#sister goldstein
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walnutmistjamie · 1 year
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fave Ted Lasso moments 14/? : Hello Uncle Roy!
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roykentschesthair · 4 months
Sooooo…..I realize that you can’t base character age off of the actors age, but, there’s a significant age gap between Brett Goldstein and Sofia Barclay, who plays his sister.
Does that gap exist for the characters? Because if it does, that opens up so many possibilities for the family dynamic.
There’s 18 years between the actors, if that translates to the characters (which it might not) then Roy was already professionally playing when his sister was born.
Was his ability to be financially secure and therefore take care of his family a factor?
Did he take care of her in certain ways because he was independent and could?
They obviously have a solid and loving relationship if for no other explanation than his intense love of Phoebe and her idolization of him.
Was she an oops baby? Change of life baby?
Is there not meant to be a huge age gap between the characters?
I dunno. But I think about a young Roy Kent, angry and self conscious and doing the best he can and it makes me want to cry. A Roy Kent who was sent away at 9 (which is insane and not at all typical no matter someone’s talent)
Roy Kent, young and grieving his grandfather and feeling so alone.
Roy Kent, who now has money and fame and people he doesn’t know smile when they see him, say his name with joy and admiration and buy him a pint.
Roy Kent, who feels just as alone in that crowd of people as he did as a boy who never learned to ride a bike.
Roy Kent, who looks at his infant baby sister and rearranges his entire life to be able to be the solid, stable family that she needs and he never got.
I just cry about Roy Kent a lot.
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eveneechan · 10 months
Happy Fantastic Beasts Anniversary Day ✨
Compiling my FB fan animation that i made around 2019-2022 to celebrate the day
(Mostly focus on Tina Goldstein since she deserves better)
Wish if they can't continue the movie yet, at least they adapt it into other media like animation 🥺
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afrenchaugurey · 9 months
So... I quit my WIP yesterday, just the time for a little fluffy soothing Yule fic. I wrote that short OS in a couple of hours yesterday and posted right away on an impulse because I missed and needed them.
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"A soft Yule"
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I hope you'll enjoy and Happy Holidays no matter what you celebrate (or don’t).
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
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Queenie: yeah and TINA IS SINGLE
Tina, glaring: shut up
Newt, tripping down the stairs: 🎶NOW LOOK AT ME AND THIS OPPORTUNITY🎶
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Headcanons in my Wizarding World where it is Newt/Leta and Tina/Theseus:
Newt and Leta are aroace soulmates
Their marriage proposal was like that one vine where they were just chilling in bed, and Leta just looks over at Newt and says “wanna get married?” And Newt just shrugs and says “sure”
Tina and Theseus are long suffering older siblings and worriers
Tina meets Theseus by returning Newt like he’s a lost cat and saying “I found something of yours”
Theseus obviously worries over him and is distressed™️, and then he looks over at Leta and says to Tina “I have two of them can you take one?”
Tina and Theseus being the appointed mom and dad of the group
Bonding over how stressful taking care of younger siblings is
But they adore their baby siblings
When Newt goes to America or Queenie goes to England, they show up at the dock and just say “I’m babysitting you”
Again, Leta and Newt are like two cats that constantly get in trouble
Leta is the cat that looks you dead in the eye while she swipes a mug off the counter and onto the floor
I’ll probably expand this but feel free to add your own headcanons that fit this world
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Tina & Queenie
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them:
JK Rowling: These sisters are orphans. They've really raised each other.
- A Look Behind the Magic
Alison Sudol: So you have two sisters who have raised each other and have a very deep bond.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Behind the Scenes
Alison Sudol: They grew up together and are very close. Their parents died when they were young, so they essentially had to raise each other. Each sister is the older sister and the younger sister in a different way as each has very distinct qualities that the other needs. They look after each other and complement each other beautifully. It's just how Katherine and I are together naturally.
- News24
Alison Sudol: But one thing that was very clear to us is that, because we lost our parents so young, we always took care of each other. And we acted very differently to the circumstances because we're very different people. Queenie is younger than Tina, so Tina took on more of the responsibility of the two of them and also because Queenie is an empath, essentially. She was also quite vulnerable. Tina also took it upon herself to be more protective. So I think that influenced everything that happened with their school days, but it's a very sweet thing to see that moment [Ilvermorny school song], as you said, because for us, the relationship as sisters in the movie is kind of just implicit; it's implied. You kind of just get the sense that these two are incredibly close, but you never really get to see that much of their shared history, and so it was just a moment for us to play with that as well.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: It’s beautiful because they are so different. They both really compliment each other in really lovely ways. Tina’s very strong and very ambitious and hard-working and also very protective of Queenie, and Queenie really loves her and looks up to her, but also sort of looks after her heart, and they are both mature in different ways and they bring those things together to look after each other and they are each other’s whole family, which I think is such a beautiful thing, and you see it in little moments throughout the film, just little bond.  
- Douban
Katherine Waterston: Really, until these men come into their lives, Tina and Queenie are everything to one another— sisters, best friends, parental figures. They were forced, I think especially Tina, to grow up quickly because they lost their parents young, but despite that painful fate their dynamic is very youthful and sweet. As the older sister, Tina definitely feels Queenie is her responsibility and is very protective of her. Of course, Queenie, being a legilimens, can see that Tina is, beneath the surface, very vulnerable and in need of protection, too.
- Female First
Alison Sudol: think it's a really beautiful relationship. It's two sisters [who] have basically raised each other because their parents died when they were very young. So there's a mutual caring for each other. It's not like older sister-younger sister, because I think in some ways Tina is more grounded and an adult, but then Queenie has this deep empathy and such an unbelievable amount of perception about everybody but especially about Tina. So there's a real care and a warmth, and they occasionally are like [sisters] and bicker, but we didn't want it to be that kind of relationship because it's so much more about the love that they have for each other. And that's just present. It's not even trying to show it. It's just there.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: Queenie is love. Queenie loves Tina with her whole heart and it's incredibly painful when people just see some idea of her that isn't true. They miss her humanity because the way that she looks.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: It's a lovely dynamic, because we're so different, and yet we essentially raised each other, because our parents passed away when we were kids. There's this deep love and care, and a strength between the two of them, because no matter what, we are going to look after each other. We don't need to make a big deal out of it: it's just a fact that they love each other.
- Filmink
Alison Sudol: It can make you feel quite lonely, to have something that differentiates you from people like that. Obviously, it deepens the connection between Tina and Queenie because she knows so much about her sister without having to ask. That helps her help Tina. But she also has to protect herself and be aware of how [being a Legilimens] affects her. Tina's the safest person for Queenie to be around.
- Snitchseeker
Alison Sudol: Yeah, I mean, I think she's quite powerful, and she hasn't really had the opportunity to stretch that muscle, really. It's not something that she ever even really talks about. You can tell because people don't know that she's reading their minds, so you know she's not well advertised as a Legilimens. And I don't think that she's ever really had the need to utilize it. I think it's like as a woman, I've noticed with myself and with my friends, there comes a moment in time where you suddenly really need to access your intuition. And once you start doing that and trusting your intuition, it gets stronger and stronger and stronger. And you realize that there may not be a limit on it if you continue to develop that. And I think it's the same with Queenie. I think that she and Tina have a particularly deep bond, and that love makes it grow exponentially, and who knows what she can actually do? Which is quite exciting.
- Mugglenet
Katherine Waterston: I have a sister and I found it so brilliant that JK Rowling gave one of us the ability to read minds. There’s something really bizarre about it, even if you’re aren’t twins it can be that sort of connection. I thought the legilimency aspect was a good metaphor for it.
- British Vogue
Alison Sudol: Tina and Queenie are each other's family. They are each other's everything. You want to give Tina a hug all the time and Tina seems like she needs a hug. Where Tina's wanting to be the best, Queenie just loves life. She's very playful and joyous. She doesn't have a shell. What I love about Queenie is that she sort of plays with magic. It's very easy for Queenie to just love Tina. There's the kind of love that nothing can change between them. That's a very beautiful thing. You don't need to prove how much you love somebody if you love them enough, and that's how I feel with Tina and Queenie.
JK Rowling: Queenie who's much more relaxed than Tina, but is someone who is underestimated constantly. She's a Legilimens. So the girl who's always looked at can see more deeply than anyone else. 
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them blu ray extras: The Goldstein Sisters
Dan Fogler: Katherine plays the darker side of the sisters. She's more cerebral, but also has this great vulnerability. Katherine's a fantastic actress and what she brings to the role is a very specific sensitivity, but also strength. Each one of them is trying to find themselves. They're all fish out of water; quirky misfits who form this little family. And each one has something that is beneficial to save the day.
- The Case of Beasts: Explore the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Alison Sudol: That was quite important to us that was there. There's not a lot of time that we have as sisters time. That's actually why Ilvermorny song scene was so nice because we actually got to be sisters. We decided early on that it was gonna be really important to have certain cues or certain things that we learned in our childhood, so you could just see that there is this relationship there. There are certain things that just happened naturally.
In the strudel scene, there's a moment when we talk to each other and I'm scolding her for making bad food choices, tiny bit. We tasted things at the same time. It's just those little moments, but it's really just like the undercurrent of sisterly love we just had to just lean into.
A lot of it was in the moment. There's this moment when we taste something at the same time. There's the way that we set the table. She was settting the table and I was cooking. That was like proper ballet. That was the first main scene that we shot. We had like "You do the forks and I do the apples. You do the this and I do the that." It's just the way two people, two siblings live together and make dinner every night. 
- Leaky Con
Alison Sudol: You have these two sisters who have raised each other and so we have a very deep bond. But it's an isolated and lonely life, and these two men come into our world and they're very, very different and exciting and intriguing and our lives are suddenly transformed within a night, being on the run and part of a gang. I think that's something we all want to do. We all want to be part of a gang.
- The Case of Beasts: Explore the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Katherine Waterston: This is what's so amazing and kind of insane about working in film is that sometimes you just met the person and then you have to move around in a space together so you do it everyday. So we kind of scrambled to quickly figure out how they would prepare the room together. Whose chores are whose. So I was sort of setting the table with my wand and she was preparing the meal. We developed a little like superstitious kind of salt over the shoulder toss thing just to kind of give the audience a sense of their life together that is very insulated and private.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them On-Set Interview
Katherine Waterston: You sort of feel the relationship more than you see it. When we are preparing the meal, there's little banter that's very everyday and lived-in and comfortable. It is the kind what I would describe as actually sort of witchy way that sisters engage with one another. Having a sister myself and Jo has one too, it just feels very true. I really love how much they are the centre of each other's lives and take care of one another. The way that they relate to one another is very sweet, and the thing that makes them really close is something really really painful. I really thought it was an indication of Jo's skill and intelligence as a screenwriter to know that you don't always have to express the feeling on the line.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them blu ray extras: The Goldstein Sisters
Katherine Waterston: And I’m a bit more the father and she’s a bit more the mother. Queenie has a generous, maternal quality to her. She cooks beautiful, elaborate meals. And maybe, in their loneliness, they’ve fallen into that dynamic, where I’m trying to be the breadwinner, and she’s doing the ironing. On one level it’s a throwback relationship: they’re the mother and the father they lost. Then also, there are aspects to both of them that I think are underdeveloped, because they never really got to be kids. So, on another level, they’re like two kids in their bunk bed, and maybe part of the journey in the film is just bringing them to their actual place in the world.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News: The Stories Behind the Magic
Katherine Waterston: She wants to be Sherlock Holmes, but she's Oliver Oyl. She's sort of klutzy and flailing and hasn't quite come into her own yet and feels sort of invisible. You know, men walk into lampost when her sister goes by, call her "Sir". So, I mean, I think there's just a real contrast there, but she's not jealous of her sister at all. They love each other so much. She hasn't really found her place. She hasn't had a chance to kind of blossom yet.
- Yahoo
Crimes of Grindelwald:
Alison Sudol: So already in last film you see she's kind of breaking the rules by coming back to Jacob and then this time around, you see that they've been in a relationship for a while. It's caused a huge rift with her sister and because she has this gift and she's been seeing into people's heads for so long and has never fallen in love with the way that she falls in love with Jacob, I think she's got a little bit of desperation not to lose that and because she's got the added thing of you can't have this, it pushes her to make perhaps not the wisest of choices, which we've all done in love. She just so deeply and desperately wants love and when Tina can't accept that and Tina's her only family, it means that everything is kind of on Jacob and so she's sort of going to have Jacob, whether Jacob likes it or not.
- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Makers, Mysteries and Magic: Chapter 6
Alison Sudol: Well, I think in Queenie's case, because she doesn't have a family except Tina and when Jacob comes in, that's the family that she wants to make her own family with. I think that she so desparately wants to be normal and she is not normal. She isn't in contact with her gift at all and she has a gift of a very powerful wizard and she just wants to be kind of almost not her and I think that is a large hole in her that is able to be exploited, because she thinks that something is very special about her is not wanted. 
- Inside Warner
Alison Sudol: I mean, she wants love and family. She is an orphan and Tina was her only family, and then Jacob came into the picture, and Tina didn't prove of Jacob, so there became this sort of thing like, "OK, well, Jacob will be your only family." And then that's not allowed. So right then and there, that's quite complicated.
- Crimes of Grindelwald World Premiere in Paris
Alison Sudol: Ultimately, you have this young woman who desperately wants to have a family because she's an orphan, it's always been her and her sister, and then she falls in love and the man she falls in love with alienates her from her sister because her sister's a real rule-follower and they're not supposed to be together these two. So right there, the foundation of her family is ruptured. It's not solid anymore and she wants to solidify it so badly. And then she makes some decisions which maybe in hindsight are't necessarily the wisest, but she's just doing what she can, out of a lot of fear.
- Coupe De Main
Alison Sudol: Also the problem is that she's been protected by Tina their whole life. She's the younger sister, and Tina, as we know, is a pretty big rule follower, and so it's caused a rift between the two sisters as well. So, as she goes through this journey, just see what happens to someone that's been very protected their whole life, who suddenly is sort of not protected, and who has this gift that she's not really in a dialogue with as well, and what happens when you put those things together.
- SiriusXM
Alison Sudol: I feel like in some ways she’s too there and that’s part of the problem. She’s tapping into all human beings at all times and that’s a lot for one person to hold and everybody closest to her is always going, ‘Don’t read my mind.’ So she has a huge power and yet is made to feel like she’s nothing and that’s bad. That could make anyone feel crazy.
Jacob doesn’t come with her. It’s not so much about Jacob not coming with her to the dark side, it’s like, ‘Jacob, walk with me, we’re in this together.’ And she doesn’t have those two [Jacob and Tina], so who does she have? Newt’s kind of betrayed her — he called her out, it was embarrassing. What does she have?
- Entertainment Weekly
Alison Sudol: She had been incredibly sheltered by her sister, Tina, and for good reason, so she needed to be protected.
- Supanova
Alison Sudol: And she is very innocent. She is unprotected. She is heartbroken. She's been abandoned. I mean, think about where is Tina in all of this? Tina was the one who was looking out for her, and she wants change. The system that is currently in place is the system that is keeping her from being able to love the person she loves.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: She was manipulated by somebody after having been rejected by her sister, who was like, "Where's Tina?" Jacob wasn't great, didn't handle that well and neither did Newt. So the people that she loved the most were not there for her when she's clearly vulnerable and clearly struggling.
- Brussels Comic-Con
Alison Sudol: I hope that when people watch this they remember that love is driving all of these things. For Queenie, the choices that she's making may seem out of character, but if you think about what she's been through — the fact that her sister isn't there for her when she needs her — I would hope that people stay with her as a character on her bumpy ride.
- Exclaim
Alison Sudol: The wizarding world, including her sister, let her down, limiting her ability to be who she was and to love who she loved.
- Secrets of Dumbledore Production Notes
Katherine Waterston: Really all of the drama between Tina and Queenie occurs between the first and second films, so you hear about it, you do not see it. So that was a big responsibility for Alison and I to bring this history that you don’t see play out in the film to the film, but the weight of that relationship and the fracturing of that relationship I felt I could carry with me throughout this whole story. It’s an extraordinary loss for Tina, and I think it kind of explores an important lesson about dealing with and confronting the troubled relationships in your life. If you assume that you can do it later, you may not have that chance, and I think that in a way, Tina, in trying desperately to save Credence, misses some opportunities to repair her relationship with Queenie before it’s too late. 
- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Makers, Mysteries and Magic: Chapter 7
QUEENIE Disapparates.
TINA retaliates, throwing a curse at GRINDELWALD, but the circle of fire lashes out in ever more violent spears. GRINDELWALD conducts the flames as though leading an orchestra, the Elder Wand his baton, as the forks of fire strike at AURORS attempting to Disapparate or flee.
- Crimes of Grindelwald: The Original Sreenplay
Katherine Waterston: I was thinking when Callum was saying that the intentions may be very good, but you essentially can be speaking in different language, that he wants to protect his brother, Tina wants to protect Queenie, and Queenie simultaneously feels very unprotected in that situation, because protecting her is safety, but I'm not considering her dreams or her heart in that sense. JK Rowling's very good at exploring the shades of gray. It's not so simple. The simple version would be, "You've gotta follow the rules and I'm enforcing them because I love you." And Queenie would say, "Oh, that's so sweet of you. Thanks." But the world is not so simple, and I think as the series goes on, we are seeing that in all of the storylines. There isn't an easy answer. We all have to work it out for ourselves.
Callum Turner: Yeah. I guess also in hindsight, this is only when you realize what you've actually been doing. Right? Whether you've been overbearing or...
Katherine Waterston: Yeah and the cost of it. 
Alison Sudol: Yeah, the consequences.
Katherine Waterston: In this film, Tina does realize the consequences of not being more open to her sister's perspective.
- SiriusXM
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
which sibling dynamic be reminding you of daylight by david kushner? i honestly think it could fit ANYTHING
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emmyzamor · 1 year
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The most precious sisters. 🩷💄🌷✨
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uefb · 2 years
I love the Goldstein sisters 😭
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pinazee · 1 year
Did roy ever talk about his parents? Did we get anything from his backstory except dead granddad and poached when he was 9? Did they die or something? With one kid being a doctor and the other a champion footballer im just so curious.
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eveneechan · 1 month
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I feel like haven't enough appreciate her looks on FB1 so i decide to make her a badass wallpaper with FB1 outfit for this year's birthday 🔥
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I also just doing test printing her as keychain 🔥 (Maybe in future i want to make it as standee too)
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herwold · 2 years
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girl4pay · 1 year
about to write a novella about how everything roy says about how jamie is childish and was born a prick is projection even when jamie is being a childish prick because he can’t disconnect jamies career starting from his career ending which is why he’s like genuinely flustered and fucked up by it whenever jamie is a normal human being around him
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