#skate life approved
thesk8doctor · 1 year
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charcubed · 5 months
I saw Challengers earlier today and I decided to start a running doc of some of my feral thoughts in an effort to not forget what's currently marinating in my brain after my first watch
I want this movie to get a long theatrical release/run because it deserves it, but that's unfortunate because I also NEED to have it accessible to me in my home ASAP so I can pull on all its threads and take screencaps. Alas.
might add to this later as I remember things, idk
-The parallel of Art spitting his gum in Tashi’s hand and in Patrick’s hand… My jaw dropped soooo early on. Anyway they obviously both act as Art’s “coach” at different times in his life in different ways. (The jerking off teaching?? Scream???) Art craves their guidance and approval as a form of love (which is also directly responsible for his confidence issues) and initially likes to follow their leads in every situation
-The parallel of Tashi making out with both Art and Patrick up against cars… delicious
-Patrick’s car is his “bed” and it’s where he and Tashi fuck. Nice
-Wait now I’m sad because… lowkey Patrick is homeless because Art and Tashi are his home…………….
-The storm = Patrick and Tashi having sex = the reason why Art’s half of the giant poster/ad on the side of the building falls down so only Tashi’s side is left up. Iconic, loooove a good visual metaphor, especially shown nonlinearly
-The parallel of the forehead kisses??? Art and Patrick on the court at the start when they won the doubles, and Art and Tashi in the sad almost-sex scene towards the end??? I will throw up
-Disclaimer and reminder I’ve only seen this movie once and might reform any of these thoughts later BUT…
One of Art’s main things is, as he tells Patrick towards the start, not wanting to be “left out.” He loves and he wants both Patrick and Tashi (but he doesn’t fully want to acknowledge the extent of his want for Patrick for years, and that repression is part of his problems…). He gets “lit up” about the thought of them together not because he’s jealous of one of them but because he’s jealous of BOTH of them; he wants to know it all, he wants to be in the room, he wants to be with them both, he despairs at the thought of losing either of them (but, at the start, especially at the thought of losing or being of lesser importance to Patrick. Obviously he’s a fucking idiot as evidenced by how Patrick goes to see him FIRST at Stanford. Ugh). We see all of this at the start when Art wants to know if Tashi and Patrick fucked. We see this in Atlanta when he witnesses Tashi cheating on him with Patrick but doesn’t directly confront either of them about it; he only skates the edge of confronting it with Patrick in the sauna while also lashing out at him. Patrick tells Art at Stanford “it’s nice to see you so lit up about something, even if it’s my girlfriend” during the homoerotic churros scene because Patrick’s clocked all of this about Art, too. He clocks it further in Atlanta when he shows up to Art’s practice with Tashi and his mere presence makes Art hit the ball harder. It obviously all comes full circle; the cocktail of emotions that Patrick and Tashi being together gives Art coalesces again for him on the court in the Challengers match: Tashi’s threatened to leave him if he loses… and she’s maybe got one foot out the door with Patrick of all people, who Art already “lost” in the past as the love he’s been mourning for 13 years. But what’s important is that THIS time, unlike Atlanta, Art learns about Tashi cheating on him with Patrick not by accident but rather because Patrick actually tells him. Patrick understands the significance of how this will get Art lit up again and make him play the way he needs to for all of their sakes, and it’s fucked up, but… what this means is Patrick doesn’t leave Art out. He TELLS Art – and he tells him in a way only they understand while they’re on the court together again. Of course Art goes through several stages of emotions in response to that fucked up information… but ultimately that moment of honesty and realization between the boys is what Art needed and puts where all 3 of them stand into sharp relief, shedding a light on who they’ve all always been and what their individual needs are.
Art’s always wanted to play tennis, but that desire is framed around his relationships. Tennis is only something he truly enjoys or that fully makes him happy when he’s experiencing it through his connections to other people: he wants to impress, earn the approval of, or celebrate with those he loves who are watching (like his grandmother or Tashi) – which is partially why he wants Tashi to be his coach in the first place. And of course, tennis all began as something Art found joy in because he was always doing it with Patrick. It’s clear Patrick feels the same. At the start, neither of them cared much about winning for the sake of winning unless it was doubles because they competed as a team and that was “really fun” for them. With the singles competition, they kind of cared less about the wins at the start; Art assumed Patrick would win and didn’t care back then, and then Patrick was willing to let Art win so he could impress his family, and they were both fine with all of those sentiments. Tennis was first and foremost something they did with and for each other. As Patrick later tells Art in the sauna, “I miss playing with you” – and, of course, at that point he’s definitely not only talking about tennis. But in that final match, after so many years, Patrick and Art finally understand each other completely again. It’s like they’re in love (because they are and always have been), they go somewhere really beautiful together… etc. They finally reconnect on the court and feel that thrill as they become synchronized again, which is what tennis was always about for them.
And Tashi, who’s irrevocably connected to them both and whose primary love is and always has been the sport itself, gets what SHE’S always wanted: to “watch some good fucking tennis.” It’s why she pitted the boys against each other vying for her number at the start. Though she needs/wants both boys in different ways on an individual level, she doesn’t particularly need or want anyone to ~be in love with her~; she wants the men who are in love with her to entertain her and challenge her and give her a show. So that’s what she tries to accomplish again in the end by telling Art she’d leave him if he lost the Challengers match… but the missing piece in her making that threat – the element that would get Art truly fired up – was that she’d potentially leave Art for Patrick. That final piece of info, when Art finds out about the cheating, is what reconnects them in all of the above ways. Because it’s about all 3 of them and their triangular codependency. They’ve all been broken for 13 years because they all need each other and tennis to be fully functional. Split any of it apart and they just don’t work.
-Literally this is a film where from the moment of the injury they’re all constantly mourning. They all lose their greatest loves that day… Tashi essentially loses tennis, Art loses Patrick, and Patrick loses the two of them. Everything after that is just them being affected by how they’re all mired in various grief and feeling incomplete… until that synchronization at the match when they finally become whole again. Going from that bed scene that was breaking my heart to the final match was HEALING. Things are still fucked up and in progress, but they’re fucked up in a way they all understand, which gives them a path forward. This movie has a fiercely happy ending in that regard… and what I’m saying is that… after the match, once they communicate further, and much later down the line… Art and Patrick should go back to playing doubles and Tashi should coach them as as doubles team. God they’d eventually all be so happy I wanna CRY just thinking about them doing that. It would take them awhile to get there — because yeah, Tashi is living vicariously through Art’s career as an individual player and maybe if Art retired she’d then want to live through PATRICK’S career for awhile — but I think if they worked out their relationship then their tennis could come to reflect the needs of that relationship too, and doubles can still be “good fucking tennis” in its own satisfying right, y’know? I think they could get there and it would be a beautiful collective restart.
-I gotta say, I can't imagine Tashi pregnant. Wild to me. Sorry to their daughter. Oooo also... I think Patrick would be great with kids... when he gets to meet Lily and become "Uncle Patrick" they're gonna hit it off so fast. Help me
-*holds up Tashi watching them kiss after she orchestrated it* *holds up the Challengers match* It’s the same picture. Except the kisses were kisses whereas the match was actual sex. The moaning and grunting… I’m insane. Also Tashi’s “COME ON!!!!” is arguably the sole orgasm/climax we witness in the whole movie perhaps? Though you could argue the hug is too. In this essay I will, etc.
-Art begging for Tashi’s love/validation saying “Tell me it doesn’t matter if I win tomorrow” vs Art telling Patrick in the sauna “this is a game about winning the points that matter” / Patrick saying “I don’t matter?” AAAA oh my fucking Goddddddd I’m gonna die
-Thank you Luca Guadignino for your dedication to having Art and Patrick hold phallic drinks and food in each others’ presence. Specific shout out to Patrick at the beach party holding the beer bottle on his crotch
-Patrick = comfortable with who he is and secure in his bisexuality; honest and open Art = repressing his queerness and his overall desires Tashi = hiding who she is aka her dissatisfactions with life and the lengths she’ll go to because tennis is her true greatest love and always has been
-I need to rewatch to catch the dialogue because it was difficult for me to hear it over the music, but I think in the 3am Atlanta scene Tashi tells Patrick that Art’s grandmother had a stroke. IF that’s what she said (and if there’s no reason to believe it’s a lie Art told; like I said, I need to rewatch)… my immediate impression was that it’s a nod to Patrick being the voice of accuracy and prediction in this movie. Towards the beginning he tells Art (jokingly) that he hopes Art’s grandmother dies of a stroke, and that’s seemingly what literally comes to pass. He repeatedly clocks both Tashi and Art’s behaviors, describing them brashly to their faces (and to us as the audience), and he was right about his predictions. He’s the one who’s not repressed or unaware of who he is out of the 3 of them: when Tashi first asks if there’s something between him and Art, he looks away because he knows the answer is yes; he’s openly bi on dating apps; he tells Tashi he won’t be her lapdog unlike Art which we see later ends up becoming literal; he clocks how Tashi is hiding some of her true motivations when she seeks him out in the storm; and even from afar he predicts Art’s mindset about wanting to retire. For the most part, what Patrick does / says either seems to be or becomes truth. Hmmm, wait, as I’m typing this… something to look out for: the “I TOLD YA” shirt. Working theory: Tashi briefly wears it, she’s the voice of accuracy; then it blatantly switches over to Patrick and he wears it throughout the film and [waves to all of the above]
-Head in my hands thinking of how the word “love” is used in these tennis matches. Also something I need to make detailed note of when I rewatch
-Patrick grabbing Art’s thigh when they first watched Tashi play… oh my GOD
-Patrick pulling Art’s stool close and Art just smoothly sitting on it with no reaction… the way they kept looking at each others' lips... oh my G O D
-I just remembered Tashi referred to the boys being known as as “fire and ice.” What the fuck even.
-Tashi going to Patrick asking him to lose the match for Art… she’s literally like, "do this because I love tennis and if I lose Art then I lose the way I live tennis through him. Do this because if he loses this match he'll lose himself." And she's really like, "Do this because I know you’re in love with both of us." And Patrick is like, "A) fuck you because you know I’ll say yes precisely because I'm in love with both of you so how dare you ask this of me, and B) you’re kidding yourself if you think you don’t miss the challenge I give YOU simply by being myself because I don’t take your shit." Something something they're peers, you know
-Tbh for 13 years when Patrick gets his rare opportunities he’s @ both Art and Tashi like “you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” And the thing is that he’s RIGHT. He’s right! Art in particular doesn't want to admit it because he's trying to convince himself he outgrew being bisexual / outgrew Patrick but it's obviously bullshit
-Realizing some of the sounds in the soundtrack intentionally emulate the sounds of tennis balls and rackets???? MADNESS
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goldfades · 6 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | requested ! -> i kind of have a specific request 🫣 im an ohio state fan so it also kinda pains me that i love luke hughes since i hate umich 😭 my request is reader being an osu student and long term devils fan, so when she goes to a devils game in columbus her friends dare her to make a sign for luke during warm ups that says something along the lines of “can i trade you a hat for a puck?” so when luke gives her a puck, she throws him an ohio state hat w her phone number on it. and he finds it really funny and actually ends up messaging her (and then you can end it how you want. fluff, smut, wtv) thank you <33
─ word count | 2.8k
─ warnings | so so so fluffy it might kill you, luke being a cutie pie, meet-cute situation, ohio state (bleh), slight angst, luke being self-conscious and overly self-critical, hurt to comfort, the devils vs rangers game (😭😭😭), nothin' else!
─ taglist | @dancerbailey @maryleclerc @valluvsu @bowen-power @bunting58 @daisysnhl @daisysthings @hearts-4-luke @iminlovewithtz11 @jackhughesily @literatureluster @lvrzegras @lxvelyzoe @ru-kru
─ ev's notes | luke hughes fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess who's outta their writing slump??? this guyyyyy!!!! so yeah, here is a cute little sweet luke fic because my best friend has been into him and this request has been sitting in my inbox, so!! yeah, enjoy, i love you guys mwah mwah mwah
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"HE'S PROBABLY NOT EVEN GONNA SEE THE SIGN," you laughed as your best friend took in the sign you'd made. She nodded in a approval, a knowing smirk on her lips.
"Who cares? It's just for fun. You know, YOLO," she replied, giving you a playful nudge. "Plus, imagine the look on his face if he does see it."
You couldn't help but chuckle nervously, adjusting the sign in your hands. It read, "Can I trade you a hat for a puck, #43?" in bold, black letters against a vibrant red background. You were loved DIY projects so this was just as fun for you as it was for your friends.
"Maybe he'll finally follow you back on Instagram," your best friend added with an amused tone as you rolled your eyes, feeling your cheeks get red. She'd known of your long time crush on the youngest Hughes brother, and she was having the time of her life teasing you about it. "Who knows, maybe it'll be a start of a love story."
You laughed nervously at your friend's teasing, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up your cheeks. "Oh please, it's just a bit of fun," you replied, trying to play off your crush on Luke as nothing more than innocent admiration.
But deep down, the idea of catching Luke's attention in any way made your heart flutter.
Entering the Nationwide Arena, the energy of the crowd enveloped you, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. As the players hit the ice for warm-ups, you scanned the rink eagerly, trying to catch a glimpse of Luke. With your homemade sign clutched tightly in your hand, you made your way to the glass, positioning yourself so that Luke could see you.
Then, there he was, Luke Hughes, effortlessly weaving between his teammates with grace. You couldn't tear your eyes away as he neared your section of the glass, your breath catching in your throat. You'd only seen him one other time and that was at a Michigan game - however, because it didn't end very well, you decided it was best not to go get a picture with him.
He looked more put together this time, his curls pouring out of his helmet in a way that made your heart jump. You could feel your best friend's amused gaze on the side of your face, you rolled your eyes as she let out a teasing laugh.
"Oh, shut up."
"Hold up your sign higher, Y/N." She urged, nudging you playfully. You did as she said, holding the sign as high as you could.
To your surprise, Luke's gaze flickered towards you, a smirk playing on his lips as he skated closer. He pointed at your sign, giving you a nod of approval before flipping a puck over the glass in your direction.
"Oh my fucking god," your friend mumbled as she caught the puck. You couldn't believe it. Your heart was pounding with excitement as your friend caught the puck that Luke had sent flying your way.
With trembling hands, you fumbled in your bag for the Ohio State hat you had brought along, your heart pounding in your chest.
"You're actually gonna give him the hat?" Your friend laughed as she glanced back at Luke, an amused expression on his face as he waited for you to throw him the hat.
As you lifted up the hat from your bag, Luke let out an amused chuckle as he caught sight of it, his eyes widening with surprise. With a nervous laugh, you nodded, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your cheeks.
"Yeah, why not?" you replied, trying to sound casual despite the flutter of butterflies in your stomach. You glanced in between Luke and your friend, feeling a surge of confidence as you smiled.
Quickly scribbling your phone number on a scrap of paper, you tucked it inside the hat before tossing it over the glass towards Luke. Gripping on the red hat, you tossed it over the glass towards him. He caught it with ease, giving you an impressed smirk.
You mimicked holding a phone to your ear, gesturing towards Luke with a playful smile before mouthing the words 'call me' as your best friend erupted in laughter, her face turning red. Luke couldn't help but join in on the laughter as he shook his head, skating off with the hat in his hands.
"I still can't believe you did that," your best friend giggled as she drove home. To no one surprise, the devils had won and you were over the moon.
You couldn't help but giggle along with her, the adrenaline from the encounter still coursing through your veins. "I can't believe it either," you admitted, your smile widening as you replayed the moment in your mind.
As you finally arrived back at your dorm, you couldn't wipe the grin from your face, the memory of Luke's amused reaction playing on a loop in your mind. You got ready for bed and snuggled into the bed but no matter how hard you tried to sleep, you just couldn't.
So, you pulled out your phone and went on TikTok, scrolling endlessly. You knew you'd regret it in the morning but sleeping didn't seem too appealing, especially after the night you'd had.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed and you glanced up to read the message. Your heart skipped a beat once you'd glanced at it. It was an unknown number, with an unfamiliar area code.
You clicked on the number and searched the area code and it was Michigan. You didn't know anyone from Michigan, so who the hell could it─
It suddenly clicked, your eyes widening in disbelief. As you stared at the screen, a rush of excitement flooded through you. Could it be? Your mind raced with possibilities as you hesitated for a moment before tapping on the message.
unknown so you're still an ohio fan after we beat ur ass ?
you who's this?
unknown how many hats did you give away tonight? 🥲
you luke???? hughes????
unknown good so im the only one, i hope 🥰
You let out scoff, in utter disbelief. Before responding furthur, you screenshotted the conversation and sent it to your best friend. There was no fucking way that Luke Hughes had messaged you.
A few weeks passed and you'd been talking to Luke almost everyday. And that wasn't an exaggeration, after every conversation that died, Luke began another one. You'd even gone as far as FaceTiming him, it seemed surreal for the first couple weeks but it had since become normal.
"How was your test?" Luke spoke, his voice muffled as he chewed on his protein bar. You put your phone down on the desk as you shrugged, sighing. "Wow, that bad?"
You chuckled softly, the sound carrying through the phone as you leaned back in your chair. "Yeah, pretty much," you admitted, running a hand through your hair. "But hey, at least it's over now. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."
Luke's laughter echoed through the speaker, and you couldn't help but smile at the sound. Despite the miles between you, his presence felt comforting and familiar, a constant in your otherwise chaotic life.
"Who needs Calc? I mean, it's useless." Luke added as he took another bite of his protein bar. Before you could respond, someone in Luke's background began talking. "Yeah, yeah. I'll clean it after I get off the phone."
Your lips curved into an amused smile as you heard the voice retort, watching Luke's expression became annoyed. "I'm on the phone, Jack. Give me two seconds-"
The next thing you see is Luke's screen being shaking and a few voices arguing before Jack took his phone, coming on to the screen."Y/N, tell Luke to wash his dirty ass dishes."
"Luke, listen to your big brother." You respond teasingly, causing Jack to smirk at his younger brother.
Luke rolled his eyes but you could see a hint of amusement dancing in them. "Come on, Y/N, you're supposed to be on my side," he joked, though there was a playful glint in his eyes.
You chuckled at the playful banter between the brothers, feeling a sense of amusement. "Sorry, Luke, but I have to agree with Jack on this one. Clean those dishes, it's disgusting."
Jack grinned, giving you a thumbs-up before disappearing off-screen. Luke let out an exaggerated sigh, but you could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Fine, fine," he relented, rolling his eyes theatrically. "But only because you said so, Y/N."
"See! You only listen to Y/N!" Jack shouted as Luke's face flushed, glaring at his brother off-screen before he disappeared into the home.
"Looks like I have some influence around here," you teased, flashing Luke a playful grin.
Luke shook his head, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. "I swear, he's impossible sometimes," he muttered, though there was a fondness in his voice that betrayed his annoyance.
"It's okay. That's just how all siblings are," you cleaned on to the desk as you watched Luke through the screen.
There was a short silence as Luke gazed back at you through the screen, his lips curving into a smile. "Hey, so uh... we have a game later this week."
"Yeah, I know. Against the Rangers."
Luke ran his hands through his curls, his expression a little anxious before he continued. "And don't you have spring break?"
You put two and two together, a small smile playing on your lips as you nodded.
"Well, uh... I was thinking, maybe you could come to the game?" Luke's words came out in a rush, his cheeks flushing slightly as he awaited your response. "So we can finally hang out in person."
Your heart skipped a beat at his invitation, the idea of finally hanging out with Luke in person sending a thrill through you. "I'd love to," you replied eagerly, unable to hide the excitement in your voice.
Luke's smile widened at your enthusiastic response, relief evident in his eyes. "Great! I'll make sure you have the best seats in the house."
"Good, I wanna be watching when you beat the Ranger's asses." You joked as he smiled.
"Oh and, you have one of my jerseys. Right?"
You let out a laugh as you rolled your eyes. "Yeah, of course I do,"
Luke chuckled, a hint of pride evident in his expression. "Good, because I was thinking you could wear it to the game. Show some support for your favorite player," he teased.
"Who said you were my favorite player-"
"Hey, I was the one you gave your number to." Luke teased as you rolled your eyes.
"Okay fine," you admitted with a smirk.
Luke flashed you a satisfied smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "So, you'll wear the jersey then?"
You nodded, unable to resist his infectious enthusiasm. "Yeah, I'll wear it. But only because you asked so nicely."
Luke's grin widened, a sense of satisfaction evident in his gaze. "Okay, great. Maybe I'll even sign it for you?"
"Oh, shut up." You rolled your eyes as Luke let out a very amused laugh. "Show-off."
Luke didn't have a lot of time before the game so he only waved at you during warmups, but you weren't mad about it. With a smile on your face, you waved back at Luke, sending him a silent message of support and encouragement.
You understood the importance of the game and knew that Luke needed to be on his A-game tonight. However, Luke did keep his promise of giving you the best seats in the house ─ you felt as though you were really on the ice, with the players.
You stood in the stands, watching as Luke and the rest of the team warmed up on the ice. As the puck dropped and the game began, you cheered loudly, your heart filled with pride for your favorite player.
The Rangers came out strong, controlling the puck and applying pressure on the Devils' defense early on. Despite their best efforts, the Devils struggled to gain momentum, facing relentless attacks from their opponents.
In the end, it was a hard-fought battle, but the Rangers had won. You weren't disappointed, no. But you knew how hard everyone could be on Luke, despite him being a rookie. You were a little conflicted, maybe this wasn't the best game you could've came to.
Luke made his way towards the tunnel, his expression disappointed. You knew this one of the biggest games of the season and knowing Luke, he probably thought it was all his fault.
You knew how much he poured into every game, and it pained you to see him shouldering the weight of the loss. Despite your conflicted feelings about the outcome of the game, your support for Luke never wavered.
You made your way out of the arena, waiting outside the player's exit area. You glanced around, scanning the area for any sign of Luke or the rest of the team. As the minutes passed, you shifted from foot to foot, nerves knotting in your stomach as you waited.
Finally, the door to the player's exit swung open, and you held your breath, your heart pounding in your chest. And then, there he was—Luke emerged from the doorway, his expression still clouded with disappointment from the game.
You stepped forward, a sympathetic smile tugging at your lips as you approached him. "Hey, Luke," you called out, your voice soft.
Luke's gaze met yours as he bit the inside of his cheek. "Hey."
You could feel the anxiety radiating off of him and you couldn't help but frown. You looked up at the taller brunette as he sighed.
"I'm sorry that I, uh wasted your time. I should have invited you to a better game." Luke apologized, his voice tinged with self-doubt.
You shook your head, a sympathetic smile touching your lips as you gazed up at him. "Luke, you didn't waste my time," you reassured him, your tone gentle yet firm. "Being here with you, win or lose, means more to me than you'll ever know."
"Yeah but we got our asses handed to us out there. And you had to see that." He shrugged as he sniffled, his gaze averting yours.
You could sense the weight of Luke's disappointment as he spoke, his words heavy with frustration and self-doubt. Gently, you reached out to hold his hand. His touch was tense before he relaxed into your touch.
"Luke, it doesn't matter what the scoreboard says," you said earnestly, your voice soft yet unwavering. "What matters is that you gave it your all out there, and that's something to be proud of."
Luke's eyes stilled, a flicker of vulnerability shining in his expression. "But we lost,"
You squeezed his hand reassuringly, offering him a small, understanding smile. "Win or lose, you're still out there doing what you," you reminded him. "And that's worth more than any score."
He sighed before he finally met your gaze. His expression softened for a moment, as he admired you. He let out a sigh before he pulled you in, embracing you tightly.
You both pulled away, Luke's lips slowly curving into a smile as he gazed at you. He let out a small chuckle before he shook his head. "God, this is depressing. What kind of date is this?"
"A date?" You repeated, chuckling. "Is this your idea of a date?"
Luke's cheeks flushed slightly as he realized what he had said, his embarrassment evident in the way he averted his gaze momentarily. "Uh, I mean..." he stammered, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. "I guess I just meant... hanging out with you, you know?"
You couldn't help but smile at his awkwardness, finding his genuine charm endearing. "Well, in that case, it's the best date I've ever been on," you exaggerated with a playful wink.
Luke's smile widened at your response, the warmth in his eyes mirroring the affection you felt for him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you confirmed, reaching out to squeeze his hand reassuringly.
"Shut up. This is probably the worst one," he chuckled as he shook his head. "Watching as your date's ass get beat isn't exactly... the best."
You couldn't help but laugh at Luke's self-deprecating humor, easing the tension of the moment. "No, I've definitely had worse dates."
"How about I make it up to you?" Luke smiled as he pulled you in closer. You felt your face flush as you laughed.
"Are you asking me on a second date, Luke?" You teased, a playful glint in your eyes as you looked up at him.
Luke's smile widened, his expression earnest as he met your gaze. "I guess I am," he replied, his voice soft. "I owe you one, after all."
"Well, in that case, I'll gladly accept," you said with a grin, leaning into his embrace.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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cieloclercs · 1 year
Eternal life
Oscar piastri x russian figure skater
the ice queen — oscar piastri
pairing. oscar piastri x russian figure skater!reader
face claim. alina zagitova
warnings. swearing, google translate russian (im sorry), look guys i know the winter olympics were last year but for the sake of this they’re this year ok ?? 🙏 i used pictures from oscar’s sprint podium in spa for singaore (which obviously isn’t accurate plz overlook it hehe)
author’s note. hello anon! i hope you enjoy this, sorry it took so long ❤️
requests are still open for my 1k event! send something in if you’d like <3
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liked by oscarpiastri and 76,264 others
yourusername swipe for a fail 🥴
view all comments…
yourfriend1 pleased to announce i got said fail on video ☺️
yourusername if you ever show that to anyone i’ll smother you in your sleep.
yourfriend1 wow 😃
yourfriend2 i feel like one of those aesthetic skater pinterest girls in the second picture
yourusername we definitely pulled off the pinterest girlie vibes 👍👍
yourcoach очень продуктивная сессия! 👍 / very productive session !
yourusername я знаю точно 😃 / i know right
username yourcoach i’m sensing some sarcasm 🤔
username no shit sherlock 🙄
username girllll are you competing at the winter olympics ?? i won’t take no for an answer btw you better be there. 🔪
yourusername in that case yes !!! 😀
username olympic champion 🔜
yourusername 😉
username hold up what’s oscar doing here? 🤨
username who tf is oscar
username oscar piastri, he’s a formula 1 driver for mclaren
username and he’s lurking in MY WIFE’S likes?? get tf out of here he drives cars in circles for a living 😭😭
username can you blame him tho y/n’s this total badass skating GODDESS and he’s just a silly little aussie like ofc he’s infatuated with her 😒😒😒
username guys all he did was like her post no need to create an entire backstory out of it 😭 they’re both highly successful sportspeople so they probably just mix in the same circles from time to time 🤷‍♀️
username boo you’re ruining my fun 🙄
username word on the street is oscar’s liking this girlie’s post 🤔🤔 now i just have to figure out who she is 😃
username girl u can’t be serious 😭
username how do u not know who y/n is are you living under a rock
username no?? should i know who she is?? 😭
username erm YES
username i simultaneously love and hate how this oscar dude has liked ONE y/n post and suddenly all the f1 fangirls have appeared 😭 go find a hobby plz i beg you x
username jokes on you, stalking potentially new f1 wags IS our hobby
username that’s quite possibly the saddest thing i’ve ever read
username babe what are they gonna do 😭 she’s y/n y/l/n she has like universal immunity from haters lol
username you’re clearly not an f1 fan and it SHOWS 😭😭
username sweetie i’ve watched the f1 girlies single handedly DESTROY relationships do not underestimate them
username ^^ does anyone know if they’re being dramatic or not??
username long-time f1 fan here !! trust me, they’re not.
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liked by yourusername and 23,815 others
oscarpiastri Ready to shine in Singapore 🇸🇬🤩
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username podium loading…
username i’ve got £50 riding on you getting a podium don’t let me down 💪💪
username so this is oscar piastri… 🤨
username uh oh the skater girls have arrived 😨
username *y/n girls
username no one gets into y/n’s inner circle without our approval first 🤭
username and you called US sad 😭
username how the fuck is this guy expecting to be able to pull a queen like y/n 😭😭
username seriously he looks so silly 🥴
username guys he only liked her post they probably don’t even know each other 🙄 stop making drama out of nothing jeez
username yikes someone sounds jealous…
username he looks goofy, next please 😒
yourfriend1 literally what i said smh
username girl 😭
username i hate to break it to you oscar, the y/n girls are never going to accept you x
username yeah sorry babe, you’re just not worthy of our ice queen 😘
username the way y/n’s literally a thousand leagues above him 😔😔 the pain of being a badass bitch 🥲
username y’all are crazy what 😭
username imagine thinking THIS GUY stands a chance with the hottest woman alive and future olympic champion 😭😭 i’d be so embarrassed 😭
username he looks like a capybara tf
username lmao if y/n and oscar ever do end up dating he’s not going to live this down 😭
landonorris oscarpiastri since when did you become enemy number 1 to the ice skating community
oscarpiastri 🤷‍♀️
username LANDO OH MY GOD 😭
username poor oscar getting dragged by the most intense fandom on earth 😭
yourusername 🧡
oscarpiastri 😊👑
username no.
username this can’t be happening
username oscarpiastri LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE BITCH 🤺🤺
username y/n you’ve just made everything so much worse 😭
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oscarpiastri cute cap, where’d you get it?
↳ yourusername this weird australian guy gave it to me. idk i would have preferred a number 4 🤷‍♀️
↳ oscarpiastri you sure? i heard number 81’s the favourite for a podium this week 😏
↳ yourusername we’ll see 🙃
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liked by yourusername and 50,367 others
oscarpiastri First ever F1 podium 🧡 Let’s keep them coming 😉
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username my driver 🧡🫶
username LEGEND 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
landonorris congrats mate! the extra motivation did you some good 😉
oscarpiastri it sure did :)
username excuse me? 🤨
username lando. what do u know.
username i bet this has something to do with y/n
username girl bffr 🙄
username LANDO I JUST WANNA TALK (tell me what u know rn.) 🔫🔫
mclaren Doing us proud 🥹🧡
*oscarpiastri liked this comment
username best rookie since hamilton button >>>
*liked by yourusername and 5,217 others
carlitosalcarazz Congratulations, amigo! 😁
oscarpiastri Thanks mate! 😊😊
username the y/n girlies have been real quiet so far 🤨
username they’re finally realising oscar isn’t just some nobody 😭
username he might not be a nobody but one podium still doesn’t make him good enough 🥰
username y’all are psycho i swear 😭
yourfriend1 ok maybeee he’s not that bad 🙄🙄
*yourusername liked this comment
username omg the y/f/n seal of approval ??? ITS HAPPENING
username calm down nothing’s happened yet 😭 as far as we know they’re not even friends lmao let alone dating
username girl did you even see y/n’s story she was literally in the mclaren garage repping oscar’s merch 😭😭
yourusername incredible 🧡
oscarpiastri Thank you for your support today 🧡 Hope you liked the cap 😊
username wait hold on a second OSCAR GAVE HER THAT CAP???
username oh they DEFINITELY into each other 😏
username oscar’s such a simp oh my god she turns up to one race and he’s giving her his merch 😭😭 what a dork
username i mean it’s y/n y/l/n can you blame him 🤷‍♀️
username i fear we’ve lost her y/n nation 😔
username as much as it pains me to say it i think you might be right 🥲
username i just can’t believe we’ve lost her to a guy who drives in circles for a living 🙄
username doesn’t y/n skate in circles? the shade works both ways honey 😚
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liked by oscarpiastri and 90,712 others
yourusername thank you for having me mclaren 🥰 and congratulations to oscarpiastri on your first f1 podium !! i had a blast 🧡🧡
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mclaren Glad to have you on board, champ 🧡 See you again soon 😉
*yourusername liked this comment
landonorris you do know oscar’s not the only mclaren driver right 😃
yourusername the only mclaren driver with a podium this week though 🙃
oscarpiastri Thank you Y/N 😊🧡
yourusername 🫶
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months later…
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landonorris ice queen? 🤨
↳ oscarpiastri of course
↳ landonorris simp.
oscarpiastri ouch ☹️
↳ yourusername just telling you what you need to hear, babe ☺️
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liked by oscarpiastri and 112,678 others
yourusername олимпийский чемпион! после стольких лет упорной работы я не могу поверить, что эта мечта наконец-то осуществилась 🥹 я хочу поблагодарить многих людей, которые помогли мне достичь этого: моего тренера, моих товарищей по команде, мою семью. я бы не справилась без каждого из вас! 🤍
olympic champion! after all the years of hard work, i can’t believe this dream has finally come true 🥹 there are so many people i want to thank for helping me get to this point: my coach, my teammates, my family. i couldn’t have done this without any of you! 🤍
i also want to thank my boyfriend and number one supporter oscarpiastri for putting up with me these last few months of prep 😭 i don’t know what i would have done without you 🥹 love you baby ❤️
oscarpiastri congratulations, my love 🩷 i’m so proud of you 😘
yourusername 💗💗
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white-sinner · 1 year
Yandere mafia boss son
x male ice skater reader
Warning: threats, sex, mafia, rudely reader
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Alex. the son and heir of one of the leading figures in the mafia underworld enters a high school full of talented people what happens when he meets m / n the rising star of the gold medal at the ice skating world championships? Alex has achieved and will achieve everything he desires. Will he try to be a gentleman or will he be more abrupt with our dear ice skater?
yandere mafia boss: who was not at all happy to go to a school all his life and studied at home instill how he could learn the ways of drug and underworld in a normal school ?but now things have changed he knows how to defend himself with weapons and how to pretend flawlessly but still going to school will give him the opportunity to interact with "ordinary" people
yandere mafia boss son: that even though you two were in the same biology class he never noticed you until he was looking for an after school class because it was compulsory and he stumbles upon the skating rink and there he sees your figure skating with it your hair E / c moving, your uniform that matched your bright eyes. to say that he was enchanted was an understatement
yandere son mafia boss: that he feel his cheeks blush when you had finished your choreography you turned to look at him and with fox eyes you asked him
"did you like the show?"
at that moment he froze and after a few seconds he replied that you were very good and introduced himself as Alex Adonis and invent a fake job for his parents obviously he couldn't tell what job they really did so he made up that they were bank owners throughout America, China and Italy and you replied
"hmm.. interesting I'm Y/n L/n rising star of ice skating i could say it was a pleasure to meet you but I'd be lying you seem full of yourself but who knows maybe we'll see ecoters around the school bye”
yandere son of the mafia boss: that say he remained infatuated was little. not even a thank you? such an abrupt answer? no one had ever answered him so rudely before but this only made him fall in love even more. good looks, personality, talent what more could he ask for from his prince now he had a mission to make you hers be it with good manners or with bad at the top of his family he was like this. Your first love is the one that will stay by your side forever all life was like this for his father, grandfather, great grandfather it was like this for generations and it was always correct
yandere mafia boss son: that towards the evening he summons the whole family to announce that he had found his other half obviously bringing all your personal information taken with some “research” his mother and father gave him their approval saying you were admirable perfect for the family but they warning Alex that you two had to give birth to at least one heir but he could easily rent a bitch to stay pregnant and then after the baby was born he would kill her
yandere mafia boss son: who went on for months courting you by giving you your favorite flowers, jewels, he was always present in your ice skating competitions, when you fell asleep in class he would come over to cuddle you. what is this feeling you had? were you perhaps falling in love?
yandere mafia boss son: that during his confession he reveal that he is the heir of a mafia clan and if you had not accepted his proposal he would have hurt the people you care about and locked you up in his giant house. to which you replied
“okokok! but don't hurt the people I care about!!”
at which a tear fell from you
“don't cry puppy as long as you're with me and you don't try to run away everything will be fine you just remain my snow prince now sign this is later i'll take you to meet the family don't worry I've already contacted your parents you'll stay with me for the whole weekend”
and Alex let you into the limousine
 yandere mafia boss son: that after dinner he picked you up and took you to his room which was full of roses and candles. he puts you on the bed and slowly undresses you you knew very well what he was about to do and yet you didn't stop him he was crazy sick but he was your crazy
“w-wait! I'm not ready i-I can't- AAh~” “you're so tight m/n this is your first time? it's not so puppy~”
he smirked
“what's up aren't you being presumptuous anymore? Do you remember the first time you told me my prince? well I think it's time you take your punishment “
“ i'm s-sorwy aaa~ too much too much I c-ant aaaah~”
“mmh…look a bit you're already praying for forgiveness you're so delicate”
he starts to going faster than it already wasn't going
" but you know when you act like a bad boy you take the consequences puppy maybe you forgot who you have to obey"
"A-Alex aaa~ Alex "
"don't worry my name will be soon the only thing you will know”
his cock was too big for you and he liked it a lot
The reader in the morning=♿️
☾☾☾☾☾☾ ☾☾☾☾☾☾ ☾☾☾☾☾☾ ☾☾☾☾☾☾
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moonlightseve · 3 months
I’m thinking about the role Yakov must have played in Viktor’s life. With the cancellation of Ice Adolescence, we won’t ever know for sure, but I always insert hints of familial familiarity into their interactions — Yakov’s yelling at an unbothered Viktor, Viktor’s unshaken belief that Yakov would be able to be there for a nervous and unsure Yuuri, the lack of a biological family we see in Viktor’s mysterious past.
A Yakov Feltsman who is more of a father to Viktor than anyone else ever was — their journey together from Viktor’s childhood onto the podium. He handles Viktor’s drama in a practiced manner, and despite his frustrations with Viktor’s impromptu trip to Hasetsu and abandonment of his career, is there for him when it matters anyway. There is an unbreakable sort of trust between them that speaks to the depth of their bond.
When Yuuri and Viktor get married, I’m never sure what kind of wedding I imagine for them. Something small and private, only their closest friends and family? A relatively public affair meant to show-off the love they have for one another, given Yuuri’s pride in having Viktor by his side and Viktor’s love of the spotlight?
Or maybe something even quieter — eloping. Yuuri, for all of the confidence he tries to project on the ice, is a fairly private person, and I can’t help but think Viktor may desperately want to have something that can only be his.
No matter the scenario, I always see Yakov’s gruff approval at the joy on Vitya’s face. His satisfaction at a job well-done in raising the boy who proved to be one of his greatest students and his son in everything but blood. While we see the rough, explosive Yakov throughout the show, we also see the importance of love when it comes to skating, and I doubt he could be as successful as he is without having it in endless supply.
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verysium · 11 months
『02』 原神: genshin impact recs
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魈: xiao
preta by @itoshisoup
"People think that ghosts are born exclusively of resentment, but they can also be born of love. Between those driven by resentment and those driven by love, which do you think cling most strongly to their suffering?" Xiao replies without pause, his gaze unfocused yet fixed upon something you cannot see. "Love." After a yaksha saves your life on the Plains of Guili, you insist on joining him in his war against the evils of Liyue. As the two of you encounter hungry ghosts and resentful spirits, you learn about the ones haunting him. notes: incomplete but intricately woven together; heavy emphasis on chinese culture, wuxia/xianxia genres; if you have watched any historical cdrama, you will like this fic; xingqiu and chongyun are wrapped up into the dynamic; xiao wishes to protect you for centuries; him and his paradoxes; not being strong enough to be considered invincible but still strong enough to try
公子: childe
thin ice by @falconcoast
childe is that senior frat boy on teyvat university’s campus. the one who majors in economics because he’s on scholarship to play sports. the one who is way too loud and you can hear him all the way across campus. the one who’s daddy’s money rich because he’s already sponsored, even while just in the ncaa. the one who manages to get everyone to swoon over him.  oh, right. and your favorite title for him: the one hockey captain who hogs all of your free time to skate after lessons because he always steals it.  all you want to do is do your job and teach skating lessons to the kids to keep your mind off the year-old mess with your figure skating, maybe even get an hour of skating in afterwards as a reward. that is, until the hockey coach sits you down and tells you that surprise! you’re the new team manager for liyue’s hockey team! ...it can’t be that hard to manage twenty or so boys and their captain, childe, right? spoilers: it absolutely is.  notes: wonderfully curated modern skating/hockey AU; childe is so american white boy in this; teucer being adorable; diluc and kaeya sibling dynamic is well-established; university and post-grad plans; figuring out your life and then working other people into it
国崩: scaramouche
tea screen by @after-witch
The trembling voice of the tea apprentice carries through the room, and though you can’t see him, you imagine he must be shaking. Who wouldn’t be, tasked with gaining the approval from the Sixth of the Eleven Fatui Harbringers?  notes: forced marriage and abuse; tea ceremony; sort of reminds me of the edo period; examination of womanhood within a patriarchal society; sexy, sad, and scary all at once; i pity the reader at the end; cycle of love and violence
a simple cup of tea by @after-witch
You have to be prepared and poised and perfect. But it’s hard to be all those things, even with the looming threat of your husband sitting next to you, when you’ve got a secret hidden underneath your clothes... notes: reader grapples with lust and objectification; unhealthy dynamic but portrayed realistically in an almost historical setting; reader is unable to separate her identity as wife apart from her husband; women being defined in the context of men; could be a social satire on traditional gender roles if you squint
love is a dog from hell by @itoshisoup
"A will is something you don't have. That's why you'll follow mine." notes: this fic is the reason why i do not think the concept of ownership in love would translate well into real life because it would be so self-destructive; reader struggles with aftermath of abuse and mistakes possession for protection; realistic depiction of unhealthy relationships; the fatui is exactly the dark criminal organization it is supposed to be; human trafficking and child sexual abuse; scaramouche is so goddamn funny i can't
钟离: zhongli
spoil of war by @bye-bye-sunbird
In the dead of night, you hear the sea calling your name. Sometimes the sound is as soft as a love song, gracing your skin in a gentle breeze that lures you to the seashore where the waves can finally lay claim on you. Other times, the sea strikes the land in a deafening, challenging roar. "Really now... How long do you think those mountains of his will stand in my way?" notes: accurate depiction of characters because archon war morax was genuinely terrifying; zhongli trying to deny his obsessive tendencies; rivalry with osial; reader is essentially sanctified as a symbol of innocent purity; imagine having two spiritual gods pine after you while you are helplessly stuck in the middle of their tug-of-war and simultaneously trying to mourn; that is basically the entire premise of this fic
迪卢克: diluc ragnvindr
the parent trap by @falconcoast
twelve years ago, you got married to a man who had swept you off your feet in a little under two years. diluc was like a prince out a of storybook; effortlessly charming, strikingly handsome, and a kind man. you were supposed to live happily ever after at that winery, running a wedding planning empire, having a family, and growing old together.  until it all goes off script with a divorce. flash forward, and the only remnant of diluc that is with you is your daughter, dawn. the only piece of you that remains with diluc is your other daughter and dawn’s twin sister, phoenix.  it isn’t until both of your children get you and your ex-husband in a bit of mess that you realize that maybe, just maybe, you still harbor feelings for diluc.  or maybe it’s the wine talking. notes: one of my favorite comfort fics; i am a sucker for second-chance romance; diluc and reader now older but still being the same bumbling idiots they were when young; at this point the children have more situational awareness than them; based on the original movie; treat yourself to a cup of tea and a friday night with this work and trust me life will be good
博士: il dottore
deus in absentia by @bound-in-parchment
The first time was a coincidence. The second time was a fluke. But the third time? You were starting to think it was fate. Or, more likely, a calculated trap. notes: at this point we can just scrap whatever mihoyo puts out and use this work as canon instead; the world building is so originally creative; this author must possess such a giant sexy brain; reader is basically adopted by dottore and forced to be his apprentice/assistant; idea of losing yourself to your own ambitions; slow-burn to the max; reader is oblivious to full extent of feelings until it is too late; tragic to the point i need a time machine to resurrect them
dream a little of me by @bound-in-parchment
Celestia had a cruel sense of humor. He knew this, even before his days as a student. But to be given a soulmate? Now, when he openly blasphemed against the cursed island in the sky? He would outlive you and the dreadful fated bond that haunted your shared dreams. There was little point in this. He could at least put a Vision to good use. People were nothing but disappointments. He had no use for you. Until you pulled the bow across your instrument and awoke a part of him long buried by self-hatred and arrogance. notes: soulmate trope but with the two most aromantic fools to ever exist; zandik drowns himself in the river of denial; comic dynamic between segments; music and failed dreams; reader actually has a backstory dark enough to match dottore's character; does not shy away from the uncomfortable and gritty aspects of trauma, abuse, and literal mental insanity
chemistry / magnum opus by @jessamine-rose
In the realm of science, love and insanity are closely intertwined mysteries. Disillusioned with the world, you had long forgotten its beauty until the wise doctor gives you a change of perspective. notes: by far the most accurate characterization of akademiya zandik; he hates you then hates himself then hates the world for allowing your paths to cross; treats you as an objective experiment but then wonders why he's suddenly humanizing you; slow-burn; zandik is selfish and machiavellian and somehow you fit into that equation
the only hope i had was the freedom of death by your hands that held me together by @tiens-letters
It was a burden. The weight of the power you hold in all the land. Any human who has enough ambition would dare to covet it and any god even given divine powers would lust after it. You were powerful, able to end civilizations and make a new world altogether. Many would think that you are a sovereign being but you too are limited to mortality than what most would believe. You were human with a blessing of a god and you felt cursed and dirty. notes: honestly the ending made me so mad but take it as a good sign; basically entails the circumstances that would drive dottore to become somewhat capable of love; what is done cannot be undone; zandik finally meeting someone who is wiser and more depressed than him; deluding himself into thinking he could ever be domestically normal; somewhat idolizes/idealizes reader; themes of betrayal and misunderstanding
富者: pantalone
house cat / alea iacta est by @jessamine-rose
Your entire life has been a gilded cage. The gods refuse to grant your greatest wish, and so you have resigned yourself to the will of destiny. But what happens when the red string of fate is severed and replaced with the silver chains of the Regrator? notes: liyue nobility; dishonest business and financial deals; reader is a cat hybrid but i didn't notice until part two because the plot was so good; pantalone is the mastermind behind all his interactions with reader; heavy manipulation and orchestrations; wolf in sheep's clothing; alternate ending found here
隊長: il capitano
herbarium / fairytale / forget-me-not / astilbe by @jessamine-rose
You had long given up on wishes and happy endings. After what you believed to be the end of your tragic story, you resigned yourself to a shadow of a life with only your books and flowers to keep you company…until the vestiges of Windblume brought forth a mysterious stranger and a new ending for your dark fairytale. notes: capitano being the strong stoic protector of a delicately fragile reader; manipulation is so subtle and that is what makes it alarming; somewhat stirred my daddy issues because he is so parental; reader struggles between accepting his love versus hating him for taking away her personal agency; flower motifs
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lueurjun · 1 year
sunghoon as your nerdy bf!
nerdy bf!sunghoon x popular!reader in which his love for ice pales in comparison to his love for you.!! written on 0 hours of sleep because i’m too warm and i’m simping for hoon rn. this may be longer than my other ones i’m not sure.
idiots to lovers type beat
bc you’re an idiot and so is he
little matching stupid heads the both of you <3 i just love it. i love you both. i ship you both
anyways let’s start
mans can’t stand you
or at least that’s what you’ve made yourself believe
you’re everyone’s favourite person, the type of person who just is so nice to everyone and has such radiance that it’s almost intimidating but you would never hurt a fly
everyone loves you as they should because if they don’t they’ll have to deal with me
me and my 5ft ass will protect you bby don’t worry i’m strong get behind me
everyone loves you but him
idiot boy:D
well you assume so anyway
idiot person:D
you’ve been crushing on him since you met him on the first day of high school
he handed you a pen when he realized you didn’t have one
acts of service type beat
boy you were hooked
bc a hot asf boy with the kindest eyes just gave you one of his pens because he noticed you didn’t have one
but like who wouldn’t? ur perfect. forget sunghoon let me have you
anyways yeah he let you keep the pen which means he definitely wants to marry you
but no seriously he completely blanked you after that
whenever you were in the same vicinity as him he’d not even glance at you and if he did meet your eye, he’d just be stone faced
he kind of just avoided you which made you think he didn’t like you
which hurt but you weren’t one to push. if someone doesn’t like you, that’s a them issue and you’re not about to let it get to you
bc why should you? iconic if you ask me
but no yeah sunghoon disliking you stings a little
one day you kinda bring it up to jake who is a mutual friend of you both and casually just ask why sunghoon doesn’t like you
mr sim is baffled
“huh? wdym? my sunghoon? ice skating obsessed sunghoon?”
and you’re just like :O you had no idea he was an ice skater and your crush on him expanded tenfold
because that’s hot
that’s really hot
“yeah? why doesn’t he like me? did i do something?”
jake can’t believe what he’s hearing
wanna know why?
he has a crush on you<3
and he has since he gave you that pen
love of first sight trope fr
he keeps his cards quite close to his chest usually but he never shuts up about you
and he thinks you dislike him
because you make an effort with everyone but him
but that’s only because you think he hates you
idiots i’m telling you sweet little love sick dum dums
cuties though so i’ll let it slide
anyways jake quickly assures you that sunghoon just gets nervous around you
which gives you the confidence to strike up a conversation with him the next time you see him
it’s so awkward at first but he loosens up and the two of you actually learn a lot about each other
then you start texting
and then hanging out
and soon enough you’re pretty much just dating
like it’s just a natural thing? no asking or anything you kind of just establish that you both have mutual feelings and so yeah… you’re dating
carrying each others things and no one can convince me otherwise
you carry his jacket for him when he isn’t wearing it and he holds your bag or your water bottle
protective hoon! always sending silent glares whenever anyone stares at you in a way he doesn’t approve of or if they’re mean to you
boy will use the bottom of his skate as a weapon if need be
test him. hurt the love of his life. go on. i dare you
the first time you see him skate you deadass nearly faint
because why does he looks so??? hot??
like he’s in his element and you find that so attractive
if you can’t skate already he definitely teaches you
holding your hands and gently guiding you, refusing to let go until he’s certain you’re 100% comfortable and safe
tying each others laces
he’s not the best with PDA but will most likely have a hand on you in public whether that be your waist, lower back, thigh. he just likes to be touching you
you running your nails down the back of his head and nape, gently tugging at his hair in a way that’s relaxing and not painful
jake pouting that you stole sunghoon away from him
“yo i regret assuring them. go back to thinking he hates you pls. i want my best friend back”
“cry about it jake. he’s mine”
no but his friends are relieved that you’re finally together
they could not handle listening to him cry about you any longer
sunoo deadass almost locked you in a room together
“i was gonna do that but jungwon said that might be a grey area for kidnap so…”
biggest baby for you in private
the second he gets you alone, sunghoon is smothering you in love
he likes when you trail your fingers across his face because it relaxes him
definitely sprays his clothes in your scent when you’re not around because it comforts him and he can’t sleep without it
you do the same with his
both of you are terrible for leaving your things in each others rooms
“hoon did i leave my ipad in your bed?”
“y/n i think i left my watch on your bedside table”
he’s extremely shy and prefers to fade into the background
which is kinda hard when his partner is one of the most loved people on the universe
you seem to just know everyone
standing behind you holding onto your hand like a little lost puppy whilst you stop to talk to a friend in the street for the thousandth time
he hates parties but will always attend if you ask him to just to make sure you’re okay
let’s you have your fun but kinda shrinks into the corner and keeps an eye on you from afar
definitely the type to find a pet and just sit with it because he’d rather be in the company of a random dog than drunk sweaty bodies
but he loves you sm so he will never complain about attending
jay once found the two of you curled up with a random cat outside asleep together after a particularly extreme party
it was the oddest but kind of cutest thing he had ever seen
until you woke up and threw up all over his shoes
“i swear i hope he breaks up with you”
“leave me alone jay, i’m fragile”
always holds your hair back and rubs your back gently
sweetest bf to ever exist<3
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Having just watched Call me by your name, I thought about the gayness of Yuuri's competitive nature and how it establishes intimacy between him and Viktor.
Yuuri is introduced to us through his obsession with Viktor that started at the onset of puberty. Since the first time he saw Viktor skate, his entire existence revolved around becoming like Viktor to finally meet him on the ice as an equal. An important part of this endeavour included moving to one of the best training facilities in the world (today, Skating Club Detroit is one of the ISU Centres of Excellence) the moment he was free from school.
And then, there's this:
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Now that Yuuri has gained confidence, he reveals his plan for last season's Grand Prix Final. When Viktor was still competing.
Yuuri did not only want to meet Viktor as an equal. His secret desire is to beat Viktor in competition. (And, but that's speculation, has probably been there since his childhood friend encouraged him by telling him that she hopes that he and Viktor one day will compete against each other.)
And that's where I come back to Call me by your name and my favourite quote from the book:
“Did I want to be like him? Did I want to be him? Or did I just want to have him? Or are “being” and “having” thoroughly inaccurate verbs in the twisted skein of desire, where having someone’s body to touch and being that someone we’re longing to touch are one and the same, just opposite banks on a river that passes from us to them, back to us and over to them again in this perpetual circuit where the chambers of the heart, like the trapdoors of desire, and the wormholes of time, and the false-bottomed drawer we call identity share a beguiling logic according to which the shortest distance between real life and the life unlived, between who we are and what we want, is a twisted staircase designed with the impish cruelty of M. C. Escher.” ― André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name
Being four years younger, Yuuri has looked up to Viktor and regarded him as the ideal to strive for ever since he first saw Viktor skate. He not only craves Viktor's approval but outright demands his attention, which serves both as communication as to create intimacy. It reminds me of the bathing trunks scene in which Elio, the protagonist of Call me by your name, craves to feel closer to Oliver and hopes to be caught (it's not the only scene of that kind in the book), just that Yuuri is more mature and more direct in his approach, at least for Viktor and him. Yuuri's skating is a flirt, a declaration of love, a desire to feel closer to Viktor, and a means to communicate all kinds messages to Viktor that have his love etched all over them as well. To achieve this goal, he even goes so far as to acquire some of the skills and achievements Viktor is most renown for and exceed them:
jumping the 4F not only in competition but at the end of a long, exhausting programme, which even Viktor himself never dared to do
attempting a free skate with the same technical difficulty as Viktor and breaking Viktor's world record as a result
Everything from copying Viktor's programmes to beating his score speaks an unequivocal love language that expresses Yuuri's desire to be Viktor, to be like him, and to have him for himself. Elio does the same when he puts on the bathing trunks (yes, even the "have him for himself", it's called marking). The younger partner's desire to become the older one's equal and exhibit a competitive nature towards them, is not uncommon for same-sex relationships. For Yuuri, this desire is eventually answered by Viktor deciding to return to competition (I have a theory that Yuuri is the rival Viktor didn't know he needed until Yuuri beat his world record and Yuuri's actions throughout the show lead to this point).
Both Yuuri and Elio strive for ultimate intimacy with the subject of their desire. What manifests as a physical/sexual want in Elio, expresses itself through a rather abstract and academic nature for Yuuri, which is no less romantic or intimate and doesn't lessen his homoromantic drive to become like Viktor and to make him his. His wish to compete against Viktor as an equal encapsualtes and opposes these two things and holds a delicious promise for their future as a couple because it directly speaks to Viktor's own desires.
If you don't know Call me by your name, please read the book and then watch the movie. It's such a great showcase of portraying intimacy.
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thesk8doctor · 2 years
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
rosquez + bez threesome!
prompt #5. i cannot believe y’all got me. under the cut obviouslyyyy
“You’re doing so good,”
Bez pulls off with an obscene wet sound, overwhelmed. Lips tingling. He skates his mouth lightly on the inside of a smooth thigh as he catches his breath, hot air pulled out of him in ragged pants. He tries pressing his hips against the bed. Maybe it'll give him some relief, take the edge off so he can focus, do it right. But all it does is make him whine, small and embarrassed in the back of his throat.
He shouldn’t be doing this— He wants it too bad. 
Marc Marquez’s hand lands, broad on the back of Bez’s head. Heavy over his shoulders, the back of his neck, petting him a little. Soothing. But other than that he stays still, cock insistent and blood hot against Bez’s cheek. Dragging a wet mark there. Slick with Bez’s spit.
— He’s waiting, just like Bez is. Caught on the line. Hooked underneath his ribs. Waiting for Vale to say—
“He likes it when you— Ah, it is hard to explain, without doing it.” Vale laughs, eyes lidded, cutting a bright line through the tension, easing the way like he's done for Bez his entire life. And Bez can feel Marquez laugh as well, sweat on his skin making him shine in the dim light of the room. He's not tense at all, seems barely keyed up. He's— blissed out. On display. Vulnerable parts of him open for the taking. Pink and sensitive. Smooth. 
He’s responsive, Marquez– He, he whines.
And the wide bow of his mouth stretches as he smiles, helpless at the force of Vale’s attention.
Bez can relate.
“He's doing just fine,” Marquez says, and the warm knowledge of approval winds its way up Bez’s spine, liquid and heady, even as he registers Marquez isn’t even looking at him. Is fixed on Vale completely.
Vale hums cheerfully in agreement, leaning forward a little to fake-whisper to Bez, who is still panting against the inside of Marquez’s thigh. Bez's bottom lip catches on the skin there, and Jesus Christ, Marquez must get waxed. There’s no way he’s this way naturally. This soft. Marquez’s legs fall open a bit more when Vale leans in closer, like he’s— like an invitation.
Bez feels dizzy.
Vale tangles a hand in Bez’s hair, gentle, guiding, and Bez feels himself shudder, pleasure hitting him low in his gut. His cock throbs between his legs, prickling awareness he can feel all the way down to his toes.
“Like this,” Vale says, and maneuvers Bez forwards, letting Marquez grip his cock loosely at the base, holding it up for Bez. Lips meet hot skin, plush against the head, and Marc's head falls back, eyes squeezing shut. His abs tense, and Vale's hand grips a little tighter at Bez's hair, and Bez—
Bez wakes up, sticky in his boxers. Breath coming harsh and fast in the dark of his room.
He rolls over, pressing his face hard enough against the pillow that spots color his vision. He stays there for long minutes, waiting for his pulse to drop. For his skin to feel less sensitive. To go back to sleep. To forget.
It's fine. It's just a dream, he cant control that. It's—
Everybody probably gets those.
It's just a dream.
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Okay, okay. I can't stop thinking about Kang and his approval seeking.
He plays a part to maintain his grandma's adoration, he tries so hard to do things that his dad will be proud of only to have the man shoot down every attempt.
And then, there's Sailom.
Even when he was actively bullying him, he was mostly angry that Sailom wasn't reacting the way he wanted him to. Sailom wasn't afraid of him, he wasn't giving in, he wasn't even properly mad. Sailom didn't give Kang a good grade in bullying him.
And now that they're... Whatever they are, Kang has rapidly shifted to wanting Sailom's positive attention and approval.
They do the money dance again when Kang leaves Sailom's house, only this time, Kang frames it as an almost apology:
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When Sailom insists he won't keep the money unless Kang accepts his tutoring, Kang has a whole little moral crisis about standing him up (after carefully smiling and laughing off the comments from Max about how much he enjoys his own hot tutor), Kang shows up to the library hours late, and (after a fortifying breath) actually apologizes:
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And then, when Sailom assures him that he wasn't waiting on him, Kang asks to dive into studying with this face:
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After completing his assessments, we get this:
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Look at those pleading eyes. Please please please tell me I did good.
And when Sailom's first reaction is confirmation? Look at how happy Kang is? Look at how he lights up!:
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And then, the reveal:
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He failed to get Sailom's approval, and he's devastated.
But it's more than that, too. He's realizing -- a little bit, at least, and it really comes together for him later with his dad -- that the way he's skating through life, the way he's letting his dad's lack of expectation and faith in him turn him into someone without direction, someone who can't meet simple expectations, even when they really want to, is making him miserable. The lack of effort has put him at a real disadvantage, he is woefully behind in school.
And for someone who puts a lot of work into coming off as the smartest, coolest, most in control guy in the room, he is at a loss. And all that wrong-footedness gets all wrapped up in his getting about Sailom. So first, he runs, and then, he doubles down on needing Sailom ('s approval).
We get the renewed commitment for tutoring when he shows up early. We get "let me drive you home", complete with "hold on tight " and both of them looking unbearably soft while the other can't see them. We get the dinner date with extra takeaway to share with Saifah. We get ... This:
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And then later, after so much vulnerability and a whole ass chase, and a disaster of a surprise party, there's this:
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Kang, getting a taste of what Sailom's attention feels like, of what meeting his expectations might gain him, and looking absolutely lost about it.
Kang has been trying to do well to prove himself to his dad, and his dad just constantly undercuts his efforts, and we see him give up, even after spending this whole episode fighting against the apathy and associated failures and disappointments that that has gotten him so far. But Sailom won't let him.
Sailom literally fights him in order to get him to keep going, to keep trying. Sailom sets himself as the motivation, as Kang's reason to keep going (Sailom took a very long pause when Kang asked "Do you want me to say I want you to be proud of me?" and let that particular word problem start working itself out in the background, and the answer came out "Yes" sometime thereafter).
And Kang is overwhelmed by the prospect of having someone's expectations, of being able to earn someone's approval.
And Sailom is overwhelmed by all the things he's feeling for this boy he literally spit on last week, but has now discovered is a whole mess, and also soft sad-boy under all that (I am on the fence as to whether he knew Kang was Umbrella Boy before he saw the picture).
They are both feeling so many things, and half of them are confusion, and I am also feeling many things.
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comatosebunny09 · 1 year
intermission | r. kyojuro
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cw: nipple sucking, language, modern au, needy!kyojuro
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He’s a needy little thing, red-faced and pouty-lipped whilst he stands in the doorway of your home office. His gaze is downcast to his feet as he toys with the drawstrings of his joggers. Uncustomary of him, no?
“What’s up, love?” queried over your monitor, the clacking of your keyboard petering out as a smile dons your lips.
You have an inkling of what he needs if the pretty shade of rouge inhabiting the tips of his ears is anything to go by. But, you’re a devious little shit who gets a thrill out of making him beg. It isn’t often that your husband subjects you to this side of him, all squirmy and avoidant.
His oncoming laugh is nervous and light, tugging a smirk onto your face. You watch him work his tongue around an excuse momentarily, his incandescent eyes flitting every so often to the deep cut of your tank. A pang shimmies through the pits of your gut. God, he can be the cutest thing when he wants.
Catching on, you carefully shut the lid of your laptop. Quietly maneuver yourself around the desk, padding over to your husband to encase his hand in yours. It’s warm and saturated with sweat as you lead him to the futon tucked into the office’s alcove. The leather squeaks beneath you whilst you plop down, legs cross, grin shit-eating.
He falls into the space beside you, averting his stare to the flatscreen mounted on the adjacent wall. You bite back a doting coo. He’s just the sweetest thing. You could never deny him the simple pleasure of your body, especially when he comes to you with his defenses buried in the sand. And, of course, he makes you weak-kneed with how shy he becomes when matters of the flesh are involved.
As if it’s second nature, you drag the hem of your tank top skyward, your breasts springing free from the restrictive cloth. Your top tucked beneath your chin, you reach for your husband. “Here,” you say, a tender hand at the nape of his neck, drawing him closer to your chest. “Suck.”
His gaze flicks to you momentarily, silently asking if this is alright. You nod, relaxing against the sofa whilst a mop of feathery, blond hair nestles into your lap. He gives you one final look, offering you an out. When you make no move to push him off, his lashes shutter, and he takes your hardening nipple into the hot suction of his mouth. Your approving moan causes an eager hand to knead the lonely, doughy flesh of your other breast.
Pleasure burrows deep into the center of your thighs. You bite your lip against the swell of it, your head thumping against the headrest. He suckles on your teat like a man starved, occasionally lapping at your nipple and adding the perfect amount of teeth whilst his thumb skates over the other. You gently cup his cheek, observing through hooded lids as your husband delightedly samples from your body, his airy little keens tickling your ears.
A grin rounding your lips, you proceed to comb through locks of marigold, fondness dancing alongside ecstasy in your belly. This break is much needed for you and the love of your life if the wet suckling and needy groans are any indications.
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annab-nana · 9 months
“Please get off the lake-the ice is too thin to skate on and I don’t want to have to jump in after you.” With the fruity four. God Eddie would be so scared and worried but you and Robin are just having so much fun🥺
eddie is a nervous nelly and i love it hahah
warnings: not proofread
❀ masterlist ❀
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"does the ice look a little too thin to you guys?" eddie asked as you and robin laced up your skates.
"i don't think so," you told him honestly. was it the thickest ice you've ever laid eyes on? no, but it looked fine to you.
normally, steve would be the determiner of ice thickness, but in her haste to get out the door this morning, nancy only grabbed one of her skates. steve offered to drop robin with you and eddie while he took nancy back to her place to get her other ice skate. so it was just you, robin, and a very nervous eddie.
"are you not joining us?" robin questioned eddie once she took notice of how he wasn't changing out his boots for skates.
"nah," he responded, his breath visible as it exited his mouth, "i think i'll wait for steve and nancy to get back.
"suit yourself," robin stated. she stood and held her hand out to you. "let's go shred some ice."
"wait," eddie called, standing when you two neared the edge of the lake. "why don't we all wait for them to get back? then, we can all skate together."
robin rolled her eyes and shook her head while you spoke up. "eddie, we've been waiting all year for the weather to get like this so we could skate."
"and steve literally told me before he left to go ahead and start without him," robin added. "if you want to skate together, then come on and skate with us."
eddie's lack of movement told you both he was going to wait, so you made your way onto the lake.
about five minutes passed of you two having the time of your lives on the ice and of eddie sitting on the edge of the bench before he had had enough.
"y/n! robin!" your giggles of glee quietened at the sound of your names and you glided over to eddie. "please get off the lake. the ice is too thin to skate on and i don’t want to have to jump in after you, so please, for my sanity, get off the lake."
robin went to protest, but your hand on her shoulder stopped her.
"okay," you gave in, turning to robin who threw you an incredulous look. "we can wait until steve comes back. he'll feel better once he's got steve's approval and they should be back any minute now anyway."
"fine," robin replied with no enthusiasm at all.
"oh thank god," eddie breathed out, hugging you both once you were safely off the lake. robin pushed back a little bit while you let him hug you.
"sorry about her," you mumbled into eddie's ear when you pulled away.
"well, you know what you have to do now, munson?" robin proposed while you and eddie both waited to see where she was headed. "you have to entertain us, so go ahead. entertain."
eddie looked at you to which you shrugged. then, he let his eyes scan the area around you all.
"wanna make snow angels or build a snowman?" he inquired, looking between the two of you.
robin and you shared a look in your eye and you knew then that you were both choosing the same thing.
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
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emthimofnight · 6 months
Does Stellar know how to use any weapon? Like, if Amy were lend her Piko Hammer to Stellar, or even maybe give to be Stellar's own, how well would she use it?
Have Sonic taught her how to use a sword or Shadow taught her how to use guns? Or are these things she never picked?
Honestly? If Shadow had it his way, she'd never have to learn how to use any weapons at all. 😂 For a lot of her early life he was determined to make sure Eggman never found out about her, but when that didn't work out, he and Sonic both taught her how to fight.
She mainly fights with her skates, racing around her enemies and zooming in for precise kicks with her energy blades. She also knows how to spin dash and stuff, courtesy of Sonic! Even so, a lot of her true abilities are blocked by her inhibitor rings, so her combat potential is a bit stunted.
Despite knowing how to fight, Sonic and Shadow do their best to keep her out of their battles. Sonic is more open to letting her in on the badnik smashing fun, but Shadow doesn't approve. If Sonic and Stellar are alone he might let her fight with him, so long as she doesn't tell Shadow when they get home!
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pettypiastri · 2 years
under the warm white lights
quinn hughes x fem reader
wc: 2.7k
warnings: children? one mention of starting a family/marriage. one passing mention of alcohol. one single swear. one innuendo. pretty wholesome fluff :)
a/n: happy valentine’s day! a short lil piece for our beloved quinny :) since quinn is the oldest and i didn’t feel it was fitting to make jack or luke married given their ages and places in life, “Sara” is a fake fourth Hughes child and has a daughter named Olive! Enjoy friends, and feel free to send in some requests if you have any ideas you wanna see written!
Despite it being winter vacation, your alarm wakes you up. A ripe 7am but you’re not as mad as you would be during the semester since you know what’s waiting for you this morning. As you take an extra moment to yourself, stretching out on the cozy queen bed, you know you’re far from the first one awake today. 
Rising with a yawn, you take to the bathroom to complete your morning routine before slipping on a sufficiently warm outfit. Even the extra blankets and raging heater in the Hughes’ house can’t keep the Michigan winter out of your bones. After pulling fluffy socks on your feet, you depart the clutches of the spare room and venture toward the kitchen.
Ellen is tucked into a bar stool reading a paper and clutching a coffee cup. Her head perks up at your entrance and a warm smile shakes the remaining chill out of your body. There are a few other family members scattered about the living area including a couple of the little ones.
“Morning sweetheart. Help yourself to some coffee.” Ellen says. You nod and mouth a ‘thank you.’ Filling up a cup, you take a seat near Ellen and Quinn’s sister Sara where you can see through the sliding glass back door. The warm coffee begins to jolt you awake. You take leisurely sips and chat intermittently with the women as you wake up but your gaze is continually drawn to the outdoor rink.
Quinn, Jack, Luke, and a few of their hometown friends are skating around playing hockey on the pond, lit only by the warm white lights strung around the perimeter. It’s not yet sunrise. You just know they’re chirping each other constantly by the smiles glued to their faces. The thought makes you grin; you love watching the boys do what they love. 
One in particular though. Quinn’s always been such a smooth skater. He’s effortless out there moving around his buddies and tossing playful hip checks around to his brothers. His electric grin is almost visible from there. With the glowing string lights softly illuminating his form, he looks almost angelic, edges fuzzy from the warm white light. You can’t take your eyes off him. 
You only notice how long you’ve been staring when you raise your cup to your lips and there’s nothing left in it. As you debate what another cup might do to your body, Sara’s little girl Olive starts badgering her mother about going outside. 
“Not right now hunny, mommy’s still waking up.” She sighs, trying to bask in a few more minutes of peaceful quiet. 
“I can take her… if you don’t mind of course. I was gonna wander out that way myself.” You pipe up, looking at Sara for approval. Her daughter is already squealing delightedly and begging her mum to agree. She smiles at you in a heartbeat. 
“You don’t mind? That’d be great, thank you Y/N.” She regards you warmly before ushering her little one to grab some necessary outer layers. You rise to put your mug in the dishwasher and find a few warm clothing items too. With some leggings on your lower half and fuzzy socks underneath your fur lined ankle boots, you think the hoodie and flannel you pull on will keep you warm enough. Oh and a beanie of course, complete with pom pom. Returning to the kitchen you find Olive tugging her extra clothes on so you bend down to her height to help finish the job. 
“Ready chickee?” You ask, pulling her beanie down over her ears. She nods eagerly and you can’t help but boop her nose before heading toward the backdoor. “Hold my hand babe, it’s slippery on the stairs here, okay?” She whines an ‘I know’ but does as you say anyway, moving hand in hand with you down the creaky wood stairs. There’s no wind this morning thankfully but the cold still sends a jolt through you. You both trudge through the slightly snowy walkway toward the rink. You pick your head up to look for Quinn, knowing he’ll want to say ‘hi’ to his niece, but you’re distracted by the gorgeous dawn sky. The stars are still out and as your eyes adjust you see just how many constellations are visible.
“Olive, look up at the sky!” You coo crouching down to pick her up in your  arms. “There’s Orion. And the Big Dipper. Y'know what’s special about that one babe?” She shakes her head no. You grab her hand gently and guide her finger along the path made by the two outermost stars of the scoop. “It points to that star right there. The big bright one you see it? That’s the North Star. It never moves so you always know where North is.” She makes noises of amazement and proceeds to ask you more questions about the stars and what other constellations you know. You spend a few minutes in your own little world talking about and marveling at the sky. 
Quinn’s POV 
They’ve been staring at the sky for several minutes now. I can hear Olive’s giggle from here, even above the sound of skates on rough ice. Y/N’s been pointing at different things and speaking softly to Olive. Every once and a while Olive’s tiny hand flies up to the sky and points at something, her excited chatter getting a bit louder. Sometimes Y/N moves her hand to point somewhere else or turns on her heel to give Olive a new view. Watching them from afar makes my heart warm. It’s such a genuine, organic interaction I can’t help but be filled with love. I wish Y/N was holding our kid instead of just my niece. But that’s getting way ahead of myself; we’re not even dating… yet… I hope. I hold my tongue so as not to disturb their moment and mine vicariously. 
“Lost in a little daydream there Q?” It’s Jack. For as annoyed as I am about him interrupting, I’m also glad that he’s the one catching me in fantasy land and not one of my buddies. Jack knows how I feel. He knew even before I caught on. I just hum, keeping my eyes on the precious sight a few seconds longer. “She’s good with her. Fits right into the Hughes clan.” His words are accompanied with a slight nudge. For once his tone isn’t teasing and that’s what gets me to break my stare. 
He wears a soft smile to top off his genuine statement. I can see in his eyes what he means inadvertently: “Tell her how you feel. You’ve loved this girl for years. The family loves her too. Make her an official part of it.” It’s nothing more radical than my normal thoughts when I’m a few shots deep or apparently on cold Michigan mornings. I smile solemnly back at the older boy, conveying what doesn’t need to be said verbally either: “I’m not ready yet. One day. Baby steps.” Instead I stop lazily leaning on my stick and take a few strides toward the edge of the rink. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty… ” Quinn calls softly. You know immediately the greeting was meant for you when he meets your eyes and gives you a warm smile. Both his actions and his words make you blush. Hopefully it isn’t noticeable under your already wind bitten cheeks but comfortingly, you notice his look just the same. You wonder if it’s because of the wind too or something else.
“Well look who it is! Nice of you to join us ladies!” Jack chirps you as soon as he comes to a stop at the edge of the rink. You roll your eyes playfully and hand over his niece when you see he’s abandoned his hockey stick to free up his hands. Olive is already squealing as Jack skates off to take her on ‘a tour of the rink’ you think you heard him say.
“I didn’t even get to say hi!” Quinn pouts at you, bottom lip jutting out and all. “So much for being the funcle,” he adds. 
“Oh so I’m not entertaining enough company?” You place your hand on your chest acting wounded. Quinn just smiles, his pretty eyes twinkling from the string lights. He leans forward and kisses your cheek, dangerously close to your lips. The accidental proximity makes you shiver. 
“Certainly prettier company than my brothers.” He offers, reaching a hand out to toy with the strings of your (his) hoodie. You smile up at him bashfully, enjoying this peaceful early morning moment. Reaching a hand out to readjust Quinn’s beanie to cover his ears, you try to distract yourself from his stare. He chuckles briefly at your avoidance before he peers over the boards to look down at your feet. Tsk’ing he sighs. 
“No skates. Figured.” You slip your hand down from his neck to his chest, palm resting over patches on his old NTDP jersey.
“It’s like you forget I’m part of the general population sometimes: most people don’t own skates.” You get lost in his eyes for a few moments, unable to think of anything funny to tack on to the end of your statement. 
In one fell swoop, Quinn lifts you up to sit on the edge of the boards. A squeak of fright leaves your mouth as you scramble to reach out for him. You’re able to steady yourself by grabbing his biceps while he takes advantage of the opportunity to slot himself between your legs.
The more compromising position has you inches from Quinn’s face. Your eyes meet easily and Quinn smiles bashfully at you, seemingly a bit nervous. He slips his hands between your hoodie and your flannel, resting against your clothed waist. The clouds of his minty breath tickle your nose. Your lips part involuntarily, unlocking when the tendrils of steam flutter against them. It’s the closest I’ll ever be to kissing him, you think.
“Aren’t you in the middle of a game Q?” You mutter quietly. Not much volume is necessary at this proximity. His eyes watch your lips as you speak. You try not to let the action go straight to your heart. No luck.
“Half time. Tryna get warmed up.” Quinn shrugs, gloveless hands slipping around to your back as he drops his face into your neck. Another squeak betrays you at the feeling of his frosty nose but you wrap your arms comfortingly around his back anyway. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you about taking a girl to dinner first before you steal her warmth?” You tease, hands sweeping across his back and up to his neck. Quinn smiles into your neck, nuzzling further against you as if he’s shy. 
“You want to go to dinner then?” He murmurs, barely above a whisper. Your heart flutters and drops to your stomach. It’s just rhetorical, a joke, you reason, trying to calm your rampant heartbeat. One of his big hands slides around your waist, settling on your lower back. His fingers are tentative and careful as he holds you against him, reflecting his trepidatious tone. You hum softly, feeling heat rise to your face and that tingly feeling in your fingers. You try to convince yourself it’s just the cold. Gently you pull Quinn’s head up by threading your fingers through his hair and giving a soft tug. You need to see his eyes to know if he’s being serious or if it really was a harmless tease. His cheeks are frosted red, maybe even more than yours; he’s always been a rosy boy. You run your fingers along Quinn’s strong jaw and meet his eyes but not before flitting over his plush lips. He looks serious albeit nervous.
“Chipotle doesn’t count.” You murmur. At this he laughs out loud, some of the tension of the moment slipping away. When Quinn collects himself his lips press another soft kiss to your cheek. Your actual cheek this time. Briefly you forgot what you both were even talking about.
“Okay but if it weren’t chipotle… what would you say?” He’s a bit mumbly but you find it all the more endearing in his rounded Michigan accent. Quinn can’t quite meet your eyes now; he bounces nervously between his skates, his hand on your waist, your eyes are bright. “Maybe we could dress up a little bit? I’d wear a suit just to see you in that dress… the one from the gala? The black one, tiny straps, big slit– fuck I can’t stop thinking about you in that dress.” A heat burns your cheeks, surprised by the dichotomy of Quinn’s bold honesty and his shy tone. One of his hands is playing with the stitching on your hoodie pocket, the other still on your back. You feel his thumb brushing softly there, trying to coax an answer out of you. When he finally looks up and holds your gaze for an extended moment, your heart leaps. He looks so nervous but there’s that beautiful, childlike hope in his eyes too. His courage gives you a push to act the same.
“Mmm I’ll go.” Your inflection is harmlessly flighty. This brings his attention back up to your eyes. He raises one brow at you, knowing you still have more to say. 
“You’ll go if…”
“I’ll go if… you pay.” He rolls his eyes playfully at your musing but nods. You can tell he’s regained some confidence from your initial acceptance so he tolerates your teasing. 
“Already was planning on it.” A big smile starts to pull at his lips but he swallows it quickly to try and play it cool. You fall for him even more in that moment.
“And,” You start, your stomach flooding with a new set of nerves. Cautiously you meet his gaze. “If you promise to take that dress off me at the end of the night.” You’re barely audible but Quinn hears you. Loud and clear. You study his features intently to see if he’ll reach out to catch your admittance floating in the air. Quinn’s Adam's apple bobs as he swallows thickly, before his tongue pokes out to wet his lips. His eyes still twinkle but there’s a slight glaze over them now.
“Whaddaya say Quinny?” You prompt, nervousness infesting your body. Quinn nods once, and then two more times. 
“Yeah… yeah I’d like that.” His soft tone is barely louder than yours. If you weren’t so trained on him, you might’ve missed the whispered confession. 
“Yo Quinn let’s go!” Luke shouts, effectively shattering your moment. Jack’s timing is impeccable too, as he swings little Olive over the boards and deposits her flat on her feet. He regards the two of you and your compromising position with a coy smile but for once doesn’t say a word. He skates off leaving you alone with Quinn for just a second more. 
“Score me a couple goals eh?” You smile at him playfully, fingers curling into the hair at the base of his neck. Quinn’s gorgeous smile is instant, the lights reflecting off his beaming expression. You think you fall fully for him in that moment: your hand on his neck, his on your back, and smiling at you like a giddy kid. It happens so fast you don’t even realize it happens until after the fact. He kisses you. On the lips. The tiniest most fleeting peck but it sends a spark through you to the very tips of your fingers, banishing any chill residing in your bones. The action speaks so loudly despite being so small. It’s possession and excitement and disbelief and naive glee all in one. You can’t help but feel the same. 
Wordlessly Quinn helps you back over the boards so you’re standing next to Olive. He takes you in one more time and shakes his head in disbelief, having a private giggle as he skates off to rejoin the boys. You pick up Olive as before, and start to trudge back to the house. 
“Is Quinn your boyfriend?” She asks suddenly. You glance at her to see her intent stare as she ponders you.
“Almost.” You say. “Almost.”
Quinn's POV
“The hell was that?” Jack asks incredulously. I come to a stop beside him, waiting for the boys to faceoff. I glance once more at Y/N as she walks back across to the house before responding, the smile still very much on my face. 
“I think we’re going on a date.” 
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