#sims 4 matrimony
kennedy404 · 8 months
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SIMcerely Yours - Framed Wedding Invitations
Cherish your sims special day by framing their wedding invitations!
Available for free, on my Patreon
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vulnaviasims · 1 year
Il castello del matrimoni - Windenburg
In Italy there is a TV show called "the castle of ceremonies", and it is a sumptuous and tacky castle, where crazy weddings are celebrated. So I added this beautiful lot, originally not mine, but furnished with the my wedding stories expansion.
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I think it needs no words, the builder did a crazy job, I just refurnished the rooms dedicated to the celebrations.
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I left the upstairs as it was
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the photos here are few, but the building is huge and has many rooms to discover!
I hope you like it!
find everything in my save file here
see you next time!
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praxieuser · 10 months
love the new song they added to the dance minigame. a bit weird that it's displayed as an event that lasts for 8 days if memeory serves so that mean they just. take the song away? though it is listed in the list of non-exclusive songs so. probably not.
in any case it's so fun! they really go ham on camera zoom ins that match up with the music, and the music itself is great in mixing things up since it feels more fun and casual compared to the other songs available that are either fany or romantic. and omg please the dance moves are so cute. like the dance is just so full of whimsy, it looks more like 2 kids having fun together as compared to the waltzes and the tangos it's just adorable.
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wasabisimblr · 3 months
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Generation Two: Rose
You had everything you desired as a child but you were always longing for more. As an adult you have a hard time committing to relationships as you’re so focused on your career. If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. You have absolutely no parental instincts whatsoever but you still love your child with all your heart.
Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, Romantic Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Politician
Have only one child
Master the politician career and complete Serial Romantic aspiration
Master charisma skill
Leave someone at the alter (an interaction available during a wedding)
Get married for the first time as an elder
Introducing Rosemary Mint: A Dynamic Sim with a Fiery Spirit 🧨
In the bustling realm of Sims, where every character possesses a unique narrative, there's a particularly captivating sim who shines amidst the digital populace – Rosemary Mint. Unlike her mother, Rosemary's tale unfolds with its own distinct flair and fervor, making her journey through the Not So Berry challenge an enthralling odyssey.
Peering into Rosemary's Realm 🧨
From the moment she graced the virtual world, Rosemary exuded an aura of dynamism and determination. As the offspring of Thea Mint, she inherited not only her mother's resilience but also an indomitable spirit that sets her apart from the rest.
The Complexity of Rosemary Mint 🧨
Rosemary is a sim of contrasts. With traits like Hot-Headed, Snob, and Romantic, she presents a multifaceted personality that keeps me on my toes as I guide her through the intricacies of her life.
"Ugh, can you believe the audacity of that sim? They dare to question my taste in decor? Clearly, they have no appreciation for true elegance."
Despite her fiery temper and snobbish demeanor, there's a tender side to Rosemary, evidenced by her romantic inclinations.
"There's nothing quite like the thrill of romance, don't you think? The flutter of butterflies in your stomach, the anticipation of a stolen kiss – it's simply intoxicating."
Ambitions and Career Pursuits 🧨
In contrast to her mother's mischievous aspirations, Rosemary harbors dreams of becoming a Serial Romantic, coupled with a career path in politics.
"Why settle for one love when you can captivate the hearts of many? Besides, the world of politics offers a stage upon which I can showcase my charm and intellect."
As she navigates the complexities of romance and ambition, Rosemary's journey unfolds with twists and turns, each decision shaping her destiny in profound ways.
Family and Matrimony 🧨
Unlike Thea, Rosemary's path is one of matrimonial bliss. Married with three children, she juggles the demands of family life alongside her aspirations for career and romance.
"Mom, can I have a sleepover tonight? Please? I promise we won't stay up too late."
Yet, amidst the chaos of domesticity, Rosemary remains steadfast in her pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.
"Marriage and motherhood may be demanding, but they are also incredibly rewarding. Each day brings new challenges and triumphs, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Rosemary Mint: A Sim of Substance 🧨
As I continue to guide Rosemary through the labyrinthine paths of her Not So Berry challenge, one thing becomes abundantly clear – she's more than just a sim. She's a testament to the complexities of human nature, a mosaic of passion, ambition, and resilience.
"Life may be a whirlwind of chaos and excitement, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Here's to embracing the journey and savoring every moment – the highs, the lows, and everything in between."
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fairycele95 · 6 months
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QUEEN BEE CHALLENGE per The Sims 4 Ho trovato la versione inglese della mia sfida preferita adattata per The Sims 4!
Quindi l'ho tradotta in italiano, e, dato che la sto giocando, ha aggiunto delle migliorie e rifinito le regole, che a tratti erano poche e poco chiare.
Ci tengo a ricordarvi che la sfida è stata creata originariamente da tacos4sims (Queen Bee Challenge per The Sims 2) e adattata da Micemsims (Queen Bee Challenge per The Sims 4).
Se volete tentarla, non posso che augurarvi un buon divertimento!
Lo scopo è di popolare la vostra nuova partita/alveare allevando 60 bambini/api con 10 diversi uomini/api operaie.
- Create un nuovo salvataggio.
- Trasferite almeno 10 sim maschi nelle varie case dello scenario. Possono essere townie generati dal gioco, sim dalla galleria, o townie che create voi stessi.
- Create una giovane adulta femmina nel CAS, che sarà chiamata Ape Regina. Può avere qualsiasi aspirazione e tratto che volete.
- Trasferitela in un lotto che sia almeno 50x40 Ecco l'elenco dei lotti:
• Punta dell'oracolo gemello Newcrest
• La residenza Bailey Moon Del Sol Valley
• La Tana dei Ward Del Sol Valley
• Verde Vacuo Del Sol Valley
• Vecchia Penelope Strangerville
• Biblioteca d'alloro Britechester
• Parco dell'isola di volpe Henford on Bagley
• La residenza ito Henford on Bagley
• Viottolo del vecchio mulino 2 Henford on Bagley
• La coppia Serena Tartosa
• Celebrazioni d'amore Tartosa
• Bar & Bunker Tristo incisivo Moonwood Mill
• Parco Trotter Coplerdale
• Residenza Robles San Sequoia
• Residenza Michaelson
- La vostra Ape Regina deve far trasferire in casa con sé un sim maschio, preferibilmente il prima possibile.
- I due non possono sposarsi né fidanzarsi. L'uomo può solo coabitare. Può comunque aiutare a predersi cura dei bambini, trovarsi un lavoro ecc.
- I due sim avranno sei figli insieme. Quando il sesto figlio diventa neonato, l'uomo deve trasferirsi in una nuova casa e prendere con sé tutti i suoi 6 figli. A questo punto, l'Ape Regina deve far traferire da sé un altro fuco ed avere assieme ad esso altri 6 figli, e così via.
- Non potete giocare coi futuri fuchi prima che si trasferiscano a casa dell'Ape Regina.
- Niente matrimoni né fidanzamenti finché la vostra Ape Regina non ha partorito tutti i 60 figli/api.
- I fuchi e i figli non possono trasferirsi, avere figli né sposarsi con nessun altro prima di essere andati ad abitare fuori dalla casa dell'Ape Regina. Allo stesso modo, nessuno può trasferirsi nell'unità familiare dell'Ape Regina, se non il nuovo fuco quando il precedente ha terminato il suo "lavoro" ed è stato trasferito.
- La Pozione della Giovinezza e l'Essenza di Vita dalla pianta mucca sono permesse, anzi sono indispensabili per completare la sfida: perfino nell'eventualità che aveste 30 paia di gemelli, ogni gravidanza dura 3 giorni.
- Non si può usare il premio "Fertile" per nessuno dei due genitori, né il tratto del lotto "Su una linea temporale" né alcun altro stratagemma per forzare parti gemellari/trigemellari. Se avvengono, devono essere "spontanei".
- Vietato l'uso di cheat e/o hack che possano facilitare il gioco (per esempio, aumentare i fondi di famiglia, migliorare i bisogni ecc.).
- I neonati possono passare alla fase di vita successiva quando scadono le 48 ore dopo il parto (cioè quando appare il messagio che è il compleanno del bebè)
- Lattanti possono passare di età una volta ottenute 3 pietre miliari di ogni categoria
• Motricità basilare
• Motricità fine
• Prime volte
• Vita (sono solo due ovvero quello della nascita)
• Sociale
Trovate la lista pietre miliari qui
- I bebè possono passare alla fase di vita successiva se hanno massimizzato, cioè portato a livello 5, almeno un'abilità.
- I bambini possono passare alla fase di vita successiva se hanno completato la loro aspirazione e se hanno il 10 in pagella.
La sfida è completata quando il sessantesimo figlio dell'Ape Regina diventa neonato, e la decima famiglia si trasferisce fuori dall'unita familiare dell'Ape Regina.
Se l'Ape Regina diventa anziana prima di aver partorito il sessantesimo figlio, la sfida è da considerarsi fallita. La sfida fallisce anche nel caso in cui l'Ape Regina o il fuco attuale muoiano prima che l'Ape Regina abbia partorito il sessantesimo figlio.
Prima di cominciare a giocare, nelle opzioni della modalità di gioco impostate le opzioni di gioco come segue:
- Autonomia: Totale
- Passaggio di età automatico (Sim usati in gioco): Solo unità familiare attiva
- Passaggio di età automatico (Sim non usati in gioco): NO (non spuntato)
- Durata della vita del Sim: normale
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moonlitdiane · 2 years
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Queen Mother of the Dead The Abyssal — Xiwangmu 西王母.
Tales of a goddess of Death who wore a flowing white hanfu and a mask of bones once filled every corner of Hylaria. Once, she was the Queen Mother of the Dead and now; she is only The Abyssal. Once, people believed death was a chance to start anew, now death is an inescapable nightmare. Death used to smell of chrysanthemums and calming petrichor. Now it is rotten but deceptively sickeningly sweet.
"Xiwangmu once wore a terrifying mask to cover half of her ethereal beauty, the same face that had the mighty Sol falling from his throne. Doashis used to tell me that this was to symbolize the complicated nature of death, that on the surface it might seem terrifying, but if you just bothered to look past its icy surface, you will stumble upon its melancholic beauty—the beauty of the temporary.
Although we know her as Xiwangmu, there are whispers of a name only one pair of lips can utter. Xiao, is what Sol called her. Xiao. His little dawn. My job is not to sit here and dreamily sigh of my deity's matrimony, it is to preserve her in the way her followers remember but I cannot deny the inherently romantic about the goddess of Death being the god of Life's very own dawn. The light that breaks through the darkness of his nights.
Unfortunately, that was once upon a time long gone. We had been forced into hiding after the gods turned their back on her, after the entirety of Hylaria turned their back on us.
Did you know that the reason we play guzheng at funerals is because Xiwangmu herself was an exceptional guzheng player? There is also one tale, of a war forgotten, mostly unimportant. Xiwangmu joined none of the spats the rest of the pantheon got themselves into, but the one time she did—it was said that the sound of her fingers as it roughly, loudly, and terrifyingly plucked the strings of her ivory guzheng had paralyzed the entire world. She had finished a war even before it started. Her fingers bled for days, they said, that the blood that fell to our earth grew what we now know as red spider lilies.
Why do I tell you this? I know none of her followers will ever say it out loud, in fear of being more prosecuted than we already are but we are all desperate to hear the sound of strings playing loud enough to shake the core of Hylaria and strike fear into the hearts of the betrayers.
You know, dear reader? Sometimes I feel my own heart race reading about the things Sol himself had done for Xiwangmu but most times, I feel nothing, knowing that no matter how much they love you, they are still capable of destroying your heart, life, and being."
— excerpt from "Memoir of Shadows" written by Sun Fuchun, a follower of Death.
So...I might have impulsively made my Death in Sims 4????? The "excerpt" is also a preview of an edit I've been putting off for a while, I've had this idea of making a fake scan of a book about my Death in a while now, I just need to finish writing a few pages. Just wanted to post this one real quick because The Abyssal is still my favorite IF and I really wanted to post something new. And of course, as usual, The Abyssal is written by @theabyssal and their wonderful gorjus gorjus big brain!
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unitedsimsdom · 1 year
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The United Simsdom is a fictional kingdom of The Sims 4.
The United Simsdom includes worlds of The Great Sims Land. There are modern cities with different cultures, activities and festivals. A part of the kingdom are romantic sites with seaside regions - perfect setting for love and matrimonial pursuits. There are regions of lush bayous and rolling plantation land that is home to aristocratic farmers, southern gentry and swamp-dwellers. Island chain welcomes all to a life of blue oceans and friendly neighbours.
The United Simsdom has beautiful nature of ocean, mountains, rivers and a desert.
Official language - English. Nacional language - Simlish.
New Capital - San Myshuno.
Old Capital - Windenburg.
Queen Helena is the monarch and head of state of The United Simsdom.
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Bios of Sims - Part 2
I'm suffering with writer's block and have no inspiration do work on anything else. I had from seeing old bios from older times I've done and had the mood to make them and did those ones inspired by Sims, that marked my childhood/teenhood. (Some tho)
Note: Those are all my headcanons and may avoid canon.
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Background history (In game): This is probably the most odd story there is, lol. Okay, practically every time I would restart the Sims 3 game from the beginning, I would start putting single Sims together with others. By the teens I had usually started first with the Altos or by the Bunch families because I had already in mind, which ships I had preferred. Parker Langerak, Michael Bachelor, and River McIrish would end up being the last ones in the valley. As I barely had any interest for the Bachelor family besides the young Bella and the Langerak family had been one of my favorites from the game, I just threw Parker and River together despite them being a little opposed to each other. Weirdly only thanks to the pandemic, when I had a Sims 3 marathon fever I suddenly had gained interest on them as a ship and loved them 😂 Also their future family would be the hell, cause they would be just like the Langerak family, except all the kids are slobs and cause chaos in the house 😭 That's then, when in the future I decided to give them names and keep them as "canon" in my head.
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.): Parker used to copy the homework of his best friend Ethan, to go through school easily. Upon the time Ethan started dating, Parker wouldn't see his friend often in the free-time and would have to solve the homework by himself. Other classmates he asked about the homework rejected him as well. He failed the first semester, then is scolded by his mother. Looking for books to study at the library he finds River from art class seeking for books as well, then tries to convince her to help him out. Despite his offers, she rejected him as well, later on caught Parker being scolded by his aunt, which was the new music teacher at the school, then she felt sorry for him and went to him to offer him her help at learning. Parker accepted her offer, despite disliking the fact of the "amount of work he had in front of him" Over the semester the two became friends, and once in a while would spend time together as friends only. Learning from River's past, he grew softer towards and began to fall in love with her, which he first wouldn't accept knowing that she initially had only been there to help him. River at some point began to see Parker in another light as well, growing to like the family state of the boy and felt home there as well. Near the end of the school year at the school prom all were there with their partners, both were alone and in the late night, both had encountered themselves and admitted to each other it was boring all alone there. Both hang out on the outside and noticed on each other, that they had a thing for each other.
By the Sims 4, both were older and had gotten married. Throughout the wait for the matrimony, their first daughter Ruby was on the way.
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Backstory (In-Game): Somehow I used to dislike Gunther Goth for whatever reason and I had randomly created as I was new to the game the character Jake Furtado (Previously he had no last name tho) and would have replaced him with Jake. Mortimer would have had a step-father at that point and a future step-sister. When my father outta nowhere sold my laptop to a friend I had to install the game in a new laptop, sometime later I began to play with other Sims and got into the household of Jamie Jolina, finding her pretty. Despite not remembering well Jake's facial structures I tried to re-create him by the Sim-base I remember to have used, then made a few changes and gave him the last name Furtado, so he would now be Canadian instead.
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.):
Initially I planned to have four children with them as I had in the start, but near around the time Kari Clavell from the other list was "made" I had a new idea, then removed all kids and kept the oldest one, which was Johnny. I don't remember the other's names, but all started with J.
I don't have a specific meeting story for the two, besides it had to be related with their work. From the one mission, both sides of the law enforcement and paramedics were called out to an issue and the two had gotten to know each other from there. From both figuring out from each other, they could speak French and were quite new in the place they exchanged numbers to meet in private time. Occasionally they would meet during lunch or dinner break at a quick dinner restaurant. Their work-pals would most of the times feel, excluded, cause both were mostly speaking in their native languages and that bond quickly grew into something more, further on both got married and when they could make their careers steady, they found together a family and had Johnny. Just weeks after the boy's birth Jake went into a depression phase after losing his best friend and partner from the police station during a mission. This made him get quickly tempted in both lives private and professional. He got healed from that issue and could now work with a new partner at the work, to what he expected the less, one with a wet nose!
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Backstory (In-Game): I don't remember what led them to be together in my game. It was my decision, I just don't remember why. But I had a part of my life, where I enjoyed playing with them.
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.): Leighton after the loss of his girlfriend he wasn't in the mood to find a new love, just had set in his head to focus on his son and his career. Blair had been a "wonderchild" at the school and made her way through school very quickly, so she could follow her dream, which was to become a spy. At the moment, she was a simple traffic cop and open for everything. Just from being in a career as a cop, she had lower chances to get anybody to get interested in her, but she believed soon or later she would find her true love. What was less to be expected, was that she would met her true love at the work when she was passing a ticket for bad parking! Leighton was the man, she had just passed a ticket and both had a disagreement, due to Blair being quite strict at details. On the next day, she encountered Leighton by the kindergarten to get him home. She heard, that it was trip field day at the kindergarten and Leighton couldn't pay for Sam's bus ride due to having it to pay for a parking ticket. The teacher said, she knew it was hard for the man to raise the boy alone and keep money at the same time, "but rules are rules". Blair felt bad about the man's state and remembered, that she really went too far with the ticket, then got out to offer the man money to pay for the trip. She apologized and reasoned with him. Sam was happy for the police woman to help his father out and said they are true heroes. Blair felt abashed by the boy's comment, then the teacher invited the boy to enter the bus and they left. Leighton asked why she did that and she told him why. He also said he only has luck making throught life with his son cause he is with his mother at home, since the actual mother died. Blair felt sorry for the man and offered him a coffee, so they could talk, if needed. Leighton accepted and commented, he needed a break from the daily routine.. Throughout three years the duo had become good friends and assumed a relationship as they felt attraction to each other.
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Backstory (In-Game): I don't remember, but It had something to do with Holly Alto and Bebe being best friends. Ethan, who is supposed to be friends with everyone at the school, should eventually know Davy as well. (Suppose, cause bio and game are opposite actually)
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.): They're both in the same class and Bebe has been attracted to him for about a year. Ethan of course didn't know it, only because his friend Parker heard that from Holly he learned about the attraction. Parker suggested him to ask Bebe out one day to at least get to know her better. He has done that and both figured out, they had a bit of things in common, then would occasionally go out together and at one part of the year, they had assumed that they were together.
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marianeaparecidareis · 3 months
“Oh, realmente existem Cônjuges que estão sob O Poder Demoníaco desde A PRIMEIRA HORA DO CASAMENTO"!
Tobias 6:16. Tobias 4:1
22 de Março de 1944
“O ditado de ontem suscita o seguinte.
“As famílias que não são famílias e que estão na origem de graves infortúnios que se irradiam de dentro da célula familiar para arruinar as estruturas das Nações e, depois, A Paz Mundial, são as famílias nas quais DEUS NÃO GOVERNA, mas Sim A Sensualidade e O Interesse Próprio Domina e, portanto, A Filiação A Satanás.
Criados com base na Sensualidade e no Interesse Próprio, eles não ascendem ao que É SASGRADO, mas, como A Grama insalubre que brota na lama, sempre rastejam em direção Á Terra.
“Oh, realmente existem Cônjuges que estão sob O Poder Demoníaco desde A PRIMEIRA HORA DO CASAMENTO! Na Verdade, há pessoas que O São antes mesmo de se Casarem.
São assim desde O Momento em que tomam A Decisão de encontrar um companheiro ou uma companheira e não o fazem com um propósito Reto, mas com Cálculos Enganosos onde o Egoísmo e A Sensualidade Dominam Soberanamente.
“Nada é mais Saudável ou mais Santo do que duas pessoas que se Amam Sinceramente e se unem para PERPETUAR A RAÇA HUMANA E ENTREGAR ALMAS AO CÉU."
“A Dignidade de um Homem e de uma Mulher que se tornam PAIS SÓ PERDE PARA DEUS". Nem mesmo A Dignidade Real É assim. Pois um Rei, mesmo o mais Sábio, nada faz senão administrar seus súditos.
Estes PAIS, por outro lado, atraem para si O OLHAR DE DEUS e retiram Desse Olhar uma Alma Nova, que encerram no Invólucro da carne que lhes nasceu. EU quase diria que eles têm DEUS como Sujeito, naquele momento, pois DEUS imediatamente CRIA uma nova Alma para O SEU AMOR RETO FORMANDO UMA UNIÃO PARA DAR UM NOVO CIDADÃO À TERRA E AO CÉU.
“Se eles considerassem esse Poder deles, ao qual DEUS concorda imediatamente! Os Anjos não podem fazer tanto; Antes, os Anjos, como DEUS, estão imediatamente prontos para apoiar o ato dos Esposos Fecundos e tornar-se guardiões da nova criatura.
Mas há muitos que, como diz Rafael, abraçam o estado matrimonial de tal forma que banem DEUS de si mesmos e das suas Mentes e se abandonam À LUXÚRIA. E O Diabo tem poder sobre estes.
Que diferença existe entre um Leito Pecaminoso e o Leito de dois Cônjuges que não recusam O Prazer, mas recusam A PROLE?
Não vamos nos envolver em Acrobacias Verbais e Raciocínios enganosos.
A diferença é bem pequena.
Pois se, por Doença ou imperfeição, é aconselhável ou permitido não ter filhos, as pessoas devem então conseguir ser continentes e privar-se das Satisfações Estéreis que nada mais são do que Prazeres Sensuais.
Se, por outro lado, nenhum obstáculo à procriação intervém, por que vocês transformam uma Lei Natural e Sobrenatural em um ato imoral, deformando seu propósito?
“Quando qualquer consideração Honesta o induz a não aumentar o número de filhos, conseguem viver como Cônjuges Castos e não como macacos lascivos".
Como você pode querer que O ANJO DE DEUS cuide da sua casa quando você a transforma em um covil de pecado?
Como você pode querer QUE DEUS O PROTEJA quando você O força a desviar o olhar com desgosto do seu ninho maculado?
“Oh, são miseráveis as famílias que se formam sem preparação sobrenatural! As Famílias das quais foi excluída a priori toda a busca da Verdade e onde, pelo contrário, se ridiculariza A Palavra da Verdade que ensina o que é o Casamento e por que existe."
São miseráveis as famílias que se formam sem pensar no que é superior, mas apenas sob o estímulo do Apetite Sensual e de considerações financeiras! Quantos cônjuges, depois do costume inevitável da Cerimónia Religiosa - EU DISSE Costume, e Repito, pois para a maioria não passa de um Costume e não da Aspiração da Alma DE TER DEUS CONSIGO NAQUELE MOMENTO - já não tenha um Pensamento em DEUS e faça O Sacramento - que não termina com A Cerimónia Religiosa, mas começa então e dura enquanto a vida dos cônjuges, segundo O Meu Pensamento, assim como a tomada dos votos não dura tanto quanto A Cerimónia Religiosa, mas enquanto durar a vida do Religioso ou da Religiosa – e fazem do Sacramento uma festa e fazem da festa uma válvula de escape para A Bestialidade!
“O Anjo ENSINA A TOBIAS que, ao ter O Ato precedido pela Oração, O ATO SE TORNA SANTO, Abençoado e Frutífero em Verdadeiras Alegrias e Descendência.
“Seria necessário fazer isso. Que as pessoas se casem movidas pelo desejo de ter filhos, pois este é o propósito da união humana, e qualquer outro Propósito É UM PECADO QUE DESONRA O HOMEM COMO SER RACIONAL E FERIR O ESPÍRITO, O TEMPLO DE DEUS, que foge com desdém, e ter DEUS sempre presente.
DEUS não é um Carcereiro Opressor, mas DEUS É UM PAI que Exulta nas alegrias honestas dos seus filhos e filhas e responde aos seus Santos Abraços com Bênçãos Celestiais e com a Aprovação de que é prova A Criação de uma nova Alma.
“Mas quem vai entender esta página"?
Como se EU Tivesse falado A Língua de um planeta desconhecido, você a lerá sem perceber seu sabor sagrado. Parecerá palha velha para você e é uma DOUTRINA CELESTIAL.
Você, o sábio desta época, vai zombar disso. E você não sabe que Satanás está rindo da sua tolice; Graças à sua Incontinência, à sua Bestialidade, ele conseguiu fazer com que você condenasse aquilo que DEUS criou para o seu Bem: O Casamento como união humana e como Sacramento.
“VOU REPETIR PARA VOCÊ, para que você se lembre Delas e seja guiado por elas — se você ainda puder fazê-lo através de um resíduo de Dignidade Humana que sobrevive em você — as palavras de Tobias à sua esposa: "Somos filhos de Santos e não podemos uni-vos como os gentios que não conhecem A DEUS".
“Deixe que eles sejam sua norma. Pois, mesmo que vocês tenham nascido onde A Santidade já morreu, O Batismo ainda os tornou filhos e filhas de DEUS, do Santo dos Santos, e assim vocês sempre podem dizer que são filhos de Santos – do Santo – e guie-se por isso.
Vocês terão então descendentes nos quais O Nome do Senhor será abençoado, e eles viverão na sua Lei.
“E quando os filhos vivem na Lei Divina, os Pais colhem os Benefícios, pois ela Ensina Virtudes, Respeito e Amor, e os primeiros a serem beneficiados daí, depois de DEUS, vêm os Pais Afortunados, os Esposos Santos que conseguiram fazer do casamento um Rito Perpétuo e não um Vício desonroso”. Tobias 6:16. Tobias 4:1
No capítulo 4 de Tobias, o personagem Tobias dá conselhos a seu filho Tobias sobre como viver uma vida justa e virtuosa. Ele enfatiza a importância de seguir os mandamentos de Deus, ajudar os pobres e evitar o pecado....................4:1 - Tobit, julgando que sua prece tinha sido atendida e que ia morrer, chamou junto de si o seu filho.
Tobias 6 conta a história de Tobias e do anjo Rafael, que o ajuda a curar sua futura esposa Sara e a afastar o demônio Asmodeu. Entre os temas abordados no capítulo estão a importância da confiança em Deus, a orientação divina, a oração e a importância da fidelidade conjugal................................TOBIAS - 6:16.17 O anjo respondeu-lhe: “Ouve-me e eu te mostrarei sobre quem o demônio tem poder:* 17. são os que se casam, banindo Deus de seu coração e de seu pensamento e se entregam à sua paixão como o cavalo e o burro, que não têm entendimento: sobre estes o demônio tem poder.
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Pensão por Morte e Separação de Bens
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Pensão por Morte e Separação de Bens: Desvendando Direitos e Deveres A pensão por morte é um benefício previdenciário essencial, destinado a amparar financeiramente os dependentes de um segurado falecido do INSS. No entanto, quando o casamento ocorre sob o regime de separação total de bens, surgem dúvidas e incertezas quanto ao direito a esse benefício. Neste artigo, exploraremos em profundidade as nuances desse tema, esclarecendo questões e orientando sobre os procedimentos necessários para a obtenção da pensão por morte. 1. Entendendo a Pensão por Morte A pensão por morte é um direito conferido aos dependentes legais de um segurado do INSS que venha a falecer. Este benefício tem como objetivo substituir a renda do segurado, proporcionando suporte financeiro à família. Os dependentes legais incluem cônjuges, companheiros, filhos, enteados, pais e irmãos, sendo necessária a comprovação de dependência econômica. 2. O Regime de Separação Total de Bens O regime de separação total de bens é uma modalidade matrimonial que prevê a completa autonomia financeira e patrimonial entre os cônjuges. Neste regime, cada cônjuge mantém a propriedade exclusiva de seus bens, adquiridos antes ou durante o casamento. A escolha por esse regime pode ser motivada por diversos fatores, como a proteção patrimonial e a independência financeira. 3. A Interseção entre Pensão e Separação de Bens A dúvida recorrente é se o regime de separação total de bens influencia o direito à pensão por morte. A resposta é que, apesar da separação patrimonial, o direito à pensão permanece, pois este benefício não está atrelado ao patrimônio do casal, mas sim à dependência econômica. Portanto, o cônjuge sob separação total de bens deve comprovar tal dependência para ter acesso à pensão. 4. Comprovando a Dependência Financeira A comprovação de dependência financeira é um requisito crucial para a concessão da pensão por morte. Documentos como declaração de Imposto de Renda, comprovantes de residência conjunta, contas bancárias conjuntas e outros registros financeiros podem ser utilizados para evidenciar a dependência econômica entre o cônjuge e o segurado falecido. 5. Procedimentos para Solicitação da Pensão Para requerer a pensão por morte, o dependente deve reunir a documentação necessária e realizar o pedido através dos canais disponibilizados pelo INSS, como o site ou aplicativo Meu INSS, o telefone 135 ou presencialmente em uma agência do INSS, mediante agendamento. É imperativo que o requerimento seja feito em até 90 dias após o óbito para garantir os pagamentos retroativos desde a data do falecimento. 6. Reflexões sobre Dependência e Autonomia A questão da pensão por morte em casamentos com separação total de bens suscita reflexões sobre os conceitos de dependência e autonomia financeira. A necessidade de comprovação de dependência econômica revela as complexidades das relações financeiras conjugais e os desafios enfrentados por cônjuges que buscam manter sua independência financeira, mas que, em momentos de adversidade, necessitam de amparo previdenciário. 7. Orientação Jurídica e Previdenciária Diante das especificidades e exigências para a obtenção da pensão por morte, a orientação jurídica e previdenciária torna-se fundamental. Profissionais especializados podem auxiliar na interpretação da legislação, na reunião de documentos comprobatórios e na realização de procedimentos administrativos, assegurando que os direitos dos dependentes sejam respeitados e efetivados. 8. Conclusão A pensão por morte é um benefício de suma importância para a proteção financeira dos dependentes de segurados falecidos. Mesmo em casamentos celebrados sob o regime de separação total de bens, o direito à pensão persiste, sendo essencial a comprovação de dependência econômica. A busca por orientação adequada e o cumprimento dos procedimentos estabelecidos são passos vitais para garantir esse direito. Ao compreendermos as interseções entre pensão, separação de bens e dependência financeira, somos capazes de navegar com mais segurança e conhecimento pelo universo previdenciário, assegurando o bem-estar e a dignidade dos dependentes em momentos de vulnerabilidade. Read the full article
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robson3x · 1 year
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Um assunto polêmico e pouco falado ! Estamos vivendo na era em que a educação sexual apoia a prática da masturbação e vê como algo saudável desde que seja moderado, Infelizmente, professores entre outros compartilham cartilhas sobre o assunto, os alunos são aconselhados a não terem sentimentos de culpa, angústia ou ansiedade ao fazê-lo, e ensinam que não é prejudicial à saúde. Isso não é verdade! Os próprios médicos afirmam que ela é prejudicial ao jovem tanto física quanto psicologicamente. E infelizmente quando um jovem pede orientação de alguns líderes religiosos este assunto é tratado com naturalidade. Como todo bom cristão não devemos dar ouvidos aos gurus contemporâneos e sim no que a Bíblia afirma a respeito dessa prática. Então vamos ver o que a Palavra de Deus nos fala sobre o assunto!!! A masturbação a é negligência direta do princípio bíblico de que “a mulher não tem poder sobre o seu próprio corpo, e sim o marido; e também, semelhantemente, o marido não tem poder sobre o seu próprio corpo, e sim a mulher” (1 Coríntios 7:4). Além disso, ao se masturbar, a pessoa geralmente contempla fotos pornográficas ou imagina cenas eróticas, não condizentes com os elevados princípios de pureza moral e espiritual do cristianismo (ver 1 Pedro 2:11). A Palavra de Deus que o sexo, em vez de ser usufruído egoisticamente, deve ser compartilhado exclusivamente dentro do relacionamento matrimonial. O plano divino não é “que o homem esteja só” (Gênesis 2:18), mas que se realize sexualmente no casamento (ver Gênesis 2:24; Êxodo 20:14; Provérbios 5:18; 6:20-35; 7:1-27). Cristo foi claro em afirmar que o adultério condenado pelas Escrituras (Êxodo 20:14) não se restringe meramente às relações sexuais fora do casamento, mas envolve também os próprios pensamentos imorais, “que contaminam o homem” (Mateus 15:19 e 20). Ele asseverou no Sermão do Monte: “Ouvistes que foi dito: Não adulterarás. Eu, porém, vos digo: qualquer que olhar para uma mulher com intenção impura, no coração, já adulterou com ela” (Mateus 5:27 e 28). E no Salmo 24:3 e 4 lemos: “Quem subirá ao monte do Senhor? Quem há de permanecer no Seu santo lugar? O que é limpo de mãos e puro de coração…” Apesar de https://www.instagram.com/p/CoCME3zOJtf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (III)
Summary: You successfully convinced Eliza to stop the wedding. Unfortunately (or is it really), Eliza has come to a solution that she thinks would be best for everybody and it’s happening no matter what. 
Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
As if by some miracle, he was still standing—even after you failed to convince Eliza how unnecessary a wedding would be. Now face-to-face with you on the altar, he still couldn’t believe how things turned out. This wasn’t  supposed to happen in real-life. Things like these were the stuff of movies. Or anime. Or dating sims. 
Ace, Epel, Rook, and Riddle were freed at your request. They, along with Ortho, were now arranging the paralyzed students into chairs, since Eliza refused to let them move for disrespecting the “couple”. When you ran out of excuses, some heavily opposed the impromptu wedding. Idia knew why: he wasn’t the only one in NRC who liked you like that. He’d been aware of some schoolmates’ attempts to romance you for a while now. Really, all you had to do was pick a route. 
How did he know, you might ask? It’s not like he secretly researched and listed down his competition so he could keep an eye on them. 
Alright… maybe he did. Heat crawled up to his neck at the thought of anyone finding out. 
“So… we’re getting married,” you said, pulling him out of his thoughts. You spoke slowly, as if testing the words in your mouth. Like him, you couldn’t quite wrap your head around the fake wedding just yet. You fidgeted more than usual—barely looking at his face or talking to him since you joined him at the altar. 
Were you thinking of the same thing? The inevitable kiss after you say your vows?
A weak hum was all he could manage. A smile appeared on your face, showing that you understood. You didn’t tell him to speak up; you never told him to. Somehow, the sight of that smile put him at ease like a recovery potion after a Despair battle ailment. It felt like another day in his room, the two of you hanging out and eating candy. 
“Nice suit, by the way.” 
“Th...anks?” Idia turned his head to the side. If he looked at you any longer, he might combust. Not that he didn’t already. Which was embarrassing btw.
You inched closer, making him gasp and jump back as multiple alarms went off in his head. Really… mind the Personal Space Bubble! Oh wait… that’s right. He’d stopped telling you off for getting too close long ago. 
Your face flashed a look of surprise, which quickly faded into concern as you observed him. When you whispered, your breath grazed his neck and ear. Hopefully his shudder escaped your notice. 
“You okay?” Immediately, you backtrack. “Wait, that was stupid. I know you’re not.”
“So many people watching...” he mumbled. His eyes quickly scanned the hall. “I can’t do this.” And he ended it there. You didn’t need to know how he felt about marrying you.
Again, you understood. Your smile faded and Idia found himself missing it immediately as it went. 
“Sorry, I...” you look down, fiddling with your fingers again. “I really should’ve tried harder to stop this.” 
Idia silently wished for dialogue options, because he didn’t quite know what to say to that. However, it looked like he didn’t need to. You took his hand and squeezed it, a determined fire flickering behind your eyes. 
“This’ll be over soon. Just hold on,” you said, squeezing his hand. “It’s just another quest, player 1.”
At the familiar nickname, he smiled in spite of his thumping heartbeat and everything that had happened. “Let’s do it, player 2.”
“Let us proceed with the ceremony!” Eliza, who had been watching the two of you closely, was eager for the wedding to commence. She clasped her hands in anticipation, looking no different from a normie watching a Rom-com. At her command, the wedding music played again—the same one as before. You gave Idia a look and shrugged. 
“Can’t believe we’re getting married to this music...”
“Sounds like doom, doesn’t it?” 
“Isn’t that what marriage is? Doom?” 
“Haha! E-exactly…” Normally, he would’ve agreed wholeheartedly. This time, he couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how you felt marrying him. 
The ghost officiant returned to the makeshift altar (maintaining a good distance from you). Each NRC student who had the misfortune of attempting a proposal sat in a chair, watching the event. You smiled reassuringly, eyes sparkling like embers. 
“We are gathered here today to unite these two lovers in the bonds of matrimony,” the officiant begins. The darkness of the hall gave him quite a sight: the flickering flames of his hair illuminating your face in blue light. Seeing it, when in the safety and darkness of his room, made him feel this warm, fuzzy feeling he thought was reserved for 2D characters. 
“Do you, Idia Shroud, take … as your lawful spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, keeping yourself solely unto them for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer " I do". 
This’ll never happen in real life. “I do.” I don’t have a chance, do I?
Confessing would only ruin the bond he had with you. If it meant never losing your friendship, then this fake wedding would be enough. 
He looked at you, standing in front of him as you were about to say your own vows and silently implored Mnemosyne to burn this scene into his memory forever. 
“Do you take Idia Shroud as your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer "I do."”
It seemed that you were doing the same. Idia faltered under the intensity of your gaze. “I do.”
“I now pronounce you as spouses. You may now kiss!”
Here it comes. CODE RED! CODE RED!
The way Idia’s face burned rivaled that of his hair. He was becoming hyper-aware of the snickers coming from his schoolmates. Seeing you made him worse—the corners of your mouth twitched and your shoulders shook as you fought back a laugh. 
“Hey! We’re about to kiss and you’re laughing?!” he cried, covering his face. “Kill me now.”
Just like that, your quiet and tender moment was gone. You couldn’t hold it in anymore. Covering your face like he did, you erupted in giggles. Peeking out from the gaps of his fingers, Idia thought about #3 from the Signs of Attraction list he found on the Internet: 
“Another unconscious sign of attraction is mirroring, or matching another person's movements. When people are interested in one another, researchers have found that they tend to mimic each other's movements and gestures.”
Nah. Can’t be. He would have thought it was cute, if you weren’t laughing at his expense. 
“S-sorry! Your hair’s just—” another round of giggles interrupted you. “...burning really brightly!” 
“I can’t help it, okay?” he said, face red from annoyance and of course, the thought of what you were about to do. “Stop!” 
You tried to stop, but just the sight of his red face and hair sent you into another round of wheezing laughter. So hard you laughed, that an inhuman sound came out of you. Immediately, you stopped and looked at him, eyes wide. 
But it was Idia’s turn to lose it. 
“You… sound like… a Minecube pig!” he said, each word punctuated by uncontrollable peals of laughter. The wedding attendees had no choice but to watch on as you and your groom wheezed at the altar instead of kissing. 
“Baaya, what is wrong with them?” a confused Eliza asks. 
“I do not know, but it is apparent that they were made for each other.”
It wasn’t until the annoyed officiant cleared his throat that you and Idia stopped. You straightened up, wiping tears from your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. It was only then that your expression turned serious, but not without a few traces of your mirth from a few seconds ago. 
“Idia, we don’t have to—I’m really, really sorry about this, okay?” you whisper to him. “I know how much you value your firsts…”
“It’s fi—”
“...not that I’m assuming you haven’t had your first uh, kiss yet but—oh god, I uh… ” 
No dating sim—nothing could have prepared him for this situation. But strangely, laughing his ass off with you gave him a spark of courage that he rarely ever felt. In a moment, he would be kissing you. He hopes that courage lasts. 
“Let’s get this over with,” Idia surprised even himself with how steady his voice sounded.
You were still, staring at him open-mouthed for what seemed like a few minutes. He stared back, until you were forced to avert your gaze to the ground. Something told him that he was doing something right. A lone voice from the audience chanting “Kiss!” pulled the two of you back to reality. Someone was making an obnoxious kissing sound. Neither of you dared to look and see who it was. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” the ghosts joined in on the chant. 
Shyly, you lifted your head back up. “O-okay. Here goes nothing!”
He tried recounting how first kisses were described by people on the Internet, from his manga, and the countless dating sims he played. Some said there were fireworks. Some said it felt electric. Some described the feeling as the rest of the world falling away. One swore it made them feel like the ground disappearing beneath their feet and before they knew it, they were floating. 
Should he close his eyes? Which side should he tilt his head? Where does he put his hands? How exactly do you kiss? Questions, panicky thoughts, and movie kissing scenes ran through his head like a computer reading code. When you leaned in, someone pressed ‘mute’ on the sounds in the hall and all that was left was him and you. 
When you held his face in your gloved hands, it was Error 404. He let his eyes flutter closed. When everything went dark, all he felt was the shy, feather-light brush of lips against the corner of his mouth. Not quite on his lips, just dangerously close. 
Purer than a first kiss, but more than just a friendly peck. The students of NRC witnessed Idia’s hair at its most fiery just the same. 
To be continued. 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Characterization hard
Hehe, hope you liked this. Part 4, the finale, coming soon. 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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thesims4blogger · 2 years
Official Blog: Find Marital Bliss in The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories
The Sims team has released an official blog for The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories Game Pack!
Introducing Tartosa, the most romantic world in all of The Sims™ 4. The sunsets are heartstopping, the beaches are breathtaking, the gardens are astonishing, and the waterfalls are awe-inspiring; Tartosa is a paradise made for love.
This idyllic world is the perfect place to celebrate your Sims’ nuptials, from putting a ring on it to the renewal of vows, reflecting a true wedding and happily-ever-after experience! You’ll be able to creatively discover different sides of oneself to plan out many versions of your Sims’ dream wedding: the festivities leading up to the ceremony, participants, decor, dresscode, cake, location and more.
So without further ado, we now present Tartosa and a guided tour of The Sims 4  My Wedding Stories Game Pack.
Pre-Wedding Festivities
A wedding doesn’t start until your partner says “yes,” right?
Enjoy the thrill of every major moment leading up to the Big Day, starting with your engagement. Although you can absolutely be the spontaneous type and elope at City Hall, you can also spend some time selecting that flawless ring in Create-A-Sim, picking the right time and location. When they say yes – because of course they will, you’re a total catch! – you and your partner have the preference to host pre-wedding parties to celebrate the big news with family and friends.
Just like your wedding, your Sim couple can plan their Engagement Party, Bach Parties and/or Rehearsal Dinner any way they want, complete with the option of toasts, speeches, food, gifts and dancing, as well as the choosing of a Sim of Honor.
Ultimate Checklist for Planning Your Nuptials
The fun of planning all of the ceremony details may begin – and you can make your wedding(s) uniquely yours! You don’t like to dance? Not a problem; we’ll just prepare more food.
After you’ve established your Sim couple’s likes, dislikes, wants and nots, you can move on to setting a date and choosing your venue. Tartosa is full of picturesque locations – from a Coastal Village to the Forested Inland – with everything you need to make your wedding day magical, including reverent residents and local lore. There’s extravagant ballrooms, sunset-laden beaches, and peaceful gardens. We’ve partnered with community creators from different backgrounds to create lots that represent our community, like icemunmun’s “Garden Palace of Vows,” and “Centurial Harmony Garden” created by CatherineGamesYT.
Once you’re in town, you can go to the local wedding attire boutique to try on a vast array of dresses and tuxedos. From traditional to modern, from flowy white gowns to the reds and henna typically worn by Hindu brides, there’s a look for everyone. Then, you’ll be able to visit the flower cart in the center of town to choose the bouquet you’ll inevitably toss over your shoulder.
What’s a party without a cake? Swing over to the patisserie shop to taste test and put your personal spin on your Sims’ perfect cake from seemingly endless options and combinations – and don’t forget your cake topper!
The Perfect Cinematic Wedding
Today’s the Big Day and now it’s time to revel in everything you’ve built. If you’re celebrating a more traditional Chinese matrimony, you can start the day with a Family Gathering – the customary tea ceremony – serving refreshments to your respective families.
After slipping into your wedding attire, it’s now time to start the Wedding Ceremony. Your guests will gather together to cordially await your arrival. Once you’ve sent down your flower pal and ring bearer down the aisle, if you so choose to, then you and your partner will do the same, either alone or with someone to give you away. Vows exchanged, I Do’s certified, and the first kiss seals the deal. Congratulations, newlyweds! Let’s party!
In the Wedding Reception, you’ll have an opportunity to toss your bouquet, cut the cake with your partner, and even share your first slow dance as a married couple, complete with a rehearsed twirl-and-dip. Then, move over, lovebirds, the rest of the party wants to join you on the dance floor for some line dancing! It’s electric!
Memories to Last a Lifetime
You and your partner’s celebration doesn’t stop after the reception. You’ll have a lifetime together to memorialize your matrimony, starting with the photos you captured and vacations you planned. Whether you stay in Tartosa or travel to another far-off world, you’ll be able to enjoy your new life with an intimate vacation for two.
As you and your partner grow old, you two will also have the chance for Vow Renewal, reaffirming your love for each other in a smaller, simpler version of your wedding ceremony.
The Sims team wishes you and yours a sincere congratulations!
Check out Dom and Cam’s Wedding Website as they share their first big steps towards marriage, and follow the couple’s wedding planning updates.
Join us for a full deep-dive reveal of The Sims 4: My Wedding Stories on February 11, 2022 at 10AM PT on Twitch and YouTube.
The Sims™ 4 My Wedding Stories Game Pack will be available beginning February 17, 2022 on PC and Mac via Origin™ and Steam®, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One systems.
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whyeverr · 4 years
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‘Til Death Do Us Part | Museum
This simple country chapel once served as the heart of the sleepy village of Forgotten Hollow. That is, according to legend, until the darkness radiating from Straud Manor began to permeate the very air of the town, filling the hearts of parishioners with fear and driving them away from the light of the divine.
Believing it to be their best chance at salvation, the congregation constructed a new, much larger church just outside the confines of Forgotten Hollow, de-consecrating the grounds of their little chapel and leaving it to fall to ruins.
This proved to be rather... short-sighted. Now the abandoned and unprotected building is rumored to serve a different purpose—and a different master. Unverified witness accounts speak of paranormal activity, light emanating from long-extinguished candles, and always, always the low bellowing of pipe organ. It is said that dark rituals—black mass, rites of initiation, and ceremonies of unholy matrimony—are performed here in the depths of night.
Lot details:
Lot Type: Museum (y’know, where Sims can get married 🙃)
Price: §55,258
Size: 30x20
Location: Widowshild Townhome, Forgotten Hollow
I’ve used from all packs freely here—in particular, lots of StrangerVille, Vampires, and Get Together
Please enable bb.moveobjects on when downloading to ensure proper placement of the lot!
Created in celebration of Simblreen 2020! @simblreenofficial
Download via the Sims 4 Gallery here or the tray files via Sim File Share here. Please don’t re-upload or share without credit. Thank you!
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curiousb · 3 years
The Wentworth Family Album: Volume I
Four friends move into a rambling Victorian villa together (mostly because George Knightley had two bolts with both Emma Woodhouse and Anne Elliot, and I wanted to see whom he would choose).
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Frederick Wentworth starts his post-graduate life as he means to go on - George happily obliges his friend (although possibly he’d rather be Tinkering with something).
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I do love it when my Sims use something as I intended - I thought this bench on the porch would be the perfect spot for a bit of quiet reading!
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Well, that’s George and Emma under the covers...
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so I guess Jane and Charles Bingley’s matchmaking had the desired effect, and he’s made his choice!
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Frederick also makes his commitment clear.
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Well, thank you very much, Risky Woohoo! Rather earlier than planned, but no one minds too much.
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But, it does mean that it’s already time for Frederick and Anne to find their own place.
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Moving day, and before they even set foot inside their new home, Anne goes into labour on the front lawn! Frederick is far too concerned with maintaining his physique to pay any attention to his new offspring.
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Paternal instinct does however, kick in eventually. And we have a redhead! Meet baby Walter Wentworth.
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Anne is keen to get back into shape after giving birth.
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Maybe she shouldn’t have bothered?
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I do hope that Frederick is better at spelunking (whatever that might be) than he is at cooking toaster pastries (whatever those might be).
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Toddler Walter is a bit of a handful, leaving an exhausted Anne passing out into her grilled cheese (whatever that might actually be).
~ Pisces 8 / 5 / 10 / 5 / 3
~ Grumpy / Loves the Heat
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Exemplary parenting right there, dumping the baby into a puddle on the bathroom floor!
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It’s a girl (and also a lousy camera angle)! Hello, Sophia Wentworth!
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Even with two littl’uns, Frederick and Anne still find time to host a lavish wedding party.
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I wonder whether it’s going to give anyone else matrimonial aspirations (I see you at the back there, George and Emma)?
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Wedding night abandon.
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It’s time for Sophia to be thrown into the air (mind the ceiling please)!
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Yes, she meets with my aesthetic approval.
~ Scorpio 9 / 4 / 9 / 4 / 8
~ Ambitious / Perfectionist
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Let’s hear it for autonomous parent-toddler interaction!
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The joy of potty training.
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Life is full, but there’s always time for old friends to relive their carefree student days. (I think Jane Austen would approve that Frederick and George get along so well.)
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fairycele95 · 1 year
vi aspettiamo numerosi su YouTube 💚 Canale YouTube @ladymintchannel che l'interno troverete le seguenti serie:
La Disney Legacy Challenge 👑💒
La famiglia Evans 👪
Video Cas 🦋
Megical Memories 🔮🧙
7 Toddler Challenge 👶
Oasi innevata ⛩️❄️
Recensioni pack di the Sims 4 🧑‍💻
Disney Villains University Challenge 📚👿
Runawey Teen 🌬️
Cottage Living 🏠
Not so berry Challenge 🌈
7 Matrimoni Fantasy ed. 💒🔮
Harley's Teenage 🎀
Resident Evil 7 e 8 💀
La 100 Baby Challenge 👶🍼
I video collaborazione con le Kawaii Simmers 🌸💜
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