#sim: mandarin
saruin · 2 years
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Kickin' ass is just a hobby
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jacky93sims · 1 year
ONI Korean Food for The Sims 2 (Part 1)
These are 4to2 conversions from ONI, low poly. Everything is available for lunch and dinner.
In this first set you will find: kaninabe, kimchi jigae , crab rangoon, kimchi fried rice and mandarin orange roll cake.
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510 notes · View notes
rstarsims3 · 27 days
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TS3 - Electric - Male CAS set - Download
General details:
Original meshes by me;
Age: (young) adults;
Base Game compatible;
All LODs & Morphs;
Disabled for random;
2k textures;
Normal maps included;
Custom thumbnails for both Launcher and CAS;
sims3pack & package files;
Meshed with Blender, adapted to TS3 with Milkshape, Photoshop, Corel painter, TSRW.
► Tucked In Button Up Shirt
Poly: 3,7k
Tops section;
3 presets, 2 recolorable channels;
Categories: Everyday, Formal.
►  Mandarin Collar Button Up Shirt
Poly: 3,7k;
Tops section;
3 presets, 2 recolorable channels;
Categories: Everyday, Formal.
►  Open Shirt
Poly: 4,1k;
Tops section;
3 presets, 4 recolorable channels.
Categories: Everyday, Athletic.
►  Ankle Length Slacks
Poly: 1,0k;
Bottoms section;
3 presets, 1 recolorable channel.
Categories: Everyday, Formal, Outerwear.
►  Classic Jeans
Poly: 1,1k;
Bottoms section;
3 presets, 1 recolorable channel.
Categories: Everyday, Formal, Outerwear.
►  Ankle Sneakers
Poly: 2,8k;
Shoes section;
3 presets, 4 recolorable channels.
Categories: Everyday, Athletic, Outerwear.
Note: Sorry for the pixelated previews, I forgot to turn on edge smoothing. Noticed only when I was already editing the pics in PS. Hope it's not too annoying.
Download on PATREON (Early Access; public on June 1st, 2024)
Hope you enjoy them!
Thank you & Happy Simming!
You can also support me on Ko-fi.
Thank you to my supporters on Patreon & Ko-fi!
TOU 🔊 Do not re-upload my creations. Do not claim as your own. Do not put them anywhere up for download and don’t add adfly to my links.
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love-3-crimes · 4 months
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Hey cj fandom! It's currently the 29th of January, which means that yesterday was the last day of the week long strike for Palestine. I apologize for not making a more official post for this earlier. I just wanted to come on here to try to sort of give ideas for what you can do to support Palestinians that should either not require money or just a small amount, and that I have personally done before.
For boycotting, there is an app called "No Thanks" (Here's a link to my original post) that tells you whether something is on the boycott list just by scanning the barcode. Very easy to use and it should be available on most phones.
For more information on propaganda and anti-Palestine talking points, I recommend reading Advocating for Palestine. It's a very short booklet, about 16 pages, and it comes in English, Arabic, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin.
One way to get your voice heard is by contacting your representatives. Emailing, calling, anything to get their attention! The way to contact them will depend on which country you live in. For Americans, if you don't know who your representative is, use the congress find-your-member website, put your city/state, and a list of members will pop up with their info!
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For the Australian representatives, use this website for the list of members, and for Europe there is a website called Voices in Europe for Peace that helps you get in touch with officials from your country. (It also has template you can copy and paste which is pretty cool!)
Now for E-SIMS! I'll be honest about this one, I don't know much about how these work exactly, but!!! I was given a link to this tweet that has a pretty good step-by-step of how to get E-SIMS to people in Gaza who need them! Though from what I've seen, they take about a month to activate and be used, so just a warning.
And, of course, the once-a-day click to help the UNRWA, who have been helping Palestinian refugees for many, many years. This one is especially important right now, as many countries have cut funding to them (more on this post)
One of the most important things you can do right now is listen and learn. Listen to Palestinian voices, uplift them, read their poems and stories and look at their art. Remember that they are human too. They are still alive! Don't forget about them, please.
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loosiap · 9 months
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1) am- and embodymayor replaced with TS4 EP10 Corporate Worker converted by DeeDee-sims
everyday and formal categories; unhidden; townie disabled like original files; normal shoe sound; am enabled for y.adults; fat morph for all, preg morph for adults; polycount 4.2k; both in one file, I can seprate if someone needs
2) af- and efbodymayor replaced with TS4 Blazer Open Collar Tucked + Pants Pressed Belt mashup by Rented-Space
everyday and formal categories; unhidden; townie disabled like original files; heels shoe sound; af enabled for y.adults; fat morph for all, preg morph for adults; polycount 3.8k; a/a I can seprate if someone asks
3) af- and efbodypowersuit replaced with Classic Suit Mandarin Collar mashup mesh by Goatskickin
everyday and formal categories; unhidden; townie disabled like original files; heels shoe sound; af enabled for y.adults; fat morph for all, preg morph for adults; polycount 3.4k; a/a
Credits: EAMaxis, MDPthatsme (1, 2), @deedee-sims, @rented-space (2, 3), Janika31, @goatskickin​, SimmieV and Birba32 for ties’ textures I stole I used to make mine
AM and EMbody mayor (base game):
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AF and EFbody mayor (base game):
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I tried to make my recolours to resamble navy shade in Maxis’ male mayor outfit for both M and F defaults, it is tiny bit lighter because that way quality of texture looked better
AF and EFbody powersuit (base game):
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157 notes · View notes
thegildedbee · 10 days
Fire/Night: May 20 & 21 Prompts from @calaisreno
[This current chapter and the previous ones are on Ao3.]
............................................................................................... As he begins to step off the train, Sherlock uncurls his fingers to let his mobile slide from his hand into the open space between the train carriage and the pavement's edge — although he’s removed the sim card, best not to have anything to hand that has an identification number since he's unsure as to what dangers lie ahead. He’s now untethered from communications, and about to step out onto a naked stage to begin a scene for which he does not have a script, although others surely do. He looks about with a keen eye, seeking to identify his contact – ah, there he is, it seems, a man perhaps a decade younger than himself, dressed neatly but inconspicuously, in black jeans and a heavy navy wool jacket, the asymmetrical opening buttoned closed at the shoulder. Sherlock inclines his head, as does the other man in response.
When Sherlock nears the path leading to the car park, the man toward whom he’s heading begins unfastening the coat, causing Sherlock to slow his stride and shift his weight, looking stealthily toward his left to identify any obstacles should he suddenly need to begin an evasive maneuver.
The man shakes his head slightly, and places his hand, fingers spread and pressed flat against his heart, for a brief moment, and then holds up his index finger. Looking closely, Sherlock sees that he is wearing a vibrant blue shirt, patterned with silver-outlined cranes. He calms, and awards points to his contact; nice touch, that. Although he subtracts points for needlessly tripping the threat alarm of a person on approach.
“Dr. Scott?” the stranger inquires, clearly expecting the nod of confirmation that Sherlock gives; he seems to have been at least minimally briefed. Sherlock hopes that this means they’re not flying blind.
“Greetings, sir. I am Ceba Trungpa, education section head of The Council for the Preservation of Sacred Cranes, at your service – I am here to help you complete your itinerary for the day,” he says pleasantly, speaking in Mandarin. With two hands, he holds out his business card and bows slightly; Sherlock accepts the card in the same manner, including responding with a careful bow. The front, written in English, is straightforward: name, title, organization. These words also appear on the back, although this time in Mandarin, and in a smaller font, to make room for some additional lines, which look to be numbers related to addresses and mobile contact details. Shorn of the letters, however, Sherlock decodes the numerals as indicating map coordinates; it’s not likely to be a coincidence, for the result works out to be roughly five miles from where they now stand, in a slightly northeasterly direction. He scrutinizes the card further, but concludes that he’s extracted all the information to be had, which leaves him only marginally less in the dark.
“I am grateful for your assistance, Mr. Trungpa,” Sherlock replies, also in Mandarin. “As you have been informed, I have come from Shigatse, where, out in the field, I was honored to have seen four pairs of the noble black-necked crane nesting safely. A rare privilege.”
Trungpa does up his coat, and nods his head. “Indeed, you are quite fortunate to have been absent from Lhasa in such safe surroundings, and to have been able to view such a high-priority scene -- a very fine outcome,” he says blandly, with an affable smile. “Black-necked cranes are remarkable creatures, as you know. Beautiful and fascinating in themselves, but also a flagship species for assessing the environmental status of the Tibetan plateau. Your photographs and field observations are most welcome, and it is certain that they will be of significant interest to many.” He gestures toward the car park. “If you are ready to join me, please come this way; my vehicle is at the far end from where we are – the jeep near the entrance. Do you see?”
“Yes, I do. Thank you. If I may, what is our itinerary?”
“Of course. You are to finish your day by visiting Drak Yerpa, a Buddhist pilgrimage site, located in a valley on the northern bank of the Kyichu. It will take us perhaps an hour to arrive there. It consists of a monastery and a number of ancient meditation caves, carved into the steep limestone cliffs. As you may have read, it was created in the seventh century, and at one time housed several hundred monks. Nearly all was destroyed when the Chinese came; but the caves remain, and there has been rebuilding. In our own time, ten monks have permission from the authorities to be in residence. I can assure you that it is a remarkable introduction to the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.”
Sherlock takes this in, wondering what advantage will be gained by this turn of events. “This sounds most intriguing. I thank you for this opportunity for enlightenment.”
Trungpa halts briefly, looking closely at Sherlock with an air of gravity as he also comes to a stop. "It was thought this would be an excellent place for you to begin your departure from Lhasa. In addition to exploring the site, there are many interesting bird species in the area – pheasants, finches, sparrows, larks, partridges, geese, vultures.”
“I see,” Sherlock says slowly, not sure that he does. If the man is an operative of some sort, he is giving almost nothing away; he is doing a commendable job of seeming to be nothing more than what his putative business card says he is.
“Am I correct that I will be required to trek beyond the monastery site itself in quest of these sights?”
“Yes, you are indeed correct. In particular, if you proceed some distance away, after dusk you will encounter a Blackhawk.”
And there it is, Sherlock thinks to himself, the sum and substance of this foray. He tries to convey by the slight nod of his head that he understands the import of that last statement.
"And will you be joining me for that later portion of the schedule?” he says mildly, mentally inching his way toward a determination of what the mechanics will be that bring his visit to Tibet to its end. He is very nearly sure that these developments are being overseen by his brother, but he remains wary of assuming too much, too soon, lest he make a ruinous error.
Trungpa begins moving forward, and bids Sherlock continue with him. "I regret to say that will not be possible. I will be leaving near 17.30, when Drak Yerpa closes for visitation. Prior to this I will convey information regarding which direction it would be most profitable for you to proceed in order to have maximum success.”
When they reach the vehicle, Trungpa indicates that Sherlock should seat himself in the back, while he takes the wheel. Once they are both settled, he adds, “I should note that the elevation will increase another one thousand metres as compared to our current altitude. You will need to pace yourself accordingly. For now, please, just sit back and rest.”
The barest of outlines seems to be coming into view, Sherlock muses; he will need to hike a mile or so beyond the caves, using his compass to find the exact placement. If he has not been deceived – either deliberately, or through his own miscalculation – a Blackhawk helicopter will arrive to extract him soon after nightfall.
“That is excellent advice. I have indeed found the altitude to be challenging.” Contemplating the rendezvous to come, he asks, casually, “Are there 'bears' in the vicinity? Would one need to have some sort of weapon to hand?” He carries several, not least an intimidating knife concealed in his right boot. Best to know if trouble is expected.
“According to my current information, it is highly unlikely, and you need not concern yourself with such a scenario,” Trungpa answers, making eye contact with Sherlock in the mirror. He turns slightly to look at him person, his eyes taking on a teasing glint. “Nor do you need fear encountering a Yeti.”
“Good to know,” Sherlock says with a chuckle. He settles back into the seat, and pulls a banknote from a trouser pocket, and in self-soothing gestures, folds it, then unfolds it, smooths it out, and then folds it again to occupy his hands. He closes his eyes, and internally surveys the disordered pathway to the Asian museum exhibit space in his mind palace.
On the passing of the half-hour, he opens his eyes, and scans the passing landscape of grazing yaks and small farms amidst the winding roadway. He wishes he knew more specifically the cause of the instruction that he steer clear of his hotel, and to continue on as Dr. William Scott, rather than re-inhabiting Gabriel Vernet's persona. He has been careful to try and keep under the radar of Moriarty's network by engaging only lower and middle level confederates to date, and by spreading his efforts widely, dispersed across great distances. He has been keen to avoid establishing data points that might make a pattern of effort evident, attracting attention from the leadership, and prompting reconsiderations of his status as deceased. He is anxious to learn what he may have done wrong, and whether it will affect what comes next.
Upon their arrival, Trungpa suggests they stop at the teahouse situated below the cave complex. Although his stomach is reluctant to receive food, Sherlock knows that eating at least a small meal will help fortify him for whatever complications may lie ahead, and so he chooses some meat and cheese dumplings and sweet tea. As he watches Trungpa pay up front for their orders, he catches a glimpse of a piece of paper being passed to him, and reminds himself to stay alert.
During their long climb to the caves, and then as they tread along the extensive trail that connects them, they cross paths with very few people. As a guide, Trungpa is quite knowledgeable, explaining the meanings behind various statues and wall paintings, as well as stories that have been handed down from past centuries that assign specific caves to having been inhabited by particular holy men for years in meditative retreat.
It is said that one of these very monks from the ninth century spent years in solitary meditation in one of the caves, until mounting a horse and riding to the emperor's palace, where he shot an arrow through the heart of the man who would be the last ruler of the Tibetan empire, assassinated for his hostility to Buddhism, his death ushering in what came to be known as the Era of Fragmentation. Trungpa relates that he then returned to spend further years in meditation, having eluded capture by escaping to the riverbank, whereupon he reversed his black robe so that the white lining was now visible, and in wading his horse through the river, the charcoal he had used to color the animal black was washed away. There is another tale, which gives the horse's name as Silver Blaze, in honor of the speed with which his hooves pounded across the plateau, as swift as a flashing sword. Sherlock senses that his companion is particularly invested in this story, and he wonders if it resonates as more than sacred history, but also as an image that symbolizes a vein of resistance to the Chinese occupation of what their leaders style as the Autonomous Region of Tibet.
As they approach one of the furthest caves, Trungpa indicates that they should move behind a crag a short distance beyond, which will shield them from view. It is a location that opens out onto rocky terrain, which Sherlock grasps is where he will begin his trek. His guide verifies that the business card reveals map coordinates, and gives Sherlock a basic orientation to the topography that lies before him. He shakes Sherlock’s hand, and passes on the paper that he had received below. He has been told that the message contains no information of immediate necessity, and suggests that Sherlock make haste to move toward the meeting point, and only then, when safely arrived, read the message. He then speaks several sentences in Tibetan, places the palms of his hands together and bows, and lastly uses English to ask that the next phase of Sherlock's journey be auspicious, safe, and marked by good fortune.
Sherlock draws out a leather wallet and places the paper inside, and then draws a paper object of his own from his jacket pocket. He presents Trungpa with the banknote that he had been toying with inside the jeep, which he had fashioned into an origami crane. He, too, bids his companion safe travels and good fortune, and bows, and then swiftly sets to make his way without looking back. The sun is beginning to dip below the horizon, casting long bruise-colored shadows from the slopes of the mountains, while at the same time coloring the snow-covered peaks as if they are on fire.
He hopes that his camouflaged field jacket will aid him in making his way to the site without being noticed, until the night's sweeping robe of darkness hides him from view, as he waits to meet whatever fate has in store for him.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @friday411 @peanitbear @original-welovethebeekeeper
@helloliriels @a-victorian-girl @keirgreeneyes @starrla89 @naefelldaurk
@topsyturvy-turtely @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @jobooksncoffee @meetinginsamarra
@solarmama-plantsareneat @bluebellofbakerstreet @dragonnan @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jolieblack
@msladysmith @ninasnakie @riversong912 @dapetty
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sageceleste · 8 months
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favorite male cc finds!✨ with 60+ links | Sims 4 Custom Content Haul (Maxis Match)
find all of my cc finds for male sims below! watch full video here & the pinterest board for this cc haul.
CC Links
Sebastian Hair 
Max Hair
Hugh Hair
Funke Hair
Dennis Hair
Marco Hair
Paulson Hair
Carl Hair
Christian Hair
Silas Hair
Charles Hair
Rowan Hair
Fabio Hair
Keith Hair
Pedro Hair
Leander Hair
Accessories & shoes
Timothy Glasses
Dad Glasses
Moon Chain earrings
Grayson necklace
Alexander necklace 
Horololo glasses
Constant necklace
Men’s shoe collection
Old skool sneakers
Misfit bucket hat
Suspended pants
New shapes pants
Bloom set
Cadet collar sweatshirt
London shirt
Short sleeve cardigan
Double button formal set
Replay suit set
Hoodie shirt 
Mandarin collar shirt
Puffer vest v1
Bomber jacket
Take off pants
Inferno shirt
V-neck shirt
Slim fit jeans
Incheon arrivals addons
High school years addons
Accessory shirts
Tank top
Austin jeans
Casey cargo pants
Taemin pants
Macchiato sweatsuit
Insomnia jacket v2
Daisy chain snowy escape recolor
Equinox collection
Supercut outfit
First fits kit addons
Tied shirt
Nelson vest
Yosemite acc shirt
Nathan top
Lucas top
121 notes · View notes
thevampirearchive · 4 months
I blog for the black girls who want to learn multiple languages, but after a consistant 15 days or so of portoguese, we just fall off and somehow still wonder why we arent fluent in Mandarin, Zulu, Spanish, Japanese, Portogese, Lingala, Greek or Twi.
I blog for the black girls who use sims as a form of therapy, whether it is building for therapeutic properties, making our sims live perfect lives as chef-interiordesigner-leader of the free world-scientic-doctor influencer or simply placing characters in the pool with no ladder. I blog for the black girls who
I blog for the black girls who were super into anime, and forwhatever reason (shame, bullying, internalized misoganoir, lonliness or life being too stressfull) stopped wacthing it, but as life calmed down and we started to find ourselves again, we started to return back to shows and movies we've missed or never finished. Shoutout to Megan!
I blog for the black girls who are on one hand super artistic, expressive and multifacited - and somehow still find ourselves overwhelmed, stressed and feeling uncapable when starting new projects, wanting to finish projects or simply existing in a world where our 101% may still not cut it. I am always rooting for us, at our best, mediocer or even worst! Because we too deserve to be humanized, not just celebrated when we've reached hights so great nobody can ignore us (even though some try to)
I blog for the black girls who love Lana Del Rey
I blog for the black girls who are super into hermatic teaching, esoteric's, spirituality and such, and sometimes don't have community to truly talk about these things outside of maybe a few selct spaces.
I blog for the black girls who watch horror movies alone, still love watching Scooby Doo and will also watch Baddies West or Married to Medicin when the urge kicks in.
I blog for the black girls who still are on Tumblr, tweet and enjoy our own company alone in our rooms. We aren't actual loners, just realized this is a better way for us then others. We have friends, few, and are learning to come to terms with the fact that quality is better then quantity, even if that means being alone for a season or two till we find our people (online or offline)
I blog for the black girls who are trying to heal from their motherwounds, relations with black woman and their own black feminity because the world tried so hard to teach us to hate it and eachother.
I blog for the black girls who don't feel like we were understood, always surrounded by people who were like us but didnt look like us (which came with it's own set of challanges and psycological damage). But as time goes by, we learn that there are more of us.
I blog for the black girls who were told they were weird, agressive, not ptetty enough, while also being sexualized, hypermasculanized and tone-policed. Our versitility confused people, and it is first now as adult we realize that isn't our problem lol. Keep up or piss off.
I blog for the black girls who make powerpoint slides for nobody, lol, just organizing life, putting together visual moodboards of dreams, goals and ideas.
I blog for the black girls who wish to become so many things yet are paralized by choice. Even with 10 degrees, we know itll still be an uphill battle to get to where we wanna be, even if we do deserve it and are the best for said roles. So pls, get that PHD, MD, and whatever else your heart desires, the world will hate it and push regardless, might as well be happy.
I blog for the black girls who don't think therapy would work for us, because as much as it has evolved throughout time, we do not truly belive that our complex identities and who we are as individuals can be understood by others but ourseves (especially if we have had astranged fathers, grew up in PWI, dark skinned, eldest daughter or only daughter)
I blog for the black girls who were overachivers, super smart, creative and articulate!
I blog for the black girls who are Twilight stans, #TeamEdward
I blog for the black girls who loved supernatural shows, medieval shows and movies! Even when there were little to no black representation!
I blog for the black girls who makes everybody black in our minds when reaidng, because why not (unless specifically said to be POC, they black lol)
I blog for the black girls who are shy, but are lowkey ambiverts but have realized being their versitiled full ranged-of-emotions-having (aka human) means they'll be expected to always perform, be happy and there will be no room for the "I am just existing, not mad, not upset, this is just my face when I am chilling". So to avoid having to explain that we too are human, we just say little and keep it pushing. Sigh I see us!
I blog for the black girls who have absent fathers but it's okay because those fathers lowkey suck so it's probably for the best.
I blog for the black girls who are aspiring authors!
I blog for the black girls who talk to themselves, outloud, laugh and dance alone in their bedroom - YES, GIVE THAT CROWED THE BEST CONCERT EXPERIENCE!
I blog for the black girls who's first anime was DBZ so now we have infinite patience for most plots (probably not One Piece tho lol)
I blog for the black girls who cannot go to sleep without a full cup of water knowing theyll need to pee in the middle of the night!
I blog for the black girls who have anemia. pls take your time queen, don't rush that getting up!
I blog for the black girls who love studio ghibli! And have been in love with Howl since a very very very very very young age. Wow, can't believ we are sister-wives. Love yall.
38 notes · View notes
insimniacreations · 2 years
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Functional Chipotle Custom Stall
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED*
**Dine Out and Discover University are Optional**
Super awesome, realistic Chipotle lots I highly recommend:Gawdly Sims, JRenae Gaming 
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Barbacoa Tacos
Carnitas Tacos
Chicken Tacos
Sofritas Tacos (vegetarian)
Steak Tacos
Barbacoa Burrito
Chicken Burrito
Steak Burrito
Sofritas Burrito (vegetarian)
Pollo Asado Burrito
Burrito Bowls:
Carnitas Burrito Bowl
Steak Burrito Bowl
Chicken Burrito Bowl
Barbacoa Burrito Bowl
Sofritas Burrito Bowl (vegetarian)
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Sides & Drinks: (all vegetarian safe)
Organic Berry Agua Fresca
Organic Lemonade
Organic Mandarin Agua Fresca
Organic Watermelon Limeade
Fountain Drink
Chips & Guacamole
Chips & Queso Blanco
Chips & Fresh Tomato Salsa
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Please do not include my items in uploaded builds. Link back to my Patreon page for others to download separately
Please do not recolor, convert, and/or edit my meshes
Please do not reupload
Now on Early Access. Public Release: 7/6 @ 5pm EST
829 notes · View notes
ao3feed-jonmartin · 5 months
juice of mandarins
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0JnZXOL by marveling_under_an_open_sky “Martin.” Jon stops. “You’re…trans, right?”   Martin stiffens, all the blessed peace that the past few minutes have given him evaporating as his brain shoots off in two separate directions. First is—well, terror, obviously. You take a naturally anxious person and they end up trans, not exactly a recipe for a lot of restful nights, thanks. Jon’s never given any indication that he might be transphobic, never calling Martin by the wrong name even though he hadn’t been able to legally get it changed until six months after he started working at the Archives, and he didn’t so much as blink when he saw Sasha pass a tampon to Martin one time. But still. Martin and fear are old, old friends.   The second direction is just mild incredulity at the tentativeness of the question. No, Jon, I’ve had a transgender pride flag on my desk for the past two years just because I liked the colours. Martin gets a call from Jon. Nothing about what follows goes anything like the way he expected. Words: 3644, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: Trans Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Trans Martin Blackwood, Pre-Slash, Touch-Starved Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Pining Martin Blackwood, Season/Series 03, Pre-The Unknowing (The Magnus Archives), Angst, minor canon divergence - martin can drive, and what's more he can afford a car!, Gender Dysphoria, Bittersweet Ending read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0JnZXOL
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lochlander · 5 months
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After some misadventures with the stove, Guadalupe is ready to introduce herself and her fellow future homesteaders.
Guadalupe Herrera Cruz grew up in Texas. Her father was the type to insist on Texas's independence--Señor Herrera had fought in the Texas Revolution against Mexico, a badge of glory that he kept with him long past the days when Texas traded in its independence for the support of the United States. One of the strongest principles of the leaders of that Revolution, which he passed along to Lupe and her siblings, was his opposition to slavery of any kind. When the Civil War started and Texas joined on the side of the Confederacy, Lupe knew she could no longer stay in the Lone Star State. She worked as a housemaid in Boston throughout the war, befriending a young teaching student. When Éireann told her she was bound for Montana, Lupe decided she was ready for her own fresh start.
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Did you know that Filipinos were the first documented Asian travelers to North America? I didn't, until this challenge, but Maria Divina Hilaga could have told you. Her great-grandfather settled in Louisiana a decade before the Revolutionary War; her grandfather served in New Orleans during the War of 1812 (though the battle was in 1815). Divina has never seen the Philippines--she was born in Baton Rouge--but her family and her community have taught her a lot. She's fluent in English, Spanish, and Tagalog, knows enough French to tell you what for, and has passing use of Malay, Cebuano, Chavacano, and Mandarin. Divina's a knowledge sim who is always looking to learn something new; when she heard that local legend Antoinette Benoit had succeeded in her foolhardy plan to settle a parcel of land in Montana Territory, she knew the next place she wanted to learn about.
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With all that his companions have been through, Alessandro Rossi's journey to Kainai is relatively underwhelming. He didn't fight in any wars, he didn't flee any conflicts, he and his brothers had their own bedrooms in a well-furnished house next to the vineyard his Sicily-born father managed in Connecticut. Maybe that's why Alessandro came West--he felt he was too comfortable. If that's the case, then he's the latest in a long line of middle class people underestimating how much work the farming life takes; an old-fashioned cottagecore influencer, if you will. He's easily been at the host house the longest--and while he's building his hope chest, he's still figuring out what he plans to do with his future. Apparently frigid winters aren't great for wine grapes.
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 years
I thought that Pol 19 was the end of my research train, but nope, we're still going! The railway seems never-ending!
DISCLAIMER: This is not really a callout post. This is a warning to anyone who intends to download Lindasim's stuff. And a genuine one. I have nothing personal against Linda, this is only what I've found from my own deep dive into Linda's files. I have no proof that what I've found is stuff that Linda herself did, but the stuff does exist. And it's terrible.
You can find the shirt file I use for my 'research' post here. It's part of the reuploaded March 2021 set and from what I can see that entire set is a giant mess.
I discovered this weird glitchy CC from this video by @marticoresims so credit goes to them and their viewers for discovering the glitchiness of it, because I honestly don't think I'd ever have opened up this file otherwise.
I mean, it's pretty normal-looking, right? Cute, even. But it harbors a dark secret, more than just PT 19, who we met in my last research post.
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But there's a reason this image also exists. To haunt my nightmares instead of my waking moments.
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So, let's dive into this mess of a mesh file!
As always, I opened the mesh file first. And I think it's pretty obvious that this is no ordinary mesh file, because there's wayyy more than the 4 basic elements.
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Yep, as you may be able to tell from the OBJD, Age Data, and XTOL, Pollination Technician 19 has returned to haunt my every waking moment!
The real issue came to light when I checked the GMDCs.
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Do you recognise him? Because I sure do! It's my bestie, Fluffy! (You may want to watch Marticore's video to understand because he lives in my head rent-free. Lol.)
Yep, for some reason, this mesh file includes a sneaky little replacement of the adult dog body mesh. However, it's very... borked?
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Look how stretchy he is... he's still a good boy though...
I mean, I'm no dog expert, but I've owned dogs ever since I was a baby and have seen plenty of 'em. But I don't think Fluffy over here should exist anywhere except my nightmares.
Okay, so this shirt file contains a pretty scary replacement for the adult large dog body in TS2. Why should that stop me from downloading it? - some idiot in my ask box, probably, because I don't want to answer a million asks :]
Well, uh, did you miss that part about a hidden sim being in the file? We have not only a hidden broken pollination technician, now we also have gigantoborkodoggo!
So, yeah, I remember a lot of people getting excited and trying to track this shirt CC down when Marticore made her video. So I thought I'd spread the warning that even gigantoborkodoggo isn't a good reason to get Linda's leaked CC.
Because it's not just the mesh file here, but also all 40 recolors of the 'Mandarin' shirt, that are completely filled with hidden NPCs. The recolors don't have the dog replacement, though, because even the person who purposefully destroyed these files knows multiple DRs for one thing are very bad. How kind of them to think of our games 💖
If anyone knows where this giant dog mesh came from, please let me know, because I'd love to make a standalone version for April Fool's someday 👁
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revrealities · 18 hours
ℳ𝐲 ℒ𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 ( i date both in most of my drs )
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꒰ ੭ 𝒥𝐀𝐊𝐄
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꒰ ੭ birth name '! : sim jaeyun
꒰ ੭ nickname(s) '! : yunie, jakey, jae
꒰ ੭ other names '! : n/a
꒰ ੭ birthday '! : november 15th 2002
꒰ ੭ zodiac sign '! : scorpio
꒰ ੭ chinese zodiac '! : horse
ㄔ    ִ   ✰ other
꒰ ੭ mbti '! : istj
꒰ ੭ languages '! : english, korean, japanese, mandarin & french.
꒰ ੭ likes '! : layla , skateboarding, taking walks, playing video games
꒰ ੭ dislikes ! : mint chocolate, heights, loud noises.
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꒰ ੭ birth name '! : lee heeseung
꒰ ੭ nickname(s) '! : seungie, hee
꒰ ੭ other names '! : n/a
꒰ ੭ birthday '! : october 15th 2001
꒰ ੭ zodiac sign '! : libra
꒰ ੭ chinese zodiac '! : snake
ㄔ    ִ   ✰ other
꒰ ੭ mbti '! : istp
꒰ ੭ languages '! : korean, japanese, mandarin, and english
꒰ ੭ likes '! : ramen, skateboarding, reading, watching anime, playing video games , writing and composing music.
꒰ ੭ dislikes ! : small spaces and mint chocolate.
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ophernelia · 7 days
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Hey friend!!! Ily!!! Ummmmmmm I’ll do indiyah! I never do anything for her lol.
- Indiyah is Jamaican! She lived there for most of her life until her mom sent her to stay with her aunt for high school and college.
- She’s the oldest of her four siblings. They’re still back home. She’s the only one in the states.
- She’s allergic to cats but she can’t stay away from Sozin lol.
- She’s a dancerrrrr. Damn good at it too.
- She’s multilingual! She speaks a bit of French, Spanish, and mandarin.
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lizzisimss · 1 year
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Garret CC List:
Body: okruee-misc-face-details-SKINDETAIL, nesurii_lightitup-highlight, Simbience_HauteSkinblend, Sammi_xox - CookieDough_SkinBlend_Revamped, Pralinesims - UltimateEyebrowCollection_MaxisMatch, FashionRoyaltySims – Beard N01, PS - Eyes_N157
Accessories: Pralinesims - UltimatePiercingCollection, Pralinesims - UltimateGlassesCollection
Everyday: (sheabuttyr) - dez dreads, Amelylina – Private Top, serenity_am_OversizedCargos,  adrienpastel_SP34_sneakers_male
Formal: (sheabuttyr) - lenny locs, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] Mandarin Collar Shirt II, [RIMINGS] LV Belt & Chain Slim Fit Pants, [Jius]LeatherBrogues01-Male
Sports: simstrouble_MaleHair_MontroseLocs, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] - Split Tank Top, AdrienPastel x Jan2022_PeteSweatpants, [Jius]LowTopSneaker05-Male, simggukWENDYcapbalenciagayu
Sleep: Birksche - Jacob Hair, NitroPani - Crewneck M, [boonstow] winter plaid pants, serenity_MonolithSocks
Party: (sheabuttyr) - dez dreads, [amelylina] Elijah shirt, serenity_DarkAcademiaCollection (trousers), Madlen Makenna Boots
Swimwear: simstrouble_MaleHair_MontroseLocs, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] Layered Swim Shorts, [Jius]LeatherFlipFlop01-Male
Warm Weather: (sheabuttyr) - dez dreads, MARSMERIZING_Knit Pastel Sleeveless Top_MTop, Dyoreos – Hot Sauce Shorts M, DarkNighTt Sims - Tekno Sneakers, [PLUSH] Keychain V1, [PLUSH]Chain V1
Cold Weather: okruee-clementine-hair, Caiocc_Set_Warm (coat), AdrienPastel x DmitryJeans, serenity_am_StreetBoots, adrienpastel_SP34_beanie_male
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ludibundus · 9 months
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A minor update with my Zelgan save file. I barely have time to play anymore due to constraints from my schoolwork, and I am just crawling into 2nd semester. Anyway, enough of that. I have downloaded more mods to accommodate my vision. Three of my favorites so far are:
Frankk's Language Barrier mod - I made Ganondorf a Tartosiano native. I have always seen the Gerudo being heavily inspired by Arabic culture. Arabic inspires none of the languages in Frankk's; hence, I picked the one related to it: Italian.
Sim Realist - No explanation. I love the mods they create, yes, mods, and I installed everything they have in public so far.
Adeepindigo - I have installed most of her mods, too, but I like the Healthredux, Dental Care, and Personal Needs; I love self-care mods.
Enough of my rambling about mods though. Let's talk about my Zelgan save. I'll list out what has happened.
Ganondorf became a celebrity and had to wear a celebrity disguise to go out with the others. Restaurants are exceptions, though.
Ganondorf bought a house in Sulani. I regret it, though. I should have purchased from Oasis, but oh well.
Ganondorf and Zelda want to be engaged, and I'm just not letting them. I like their relationship to be dragged out more, and I want to try out the custom nuptials from Adeepindigo for the lore!
Link became best friends with Malon, and I am sorry for the Link x Sidon shippers here. Malink has always been my favorite ship in LoZ, even more so than Zelgan. Malink was my first love, and I screamed when I learned that the Link in Twilight is a descendant of her and Link from OOT (Which was my first LoZ game).
Link is also now enrolled in a private school. I might enroll him in public once he becomes a teen so I can go along when he goes to school.
Zelda is now learning Tartosiano, and I love her mood when she talks to Ganondrof—literally, me when talking in Mandarin.
That's all for now. I hope to get more time to play Sims in the future.
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