#sita sings the blues
parlerenfleurs · 4 months
A beautiful song from the movie Sita sings the blues
Sita, a Hindu goddess and wife of Rama, was abducted and kept captive by an enemy for some time. When he came to deliver her and kill the guy, Rama asked her to undergo the trial by fire (Agni Pariksha) to prove she had remained "faithful" and was still "pure".
She did, and the flames didn't hurt her, but as for her heart after such a cruel request, it is perhaps another story
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fandomshatewomen · 1 year
It’s a shame that Sita Sings the Blues is a good movie but Nina Paley is a TERF.
so ok that was a trip.
here's a trailer for the animated movie
but here's her views on gender according to wikipedia
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here's the link
mod ali
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
Even MORE movies to watch while tripping on psychedelics...
Ok, I'm going to list things I saw before but never on psychedelics (trying some of these tonight) that EVERYONE says you MUST see:
#3-Alice in Wonderland. A lot say the newer ones, but most say for the magic, the old 1950s/60s disney one.
#2-Fantasia (ORIGINAL. Some reason, the 2000 one is not as liked).
#1 (I hate saying this cuz of hollywood, but people keep saying they lost their MINDS seeing this tripping. Like it CHANGED THEIR LIVES): Fucking Avatar (so safe to say the sequel will prob be up there too).
Movies I have seen (as a reminder cuz the OP of this is old):
<most I was IN the movie or interacted with me>
-Big Lebowski (I was the DUDE)
-Enter the void (took me THREE times to get thru. It's INTENSE visually and emotionally).
-Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (the most fun watching a movie tripping balls for me. But I loved the books and movie already. So a good idea may be start with a FAVORITE movie <visually or philosophically> that you haven't seen in at least a decade)
-Under the skin (again, another visually hard one to get thru. It's...freaky watching people melt)
And before I continue, again, FUCK imdb. The #1 thing when looking for stuff to watch when tripping is is it fun to watch? Or at minimum, help you to grow? Cuz a lot of their movies to watch while tripping are movies ABOUT tripping, but most are fucking horror or thriller movies. Almost as if to scare you away from them. Enter the void and under the skin show death, in detail, but it's not meant to horrify, just remind you of the human condition, how fragile we are, etc.......tho the end of under the skin still freaks me out.
So here's NEW recommendations that I did not find mostly anywhere. Here's a link to the first.
<Do not forget the 1970s foreign film 'stalker' is on youtube too, and it is a philosophical masterpiece. I only watched sober cuz of the subtitles>
Another is Fantastic Fungi but that's kinda a documentary. Same with a lot of these visual documentaries like planet earth, and Baraka.
Koyaanisqatsi, which I can not find ANYWHERE, but the wiki of it makes it sound AMAZING! 1980s time lapse art movie? Yes please. <IF YOU FIND A LINK PLEASE SHARE>
Again, I have links to almost all of these so hit me up if you need them.
But finally one I have yet to watch, and took me FOREVER to find:
Again my last post from...months (years?) ago took off, and I just wanted to make the best list of safe things (overall. I warned you many times of enter the void and under the skin) that are fun to watch or help you grow while tripping balls. Please PLEASE add anything if I haven't mentioned it (in this OR the last post). Just please nothing BIG or OBVIOUS that anyone would think to watch (I feel like a slut for mentioning avatar, but....it's on too many lists to ignore).
<like waking life, pretty animal/planet documentaries, or most animes. No shit those would be fun to watch tripping. I've just seen spirited away and howl's castle so many times, I don't think they would effect me as much. I bet space dandy would be hella fun...why'd they cancel that? No more cowboy bebop to rip off? haha.>
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maine-is-canadian · 22 days
I wonder what would happen if Nina 'copying is not theft' Paley and Harlan 'sue you to death' Ellison were alone in a room together.
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revretch · 1 year
Yikes, already thought "Sita Sings the Blues" was ugly as fuck but now I know it was made by a TERF so fuck it completely lmao
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Update - re: Focus and Rags
So remember how I said I’d be working on my first original comic next, Rags, now that I’m done with TMA: Encore?
I haven’t actually worked on it in months. I’ve instead been hopping between other writing projects and working on a much less conceptually complicated video project.
And that makes me feel terrible. But the thing is, I’m not sure I should feel that way.
On this edition of I’m Having to Rethink the Way I Learned to Make Art and Am Posting About It to Organize My Thoughts and Maybe Help Someone Else, I’m gonna be considering the entire purpose of why I make art. Wheeee here we go.
POINT ONE: The Thing vs. the Making of the Thing
So I was raised to make art as an object, not an action. Any project needs to have a beginning, middle, and end, or else it’s a failure. I accepted that because people encouraged it. Having a finished piece that people would appreciate made me feel good. And I liked having a finished piece of art. The drive to see something sparkling and complete in my hands has pulled me through many a difficult spot in a project.
However, it was always framed to me as a business thing, extended as a self-worth thing. If you want to be an Artist, you have to produce art. You have to sell it effectively. It’s about proving that you deserve the role of making art in the first place. The second I started being “good” at art, people were telling me to cut out the “bad” pieces for my portfolio. And that’s awful. I can’t stand the fact that that’s something someone taught me before I turned ten.
And that’s what Rags is. Was. Is. I had a really low point a couple months ago where I never felt like I’d measure up in life if I didn’t start selling my art. Rags is a fully original idea with a finite scope that could be made into a book and sold, which might bring me closer to the role of Artist. The story and design of it are all tributes to things that I love emotionally and writing it brought me joy, but it was being made out of a fear of failure and inadequacy. That’s... also awful. Honestly. I don’t want to make art for that reason. I may never get to make art full-time or even part-time, but nobody can take away my role as Artist. That’s just not how it works.
Furthermore, I don’t think finishing things even why I make art. I make art because the act of making it does something for me. It’s interesting. It’s educational and a little bit spiritual. It’s a physical stim and meditation activity. Writing feels like a simultaneous act of building and solving a puzzle. Drawing, painting, and sculpting feels like a wild experiment with turning feelings into lines and shapes. Making art about bigger art may be a never-ending copyright firefight, but it helps me process why I like that art.
And therapy. Art’s a great opportunity for therapy. It is the only form of therapy that has ever helped me. Pouring my woes and flaws into the shoes of my characters and then having to research and conceptualize solutions for them to build their arcs is a kind of self-loving praxis that is slowly peeling back layers and layers of trauma and ignorance in me. I want to do it and share it with people forever.
In embracing this, I remembered that my childhood wasn’t all business anxiety. There was also this really cool person making the coolest videos I’d ever seen and giving it out for free on purpose. Her name’s Nina Paley. Go watch Sita Sings the Blues.
POINT TWO: Going in Circles
So having the object of art hasn’t turned out to be as valuable to me as doing the process of art. Which is why I can’t seem to finish anything. Which is because I rapidly switch between projects. “Rapidly” sometimes means spending months on something or an afternoon, it always depends.
This never happened to me as a kid, but it’s been a nonstop occurrence in my adult life. Maybe it’s just that I don’t have eight classes worth of homework to keep my ambitions down anymore, I don’t know. But I always felt bad about it. It’s the kind of thing the kids with ADHD in the seats next to me got yelled at for. And I should get yelled at, because it means I’m never going to get anything done.
Well, no. Because that’s not the point. And fuck them for yelling at people.
Also, I do get a lot done. I looked back at my personal website a few weeks ago and felt floored looking at all the little things I’ve made over the years. No big impressive monetizable comics, but a lot of cool ink drawings, some weird paintings, a big group project, and one music video that I literally still can’t believe I made. (Here’s a link to all that, if you wanna look at it, too.)
I through my docs and found so much fun writing that I’d given up on because I “failed” to finish it. So I went back to them, and now they’re a little bigger and even more beautiful than before.
I did all that amidst the circle-going. Because I’m not broken. That’s just how my brain works. Leaning into it works so, so, so much better than fighting it. I realized this while watching an anituber I like, Hazel, talking to her illustrator wife on a Q-n-A about how they get projects done (genuinely can’t remember which one, but here’s her channel). It turns out that they both cycle through projects like I do and have both made enormous and wonderful bodies of work (and careers) that way. I can’t tell you how good it felt to find that out.
POINT THREE: What now? / TL;DR
I’m gonna not latch onto big projects... declaratively anymore. I’m just gonna post updates to things I’m working on currently. If the thing I’m fixated on is a thing that’s already on the index, I might put a little flag to it so that people popping by can see what I’ve added to most recently.
But in short, I’m treating the blog as more of a living archive. I might even put up stuff from my website, too. If I make a poster, it’s a poster and not an announcement. I've always wanted to make trailers for big projects, but it would be better off interpreted as a stand-alone thing made for the sole joy of the art of a trailer. Dev art is dev art. Etcetera.
If I get something big all the way done someday, that’ll be icing, not the cake.
Right now, I’m working on an animatic entitled Chuncho, about Yma Sumac and birds and Peruvian festivals. Here’s some stuff from it:
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I’m trying to get it done by mid-September (Yma’s birthday). But if I don’t, that’s okay.
As always thanks for reading,
Rainbow / Carlie
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hindulivesmatter · 7 months
pls post this ask bc not many ppl r taking it very seriously. sita sings the blues. is. not. an. accurate. representation. of. the. RAMAYANA!!!!! share this post as much as possible. it paints shree rama as a toxic husband and completely erases the good lessons of the story just to stir hate among the audience. dont belive me? do ur reaserch. u will be disapointed in how much potential was wasted in the making of this film.
very well. i have not watched it but others can take note.
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kikiswords · 8 months
im on my mythology shit (watching sita sings the blues)
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neonhotelsign · 10 months
I think if people watched sita sings the blues they’d calm down a bit more 🫰
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Have you seen "Sita Sings the Blues" its a animated retelling of the Ramayana also free on YouTube
I have NEVER seen this OMG THANK YOU XD
This was a wonderful watch! Esp with the commentary! I feel like I have learned so much!
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cartoonradfem · 2 years
when i was studying animation, we watched Nina Paley's Sita Sings the Blues... it was so inspiring to me.
it's sad to think that her animation work will not be shown in modern animation classes just because she is pro-woman.
and yet we study misogynistic males and their work no matter what.
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apple-mash-blog · 23 days
Witchcraft & Waffle House with Rick | Practice Podcast #020
Traditional witchcraft, inner alchemy, the great work, spirit contact, and southern cooking. No links for Rick, atm. Check #019 for skype/discord links to Milton’s servers. Got too drunk, late upload srry4thawait xD Links: The Mystery School Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWL-f1YBw48NKF1PasvuAM5oyiT73A12i Sita Sings the Blues: https://youtu.be/RzTg7YXuy34
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bunnyandbooks · 2 months
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel
A feminist retelling inspired by the Ramayana, focusing on Rama's step-mother figure, Kaikeyi. Most of the novel focuses on Kaikeyi's early years as opposed to strictly following the story of the Ramayana, Rama and Sita don't even show up until the later half of the novel and explores what shapes Kaikeyi's character and drives her to do the act for which she is forever remembered in infamy.
I should preface that I don't know much of the Ramayana. I watched Sita Sings the Blues years and years ago, but it obviously took some liberties with the source material. And I'm cognizant of the fact that this story is akin to scriptures to some, so I was eager to read a take by a Hindi author.
To prep myself for the story, I just did a quick wiki search on the figure of Kaikeyi and was surprised to see that at the end of her story, Rama forgives her when he returns from exile, which is a marked departure from Western treatment of the evil stepmother figure in folklore. The book wastes no time in setting up that Kaikeyi is not an "evil" or malicious figure from the beginning to the end, but she's akin to a cosmic plaything so often found in classical mythology like Oedipus. Like Oedipus, she's fated to commit the horrific act of betrayal (the banishment of Rama) by the gods, who conversely withhold any blessings, help, or guidance from her precisely because she's going to betray Rama. The cards are stacked against her from the beginning, much like her own mother who was banished for failing her father's impossible test.
I also appreciated Kaikeyi is an ace protagonist, which I haven't really seen in much YA. It takes away the sexual dimension with which to malign her, and put emphasis on her mutual respect and friendship with her husband (until Rama's influences overtakes him, that is). And she's explicitly set up as Rama's mother, not his stepmother, as the sisterhood of Dashareth's sisterwives take equal ownership of each others' sons. You really do get a sense that she wouldn't have chosen to exile Rama without good reason to.
All-in-all, it's a fairly effective retelling from Kaikeyi's perspective that matches the beats of the original story but isn't afraid to add its own embellishments. A lot of the blame is placed on destiny and Rama's own divinity that he didn't know how to wield, but if there's a villain at all, it's the conservative religious figures who ignore the value of progress and maintain the status quo. Ironically, we're ultimately shown they are right, Rama is meant to cleanse the world of evil, but the blame rather lies in giving him such narrow instruction that he fails to see the world beyond his own perceived glorious purpose. We never do get to see Rama's return, but she's forgiven by the rest of her family save her husband.
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wahwealth · 3 months
🪷Sita Sings The Blues (2008) | Animated musical comedy-drama | Full Movie
Sita Sings the Blues is a 2008 US animated musical romantic comedy-drama film written, directed, produced, and animated by American artist Nina Paley.  She weaves a story of "ancient tragedy and modern comedy".  The film has been exceptionally well received.  For example, Rotten Tomatoes gives it 100%! Cast Sanjiv Jhaveri as Dave, Dasharatha, Ravana, Dhobi, and Valmiki Nina Paley as Nina Aseem Chhabra as Shadow Puppet 1 (Hanuman) Bhavana Nagulapally as Shadow Puppet 2 (Sita) Manish Acharya as Shadow Puppet 3 (Rama) Deepti Gupta as Kaikeyi Debargo Sanyal as Rama Reena Shah as Sita (Speaking) Annette Hanshaw as Sita (Singing) (archived recordings) Pooja Kumar as Shurpanakha Alaudin Ullah as Maricha and Hanuman Nitya Vidyasagar as Lava and Kusha Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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dharshie · 3 months
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Personal Info
Nationality: Indian
Gender: ♀ Female
Age: 12
Height: 152cm (4'9)
Hair: Navy blue
Eyes: Black
Hobbies: Singing
Family: Sita
Friends: Rebecca Whyatt
More Informations
Fandom: Dharshie (Fandom)
Dharshie genuinely appears to be a nice and well-mannered girl, but she is shown to be fairly vain and proud over her achievements and accomplishments. She appears not to be on the best of terms with her little sister at times, and has a short patience. She also has no problem mocking Sally or Doowee. She appears to like singing and was looking forward to singing with Rebecca.
Dharshie has tanned skin and black eyes. Her long, dark blue wavy hair is worn in a ponytail, partially over her shoulder. She has a red bindi. Normally she wears a white blouse with green details, a red skirt, yellow shoes, and a pair of blue and white bracelets that match her earrings. During sports, Dharshie wears a yellow top paired with red pants and small yellow earrings. She has her hair tied up in a bun.
Season 1, Season 2 - Standard
Season 2, Episode 44 - The Invincible Racer
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Dharshie's Home
Season 1, Episode 10
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Season 2, Episode 30
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pivnoff-blog · 5 months
Смотрите классный мультфильм "Sita sings the blues" ( Сита поет блюз) мю...
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