#silly little friends 🥺🤲
arbuzyansky · 5 months
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elitadream · 8 months
Hey, so I have a question about an old post about Mario and Peach's relationship. When Mario was in a coma for a short time after fighting Bowser, and when he awoke, he avoided Peach out of guilt and Peach doesn't know how to approach it?
I mean this one which is connected with other ones: https://www.tumblr.com/elitadream/707836742175178752/finally-included-toadsworth-i-love-this-classy?source=share&ref=_tumblr
I'm SO sorry if this sounds silly to ask or if you already covered this: but how do Peach and Mario reconcile in this series of events? (Because they obviously reconcile and communicate with each other at some point and get back on good terms and become close friends again somehow.) Do Luigi and Toadsworth intervene? Again, hope this does not sound dumb, I am slow on some things lol XD.
Omg, the confession tangent! 👀🥺
I'm actually really glad you've mentioned it, because I've noted some really interesting similarities in the way Mario would act in both this scenario and the post body-swap one. Essentially closing himself off and limiting his interactions with others to the bare minimum, unable to cope with the guilt and pain... ;_;
I had written down a few potential avenues while trying to find the right context in which Mario and Peach would would find themselves in the same room again (and eventually have a much needed heart-to-heart 💞), but the sequence I wanted to make for it has been undergoing continuous changes and stagnating quite a bit unfortunately. 🙇‍♀️
There's a little something I will soon share regardless however, and which can technically be associated to both concepts independantly. 🤲❤️‍🩹
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
if you havent already can u tell stuff about your neo 3s 🥺🤲 i care them
outside of agent work, they have been part of a delinquent group for quite some time, ever since they were very little! they met through that group and stuck together ever since
the rest of the agents don’t recognize them when they’re dressed in their different clothing! (which looks similar to the deliquent amiibo clothing)
(i’m working on developing that silly little group….)
they found smallfry by picking him up outside of grizzco! they named him Kuz, because he’s like a silly baby cousin
before the NSS, neither knew how to read or write
they got lost in the desert looking for a deliquent friend of theirs who went missing! after some time they stumbled upon cuttlefish and the rest is history lol
i’ve said this like a billion times but Sicily/Cap = mommy?
(do i look l-)
their arms were tainted just from lots of accidents from agent work! it accumulated especially in space, when dodging fuzzballs was especially hard!!
they’re not sure if it’s gonna have any lasting negative effect on them, all that they’ve been able to figure out is that it stings when rinsed with water.
also, they purr and act mammal-like now. i can’t help it T_T
A FERAL CHILD! she’s literally on silly mode maximum ALL THE TIME. if she’s not something is DEATHLY wrong
she loves to put her hair up in pigtails, because she likes subverting expectations!
she’s average at everything! literally everything! it’s kind of astounding how much she can do at a normal level
smallfry’s primary caretaker! she loves to dress him up like a little dolly!
she’s very acrobatic, flexible and agile. she loves to do freaky tricks that give sicily secondhand bone hurting disease.
although she’s very strong willed, she’s still very sensitive…
very gullible, would probably believe you if you said chocolate milk comes from brown cows
literally left in a cardboard box all alone as a baby, wettest little squitten you’d ever see :(
Frye named her! the name means ‘three bodies’ in Sanskrit. before that, it was mostly ‘girl’ or ‘Agent 3’
very quiet, but also very perceptive and detail oriented. he gets so lost in analyzing some things that sometimes he looks really mad lol
has a lot of anxiety regarding speaking, so he’s a selective mute! he’ll speak if he absolutely HAS to or if he’s really close to someone, but otherwise he speaks SSL (splatlands sign language), a mix of inkling and octoling SL
trikaya translates for him, and often understands what he needs with just a glance!
around strangers he has on a tough attitude, but around the NSS he’s very gentle and curious. he asks a lot of questions
he doesn’t have the most accurate aim as a charger main, but damn if he can’t apply pressure!
trikaya’s big bro!
his parents were octarian army refugees that sent him across the world to the splatlands as an infant to give him a better shot at life. he started off in a foster home but ran away due to mistreatment
sometimes he still wonders if they’re alive
Shiver named him! his name means ‘light/shine’ in japanese, but can also mean ‘third son’ and is sometimes spelt with 三(three).
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unhingedlesbear · 6 months
Fuckin Markate moments that make me go 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤲🤌🤲🤲🤌🙏🙏🙏🙏🤌🤌🙏💀🤌🤌🤌💀💀🙏🤌🤌🤌😭🤌😭🤌😭😭😭🤌
Literally going to sit here and overanalyse every little fucking Markate interaction DONT mind me. This is fully me going insane over markate for no fucking reason.
-Bridge scene
Oh my GODDD THIS SCEEEENEEEE assuming you pick the empathetic option it’s just sooo sweet. The way u can tell she’s used to helping him with these situations because of how non judgemental and supportive she is, she knows it’s not actually fine when he says it is, and she keeps a lighthearted energy to her the whole time even though they recently broke up. And then when he thanks her and basically confirms that she’s helped him through moments like that before just agrgrhrhhrhrhrhrh fuckkk they’re so 🤲🤲🤲
There are some CUTE fucking interactions in this chapter between them. The little “you trying to butter me up?” Interaction is so sillyyyyy so silly of them and she calls him a fucking camera dork😭😭😭🤌🤌🤌 and they’re laughing and smiling and shit even tho they were just discussing their breakup moments before oghhhh my god☹️☹️🫡🫡🫡. And the fucking “my arms are not short 😠😠” AHEGEGHRR😭😭😭😭🤌🤌✨✨✨✨✨FUCKING CUTE!!! And then there’s the end of the chapter when they get spooked by the lil animatronic and you got the silly little “it scared YOU” “it scared you TWICE” they’re so dumbbb they’re so goofy and sillyyyy why do they 😭😭😭😭👍👍👍👍
Not many Markate moments here but STILL this is MY unhinged Markate ramble post and good god am I gonna fuckin RAMBLE! Anyway I want to bring up Mark’s speech and the fact that he calls Kate his best friend and she looks at him like 😯🙄🙂 just 😭🤌 and then there’s Jamie’s line about Mark following Kate around like a lost dog and just yeah. That is the dynamic isn’t it😭
First off in curators cut just the fact that Kate gets worried about Mark when the fire is closing in on him☹️☹️😭🙏🙏🤌🤌🤌 and she pulls him out of it even though it kinda looks like she also gets a bit singed by it??? YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING STUPID❤️❤️❤️❤️ then we have THE MARKATE HUG!! I FUCKING LOVE THIS HUG SO MUCH!!! ITS THE WAY HE JUST FALLS INTO HER SHOULDER AND ITS THE TINY LIL BACK RUB AND ALSO THE WAY SHE HAS TO STAND ON HER TOES TO REACH UP RIGHT IM FROTHING AT THE MOUTHHHHHHHH
Again there’s not much here I KNOW but there’s still some things and so I must point them out. The fact that Mark just got dropped through the fucking floor and his first thought is “KATE😨😨⁉️⁉️” and then LATER WHEN THEY REUNITE AND HE GREETS HER AND THEY’RE HAPPY TO SEE EACH OTHER WHAT IF I TORE SOMEONES FLESH FROM THEIR BONES 
Ah yes. The last true Markate scene for fucking AGES🗣🗣but I would like to still point out the way Kate runs back after she sees him fall down the trapdoor like 🥺🥺
-Directors suite
No actual markate scenes but Kate is clearly worried abt him in this whole chapter. Like the first thing she asks Jamie is if she’s seen Mark, and then if she hasn’t she looks all worried and shit and if Jamie has seen him she’s like “I was worried sick about him🥹” WHAT IF I WENT ON ALL FOURS????? And later when they’re looking at what Du’met has been writing about them Kate ofc points out where Mark was last seen, later she’s got her whole “I want to find Mark😠not okay Du’met’s game🥱” like oh my godddd girl u too worried! I’m gonna go insane!
AH YES THE MARKATE REUNION AFTER MANY CHAPTERS APART!!! It’s the way that she looks so concerned when she sees that he’s been hurt and she doesn’t even look around or nothing she just immediately pulls him into a hug and hits us with the “I thought I lost you” like FUCKKK GET A ROOOM‼️‼️‼️ and in the case that the crew confront Du’met it’s the way Mark is holding Kate’s arm the whole time😭😭 and the way he makes sure she gets out the door before he does PLEASAASSSEEEE🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
And let me not even talk about the ultimatum versions of this chapter like… the way if she cuts him free he kinda clings to her a bit as they run off like MY GODDDD🗣🗣and then from his perspective he’s literally just been beat up and thrown in a closet with his hands tied and once again his first thought is “KATE😨⁉️⁉️” I FUCKING LOOVE THEM AND THEN OGHHH IF THEY GET CAPTURED ITS THE WAY MARK TRIES TO CRAWL OVER ACTING TOUGH LIKE HE CAN STILL PROTECT HER BRO UR DONE IM SORRY‼️‼️‼️BUT A FOR EFFORT UR DEDICATION IS SWEET AF
OGHHHH LAKE see it’s the way Kate gets that fucking choice to save him or leave him DIRECTLY mirroring her trauma about Shelby like OGHHHH FUCK!!! And then there’s the way that assuming you choose to try and help him she does literally all she can to get Du’met off him even though she knows she’s physically weaker and just GRRRRR and FUCK! IF HE DIES! FUCKING SAD! THE WAY HE CAN REACH OUT TO HER AND SHE REACHES BACK AND THE FUCKING SADNESS IN HER VOICE WHEN SHES LIKE “No… no please..” WHAT IF I KILLED MYSELF??????? 
No. I cant talk about this right now. Tune in later.
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kikibumblesqueaks · 4 months
1, 6, 7, and 10 please! (For the new tickle community asks)
*hands you some cookies* 🤲🍪🍪
1 & 7 already answered💜
6. Have you told anyone in your real life about your love of tickling? How did they react/what’s stopping you?
Yes I have🙈 I’ve told 4 friends (2 of them are low key ex friends so that made me more reserved about telling people😔) about my obsession in depth, and 2 friends know that I enjoy it but I’ve never actually talked to them about it👉👈 One person I told said it was “weird” and “silly”, the other 3 told me it was “adorable” and “really sweet”😖 The other 2 I haven’t really talked to about it just thought it was entertaining to tickle me🙈 I also outed myself on a whole discord server once because there was a running joke that I had a “secret kink” (it’s not a kink but that’s the word we used pffft) and everyone tried to guess what it was for months based on little useless hints I gave every so often, they guessed everything from mangos to military camouflage tarps…. that’s a VERY long story LMFAO🤣🤣🤣 But when I finally told them they were all like “…….that is the most adorable and wholesome thing we’ve ever heard” kfbfjdbdjdndjd🙈🙈🙈
Anyways usually what stops me from telling people is 1. They’ll think I’m somehow creepy and 2. I’ll be sad when they don’t take that as a hint and they never end up tickling me and I end up pining😔 (because that has happened 100% of the time I’ve brought it up)💔
10. What are you like when being tickled/tickling? (shy, sassy, mean, gentle, etc.)
Depends! Mostly shy though👉👈🥺 But if I’m confident and comfy with the person I’ll be sassy sometimes if I know it’ll get me wrecked!😝 And I’m typically just overall playful when tickling people, I just want them to feel loved and have fun with me!🥰
Thanks for the ask Doc!💜
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hey bb! 🫶🏼 what's your favourite scene from beauty and the beast?
hey hey!!!
AAAHHHHHHHHH that’s the hardest question ever and i thank you for it <3
truly i mean. oh my gosh. one scene i always default to being utterly insane about is the adam and lumiere hug, which i made a whole post about here.
i very much adore when adam and belle are talking and teasing each other out in the garden, and then they go to paris, partly because it adds SOOOOO much more depth to their relationship and you can really see that they’re besties, and also because i love belle’s parents’ backstory and it breaks my heart and i’m insane about them too 🥺💔
i love the dance of course. it’s just. it’s. IT’S THE DANCE. they make me CRAZY.
i love every moment of maurice as a character. besides adam and belle he’s definitely my favorite and i think about him a lot in a blorbo way lmao. (very open to questions about him 🤲)
i LOVE!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHH. i love the prologue so so so much i love that they actually show it and you get to see how awful adam was. i’m obsessed with the way dan played him. the way he’s dancing with one woman and already looking for the next one to dance with, he literally looks like an animal hunting for his next prey.
i love all the music and the singing and dancing and COLORS and AESTHETICS and i love the staff and their silliness and sadness and i just !!! oh my gosh i just love it all so much. that movie is everything to me truly. which i know we all KNOW but it’s just like!!!!! AAAHHH!!!!!!! :))))
i love love love love the library scene when belle makes that little excited noise because she’s just so cute and excited and HAS NEVER SEEN SO MANY BOOKS AT ONCE!!!!!!!! and watching adam and belle become friends and fall so desperately in love without even trying. their love story is just so effortless to me. like yes there is work involved but it’s just so. meant to be. i love this gifset a lot because AAHH :”) meeting was fate!! becoming friends was a choice!! FALLING IN LOVE WAS BEYOND THEIR CONTROL!!!!!! i love i adore 😭💖
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theflyingfeeling · 7 months
heyyyy hellooooo!!!! 💖💕💘💕💖
lately I've been thinking of Allu playing the guitar on stream and sorry but I gotta say it, there a reason why he's a DJ/music producer/percussionist and not the guitarist of the band 😅💀
well, imagine that his good friend Olli hears him play idk the ice cream truck song and decides that Allu could use some guitar lessons, so he offers to teach him a thing or two (because Allu can be a better musician if he learns to play more instruments, yknow? not because they would get to hang out more and he'd get to see Allu's lovely face more often or something like that haha.........)
and Allu obviously accepts because of course he would like to broaden his skillset (and not because he would get to hear Olli explain nerdy stuff to him in that low voice of his and maybe have him quite close because he will need help with the positioning of his hands on the fretboard of the guitar of course haha.........)
so they start the lessons through some silly videocalls where Olli explains and plays some stuff for Allu to repeat, until Olli has to go to Helsinki for... band stuff... so he stays at Allu's place and they get to use the studio for their lessons and mayyyybe they are sitting in opposite sides of the couch and somehow they start getting closer and closer until oops, Allu is almost sitting in Olli's lap 😳 (not that any of them minds, but maybe it's better to stay a bit apart, for a while?)
it happens a few more times until one day, where Allu lights up his famous Studio Candle (maybe as a joke, maybe because he wants the experience to be more intimate, but he tells Olli that it's good for concentration), there's a bottle of red wine half empty near them, and they're sitting so close to each other that Allu can feel Olli's heavy breathing next to his ear 🥰 so he turns around to face Olli, but seeing those beautiful blue eyes this close leaves him speechless (and the exact same thing is happening to Olli), and suddenly they're kissing, not knowing who made the first move but enjoying it anyway🥰
and well, maybe Allu won't learn a thing about playing the guitar but really, who needs that when he can devout himself to learn all the beautiful noises that he can pull from Olli 😇💘💕💖💕
Hiiiiiiii oh my god!!!! 😭😭😭😭 jesus christ and virgin mary this is just too cute I need a moment to collect myself from the kitchen floor aaaaaaaa 🤧
Little idiots in love making up silly excuses to spend more time together, fuck yeah that's my new favourite trope 😭🤲💗💕💖💞 just imagine the butterflies in Olli’s stomach when he suggests it, thinking Allu will laugh it off and think it's stupid, but of course Allu also sees the opportunity to hang out and to get to hear Olli's calming voice talking sweet nerdy stuff 🥺
And what you described would happen at the "physical" guitar lessons is practically exactly what I spent most of last week imagining: them spending day after day together and growing closer (also in physical intimacy) until one day they just kiss and it feel so natural like it was always meant to happen 😭💗
And ooohhhhfffff pulling beautiful noises from Olli you say? I'm very interested in those hhmmmmhhmmhmmm 👀🥵
Thank you so much for brightening up my Tuesday with this!! 🥰💕 I almost wanted to just keep this in my inbox so I could read it over and over again, but I didn't want to be greedy, so here it is for everyone else to enjoy and dream about 💖💗💖💞💕💗💖💕💞💖💕💗💖💞
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
🥺🤡🛒🍦👀🤲🧠(joo won), please? :3
Hey!! I literally stretched when I saw you sent me 7 questions!!! This is sick, thank you! <3
From this post
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I have a real soft spot for skin-on-skin contact (or just characters expressing their affection with their hands). So, holding hands, fingers brushing secretly, caressing skin, tugging on clothes, etc. Just small gestures like that (that could be missed if not paying attention) drive me INSANE! I love them!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
This moment from courage to make love known
They make a comical pairing. A comment made by Ho Seok from his corner by Dong Sik’s side, smiling with rosy cheeks like the juvenile antics of the youth is just an amusing sitcom. Jae Yi has to agree with that sentiment; standing together just outside the light of the projector’s glare, Ji Hoon is whispering something probably incoherent against Joo Won’s temple. The older and shorter man seems to be considering everything Ji Hoon says with a great degree of seriousness as if they’re discussing a great scandal and how they will uncover it. With Joo Won - stern and serious - dressed in all black and Ji Hoon - cheerful and giggling - in pinks and creams, it is a very funny sight. They are chalk and cheese. Dong Sik sips on his second Moscow Mule and grins like the sight is the sweetest thing he’s ever seen.
“Oppa! Oppa, they have our song! Come sing with me!” Ha Eun calls from the centre of the spider’s web of friends. There are murmurs of excitement and encouragement from the gaggle of young women. Ji Hoon doesn’t look too pleased to have his immensely important and totally top-secret conversation interrupted. The two men continue to converse and slowly Ji Hoon pivots them away from the group. 
“Oppa! Don’t be mean!” Ha Eun exclaims and stomps over to her very tall boyfriend. She hits his arm without much force. 
Joo Won holds a hand out to put space between the pair, still under the weight of Ji Hoon’s arm on his shoulder. “Ha Eun-ssi, stop. That is assault.” Just the mental image of these two drunk silly sweet idiots gossiping about their friends, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM, is sooo funny to me. I will die on my "JW & JH will be friends" horse! It's a worthy cause that everyone should jump on board with. Also, JW sticking his hand out and drunkenly saying, "Ha Eun-ssi, stop. That is assault." is also funny to me
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I've already answered this but I will give you a different answer... sofa sex. I have accidentally included sex on a sofa in 6 (???) fics. Only two(/three-ish) of them have been published and the majority of them haven't been written/completed. But yeah... I don't know why I keep doing that.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I would say my sweet (and kinda shitty) little poem woes break the faucet (and a tooth-rooting fic I'm currently working on)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
It's BE. post-canon. nonlinear timeline. alternating pov. think melodrama. passion. picture arguments. breakups and makeups. A N G S T. picture a ridiculous display of "idiots in love". annnnnnnd jwds doing something naughty 👀
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Here a brief look at the fic I just mentioned-
The faraway melody of pitter-patter rain morphs lazily, changing in tone and tempo; as the hazy sleep-conscious fog in Joo Won's mind dissipates. His body is a burdening mass of unnecessary weight: limbs mid-rigor mortis from a dreamless sleep that has left him disorientated and aching, stitched to the mattress with invisible red thread. But he knows where he is as soon as he stretches his muscles like a cat after a day-long nap: toes splayed and knees clicking. His head rolls back, allowing his cheek to find the all-too-soft fabric of a pillow that is too fluffy and too big to be his own. 
Ah. He knows this pillow. He knows the entire set. 
He twists, uncoordinated with eyes closed like a newborn pup seeking out the life-giving milk of its mother. His chest finds the bed sheet and before he has the clarity of mind to stop himself, he cradles the pillow with arms on the verge of pins and needles, burying his face amongst the polyester stuffing. He allows himself a lungful of peace. Just a lungful. A deep and steady intake of autumn air and whatever diffuser Dong Sik has been using as of late. Not unlike a bagpipe, it inflates him with life and song, and he traps it within his lungs in secret, succumbing to its wonder. He feels oddly full. 
The mattress moves under a shuffling weight and the covers are tugged with it, causing the duvet to rustle down Joo Won's back with the same enthusiasm as crystalised amber leaves skipping across Dong Sik’s front garden. Joo Won suppresses the urge to ring out the tune lingering in his throat, which awaits on the verge of creating an album of wistful music that belongs to be dancing on a cliffside breeze. He could let this feeling of contentment out and grant it permission to be free from his body. It could keep the now sodden September leaves company… as well as the body next to his. The same body that has kept his gloomy autumn mornings iridescent and warm. But he would rather choke than be that see-through. So, he lets his throat ache with the burden of an unsung song. 
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them
(For Joo Won) I can't really pick an absolute favourite BUT one of them is Joo Won changes his name from Han Joo Won to Lee Joo Won. He does it when he's maybe nearing his mid-40s, as his father has recently fallen ill and is in hospital (meaning Joo Won's life is in the shit all over again, because the public/media want a piece of him) so, to get rid of his father's name/"legacy"/baggage, he changes it. He alsoooo changes it because he wants him and Dong Sik to have the same family name (he's been influenced by western marriage culture). So, he does it for all the reasons previously mentioned and because jwds can't legally get married in South Korea, so it's like a sweet workaround.
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diabolicjoy · 2 years
⭐!!! your blog feels like coming into a warm cosy home or sitting at a kitchen table with your friend and looking through old photos and gossiping until you look at the clock and realise it's gone past midnight and you really should be getting home. i just really enjoy your presence on my dash and am so glad we are mutuals!
rosie!!! this is such a lovely description!! it warmed my silly little heart.. :’) thank you so much 🥺 i love being mutuals with you!! 🤲💌🥰
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menacing-anon · 10 months
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Final Nick and Tao scene, here we goooo 😃
It’s interesting that Nick’s guess about why Charlie is avoiding him is that it’s difficult for Charlie to hide their relationship… Charlie did make his actual concern pretty clear, so I think Nick might largely be projecting his own guilt. He’s been apologetic about not being out almost from the start, probably because he understands that it’s not super easy nor desirable for Charlie, though Charlie was consistently supportive about it.
Nick and Charlie’s communication and they way they treat each other in general is really very solid, but hehe, these boys just don’t always listen to each other, do they 😅 Not when their own insecurities are louder! I’m pretty sure Nick’s mentions of his friends are always served in a critical sauce, yet Charlie thinks he’s driving a wedge in Nick’s valuable relationships. Charlie says that dating him is difficult for Nick, and Nick thinks he’s pushing him away because it’s difficult for Charlie.
I appreciate the text’s unwavering support for people not coming out, but also that that doesn’t prevent it from having a nuanced message. It doesn’t settle for one roughly chopped statement, so to speak: instead, it both affirms Nick’s agency and Charlie’s support for it and notes that Charlie may have negative feelings related to Nick’s choices, which is probably realistic. The narrative further supports the former, because the solution isn’t for Nick to come out! He does… do everything he does at the rugby match (silly little post about that scene) and doesn’t care about kissing Charlie in the corridor (long more emo post about that scene), but that’s not what it takes to fix things, because the conversation at the beach is presented as the reveal of Nick’s decision. The two more so end up being close because of the pacing, Nick says that he genuinely wants to come out, and he still gives that bit of attention to Charlie’s role in it all when he says that he wants Charlie to be able to tell people.
Tao implies that Charlie’s insecurity is partly why he wants Nick to be open about their relationship, and why he won’t say so to Nick, meanwhile Charlie is taking it so much further… it’s actually why he thinks they shouldn’t even be together 😟 One great thing about Tao that I think can easily slide under the radar is that he understands all this about Charlie without knowing what happened between him and Ben, which must be a major factor in all three.
But Nick does know! And he brings it up in the corridor — “I know people have hurt you. And you feel like I’d be better off without you” always makes me say “Ben is bitches.” So I assume that Tao's insight reminded him of it, fleshed out his understanding of what Charlie was saying earlier, and redirected his focus from not being out, allowing him to accurately address Charlie's concern in their later conversation.
Nick and Tao’s newfound good terms open the way to build a friendly dynamic. They have a heart-to-heart! Nick smiles in amusement when Tao chooses to be petty, he suggests rugby to release negative emotions — Lord knows Tao needs it, second only to therapy, probably 😅 — and Tao looks so unimpressed. MORE 🤲
It’s so good to see Tao now having no hard feelings for Nick, and I’m so excited to see that turn into warm feelings 🥺 I better get the chance to be emo about it in season two! 😃
Here’s my post about their first scene and the way Tao relates to Nick in general, and another about their bowling alley conversation.
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maggielindemanns · 2 years
psst, hello dyamond! your festive friend has landed on the roof again, this time with a smashbangwhallop and the sincerest apology for taking so long to check in! reindeer are awfully unreliable postmen of the pole, it seems. 🦌✨💫
thank you so much for taking the time to answer my silly little questions, i had so much fun reading through your responses! ⭐️ for the sake of catching up on the conversations we’ve missed, perhaps i can reply to your responses and pose some more questions? an icebreaker of sorts (pun totally, unapologetically intended 😌). i hope that works for you! 🫶
1. i was a bit of a meanie for asking you to narrow it down to three, so i’m super impressed that you managed it! i had never listened to ur so pretty by wasia project before today, but i love it! it reminds me a little of generous heart by maya hawke, another song that’ll rot your molars! 🤕🤍 i have a theory that lyricists are certified magicians, and louis is no exception! holding on to heartache is definitely the hug to heal you after a sad song or two. fitf is quite the musical masterpiece, i’m so proud. 💫
2. ahhh, no! i guess it’s not so bad being allergic to pet dander if you’re not an animal fan. 🥲 i have a whole host of little fluffs, many of which are just a bundle of fur with eyes dhdgf. i started out lockdown with a bit of a fear of rodents and came out of it with 2 rabbits, a hamster, 6 mice & 2 rats… so i did a bit of an uno reverse! 😭 opening my bedroom window in solidarity (… when daylight breaks, as it’s currently -4°C and my fingers and toes are icicles dhfgf ⛄️)
3. i’m so so glad that my message brought some joy to your week. nose scrunches galore, in fact. 🥺☹️ sending a high five to your little friend from work! it’s always lovely to hear somebody so passionate about what they do. children are oftentimes the smartest and sweetest of people, they live life so simply & sweetly. a reminder to take each day as it comes and not to sweat the small stuff so much. ❤️‍🩹
today’s questions, if you’d like to answer any of them! 🤲✨
1. if you could ask louis and harry one question each, what would you ask?
2. have you been to see either of them in concert? if so, what was it like?
3. what hobbies do you have?
hoping the first week of december has treated you as delightfully as you deserve. speak soon (& sorry this ask is so darn, i pinky promise the next will be a little more concise so you might reach the end of it by christmas day dhfgf) 🎄🤍
the reindeer are doing their best, it is a-okay! i’m glad you’re back! (and apologies for my own delayed reply — life has been BUSY lately)
i’ve never heard generous heart by maya hawke before today, but it is so pretty 🥺 definitely adding it to my playlists! lyricists ARE certified magicians, i’ve always wanted to write at least one song in my life. i know that sounds so bizarre bc i could write many, but it’s so hard 😭 props to all these people writing gorgeous lyrics!
so many animalllsssss that sounds like there is never a dull moment for you hehe! also — that is COLD omg i love the cold but that would have me shivering so much afsjdgsks
kiddos are so so cute and they are so smart and sweet, but theyre also still learning and can be a lot so i def am learning to be a little more patient with them and take things as they come 🥹🫶🏼
today’s questions are so good, i am answering all of them asap!
so good, i’ve thought about this so much and really still don’t know! but if i had to ask them one right now, i would ask harry if we could be besties agsjdhdjd and what are his top 3 favorite stage outfits he’s worn. i would ask louis about any songs that were cut from both albums at the last second and why, just bc i wanna know what he was thinkin 💆🏽‍♀️ wanna pick his brain a little
i have seen harry twice! once in my home state, once at msg in new york! this might shock the masses, but i actually did not really love the msg experience agsjdgdjd i liked my home state show better for sound quality and getting around the venue and just overall vibes but he was amazing both times and at my msg show we got the spitting on chris pine joke agsjdgdjd i SCREAMED. i have yet to see louis, but i’m going in may! i’m so excited and expecting great thingsssss 🕺🏽✨
hobbies i have — reading is number one, just finished bunny by mona awad today! i am reading nightcrawling next 🫡 other hobbies areee listening to music and wandering around target and/or barnes and noble stsjdgdj i feel like i no longer know anything else i do. oh, sometimes i write a little, but its usually just for me or like for therapy or somethin like that!
thanks for poppin in, i had so much fun answering theeessseee <3 interested to know your own responses to these as well, they were really good questions! hmm as a send off, i will leave you with a riddle to answer—forward, im heavy, backwards i’m not. what am i?
sendin you lots of loveee 🤍❄️🫶🏼
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mortallyfamousyaya · 2 years
[sitting on the couch]
Neil: so🤭this is the video🐒for the audition🧍🏻‍♀️for my💅🏻boyfriend🧏🏻‍♀️I'll be short👰🏻‍♀️and coincided👩🏻‍🍼mmm👻 I'm looking for🔎a guy🤠 with some addiction 🤫 drugs 💉alcohol🥃I prefer drugs🍄but both are good🤝ohhhh🤲 shorter than me 📐would be👩🏻‍🍳topp 🔝ehhh 😲 eyes 👁 clear😼 only light eyes👺 I don't want shades of brown 🤮 if they were hazel... gold! 🥳 perfect💃🏻 thank you🛐choose me🥺because I have cute 😋small😇 hands😜 I can cook🍳 I can clean 🧹 I can lie to the police for you very well🤪i can protect you 🤌okay not well enough🤙because I have a bit of an attitude problem🤯 but❗️ I can lie for you💅 even if I tend to attire bullets👏 I'm really nice🤣 eeeeeh 🤨 be calm 🫖 I don't have feeling for🥱anybody else🦗 so 🙃 you don't have to be jealous⚰️AH‼ ️ I'd prefer one with 😌a bit od anger problems🚬
Andrew [literally being next to Neil, watching his strange little silly boyfriend talk like this to the air]: what the HELL is wrong with you, Josten
based on a true story (aka my friend's)
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clavi-crossing · 2 years
im not really sure for which fandoms youre in, but your scrunkly from your preferred fandom? 😭
HELLO 💖 I know you specifically asked for the skrunkly but I wanna do all because I like talking >:)
Hey remember when 6 months ago I said I'm not really "that much" into Ace Attorney? So that was a lie-
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) CHECK OUT MY BIGGEST BLORBO COLLECTION FROM 1 FANDOM YET! These will absolutely fall into other categories too but we got: Mike Meekins, Colias Palaeno, Lay D. Furst and Paul Atishon.... gonna count Frank Sahwit. I have thought about any one of them very much at some point and keep roating them so they all gotta be here.
Skrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Mike.....🥺 He is absolutely shaped and a sweet little guy... he's 6'2 but still a little guy at heart! Nobody is allowed to be mean to him around me!! He's so adorable and always tries his best, but he's somehow really unpopular in the fandom??? An absolute tragedy. Meekins haters DNI.
Scrimblo Bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) To think any of my blorbos are not also scrimblo bimblos would be unrealistic hsgdssdh I'm going off of the status of any of my favs within my friend group who all have unusual blorbos... Colias. EVERYONE FORGETS ABOUT HIM I'M SO SAD!! SILLY BUTTERFLY MAN!!! He's just a little ambassador of a country who is just a little naive and obsessed with giving people coupons 🥺 They were really like "There are 2 butterfly themed people in AA :) *referring to Dahlia & Nahyuta*" and I had to lightheartedly bring Colias to the chat like AHEM!!!!! HELLO!! HDFGHDS
Glup Shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) Hmmmmm who's my least existent guy... ... .. . Mr. Furst :( My friend played The great Ace Attorney Chronicles and in one of the first cases of the first game there's.. this absolutely adorable little hatter guy who's just like "Uhm, I make hats, sir :)" and I hold him gently.. 🤲 But he was just a one-off witness which is so SAD BECAUSE... HE'S SO CUTE??? The entire time I was like "omg what if he returns!!!" and then he never did... heartbroken. They bring the OTHER stupid guys back like..... SURE, I WANTED TO SEE FUCKING BEPPO AGAIN??? SAID NOONE EVER- Beppo fans I am so sorry, I should be nicer as a fellow unpopular blorbo haver. Me and my friend did hc the bowler hat juror as his brother and the grumpy tophat juror as their father!
Poor little Meow Meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) I think Wesley Stickler might be the most "problematic" one I can think of here. He stole those bloomers for SCIENCE!! Still wasn't right but at least that's a better reason than what most people assume ;( Some might argue that Paul is problematic for the sole reason he's a politician and... yeah that's fair bjdjdshfkj Speaking of..
Horse Plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Mr. Atishon-Wimperson... he's so fun to draw and even more fun to write him getting his ass kicked. I'M HOLDING HIM LIKE AN ICE CREAM CONE!! He's the model politician in that he dodges questions like a mf and promotes his campaign whenever he can. You know I say I hate Rufus from Deponia for his massive ego but this guy might be worse and I love him. How? I don't know, I think Rufus lacks the pathetic vibe I love so much. Paul also won't ever shut up about his great family and how epic his grandfather is. Ngl I feel like he makes them sound all cool and stuff but they GOTTA be fucked up somehow, right?? Not to get off track but when he all confidently said "It's the art of ruling as a king. My father drilled it into my head from a young age." I was like..... .... 😶
Eeby Deeby (character I would send to superhell) Sal Manella. No question, I don't even wanna explain the character he's just gross, he sparks NO joy!! Together with two of the characters from Turnabout Bigtop and SADLY Terry Fawles... smh you could've been such cool characters but nooo!!! The trilogy had to be weird!!!
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Angel Giorno: I've always imagined what would happen if Papa and Padre were alive and meet both Gio and Gia. *smiles wistfully*
Devil Giorno: Yeah. I bet Gio and Gia would get spoiled by them. Padre would try to get the two to wry and Papa would try to stop him. *smile*
Teen Giorno: *looks at the picture of Dio* I had always wondered what it would be like if Padre or Papa were alive... *hums thoughtfully*
Haruno: Ah ah ah! No sad thoughts today! Cone on! We're with a nice family now! BriBri and Gio and Gia and BruBru and everyone! No sad!
Teen Giorno: *laughing* You're right. Nothing of the sad sort today.
Devil Giorno: *chuckling* Kid's going places in this mind here.
Angel Giorno: *giggling* Well, he's made it here as the Don technically.
- Outside -
Giada: Papa's daydreaming again...
Narancia: *grinning* That's the little Giornos, I bet!
Giordano: Zio Narancia, what kind of little Papas are in his head?
Awwhhh my friend and I had a silly hc that if teen Giordano met Dio and found out he was a vampire, this baka would convince himself he was a vampire too🗿🤣🥲 but yes awww they would spoil them I feel Giordano would bond with Dio and Gia with Jonathan 🤲🥺😭
Narancia: *calls the kids closer* you see, when you're as busy as your papa, you need extra hands on deck to help, so inside his head there are small, tiny versions of himself that help organize the space in there.
Giordano and Gia: (°o°)
Giorno: hey, I heard that!
Narancia: !!! Ah Gio, you see, the kids were wondering... *sigh* I told them about the little Giogios
Both kids run to Giorno and stare into his eyes
Giorno: *playfully scowls at them*
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Aww I hope you're having a wonderful day my lovely, as always tysmmmm for blessing me with these. Stay safe my sweet.🌟💗💫💟❤🐞❤🕊
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worthylee · 3 years
hihi, my name is wolfy 👋☺️ and this is my SFW tckle blog. im trying to learn to come out of my shell and embrace my special interest in all things t-word related 🥹
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༻ A B O U T M E ༺
i’m 19 and i absolutely adore animals!! i also love tv shows, movies and musicals. i could honestly talk about them all day
im a lee-leaning switch (probably more of a lee bc i cannot tease) i can’t for the life of me say the t-word and who is flustered way too easily 🙈
austistic, genderfluid and bisexual - any pronouns!
my zodiac is cancer ♋️ and my mbti is INFP-T
i’m filipino/australian (currently live in Australia so my timezone is AEST/AEDT ) 🇵🇭🇦🇺
༻ R U L E S / D N I ༺
- this is a safe space for minors but i kindly ask minors to DNI regarding anything relating to NSFW! you may follow and DMs are of course open but it’s strictly platonic/SFW
- my DMs are always open to all 🥰🤲 but I will block if you give off creepy vibes
- i do not send pics of myself in anyway shape or form (unless i know you personally but idk why you’d ask)
- i roleplay but usually only platonic (SFW), please talk to me first if you wanna rp NSFW or any triggers, depending on my mood I may say yes. i am comfortable with most scenarios (except sa or anything extremely harmful ect.)
- please please please i wanna make new friends and meet new people in this community so don’t be shy, please reach out! 🥺👉👈 (i need a ler in my life i don’t have any 😭)
- i do write fics but i’ve recently gotten comfortable posting them on my writing account @wryavenger
- be respectful and enjoy my silly little blog ❤️
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© fic content belongs to me @worthylee no stealing, copying or modifying my work, thank you!
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