signispod · 9 months
Is here!! You can listen to it right here! Right now! And then you can listen to it again if you want to!! Wow!
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fiction-pod-recs · 6 months
For this weeks fiction podcast rec Thursday, 
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[ID. The cover art of Signis. A gradient purple to blue background with tiny white stars. Text in the middle of the image reads “signis” in all caps. /End ID]
Summary as given: “Signis has been alone, adrift on a spaceship for most of her life. Her lonely being is interrupted when she begins receiving broadcasts from Earth, a planet assumed by many to be long dead.
Juno believes that he is the last person alive on Earth. Determined to preserve the story of his home planet, he sends his memoirs into space, in the hopes that someone will hear them.”
Signis is completed with all 3 episodes out. The total runtime is a bit less than one hour. Transcripts are available! There aren’t any content warnings, but know it deals with isolation and death throughout. 
It is a shorter one this week but Oh My God it was amazing. Listing to Signis was a ride of emotions that I don't think I'll ever completely recover from. It managed to catch the vibes that you were invading on personal moments of the characters. I think its probably one of my favorite short podcasts I've ever listened to!
Transcript can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eguhChOTeM62QJlOE0PH-40X78d-EKgb
And they have Tumblr @signispod
Thank you for coming to this week's installment of Fiction Podcast Rec Thursday! As always if you have things you think I should add to my recs or any criticism please feel free to give it respectfully! Have a good rest of your day/night!
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greekmuller · 9 months
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Signis part 1 is out today!
Huge congratulations to @signispod on the amazing work they have done!
Available on Spotify now!
High rez version of the poster above:
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trashburgersblair · 9 months
The final part of Signis released today!
I have thoughts, unfortunately I am still really bad at wording my thoughts.
But wow it was amazing
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seafoamdew · 1 year
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Arranged marriage au stuff. Expecting mothers just complaining about expecting, as they do. Imma just name Jack’s mom as Signy Overland and she’s a shield maiden born in the archipelago and also her tribe’s chieftess. Whereas her husband is a foreign trader named Hugo Overland, who eventually settled in with her and made their tribe very successful in agriculture after sharing his skills. Jack’s name is often made fun of because of how foreign it sounds, compared to his sister’s (Edda).
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maddsmallow · 1 year
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mendelmakes · 1 month
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First 10 cards in the Norse Major Arcna Series
Full Major Arcana
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darkolaism · 2 years
lord doesn't know how i adore doomed lovers to enemies wlw pairings where one of them is an insane(ly) powerful CUNT (affectionately) who became like this because of everyone fucking her over and the other is a more gentle and caring girlie who loves/respects her bonkers woman very much but there's some betrayal heartbreaks and dumb men involved, like this is what i breath for
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nearltheradiant · 2 months
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ven-brekker · 6 months
I am become a blade, protector of saints
"When life was dark, she was not his sun, as she was to all others, but his moon; a beautiful, faraway surface upon which the light and joy and beauty of the world was reflected back to him, bathing him in an effortless pale glow that he might now know to call love."
We all know I'm an absolute Mal enjoyer as well as a Shu Han, Fjerda and Inej enjoyer so for this year's GVBB i decided: Hey, why not write a story about all of those together? Also I'm well aware this is way later than everyone else but IN MY DEFENCE my computer broke and then i waited for it to get fixed then it broke again so I borrowed an old one which didn't work and long story short I now have a new laptop! Anyhow, enjoy this absolute rollercoaster of a fic and please go check out the absolutely incredible artists who were very patient as I went through months of technical issues.
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signispod · 10 months
SIGNIS: Teaser
Part 1 arrives August 27th
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greekmuller · 10 months
Fan art #1: SIGNIS
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Had a blast recording for @signispod and an absolute fan of the script. This a JPEG version but i have linked a high res version below;
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seafoamdew · 1 year
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For the arranged marriage au. Introducing the father, Hugo Overland. A foreign farmer who stowed away on Signy’s boat after the corrupt powers in his country seized his lands and left him with nothing. He was quite smitten by the woman who could literally lift him with her bare hands and threatened to drown him. Thankfully she spared him and he went on to become a great asset as a farmer in her tribe, helping them grow more crops. His shy and gentlemanly way of courting his wife irritated her to no end because he ‘was slow as a garden snail to confess and even slower to propose’.
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maddsmallow · 11 months
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finally!!! my month and a half late dutp mermay pic is DONE. i have a whole, like, story idea for this pic, which you can read here on my twitter! EDIT: fuck twitter, i deleted it, so the story idea is now under the cut if you're interested! i think signy and audwin from time princess' swan lake story can work really well with a mermaid twist on their characters. also i just want mermaid audwin and human signy to smooch a lot uwu
also. nothin' like drawing mermaids to kick your ass into figuring out how tf to draw water lmaooo
the story goes something like this: signy is the daughter of some rich guy and they've always been by the ocean (maybe the company has something to do with the ocean?), and i haven't quite figured out what he does, but either he or uncle arthur start getting into some shifty shit and maybe get into offshore oil drilling, or something that will hardcore pollute the water. she's expected to take over whatever the company is, but she doesn't give a shit and like, just wants to be a marine biologist. she has her own boat (bc rich people privileges) and often goes out into the water to just get away from it all and chill, and maybe she does some diving to look at the fish and coral n stuff. idk how any of this works irl lmao. but anyways, audwin has been watching her for a while, because humans are very interesting, before she finally spots him. after freaking out, she decides to keep him a secret because even as a marine biologist or whatever, she knows a find this big would be more dangerous to the merman himself than beneficial for any research. so she goes out to their meeting spot to hang out with him most days, and even though they cant communicate, she talks to him and he seems to understand. he brings her gifts and she brings him human stuff to look at. eventually she says something like, "i wish we could talk, i so badly wish to know more about you," and audwin's like. welp that's enough consent for me. so he uses his magic to turn her into a mermaid. and of course she FREAKS but then she's like!! oh fuck!! we can talk now! i can explore without needing air!! tell me and show me EVERYTHING. so they explore and they talk. audwin explains, a bit vaguely, about how he "doesn't belong with the rest of the mer people" even though they are a social species, so having to fend for himself for his whole life has left him a bit scrawny and, while he would have been riddled with scars from having to fight with other creatures on his own, has become very good at magic to defend himself. and now that they can understand each other and have an actual mutual conversation, audwin's like. oh heck. i like this girl a lot (assuming he didn't already consider her his mate because of the constant exchange of gifts).
just before she's about to be like okay this was fun but i gotta get back to my life on land, they spot a body floating in the water, and before audwin can pull her back signy goes to it and pulls the unconscious man to the shore and performs cpr and brings him back. he looks weirdly like audwin. she can't speak in any human language anymore (mermaids in this universe don't have the right vocal chord structure or whatever to speak human language), having taken the form of a mermaid, but he seems to understand what she's saying anyways? how could that be? she turns to audwin for an explanation and he's like, yeah so uh, the magic i used to give you a tail actually just swapped your human parts for another mer person's mermaid parts. so i guess this is the guy you swapped with and he's actually a mermaid, so he knows what you're saying. and signy is of course PISSED she's like this random other mermaid dude coulda died just for me to have a bit of fun?? that's fucked dude. and audwin's like, "why would i give a shit when i was cast out as a baby from the rest of mermaid society? YOU are my only friend." and then the other guy, who introduces himself as aldous (and i guess a side effect of audwin's magic is that he can fluently speak english or whatever now lmao), is like. yeah that's cool and all but, this is actually terrible fucking timing. some dude just came into my kingdom and is fucking everything up hardcore and i need to be there to fight him off. but even if audwin switched their tail/legs back, aldous would be too weak from, yknow, almost dying from drowning to actually fight whoever is fuckin shit up. so signy is like ME AND AUDWIN WILL DO IT and before audwin can even say anything, she grabs her cell phone from her shorts (let's just assume her clothes are on her boat and the boat is nearby lmao) and has aldous call her friend ben (the guard from the story!) and relay a message to him to meet her at the shore. he does and he sees the situation, and with aldous translating, signy tells ben to take care of this random dude she found on the beach. "dont ask questions its just REALLY IMPORTANT." and he's like. fuck okay sure. and just before signy and audwin go off to see what's going on with the mer kingdom, aldous gives audwin a pendant that will grant him access inside no matter what. every mer person has a pendant that has magic to allow them into their respective kingdom, but aldous had always had two of them, a gold and green one and a silver and purple one, and he feels that maybe the purple one belongs to audwin.
so aldous goes with ben to ben's place to rest and recoup, and signy and audwin go to the kingdom to see what their deal is. i dunno what's going on there, i haven't quite figured it out, but basically the king, aldous' (and audwin's) dad, is losing his marbles and made some kind of pact with a human who ends up being signy's dad or uncle, but then her dad/uncle was just going to betray the agreement and kill them all for access to an oil drilling spot? i dunno. but i have a scene in my head where they hide in what seems to be some kind of abandoned prison with one cell, and there ends up being one mer woman in there who ends up calling audwin's name when she sees him. audwin is shocked, and approaches carefully, and she cries while she explains she's so happy to see him alive and well. she tells him that his father separated him from his family just a bit after she'd birthed him and her brother because he was certain he was going to fulfill some kind of prophecy and overthrow him, and then he cast her into prison because she was so heartbroken that she was deemed "mad." the king brought up aldous as an only child with no memory of his twin brother or his mother, but always had an inkling that something was missing because of the second pendant he'd always had, which was given to him as a baby by their mother before she was taken away. audwin despairs at the fact that his mother and the life he should have had were ripped away from him by one man, and hugs his mother tight before swearing to take the king down.
some big climax happens and they take down the mer king and throw him in the cell that used to house the queen (cuz im not creative enough to come up with a non-prison sentence even tho fuck prisons and also acab irl), who then takes her rightful place back at the throne, and they also take down signy's dad/uncle or whatever, i dunno, i haven't figured this shit out yet lmaoo. but anyways, they sort it all out and they fall in love n all that shit. audwin speaks to his mother and tells her, he's never belonged to mer society and trying to integrate now would majorly suck, especially without signy at his side, who has to go back to land to give aldous his mer body back. he'd rather be by signy's side, separated by land and ocean, than not be near her at all. she's his one true friend. his mother understands, and bestows a new pendant to signy that, when worn, will allow her to understand the mer language even as a human, and allow her back into mer society should they ever return. they go back to the surface and they get ben and aldous back to the shore and audwin swiches signy and aldous' human and mer bodies back. it's a sad occassion. signy doesn't want to leave audwin behind in the water, and it's clear that aldous and ben have developed some kind of feelings for each other (do i have aldous and the guard fall in love in every dutp swan lake story i've ever thought up? YES). ben suddenly pipes up and is like, audwin switch with me!! and everyone else is like HUH?? ben explains that he doesn't really have anything in the human world to miss, he's not leaving behind much [insert some kind of tragic story for ben that i haven't thought up yet], and if they switch, they can both be with the people they want to spend their lives with. so they switch. audwin becomes a human and ben a merman, and then signy's like. welp, guess i don't need this anymore, and gives ben her pendant. they're all smiles and hugs, and then before they say goodbye and leave, audwin turns to aldous and says, "hey, say hi to mom for me." and aldous, who doesn't know they're brothers, is like WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONE--
and anyways. aldous gets to meet his mother (who will know exactly what happened with signy and auwdin the second she sees ben with her pendant and it makes her smile) and stay with ben who adapts to mer society fairly easily, and audwin gets to stay with his best friend and love in the human world. signy's dad's company tanks which she is glad for, and maybe she and audwin use the money she has to open up some kind of ocean clean-up project or something. standard cheesy barbie-like plot haha. wham bam, signy x audwin mermay story
will i ever write it? nope. if anyone wants to yoink this idea, go ahead! just credit me (and also @ me so i can read it hehe) !!!
i based the boat off of this pic of a greenline 39 yacht
consider supporting me on ☕ ! ko -fi. com / maddsmallow (without spaces)
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Asteroid signe (459)
signy, heroine of the völsunga saga (asteroid 459)
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Signy (sometimes written Signild or Signhild) was a rather popular Germanic name - two rather famous Signys exist in this mythic saga. One marries an evil king named Siggier who slaughters everyone in her family but her brother, Sigmund. Sigmund and Signy have an incestuous relationship that results in a son - Sigmund is then forced to hide from Siggier's wrath regarding this incident. To solve her husband's anger with her brother/lover and avenge her family Signy burns their home down with Siggier and her inside. The second Signy was closely related to Siggeir - she was the daughter of his nephew. This Signy fell in love with a king named Hagbard (sometimes written as Habor) - she was so in love with him that she vowed to never live without him. Her father did not approve of their relationship, and having a close relationship to King Siggier, he asked that Hagbard be killed. Hagbard was hanged and this Signy also set her home on fire and died. The second myth of Signy has a lot more to it but because we don't know which Signy this asteroid refers to. Thus I am sticking with the basics and keeping to the parts of the myths that somewhat align with one another. IN MY OPINION Signe in your chart can represent a) where those around you disapprove of your relationships, b) where you have secret affairs, c) where you refuse to live without love, and/or d) where you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the person you love the most.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of signe along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of signe!
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Manhwa: Second life of a trash princess
Characters: Johan Drife & Signy
Chapter: 52
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