#six mlb au
mielkexnn-miraculous · 2 months
I know that I’ve been dead for like eight months and there’s absolutely no precursor to this on my blog but,,
I can’t stop thinking about the whole “Plagg replaces Adrien’s arm” possibility for the All Left AU, and more specifically the fact that it wouldn’t be safe for Adrien to hold food in that arm bc it would mysteriously go missing.
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maximum-potential · 2 years
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Mlb mha au juleka and luka!
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so-were-heroes · 2 years
Spongebob weirdly reminds me of Katherine Howard in a way. Both are young and childish, but have been forced to handle mature themes (such as being exploited by your boss or sex*al harassment). And still managed to sing and dance to try to keep up on smiling…
This video sort of shows what I am saying: https://youtu.be/n6jf_u3dz0o
(Also, headcannon: K. Howard and Bob are siblings in the AU. Gary was a gift she gave him).
I might make them cousins and make them as close as fanon Mirabel and Camilo 🤷🏾 We’ll see
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bradshawssugarbaby · 2 months
Girl, You're My Angel - Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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summary: Bradley Bradshaw's a down on his luck first baseman in the MLB, struggling to find his stride in the game he loves so much. A wedding invite from his ex-wife is enough to convince him to go for a drink, trying to forget about everything going on. He wasn't banking on meeting you though.
pairing: baseball!Bradley Bradshaw x reader (nicknamed Angel)
warnings/content: baseball au, mentions of divorce, smoking, alcohol, reference to drunk driving, bar fight, mentions of blood, Bradley having a dirty mind.
word count: 3k.
taglist (also tagging those who were interested in Take One For The Team since it's a similar vibe and explains the lack of updates lol): @avengersfan25, @jessicab1991, @atarmychick007, @b-bradshaw, @nouis-bum, @mamachasesmayhem, @floydsmuse, @kmc1989, @dckweed, @katfanfic, @nerdgirljen, @whatislovevavy, @mrsevans90, @averyhotchner, @yuckosworld, @tgmreader, @allepaula, @lourd-ita, @mariaenchanted
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The booming bass drum of a classic rock song thumped in your head as you gripped the cocktail glass in your hand. The liquid sloshed around in the glass as you danced, swaying to and fro with your best friends, trying your best to enjoy yourself on your girls’ night out. Your finals had just wrapped up, and you were this much closer to earning your masters, the only thing standing between you and getting that embossed sheet of paper, was your grades. To unwind after the cram sessions you’d mustered your way through for the past month, your friends dragged you out to some new amusement bar in the Gaslamp Quarter. 
Across the bar, on the other side of the room, stood Bradley Bradshaw, a once promising baseball star who now, had earned himself a reputation as the MLB’s resident asshole - unable to take criticism or a loss without lashing out at someone. His recent stunt involved hurling his baseball bat across the diamond when he struck out in practice, frustrated with his sudden lack of skill, a skill that once came so naturally to him when his mind wasn’t preoccupied. 
The invitation had come in the mail two days before the bat throwing incident. His ex-wife, the one who left him two and a half years ago, was remarrying the fucking prick she cheated on Bradley with. The invite had come completely out of the blue, and when Bradley opened it, he felt all of the air leave his lungs as his fingers traced over the gold embossed lettering, donning her name and the name of her new fiancé. He’d never admit it to anyone, but that single piece of cardstock had been enough to reduce him to tears, slumping down the kitchen wall as he hugged his knees to his chest, crying loud enough that it made him thankful he had no neighbours near by.
Bradley had pulled himself together, lit a cigarette from the pack he’d been nursing for the last few months, reserved only for social events and times of pure stress, and got in his vintage Ford Bronco, his first purchase when he signed his first contract. Taking a drag from the cigarette, his brown eyes scanned over San Diego’s downtown core as he cruised past a few of the typical nightlife spots - each one a little too public for what he wanted. All other options exhausted, he pulled up outside of a newer bar that had opened the previous week, neon lights advertising an arcade on one side and drinks on the other. 
He figured if nothing else, a couple of rounds of Pac-Man on an old video game after a handful of beers might do him good. He could leave the Bronco parked there and walk to the hotel around the corner, and forget about how his ex-wife’s wedding was coming up in six months, how she’d had the audacity to invite him to see her marrying the guy he’d walked in on her with.  
He sidled up to the bar, nodding his head to the bartender in thanks as he ordered himself a beer. Standing across from him was a group of women, not much younger than him, gossiping and giggling together. He sized the group up, thinking to himself that maybe a one-night deal was what he needed to take his mind off his ex. 
You were the tallest girl of the group, with bright eyes, and hair brushed back in a sleek, high ponytail, sporting a form-fitting cocktail dress that made Bradley’s heart race when he saw you. He pounded back the rest of his beer, trying to find his confidence in himself once again in the comfort of the drink. 
Bradley set his empty bottle down on the bar top before walking his way around the circular counter. He rested his elbow on the bar, leaning in with a broad smile as you looked in his direction. He offered a polite wave of his hand, chuckling awkwardly as he felt his confidence wavering as he spoke to you. 
“Hey, could I buy you a drink? He said simply, his Virginian accent dropping into a thicker drawl than usual.
“I’m good, thanks, still got one,” You held up your half-full glass and shook your head politely, not wanting to reject him too brutally. 
Bradley nodded his head once at you, his smile faltering for a second. He quickly regained himself, smiling once again politely before grabbing himself another beer and heading over to the arcade, resolving that a couple of old-school video games might make his night a little better. 
It wasn’t that he wasn’t used to rejection - he’d been turned down almost as often as he’d been accepted, but for some reason, your rejection stung just that little bit more. Maybe it was the wedding invitation still making things sour, or maybe it was the fact that the mere sight of a girl hadn’t been enough to make his heart accelerate like this in a long time. He shook his head once, trying to focus his train of thought once again on something, anything other than what was currently occupying it. 
Baseball? Too stressful, his game was starting to slip up on him. Buying a puppy? No, it’d just be one more thing he could let down. Hitting the gym? He already went 6 days a week - if he went any more frequently, he’d have to consider moving his bed in there. 
His mind raced as he pressed the buttons on the video game, moving the small yellow circle across the screen, collecting points between sips of beer. Behind him, he heard a couple of guys shouting at a tv screen, the sound of the latest sports highlights blaring out in the background. 
“This Bradshaw asshole needs to get his shit together. Twenty-nine and he plays about as well as my ten year old. Drop him down to the minors or get rid of the bastard. He shouldn’t be missing plays like this.” One of the voices shouted at the tv, his friends nodding their heads in silent agreement with his rant.
Bradley felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand at attention as the insults about his playing continued to spout from this guy’s mouth. He couldn’t have been much older than Bradley was, one of those armchair commentators who probably hadn’t swung a bat since Little League. As the criticism continued, each jab focused directly at Bradley’s game performance, missing one play that cost a game - one that he’d already been feeling pissed off about - it became harder to ignore. 
“I bet that hot little piece of ass wife of his left him because she knew he was a dogshit baseball player.” 
Bradley spun around on his heels so fast that he swore the room was spinning. He turned to face the group, crowded in a corner in front of the tv, faces all glued to the female commentator. Bradley could practically hear the derogatory thoughts they were having about her and it only fuelled his anger more. 
“Hey, man, if you’ve got an issue with how I play the game, I’d like to see you get off your ass and go play nine innings against Boston. Keep my ex-wife’s name out of your mouth.” Bradley scoffed, narrowing his dark brown eyes at the trio. 
“You got a problem, jackass?” The other man growled, raising an eyebrow at Bradley as he slammed his drink down on the table. “She probably left you for that rookie because even she knew you weren’t good for anything.”
“That so? Your wife would probably like to go a couple rounds with me though.” Bradley retorted, a devilish smirk forming on his face as he folded his muscular arms across his chest. 
Before Bradley had time to blink, the man drew back his arm and landed a hard punch to Bradley’s jaw. Bradley quickly delivered a stronger hit to the man’s face, watching him stumble backwards for a second. Bradley turned around and walked outside, getting ready to light another cigarette as he ran his hand over his jaw, assessing if he had any damage to worry about. 
The man returned, practically running outside after Bradley. More heated words were exchanged, insults flying between them both before the man delivered another hit, this time to Bradley’s nose. He shook his hand off and headed off down the street with his friends, disappearing off to the next bar. Bradley held his nose, blood dripping down from his nostrils and onto his hand. 
You and your friends had heard the commotion when it unfolded inside, and decided to head out, having enough excitement for one night. As you stepped out, you saw the man who’d hit on you earlier, this time with his nose bleeding onto the pavement under him. You ran over to him, raising an eyebrow.
“What did you do, hit on a girl who had a boyfriend?” You asked playfully as you rooted through your purse for something to help clean his nose.
“Called a guy out for saying my ex-wife was a “hot piece of ass”, actually,” Bradley nodded once, gratefully taking the tissues from you and using them to clean his nose. 
“Stick your hand out for a sec,” you instructed, squirting a dollop of scented hand sanitizer into his large palm before raising an eyebrow at him, “You don’t have anything I could catch from helping you without gloves?”
“What the hell is that suppose to mean?” Bradley scoffed, trying to laugh but wincing instead, “And why the fuck does my hand smell like a flower?”
“Lavender hand sanitizer. It’s not as good as washing your hands, but it’ll do while we’re outside. And I’m going to hold the tissues in place while you rub it into your hands, but I don’t want to catch something. I’m just fresh out of latex gloves.”
“Good thing. I’m allergic,” he laughed, shrugging his shoulders as he tried to brave through the pain, “I’m clean. You’re fine. I get drug tested and physicals through work constantly.” 
“What kind of a job provides those? Military?” 
“Professional athlete.” He nodded as you pinched the tissues to his nose, applying pressure to help with the bleeding. “Fuck, that hurts.”
“Your nose is broken, it’s suppose to hurt.”
“What are you, a doctor?”
“No, just wrote my finals for a masters in nursing.”
“Close enough,” Bradley nodded slightly, cringing as you continued to apply pressure to his nose.
You rooted through your purse, laughing softly as you pulled a tampon out of your bag. Bradley raised an eyebrow at you, not quite registering what the item was until you pulled the plastic wrapping off of it, stuffing the garbage back into your purse.
“What the fuck do you plan on doing with that?”
“I need to stick it up your nose on the left side. It’s bleeding more than I’d like to see, and a broken nose should probably be set in a medical setting. This way, you won’t bleed all over my car.”
“Your car? You’ve been drinking.”
“Half a vodka-cran over the span of three hours? I think I’m probably not gonna blow over the limit.”
“You are not sticking that up my nose,” he replied stubbornly, arms folding over his chest like a petulant child. 
“Look at your shirt,” you laughed, gesturing to the white floral print button down he was wearing, its collar now tinged with red and pink splotches. 
“Fine,” he said with a reluctant sigh, “but if anyone finds out about this, I’m denying it.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” you nodded as you offered him the plastic applicator. 
Bradley rolled his eyes and reluctantly pressed the bottom of the applicator, pushing the tampon into the edge of his nose. He looked at you with another dramatic eyeroll and shook his head before walking down the street to a garbage can. He discarded the applicator before turning to face you, sighing. 
“I can take myself to a hospital, you know.”
“I’m already here, I may as well come with you. Besides, I feel kinda bad about turning you down.”
“Oh, so you’re taking care of me out of pity?” He teased, raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe. Even more so with a tampon hanging out of your nose.”
“It’s quite the fashion statement, isn’t it?” He laughed softly, unbuttoning his dress shirt. He shrugged the shirt off his shoulders, revealing a clean white t-shirt. 
You unlocked your car, the familiar beep as the doors unlocked causing Bradley to stifle a laugh.
“What is that?!” 
“My car,” you responded matter-of-factly, “What does it look like?”
“One of those cars for a Barbie doll that my goddaughter plays with,” he said as he flourished his hand, gesturing to your pink steering wheel cover and coordinating seat cover.
“Listen, I like pink. Now are you getting in, or do I have to make you?”
Bradley’s eyes widened for a moment, your playful threat of making him get into the car sending his mind into a frenzy again. He eyed you up and down again, and found himself shaking his head as he wondered what colour underwear you had on under your dress. He bet it was probably a coordinating pink set - the kind that Victoria’s Secret mannequins would model in the store window, with delicate little bows or lace or something adorning them. 
Focus, Bradley. She doesn’t want to sleep with you. Stop thinking about her.
He sat down in the passenger’s seat, watching as you hopped into the driver’s side. As you pulled away from the curb, he raised an eyebrow at your choice in music as Taylor Swift started blaring from the speaker.
“You can change it if you want to,” you nodded. “You can put on whatever.”
“No, no, It’s fine. I actually like this song.”
“You said you’re a professional athlete? What sport do you play?”
“Baseball,” he said, slowly nodding his head, “my headshot’s on a flag outside of Petco Park.”
“I thought I recognized you, you’re that player everyone always talks about, right?”
“Unfortunately. It’s rarely good things.”
“How come?”
Bradley sighed, raising an eyebrow, “You know they talk about me but not why?”
“I don’t follow baseball, I've actually never even seen a game, live or on tv. I just know my friend does and she told me everyone talks about you. Bradshaw, right? Number 10?”
“Yeah, that’s me. Bradley Bradshaw. First baseman, used to have a promising career, then, you know, wife cheats on me with a rookie from a rival team, catch her in a hotel room that I paid for with him, and then, despite me stupidly telling her I forgave her and you know what, I was pissed, but I loved her anyway and I blamed myself for her cheating, she served me divorce papers. Said I was incapable of loving anything but baseball. Says the woman who refused to do anything with me when I tried to be loving and affectionate. My friends swear she only married me for the status and the paycheck. Her new fiancé just signed a multi-million dollar contract that’s being talked about as one of the highest in the league, so it sort of checks out.” 
“Jeez,” you whistled, shaking your head, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. It was two and half years ago. I just, I haven’t found my stride again yet, I guess.” 
“Is that why you got defensive about her?”
“They said she left me for this other guy because she knew I was a dogshit ball player. I mean, it’s probably not far off. But, I got an invite for her wedding in the mail today, and I was already on edge, so I sort of…snapped.”
“She invited you?!” 
“Yeah, like that, huh? She probably thought I have someone new I’m seeing and that we could still be friends or some shit.”
“So you need a date?”
“I’m not going,” he said firmly, shaking his head. “I’m not going.”
“Why not? Free drinks for a night, you can wish her well while secretly hoping her husband’s ball career washes out on him in a year or two.”
Bradley chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he gestured his hand towards you, “I like your thinking actually, but I’m not going alone.”
“I’ll go with you,” you offered, shrugging your shoulders, “When is it?”
“In six months, you don’t need to come with me though. I’ll send her some cheap gift and call it a day.”
“No,” you insisted as you pulled into a parking space at the hospital’s urgent care clinic, “I’ll come with you. I love a good revenge story. Besides, it could be fun. I’ve never partied with a bunch of baseball players before.”
“You’re…you’re something else, you know that?”
“You mean, you don’t have dozens of women offering you a tampon to stop your nosebleed, driving you to the hospital and then offering to accompany you to your ex-wife’s wedding date?” you challenged.
“Can’t say that I do, no.”
“Well, I’m honoured to be your first.” 
Bradley couldn’t help his ear to ear grin as he followed you into the hospital. Despite his bloodied, battered nose, which was hurting more than he cared to let on, and his fledging career, falling apart around him as he stood there, he felt genuinely excited. Excited to get to know you better. Excited to see where things went with you. He felt a promising sense in your words - like maybe, just maybe, he might be able to be done with one-night-stands and empty beds in the morning. He felt giddy, like a teenager going on a first date with his high school crush. He wasn’t sure if it was the pain from his nose or the alcohol talking, but he was almost convinced you were a guardian angel of sorts. Refusing to believe that someone like you could be anything but. 
First things first though, he needed to bring you to a baseball game. 
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
should i continue with this au during the off season?? summer content / hc's? lmk in my imbox or send me some hc requests!
taglist, @whenmypartysover
part one / part two /part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine
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liked by _quinnhughes, jamie.drysdale and 7,238 others
blakefriarr_: facetime woes cause regular season is almost over and i'm being very brave about it (i told three of them to find a summer sport and get real good at it real fast)
roll call!
trevor just picked up the phone like that. no more questions will be answered at this time.
i called luke and he was like this'll cheer you up and then every sophomore on that hockey team made a series of unfortunate faces. he looks like he bites.
i called quinn and he was very good at advice but he also happens to have this weird sixth sense where he knows when i'm about to take a ft photo and he moves out of frame :( however, petey came in clutch and got me that lovely photo
i knew jack and nico would be together cause why wouldn't they be at this point and jack got me a very nice photo of nico being very smiley. they both proceeded to tell me that they can't just join the mlb so i can watch them play sports. was not a fan.
adam just knows me so well. he saw that i was sad and he was like look at this 👹 and then proceeded to show me his older brother knocked right out fully aware that this would be posted publicly. everyone get you a rookie (u can't take mine)
dawson also cheered me up but this is not the platform for that kind of media
view 659 comments..
jj.friar31: this is not the platform for that kind of media??????? there was media made???????? why do you continue to say these things where i unfortunately have to subject my eyeballs to reading them
→ nicohischier: i agree with jj what does that even mean y/n
→ blakefriarr_: let's just say the playoff beard will take some getting used to
→ nicohischier: oh good god okay
luca.fantilli: i thought we were friends
→ blakefriarr_: we are! this is what comes with that <3 learn to deal
_quinnhughes: not sure how i feel about petey having stole your number from my phone
→ blakefriarr_: really? i’m feeling great about it
→ blakefriarr_: also you’re very uncharacteristically early to my comments what’s going on
→ _quinnhughes: i can’t have just been on the app when you posted?
→ blakefriarr_: obviously not or i wouldn’t have asked
markestapa: i do not bite
→ blakefriarr_: you can’t prove that
→ markestapa: what if i just didn’t bite you
→ blakefriarr_: just so you could bite other people when i’m not around???? i don’t think so
nicohischier: you’re still mad i won’t try and get signed to the mlb!?
→ blakefriarr_: i thought you loved me, neeks.
→ nicohischier: sorry honey i have a family to spend time with and baseball is not really my strongest suit
→blakefriarr_: all i’m hearing is excuses
dawson1417: always a lovely surprise waiting for me when i click read more on your caption
→ blakefriarr_: you brought this upon yourself this is literally how we met
→ dawson1417: i figured it would calm down after i asked you out
→ blakefriarr_: you figured wrong
dawson1417: do you per say trust jj alone in the apartment during the off season
→ blakefriarr_: dawson.
→ dawson1417: i'm just making conversation
→ blakefriarr_: ... dawson
→ dawson1417: blake?
→ jj.friar31: don't pretend like you haven't had your two weeks notice written up since he asked you to come up to canada for a few days
→ blakefriarr_: now is not the time to be snitching james
→ dawson1417: thank you for the encouragement jj i will now bother her endlessly until she agrees
→ jj.friar31: you're doing me a favour man have you met her
→ blakefriarr_: i'm sorry i couldn't hear you over my car, my boyfriend and my id badge to get into the family lounge at the rock
trevorzegras: would you rather me have not picked up
→ blakefriarr_: if you ever send me to voicemail i'm taking jamie hostage
→ trevorzegras: that's what i thought (take his guitar with him)
→ blakefriarr_: (no)
ryangraves27: my picture didn't make it in /th
→ blakefriarr_: /th???!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!? / THREAT?!?!?!?!? WHY ARE YOU THREATENING ME GRAVY
→ ryangraves27: you said i should use tone indicators /nm
→ blakefriarr_: why would you even be mad at me to BEGIN with
→ ryangraves27: idk /a
→ blakefriarr_: awh
_eliaspettersson: i'm stealing you from quinn
→ _quinnhughes: no you are not
→ blakefriarr_: @/_eliaspettersson hide in his suitcase when he comes down to jersey you can have jj's room
→ jj.friar31: no he cannot
→ blakefriarr_: 🍃
→ jj.friar31: he's welcome any time
→ _eliaspettersson: did you just threaten him
→ blakefriarr_: yeah :)
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verfound · 7 months
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 26: Séance (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
Daisy, Daisy Adair, for those unfamiliar with the show, is a reaper who comes in to replace my favorite another reaper about six episodes into S1.  She’s the self-proclaimed Queen of the Blow Job and uses that bluster to mask a lot of negative self-feelings.  She’s beautifully tragic, once you get past the “I miss Betty and don’t like you” of her.
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3
To Feel Alive Again: Ch26: Séance
“But –”
Marinette paused, Luka’s front door open barely a crack, and listened to the irritated voices inside.  Well.  Luka sounded irritated.  The other voice – Théo, she was pretty sure – just sounded annoyed.  Whiney.
“Luka, friend -” Théo tried again, just for Luka to cut him off with  a harsh we’re not friends, “– be reasonable!”
“I am being reasonable,” Luka huffed.  Théo tutted.
“All right, be adventurous then!” he cried.  Luka snorted.  She heard movement closer to the door and bit her lip before taking a nervous step back.  She needed to knock.  She needed to –
“I made a friend and saved a dog from the accident that was supposed to kill him,” Luka snorted, his voice closer.  “Now I have a graveling infestation and a shedding problem.  I think I’ve been adventurous enough this year.”
Marinette paused again, her hand raised to knock.  A graveling infestation?  What was Luka talking about?
“Don’t do it for you, then – do it for me,” Théo wheedled.  “I need money, Luka!”
“Then get a fucking job,” Luka bit.
“That’s what I’m trying to do!” Théo cried.  There was a rattling slam on the other side – like Luka had just slammed the fridge door closed.
“A legitimate job, dumbass,” he spat.
“It is legitimate!  Daisy said she does this all the time!” Théo said.  “One hundred percent foolproof!  Grieving families will shell out hundreds for a message from beyond – and you knew the beyond personally!”
“…Daisy?” Luka asked, sounding incredulous.  “That’s your ‘foolproof source’?  Théo, that girl was –”
“A genius, I know,” Théo said, and Luka scoffed.
“I was going to say slut, but apparently that’s too insensitive these days,” he said.
“You only say that because you never took her up on her offer,” Théo snorted, and Marinette found herself pausing again.  “She was quite talented, my friend.  Might have loosened your tight ass up for once.”
“…we’re not friends, and my ass is just fine,” Luka bit.  “And I call her a slut because of her…’offer’.  Jesus Christ, Théo, don’t you remember the shit she caused the month she was here?  Mendeleiev was a nightmare for months after she left.  Do not instigate anything.”
“I’m not instigating – I’m – whoa!” Théo yelped, and the next thing Marinette knew the door was being thrown open and Bach was jumping on her with a deep, excited woof.  She fell back, her butt hitting the carpeted floor, then fell back again as Bach crawled on top of her, snuffling and woofing at her as he tried to lick her face.
“Bach, Bach, easy!” she laughed, even though she knew the poor guy couldn’t hear her.  She looked up, panting, once she finally got him to step back and saw Luka grinning down at her.
“You are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, hooking a hand under Bach’s collar to tug him back and extending another to help her up.  Théo was at his side before she could say anything, a slimier grin on his face.
“Marinette!  What a surprise.  Come here often, pet?” he asked, and she pursed her lips as he leaned towards her.  When she didn’t answer, he sighed and turned towards Luka.  “Think about it?  I’m willing to do an even split.  Fifty-fifty.”
“I’m not faking a séance with you, Barbot, and if you dare even try I will tell Mendeleiev,” Luka said, no room for debate in his voice.  Marinette’s eyebrows rose in shock.  “Especially if you try it with that family.  Have some respect for the dead, you ass.”
Théo just rolled his eyes, nodded towards Marinette, and strolled down the hall, whistling.  Marinette looked back at Luka, frowning.
“…séance?” she asked, and he groaned as he ushered her inside.
“Don’t ask,”’ he sighed.  “Théo’s an idiot.  Your company is much preferred.”
She smiled as he closed the door behind her, and he froze when she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Your company’s preferred, too,” she said, humming happily as she took Bach from him and headed towards the kitchen.  When she glanced back at him, he was still standing by the door, a dumbstruck smile on his face.
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san-shui · 5 months
masterpost XD
Hello welcome to my nonsense of a blog! The name's San and my pronouns are she/her. It's not much but I figured that I should create this to organize what I post and write. Also feel free to send asks or anything and chat!
#my writing – literally anything I write
#asks – q&a with me
#san speaks – random shit lol
FANDOM STUFF (mostly from AO3)
Six the Musical
#Araleyn College AU (ACAU) – Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn in college/university
#araleyn vampire au – a fun idea I had along with my bat anon
sueñito – six the musical x in the heights au with @theglareyousee
songfics – one shots inspired by songs
It's in the Past – Anne Boleyn and Jane Seymour confront each other (one shot)
On Monday – Parrmour x Miraculous Ladybug (inspired by @djts-arts's Six MLB AU)
#love - all – a sashanne series revolving around a tennis racket lol
Prom? No or No? – sashanne in high school (one shot)
A New Destiny in the Stars – after 78 years, Anne dies and chats with the Guardian one last time (one shot)
A "Dinner" Date – a sashanne date . . . sort of (one shot)
Firebringer - Team Starkid
An Opportunity to Grow – canon divergence of a Jazzalil moment
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rys-redcrackle · 2 years
redcrackle once-again-enemies-to-lovers AU (definitely not heavily inspired by @buggachat's bakery enemies AU - if you're seeing this your AU has breached fandoms I am so sorry I DON'T EVEN WATCH MLB AND I'M HOOKED) where:
Six years after the 2-years-later epilouge of the show, Carmen, assisted by ACME, has finally caught and detained every last operative of VILE.
every last operative but one.
Carmen has no idea whether he's still a practicing criminal or not. Chief assures her that there is no need to worry about him, and she's choosing to believe her. In the back of her mind, though, she still worries that she killed him and Chief is just saying this to placate her.
She tried to trace him down during our six year gap but HE. IS. NOT. IN. AUSTRALIA.
Her life's mission finally completed, she heads back home in Buenos Aires to live with her mother, for good (to clarify she did live with Carlotta for a while and then decided nah I'm just gonna like. Get 'em all first.)
So like, stuff's good, it's good. She still gets nightmares about 'killing' him sometimes (for me <3) but it's all good
so there's this new guy serving in the nearby cafe. he's strangely familiar but she cannot guess why.
she H A T E S him because he reminds her so much of The Other Guy
Little does she know, it is none other than Graham Calloway himself.
he H A T E S her too for the same reason
oh did I mention
they both have changed sO MUCH
so much that they don't recognise the other
"so, gray-"
*voice kinda breaking* "gray-ham."
"a-ah. right. grayham."
or even
"what's YOUR name?"
she still goes by carmen but like. something tells her not to give away her name to this guy (it's me im the something)
"oh. i thought you might be. someone i used to know."
"do you?"
"no, I don't think I know you."
"what's your name?"
"... graham"
*suspiciously* "oh nice, last name?"
"are you interrogating me?"
"r u d e."
they don't realise they're talking to the very same carmen and gray they used to know. graham gives her a fake last name and carmen falls for it HOOK LINE AND S I N K E R
slowly the hate turns into dislike. dislike into 'hey this dude is not that bad'. 'hey this dude is not that bad' into bestie.
bestie into 'oh.'
probably featuring fake dating because I want to play around with that trope
"oh noooo i have to pretend to date this guy noooo i have to kiss him on the lips whaddaya mean amatonormavity means that I can get away with just awkwardly standing around him and people won't notice. how dare you assume I'd fake mistreat my fake date"
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morewonders · 2 years
I asked for prompts and @spurlunk said “Bridgerton sports AU,” which my brain immediately interpreted as “Kate/Anthony Pitch AU.” Sorry about it. This is just a part of it because I somehow wrote like 3k of this today? So maybe I’ll finish it at some point? IDEK.
“I’m not worried about some upstart pitcher barely out of the minors, are you kidding?”
Kate hears the rest of the team laugh. “Right, right,” one of them retorts. “Scared of a girl, Bridgerton?”
“Gender has nothing to do with it,” the first player says. “The MLB doesn’t discriminate and neither do I.” 
Huh, she thinks. That was almost enlightened.
“It’s about experience. This is my team, and no rookie is going to take that away from me.”
On second thought - fuck this guy.
“You could have told me who you were,” he says.
“I didn’t know who you were!” At his yeah, right scoff, she rolls her eyes and says, “Contrary to what your inflated ego might have you believe, an over-the-hill catcher with a .260 batting average who spends six months of the year in a mask, playing for a team that hasn’t been to the playoffs in three years, isn’t exactly recognizable off the street.”
Anthony crosses his arms. “You do know who I am, then.”
Cocky piece of shit.
The thing is, he’s not wrong. Oh, she’s not lying about the night before - she genuinely had no idea that the guy with the stubble that she made out with for a good fifteen minutes was Anthony Bridgerton, veteran catcher for the San Diego Padres. 
Because yes, she knows Anthony Bridgerton. She may or may not have had his rookie card on the corkboard above her desk in college. But the mental image of that boy - baby faced, warm brown eyes, unfortunate sideburns that did him no favors - is almost irreconcilable with the scowling man in front of her.
Almost. Now that she knows, she can kind of see the progression. She just hadn’t caught onto it in the shadowy corner of San Diego’s seediest dive bar after three margaritas. They hadn’t even exchanged names, she remembers with a mental groan. What had started as a friendly game of pool had ended up with them next to the ancient jukebox with his thigh between her legs and his tongue in her mouth.
“I’m too drunk for this,” he says.
Kate nods. “Me too.” She reaches for him again.
“God, we can’t, we can’t,” he groans. “Consent is key, and all that.”
Drunk Kate very enthusiastically consents, and would demonstrate just how much in a heartbeat. But, fuck, maybe that means he’s got a point.
Leaning into him, she kisses his stubbled cheek. “A gentleman, huh.”
“Trying to be,” he says, hands skimming over her hips.
“AB, come the fuck on,” one of his buddies yells from across the bar.
He sighs. “Are you in town for a while?”
“A while,” she agrees. God willing and the Giants choke.
He holds up a wait here hand and jogs to steal a cocktail napkin and a pen from the bartender. He scribbles his number and hands it to her. “Please call,” he says. “Let me make it up to you when we’re sober.”
Then he’s ducking out the door, sheepishly waving goodbye as his friends loudly give him shit.
She saves him as Brown Eyes Dive Bar in her phone and texts him in the Uber back to her hotel, still tipsy and feeling brave. 
Make it up to me, huh? You better.
“Gotta say, when you said you’d ‘make it up to me,’ insulting me in front of my new teammates was not what I pictured.”
“I didn’t know you were the rookie pitcher Danbury called up. But let’s be clear, this is my team, and whatever this was,” he gestures between the two of them, “isn’t happening.”
“That will not be a problem.”
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samatheia229 · 24 days
Gateway Fic or Ruining of Canon?: The Double-Edged Sword of Reading Fanfiction Without Knowing the Source Material
One thing you should know about me is this: I love Outsider POVs an unhealthy amount. I have a separate tab open for this specific tag on my browser and I obsessively reload it every few hours. There’s just something about them that uniquely tickles my brain in a way that other kinds of fics don’t. Maybe it’s some sense of schadenfreude, reading from this out-of-the-loop perspective while we, the readers, are in the know. The feeling of “I know something that you don’t.” Maybe it’s getting to see our favourite characters from a fresh perspective. 
In DC comic Outsider POVs, specifically Batman ones, we get to see what Gotham thinks of their resident vigilantes and how the Bats’ dynamics with each other looks like to an outsider, who doesn’t know the full extent of the intricacies of their relationships. 
There are a lot of reasons why I enjoy Outsider POVs, one of which is the main point of this post.
I really do owe it to the POV Outsider tag. Because of it, I have been introduced to so many new fandoms. They've been either the final push I needed to get into fandoms that I knew of but was never really interested in or blindside me and pull me into a new fandom entirely. 
Reading spooky eldritch Danny POVs finally got me into Danny Phantom. One bored scroll and random click introduced me to ROTTMNT, a new favourite of mine (as a Disney kid who grew up with 2012 airing and disliked it, suffice to say Rise's magic and vibrant art was what drew me in). I read a Julie and the Phantoms Outsider POV fic out of curiosity, which made me look it up, and the phenomenal music was the final nail in the coffin. (Please do yourself a favour and listen to the soundtrack.) The onslaught of Good Omens fics flooding the tag following the release of S2, not that I knew it at the time, prompted me to check it out, and lo’ and behold, I am waiting for S3 and praying for my cottagecore-husbands happy ending. Reading a social media AU for Red, White and Royal Blue pushed me to finally buy the book. 
They’ve also gotten me back into fandoms. I fell in love with ATLA again after reading a fic about the palace staff’s opinions on Fire Lord Zuko during the start of his reign; I got back into Assassination Classroom and Haikyuu because of delightful outsider fics. I also started reading Miraculous Ladybug fics again after dropping the whole thing mid-S3, which was a nice full-circle moment since MLB is what got me into fanfic in the first place.
The point is, Outsider POVs have been my gateway into a lot of amazing fandoms that I would not have otherwise checked out and my way back into fandoms that I haven’t been in for a while. 
However, reading fanfiction without knowing the source material can be a double-edged sword. And as of last month, I finally cut myself with it. 
Fanfiction is never really an accurate portrayal of canon. By very definition, it cannot be and it seldom is. Fanfiction has a warped lens — characters, their dynamics and the worlds in which they inhabit are written based on an author’s interpretation of the source material. Most fanfic authors actively try to change the source material when they find a part of it lacking or unsatisfactory. That’s the point of fanfiction. Fanfiction exists to explore the infinite possibilities of worlds that could have been, of timelines that never came to pass, of relationships that could have been forged and nurtured but never were. 
But what happens when you, as a reader, are exposed to fanon first? What happens when you end up liking fanon more than canon? 
The short answer: Disappointment and a smaller bank account.
The long answer: You could say that I had it coming. I never really liked dark fantasy, but I love every Six of Crows fanfic I’ve read so I finally decided to read the books. But, gods, I am struggling. And it sucks so much because I do love the characters and Ketterdam and the Suicide Squad-like concept. I can read fanfic for 5 hours straight but barely make my way through a single chapter. I tried switching to another book and coming back to it and still, I trudge through it. It’s terrible. Have I fallen for a romanticised, fanon version of SoC that delivers the found family of criminals that I was promised? Do the books not have that vibe and that’s why I can’t get into them, because I’ve been riding on false expectations?
This is a first for me. I have no issues with spoilers and such because I still enjoy knowing how we got to that point as much as I enjoy going in blindly. I learned the entirety of BNHA via osmosis by reading fanfiction but I still liked the anime when I watched it. Similarly, I read PJO fanfiction long before I read the series, and I still had a delightful time reading Percy's adventures. The fact that I’m not experiencing the same thing with SoC is truly, deeply upsetting. I’m still holding out hope since I'm already halfway through but I might have to DNF if this drags on for another month.
TLDR; There’s nothing wrong with reading fanfic of fandoms you’re not a part of. It might get you into it like the numerous times it did for me. But it could also end up with you liking the fics more than the source material. So, be warned, I guess. 
(Also, if someone has a solution to my SoC problem, do advise, please and thank you. DNF is a last resort.)
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so-were-heroes · 2 years
Catastrophe: The Ferocious Five can’t be worse than the Sinister Six.
Akuma!Mary: *Controllign fire* I won’t crucify the things you do do do! I won’t cry for you…
Mister Luck: You we’re saying?
Catastrophe: … Well, we faced Inferno, right? How hard can this one be?
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toasty-owl-arts · 2 years
If possible ladyblue! Cathy A1 please
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got caught staring at chat's ass 😳
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verfound · 11 months
FIC: Coffee Shop Soundtrack: 3/10 (MLB; Luka)
Notes: “Ver.  Babes.  Coffee Shop AUs are supposed to be silly, fluffy, tooth-rotting romance served up with an abundance of silly caffeinated beverages and scones.  What are you doing here?”  You mean this isn’t how you do a Coffee Shop AU?  (The “Blank Space” cover mentioned is the one by I Prevail and kicks all kinds of ass.)
Ch 1 | Ch 2
Coffee Shop Soundtrack
Chapter Three: That Monday Andrew Came to Work
Monday morning brought with it a sense of…not peace.  Not exactly.  Luka couldn’t say he felt peaceful about the unexpected meeting Saturday, and he definitely didn’t feel peaceful about trusting his real name with a six-year-old he barely knew, but there was a sense of…clarity, at least.  He felt calm, like a bit of his equilibrium had been restored.  Somewhere amidst the chaos Saturday had thrown his mind into, a rational thought was breaking through.  That thought said he was panicking over nothing.  He had gone over a decade without running into Andrew Couffaine, so there was no reason to believe he would run into him again.  It was just a random encounter that had led to a bad night, and now it was over and he could move on.  Andrew Couffaine was his past, and the bastard could stay there where he belonged.  He had no place in his future.  Luka didn’t want him to have one.
The clarity also brought with it a resolution.  Andrew Couffaine would not be a part of his life.  CeeCee – Celia Couffaine – could not be a part of his life.  So, he decided as he laid there in the early Monday light, neither would be a part of Juleka’s, either.
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djts-arts · 3 years
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spooner7308 · 3 years
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Another crossover comic with the six superhero au and the MLB au
Snap shows The Protector how it's done
Superhero AU by @thatenglishmuff
Miraculous AU by @djts-arts
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san-shui · 3 years
HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY MY BELOVED! @djts-arts
i'm sorry this took a while but here's ur gift! it's based off on the MLB AU but doesn't follow ur plot. basically - let parrmour be happy lol! anyway i love you and hope you enjoy it!
i also posted it on ao3
On Monday
On Monday, I met you
It was the first day of school and the first akuma attack when Jane Seymour, a.k.a. Chat Noire, met Ladyblue.
How they met was by accident when Ladyblue flew into Chat Noire, who was walking along her baton like a tightrope, learning her new abilities. Their time to get acquainted was cut due to having to fight an akumatized classmate, Stoneheart.
But the moment Chat Noire met her partner in crime, she was entranced.
I liked you, I liked you
The girl had bronze skin and short, dark curly hair that parted on her left side with blue highlights hanging over her deep brown eyes.
Her skintight was black with light blue on the front in the style of an opened short sleeve jacket that stopped at the waist and on the legs from the knees down her to her feet, and within the light blue were black spots while white pearls lined along her wrists and waist into a “V” on the front. Her mask was opposite of the suit (light blue with black spots), and on her head was a black headband with silver spikes.
Even though she was in her superhero outfit, Ladyblue was gorgeous. Appearance was one thing, but her personality was another, and it's just as beautiful as her. Her bravery, her cleverness, her strength, her positivity, and her confidence.
It’s Monday – bad day
After defeating Stoneheart for the second and official time, the superheroes checked to make sure that the citizens were alive and well. To their surprise and glee, the akumatized classmate ended up dating their crush.
But good day for us
“They’re made for each other,” Ladyblue awed.
“Like us two,” Chat Noire flirted, offering her new partner a hand.
Good for us
Right then, Chat Noire’s ring beeped as the fourth paw flashes green – signaling one minute left before transforming back into civilian form. At that, Ladyblue grabbed her wrist and pulled it forward, showing the ring.
“Uh-oh, you see that?” Ladyblue asked lightly.
Chat Noire glanced at it then at her, and noticed how close their faces were to each other.
Even though they just met today, Chat Noire briefly wondered how those lips felt against her. It must’ve been subconscious because the next thing Chat Noire knew was her eyes drifted close then getting shoved back.
You wouldn’t let me kiss you
“Time to split,” Ladyblue said, releasing her hand.
Too stunned to move or speak, Chat Noire merely stood and watched as Ladyblue walked away.
“See you soon, Chat Noire,” Ladyblue said with a wave, then swung her yoyo out and launched herself into the air and behind some buildings.
Chat Noire smiled and dazely waved.
And that is why
She’s been in a relationship before and truly thought she was in love with him, but he turned out to be douche. She thought she learned to not fall in love so fast, but fighting alongside Ladyblue, Chat Noire was willing to do anything to get closer to her.
“Can’t wait, milady,” she whispered, then turned and vaulted away.
You were my kind of guy
Then Tuesday, I called you
Chat Noire was playing with her baton while lying lazily on a roof. After defeating another akumatized civilian, the superheroes agreed on doing patrol around London to further prevent harm and more akumas. Chat Noire wanted to talk to Ladyblue, but she left before Chat Noire could get a word in.
Chat Noire wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Wasn’t Ladyblue curious about her partner too? Or was she just too busy today? Chat Noire knew what it was like to be busy. Her civilian form, Jane Seymour, was a famous singer in England, she was bound to be crowded with meetings and rehearsals and classes.
Still, why did Ladyblue leave in a hurry?
Chat Noire supposed she could learn more about her baton’s gadgets. She had the rest of the day anyway. She was boredly pressing buttons when Contacts popped up on the screen. Seeing the only contact on her baton was Ladyblue’s, Chat Noire perked up.
She immediately pressed “call” under Ladyblue’s profile and waited eagerly. To her disappointment, the call went to voicemail. Chat Noire frowned, but it quickly vanished when an idea hit, and she pressed “call” again.
Several hours later, Chat Noire had left about 15 voicemails for Ladyblue of her rambling about her day. Unlike the others, the last voicemail was sincere as she asked if they could meet and talk. Assuming Ladyblue wouldn’t answer, Chat Noire set down her baton, sighed, and gazed at the starry night.
Ignored me, straight voicemail
A minute later, her baton vibrated with a beep, and Chat Noire glanced to see a notification from Ladyblue. She excitedly opened it to a message.
You texted back saying:
Ladyblue: play hard to get. ready. set . . .
You wouldn’t let me see you
Baffled, Chat Noire reread the text over and over. What was that supposed to mean? Was Ladyblue interested? Did she think she (Chat Noire) was messing around? She knew she was a jokester between the two, but she’s real when it comes to feelings.
Whatever it meant, it was clear that Ladyblue was not going to video call with her - at least for today.
Got so depressed by your test
Chat Noire sighed. That’s fine, she didn’t want to pressure her partner to the point of scaring her. Although she probably annoyed her with all of the voicemails. Chat Noire would gladly wait to see her lady, but that didn’t dismiss the depression that she felt at unanswered calls and the game Ladyblue set up.
Still I thought
Yet, a smile crept on her lips at the excitement of the game with Ladyblue, and she typed her response.
You’re the best
Chat Noire: u’re on >:P
‘Cause I’ve been so juvenile
That to take my time is just not my style
Come Wednesday, black coffee
After purifying the akuma, the victim offered them free coffee. Chat Noire happily agreed, while Ladyblue hesitated but agreed.
“You like black coffee?” Chat Noire asked her partner.
“Yeah, and you don’t?” she countered, raising a brow.
“Just because I look good in black doesn’t mean I like black coffee. I prefer flavor like myself,” Chat Noire teased proudly.
Ladyblue rolled her eyes, and Chat Noire laughed. Once they got their coffee and gave their thanks, the heroes left to drink in peace. They decided to sit on Big Ben, having a perfect view of their city.
Pure talking, clean touching
For hours, they talked and laughed. At some point, they discussed their double lives as being superheroes. While Jane was thrilled to have more freedom as Chat Noire, Ladyblue appeared anxious and concerned.
“I’m glad doing this to save London, but I can’t help but think I’m not the right one for this job,” Ladyblue confessed, staring down at the busy streets.
Chat Noire frowned and leaned back on her hands, gazing up at the sky.
“I get that. I doubt myself too sometimes. This may be bias but–”
Feeling bold, she placed a hand on Ladyblue’s. Startled, Ladyblue stared at their hands then at her with wide eyes.
“–I think you’re perfect for the job. Sure, we have flaws, but that’s what makes us human. I’ve never seen someone as smart, brave, and strong as you. I know we’ve only met and done this for three days, but it feels like a lifetime, and I can’t picture a better Ladyblue than you,” said Chat Noire sincerely.
Chat Noire wasn’t sure if it was the sun’s lighting, but she could’ve sworn she saw color on Ladyblue’s cheeks.
Oh, Wednesday, hump day
Ladyblue averted her eyes and stammered.
“I– um, thank you, Chat. I couldn’t have a better partner than you,” she said, facing Chat Noire again.
From the soft tone and her genuine eyes, Chat Noire knew she meant it and smiled. Then, to her astonishment, Ladyblue turned her hand over, grasped Chat Noire’s, and squeezed it gently. Chat Noire’s heart skipped a beat, and a silent gasp left her lips.
But we just held hands
“And I can’t picture a better Chat Noire,” Ladyblue whispered, giving her a small smile.
Chat Noire beamed and laughed.
“That’s a relief to know,” she teased.
Ladyblue giggled then gazed forward again.
You wouldn’t let me take you away for the day
As much as Chat Noire wanted to do more than hold hands, she was content with this for the day. Facing out, she too stared out at the city. About an hour later, Chat Noire decided to push her luck for the day.
“Are you up for hanging out more? Maybe go see a movie?” she asked.
Ladyblue chuckled and shook her head.
“Sorry, kitty, but I gotta stay. I have some things I need to finish,” she excused apologetically.
Chat Noire tried her best to hide her disappointment.
And I felt so juvenile
“Oh, that’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Good luck on your stuff,” she said.
Chat Noire then took Ladyblue’s hand, who was close to resisting until Chat Noire simply kissed her knuckles.
“Goodnight, milady,” she said, shooting her a wink.
Suppressing a smile, Ladyblue shook her head.
“Night, Chat Noire,” Ladyblue said.
Chat Noire smirked then jumped away. As she leaped from building to building, a part of her was feeling impatient with her and Ladyblue’s relationship (friends or more). She was clearly pushing it, but she didn’t know what else to do with these feelings – especially towards a girl.
The logical side of her informed Chat Noire that she’s taking this too fast, but the emotional, useless, romantic side of her wanted her to pursue this. Hell, she only knew her partner for three days, and Chat Noire was willing to do anything for her.
You gave an inch of time, and I took a mile
If Ladyblue wanted to just be friends, she would’ve said, right? Maybe she was interested in Chat Noire, but was too afraid to admit it or didn’t know it yet.
Arriving at her mansion, Chat Noire jumped through her bedroom window and landed quietly on her floor. She de-transformed into her normal clothes then walked over and face planted on her bed with a groan.
“You’re such a useless lesbian,” Plagg said bluntly, floating above her head.
“Shut up, Plagg,” Jane mumbled into her pillow, but Plagg ignored her.
“Psh, why love a complicated human when you have camembert!” Plagg said, throwing a piece of cheese up and into his mouth.
Jane flipped over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.
“She may be complicated, but she’s still amazing. I’m still not sure how we ended up getting these miraculous, but we’re meant to be. I can feel it,” she said thoughtfully.
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Yuck. You being all gushie is making me sick. If you need me, I’ll be in the cabinet with my love,” he said, stroking a piece of cheese then disappearing into a desk under the TV.
Jane grinned and shook her head then stared out her window at the moon as thoughts of Ladyblue swarmed her head.
I was so juvenile
‘Cause to take it slow is just not my style
Then Thursday, like Tuesday
Fed up with her family, Jane used Chat Noire as an excuse to flee her house. She roamed around London for a bit, helping citizens here and there, then ended up relaxing on top of a building.
Similar to Tuesday, Chat Noire called Ladyblue and left voicemails about her day. She probably shouldn't bother her, but Chat Noire found comfort doing this. She’s not sure why, but being able to talk to someone other than Plagg was relieving.
But unlike Tuesday, Ladybug never responded. This baffled Chat Noire. Was it something she did yesterday? Everything seemed fine . . .
Your “day off” from me
A loud crash came from behind, and Chat Noire turned to see a large robot stomping through the streets. It was about to hit another building until a yoyo stopped it, restraining its arm back. Chat Noire followed the line to see Ladyblue tugging on it.
Maybe that’s why Ladyblue hasn't responded. Whatever the reason was, Chat Noire had to put the issue aside as she sprinted to help her partner.
But Friday busy
Twice, Chat Noire tried to bring up Wednesday’s night event, but Ladyblue kept dodging it, using an akumatization or needing to hide before transforming as reasons to avoid the topic.
And Saturday too
Another victim saved, and Ladyblue and Chat Noire’s partnership appeared alright, but Jane could see through the mask (figuratively and literally) that Ladyblue was evading more moments with her. Jane’s heart broke the less Ladyblue interacted with her when they’re not fighting alongside each other.
Not wanting to deal with this game anymore, Jane made certain Ladyblue would talk to her the next day.
What’s up with you?
On Sunday, after a well fought battle with an akuma, Chat Noire caught Ladyblue before she left.
You don’t wanna kiss me
“Ladyblue, wait!”
You don’t wanna see me
Ladyblue froze and stared at her with apprehension.
You don’t wanna take me
“You’ve been avoiding me and I want to know why. I get you don’t wanna kiss me, but why don’t you want to see me? Or even be with me?” Chat Noire asked desperately. “Look, if it’s something I said or did on Wednesday, then I’m sorry. I know it seemed like a game and it’s only been a week now, but I really really like you. But if you don’t feel the same, you can tell me. It’s okay.”
So let me go
Chat Noire lowered her head and closed her eyes, waiting for the heartbreaking words. Instead, a gentle hand rested on her shoulder, prompting her to look up into kind eyes.
But you said:
“There’s things I know . . . you are cute, but juvenile,” Ladyblue said, booping her on the nose.
Then she placed her hand on Chat Noire’s cheek, who happily leaned into the touch.
“Don’t you know the greatest love takes the greatest while? So if you’re willing, take my hand and take the trial for just a mile and then another mile. Be patient for that one day.”
Before Chat Noire could blink, Ladyblue kissed her on the other cheek. When she pulled back, both faces were blushing. Ladyblue chuckled and looked at the sunset.
“Look, kitty, it’s Sunday,” she said, then glanced back at her. “Come with me, and I’ll make it worth your while. Maybe it’s not far away or coming down the aisle, but . . . I do wanna kiss you and try this out if you’re okay with going steady,” Ladyblue asked shyly.
But I wanna kiss you now
Chat Noire beamed. “Can I kiss you now?” she asked eagerly.
Oh . . .
Ladyblue giggled and nodded.
And kiss you
Chat Noire grinned and cupped her cheeks then connected their lips.
And kiss you
Ladyblue tasted like sweetener, and Chat Noire couldn’t get enough.
And kiss you
They broke away for air, but they could barely get some as they laughed at one another.
And kiss you
They then rested their foreheads against each other as they calmed down – goofily smiling.
And kiss you
“Is it too soon that I just want to kiss you?” Ladyblue asked in a hushed tone.
And kiss you
Chat Noire giggled. “We can do it as much as you want, milady,” she whispered.
And kiss you
Ladyblue chuckled then closed her eyes and kissed her again, which Chat Noire gleefully returned.
Till Monday
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