#sincerely the one who will die next if that weren't to happen
iwantflyingpigs · 1 year
gojover? check. dazaiover? check. skkover? check.
so... what's next? since apparently we getting all of em in one week. anyone wants to raise?
like plz take me back to haikyuu and blue lock. please. i can't do this. i won't ever make fun of sport animes again i swear.
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mcflymemes · 11 days
PORTAL 2 PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 2011 video game, adjust as necessary
when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! make life take the lemons back! get mad! i don't want your damn lemons!
best case scenario, you might get some superpowers. worst case, some tumors.
science isn't about why. it's about why not.
the next test is very dangerous.
before the wright brothers invented the airplane, anyone wanting to fly everywhere was required to eat 200 pounds of helium.
to help you remain tranquil in the face of almost certain death, smooth jazz will be deployed in three... two... one.
please disregard any undeserved compliments.
all right, i've been thinking.
what am i supposed to do with these?
do you know who i am?
oh, i like this guy.
he says what we're all thinking.
you can head on back to your desk.
well, this is the part where he kills us.
hello. this is the part where i kill you.
i know you.
no! i'm not listening! i'm not listening!
you're lying!
you're not just a regular moron. you were designed to be a moron.
i am not! a moron!
now who's a moron?
could a moron do that?
i can't see it though. maybe it fell off.
do you want to go and have a quick look?
are you alive? that's important. should have asked that first.
i'm going to work on the assumption that you're still alive.
i'm just going to wait for you up ahead.
i'll wait one hour.
brilliant! go team!
i think we can put our differences behind us.
hi. so. how are you holding up?
good, that's still working.
here are the test results.
you are a horrible person.
i'm serious. that's what it says.
we weren't even testing for that.
don't be alarmed, all right?
good work getting this far.
i wish i could take it all back. i honestly do.
i'm in space.
if i were ever to see her again, do you know what i'd say? i'd say "i'm sorry." sincerely.
i am sorry. i was bossy and monstrous... and i'm genuinely sorry.
you made it through! well done!
okay, follow me. we've still got work to do.
what's happening?
okay... don't move.
so i've got an idea, but it is bloody dangerous. here we go.
they told me that if i ever turned this flashlight on, i would die.
they told me that about everything.
i don't even know why they bother giving me this stuff if they didn't want me to use it.
look at you, soaring through the air like an eagle.
i'm different!
prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man. he was cast to the bowels of the earth and pecked by birds.
it won't be enough. the answer lies beneath us.
oh, it's dark down here, isn't it?
i'm proud of you.
now we are a family again.
that last test was seriously disappointing.
just work with me.
some of my best friends are actually orphans.
you look ugly in that jumpsuit.
that's not my opinion.
i'll be honest. we're throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks.
no idea what it'll do.
i knew someone was alive in here!
you'll know when the test starts.
oh thank god you're all right.
i thought you were my greatest enemy, when all along you were my best friend.
the best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one.
i'll be honest. killing you? is hard.
i had a pretty good life. and then you showed up.
you know what? you win. just go.
it's been fun. don't come back.
this sentence is false.
to be honest, i might have heard that one before.
you know, i'm not stupid.
i realize you don't want to put me back in charge.
i'm being serious. i think there's something really wrong with me.
we should get our stories straight.
no, we're not stopping!
don't make eye contact, whatever you do.
i feel awful about that surprise.
oh, that's sad. but impressive.
we're running out of time.
you've probably figured it out by now, but i don't need you anymore.
i'm afraid you're about to become the immediate past president of the being alive club.
the square root of rope is string.
okay, what you're doing there is jumping.
you know what? that's close enough.
you saved my bacon.
is this a jailbreak?
the next test is very dangerous.
it's been a long time. how have you been?
i've been really busy being dead. you know, after you murdered me.
you out having yourself a little adventure?
no, don't get up. i'll be right back.
you're unqualified!
what if this hurts? what if it really hurts? oh, i didn't think about that.
get your hands off me!
i can't see a thing! what just happened?
i don't have any bullets.
did you feel that?
you were busy back there.
that's funny. i don't feel corrupt.
i've got an idea! do what it says!
look how small you are down there!
do you have any idea how good this feels?
sorry, fellas. she's married. to science.
let me answer those questions with a question. who wants to make sixty dollars?
yes, all right, okay, this is getting tiresome.
well done. good. aren't you little miss clever. little miss smashy smash.
does it actually make you feel good when you do that?
it's not impressive.
what is this, like a hobby for you now?
i'm beginning to actually take it personally.
it's like an insult to me.
oh, there goes another one.
it's vandalism! it's pure vandalism!
it's just us talking like regular people.
are you going to open this door?
where'd you go? come back!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
By the teeth
Creep Yan + G.N Friendly Creep Reader Blurb
Warning: light gore
You're so nice.....
A fraction of your kindness was more than they had ever received. It was real too - not like teachers or peers who were always told to look out for the weakest link. The sincerity and care in your words reached your eyes; yet another thing they'd never witnessed before. As if you couldn't get anymore perfect, you even shared some of the same interests. When they gushed about their favorite films you came to them the next day carrying a signed poster. The envy they felt when you informed them the actor who's signature you possessed died not even a day later. You gave it to them as confirmation of your new friendship and that's when they knew they were in love. You don't even free out when they show you the dead things their cats bring. It must be meant to be.
You're so kind - to everyone you met. It's the bridge that separates you. Whereas they walk home alone, you have a group to guide your way. You invite them everytime, but they know they aren't welcomed by all. So charismatic and cute and sweet. It's no wonder you have so many admirers. It's only in your nature as innocent soul to attract demons so they don't blame you when you're asked out on dates. They don't blame you when someone walks up to you with bashful eyes and a blushing smile - asking to meet somewhere you can truly be alone. They don't blame you...not at all.
Which is why they'll hate themselves even more for what they were going to do.
Gloved fingers grip at their clothed mouth. They'd make it look like a robbery gone wrong. Just one stab. Just one - and it'd all be over. If anyone was to blame, it was them. Any bastard who would drag their angel into a dingy, dirty alleyway deserved to die. They prayed their rage wouldn't get the best of them. If they got carried away and your eyes met, they'd die right on the spot.
Their thoughts are interrupted by something...strange. A wet, slurping noise floods the alley - pained gurgles and groans creeping between each intake. They couldn't see well with their shades. The two of you were just- standing there; locked in each other's arm. Your hands claw red streaks into your partner's back and that's when they realize how truly off this felt. They - they were hurting you. The creep's actions would be justified in this scenario. Maybe God was finally giving them a chance.
Clutching the handle of their knife, they proceed forward - scene unraveling with each step.
One - your arms tighten around their waist.
Two - your head rolls back.
Three - the tender flesh of their neck pulls with it. You'd already torn a hole through their jugular and the gush of carmine overflowed your gorgeous lips as you went in for another. Gulping the thick substance down your stuffed throat, you pull the limp figure to your chest as your lips crawl to their ear. You shake them gently, pouting as they fall slack in your arms.
"Heyyyyy, you were all over me a second ago... What happened?"
The childlike glee in your voice gave them chills. That bubbly ting that made - still makes their heart leap. You go in for one more bite, dropping them like a sack of potatoes as you chew. The body collapses into the earth as their knees give out. They fall a second later than it, catching your guard. You wave
You step over the body and towards them. They pedal backwards, but you're far faster being on both of your feet and bounce before they can even try to get up. Their eyes search your face for anything. Are you going to attack them too? Why was their heart racing so fast from the thought? Why were they jealous they weren't the first? They shut their eyes, bracing for the worse.
Light assaults their senses as they force themselves to face what you have done. Rather the sting of a bite, they feel something softer - centered on their lips. It was another pair. You were kissing them. The shock loosened their tight jaws, allowing you to siphon the fatty blood clung to the roof of your mouth into theirs. They weakly beat your chest, forced into swallowing by the lack of oxygen and your hands around their throat. Their thighs clinch as you squeeze. Thick clots bind you as you pull away. You smile that beautiful - teeth dyed red. They lick your canines.
"-wahh! Whew! That was more than - and way grosser than I expected. Must've been a smoker. Anywho, as I was saying - hello! I've been wondering where you've been. You haven't followed me home this past you nights. I missed you, ya."
You pinch and smack at their cheeks as they stare off - stunned.
"Hmph, you can make up for it by getting rid of that for me. Call me when you're done and we can watch something together, kay. I'm sure you have my number, but lemme make sure it's the right one."
They had you their phone. You punch in your contact information, happily humming away and bouncing to a song that came to mind. You kiss their cheek as you jump off them.
"Pick up something to eat when you come too or I'll eat you next. I'm starving. See you soon!"
As you walk off they look down at their phone. There's a heart and a hallo at the end of the title you gave yourself. Your angel. They clutch the device to their chest.
Love really did exist....even for someone like them.
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hellparkreimaginado · 4 months
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Craig was resting by the window of his room, calmly observing the landscape that always greeted him when he woke up. He had no worries at that moment, nothing to do, all his household chores were completed, and he had no extra schoolwork. This gave Craig plenty of time to simply watch his peaceful town from the comfort of his room. The raven-haired boy looked at the mountains beside the sun for a while, creating an image as beautiful as it was tranquil. Craig loved taking photos of landscapes like this: simple, beautiful, calming. It was everything! Sometimes, when he looked at that natural mural that was the sunset in his town, Craig couldn't help but think of his partner: Thomas Lacey. That boy with blond hair and beige eyes was the most beautiful thing Craig's young eyes had ever seen. They had been a couple for a few years, and although Thomas suffered from a peculiar condition called Tourette's, which caused, among many things, tics, spasms, and sudden outbursts, this did not matter to Craig. He loved him with all his flaws and problems. And whenever Craig brought Thomas to his house, he didn't hesitate to show him some of the photos he had taken of landscapes like the one he was seeing right now.
The raven-haired boy started to get lost in his thoughts, imagining his entire life alongside that handsome boy, imagining them in those mountains: sitting with their children, having a meal while watching the sunset from the top of that mountain. Maybe his dreams often weren't realistic, but anyone would imagine a whole life with the person they love the most if they wanted to.
As Craig continued imagining that teenage novel in his mind, he didn't notice a series of notifications coming from his phone. He was too immersed to care; after all, couldn't they give him a moment to admire the views? After about two minutes, Craig turned and glanced nonchalantly at those notifications: they were messages from Thomas, and what they said was anything but normal.
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• Craig, I have to thank you for all the time you've spent by my side. No one, no one, NO ONE will love me as much as you have. YOU, you, Craig, you are the most important person in my life, the most beautiful and sincere person in the world. And I have to apologize for being so weak, for being the most useless person in the world, for... failing you. Forgive me, but I simply don't belong in this world. I deserve to die; I've only caused sadness and pain to everyone who loves me, including you. I'm not made to live; God hates me; I don't deserve to live...
• Craig, I'm the worst person there is, but I truly cherished all the time by your side. Goodbye.
Craig's heart stopped for a few seconds: his eyes widened as much as possible, his breathing sounded like something was choking him. Almost instantly, he felt a huge lump in his throat; he couldn't even say a single word.
Craig ran with the speed worthy of the Olympics towards the exit of his room. His entire family saw him run and ignored them when they tried to ask what was happening. Craig didn't even stop to look at them, opened the door of his house, and ran through the neighborhood. His beloved's house wasn't far from his; he could easily get there in a minute at the speed he was going.
But all his hopes of saving Thomas ended when he heard the thunderous sound, like a distant lightning strike. Craig fell to the ground on his knees: he couldn't even scream or make a sound of agony after hearing that noise. He knew very well where that shot had come from, he knew very well that there was nothing he could do about it now. The lump in his throat grew so large that he could almost feel like he was being choked by it. Those were agonizing seconds, the purest silence covered the entire town. The town that no more than a minute ago enjoyed the beautiful melody of birds singing, of united and happy families chatting about their lives, now everything was in the most absolute silence. There wasn't a single soul on that street, just Craig kneeling: his eyes quickly filling with tears and spreading across his forehead.
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The first to break the silence was his father: Thomas Tucker.
• Craig, is everything okay!? What the hell is happening!? - said his father.
T. Tucker shook his son nervously, wanting him to say something, not understanding why he ran out of the house, but knowing very well that the distant shot had something to do with all this. But Craig still didn't say anything, he couldn't even make a sigh, much less say what had just happened. Craig remained motionless for a while, the only thing he could think of was that if he had seen his partner's message a minute earlier, all this might have happened very differently. Maybe, just maybe, Craig could have saved him. But now, now the only thing left was to go to his beloved's house.
Without even the slightest bit of hope, Craig headed to the home of what was no less than 10 minutes ago his partner. And when he saw the house open, with his mother crying inconsolably on the floor and a couple of neighbors comforting her, he understood that, indeed, his worst fear had come true. His partner, his boyfriend, his life companion, was... gone. He couldn't even look at the lifeless body of the person he loved so much. He wasn't strong enough to do it; he couldn't bear to let all his sadness out. He cried in silence as he walked towards Thomas's mother: she was simply devastated. That poor woman had to live through her husband's divorce, had to see her son humiliated for his illness over and over again, had to watch her son isolate himself from the world, and finally, had to live through the death of the only thing she had left in life.
• No~ I don't understand~ I don't understand!~ I DON'T UNDERSTAND!~ I did everything for my son~ but I didn't realize what was happening to him...~ - said that completely broken mother, with eyes that looked like dried grapes from crying so much, her voice becoming weaker and weaker the more she cried, making it increasingly difficult to understand what she was saying.
• I- I don't understand either, ma'am~ I- I loved him,~ I always tried to make his day better but~ but...~ I don't understand what I did wrong...~ - Without saying much more, the raven-haired boy hugged the mother of his deceased boyfriend; only she could understand the pain he was feeling at that moment.
• Oh, Craig~ - Mrs. Lacey closed her eyes and, still sobbing, said to Craig: - D-do you know?~ Of the few moments I remember seeing Thomas happy in these last months was when you were by his side,~ he wouldn't stop talking to me about you and everything you did together. I thought he was getting better,~ but, honestly, I don't understand what happened.~ I don't know what I did wrong~ - The inconsolable lady wiped her tears a little and then handed Craig an envelope with a blue seal.
• Here,~ T-Thomas wanted you to read this~ -
Craig inspected the envelope with his tired eyes; it was very clean and well-kept, adorned with innocent hearts on the sides that seemed to have been drawn with extremely fine and bright markers, while in the center was a blue seal and below it a message that read: "For Craig, my one and only true love." Instantly, an avalanche of emotions overwhelmed Craig. He seemed to have a nervous breakdown, a combination of sadness for knowing this was surely the last thing Thomas did in life, and massive regret for not being there for him. All those feelings that seemed to have dissipated came back, stronger this time. He tried to calm down, tried to look away, only to feel the urge to flee from that place at once. He simply didn't want to be there any longer.
Craig ran out with the envelope in one hand and wiping away the tears running down his face and extending to his neck with the other. He didn't pay attention to his family, much less to his boyfriend's mother, who was asking him to please come back. Amid many tears, Craig just hid in his room and lay down to cry in silence. Everything had happened so quickly, he was so exhausted after this horrible day. He just lay in his bed, but it was impossible for him to sleep. Hours passed, he didn't let anyone in to console him; he felt so guilty and so powerless that he didn't even have the strength to see what was in the envelope given by Thomas. It was simply too much guilt, to the point where he couldn't look anywhere but at that letter he couldn't even open.
And as the hours passed, the only thing Craig heard was the sound of a gunshot in the distance... It was the only thing he could hear inside his head for hours.
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yandere-fics · 2 months
♡ Dark AU Kassien ♡
Dark AU Explanation
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Everywhere you went you received looks of pity, you were the one who's first ever dream of their soulmate was of her breaking your legs. Everyone knew, how could they not, when it had happened you had shrieked wildly and run off into the woods almost in an attempt to die before the search party found you and forced you to return and since then you'd been forced to just accept your fate. Of course you wouldn't just be able to die to avoid this, you were marked as a soulmate to a demon, death would not come easy for you and while you had heard of other villages that slaughtered humans marked as soulmates to spare them the horrific fate, or to prevent the supernatural from wrecking havoc while looking for your mate, the people of your village weren't that kind of people, they would leave you alive, perhaps hoping that your soulmate would grant them a boon for taking such good care of you, you were a sacrificial lamb for the sake of all the other villagers there, there were worse fates you could have but there were certainly better fates to have than everyone you knew and cared for handing you over to a mad demon who the only hing you knew about her is that upon first meeting she would break your legs.
Every night you felt the agony of your bones crunching, waking up in a cold sweat and remembering your legs were still okay, they weren't broken yet despite how real the dream had felt, the demon whispering in your ear and reassuring you this is for your own safety, there's monsters in these woods, she can't afford to have you moving a single step from where she last placed you, she didn't want you to feel pain but this was for your own safety, you'll understand why she was doing this eventually lovely. She always called you affectionate nicknames in you dreams but it just felt like mockery, that had to be what it was truly, what other reason would she have for hurting you so badly while claiming to love you, there was no way she was sincere in your feelings towards you, you were simply something she owned, something she had to damage to ensure it couldn't leave her.
In the early days having a demon for a mate was almost a positive thing, they weren't as vicious as werewolves, far less flesh eating, less demeaning than the elves who always considered themselves smarter than any human they encountered, and they were solitary meaning you would only have to deal with one supernatural around you instead of multiple of those monsters, but since people had begun actually discussing their dreams instead of hiding them, it had become clear demons were not at all what people thought of them, your dream was considered tame compared to the dreams some people had of their demon mates, their dreams had their demon mates killing everyone they held dear, bathing in the blood of the humans they used to live with to ensure they had no one left in the world but their demon, people with those dreams usually begged to be put down before their demon could come to them and kill everyone they lived with. At least you were lucky enough to have one who would only harm you when the both of you met, was somewhat cold comfort though.
Demons visited your town quite often, snatching their soulmate away in the dead of night, no warning, no signs, but everyone knew what happened anyways when a human soulmate just suddenly didn't show up to work the next day, sometimes a few monsters would be found dead near the village, almost as if slain in gratitude for your village keeping their mate alive all these years, and then they were gone just like that, and one day that would be your fate too. Demons really didn't like dealing with people when it came to fetching their mates, they were far too jealous to let their mates say goodbye one last time, your mate would likely be the same. That was fine with you though, it wasn't like you would even have anyone you could say goodbye to, as far as they were concerned you were practically a walking corpse.
"Lovely, if you had just stayed put, this wouldn't be happening to you." You jolted up, a searing pain coursing through your legs, the worst dream you had by far, you could feel the pain so excruciatingly, it was as if she had turned your bones into little tiny shards, you could feel every time another part of your bone cracked and popped, you knew if you let that happen your legs would never be able to heal properly, you'd never ever be able to walk, a life where you were just a sack that she carried around from place to place and sat up in a tree, a rope tying you to it when she needed to fight monsters, completely at her whims, you couldn't handle it. Monsters never seemed scary when you pictured them compared to your soulmate who you had just felt brutalize your legs in the dream. You'd take your chance with the monsters, perhaps death wouldn't be so bad.
You liked the woods, the feeling of the monsters so close, just a step away from ending your torment excited you, at any moment it could end though it never did, the woods these days had far less monsters the came out at night, the only real danger being the blood moons when the monsters became desperate for human flesh and made their way towards any human village that was closest to them, whole villages had been wiped out that way, too bad tonight wasn't a blood moon, you likely wouldn't die tonight, sad. There would be other nights though, perhaps tomorrow night. Just as you were about to stat the trek out of the forest you heard a snarl, a large wolf like creature, and the flapping of wings, so similar to a sound you had heard in your dream before. You squeaked as she landed in front of you, defending you from the monster, it was over, you could kiss your legs goodbye.
"Stay there lovely, it's too dangerous for you to move." You fell backwards, horrified from actually hearing her voice in real life, it was just as frightening as it had been in your dreams and you yelped remembering the dream you had just woken up from an hour ago, you started to crawl away from her on instinct, not even bothering to pay attention to her words, you just needed to be out of there. It only took five seconds for her to kill the monster before she turned her attention back to you, her foot coming down on one of your legs and crunching it. "Lovely, if you had just stayed put, this wouldn't be happening to you."
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vikkirosko · 8 months
Can i request helluva boss Agent one and Agent two with demon!reader headcanons where they decide to not kill reader and reader explains (vents) to them about how life in hell is terrible and how they better quit jobs and keep themselves safe if they don't want to get here so soon 👉👈
🕶 Agent One x demon!Reader x Agent Two headcanons Hell is called that for a reason🕴
For a long time, Agent One and Agent Two could not prove the existence of Hell and those who live there. However, they made great progress when they caught you. You were a demon and they were able to catch you. They should have killed you, but they decided to save your life to find out more about Hell from you, because since you lived there, you obviously knew more, but when they demanded that you tell more about what was happening in Hell, you laughed, and then told them that their idea of this place It is very different from what is actually happening there
You told them that it wasn't great to live in Hell, even for those who, like you, were born there. The only thing you were protected from was the extermination that took place once a year, because only sinners became its victims. That's why every time you could leave Hell, you spent as much time as possible to spend it outside Hell. If you had the opportunity, you wouldn't go back there at all, but you had to go back there
They listened to your stories with surprise. When you finished, you told them that you would give them free and very valuable advice. You advised them to quit this job and never mess with Hell and those who live there anymore. You didn't try to intimidate them, but only sincerely worried for their souls, because their work could lead them to Hell much sooner than they wanted
They were discussing everything you said and didn't notice at all how you were able to free yourself from the ropes they tied you with. You crept up behind them and hugged them, then with a smile on your lips told them that it was very nice for you to meet them and that you hope that your next meeting will not happen in Hell, because you did not want two such cuties like them to die so early
You disappeared before they could do anything, leaving them alone. They couldn't quite figure out how you could escape, thinking it was dark magic. They didn't know how to react to your words and especially to your little flirtation. The only thing they could do was try to catch you again. Since you didn't attack them right away, there was probably a chance that you weren't as hostile as they might have expected
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fandomfiish · 2 years
Three Minutes
This is it.
No escapes, no second chances, and no way that they're both escaping this.
As the countdown rings around the room the hero finds himself looking at his companion in death.
And the hero finds himself laughing at the absurdity that he in his final moments share it with the villain he so desperately wanted to defeat. After years and years of battles, losses, and squabbles they both will meet their end with no one winning.
And yet a part of him, a part he tried to acknowledge, believes that this is what both their ends should've been. The hero had to admit that the villain was the only thing that remained in his life. People left him, died for him, and betrayed him. And throughout all the losses he heard the sympathies and pity the citizens have given him it felt empty, and they couldn't understand how it felt, and they never will.
To add to that, the two knew one another's identity behind the mask. A secret shared between them that stays within them. So when the Villain visits him without his costume on the night when the hero lost his partner after fighting one of his other nemeses, he was surprised.
Under any circumstances, the hero would've suited up and fought the villain, but he knew the other meant no harm, after all, he wasn't even armed.
Tonight they weren't the hero or the villain, just two men.
The other's face was casual yet their eyes told him what the other wanted to say.
'I'm sorry'
And at that moment his knees gave up, and he cries on the other's shoulder when he was caught by him.
The ticking of their inevitable demise brought him back to reality as he found himself looking at the villain. Neither of them was in a good shape, bruised and battered from the battle that transpired.
The villain looked back and smiles, though it didn't reach his eyes. The hero found himself smiling back, a genuine one that surprised the villain. It was as if, at their moment of death, all grievances are forgotten.
"So this is it huh?" The hero coughs, as he sat next to the villain.
"Who knew that we'll both die together and it's neither of us doing?" The villain chuckles. As they held their gaze, there was something in the way the villain looks at him that made him feel warm. It was a constant feeling he always felt when he was with the villain, whenever the masks were off. After that night when the villain comforted him, they would meet on special occasions, a moment where they're both free from the world, where they can rest and be just themselves.
Nothing happened between those meetings, they both just talked and relaxed, becoming supportive of one another when they both know that no one else can be. And yet there was a line that they both knew they were crossing, it was a very thin line and just one move from one of them would make them cross it, yet no one had made the move.
They both danced around the line; sincere looks, lingering touches, and words meant more than it is. They both know what they wanted, and they both wanted it, yet the fact that they are the hero and the villain is what keeps them from grabbing it.
Society wouldn't like it if a hero or a villain becomes a thing, would think the villain brainwashed the hero or whatever reason they could think just to justify their anger towards the notion. And even a hero, he hated how humans can be stupid sometimes.
He felt the villain's hands near his own, as the other winced from pain as the countdown still continues.
Two Minutes
Under any circumstances, he would've done nothing, he would've just stayed there waiting for their deaths. A part of him reminds him that they're still in their costumes.
But this is different, a maybe its the fact that they're dying that gave him that one final push. He removes his mask, placing it beside him.
His hand finds the other, and he holds it, warm and comforting to his own.
The villain tensed and looked at him with wide eyes, and when he saw the hero their hands intertwined, his eyes softened and the hero finds himself engulfed at the amount of affection those eyes held towards him. When he felt the other squeeze his hand he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I- " The Villain starts, not knowing how to start. "Flam-"
"No." The Hero stops him. "We're not the hero or villain anymore, it's just us." The looks at him for a second before he nods. "No masks." The villain then removes his mask, putting it beside the hero's mask.
"I know for all the times we've been together I was the villain that makes your life hell, and you were the one who thwarts my schemes." The villain starts, and the hero listens. "And at first I hated you so much, of all people know why I'm doing this, and how they needed to pay for what they did to me. And yet," His voice softens. "And yet, when I heard the news of your partner's death, I should've been happy at your despair, happy that you know the feeling of loss of someone who you care for, but I couldn't. Because I know that feeling, and I know what happens when you're left alone with those thoughts."
The hero felt the other hand tighten around his. "I would know, because it's what made me into who I am, and I don't want you to become that." He admits and the hero looks at him in surprise. "And then after that night, I grew to hate you lesser by each time we met, I've learned a lot from you and you've learned a lot from me. We've spent time in such peace that I didn't even realize that the once hate I held for you turned into something else." The hero's heart swelled when he hears it.
"You would only read it in some type of fiction but who would've thought that a villain like me would fall for a hero like you, and yet I've fallen, so irrevocably in love with you. I longed to make you feel my affection, to make you feel my love. And I longed for it more when it seemed that my affections are reciprocated." The villain was smiling the whole time he spoke and the hero smiles back heart swelling with love.
"I've fallen for you too." The hero spoke. "Before that night I've always thought of you as evil and arrogant. And yet you stayed there, with the company of your enemy and it was that time when I truly saw you with new eyes. And as we both continue to meet I learn more and get more pleasantly surprised, sure your arrogance never left-" He hears the villain chuckle. "-But I've learned that you're not as bad as I've thought. And it just evolved and evolved until I had thoughts of you that weren't supposed to be, there was a time I feared my feeling towards you, with how society made me the paragon of good, and you the opposite, and I've always longed to cross this line of us, but I was afraid."
The hero takes a deep breath before he continues.
"But I don't want to be afraid anymore." He smiles. "I know this will be our last chance, and I don't wanna be afraid anymore. I want to tell you how much I love you, how you're the only person that actually knew me, and accepted me for who I am, the one who made me feel like I was important. And I want you to feel my love as well, and I wanted to do a lot of things with you." His voice lowered after that. "And yet here we are, waiting for our deaths."
"Well, at least we have each other, right?" The villain grins and the hero found himself grinning as well. "Right you are."
He saw the Villain, look at his eyes, then towards his lips. The villain licks his lips and the hero couldn't help but do it as well, they were in this trance as they stared at each other, faces slowly leaning forward.
"Hiro-" the hero calls, voice tinged with nervousness. Then Hiro stops when their noses are touching.
"Can I kiss you, Aiden?" Hiro asked.
"Yes." He replies, breathless and Aiden meets Hiro halfway when he leans in.
It was slow, and yet it was desperate, he can taste the blood from the other lips, and both of their lips were swollen and bruised, and yet neither didn't care. Their kisses were filled with so much love and affection knowing that this is their first and last kiss. To the two of them, it was perfect.
One Minute
The two separate moments later, with Hiro's hand still on Aiden cheek and the other on his hand. Aiden saw tears fall down Hiro's cheeks as the countdown reaches its final minute. And he felt tears on his own too.
"There is so much to say so much to do and yet we have no time to do it," Hiro said voice filled with sadness, as he wipes the tears from Aiden's eyes. "Do you believe in the multiverse?" Hiro suddenly asks and Aiden looks at him questionably before answering. "There might be a possibility. Why'd you ask?"
"Well I'd like to believe that somewhere in the universe, we get to be happy together, we're not the hero and villain, we're not dying due to a bomb, we're both happy together and in love, I'd like to believe that the Hiro from the universe was able to do everything I wanted to you, I made you a happy man, as you made me." Aiden felt himself imagine what Hiro said, and it was such a pleasant sight, in a secluded house they both lived and loved endlessly. "That's wonderful Hiro." Aiden managed to say as the countdown reaches twenty.
"I'm just glad in this timeline I was able to love you," Hiro then presses his lips to Aiden's forehead. "And you love me." Aiden's heart swells.
"Our love was ephemeral but for me it is everything." Hiro starts. "And if that timeline does exist, I can die happy that in two timelines we're both happy with each other." Aiden finishes, and Hiro smiles.
As the count turns ten Aiden pulls Hiro next to him and embraced each other one last time and their foreheads link.
And whatever happened after ten seconds the two didn't care, their last recollection was each other.
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Mileena x Earthrealmer Reader
It hasn't been long since you been individually stationed in Outworld, and you've already been detected by someone or something.
Yes, it's partially your fault for being a lousy Special Forces soldier/spy, but you've been through a lot to even give a damn. It's not like you can't take care of yourself, but if you get captured by the enemy and killed, then that's just what happens.
You returned to your small camp in an oasis outside from Outworld civilization in hopes of nothing following you.
While you were sharpening your knife, you heard rustling leaves behind you that didn't follow up with the wind blowing through the area. You let out a sigh of annoyance, realizing you weren't alone.
"Come on out. I can hear you!" You called out without looking up from your knife.
"Filthy Earthrealmer! What are you doing in Outworld's lands?" A feral feminine voice hissed out from the bushes surrounding the camp.
'That sounds like...'
Recognizing the familiar voice you peered up to see the well-known, unnaturally created kombatant with such a personality...
It's much easier to identify her by her choice of color for her clothing, but you were just most likely a bit surprised to see her rather than anyone else who could've stalked you.
"Wow, I could have never seen this day coming. Did you follow me here?" You fully faced her, suppressing any type of hyped emotion you had.
"Don't ignore my question, you imbecile!" She said a bit more agitated, along with pulling out her sais, taking a step towards you.
"Apologies. I'm just... camping, ma'am." You quickly came up with.
"A pathetic lie won't work on me, Earthrealmer! You're lucky I'm not that hungry to feast on your flesh!"
"Well, are you still gonna kill me and maybe put my body in a refrigerator? If Outworld even has those." You asked, readying your knife in case she pounces.
"Gah! You should be trembling before me! Not asking such ridiculous questions!"
Your lack of fear for Mileena was making her mad, but truthfully, it's not just because you're not that frightened, but you read her file back at base. It would be a lie if you say you don't find her fascinating.
On a quick note, Mileena pulled down her mask to reveal one of her infamous features of herself; her monstrous teeth.  Sincerely a well-known factor or a Tarkatan.
"Scared now, human?" She chuckled in her usual seductive way.
Not to her liking, you didn't react to it. What made you unsteady was her piercing gaze of growing impatience.
"Look, it's not that I'm scared of you," you started off, realizing how offensive the beginning would sound to her,"BUT, I just personally find you thrilling in a... cool way." You rubbed the back of your neck.
Mileena was rather confused about your words. "Is this your way of trying to escape your fate? With false flattery?"
"I'm not lying. As much as it sucks that you eat my kind and I'm mostly next, I find you bad ass. It's not every day a feminine feral figure like you exists."
You weren't attentive towards how your words were subtly calming the former empress.
"Also, from what I heard, you're not really a monster. You lost someone you loved. Not trying to be touchy or reopen that wound before I die, but "
You frown at a feeling that took you a while to shove down.
"I know what that's like."
After a few quiet seconds, your heart sank from the seem to be awkward moment you caused.
'God, let her kill me already.'
"Stupid human, just go back where you came from." Mileena muttered, putting her mask back over her mouth before quickly disappearing back into the bushes.
You only stood there, still cringing from the awkwardness you caused. Is this how you escape the flesh eating empress?
---Time skip to evening, brought to you by me praying for Nightwolf and Fujin to be added in mk1---
It was about late evening, and you sat near your campfire, still processing what happened previously during the day.
'Did she feel bad for me? I don't get why she just left just like that.'
'Or maybe, again, she felt awkward too, and I killed her mood to kill me.'
Your attention was immediately grabbed by whomever. You looked in their direction only to see it was Mileena again, staring down at you from the other side of the campfire.
"Oh, hi. Are you finally hungry?" You slipped a small smile.
"If I was, you'd be dead because of your lack of awareness just then." She sharply said. Her tone wasn't that aggressive like the first encounter.
"Right... So what is it you want from me then?"
"Why are you here?"
"All I can tell you is I'm Special Forces. The rest is classified information."
"I'll kill you if you don't tell me."
"Well, the general will kill me if I tell you. And I would rather die with honor." You huffed before staring at the bonfire.
There was silence again, but it wasn't like earlier.
Mileena walked around the fire and next to you.
Any weary person would move from her, concerned if she was gonna attack, but you didn't. Perhaps you were waiting for her to do it?
She didn't attack. She just sat down beside you as if a lonely person found their fellow lonely friend somewhere unfamiliar.
The moment would be described as... comforting?
"Why are you actually here?" You asked.
"Did you really mean those words from earlier about me?"
She looked right at you. Her eyes seem to have some sort of desperation in them. But you looked past that for the moment.
"I did. I'm sorry about that, though. I didn't mean to spill out like that. I wasn't trying to ruin your mood to kill me or whatever." You looked down in shame.
"If you're speaking the truth, don't be. I never met a soul that shares the same pain as I do."
"I see. I work with plenty of people who also lost loved ones. However, I still just feel alone about it no matter what. It's a terrible wound that permanently stings."
"You're a very unique human. What is your name?" Mileena asked. Elder Gods, how you didn't see this coming.
"I'm Y/n. And if you don't mind, I'm supposed to be here for a while." You smiled again at her.
"I don't mind, but the second you turn on me, I'll flay and wear you like cattle." Mileena warned.
"I'm not planning on it, don't worry." You laughed a bit.
You looked to your side at a duffel bag and reached for the candy bar you saved. You wouldn't be surprised if it was melted.
"Does Outworld happen to know about chocolate?" You asked while opening your snack.
"Does Outworld have chocolate?! Of course we do! What type of bizarre question is that?!" Mileena shouted in a annoyed, yet a bit humorous tone.
"Okay, okay, my bad! Here, try some from Earthrealm." You broke off a piece and handed it to her.
You awaited her reaction as she quickly consumed the piece within seconds.
"I'm not a sweet tooth person, but," Mileena paused for a second. Then she looked back at you.
"Outworld's chocolate is better than whatever you gave me."
Your eyebrows twitched as you looked at the candy brand.
"If you say so, almighty one."
Both of you spent some time chatting, unknowingly warming up to each other. You both were aware this could cause troubles on both sides, but you paid no mind to it.
It's been a while since you connected with someone like this, not trying to brush off friends from SF.
Soon, you rubbed your tired eyes, and Mileena noticed this. "You must be bold to sleep here without concern of something catching you."
"There's nowhere better." You yawned.
"Since I've taken a liking to you, I can offer you a safe, much more comfortable place to rest. However, you tell no-"
"If I told my team I casually spoke with the daughter of Shao Kahn like friends, I'm sure it would end very bad for me. I like you too. You don't have to worry about me getting you in trouble." You cut her off and explained.
"I'll stay here for just this one night. Tomorrow, I take you up on the kind deal. Mkay?" You stood and looked at her.
Mileena did the same, preparing to leave. "Fine then. If a Tarkatan finds you and eats you, it's totally your fault." She says with humor.
"It totally will be. But, goodnight, Mileena. Thanks for not killing me."
Mileena looked at you with a warming facial expression. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n." She purred before taking off swiftly again in the oasis.
As you put out the fire and laid to rest, a thought suddenly popped in your mind.
'Was she flirting with me on that last part?'
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saitama-division · 1 year
It was midday when the doorbell to the Miyuki household rang out. This was no real surprise as it was the matriarch's birthday. Sighing, the daughter of Sayaka Miyuki, Kureha Koizumi, ceased what she was doing and answered the door. Looking as it was a deliveryperson, she began the eye-rolling and boring task of signing for the packages with which her mother was delivered. Struggling as she carried all of the packages into the living room, she sighed as she dropped them carefully onto the floor.
"Hey Sayaka," Kureha called out to her mother who was in the kitchen cooking lunch for the family. Poking her head out, the birthday woman looked at all of the gifts scattered on the floor, making her eyebrows raise. Ceasing her cooking, the woman came out and looked at all of the gifts, having a good idea who sent them, as they were usually the same four people who sent something to her every year.
Smiling, the mother picked up the first package, unwrapping it.
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Sayaka's eyes raised as it was a Kindlebook. She had seen Lola and Kureha, but she had never thought to get one herself, preferring holding onto a leather-covered book. Looking at it, she looked at the letter that was attached to it, which read:
"Happy birthday, Butterfly! I hope you're having a good one! They were giving these Kindle books for half off online and they looked too good to pass up! WGG mentioned that you were having trouble seeing small print in books, so it's time you upgrade to this instead. I expect you to use that thing! Even half off, it wasn't cheap! Anyway, enjoy the rest of your birthday!
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru"
"You told Aranai I was having trouble seeing?" Sayaka asked, frowning slightly at her daughter.
"Actually, what I said was, I mentioned that you were one of the few people in Japan who probably still reads books," Kureha explained, upset that Aranai had twisted her words. "She apparently thought I meant that you had trouble reading and she took it from there."
"Well, I personally agree with her!" Lola said, appearing on the side of Sayaka. "I've told you time and again it was time to get one of these things. Nobody reads using books anymore, Love."
"I happen to know plenty of people who still read paper books," Sayaka argued. "Kisouna-san and Kensaku-san are two examples."
"Not very good ones..." Lola mumbled.
"Can we move on, please?" Kureha asked, not in the mood for a debate.
Picking up another gift, Sayaka unwrapped the packaging and looked at what was underneath.
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It was a bird feeder. It looked similar to the one Sayaka had meant to buy earlier when she noticed that her old one had been broken by some squirrels that had found their way into her garden. She smiled as she knew who it was that most likely sent this. And the letter proved her suspicions correct.
"A most joyous and blessed-filled happy birthday, Sayaka-san! I truly hope you are having a good one! I recalled that you mentioned your old bird feeder had been broken, so I bought you a new one that was affordable and still good. I hope it serves your garden well. And if you need tips on keeping squirrels at bay, I've heard that cayenne pepper works. Looking forward to our next meeting! Again, happy birthday!
"A bird feeder?" Lola questioned. "Kind of plain, don't you think?"
"It was given out of love by Shisuta-san, Lola," Sayaka stated, frowning as she set it down on the living room table. "I appreciate both it and her very much. And that cayenne pepper trick will help greatly."
Lola didn't respond; instead, she simply shrugged her shoulders as Sayaka picked up the third package. Unwrapping it, she looked as it was quite larger than the previous two gifts.
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Sayaka blinked as it was an ice cream maker. She had previously seen these kinds of machines at the store and on the Internet. And they weren't exactly on the cheap side. Though she already had an ice cream maker, the mother was already thinking in her head about what she could make with this machine. She looked as, like the previous two gifts, a letter was attached, which read:
"A very happy birthday to you, Sayaka-san. I sincerely hope that it is a good one. I saw this ice cream maker in the store one day, and I wanted to thank you sincerely for your work in that robbery case, as it helped me to put away three criminals for life. I know that may be a poor reason or excuse, but I hope this ice cream maker serves you well. I hope you are having a good birthday, and look forward to seeing you back at work.
Kisouna Yuzairu"
"Ooh, I think I have one of those back in my penthouse!" Lola said, looking at it. "Shame I rarely use it, though."
"Then why have it?" Kureha asked.
"It was a gift from one of my many fans," Lola answered, with a wink.
"Of course," Kureha said, rolling her eyes.
"Well, I'll certainly be sure to use mine," Sayaka said, excited at the thought of eating ice cream with her and her daughter, Yoshiko. Putting it off to the side, she turned towards the last package, and smiled as she already knew who it was from, given the sweet smell coming from it. Opening it up, she looked at the gift as it was wrapped in plastic foil.
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Everyone's eyes grew at the sight of the sweet two-layered chocolate cake covered in chocolate cookies and candies. The room was instantly filled with a sweet chocolatey smell as the plastic was taken off of the cake and dripped onto the white plate underneath it. Attached to the plastic was a letter, the same as the others.
"A happy birthday to you, Miyuki-san. I hope it has been a good one for you, so far. I apologize if this cake isn't as impressive as the ones I usually send. My restaurant has been busy the past week, and I only had time to make this. Still, I hope you will enjoy it. I made it with a bunch of leftover chocolate. Again, I this birthday has been good, and congratulations on seeing another year. Until next time.
Luis Kōkyū"
“Yes! Luis always coming in clutch with the best cakes!” Lola squealed and clapped her hands, looking at the chocolate mountain of a cake with shining eyes.
“Between him and Kanra, I don’t know which is better. I’m gonna go grab some plate and forks.” Kureha got up from the floor and head into the direction of the kitchen. Sayaka shook her head fondly, “At least wait until we had dinner, dear.” She smiled and Lola waved her off, “Oh c’mon, it’s nice to indulge and it’s your special day, you can afford too!” The model picked up the ice cream maker and walked off in the same direction as Kureha towards the kitchen.
Sayaka smiled and held the bird feeder in her hands, grateful to receive such wonderful gifts from people she considered friends. It made her feel warm inside, standing up, she went to go install the bird feeder in her backyard and small garden, humming a cheerful tune.
Thank you for the gift!
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I watched all Velma (2023) HBO and it's bad.
Be careful (don't watch it, it's bad, but if you want to try (remember 🏴‍☠️ is the best option) SPOILERS AHEAD [tw images with gore, blood and vomit]:
I watched (with my personal streaming company called Arrr! Yo-oh-oh!) Velma hbo and I found it so unsatisfying.
tldr; show is garbage. Unfunny. Boring. Crass and Gross. The pacing is all over the place, they can't decide what they are (comedy, thriller, satire or sitcom) and it's bad. Dialogues are cringe and are AI generated from tweets around the internet. Characters have no grown, no evolution. They end as they started, also many more miserable than before, because of Velma. The show should be called "Performative Activism: Velma the Series".
This is the summary of the fucking show:
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My first problem: Velma character
Like it ends how it started. The protagonist Velma is annoying, infuriating, piece of garbage, the most unsympathetic character I ever saw and I mean I grew up with my big brothers watching Simpons, Futurama and Family Guy, I know that there are character who are born to be hated...
But she is absolutely the worst, no redeeming quality. Even when the fucking show tried to make you feel sympathy for her (they try so damn hard) you just end up hating her even more. Seriously I have no idea how the manage to do that.
My biggest problem: The Pacing
The pacing is all over the place. They try to be funny and they fail, they try to be self aware and it's hideous (and if you don't die of cringe, you want to close the internet tab and never watch it again), I sincerely hope they weren't try to be a commentary of real life, because it's even worse than when they make meta joke.
One moment they are cracking an unfunny and raunchy joke, the other they try to be serious and make you care about the absolute shit show this characters are, the next they are back making a sexual joke or making fun of a cultural stereotype. It doesn't work.
I ended watching the last episodes wishing the killer succeeded and murdered every characters. The killer was right. Kill off every one, go ape shit, please, please, please kill Velma first and then the rest.
And, spoiler, they manage to make me hate even the killer and their fucking motives, because honestly? It was so in character for the show, but so damn boring and frankly unnecessary mean. The whole show is mean and I'm a fool, because I had hope that they could be more deep than just plain hate and mean spirit.
They say hate is the real thing that unify humans and, unfortunately, they are right, this is the case, they proved this with the Velma show, with the response of the public. People bond easily when they hate the same thing. Probably this the reason I wanted to be proven wrong, why I search so desperately a bit of people bonding on friendship, in a show born from hate and generally hated. What a fucking fool I am.
But alas my foolish dreams, the show is a mess. There is no evolution, things happen, people exist and never grow up. Everything happen and then it's forgotten, it would be cool in a sit-com, but here it's a serial, you need to make me feel a story. They tried to be too many genres at once and nothing works out.
They try to be a thriller and almost succeeded. The mistery at one point was the only thing I cared for. The characters could die and burn all, honestly. I just wanted to see what the hell was happening with the killer and their motives. But it all crush and burn, because the killer is just the same as all the other characters unfunny, uncanny, mean spirit.
And so I ask if the only thing that differentiate between the big bad of the season and Velma is that one (intentionally) killed more people than the other, what the actual fuck was the message? For who am I supposed to root for? The garbage or the stinker garbage?
They try to be a sitcom and it's fucking awful because the characters are so damn unlikable you don't want to watch what they are doing, you don't care about them, and if you are a little bitch like me, you just wish they fail and never show up on the screen. Also it doesn't work, because again they frame the story as a serial, so you don't have a real end at the end of the episode and the classic sitcom reset of the next episode (so that the characters un-progress and static personality make sense), you frame Velma as a long sitcom season, but it doesn't work. A single episode sitcom is not supposed to go on for ten episodes like Velma did. Also it's not funny, like at all. I can think of three (3!) funny jokes in ten episode of twenty minutes each and one of them was physical comedy in which (thank god!) they didn't talk.
They try parody (?) or satirical parody (?) I don't even know what they were supposedly trying to do. It was satirical? It was actual comedy? It was so unclear I didn't understand. I watched ten episodes and I still don't know if the "jokes" were actual satire of how people on twitter talk or if it were actual joke and the direct meaning was that. Frankly I'm too scared of knowing the answer now.
The whole thing was a mess.
The commedy (?)
Somebody tell the writers that when you write a character being mean to another and try to make it funny, the audience need to hate the character who is the bottom of the joke for some reasons.
Like Sophie. If you present a woman and her only fault is existing, marrying the protagonist's father (which he's also an asshole), having a baby and not being the perfect wife/girlfriend/nurturing woman, it's not a right reason to hate her and her baby and using them as punch ball for half season. It's not funny, you just watch in horror thinking you wish every one in the show die and burn.
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Or having a character, Gigi, and her only reason of existing is being the alternative love interest of Norville, is not good. Just to be discarded as an used toy in the last two episodes with no explanation and no characterization (and I mean it, I didn't even recognized her because the only time she talks in the last two episodes is repeating somebody else) after you make me see her as a strong, independent, likable (and for this show is huge, I'm not exaggerating when saying nobody is likable) character. Are you fucking kidding me? Like that she never was a protagonist. For fuck sake, this show is not even coherent with itself. This is the last time we see her:
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Edit: My bad writers made Gigi so fucking unnecessary I forgot there was another one appearance in the last episode. She is just a plot device, she has no soul. She defend Norville and say that Velma is a terrible friend and person. She is right, but how she said it was not really a character speaking, but a writer desperately trying to move the plot forward since we have 15 minutes left and multiple loose plot string and still no mystery solution in hand. This actually another way they try to mix teen drama and thriller and doesn't work at all.
(This is were my confusion as if this is satire or actual comedy exacerbate to stellar levels, because performative activism is such a twitter thing, but at the same time the whole show is performative activism with witty lines, it's like an AI writer modelled the whole reading only tweets. So I have no idea, was it to make you see the hypocrisy of the whole performative activism or am I using to much brain power and it's just a stupid and empty show? Logically I would say it's the second one, but I have this stupid hope to wish the best from people.)
The dialogue
Don't make me start with the dialogue. They don't seems real, they are just people on the internet with a maximum character for posts. Unfunny, mean spirit, no deep at all.
I am so fucking tired man.
The show ended as it started. Full circle.
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Velma didn't change. She is a piece of garbage. She succeeded to have back is mum at the expenses of the happiness of ALL the people around her. She made so much apologizes and yet she never changed, never learn, they were all fake apology so the could get over it and help her to move the plot forward. I'm not exaggerating. Everyone is sad and miserable except her. Was it supposed to be a happy or satisfying ending? Because I have bad news for the fucking writers. She has her mum, she fucking lock her father, the woman he love and a new born baby half sister outside the house, framing it as a joke and not a fucking abusive action.
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The summary of Velma's character:
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She prefer being happy at the expensis of everyone else's and the weird thing is that the show doesn't frame it as negative, toxic and abusive, but as joke???
He is miserable, he lost his girlfriend (the only healthy relationship she could dream to have), his house is half demolished because of Velma, he cannot sleep because he feels guilty after killing a person because she was about to kill Velma and his dad just says: "Have you tried marjuana?" Cementing the sensation the fucking writers do not know how to write emotional scenes, healthy relationship and about mental health in general without ridicoulzing every subject to an unfunny level.
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Daphne is back as she was fighting to auto-regulate but this time a little bit healthier exercising fight with her mums. She has a toxic relationship with Velma (I have no fucking clue if they are still together romantically or not, I'm inclined to think they have broke up, because fucking Velma says the wrong name when confessing to her after the mystery is solved. I hope Daphne run the far away from any kind of relationship with Velma, bc she is a toxic, manipulative, piece of trash. Daphne deserves way better), still has no real friends because the popular girls are awful, Gigi has lost her characterization along the way of becoming not an accessory for Norville to have. So yes, that's the end of her character. Isn't been a strong and female character not enough to be a good written character?
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Fred lost his mum, he's stupid and the punch ball. He had a evolution (with feminism and social activism) and than an involution in the last two episodes (he forgot everything, why? I have no idea, I think the writers just are bad at keeping tab of they own characters characterization, also this is part of the sitcom quirk tabula rasa after the episode ends, here does not work at all). His father is a moron and hates him, like a lot, like abusively lot (but here in this world it's just funny). He gets a van with should be the mistery machine, but it's just another nostalgic trope to be ridiculed and mistreated, because it funny? You get it? You get it? It's funny making fun of memorabilia from the original show. And even after all this somehow he is the one who is most grew??? How the fuck is possible? How? You understand my frustration?
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Gigi is just a background character. Just like that. She has no more lines in the last episode. She just quietly disappear. I'm angry and relived because that was awful, but at least now the writers cannot make me hate her or ruin her beautiful character arc.
Velma's mum (Diya) should run while she can, because her daughter is awful human being. But in the ends she just laugh with her daughter at his ex-husband, his pattern and their new born baby lock outside the house. I'm not
Velma's dad with all his faults, because he's the same as Velma, like she has all his bad habits and jerkness, should also run and start a new family away from Velma.
That's it this is how it ends. She's screaming: "Happy Dance!"
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I hoped they could get better, become similar to the franchise we all love, being a mystery gang with a very rocky start, but now I just hope they never ever get together and that next season will flop even harder than this one, burn and crash.
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The fucking end.
Don't watch it. It's not worth it.
If you want to see the show with a commenter who makes everything more bearable I have to suggest this amazing youtuber:
Brittney Reacts
P.S. Don't harass anyone who likes it, do not harass the writer, do not harass Mindy Kaling. Just because this show is garbage you do not have to be the same
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tenebraevesper · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 7: Obsolete
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''And now I'm so far gone! Can you change my name? Can you replace my pain? I know I'm not all wrong, so throw away my parts and burn my blackened heart, yeah. Now I'm broken, I'm scraps, yet I'm the monster. You bring me back to life, so you can watch me die. You can't tame me, just blame me, make me obsolete – there's nothing left to say, just let me fade away!''
– Obsolete by NateWantsToBattle (Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted)
Springtrap lied awake on the couch, staring through the window at the night sky. Even if he had been capable of sleep, he sincerely doubted he would be able to sleep tonight. He had to wonder how Sam and Emma were even able to sleep peacefully knowing that there was a murderer in a room right next to them. He had already figured out that Sam didn't mind, as long as she got to sleep, although he was surprised that Emma didn't check on him ever since she revealed that she knew who he is. However, considering what she told him, it was clear that she was aware that he wouldn't dare to harm the two.
They don't fear me, do they?
He remembered the look of insecurity on Sam's expression, as if she wasn't sure whether she could trust him. He could still see the look of disgust Emma gave him, reminding him how he didn't belong here. He was an intruder, after all, someone who could easily destroy every bit of happiness they had. While he knew that Sam did invite him to stay, he also knew that that was a mistake on his part. He shouldn't have accepted her invitation.
I shouldn't be here.
A voice in the back of his head was telling him to leave, to never come back. This wasn't his home.
Leave! Just leave!
He sat up, about to get on his feet and walk out, but stopped himself. He simply couldn't. Whatever confidence he had regained over the past few days was simply shattered. He didn't feel sure about staying here, but he didn't feel sure about leaving either. After all, Sam wanted him to stay, going so far to keep his identity a secret from her mother. He appreciated that, even if it didn't work out in the end.
Even if I do leave, I should at least explain to Sam why. I owe her that.
He looked down at his hands, but to his surprise, they weren't metallic and covered in fur. He wasn't an animatronic anymore. He looked around, realizing that he wasn't anymore in the guest room, but back in that dreaded office in Hell.
''This is just another hallucination,'' he muttered. But, what if it isn't? What if your return was the actual hallucination and you have been here the whole time? Was that possible?
He clenched his fist, feeling his nails digging into his palms. He noticed how unusually silent it was.
''No, I am not returning back here,'' he said in a firm tone, placing his hands on the table. ''If there is going to be an end to this, I'll end it on my terms.''
He saw static and closed his eyes. Opening them, he found himself back in the dark, familiar room he spent the few past days. He felt relieved about it, but the feeling of emptiness quickly returned.
This is the last Night, isn't it?
He felt anxious about it, as he still didn't know what will happen next. Despite being uncomfortable whenever Sam questioned him, he figured it was necessary. Sure, it brought back some memories he would rather forget, but in hindsight, Hell had been worse. At least, Sam gave him the time to think about what occurred.
Still, did I even prove anything? Five nights are a rather short time to make a decision.
He shook his head, chuckling softly.
Perhaps, I'm wrong about this. After all, Sam knew what she was doing, and even admitted she was aware of the risk.
He leaned back and sighed, crossing his arms.
What should I do? I did tell her what she wanted to know, so I guess, she'll be the one to decide how to continue. She was the one who even suggested this little trial. Therefore, if she wants me to leave, I'll leave without a question.
The hollow feeling inside his chest was mixed with anxiety when he remembered the look Emma gave him. Even though she hated him, she still trusted Sam's judgement, but why? As a loving and caring parent, wouldn't she want to keep her daughter safe? He proved that he was indeed a danger to them, yet he was still allowed to stay, being given permission by both.
He glanced at the clear, starry sky.
I need to ask her why she trusts me so much.
When Springtrap peeked into the kitchen the next day, he noticed that Sam and Emma were already awake and had just finished their breakfast. Emma was drinking coffee and looking at some papers, while Sam was on her phone as usual. She then looked up, noticing him and waving, only to realize that he was staring at her mother, a look of fear on his expression. Emma then noticed the animatronic, a grin on her expression.
''Good morning!'' she said in a cheerful tone. Springtrap backed away, only for Emma to frown.
''G-Good morning,'' Springtrap replied. Sam looked at the two, then rolled her eyes. Springtrap realized that she probably didn't know about his and Emma's exchange from the previous night, although she seemed to be aware that something did happen.
''Why don't you join us?'' Emma asked, beckoning to him. Even though he wanted to leave, Springtrap quietly sat next to Sam, avoiding Emma's gaze. Sam, on the other hand, looked annoyed. Before Emma could say anything else, her phone rang and she picked it up.
''Hello?'' Emma said, only for her expression to change to an irritated one. Nevertheless, she was calm. ''Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, but no, I can't. I have already told you that several times.'' She listened to the other woman on the phone, with Sam and Springtrap hearing her voice, if a little muffled. Just how loud was she? ''Ma'am, you are speaking to the manager and owner of the store. There is-'' Emma flinched when the woman on the other side started to scream. She put the phone away from her ear, rolling her eyes. Once the other side went quiet, she answered, ''We have spoken about this already. I cannot help you. Now excuse me, but I need to go.''
Without even batting an eyelid, she canceled the call and sighed.
''Some people,'' she muttered and then looked at Sam and Springtrap. ''Now, where we-''
Her phone started to ring again, with her recognizing the number. She frowned, took a deep breath and answered.
''How dare you?! I am a paying customer! You should be fired from your job for doing this! I will-''
''I don't care,'' Emma told the lady in a calm tone, who was now loud enough for Sam and Springtrap to hear. ''I will not be conducting business with you.''
''What?! You can't do that!''
''I can,'' Emma said, her tone, despite being calm, also having an air of threat. The woman on the other side went quiet. ''If you don't stop calling me, I will sue you for harassment as well. You're also banned from the store. Now, have a good day!'' She then canceled the call and blocked the number, taking a deep breath. She noticed Sam and Springtrap's stunned expressions and shrugged. ''I don't deal with crazy,'' she added, glancing at Springtrap, who looked rather nervous. ''Of course, you don't count as crazy. You can be reasoned with.''
''Sure,'' Springtrap muttered meekly.
''So, Mum, what was this lady's problem?'' Sam asked quickly, trying to reduce the tension.
''Well, she came in a week ago and saw a small table, but it wasn't the right colour,'' Emma explained briskly. ''It was a deep burgundy, and a pretty one to boot, but she wanted a beige one. I told her we only had that table, but she believed that I was lying to her.'' She sighed. ''It is worse than explaining a screaming toddler why they are not allowed to take someone else's toy. At least a toddler would understand it eventually.''
''True,'' Sam said as she stood up, with Springtrap quickly following her, keeping his head low. He got startled by Emma, who passed by him, taking the car keys from the counter and walking over to the door, glancing at them.
''I'll get going then. Bye!'' she said, walking out the door. Once it closed, Springtrap took a deep sigh of relief.
''Have I missed out on something?'' Sam asked him as they walked into the hallway.
''You have no idea-''
''Ah, I forgot something!''
Springtrap froze when Emma suddenly entered the hallway, walking past them and picking up a black purse. She glanced at him and grinned.
''See ya!'' she said, exiting the house. Springtrap stared at the closed door, feeling as if he died a bit inside.
''I've said it already, but…'' he muttered. ''Your mother is scary.''
''What happened?'' Sam asked as they went upstairs.
''She knows who I am and what I have done, although she doesn't know my real name,'' Springtrap replied. Sam stopped at the door to her room, glancing at him, looking concerned.
''Well, I guess that's a new record for her,'' she said.
''She let me stay, even though I don't understand why,'' Springtrap added. ''She just said that she trusts your judgement.''
''Is that so?'' To his surprise, Sam grinned. ''We'll see about that.''
Springtrap had a bad feeling about this as he sat down on Sam's bed. Should I ask her? No, not now.
''Are you okay?'' He looked up, noticing Sam's curious look. He shook his head.
''Let's just get through this,'' he said. ''Night 5.''
''You don't seem to look forward to it,'' Sam said as she turned her laptop on.
''I don't recall ever looking forward to any of your questioning,'' Springtrap replied. Sam gave him a worried look.
''Springtrap, you told me that, whenever something bothers me, that I could tell you,'' she said. ''The opposite is true as well. If there's anything that bothers you, you can tell me and I'll try to help you as much as possible.''
''I…'' Springtrap shook his head ''I just want to get over with this.''
He noticed that Sam still looked worried, but she didn't press the issue, deciding to let him speak on his own terms. When he looked at the monitor, he noticed that she was scrolling down and searching through files and images, seemingly indecisive about what she wanted to show him. Finally, she settled down on some kind of map, with corridors surrounding one big room.
''This one is known as Five Nights at Freddy's 6: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator,'' Sam said, with Springtrap wondering who came up with that title. ''Apparently, this one is based on what supposedly went down at the incinerator location.''
''That explains the Pizzeria Simulator title,'' Springtrap said. ''The question remains whether it's accurate.''
''Well, it shows several animatronics being salvaged, then coming after whoever stayed for the closing shift in a building designed as a trap, and a huge fire with everything burning down, including the only two people who knew what was really going on,'' Sam explained. Springtrap stared at her for a moment.
''Yeah, that's pretty accurate,'' he said. ''Although, what I don't get is how anyone would know anything about what happened.''
''Beats me. I mean, the games are sometimes quite vague and it took me a while to figure out what was going on,'' Sam said. ''Whoever made the games was either quite familiar with the lore or we're dealing with something else entirely.''
''Whatever it is, it doesn't matter anymore,'' Springtrap replied, leaning his head against his hands. ''The story is over.''
''What makes you think that?'' Sam asked him, but Springtrap didn't answer. ''Seriously, the story isn't over yet. Besides, there are a few things I'm curious about.''
''What is it?'' Springtrap asked, by now sounding a little apathetic, but still willing to answer any question she had.
''What kind of idiot walks into a place knowing that it is obviously a trap?'' Sam asked, staring at Springtrap. The animatronic looked a little embarrassed at first, then sighed and pointed at himself.
''This idiot.'' He noticed that Sam was giving him a look that was a mix of incredulity, amusement and, strangely, sympathy. He lowered his head, staring emptily into space. ''To be honest, I think that by that point, I lost all of my common sense. I didn't care about anything, but satisfying my bloodlust.''
''Your fate was sealed the moment you decided to step inside,'' Sam said. ''Although, I'm not sure why you decided to change your appearance.''
''The animatronic suit had been quite damaged at the Fazbear's Fright fire,'' Springtrap explained, looking up at her. ''I needed some replacement parts and I tore down another suit for that. It was obvious that I would look different after that, but I didn't care about it as long as the suit was functional.''
''Only that it wouldn't last,'' Sam said, then smiled sheepishly. ''Speaking of which, I'm not sure if I told you this, but I also visited the Pizzeria Simulator location. I had sneaked into the back alley and even noticed two guys bringing an animatronic inside. However, before I could get a better look, one of them, a guy who had his face and hands covered in bandages, chased me away.''
Springtrap stared at Sam in surprise.
''You said a guy who had his face covered in bandages…'' he trailed off, with Sam nodding.
''Yeah. I think that was Michael,'' she said. ''Honestly, it does feel a little strange. I mean, when I realized later what exactly happened, I wondered how things would've ended up if I had decided to investigate a little more.''
''You'd be met by four bloodthirsty animatronics and perhaps even end up trapped inside a burning building with no exit,'' Springtrap said. ''It's a good thing you decided to not investigate.'' He noticed her fidgeting, as if she wanted to ask him something else. ''What is it?''
''Well, about your second death…'' Sam trailed off, a little insecure, only for Springtrap to nod.
''It was horrifying,'' Springtrap replied. ''I mean, we were being burned alive, trying to find an exit and realizing there was never one. All that happened while Henry was telling us how this was the end for everyone. It was quite chilling to listen to him.''
''I can imagine that,'' Sam said, shuddering. ''You two never interacted at that time, right?''
''No,'' Springtrap replied. ''The only interaction we had was his last message, where he condemned me to Hell.''
''What about Michael?'' Sam asked.
''Mike…'' Springtrap frowned, falling silent. ''I wasn't even aware.''
It was a small, dark room. He had been brought inside, waiting for whoever would oversee the salvaging process. All he had to do was to play his part. Someone had entered the room, a man in a purple uniform, with a baseball cap obscuring his face. He saw the bandages on his hands and his face, wondering if the man had been in some kind of accident. He kept quiet, figuring that he could give the man a little scare as they listened to the strange sounds on the recorder. However, whenever he would lean over, he felt an electric shock surging through his body. By the end of it, he was angry, furious enough to make the man his newest target.
Springtrap sighed.
''It was only the last night I realized who he really was,'' he added.
''I guess everyone in your family went through some kind of Hell,'' Sam said. ''There is a possibility that maybe even Mike had a run-in with the Nightmare Animatronics.''
''I doubt it,'' Springtrap replied, frowning.
''I didn't mean the real Nightmare Animatronics, but rather having nightmares about them. Even though you're indirectly responsible for Sammy's death, it was still Mike who shoved his younger brother into Fredbear's mouth. It could be that Sammy came back haunting his brother and punishing him by causing him nightmares,'' Sam explained.
''You might be right,'' Springtrap said in a solemn tone. ''He had really changed after his brother's death. He rarely brought up what happened and would follow any of my requests without questioning it.''
''Until the accident with Ennard,'' Sam said, crossing her arms. ''I believe that, in order to find you, he might've infiltrated every Freddy's location and had even tried to figure out how to deal with the animatronics.''
Springtrap kept silent as he thought about it. He remembered how Michael had always been a bit of a troublemaker. However, he had also shown remarkable persistence in whatever he was doing. Whatever he had in mind, he went through with it, rarely thinking about the consequences. Nothing mattered anymore, I guess, as long as someone put an end to this nightmare. Henry and Michael achieved their goal.
''There's one more thing,'' Sam said, drawing his attention. He noticed that the image on the monitor and realized that it was now showing a selection screen with almost all of the animatronics he had encountered in Hell. ''Welcome to Ultimate Custom Night, where you can select and create your own challenges.''
''It doesn't matter how you call, it is still Hell,'' Springtrap replied, a little agitated. ''It is a game to you, but imagine having your soul torn apart over and over again while listening to them taunting you over and over again. Every time I won, it got only harder and once I beat the whole thing, everything started all over again.''
''So, you managed to beat UCN Hell?'' Sam asked, with Springtrap nodding. ''To be honest, that's kind of impressive.''
''You think so?'' Springtrap looked at her, surprised.
''The game is supposedly impossible to beat and you went through actual Hell. I wouldn't have been surprised if the reward for beating it was letting you escape,'' Sam said.
''Maybe it was,'' Springtrap said, looking at the animatronic suit. But, what would be the point of that? Why would anyone let me return?
''Do you know who was the one who set up that Hell?'' Sam asked, only to look a little disappointed when Springtrap shook his head.
''No,'' he replied. ''I just know that it was probably one of my former victims. At least, that's how they presented themselves.'' He kept quiet, waiting for her next question. Silence filled the room, causing him to look up, with Sam giving him a curious, yet sympathetic look. He felt confused. ''Is there anything else you want to ask me?''
''I think there is something you want to tell me,'' Sam replied.
Springtrap lowered his head. There were so many questions on his mind, so many things he wanted to discuss, but at the same time, he wanted to avoid talking about it. The hollow feeling was spreading through his chest once again as he realized something. He had reached the end of his trial.
''Nothing should last forever,'' he said, a look of defeat on his expression. ''You know, while I was still at Hell, I was constantly being reminded of what I had done. I was too far gone, always being called a monster and blamed for what I had done. There was no eternal silence for me. Even if I managed to survive, I would start to hallucinate about what happened. With each confrontation, I'd be torn between accepting what I had done and refusing to acknowledge my punishment. I didn't fear dying, but rather, whether I would be able to continue, whether I'd be able to come back once again. After all, I had created a horror story that became, in a way, my legacy. It was my masterpiece.''
''You call all of this your masterpiece?'' Sam asked, a little unsettled. Springtrap smiled softly, looking as if he was reminiscing.
''However, that masterpiece has become obsolete and I was broken,'' he said. ''I'm not supposed to be here, we both know that. Maybe I was brought back to life, only to be left to die again. I have lost my place and what's left for me is just to fade away.''
''No.'' Springtrap looked in surprise at Sam, who was looking back at him with a determined expression. ''I don't think that you, nor what happened, has become obsolete.''
''What makes you say that?'' Springtrap asked. Sam got up, looking at him as she smiled.
''As far as I have noticed, what happened left a huge impact on you,'' she explained. ''Not only that, but the past few days made you also think about your choices. Or do you want to tell me that you'd be saying that regardless of what happened or what I told you?''
''Sam, I don't think that-'' Springtrap stood up, only to be startled when Sam cut him off.
''Maybe you have been brought back to suffer, but you still have returned. Instead of debating whether this was the right or wrong decision, you should try to figure out what to do next,'' Sam said.
''Then, I guess I should leave,'' Springtrap said. ''That would be the right thing to do, wouldn't it?''
''Springtrap…'' Sam muttered, looking a little unnerved when Springtrap suddenly stepped towards her.
''You are still afraid of me, aren't you?'' he asked in a quiet tone. ''You don't trust me either. I'm not blaming you for that, as I don't trust myself. I still have issues and there's no doubt I would hurt you eventually. Even if I do feel horrible for threatening you, there is no way for either of us to know what will happen if I stay.''
''Do you really want this?'' Sam asked, with Springtrap being taken aback.
''I…'' He clenched his fist, wanting to retort that this was what he wanted, but he kept silent. He sighed. ''Not really…''
''Even though you know how dangerous you are, you would still rather satisfy your selfish desire,'' Sam said dryly, crossing her arms. ''You'll never change. Still, thanks for being honest with me.''
''I guess that it cannot be helped,'' Springtrap said, lowering his head, only to notice Sam staring at him with a curious look on her expression. To his surprise, she walked up to him, standing on her toes and, before he could even react, she booped his nose. He stepped back, his eyes flaring purple, as he stared at her with an irritated look on his expression. ''You really love doing that.''
''Yeah, and you're a dork,'' Sam replied, with Springtrap looking a little weirded out. He couldn't understand how she could be so calm, despite everything he had told her. He knew that the next logical step would be to ask her, but for some stupid reason, he was afraid of her answer.
It is not up to you to decide. This is her decision. He sighed, trying to calm down, and looked at her. ''Sam, what do you want?''
''I want you to stay,'' Sam replied, a look of satisfaction on her expression. Springtrap stared at her in shock.
''Why would you even want me to stay?!'' He didn't want to yell at her, but he couldn't contain his frustration anymore. His eyes flared purple. ''After everything I told you, you should be happy that I decided to leave you alone! You should yell at me to never come back! How does this make any sense?!''
''William, are you even listening to what you're saying?'' Sam asked him calmly, causing him to stop his rant. ''You fear for my safety and I understand that. However, that fear is based on your past experiences, not on your current ones. Except for the time at Freddy's, when did you actually threaten to murder me?''
Springtrap was taken aback, realizing that she was technically right. Whenever he told her something he did, it was always about what happened in the past. Not only that, but he insisted on helping her whenever she felt miserable. He felt really foolish about the fact that he just assumed things, instead of considering to ask Sam about her opinion. After all, didn't his last assumption lead to his final death?
''But, still, why would you want to trust me?'' he asked in a quiet tone. ''What if the past repeats?''
''William, it is up to you to decide whether you want to repeat the past,'' Sam replied. ''You also made it clear that that you don't want to let it happen again.''
Springtrap stepped back and plopped down on her bed, a look of defeat and exhaustion on his expression. He buried his head into his hands.
''I'm a complete idiot,'' he muttered.
''No doubt about that.'' Springtrap lifted his head, noticing that Sam sat right next to him. He frowned.
''Thanks,'' he said dryly, noticing her smile.
''You know, the reason why I trust you so much is because you were completely honest with me, even if you felt uncomfortable about the topic. You could've refused to talk to me or tried to lie, but you didn't,'' she added.
''Considering how much you knew, I figured it would be better to stay honest,'' Springtrap replied. ''Still, I don't know anymore how I should feel about this.''
''But, you're going to stay, right?'' Sam asked. Springtrap glanced at her, noticing her hopeful look.
''If that's what makes you happy,'' he said.
''You have no idea how much!'' Sam grinned, feeling excited. Springtrap smiled, glad to see her being so happy. He could feel the warmth replacing the hollow feeling once again, realizing he actually made the right choice.
''You know, there's something I would like to do,'' he said, with Sam giving him a curious look. ''I want to try to prove to myself that I'm actually capable of keeping at least one person happy and unharmed.''
''Try to be a little more confident about it,'' Sam said. ''I mean, so far, I'm really happy.''
''However, there is one person who isn't,'' Springtrap replied. ''I have no idea how I should deal with Emma.''
''What exactly did she tell you?'' Sam asked.
''That she was at Freddy's when she was a little girl and that she knows that the rumors a true. I admitted to her that she was right about the assumption that I'm the murderer and she was simply disgusted by that,'' Springtrap said. ''However, as I told you, she said that she trusts your judgement and that she would let me stay because of that.''
''I never knew that she had been at Freddy's,'' Sam said, stunned. ''In any case, you should know that lately, Mum would often tell me that I looked really miserable. I mean, she let me go on my urban explorations as long as I didn't get myself into trouble, since I would be doing something that I enjoyed. She had probably assumed that, if I hated you or was afraid of you, I wouldn't let you stay here.''
''That would explain it,'' Springtrap said. ''She hates me, but as long as you're happy, she's willing to tolerate my presence.''
''Yeah. I'm pretty sure that Mum had already assumed that you would tell me that, which is going to make situation only more awkward. However, I think I can help you a little,'' Sam replied.
''Really?'' Springtrap asked, feeling a little anxious.
''As I told you already, your mindset is in the past. While a confrontation with the past was necessary, as well as your acceptance of it, the main focus should be on what happened the past few days and what will happen from now on,'' Sam explained. ''So far, you haven't done anything wrong, right?''
''Unless you count the fact that I essentially dragged you into Freddy's, threatened you and gave you a good reason not to trust me,'' Springtrap said in a deadpan tone. ''And that was the first day I had returned.''
''I know that,'' Sam said, sighing as she stood up. ''But, you made your choice at that point as well.''
Springtrap had to admit that she was right. The confrontation with his own past was rather painful, but necessary. He couldn't change what he had done or destroy the monster he had become, but he was willing to find another way to live his life, even if he didn't know how long it would last. How could I even delude myself into believing that everything that happened wasn't important? That I was obsolete? His eyes flared purple as he realized something, with him grinning maliciously. Or maybe, I could take advantage of it? Nobody knows I'm still here. Nobody knows who I am, nor do they know how to stop me. I am free to do what I want.
''Springtrap?'' He looked at Sam, who seemed to be a little unnerved by his sudden change of attitude. He stood up, crossing his arms on his back and looking at her curiously, still grinning. ''What's wrong?''
''Nothing really,'' Springtrap replied. ''I have merely figured out that there are still some issues I need to deal with. Besides, I believe that we still have another mystery to solve.''
''Yeah, we still haven't checked the photos I took at Ricky's,'' Sam said, feeling a little excited, if confused about Springtrap's sudden change of attitude. It was somewhat unsettling to see his eyes suddenly glow purple. She turned to her laptop, finding the file with the photos. ''Here.''
She turned the laptop so Springtrap could see them as well as she scrolled through them. He was mostly interested in the documents about the animatronics. So far, there wasn't anything interesting, at least until Sam reached the file titled ''DECOMMISSIONED''. Sam zoomed in on the drawing of the animatronic on one of the pages. It looked rather skeletal, with a round mask and a beak.
''I haven't seen this animatronic at Ricky's, and I have visited the place ever since it first opened,'' Sam told him. ''Looks like some kind of bird.''
''I guess the animatronic was decommissioned before the location opened,'' Springtrap said, reading the notes on the document, which seemed to be rather scarce. ''Animatronic was deemed unsafe for use. There had been reports that the animatronic had been glitching out. Our technician examined the animatronic, but didn't find any mechanical defects nor malfunctioning AI.''
''There is a little more to it,'' Sam said, scrolling down, with Springtrap continuing to read the report, the notes being from a later date.
''Unfortunately, our technician has deemed the animatronic to be completely unfit for use. Therefore, it will be decommissioned.'' Springtrap frowned at the next part. ''This character is no longer part of Ricky's Wonder Shack. No further information will be accessible.''
''So, this animatronic had been retired even before it could make an appearance?'' Sam said. ''Maybe there had been an accident at Ricky's that caused it to be decommissioned.''
''Sounds to me like they want to forget about this character,'' Springtrap said, with Sam shivering. ''Are you okay?''
''I was just wondering what exactly needed to happen that they would want to forget that that an animatronic character exists before they even showed it to the public,'' she replied.
''It could've been an accident that occurred with the animatronic, or maybe something else,'' Springtrap said. ''Does it say anywhere where those animatronics were constructed? A factory, perhaps?''
''Let's see,'' Sam muttered, scrolling through the photos, noticing something on Ricky's file. ''Found it! It seems that the animatronics have been created with the assistance of Machinations Factory.''
''Interesting name,'' Springtrap said. ''Is that supposed to be a wordplay on 'machine' and 'machination'?''
''Maybe,'' Sam said, eyeing him. ''It does have a ring to it.''
''And Afton Robotics doesn't?'' Springtrap sounded a little bitter. Sam just smirked and turned back to the monitor.
''Maybe I can dig out some useful information about the place,'' she said, typing the name of the factory. When the results came up, she was confused that only a few of them were actually related to the factory. There had been one article that caught her attention. ''Seems like it had been shut down a while ago.''
''Does it say why?'' Springtrap asked.
''It says something about faulty equipment and unsatisfied customers, but that's it. They didn't really elaborate on why they decided to shut it down'' Sam replied and opened a map. ''Maybe I can find the address.''
''It is kind of surprising,'' Springtrap said as he observed her while she typed on her laptop. ''Before, people used actual maps and phone books to find an address, but now, you just need a device, like a computer or a phone, that has internet connection.''
''Well, one thing hasn't changed, though,'' Sam replied. ''It doesn't matter how advanced technology is, people still get lost.''
Springtrap chuckled, leaning closer as Sam managed to locate the factory.
''It seems like the factory is outside the town,'' he said as he looked at the map.
''It would take us about 20-30 minutes by car to reach it,'' Sam said. ''There is a problem though. The only car we have is my mum's and I doubt we can just tell her that we plan to visit what appears to be an abandoned factory.''
''Then, what do you suggest we do?'' Springtrap asked her.
''I'm not sure,'' Sam replied. ''Although, I believe that we will figure something out.''
She leaned against the chair, sighing and stretching her arms. Currently, she just wanted to relax a little and think about the whole thing. She glanced at Springtrap, who seemed to be a little lost in his thoughts.
''Sam, don't you think that what's going on is a little strange?''
''What do you mean?'' Sam asked.
''I just have a feeling that there's a lot more to it than we know,'' Springtrap said, then shook his head. ''Or maybe I'm just still stuck in the past.''
''Well, one thing is sure. You are stuck in a rather strange situation,'' Sam said. ''You have returned, free to do what you want, but you still decided to go along with my idea, even if it's not exactly what you want. I think I'd be confused as well.''
''True,'' Springtrap muttered and then grinned, his eyes glowing purple as he looked at Sam. ''Although, I think I may have been on my path on figuring out what I want to do.''
He walked up to the table, playing with his switchblade. The room was quite dark, with a faint light coming from an unknown source, only illuminating enough for him to see what was inside the room. There was silence, disturbed only by the distinct sound of the blade being pulled into the handle and popping out again.
It was rather delightful to mess with the blade, as he enjoyed the thrill to the possibility that he might accidentally cut himself. He liked the idea of playing with his own life, appreciating the fact that he was still here, walking and breathing. It was a wonderful feeling, something he felt that many wouldn't understand. Many took their life for granted, never knowing what they were missing out.
''It is always a thin line between life and death,'' he muttered, placing the switchblade on the desk and supporting it with pieces of metal, the blade facing upwards. ''I want to walk on that line.''
He held his hand over the tip, his fingers twitching, but it wasn't because of fear. He knew exactly what he wanted. He knew that this is what he needed.
He then slowly lowered his hand, pain shooting through his body as he cut through the skin, the meat and the nerves. He grinned, enjoying the pain that surged through his body and ignoring the screams of warning in the back of his head, telling him to stop.
He watched blood flowing down the blade, and he gritted his teeth as he lifted his hand and examined the damage. It was just a flesh wound, a mere cut in his opinion, but it stung in the cold and musty air. Blood was trickling down his arm as he looked at some metallic pieces and wires on the table. He took a piece with his cut hand and let it soak in his blood.
Then, he turned around, observing the mess of wires and metal, all put together into some kind of endoskeleton. It was twitching, as if it was a living creature which had been stripped down to its skeletal remains. There were dark brown and red spots on it, clashing with the silver and grey. He walked over to it, searching for a spot where the metal piece would fit, only for the endoskeleton to start twitching again. He crouched, smiling softly and caressing the metal as if it were just a frightened animal.
#Previous Chapter
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#Next Chapter
#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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Post-canon InaSure: How I'd write their time in the prison
I'm bad at math, so it took me a long time to realize Inaho waited months to tell Slaine he was requested by Asseylum to save him from the "cycle of misery".
This means Inaho watched Slaine decline for months before the latter finally gave him a clue to what — or who — could possibly improve this situation. Inaho was likely trying on his own to improve Slaine's state, but in the end, he needed Asseylum's help.
Consequently, Inaho concludes Slaine would only live for Asseylum, so he decides to make no mention of his own reasons to save Slaine. However, this posed another problem, which is Slaine thinks no one besides Asseylum, whom he saw as this goddess of mercy, would ever care about him.
Inaho and Slaine eventually have argument because of that. Perhaps Slaine was having a Bad™ mental health day, and Inaho brought up Asseylum to lift his spirits, leading to disastrous results. The argument prompts Slaine to end the visit early and Inaho to leave in a huff.
Yuki was driving Inaho that day, so she asks what happened since she could tell Inaho was upset. Only while talking to Yuki does Inaho figure out why Slaine got mad, and after that, he gets Yuki to turn the car around.
Because Inaho just suddenly returned, the guards weren't ready to bring Slaine back to the table. Inaho doesn't care. He goes straight to the cell, finding Slaine curled up on the bed.
"Slaine," he calls to him from outside. It was the first time he didn't say his whole name, and that made Slaine stiffen. "Slaine, look at me. Please."
Carefully, hesitantly, Slaine gets up and turns to Inaho. "What, Kaizuka Inaho?"
"It's true that I wouldn't be doing this if Seylum-san never asked me to," said Inaho matter-of-factly, "because I would have either killed you or let you die at the Moon Base."
Of course Slaine scowls, absolutely thinking, 'I knew it! I was waiting for you to admit that!'
However, Inaho then said in a quiet, sincere tone, "And I'm glad I didn't have to. From the moment we met, I never wanted you to be my enemy. I still don't."
Within a second of hearing that, Slaine's expression softens, and he says, "Well, there's a little problem with that." When Inaho quirks his brow in confusion, Slaine continues with a small smile, "We've stopped being enemies a long time ago."
Inaho's eyes widened a little. "We have?"
"Yeah." Slaine gets up from the bed and walks until he's right in front of the partition between him and Inaho. "So what do you want now?"
"I... I don't know. Yet. I'll have to think about it."
"Sure. Tell me tomorrow."
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Slaine."
"See you... Inaho."
The next day, Inaho tells Slaine he wants to be his friend, except he realizes that their current relationship as visitor/warden and solitary prisoner, respectively, isn't conducive for developing a friendship where both parties are on equal footing.
Hence, Inaho unfolds his plan to have Slaine released on parole with Yuki as his parole officer, which he thinks is possible if he argues in UFE court that Slaine was an impressionable minor during the war and therefore deserves more leniency than an adult criminal.
And it works.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Hey, I love your writing 🫶
Please can you write an Eddie angst pleaseeeee.
The idea is that reader has been in love with Eddie for years and when he dies they’re distraught. The gang helps them through all the stages of mourning. Months later they wake up feeling really good so they go to one of the gangs house where they all will be hanging out. They all are acting really off and try to make them leave and then Eddie walks. Reader thinks they’re hallucinating until Eddie starts talking to one the kids and then it dawns on them that their best friends and the person they love have been lying all this time knowing the suffering they’ve endured. An argument and a confession follows, where they try to explain they did It to protect them but reader isn’t having any of it. All they want to do is hug Eddie but they can’t even look at him. They leave on bad terms with everyone. I can’t think of an ending heheh :))
I’m so sorry that request is so long. Thank you so much hope you have a lush day :))
In the back of my mind, you died
a/n: ANON I LOOOOOVEEEEEE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! YOUR BRAIN IS SO SMART FOR THIS!!!! i'm sorry it took so long my life has been hectic rn😭i'm not sure if i'll be writing a part two to this?? the ending might be fixed/changed cause idk how i feel about it,,anyways i hope you enjoy it and credit to the gif owner! <3
read part two here!
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Denial. That's all you've been doing is denying. Eddie didn't die, no. He's just decided to lay low until this whole "earthquake" shit and him being a murderer dies down. That's all he's doing you think to yourself, but that doesn't stop the nightmares of him dying in your arms. Every time you close your eyes you see the exact moment where the life leaves his eyes. You can't escape the horrible memory no matter what you do, you don't want to consider therapy cause how are you supposed to say that the love of your life died in the claws of bats from another dimension? Exactly, you can't.
You appreciate your friends, you do. You love them so much but you wish that they can leave you alone.
“I’m not broken, you know that right?”
Steve looks up from the magazine he's reading on your bed and smiles.
“I know that.”
“So why are you guys on babysitting duty with me?”
He sighs.
“Y/n, we're just worried. You've been ignoring the fact that Eddie-”
“Don't.” you cut him off.
“He's gone y/n. We're not rushing you to let him go, take all the time you need.” he stands up from his spot on the bed and crouches down to be eye level with you.
“But you're going to have to accept it sooner or later, and when you do we promise to all be here for you.”
Tears start to form and you throw your arms around him finally letting go of all the bottled-up emotions you have.
Anger. Pure anger is running through your veins when you see students gathered in front of Eddie's locker. Some are writing mean things, others are leaving sincere notes either way it pisses you off. Nobody in this school liked Eddie! It was always just you and hellfire who stuck up for him, so why the hell is everyone acting as if they care?!
“This is bullshit,” Gareth mumbles next to you.
You scoff. “Tell me about it. He's gone and suddenly the whole town loves him?”
“Like they weren't accusing him of murder weeks ago.”
If there was anyone you knew who was taking his death as hard as you, it was Gareth. Gareth knew Eddie his whole life, Eddie was practically his brother, and the fact that he doesn't even know what happened to him kills you.
“I fucking hate this town.” You whispered while shaking your head when the cheer team leaves a teddy bear in front of his locker.
Gareth chuckles, you take it as a sign of agreement.
“If I could I burn it to the fucking ground.”
You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are red and you're not sure if it's cause he's been crying, or because maybe rick gave him the hookup but you give him a soft smile. You've talked to Gareth before, and you consider him a friend. You glance down at the watch resting on your wrist and look back at Gareth.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
“Hell yeah, let's go.”
You Gareth quickly exit the school and you both try to ignore the heartbreak you feel when you think of how happy Eddie would be knowing his best friends have someone to watch each other's backs.
Bargaining is something you find yourself frequently doing. You toss and turn through the night and look at your alarm clock. The bright red 1:00 taunting you. You let out a quiet tsk and decide enough is enough, quietly searching through your dresser you pick out the first pair of pants and grab the first shirt you see. You open your window making sure to leave it a crack open for you for whenever you sneak back in. You're not sure where you're going yet, your brain is not up to full speed with your body but soon you start recognizing that you're going to Eddie's trailer. Before you know it you're a good distance away from it but you stop in your tracks. Your heart is pounding and it's the first time you ask yourself what exactly are you doing here? We're planning on going to the upside down to find Eddie? Were you even looking for Eddie? Your thoughts are cut short when you see a familiar set of curls hidden under a hat exit the trailer quietly.
His body tenses and he turns around slowly to face you. He smiles at you nervously and waves as you take steps to get closer. You weren't supposed to be here, he hasn't even spoken a word to you and the guilt is already starting to eat him alive.
“Y/n! What are you uh, doing here?”
You cross your arms.
“I should ask you the same thing.”
Dustin stood frozen on the porch speechless, his eyes scanning your body trying to find any kind of clue as to why you're here. He wants to come clean and say it but he made a promise, and he was way too scared to break it. He narrows his eyes at you and something in his clicks when he sees the determined look on your face.
“Were you going back?”
“I-i think so? I don't know.”
Dustin mumbles out a Jesus Christ and stumbles over to you, dragging you away from the trailer.
“Are you insane?! What exactly were you gonna do?”
You stop walking, causing Dustin to look at you. His heart sinks when he sees tears falling down your cheeks as you stumble over your words.
“I just want him back Dustin.” you cry out.
Dustin wraps his arms around you and holds you as you cry, his brain is screaming for him to tell you. To just end all the pain you've been feeling but he made a promise. They all did.
He pulls away from you and gives you a sad smile.
“I miss him too, but y/n, you can't risk your life going back in there for something that's not even there.”
“We just left him there Dustin. His uncle never even got to see him.”
The both of you are crying now.
“And that's killing me, but there's nothing we can do.”
You look Dustin in the eyes and you have a strange feeling in your gut that he's hiding something but you're too exhausted to question him. You nod your head, wiping away the tears that fell down your face, and take a deep breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, you're right.”
“C'mon, let's go home. You can ride my bike, my leg is killing me.”
You hum knowing his leg is a bit more sensitive since the incident and agree to take him home.
“I'll walk home after I drop you off.”
“My mom thinks I'm at Lucas’.”
Silence is shared between the two of you as you slowly turn to look at Dustin.
“You mean the Lucas who's practically living at the hospital reading to Max?”
Dustin kicked a rock and mumbled out how it sounded better in his head. You shake your head and chuckle, throwing your leg around his bike and waiting till you felt his hands resting on your shoulders. While Dustin was getting on the bike you took a glance at the trailer that sat behind you two and you could be sworn you saw a figure that you knew all too well.
“You ready?” Dustin asked you. You looked at him then back at the trailer only to be met with nothing. You cleared your throat and nodded your head.
“Yeah, let's go.”
Everyone was worried about you the second Eddie was gone, but to their surprise, you were still up and moving. What they should have been worried about was the third month of his death. Depression hit you like a semi and you couldn't get out of bed to save your life. Everyone would stop by to drop off some food and water only to throw it out the next day when they saw it was untouched. They tried everything to get you out of bed but were unsuccessful every time.
It was midnight now, Nancy was sleeping on the couch in the living room as you rotted away in bed. They usually didn't spend the night but you haven't eaten in five days, to say your friends were worried about you was an understatement. You stared at the picture of you and Eddie laughing that rested on your nightstand when the familiar feeling of needing to use the restroom came back. For the first time in days, you slowly took the blanket off of you and began to sit up in bed. The room spun a little bit but now you were sitting up and looking at your bedroom door.
Go. You thought to yourself. Just go pee and then you can get back into bed. The thought of standing alone was enough to exhaust you, let alone use the restroom. You know you should get up, your bladder was starting to hurt from how long you haven't used the restroom but you couldn't move. You look down at your feet and see one of Eddie's shirts on the floor, it was his favorite, and now it's dirty. It's dirty, it's on the floor, and it was nearly forgotten about until now. The pain in your bladder was getting stronger but you didn't move, you stayed sat in bed looking at the shirt with tears streaming down your face.
Your thoughts are cut short when you feel a sudden pang of pain in your lower abdomen. You let out a gasp and quickly put pressure on it but it only makes things worse. I need to pee. Was the only thing running through your mind. You start to stand up but let out a small cry from how much it hurts.
“Y/n?” You heard Nancy call. You stayed quiet trying to steady your breathing. You take small steps toward your bedroom door, counting down how many you have left to go to the restroom when you fall to the ground. You hear Nancy start to run to you as you cry and clutch your side tightly.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?!” Nancy asks as she rushes over to you. You push her away determined to get yourself to the restroom. You know what she's thinking. You know she probably thinks you're insane at the fact that you could get a kidney infection trying to get to the restroom by yourself cause you're thinking the exact same thing. You curl into a fetal position on the floor, your breathing rapid as the pain gets worse with each passing minute. Nancy decides enough is enough and helps you up while whispering how you'll be okay. She helps you stand up and gently shushes you when you let out a whimper.
“It's okay, you're gonna be okay,” she whispers. She takes you toward the restroom and turns on the bath for you. She makes sure the water is warm before she looks at you, you have your shirt pulled over your legs as you sit on the toilet finally giving your bladder some ease.
“I uh, I'm running you a bath,” she says gently. “If you need help with anything, call me, okay?”
You nod your head and watch as she leaves the bathroom and closes the door, leaving it a little open.
You sigh and slowly get off the toilet, holding onto the wall for support as you flush it. You step into the bathtub with your shirt still on and sit in the warm water. Nancy knocks on the door and peeks her head in to check on you. You both make eye contact and you clear your throat.
“C-can you wash my hair?”
Nancy nods her head and rolls the sleeves of her pajama shirt up. She sits on the edge of the tub and gently strokes your hair as you rest your cheek on your knees.
“There's a cup in the cabinet. Eddie would bring the dog that lived next door and we’d give her a bath.
Nancy makes her way to the cabinet and grabs the small cup, filling it with water and counting down before she gently pours it onto your head. Comfortable silence is shared between you two before she drains the water and grabs a towel. She helps you stand, squeezing out as much water as she could from your shirt before you grab onto her hand.
“Thank you. F-for helping me.”
She gives you a sad smile and wraps the towel around your shoulders.
“I changed your sheets, and there are some clothes laid out for you.”
You hold onto her hand as she helps you out of the slippery tub and onto the cold tile floor. She leads you to her room, closing the door all the way so that you can change out of your wet clothes. You place the towel on the floor and toss the shirt on top of it knowing you'll take it out soon. You slip into the comfortable clothes and sit on the edge of your bed, your hands rubbing over the clean material of the new sheets Nancy changed for you.
Your eyes drift back to the picture that's on your nightstand and you swear that you can hear Eddie's voice in your head telling you to eat something. You hear three knocks on your bedroom door and you're guessing you told Nancy to come in cause now she's leaning up against your door and smiling at you.
“I know it's nearly one in the morning but are you hungry?”
You wanted to say no, you're too tired to eat anything and you just want to lay in bed and sleep until you feel better, but you don't. Instead, you slowly nod your head.
“I think there's still some pizza in the fridge from when Steve and Robin came over.”
Nancy gave you a genuine smile, happy that you finally decided to eat some food. She started to leave your room to reheat the pizza when she heard you call out for her.
“Thank you. Seriously, this whole…healing process hasn't been easy for me.” You clear your throat and send her a small smile. “So thank you, really. You've all helped me so much, I don't know what I would do without you guys."
Something in Nancy shifted, you could tell from the way her shoulders dropped and the small smile she gave you.
She wants to say it. She's seen you suffer enough and it's killing her not to tell you everything she knows. It's on the tip of her tongue, she's so close to saying it. You look at her with raised eyebrows.
“You never have to thank us. What are friends for?”
A few more months pass and little by little you start to feel okay, normal even. Is currently Friday, which is movie day at Steve's. It started as a way to get you out of the house but it's blossomed into something more now, you park the car in front of Steve's house and grab the snacks that are in the passenger seat of your car. You hum out a tune and gently kick at the door with your foot. Robin opens the door laughing but quickly stops when she sees it's you.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?”
“Haha, very funny.” you teased. “It’s movie day! Here grab the snacks so I can come in,” you say while dumping some snacks into her arms. She stumbles over words and her feet as you make your way into the house, you throw a hey to everyone and place the snacks onto Steve's counter.
“Geez, why is everyone quiet? Did you guys start the movie without me?” you chuckle out. You turn toward your friends who are sitting on the couch staring at you with wide eyes.
“Jesus, are you guys okay? It's like you've all seen a ghost or something.”
“Thanks for giving me my vest back Steve, I've been dying to see her again.”
Your body stiffens and your blood runs cold when you hear a voice that you've missed for far too long. Your eyes lock with Dustin and suddenly everything clicks. The night you found Dustin at Eddie’s trailer, the way everyone looked at you with guilty eyes, how everyone seemed like they were walking on eggshells when they were around you. They knew. They all knew.
“It's no problem man, I washed like three times- oh shit.”
This had to be a trick. You must've not been over his death yet and now your brain is making you hallucinate him. You slowly turn around to face him and tears instantly form in your eyes. Eddie feels himself freeze under your gaze, feeling like a criminal that's been caught. You shake your head and walk up to him, you raise your hand as if you're going to rest it on his shoulder but you freeze.
“You're not real.” You whisper while shaking your head. You let out a laugh like it's some kind of sick joke and turn toward your friends.
“Please tell me he's not real.”
The lack of answers confirmed it for you. You then turned toward Eddie with tears streaming down your face, but there was fire behind your eyes.
“How long have you been here?”
“Y/n, hear me out-”
“How long?!”
Eddie stays quiet and decides his shoes are much more interesting cause he can't bring his eyes to meet yours. You let out a scoff and look at your friends.
“Okay, since the fucking ghost doesn't want to talk I'll ask you guys. How long has he been back?”
“Ever since you caught me at his trailer,” Dustin spoke up.
You sniffled and nodded your head.
“So did you all know?”
Everyone on the couch nodded their head and Steve mumbled a quiet yeah.
“Was anyone going to tell me?”
“We wanted to,” Mike began.
“That's not what I asked. I asked if you were ever going to tell me.”
Everyone was silent once again and to be honest, you were getting fed up with it.
“you know what?” you chuckled out. “I think I'm done.”
“Done?” Nancy asked.
You grabbed your keys and started to walk toward the door.
“Yeah. With you guys.”
Everyone started to talk over each other and Eddie rushed to stand in front of the door, blocking you from leaving.
“Hey hot shot, just hear them out. Hear us out.” He begged.
For the first time in months, you look Eddie in the eyes, and it feels like you're back at the very beginning.
“Get out of my way Eddie, or else you'll wish you were dead.”
Defeated, he steps out of the way but chases you outside. The sun was no longer in the sky and the dam finally broke. Tears were streaming down your face and you felt arms wrap around you. You try your best to push him away but he's not letting you go.
“Get off of me!” you cry out.
“Sweetheart, please.”
“No! Do you know how fucking miserable I was Eddie?! Did you know that I considered going back to that hell hole to get you?!” you're pushing him now and you catch a glance of your former friends watching you from the window.
Eddie grabs your hands trying to stop you but you twist out of his grasp.
“For months people you love have suffered Eddie! This isn't even about me anymore! Does your uncle know you're back?! What about Gareth and the rest of the party?!”
Eddie shakes his head and tears are forming in his eyes.
“Really?! You're crying, Eddie?!”
“You weren't supposed to find out this way.”
“Then how? How the fuck was I supposed to find out Eddie? Were you going to come to my house with a bouquet of flowers? Were you gonna wait until I tried to go back to the upside-down again?”
Eddie stayed silent. He never really thought about how he was going to tell you, or how you would react. He knew that the more time dragged on the more difficult it would be, but he still had hope.
You saw a tear fall down Eddie's cheek and it took everything in you to not wipe it away. You've dreamt of this moment, you've even prayed for it but this isn't how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be happy he was alive, jump into his arms and finally kiss him as you've always wanted to do.
“You know,” you started as you walked to the driver's side of the car. “You may not be dead anymore Eddie,”
You start the car. “But you're dead to me.” you nod your head at everyone gathered by the window.
“They are too. I don't want to see any of you ever again.”
You drove off after that, you weren't sure where you were going, considering all your friends lied to you about something that big. Part of you wants to rationalize what they've done, and you can kinda understand why they did it but you would've never done that to them.
Your heart is pounding out of your chest as you walk up to the front door of the last person you should be seeing. You knock three times and wipe away the tears that are streaming down your face, you look like a mess right now you're sure of it but you don't care.
“Y/n?” Gareth asks with concern. “What's going on, why are you crying?”
“Eddie isn't dead.”
Gareth wants to laugh, but he can't. He won't. The way you look right now, the shakiness in your voice. He wants to think you're joking but what kind of sick person would make a joke about this? He steps to the side and opens the door wide for you, silently asking you to come in. You step inside his home and stuff your hands into your pockets, not bothering to wipe away your tears anymore.
“You've got a lot of explaining to do.”
You let out a humorless chuckle. “How much time do you have?”
Gareth let's out a sigh and hugs you, his hand rubbing your back gently as you cry into his shoulder.
"I've got all the time in the world right now."
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crowleying · 3 years
Florence Pugh x f!reader Instagram AU
Date: 14.03.2022
Pairing: Florence Pugh x fem!model!reader
Faceclaim: Ashley Moore
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Social media: instagram
Fandom: Florence Pugh
Warning: None
Requested: No
y/n - your name
y/l/n - your last name
Notes: This is my first ever fake social post. I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun doing it and I plan on doing more do let me know if you have any ideas (it can be on other social too if you want) or if you would like to see more parts of this one.
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Liked by tomholland2013 and others
florencepugh I think these glasses look great on me. Don't you think?
View all 23,490 comments
loveyelenab You are so hot!
florencemywife I don't know if I want to be her or to be her gf
tessamaethompson YES
florencepugh ❤️
yourinstagram You are so unbelievably gorgeous x
florencepugh Have you seen yourself?!
12 January
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Liked by jameelajamil and others
yourinstagram What you looking at, babe?
View all 9,257 comments
ilovey/n at a goddess
y/nupdates QUEEN
finncole 🔥
florencepugh At the most beautiful woman in the world
yourinstagram You're looking in the mirror?
zendaya I ship it!
15 January
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Liked by pascalispunk and others
florencepugh Ready for @jimmykimmellive!
View all 19,257 comments
florenceupdates 😍😍😍
haileesteinfeld ❤️❤️
theflorencefan STUNNING
yourinstagram Please, step on me, queen
yourinstagram @florencepugh YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED SEE IT
zendaya I'm laughing my ass off, you're embarrassing @yourinstagram
yourinstagram @zendaya You're always so supportive 🙄
y/nsbiggestfan Y/N IS SUCH A SIMP
florencemywife nvm y/n is gonna be her gf
y/nismygf so true bestie
20 February
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Liked by brielarson and others
yourinstagram #TBT Girls trip with @yourbestfriend
View all 10,078 comments
y/nbigfan I don't know where to look
florencepugh I'm so jealous
yourbestfriend y/n says you should come next time
yourinstagram I hate you @yourbestfriend but of course you should, love!
florencegallery Am I the only one who noticed y/n only replies to Florence?!
bestofy/n SHE IS A SIMP
26 February
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Liked by chrisevans and others
florencepugh Just chillin
View all 13,785 comments
yourinstagram I'm in love
zendaya sap
floandy/n This is still a better love story than Twilight
dayalove Zendaya is such a bully! Love her and y/n's friendship
florencelove Why hasn't Florence replied to y/n yet?!
28 February
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Liked by anyataylorjoy and others
yourinstagram My only love
View all 11,720 comments
zendaya What happened to your other love?
yourinstagram no idea what you're talking about
fansofy/n Did something happen between y/n and Florence?
floflolove Was thinking the same, sincerely no idea
y/nloveme I wish I was a dog right now
3 March
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Liked by henrycavill and others
florencepugh First look at "The Wonder"
View all 24,491 comments
ilovepugh CAN'T WAIT
yourinstagram My two favourite things: period dramas and the countryside
haileesteinfeld @florencepugh since when did you change your name to countryside?
florencepugh @haileesteinfeld I'm going right now
justafan y/n is so gone
y/nxflorence she is one of us
5 March
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Liked by zendaya and others
yourinstagram Shooting in Paris
View all 10,168 comments
y/l/nfan So beautiful!
flpughupdate Florence is in Paris too!
pughfan please tell me they met!
flpughupdate I don't know of anyone who has seen them together but they might have in private
florencepugh I'm in Paris too!
yourinstagram we should meet!
flopughlove I'd die to see this
13 March
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Liked by imsebastianstan and others
florencepugh Finally meeting the sweet @yourinstagram
View all 31,629 comments
florenceupdates FINALLY
thetheoryfan So they probably have each others phone number and they texted each other to arrange the meeting
anotherfan they might have discusse it in DMs
yourinstagram Had the best day of my life, thank you!
yourbestfriend Taking full offence
yourinstagram @yourbestfriend don't
zendaya When we meet you didn't say it was the best day of your life
yourinstagram @zendaya because it wasn't ❤️
zendaya @yourinstagram ouch
14 March
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Liked by arandomuser and others
enews actress Florence Pugh and model y/n y/l/n where paparazzed last night in Paris. It seemed like the two were on a date. The actress and the model have a history of cute and romantic interactions on Instagram. Various people close to them have joked and teased them about the interest the two have for the other. Zendaya, friends to both of them, even said in a comment she ships it!
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y/nisfabulous please do respect their privacy!
user21 I'm not a big fan of either but I think it's very unrespectful of you
flofanpugh Happy for them if they are dating but please leave them alone!
17 March
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sxdmoonchxld · 4 years
Proven Wrong | KTH
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Taehyung x reader
Words: 4k+
Genre: smut
Warnings: Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Fingerfucking, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Begging, Multiple Orgasms, Very Big Dick Tae, Like Scary Big, Like Gut Splitting Big, Unrealistic Sex, Belly Bulge, Bad Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Gets A Little Dubious Consent Towards The End
Summary: You call his dick small. He proves that it’s not, by wrecking your pussy ;)
a/n: again i use to be lizardsocial. this was my most popular story on here so im bringing it back as well. i think you can find the original one on here somewhere. i don’t expect it to get half as many notes it did the first time but thas okai. i’ve edited kinda heavily so it's a little different from the original. its filthier. anywhos. Enjoy!
Loud music blasted throughout your apartment, the rumbling bass from the speakers reverberated through your bedroom walls. Pictures and posters rippled with each vibration, struggling to retain their original position. You groaned in annoyance, you honestly thought your request was quite simple. Just a couple of hours. 120 minutes of quietness was all you asked for so that you could study for your upcoming calculus test. He knew how important this exam was to you. He evened 'pinky promise, cross your heart hope to die'. That he would give you the silence needed to stay focused. And everyone knew you don't break a pinky promise.
Even now in your annoyance, his voice still played on a constant loop in your head.
"Oh! Yea ___, not a problem. I can keep it quiet for you. So don't you worry a hair on your pretty little head!" Taehyung had said, waving his hand in the air feigning nonchalance.
That cute signature boxy smile of his planted face. You actually thought that for once he would keep his word, and you could get some precious studying time, but no. The tiny 2-bedroom shared apartment was full of heavy jazz music and high-pitched shrieking from what sounded like a cat being skinned alive. Who even listens to jazz music when trying to fuck?
The last thread of patience had now been pulled too thin and finally snapped. Your desire to study was gone with the wind, and in its place, irritability and wrath began to take root. You slammed your laptop closed and threw it to the end of the bed along with your papers and textbook. Jumping out of bed, you stomped your way out of the bedroom, eyes searching frantically for your target.
"Taehyung!" You yelled once you began to process the scene that was in front of you. The living room was in shambles, Taehyung's phone was hooked up to the speaker, the volume loud enough you swore angels in heaven could hear. An empty soda bottle, chip bags and clothes littered the floor. Don't even get you started on the couch pillows! Your one of a kind thrift finds were strewn all over the place. You felt your blood pressure rising, the vein at your temple fattening in rage and pulsing wildly. Your jaw threatening to ache from how hard you were grinding your teeth out of anger.
Your eyes investigated the vicinity for Taehyung and low and behold there he was on the now bare couch. Lying underneath him was the source of the vexatious screeches. He was dry humping on some random chick with his mouth fiercely attached to her neck, deep purple bruises vivid from where you stood across the room. You rolled your eyes at the pair. You knew damn well Taehyung's thin lips and weak thrusts didn't call for all that useless screaming. 
You stomped over to the speaker, your sock padded feet slapping against the hardwood floor, and yanked the cord from the wall. Already the apartment was halfway quiet except for the banshee that was still squawking her head off.
"Hey! Shut the fuck up with all that noise!" You roared, scaring the girl and finally bringing their attention to your heated figure. Taehyung separated his lips from the girl's neck with a wet smack dislodging himself from between her spread thighs.
"Y/n, so nice of you to join us. How is studying going?" Taehyung spoke with a grin plastered on his handsome face. You resisted the urge to reach out and slap it off. He knew that you couldn't or anybody for a fact, could study with all the noise that was just previously filling the confines of the apartment. Yet here he was playing with the smidge of patience you had left by trying to simulate naiveté.
"All I asked was for you to be silent so that I could study for my upcoming test, and you said that you would. But instead, I am interrupted by your noisy ass music. Jazz music at that and this bitch here screaming at the top of her lungs!" You growled out between clenched teeth. The female gasped at your words embarrassment transforming her features, while Taehyung sat there with a blank look on his face, apparently unamused with your little rant.
"Oh my! Please excuse my rude roommate Mino. Obviously, her parents forgot to teach her basic manners. Let me walk you to the door." Taehyung spoke his fluffy curls swaying with the shakes of his head. A look of disappointment aimed your way as he began helping her gather her things and walking her to the front door.
"Umm, actually my name is Mina." She corrected Taehyung, but you could see it on his face that he could care less about the girl's name. Taehyung looked at her for a few seconds, as if he was processing the correct information of the girl's name.
"Yeah. Mona, that's what I said, isn't it?" Taehyung deadpanned, pushing her through the front door. Mina huffed at the fact that Taehyung continued to get her name wrong. You observed the pitiful interaction as you began to clean up the mess they made. You could tell from the look in Mina's eyes that she wanted more with Taehyung, but you knew that would never happen. Taehyung was a manwhore, a fuckboy, man thot, whatever the preferred term was. He had a new girl every night, and if he did try the whole "relationship smorgasbord" as he called it. The relationship usually didn't last for more than a week, before he was on to his next conquest.
"Tae?" You questioned meekly.
"Hmm?" He hummed head-turning slightly in your direction.
"Why do you do these things to me." You were genuinely curious as to why he made it his mission to push your every button. This wasn't the first time his action has hindered you from completing an important task. You just didn't understand why he chose to make your life more complicated than it already was.
"Awe is little __ j-jealous?" Taehyung taunted in a high-pitched voice used to entertain babies or puppies.
"Huh?!" You gasped choking on your saliva.  Shit, you almost gave yourself whiplash with how fast you swung your neck to make full eye contact.
"Did you wish that was you, I was grinding on?" Taehyung continued to taunt as he walked into the kitchen to rinse his mouth out with water. That Mina girl had put way too much perfume on her neck. Now he was left with a sour aftertaste in his mouth. It tasted cheap, and Taehyung didn't do cheap.
If he was sincere with himself, he did wish it was you he was giving all his attention instead of these random girls. He considered you cute and innocent, with an air of sexiness. That he was pretty sure you weren't conscious of. In all actuality, Taehyung was smitten with you from the first time he saw when you came to ask about the roommate needed sign he had posted. The cute little freshman with a quirky personality and full of ambition. Those first 10 minutes of meeting you had him sprung like no other.  You were way different from the usual girls he was used to. Which shouldn't be much of a surprise since most just wanted to fuck, have money spent on them. Oh! Of course, the bragging rights, that they actually got to fuck THE Kim Taehyung.
Don't get him wrong, there had been a countless amount of times he had tried to gain your attention. But you were too busy holed up in your room with your pretty little head stuck in a book to give him the time of day. So instead Taehyung reverted back to his middle school ways and chose to torment and irritating you as a way to receive some type of reaction from you. He would take whatever he could get, he was becoming that desperate.
"What exactly did I have to be jealous of? You do know she was faking it right? I didn't think you to be so naive Tae, because you and I both know that them thin ass lips-" You stopped to point at the box that made up his mouth. "And that speck in your pants that you call a dick can't make anyone scream." You declared assuredly, moving your pointer finger down to his crotch. Pride and confidence swelled in your chest at the insult thrown at him. 'Good one __'
Taehyung spat out the water he was swishing around in his mouth and whipped his head in your direction. Did you just stand there and try to insult his manhood? Nah, clearly his hearing had to be a little off, right?
"Excuse me, what did you just say? My ears must be failing me." Taehyung said wiping the stray droplets of water from his mouth, sticking a finger in his ear to loosen the imaginary earwax there. Amused, he sauntered towards you, a ghost of a smirk rising on his face.
"You heard me, Mr.Kim. Your micropenis couldn't pleasure anything but your hand if even that." You said backing up, as he prowled closer to you, his shoulder in a tense bunch raised close to his ears. Any amusement his face could have held was gone, in its place was a dark, unreadable expression. His mouth fixed in a firm line, and the tip of his ears blossomed red. Flames of anger and lust flashing in his chocolate eyes.
"My sweet __, nothing about me is little. I can guarantee that." Taehyung growled out, his already deep voice deepened in tone. You scoffed trying to portray indifference but continued backing away from his advancing until your back made contact with the wall. Shit.
Taehyung placed his hands beside your head, caging you in. Your eyes fluttered softly as you breathe in his rich cologne encased your senses, dark, woodsy with just a hit of a floral note. His eyes roamed your face, taking in your features before settling on your lips. You self-consciously licked them before tucking them between your teeth. Taehyung leaned his face closer to yours.
"Such a pretty little mouth you have. Has anyone told you how troublesome it could be though?" Taehyung questioned, his thumb on his left coming up to your upper lip.
You could feel your heart beating against your ribcage, feel your cheeks heat up, and dare you say; a gush of wetness in the seat of your boy shorts.  The sexual tension was too powerful for your weak defences. Against your better judgment, you let your eyes flutter closed, and lips pucker expectantly anticipating the moment his lips would meet yours. Except Taehyung had other plans.
He shifted his head to the right, placing a gentle kiss on the lobe of your ear. Slowly moving his lips up to the outer shell of your ear.
You couldn't help the surprised moan that left your mouth as you unconsciously tilted your head back, offering your neck to his probing advances.
"Would you like me to prove you wrong?" Taehyung challenged in a whisper. His deep voice sending shocks of pleasure zinging down your spine. He trailed his lips down your neck, pressing gentle kisses against the surface. You had to choke back the moan that threatened to escape you at the feeling of his soft lips on your neck.
"N-no, Taehyung." You panted breathlessly.
"I don't feel like finding my glasses to look at something too small for the naked eye to see." You spoke, resolute on getting in one last insult. Taehyung pulled his face away from your neck, growling at your words.
"Haha, hilarious." He laughed humorously.
He pulled your body away from the wall, hoisted you up over his shoulder with a small grunt, and made his way to his bedroom. Kicking the door open before unceremoniously throwing you on his plush king-sized bed. 'Not good'.
Taehyung stood at the edge of the bed staring at you with unadulterated lust clouding his eyes. His chest heaved heavily with anger or arousal, you weren't sure. But based on the sizable tent in his pants, you could guess the latter.
"Taehyung! I already told you I don't want to see your baby-." You started but was cut off by Taehyung grabbing your ankles and pulling you roughly to the edge of the bed, pouncing on you. His lips met yours in a kiss that stole your breath away. The kiss was sensual and firm, but you could tell he was holding back.
Taehyung snaked his hand up your body, and into your hair, giving it a sharp tug. You gasped at the slight pain giving him a clear path to ease his tongue into your mouth, coiling itself around your own, deepening the kiss further. He thoroughly explored your mouth not leaving one surfaced untouched by his tongue, greedily swallowing your needy moans. Fuck he tasted good. Like oranges and burnt sugar.
Taehyung detached from your mouth to remove his shirt and to help you remove your tank top as-well. Your nipples pebbling from the chilly air and arousal. His eyes studied your body, you wanted so badly to shield yourself away from his unwavering stare.
"You're so beautiful. I've waited so long for this." Taehyung whispered before attacking your throat with kisses. You whined out in pleasure, your hips bucking up with every love bite he delivered, your body was aching in need for more.
"Tae. P-please more. G-give me m-more." You keened in between pants of air.
Your hips now undulated in tiny circles as Taehyung trailed his kisses down your neck, to your breast. He sucked and bit the soft skin around your nipple lightly. Soon his tongue gently wrapped around your nipple, sucking it into his warm mouth, while his hand teased the other breast, kneading and pinching your nipple. Your moans were increasing in volume, at his assault.
Your legs widened on their own accord, making more room for Taehyung. Your pussy was weeping profusely. The boy shorts you were wearing were thoroughly drenched, and with each movement of your hips, your arousal perfumed the air. Releasing your nipple, he continued his way down your chest, moving his lips across your stomach. Down, down he goes until he's kissing you down to where your torso joins your pelvis. He trained his eyes on you, eager to see your reaction as he pulled your boy shorts off from your body with a wet smack.
"Tell me what you want love. Use your big girl voice for me." Taehyung cooed in a provoking tone. You would have told him to fuck off if it wasn't for his mouth hovering right over your clenching core, his hot breath attacking your pussy lips.
"Cat got your tongue? You sure did have a lot of things to say earlier." Taehyung teased once more. You moaned with each word he said, your hips thrusting upwards, hoping to find his mouth.
"Please! Just touch my pussy, lick it, do something! Stop teasing me!" You urged, bringing your hands up to stimulate your breast, you didn't know how much more teasing you could take. You could feel your essence seeping between your ass cheeks and coating the bed. The dull ache in your stomach was intensifying, and he had barely touched you.
"Mmm, well since you begged nicely." Taehyung replied, wasting no time in attacking your pussy. His broad tongue licked wide strips up against your pussy. Splitting your lips with the appendage with each pass to dip his tongue into your pulsating hole. Your hands found his soft brown hair as your back arched off the bed, pushing your cunt deeper into his face.
"Y-yeahfuck! Like that it's so good!" You whined slurring your words.
Taehyung shifted his probing muscle's attention to your clit, attacking it with kitten licks. You shouted loudly, as your thighs were beginning to shake. The coil in your stomach tightening almost painfully. He wrapped his strong arms around your thighs, your knees were hitched higher up almost touching your chest in this position.
But this way, he had much more leverage to devour you. The comforter on his bed bunching uncomfortably beneath your ass but at this moment you gave zero fucks. Taehyung had total control now, showing no remorse as your upper body thrashed about on the bed. Your hands were no longer able to reach his hair, so you opted for your own instead, pulling harshly on your roots.
"Fuck, Taehyung!" You wailed shrilly. Taehyung chuckled at the sounds you were making, remembering your words from earlier he couldn't wait to hear what you sounded like taking his dick.
He then rubbed two thick fingers in the abundance of fluids that your pussy was producing and gently eased them into your tight core.
"Not only is baby girl surprisingly noisy, but she's also pretty tight too." You clenched even more around his fingers, your wall throbbing wildly around them.  
"I can't wait to feel you around my dick." Taehyung moaned sucking your clit into his mouth, delivering hard sucks as his fingers pumped into you at a moderate speed. Sadly, the introduction of his fingers was your undoing. You couldn't help as your legs stuck straight in the air. Body arching off the bed and bowed forward as your orgasm hit you like a freight train knocking the wind from your lungs.
Your eyes were shut tightly, and your mouth hung open in a silent scream as your body convulsed from the intensity of your orgasm. Taehyung had a hard time holding you down but continued his assault on your creaming pussy. He slurped as much of your cream as he could, absolutely addicted to the way you tasted.
"T-Tae, stop-p." You called out to him pathetically. Your intense orgasm had passed, but he was still thrusting shallowly inside your tight core, lapping at your clit. The oversensitivity was becoming too much, as you struggled to wiggle away from him. Taehyung withdrew his fingers and ceased his licking with one last kiss on your clit, making you flinch at the contact.
Taehyung beheld your fucked out appearance with pride. Your legs splayed open, displaying your spasming cunt. The way your chest was swiftly rising and falling as you struggled to catch your breath. Your hair stood up in every direction from your previous pulling, body trembling with aftershocks, and all he did was eat you out and finger you.
"Wow." You mumbled your eyes closing, sleep trying to claim you.
"Oh, nonono. I'm not done with you yet." Taehyung proclaimed, flipping you onto your stomach. He had to admit he was the hardest he had ever been in his life. His pants were now unbearably tight, and a wet spot at the crotch of his pants started to become visible. Taehyung tugged the offending material off hissing as his massive erection made contact with the air, free from being confined. You lifted yourself with jelly arms onto your knees, wanting to see what the commotion was behind you.
You choked on your spit for the second time today, as your eyes made contact with the angry red monster Taehyung called his cock. Not only was he unbelievably thick; a little bigger than your wrist, but he was also long. In his hands was the living definition of a third leg. He was crazy if he actually thought that would fit inside of you?
"Fuck that shit!" You cursed trying to scramble to the headboard of the bed, but Taehyung halted your escape, grabbing your ankles and yanking you back.
He would have laughed at your reaction, but he was too turned on, there was so much blood rushing to his cock he felt lightheaded. He wasted no time in putting you back in your previous position. Pulling your ass up so that it was sticking in the air and your torso was lying flat on the bed, his hands gripping your hips hard enough to bruise.
"Tae! Wait...you can't be serious!" You tried pleading with him terrified that thing he called his dick was going to tear you apart.
"Not so little am I baby?" He snickered
Don't worry, you can take it I'll go slow." Taehyung groaned his voice strained, his arousal was beginning to take a toll on him. Taehyung grabbed his shaft and brought the bulbous tip of his cock to rub against your clit. You mewled with pleasure, his tip was hot and the pre-come he was leaking added to the sensation of relaxing and reigniting your body.
Taehyung continued to stroke his tip along your clit thoroughly coating it with your thick fluids. He placed the thick head at your entrance, your juices helping him to slide in. He watched in amazement as your leftover cum gather around the head of his cock in a coating out creamy white. Your body tensed up at the massive intrusion, your cunt pulsated wildly around him, drawing a deep groan from his throat.
"Baby relax, you're squeezing so tight." Taehyung moaned out affected by your spasming core. He reached his hand underneath your body and strummed at your clit once again, coxing you to relax.
Taehyung took your distraction as his cue to shove the offending length inside your prone pussy. You squealed at the sudden fullness and intense burning. Bucking your hips, trying to dislodge him. It was too much to take, especially at this position. Your pussy was going to rip in half.
"B-bi-iig-g. To-o mu-ch." You whined out stuttering horribly.
Taehyung gripped your hips harder to stop your fitful twisting and bucking. He felt as though he was about to explode you were so damn tight and wet, your bucking didn't help his case any either. He didn't wait this long to finish early. He refused to be a one pump chump. Taehyung reached his hand back underneath your body to locate your clit, rubbing it in firm tight circles, to help relax you, and sure enough; like magic, after you adjusted to his massive size, your body was suddenly filled with mind-numbing pleasure. Your whimpers turned into loud groans as you threw your hips back onto Taehyung, giving him the okay to start moving.
"Hell yeah. That's it, baby girl work this tight little cunt on my cock." He grunts before he withdrew his length and slammed back in, his dick splitting your sensitive walls, hitting every spot inside your clenching cunt. His strokes were fast, broad, and powerful, never had you felt so full in your life. Your mouth was gaped open, as shrieks of pleasure fell from your jaws, drool dripped from your lips, and dots blurred your vision. You could feel him in your guts, branding himself inside you. The coil in your stomach was quickly tightening, ready to release what was no doubt, going to be the most intense orgasm your body was about to experience. Taehyung could feel your core tightening up further, your tight little pussy was far better than he could have expected, he wanted to punch himself for waiting this long to indulge in you.
"You're taking this big cock so well, baby. Such a good girl." Taehyung growled.
"But I have a secret to tell you." You shivered as he stopped mid-stroke. You felt the warmth and damp skin of his torso drape over your back. Like pudding in his hands. You didn't even flinch as he brought his large callused hands up through the part in your breast to wrap around your throat.
Ever so slightly he squeezed the sides of your neck, you felt him throb in your stomach as you clenched even tighter around him at the action. Slowly he lifted your head up with his hand still on your neck. Again he squeezed. Bringing his lips down to your ear, he said, "Would you believe me if I said you're only taking half of me in."
The way your jaw dropped and your eyes bugged out of your head would have been comical. If you weren't genuinely terrified, that is.
"O-nly half! That's impossible I swear your touch my small intestine already." You tried to look back to see if he was lying or not, but he tightened his hold on your neck, forcing your head back to look up at him. Your body was now bowed in an almost perfect 'C' shape. You felt his other hand snake around your abdomen and press on the bulge that was his cock poking through your stomach. Again he throbbed in excitement.
"You were talking such a big game earlier baby girl, what happened? Surely you could all of a dick that's as little as mine. Right?" Taehyung scolded in your ear.
Little by little, he began pulling you more on his cock by your neck. And fuck he really wasn't lying he really had more length to feed your cunt.
"Ta-ae, pleaseplease n-o more-e, I can't take it m-my stomach hurts." You whined
"Hmm? But you're so close to taking all of me in. Just a few more inches, and I'll be all in." He responded.
Not wasting any more time he released your neck, and before you could fall down to the bed. He locked his fingers in your hair and firmly yanked, lifting you off the mattress, and into his arms, allowing himself the rest of the way in.
You screamed out as his hips met your ass with a wet smack. The increase in pressure coupled with the new position broke the levee to your release. You trembled uncontrollably as your orgasm started from your toes. Quickly spreading to your arms and head before finally spreading throughout your whole body, you were rendered speechless as your orgasm claimed you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as a burst of white light flashed behind your eyes, incoherent sounds of what was supposed to be Taehyung's name filled the space around you.
Through it all Taehyung continued to fuck into you almost violently, allowing your cores convulsions to wash over him. His body dripped with sweat as he briefly picked up his speed, his hips beginning to stutter. He held your thrashing body close to his as delivered his last couple of thrusts before moaning loudly and exploding his hot seed inside of your wrecked cunt.
You both fell breathlessly on the mattress, sweat polishing your skin, exhaustion quickly making its way to claim you. Taehyung pulled slowly out of your battered and swollen pussy. On wobbly legs, walked to the restroom to get a washcloth to clean the mess that was between your thighs. You moaned at the textured touch of the cloth and the dampness of it soothing the hot burn from your pussy.
Your whole body was numb, and you were utterly worn out, so much so, that when Taehyung pulled you into his arms, you didn't even argue.
In the morning you will definitely be having a word with him. But for now, you let his racing heartbeat lull you to some much-needed sleep.
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cocosstories · 3 years
Loki One Shot
Hi! Can you do a loki x reader one shot where loki didn't die in infinity war cos reader saved him and he's starting to like her afterwards
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Everything had happened so quickly. One moment you and the rest of the population of Asgard were on the ship, praising Thor, the new King, for saving everyone, the next the ship was overrun by Thanos and his 'children'.
You were born and raised on Asgard, your family nowhere noble in the least but favored by Odin and Frigga nonetheless and made to be aids to the throne.
Even with you being a bit younger than them, you grew up with Thor and Loki, learning from them and getting in trouble along side them just as much.
While everyone praised Thor for his accomplishments as well as expecting him to ascend to the throne one day, your eye was always on Loki.
"There is just something about him."
You would say to your friends when they would tease you about being in love with him, you always playing it off as admiration, which was true enough.
You were nowhere near as powerful as Loki but your powers were impressive nonetheless.
When you were no older than three years old, you began to show promise in the world of precognition. In other words, you could see the future.
Loki had always been impressed by your talents, even coming to you when he needed help with one of schemes.
As you got older, your feelings for him only deepened, even after everything he had done, you just couldn't shake it.
And now, here you were, your home destroyed, taking refuge on a ship that was now being taken over by a force set on distruction.
"There are two more stones on earth, find them my children and bring them to me on Titan."
"Father we will not fail you."
"If I might interject, if you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena."
Loki walked from behind some wreckage where the two of you had been hidden.
"If you consider failure experience."
"I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos, I Loki, Prince Of Asgard, Odinson, the rightful king of Jotunheim, god of mischief, do hearby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."
As Loki spoke,  you saw the dagger appear in his hand just out of view to Thanos.
As Loki lunged the blade towards Thanos' neck, he was stopped by the newest stone he has collected.
"Undying? You should choose your words more carefully"
Thanos grabs Loki's arm, twisting it so the dagger falls out of his hand to the ground. He then grabs Loki by the neck, lifting him off the ground as Loki struggles helplessly to break free.
"You...will never be...a God."
Were the last words he says before Thanos crushes his neck, killing him and throwing him down in front of Thor who is being held.
Your mind comes back to the present just as Loki begins to offer his services to Thanos.
Rembering what is about to happen, you carefully make a move from your hiding spot and towards Loki.
Just as the dagger appears in his hand, you rush forward and take it from him, startling both Loki and Thanos equally.
Before Thanos can go after you or him, Loki grabs your hand and teleports off the ship and to what you can only guess is a safehouse of some kind, somewhere on Earth.
"Why would you do that? What were you thinking? He would have killed you!"
As soon as you had reached your destination, Loki was yelling at you, furious at you for ruining his master plan.
"No Loki, he would have killed you! I saw it happen. With even just the two stones he has, he is more powerful than any other being in any galaxy! You would never have gotten the blade near his skin and I couldn't just let you die!"
You screamed back at him, your emotions uncontrollable as the premonition from before replays in your mind again.
"So you risked your life to save mine? Why? Why would you do something so incredibly careless and stupid? You know what I have done. If Thanos would have killed me it would have been retribution for everything I have done in the past. I was willing to give my life to at least try and save everyone else. Why did you stop me?"
For the first time in a long time you saw something only very few people had seen in Loki before, sincerity.
"How is it stupid and careless to save someone you love?"
The last word came out as a whisper, you finally admitting what you had spent so long trying to deny.
His head shoots up to to look at you.
"When you have faked your death before, each time I mourned, kicked myself for not saying the one thing I longed to say to you. But in the back of my mind, I had always had hope that you would come back, that it was another trick and it always was."
You stopped to take a deep breath, trying and failing to keep your emotions in check as you speak.
"What I saw tonight, it would have been real, you wouldn't have come back. You would have just been gone and I couldn't let it happen. I love you Loki. I have always loved you."
Realization hit him like a bullet as every single question as to why you constantly came to his defense or helped with was of his schemes was now answered.
He wonders how he could have missed it. How could the truth that was so clearly in front of him, be so lost on him?
You had always been there. Always ready to drop everything to help him.
You were never seen in any sort of romantic relationship, never even showed interest in one. Not that you weren't perused, you actually had many suitors in your time, all of which you had turned down without even a true answer as to why.
It had always intrigued Loki and now he knew the truth.
You watched as your revelation swirls in Loki's head.
As the minutes pass, you begin to plan your escape route, wanting nothing more than to run away and never look back.
"Y/N, wait."
Just as you reach the door, Loki grabs your arm.
"Loki, just forget I said anything ok? You are the Prince Of Asgard and who am I? No one. If it weren't for my parents being aids to the thrown, you wouldn't even know me. You wouldn't even.."
He stops you, taking your face in his hands.
"I wouldn't be alive. You aren't no one, Y/N. Not to me."
With that, he kisses you.
It was gentle but the passion behind it was felt through your whole body.
The kiss ends and you look into his eyes, searching for an answer to the question you can't quite get out.
"I should have seen it before. I should have known. I'm so sorry it took me this long. I love you too, Y/N."
You smile with happy tears as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him, kissing you again.
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