#since Catnap never actually speaks
powerofwisdom99 · 5 months
I love to imagine Dogday straight up telling Catnap 'I woof you so much',
and Catnap just makes a heart with his hands.
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donutz · 8 months
Catnap & Dogday being silly with reader
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Request from Wattpad—! Here you go Zeki aph☆
—☆You are a smiling critter in this, if u want to know which one(but don't know what animal or insect to pick) you could start out as a sheep!
It’s early in the morning, and the kids have woken up(some of them, those are the early birds).
You and PickyPiggy help out with the breakfast, surprisingly you two never get tired of it.
PickyPiggy is very familiar with food so of course she won't get bored, but you? It can be confusing on why you never get tired.. Of cooking and baking for the kids.
Both of you cook everyday, at least for breakfast. Cooking over 500 pancakes, bacon(sometimes), and eggs isn't thattt bad!!
That's what PickyPiggy and you say.
So while you were cooking pancakes, you were by yourself. PickyPiggy already took care of the bacon. Seems.. Weird. Because y'know, bacon is pork. But she doesn't know that so let's keep it a secret.
You had 400 already done, just 100 left. Then you and Picky have to work together to set the table and place down the plates of food.
You finished pouring out the batter for a few pancakes then sat down somewhere on the couch.
You're cooking for all the kids, but the little ones come first. The little ones are 1-6, the youth is 7-10, then the older ones are 11-17. Why do the little ones wake up earlier? You're not sure.
Since there isn’t anything to watch except Smiling Critter videos. You decide to watch that. While it was playing, you kind of— zoned out..
‘Why don’t I have hands instead of hooves’?
Then Dogday and Catnap came out of nowhere.
Dogday jumped on you while Catnap crawled on the couch and sat next to you.
“What’cha doin?!” Dogday asked, he was always so interested in what you do in your everyday life. It’s just a routine, sometimes it doesn’t always stick to that but it’s okay.
“Waiting for the pancakes to cook—” While you were speaking, apparently PickyPiggy woke up and wanted to check on the cooking.
“Oh that’s great! Your pancakes are amazing! As always!” Dogday always compliments you on your cooking.
“What’s the ingredients for em? Again..?” And for some reason he couldn’t remember the ingredients every single time you told him. But you don’t mind.
(This is a real recipe by the way you can actually make this, it’s how I make pancakes!) While making eye contact with Picky, you were stating the ingredients.
“So I first use 1 cup of pancake flour”(You can use any, I think, I’m not sure since I’ve been using the same one every time I make pancakes)
“Then a ⅔ cup of water(If the flour looks like it needs more water you can do a full cup!)” You were hand motioning to Picky to flip over the pancakes since they should be done by now. She did it so you don’t have to worry too much, now.
She’s taking care of the pancakes now that you’re explaining the ingredients to a very interested puppy, and a very much listening kitty.
“Then three slices of butter, after getting the pieces I put it in the microwave, for 30 seconds or 1 minute, depending on how big the slices were”
“And to add some yummy flavor to it I use cinnamon, as much as you want really, also if you want to make it really sweet, you can use milk”!
“After putting the ingredients together, you mix 'em up! And now you pour the batter on the griddle, as much as you want”.
“Also if it’s too dry you could add more liquids(any of them, the melted butter, the water, the milk) or if it’s too liquidy you could add more flour”.
“... Wow! Sheepy you’re so cool when it comes to cooking and stuff!” The puppy was wagging his tail at how amazing you were with your knowledge about making food.
Then he gave you a big hug, he was on your left side so you put your left arm around his back.
Then Catnap rubbed his head against yours while purring.
Even if Picky is still in the area, she’s too sleepy to process Catnap’s affection.
You didn’t want to sleep here on the couch so you suggested to the polar opposites that, “We should move to our critter bedroom or something”.
While you three were walking to the critter room, remember how I said that some kids were early birds? Yeah, and someee of those kids were out of their bedrooms. So you and Catnap had to deal with having them go back into their rooms, since Dogday isn’t too good at that stuff.
He sometimes gets.. Manipulated by the kids.. They reason with him and tell him that it’s okay to stay out of the rooms. Then he goes, “Okay!” It’s not annoying, but it is annoying that the kids were taking advantage of Dogday’s kindness.
After that frenzy, you guys were actually heading back to the critters’ room.
Luckily, the workers thankfully had sympathy for the critters so you all actually have a place to rest. Even if you don’t need to sleep.
All the critters, except Picky, were playing around in the room. Then your trio came in and walked in on a party. Like a teenage birthday party, it was actually crazy. And somehow Craftycorn was drawing during all of this??
Catnap, Dogday and you were going towards your bed, just sitting on it, watching the madness. There was so much laughing, the room could be mistaken for a bunch of 3 year olds.
Then, KickinChicken threw a pillow and it hit Catnap’s face..
The room went silent, though, Craftycorn was still drawing.
“Oh! Sorry Catnap! I’ll try not to hit you again”!
He slowly turned his head towards the chicken, looking scary as ever.
But then you scratched the underside of his chin with your wrist(since you’re a sheep and have wool) or if your critter actually has hands then you scratched under his chin with your hand.
“Sorry about him, continue.” And then the playing started again.
And yes, Catnap started purring.
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five-hxrgreeves · 1 year
Two Positives Equal a Negative (Or Something Like That)
PAIRING: adam warlock & fem! quill’s sister!reader
WC: 2.8k (again, a long one. I just can’t seem to write anything short!) 
SUMMARY: you’ve always had trouble sleeping thanks your numerous (unfortunate) life experiences. While he hasn’t lived as long as you have, Adam has a similar problem. Fortunately, a Terran phrase that your brother taught you might have the solution that you seek.
WARNINGS: slight gotg three spoilers, fluff, angst if you squint.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: okay, so I accidentally lied and I realized that my last one-shot wasn’t my first official one; I wrote a Natasha x reader several years ago. I just don’t post on here that often so I forgot about it, lol. Anyway, Adam Warlock currently has a chokehold on me so here’s another one-shot for him- the sequel that I mentioned on the last one. I’m tempted to write a Gally one/two-shot, but I’m not familiar with the TMR universe so I’m worried that I’d mess it up.
Also, I know that the phrase is actually ‘two negatives equal a positive,’ but I was drawing on the fact that non-Terrans wouldn’t really remember/understand Peter’s references, and since ‘you’ had only been to Earth during Endgame, you it mixed up.
Part 0 , Part 1
You’d always had trouble sleeping, especially on your father’s planet. There had just been a sense of. . . wrongness that you didn’t need Mantis’ empath powers to feel. It had made you on edge most of the time, alert for the unseen danger that you felt. While this might’ve just been your role as Ego’s protector speaking, you knew that your sister felt similarly. Mantis had once offered to put you to sleep using her powers, which you’d agreed to. Although it had worked, you hadn’t liked the feeling of your emotions being messed with, or the vulnerability that came with sleep. Even though you trusted that your sister wouldn’t hurt you, Ego was a different story entirely.
So, that meant that you were up most of the time with only catnaps and snatches of sleep when absolutely necessary. (Luckily your enhanced stamina helped in this case so it wasn’t terribly detrimental to your wellbeing.) It was hard to hide your unusual sleep patterns on the Milano with your new friends since there wasn’t space to walk around like there had been on Ego’s planet. But the Guardians all had various traumas of their own, so they understood the difficulty of getting peaceful rest. Some nights had even been better than others as Peter would teach you how to play Terran card games, which would then include the rest of the Guardians once you’d learned.
You also liked to sit in the pilot’s chair late at night and watch the darkness of space light up around you. It was funny, really; everyone expected space to be a dark, black vacuum of nothing when it was actually just the opposite. Sure, there was no physical form of life, but space was alive in its own way. As the Milano sailed aimlessly through the stars, you’d pass the orange-red clouds of dust and gas— nebulas. Or the brilliant white-blue of a dying star, or the different hues of blue-black that surrounded you. Space was truly beautiful, which was something that you never tried to take for granted.
But now you were stuck on Knowhere. There were no brilliant colors of space to distract you or friends to play card games with. Mantis was gone— your only source of comfort on those long nights when you’d served your father. You were alone, with nothing but a Zune to distract you as you sat, bored, in the kitchen late into the night. You’d decided on some calmer tunes and were currently listening to the Frank Sinatra playlist you’d curated. A warm mug of tea— which Peter had also introduced you to— sat between your hands as your eyes glazed over, getting lost in your music.
As it turned out, Adam wasn’t that great of a sleeper, either. It always felt like there was too much energy running through him to be properly restful— not to mention that, whenever he closed his eyes, he saw his mother waiting for him as he flew desperately towards her. And then the explosion would come, jolting him out of sleep as a reminder of his failure.
With a sigh, he pushed back his covers and stood. Since he was already dressed (his mother had always told him to be ready for anything), he made his way to the kitchen where he’d baked cookies with you. It hadn’t been that long ago, but he already missed the comfortable, homey feeling he’d gotten as he formed the batter into spheres with you standing at his side. You had yet to talk to Rocket about how his comments made you feel, but he knew it was because you respected your teammate and didn’t like making a big deal out of things. Thinking about you now, he sort of hoped that he would see you in the kitchen when he got there— but that was a crazy thought; it was the middle of the night! Any normal person would be in a deep sleep by now.
So, it was definitely a pleasant surprise when he came upon you, sitting at the head of the table. Your earbuds were in your ears, as usual, and you seemed to be deep in thought as you absentmindedly traced the rim of your mug with your finger. He was comfortable enough with you to approach you without hesitation, so he took the chair next to yours and nudged you gently to get your attention.
You jumped, startled by the unexpected presence of someone else in the room. At first you had a wild thought that it might be Peter, who came to keep you company as he often had. You were only mildly disappointed to see that it was Adam instead (and this was just because you missed your brother; you were actually quite happy to see the golden boy.) You took out your earbuds and paused your music. “You’re up late. Or early.”
His golden eyes met yours— something you noticed that he did often; it seemed that eye contact was his way of showing that he was listening to you, which always made your stomach flutter pleasantly. “So are you,” he replied. “Can’t sleep?”
“Nah,” you said with a shrug. “You?”
“Me either,” he agreed.
You sat in a comfortable silence together, one so long that you were almost tempted to  put your earbuds back in. Maybe this was a one-off thing; you’d never seen him before on your sleepless nights. Maybe he wasn’t used to being up at this hour and just wasn’t as talkative as he normally was with you. But you were also curious; what could a supposedly perfect being be troubled with at night? So, you sighed, and against your better judgement (as you hated to talk about your feelings), you asked, “wanna talk about it?”
But Adam also knew how you were, and he shook his head. “No, it’s okay. I don’t mind just sitting here.” He got to enjoy your company, after all, so he considered tonight to be better than most.
You let out another sigh. As much as you hated getting touchy-feely, the night was already very boring; sitting and not talking would only make it worse. “I don’t mind, actually. I’m used to being around other people when I’m up like this. Talking would make the time pass faster.” You studied his expression for a moment, which was unusually unreadable; it always seemed like he had a kind smile or glance to send your way. “We can start off easy, if you want. Are you up like this every night?”
His expression softened at your willingness to go outside your comfort zone, so he answered honestly. (He had nothing that he wanted to hide from you, anyway.) “Most nights, yeah. What about you?”
“Same,” you agreed. You played with the rubber protective tip on your earbud. “Can’t get to sleep or bad dreams?”
“Both,” Adam admitted. “Although it’s usually the first one.”
You nodded. “Same, again, but for me it’s mostly the latter. You remember when I said that you weren’t the first person to try and kill me?” At his confirmation (because how could he have forgotten that?), you continued, “yeah. It’s mostly that. My father was a great parent,” you finished sarcastically.
When you’d first become friends, you’d shared stories about the Guardians’ adventures— even the ones that had happened before you’d joined the team— although they’d mostly been lighthearted in tone. You’d acted like they hadn’t really affected you and had laughed at the fact that your father’s planet had tried to swallow you whole. Adam sort of wished that your father was still alive so he could fight him for you. While his mother had had her moments of parenting issues, he’d never doubted that she did love him; it was clear that this wasn’t the case with your father.
“I’m sorry,” he said, not really sure what else he could say. Despite everything that had happened to you, you were still a good person; you hadn’t fought the Guardians on your first meeting like he had, which already made you better than him. He wished that there was something he could do (such as getting revenge for you) to help ease whatever burden you were feeling as you often had for him, but there didn’t seem like there was anything that he could do.
“Don’t worry about it,” you replied in a blasé tone, already moving on from your heavy things. “Want to talk about your stuff?”
He shifted in his seat, a little uncomfortable to admit his failure to you. He wanted to prove that he was just as capable as you were, and this was one of his worst moments. “I. . . keep thinking about my mother.” His gaze dropped to where his hands were folded on the table, unable to watch your reaction in case you thought worse of him. “How I. . . wasn’t able to save her. I was so close, too. If only I’d been faster—”
You reached out a hand to put it on top of both of his, cutting him off. Yours was much smaller in comparison, barely covering even one of his hands. He looked up at you with surprise, feeling his face heat up at the contact. Your usually jovial expression was uncharacteristically serious as you chided him gently, “stop. Thinking like that never helps, you know. You’ll drive yourself mad if you keep wondering ‘what if.’ I should know.”
While he was relieved that his fears about your reaction were unfounded, he frowned at your last words. “What do you mean?”
You pretended not to notice that your hands were still holding his as you answered, “remember what I told you about the Snap?” At his nod, you continued, “Peter and I were the only ones who weren’t trying to subdue Thanos. My powers are mostly defensive, so they would only anger him, which was the opposite of what we were trying to do. Peter got— understandably— distraught at the news of Gamora’s death and he was practically solely responsible for the Snap.” You sighed heavily, dropping your gaze from him. “As the only other person not doing anything on that planet, I could’ve stopped him, but he was my brother; I couldn’t hurt him. But if I had. . . everything could’ve been so much different. In a way, I was responsible for the Snap, too.”
While he understood your reasoning, he didn’t completely agree with it. You’d filled him in with great detail about the Infinity War, which you’d only learned the missing parts after you’d been brought back. So, he insisted quietly, “Thor could’ve also gone for Thanos’ head, but he didn’t.”
“But Thanos wouldn’t have even gotten to the Terran planet if we’d stopped him on Titan. You see what I mean? These what-ifs really messed with my head— still do. You eventually just have to accept the fact that the situation can’t be changed and learn from your mistakes.” In a lighter tone you added, “I promised myself that the next time I needed to sock it to Peter, I wouldn’t hesitate. Maybe a good hit to the head would knock some common sense back into him.”
Adam chuckled at this, his serious expression lifting. Sensing that you didn’t want to talk about such emotional topics anymore, he changed the subject slightly. “So you’re up every night because of these thoughts? Don’t you need sleep?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got enhanced stamina, so not as much as a regular person,” you said, relieved that he picked up on your hint. “What about you? You’re practically a god yourself.”
He felt his face flush with (pleased) embarrassment at your indirect compliment, even if it was truthful. “That’s part of the problem, I think,” he explained. “All this power. . . it gives me too much energy and. . . I can’t sleep.”
You frowned thoughtfully at your similar predicaments, an idea (admittedly, a stupid enough one that Peter could’ve come up with it) forming in your mind. “Y’know,” you began slowly, “Peter taught me a Terran phrase awhile back. I can’t exactly remember how it goes— it’s like two positives equal a negative, or something like that— and it means that when there’s two good things, it cancels out the bad one. We could try and apply it here.”
He gave you a curious look. “Really? How?”
“Well, since we both can’t sleep— that’s the negative— maybe. . . maybe if we slept. . .” You felt your face burning at your suggestion. “If we slept. . . tog— well, not together-together, I mean— with each— does that sound worse? I—” you struggled to find the right wording that wouldn’t come off as suggestive. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” you added hastily, misunderstanding his bemused expression.
“Little Quill,” he teased you lightly, “you haven’t even gotten the question out.”
Oh. You only felt even more embarrassed. “Do you want to sleep in my room?” you finally managed to blurt out, burying your face in your hands, unable to look at the boy across from you.
Instead of taking offense or making fun of you as you’d expected, Adam seemed to actually consider your offer. “Do you think it would work?”
At his question, you dropped your hands to your lap and shrugged, though your face was still very red. He seemed remarkably unflustered, not that you could tell if he was (damn his beautiful golden skin— wait, what?) “I don’t know,” you mumbled, still refusing to look at him. “I can only sleep if I feel safe, and there’s only one person I ever felt that way with— Mantis. But. . . now I think that includes you, too.”
Adam couldn’t help the bright smile that formed on his face at your words, the thought that you felt safe with him (especially after everything that he’d done to you and your friends) meant more than he could say. The thought that you would willingly be vulnerable in his presence made his stomach feel enjoyably— and inexplicably— nauseous. “I feel safe around you too,” he replied without hesitation. “And. . . I wouldn’t mind trying it.”
Not long after, the two of you returned to the room you were renting in the dorm-style building. Since neither you nor Adam had family to speak of (and were also short on funds), you’d both found rooms in a tenant building that had lots of other people, many of whom had lost their homes during the Guardians’ most recent adventures. Luckily you’d gotten a room to yourself, though you had to share basic facilities with everyone else.
“You can sleep in the bed since this was my idea,” you offered. You were still in what you considered your pajamas, so you just had to gather some spare blankets and pillows.
Adam shook his head, against the thought of you making accommodations for him. “I can sleep on the floor. You shouldn’t have to give up your bed.”
“It’s not like I use it much anyway,” you joke, pulling the covers back. “But if you’re seriously against me sleeping on the floor, I guess we could. . . share?”
He seemed not to mind your proposal as he agreed readily, and after taking off his shoes, he made to get in when you spoke again with a confused look on your face. “You. . . sleep in your clothes? No wonder why you can’t get comfortable!”
Adam seemed to not understand your comment. “You sleep in your clothes.”
You laughed a little at his observation. “These are sleep clothes, not everyday clothes. At least take off your jacket,” you reasoned.
But as he did so, you realized why he hadn’t gotten more comfortable: there was nothing except chiseled chest under his clothes. You blushed and tried (but failed) not to stare as he got into bed next to you, admiring the way his muscles flexed with his movement. Luckily he seemed to not notice your attention as he settled next to you. There was a sizeable gap between you two despite the bed not being very big, one that you wished you had the guts to close. (Wait— again, what?)
You wondered how you’d ever get to sleep with all that muscle right behind you (okay, this one you could admit freely), but somehow, in the quiet stillness of your dark room, the safe, peaceful feeling lulled you into the first restful slumber that you’d had since your siblings had left months ago.
And if you woke up the next morning, curled up against Adam’s chest with his arm wrapped around you protectively, neither of you bothered to say anything about it.
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In your AU, if a toy ever had a wedding, what would it be like and what kind of chaos would likely ensue?
Dogday and Catnap's wedding would be an event that would go down in history with how chaotic it was (affectionate).
Skipping the arc in which Dogday and Catnap fall in love (again) and start dating, some years down the line they just look at each other and go "you know what would be fun? A wedding! In practice it wouldnt change a thing except some legal stuff but it would be so much fun to call you my husband AND also have it be on paper!", and, after talking with Angel + Prototype about it, it's wedding preparations!
I think Catnap would like it to be in the church he goes to, or at least have some catholic elements due to him being religious. Dogday doesn't mind (they talked about it since they started dating) but would like Angel to also add elements from their religion bc it just feels right. In the end, they pick a big wedding venue in order to host all the toys + human friends they would like to invite.
I know there would be – inevitably – a lot of media attention, despite Angel's best efforts in keeping the family away from any unecessary attention. I think at this point there's rumors of one of the "toys" Angel rescued being actually a monster, so when Prototype shows up the only surprise is that the media rumors are indeed true. Everyone who was invited already knew he existed and were used to him by this point so it's all okay!
Speaking of people: Dogday and Catnap invite their neighbors and the parents of the kids they help babysit with the other Smiling Critters. Catnap also invites his friends from the church and the old ladies are SO excited about it (they helped him talk to Dogday before they started dating)! Plus there's also the entire family there.
Craftycorn helps Dogday make his and Catnap's wedding dresses. She's literally vibrating when Dogday asks her for help, she was BORN for this. They make a trillion designs and settling in on one takes months – yes even Catnap has trouble picking a design. Also yes, Catnap's dress is black, he's a goth king.
Mommy Long Legs helps with the decoration. Picky is the one who took care of all the flowers used and also helped with the food. Kickin is helping everyone out with their tasks, and helps the couple pick the music. Bubba and Poppy meanwhile are helping with overall organization, but he and Delight go overboard with helping MLL with the lights so Poppy ends up doing most of the organization work. Speaking of which!
Poppy is there 24/7 next to Catnap and Dogday, making sure all the preparing is more fun than tiring, and eventually she and Kissy help Picky with the flowers and Crafty with the outfits. She's the one that made Catnap and Dogday FINALLY settle on a dress choice. They're glad to have at least one person who can help them settle on a final choice.
When the wedding happens, it's even more chaotic than planned, but in a good way. Everyone is crying, the single reporter allowed to record anything is also crying because she also became a family friend as the years went on, etc etc.
Prototype is trying not to cry, cries anyways because he never thought the kids would ever be able to live this much, Angel is crying because it's their kids getting married and they look so happy. They both get drunk and Angel is recorded dancing on a table, Dogday is laughing so much he's crying.
Mommy Long Legs sings karaoke and her voice is surprisingly good. She, Crafty and Dogday are all singing together while Bunzo is playing a clarinet in the background, and then Catnap joins them and it becomes a whole musical.
What no one expects, however, is Hoppy showing a video showcasing the couple's journey, and the video has OOOOLD recordings of when everyone was back at Playtime Co. pre-HoJ. Prototype found the recordings and gave to her. There's also lots of family videos from the years since the rescue, all in chronological order, featuring plenty of shenanigans and funny moments as well. Catnap and Dogday keep the video after the event, of course.
I dont know who they would pick as best man/woman but I am 100÷ sure this led to an argument. Not between them but between the other toys, because for Catnap and Dogday all Smiling Critters + Delight, Poppy and MLL should be best men and women, but Poppy is like "nononono that's too much!", but in the end they're all picked to be that.
Things that also happened:
Mommy Long Legs and Bobby playfully fighting each other over the flower bouquet. MLL doesn't even plan on marrying, she just wants to show off, and Bobby joined her because she's just excited.
Angel ended up catching the bouquet by pure accident. They were just chilling on the sidelines and then BAM, bouquet on their face. Dogday pretended it wasn't intentional on his part.
The humans kids + the mini critters making a nice surprise for Dogday and Catnap by making nice little drawings and folding them in paper airplanes.
Kickin was completely oblivious to one of the family's human friends flirting with him and genuinely thought the lady was just being nice.
Huggy ended up trapping himself on a tree and Catnap had to rescue him.
Bunzo, who had just hit 21, drinking for the fist time and proudly proclaiming "EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU HYPED ME SO MUCH FOR THIS?", cue to Angel drinking their 5th glass of alcohol and Bunzo staring at them in dissapointment.
Catnap and Dogday dancing forró and piseiro.
Dogday, a bit drunk, starting to cry upon realizing that yes, he just got married.
Prototype and Dogday having to drag Angel to a quieter area because they drank too much.
The following day news showcasing that Dogday and Catnap had their wedding ceremony. Wish I could know what the internet would think about it but I'm 100% sure the fandom for the Smiling Critters cartoon show will never let anyone not know that in real life, DayNap exists.
I think way more shenanigans happened, but on the top of my head, these were the main ones!
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dollieguts1010 · 5 months
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• He's 12 years old
• He's bisexual and a demi boy
• His pronouns are He/Him/His and They/Them/Theirs
• He has a crush on Bobby Bearhug
• His best friends are Dogday and Craftycorn
• He's birthday is October 30th
• His moon necklace was gifted to him by Dogday
• He can speak but choose is not too. He's so quiet that strangers often mistake him for being mute
• When he does speak it sounds slow, smooth, and sleepy
• He's incredibly clumsy, he's constantly tripping on his tail
• He'll just lay on your lap and fall asleep and you won't be able to move
• He knows sign language, he's multilingual, and he can speak in reverse
• He can sleep anytime, anyway, and anyplace on command
• His friends find him to be both creepy and comforting
• He can balance himself on his tail
• If you pull on his tail, it will grow even longer and when you let it go, it will go back to its original length
• His friends often play jump rope with his tail
• Sometimes he'll climb up a tree and wrap his tail around a branch and just dangle above the ground
• He doesn't like fish
• He's the oldest child in his family
• He has 2 little sisters, named Meowlody and Puriscilla
• He's had the red smoke ever since he was a kitten
• Not only can he use the red smoke to make people fall asleep but he can also control, warp, and enter their dreams with it
• Catnap's red smoke acts like a drug. The more you inhale it, the more hooked you'll be
• He has the ability to control others mind with his red smoke
• Sometimes he feels kinda bad for using the red smoke on his friends too much
• He never uses the red smoke on his friends without their permission or they ask him to use it
• He has permanent resting sleep face
• He has a closet full of pajamas and comfy, baggy, clothes
• Unlike other cats, he actually likes taking baths
• There's been quite a few times where Catnap has almost drowned because he fell asleep at the bathtub
• He'll often have vicious nightmares about killing his friends in brutal ways
• Sometimes Dogday will comfort him after having one of his awful nightmares
• He's been having a really weird dream where, this giant metal hand is coming out of the sky and calling itself "The Prototype" tells him that they will "save" Catnap
ha.. that's weird...
• He purs very loudly in his sleep
• Picky doesn't allow him to cook in the kitchen (every time he does, he almost burns the kitchen down) he SUCKS at cooking
• People often mistake Catnap to be a girl
(hc that Catnap has small feminine features that make him look like a girl)
•He wears dark purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner (he knows how to do makeup and surprisingly good at it)
• You know how cats land on their feet? nah, not him. He lands on his face.
• Just like any other cat if you point a laser at him, he will follow it for hours
• He'll rub his face on Bobby while purring aggressively
(cats will rub their face and body on their favorite person as not only a sign of affection, but also a way to mark their territory)
• He likes to crochet with Bobby
• Likes camellia tea
(because if you do he will act WAY more energetic and hyper than Hoppy)
• His favorite color is Midnight Blue
• He used to not have a favorite color, until one day when Bobby guessed his favorite color was Midnight Blue and ever since, he never saw Midnight Blue the same. Now he constantly sees it everywhere he goes
• He's very flexible and double jointed
• He's able to spin his head around at 360° without snapping it and dying (kind of like an owl)
• He likes to do a creepy spider crawl to scare his friends (especially if they're having a sleepover)
• He's not afraid to scratch you if you bother him during his naptime
• 90% of the time Hoppy will accidentally wake him up during one of his naptimes
• There's been a lot of times where Hoppy has accidentally stepped on Catnap's tail because she got too excited
• He's not crazy for physical affection however, he doesn't mind if you give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek
• His tail is strong enough to lift up his friends and carry them around like it's nothing
• When Kickin or Hoppy is being too loud or annoying he'll wrap his tail around their mouth (it's tight enough to keep them quiet but loose enough to let them breathe)
• He thinks that Hoppy and Kickin are kinda annoying
• When he's nervous or agitated one of his ears will flick
• Sometimes he likes playing videogames with Kickin
• Catnap's pet peeve is when people stay up when they're tired
• He loves the winter time
• He may not speak a whole lot but MAN does he be saying the most OUT OF POCKET THINGS in his head
• He doesn't like speaking when he's upset so, when he is upset he'll just speak in sign language
• He's surprisingly good at handling and taking care of children (older brother instincts)
• He has a whole 20 minute skincare routine he does every night before bed
• He'll either sleep with some calm sounds/music or he'll sleep in complete dead silence. There's no in between
• Just like any other cat if you throw a cucumber at Catnap, he'll practically fly away (same thing for tin foil)
• He'll let Bobby paint his claws (he'll always ask her to paint that dark red)
• He sleep walks and sleep talks and he'll often say incredibly disturbing things in his sleep
• He's between being a light sleeper or heavy sleeper like- you can try smashing pots and pans right next to his face, screaming, blasting the loudest music possible next to his ears, nothing. But as soon as he hears the floors creek or the lights turn on *BOOM* he's awake
• One time at a sleepover, Kickin woke up at 2:30 AM only to find Catnap holding a large, sharp, kitchen knife right above his chest. It turned out he was sleepwalking again
• Every time Catnap watches a horror movie he'll smile whenever the killer catches their victim (the others will just stare at him with weird and disturbed looks)
• He likes to watch Bubba work on his experiments
• He likes to watch Kickin surf and he likes to watch Crafty paint or draw
• He used to suffer with insomnia when he was younger
• Sometimes he has trouble reading other people's facial expressions
• He doesn't really cry that often (it's not that he's afraid of crying he's just doesn't cry that often)
• When he's sad, he'll wrap his tail around his body and sit in the corner of the room while softly crying to himself
• After he realized that he was in love with Bobby he started avoiding her because he didn't want awkward tension between them and he didn't want to embarrass himself every time he was around them (Bobby thought that Catnap didn't want to hang out with them anymore because he didn't like them anymore.. which made them really sad)
• Whenever he's thinking about Bobby, his tail will into a heart
• He likes to braid Crafty's hair and put a pretty flower in it
• Dogday will often give Catnap piggy back rides
• Sometimes he'll play frisbee or a game of fetch with Dogday
• He has a mouse plushie that he sleeps with every night
• He likes stargazing by himself (he wouldn't mind if someone wanted to join him tho)
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litrumi · 4 months
"A Drop of Light in the Night" (Catnap X Dogday): Beginner's Overview
I might as well make some sort of pin-able post for my profile for any fresh faces. Goose morning/aftermoose/ewening, I'm Litrumi. Or I guess "HeroicRumi" too, but only for Wattpad. The title you see above is the name for my fanfic (<- hyper linked to those words) and is my current project as a budding writer trying to figure out how to write.
Anyway, it's time to explain my first ever Smiling Critters story involving my favorite duo fixation right now. Currently termed the "Understand Me AU" but that might not be all there is to it...
In essence, this story is about a lonely Catnap, trying to find his place in the world. Notably, these are the cartoon variations of the characters (as the world setting is basically like the cartoon itself, too), but BEAR IN MIND that all depictions of these characters are 18+ (but the stuff involved is "not 18+" if you know what I'm saying. It's JUST hand holding, hugs, and kisses around these parts). I don't care one eeny weeny tiny bit about the "actual lore" and refuse to acknowledge any of the non-adult characters or their spirits or whatever the heck- from the game. I'm forming a wholesome and dramatic narrative based on concepts that I personally like, so I'm picking and choosing what I want to be in my story. With me so far?
Putting that aside, all you need to know is that Catnap is seen as "mysterious and creepy." All of the other Smiling Critters are simply off-put with him because they think he's too "scary and dangerous." But truth be told, Catnap has never done anything to actually make them think all of this in the first place. In fact, he's tried time and time again to be a "good friend," whatever that means, since it's not something he knows about for sure. Yet, none of the others are willing to give him a chance at all. Not to mention, they hardly understand anything he says. You see, when Catnap speaks, the way that he talks is just too "intricate and complicated." He uses too many big words that basically confuse the heck out of everyone. It's hard for any of them to really know what he's thinking. No matter what he does, all seems hopeless for the poor cat...
Well, things WOULD be hopeless if there wasn't a certain canine leader that hangs out with him every so often. Dogday tries to include him at every turn, and he tries to get the others to believe that the feline isn't so bad. He's the only one who trusts Catnap, being the only one to give him his attention at any time of day.
One night, Catnap expresses his bitter feelings of being such an outcast of the group. He tells Dogday that he just wishes he could be "normal" like everyone else. The dog thinks for a moment, wondering what options there were. Then, an idea strikes. "Why don't I help you?" The dog asks of the purple critter.
...And the rest is history.
-Starting Characterization-
(s.) Catnap:
-He's seen as "mysterious and creepy" but the truth is, he's JUST misunderstood, he never asked to be hated or feared: ->He actually just really wants to be everyone's friend!
-Starts off in the story with complex language one might expect of another intelligent critter (*Cough* Bubba. But honestly he might give Bubba a run for his money on being "smart"). Gets lessons from Dogday on "how to talk like everyone else."
-He's actually very observant since he doesn't have many "friends." He watches the other critters play and get to know each other better, all the time. So he knows a little about them, but nothing really on a personal level.
-The only person he trusts the most is Dogday, seeing as he's the only one he gets to talk to on a regular basis.
-He does HAVE the red smoke ability, but... For some reason, he really really REALLY hates the idea of using it. He's not entirely sure why. (But his own "dreams" leave much to be desired).
-He wants to be able to see himself as a real member of the Smiling Critters, being a good and normal friend just like all the rest of them. (But for the time being, he has a ways to go).
-He's very logical. A "clever cat" if you will. But he proves to be someone who actually "overthinks" at the best of times.
-He doesn't really understand emotions, or rather, other people's emotions. He might not even understand his own as he hides them from others, feeling that he would just be a burden to them otherwise. He feels like everything "has to make sense" in one way or another. But he has a lot to learn about his "own feelings."
-Has his own history that he can hardly recall.
-"Admires" how amazing Dogday is, seeing as he wishes he could act more like the canine than himself.
Example Quote(s):
"It feels a tad wrong to forgo vernacular in favor of time efficiency and risk a chance of misunderstanding."
Correcting himself: "It feels... bad... to... um... not say... what I really mean...?"
(s.) Dogday:
-The leader of the Smiling Critters (naturally).
-He's practically already friends with everyone. But he can't wait to help Catnap feel included as someone who could also be friends with "everyone."
-A headstrong, optimistic softie with a big heart. He has a great intuition when it comes to resolving emotional conflicts and fixing friendly relationships, but he’s still naive and he might not really think things through at the best of times...
-He's actually EXTREMELY good at understanding others' emotions, having experience with so many different individuals across the board. But in turn, he himself can be quite the emotional sap. He hides it from the others, feeling that his feelings would be troublesome. But if there's anyone he does show them to, even if unintentionally, it's around his best friend.
-More than anything, he wants to be there for Catnap, who he can tell is struggling with a lot that he's been keeping to himself.
-He might actually have a few things he still has to learn for himself, but he's usually not his own priority. Typically, he puts others before himself. (He's a huge people pleaser).
-Easily impressed with any new thing he learns about Catnap. He may even aspire to be like the cat in some ways.
-He may already know a few things that Catnap hasn't realized... (Usually does not forget past memories).
-Potentially "already reeled in."
Example Quote(s):
"Yeah, because they all make me happy! Especially when I see them happy! Same goes for you, ya know! I really like seeing you too, Catnap!"
"I hope you can still rely on me... I'll be super happy whenever you can do whatever it is you wanna do on your own... but if you ever need help, I'm not going anywhere else any time soon."
== Characterization Over ==
That's all you gotta know as a first-timer who hasn't looked into the story yet! If there's anything to know about ME, well... I don't do "simple."
I'm always extra. Always. And if you think you've already got my story figured out... GUESS AGAIN. (I hope you didn't, at least-). After all, the goal is a heart-filled story with romance but also drama and unexpected detours! I can't give out happiness like it's candy!
If you take an interest in the story, then thank you so-so-so much! I know that the way I'm writing the characters is so much more different than all the other really cool and interesting ways I've seen others use them, but I'm still happy with what I have (and you never know... I just said I'm "extra"). For now, at least. I'd also be willing to clear up any confusions, should they arise, as long as it doesn't spoil anything.
And will edit various things as needed.
Take care!
New hyperlinks for relevant stuff:
Ability Compendium |
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shadowsxgwynriel · 1 year
@gwynweekofficial Day 5: Friends
Catnapped 🐈‍⬛
Synopsis: When Gwyn’s cat is stolen by her neighbor, she enlists the help of her friends to get him back.
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I had this random idea in my head, and hopefully I was able to do it justice 😅
Word count: 1,677
Read on AO3
“Shady! Here boy!” Gwyn waved the can of tuna in the air, hoping to entice the feline. “Aren’t you hungry?” He’d ran out of the door when she’d gone to check the mail, and she had spent the last hour and a half looking for him, but to no avail.
Gwyn had hoped that she would have found him by now. Usually whenever Shady managed to sneak out, she was always able to find him within twenty minutes. Not this time unfortunately.
Feeling a bit anxious, Gwyn headed back to her place to grab some of Shady’s favorite treats. She had to keep looking for him while the sun was still up. Coyotes frequently roamed the area at night and her stomach churned at the thought of something happening to her baby.
She was about to go inside, but movement from the house next door caught her attention. Curiously, Gwyn turned her head—and honestly couldn’t believe her eyes.
Shady was inside her neighbors house, lounging in front of the bay window, his smokey gray coat gleaming in the sunlight.
What the actual fuck? Her neighbor had stolen her cat!
She’d never actually met her thieving neighbor. Whoever it was had moved in about three months ago and kept to themselves. Gwyn had thought maybe they were just antisocial, but now she knew their real motive. The asshole had been watching and waiting on the perfect opportunity to steal her beloved Shady.
Thinking quick, Gwyn pulled out her phone and snapped an incriminating picture of Shady inside the house. Then she sent the photo to the group chat.
Me: My neighbor stole Shady!
Her phone rang immediately.
“Hang on, let me add Nesta to the call,” Emerie said. “Okay, now why exactly do you think that’s Shady?”
“He ran out the door earlier and I couldn’t find him—until now that is.” Gwyn narrowed her eyes at the house harboring her cat. “I can’t believe my own neighbor would do something so evil.”
“But that doesn’t mean it’s Shady. He could have his own cat, Gwynie,” Emerie pointed out, always the reasonable one.
“I mean . . .” Nesta started. “It does look a lot like Shady.”
Gwyn smiled to herself. “See!”
Emerie let out a sigh. “Remember that time in the fourth grade? You thought that Cynthia Reynolds had stolen your lunchbox, but it turned out that she just so happened to have an identical one?”
“That’s irrelevant since happened so long ago.”
This time Nesta was the one to speak. “Well, do you remember two years ago when you thought that Brad Haymitch had stolen your Game of Thrones mug, and—“
“What time is it?” Gwyn wondered.
“Um, four thirty seven,” Emerie answered. “Why?”
“Because that’s the official time that our friendship has ended,” Gwyn told them, deadpanned.
“Sorry, but you’re stuck with us for life,” Nesta declared, not sounding sorry in the slightest.
”Which is exactly why we’re on our way over to your house right now,” Emerie told her.
Approximately thirty minutes later, they were all sitting in Emerie’s car, with a pair of binoculars pointed at her neighbors house. They’d even changed their clothes for this covert mission.
“So?” Gwyn questioned.
Nesta lowered the binoculars. “That cat looks just like Shady.”
Gwyn nodded enthusiastically. “Right? It’s definitely him.”
Emerie took the binoculars and looked for herself. After a few minutes, she slowly offered them back to Nesta. “And you’re absolutely positive that your neighbor doesn’t have the same cat?”
She shrugged. “I can’t say for sure,” Gwyn admitted. “But how often do two people have identical cats and live next door to each other? It has to be rare, right?”
“So, what’s our plan? Are we going to knock on the door and confront the bastard?” Nesta asked.
She shook her head. “Nobody’s home, so we’ll have to go with plan B.”
Nesta lifted an eyebrow. “How do you know?”
Because, after Gwyn had gotten off of the phone with them, she had knocked on the door before running to hide in a nearby bush, waiting to launch an attack. But when nobody had opened the door, she had formed a new plan. “I knocked and no one answered.”
“What’s plan B?” Emerie asked. “And why does it involve us being dressed like this?”
Like this was referring to the unicorn onesies that they all had on. Gwyn’s was blue, Nesta’s was white, and Emerie’s was purple.
“We needed to match for this mission,” she replied.
“You don’t think that three women dressed up as unicorns, breaking into someone’s house, won’t be suspicious?”
“But who would actually expect three women dressed as unicorns to break into anywhere? If we had worn all black, then we definitely would have looked suspicious.”
Emerie sighed in defeat. “Sadly, I can actually see how your logic makes sense.”
Gwyn smiled, then glanced over at Nesta. “Do we have eyes on the target?”
Nesta pointed the binoculars at the bay window. “Target is still sunbathing in the window.”
“Perfect.” She looked at her friends. “Ready?”
Emerie and Nesta nodded. As a collective, they all raised their hoods over their heads and got out of the car. After casually strolling up the walkway, Emerie and Gwyn stood in front of the door, blocking Nesta from view as she picked the lock.
“How do you know how to do this?” Emerie inquired.
“I don’t,” Nesta admitted, still jiggling the lock. “I watched a few videos on YouTube.”
Gwyn frowned. “They have videos on how to break into someone’s house on YouTube?”
“Technically the video I watched was titled how to break into your own house.” Nesta continued to mess with the lock, but it didn’t seem to be working.
“Wait a minute, why don’t we just try and open the window?” Emerie suggested, walking over to it.
“What? There’s no way that they just left the window unlocked—oh!” Gwyn gasped when it actually opened.
Emerie opened the window enough for Gwyn to reach inside and grab Shady. Her cat meowed as if annoyed that his peace had been disturbed. Gwyn cuddled him close and they all made a dash over to her place.
Emerie went straight to the kitchen. “I think I need a glass of wine.”
Nesta collapsed onto the couch. “I’m going to leave a comment on that video. None of that shit worked at all.”
“Maybe you just did it wrong,” Emerie told her, returning with a glass of white wine.
Nesta stuck up her middle finger.
Gwyn scratched Shady on the head and took a seat. “You’re too trusting,” she scolded her cat. “The next time a stranger tries to take you, I want you to claw their eyes out and meow for help.”
Shady purred and rubbed his head against her neck in response.
Emerie took a sip of wine. “So, now that our felony is over with, have you guys had a chance to read the new Sellyn Drake book?”
Gwyn nodded. “I started the audiobook yesterday.”
“The smut in this book is probably some of his best.”
“I’m still waiting on my special edition to be delivered,” Nesta mumbled.
Gwyn winced in sympathy. “Mine hasn’t arrived either, that’s why I got the audiobook.”
They continued to talk about Sellyn Drake until they were interrupted by a knock on her door.
She got up from the couch and went to answer it.
Gwyn still had Shady in her arms. He was being uncharacteristically cuddly today, not that she minded. Clearly, his catnapping ordeal had terrified the poor guy. She swung the door open and paused.
Standing on her porch was a handsome man with hazel eyes, dark hair, and golden brown skin.
“Uh, hi?” she asked in confusion. Who was this guy?
Instead of answering, his eyes locked on Shady in her arms and narrowed. “I’d like my cat back.”
Gwyn blinked. “Excuse me?”
He sighed. “My name is Azriel, I live next door. My ring camera alerted me to three unicorns stealing my cat, so I’d like him back,” he repeated.
Then it clicked. “Wait a minute, so you’re the thief who stole my cat?”
She heard Emerie and Nesta walk up behind her, no doubt ready to beat the criminal if he so much as tried to take Shady back.
The man—Azriel—scoffed. “I didn’t steal your cat lady. You and your friends stole my cat.”
This time Gwyn was the one to scoff. “Oh, please. This is clearly my cat, Shady.”
“His name is Bat, not Shady, and I’d like him back now.”
Nesta snorted. “Bat the cat?”
Gwyn forced herself to ignore how ridiculous the name was. “You have some nerve you know that? First you steal my cat, and now you’re—“
“Uh, Gwyn?”
She turned to look at Emerie, reluctantly taking her eyes off of the deranged man. “Yes?”
Emerie pursed her lips. “Look in the birdbath.”
Confused, Gwyn looked over the man’s shoulder at her empty birdbath and gasped in shock. There was Shady, just sitting there, watching her make a fool of herself.
Horrified, Gwyn looked down at the cat in her arms and he meowed, almost as if to say, yes, you stole me from my home.
Without a word, Emerie walked outside and collected Shady from the birdbath. And the cat didn’t even have the grace to look shamed for his actions. He wouldn’t be getting any treats for a week.
“Can I have my cat now?” Azriel drawled.
Embarrassed, Gwyn handed over Bat, then quickly slammed the door shut, wanting nothing more than to hide in her house forever.
Slowly, she turned around and faced her friends. Gwyn gave a nervous chuckle. “I swear, we’ll laugh about this one day.”
Emerie rubbed her temples. “I need more wine,” she said, walking back to the kitchen.
“Bring the whole bottle!“ Nesta called. “And the ice cream! We need a girls night after this fiasco.”
Despite the embarrassing situation that had just occurred, Gwyn couldn’t help but smile. She had two of the best friends ever.
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fostersffff · 3 years
Robot Carnival Review
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When I first started my blu-ray collecting kick, Discotek was hyping up their release of Memories, an anthology movie organized by Akira’s Katsuhiro Otomo. While doing research on it, I saw it was recommended in the company of Robot Carnival, another anthology movie Otomo was involved with, with more animators and thus individual shorts, and a unifying theme of “robots”. As a robot enjoyer, I figured I couldn’t go wrong with this, and I was right! This was a joy from start to finish, where even the weakest segment still had plenty to offer. If this sounds like it might be up your alley, it’s available to stream for free on RetroCrush and YouTube!
Additional note before I get into talking about each short individually: with the exception of Cloud, the music for every short was composed by Joe Hisaishi, who has way more range as a composer than I would’ve ever expected, considering I knew him exclusively as the Studio Ghibli composer. Additional additional note: I watched the anthology in the original Japanese order, the version on RetroCrush and YouTube uses an alternate order from the international release.
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Opening/Ending (Katsuhiro Otomo, creator of Akira and Atsuko Fukushima, key animator on dozens of anime projects, including Akira) - A mobile fortress (literally the above Robot Carnival logo) traverses a post-apocalyptic wasteland, bringing death and destruction wherever it goes. The Opening sets the bar for what you should expect going forward in terms of production values, and the Ending is a nice send off for the whole thing, but I don’t really have much else to say about these shorts.
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Franken’s Gears (Koji Morimoto, Director of Memories: Magnetic Rose) - A mad scientist attempts to bring their robot to life, succeeds horribly. I think of all the shorts in this movie, this one has the most impressive mechanical animation. The whole thing takes places in the scientist’s lab, and the emphasis really is on all of the ways the environment is struggling to bring the robot to life, to the point that once it does so, it begins to crumble and break apart. But the animation on the scientist himself is also really charming; the way he moves almost makes him look gooey, which is apt because my sister pointed out he was probably designed after a snail, what with the big orb on his back.
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Deprive (Hidetoshi Omori, Animation Director for Char’s Counterattack) - A super android has to mamoru his imouto from an invading alien robot army. One of my favorite shorts in the anthology, this was an entire action movie expertly condensed down into not even ten minutes, complete with an awesome soundtrack. I’d actually go so far as to call this one perfect for what it is, but it’s not much more than that.
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Presence (Yasuyomi Umetsu, Character Designer and Chief Animation Director of Megazone 23 Part II) - A man builds an android for companionship, and he gets more than he bargained for. Longest piece in the compilation by a mile, and the first one with voice acting. Despite enjoying some of the other shorts more, I think I would call Presence the “centerpiece” of this anthology, as it’s definitely the most story-rich. It even has some prescient worldbuilding: the people of this setting do not see robots as sentient beings, which is shown right at the start when a bunch of kids knock the head off of an android and play with it while absolutely no one in the crowded plaza reacts. This sets the tone for the main character’s interactions with his creation, and provide additional context for the things he does besides the obvious explanations.
This was also the first short where I noticed something off about the animation, where it seemed to animate too well in for certain movements. As it turns out I was right; the liner notes explain that the director was using this project to experiment, and he would animate different movements on different frame counts. It’s not terrible, but it is a little distracting to see how smoothly something like a simple head turn will animate while more complex motions look more standard. Also, unrelated but fun coincidence: the liner notes also explain a reference in the script to a story called Daddy Long Legs, about an orphan girl who receives funding from a wealthy philanthropist she never meets, which explains a reference that went over my head Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
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Star Light Angel (Hiroyuki Kitazume, Character Designer and Animation Director for Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ and Char’s Counterattack) - What could have been the most effective piece of robosexual propaganda ever made: a girl and her friend are at Tokyo Disneyland ROBOT WANDERLAND and are having a wonderful time, until she discovers that her boyfriend is cheating on her, at which point she retreat into the park and winds up on a virtual reality ride. Meanwhile, a robot performer attempts to find her and return the locket she dropped while she ran past him. This is tied for my favorite, alongside Deprive, because I’m a big sucker for romance and the main song for the short is so perfect for the content. I was also delighted to find the explanation for this short was that Kitazume, who’s work up to this point was all mecha anime like Aura Battler Dunbine and Zeta Gundam, really wanted to try to flex with character expressions, and it came through brilliantly as the range and level of facial expressions was the first thing I really took notice of in this. Funny enough, though, Kitazume also apparently said he considers this and Deprive to be the weakest pieces of the anthology, and I suppose he’s right in that they have the least meat on their bones and are also probably the least technically impressive, but still: my two favorites!
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Cloud (Mao Lamdo, a prolific animator on many projects, but probably best known for this) - A robotic boy wanders past a series of ever-changing clouds. Cloud is definitely a stand-out short for a number of reasons, from the way its animated to the incredibly tangential connection to the “robot” theme, and to be perfectly honest I got a lot more out of it after I read the liner notes. The short was adapted from a self-published book Mao Lamdo had written years prior that had nothing to do with robots, and his interpretation of the short and the change to making the main character a robot was that it represented his frustration with the trend in the anime industry at the time trending towards a being obsessed with the mechanical world, while he still preferred to draw and animate nature. As I mentioned at the top, this is also the only short to not have music composed by Joe Hisaishi, instead the piece used is by Isaku Fujita, and as far as I can tell, this is his only credit. Still, it’s a good credit to have; Lamdo said the song evoked the idea of having a conversation with God and asking the big questions, which I can completely see.
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Strange Tales of Meiji Machine Culture: “The Westerner’s Invasion” (Hiroyuki Kitakubo, Director of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure OVA and Golden Boy) A terrible steampunk mech invades a Japanese town, and is warded off by a team of youths piloting their own terrible steampunk mech. I watched this one with the English dub first and then again in Japanese because it’s been a fuckin’ minute since I heard a dub this racist, complete with changing r’s to l’s and vice versa, only to be cracked across the skull by what I am certain was a Japanese man doing his very best to phonetically read English in the Japanese version. In spite of that, though, this is easily the funniest short for all the right reasons, and it kinda clicked once I found out that the director was also responsible for Golden Boy; it’s that exact kind of humor, complete with a protagonist who could very well be Kintaro Ue’s ancestor.
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Chicken Man and Red Neck, a.k.a. Nightmare (Takeshi Nakamura, director of Catnapped! The Movie) - A robotic magician wreaks havoc on a city by transforming everything in sight into robotic monsters, and a vagrant gets caught up in the chaos. I initially wrote down “this one has the energy of a Don Bluth movie, particularly In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia”, although the liner notes say he actually was inspired by Night on Bald Mountain, which is definitely a more flattering inspiration and more accurate, to boot. I think of all the shorts in this anthology, this one gets the prizes for “best overall animation” and “best use of robots”, and it also has the most intense PS1 RPG sounding music, which once again speaks to Joe Hisaishi’s talent as a composer for doing that a full decade before the PS1 even existed. Also, fun trivia, the director turned down an offer from Hayao Miyazaki to be animation director on Castle in the Sky to make this, which… was maybe not the best career move, but still this was a terrific short and I’m glad to have it.
Again, the movie is easily accessible for free streaming, and I’d heartily recommend you check it out if you haven’t already. But if you’re into collecting physical media, the blu-ray is crammed full of tons of goodies, including the liner notes I’ve referenced, art galleries for each segment, and a lot of other production materials. Discotek also announced they’re doing a 4k UHD release of this soon, which won’t include all the extras due to the way UHD discs work, but I gotta be honest, this would be worth double dipping for if the resolution bump is noticeable enough.
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The Work Call
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Part 18 of Seventy Percent
Series Summary: When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary:  You call your boss to get some work to do in your free time and do a little flirting ;)
Word Count: 2,258
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With Sebastian off in Georgia for a week, you felt like a teenager whose parents just left her home for alone for the first time. Suddenly, you could break all of the rules. Not that your rule-breaking was something that would get you in too much trouble…
Since the press seemed to have gotten it through their heads that you were off limits, you finally had your privacy and space back again. As a result, you were taking advantage of the last few weeks of autumn before the snow came. After your hospital appointments, you walked down the street to a cute little café and sat in one of the over-sized, plush chairs for a bit. You’d either bring a book or your laptop.
On Wednesday, the café cat apparently decided you were okay and hopped up into your lap, purring loudly as you read. You’d snapped a quick selfie and sent it off to Sebastian.
Me: [image attached] Don’t be surprised if you come home this weekend and I’ve catnapped ol’ Misty here
Sebastian: What if I’m allergic to cats?
Me: Sucks to be you, I guess
Me: The apartment’s lonely without you
You stared at the last text you’d sent, suddenly overthinking it. Sure, you were married. And, sure, you were wearing his ring now. But you two hadn’t really discussed what that meant, exactly. So was that last text too strong? Too forward?
Hell, you didn’t even know what you’d meant by it.
Sebastian: Don’t know how I feel about being able to be replaced by a cat
Sebastian: Maybe I need to up my game
Up his game?
Shit, it had been so long since you’d flirted with anyone. So long since you’d even considered a relationship. After your hellish life growing up, you’d put all of your focus into school. You were determined to set yourself up for a better life than the one you were born into. Then you graduated and worked hard to secure your place at your job. School only taught you so much, and you needed to be able to apply what you learned to real life.
Once you felt secure in your professional life and you were finally ready to start exploring a relationship, you found out you had cancer.
So to say you were woefully underprepared for this situation would be the understatement of the year.
Me: Luckily for you, I like Jenny’s coffee so much that I don’t want her to hate me for stealing her cat
Sebastian: You still thought a cat would replace me
Sebastian: That hurts, sweetheart
Sweetheart. In writing. 
Me: I’ll find some way to make you feel better this weekend
Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
Why did you never read over your texts before you sent them?
At least you hadn’t put a winky face emoji. Now that would have been a disaster.
Not that you didn’t want your relationship with Sebastian to keep going. You did. But there was a lot more pressure riding on this than there was back in high school when you went to the prom with Brad Trayton, or in college when you slept with the guy from your Chemistry 101 lab three times before having to break it off with him because he always smelled like bacon.
This was Sebastian Fucking Stan. And you were married to the guy. And you were in a literal life or death situation. If things went badly with him, that would make the rest of your cancer treatment very awkward, to say the least.
Sebastian: I’m sure you will…
Sebastian: I gotta go to a script reading rn. Skype tonight?
Me: Of course
You’d been Skyping with Seb at least twice a day since he left on Sunday night. It was almost like he never left, in that regard.
But with him gone, you found that you had a lot of free time on your hands. With your body starting to get used to the cancer treatment, you also had a bit more energy and nowhere to put that energy to good use.
So you called your old boss back home, dialing his direct extension to avoid getting his assistant. The press might have backed off, but thanks to the updates from Jasmin, people who knew you were still reeling over your marriage.
“Hey, Brendon, it’s Y/N.”
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, and you could just imagine him leaning back in his chair. Brendon Plathway was your mentor and had grown into a close friend. Of everyone in your life, you would say he was the closest thing to a good father figure you had. “How are you doing? I’ve seen your name on Facebook a few times.”
“I’m doing pretty good, all things considered. I’m in a clinical study in New York and the doctors are optimistic that it’ll work. They’re hoping I’ll get the tumor out sometime in February.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful,” Brendon said. “And that husband of yours… he treating you well?”
“It’s not… it’s not quite like that. But yeah. He’s great.” It was a pretty decent segue into the reason for your call. “He’s actually out of town, shooting for a TV show. So I have a bit of time on my hands and was hoping—”
“Y/N Y/L/N?”
The unfamiliar voice interrupted you before you could finish. You looked up to see a guy about your age with a newsboy bag, notebook, and tape recorder.
A fucking journalist.
“I thought it was you. You mind if I ask you a few questions?” He didn’t say it like a question, nor did he give you time to respond before he sat on a stool beside you and set up shop on the small table. “If I could write an article on you, it would just—”
“I’m actually on a phone call right now.”
“Oh, I won’t take too long. I just can’t pass up this opportunity. You’re quite the enigma. No one’s gotten your side of the story.”
“And neither will you. I’m not going to answer any questions.”
He completely ignored you, flicked on the recorder, and put his pen to paper. “People have been saying that you planned your rendezvous with Sebastian Stan in Vegas. What do you say to that?”
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have no comment for you.”
“I thought you’d appreciate the chance to get your story out there. There are some nasty rumors spreading—”
You cut him off before he could continue. “I know my story and the people I care about know my story. I will not be answering any questions for you today.”
“Do you feel no guilt for being the reason Sebastian Stan’s reputation has taken a massive hit?”
“I’m going to give you one more chance to leave me the fuck alone before I call the cops.” He opened his mouth, but you spoke over him, voice lowering to a red-hot hiss. “And if you write a single word of this conversation or make any sort of insinuations that I said anything at all, I will slap you and whatever blog or magazine you work for with a libel lawsuit. Don’t even think about trying to manipulate your recording because you’re not the only one who has been recording this conversation. The phone call you interrupted was with my boss and it’s company policy to record all incoming and outgoing phone calls. He’s a witness that I repeatedly rejected your attempt to start an interview and anything else you say can be construed as harassment. Have I made myself clear?”
He stared at you, wide eyed. Guess he hadn’t expected a cancer patient to be so blunt. Nevertheless, he gathered his things and stood. Just before walking away, he muttered, “You didn’t have to be such a bitch about it.”
Once he was gone, you groaned. “Sorry about that, Bren.”
“Is that something you have to deal with often? That’s horrible.”
“No. Not since I got sick because stupid reporters were sticking their germy microphones in my face and Seb threatened them with lawyers.”
Brendon hmphed. “Well, you sounded like you had that speech prepared. Sounded like you’d said it a few times.”
“Before he left, Seb made sure I knew how to threaten any reporters like that. Luckily this was the first time I’ve had to remember what he told me.” The reporter had shaken you, and it took a few deep breaths before you felt calm enough to continue with your conversation. “Anyway, back to my original reason for calling… Are there are projects I could jump on long distance? I’ll probably only be able to put in about ten to fifteen good hours of work a week, but it’d be nice to have something to do other than wait for new episodes of my shows to come on Hulu.”
“Let me poke around the office a bit. I know there’s a big one coming up next week. Rachel’s heading that one. You’ve worked with her before right? She’d probably appreciate your input. Trent is in the middle of one for a pharmaceutical company, but he’s not feeling too sure about it. I’ll see if he wants you to try and hack the system and find holes.”
“Anything. I’ve worked with both of them before and I think we work well together. I did quite a few initial proposals before I left for Vegas and I enjoyed those more than most people do.”
He promised he’d send any projects your way that he could. After a few more minutes of catching up, you ended the call and headed outside to wait for Sean in the chilly fall air.
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“How was the reading?” you asked later that night. “Any juicy plot lines?”
“Not that I can tell you,” Seb replied. The phone in his hand shifted as he settled further into the hotel bed that Marvel was putting him up in. “But it was good. We’ll start shooting tomorrow.”
“Excited to lube up your arm?”
He laughed, head falling back against the headboard. “I take it you finally did some research on me?”
“A little. The hospital was running behind today, so I was there a bit longer than I planned and I fell down the YouTube abyss of interviews. Anthony seems like a fun guy to work with.”
Sebastian grinned. “He is. Speaking of work, did you call your boss?”
“Yeah.” The reminder of the phone call – or rather of the interruption – made your roll your eyes.
“Didn’t go well?”
“No, no. It did.” You knew your news was not going to go over well with Seb, so you took a minute to get settled into the bed. It had been a long day and laying down felt good. You turned your laptop on its side so your face would still be the right way on Seb’s phone. “Brendon’s gonna check around work and find some projects and work to throw my way. That’s all good.”
“Then what is it?”
With a deep sigh, you began. “While I was on the phone with him, some hipster reporter dude interrupted.”
“Son of a—”
“It took a minute to get it through his thick skull that I was not going to give him a story but he finally left. It just kinda took a bit out of me.”
“God, Y/N. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yeah, it’s not,” you agreed softly. “But you prepared me. I handled it. Then Sean made me eat dinner with him and his wife. She’s an amazing cook. Sometime when you’re home, they want to have both of us over. And when this is all over, we definitely need to think of a hell of a way to thank him for everything. He’s done so much more than a driver gets paid to.”
The two of you brainstormed for a bit about how to repay Sean for his kindness and friendship. Then your conversation moved on to different subjects, bouncing around for a bit until you yawned for the third time in five minutes.
“You seem more tired than usual. You doing okay?”
“I’m fine. I mean, I haven’t been sleeping well, but that’s your fault.”
“My fault?” he asked.
“Yeah. You made me sleep next to you for two weeks then you just up and leave me alone. It’s rude, Mr. Stan.”
Something in your words sparked something in his eyes that filled you with… excitement?
“Well, Mrs. Stan…” His words were accompanied by a wink that stopped your heart. Forget your brain tumor. Sebastian was going to be the source of your death. “You only have two more nights before I’m home for the weekend.”
Flirting? Were you flirting?
“Two nights with you and five nights without you is just not a fraction I like.”
My god, you were flirting.
“If you can convince Marvel to move their studios to New York, I’m all game. Until then, we’ll have to make the best of those two nights.”
“Make the best of them, hmm?”
“Yeah,” he said in a low voice. “Mackie’s commentary on The Voice isn’t as good as yours. I’ve been waiting to watch the new episodes until I’m with you.”
The unexpected twist made you laugh out loud. It didn’t escape your attention how his eyes crinkled at the sound, affection flooding his expression. “The Voice on Friday and Dancing With The Stars on Saturday?”
“I’ll pen it in my calendar, sweetheart.”
“Ooo. I’m pen-worthy. That’s so much better than pencil-worthy.”
“You’re white-out-worthy, baby. I’d white-out plans I have with someone else to pen in plans with you.”
Fucking hell. Baby was a new one.
If he’d put on half this much charm on you in Vegas when you were drunk, it was no wonder you’d married him.
“Then I guess I need to go erase the pencil plans I had for Saturday evening and make room for you. Maybe even buy a special pen just for you.”
“Maybe wait for tomorrow? You’ve had a long day. Seems like you need a good night’s rest.”
“You too, hun.” The pet name felt foreign on your tongue, but it somehow felt… right? “Shooting starts tomorrow. You need to be ready to keep up with Mackie’s energy.”
“He wants to meet’cha, you know. Apparently I haven’t shut up about you.’
“Gimme a few more weeks to get used to this treatment and maybe I can spend more than three seconds around him without needing a nap,” you joked. “Unless he only has that energy when there’s a camera on him…?”
Seb laughed. “That is him all the damn time.”
“Then I better let you go for the night. You’ve spent the last few weeks shlumping around with me. Gotta get your rest to keep up with him tomorrow.”
“And you gotta get your rest so you can hand out candy tomorrow.”
“I’m excited for that, actually. Trick or Treating really slowed down back in Utah lately. I think last year I got, like, maybe three groups of kids?”
“You’ll get your fill this year. A lot of the kids in the apartment complex go to every door. Just be careful, okay? I don’t want you getting sick.”
It took twenty more minutes before you were finally able to say your goodbyes and hang up. You stared at your phone for a moment before placing it on the side table beside Sebastian’s bed and turning off the light.  
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Houston, we've got some flirting!!! Also can we just take a minute to appreciate how amazing Sean is? But things seem to be looking up!
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meg-noel-art · 4 years
Luna, Ash, and Willow for that ask thing!
KDFHGLDHG RJ!!! Thank you for enabling me to talk about my fankids, this is gonna be a long ass post, let’s go!!!!!!!!
1.) 2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod:
Luna: I am definitely just taking songs from the playlist @athetos made for Luna, so “Ghost” “Numb” “Perfect” “Stuck in the Mud” Classic angsty teen anthems
Willow: She listens to a bunch of indie artists I can feel it. “Creature Fear” by Bon Iver, “Backwards Walk” Frightened Rabbit, “Skinny Love” the Birdy cover. A soft baby.
Ash: I feel like Ash isn’t actually a big music person. He maybe has a few tunes that catch his attention but doesn’t have ‘playlists’ per say. He likes instrumentals/scores more than lyrical music, pop ballads and what not
2.) the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to:
Luna: Probably the roof....mfhgksdhgkl I like to think she literally climbs Bright Moons towers to sulk on the rooftops and watch sunsets and sunrises and such. But she also definitely just falls asleep on the shingles--hundreds of feet above the ground. 
Willow: Not sure there’s anywhere she’d ever be forbidden from falling asleep? But perhaps on nights she’s anxious, she slips out of her house and falls asleep in Plumeria’s flower patches. Maybe a tree if she wants to see the stars better.
Ash: Not necessarily forbidden, again, but Luna’s room. Falls asleep in weird, cat like places like her closet or underneath the bed, or on top of the canvas. Beyond that, when traveling, I imagine he likes to also climb into a good tree--when he’s not curled up with Melog.
3.) the game they'd destroy everyone else at:
Luna: Chess (or the Etherian equivelant). Luna is smart and actually enjoys strategy games, and I think chess would be the one thing that would get her to slow down and process her choices before making them.
Willow: I get the vibes that Willow is very good at Monopoly. She’s so quiet that no one notices she’s taken over the entire board until there’s nowhere to run.
Ash: Black jack or hide-and-seek (if it’s a game other than like... a board game) Also Uno, he’s got card games on lock.
4.) the emoticon they’d use most often:
Luna: 💖 <--she stole this one from Glimmer
Willow: A combo pack of 🙏🏻😌
Ash: 🥵 because it freaks the other two out
5.) what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep:
Luna: Cranky, prone to tears and emotional break downs. But like Adora before her, refuses to sleep out of absolute stubborn pride that her body shouldn’t stop until she says it can.
Willow: More reserved than usual if she doesn’t get enough sleep (not that that ever happens) Less inclined to follow along with her friends antics. Also a mite grumpy.
Ash: Forget show to speak in anything other than hisses and growls. His sleeplessness is 100% visible in how he carries himself. Sluggish and grumpy.
6.) their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever:
Luna: Undoubtedly hot chocolate or something similar. Both her moms have a sweet tooth, she did not escape it.
Willow: Tea! Of probably many varieties, but because I’m biased, her favorite is Chamomile.
Ash: This is a hot cider kid, through and through.
7.) how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump:
Luna: Despite her angst, Luna definitely does better when with other people if she’s in a slump. If she was truly feeling down, she’d spend the day just doing something lazy with her friends. Watching movies, reading/telling stories, playing games--they never leave her room. Extended sleepover. As a younger kid/baby, hanging with the moms achieved the same effect ;;; particularly getting she-ra piggyback rides.
Willow: She goes all out with a nice bath, floral scents, candles, followed by meditation and relaxing stretches.
Ash: He takes walks--let’s himself absorb nature and the larger world. Melog always goes with him. A comforting presence, therapy pet style but---giant panther creature.
7.) what they wanted to be when they grew up:
Luna: The next She-Ra. The responsibility of the role has never really hit her, she just wants to be a super kickass magical warrior Princess. Queen is okay too...
Willow: She just wants to do/be whatever will most help her people/ the people of Etheria. She doesn’t actually like traveling much beyond Bright Moon and Plumeria. Her future is a little foggy, but she’s not too pressed about it, her moms are calm and gently guide her through any uncertainties anyway.
Ash: Mostly he just wants to travel and explore and adventure. Wherever that takes him, or whatever it leads him to become--he’s okay with!
8.) their favorite kind of weather:
Luna: Cold months, when snow falls and she can curl up in front of the fireplace. When the world goes still and quiet and the existential thoughts fully settle in.
Willow: Spring!! New life, not too hot! All the animals come out of hiding, the flowers bloom. the air is crisp, the sun is out longer... Peaceful vibes.
Ash: Summer time. The sun is always warm, meaning there are plenty of moments to catch a catnap. Beyond that, he likes not having to deal with snow or rain.
9.) thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
Luna: She’s a decent singer. but you’d never know it from the way she caterwauls in the shower.
Willow: Beautiful voice! Often too shy to show it though...She picked up playing ukulele to write songs and play for Luna (who is always wildly impressed)
Ash: This boy cannot sing.
10.) how/what they like to draw or doodle:
Luna: she drew so many pictures as a child. Wild stick figure scenes, self portraits, her friends and family, retraced the murals in Bright Moon. Stopped drawing once she hit her teens and has not since, but she can.
Willow: Doodles hearts and flowers in her diary, beyond that, she sometimes does like ‘life studies; of the flowers around Plumeria. She’s good! But doesn’t show off her talent.
Ash: Ash doesn’t really draw. But I imagine he crafts/carves, which is an artistic talent in and of itself. He might doodle the occasional rune or something into something he creates, but beyond that...
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dragonologist-phd · 4 years
#4, 7, 9, 18, 21, 27, 41, 49 for Makali? #14, 20, 26, 39, 50 for Lulu? and #13, 14, 20, 27, 32, 46, 49 for Nona?
ooh, so many! thank you!! :D
i’ll put under a readmore because this will get long!
4. do they wear their hair down when they sleep, or tied up / braided?
If she’s in the middle of traveling, she’ll sleep with it braided just for the purposes of saving time getting ready in the morning. Otherwise she sleeps with it down
7. do they wake up groggy or alert? do they like mornings?
She’s not the biggest fan of mornings, but years of experience on a ship has taught her to wake up quickly whenever needed!
9. what do they smell like? do they use perfume or cologne?
She doesn’t wear perfume, and she usually smells of seawater- although she’s actually not whether that’s from sailing or it’s a godlike thing
18. do they prefer cats or dogs? or neither?
I think Makali would be more of a dog person, although she likes cats too!
21. did they have any fears growing up that they’ve since conquered?
She’s always been the type to directly face any fears- I think her biggest fear would be being stuck in one place forever, and that’s not something she’s had to face
27. what do they never, ever want to speak of, ever?
I actually can’t think of anything, she’s a pretty open book!
41. where would they want to live if they could live anywhere? why?
She’d want to live on the ocean, traveling everywhere and anywhere
49. do they have a creative outlet? if so, what is it?
Not in a traditional sense, but she enjoys storytelling and has tried her hand at making maps a few times!
14. do they stay up too late? do they like staying up?
She doesn’t stay up too late- she likes a good long catnap!
20. what do they hate being teased about? are they teased often?
Aww, who would tease sweet Lulu?!? The thing that would probably offend her the most would be if someone me complained about her singing
26. what are they most passionate about? what could they debate about for hours?
She’s most passionate about her singing! And she’d love discussing different kinds of music
39. do they have siblings? if so, how many? do they like them?
She doesn’t have any siblings
50. where do they see themselves in 2 / 5 / 10 years?
Hopefully being a famous singer and performing across the land!
13. do they like the room cold or hot when they sleep?
Nona likes it hot- she misses that Aedyran weather!
14. do they stay up too late? do they like staying up?
She can stay up late if she needs to, and does so a lot when she’s busy. but if she has her preference she would rather not stay up too long.
20. what do they hate being teased about? are they teased often?
She never really got teased; being from an important family kind of prevented that when she was a kid. And I think the types of things kids usually get teased for wouldn’t really bother her.
27. what do they never, ever want to speak of, ever?
With very few exceptions, she doesn’t talk about her family or why she left Aedyr.
32. do they critique others easily? do they judge from afar?
She’s done her fair share of both XD she doesn’t have a problem critiquing others to their face, but will hold back if the situation requires diplomacy
46. if they could control one thing in the world, what would it be?
Oh, so many options...probably people? It’s kind of a vague answer, but it would be extremely useful!
49. do they have a creative outlet? if so, what is it?
She likes to read, and occasionally does a bit of writing
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cmi-miu · 4 years
Ya’aburnee - Chapter 5 (Seventeen Soulmate AU)
Soulmate AU: The last words your soulmate says to you are the words tattooed on your wrist.
Pairing: SoonWoo, JiHan, SeokHao
Title: Ya'aburnee (arabic): yak-BER-nee (n.) lit. "you bury me"; the hope that your lover or beloved will outlive you as to spare yourself the pain of living beyond that person.
Chapter Summary: A fluffy chapter with fluffy SoonWoo, SeokHao and JiHan to rival the angst that will be coming in the next few chapters~
It’s a rainy day so both Soonyoung and Wonwoo have taken leave from their respective work. An awkward air settles between the pair as they try to work around each other. And even as Wonwoo avoids reaching for the saucepan from the pantry because Soonyoung is currently searching for cereal in it; or even as Wonwoo tries to take up as little space in the living room as possible because they have exactly one couch, that they’ve never had to share, other than when they’re getting ready for work; the men realise just how distant they are from each other.
What Soonyoung does know about Wonwoo is that his wrists spell the lyrics to the song his soulmate is supposed to sing to him for the last time ever, and that Soonyoung is supposed to never sing it. What Wonwoo does know about Soonyoung is that the man has both his wrists marked by fate and that he is to never mention the words etched into Soonyoung’s right hand or the scratched-out words on his left.
They are sitting awkwardly on the couch, careful to not touch each other, when Soonyoung uncomfortably asks Wonwoo if he’d like some ice cream. A little shocked at the sudden inquiry, the man stares at his partner owl-eyed as he nods his head “yeah… Yeah sure. I’d like that.”
Soonyoung awkwardly nods his head and heads into the kitchen and Wonwoo is left on the couch wondering why something as simple as sharing an ice cream is so hard for them.
“What flavour do you like?” Soonyoung yells from the kitchen and Wonwoo is startled at the man’s voice. He’s never heard the man speak above the low grumble he’d always thought was Soonyoung’s natural tone of voice.
Wonwoo, for a second, forgets what his favourite flavour of ice cream is because he’s pleasantly surprised to know that Soonyoung’s voice isn’t as hoarse as he knew it to be. It’s rather calming, actually. He’s smiling like a creep when Soonyoung yells out his question once again and Wonwoo stutters as he says, “butterscotch, if you have it please?”
Soonyoung cringes at the tone Wonwoo uses, as if ordering at an ice cream shop but he doesn’t voice his discomfort at the man’s formal tone. Mainly because he doesn’t know any other way for them to function around each other. They’re like two bumbling varieties of the same species of cats that can’t seem to get along for lack of trying. Asking him for ice cream out of the blue was hard enough for him. So, he shakes his head and pulls out two bowls, filling them with butterscotch ice cream — his favourite — before taking them to the living room.
Settling down beside his husband, Soonyoung clears his throat to grab Wonwoo’s attention and gives him his bowl of icy delight, bringing his feet under himself to rest comfortably on the couch. They continue eating the ice cream in complete silence because neither has the courage to pick up the TV remote and put on a certain channel (seeing as both are oblivious to the other’s entertainment preferences). It looks like a scene from a very bad soap opera where the actors have forgotten their lines and are waiting for the director’s que.
“Do you wanna watch something?” Soonyoung asks softly, once again going back to the low tone Wonwoo had come to associate him with.
The younger husband nods his head eagerly and Soonyoung plucks the remote from the coffee table in front of them as he starts surfing through channels. He asks Wonwoo what he’d like to watch but when the man responds with “anything is fine with me” Soonyoung settles on an anime channel.
It’s fifteen minutes into the Full Metal Alchemist that Wonwoo and Soonyoung realise that they’ve found something in common and the two spend the rest of the day watching reruns of old animes and cartoons, giggling like five-year-old boys over each other’s re-enactment of the Kage no Bunshin Jutsu . Eating nothing but ice cream and pizzas ordered from Pizza Hut, cuddled up on the couch as if it’s a slumber party.
By the end of the day Wonwoo knows that Soonyoung likes butterscotch ice cream, just like him, and animes and Naruto. And that he has a high-pitched voice when he talks without restraint. And that he likes folding his feet under himself when he sits. And that he snorts when he laughs too hard.
Soonyoung knows that Wonwoo likes butterscotch ice cream, just like him, and animes and Naruto. And that he enjoys listening rather than speaking. And is a rather excitable young man once you get to know him better. And that he is a genius when it comes to scrabble.
And neither can say the night could have gone better as they lie in bed discussing what anime to watch next late into the night.
“Jeonghan, I’m telling you,” Jisoo begins as he’s packing their bags for their flight next morning to Los Angeles. He shoves his hand on his boyfriend’s mouth to stop his humming and gives him a pointed look, “you better stop humming that song before I take you to meet Wonwoo, okay? He’s gonna flip if he finds out you’re such a fan of it.”
“Please~ didn’t you fall in love with me because I was singing this song?” Jeonghan grumbles, pulling out random shirts and pants from his dresser. When Jisoo’s expression remains stoic he rolls his eyes muttering. “I won’t sing it in front of your dear little brother in law. Happy?”
“Thankyou.” At the mention of his brother in law, Jisoo beams at his boyfriend and nods his head excitedly. “I’m so happy we finally get to meet them in six months!” Jumping on the balls of his feet, the man looks a little like one of those punching bags that kids use (you know the ones that look like clowns and are filled with water instead of sand?) Shaking his head, he adds, “I haven’t seen them in almost a year, ever since I signed that modelling contract.”
“How many times have I told you, you can always video chat with him?” Jeonghan rolls his eyes, shoving more clothes into his duffel bag. “I just don’t understand why you won’t just skype him or something? You haven’t even introduced me to him. For all I know, he probably thinks of me as a pervert who saw you modelling one day in Paris during one of my blogs and then started to follow you around until you started dating me!”
Jisoo raises his eyes comically at his partner and snickers as he wonders out loud, “isn’t that basically what happened though?”
Jeonghan growls at the man’s sarcastic tone and lunges at him across their bed, locking his arms around the bigger man as he says, “that is not what happened. I happened to be blogging when you decided to enter my shot without my consent because I was singing and before you knew it, we fell in love.”
“Pretty sure it’s the first one, Hannie,” Jisoo snickers, patting his head before kissing his forehead, “but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Good,” Jeonghan mutters, resting his face in the crook of Jisoo’s shoulders. “’Cuz I’m not averse to drugging you for life if I have to keep you by my side, okay?”
Jisoo pats the man’s arms as he laughs, “a little predatory there, my friend.”
The other man rolls his eyes as he gets up, kissing his boyfriend before going back to packing his back. Jisoo watches Jeonghan shove more and more clothes into his suitcase and he decides to give Soonyoung a video call as soon as they land in LA.
It’s about time his brother met the love of his life.
Myungho places a warm glass of water by the bedside table as he caresses Seokmin's hair to wake the man up. They’re adamant believers of the ‘afternoon catnap’ and as much as he wishes they could just snuggle away until nighttime, Seokmin has a play to perform at and Myungho has to attend a meeting at his music studio.
Whining at the frankly welcome disturbance, Seokmin stretches a little and turns to Myungho with a smile. Kissing the man gently as he sits up.
Myungho smiles at the man in front of him, feeling like he did all those years ago when they had first met. “I love you so much,” he whispers, leaning down for another kiss. Smiling when Seokmin giggles. “I need to go out for a meeting. And you need to get dressed for that awfully taxing play of yours.”
A rueful smile graces Seokmin's lips as he touches the base of his throat gingerly. “I don’t think I’ll be able to perform that well today,” he mumbles. Myungho can see the disappointment in the man’s eyes at the realisation as he picks up the glass from the side table, pushing it in Seokmin hand. He already knows he’s going to ask Seokmin to go because he knows how much Seokmin loves this, despite hating the idea of Seokmin screaming out at the audience again.
“Don’t worry about the performance,” he says. “You’ll do great. Just drink some warm water. I’ll steep some lemon tea for you. You’ll feel better in no time.”
The younger man giggles once again and leans in for another kiss as he whispers into the elder’s lips. “How did I ever get so lucky?”
“Baby, luck had nothing to do with you and I,” Myungho sniggers, rubbing his nose against Seokmin's. “It was all fate.”
Seokmin nods happily at the man’s words and watches him walk away to the kitchen with a giddy heart. He truly believes that fate did bring them together. He looks at the words on his wrists and decides to accept his fate after all.
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caranfindel · 5 years
Fic: Every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a loser
A fix-it fic for 15.10, “The Heroes’ Journey,” because never have I seen an ep more in need of a fix-it.
They end up borrowing a 4X4 Jeep Cherokee from Donna. The Impala wasn't made for snowy roads, let alone frozen tundra, they don't have enough credit to rent a car (fucking Chuck), and Sam refuses to take a stolen car through an international checkpoint. Which is ridiculous. It's Canada, not the Soviet Union; no one's even going to look. But Dean's not gonna argue. Sam's kind of messed up right now. Has been, since he shot God, since he spent a day and a half under Chuck's loving ministrations, since Eileen left. Since Garth pronounced them no longer God's heroes. Obsessively researching Alaska, spewing random facts about Utqiagvik and tundra, to distract himself from the shitstorm they stumbled into.
(Barrow is now known as Utqiagvik. Thanks, Sam.)
The thing is. The thing is that "between Barrow and Kotzebue" sounded like they'd be driving down a road from one small village to another, looking for you'll know it when you see it. But on further review, there's about a hundred million acres of frozen tundra between Barrow and Kotzebue. And no roads. Even Mapquest cheerfully suggests you can't get there from here. And Dean's supposed to be the man with the plan, but he can't wrap his head around a hunt whose lore is limited to you'll know it when you see it. He's having problems with get to Alaska and start exploring a hundred million acres of frozen tundra. Maybe that's why Sam is furiously researching Alaska itself. Because he's got to research something.
(And no, Dean is not interested in yet another verse of Sam explaining that the entire state of Alaska is not frozen tundra, and much of the area they're looking at is actually transitional boreal forest, thank you very much.)
Anyway. Scraping up some cash sounds like a good first step. So that's why Dean's lurking in the shadows a block away from a pool hall in Bozeman, Montana, counting his meager winnings. Of course he didn't count it in the pool hall, or even in the parking lot. He's not stupid. You never count your money when you're sitting at the table. Words of wisdom are words of wisdom, even when they come from Kenny Rogers.
Hustling pool was easier when he was younger. A guy in his 20s saunters in, cocksure, too pretty for his own good? (And that's not ego talking, he's heard it often enough, seen it in the eyes of potential marks who murmured that they were sure we'd be able to come to an agreement when it looked like he might not have enough cash to cover a bet, and damn he loved taking their money.) Yeah, everybody wants to take that guy down, and Dean always gave an Oscar-worthy performance in that role. But when you're old enough to look like you might know what you're doing, and maybe looking so down on your luck that no one wants to win the little bit of cash you've got in your raggedy pocket… it's just harder, is all. Especially without his wingman, since Sam declared himself unfit for the job and went off to plunder a couple of local stores for supplies instead.
Dean did okay, though. Even after putting aside half for his stake the next night, he's got enough for a couple of tanks of gas and a night in a hotel. Maybe four or five tanks, if Sam agrees to sleep in the Jeep. It's cold, but they've got decent sleeping bags and a big vehicle. It wouldn't be the worst night they've spent in a car.
They've actually… spent a lot of bad nights in cars. And abandoned houses. And worse. It sparks something in the back of Dean's mind.
That train of thought is interrupted by the arrival of the borrowed Jeep. It's late — well, technically, early — but they need to put some miles between them and the scene of the crime. Maybe he can catch a catnap while Sam gets them out of town. Dean moves to get in the passenger seat, but Sam hops out. Doesn't even trust himself driving right now, for fuck's sake. He even keeps a hand hovering over the Jeep, in case he needs the support if he stumbles, and it makes Dean see red.
"How'd you do," Dean asks, when Sam settles into the passenger seat.
"Not bad. Nonperishables, hot packs, but mostly medical supplies. Got some antibiotics, pain meds, bandages, stuff for stitches and splints"
"Thought you were gonna get some camping supplies?"
"Had problems at the REI." Sam pulls out his laptop and hunches over it.
"What kind of problems?"
Pause. "It's no big deal. We'll stop at a different one."
Sam sighs. "I couldn't get in, all right? There were security cameras and the lock, and I just…" He trails off and buries himself in his laptop, clearly miserable. Dean could suggest, again, that the mom and pop outfit they saw on their way into town would be easier to break into, but he knows Sam prefers raiding big chains. We're saving the world, Dean would say. Doesn't mean we have to be dicks about it, Sam would always retort.
(Are they even saving the world, right now? Or just their own asses?)
After a few quiet minutes, Sam speaks. "Did you know Will Rogers and Wiley Post were killed about 11 miles outside of Utqiagvik, trying to land their plane?" Because obscure Alaskan trivia is easier to think about than, well, everything else.
"No, I didn't know that," Dean responds, "because I've never even heard of Wiley Post."
"Early aviator. Charles Lindbergh type. The Utqiagvik airport was renamed after them."
"Naming an airport after two people who died in a plane crash? That's messed up, man."
"Oklahoma also has two separate airports named after the two of them. I think Will Rogers would probably appreciate the irony."
Oklahoma. The last time Dean was in Oklahoma, he was fleeing Texhoma with an old friend's blood still caked under his fingernails. He doesn't want to think about fucking Oklahoma. Instead, he slides back to that earlier thought, the one that pinged something. The fact that they spent so much of their life sleeping in really shitty places. That they weren't worried about mortgages and utility payments not because they were above all that, but because they never had the opportunity. That they haven't, in fact, been leading the charmed heroes' life, free from sweating the small stuff, that Garth described.
"Sam?" he says. "Do you feel like we've been living a charmed life?"
"No." Sam huffs a humorless little laugh and keeps pecking at his keyboard. "I mean, I didn't, for obvious reasons. But compared to now? I guess."
"Okay, but listen. I think I was right when I said we were cursed. The reason we're having problems now? It's not because Chuck was giving us something we never earned and he decided to stop. Everything we do, Sam? We fucking earned that. Blood, sweat, and tears, man. We trained and studied and practiced and earned every skill we have."
Sam looks up now, brow furrowed. "You think?"
"I do. I mean, how long did you practice lock-picking? Because I remember you asking Dad to buy you different kinds of locks to practice on. I remember listening to you clicking away in the back seat for miles. You did that, Sam. Chuck didn't give it to you."
"And tripping over your own feet? Do you really think you can only walk a straight line bec ause Chuck made it possible? He didn't make us special, Sam. We made us special. And he's trying to take that away from us."
Sam gasps. "Job. He's pulling a Job on us."
"Damn straight." Dean smacks the steering wheel. Chuck and his Biblical reboots. "And we are not gonna let him do that."
"But how do we stop it?"
That's the question, isn't it? Dean drives for a couple of miles, deep in thought. "I say we go to Alaska anyway," he decides. "Even if we didn't lose our own luck, this might be a way to pick up some extra mojo."
"But remember what Garth said. There's always a catch. You know he's right."
"So? If we decide it costs too much, we just don't play. We can do that."
"Can we?" Sam chuckles. "Because, historically, we're not actually very good at that."
"We are now. Starting right now, you and I are good at anything we want to be good at it. And Chuck can screw himself."
Dean spots the sign for the scenic turnoff just in time, jerking the wheel to the right. "You all right bedding down in the car tonight?"
"Not the worst place I've slept," Sam replies, smiling. No, it's not.
The bed of the Cherokee is long enough, with the back seat folded down, but it's pretty narrow. It's fine. Dean's going appreciate being pressed up against his furnace of a little brother tonight. He wriggles into his sleeping bag, turns his back to Sam, and says "Okay, geek boy. Put me to sleep. Tell me something about Kotzebue." He drifts off to the tune of sled dogs and average January temperatures.
The title is, of course, from "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers.
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joy1579 · 4 years
speed demon
saeyoung x MC ficlet (800)
NOTE: this focuses more on MC than Saeyoung so if your looking for something Saeyoung heavy or romance heavy this might not be your jam.
MC is having a bad day week month. so she asks saeyoung to take her for a drive to help her leave her troubles in the dust.
okay so I gotta be honest, this is 100% self indulgent venting. like i went for a drive yesterday trying to get rid of this “blah” the quarantine has stuck me in and I couldn't drive fast enough or get the music loud enough and the next thing I knew i was two towns over. sooooo yeah maybe it would have been easier if I could have done it more like MC in this story. IDK its probably not what sane people do but sometimes the only good medication is sensory overload to help shake loose all the crap you hold inside. I think Saeyoung would be the first one to understand that. Zen being the second maybe next time i need to vent like this I’ll write about Zen taking MC along on his motorcycle. 
i probably wont add this to my master list since its light on actual mysme content.
it had started with a simple listlessness that had grown from your bones and spread into your mind like a cancer. Of course he had noticed. How could he not. The way you ever so slowly stopped doing all the things that were so integrally a part of you. he didn’t hear your voice singing along to music in the morning like he used to. You no longer decorated your cooking with all the cutesy touches you loved. Not even his trademark insanity could make your smile reach your eyes. So of course he had noticed. How could he not when he was watching you slip farther away from him every day.
“Saeyoung?” you ventured with trepidation “could you take me for a drive?”
He locked eyes with you for a fraction of a second, considering what could have caused such anxiety around a request you knew he would never refuse. “of course babe. I love driving with you, you know that”.
“I want to go fast. I want to go as faster than we’ve ever gone before.”
This was new. You had never asked him to drive faster, not that you were against his fast driving, but you had always simply been so content with whatever speed he had chosen for the day. “we go pretty fast sometimes, are you sure you want to go faster?”
“yes” you said resolutely not meeting his eyes “I want to turn up the music too. I want to feel the sound and the wind.”
He stood suddenly and you were worried he was going to scold you, call you reckless and stupid. Then his hand was in your hair and he was reaching for one of the many sets of keys over your shoulder. “let’s go babe.”
Minutes later the two of you were speeding down the highway windows rolled down and music blaring. His eyes were focused on the road and yours were locked on the passing scenery. You glanced at the speedometer as it pushed 105, with grim determination you unbuckled your seat belt drawing Saeyoung attention. He looked alarmed and grabbed your wrist gently, a silent request for you to buckle back up, for you to be safe. You pulled your wrist from his hand with little effort and leaned out the open window. The wind was rushing around you. it swept through your hair, roared in your ears, stung your eyes. Everything was so loud but you could still feel the weight in your chest, the hollow in your mind, the chill in your limbs. You screamed. Clenching your eyes shut and emptying your soul into the wind. You were half out the window now and you could feel the air whipping around you as your screamed yourself hoarse.
This wasn’t rational. It wasn’t safe or healthy or normal but as you felt the tears run down your face you knew it would get better. you pulled yourself back to your seat and reluctant to meet Saeyoungs eyes you covered your face as you sobbed. It felt like hours before your breath evened out enough to speak. Longer still before you found any words found their way to you.
“it’s cathartic” you choke, your voice broken and dry. “sometimes, everything goes silent and numb and it feels like I can’t breathe. Like I’m stuck in a void and no matter how much I scream or cry or bleed there’s no one there to notice. Even when people are with me they feel a hundred miles away and I reach out but never find them.”
You looked up then and saw him gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. His eye’s never leaving the road he spoke shakily “you could have hurt yourself,” your stomach dropped though you knew that he was right. “you could have hurt yourself, but I get it.” He sighed. You saw his fingers flex trying to force the tension from his grip on the steering wheel. “just tell me next time. I want to help.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded sharply. One of his hands found yours as he slowed the car down considerably. “I guess next time I need you to drive fast I could just ask you to help me catnap elly” you joked trying to lighten the mood.
“with elly at our side we will fly to the space station!” he declared excitedly
“hey now! Then which one of us would you marry?”
“not fair MC you can’t make me choose between my two best girls”
You were laughing now. Really honestly laughing for the first time in weeks. He loved the sound of your laugh and he swore to God that he would never stop trying to make you laugh like that.
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moonlessmidnights · 6 years
More Headcanons for Jevil
• Jevil, Rouxls and Lancer are all terrified of making mistakes. They learned very quickly that none of the Kings took kindly to the people that served them messing things up, and it only got worse when Spade King was the only one in charge. If Lancer makes a mistake, he will start whimpering and pleading for forgiveness, promising to fix it and eventually starting to cry. If Rouxls makes a mistake, he will freeze and start shaking and hyperventilating before moving to fix whatever it was he messed up, usually resulting in him only making it worse because he can’t stop shaking and his vision is blurred with tears. If Jevil makes a mistake, he will freeze before beginning to laugh, starting off quiet and getting louder until he is on the ground laughing so hard it hurts, trying to ignore the fact that he is crying and bracing himself for whatever painful punishment he is about to receive, automatically falling back on his old interrogation coping methods in order to keep himself from having a full blown panic attack.
• Sometimes, Jevil forgets he isn’t imprisoned anymore, returning to his old “the rest of the world locked itself away” mindset. He realizes he is stuck on the same side as the kings, and tries to get “free” again. When this happens, he vanishes, and Rouxls has to go looking for him. He is always in the basement, hiding in the corner of his old cell, playing a game of some kind with himself. It always takes a while for Rouxls to remind him that he doesn’t have to be in there anymore, and sometimes Jevil doesn’t fully believe him, even going as far as to attack him. When Jevil finally realizes what is going on, and what he is doing, he always falls apart. Once he does come to, it isn’t uncommon for Rouxls to wind up sitting down there for hours with a sobbing Jevil curled up against his chest.
• Back when he was imprisoned, you would sometimes hear him singing if you passed his cell. The songs would range from tiny little things he made up on the spot and happy performance pieces to incredibly depressing songs. Rouxls will never admit it, but sometimes he would take the elevator down and stay inside so that he could listen to Jevil sing, just to get away from everything for a while.
• Lancer is the first king he has ever had that has treated him kindly, and he is fiercely protective of him.
• However, he is also slightly afraid of him. He goes out of his way to constantly keep Lancer happy, even though he doesn’t actually have to, and gets panicked and anxious if he can’t make him smile. He knows Lancer is just a child, but he isn’t sure what Lancer will do to him if he can’t keep him happy. The previous kings weren’t exactly shy about showing their displeasure when he didn’t do what they wanted, after all.
• He usually takes little catnaps throughout the day if he has nothing else to do, since he would rather sleep until something fun happens than be awake and bored, but since he also has a lot of nightmares, he feels safer if he is resting around someone else. It isn’t uncommon for Rouxls to walk into his shop and find Jevil curled up on one of the shelves, half asleep and waiting for him to come back so he can actually nap in peace.
• Rouxls eventually moved the other kings into the prison as well, but before he did, Jevil wouldn’t even go into the throne room. It made him incredibly anxious, and the few times he actually had to, he spent the entire time forcefully grinning and pretending to ignore them while simultaneously clinging to Lancer or Rouxls for comfort.
• The more upset Jevil becomes, the more words he repeats in sentences, until practically every word is said twice. It makes it very hard to understand him once he gets too upset. This is in direct contrast to Rouxls, who speaks more and more clearly the more upset the becomes, until he has dropped his Shakespearean speech pattern completely.
• Jevil still isn’t quite used to the whole “you can eat normal food whenever you are hungry” concept yet. He is used to either being starved until he talks (which never worked and resulted in him becoming extremely malnourished until Spade King had no choice but to feed Jevil enough to keep him alive before he could try again), or only being fed the bare minimum because all the king cared about was keeping him alive. Besides the occasional snacks from Lancer, Jevil had no access to real food at all until he was released, and is still getting used to the fact that when people give him food, especially warm food that he actually likes, it’s really for him and it’s okay for him to eat it.
• He hates being cold. It was always cold in his cell. Always. It didn’t matter how many magical layers he added to his clothing or how much he shivered, it was always cold. Now that his world has expanded and he is no longer stuck down there, he has made a conscious effort to always stay warm. As a result, he feels calmest and happiest when he is curled up by fireplaces or under blankets, and is most on edge and upset when he is in colder areas or out in the snow.
• He likes bubbles. More specifically, he likes popping bubbles. Lancer finds this really funny, and has taken to blowing a bunch of them whenever Jevil seems bored and watching him chase them around for a while.
• He really likes Dark Candy, and can often be found perched on low hanging tree branches, eating some while watching Lancer run around or Rouxls try to create puzzles.
• Lancer loves playing with him because he is so much fun. Jevil always has a new game for him to play, so he is never bored when the jester is around.
• When he needs to distract Jevil AND Lancer for a while, Rouxls will lead the two of them around with a laser pointer. He has no idea why both of them fall for it every single time, but it is always nice to get a break. At least until Jevil starts summoning attacks to destroy the red dot, of course. Then he has to stop and do damage control before something (or someone) gets hurt
• He likes to burrow all the way under the piles of blankets and pillows on his bed until only the tip of his tail peeks out. Otherwise, nobody would ever know that he was under there
• Sometimes, when Jevil is really cold or sleepy, he will go and bury himself under the covers and pillows of Lancer’s or Seam’s beds instead of his own. There have been a few times that Seam has gone into his room and sat down only to be startled by Jevil whining in protest because Seam sat on his tail, or Lancer has taken a running leap into his bed only to be met with a yelp because he landed on top of Jevil instead. He would do it with Rouxls’ bed too, but Rouxls only has a blanket and like 2 pillows, so it is no fun to try and bury himself in there. Seam’s and Lancer’s beds are covered in pillows and blankets and stuffed animals though, just like his own, so he likes curling up in their rooms
• He loves to decorate for holidays, and everything he is allowed to decorate usually winds up more decoration than original object.
• He has been banned from caffeine of any kind because he bounces off the walls for roughly 48 hours straight.
• Jevil can sing, dance, paint, juggle, and do pretty much anything else necessary to entertain. As long as it is to make someone else smile or laugh, he really can do anything.
• Jevil used to sew all of the costumes for Seam and himself while they were still performing together. Now that he is free, he makes most of his own clothes, and some for other people as well. He also uses leftover fabric to make toys for Lancer, then puts them in Lancer’s room when the young king isn’t looking. As a result, Lancer is utterly convinced that the Rouxls, Suzie, Kris, Ralsei and Seam plushies that have appeared in his room are magical, and carries at least one of them with him everywhere.
• Seam once tried to knit him a sweater after noticing how much happier he is when he is warm. It probably would have gone a lot better if it hadn’t been the first thing Seam had ever tried to knit. It’s at least 2 sizes too big, has at least 3 holes that aren’t supposed to be there and what appears to be a half-completed third sleeve, and is just an all around disaster. And Jevil loves it. It is warm and soft and Seam made it just for him, and it is one of his favorite things in the world now. It is one of the warmest articles of clothing he owns, and he wears it all the time, no matter how often Seam begs him to just burn the thing and forget it was ever created
• If someone makes him happy, or if he just really likes them, Jevil will fly joyful little circles around them for a while.
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What if the v3 cast were all swapped bodies? Like in the monopad they all swapped to the left? What hijinks would ensue?
I would put a picture of me being super excited since I wrote something else that wasn’t DRTC, but I can’t bc my computer is being rude. This one is gonna have some fun fun spoilers though! Keep that in mind. ~Mod Kokichi
V3 Body Swap
Kaede - Ryoma
When Kaede realizes that the only way to see everyone is to strain her neck and everything is incredibly short in her room, she knows something is deeply wrong. She realizes that the only person she could possibly be is Ryoma. The entire day, she spends going about as normally a possible. She wants to finish the day at the piano, but her fingers are far too small to play any of her classical pieces.
Angie - Gonta
Angie wakes up, almost practically unaffected! Sure, she bumps into everything possible due to the large size, and sure her vision is completely horrible and she can’t find his glasses most of the time, and sure his hands are too large to do any of her sculptures, and-- okay, she isn’t quite pleased. However, before anyone can chuckle at her horrible handling of his body, she tells them that perhaps Atua planned this from the start so she can use the might of her lovely god to enforce his will. The best part is everyone seems to listen, though she can’t imagine why!
Gonta - Shuichi
Gonta feels a lot lighter. When he looks into a mirror and sees Shuichi’s eyes looking back, he almost didn’t even realize. His eyes widened a few moments later before moving back and freaking out. Even hearing Shuichi’s weak yelling made him even more spooked. He ran out of the rooms, and he tried to see if everyone was congregated, but he had woken up before the morning announcement, leaving him to run around. He makes a mental note to help Shuichi train his body so he doesn’t get fatigued so easily. 
Himiko - Angie
Had she not needed to wake up and go meet everyone, she wouldn’t have ever figured it out. However, going to slip on clothing that was bright yellow and a bikini? That caught her attention. Leaving the room, she ran into her body, and started stuttering for some help. The distasteful look on her own face and apology for not being able to complete her duties as a maid made her more frustrated. She does appreciate being left to her own devices from Tenko, though. She spends the rest of the day catnapping and keeping a low profile with the others.
Kiibo - Tenko
While he’s a little discombobulated, waking up to feel actual skin made him wonder if his dreams had come true. It turns out that being a human made him so excited that he forgot to put on regular clothing. He grabbed the clothing, not particularly minding it was Tenko’s. Surely she wouldn’t be too upset with him considering he’s not technically a guy. He goes about his day, eating lots of food as research, along with being amazed that he can do regular things such as go to the bathroom and cry. All in all? The day is good for him, and he never reveals he’s in her body. He even puts up the charade that he’s Himiko in front of other people just to be safe. The moment he figured out which person was Tenko, he tried to avoid them as much as possible.
Kaito - Korekiyo
The biggest problem with being in Korekiyo’s body was that he wasn’t made to be an energetic being. He went through everything in the room just to be nosy. He didn’t want to think about what all the rope was for, and he got rid of some various creepy cult things that he had on display. Everyone wasn’t prepared for Korekiyo to sit down and be happily munching at the table to who he assumed was Maki. He made a mental note to avoid the man as much as humanly possible from that point on.
Kirumi - Himiko
Kirumi wasn’t that upset about the body switch, and simply felt disdain for being put in a less… capable body. Clearly Himiko kept herself clean enough, but her height and energy left something to be desired. Regardless, she went around, trying to help everyone get acquainted with their bodies. Cleaning is a hassle, but she somehow still manages to take everyone’s requests. They don’t call her the Ultimate Maid for nothing.
Kokichi - Miu
Waking up and seeing Miu’s clothes fueled him to go to insane lengths to prank her immediately. He wasted no time at all grabbing things from her room and writing down insane plans for her to find. Looking through them all the ones she’d made herself got him wondering what she would need some of the code for. Sure, he didn’t completely understand, but he could tell this wasn’t for anything raunchy or what other people would ask for. He spent the rest of the day making a fool of Miu and falsely accusing others of the body swap. Just a regular day, really.
Korekiyo - Tsumugi
Korekiyo wasn’t fazed at all, and took the entire day to think about how wonderful situations are like this since they test other peoples’ humanity. Not only that, but finding some notes in her room about a secret door in the girls room made for a most interesting discovery. He wouldn’t say anything about it, but his suspicions about how Tsumugi has been operating rise in his mind. He makes a note to keep an eye on her.
Maki - Kaede
Maki wasn’t prepared for this, and was ruffled up about it. She thanked whatever god there was that Kokichi hadn’t taken over her body, and spent the entire day trying to strangle Miu. Was she actually Kokichi, or was she just particularly annoying today? She wasn’t sure, and she had to refrain from resorting to anything too hasty. She would wait out the rest of the day.
Miu - Kiibo
Finally. Finally, Miu can figure out if robots have dicks. After some searching around in his room, she came out and put her hands on her hips, laughing as loud as she possibly could. The amount of raunchy jokes she threw around (“I may be a robot, but I’m better than any vibrator your virgin ass can get your hands on!”) Everyone is absolutely horrified, and everyone afterwards besides the inventor himself agreed to never speak of it again.
Rantaro - Kaito
Rantaro refuses to show that he’s freaked out when he wakes up and his body feels physically weaker. Some of the coughing fits he has puts him out of commission as he has to lean against a wall. Coughing up blood is never any good, and he looks around for something to help him out. With no medicine, and no one ever seeing him cough that violently, he figured that Kaito has been hiding it so no one thinks he’s weaker. He honors Kaito and still tries checking out everything that was written in his second monopad. He tries the hand scanner, but no luck. He decides then and there that Kaito is someone he can trust at the very least. The rest of the day is watching the shenanigans unfold.
Ryoma - Kirumi
Oh boy, being tall fucks him up hard. Sure, it’s easier to grab things, but he keeps shoulder checking everything, and the dress continued to get caught on everything if he didn’t pay any attention to it. He eventually tried to make use of the situation, trying to help others. However, when he sees how capable her body is, he hesitantly goes to his lab to see if it affects how he plays. Holding the racket in his hands feels foreign, yet good. He spends plenty of his time playing and avoiding socialization. When he leaves his ultimate lab, a small smile stays on his lips. Maybe he should request Kirumi to play against him if he ever comes back to it all.
 Shuichi - Maki
Shuichi knows that Maki has been hiding things, so he’s pleased when, out of all the people he could’ve been, he ends up in her body. Opening her closet and seeing a holster that supposedly goes on her leg for a knife freaked him out. He slipped past the crowd of people to check her ultimate lab out. Seeing the arsenal on the walls made him freak out hard, and he grasped the collar of his shirt trying to make it easier to breathe. He timidly checked everything, and cursed the fact that he could see Miu following his tracks throughout the rest of the day. He spends as much time as possible from then on avoiding her.
Tenko - Rantaro
Having to be a male absolutely kills her. She spends the entire day freaking out and being in a constant back and forth from trying to fawn over girls and diss males and freaking out about being a male. She even attempts to break into her room for her own clothing to be more comfortable. Unfortunately, she had no lock picking skills, and whoever was her was diligent enough to lock the door. She continuously blame Kokichi for everything, even though everyone is well aware that Kokichi isn’t even in his own body. However, she takes note of his second monopad, and watched the video. From that point  on,Tenko gives death glares to Rantaro as much as possible.
Tsumugi - Kokichi
Honestly? She should’ve been prepared for this. Considering she knew it was coming up for a fun episode of Danganronpa, she hid whatever she could think of that would uncover her big secret and went to bed. Waking up and seeing the mess in a ridiculous mess shocked her, and she cursed her luck for being horrible. She put it on and decided to give her best impression of Kokichi, considering she can wear his clothing in his body without getting cospox. Not to mention going through every little box in his room and his board of people that has notes on them, investigating where she originally couldn’t. Seeing his comment about Shuichi being possibly trustworthy had her wonder if he should become the main focus in the game instead of Kaede.
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