#skating journal
kittykatt-kait · 2 years
Skating Journey Day 2
I fell today! That was my goal for the day.
The fear of the first fall is the worst. Once you take that fall and realize it isn't so bad everything gets so much easier. I skated outside for the first time. When I skated years ago I only skated at indoor rinks, so I was excited to get my skates outside.
I also learned a cool way to lace up my skates to help my wide feet from cramping. Shout out to @rollie.skate on Instagram for the awesome blog post about lacing options.
Enjoy these terrible photos of me from the worst angle because I was skating alone.
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queerdeerskates · 2 years
Skating Journal: Day 54
I did a little bit of skating in my house yesterday, but I'm not counting that as a day. I only counted the house session the other day because of unlocking a new trick. I did have a good time though - my new wheels were so slidey!
Today I was able to go to the outdoor rink (my beloved). There were already a few skaters there when I got there, which was really exciting! I was too shy to talk to them, though. I always worry about coming off as aloof, but really I'm just nervous.
I did kind of want to keep to myself though, because it's been way too long since I've gotten to just skate around to my own music. I had thought about doing some drills, but mostly I just skated around in a circle - again, it's been too long since I've gotten to just flow. And my body could also tell it had been too long, because oh my gosh my leg muscles have gotten weaker. I undid and redid my trucks on my left skate before going out today = I'm not sure if it helped. My left leg is just really atrophied I think, especially my hip flexor (the usual culprit). My stamina was also shot - I got tired out really easily and had to take a few long breaks. I tried to do a manual at one point and my legs were just too damn tired. But I still had a good time!
There were a few other quad skaters and one inliner when I arrived. Some other inline skaters and a BMX biker showed up while I was there. The inline skaters seemed pretty new, which is exciting - I like to see new people getting into the hobby! The BMXer was doing some really cool stuff - he did this trick where he basically made his bike do a cartwheel while he was standing on the little outcroppings in the middle? I dunno, it was neat.
I took a while to warm up. It's always kind of frustrating to me that by the time I'm warmed up and ready to really skate, that's about when I have to go. Today was no different. But I did get some transition practice in. My wheels were not nearly as slidey on the concrete than on my hardwood floor at home, so stuff that had been easy when I was messing around at home was much harder today. Also, wow, every single little crack felt so much bigger than it does on my Pulse wheels! I really wan tto try going to a skating rink sometime. Getting to slide around on wood floors with more space than my living room seems so fun. Transitions on the concrete were more difficult than they were at home, and I was really in my head for a lot of my session today so it was tough to commit. But eventually I loosened up a little bit and was able to better get the hang of doing transitions where I had my wheels sliding around.
After practicing transitions for a bit, I was resting near the other quad skaters. They invited me to their groupchat, which is another local skate meetup chat - different than the local discord I'm in. I was excited though because i actually knew a couple people in this thread through completely other means. I'm always happy to get new skating friends so I'm really glad they invited me!
Overall today was a really good day. It did prove to me that I need to get out and skate more often in order to keep my leg strength up. So I'm looking forward to skating even more!
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dogstomp · 2 months
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Dogstomp #3152 - August 18th Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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aadyapandey · 6 months
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Sk8 bullet journal 💕
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moregraceful · 20 days
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What an aurora looks like over 190 miles of light pollution.
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rabbitkeeper · 5 months
My new years resolutions are to
Pick up my fiddle at least once a day
Read one book a month
To create more art
Stop picking at my skin
Improve in my ice skating
To write in my journal more
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albertayebisackey · 3 months
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"When in doubt, skate it out." - Unknown
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freebooter4ever · 6 months
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I have his helmet and skates done but the body, chest armor, and hands are all still placeholders, and i haven't started any of the jersey/pants/socks parts, and my own dumb art might be cracking me up a little bit
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kittykatt-kait · 2 years
Skating Journey Day 1
I started skating again. It has been close to 8 years since I've skated. I'm excited but also scared. I was not very good when I skated years ago and I'm easily 40+ lbs heavier now. Eeeekkk I just want to still to it.
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queerdeerskates · 2 years
Skating journal: day 53 - manuals unlocked!!!
I didn't have a full skating session today, just messed around in my house some because I was excited about my new wheels, but LOOK LOOK LOOK I CAN DO MANUALS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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starr-ish · 3 months
30 days challenge
giorno 1: una cosa di cui non posso fare a meno
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awkward-smirks · 4 months
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0l0x · 4 months
All the months between October and April can gargle my nuts. And hell, the first half of April can swish me.
Spring can't come fast enough, I'm dying over here.
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asteria-argo · 5 months
this year, I have decided to simply refuse to let my fear of imperfection get in the way of me starting new hobbies. Things don't have to be good for me to enjoy them, I can be terrible at them and still have fun.
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This is my scrap/collage of From Lukov with Love. Honestly, I was a little dissapointed with this book. As a former rollerskater I was expecting more drama related to the roller-skating world (like unfair competition/scores, an unexpected fall, that they made an unexpected/difficult move, etc.)
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liefst · 1 year
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