#simply. :lovelove:
absolutebl · 2 years
Welcome to Tumblr BL Fandom - Here’s Your Primer
memes, insider trading & obsession meta post
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The Death Stairs 
They haunt us. These same stairs constantly pop up in Thai BLs and we worry that someone is going to die on them (or fuck on them, or both).
BL origin = unknown, we only recently started tracking them (but the actual origin of the death stairs is 99 Home Studio117, RPC6+JM3 ซอย รามอินทรา 117 Min Buri, Bangkok 10510, Thailand. It appears to be a house rented out for filming. Honestly? They should AirBnB that level of fame. I’d rent it, buy a cactus and a chili plant, just for the photo op.)  
Rain Makes BL Boys Sick
For which the only solution is a sponge bath administered by another boy with a bowl of water and a damp white towel.
We don’t make the rules, the BL gods do. 
origin of the rain=fever = cultural
BL origin for the sponge bath = 2014′s Love Sick
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The gayest bridge in Thailand
The Rama VII Bridge has appeared in so many Thai BLs - boys kiss on it and in front of it... A LOT. 
BL origin = SOTUS 2016  
Honor the Crumbs
Side dishes given very little screen time always end up being everyone’s favorites (especially in the pulps). Also falls under side dish syndrome. This is mostly a Thai BL thing, since they’re usually the BLs featuring more than one couple. (Taiwan is getting there, tho.)  
BL origin = @heretherebedork
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The Engineering Department is Gay (also Pink Milk) 
The hot Thai boy in the engineering smock (red or blue) is either gay or a chaos bisexual. There are no exceptions. 
BL origin = SOTUS 2016 
Korea’s BL bubble 
A world where queer is simply accepted and a hostile society doesn’t exist. ​
Origin, probably Strongberry’s 2017-2018 shorts, but best known starters are 2020′s Mr Heart & Wish You
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Namgoong award for best wingman 
Supportive straight(ish) besties! Appear throughout BL history, but really reached peak awesome with Namgoong, so a collection of us just started saying “thank you, Namgoong” whenever this archetype shows up. 
BL origin, Light on Me 
Korea’s BL formula 
(1 short Kpop idol + 1 tall actor / random separation in the last half of the final episode) x a small cast = KBL (usually 6-8 episodes totaling under 2 hrs)
BL origin, 2015′s The Lover 
Korean male beauty ideals here. 
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Korea figured out boys can kiss 
To be fair Strongberry always knew this and Just Friends? gave it to us in 2005, it’s just they forgot for a while. A long while. 
origin = Korean 2022 BL
speaking of... 
Dead fish kisses
This tradition carried for years by Japan’s light BL, early Thai BL like Love Sick, & then Korea. It took Thailand’s 2016 BL (specifically elder gods KarnNut & MaxTul) to start breaking this curse. Could be argued that Ohm in 2016′s Make it Right also paved the way (while BoomPeak exemplify dead fish kissing). 
origin = early 2000s JBL when it was still known as Live Action Yaoi 
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Taiwan = the kings of high heat 
Taiwan always serves up the most consistent and authentic chemistry, kisses, and higher heat. Thailand has it as well, but isn’t as consistent about it. 
BL origin = 2017 HIStory franchise and every Taiwanese BL since (although Eternal Summer probably started it in 2006) 
Taiwan’s marriage equality 
Taiwan was the first to feature sanctioned gay marriage in a BL, the first to depict queer engagements - and they regularly like to remind us that it’s legal there. As they should. 
BL origin = HIStory 2: Right or Wrong 2017 
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Thailand’s food = love
Lovers cook, serve, feed, and/or eat together. Always. At least something along these lines in every Thai BL. 
origin, well just Thailand in general (and Asia to be fair), but probably SOTUS & Love Sick 
Vietnam’s domesticity
Vietnam always depicts at least some of their characters in a home environment, with family life, adopted kids, and more.
BL origin = Tein Bromance Extra
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Cactus baby (and chili plant younger sibling) 
Hilariously a cactus plant was deployed as a courting gift, spy device, and blooming representation of sexual awakening in MaxTul vehicle Manner of Death. Tumblr adopted that cactus baby. 
BL origin = Manner of Death 2021
What China Did 
Massive wholesale censorship curtailed/abruptly cut short multiple shows in progress in 2016-2017. Also resulted in rewriting and reshooting of those in production, and more weird and invidious things. This also showed up as a purge (and likely persecution) of Chinese queer vloggers on YouTube, the imprisonment of several danmai authors, and eventually the censored bromances we now get today. 
BL origin victim = Addicted, Advance Bravely, etc...
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Japan’s lanes 
Japan’s propensity to lean in favor of either
sweet, campy, and very low heat live action yaoi shot in a manga style with HEA, or 
dark, gritty high heat queer cinema and pinks shot in an atmospheric style with tragic endings 
BL origin, Boys Love 2006 & Takumi-kun 2007 
History of Japanese BL here and the weeds of Japanese BL here. 
#In Strongberry We Trust 
Small, queer, Korean production house Strongberry had been producing short form pro-queer KBL successfully for years, long before larger studios picked BL up. But when they transitioned to long form in 2022, we were a little scared they wouldn’t stick the landing. #InStrongberryWeTrust became our mantra.
BL origin = Choco Milk Shake 2022 
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Faen Fatal(e) 
A side character, usually an ex-girlfriend but occasionally an ex-boyfriend, whose sole purpose is as a plot device to drive a wedge between the leads, or cause jealousy. 
BL origin = Love Sick
The Thai BL Pulps
Very low budget BL with terrible sound, crazy soapy plots, and earnest acting.
BL origin = Make It Right 2016 (term coined by @heretherebedork​ & self) 
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The Mame effect 
AKA #oh mame must you? 
The mameverse features great characters, killer actor chemistry, and higher heat combined with terrible damaging tropes and non-sensical plot devices.
BL origin = TharnType (although technically started in Love By Chance) 
The 2 Moons Curse 
When a popular BL franchise struggles to survive over one season and keeps having to recast the leads. 
BL origin = 2Moons original 2017 
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Dread Episode 11 
AKA Doom of Ep 11
Explained here. 
Golden Rules of BL 
Never trust: 
a Thai trailer, 
a Viki Category, 
a Vietnamese sub, 
an MDL description, 
a Taiwanese title, 
or a BL made before 2014.
Origin = me over the years 
BLoundary Test: has the seme ever respected a single boundary?
BLechdel Test. 2 ukes discuss something that is not their seme(s). Also uke indicates actual interest in sex in a relationship.
okay what did I forget? 
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under-lore · 2 years
What is the red soul trait ?
This post is a compilation of different small theories regarding the red soul trait, presenting some of the evidence both in favor of and against each of them to portray a rough picture of what options may be on the table.
Unlike the 6 other traits, the one of the red soul is left unclear in the ball game.
As they are the only two known humans in Undertale with this soul color, the red soul trait would likely be something that is associated both with Frisk and with Chara.
There are several hypothesises regarding the red soul trait of varying plausibility.
While it deserves a mention for being by far the most popular take, determination is actually far less plausible than all of the theories brought up in this post. A more detailed critic of this take can be found in a separate post here.
Hope is an unpopular yet intriguing proposition.
Before killing himself in certain variations of the neutral ending, Asgore makes a comparison between Frisk and Chara by pointing out that the both of them have the same feeling of hope in their eyes. Making a clear association between both of the humans with red souls and the idea of hope.
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The eyes are often portrayed as “The window to the soul” in media.
It is also noteworthy that Asgore, who did what he did in order for everyone to have hope, has a red trident. This is possibly a sort of symbolism.
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Finally, a comparison can be made with Deltarune, in which the red soul seals the fountains and may be the one bringing hope. As is mentioned in this Gaster tweet :
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Hope does suffer from a few issues though.
Most of its evidence feels a bit stretchy. In addition, hope cannot be tied back to the red soul via the ball game either, which is the main place where one would expect a hint at the red soul trait to be.
A combinaison of the 6 other traits
This take is quite straightforward.
As the other traits mainly came from beating the ball game, this theory suggests that the red soul trait actually is given by obtaining the red flag. Simply that its nature is different from that of the other soul colors and thus is presented differently as well.
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It suggests that if the red flag is achieved by using the 6 other traits, then the red soul trait would therefore be a combinaison of those 6 other traits rather than a fully unique one.
While traces of several of those traits can indeed be tied to Frisk or Chara, this theory suffers from a lack of evidence.
As all other traits can be expressed by a single word quality, the red soul being be “just a bit of everything” feels quite strange.
In addition, Chara has a red soul and yet is clearly shown to be be an impatient person while Frisk is often portrayed as not being particularly brave. This does throw a couple wrenches in the idea of both of them having parts of patience or bravery traits respectively.
Love finds its main argument from a phone call in Hotland with Papyrus and Undyne.
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While this pair often says some very silly things on those phone conversations, this one is so specific that its difficult to brush it aside so easily. This could be a direct association of red souls specifically and love.
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While there are multiple lines that may make it believable for Frisk, it is however a bit less fitting to imagine love being Chara’s soul trait. They simply lack the ties to it that Frisk has.
However, it is also possible that the word play between love and LOVE could apply here as well. The player’s actions would lead to the red-soul-kids-two-in-one-package to get either love or LOVE.
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While love isn’t mentioned in the ball game, it does provide a possible reason as to why the narrator would be purposely avoiding mentioning the red soul trait. Chara might just be too embarrassed !
(Some variations of this take exist under names like “individuality”, “character” or simply “being yourself”)
The ipseity theory comes from the fact that throughout Undertale, the narrator regularly emphasises on Frisk’s sense of selfhood. The things that make them themself and not anybody else. Mainly via the mirrors.
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With the last remaining mirror interaction also being associated to the sense of identity, but this time to that of the second human with a red soul : Chara.
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Chara also appears to have a strong feeling of individuality as they hate their own race, in addition to acting quite assertively in the genocide route. Making the option believable for both of the humans.
Ipseity can actually be tied back to the ball game too. After getting the red flag twice, we are told the following :
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Which also appears to be describing a feeling of ipseity and tying it to the color “RED”.
The only significant criticism of ipseity would be Frisk being controlled in-world by the player. It could seem to be a bit odd to give them ipseity as a trait given that a significant portion of their actions were not truly from themself.
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bluiex · 2 years
hello there random tumblr user i rant about my scarian fic ideas to
ok so you know the thing i wrote at 4am? i started working on it and i wrote a whole mini story just for a metaphor that runs through the entire fic and because this literally didn't need to be as detailed as it ended up being, you get to read it yippee
grian is like a piece of ceramic, hes got some pieces chipped off (referring to pranks, cuz like thats mainly what he did BEFORE 3rd life), but mainly harmless, its not like they can harm you anymore than just a slight prick of skin, and scar is well meaning but clumsy, feeling the ceramic almost slip from his hands one too many times after his control had lessened, and so he resorted to not touching it, scared that he would shatter the oh so delicate bowl into something dangerous, something that harms others and himself (a metaphor for red lifes ;) so hes worried of killing grian)
until he realises he can't enjoy the things he had previously, he hasn't gotten a bowl to use anymore and so he gives in and begins to get himself to hold the bowl again with his trembling hands
but of course, the bowl shatters, not in the way that scar had thought it would, no, it wasn't by his own hands, he simply knocked into a table it was on, causing it to go tumbling onto the floor and breaking off one or two large shards, dangerous, a harm to others, but still mainly intact (this is a representation of how grian began to be more 'dangerous' towards others, killing people for scar, scars red life inflicting grian in a way he hadn't expected, being dangerous yet still remaining similar and still being useful, this, also represents grians 1st death, caused by the fighting between him and others)
eventually, after scar spends some time looking for the pieces, collecting them, he places them together, using glue to place them together, he manages to break it more in the process, breaking the shards into smaller ones, cursing his clumsy scarred hands for being so foolish (cough when he betrays grian, also making another one of his deaths) but he eventually is able to fix the ceramic together, it has some scars, but so does he, what does it matter?
he goes to place the bowl back up onto the shelf, hes proud of himself, for managing to fix it. before it comes falling down again as he removes his influence, shattering down onto his hands, adding onto the immense amount of scars that already littered it, the break hurting him more than he had hurt the bowl, and finally breaking the ceramic to a point where its unfixable. the glass is everywhere, in his flesh, on the counter, on the floor, everywhere as if it had gone back to its roots, and becoming sand again, its there amongst a sea of blood pouring out of his hands (this is a representation of the final battle, where in this scars hands had represented his lifes in the series, the damage to them due to the glass being his final death, (also the more injuries he got the less control he had over his hands, like how he lost control overall by being a red life), and the shattering of the ceramic representing how grian pretty much died quite quickly after hurting the love of his life, and how his final life was lost by a fall, dying within the sand and becoming one with it, as well as the blood of his partner that seeped into the sand from his hands)
- from, you guessed it, 🧨 anon
You guys are just so sososo creative and smart- god, this is beautiful! I love lovelove me some good metaphor usage in writing an this *chefs kiss* amazing
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itsfantasticac · 2 years
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Samba de Amigo 2000 introduced "LoveLove Mode", a 2 player game mode designed for couples. Beyond simply rating the players' compatibility based on synchronization, the mode would also suggest gifts for the couple to buy, and even predict how long they would stay together.
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yyunari · 1 year
aaa i lovelove stuckbyglue sm !! im rlly enjoying it ++ all the characters are so funny ^_^ can only imagine jungwon's reaction to yn's friends (i think yun taro and fae ?) being sungyn supporters too :D also yns reaction to won running away LMAO ?? (Ó//ࡇ// Ò// ) i would simply die of embarrassment ... if a cute guy ran away immediately after seeing me (,,>﹏<,,) also omfg ely is so funny !! the banter with all the friends is so entertaining ALSO SAVE REI !!! idk if eui is actually mean or anything but im curious as to why ely and yen dont seem to like her (づ •. •)? - pjo anon

omg im glad ur enjoying it so far !! i def try my best to make everything funny so i’m glad they actually r and i’m not just Crazy .. also who knows maybe yns friends will change their minds when ynwon gets closer ^_^ and no fr personally if i was yn i would get kinda scared …
dw for eui all will be revealed soon enough 🫶 Help this makes it sound more dramatic than it actually is LMFAO but yeah let’s just say most of yns friends aren’t her biggest fans dot dot dot
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dreams-your-smp · 2 years
you should infodump to me about your interests <- is bored and loves when people infodumps to him
umm uh lets talk about double bass!
oookokok sososos the bass has many names. Known by bassists as simply “the bass” its also known as un upright bass, a double bass, and a shit ton of other names. It is not the same as a guitar at all!
It has roots in both the viol and the ??? Family. A lot of its popularity is in jazz, but i play it in a more classical setting. There arent many popular proffesional bassists, but among them is Phoebe Russel (!!! WE LOVE YOU PHOEBE RUSSELLLL!!!) and Lourain campett! We also had a composer wayyy back (hes dead now) names Giovani Bottesini!
the double bass has 2 different types of bows, one german and one french. The french bowhold is over the top of the bow, like a cello. But the german bow hold (what i do) is more like a handshake.
the double bass has the same tuning as the violin. the bass learns to shift when they’re first learning the d major scale! So unlike the other instruments, they’re shifting since day one.
the double bass is seen like. Everywhere. The jaws theme was actually written fkr doible bass.
anywhoo i lovelove bass. Bass supremacy
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highchalowwis · 4 years
turns out learning things about party members is good! a shocking twist!
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sofhtie · 3 years
i am once again think about how fun it is to play yaz :] i really really love how when she gives full trust to a person it is Absolute and Unshakeable and she will Not hear anyone else question that person either
#it’s. will and her family that she’s like this about#but i think it’s FUN i love. no second thoughts no questioning! that person is Right#and she WONT hear criticism of them! absolutely loyalty to those people before Anything else!#i’ve been thinking about this bc i realized. cedar with the gun was similar to patch not trusting the compass people#that is WILL she won’t HURT us and that’s her FAMILY they wouldn’t be WRONG#and believing that will all her heart! total and complete faith!#it’s not. a functional way of— OH AND THE HOUSE!!! WILL AND HER FAMILY AND THE HOUSE!!!!!#those are the things! yaz loves them so deeply and trusts them deeply and takes any insult to them as an insult to her#n e ways i was saying. it’s not a Functional way of going about things but oh BOY is it how she works lovelove#this is also nice bc it Reallt helps me distinguish her from cami which can sometimes b a little rough#but it’s. yaz simply Will Not question will or her family or the house!#she is certain that those are things that love her and will not hurt her and would not lead her astray#and there’s a Bit more nuance with family bc it is a massive family but it’s still. fundamentally so There#‘​this is what my grandmother/mother/aunt/etc taught me and so it is Good and it is True’#and her belief in those things is so complete she does not understand how people could question it at all!#hm there was more to the post but i’ve gottten deeply distracted so i am just posting as is <3#motwinchester#dnd hours
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gideonthefirst · 3 years
had the fantastic realization tonight that aegis gets to be SCARY
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katiefratie · 3 years
Misfits and Magic lovelove Aabria gm LOVELOVE Evan kelmp my guy..... Hes simply having A Bad Time and I'm sooo interested to learn more about his whole deal
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calumscalm · 4 years
i was tagged by @be-ready-when-i-say-go ! tagging @notinthesameguey & @harrystylesgotmefuckedup & @akafeliznavidaddy if y’all are in the mood
rapture by koffee. she’s so cute i wanna hold her hand & i love lovelove reggae.
pelota by khruangbin. i’ve been listening to hella spanish and portuguese songs lately & this is such a warm, turned my backyard into a dance floor mood.
los angeles by HAIM. the sax on the beginning the bass the drums... it’s giving summertime, girls.
sandstorm by mereba and JID, it’s giving highway cruising at sunset.. I need.
how far by tei shi simply because... the bass. her voice is cute too
overwhelmed by chloe x halle because i love interludes and they reminded me of solange here. it’s relatable, light, airy & very choreo inspiring. i’d actually love to see some ballet to this- it’s less than a minute long.
heart of glass by blondie... because it’s been making me feel like a movie character! tbh if y’all haven’t figured out that I live life like it’s a performance and everything needs a soundtrack where’ve you been 🤧
pretty boy by lennon stella... makes me feel like breaking out into some contemporary choreo. stream ‘three. two. one’ 💅🏿
heaven or las vegas by the cocteau twins... hazy and ethereal chefs kiss
september song by agnes obel because she’s my favourite pianist right now- it always ends up getting replay time from me + if you watch big little lies you’ll be familiar!
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hillerskas · 5 years
59 and 99 from the prompt list! Have fun and please don't take any pressures!! Lovelove❣️❣️
59 ‘Look at me.’ & 99 ‘Don’t look at me like that.’
As the seconds and minutes and hours tick by with emptiness, Eliott chews his fingernails. A shaky sip of water here, a forlorn glance over the display there.
He looks at the clock again and sure enough, another half an hour has gone by in silence. It’s not exactly silence- a quiet orchestral piece plays from his shitty CD player at the back of the room- but the lack of human beings around him make it seem that way.
A whisper of an angry memory teases at the back of his head.
‘Eliott, it’s just not realistic, love… Don’t look at me like that, I’m just telling you the truth.’
Perhaps he should have listened to her.
The tip of his finger’s already bleeding when he goes to bite at it again, the rusty taste immediately swirling around his mouth.
Seven pieces. Just over 200 euros. No visitors.
He’d hired the space off Idriss at a slight discount, anticipation and excitement threatening to burst out of him as Idriss handed over the showroom keys earlier that day. The keys had felt like they weighed a thousand tonnes at the time with the promise they held. A chance to show his work to a slice of the city that made him, a chance to prove himself, a chance to validate the months hunched over blank canvases in an attempt to pour out the pictures dancing in his brain. He’d never really prepared for this outcome; sat on a stool in the middle of an empty gallery, numb.
At ten o’clock, he rolls a cigarette, slowly, and with one eye on the clock, loose tobacco falling out of the paper and decorating his jeans. At ten fifteen, he stands up, mechanically returns the unopened bottles of white wine to the fridge at the back and throws black sheets over his canvases. At ten twenty, he shrugs on his jacket and clicks off the lights one by one, cigarette hanging limply from between his lips.
Paris isn’t silent by any means when he finally gives in and locks up, but he can hear the click of the key as clearly as if it were a gunshot.
He stares at his hand for a while, almost refusing to let go of the handle just in case the departure makes his failure feel all the more real. He’s wearing his father’s ring and it glints under a nearby streetlight as his hand trembles. He should have listened to him, too.
A little bit of his heart breaks off and floats away into the ether when he releases the handle.
He shoves the keys into his jacket pocket and then stumbles around for his lighter and when the fuck are his hands going to stop shaking. It takes several tries before he lights the end of his cigarette and takes the first few steps away from the shop.
It’s then that he hears the sharp slap of running feet behind him. His hackles go up and he pauses, risking a look back. It’s a man- not much younger than himself- sprinting along the pavement with a grey scarf unraveling itself around his neck. He skids to a stop right in front of the showroom, just short of where Eliott’s still stood.
‘Fuck!’ the guy hisses, fully pressing himself up against the glass. The window fogs as he pants, out of breath, staring into the darkness of the shop.
Eliott tugs at his bottom lip and glances around nervously before eventually deciding to approach the man. ‘Are you alright?’ His voice sounds like he hasn’t used it in years.
The man flinches away from the glass and turns to Eliott, wide-eyed and still heaving his breaths.
‘Uh, I-‘
He runs a hand through his hair, strands left sticking up every which way in the wake of his fingertips. Eliott takes a cautious step towards him and a gentle pull of his cigarette.
‘I really wanted to see this exhibition tonight- here- but it seems like I’ve missed it.’
Eliott’s eyebrows jump in surprise. He realistically should have connected the dots, but his mind’s still swirling and after the night he’s had he never would have pictured someone actually running to catch his exhibition.
‘I could open it back up, if you want,’ Eliott says.
The man seems shocked, flitting his eyes over Eliott’s figure in a sort of once over. ‘You could?’
The corner of Eliott’s mouth quirks up, the first hint of a smile in hours. ‘I mean, I am the artist.’
The guy lets out a small chuckle and begins to readjust his scarf. ‘Shit, sorry, I had no idea.’
Eliott smiles warmly at him and throws his cigarette into the street. ‘It’s okay.’
When he reaches for the keys this time, his fingers are blissfully steady.
‘I swear I meant to get here earlier,’ the man starts, still sounding winded. Eliott grins to himself as he twists the key in the lock and opens the door. The man’s voice follows behind him as he begins to switch the lights back on. ‘I just got caught up at work, I didn’t have time to change or anything, sorry.’
Eliott turns with a beam, clicking the last light on. The guy definitely looks ruffled, a few drink stains on his skinny black jeans and where his white shirt is exposed under his winter coat. Eliott finds he doesn’t mind the look at all, though.
‘Don’t apologise; it’s okay.’
‘Has it been busy?’
Something in Eliott’s stomach drops and he freezes. He keeps his eyes focused on the man’s cold tinted nose as he swallows down the lump in his throat.
‘Would you like some wine?’ he asks instead of answering. The guy’s brow crinkles in confusion for a moment before he nods.
‘Sure… I’ve had the shift from hell, so alcohol would be great,’ he tacks on.
Eliott’s smile returns and he bows slightly, walking over to the mini fridge.
‘It’s not the expensive stuff. I think you could barely even call it wine.’
‘You say that like it’s a bad thing.’
The crack of the bottle lid opening echoes around the space. He pours out two large measures into plastic cups and hands one to the man. His skin’s cold when their fingertips brush.
‘Cheers,’ Eliott announces, lightly tapping his cup against the other man’s.
‘Eliott. I’m Eliott.’
Eliott takes a large gulp of his wine in an attempt to hide his giddy smile. He can feel his embarrassment and disappointment slipping away little by little.
He giggles as Lucas’ nose wrinkles after his first sip. ‘How cheap did you say this was?’
‘I found it in a bin outside a restaurant and thought, well, we’re in France, how bad could it be?’ Lucas stares at him, wide-eyed and cheeks puffed out. Eliott leaves him hanging for a beat before bursting out into laughter. ‘I’m kidding, Lucas.’
Lucas rolls his eyes and finally swallows down the wine. ‘That was uncalled for.’
Eliott lifts his shoulders and brings his cup back up to his still-smiling mouth. ‘Possibly.’
‘Could I see?’ Lucas asks after a quiet moment, licking excess wine from his lips and nodding over to one of the covered canvases.
‘Ah, first we need ambiance,’ Eliott says, holding up his index finger. Lucas laughs and shakes his head. ‘Close your eyes, Lucas; you must see my work in the atmosphere I originally intended.’
‘You’re ridiculous,’ Lucas titters with unexpected yet welcomed familiarity, but he dutifully places his free hand over his eyes.
‘I’m actually a very serious artist,’ Eliott faux grumbles as he moves to plug his CD player back into the wall.
‘I don’t doubt it.’
The track skips at first, as it always does, before settling into smooth, generic background music. Eliott methodically makes his way around the space, bunching up the sheets in his hands and revealing each piece. He glances back at Lucas every couple of seconds to check his eyes are still covered. It’s silly, really, but he wants to make this viewing perfect for Lucas, just like he’d tried to do earlier when it was just himself and an empty room calling out to the city.
He throws the sheets into the corner of the room and then picks his wine back up, taking a desperate sip as he double-checks that everything is ready and in its place.
‘If you don’t let me look soon, I might die.’
Eliott snickers and glances at Lucas. He can’t help but think he looks adorable, chewing absently at the rim on his wine cup as he waits, eyes still covered with slightly red fingers.
‘Okay, you can look now.’
Lucas blinks roughly against the sudden influx of light as he removes his hand. Eliott’s breath hitches when he takes in Lucas’ expression as his gaze lands on the first painting. It’s full of such genuine wonder and admiration, Eliott’s struggling to process it. Perhaps the torture from earlier was worth it for this.
‘Wow…’ Lucas whispers. Eliott swigs his wine awkwardly, a little overwhelmed. Lucas takes tiny steps forward, pausing in front of each piece and raking his eyes over every detail. ‘I’ve seen your stuff on Instagram, but…’
‘You have?’ Eliott asks, almost choking on his drink.
Lucas looks back at Eliott over his shoulder and nods with a private smile. ‘That’s how I found out about this.’
‘Not many people follow me on there,’ Eliott mutters, self-deprecation bleeding into his tone without his consent.
Lucas simply shrugs and flicks his eyes back to the artwork. ‘Well, I do.’
Eliott dips his head and studies the bumps on the side of his cup. A warmth is starting to spread across his chest, heartbeat quickening. It’s something he’s very familiar with, but hasn’t felt in a long while.
‘I love this one,’ Lucas says quietly, gesturing to Eliott’s painting of a man half submerged underwater. ‘You’re very talented.’
Eliott moves to stand next to Lucas, possibly closer than necessary.
‘Thank you… though, I might put the dreams to bed,’ Eliott replies in a low voice, scanning his eyes over brush strokes and charcoal smudges.
‘Look at me.’ It’s hushed yet urgent. And Eliott does. ‘Eliott, this… Your work, it’s amazing. Trust me. Please don’t give up on it.’
‘I wouldn’t have run about fifty blocks to get here if it wasn’t,’ Lucas interrupts with an impish grin, cracking the tension.
‘I hope you’re exaggerating,’ Eliott says through a melodic laugh.
Lucas shrugs and looks back at the drowning man. ‘Maybe a little.’
Eliott exhales languidly and picks at his bottom lip. There’s a subtle pricking sensation at the back of his eyeballs that he doesn’t want to acknowledge. So he doesn’t.
‘It’s late,’ Lucas eventually mumbles, looking down at where he’s now twirling the end of his scarf between nimble fingers.
Eliott hums in agreement, though his chest screams quietly in protest. I already know it could never be too late with you.
‘Would you…’ Lucas trails off and sinks his teeth into his lower lip.
‘Would I what?’ Eliott murmurs.
Lucas smirks slightly and shakes his head before raising his gaze up, up, up until Eliott’s confronted with a deep dark blue.
‘Would you want to go somewhere with me?’ Lucas asks, still with that smirk and with a cocky quirk of an eyebrow.
The section of Eliott’s heart he thought he’d lost creeps back in and begins to stitch itself back together.
‘I’d love to.’
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0takuland · 5 years
Love is truly the cruelst of all the feelings. It can both give you hope and despair. It can also give you a lot more. It can give you the feeling of loneliness, void , the feel like you don’t even deserve to live anymore while it can still keep you alive by saying “ Hey. But what if by even a small chance something good happens for once? Something that you trully wants from the bottom of your heart. Would it make you change your mind?” And then you try and fail once again because love is not supposed to be fair and good but to make you learn that you need to be ok by yourself and not by wanting or waiting for something from other people. Because if you need that much from them to be near you then it’s not love and you shouldn’t bother. And it’s yours and yours only fault for feeling like you need anyone else to feel whole. Even if it rips your heart open every day and night for feeling alone and hopeless. It’s your own fault for making yourself feel that way. And even though it sucks and it hurts like hell, that’s the way love works. It either does or it just simply doesn’t and you gotta deal with it or else it’ll destroy you untill you learn from it.
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~~~The Shepherd~~~ The sleeping is lost and blind in fear. The awakened is found and sees in courage. The light of the heart, leads out of the dark. The language of the soul speaks in poems. A soul was born to shepherd His sheep to ensure they remember the love and light of their essence. He comes from Heavenly realms, the same is true for every soul born. It is simply a play to know what it's like to be bitterly scorned. You have eyes to see. Look and be free. You have ears to hear. Listen to what the shepherd says and follow in His footsteps. It's a big deal to have the scales from the eyes and ears removed. The shepherd might never disapprove to your hearts desire. He knows every soul is in dire need for His lead. Look and see the light of the heart and listen to the poetic language of the soul. This puts the breaks on spiraling downward. Something miraculous happens and you rise to the love and light inside. No one can go wrong when heeding to the shepherds calling. This is beneficial to all that are failing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author: Lorenza Palomino @godzillionloveandlight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parable of the lost sheep: Luke 15:4 ~ KJV "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 #theshepherd #shepherdscalling #theshepherdstreasure #theshepherdundercover #theshepherdslife #theshepherdandhissheep #lostsheep #luke154 #parable #biblicalpoetry #biblicalpoems #spiritualpoetry #poetryfromspirit #poetryfromtheheart💫 #poetryandmentalhealth #poetryfromthesea #poetryfromthesoulandmind #heartofpoems #followinhisfootsteps #jésuschrist #jesuschristandus #jesuschristus #wearechristlike #ifwesochoose #perogative #ismine #choiceismine #choosewiselymyfriends #choosewisely🤔 #lovelove❤ (at The Shepherd Outreach Ministries) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd88fQQvh3e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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highchalowwis · 3 years
just undeservedly won impromptu pvp by betraying an alliance nearly instantly and wasting two bardics on my twin and my not-girlfriend, respectively, neither of whom were involved in the pvp, but thats vanderbilts!
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sofhtie · 3 years
i LOVE sof it’s my BESTIE they’re all my BESTIES!!
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