#chat noir! jane
odysseyofthemind · 11 months
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peonyfanart · 2 years
Royal Academy AU - Part 8 - Pride and Prejudice 
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Giving credits to Jane Austen’s book “Pride and Prejudice” and its film adaptation 1995 ❤️
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A.J. and Nico:
Growing up, A.J. and Nico were pretty close, given that he was close to Dick, too. She moved away for University, and the two of them kind of fell out of touch. She never truly realised that he might get jealous of her going back to England, or that her taking Jason under her wing a little had only exacerbated his feelings of being replaced.
Nico might not understand why she likes beans on toast, but he has been known to make it for her when he knows she’s feeling down. The two of them are still very used to figuring out how the other is feeling without asking - even if Nico is better at reading her than the other way around.
I feel like Nico might trust her more than Dick. He’d tell her - or at least drop hints - about Teagan, knowing she will help carry the burden with a more clinical view of things than the others.
Both of them worry a lot about each other, especially when it comes to the vigilante stuff. They have been known to spend many a sleepless night ensuring the other is OK if they’ve been out doing something - to do with their alter egos or not.
Eloïse, Aurélia and Adrien:
The three of them are known to go to bakeries together whenever they can sneak away. Aurélia has become an expert at getting away from their minder, and Eloïse is good at calming Adrien’s guilt.
I know previously we’ve spoken about Aurélia feeling a little out of the loop with the others, but they do whatever they can to ensure she never feels like that. There’s very little discussion between them about introducing her to Plagg. When they find out she has her own, they flip because it’s awesome!
Aurélia and Eloïse occasionally have time when it’s just the two of them, enjoying the city and trying to make up for lost time between them.
Cooking is not a strong suit of theirs, however the three of them always have a laugh when trying to cook. It fills the house, something they enjoy even if occasionally it earns a little scorn from their father.
Lily and Sherry:
Sherry is the one who encourages Eggsy to ask Lily out - because goddamn it if he doesn’t make her a part of the family, Sherry will get Roxy to adopt her or something.
They balance each other out somewhat. There’s a calm when the two of them are with each other that people notice. But, that does also mean they can be deadly as partners. Having these two work together on missions is always a positive, especially when people don’t see them coming.
They try to teach each other something; Sherry teachers her how to skate, and Lily does her best to teach Sherry a little more about hacking. Neither of them are great with the other’s skills, but the time they spend together is the most important bit.
Lily and Sherry don’t even question comforting each other. They’re just there when they’re needed the most. Sherry is there for Lily when Harry dies, and Sherry knows she can always rely on Lily having a spare room ready for her if she needs it.
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perduedansmatete · 3 months
@wonderbandersnatch m'a taggué il y a mille ans pour répondre à un genre de questionnaire de proust donc je m'exécute enfin tant bien que mal:
ma vertu préférée
je copie mais l'empathie c'est une super vertu
le principal trait de mon caractère
dévouée je dirais
ce que j'apprécie le plus chez mes ami.e.s
chez mes meilleurs amis je pense que ce que je préfère c'est leur désinvolture et leur capacité à faire n'importe quoi comme si on était encore adolescents
mon principal défaut
mon occupation préférée
le quatuor gagnant: être à un concert, dormir, baiser et faire des listes
Votre idée du bonheur
ne pas vivre dans l'angoisse d'absolument tout
Votre idée du malheur ?
mourir sans jamais avoir eu de chat à soi
Ce que je voudrais être
je n'en ai aucune idée actuellement mais petite j'ai voulu être chanteuse d'opéra pendant un temps pour les raisons suivantes: je pensais que j'avais du talent (ceci dit jusqu'à longtemps j'ai pu chanter l'air de la nuit de la flûte enchantée et j'adorais la réputation que ça me donnait), je me disais que je gagnerais plein d'argent, que je travaillerais dans de beaux décors et surtout que je serais pas hyper connue comme si j'étais une rockstar et ça je trouvais ça cool d'être tranquille mais riche voilà et je trouve encore que c'est un bon plan finalement donc allez chanteuse d'opéra
le pays où je désirerais vivre
je sais pas si j'aimerais y vivre mais je suis obsédée par l'islande, j'ai failli y aller il y a quelques années mais covid oblige ça a été annulé bref.
la couleur que je préfère
franchement je porte que du noir donc bon, mais j'aime les couleurs reposantes sinon comme les couleurs pastel et aussi j'adore le bordeaux bien profond (mais du coup noir quand même)
la fleur que j'aime
j'aime beaucoup les petites fleurs des champs et les boutons d'or!!!
l'oiseau que je préfère
les hirondelles <3
mes auteur.e.s favori.te.s en prose
j'ai lu trop de sartre à cause de ma prof de philo de terminale dont j'étais amoureuse pour ne pas le nommer, sinon despentes, les sœurs brontë et après je ne sais pas trop car je lis rarement plus de deux ou trois ouvrages d'une même personne bouuuh la nullos
mes poètes préféré.e.s
rimbaud, baudelaire, éluard, plath et... lana del rey mouhahaha j'écris ce que je veux
mes héros favoris dans la fiction
bojack, perceval dans kaamelott mdr, le prêtre dans fleabag, scott pilgrim ce gros loser et j'ai pas trop d'autres d'idées car j'aime pas les hommes pardon (sauf les nuls et ceux qui font pitié)
mes héroïnes favorites dans la fiction
jane eyre, fleabag, amélie poulain, thelma ou louise? louise ou thelma? je sais pas donc les deux car l'une ne va pas sans l'autre, lou et reine amy dunne
mes compositeurices préféré.e.s
je sais pas si par compositeur c'est juste à l'ancienne ou compositeur de musique en général... si c'est à l'ancienne je dirais satie car je l'écoutais beaucoup fut un temps pour me calmer et j'ai pas d'autres noms car j'en écoute pas assez pour avoir des compositeurs où je me dis ouaaaa c'est mon préféré celui-là
mes peintres favori.te.s
munch, klimt, mucha, o'keeffe, schiele et pas mon père (bien qu'il adore peindre, il est plus doué avec son stylo bic qu'avec un pinceau)
le personnage historique qui me déplaît le plus
thatcher car j'ai déjà dit que j'aimais pas les hommes donc comme ça j'équilibre
ma nourriture et ma boisson préférées
j'adore manger coréen depuis toujours et je pourrais ne boire que des bloody mary (ou de l'eau, c'est très bon l'eau)
mes noms favoris
si seulement on ne m'avait pas volé mon téléphone avec ma fameuse liste de prénoms préférés parmi toutes mes listes... mais pour en donner un je vais dire anouck. je trouve ça classe.
ce que je déteste par-dessus tout
le capitalisme
le don de la nature que je voudrais avoir
là comme ça j'aimerais bien pouvoir voler ça m'éviterait de prendre le métro et tout ce que ça implique
comment j'aimerais mourir
version suicide: me balancer d'une falaise
version tout va bien dans ma vie: dans mon sommeil comme ça c'est tranquille je le vois pas venir, classique, pas de regret, tout est bien qui finit bien
mon état d'esprit actuel
frustrée, énervée, triste, j'aime pas cette journée alors je me suis dit que j'allais enfin répondre à ce questionnaire pour m'occuper l'esprit mais deux de mes caractéristiques premières étant l'indécision et l'incapacité à savoir quelles sont mes choses préférées c'est compliqué donc je suis d'autant plus frustrée!!!! mais j'arrive au bout donc je suis quand même contente...
les fautes qui m'inspirent le plus d'indulgence
franchement j'en ai aucune idée, je crois que je suis très indulgente en général avec les fautes des autres sauf si c'est des pures merdes
ma devise favorite
le seul moyen de se délivrer d'une tentation c'est d'y céder il avait bien raison celui là si vous voulez mon avis
voilà fini!! et je tague personne car il faut être motivé pour y répondre mais si quelqu'un a envie go car c'était quand même sympa à faire alors merci @wonderbandersnatch <3
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jacquesthepigeon · 27 days
If you look at the original concept art for Ladybug, I think it's a LOT more apparent that inspiration was taken directly from Spider-Man, maybe Batman too. She made her own gadgets and was spurred to start fighting crime after the death of a beloved relative. But That Guy definitely leaned more in toward Spider-Man over time: the yo-yo, she's a clumsy, unlucky civilian, Chat Noir is clearly based on Black Cat (Spidey's on-and-off love interest/crime fighting partner with bad luck powers), her love interest is a model/actor just like Mary Jane, and her arch nemesis is revealed to be the abusive super-rich dad of one of her loved ones. He's even said that he considers Maribug a new and improved Spider-Man.
Didn’t know about that last part
Let me go explode for just a second
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(Please full-screen for an easier time reading)
Finally, the bracket for the Crossover Ships Tournament is here! I'm so excited to finally get this tournament going, so I'll keep this short and get to the match-ups, with a quick reminder that will be included on the polls themselves as well:
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That being said, let's get to the match-ups:
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)/Clover Ebi (RWBY) VS Gregor (Star Wars the Clone Wars)/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)/Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS JD (Heathers the Musical)/Nathan Prescott (Life is Strange)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) VS Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)/Toriel Dreemur (Undertale)
Ange Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro Ni)/Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night) VS Max Goof (Disney)/Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)/Jevil (Deltarune) VS Astro Tenma (Astro Boy (2009))/Wilbur Robinson (Meet The Robinsons)
Damian Wayne (DC Comics)/Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)/Miles Morales (Marvel)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)/Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet) VS Jimmy Neutron (Jimmy Neutron)/Timmy Turner (Fairly Oddparents)
Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine)/Cuphead (Cuphead) VS Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)/Samurai Jack (Samurai Jack)
Mogar (Xray and Vav)/David (Camp Camp) VS Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Whitley Schnee (RWBY)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead)/Crawford Tillinghast (From Beyond) VS Skales (Lego Ninjago)/Starscream (Transformers Prime)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How To Train Your Dragon)/Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) VS Jane Porter (Tarzan)/Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)/Wolf O’Donnell (StarFox) VS Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Chibiusa (Sailor Moon)/Kid Trunks Briefs (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa)/Venti (Genshin Impact)
Applejack (My Little Pony)/Hol Horse (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders) VS Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)/Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
Princess Peach (Super Mario)/Samus Aran (Metroid) VS Kefer (Egyxos)/Shiryu (Knights of the Zodiac)
Alex Mercer (Prototype)/Desmond Miles (Assassin’s Creed) VS Gandra Dee (Ducktales 2017)/Winter Schnee (RWBY)
Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)/Timothy Q. Mouse (Dumbo) VS Max (Camp Camp)/Phineas Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)/Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)/Shockwave (Transformers Prime)
Daffy Duck (Looney Toons)/Donald Duck (Disney) VS Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder)/Wilt Michaels (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
Jigglypuff (Pokemon)/Kirby (Kirby) VS Merida (Brave)/Rapunzel (Tangled)
Leonardo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)/Yuichi Usagi (Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles) VS Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland)/Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars) VS Adrien Agreste (Chat Noir) (Miraculous Ladybug)/Berry Shirayuki (Mew Berry) (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10)/Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) VS Bayonetta (Bayonetta)/Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Gyro Gearloose (Ducktales 2017)/Hazel Rainart (RWBY) VS Sally “Thorn” McKnight (Scooby Doo Franchise)/Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Metalocalypse)
Blossom Utonium (Powerpuff Girls)/Dexter (Dexter’s Laboratory) VS Angus McDonald (The Adventure Zone)/Shigeo Kageyama (Mob) (Mob Psycho 100)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman) (DC Comics)/Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe) VS Apollo (Percy Jackson)/Clark Kent (Superman) (Superman)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)/Cinderella (Cinderella) VS Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)/Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)/Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) VS Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy’s)/Wally Franks (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Ditzy Doo (My Little Pony)/The Doctor (Doctor Who) VS Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)/Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
Bowser (Super Mario)/Dr. Eggman (Sonic) VS Beastman (Masters of the Universe)/Lifeweaver (Overwatch 2)
Luca Paguro (Luca)/Maisie Brumble (The Sea Beast) VS Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The tournament will begin proper sometime over the following weekend (07/01 - 07/02). I should have a more specific day and time by tomorrow!
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starryknightwrites · 1 year
Does anyone else think the Miraculous writers let a few loud minorities impact their writing to the point of stunting it?
*Leak Spoilers Ahead*
I think there's a reason why Season 1 and 2 are more beloved than the rest. The showrunners let their audience get into their heads and they took all the wrong advice- in the last two seasons especially. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it's difficult to ignore at this point.
A part of the fandom thinks Marinette is a creepy stalker? Let’s explain that away with an unnecessary but sympathetic backstory we never alluded to before, stretch it out for several episodes and make what used to be comedic teen girl hijinks super traumatic so no one can ever interpret it in bad faith again.
 A part of the fandom thinks Chat Noir is an entitled sexual predator who is a brat to Ladybug? Let’s cut his screen time and make sure he never disagrees with her again (unless he’s under a spell we can blame it on) so that he’s the perfect love interest and no one can ever interpret his normal human reactions in bad faith evermore.
A part of the fandom thinks Adrien is so passive he needs to replaced? Let’s have him apologize for his compassion first method and maybe throw a chair or something to prove himself. In the name of love.
A part of the fandom is harassing us about redeeming Chloe? Let’s make it painfully clear how evil she is in a glorified salt fic so that no one can ever interpret her in good faith again.
When people misunderstand your intentions, you don't scramble to "fix it" and try and make things black and white for easier digestion. You stick to your "problematic" guns, dammit. In trying to be perfect and play to everyone, you appease exactly no one.
I think this is partly an unfortunate side effect of the social media era of television. Showrunners never used to interact this much with fandom. Public forums like Twitter are a double edged sword because nowadays they’re a necessity for marketing, but everyone has access to you on there. Every Tom, Dick and Jane with an opinion and no boundaries can rage at you to their heart’s content at all times of day. And it’s easy for us to say “Well, why didn’t they just walk away/delete Twitter?” but even Tumblr users with 80 followers will lose themselves a bit on a bad anon day. I can only imagine dealing with that hundreds and hundreds of times over while also having the pressure of writing the trajectory of a worldwide acclaimed television show on your shoulders that EVERYONE has an opinion about that they are more than happy to rant at you. I think more of us might crack than we expect. And TA cracked.
People with a following have spoken time and time again about how they were unexpectedly affected severely by public ridicule and toxic parasocial relationships on social media. It’s terrible for anyone’s mental health and I think the Miraculous show runners are no exception. The pressure and the push and pull got to them and I think we’re seeing the results of that here. It’s good that TA is stepping away from the show- at least in part from what I gather- after Season 6 because I don’t think it’s healthy for Miraculous or him if he stays onboard. He’s seeing the show now through a filter of all its criticism, of a hundred random takes, and it just comes across incredibly stunted, unnatural and resentful in his writing. Like walking on eggshells and being bitter about it the entire time.
I understand they want to take input from their audience and feel pressure to write the show "correctly", but sometimes fandom ideas- especially the saltier ones- are worse. Sometimes you should just ignore criticism, no matter how loud and long it’s screamed at you, do your thing and hope for the best. At least you'll reserve your energy and passion that way and someone's going to bitch regardless. Sometimes you should write that salt fic just to get your frustrations out and then delete it.
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starcandiesz · 3 months
If you like these stuff feel free to chat, but if u don't still chat if u want lol
Fandoms ☆☆
Stranger Things
Treasure Planet
Atlantis The Lost Empire
Madoka Magica
Hunger Games
The Spider-Verse films
The old Barbie Movies
Bee and Puppycat
Inazuma Eleven
Ever After High
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Corpse Bride (2005)
Over The Garden Wall
Bodies (Netflix 2023)
Knives Out Movies
TMNT Mutant Mayhem
TMNT 2012
TMNT 2007
Usagi Yojimbo
Samurai Rabbit The Usagi Chronicles
Akemi Homura (Madoka Magica)
Any Ever After High Charcter lol
Wybie Lovat (Coraline)
Will Byers (Stranger Things)
Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
El/Jane Hopper (Stranger Things)
Miles Morales (Spider-Verse/Spider-Man)
Peni Parker (Spider-Verse/Spider-Man)
Spider-Zero (Spider-Verse/Spider-Man)
Noir Peter Benjamin Parker (Spider-Verse/Spider-Man)
Hobie Brown (Spider-Verse/Spider-Man)
Tobey Mcallister (Wordgirl)
Luca Paguro (Luca)
Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Lyra (mlp:fim)
Bonbon (mlp: fim)
Thorax (mlp: fim)
Spike (mlp: fim)
Viktor Van Dort (Corpse Bride)
Kudou Fuyuka (Inazuma Eleven)
Mamoru Endou (Inazuma Eleven)
The Mitchells
Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Milo Thatch (Atlantis The Lost Empire)
Audrey Ramirez (Atlantis The Lost Empire)
The Madrigals
Wirt (Over The Garden Wall)
Beatrice (Over The Garden Wall)
Greg (Over The Garden Wall)
Donnie (in every single tmnt stuff lol)
Leo (same for leo)
Miyamoto Usagi (UY)
Kitsune (UY)
Sasuke (UY)
Jotaro (UY)
Gorogoro (UY)
Yuichi Usagi (Samurai Rabbit)
Hana (Samurai Rabbit)
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A Gorizilla analysis through the Spiderman lens : Why Ladrien is a genius subversion of the Peter/Gwen (and civilian/superhero) ship
Or way too many words of me explaining why Ladrien is good damnit
While the show seems dedicated to use every side of the love square but Ladrien this season, I do sincerely believe Ladrien has one of the most fascinating dynamic I've seen in superhero media. 
So here is an analysis of one of their most iconic moment :
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The scene is crafted to remind the viewer of one of the most well-known tropes in the superhero genre: the love interest is captured by a villain. It's also a very interesting deconstruction of that trope and I will attempt to explain how below.
It's no secret that Spiderman was an inspiration for Ladybug and I'd argue this scene is reminiscent of it in a lot of ways. In the comics and most adaptations, there is one particular use of that kidnapping trope that comes to mind: the death of Gwen Stacy by the hand of the Green Goblin. Now how does that relate to the Ladrien scene? Let's see.
1. Hawkmoth (and Gabriel) as The Green Goblin : a father's gamble
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Most people have at least a vague idea of who the Green Goblin is, and that particular inspiration is probably the most obvious between Spiderman and Ladybug: their nemesis is the father of one of their best friends. Which as both of them will realise, sucks a lot.
Now the Green Goblin setup in ML differs from the comics. At the time of the "Gwen Stacy's death" scene, Hawkmoth and Ladybug have no idea who the other is, whereas the Green Goblin and Spiderman are very well aware. This whole situation is a pure coincidence in classic ml fashion, where secret��identities are everywhere and get tangled with each other A LOT. There's a reason the two facts people recognize as typical Miraculous are the love square and Hawkmoth's identity: it is a core part of the series, especially in early season 2, right after the audience learned of that fact.
Their identities being unknown to the other doesn't prevent the scene from working, it instead subverts it. It decides to deconstruct this popular trope: Gabriel has no idea that his son is special to Ladybug, but Adrien matters to him personally. You could argue the Gorizilla scene is an AU where the Green Goblin decides to kidnap Harry instead of Gwen (his own son over the love interest) but it would be missing the point of Miraculous "chassé-croisé d'identités". Here Adrien is both Harry, son of a super-villain, and Gwen, Ladybug's love interest, and it's what makes the scene so poignant. The scene is as much about testing how far Gabriel is willing to endanger his son as it is about if Ladybug can save him.
Adrien being directly involved isn't something Gabriel wants at all but he figures he can use it. You could argue this is the first moment in which Gabriel decides no questions asked to involve his son, and for good reason: confirming if Adrien is Chat Noir, his nemesis' partner. Gorizilla and Style Queen are some of the most humanizing moments Gabriel gets. The two moments where he almost lost Adrien, and the two moments where he wonders how far he can go to bring back his wife, wonders if he is willing to put the last thing he has left in danger on a gamble. This time he gambles: if Chat Noir truly is his son, he'll save himself. If he isn't, Ladybug will.
Adrien is missing, and his bodyguard is deeply upset: it's a perfect akuma setup, and the perfect opportunity to fight and potentially de-mask one of his enemies. Two birds one stone as they say. Unknowingly, Gabriel even strikes a third bird with this move : Ladybug's crush is captured.
2. Maribug as Peter Parker and Adrien as Gwen Stacy : the impossible romance
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Gwen Stacy is a character that has been adapted and modified a lot. Sometimes made one with Mary Jane — Spider-Man's other well-known love interest — she is however remembered by one scene: her death (or at the very least her fall). For most people anyway. Now that sounds harsh and I don't believe it to be quite this clear cut: Gwen is very loveable during her life, and it's exactly the reason why her death is what we remember most. Her murder is a gut punch to the viewer and to Peter both because we love her as much as Peter does. 
Gwen is Peter's "one that got away", the love of his life that he absolutely can't be with (be it to protect her or because she's already dead): something that Adrien is more and more becoming for Marinette as the show goes on. So is Chat Noir, but Chat Noir is a point I will adress later on.
'Truth' confirms the idea that Marinette having a civilian boyfriend is a bad, terrible idea. To add to this lesson, there are many events in the show that adress why Adrien specifically is someone she is so attached to that she does stupid things. In Volpina, Ladybug almost gives up her Miraculous when she thinks that Adrien is in danger (again another instance where the "love interest in danger" trope is used for Ladrien). In the Christmas special, she gets someone akumatised over Adrien being missing. Desperada's whole plot is about how Ladrien makes them both act dumb and against what they should do. In Chat Blanc she is forced to backtrack on her confession to Adrien - the first one to actually go through - in order to save the world. The season 3 finale was kickstarted in part by her feelings for Adrien and her jealousy towards Kagami. The season 4 finale ended the way it did because she trusted who she thought was Adrien. So far it seems that in season 5 Marinette will take all of these lessons to heart: being close and in love with Adrien is bad for her job as hero. (I haven't watched Kwami's choice yet but from what I know of it, it certainly seems to agree)
There is an evident pattern in the show regarding Ladrien's future : as long as Ladybug and Hawkmoth exist, Adrien has to stay a fantasy, an unreachable relationship that Ladybug can't have, just like Gwen is to Peter. Which seems rather fitting for a romance between the son of a supervilain and Paris' Heroine.
Now the fall in Gorizilla is another example of this phenomenon, but it is a very specific one. For the first time, Adrien's safety is directly in danger. And we, as the audience, know it. Where Volpina and Santa Claws were fake-outs to freak out only Ladybug, here WE are in the same boat. We know Adrien is really there and falling to his certain death. And more importantly: we know Chat Noir isn't coming to save him.
3. The subversion : Adrien as Chat Noir (the importance of trust and agency)
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Now here comes the real genius of the scene to me (the genius of the Ladrien dynamic and the love square in general really) : we know Adrien is Chat Noir. We know that Adrien isn't as defenseless as Gwen, or as far removed from the conflict as Harry is. Something that neither Ladybug nor Gabriel know. Adrien isn't an innocent bystander pulled into the conflict by his father and his crush: Adrien is Ladybug's partner and Gabriel's enemy.
We know Adrien is more than capable of saving himself because Gabriel is right: his son is a superhero. However just like our favorite blond boy reinforces to Plagg, saving himself by transforming would be a pretty terrible idea. We're left hoping that it doesn't come to that, and yet it's hard to know how they can avoid it.
The audience is well aware that no matter what happens, Adrien won't die permanently : but thanks to the 'Miraculous Ladybug', that doesn't mean Adrien can't die at all. Sure it would be very unlikely to show his dead body or anything in a kids show, but Chat Noir has definitely 'died' before. And the more the scene advances, the more you're left to wonder how the heroes could win without Adrien exposing his identity. And while Chat Blanc hadn't happened yet, we have a vague idea of the consequences this revelation could have based on our interactions with other superheroes media. Given the very specific game of identity going on, Gabriel confirming his theory would make the plot go way faster than expected (and might just end the show).
We know two things given the show's genre:
Adrien really can't be revealing his identity this early on (it would be kept for a finale or a two parter surely)
Ladybug will win the fight in the end
Whether the situation resolves itself before or after Adrien face-planted on the floor is up in the air. His death being only temporary won't change much on how the audience feels because Adrien is just as loveable as Gwen is. Him dying is the last thing we want since we love him as much as Marinette does and the stakes for the episode are therefore raised.
Now the consequences are all clear but I'd want to circle back to the beginning : how did we end up in this situation ?
In the original comics, Gwen is an absolute damsel in this situation : she's unconscious for pretty much the entire scene and basically gets yeeted off the rooftop. Adrien's situation is very different though and it circles back to one of the most important themes in the show: trust.
If anything, the closest description of the gorizilla scene is a giant trust fall. Gabriel, however willing he is to endanger Adrien, doesn't throw him off the building: he actually attempts to protect Adrien by keeping him with his bodyguard. Now how does Adrien fall then ? That's the thing: he doesn't. Adrien doesn't fall, Adrien jumps. As Ladybug arrives on the roof, she asks him to trust her. And as her secret crush or as Gabriels' son, he doesn't have any reason to do so this willingly. Except Adrien isn't just that: Adrien is Chat Noir. And Chat Noir always trusts Ladybug.
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In this scene, Adrien keeps his agency, something Gwen (or most civilian love interests really) isn't usually allowed. There is a lot to be said about the Gwen death scene and some of the inherent sexism that existed in the comics (which is unnavoidable given the time period). Heck even the newer movies, who put a lot of efforts into making MJ a 'feminist' character didn't completely drop the damsel trope (it being inherently a good or bad thing is too nuanced a topic to discuss here). There is however one instance I know of in a Spiderman media where the 'someone I love is falling' is also a trust fall : the 2018 ps4 video game. Now why do I bring that up? Interestingly enough, this video game presents Mary Jane as Spiderman's partner. We can even play as her in some missions ! Now that dynamic sounds very familiar. Video game Mary Jane, just like Adrien, puts a great deal of trust in her partner. And it pays off !
Trust is a fundamental aspect of the love square, and most 'damsel in distress' situations showcase that heavily. Ladynoir trust each other through and through, even when they don't have their own mask on. Adrien is Chat Noir and his lady just told him to jump, to trust her. So he does.
Gabriel is completely panicked because he didn't want that. He doesn't want Adrien falling to his certain death and he sure as hell doesn't trust Ladybug to save him. Gabriel can't understand why his son would and yet Adrien did.
Even Ladybug herself gambles heavily in this scene, hoping against all hopes that her partner will come to save Adrien, trusting that he'll be there, as he always is for her.
Ladrien subverts most damsel in distress trope by virtue of Adrien keeping his agency in them. Adrien is still Chat Noir even when he drops the mask. Adrien chooses time and time again to trust Ladybug, to keep on hoping. And she never disappoints, in clear contrast to Gabriel who keeps on disappointing his son. Trust is a core theme of Miraculous, in both romantic and platonic relationships, and an area in which Marinette and Gabriel really show their differences: Adrien's trust in Ladybug is earned and deserved, whereas Gabriel constantly abuses it.
4. Now what ? An attempt at discussing Season 5 and the 'reverse love square'
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Season 5 really puts an emphasis on the trust theme, with almost every Gabriel/Adrien scene being filled with manipulation, while Ladynoir reinforces the importance of trust, no matter how their romantic feelings might evolve. Adrienette follows a similar theme, with Marinette becoming Adrien's confidant, trusting her with his deeper feelings in a way he only did with Plagg (and arguably Ladybug) before.
Adrien might be Marinette's one that got away, but Marinette is undoubtly where Adrien's happy ending lies.
Ultimately, the biggest obstacle to Adrienette is Marinette herself: once she lets herself trust Adrien, their relationship will be smooth sailing (if Gabriel doesn't put his ugly nose where it doesn't belong that is). Interestingly enough, that's what Ladybug has to do in Strikeback, both with Adrien (the real one this time) and with Chat Noir.
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The love square plays constantly with the angst, and yet we know the fluff will come eventually. Adrienette is basically the happy version of Gwen/Stacy, an updated version where the damsel becomes the partner, where the happy ending will come one day, as long as they both power through. And it's honestly the best way to describe how Ladybug and Spiderman differs: Peter's ending is rarely happy (seriously half of the comics have the worst endings ever) whereas Marinette's journey, hopeless as it can seem, will lead to happiness eventually.
There are thousands of ways in which the show could get there though, many of which are criticised by at least some part of the fandom for one reason or another. The beginning of the season has flip-flopped a lot between Adrienette and Ladynoir, with Marichat fans finally getting their long awaited 'square reversal'. But where does that leave Ladrien ?
Well according to most: nowhere (despite Marichat being the most popular side, even back when it was unrequited but I digress). There's a lot of hints that the reversal might not be as clear cut as some fans believe, but ultimately, until we get a Ladrien scene in Season 5, it will be complicated to truly settle the debate once and for all.
However, I like to believe that Ladrien will never be an inconsequential relationship: the trust between them will never disappear (I'd argue it's getting stronger than ever), and a love as deep as they had won't vanish that easily, no matter how much they may want to move on. There's still a lot of stories that could be told with Ladrien.
A reprise of the Gorizilla scene would be fascinating for example, and truly showcase how far we've come.
With his slow descent into full blown villainy, would Season 5 Gabriel let Adrien die, and with him the last sliver of a potential reconciliation and redemption ?
How would Ladybug react to Adrien's life being put in danger now ? Season 1 Ladybug almost gave up her Miraculous, but I wonder how a Season 5 one would react: would she trust Adrien to save himself ? Especially if this hypothetical scene happens post reveal.
Would Adrien take a gamble and transform despite the risks ?
There's a lot of different ways this situation could end and I'd be disappointed if they don't use it again.
Since the 'Hawkmoth is Gabriel' reveal, Ladrien has been anticipated to be at the core of his demise, and I still believe it will be the case. By then, the reveal will have blurred the lines, but I have no doubt that Adrien (as Hawkmoth's son) and Ladybug (as his nemesis) will matter most: ultimately, they're the ones that Gabriel cares about, and the finale will surely place them at the forefront, as the ending of the Agreste arc and Gabriel's final confrontation with the Guardian.
In the end, Marichat is the fun and chaotic side that sometimes delves deeper, Ladynoir is the workplace relationship based on complete trust, Adrienette is their teenage first love with all the awkwardness that comes with it, and Ladrien is the one that connects best to the plot: the Love Square is a mix of all of them, and something else entirely and I firmly believe that any analysis of their relationship that aims to do more than breach the surface needs to take a look at all of them and that certainly includes Ladrien, be it requited or platonic.
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Now I'm certainly no expert and everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I believe that Ladrien still has a lot of things to offer, even now, perhaps especially so.
(Also for every Spiderman fan out there, don't hesitate to correct me on anything I may have said wrong here, I've never actually read the comics myself so my knowledge is mostly second hand and vague memories of the diverse movies.)
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miintsprigz · 2 years
Ohio RTC live-blogging
I watched the Saturday stream, and I documented my thoughts because hyperfixation goes brrrr
there was a lot of ableism in the chat (I do discuss what it entails below so you’ve been warned) so I was distracted at the end of the stream
-Karnak’s frantic tone during the accident + freeze frame moment, very cool
-them holding up the prizes
-Constance’s mumbled “sorry”
-post-possession Noel and Mischa stuff is so good (the o.e face and shoulder shake)
-I don’t like Ricky’s disability being stolen again, but I do like the fact that they’re happy that he’s happy, seems to be “bro”ing it up with Mischa a bit, I do love that
-JANE! (OVERANALYZES LIKE CRAZY) The way she tips her head a lot like it doesn’t fit her body comfortably. She sounds so timid…awww, honey…she moves a bit like her body is off-balance from the new head, I love the details
-I see evidence of platonic (at least) spacedolls already. Ricky waved at Jane!!!
-even in the “ocean’s life” segment Jane’s movements are just a BIT off. I think it’s cool when the Jane is taller in the cast, makes me think of a Barbie/pos
Poor gal seems real uncomfy in those lenses tho, can’t blame her
-all of the cast looks like they’re having the time of their life
-Mischa’s mannerisms are already cracking me up
-I am appreciating Noel very much in this production tbh, very sharp-tongued and excellent emoting in the face
-Jane’s delivery of That One Line (I hear it gives you an—)
-despite the small theatre and tech limits because of that, they really do well getting the point across with the props
-gosh props to Noel that change takes too long even in the main show, but he works it
-ngl I’m in love with this Ricky
-these dances are so fun!
-not a ton of Nischa in here with the end of the lament but—
-Constance’s “w h y” after the F word joke
-B O N S O I R
-them adding improv in ESGAL is a bit silly, but oh, RuPaul ref. That blindsided me lol
-they seem to be sort of un-possessed in TSIA, and Mischa seems a bit more friendly in this production so I think that fits decently
-I love how they try to make it like he can’t remember his rap—or can he actually not remember? Either way they played it off like it was on purpose and I appreciate that
-interesting how Jane’s a stand-in for Talia, cuz she could be anyone, she’s a blank body sorta
-I love the dances so so much, how they seem to be fencing Mischa in, and HE SINGS SO WELL, they did their best with the projector and got it across
-NOEL AND MISCHA HUG? NOEL AND MISCHA HUG!!!! AWWWWW IM CRYIN they seem so genuine about that whole part! person I’ve tagged said they noticed Mischa is audibly crying for quite a bit, poor dear
-again, Mischa encourages Ricky, I appreciate this! They see the Ricky and Mischa friendship supremacy!!!
-Mischa and Jane acting like generally strange parents and tHE FAKE ACTION SCENES which I genuinely think should have been in the original
-the implication that zolar daydreams came from food poisoning, this poor lad, I know it’s not exclusive to this version but dang
-this Ricky is just very captivating, I think this is a part that takes a lot of…uhhh, chutzpah, to play
-(sees Jane being a very passionate kitty) … (adds to spacedolls evidence folder)
-hehe I love that Mischa is Count Dogula
-also that black hole sound frequency reference made me so happy (“68 octaves below the middle C”)
-this Mischa has ADHD imo and I live for it
-AW JANE HAS SUCH A TINY MEMORY BOX. …big enough for a head. Cruel.
-they really worked with what they had for the background on Jane’s song. The way she blends into the scenery fits. That’s what she’s been doing this whole show. Also her trying so hard to grab her memory box and it’s always out of reach ;A;
-HER VOICE IS EXCELLENT this is impressing me in a bigger way than I thought it would
-the shadows moving!!! the way she can kind of recall knowing them, but not enough to know their faces or names
-the circling with the lights does make me think she’s falling, and the fact that she’s holding an umbrella…and sounds like she’s crying at the end…she’s so alone dude, I care her
-that last note was like a final scream
-Noel and Jane interaction!!! something I never see!!! I love it!
-Ricky is so gentle with Jane ;-;
-(chat is ableist about someone either ticcing, stimming, or having a meltdown in the audience and distracts me)
-Sugarcloud was excellent sorry I was too busy being full of rage
-Piano go breaking noises
-“you will soar to great heights” o u c h
Do I have criticism? Uhhh well it wasn’t perfect but hey, from what I saw they didn’t have a ton to work with (nobody’s fault there) and they used their resources well.
I also constantly have to remind myself of the fact that this show has a cast of at most eight people acting, and it makes sense that it’s difficult to remember all of your lines, and the fact that everybody has a solo song!!!
I dream of some day playing an alto Jane, although I doubt it will ever happen, but I’m not sure I’m talented enough to do with this cast attempted
Also frick the people in chat who were being jerks about that audience member. git gud, Ricky would hate you you’re breaking the one rule
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heyitsrayarts · 2 years
Okay so here is my Introduction post!!! I figured out what was wrong so do not fret :))) let's get to it then, yeah? Btw im gonna tag my interests to show you what im free to talk about >:)) also please talk to me about stuff !!!
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Soo my name is Ray! I go by He/they pronouns and I identify as Nonbinary, Queer, and Transmasc!!
My interests also include:
Breaking Bad
Apple and Onion
Miraculous LadyBug
And Tuca and Bertie!!
However, I've only finished both DHMIS and Tuca and Bertie, so no one talk to me about it!!!
And other things I like are playing ukulele, playing the alto sax, and writing music! I also draw things like my own ocs and fanart! I also write fanfics? I haven't written one in a while though-
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And since these slides are out of date, here are some more if my faves:
Red guy
Jesse Pinkman
Gus Fring
Saul Goodman
Apple and Onion
Chat Noir
And Speckle !!!
And then ships i like are:
Red x duck
Jesse x Jane
Apple x onion
Norma x Badyah
Barney x Logan
Chat noir x marinette
And speckle x bertie :))
Okay that should be all !!! Please god please let this post oh my god
Also here are my socials:
Discord - heyitsray#4077
Spotify - ItDoBeRay
Instagram - Heyitsrayarts
Tiktok - @heyitsray4266
Youtube - HeyItsRay 4266
Byeee 💜💜💜💜💜
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margarettelizha · 10 months
|| Character Master List ||
All active OC’s under the cut! I’d love opportunities for RP, asks, or messages!
Margarette “Maggie” Lizha
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Also goes by Lady Margarette Theroux, but very rarely outside of Ishgard
Seeker Miqo’te from Ul’dah
Born in Summer ♋️ , 25 years old
Ul’dah socialite turned Ishgardian nobility (she’s still figuring it out)
Married to Lord Olivier Theroux ( @blueberryaesthetics ) | [Fractured Fabergé] in a Jane Austen style arranged marriage plot
Themes for RP: Ul’dah Social Circles | Merchant | Ishgardian Nobility | Kugane | Politics | Formal Functions | Cooking | Fashion | Slice of Life
Carrd (WIP)
Maggie is a non-combat, non-WOL character who makes a great foil for all the super cool badasses of Eorzea. I would love to write with new friends in Ishgard, old friends from Ul’dah, merchants she meets in her line of work, or strangers she meets in the city states!
Jack Deveny
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At least, that’s his name right now
Highlander Hyur from ???
Born ????, ??? Years old?
“Not So” Private Detective
Unattached, and he hates to see a beautiful person drinking alone
Themes for RP: Detective Work | Informant | Casual Conversation | “I know a guy” | Noir
Carrd WIP
Combat character, non-WOL
Jack is a charming addition to any room, and will happily chat with just about everyone. I would love to write with contacts old and new, subjects of his investigations, clients hoping to hire him, or old war buddies (Which war? Good question.)
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Remember Atrox
Hellsguard Roegadyn from Abalathia’s Spine
Born in the Summer ♋️ , 28 years old
Very legitimate sailor currently in between crews for reasons that are not at all her fault, clearly
Recently broken up and shattered about it
Themes for RP: Life in Limsa | Piracy | Treasure Hunting | Friendly Ear at the Bar | Travel | Theatre
Carrd WIP
Combat character, non-WOL
Remember is a gentle giant very likely to lose her concentration on the battlefield thinking about the pretty healer who patched her up the night before. I would love to write with rival pirates, lady loves old and new, fellow treasure hunters, fellow theatre lovers, and anyone else she might have met while traveling
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stachebracket · 1 year
Round One 'Stache Match-ups
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower) vs Professor Rowan (Pokémon) Geppetto (Pinocchio 1940) vs Tim Lockwood (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)The Lorax (The Lorax) vs William Riker (Star Trek: Next Generation) The President (Pikmin) vs King Dice (Cuphead) Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys) vs Kratos (God of War) Filbrick Pines (Gravity Falls) vs Mouse Kaboom (Happy Tree Friends) Tarzan's Dad (Tarzan 1999) vs Drayden (Pokémon) Morshu (Legend of Zelda) vs Magikarp (Pokémon) Luigi (Super Mario) vs Snidely Whiplash (Rocky and Bullwinkle) Dracula (Castlevania) vs Gaepora (Legend of Zelda) Hades (Hades) vs Geralt (The Witcher) Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction) vs Walrus Captain (A Hat in Time) Dr. Wily (Megaman) vs Charlie Swan (Twilight) King of All Cosmos (Katamari) vs Hizashi "Present Mic" Yamada (My Hero Academia) Drake (Pokémon) vs Craigor Smiff (Red Stitch Report) Blaine (Pokémon) vs Gimli (The Lord of the Rings)
Eggman (Sonic) vs Lando Calrissian (Star Wars) Archibald Dandy (The Adventures of Captain Wrongel) vs Walter White (Breaking Bad) Mung Daal (Chowder) vs Linebeck III (Legend of Zelda) Kingambit (Pokémon) vs Doc Louis (Punch-Out!!) Major Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Doctor Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) Soichiro Yagami (Death Note) vs Murro Morton (Identity V) Baron Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood) vs J. Jonah Jameson (Marvel) Wulfric (Pokémon) vs Henry Henderson (Spy x Family) Gashu Satou (Your Turn to Die) vs Stanley Hudson (The Office) Alolan Golem (Pokémon) vs Landorus (Pokémon) King Harkinian (Legend of Zelda) vs Thundurus (Pokémon) Gustavo (Pizza Tower) vs Tornadus (Pokémon) Broque Monsieur (Mario & Luigi) vs Cadmus Ebcott (Red Stitch Report) Rhys Strongfork (Borderlands) vs Agustín Madrigal (Encanto) Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers) vs Soseki Natsume (The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles) Oscar (Duolingo) vs Professor Turo (Pokémon)
Soda Popinski (Punch-Out!!) vs Mario (Super Mario) Cliff Clavin (Cheers) vs King River Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil) Stoutland (Pokémon) vs Grandpa Harley (Homestuck) Von Kaiser (Punch-Out!!) vs The Captain (BBC Ghosts) Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time) vs Tobias Fünke (Arrested Development) Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Randy Marsh (South Park) Wario (Super Mario) vs Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings) Kevin Ayuso (Identity V) vs Mr Pickels (Happy Tree Friends) Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride) vs Minimus Ambus (Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye) Kricketune (Pokémon) vs Eldstar (Paper Mario) Jane Crocker (clever disguise) (Homestuck) vs Advisor Mung (Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams) Saguaro (Pokémon) vs Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Waluigi (Super Mario) vs Vincenzo Santorini (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) Mr. Rime (Pokémon) vs Raikou (Pokémon) Sportacus (Lazy Town) vs Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) Steven Magnet (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) vs Sir Humphrey Bone (BBC Ghosts) Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Duster (Mother 3) Varrick (The Legend of Korra) vs King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist) Omni-Man (Invincible) vs Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (Doctor Who) William Murderface Murderface Murderface (Metalocalypse) vs Lolorito Nanarito (Final Fantasy XIV) Mumbo Jumbo (Hermitcraft) vs Probopass (Pokémon) The Toy Soldier (The Mechanisms) vs Chancellor Cole (Legend of Zelda) Alakazam (Pokémon) vs Entei (Pokémon) Thom Merrilin (The Wheel of Time) vs James Gordon (DC Comics) Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale) vs Taryon Gary Darrington (Critical Role) Julius Pringle (Pringles) vs Netero (Hunter x Hunter) Dudley (Street Fighter) vs Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) BJ Hunnicutt (M*A*S*H) vs Daruk (Legend of Zelda) Mabosstiff (Pokémon) vs Vito Corleone (The Godfather) Cervantes (Fire Emblem) vs Don Paolo (Professor Layton) Gordan Freeman (Half-Life) vs Zangief (Street Fighter)
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A delve into the ships of the Ladybug fandom
Since it’s been filling up my dash with art and drawings of nightmare babies, I decided to study the Ladybug fandom, not as a participant, but as an observer. Particularly their ships, observing how this fandom managed to wrangle four different ships out of two people. These were my results.
Adrienette, Adrien x Marinette (a.k.a: the only one that actually exists): A pretty standard quirky smart girl getting with the popular hot guy ship, but also slightly disturbing by how much this girl lusts for Adrien. Like, she’s got 90% of her life figured out, but immediately goes crazy ex girlfriend around Adrien. All I’m saying is that she’s definitely fished his band-aids out of the trash at some point. This ship is rendered boring by how inevitable it is, and everyone’s pretty much waiting for the inevitable identity reveal and everything to fall into place. However, the writers keep jerking us around, coming up with increasingly arbitrary reasons to keep the “Will They Won’t They Hell” going.
Adribug, Adrien x Ladybug: Genderbent Spider-Man and Mary Jane. Also this one is literally just Adrienette with a new coat of paint an a slightly more assertive Marinette. Watching Adrien pine for the girl instead of watching Marinette stalk Adrien is a nice change of pace for a while, but it’s still boring by virtue of being the last ship reskinned.
Ladynoir, Ladybug x Chat Noir: Look, all I’m saying is that Chat needs to learn that no means no. This guy is giving Pepe le Pew a run for his money. Like, dude, she turned you down a bunch of times and you have a job to do. Get on with yourself. There is a certain appeal to seeing the whole co-workers to lovers dynamic, but it’s off-set by the sheer creep factor that Chat is putting out. Reminds me a little too much of teen romantic comedies where the “nice guy” is endlessly battering at the leads defenses until she breaks down and goes out with him.
Chatinette, Chat Noir x Marinette: Nobody gets what they want. Marinette has to go for the insane theater kid that her crush truly is and Chat has to settle for the crazy girl his crush really is. No one is satisfied. No one is happy. Objectively the best one as it has the most room for conflict to be explored in it, and therefore makes the best story.
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Lover (My Favourite Couples' Version)
Lover (My Favourite Couples' Version) https://ift.tt/5OTvcBX by That_One_Dwarf "I always look at albums as chapters in my life, and to the fans, I'm so happy that you like this one... But I have to be really honest with you about something: I'm even more excited about the next chapter." - Taylor Swift A compilation of stories of my favourite couples featuring all the songs from an underrated gem in Taylor's discography. I present to you all, Lover! Featured Couples: Loid x Yor (TwiYor) - SPY X FAMILY Marinette x Adrien (Marichat) - Miraculous May x Steven (Daiharu) - Pokemon ORAS Draco x Hermione (Dramione) - Harry Potter Rapunzel x Jack Frost (Jackunzel) - Tangled & Rise of the Guardians Jane x Loki (Lokane) - Marvel Barbie x Oppenheimer (Barbenheimer) - Barbie & Oppenheimer Charlie x Alastor (Charlastor) - Hazbin Hotel Daryl x Beth (Bethyl) - The Walking Dead Nick x Judy (WildeHopps) - Zootopia Sukuna x Cinderella (Cinduna) - Jujutsu Kaisen & Disney Eleven x Rose Tyler (ElevenRose) - Doctor Who Words: 997, Chapters: 1/19, Language: English Series: Part 2 of My Favourite Couples' Version Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Anime), SPY x FAMILY (Manga), Pocket Monsters: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire | Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Versions, Disney Theatrical Animated Universe, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), Barbie (Movie 2023), Oppenheimer (Movie 2023), Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, Tangled (2010), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Hazbin Hotel (Web Series), Zootopia (2016), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Haruka | May, Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Cinderella (Disney), Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Margot Robbie's Barbie (Barbie 2023), J. Robert Oppenheimer, Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Rapunzel (Disney), Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Charlie Magne, Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler, Daryl Dixon, Beth Greene (Walking Dead) Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Haruka | May/Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Cinderella (Disney)/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Margot Robbie's Barbie (Barbie 2023)/J. Robert Oppenheimer, J. Robert Oppenheimer/Barbie Roberts, Jane Foster/Loki, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)/Rapunzel (Disney), Alastor/Charlie Magne, Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Eleventh Doctor/Rose Tyler, Daryl Dixon/Beth Greene Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, Families of Choice, Album: Lover (Taylor Swift), Inspired by Music, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift References, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Married Life, Smut, here we go again, no beta we die like my brain while writing this via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/WDLbl8w December 24, 2023 at 04:58AM
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ao3feed-twiyor · 5 months
Lover (My Favourite Couples' Version)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/a3Am0SG by That_One_Dwarf "I always look at albums as chapters in my life, and to the fans, I'm so happy that you like this one... But I have to be really honest with you about something: I'm even more excited about the next chapter." - Taylor Swift A compilation of stories of my favourite couples featuring all the songs from an underrated gem in Taylor's discography. I present to you all, Lover! Featured Couples: Loid x Yor (TwiYor) - SPY X FAMILY Marinette x Adrien (Marichat) - Miraculous May x Steven (Daiharu) - Pokemon ORAS Draco x Hermione (Dramione) - Harry Potter Rapunzel x Jack Frost (Jackunzel) - Tangled & Rise of the Guardians Jane x Loki (Lokane) - Marvel Barbie x Oppenheimer (Barbenheimer) - Barbie & Oppenheimer Charlie x Alastor (Charlastor) - Hazbin Hotel Daryl x Beth (Bethyl) - The Walking Dead Nick x Judy (WildeHopps) - Zootopia Sukuna x Cinderella (Cinduna) - Jujutsu Kaisen & Disney Eleven x Rose Tyler (ElevenRose) - Doctor Who Words: 997, Chapters: 1/19, Language: English Series: Part 2 of My Favourite Couples' Version Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Anime), SPY x FAMILY (Manga), Pocket Monsters: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire | Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Versions, Disney Theatrical Animated Universe, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), Barbie (Movie 2023), Oppenheimer (Movie 2023), Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, Tangled (2010), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Hazbin Hotel (Web Series), Zootopia (2016), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Haruka | May, Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Cinderella (Disney), Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Margot Robbie's Barbie (Barbie 2023), J. Robert Oppenheimer, Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Rapunzel (Disney), Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Charlie Magne, Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler, Daryl Dixon, Beth Greene (Walking Dead) Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Haruka | May/Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Cinderella (Disney)/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Margot Robbie's Barbie (Barbie 2023)/J. Robert Oppenheimer, J. Robert Oppenheimer/Barbie Roberts, Jane Foster/Loki, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)/Rapunzel (Disney), Alastor/Charlie Magne, Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Eleventh Doctor/Rose Tyler, Daryl Dixon/Beth Greene Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, Families of Choice, Album: Lover (Taylor Swift), Inspired by Music, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift References, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Married Life, Smut, here we go again, no beta we die like my brain while writing this read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/a3Am0SG
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