#silm fic idea
eccentricmya · 7 months
Findis vs. Finarfin
Y'know, if I was smarter and able to write politics with a modicum of competency, I would totally delve into an Aman Noldorin court intrigue au where Findis plots to overthrow Finarfin. Because before Finwe died, the High King was discussing implementing an absolute primogeniture law to quell the tension between Feanor and Fingolfin. But the King's council could not come to an agreement before Feanor was exiled, so the matter was left abandoned.
But Findis was aware and slowly amassing political favour for the law. When Finarfin is appointed High King by the Valar, Findis is not pleased. She had been given hope of power—no matter how distant it might be—and the desire for the throne could only grow from there. And though most of the Noldor that stayed are largely Valar neutral, there is some grumbling about their handling of the matters of those who left. The Noldor in Beleriand are still kin after all, and to have their return forbidden is a bitter pill to swallow. Findis would exploit exactly this dissent. While Finarfin is happy to be under the Valar's rule, Findis would urge the people to not forget their brothers and sisters in Arda, waging war against one of the Valar's own. Thus, two factions would develop at the Noldorin court: the Valar abiding and the Valar critical, locked in a subtle battle for the crown.
The story would explore this struggle... if I could write it.
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I want a Morgoth-captured-Tuor AU
I absolutely love Tuor but
I want to see a Tuor instead of Maeglin got captured by Morgoth AU
Think about it, the two events absolutely gave BAD karma to Gondolin
Turgon pushing Eol down the wall. In many cultures it is absolutely a horrible idea to bloody your own home by murder. It stains the place and draws in bad luck.
Turgon denying Hurin help. Betraying your friend who sacrificed his people and his whole family for your city is just asking for justice-through-karma.
In canon Morgoth chose to use Maeglin the son of a Teleri or Avari outsider who got executed by the city.
I think he could also effectively use Tuor too.
I think the top 3 on his hit list were Idril, Tuor, Maeglin. Then the other lords of Gondolin.
But Idril was too wisely paranoid to leave the city, and she had no reason to.
Maeglin ended up captured because his profession made him easily accessible.
In another scenario
Morgoth could just… lure Tuor out with information about Hurin
The same way like how he lured out Morwen and Nienor
And we know Tuor was not okay. He could not be. He never met his parents and any of his relatives. He grew up among elves, separated from his culture and heritage. When he got in contact with mortal men again it was the people who enslaved him. He spent 4 years living in the wild and murdering random Easterlings passing by. He had this grief and trauma. He just jumped at it when Ulmo offered him the mission and decided it was his purpose of life.
Then Turgon just didn’t listen.
And now he was stuck in this city that everyone were super traumatized from Unnumbered Tears (Morgoth’s ptsd spell) and was probably drowning themselves in parties like the world was going to end the next day. And nearly nobody wanted to listen to his warning. Idril was, but she was also viewed as very paranoid.
Also we have the question “Did Tuor know Turgon rejected his uncle.” And “Did Tuor know his cousin’s fate.”
I think he did not know.
Then in a horrible alternative universe Morgoth could just… send him visions.
I do think Gondolin had Ulmo’s protection. But with Morgoth polluting the water in the North the protection was fading. (I think that was how Maeglin got captured.)
And we don’t know how much power the curse on Hurin’s family extended. Does that extend to Tuor too? I think Ulmo’s bliss was fighting Morgoth’s curse all the time.
Morgoth could just… send Tuor visions of truth. He did not even need to lie.
Morgoth could show Tuor how he missed Turin on his way to Gondolin. The idea that Tuor was in some way responsible for his cousins’ tragedy because Tuor was wary of Turin’s mad behavior and stayed away. The idea that Tuor gave up intervening because he wanted to stay safe on his trip to Gondolin. The idea that Tuor chose Gondolin over his cousin.
Then Morgoth show Tuor how Turgon rejected Hurin. Again, one of his relatives was left alone in their grief-induced madness because someone chose Gondolin over their well-being. And how could Tuor not feel that horrible survivors’ guilt.
Tuor was wise and cautious. He ask other people he trusted for advices and listened. But after seeing Turgon abandoning Hurin in his dream he tried to investigate alone and it turned out his dream was real. Then he started to keep secrets of his feelings, and he was GOOD at keeping secrets. He was a slave and he had to learn how to keep secrets.
With anything else he could ask Idril but this was Turgon, Idril’s father. And he did not want to pitch his wife against her father.
So he ended up with no one to ask.
Then Morgoth could start sending him false visions of Hurin suffering. And Tuor would believe it because all the visions before were true.
And that was how Tuor could be lured out of Gondolin.
He could be convinced he already passed over Ulmo’s warning. His mission was finished. He tried to convince people and they were not listening. What use could a mortal have in an elf city? Meanwhile his family have suffered and his uncle is there half-mad with grief running into his own misery end.
Tuor could be convinced that he should have left the city much earlier. Maybe he could save his cousins and his aunt. Instead he was enjoying his life in a safe white city date beautiful elf princess when his surviving family members were suffering. But now at least his uncle is still out there. And he must save his uncle.
And Morgoth would be waiting there for him instead.
And look… Tuor was not Maeglin he won’t crack the same way
But the issue was
Morgoth had access to the remaining people of House of Hador
Which gave him just enough of men, women, and children to threaten Tuor for the information of Gondolin
And the little “your uncle tried to play hero for that city too, and look what I could do to his family, and the city did not even appreciate his sacrifice” to salt the wound
After Morgoth was done he did not even need to return Tuor to Gondolin.
He was a lord of a small amount of people, or maybe not even a lord. (In canon it seemed that Idril made him a lord after starting to suspect Maeglin.)
Turgon would realize he left to find Hurin and he might not dare to think that he might get captured instead. He was too overwhelmed by his guilt.
Maeglin would likely be “good riddance now Idril won’t fade of grief like Luthien when the mortal man get old & die.” And “good for him, this damned city is a fucking cage especially for Men with such a short lifespan and maybe he finally noticed almost everyone were treating outsiders like some exotic animal.”
Only Idril being paranoid she was was like “oh shit fuck fuck fuck it’s Morgoth it must be Morgoth I am going to dig a tunnel to escape when everything burn in fire.”
And Gondolin would pretty much fall similar way because Maeglin and Salgant now actually had MORE reasons to convince Turgon to stay
Maeglin would not even know Morgoth would win. Being stupid the way he was he would genuinely believed they had a chance to win.
Also there’s no Tuor there urging them to abandon the city and escape.
So yeah, in the end it would still be Idril leading people escaping Gondolin
And the survivors would blame Tuor. The mortal man who deceived their princess then abandoned her and her child and betrayed the city to Morgoth.
If you want Tuor to survive in this au
I think Morgoth might turn him into a wrath trapped in some crystal. And force him to watch the Fall of Gondolin
Or Morgoth might chain him onto his uncle’s old chair. And force him to watch the Fall of Gondolin.
The better situation would be Morgoth releasing Tuor after some years on that chair, hoping to repeat what he did to Hurin
But Tuor being the boy-who-befriended-the-slavers-dogs he REFUSED to go down the road of anger and hate (maybe he’ll befriend some wargs this round too)
And somehow became another backfired-headache for Morgoth
Maeglin… I suspect he still had some high chance to die rolling down the wall into fire beneath.
You can actually have him survive the Fall then had everyone MAD at him for convincing Turgon to guard the city. Also the guilt of pitching a horrible decision now most of your people are dead or enthralled, your coworkers dead, your uncle dead, your best friend who supported your horrible decision rumored to be captured and forced to play music for Morgoth
Like, congratulations on not being the traitor in this timeline. But you’re still the major reason everyone died. What’s the real difference
Also, maybe he did get another chance to fight for another falling city. Yes Sirion was going to be fun. Meet your other uncles (the crazy ones) you only heard from your mother’s tales and your uncle & cousin’s angry rant. Now they are coming to kill your people and hurt your niece-in-law and the children for their stupid rocks. (What’s the point a shiny rock isn’t even that interesting.) So do you fight your crazy uncles or not.
Or maybe you steal a stupid rock but is that really a wise decision when so many of your people being depressed and traumatized were now hanging on the little bit of light of such rock to not go crazy and off themself.
Idk. There are so many chances for him to still suffer in an interesting way.
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likesdoodling · 2 months
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So. I read a really cool fic recently called The Harrowing by Chthonion which I would highly highly recommend-
I absolutely love it so much-
I'm gonna go with how my sister recommended it to me, since that was what got me excited about it-
Imagine~ Sauron trying to be a good person. And having a very hard time of it because he has these things... I've heard they're called 'feelings'... Anyway. He's finding it a bit hard to deal with, but long story short, think Sauron getting a second chance and go from there.
And if you have read it-
Then you probably know exactly which moments I'm referencing here, but just in case,
No. 1 is Finrod, just before Annatar is about to have his first full on emotional breakdown, and the No.2 is Maedhros saying thank you. Which is fairly obvious. But still.
I love this fic so much!!!
(this is definitely not the last fanart I'm gonna do from this. Chapter 39 has some amazing moments that I am so gonna draw when I next have time~)
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eri-pl · 1 month
So, Sauron surrendered (well, tried to) to Eonwe after the war was over, right?
You know what also happened with Eonwe in this time period? M&M came to demand the Silmarils (and probably leave E&E there?).
Just imagine them bumping into each other, just in front of Eonwe's tent. Or face.
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Was looking through my drafts and. SOUTHERN KIDNAP FAM
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essenceofarda · 9 months
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Teenage Fingon and Maedhros!
I came up with a whole story (practically an entire fic idea lol 😅) for this illustration. It takes place during an extended family vacation in some snowy mountaintops in Aman, (can you imagine not Only the shenanigans the extended finwean family would get up to but also the drama involved with having everyone basically camping under one log cabin roof LMAO), and Fingon, who absolutely idolizes his older cousin Mae, finally musters up the courage to, while on a skiing adventure just the two of them, to come out as trans and Maedhros is just like: *vibrates with excitement* "this is the best news ever i'm gonna teach you everything I know about being a dude" and henceforth the two were inseparable buddies 🥹
I imagine Mae as the first person that Fingon feels comfortable coming out to in this fic idea... and Mae's immediate and enthusiastic encouragement and acceptance is at least partly why Fingon remains his loyal friend for the remainder of their days :')
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gwaedhannen · 6 months
[Excerpt 6 from Sorrow Beyond Words: Collected Testimony of the War of Wrath, 4th Edition; edited by Elrond Peredhel.]
“It—it would have been easier, I think, if the rest of Beleriand was as dead as Anfauglith. Not just easier to march through. I don’t miss the mosquito-wetas. But—it’s one thing to march through a choking wasteland when you know there’s no refilling your canteen 'til you get to the other side. It’s another thing entirely to walk through thirty leagues of verdant wetlands and every single spring and lake you find is so clear you can see all the skeletons at the bottom. Every fucking time you get your hopes up that maybe, maybe, this one will be drinkable—but—but…
“Not all the skeletons were at the bottom. Some of them still almost looked like people, too.
“No food, either. Fruit trees? Pah. Every apple that isn’t rotten is full of worms and wasps. Herbs? Poison. Roots? Also poison. Game? You fucking guessed it, poison. Or viruses, whatever. Sorry that we never really had the leisure time to reinvent microscopic biology here.
“It, well—it wasn’t entirely ruined, I guess? He left Hithlum mostly untarnished to keep the Easterlings a little happy. Heh, not happy enough apparently to stop most of them from jumping to Elros’s banner the moment they could. Nan Dungortheb was as much a pain in his arse as it had been in ours, especially once Mindeb gave up holding it back. We think the spiders ate a Balrog, actually. Good for them. He never touched the ruins of the Havens either. Guess he liked the statement that sent better than more despoiling.
“But, uh, in some ways that was more disheartening. The little bits which were still standing, or seemed to still be standing. There were still lots of too-clear pools. But you’d come across the ruins of a homestead with the garden only overgrown with normal weeds, or an orchard where the fruit still smells fine; and then you’d look twenty feet away and see what's left of the former inhabitants and another fucking field of razorwheat and another cloud of hornets that want to lay eggs in your eyes and a pool that only isn’t clear because Glaurung shit in it eighty years ago. That’s worse, if you were wondering.”
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cilil · 1 year
I feel like Eönwë hanging out on Númenor has underrated crack fic potential.
His War of Wrath buddies convincing him to go bar hopping with them
So many people shamelessly hitting on the poor bird boy. at least half of the time, he doesn't get it
Getting stuck everywhere due to Maia size and wings until Eönwë finally adjusts his fána
People asking him to fly around and let them ride on his back
Someone's grandma not knowing/not realizing who he is and calling him "young lad"
Everything just being so much more hectic compared to Valinor
All the #justmortalthings he doesn't get and all the #justbirdthings and #justainurthings they don't get
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the-elusive-soleil · 1 year
I have this idea, that when the Haladin first show up in Thargelion, they don't speak any elvish languages, and have to learn some before they can really communicate and negotiate the whole issue of lands and settlement and vassalage. And Caranthir and his people teach them Quenya.
There could be any number of reasons for this. It's the language he grew up speaking, and the one that comes most naturally to him and his followers. It might be banned, but they're far enough removed from Doriath and from anybody else that they can essentially do whatever they want. He doesn't have any reason to think that Haleth will be interacting with Thingol's people after they move on. And maybe, just maybe, he's a little petty about it. Finrod Finarfinion, the suck-up, might have taught his Edain to speak Sindarin, but not Caranthir.
(And it's just barely possible that he has a weakness for hearing Haleth speak his native language, but if that is the case, he tells no one.)
And then eventually Haleth brings her people to Brethil, and she tries to talk to Thingol about settling there, and he already doesn't like the idea much, but then she has the Audacity to greet him in Feanorian Quenya, and after that not even Finrod's intervention can help her. So the Haladin get booted from Brethil, and they're not sure where else they can go, now that the Doriathrin think they're associated with horrible kinslayers and will doubtless spread the news around to their allies.
So back east they go, and when they get near Thargelion again Caranthir comes by and is like, "you're back!" And Haleth is fed up from all the journeying and has Words for him about this booby-trapped language he fed them.
But I like to think they work out some kind of compromise after all that, and the Haladin end up settling in the greater Thargelion area. And if there is anything more going on between the Chieftain of the Haladin and the Lord of Thargelion than simple alliance and friendship, then it is no one's business but their own, and certainly not the business of his nosy cousins.
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nighttimepatrons · 6 months
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I think that Sauron should change up the shape of his third pupil, for fun but also for freaky.
had way too much for coloring this and it is a delight <3
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fistfuloflightning · 11 months
Hear me out. In an au where LACE doesn’t exist and the Valar are more like the Greek gods, Varda is Gil-galad’s mother. Fingon catches her eye and she pulls a Melian, except she leaves their son with him when she has to return to Valinor. Not sure how Manwe would feel. He’d be the Silm equivalent of Hera maybe, trying to off his wife’s children. Or maybe he’s the reason why the Eagles were never sent to Gil-galad’s aid during the Last Alliance.
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eccentricmya · 7 months
I was looking through LaCE and on the topic of rebirth and marriage it said this:
A houseless fëa that chose or was permitted to return to life re-entered the incarnate world through child-birth. Only thus could it return.
...For the fëa re-born became a child indeed, enjoying once more all the wonder and newness of childhood; but slowly, and only after it had acquired a knowledge of the world and mastery of itself, its memory would awake...
...the Reborn Spouse will not appear among the close kindred of the Living Spouse, and in fact the Reborn appear as a rule amongst their own former kin...
Now I bring you the idea: Curufin as a time-travelling reborn Fëanor.
Through some mishap — whether a mistake of the Valar or a dissonance in the Song or Fëanor's own spirit resisting the rebirth — instead of being reborn forward in time, Fëanor is reborn in the past. And one mistake leads to another, which means he is born as his own son, Atarincë Curufinwë.
By the time Curufin recovers the memories of his old life, he is an elf full-grown and married, with a child on the way. Thus he realises with horror, that he has committed the very injustice done against himself — of remarrying and siring a child with a second spouse. And in the process, he has condemned his own children to the ridicule he himself had suffered, though their mother Nerdanel yet lived — a small blessing that his children may know the love of both parents. But sundered she still is from him in this second life, a fact evidenced by the existence of his second marriage.
As for Curufinwë? He was always destined to be the child born of the first marriage of his sire. Only this time, he is the chief perpetrator of his own tragedy. Maybe he can forgive his own father for the only offence he ever laid at his feet: for bringing Indis and her brood in their life. He still has no love to spare them though.
For the rest of Curufinwë's love went into Tyelpinquar. This child, his own brother in half but son in full, his heir twice over. His grandest joy and only woe.
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My 2023 Fic List
I posted 78,856 words this year! It might not seem much, but it's a record for me. So here's the list of my 2023 works sorted by date.
Four Ficlets
Written for the SWG server's instadrabbling challenge - Elwing and Idril's First Meeting (124 words, G), Elwing and the Silmaril (76 words, T), Gil-galad and Cirdan Clean Up After the Kinslaying (228 words, T), Ancalagon's Death (106 words, G)
Gifts and Favors and a Trip (3560 words, M, Maedhros/Fingon)
My 2023 entry for My Slashy Valentine. A bit of angst, a bit of sexual tension, lots of fluff and a great deal of pining. Idiots to lovers.
Angsty Ficlet (792 words, G, Maedhros & Maglor)
Maedhros wakes up in the middle of the night, panicking for reasons unknown to himself. Maglor helps. An angsty ficlet with a little twist in the end.
Alone in the Unknown (4752 words, T, Maedhros & Maglor)
The latest part of my canon divergence AU. Maglor and Maedhros wander all alone - Maedhros nearly catatonic and Maglor trying in vain to reach him. The angstiest thing I've ever written.
Helcaraxë Cannibalism Ficlet (500 words, T, warning for cannibalism and character death)
Fingon doesn't want his body to be consumed after his death.
Maiar Hate This Simple Trick (2234 words, T, background Celebrimbor/Narvi and Galadriel/Celeborn)
My entry for Tolkien Remix 2023 is based on @elentarial's Desperation and Defeat. A series of letters between the main figures of the Second Age, trying to solve the mystery of Annatar running away from Eregion. Humor.
Proxy (5912 words, E, Maedhros/Fingon, Maedhros/Maglor, warning for dubious consent and unhealthy relationships)
Maedhros's love for Maglor is unrequited, but luckily for Maedhros, Fingon is hopelessly in love with him and somewhat resembles Maglor. A terrible love triangle between three terrible people. A deviation from my usual themes and characterization (and ratings), but the prompt in the kinkmeme spoke to me. I wrote almost 6k in a couple of days, which is a rarity for me.
Orodreth's Letter to Fingon (307 words, G)
Orodreth does everything he can to eviscerate Fingon in his letter of refusal concerning the Union of Maedhros.
Maedhros and Fingon Talk Cannibalism (247 words, T, warning for cannibalism and self-cannibalism mentions)
Another cannibalism snippet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maedhros and Fingon share their experiences with the subject in a light-hearted tone a little inappropriate for the discussion.
Lady Makalaurë Fëanáriel Dying of Poison, Late Second Age, Artist Unknown (8671 words, T, past fem!Maglor/Maglor's wife, warning for death and suicide mentions)
One of my two fics for TRSB 2023. Based on @independence1776's edit. In her space wanderings, fem!Maglor comes across a planet and finds out things that force her to return to Eldarin civilization. I always wanted to write a sci-fi AU, and I'm really glad I got to do it.
Now a Quill, Now a Sword (11817 words, T, Maedhros/Fingon, warning for character death and implied suicide)
My second TRSB fic, written in collaboration with @melestasflight. See their beautiful art here. It's a canon-compliant fic (with a bit of post-canon at the end) that tells the story of Maedhros and Fingon's relationship from the beginning to the end.
Two Ficlets
In this one (735 words, T), Fingolfin and Fingon discuss if Maedhros can be trusted. In it's companion (1082 words, T), Fingon and Maedhros talk about the same subject.
The Hunters (2016 words, E, fem!Maedhros/Aredhel)
Another kinkmeme fill. Baby's first PWP. (Proxy doesn't count. It has a plot and I tried to make the sex horrible.) Aredhel and Maedhros - two princesses of the House of Finwë - are cousins with benefits. I really enjoyed writing it, but I don't know if it's any good because I haven't reread it since posting.
Kaleidoscope (1436 words, M, Fingon/Sons of Feanor - all of them but not at the same time except Amrod and Amras)
Inspired by @melestasflight and @polutrope's The Seven Trials of Fingon the Valiant but darker in tone. Fingon sleeps with all of the sons of Fëanor. Why? Who knows? Up to interpretation. The fic doesn't make much sense, but I still like it and I'm really glad I wrote it. The third kinkememe fill.
That's all for last year. In general, I'm more happy than not with my writing. Hopefully, it will continue this year.
Thanks to every single person who's read, liked, reblogged, left kudos and comments on my fics. You make me want to keep writing.
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curiouselleth · 5 months
Be He Foe or Friend: Silmarillion choose your own adventure fic!
How Can We Heal?: Finrod in the Halls of Mandos, but the Halls are kinda torture and super traumatic.
Veil of Starlight: Elured and Elurin survive and Elured is Gil-galad.
What We Became: from the wolfmadness AU. The blood of Sauron's wolves drives people mad. Sauron experiments with the little king who dared to challenge him (Finrod).
Requested fic; was initially requested about 2 weeks ago, just started writing it.
Raistlin is Eru: crackfic, exactly what it sounds like, Raistlin destroyed the world, got a second chance to make a new one. He is Eru, and I saw some interesting connections between Raistlin's past and actions and possible Eru motivations and they blended and made sense lol.
Redeemed Sauron encounters re-embodied Finrod & Celebrimbor one-shot: this one is just what it sounds like lol
Powers AU: as soon as the Noldor re-unite in beleriand the start developing powers, powers based off of their experiences, skills, and environments. Nothing super flashy - except when they first appear and in times of distress and such. So most Noldor who burned the ships get fire powers, and most who crossed the helcaraxe have ice, cold, or water powers. Right now I think I'll have about 1/6 of the elves NOT get powers, for no particular reason.
Feanor!Curufin: Feanor dies, doesn't know if Amrod survives or not, and begs and begs the valar and Namo to let him return to try to save them, and fix his mistakes. Finally they relent, with conditions. But by then it has been a long time, and he is sent back to the second kinslaying into Curufin's body as he dies. One of the conditions; he cannot straight-out tell anyone he is Feanor.
High King Finrod: what it sounds like, Finrod survives, goes to Balar, when Gondolion falls he becomes High King because Gil-galad is too damn young for this. Particularly focusing on when the hosts of Valinor and Finarfin arrive. I need the angst and shock and horror.
Finrod at the first kinslaying: so much more angst then it says on the tin. He is there, protecting the Teleri. Just protecting. Not fighting back offensively. He encounters Caranthir, but Caranthir is blind with the rage of battle. And nearly kills Finrod, before Aegnor and Angrod arrive and beat him back, rescuing Finrod. Finrod almost dies. Then when he is fighting Sauron, Sauron's spells do not just re open trauma and mental wounds. But that one.
Morgoth Wins AU: There is A Lot here. I wrote 1336 words just summarizing what I want in it. But it starts with Morgoth offering the Feanorians a deal they can't refuse. And cities fall by their sword on his behalf. *slaps fic idea* this bad boy can fit SO much angst in it.
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eri-pl · 3 months
I wonder if there's a "modern guy falls into FA Arda, becomes Gil-galad" fic. Because this sounds very much like something that may have a fic.
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Planning a crackfic where Fëanáro signs his sons up for a Shakespeare play with Valar Productions, where they meet the family of Náro’s old nemesis and a few prodigy hippies (cue Luthien drama).
Synopsis of each play below.
All these plays are versatile with many similarly prominent characters, except perhaps King Lear (but I adore act three so much).
The Tempest follows Prospero (evil), his daughter (heroine), and fairy servant (kind of camp) as they shipwreck Prospero’s usurping brother and cause general chaos. Includes drunk clowns, a love struck prince, murder, apparitions, and disgruntled slaves.
Twelfth Night is genderbent romantic shenanigans involving servants taking the piss out of a nobleman, a fool for fool’s sake, and some very gay interactions. Class divide is for dummies.
Henry IV doesn’t have many women, but it’s got a lovely range of scenes between Prince Harry and the war, some fun at a pub, shenanigans, and Falstaff. Plus serious Revolution business.
Comedy of Errors is complete crack. Some women, plenty of bumbling, and hectic costumery. Twins get separated, named the same thing, end up in the same city, and cause chaos.
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