#silver Bullet 1985
fanofspooky · 9 months
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muldoonlives · 6 months
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knightsgrimm · 1 year
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No one was asking for Silver Bullet (1985) fanart but here we are anyway... Him :)
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noeljpenaflor · 2 years
This Silver Bullet (1985) Review has both Corey Haim and Corey Feldman Wrapped Up In A Burrito.
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georgeromeros · 1 year
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Silver Bullet (1985) dir. Daniel Attias
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eddiexmunsonlover · 10 days
One Step Away From You (Chapter 7)
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BestFriend!Eddie Munson x PlusSize!Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary: You spend some much needed one-on-one time with Max, and celebrate Halloween with the Party. WC: 5.8k Warnings: MDNI as always. Explicit language. Talks about death, grief, trauma, depression, guilt, all the fun stuff. Brief run in with Jason and his lackies. Total idiots in love, mutual pining fest in here. We're helping Max heal this chapter <3 Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out, life has been lifing but I hope y'all enjoy it! I had fun writing this one. Taglist: @eddie-is-a-god @siriusmaraudeers
Friday, October 25th, 1985
The cool October night breeze caresses your skin as you step out the doors of Hawkins High, the excited chatter of the club members following behind you. When you hear quick steps approaching behind you, you turn to see Eddie fall in step next to you.
“So remind me again why you’re bailing on me for our only just recently reinstated Friday movie nights?” he questions, feigning offense. You scoff out a small laugh as you dig for your keys in your bag, approaching your truck parked next to his van.
“Because I already told you, I’m taking Max out to the drive-in.”
“Oh yeah, what movie are you gonna see?”
“They’re playing Silver Bullet tonight.”
“Oh man. Yeah, I’ve heard about that one. Looks really good, I’ve been really wanting to see it.” He leans against his van, putting on the dramatics and fake disappointment that you see right through, unable to stop the big smile from creeping onto your face as you watch his little show. 
“Oh is that so?” you tease, popping out your hip as you cross your arms, amusement written across your face.
“Come on. What, you think I’m gonna dampen your girl party?” 
You roll your eyes.
“Under any other circumstances, I’d insist you join along. But Max… she’s already been isolating herself enough as it is, anyone else being there would just close her walls right back up, you know? And I’m trying to bring those walls down so…” 
“Yeah, I get it. I’m only teasing. I hope you guys have a good time. Tell me if the movie's any good, yeah?” He offers you a soft smile, a smile you return that quickly turns into a smirk as you watch the younger boys approaching.
“Uh huh, you too” you respond, gesturing with your eyebrows as you unlock the door to your truck.
Eddie’s eyes follow yours behind him, shoulder’s quickly slumping at the sight and question he already knows is coming.
“Hey uh, you mind giving us a ride home?” you overhear Dustin ask as you start your engine, quickly leaving Eddie to fulfill the drop offs you’ve done countless times since the beginning of the semester.
You turn the knob on your radio through the channels of static till the sound of the opening credits come through your speakers. With a bag of popcorn and slushies set between you, you and Max settle against your clothed truck seats, focusing on the huge screen set out 100 feet away in the big field now filled to the brim with cars full of other teenagers seeking a scary late night flick. 
You let yourselves get pulled into the film, mindlessly funneling popcorn into your mouths between sips of cherry Icees. You find yourself wondering how to spark a deeper conversation with Max. As much as you don’t want to force her to open up, with each week that passes you’ve only grown more worried and concerned for her.
You’ve spent some brief time together since you moved back, giving her a ride here and there given her mom is always working, but this is the first extended time you’ve been able to spend together. As you’re lost in thought, the sound of her throat clearing from the seat next to you grabs your attention.
“Hey, I-uh, just want to say thanks. For bringing me. This is the first time I’ve gone out and done anything in a while, so…” She mutters almost shyly, hesitantly. You offer her a genuine smile that relaxes the tension in her body.
“Anytime, I’m glad you could join me. I’ve missed this, you know, our girl time.” You offer, pulling a smirk and eye roll from her. As your eyes move back to the movie, hers drift to examine your Hellfire shirt.
“Since when are you in Hellfire?” she asks curiously.
“Oh, well since last Friday. Once me and Eddie made up I decided to join.” You answer, shrugging nonchalantly as you look down and admire your new Hellfire shirt Eddie rushed to get made for you.
“Made up?” She prods with an eyebrow cocked.
“It’s a long story.” You answer dismissively as you shake your head, assuming she wouldn’t be interested.
“Oh, so you got to hear all the gossip about my relationship back in the summer but I don’t get to hear about yours?”
Your eyes widen as you look at her with a smirk, caught off-guard by the witty remark you always knew her for but haven’t seen much of in the last few weeks. 
“Eddie and I aren’t in a relationship. We’re just friends, Max.”
“Uh huh.”
“I’m serious!”
“Well, I still wanna know the juicy details of the ‘making up’ you two did.” She insists, crossing her arms across her chest as she settles further into the passenger seat of your truck. 
You scoff out a mix between a laugh and a groan before letting your eyes survey her again.
“There’s no ‘juicy’ details, not that I’d tell you if there was anyway.” You emphasize before continuing, “We just have always been best friends, ever since I first moved to Hawkins. We got close pretty quickly. But then I moved back to Virginia and…”
“I um, I stopped talking to him. Stopped returning his calls.” You answer with a sigh, meeting her blue eyes as they begin to reflect a knowing feeling.
“It was just too painful to deal with, to hear his voice, to be reminded of the loss that came with the move. It’s like, being so overcome with that pain that you just avoid everyone, let alone that person that it’s attached to. Sometimes it just feels easier to be alone in your pain.” You end with a shrug despite knowing how true some of that may ring for her too.
She pulls her eyes from you to the sweating cup of slushie in her hands as she nods briefly.
“Yeah, I get that.” Is all she offers in the moment. You let a few seconds pass by before you continue.
“I mean I ended up regretting it but, it was just too easy to get stuck in the pain and then the anxiety, you know. I never spoke to him again till I just moved back. We had some brief hurdles to overcome but, we talked things out and we’ve been able to start our friendship again.”
She nods again, briefly lifting her eyes to meet yours again with a forced smile before turning her gaze to the movie.
“I’m glad you guys worked things out.”
“Yeah, me too.” you mutter softly as you turn your own gaze back to the movie.
Part of you is hoping this is a small step in the right direction. Hoping that Max takes the fact that you can somewhat understand how she’s feeling, what she’s going through as a sign you’re a safe space for her. Someone she can open up to and who will actually understand. 
Opening up about your own experience with Eddie, and your struggle with depression and isolation is your first step, initiating the bigger conversation with Max in a way. So you leave it at that, leaving it to her to decide what she wants to do with it as you attempt to get yourself back into the film you can tell you’ve already lost key information in due to your conversation.
The drive back to Forest Hills is silent besides the sound of the breeze blowing through the cracked windows and your joined hums along to the Kate Bush Hounds of Love cassette playing through the speakers. You pull into your driveway close to 11pm, turning to Max with an almost shy smile as you shift into park. 
“Did you have a good time?” You ask with a hint of nervousness as you search her face and body language. She leans forward in the seat, nodding her head gently.
“Yeah, thanks again.” She reassures you. You remove your keys from the ignition, but stop yourself from opening your door and getting out when you notice her hand hesitating on the door handle.
“Hey, what’s up?” you ask, voice soft. Her body leans back slightly, but her eyes still refuse to lift from the floor of your truck to your eyes.
“What you told me earlier about you and Eddie. I just- I know how you felt.”
“I know, sweetie.” You reply with a sigh, leaning back into your own seat. When her eyes look up to meet yours, you elaborate. “That’s why I told you. So you’d know I understand. I won’t lie and say I completely know everything you’re probably going through, but I do know some of it and... I just hope you know I’m always here, no judgment.”
She takes your words in and lets them settle, staring down at her fidgeting hands as she musters together the courage to let you in, like she had so easily before all summer. But this is different.
“I just… I feel so guilty. I can’t escape that night, that image of Billy, even in my dreams. He-He sacrificed himself for me and I just…watched.” You listen to her intently, giving her the space to say all she wants before you speak up.
“I understand why you feel that way. I still get flashbacks and nightmares of that night sometimes too.”
“You do?” 
“Of course. Living through something like that, it’s gonna stick with us. And that guilt part? That’s normal too, there's even a name for it. Survivor’s guilt. You blame yourself for what happened, maybe you even wish it happened to you instead. But you are not to blame, Max. None of that was your fault.”
“Still, I just stood there and watched, I was frozen. Maybe I could have done something, maybe I could have helped.” She stutters out, pain and frustration sketched across her face. Your heart breaks at the sight, at seeing her carry all the responsibility for what happened on her shoulders, weighing her down for months.
“I hear you. I know it’s frustrating, eating you up. You’re mad at yourself, wishing you could change what happened. Have you ever heard of fight or flight?” When she nods, you keep going. “Well, that’s not all there is to it. Freezing is also a very normal reaction to something traumatic. You didn’t have a choice, your nervous system decided for you.”
She looks at you, wiping a tear as it falls from her eyes.
“Really? You're not just making that up to make me feel better, right?”
You shake your head in reassurance, both taking a deep breath against heavy chests with the weight of the pain.
“I was there with you too, Max. It all happened so fast, even if we hadn’t frozen… there’s nothing we could have done.” 
Flashbacks hit you as you speak, seeing Billy get trapped under falling pillars and rubble from the mall fire, and his instant death from the crushing weight. Rubble that would’ve fallen on Max. 
She reluctantly shakes her head in agreement as you finish, the same memories flashing through her mind, knowing you’re right. Beginning to let herself believe it. Letting you chip away at the weight she’s been carrying, letting herself feel the small relief that comes with it.
“I know you’re right. It’s been hard to try to convince myself of it but… hearing it from you too. It helps. That’s not all of it though… I think about how much I hated him, all the thoughts I had about him. I’d lay in bed at night and wish something bad would happen to him.” She whispers, shame bleeding through her words.
“Max” you breathe out in empathy at her confession, reaching out to grab and squeeze her hand, pulling her attention back to you. “Wanting someone who did nothing but torment you out of your life does not make you a bad person, and it doesn’t make you responsible for what happened to him, either. Billy was not a good person, but everyday I am so grateful he had enough good left in him to save you. Because you are good and you deserve to forgive yourself, hun.”
You pour your heart into every word, staring intently into her blue eyes as tears now freely stream from them and fill your own waterline. You see her breath stuttering in her chest before she throws her arms around you, both quickly closing the space between as you embrace each other.
“You are so loved, Max Mayfield. Don’t you ever forget that.” You mutter out the words you know she needs to hear. You know the dark place the guilt, shame, and trauma have taken her too well. You hold her for a minute until you feel her arms begin to slip from you. As she comes back into your vision, an idea hits you.
“I know something else that might help. Why don’t you write him a letter?” She looks at you in slight confusion, so you push further. “I’m serious! Write him a letter with everything you want to say to him, what you’ve been holding in. Go to his grave and read it out loud like you're actually saying it to him, let it all out. And then, burn it, bury it, I don’t care. As long as you get rid of it in some way. Say what you want to say to him, and then let it go.”
She considers your words for a moment before she nods.
“Yeah, that actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”
“I’ll even take you, I’ll stay in the truck the whole time too. You just let me know, okay?” You offer, voice soaked in sincerity.
She’s quiet sitting there, lost in thought as she fidgets with her zipper. After a moment, you hear her voice quietly croak out.
“I wish you were my sister.”
It’s a whisper, a nervous confession you could’ve easily missed had all of your attention not already been on her. You greet her with a smile as she chances a look from her hands to your face, wiping the fallen tears on her cheeks with her jacket sleeves.
“We may not be blood, but I’ll be your older sister for as long as you’ll have me.”
When she returns your small smile, you raise your hand in front of you, pinky finger extended. A short giggle at the lighthearted childishness of it escapes her mouth before she wraps her pinky around yours. 
Soft smiles, dried tear stains, and a promise to always be there for her.
Thursday, October 31st, 1985
Halloween Night
You examine yourself in your vanity mirror, fluffing your hair you spent nearly an hour on to make sure it’s perfect. Purple eyeshadow matching your purple dress, sharp winged eyeliner. You smile at yourself, hands following the way your dress accentuates your wide hips before flowing out around your thick thighs. Looking down at your high heels, you wish you’d picked a different character to dress up as, already foreseeing the pain your feet would be in at the end of the night.
With a sigh, one final look over in the mirror, and the clock nearing the time of the scheduled meet-up with your friends, you turn off your lights and close your bedroom door.
“Don’t you look cute!” your mother exclaims as you enter the living room, hands covering her cheeks as she gushes over you. You bashfully roll your eyes but share a big smile with her.
“You like it? It looks good?” You ask with your arms spread out, giving a little twirl.
“You look beautiful, honey. I wish you’d dress like this more often!” You stop yourself from giving a less than bashful eye roll this time, but can’t deny that you feel and look good in this dress. 
“Don’t stay out too late, it’s still a school night!” She gives you a kiss on the cheek as you part, you give her the reassurance you’ll be back before 11 as you head out the front door. 
The sound of your heels clapping against the cement fills the silence of the neighborhood as you begin crossing the road toward Eddie’s trailer. Your head shoots up when you hear a low whistle, eyes landing on Eddie as he sits on his porch steps with a smug grin on his face.
“My, my, my. Look at you.” he mutters, observing you as you approach. The darkness of the night casting a shadow over him to hide the way his eyes rake over your exposed thighs, dress swishing against them with each step. He hasn’t seen you in a dress since you were kids and your mom had more control over your outfit choices. Seeing you now, he thinks it’s one thing he might take your mom’s side on, you need to add more dresses to your wardrobe.
“Yeah, yeah. Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“You know what, I think that’s a fantastic idea. Bring a camera?”
“Shut up.” You giggle, slapping him on the shoulder as you stand beside him.
“What?! You look nice. I can’t tell my best friend she looks nice?”
“Whatever you say, Munson. Besides, you know your pants are supposed to be khaki right? Or atleast brown!” You tease as you pull at a loose string around the knee of his ripped black jeans.
“Hey, at least I got the shirt right.” He retorts as he points at his green shirt, literally the only item of clothing he's sporting to mimic his character. 
Both your heads turn at the sound of feet approaching. You smile at the sight of your red-headed younger friend. Ever since that night at the drive-in, that Sunday when you gave her a ride to Billy’s grave, she’s slowly started coming back around the party again, beginning to let everyone back in and you couldn’t be happier. You wrap your arms around her for a quick hug as she joins you and Eddie.
“I’m so happy you came!” you beam, pulling a laugh from her as you move your bodies side to side in the embrace.
“You look good.” She remarks with a quirked eyebrow as you part.
“Thanks, Red.” 
Eddie stands up from the porch steps during your greeting.
“Nice to officially meet you, Mad Max. Who are you supposed to be anyway?” He asks, both of you examining her outfit.
“Dr. Sarah Bowman from Day of the Dead. Already had everything I needed for it in my closet.” She answers with a shrug, gaining a nod of approval from both of you.
“Well, we ready to get this party started?” He asks, dangling the keys to his van from his fingers. 
With that, the three of you load into Eddie’s van and head to pick up the boys before going to the final meeting place of Steve’s house. Steve ensuring all of you his neighborhood is the best trick or treating spot in town. Full of well-off families who give out full-sized candy bars.
When you pull up to the end of Mike’s driveway to pick up the three boys, your eyes widen and mouth drops open in disbelief at the sight of Dustin. While Mike dressed up as the Hulk, Lucas as Indiana Jones, you can't believe your eyes when you see Dustin clad with dog ears, a tail, and collar.
“No fucking way.” you laugh out in disbelief.
“What? You can’t have the gang without Scooby!”
You and Eddie try to bite back your chuckles, shaking your heads at the sight.
“Oh, I can’t wait till Steve sees this.”
“Just get in the van.” Eddie finally gets out between bits of laughter, cheeks turning red.
“See? We’ve even got the Mystery Machine van too, only thing missing was me.”
When Eddie and you share a glance, it only sends you into another bout of laughter as he shifts into drive, rolling out of the neighborhood toward Steve’s.
When Steve’s door opens to reveal him in full Fred get-up, with Robin next to him as Velma you smile brightly, the costumes suiting them both so well.
“Oh you’ve got to be shitting me” Steve exhales at the sight of Dustin who only greets him with his ‘pearly whites’.
“I had nothing to do with this” you claim defensively, hands up as you approach Steve and Robin, the latter’s face adorned with a shit-eating grin. When Steve sees it, the hands go on the hips.
“Rob- Seriously?”
“What? What are we just gonna have Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, Velma and no Scooby?”
“That’s what I said!” Dustin interjects in agreement.
“I can’t believe this” he mutters.
“I have to admit, you showed some great ingenuity with the costume, though.” Eddie adds amid Steve’s groans. When his eyebrows shoot up in response, looking at Eddie in disbelief, he retorts. “What? The kid’s creative, what can I say?”
“Thank you” Dustin finishes with a smug smile.
“We all look great, okay? Now, we gonna take these rich folks for all they’ve got or what?” You press, pushing everyone to begin the trek down the streets of Steve’s neighborhood, younger kids taking the lead.
Only a few houses in, the streets are littered with kids and teens in costumes. You talk amongst yourselves, commenting on your favorites and the craftiness of a few of the ones you see.
You’re filled with warmth watching the younger teens walking ahead, watching Max let herself come back out of her shell. You don’t miss the shy glances shared between her and Lucas either, smiling at the sight. While Eddie and Robin are deep in conversation about band, Steve falls in step next to you, sharing your gaze ahead.
“That’s cute” he remarks watching the two. “How did you manage that?”
“I don’t know, just told her what she needed to hear I guess.”
He peeks a glance toward Robin and Eddie before leaning closer to you.
“So, when are you and Eddie finally gonna get your head out of your asses and get together?”
You stagger in your step, taken aback as you look at him like he just spawned a second head.
“What?” Is all you can scoff out.
“Oh come on.” he remarks, hands in his pockets as he saunters down the sidewalk before he leans closer once again, “You’re not as subtle as you think you are.”
You roll your eyes at him, but the warmth filling your cheeks and smile tugging at your lips gives you away.
“Is it that obvious?” you whisper worriedly.
You two stop at the end of a walkway to a house as the rest of the group goes to the front door.
“Well to me and Robin, yeah. But obviously not to him.” 
You watch as they begin their walk back towards you, admiring the smile on Eddie’s face while amongst conversation with the kids. 
“He doesn’t see me like that. I’m just his best friend.” You decide with a sigh, slightly shaking your head before looking back up to Steve who’s observing you with a sympathetic smile.
“Are you kidding? He’d be crazy not to, you’re a total catch.” he says, playfully bumping your hip with his. 
“Thanks, Stevie.”
Eddie’s smile falters slightly as they approach, catching sight of you and Steve standing there staring and smiling at each other. Being dressed as Fred and Daphne, a couple, doesn’t help either. He doesn’t believe you’d have any reason to lie to him that you don’t like Steve as more than a friend, but as he eyes the way Steve smiles at you, the ping of jealousy in his chest tells him he’s not too sure Steve’s on the same page. Maybe it’s the way he looks at you, maybe it’s the way Steve’s playful with you like he is, and Eddie knows the deeper feelings that underlie his own teasing nature with you.
When your breath-taking smile turns to him, those thoughts falter slightly and he can’t help but flash his dimples right back at you.
“You know you’re sharing some of that loot with me, right?” You ask him, bumping his shoulder as he falls in step next to you as you continue your walk through the neighborhood.
“Psh, I’ve worked hard for this. Should’ve brought your own pillowcase and ring some doorbells if you wanted some candy.” He smirks at you, dark eyes glimmering in the night.
“Uh huh, you’re all talk, Munson. We both know by the end of the night half that bag is coming home with me.”
“Hmph, well I suggest you start putting in the work if you want some of this sugar.” 
The thoughts that immediately run through your head from his teasing remark make your cheeks flush and send a jolt right to your core. You squeeze your thighs together as you walk, attempting to push the sensation away. Thoughts and feelings like this about Eddie are reserved for late nights in your room. As much as you tell yourself it’s wrong, it’s getting harder and harder to resist. The way he teases you doesn’t help either.
The slowly intensifying, pounding pain and soreness from your feet in the cramped purple high heels is a welcomed distracting sensation. You groan softly to yourself as you look around and realize you’re only halfway through Steve’s neighborhood. A glance toward Robin’s red sneakers solidifies your decision that you should’ve followed her steps, switching out the character’s heels for much comfier shoes. 
You look around your group of friends and decide to say fuck it and suck it up. It’s your favorite holiday and you’re with your favorite people, you’re gonna enjoy it despite the pain in your feet and unwelcomed bodily sensations Eddie’s words and looks are striking into you.
As you continue through Steve’s neighborhood, joining in the trick or treating activities despite the few sideways glances from homeowners you earn as teenagers asking for candy, you’re reminded of all the things that make Halloween your favorite.
The cool autumn air.
The changing colors of the leaves that have begun to adorn the streets and sidewalks.
The costumes; from scary to funny, store bought to homemade.
The decorations; glowing orange pumpkins with an array of designs carved into them, orange and purple lights hung along the porches, scarecrows and ghosts littered amongst the lawns.
The slasher films waiting to be watched at home while eating the mountain of candy earned from knocking on your neighbors doors.
The way Dustin takes every chance he can get to say “Ruh roh Raggy”, and the way you and Eddie can’t stop yourselves from giggling every single time. 
You breathe it all in, grounding yourself in this shared moment with your friends you’ll never forget, a permanent smile settling in on your face for the night.
A smile that not even Jason and his idiot friends can stop from creasing your round cheeks. You’re so consumed living in the moment that you don’t even notice them until you hear a loud
“Hey!” Both you and Eddie’s heads turn and spot them across the street, but refuse to let your strides falter.
“Look guys, it’s the Freaks Inc. gang!” he booms, buddies bending over in laughter as they watch your group.
“Pfft, what a tool.” Steve remarks with a scoff, shaking his head as he fixes his gaze away from them and forward, unbothered. Grateful to no longer be grouped with people like him.
When you feel yourself begin to bump into the younger boys whose steps have staggered and attention drawn to the insult, you gently nudge them forward. Muttering a “Keep going, I’ve got this.”
You should just ignore them, not even give them the slither of attention or acknowledgement they’re so desperate for, but you just can’t help yourself. Not when an opportunity arises to burst their egotistical bubble. 
Ever since you and Eddie’s altercation with Jason a month ago, him and his friends have generally left the club alone, not directly confronting any of you. Traded insults with his friends when any of you would walk by, sure, but to be fair the threat you gave him only pertained to if he ever put his hands on any of you again. Anything else is fair game, and it’s a game you have no problem playing. 
You quickly eye him and his costume. He-Man. It’s a nice costume too, nearly identical to the show. Easy when you have Daddy’s money to pay for it. 
“Nice He-Man costume, Jason. Looks like you’re having a bit of trouble filling it out though, huh? Tsk, what a shame.” you say sarcastically, feigning a pouty face with a shrug before your smile returns, rolling your eyes at them as you draw your attention back to your friends. Continuing your walk down the street unphased.
You see Eddie staring at you from the corner of your eye. When you look at him, he’s looking down at you in a mix of endearment, pride, and amazement.
“What? He deserves to get knocked down a peg. Should keep his mouth shut next time.”
“Agreed.” Steve declares from the other side of Eddie.
Eddie doesn’t say anything, just wraps an arm around you and pulls you in for a tight side hug as you walk down the street. You let him, resisting the urge to bury your face and body into his side, his warmth, when his grip lightens and falls from your arm.
After another half hour of knocking on doors, you’re nearly done sweeping through Steve’s neighborhood, his house and Eddie’s van coming back into sight as you approach the last couple of houses. If it wasn’t for already going to every house in the neighborhood, the boys' complaints about how heavy their bags have gotten with candy is signaling the end of the night.
You stand with Eddie at the end of the walkways to the last few houses as the rest get the last of the candy for the night. He catches your eye when he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a rolled joint and a lighter. Just before he lights it, your laugh grabs his attention.
“Really, Eddie? In the middle of this uppity neighborhood?”
“What? I’m only being in character.” He laughs out, only to have you meet him with raised brows and a smirk. “Shaggy and Scooby are stoners and that’s a fact. Constantly having the munchies? I mean, HELLO!”
“You’re so dumb” you jest playfully as you resume your slow stride on the sidewalk.
“Well, you know what they say. Birds of a feather flock together.” He breathes out, keeping in step next to you.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“Oh really? How’s about I push your ass down this hill right here?” you tease, gesturing toward the down sloped hill between the houses as you pass.
“Pfft, I’d like to see you try.” he scoffs, playing unphased despite the wide grin on his face.
“Your skinny ass will go flying, right down into that drop off in the woods. Lost forever. Such a tragedy. Some say he's still tumbling to this day.” you sigh dramatically, earning a short but loud laugh from him.
“Uh huh. Well I’m pretty quick on my feet if I do say so myself, and I don’t think you’ll be getting too far in those heels.” he retorts, pointing down to the heels that have made your feet numb at this point.
“Well you see, there’s this concept called taking them off?” You tease, bumping your body against his. “I could outrun you.”
The rest of your friends at the last house on the route are forgotten behind you as you near Steve’s.
“That so?”
“Mhmm.” you state simply, arms crossed against your chest and head held high.
“Say, you still ticklish around… here”
You squeal at the quick flicker of his fingers at the side of your waist, jumping away from him. You take wary steps backward as you move in front of him, hands slightly held out.
“You can outrun me, huh? Wanna test that?” he pushes, creeping closer to you with a mischievous smirk and sparkle in his eye. You’ve known him long enough to know he’s about to make you eat your words.
A quick flinch towards you sends you scurrying. With no chance to take off your heels, your strides are stifled as you run the short distance to Steve’s driveway as quickly as you can. Eddie follows closely behind, tickling your sensitive sides every chance he can get, giggling maniacally when it falters your steps as you flinch away. 
Everyone else on the street probably thinks you’re crazy, freaks. You aren’t paying them any attention anyway as the smile on your face begins hurting your cheeks, eyes zeroing in on Eddie’s van a few short paces away.
You throw yourself against it, but Eddie’s relentless. Going for both your sides at the same time as you turn around to face him, sending you into a fit of giggles as you feebly attempt to push him away.
You see your opportunity and quickly jab your fingers into his armpits, sending him back with a flinch and a chuckle. He gives up, leaning back against the van next to you as you both laugh between attempts to catch your breath.
You playfully smack his arm, earning a fake “Ouch” and one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen adorn his beautiful face.
“You asshole, Eddie-Bo-Beddie” you tease, emphasizing the pronunciation of your favorite personal nickname for him that he’s always claimed to hate. In truth, he loves it.
“Alright, alright. How’s about I share half my loot to make it up to you, what do you say?” he teases back with the plan you both knew was already going to happen anyway.
“Oh my god” you groan and roll your eyes, only making him to laugh more as you push yourself off the van with the rest of your friends quickly approaching.
“Ugh, they make me sick. I wish they’d just kiss already and get it over with.” Robin mumbles to Steve, pulling a laugh from him as he nods in agreement, watching the show you two have put on.
“Tell me about it.”
With both yours and the younger members of the party’s curfews approaching, you say your goodbyes to Robin and Steve. Embracing them both with tight hugs before piling into Eddie’s van.
Riding down the empty streets of Hawkins with the van windows cracked, the cool air a welcomed sensation against your warm cheeks. The smile never fading from your lips as the sounds of Metallica playing low through the van speakers and the chatter from the kids in the back fill your ears. Your head leaning back against the passenger seat headrest rolls to spare a glance to Eddie. His eyes meet yours, mimicking your smile and sending a shock wave right to your heart.
You make me feel like I am young again.
You sigh in content as you face the winding roads again, deciding this year just might be your favorite Halloween yet.
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Round Two
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Bob Seger and the Sliver Bullet Band 
Defeated opponents: Eric B. & Rakim
Formed in: 1973
Genres: Rock
Lineup: Bob Seger – vocals, guitar
Chris Campbell – bass
Craig Frost – organ, piano
Alto Reed – saxophone
Albums from the 80s:
Against the Wind (1980)
Nine Tonight (1981)
The Distance (1982)
Like a Rock (1986)
The Damned 
Defeated opponents: Great White
Formed in: 1976
Genres: Punk
Lineup: Dave Vanian – lead vocals
Roman Jugg – guitar, keyboards, vocals
Bryn Merrick – bass, backing vocals
Rat Scabies – drums
Albums from the 80s:
The Black Album (1980)
Strawberries (1982)
Phantasmagoria (1985)
Anything (1986)
Propaganda:  The Damned propaganda because goths should fight for their faves to the last drop of blood, there's no other way. First, they have all the types of guy you can imagine, like it's some wild option. Second, Dave Vanian for sure looked good for 131 y.o.
I don’t really know how this propaganda fits in but I think it’s cool
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halloween-central · 9 months
🔮 Spooky Watchlist 🔮
I figured I’d share what I tend to watch around this time of year! This includes a wide range of shows/movies ranging from family friendly to rated R stuff so there’s something for everyone! That being said, I know not everyone will like everything I listed, please be kind!
Over the Garden Wall
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Scooby Doo
Scream Queens
What We Do in the Shadows
X Files
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Halloween/ Spooky Episodes:
season 2 episode 6 (Halloween)
season 4 episode 4 (Fear Itself)
season 4 episode 10 (Hush)
season 5 episode 1 (Buffy vs. Dracula)
season 6 episode 6 (All the Way)
Suite Life of Zack and Cody:
season 1 episode 19 (The Ghost of Suite 613)
season 3 episode 12 (Arwinstein)
Simpsons TreeHouse of Horror
(I’m not gonna list all of these because there are over 30)
That 70s Show:
season 2 episode 5 (Halloween)
season 3 episode 4 (Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too Young to Die)
Wizards of Waverly Place:
season 3 episode 2 (Halloween)
season 1 episode 7 (iScream on Halloween)
Zoey 101:
season 2 episode 4 (Haunted House)
Scream (1996) (franchise)
Halloween (1978) (franchise)
Twitches (2005)
My Babysitter’s a Vampire (2010)
Halloweentown (1998)
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Corpse Bride (2005)
The Addams Family (1991)
Addams Family Values (1993)
Scooby Doo (2002)
Scooby Doo Monsters Unleashed (2004)
Scooby Doo Camp Scare (2010)
Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost (1999)
Scooby Doo and the Goblin King (2008)
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island (1998)
Scooby Doo Abracadabra Doo (2010)
Scooby Doo Alien Invaders (2000)
Scooby Doo Legend of the Vampire (2003)
Coraline (2009)
Jennifer’s Body (2009)
Van Helsing (2004)
Blade (1998)
Underworld (2003) (film series)
Practical Magic (1998)
Clue (1985)
Zombieland (2009)
Zombieland Double Tap (2019)
Happy Death Day (2017)
Freaky (2020)
Fear Street (film series starting in 2021)
Ready or Not (2019)
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place II (2020)
It (1990)
It (2017)
The Omen (1976)
Poltergeist (1982)
The Shining (1980)
The Evil Dead (1981)
Evil Dead II (1987)
The Exorcist (1973)
Horror of Dracula (1958)
Vampyr (1932)
The Birds (1963)
Rear Window (1954)
Vertigo (1958)
Psycho (1960)
Silver Bullet (1985)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
I know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
Prom Night (1980)
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976)
Jeepers Creepers (2001) (this is a series but I’ve only ever seen the first two)
American Psycho (2000)
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Cloverfield (2008)
Paranormal Activity (2007) (also a series but I’ve only seen the first one)
Blair Witch Project (1999) (tbh I have never seen this I’m too scared)
Feel free to add anything you think I might have missed!
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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Top 30 Movies that I discovered in 2023 (but not released in 2023) :
Pandora and The Flying Dutchman (Albert Lewin, UK, 1951)
Summertime (David Lean, USA/UK, 1955)
Tea and Sympathy (Vincente Minnelli, USA, 1956)
Murder by Contract (Irving Lerner, USA, 1958)
Nothing But a Man (Michael Roemer, USA, 1964)
Scattered Clouds (Mikio Naruse, Japan, 1967)
Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (John D. Hancock, USA, 1971)
The Hired Hand (Peter Fonda, USA, 1971)
The effect of Gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds (Paul Newman, USA, 1972)
Chilly Scenes of Winter (Joan Micklin Silver, USA, 1979)
Being There (Hal Ashby, USA, 1979)
El Sur (Víctor Erice, Spain, 1983)
El Norte (Gregory Nava, UK/USA, 1983)
Vigil (Vincent Ward, New Zealand, 1984)
Choose Me (Alan Rudolph, USA, 1984)
Desert Hearts (Donna Deitch, USA, 1985)
Anguish (Bigas Luna, Espagne, 1987)
The Vanishing (George Sluizer, France/Netherlands,1988)
Chameleon Street (Wendell B. Harris Jr., USA, 1989)
Proof (Jocelyn Moorhouse, Australia, 1991) 
Ninja Scroll (Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Japan, 1993)
Suture (Scott McGehee & David Siegel, USA, 1993)
What Happened Was... (Tom Noonan, USA, 1994)
Leaving Las Vegas (Mike Figgis, USA, 1995)
August in the Water (Sogo Ishii, Japan, 1995)
Shall We Dance ? (Masayuki Suo, Japan, 1996)
Made in Hong Kong (Fruit Chan, Hong Kong, 1997)
Bullets Over Summer (Wilson Yip, Hong-Kong, 1999)
To the Left of the Father (Luiz Fernando Carvalho, Brazil, 2001)
Dead End (Jean-Baptiste Andrea & Fabrice Capepa, France/USA, 2003)
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brokehorrorfan · 9 months
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Silver Bullet will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on November 21 via Scream Factory. The 1985 werewolf movie is based on Stephen King's 1983 novella Cycle of the Werewolf.
Dan Attias (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Entourage) directs from a script written by King. Corey Haim, Gary Busey, Everett McGill, and Megan Follows star. Dino De Laurentiis (Army of Darkness, King Kong) produces.
Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
In Stephen King’s thrilling adaptation of his novelette, Cycle of the Werewolf, a peaceful town is suddenly terrorized by a maniacal killer. The townsfolk think a madman is on the loose, but a wheelchair-bound 13-year-old (Corey Haim) knows the truth … a werewolf is on the hunt. With the help of his Uncle Red (Gary Busey), young Marty Coslaw sets out to stop the half-man/half-beast before he sinks his teeth into another innocent victim. Now, time is ticking … and the full moon is about to rise.
Pre-order Silver Bullet.
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fanofspooky · 9 months
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365 horror movies day 337:
Silver Bullet
The last full moon of that Spring came a little more than a month before school let out for Summer vacation. Our town's long nightmare began that night.
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nockergeek · 8 months
For the past two years, my partner and I have spent October watching horror movies. Some are films we know, others are new to us. Each year, we try to theme the movies; 2021 had Undead October (all vampires, zombies, and ghosts), and 2022 had Otherworldly October (all threats from space or other planes of reality).
2023’s theme? Kingtober - all movies based on stories by Stephen King.
We try to watch a movie everyday, but sometimes life gets in the way. The last two years, we’ve ended up with around 21 movies watched. We’re just shy of three weeks in, and up to 14 movies.
Our reviews so far:
(Note: these reviews are our opinions. As always, your mileage and tastes may vary.)
Movie 1: Carrie (1976). Stephen King’s first published novel, the first film adaptation of his work, and one of the best. The direction and cinematography is fantastic, and while maybe not scary, it tells a tragic tale of a girl victimized on all sides. Highly recommended. A.
Movie 2: The Shining (1980). I’m a fan of the book, and… I have notes. I’m with King on this one - Kubrick did not make a good adaptation. He has a great sense of framing shots, but no sense of humanity. Jack’s slide into madness feels more like a facade cracking. C at best.
(Yeah, that one’s going to be controversial. I know it’s a very famous film, and Kubrick is a director with vision, but I don’t feel like he gets people well. Also knowing what he did to Shelley Duvall makes it hard to watch her scenes.)
Movie 3: Doctor Sleep (2019). An intriguing sequel to The Shining, and you definitely need to have seen that film to appreciate the visuals in this one. Better characters, but a far more complex plot that doesn’t quite fire on all cylinders. Decent use of Chekov’s boxes, though. A high B-.
Movie 4: Silver Bullet (1985). A passable popcorn werewolf movie. Good story (Cycle of the Werewolf is a good novella) marred by some rough acting, uneven pacing, and some really bad effects. I’m guessing they didn’t have Rick Baker werewolf money. A solid C+, and very watchable.
Movie 5: Cat’s Eye (1985). A perfectly serviceable anthology with two thrillers based on short stories, and one new kid’s fantasy/horror story. Really only marred by horrible synth music. It would get a B, but Drew Barrymore gets flipped off by a troll, so it gets an automatic A+.
Movie 6: The Dead Zone (1983). One of the best King adaptations so far, easily up there with Carrie. David Cronenberg is a fantastic director, and he and Christopher Walken tell Johnny Smith’s tragic story of unwanted psychic visions with craft and grace. This one gets a solid A.
Movie 7: Creepshow (1982). George Romero and Stephen King’s homage to old EC horror comics. It’s intentionally campy and wonderfully stylish, with vivid colors and dark comedy throughout. Good use of animated interludes, which really drives home the comic book feel. A fun B+.
Movie 8: Christine (1983). The tale of a boy and his evil, possessed, regenerating murder car. John Carpenter does a great job adapting the book to film, and has some fantastic shots, the best of which is Christine in flames chasing a bully down like the devil itself. Another solid A.
Movie 9: Children of the Corn (1984). Wow, this movie was bad. Poor pacing, terrible effects, high-school-level acting, multiple characters making dumb decisions, and odd exposition kids ruin what is otherwise a neat concept. Such a letdown after the last two films. D-.
Movie 10: It (2017). This one was solid, a very good adaptation. It did a good job of ratcheting up the terror, making you want to see how It was going to mess with the members of the Losers Club, and had good character arcs too. Let’s hope Part 2 holds up as well. This one gets an A.
Movie 11: It Part 2 (2019). So, yeah, the follow-up was just about as good as the first one. Excellent pacing with moments to breathe and laugh between the horrors, and a surprising amount to say about trauma and healing. Maybe a bit overlong, but still good. B+.
Movie 12: Graveyard Shift (1990). A movie about an old textile mill with one hell of a rat problem. This one is both over- and under-acted at the same time, and the lead has zero presence or charisma. Mildly entertaining, though, in a campy way. Still better than Children of the Corn. C-.
Movie 13: 1408 (2007). One skeptical writer vs. the most evil room ever. Purely psychological/paranormal horror, and excellently written and acted. Lots of fake outs and mean-spirited twists in this smallest of haunted houses. Among the best we’ve watched so far, and an easy A.
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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It must be a full moon tonight. This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we check out Stephen King and Bernie Wrightson’s Cycle of the Werewolf (1983). Born as a concept for a novelty calendar, it blossomed into an illustrated novella that is one of the finest modern werewolf stories and contains some of Wrightson’s best illustrations. We also talk more broadly about King’s career and unearth a surprising fact or two about the 1985 film adaptation of Cycle, Silver Bullet.
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gorgynei · 1 year
Do you have any werewolf media recommendations? Books, shows, movies, anything regardless of age. I really need something to sink my teeth into, and you know your werewolf stuff.
oh YES i definitely do. here's a list of stuff i enjoy and recommend, grouped by type for ease, with my personal favorites starred ^_^ these range from very very good to mediocre but fun to watch anyway
SHOWS: teen wolf (2011-2017), wolfblood (2012-2017)
MOVIES: an american werewolf in london (1981)* , werewolves within (2021), wolfwalkers (2020)*, viking wolf/vikingulven (2022), silver bullet (1985), ginger snaps (2000)*, wolf children (2012)*, dog soldiers (2002)
BOOKS: lycanthropy and other chronic illnesses by kristen o'neal*, rules for werewolves by kirk lynn*
also worth noting are the werewolf pride movement by caitlyn b. giacopasi and the werewolf: past and future by maegan a. stebbins which are much more like theses than media, but great reads if you want really awesome historical analysis of werewolves
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monstersonscreen · 2 months
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Carlo Rambaldi was hired by Dino De Laurentiis to realize the main werewolf in Silver Bullet (1985), the cinematic adaptation of Stephen King's Cycle of the Werewolf novella.
Rambaldi's original design for the werewolf was this rather ape-like design, but De Laurentiis was unimpressed and forced him to start over. Just one example of De Laurentiis' interference on the film.
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ryelleart · 2 years
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What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger…
Okay, so here’s the context behind this piece: this whole thing began when I came across Matt Ryan Tobin’s alternative poster for the 1985 horror movie “Silver Bullet”, which (surprise, surprise) is about a werewolf killing a bunch of people
I thought this poster was so cool (much better than the actual poster, imo), and bc I was suffering from The Quarry brainrot for a couple of weeks at that point, I thought “hey, this would be pretty cool if it was The Quarry themed”
And so, I sat down and began drawing immediately. Nearly a month later, this project could finally be deemed finished! I couldn’t share this on August 22nd like I originally planned, so I figured the next best time would be on Halloween
I had a lot of fun recreating this awesome movie poster, and I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I do!
Edit: I had to fix the IG link bc something went wrong
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