#siiigh writing is hard :''''')
arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Hello there! First, let me say that your story idea is so amazing and well thought out! I am craving more content involving these characters and to see someone trying to address one of the biggest loose threads of the new God of War duology while also building up the worlds and letting the characters shine through? Astounding.
I did have an idea i wanted to run by you in this case. As we see in the games (and history) , the Nodic people have a tradition of their last names showing their parentage (prime example: Thrud Thorsdottir). I was wondering if Atreus, being Nordic and this never being brought up in the game, travels the realms stating he is Loki Kratosson (or even Laufeyson if he's either feeling a bit disheartened from his father's secret past that he kept from him or simply trying to be discreet and not let people recognize who his father is). Another thing that would absolutely shatter my soul (in a good way) is that after getting to the 8 realms and reconciling with Kratos, Calliope took up the surname Kratosdottir. It may not need to happen because you mentioned how strained their relationship is and fixing it will take a lot of work. I just thought it'd be a nice addition. Whenever you can, let me know your thoughts
Heyo! Thank you so much for your kind words!! <333 Even though I haven't finished the story yet (and I do have a writing update to share after this) I'm glad to hear you like the route I'm taking with it so far! :D
Interestingly (from my loose research), Loki in the Norse myths uses the name Laufeyjarson instead of taking after his father's name. From what I've heard, using a patronymic is the general custom, so Loki kinda stands out because of that. In the case of GoW, I'm honestly not sure which one he'd go with because he has a good relationship with both. I could see him using either name in different situations - for example, with the Giants, they might be more comfortable using the name of someone they've known and lived with, so they call him Laufeyson (like with Angrboda often referring to him as Loki instead of Atreus). To other Giants, he may be called Loki Faurbautison (using Kratos' Giant name), and to others in the Nine Realms in general, just Kratosson if they're not familiar with the Giants' name for him.
On the other hand, if Atreus were to interact with people in Greece, I think it'd be safer if he didn't use Kratos' name at all. From what I've seen, Ancient Greeks' surnames could include patronymics, occupations, descriptions of the person, etc. In my story, Calliope always introduces herself as "Calliope of Sparta," and Atreus is known as a Northman (or a northern barbarian to unkind folks). So I honestly think which surname they pick just depends on the situation ^^;;
As for what Calliope would pick, I think she'd stick with "Calliope of Sparta" for now. She may even refer to herself as "daughter of Lysandra" or "sister of Atreus," but it may take some time before she starts using Kratosdottir (or Faurbautisdottir to the Giants). I agree with you though, it would be a very nice addition to the story! Thank you for sending me your ask, it was lots of fun to think about <333
In addition, here's my update on the fic's status, if people are interested (and asking for my GoW followers' thoughts wrt to the fic):
Unfortunately, I believe I have officially burnt myself out on GoW T_T I haven't been able to write anything new for this fic since my last update, approximately - and I'm also back in university on top of working full-time. I thought I got my motivation back, but it went right down the drain soon after (and honestly, I think it's just how big the fic has gotten that's overwhelmed me, plus the expanded cast of characters, so I only have myself to blame for that loll)
So here's what I'm wondering: should I just post all the chapters I have now instead of waiting until I've finished the whole thing (which I don't know when will happen), so would y'all prefer that I stick to my original plan and wait? Chances are, if I start posting now, I might get the motivation to continue writing, but currently I can't say for sure.
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Please more rookvil content~
Perhaps some headcanons on how Rook absolutely ravishes Vil ❤️
Also on his obsession and subsequent antics
Siiigh how much I love to talk about RookVil~
We do have a couple of headcanon posts about them, and I’ll leave some links in case anyone wants to read them, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get a new portion of some smutty ones, Anon. There isn’t a lot, but they ended up being a bit lengthy, so I hope you enjoy them.
The first RookVil hc post (sfw + nsfw)
RookVil’s first time
Alright, so the new ones!
They absolutely did have sex after the Beanfest (AND during it too!) and they absolutely did have sex after the first part of the Halloween event… and after the second part too. Both of the times they spent quite a lot of time without sex prior to that, because Vil has this weird thing when he doesn’t let Rook touch him when he’s preparing for something important. Vil always says that it’s just so they can concentrate, but in actuality it’s a mix of him wanting to have a reward for himself and him wanting Rook to be absolutely starved, unhinged and animalistic when they finally get to bang each other’s brains out.
There has been a couple of times when Rook fucked Vil until he passed out. Usually Vil always tries to wash himself as soon as possible after sex, and Rook doesn’t really mind getting all dirty and marinate in each other’s juices for some time (ew), so whenever he fucks Vil so hard that he passes out, he gets so shamelessly happy. And of course he touches Vil while he’s asleep with 0 energy…
Rook knows better than to ruin Vil’s nice designer pieces, but when it’s something easily replaceable, he could rip his clothes off of Vil’s body while undressing him. He’s ruined a couple of his nice shirts because of this + a bunch of Vil’s underwear. Vil could get angry at him for that, but Rook usually puts Vil in a necklock and chokes him right after that. He actually chokes him quite often, and it gets Vil very defenseless and painfully turned on.
Speaking of Rook’s obsessions… I would say that he keeps a diary in which he records every sexual interaction he’s ever had with Vil, but knowing Rook I’d assume that he just… remembers all this stuff. He remembers too many extremely specific details, and Vil always complains that he clutters his mental storage with this non-important junk. But that’s just Vil being embarrassed that Rook remembers every time Vil said something dirty to him during sex.
Rook used to write poems about Vil’s certain body parts and how much he loves to fuck them. He still does this sometimes, but when they just started dating he wrote like 5 poems per day. Vil is conflicted about those: he reads them of course, but still scolds Rook for writing them. But also never throws them away. But also says that they are way too obscene for anyone to read and if someone finds them he’ll have to poison that person.
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badsalmonella · 5 months
I love the “Camelot” film - mainly because it’s the only film that will probably exist of “TOAFK” (including “Sword in the Stone”) and I think Richard Harris gives the best performance of his career as King Arthur but that said I think it’s flawed (not bad) and that’s because it’s either too long or too badly paced - I can’t decide which.. “My Fair Lady” has similar running time but nobody ever complains about the length. So it’s probably badly paced than actually too long
I actually hard agree! Even though my feelings are mostly positive on the movie I find when the credits start rolling I'm a bit exhausted from the movie. Like I can FEEEELLL I've been sitting for a long time. I've always wondered if they did another round of edits of the film to trim some minor stuff it'd probably fix the pacing. (An example of what I mean is like before Arthur gives his monologue I think they include almost a minute of him walking through the castle and it doesn't have to be that long to visually get the idea across that's he's left the party to be alone and idk it may seem small but when the movie keeps making choices like that I think that's what makes the viewer feel the length of the movie by the end of it. It stacks up).
Actually while we're comparing and contrasting stuff I've always wanted to say I actually felt that's one of the positives of the modern rewrite was the fast pace of the writing alleviates some of the pacing issues that plagues the show, BUT THEY RUN INTO THE PROBLEM where they don't know how to slow down on those really important parts. When I watch the revival I find myself yearning for the patience of the movie's Lancelot resurrection scene siiigh~~ 😔 one can be too slow, one can be too fast but perhaps the perfect in between will come to us one day. A girl can dream!
Also gonna throw in your other ask just to cut down on my postings
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I saw the 80's stage production first so I was like "I don't think I like him :/ he's clearly a good actor just not a fan of his interpretation" but then I saw the MOVIEEEE AND it was like 😁RICHARD HARRIS! I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT YOUR KING ARTHUR EVER!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 Seriously he's can be fun, he can be warm, he can turn on that !!KING!! presence when he needs to it's awesome. I think with the stage production it's probably just a case of him aging out of the role a bit, but Richard Harris clearly likes playing King Arthur so nobody was gonna tell him that.
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Inspired by @rabbit-harpist 's lovely doodles I scribbled out some qsmo/xcom2 au designs. Predictably who I've been writing of late and the fact I was The who is pretty predictable given I was watching Pac and Mike reunite...
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Favela 5 family photo in casual wear (Cellbit is the shortest but Forever should be the tallest followed by Felps my ability to height does not exist. Cellbit, Pac, and Mike all have casting eyes) (it /should/ be post everything appearances, but like half the scars are missing as its extremely hard using gelpens and rollerballs - even if the later are erasable. You can kiiiiinda see the scars on Mike's face, Pac's face, and Cellbit's hand? Just about? (Pac hides his prosthetic by habit because it makes for an obvious target while fighting and now habit) (Mike's labcoat is stained but a comfort item)
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Pac and Mike poster redraw/armour designs (with notes!). Guns are missing, but their 'bonus' weapons (Pac's combat 'knife', Mike's rats) are there. Also ew hair on side profile. (I kinda like to ignore the upgrades in designs and just pick what fits people and in story when upgrades are done they just improve what people have not remake everything)
Below the cut is just the sketch of the photo, and the original in-game poster I redrew with Pac and Mike (they /should/ be the same height siiigh I'm so bad at scaling things)
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thegeminisage · 8 months
SIIIGH it's tng update time. wednesday we did "the first duty" and thursday we did "the cost of living" and "the perfect mate." boy oh boy.
the first duty: my precious darling baby boy is back and now he's doing CRIMES. college sure did a number on him
do you think beverly got the news about the accident and was like wow this is just like that time my husband died and picard came in and was like listen wesley is fine...he's okay...and she was like (on the inside) yeah THIS time. this time he's okay. and she realizes in real time that no matter what some part of her will always be waiting, breath held, for that call. that's what i think
nice to finally meet boothby although shouldn't that guy be like 90 or 100 years old rn? he said when picard graduated ~40 years ago, he was the age picard is now (60ish). like idc enough to break out exact numbers but 80 at the VERY youngest. if this is utopia why is he still doing manual labor???
also wtf was that about how he helped picard out of a jam when picard did something sketchy...i wasn't paying enough attention to the details but idk that i ever caught what picard actually DID. i guess it couldn't be worse than killing a guy though or he wouldn't have got so mad at wesley
i love how they had wesley overexplain why he left his sweater in his dead friend's room to make absolutely sure we knew it WASN'T GAY and by virtue of the overexplanation made it sound like a lie someone would tell if it WAS gay. come on. who cares. he's in college. if he wants to be gay then let him and god bless
in today's very special episode about peer pressure, wesley gets a full-on lecture from his definitely-not-biological father picard. like, REALLY let him have it. poor kid. i mean someone did die though. like someone very much did die
i like how in the end wesley felt all guilty that their ringleader was like nooo just expel me and leave the others alone like he said he would AS IF he wasn't the entire instigator to begin with. they should have expelled everybody except wesley since he broke ranks and then also sent that little punk in particular to whatever the equivalent of jail is now. the penal colony. whatever. didn't they have hard labor in collision course lmao i hate starfleet <3
like, i love the IDEA that star trek takes place in utopia, i love to play in that space mentally, but the fact of the matter is most human beings, including the ones writing star trek episodes, are so cynical we can't even imagine a world without corporal punishment where everyone is taken care of no matter what. we can't imagine a utopia without an ugly underside, which is what starfleet has in practice. so.
once again i am fucked by the limit of 4k characters per text block. this drives me BANANAS.
the cost of living: ohhhh my god.
okay, maybe i'm a prude, but i do NOT think it's appropriate for alexander, who's like 2-3 in human years and 8-9 in klingon years, to be naked in a bath with deanna's narcissistic nymphomaniac of a mother. i just don't. i get that in some cultures, including betazed for sure and klingons maybe, and also definitely some real life ones, nudity is not a big deal among family especially in the context of like baths or swimming. however in america in 1992 which is when/where this was written it DEFINITELY would have been weird for this kid to be naked and in a bath with anybody but his immediate family of the same gender (parent or siblings). you could mmmaybe stretch it to an uncle or grandpa since alexander is so young. BUT LWANAXA IS NONE OF THESE THINGS. it made me. SO. UNCOMFORTABLE.
i guess the tng writers really like lwaxana and think she's funny and quirky, which is why they keep writing episodes for her. i mean, her actress is/was married to gene roddenberry and also voices the computers. i get it. she's your friend, have her back on. but for all the crimes done by her (usually against deanna, but also against picard and sometimes riker), and for all the crimes done to her (ferengi rape scenes played for laughs), this really took the cake. not only is she an unwelcome guest aboard the enterprise, which is a working vessel, not a cruise ship, she spends her time aboard it undermining worf's parenting and deanna's counseling IN HER PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT, and then KIDNAPS A STRANGERS CHILD (his parent nor his therapist knew where he was !!!) to take him to the holodeck to SIT NAKED IN THE BATH. and then later at her wedding while she was also naked she gave alexander this playful little wink because he was giggling. LIKE. AM I INSANE? genuinely does that episode make anybody else uncomfortable. i know they didn't do it like that on purpose but it aged so poorly to me. like i don't get it...are there other people who think lwaxana is unbearable or does she have like. stans. a huge mystery
i also really hate that in her usual way lwaxana made the episode all about her stupid midlife crisis instead of like. letting the episode be about worf attempting to parent alexander. we never resolved the dirty clothes on the floor situation. we never got to see their contract/chore chart or whatever. is this why people say worf is a bad parent?? i get he was being overly strict and uncompromising (so was alexander, ironically), but we never got to see where it went, and i am WAY more interested in all of that than lwaxana troi
also lmao i nearly forgot honorable mention to this episode secretly exploring the fascinating new scifi concept of online dating. people got an interenet connect and suddenly anything is possible.
the perfect mate: i can't believe i had to watch this one right after i just watched that other one. hurg.
first of all, cathy was like, do you recognize this hot lady, and i was like well it looks like jean grey but she's the wrong age, so i said no, and she was like, oh it's jean grey. so now no one will ever believe me. also, i'm glad they didn't kiss onscreen watching her rub his little bald head was already too much for me it's going to be so hard to watch xmen without thinking about this now
secondly, picard fights in the war against human trafficking on the side of human trafficking. WHY are his vibes so bad lately. even beverly was like "you can't fuck her, this is human trafficking," and he was like "no i asked and she said it wasn't human trafficking so it's totally cool!" are you kidding me
first of all, let's stop and look at the spooooky scifi concept of having a ~woman~ who molds her very personality (and libido!!) to fit the desires of whatever man she's around so that it's impossible for her to be around a man who DOESN'T want to fuck her because she's every man's perfect woman. (except data. king.) AND because she's sooo desirable she's being human trafficked. and. nobody saw any problems with fetishizing this??
i think deliberately leaving it open as to whether or not picard fucked her was a pussy move. i think that if he did fuck her (and i think he did) you might as well say so instead of being a little bitch about it. you already made him complicit in human trafficking
and if he DIDN'T fuck her it actually makes it very nearly profound, if you take out all the fetishism - because all these guys are falling all over themselves to fuck her because she's drawn that way (like jessica rabbit), but actually all she wanted was somebody who WOULDN'T try to fuck her (she alludes to this a couple of times when he assumes she's coming on to him when she isn't), and if picard didn't, and THAT'S the reason she imprinted on him or whatever, you actually have something there. it's not a great something, but it's still better than the steaming pile of garbage we actually got.
also, having her ~reach sexual maturity~ (oh yeah let's not forget that while an adult human woman plays her she's """barely legal""" as far as her own species goes lmao) and imprint and become picard's perfect woman forever and then get shipped off to be that politician's mail-order bride when he's the one guy who also doesn't want to fuck her is ??? bad and dumb. like i get that's the kind of fucked up ending scifi likes to go for but again we are coming out on the side of human trafficking here. like, this isn't a bittersweet love story. this woman got trafficked.
actually you know what it is. it's "elaan of troyius" from tos except with way less racism and slightly more sexism. in elaan of tryoius she had love potion tears and she used them to essentially date rape kirk (as a means to escape her own horrific situation, so it was nonconsensual on both sides, but less consensual on his) and in this episode there was no forced consent on picard's part but potentially dubious consent on HERS since she has no choice in anything. and she is demure and accepting of her fate whereas elaan of troyius wasn't. and in both cases they just got sent off as mail-order brides to live with whatever diplomat required the purchase of a whole human being in order to agree to peace. cool. u can KIIIND of understand kirk wanting nothing more to do with her (again, she raped him), but PICARD?? who was supposed to be in love with her??? cmon.
tonight: god help us: "imaginary friend" and "i, borg." that second title would normally make me optimistic but i am a woman devoid of all hope. if they're as bad as the last two we watching i don't know how i'll survive.
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frida--y · 2 years
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Let's get the party started!!
Man.... Dondon is. Great!
I loved it a lot, plot wise and pacing aside, it's very obvious the heart of the show is its characters.
In terms of its predecessor, Zenkai celebrated in the tokustau of it all, and Donbrothers celebrated the characters. Like Inoue's other works, he really makes great protags. Takkun, who’s afraid of betraying others so that's why he doesn't want to get close to others, and Taro who’s lonely and wants to understand true happiness, both a bit similar in their loneliness. They both find humanity throughout life, through opening yourself up with others and creating inseparable bonds. And have bfs
I do think Inoue's main writing strength is in his characters. Everyone has changed from the first intro... Another strength is his willingness to collaborate and be flexible. Always heard about Jetman's finale on how it was conceived through drinking with Gai's actor and how the both of them thought it would be funny if they ended the series like that... like.. that's hilarious. And through collaborations, Sonoi, Sononi and Sonoza got to live!!! Making bonds and establishing friendships though eating meals together in real life saved them. Ugh, I really love getting these behind the scene stories.
These two..
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They kill me. THEY KILL ME!!!!!!!!!
Just. The small moments too. Sonoi running back upstairs to just SEE what oden looks like... I could not stop thinking about it when that episode dropped, it was hours later. Sonoi.... wanting to understand art, just like the humans do.. wanting to enjoy human food. To enjoy the food Momoi enjoys. To- enjoy- food.. to.. enjoy sharing the moments of eating alone and eating with others.... to-
Taro's daydream of casually eating oden with Sonoi, I had to get up and walk around...................
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okay im back.
The Notos. MY BELOVEDS! Sononi, the failmoe girl. Of course it’s eye rolling that she became so attached to Tsubasa, but the fact that she’s so failmoe after cringing over everyone around her AND her finding Tusbasa worthy for falling over despite being a fucking DOG is. so funny. Go get him girl, do not get him chocolate though, he’s a dog after all. I loved Sonoza with Haruka, it’s so cute! For the one that wanted to understand raw emotions, it’s so great to have him see that Haruka manga could save others like him! 567 my messy messy beloveds... the staff’s love and oden could not save you.. :(
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siiigh, rip my evil trio, you WILL be missed. Hopefully the staff can pull something out of their ass to revive you three. I NEED them.
So now the talk about the show for real.. Pacing in the beginning was awful, did not like it tbh! Once I was poisoned enough though, I got it. It definitely helps that I’ve seen a lot of Inoue’s shows (especially changerion) that a lot of it’s problems just bounced off me. His rushing and refusal to use certain characters brings down the show at times, and that’s double for the motw. It is an after thought at the worst and something that has to happen due to it being a sentai. It’s hard for me to pay any kind of attention when the fighting starts and when the mech fights, but that’s me problem in sentai in general, but it’s reaaaaaly bad in donbrothers where sentai fans even complain about it lol. The show’s comedy is great though!! Haruka’s actor beter go places after this, she’s def the highlight, and even veteran director Tasaki had said something similar to, “Donbrother’s is Haruka”, it started with her and it ends with her :)
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Everyone else on the team are freaks!! I thought I would really love Saruhara through my blue bais, but I didn’t! Weirdo (affectionate) <333 His money lines are so Inoue coded... Tsubasa is also a character designed for me, dark and mysterious, but he is also a freak (theater kid), I CANT believe I fell for Kijino LOL Jirou is adorable, just so bright and loving, I wish his story got a longer run time, but it was still very effective. I’m just so glad he wasn’t someone the team had to fight, I’m so glad he accepted himself and found happiness that way :””) Murasame.
Of all the things left out, it is great that Kaito didn’t get explained... or did he?? 
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I wonder if Kaito going into this world, (or the Kaito of this world) had this happen to him. I wonder if this would get explained in the VS movie.
and for thoughts on the finale:
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I loved that Taro got a final scene with everyone, but with Kijino’s scene it felt somewhat special, he was the first one with Taro after all! So satisfying that Kijino is focusing on himself too! I know that he had that scene with Natsumi, but it came with the caveat that Natsumi chose this herself, she wasn’t a prize at the end for Tsubasa and her wants, her dreams is what’s important. I WILL ignore the wedding ring back on in the final scene, it’s fine that they’re together but I’d like to think that it took a longer time for them to get married. I mean.. it’s two volumes of donbros that came out before Haruka got her award so... and Kijino needs the time to himself!
God you have no idea how much I teared up here.. such a great roll call!
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The fact that they held up on doing a complete roll call in the show proper with EVERYONE is so worth it. It was for a gag for sure, but after Sonoi’s revival, it was on purpose. The team was not complete. GOD and the MOON here.
I wanted the Noto trio to join the team soooo bad and be shown to be as silly as the doncrew when I saw them dancing in the intro and it came true.. THE vision. THIS is tokustau. The innovation, the onset rewrites, the relationships that grow on set. The love for the characters and what you do. 
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alright bonus talk that is just my thirst talk:
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juiced up Sonoi got me [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted][redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted][redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted][redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted][redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] 
I will placed in jail for what I want to say. 
Just know that I would [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] . <- this is a real sentence, you have been warned.
To quote Rain, “Kijino is the only fuckable donbrother. This is the rawest sexual energy donbrothers has on offer”
😤 AGREE 100X, YES ! HE IS!!
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You do not want to peek into my mind when I first saw this ^
This is a warning. This made me fall for him even harder.
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space-blue · 2 years
How about 4, 22, and 30?
Thank you for asking!
4. Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
No, never. I'm a turbo pantser. I can't outline, it totally kills my motivation to write. Writing a plot I know fully is a chore. There is no joy, no mystery. My writing process is like walking in the dark, with my characters holding my hands and guiding me to the exit, bumping into things along the way.
Knowing the ending is an almost sure fire way to lose interest. The key to writing one shots is to commit to them almost immediately or else they'll also start to feel 'told' and writing them like a chore.
22. Have you cried while writing a fic?
Basically never except this one short fic. It's an Arcane one shot, of Jinx talking to Silco right after his death. The finale made me hard sob like a fool and I refused to touch that scene until I somehow wrote this little thing… It felt like flagelation lol
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
Siiigh… Some people are going to hate me for this… but I still want to focus on that Tarkin and Ahsoka fic. It's Star Wars, and a trope I've never explored (I'll talk more about it in another ask). I've been slow cooking it since… August 2021. I have parts written, but due to my writing style, I can't write random scenes in advance. So I'm stuck in the starting blocks until I am free of other fandom grips. It's basically young rebel leader (Ahsoka) finds herself with the enemy on her hands, with a major case of memory loss (Tarkin) and lies to him about who he was, to try and use him to their cause. I love the idea, the characters, the set up… The recent Andor show really fleshed out that rebellion era with gritty stuff… I WILL write it!
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thewayoftheriver · 1 year
“ Alright, good morning “
“....Hugh? “
“ Take it easy, you’re at the health office. Can you look at the light for me? “
“ Ooofk… “
“ Good, can you tell me your ID? “
“ Yesh, huh, O126…6…huuuuuuh…”
“ R “
“ Ah yah, R33…”
“ I neverr underrstood why chey put letterrz in the middle of numberrz… so i alwayz rread it az a nine. ”
“ Mmmh, you probably have mild dyslexia that wasn’t detected at childhood. It’s not going to get better with only one eye I’m afraid. “
“ Oh…”
“ Don’t be sad, at least you’ll have something interesting for others to look at. Do you remember what happened? “
“ Yah, it exploded when I waz working on it… huuh… che terrminal of che rroom 4577 someching…we couldn’t stop the overrload… ”
“ It was 45TT561 but yes. Thankfully it was a small electric explosion so you had half of your face fried but your brain should have suffered no real damage. “
“ Oh so I’m not in trrouble? ”
“ No, you will be rehabilitated to go back to work in 24h. And as a compensation for your hard work and your injuries, the state will provide you a wife... “
“ Oh wow a wife? ”
“ Don’t get your hopes up, for low ranking workers like us they only give the old models that they don’t want anymore. “
“ You got a wife too doc? ”
“ *sigh* Yes. They give one to me for… the passion I put in my work. “
“ How iz it like ? ”
“ What? “
“ How iz it like to have a wife ? I’ve hearrd it’s like having anocherr half of yourrself.. ”
“ Well… You will definitely never feel alone again, so yes. It feels like you got sewed to it. “
“ Chat sounds amazing… ”
“ *siiigh* Not as much as you think I’m afraid. Can you walk? “
“ Ha yesh… Huh I’ll be leaving?  ”
“ Yes but let me write my ID and where to find me. You should come see me if there is any complication and go directly to me, don’t pass by the reception ok?  “
“ Oh… OH, yeah ok , thank you very much!  ”
“ Don’t mention it. “
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miyu-writings · 1 year
I've read so many awesome fics titled "Into the Fire" that I'm getting the itch to write one myself.
It's also fitting because Natsu and fire are right there.
I haven't decided on the plot yet though. But I think it might be my usual. The boys are butting heads, still in that place of rivals and begrudgingly admitting their friendship. Then something dangerous happens and they have to work together and see other sides of the other and through that become closer. Then misunderstandings and declarations. Pretty sure I'll someone (or both) need to overcome some health shit. Maybe I should go back to the roots and be meaner to Gray but at the same time I have the bias that Natsu can endure more... so I think that explains my being meaner to Natsu as of late.
I still haven't decided if there'll be hotter moments but, who am I kidding? Despite it all being so hard to write, I should write some Natsu/Gray...
Ah... haven't decided if there'll be gratsu in the "Sabertooth wins" AU. It makes sense for me to have it but that does it so that I need to write more after the rescue.
I so want to feel better to be able to write all these silly bunnies. siiigh
Need smaller goals. For now, finish this porny drabble, then finish the mermay plot (that end...) and wait for the gratsu week prompts to come out. I think I'm thinking that I can do more than I really can. Now I also want to draw stuff for it? As if. Also, as if I had the courage to post it online. 😅
Huh. Yeah. Small goals. Can do it.
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storyteller-prince · 4 years
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me: i should do drafts. also me: should i move my OCs to a new blog? hmmm.
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theglareyousee · 2 years
Yall ever just reread your work and catch all these little errors and then when you go back to fix them you suddenly can't find them anymore? 😩
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sometimes dinner is a handful of cherry tomatoes, four slices of cheese, and peanut butter toast, and that’s okay
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ryuichirou · 2 years
Helloooo I am the Anon that asked about the Floyd x Riddle head canons and now here to ask about your Idia x Azul head canons!
Do you have any from outside from the AU, as well from any in the AU too? (Any Au is fine they all seem interesting!)
Hi Anon! I’m glad you enjoyed the Floyd/Riddle headcanons, these were very fun to write.
I’ve written a post of Azul/Idia headcanons before, in case you haven’t seen it; but there could always be some more! Especially if you’re wondering about the AUs too.
Regular Azul/Idia:
1. Idia’s eating habits genuinely piss Azul off. He tries not to allow himself to even get bothered by it, because otherwise it’ll drive him insane. But sometimes he just can’t help himself, and they end up arguing about it. This is one of many topics on which these two could never have an agreement.
2. Even if they were to start dating, their club would be their main spot for dates. They are the happiest when they just play board games and chat, after all. Even if they start arguing about something during the game…
3. Azul is very demanding and bossy whenever he and Idia make out. He pretty much does everything and doesn’t like being touched himself. Idia doesn’t mind that, as he’s quite submissive by nature, but still makes snarky comments about Azul’s bossiness from time to time.
4. When it comes to sex, Azul doesn’t have hours and hours of hentai knowledge, but he is a very fast learner. Idia, on the other hand, probably knows way too much, but is absolutely helpless in action, so he is completely at Azul’s mercy.
5. There are days when it’s legitimately hard for Azul to concentrate on study and work because his mind keeps wandering off to Idia and what he’d like to do to him. During such days he has no choice but to go to Idia asap and have sex with him, otherwise his whole day will go to waste, siiigh, come on Idia-san, help him get productive.
Marriage AU:
1. They have a powerful shower in their house, the type that cleans you in less than a minute, similar to the ones at the S.T.Y.X. facility. Idia built it himself, because it’s very useful and time-saving. Azul absolutely hates it and never uses it, even though it can be adjusted to work as a regular shower. Still, he prefers to take a bath whenever it’s possible.
2. They weren’t much of a couple when they got married, but the feelings blossomed overtime, at least from Azul’s side. His behavior hasn’t changed much, but he gets clingy from time to time.
3. They have separate bedrooms, and Idia spends the majority of his time in his room. They do have sex though, and a lot of times it starts with Azul coming back home feeling extra clingy and demanding Idia’s attention even if he’s busy.
4. In the Bad Ending, Azul feels genuinely hurt by Idia’s betrayal, and even though he’ll definitely try to make it seem like this is about business and their monetary arrangements, in actuality he wouldn’t care about any of this; what’s important to him is that the person he actually fell deeply in love with abandoned him absolutely out of nowhere (Azul definitely wouldn’t see it coming).
5. Ironically, the less time Idia spends with other people, the more possessive and jealous Azul becomes. Even if they don’t see each other for days because of Azul’s work, he still needs to know that Idia is home, and that everything is under his (Azul’s) control. Maybe it was one of the reasons Idia left him in one of the variations of the AU. Maybe not.
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protect-namine · 6 years
me: I love JoshNeku, I’m gonna write fics about them
also me: Why are they so hard to write? I feel like I’m not getting their characters right?
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itsjustaphase-mom · 4 years
this is getting out of hand i just came up with 2 tma aus and i think theyd be very fun to make but also oh my god stop
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About QiYe and not being sold on Jing Beiyuan I kind of have your same problem? For me, I just. Keep dropping the book because Jing Beiyuan can't keep my attention; he just wants to go off somewhere far away from the plot but he's also super trying to distance himself from everyone else too and I can't connect to anything about him. WuXi is better but also his whole storyline and how his people are treated...
So I keep getting blocked more or less in the middle and wishing the story followed other people. (I'm a fan of Helian Yi. It's sad but true. Maybe that contributes?) Wanted to read QY before going for TYK but I think I'll just jump to the later already and then try again to read QY starting from where I left.
It's a difficult book to get through! I love it, but it's pretty slow-paced and contemplative, and the writing style is heavily allusive, which can be difficult if you're unfamiliar with the cultural references woven into it. I have a friend who's reading it right now (hi Novy!) who's found it hard to focus on for that reason.
Beiyuan in particular is... not exactly passive, but is kind of going through the motions - as you said, he'd rather not be there, but he doesn't really know what else to be doing. And he's pretty opaque in his feelings and motivations - I remember having trouble grasping what was going on with him, and then I'd hit some rare line in the narration that actually gave some explicit insight into his mindset and be like "oh okay, this man is just depressed as all fuck." Having him as the protagonist fits with the general melancholy mood of the novel, but it is hard for me to feel attached to a main character who's that emotionally detached.
This is also why I think the book would have benefitted from more flashbacks to the previous life. Beiyuan is so defined the heartbreak and betrayal from it, but because we only see the fallout of his relationship with Helian Yi, rather than his actual attachment to him, it's hard to get a fuller picture of him as a character. (I also love Helian Yi, ftr, both in terms of 1) ruthless political ambition and 2) developing a crush without realizing the other person is living in the aftermath of that relationship. Really feel for him on the second count!)
Wu Xi is delightful, although he's very much an intensely jealous love interest. (Which I gather some people enjoy? But siiigh.) And I'm for sure uncomfortable with the way he's the only complexly characterized person from Nanjiang in the story, and the way in which his enlightenment/development as a leader is linked to learning and incorporating the ideals of the Han cultural stand-in. (Like... please explain to me how this guy is remotely equipped to govern a country he has not set foot in since he was ten years old.)
Which is all to say, I'm with you in wishing the book followed different people. When reading, I was most invested in Zhou Zishu's plot, and in Helian Yi, and a lot of my enjoyment of Beiyuan's story came through how he interacted with those figures, and with Wu Xi. The man unfortunately just has Side Character energy for me despite being the protagonist.
TYK I'm only around ten chapters into, but it is much more plot-driven and written in a very different style. And Zhou Zishu's internal narration is delightfully snarky. So it's probably a more "accessible" entry point.
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