbits, and the MC notices that he isn’t happy. I also drew Yang to look more like his in-game design, just to further nudge them towards the main story XDD
As for the MC, I wasn’t sure what colours to put her in, so I went with matching her to the immortality pendant (red and orange/yellow); I think it fits alright!
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arleniansdoodles · 11 months
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I recently finished these Sifu pose studies that were started a while back, featuring the female MC, Yang, and Sean! MC and Yang is easy to explain - I just wanted to give them some hugs :''''D
As for MC and Sean, I headcanon that they started that seating tradition when MC was young, and it was a win-win for both because MC felt protected while Sean could keep a closer eye on her without too much effort XDD
Eight years later when they reconnect, MC restarts the tradition and Sean just lets her do it loll Though I imagine it gives him many MC-related existential crises too! Like, here's the girl who beat him up, and now she's using him for a pillow even though he's a feared Kung-Fu master in his own right hahaa
(Also, Covid update, I feel completely fine but still testing positive. I must've gotten lucky with a milder strain ... So now, hopefully, I just gotta keep isolating and wait it out!)
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